
v1.59.0-atlascli Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 28, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ProjectID                                = "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	OrgID                                    = "Organization ID to use. This option overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable."
	Profile                                  = "" /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */
	ProfileAtlasCLI                          = "" /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */
	Members                                  = "Number of members in the replica set."
	Shards                                   = "Number of shards in the cluster."
	ProcessName                              = "Unique identifier for the host of a MongoDB process in the following format: {hostname}:{port}."
	ProcessNameAtlasCLI                      = "" /* 205-byte string literal not displayed */
	Since                                    = "" /* 257-byte string literal not displayed */
	HostID                                   = "Unique identifier for the host of a MongoDB process."
	Duration                                 = "" /* 257-byte string literal not displayed */
	Tier                                     = "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	DeploymentTier                           = "" /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */
	NLog                                     = "Maximum number of log lines to return."
	SlowQueryNamespaces                      = "" /* 155-byte string literal not displayed */
	DiskSizeGB                               = "Capacity, in gigabytes, of the host's root volume."
	Backup                                   = "Flag that enables Continuous Cloud Backup for your deployment. This option is unavailable for clusters smaller than M10."
	BIConnector                              = "Flag that enables BI Connector for Atlas on the deployment."
	EnableTerminationProtection              = "Enables termination protection for your cluster. You can't delete a cluster with termination protection enabled."
	EnableTerminationProtectionForDeployment = "Enables termination protection for your deployment. You can't delete a deployment with termination protection enabled."
	DisableTerminationProtection             = "Disables termination protection for your cluster. You can delete a cluster with termination protection disabled."
	SuggestedIndexNamespaces                 = "Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes."
	NExamples                                = "Maximum number of example queries to provide that a suggested index will improve."
	NIndexes                                 = "Maximum number of indexes to suggest."
	MDBVersion                               = "Major MongoDB version of the cluster."
	DeploymentMDBVersion                     = "Major MongoDB version of the deployment."
	AuthDB                                   = "Authentication database name."
	AtlasAuthDB                              = "" /* 187-byte string literal not displayed */
	Granularity                              = "" /* 273-byte string literal not displayed */
	Page                                     = "Page number that specifies a page of results."
	Forever                                  = "Option that acknowledges an alert 'forever'. You can't set both the forever option and the until option in the same command."
	Status                                   = "State of the alert. Valid values include TRACKING, OPEN, CLOSED, and CANCELLED."
	Until                                    = "" /* 198-byte string literal not displayed */
	ConnectionStringType                     = "" /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */
	Limit                                    = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
	Username                                 = "Name that identifies the user. You must specify a valid email address."
	BackupStatus                             = "Status of the backup configuration."
	StorageEngine                            = "Storage engine for the backup."
	AuthMechanism                            = "Authentication mechanism needed to connect to the sync source database."
	Provisioned                              = "Flag that indicates if Ops Manager has provisioned the resources needed to store a backup."
	Encryption                               = "Flag that indicates if encryption is enabled for the backup configuration."
	SSL                                      = "Flag that indicates if TLS is enabled for the sync source database."
	OplogSSL                                 = "Flag that indicates whether this oplog store accepts only connections encrypted using TLS"
	SyncSource                               = "mongod instance from which you retrieve backup data."
	ExcludedNamespace                        = "List of database names and collection names to omit from the backup."
	IncludedNamespace                        = "List of database names and collection names to include in the backup."
	TeamUsername                             = "" /* 231-byte string literal not displayed */
	DBUsername                               = "Username for authenticating to MongoDB."
	TeamName                                 = "Label that identifies the team."
	UserID                                   = "Unique 24-digit identifier of the user."
	LDAPHostname                             = "Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server."
	LDAPPort                                 = "Port that the LDAP server listens to for client connections."
	Hostname                                 = "The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the target node that should receive the authentication attempt."
	BindUsername                             = "" /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	BindPassword                             = "Password used to authenticate the bindUsername."
	CaCertificate                            = "Certificate Authority (CA) used to verify the identity of the LDAP server. To delete an assigned value, pass an empty string."
	AuthzQueryTemplate                       = "" /* 290-byte string literal not displayed */
	MappingMatch                             = "ECMAScript-formatted regular expression (regex) to match against a provided username."
	MappingLdapQuery                         = "" /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	MappingSubstitution                      = "" /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	AuthenticationEnabled                    = "Flag that indicates whether to enable LDAP user authentication."
	AuthorizationEnabled                     = "Flag that indicates whether to enable LDAP user authorization."
	TeamID                                   = "Unique 24-digit string that identifies the team."
	Password                                 = "Password for the user."
	DBUserPassword                           = "Password for the database user."
	Country                                  = "ISO 3166-1 alpha two-letter country code of the user's geographic location. The Atlas CLI requires this option."
	Mobile                                   = "Mobile phone number for the user."
	Period                                   = "" /* 167-byte string literal not displayed */
	Roles                                    = "User's roles and the databases or collections on which the roles apply."
	RolesExtended                            = `` /* 280-byte string literal not displayed */

	Scopes                   = "Array of clusters and Atlas Data Lakes that this user has access to."
	DataLakeRole             = "Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role which Atlas Data Federation uses for accessing the data stores."
	DataLakeRegion           = "Name of the region to which Atlas Data Federation routes client connections for data processing."
	DataLakeTestBucket       = "Name of an Amazon S3 data bucket that Atlas Data Federation uses to validate the provided role."
	PrivateEndpointRegion    = "" /* 368-byte string literal not displayed */
	PrivateEndpointProvider  = "Name of the cloud provider you want to create the private endpoint connection for."
	Comment                  = "Optional description or comment for the entry."
	AccessListsDeleteAfter   = "ISO-8601-formatted UTC date after which Atlas removes the entry from the access list."
	BDUsersDeleteAfter       = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 in UTC after which Atlas deletes the user."
	ForceVersionManifest     = "Flag that indicates whether to skip the Ops Manager version check."
	Force                    = "Flag that indicates whether to skip the confirmation prompt before proceeding with the requested action."
	ForceQuickstart          = "" /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	ForceDeploymentsSetup    = "" /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */
	ForceFile                = "Flag that indicates whether to overwrite the destination file."
	Email                    = "Email address for the user."
	LogOut                   = "Output file name. This value defaults to the log name."
	DiagnoseOut              = "Optional output file name. This value defaults to diagnose-archive.tar.gz."
	LogStart                 = "" /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
	LogEnd                   = "" /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	ArchiveLimit             = "Max number of entries for the diagnose archive."
	ArchiveMinutes           = "" /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */
	MeasurementStart         = "" /* 147-byte string literal not displayed */
	MeasurementEnd           = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
	MeasurementType          = "" /* 306-byte string literal not displayed */
	MetricsMeasurementType   = "" /* 280-byte string literal not displayed */
	FirstName                = "First or given name for the user."
	LastName                 = "Last name, family name, or surname for the user."
	OrgRole                  = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
	UserOrgRole              = "" /* 250-byte string literal not displayed */
	ProjectRole              = "" /* 202-byte string literal not displayed */
	UserProjectRole          = "" /* 304-byte string literal not displayed */
	MCLIUserOrgRole          = "" /* 333-byte string literal not displayed */
	MCLIOrgRole              = "" /* 240-byte string literal not displayed */
	MCLIProjectRole          = "" /* 270-byte string literal not displayed */
	MCLIUserProjectRole      = "" /* 372-byte string literal not displayed */
	TeamRole                 = "" /* 249-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxDate                  = "Maximum created date. This option returns events whose created date is less than or equal to the specified value."
	MinDate                  = "Minimum created date. This option returns events whose created date is greater than or equal to the specified value."
	ClusterFilename          = "" /* 321-byte string literal not displayed */
	BackupFilename           = "Path to an optional JSON configuration file that defines backup schedule settings."
	PoliciesFilename         = "File name that identifies an optional file with a json policy configuration."
	SearchFilename           = "" /* 342-byte string literal not displayed */
	SearchNodesFilename      = "Name of the JSON index configuration file to use."
	AccessListIps            = "IP addresses to add to the new user's access list."
	StartDate                = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the maintenance window starts."
	EndDate                  = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the maintenance window ends."
	DataFederationStartDate  = "Timestamp in UNIX epoch format when the logs start."
	DataFederationEndDate    = "Timestamp in UNIX epoch format when the logs end."
	AuthResult               = "" /* 230-byte string literal not displayed */
	AccessLogStartDate       = "" /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
	AccessLogEndDate         = "" /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */
	AccessLogIP              = "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	ServerUsageStartDate     = "Timestamp, in ISO 8601 date format, when the list of host assignments starts."
	ServerUsageEndDate       = "Timestamp, in ISO 8601 date format, when the list of host assignments ends."
	AlertType                = "Alert types to silence during the maintenance window. Valid values include HOST, REPLICA_SET, CLUSTER, AGENT, or BACKUP."
	MaintenanceDescription   = "Description of the maintenance window."
	Event                    = "" /* 189-byte string literal not displayed */
	EventCMOM                = "" /* 333-byte string literal not displayed */
	Enabled                  = "Flag that indicates whether to enable the alert configuration."
	MCLIMatcherFieldName     = "" /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	MatcherFieldName         = "Name of the field in the target object to match on. To learn the valid values, run atlas alerts settings fields type."
	MatcherOperator          = "" /* 175-byte string literal not displayed */
	MatcherValue             = "" /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */
	MetricName               = "" /* 237-byte string literal not displayed */
	MetricOperator           = "Comparison operator to apply when checking the current metric value. Valid values are LESS_THAN and GREATER_THAN."
	MetricThreshold          = "Threshold value outside of which an alert will be triggered."
	MetricUnits              = "" /* 195-byte string literal not displayed */
	MetricMode               = "Option that indicates whether Atlas computes the current metric value as an average. Valid value is AVERAGE."
	NotificationToken        = "Slack API token, or Bot token." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a password
	NotificationsChannelName = "Slack channel name. Required for the SLACK notifications type."
	AlertConfigAPIKey        = "" //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	/* 141-byte string literal not displayed */
	APIKey                   = "Unique 24-digit ID that identifies your API key."                                //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	DatadogAPIKey            = "Datadog API key that allows Atlas to access your Datadog account."               //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	OpsgenieAPIKey           = "Opsgenie API key that allows Atlas to access your Opsgenie account."             //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	VictorOpsAPIKey          = "Splunk On-Call API key that allows Atlas to access your Splunk On-Call account." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	RoutingKey               = "Routing key associated with your Splunk On-Call account."
	OrgNameFilter            = "Organization name to perform a case-insensitive search for."
	OrgIncludeDeleted        = "" /* 191-byte string literal not displayed */
	BlockstoreAssignment     = "Flag indicating whether this blockstore can be assigned backup jobs."
	OplogAssignment          = "Flag indicating whether this oplog can be assigned backup jobs."
	FileSystemAssignment     = "Flag indicating whether this file system store can be assigned backup jobs."
	SyncAssignment           = "Flag indicating whether this sync store can be assigned backup jobs."
	EncryptedCredentials     = "Flag indicating whether the username and password were encrypted using the credentials tool."
	MMAPV1CompressionSetting = "Compression setting for the MMAPv1 storage engine snaphots."
	WTCompressionSetting     = "Compression setting for the WiredTiger storage engine snaphots."
	StorePath                = "Location on the file system store host for storing file system-based backups."
	Label                    = "Array of tags to manage which backup jobs Ops Manager can assign to which blockstores."
	LoadFactor               = "" /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxCapacityGB            = "Maximum amount of data in GB the blockstore can store."
	BlockstoreURI            = "Comma-separated list of hosts in the <hostname:port> format for accessing the blockstore."
	BlockstoreSSL            = "Flag that indicates whether the blockstore accepts only connections encrypted using TLS."
	BlockstoreName           = "Unique name that labels this blockstore."
	OplogName                = "Unique name that labels this oplog store."
	FileSystemName           = "Unique name that labels this file system store configuration."
	SyncName                 = "Unique name that labels this sync store."
	WriteConcern             = "Write concern for the blockstore."
	AWSAccessKey             = "AWS Access Key ID that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName."
	AWSSecretKey             = "AWS Secret Access Key that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	DisableProxyS3           = "Flag that indicates whether to use the HTTP proxy when connecting to Amazon S3."
	S3BucketEndpoint         = "URL that Ops Manager uses to access this Amazon S3 or S3-compatible bucket."
	S3BucketName             = "Name of the Amazon S3 bucket that hosts the S3 blockstore."
	S3MaxConnections         = "Positive integer that indicates the maximum number of connections to this Amazon S3 blockstore."
	AcceptedTos              = "Flag that indicates whether you accepted the terms of service for using Amazon S3-compatible stores with Ops Manager."
	SSEEnabled               = "Flag that indicates whether the Amazon S3 blockstore enables server-side encryption."
	PathStyleAccessEnabled   = "Flag that indicates the style of the endpoint."
	APIKeyDescription        = "Description of the API key."
	AtlasAPIKeyDescription   = APIKeyDescription + requiredForAtlas
	APIKeyRoles              = "" //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	/* 412-byte string literal not displayed */
	ProjectAPIKeyRoles = "" //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	/* 419-byte string literal not displayed */
	AtlasAPIKeyRoles  = APIKeyRoles + requiredForAtlas
	GlobalAPIKeyRoles = "" //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	/* 347-byte string literal not displayed */
	NotificationRegion                        = "Region that indicates which API URL to use."
	NotificationDelayMin                      = "Number of minutes to wait after an alert condition is detected before sending out the first notification."
	NotificationEmailAddress                  = "Email address to which alert notifications are sent."
	NotificationEmailEnabled                  = "Flag that enables email notifications. Configurable for GROUP and USER notification types."
	NotificationIntervalMin                   = "Number of minutes to wait between successive notifications for unacknowledged alerts that are not resolved."
	NotificationMobileNumber                  = "Mobile number to which alert notifications are sent."
	NotificationServiceKey                    = "PagerDuty service key."
	NotificationSmsEnabled                    = "Flag that enables text message notifications."
	NotificationTeamID                        = "Unique identifier of a team."
	NotificationType                          = "" /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */
	NotificationTypeAtlas                     = "" /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */
	NotificationUsername                      = "Name of the Atlas user to which to send notifications."
	NotificationVictorOpsRoutingKey           = "Routing key associated with your Splunk On-Call account."
	NotificationWebhookURL                    = "Target URL for a webhook-based alert or Microsoft Teams alert."
	NotificationWebhookSecret                 = "Authentication secret for a webhook-based alert."
	NotifierID                                = "" /* 193-byte string literal not displayed */
	NotificationRole                          = "List that contains the one or more organization or project roles that receive the configured alert."
	SnapshotID                                = "Unique identifier of the snapshot."
	RestoreSnapshotID                         = "Unique identifier of the snapshot to restore. You must specify a snapshotId for automated restores."
	SnapshotDescription                       = "Description of the on-demand snapshot."
	Database                                  = "Name of the database."
	DatabaseUser                              = "Username of a database user."
	MonthsUntilExpiration                     = "Number of months until the X.509 certificate expires."
	Collection                                = "Name of the collection."
	Append                                    = "Input action and inheritedRoles to append to the existing role."
	PrivilegeAction                           = "List of actions per database and collection. If no database or collections are provided, cluster scope is assumed."
	InheritedRoles                            = "List of inherited roles and the database on which the role is granted."
	Analyzer                                  = "Analyzer to use when creating the index."
	SearchAnalyzer                            = "Analyzer to use when searching the index."
	Dynamic                                   = "Indicates whether the index uses dynamic or static mappings."
	SearchFields                              = "Static field specifications."
	RSName                                    = "Replica set that the index is built on."
	Key                                       = "Field to be indexed and the type of index in the following format: field:type."
	LogTypes                                  = "Array of strings specifying the types of logs to collect."
	SizeRequestedPerFileBytes                 = "Size for each log file in bytes."
	LogRedacted                               = "" /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */
	ServerUsageSkipRedacted                   = "" /* 204-byte string literal not displayed */
	Sparse                                    = "Flag that creates a sparse index. To learn more, see"
	Locale                                    = "Locale that the ICU defines."
	CaseLevel                                 = "Flag that enables index case comparison. This flag applies only if the strength level is set to 1 or 2."
	CaseFirst                                 = "Flag that determines the sort order of case differences during tertiary level comparisons."
	Strength                                  = "Level of comparison to perform."
	Alternate                                 = "Flag that determines whether collation should consider whitespace and punctuation as base characters during comparisons."
	MaxVariable                               = "" /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	NumericOrdering                           = "" /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	Normalization                             = "Flag that indicates whether collation checks if text requires normalization and performs normalization to compare text."
	Backwards                                 = "Flag that indicates whether strings with diacritics sort from the back to the front of the string."
	ClusterName                               = "Name of the cluster."
	IndexName                                 = "Unique name of the index. You can't use this argument when you use the --file option."
	CASFilePath                               = "Path to a PEM file containing one or more CAs for database user authentication."
	Verbose                                   = "Flag that returns all child jobs in the response."
	ClusterID                                 = "Unique identifier of the cluster."
	ReferenceTimeZoneOffset                   = "ISO-8601-formatted timezone offset where the Ops Manager host resides."
	DailySnapshotRetentionDays                = "Number of days to retain daily snapshots. Accepted values are between 1 and 365 inclusive."
	RetentionInDays                           = "Number of days that Atlas should retain the on-demand snapshot. Must be at least 1."
	SnapshotRetentionDays                     = "Number of days to keep recent snapshots. Accepted values are between 2 and 5 inclusive."
	WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks              = "Number of weeks to retain weekly snapshots. Accepted values are between 1 and 52 inclusive."
	PointInTimeWindowHours                    = "Number of hours in the past for which MongoDB should create a point-in-time snapshot."
	ReferenceHourOfDay                        = "Hour of the day to schedule snapshots using a 24-hour clock. Accepted values are between 0 and 23 inclusive."
	ReferenceMinuteOfHour                     = "Minute of the hour to schedule snapshots. Accepted values are between 0 and 59 inclusive."
	MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths            = "Number of months to retain monthly snapshots. Accepted values are between 1 and 36 inclusive."
	Policy                                    = "List of policies that the external system applies to this Ops Manager Project."
	SystemID                                  = "Unique identifier of the external system that manages this Ops Manager Project."
	ExternalSystemName                        = "Identifying label for the external system that manages this Ops Manager Project."
	DateField                                 = "Name of an already indexed date field from the documents."
	PartitionFields                           = "Fields to use to partition data. You can specify up to two frequently queried fields separated by a comma."
	ArchiveAfter                              = "Number of days after which to archive cluster data."
	ExpireAfterDays                           = "Number of days used in the date criteria for nominating documents for deletion."
	TargetProjectID                           = "" /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
	APIAccessListIPEntry                      = "" /* 254-byte string literal not displayed */
	NetworkAccessListIPEntry                  = "IP address to grant access to the deployment."
	AccessListCIDREntry                       = ""                                                                        /* 271-byte string literal not displayed */
	LinkTokenAccessListCIDREntries            = "IP address access list entries that are associated with the link-token." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	LinkToken                                 = "Link-token generated by Atlas."                                          //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	LiveMigrationID                           = "Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the live migration job."
	PrivateEndpointID                         = "" /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */
	EndpointServiceID                         = "Unique 24-character alphanumeric string that identifies the private endpoint in Atlas."
	PrivateEndpointIDAzure                    = "" /* 185-byte string literal not displayed */
	PrivateEndpointIPAddressAzure             = "Private IP address of the private endpoint network interface you created in your Azure VNet."
	Endpoint                                  = "List of GCP endpoints in the group separated by commas, such as: endpointName1@ipAddress1,...,endpointNameN@ipAddressN"
	AccountID                                 = "Unique twelve-digit AWS account ID that owns the peer VPC."
	NewRelicAccountID                         = "Unique identifier of your New Relic account."
	LicenceKey                                = "Your License Key."
	ServiceKey                                = "Service key associated with your PagerDuty account."
	URL                                       = "Endpoint web address to which Atlas sends notifications."
	Secret                                    = "Secret that secures your webhook."
	WriteToken                                = "Your Insights Insert Key."
	DayOfWeek                                 = "" /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */
	HourOfDay                                 = "" /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	StartASAP                                 = "" /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	ReadToken                                 = "Your Insights Query Key."
	RouteTableCidrBlock                       = "Peer VPC CIDR block or subnet."
	VpcID                                     = "Unique identifier of the peer VPC."
	AtlasCIDRBlock                            = "" /* 253-byte string literal not displayed */
	VNet                                      = "Name of your Azure VNet."
	ResourceGroup                             = "Name of your Azure resource group."
	IAMAssumedRoleARN                         = "Role ARN that Atlas assumes to access your AWS account."
	DirectoryID                               = "Unique identifier for an Azure AD directory."
	SubscriptionID                            = "Unique identifier of the Azure subscription in which the VNet resides."
	GCPProjectID                              = "Unique identifier of the GCP project in which the network peer resides."
	Network                                   = "Unique identifier of the Network Peering connection in the Atlas project."
	APIRegion                                 = "Code that indicates which regional URL MongoDB uses to access the third-party API. Valid values are US and EU."
	DatadogAPIRegion                          = "Code that indicates which regional URL MongoDB uses to access the Datadog API. Valid values are US, EU, US3, and US5."
	SkipMongosh                               = "Flag that indicates whether to skip accessing your deployment with MongoDB Shell."
	SkipSampleData                            = "Flag that indicates whether to skip loading sample data into your MongoDB cluster."
	SkipSampleDataDeployment                  = "Flag that indicates whether to skip loading sample data into your MongoDB deployment."
	ContainerRegion                           = "Cloud provider region where the VPC that you peered with the Atlas VPC resides."
	ContainerRegions                          = "List of Atlas regions where the container resides."
	ProjectOwnerID                            = "" /* 201-byte string literal not displayed */
	OrgOwnerID                                = "" /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */
	GovCloudRegionsOnly                       = "" /* 303-byte string literal not displayed */
	ReclaimFreeSpaceTimestamp                 = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 format when the service reclaims the space. This option defaults to the current timestamp."
	ResyncTimestamp                           = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 format when the sync starts. This option defaults to the current timestamp."
	QuickstartDefault                         = "Flag that runs the Quickstart command with all default and auto-generated values to deploy and access an Atlas cluster."
	ServerlessProvider                        = "Cloud service provider that applies to the provisioned serverless instance."
	ServerlessRegion                          = "" /* 182-byte string literal not displayed */
	StreamsRegion                             = "" /* 193-byte string literal not displayed */
	StreamsProvider                           = "Cloud service provider that applies to the provisioned Atlas Stream Processing instance."
	StreamsInstance                           = "Name of your Atlas Stream Processing instance."
	StreamsConnectionFilename                 = "Path to a JSON configuration file that defines an Atlas Stream Processing connection."
	WithoutDefaultAlertSettings               = "" /* 248-byte string literal not displayed */
	FormatOut                                 = "" /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	TargetClusterID                           = "Unique identifier of the target cluster. For use only with automated restore jobs."
	TargetClusterName                         = "" /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	CheckpointID                              = "" /* 219-byte string literal not displayed */
	OplogTS                                   = "" /* 198-byte string literal not displayed */
	OplogInc                                  = "" /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */
	PointInTimeUTCMillis                      = "" /* 218-byte string literal not displayed */
	PointInTimeUTCSeconds                     = "" /* 213-byte string literal not displayed */
	Expires                                   = "" /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	ExpirationHours                           = "Number of hours the download URL is valid once the restore job is complete. For use only with download restore jobs."
	MaxDownloads                              = "Number of times the download URL can be used. This value must be 1 or greater. For use only with download restore jobs."
	Mechanisms                                = "Authentication mechanism. Valid values are SCRAM-SHA-1 or SCRAM-SHA-256."
	AccessListType                            = "Type of access list entry. Valid values are cidrBlock, ipAddress, or awsSecurityGroup."
	Service                                   = "Type of MongoDB service. Valid values are cloud, cloudgov, cloud-manager, or ops-manager."
	Provider                                  = "Name of your cloud service provider. Valid values are AWS, AZURE, or GCP."
	CreateProvider                            = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
	ClusterTypes                              = "Type of the cluster that you want to create. Valid values are REPLICASET or SHARDED."
	Region                                    = "" /* 328-byte string literal not displayed */
	DeploymentRegion                          = "" /* 331-byte string literal not displayed */
	CreateRegion                              = "" /* 399-byte string literal not displayed */
	AWSIAMType                                = "" /* 309-byte string literal not displayed */
	X509Type                                  = "" /* 398-byte string literal not displayed */
	LDAPType                                  = "" /* 272-byte string literal not displayed */
	DateFormat                                = `Date format for the date field. Valid values are "ISODATE", "EPOCH_SECONDS", "EPOCH_MILLIS", or "EPOCH_NANOSECONDS".`
	ServerUsageFormat                         = "Compression format of the resulting report. Valid values are ZIP, TAR, or .GZ."
	S3AuthMethod                              = "Method used to authorize access to the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName. Valid values are KEYS or IAM_ROLE."
	ClusterCheckpointIntervalMin              = "Number of minutes between successive cluster checkpoints. Valid values are 15, 30, or 60."
	SnapshotIntervalHours                     = "Number of hours between snapshots. Valid values are 6, 8, 12, or 24."
	LiveMigrationDestinationClusterName       = "Human-readable label that identifies the Atlas destination cluster."
	LiveMigrationHostEntries                  = "" /* 225-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourceClusterName            = "Human-readable label that identifies the source Cloud Manager or Ops Manager cluster."
	LiveMigrationSourceProjectID              = "Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the source project."
	LiveMigrationSourceSSL                    = "Flag that indicates whether data source has TLS enabled."
	LiveMigrationSourceCACertificatePath      = "" /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourceManagedAuthentication  = "" /* 210-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourceUsername               = "" /* 178-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourcePassword               = "" /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationDropCollections              = "" /* 207-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationValidationID                 = "Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the validation job."
	CurrentIP                                 = "" /* 216-byte string literal not displayed */
	CurrentIPSimplified                       = "Flag that adds the IP address from the host that is currently executing the command to the access list."
	Gov                                       = "Create a default profile for atlas for gov"
	EncryptedLogFile                          = "Path to the file that contains encrypted audit logs."
	OutputLogFile                             = "" /* 167-byte string literal not displayed */
	LocalKeyFile                              = "Path to the file that contains the Key Encryption Key (KEK) that is used to encrypt the Log Encryption Key (LEK)."
	KMIPServerCAFile                          = "Path to the CA file used to connect to the server that supports KMIP."
	KMIPClientCertificateFile                 = "" /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */
	KMIPClientCertificatePassword             = "Password to decrypt the Private Key of the Client Certificate used to connect to the server that supports KMIP."
	KMIPUsername                              = "Username for authenticating to the server that supports KMIP."
	KMIPPassword                              = "Password that authenticates the username to the server that supports KMIP."
	GCPServiceAccountKey                      = "GCP service account key file."
	AzureClientID                             = "Application (client) ID assigned by Azure portal - App registrations experience."
	AzureTenantID                             = "Tenant value in the path of the request can be used to control who can sign into the application."
	AzureSecret                               = "Application secret created in the Azure app registration portal."
	DecryptAWSAccessKey                       = "AWS Access Key ID that is part of long-term credentials."
	DecryptAWSSecretKey                       = "AWS Secret Access Key  that is part of long-term credentials." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	AWSSessionToken                           = "AWS session token used with temporary security credentials."   //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	Keep                                      = "Flag that indicates whether to skip deleting the config file."
	Debug                                     = "Debug log level."
	EnableCollectDatabaseSpecificsStatistics  = "Flag that enables the Collect Database Specific Statistics project setting."
	DisableCollectDatabaseSpecificsStatistics = "Flag that disables the Collect Database Specific Statistics project setting."
	EnableDataExplorer                        = "Flag that enables the Data Explorer project setting."
	DisableDataExplorer                       = "Flag that disables the Data Explorer project setting."
	EnablePerformanceAdvisor                  = "Flag that enables the Performance Advisor project setting."
	DisablePerformanceAdvisor                 = "Flag that disables the Performance Advisor project setting."
	EnableSchemaAdvisor                       = "Flag that enables the Schema Advisor project setting."
	DisableSchemaAdvisor                      = "Flag that disables the Schema Advisor project setting."
	EnableRealtimePerformancePanel            = "Flag that enables the Real Time Performance Panel project setting."
	DisableRealtimePerformancePanel           = "Flag that disables the Real Time Performance Panel project setting."
	CloudProvider                             = "Name of the provider of the cloud service where Atlas can access the S3 bucket. Atlas supports only AWS."
	ExportBucketIAMRoleID                     = "" /* 226-byte string literal not displayed */
	BucketID                                  = "Unique identifier that Atlas assigns to the bucket."
	CustomData                                = "" /* 175-byte string literal not displayed */
	ExportFrequencyType                       = "Frequency associated with the export policy. Value can be daily, weekly, or monthly."
	RestoreWindowDays                         = "" /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */
	AutoExport                                = "Flag that enables automatic export of cloud backup snapshots to the AWS bucket."
	NoAutoExport                              = "Flag that disables automatic export of cloud backup snapshots to the AWS bucket."
	UpdateSnapshots                           = "Flag that enables applying the retention changes in the updated backup policy to snapshots that Atlas took previously."
	NoUpdateSnapshots                         = "Flag that disables applying the retention changes in the updated backup policy to snapshots that Atlas took previously."
	UseOrgAndGroupNamesInExportPrefix         = "" /* 214-byte string literal not displayed */
	NoUseOrgAndGroupNamesInExportPrefix       = "" /* 215-byte string literal not displayed */
	BackupPolicy                              = "" /* 227-byte string literal not displayed */
	ReadConcern                               = "Default level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for read operations set for this cluster."
	WriteConcernAdvancedSettings              = "Default level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for write operations set for this cluster."
	TLSProtocol                               = "Minimum Transport Layer Security (TLS) version that the cluster accepts for incoming connections."
	DisableTableScan                          = "Flag that disables executing any query that requires a collection scan to return results."
	EnableTableScan                           = "Flag that enables executing any query that requires a collection scan to return results."
	DisableFailIndexKeyTooLong                = "Flag that disables writing documents that exceed 1024 bytes without indexing."
	EnableFailIndexKeyTooLong                 = "Flag that enables writing documents that exceed 1024 bytes without indexing."
	DisableJavascript                         = "Flag that disables the execution of operations that perform server-side executions of JavaScript."
	EnableJavascript                          = "Flag that enables the execution of operations that perform server-side executions of JavaScript."
	OplogMinRetentionHours                    = "Minimum retention window for cluster's oplog expressed in hours."
	OplogSizeMB                               = "Storage limit of cluster's oplog expressed in megabytes."
	SampleRefreshIntervalBIConnector          = "Interval in seconds at which the mongosqld process re-samples data to create its relational schema."
	SampleSizeBIConnector                     = "Number of documents per database to sample when gathering schema information."
	ExporterClusterName                       = "One or more comma separated cluster names to import"
	OperatorIncludeSecrets                    = "Flag that generates kubernetes secrets with data for projects, users, deployments entities."
	OperatorTargetNamespace                   = "Namespaces to use for generated kubernetes entities"
	OperatorVersion                           = "Version of Atlas Kubernetes Operator to generate resources for."
	OperatorVersionInstall                    = "Version of the operator to install."
	OperatorTargetNamespaceInstall            = "Namespace where to install the operator."
	OperatorWatchNamespace                    = "List that contains namespaces that the operator will listen to."
	OperatorProjectName                       = "Name of the project to create or use with the installed operator."
	OperatorImport                            = "Flag that indicates whether to import existing Atlas resources into the cluster for the operator to manage."
	OperatorAtlasGov                          = "Flag that indicates whether to configure Atlas for Government as a target of the operator."
	KubernetesClusterConfig                   = "Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests."
	KubernetesClusterContext                  = "Name of the kubeconfig context to use."
	OperatorResourceDeletionProtection        = "" /* 155-byte string literal not displayed */
	OperatorSubResourceDeletionProtection     = "" /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */
	ExportID                                  = "Unique string that identifies the AWS S3 bucket to which you export your snapshots."
	RequiredRole                              = "To use this command, you must authenticate with a user account or an API key with the %s role."
	RestoreJobID                              = "Unique identifier that identifies the Restore Job."
	DeliveryType                              = "" /* 195-byte string literal not displayed */
	EnableServerlessContinuousBackup          = "" /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	DisableServerlessContinuousBackup         = "Disables Serverless Continuous Backup for your serverless instance. If disabled the serverless instance uses Basic Backup."
	SinkType                                  = "Type of ingestion destination for this data lake pipeline."
	SinkMetadataProvider                      = "Target cloud provider for this data lake pipeline."
	SinkMetadataRegion                        = "Target cloud provider region for this data lake pipeline."
	SinkPartitionField                        = "Ordered fields used to physically organize data in the destination."
	SourceType                                = "Type of ingestion source for this data lake pipeline."
	SourceClusterName                         = "Human-readable label that identifies the source cluster."
	SourceCollectionName                      = "Human-readable label that identifies the source collection."
	SourceDatabaseName                        = "Human-readable label that identifies the source database."
	SourcePolicyItemID                        = "Human-readable label that identifies the policy item."
	Transform                                 = "Fields to exclude for this data lake pipeline."
	PipelineFilename                          = "Name of the JSON data lake pipeline configuration file to use."
	Pipeline                                  = "Name of the Data lake pipeline."
	CompletedAfter                            = "Date filter for when the backup snapshots were completed. You must use the YYYY-MM-DD format."
	Tag                                       = "List that contains key-value pairs between 1 to 255 characters in length for tagging and categorizing the cluster."
	DeploymentTag                             = "List that contains key-value pairs between 1 to 255 characters in length for tagging and categorizing the deployment."
	ProjectTag                                = "List that contains key-value pairs between 1 to 255 characters in length for tagging and categorizing the project."
	ServerlessTag                             = "" /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	UpdateWarning                             = " Passing this flag replaces preexisting data."
	EnableWatch                               = "" /* 178-byte string literal not displayed */
	EnableWatchDefault                        = "Flag that indicates whether to watch the command until it completes its execution or the watch times out."
	WatchTimeout                              = "Time in seconds until a watch times out. After a watch times out, the CLI no longer watches the command."
	CompactResponse                           = "" /* 368-byte string literal not displayed */
	DataFederationFile                        = "" /* 216-byte string literal not displayed */
	BackupCompliancePolicyFile                = "Path to a JSON configuration file that defines backup compliance policy settings."
	DataFederationType                        = "Type of Federated Database Instances to return."
	DataFederation                            = "Identifier of the Federated Database Instance."
	ExporterDataFederationName                = "One or more comma separated data federation names to import"
	DataFederationQueryLimitValue             = "Value given to the query limit."
	OverrunPolicy                             = "Action to take when the usage limit is exceeded."
	AuthorizedUserFirstName                   = "First name of the user who is authorized to update the Backup Compliance Policy settings."
	AuthorizedUserLastName                    = "Last name of the user who is authorized to update the Backup Compliance Policy settings."
	AuthorizedEmail                           = "Email address of a security or legal representative."
	DeploymentType                            = "Type of deployment. Valid values are ATLAS or LOCAL."
	DeploymentTypeSetup                       = "Type of deployment that you want to create. Valid values are ATLAS or LOCAL."
	MongodPort                                = "Port that the MongoDB server listens to for client connections."
	ConnectWith                               = "Method for connecting to the deployment. Valid values are mongosh, compass, and skip."
	AlertConfigFilename                       = "Path to the JSON configuration file that defines alert configuration settings."
	DeploymentName                            = "Name of the deployment."
	LogName                                   = "Name of the log file (e.g. mongodb.gz|mongos.gz|mongosqld.gz|mongodb-audit-log.gz|mongos-audit-log.gz)."
	LogHostName                               = "Name of the host that stores the log files that you want to download."

	Decompress            = "Flag that indicates whether to decompress the log files."
	OnlineArchiveFilename = "" /* 214-byte string literal not displayed */
	BindIPAll             = "" /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	FrequencyType         = "Frequency type associated with the backup policy: 'daily', 'hourly', 'monthly', 'weekly'."
	FrequencyInterval     = "Number that indicates the frequency interval for a set of snapshots. " +
		"A value of 1 specifies the first instance of the corresponding frequencyType. " +
		"In a monthly policy item, 1 indicates that the monthly snapshot occurs on the first day of the month and 40 indicates the last day of the month. " +
		"In a weekly policy item, 1 indicates that the weekly snapshot occurs on Monday and 7 indicates Sunday. " +
		"In an hourly policy item, you can set the frequency interval to 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12. For hourly policy items for NVMe clusters, Atlas accepts only 12 as the frequency interval value."
	RetentionUnit     = "Unit of time in which Atlas measures snapshot retention: 'days' 'weeks' 'months'. "
	RetentionValue    = "" /* 216-byte string literal not displayed */
	ScheduledPolicyID = "Unique identifier that Atlas assigns to the scheduled policy item."


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