Analytics.js Integrations

Released under the MIT license.
Use always yarn
, not npm
to install your packges.

Karma + Mocha. Supported browsers:
- PhantomJS (local and CircleCI)
- Chrome latest (CircleCI only)
- Firefox latest (CircleCI only)
- Safari 9 (CircleCI only)
- IE 9 (CircleCI only)
- IE 10 (CircleCI only)
- IE 11 (CircleCI only)
- Edge latest (CircleCI only)
- Test one integration:
$ yarn test-integration <integration-name> <browser-type>
- Test updated integrations (require Golang):
$ yarn test-updated-integrations <browser-type>
- Test all integrarions:
$ yarn test-all-integrations <browser-type>
(Work in progress)
Do not hardcode secrets, account ids or other credentials in the
code. If a credential gets commited and upload, it has to be immediately
removed and revoked.
Pull Requests and releases
Make sure your PR includes the new version in package.json
. When the PR gets
merged, it will automatically be published.
IMPORTANT: Auto-release is not activated for new integrations. If you
want to publish your new, shiny integration, merge the pull request and publish
the first version manually.