What is this?
This project is a learning experience in Go programing, most especifcally a REST API.
I do have previous experience with Go but mostly in small scripts to run in old dedicated Linux servers.
Will this become something?
Yes. A simple API with basic user functionality and a basic sports facility reservation functionality. Honestly, it could very much change in the future if I feel more creative with it (or it becomes a fork).
How can I run it?
First, get yourself a Postgress Database. I prefer a local one, so use docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
. After it's done, just run make run
If for some reason you need to change credentials edit the Makefile DATABASE_URL
It has a basic migration functionality (to be refactored.... one day), so just running it will do everything and set you up correctly.
Creating User
- localhost:3000/user
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"age": 0,
"email": "",
"cpf": "",
"password": ""
- localhost:3000/user
"email": "",
"password": ""