Clone repo locally git clone && cd YAFH
Get deps go get && go get
Build and create Go binaries go build sshd.go && go build telnetd.go && go build fake-shell.go
Execute the Honeypot(s): ./sshd ./telnetd
All users trying to connecting via TELNET to port 23 will be shown a fake CISCO router login (Any input will lead to telnet shell)
All users trying to connect via SSH to port 2222 will login into a fake shell (Password is: password.. it's possible to also remove pass auth &/or use key auth)
All the actions executed by malicious users will be saved into yafh-telnet.log / yafh-ssh.log, (same dir where you started the binary file)
If you want it to run 24/7, you can setup a systemd unit/supervisord running in background keeping the script up or just lunch the command with screen