Hubauth is a service that provides Single Sign-On for Flynn clusters. It operates as an OAuth 2.0 server that the Flynn CLI and Dashboard interact with, and issues signed tokens that the Flynn controller consumes.
Users are authenticated using G Suite via OpenID Connect, and their group membership is checked to determine which clusters (audiences) they have access to.
The service is deployed on Google Cloud Run, and uses Firestore in Datastore mode as the database.
Cloud Key Management Service is used to store signing keys.
The test environment can be built in Docker by running:
docker build -t hubauth-test -f test.Dockerfile .
The tests can be run with:
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/app hubauth-test
Deployment in testing
Create docker tag for and push the image:
docker build -t<PROJECT_ID>/hubauth-dev:latest -f build.Dockerfile .
docker push<PROJECT_ID/hubauth-dev:latest
# if not authorized, you may need to run `gcloud auth configure-docker`
In Security > Cryptographic Keys
Create a KMS keyring:
- name:
- location:
Create a KMS key:
- name:
- type:
software Asymmetric sign key
And save its version 1
resource name
In Security > Secret manager:
Create secrets
: secure random value
: secure random value
And save their resource IDs
Grant default compute account the roles:
- Cloud KMS CryptoKey Signer/Verifier
- Cloud Trace Agent
- Cloud Datastore User
- Errors Writer
- Service Account Token Creator
- Monitoring Metric Writer
- Cloud Run Invoker
- Secret Manager Secret Accessor
In Cloud Run
Create service:
- Name:
- Allows unauthenticated invocations
- Select the previously pushed docker image
Then edit & deploy new revision:
- Container command:
- Variables:
- PROJECT_ID: current GCP project id
- REFRESH_KEY: set it to the KMS refresh_key resource name saved previously
- COOKIE_KEY_SECRET: set to the resource ID from
- CODE_KEY_SECRET: set to the resource ID from
And save the deployment URL
Create service:
- Name:
- Allows unauthenticated invocations
- Select the previously pushed docker image
Then edit & deploy new revision:
- Container command:
- Variables:
- PROJECT_ID: current GCP project id
And save the deployment URL
In APIs & Services
Enable the APIs:
- Cloud Run Admin API
- Cloud Trace API
- Secret Manager API
- Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API
- IAM Service Account Credentials API
- Cloud Scheduler API
- Admin SDK
- Cloud Functions API
Create OAUTH Consent screen:
- Application type:
- Application name:
- Authorized domains: add the cloud run url for hubauth-ext
Create OAUTH Credential:
- Type:
web application
- Name:
- Authorized url: add the cloud run url for hubauth-ext:
Save Client ID
and Client secret
In Cloud RUN
Create a new deployment for hubauth-ext
, and set the following variables:
- BASE_URL: add the cloud run url for hubauth-ext
- RP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: the previously saved
Client ID
- RP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: the previously saved
Client secret
In Cloud Scheduler
Create a new job:
- Name:
- Frequency:
0 */1 * * *
- URL: use the hubauth-int URL:
Hubauth CLI
Configure gcloud auth application-default with the following command, and follow the browser instructions:
gcloud auth application-default login
You'll need to create a client, and audience and ask an admin for setting up the policy (it requires allowing your app and user on org level, and allow the compute service account oauth ClientID on GSuite domain).
Example commands
# create client
go run cmd/hubauth/main.go --project-id="<PROJECT_ID>" clients create \
--redirect-uris http://localhost \
--refresh-token-expiry 3600
# list clients
go run cmd/hubauth/main.go --project-id="<PROJECT_ID>" clients list
# create audience
go run cmd/hubauth/main.go --project-id="<PROJECT_ID>" audiences create \
--audience-url https://localhost \
--client-ids EhEKBkNsaWVudBCAgIDo14eBCg \
--kms-location global \
--kms-keyring hubauth
# list audiences
go run cmd/hubauth/main.go --project-id="<PROJECT_ID>" audiences list
# set audience policy
go run cmd/hubauth/main.go --project-id="<PROJECT_ID>" audiences set-policy \
--audience-url https://localhost \
--domain \
--api-user \
--groups group1,group2
go run cmd/hubauth/main.go --project-id="<PROJECT_ID>" audiences key \
--audience-url https://localhost \
--kms-location global \
--kms-keyring hubauth