This example will show you how to test and deploy Go (Golang) code with vendored Dependencies to Fn. It will also demonstrate passing data in through stdin.
First, run the following commands:
#Vendor Dependencies
glide install -v #Or what ever vendor tool you want. We have a glide.yaml for you here already.
# Initialize your function creating a func.yaml file
fn init --name hello-go
# Test your function. This will run inside a container exactly how it will on the server
fn run
# Now try with an input
cat sample.payload.json | fn run
# Deploy your functions to the Fn server (default localhost:8080)
# This will create a route to your function as well
fn deploy --app myapp
Now call your function:
curl http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/hello-go
Or call from a browser: http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/go
And now with the JSON input:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @sample.payload.json http://localhost:8080/r/myapp/hello-go
That's it!
Note on Dependencies
In Go, simply put them all in the vendor/
This example uses logrus. Put logrus in the vendor folder you can just call:
glide install -v
In Review
We piped JSON data into the function at the command line
cat sample.payload.json | fn run
We received our function input through stdin
We wrote our output to stdout
We sent stderr to the server logs