A Benthos plugin that processes cloudevents and sends them downstream to a gprc handler.
CloudEvents Specification
CloudEvent Gets published to Kafka
"id": "1234",
"spec_version": "1.0",
"type": "my.type",
"source": "//my/source",
"text_data": "{\"a\":\"b\"}",
"attributes": [
"value": {
"ce_string": "ORG1234abcd"
"key": "orgid"
"value": {
"ce_string": "ORG1234abcd"
"key": "partition-key"
CloudEvents in Kafka
Kafka Part |
data |
Key |
ORG1234abcd |
Headers |
{ "ce_type":"my.type", "ce_orgid":"ORG1234abcd", "ce_source":"//my/source", "ce_specversion":"1.0","ce_time":"2023-11-11T14:57:14.594525315Z", "ce_id":"1234", "content-type":"application/json" } |
Value |
{ "a":"b" } |
Benthos kafka batching
Each batch item must retain its headers and value in one json object. I achieve this by doing a processors
mapping which then gets packaged up as a json array.
addresses: ["kafka:9092"]
topics: ["cloudevents-core"]
consumer_group: "$Default"
count: 2
period: 20s
- mapping: |
root.value = this
root.headers = @
- archive:
format: json_array
The custom output gets messages via benthos in the following json format
"headers": {
"ce_id": "1234",
"ce_orgid": "ORG1234abcd",
"ce_source": "//my/source",
"ce_specversion": "1.0",
"ce_time": "2023-11-11T14:57:14.594525315Z",
"ce_type": "my.type",
"content-type": "application/json",
"kafka_key": "ORG1234abcd",
"kafka_lag": 1,
"kafka_offset": 0,
"kafka_partition": 0,
"kafka_timestamp_unix": 1699714634,
"kafka_tombstone_message": false,
"kafka_topic": "cloudevents-core"
"value": {
"a": "b"
"headers": {
"ce_id": "1234",
"ce_orgid": "ORG1234abcd",
"ce_source": "//my/source",
"ce_specversion": "1.0",
"ce_time": "2023-11-11T15:34:48.621943865Z",
"ce_type": "my.type",
"content-type": "application/json",
"kafka_key": "ORG1234abcd",
"kafka_lag": 0,
"kafka_offset": 1,
"kafka_partition": 0,
"kafka_timestamp_unix": 1699716888,
"kafka_tombstone_message": false,
"kafka_topic": "cloudevents-core"
"value": {
"a": "b"
Downstream GRPC Handler
cloudeventprocessor proto
The cloudevent_output
plugin processes and groups the messages into Good and Bad buckets and sends them both downstream. It is an all of nothing acknowledgement from the downstream processor if the messages where handled. Returning an error will result in the messages being sent again. It is the responsiblity of the downstream processor to deal with bad data. So putting bad data on a dead-letter queue is not something we will do here in benthos.
Your downstream processor can have 4 types of authentication. None, OAuth2, ApiKey or basic auth.
grpc_url: "localhost:9050"
max_in_flight: 64
# auth[optional] one of: [oauth2,basic,apikey](ordered by priority)
# basic:
# user_name: "admin"
# password: "password"
# oauth2:
# client_id: "my_client_id"
# client_secret: "secret"
# token_endpoint: ""
# scopes: ["scope1", "scope2"]
# apikey:
# name: "x-api-key"
# value: "secret"
Build the proto
Transcode Ref
custom protoc plugin
go install
go install
go install
go install
go install
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative ./pkg/proto/cloudevents/cloudevents.proto
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative --go-fluffycore-di_out=. --go-fluffycore-di_opt=paths=source_relative ./pkg/proto/cloudeventprocessor/cloudeventprocessor.proto
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative --go-fluffycore-di_out=. --go-fluffycore-di_opt=paths=source_relative ./pkg/proto/kafkacloudevent/kafkacloudevent.proto
Grpc References
auth examples
docker build --file .\build\Dockerfile.processor . --tag fluffybunny.benthos.processor
docker build --file .\build\Dockerfile.benthos . --tag fluffybunny.benthos.benthos
docker-compose up
Kafka UI
KafkaCloudEventService - grpc
This is service to submit a cloud-event to kafka.
"batch": {
"events": [
"attributes": [
"value": {
"ce_string": "ORG1234abcd"
"key": "orgid"
"value": {
"ce_string": "ORG1234abcd"
"key": "partition-key"
"spec_version": "1.0",
"text_data": "{\"a\":\"b\"}",
"id": "1234",
"type": "my.type",
"source": "//my/source"
CloudEventProcessor - grpc
This service receives cloud-events as batches via out custom benthos output handler.
IMPORTANT: This is an all or nothing process. It sends the messages in batches. There are good and bad and the processor needs to decide what it wants to do with the bad messages. In some cases the entire batch is bad at the
I use docker desktop and look at the logs. My downstream processor just logs what it got and returns a nil.
Benthos Notes
Validating Data in the input.
I want to write my custom output pluging to expect only perfect data.
addresses: ["kafka:9092"]
topics: ["cloudevents-core"]
consumer_group: "$Default"
count: 2
period: 20s
- mapping: |
root.value = this
root.headers = @
- archive:
format: json_array
I expect a json, and to make this resilient I put not-json into a kafka message.
I got the following errors from benthos(good)
level=error msg="failed assignment (line 1): unable to reference message as structured (with 'this'): message is empty" @service=benthos label="" path=root.input.batching.processors.0
level=error msg="Failed to create archive: failed to parse message as JSON: target message part does not exist" @service=benthos label="" path=root.input.batching.processors.1
I imagine that I could do something in the input.processors to validate an individual message.
Upon NOT getting the headers and value I expect, I either eat it as handled or wrap it into a json that my output can now deal with and deadletter. I think wrapping would be great. If root.value = this is bad, then turn it into {"crap":"encoded crap"}
That way I can still get an json array, but can evaluate each item looking for crap.
On a side note I REALLY LIKE how y'all are handling errors.
So my batch setting is 3.
in kafka I have [crap]-[good]-[good]-[good]-[good]-[good]
When benthos sees this it eats the [crap] and then sends the next 2 [good] one at a time.
I just need to code up that I may not get an array sometimes but may get the object instead.
I then start getting arrays of 3.
eats the [crap] => as a result of
level=error msg="failed assignment (line 2): unable to reference message as structured (with 'this'): parse as json: invalid character 'a' looking for beginning of value" @service=benthos label="" path=root.input.batching.processors.0