Object store REST API
This application implements a service to store objects organized in buckets. Each object and bucket is identified by and ID.
The objects are de-duplicated by bucket and can be stored in memory or on files.
The service exposes a REST API to perform action on the objects.
Available actions and endpoints
NOTE: object ID and bucket ID must match the following regex: [a-z0-9_-]+
Or they can be made up of numbers, lowercase letters, underscores and dashes.
PUT /objects/<bucketId>/<objId>
Stores an object in a bucket, the object data is the content of the body of the request (the Content-Type
of the request must be text/plain
The service replies with a 201
on object creation or a 200
on object replacement and the object ID in the body.
If the bucket does not exist it is created. If the object is already present, it is replaced.
GET /objects/<bucketId>/<objId>
Retrieves an object in a bucket. The service replies with a 200
and the object as the body if it is found in the storage.
It replies with a 404
if the object or the bucket is not in the storage.
DELETE /objects/<bucketId>/<objId>
Deletes an object from a bucket. The service replies with a 200
if the object is deleted
or a 404
if the object or the bucket is not in the storage.
Build application
The application has been tested using go 1.17 with go modules
go build -o objectstore-restapi github.com/flaviopicci/simple-objectstore-restapi/cmd/objectstore-restapi
Launch application
The service can be configured via command line options, configuration file or env variables.
Available options:
-v, --verbose Print verbose output
-c, --config Path to the configuration file
-l, --listen-address Address to listen to in the form of <port> or <address>:<port>
-p, --persist Use persistent storage to store objects
--data-path Path to folder of persistent data
Listen on localhost port 80 with persistent storage in /tmp/data
./objectstore-restapi -l -p --data-path /tmp/data
Then store an object object data
with ID objy
in bucket bucx
curl -v -d 'object data' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -X PUT http://localhost:8080/objects/bucx/objy
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Retrieve it:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/objects/bucx/objy
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
object data
Delete it:
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/objects/bucx/objy
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Store and retrieval performances may be increased by passing to the Store and Retrieve functions the http request and response bodies
as io.Reader and io.Writer instead of bytes arrays as it is now.
This would avoid a copy of the data in an intermediate buffer and may increase performances in case the objects are large.