The goal of this project is to implement a real-time vwap calculator from the Coinbase match stream
Check the Python version of this demo project at
- The window on top is the program itself calculating the VWAP values and sending to Kafka
- The two windows below are a streaming of some Kafka topics to the console
Just run it
- git clone this repo to your workspace
- run
docker-compose up --build
- all unit tests will be run, the program will be compiled and run with default parameters, outputing the latest VWAP to stdout for each ProductId "BTC-USD" and "ETH-BTC"
Run with Kafka support
- git clone this repo to your workspace
- run
docker-compose -f docker-compose-withkafka.yml up --build
- program will be compiled, a Kafka broker will be run and the program will start vwap calculations while publishing the results to Kafka
- open http://localhost:19000/topic/vwap-BTC-USD/messages to see published VWAP messages to Kafka Topic
- If you really want to see topic messages being consumed from Kafka and displayed on terminal, execute the following command in a separate shell
docker exec $(docker ps | grep kafka | cut -d' ' -f1) /bin/sh -c '/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic vwap-BTC-USD --from-beginning'
Open docker-compose.yml and adjust Environment parameters:
- Configures log verbosity. Maybe one of info, debug, warning, error. Defaults to info.
- Coinbase Websocket endpoint. Defaults to free sandbox URL "wss://"
Program structure
Basically this program is composed of four components:
weighted_avg.go: an weighted averager in a running window prepared for financial computations by using 'big' package to avoid floating point errors
stream_client.go: connects to Coinbase websocket 'match' channel and produces "MatchInfo" messages in an output go channel for being processed by another thread/routine
vwap_calculator.go: consumes a go channel with "MatchInfo" messages, instantiates one weighted averager for each different "ProductId", calculates the running average and callbacks a method with the newest value
main.go: orchestrates the program parameters and the components above
Running window
A potential bottleneck in our problem is the calculation of long windows in VWAP each time we need its result (in our case we will need to calculate it everytime we receive a new sample).
A regular implementation would have to iterate over all elements in the window twice in order to calculate both terms of the equation WAVG = SUM(V*W)/SUM(W) every time we need to calculate the resulting windows average, resulting in a complexity of O(2N) -> O(N).
In our implementation, we chose to keep partial sums for both SUM(V*W) and SUM(W) by removing "expired" elements from its sum while adding new elements to the sum when adding a new sample to the window. This strategy reduces the "regular" complexity from O(N) to O(1).
Precision calculation
Because we are dealing with financial operations we chose to use only "big" numbers from Golang in order to avoid errors with floating number operations. This has a performance penaulty, but as we are dealing with very few mathematical calculations per sample, we decided to use "big" for more accurate results. If we have lots of parallel ProductIds running, we may exchange the big implementation by native float64 operations.
For more details on a benchmark comparison between "big" and float64 calculations, see
Execute go test ./...
for running all tests