It all starts with a proto file. In our case we want to have a custom server implementation that understands that the real downstream hanlder is in our DI. Fortunately we can use a protoc plugin to generate the GO code for that.
cd example
go get -u
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative --go-di_out=. --go-di_opt=paths=source_relative internal\grpcContracts\helloworld\helloworld.proto
This will generate all the go files from our helloworld.proto
Make it looke like dotnet core
In dotnet core when a request comes in the DI has a concept of a scope. Here we do the same thing by creating that scoped container in a middleware
requestContainer, _ := grpcdotnetgo.GetContainer().SubContainer()
defer requestContainer.Delete()
ctx = setRequestContainer(ctx, requestContainer)
contextaccessor := contextaccessor.GetInternalGetContextAccessorFromContainer(requestContainer)
The middleware gets a SubContainer from the root container. When we use this new requestContainer
to fetch objects from it, it will honor scoped services. The main root container will NOT give you an object that has been registered as scoped for good reason as the root container is global and is there for singletons.