Index ¶
- type APIKeyAggregate
- type APIKeyAggregationContainer
- type APIKeyFiltersAggregation
- type APIKeyQueryContainer
- type AcknowledgeState
- type Acknowledgement
- type ActionStatus
- type ActivationState
- type ActivationStatus
- type AdaptiveSelection
- type AddAction
- type AdjacencyMatrixAggregate
- type AdjacencyMatrixAggregation
- type AdjacencyMatrixBucket
- type Aggregate
- type AggregateMetricDoubleProperty
- type AggregateOrder
- type AggregateOutput
- type Aggregation
- type AggregationBreakdown
- type AggregationProfile
- type AggregationProfileDebug
- type AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter
- type AggregationRange
- type Aggregations
- type Alias
- type AliasDefinition
- type AliasesRecord
- type AllField
- type AllocationDecision
- type AllocationRecord
- type AllocationStore
- type AlwaysCondition
- type AnalysisConfig
- type AnalysisConfigRead
- type AnalysisLimits
- type AnalysisMemoryLimit
- type Analytics
- type AnalyticsCollection
- type AnalyticsStatistics
- type AnalyzeDetail
- type AnalyzeToken
- type Analyzer
- type AnalyzerDetail
- type Anomaly
- type AnomalyCause
- type AnomalyDetectors
- type AnomalyExplanation
- type ApiKey
- type ApiKeyAuthorization
- type AppendProcessor
- type ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges
- type ApplicationPrivileges
- type ApplicationPrivilegesCheck
- type ApplicationsPrivileges
- type Archive
- type ArrayCompareCondition
- type ArrayCompareOpParams
- type ArrayPercentilesItem
- type AsciiFoldingTokenFilter
- type AsyncSearch
- type AttachmentProcessor
- type Audit
- type AuthenticateToken
- type AuthenticatedUser
- type AuthenticationProvider
- type AutoDateHistogramAggregate
- type AutoDateHistogramAggregation
- type AutoFollowPattern
- type AutoFollowPatternSummary
- type AutoFollowStats
- type AutoFollowedCluster
- type AutoscalingCapacity
- type AutoscalingDecider
- type AutoscalingDeciders
- type AutoscalingNode
- type AutoscalingPolicy
- type AutoscalingResources
- type AverageAggregation
- type AverageBucketAggregation
- type AvgAggregate
- type AzureRepository
- type AzureRepositorySettings
- type Base
- type BaseIndicator
- type BaseNode
- type BinaryProperty
- type BoolQuery
- type BooleanProperty
- type BoostingQuery
- type BoxPlotAggregate
- type BoxplotAggregation
- type Breaker
- type BucketCorrelationAggregation
- type BucketCorrelationFunction
- type BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation
- type BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator
- type BucketInfluencer
- type BucketKsAggregation
- type BucketMetricValueAggregate
- type BucketPathAggregation
- type BucketScriptAggregation
- type BucketSelectorAggregation
- type BucketSortAggregation
- type BucketSummary
- type BucketsAPIKeyQueryContainer
- type BucketsAdjacencyMatrixBucket
- type BucketsCompositeBucket
- type BucketsDateHistogramBucket
- type BucketsDoubleTermsBucket
- type BucketsFiltersBucket
- type BucketsFrequentItemSetsBucket
- type BucketsGeoHashGridBucket
- type BucketsGeoHexGridBucket
- type BucketsGeoTileGridBucket
- type BucketsHistogramBucket
- type BucketsIpPrefixBucket
- type BucketsIpRangeBucket
- type BucketsLongRareTermsBucket
- type BucketsLongTermsBucket
- type BucketsMultiTermsBucket
- type BucketsPath
- type BucketsQuery
- type BucketsRangeBucket
- type BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket
- type BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket
- type BucketsStringRareTermsBucket
- type BucketsStringTermsBucket
- type BucketsVariableWidthHistogramBucket
- type BucketsVoid
- type BuildInformation
- type BulkIndexByScrollFailure
- type BulkStats
- type ByteNumberProperty
- type ByteSize
- type BytesProcessor
- type CacheQueries
- type CacheStats
- type Calendar
- type CalendarEvent
- type CardinalityAggregate
- type CardinalityAggregation
- type CatAnonalyDetectorColumns
- type CatComponentTemplate
- type CatDatafeedColumns
- type CatDfaColumns
- type CatTrainedModelsColumns
- type CatTransformColumns
- type CategorizationAnalyzer
- type CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition
- type CategorizeTextAggregation
- type CategorizeTextAnalyzer
- type Category
- type Ccr
- type CcrShardStats
- type CertificateInformation
- type Cgroup
- type CgroupCpu
- type CgroupCpuStat
- type CgroupMemory
- type ChainInput
- type CharFilter
- type CharFilterDefinition
- type CharFilterDetail
- type CharFilterTypes
- type CharGroupTokenizer
- type CheckpointStats
- type Checkpointing
- type ChiSquareHeuristic
- type ChildrenAggregate
- type ChildrenAggregation
- type ChunkingConfig
- type CircleProcessor
- type ClassificationInferenceOptions
- type CleanupRepositoryResults
- type Client
- type CloseIndexResult
- type CloseShardResult
- type ClusterAppliedStats
- type ClusterComponentTemplate
- type ClusterDetails
- type ClusterFileSystem
- type ClusterIndexingPressure
- type ClusterIndices
- type ClusterIndicesShards
- type ClusterIndicesShardsIndex
- type ClusterInfo
- type ClusterInfoTargets
- type ClusterIngest
- type ClusterJvm
- type ClusterJvmMemory
- type ClusterJvmVersion
- type ClusterNetworkTypes
- type ClusterNode
- type ClusterNodeCount
- type ClusterNodes
- type ClusterOperatingSystem
- type ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture
- type ClusterOperatingSystemName
- type ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName
- type ClusterPressureMemory
- type ClusterProcess
- type ClusterProcessCpu
- type ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors
- type ClusterProcessor
- type ClusterRemoteInfo
- type ClusterRemoteProxyInfo
- type ClusterRemoteSniffInfo
- type ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes
- type ClusterShardMetrics
- type ClusterStateQueue
- type ClusterStateUpdate
- type ClusterStatistics
- type Collector
- type Column
- type CombinedFieldsQuery
- type Command
- type CommandAllocatePrimaryAction
- type CommandAllocateReplicaAction
- type CommandCancelAction
- type CommandMoveAction
- type CommonGramsTokenFilter
- type CommonTermsQuery
- type CompactNodeInfo
- type CompletionContext
- type CompletionProperty
- type CompletionStats
- type CompletionSuggest
- type CompletionSuggestOption
- type CompletionSuggester
- type ComponentTemplateNode
- type ComponentTemplateSummary
- type CompositeAggregate
- type CompositeAggregateKey
- type CompositeAggregation
- type CompositeAggregationSource
- type CompositeBucket
- type CompositeDateHistogramAggregation
- type CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation
- type CompositeHistogramAggregation
- type CompositeTermsAggregation
- type ConditionTokenFilter
- type Configuration
- type Configurations
- type ConfusionMatrixItem
- type ConfusionMatrixPrediction
- type ConfusionMatrixThreshold
- type Connection
- type ConstantKeywordProperty
- type ConstantScoreQuery
- type Context
- type ContextMethod
- type ContextMethodParam
- type ConvertProcessor
- type CoordinatorStats
- type CoordsGeoBounds
- type CoreKnnQuery
- type CountRecord
- type Counter
- type Cpu
- type CpuAcct
- type CreateOperation
- type CreatedStatus
- type CsvProcessor
- type CumulativeCardinalityAggregate
- type CumulativeCardinalityAggregation
- type CumulativeSumAggregation
- type CurrentNode
- type CustomAnalyzer
- type CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer
- type CustomNormalizer
- type DailySchedule
- type DanglingIndex
- type DataCounts
- type DataDescription
- type DataEmailAttachment
- type DataFrameAnalyticsRecord
- type DataPathStats
- type DataStream
- type DataStreamIndex
- type DataStreamLifecycle
- type DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling
- type DataStreamLifecycleExplain
- type DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions
- type DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover
- type DataStreamNames
- type DataStreamTimestamp
- type DataStreamTimestampField
- type DataStreamVisibility
- type DataStreamWithLifecycle
- type DataStreams
- type DataStreamsStatsItem
- type DataTierPhaseStatistics
- type DataTiers
- type DatafeedAuthorization
- type DatafeedConfig
- type DatafeedRunningState
- type DatafeedStats
- type DatafeedTimingStats
- type Datafeeds
- type DatafeedsRecord
- type DataframeAnalysis
- type DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields
- type DataframeAnalysisClassification
- type DataframeAnalysisContainer
- type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor
- type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding
- type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding
- type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding
- type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding
- type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding
- type DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection
- type DataframeAnalysisRegression
- type DataframeAnalytics
- type DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization
- type DataframeAnalyticsDestination
- type DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection
- type DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation
- type DataframeAnalyticsSource
- type DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer
- type DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts
- type DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters
- type DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage
- type DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection
- type DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress
- type DataframeAnalyticsSummary
- type DataframeClassificationSummary
- type DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy
- type DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix
- type DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision
- type DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall
- type DataframeEvaluationClass
- type DataframeEvaluationClassification
- type DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics
- type DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc
- type DataframeEvaluationContainer
- type DataframeEvaluationMetrics
- type DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection
- type DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics
- type DataframeEvaluationRegression
- type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics
- type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber
- type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle
- type DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc
- type DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem
- type DataframeEvaluationValue
- type DataframeOutlierDetectionSummary
- type DataframePreviewConfig
- type DataframeRegressionSummary
- type DateDecayFunction
- type DateDistanceFeatureQuery
- type DateHistogramAggregate
- type DateHistogramAggregation
- type DateHistogramBucket
- type DateHistogramGrouping
- type DateIndexNameProcessor
- type DateNanosProperty
- type DateProcessor
- type DateProperty
- type DateRangeAggregate
- type DateRangeAggregation
- type DateRangeExpression
- type DateRangeProperty
- type DateRangeQuery
- type DateTime
- type DecayFunction
- type DecayPlacementDateMathDuration
- type DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance
- type DecayPlacementdoubledouble
- type Defaults
- type Definition
- type DelayedDataCheckConfig
- type DeleteOperation
- type DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter
- type DenseVectorIndexOptions
- type DenseVectorProperty
- type Deprecation
- type DeprecationIndexing
- type DerivativeAggregate
- type DerivativeAggregation
- type DetectionRule
- type Detector
- type DetectorRead
- type Diagnosis
- type DiagnosisAffectedResources
- type DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter
- type DirectGenerator
- type DisMaxQuery
- type Discovery
- type DiscoveryNode
- type DiskIndicator
- type DiskIndicatorDetails
- type DiskUsage
- type DissectProcessor
- type DistanceFeatureQuery
- type DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration
- type DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance
- type DiversifiedSamplerAggregation
- type DocStats
- type Document
- type DocumentRating
- type DocumentSimulation
- type DotExpanderProcessor
- type DoubleNumberProperty
- type DoubleRangeProperty
- type DoubleTermsAggregate
- type DoubleTermsBucket
- type DownsampleConfig
- type DownsamplingRound
- type DropProcessor
- type Duration
- type DurationValueUnitFloatMillis
- type DurationValueUnitMillis
- type DurationValueUnitNanos
- type DurationValueUnitSeconds
- type DutchAnalyzer
- type DynamicProperty
- type DynamicTemplate
- type EdgeNGramTokenFilter
- type EdgeNGramTokenizer
- type ElasticsearchError
- type ElasticsearchVersionInfo
- type ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo
- type ElisionTokenFilter
- type Email
- type EmailAction
- type EmailAttachmentContainer
- type EmailBody
- type EmailResult
- type EmptyObject
- type EnrichPolicy
- type EnrichProcessor
- type Ensemble
- type EpochTimeUnitMillis
- type EpochTimeUnitSeconds
- type Eql
- type EqlFeatures
- type EqlFeaturesJoin
- type EqlFeaturesKeys
- type EqlFeaturesPipes
- type EqlFeaturesSequences
- type EqlHits
- type ErrorCause
- type ErrorResponseBase
- type EsqlColumns
- type EventDataStream
- type EwmaModelSettings
- type EwmaMovingAverageAggregation
- type ExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus
- type ExecutingPolicy
- type ExecutionResult
- type ExecutionResultAction
- type ExecutionResultCondition
- type ExecutionResultInput
- type ExecutionState
- type ExecutionThreadPool
- type ExistsQuery
- type ExpandWildcards
- type ExplainAnalyzeToken
- type Explanation
- type ExplanationDetail
- type ExploreControls
- type ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath
- type ExtendedBoundsdouble
- type ExtendedMemoryStats
- type ExtendedStatsAggregate
- type ExtendedStatsAggregation
- type ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate
- type ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation
- type FailProcessor
- type Feature
- type FeatureToggle
- type Features
- type FetchProfile
- type FetchProfileBreakdown
- type FetchProfileDebug
- type FieldAliasProperty
- type FieldAndFormat
- type FieldCapability
- type FieldCollapse
- type FieldDateMath
- type FieldLookup
- type FieldMapping
- type FieldMemoryUsage
- type FieldMetric
- type FieldNamesField
- type FieldRule
- type FieldSecurity
- type FieldSizeUsage
- type FieldSort
- type FieldStat
- type FieldStatistics
- type FieldSuggester
- type FieldSummary
- type FieldTypes
- type FieldTypesMappings
- type FieldValue
- type FieldValueFactorScoreFunction
- type FielddataFrequencyFilter
- type FielddataRecord
- type FielddataStats
- type Fields
- type FieldsUsageBody
- type FileCountSnapshotStats
- type FileDetails
- type FileSystem
- type FileSystemTotal
- type FillMaskInferenceOptions
- type FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions
- type FilterAggregate
- type FilterRef
- type FiltersAggregate
- type FiltersAggregation
- type FiltersBucket
- type FingerprintAnalyzer
- type FingerprintTokenFilter
- type Flattened
- type FlattenedProperty
- type Float64
- type FloatNumberProperty
- type FloatRangeProperty
- type FlushStats
- type FollowIndexStats
- type FollowStats
- type FollowerIndex
- type FollowerIndexParameters
- type ForceMergeConfiguration
- type ForceMergeResponseBody
- type ForeachProcessor
- type FormattableMetricAggregation
- type FoundStatus
- type FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor
- type FrequentItemSetsAggregate
- type FrequentItemSetsAggregation
- type FrequentItemSetsBucket
- type FrequentItemSetsField
- type FrozenIndices
- type FunctionScore
- type FunctionScoreQuery
- type Fuzziness
- type FuzzyQuery
- type GarbageCollector
- type GarbageCollectorTotal
- type GcsRepository
- type GcsRepositorySettings
- type GeoBoundingBoxQuery
- type GeoBounds
- type GeoBoundsAggregate
- type GeoBoundsAggregation
- type GeoCentroidAggregate
- type GeoCentroidAggregation
- type GeoDecayFunction
- type GeoDistanceAggregate
- type GeoDistanceAggregation
- type GeoDistanceFeatureQuery
- type GeoDistanceQuery
- type GeoDistanceSort
- type GeoHashGridAggregate
- type GeoHashGridAggregation
- type GeoHashGridBucket
- type GeoHashLocation
- type GeoHashPrecision
- type GeoHexGridAggregate
- type GeoHexGridBucket
- type GeoIpDownloadStatistics
- type GeoIpNodeDatabaseName
- type GeoIpNodeDatabases
- type GeoIpProcessor
- type GeoLine
- type GeoLineAggregate
- type GeoLineAggregation
- type GeoLinePoint
- type GeoLineSort
- type GeoLocation
- type GeoPointProperty
- type GeoPolygonPoints
- type GeoPolygonQuery
- type GeoResults
- type GeoShapeFieldQuery
- type GeoShapeProperty
- type GeoShapeQuery
- type GeoTileGridAggregate
- type GeoTileGridAggregation
- type GeoTileGridBucket
- type GeohexGridAggregation
- type GetMigrationFeature
- type GetResult
- type GetScriptContext
- type GetStats
- type GetUserProfileErrors
- type GlobalAggregate
- type GlobalAggregation
- type GlobalPrivilege
- type GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic
- type GrantApiKey
- type GrokProcessor
- type Groupings
- type GsubProcessor
- type HalfFloatNumberProperty
- type HasChildQuery
- type HasParentQuery
- type HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors
- type HdrMethod
- type HdrPercentileRanksAggregate
- type HdrPercentilesAggregate
- type HealthRecord
- type HealthResponseBody
- type HealthStatistics
- type HelpRecord
- type Highlight
- type HighlightField
- type Hint
- type HistogramAggregate
- type HistogramAggregation
- type HistogramBucket
- type HistogramGrouping
- type HistogramProperty
- type Hit
- type HitsEvent
- type HitsMetadata
- type HitsSequence
- type HoltLinearModelSettings
- type HoltMovingAverageAggregation
- type HoltWintersModelSettings
- type HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation
- type Hop
- type HotThread
- type HourAndMinute
- type HourlySchedule
- type HtmlStripCharFilter
- type Http
- type HttpEmailAttachment
- type HttpHeaders
- type HttpInput
- type HttpInputAuthentication
- type HttpInputBasicAuthentication
- type HttpInputProxy
- type HttpInputRequestDefinition
- type HttpInputRequestResult
- type HttpInputResponseResult
- type HunspellTokenFilter
- type Hyperparameter
- type Hyperparameters
- type HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter
- type IcuAnalyzer
- type IcuCollationTokenFilter
- type IcuFoldingTokenFilter
- type IcuNormalizationCharFilter
- type IcuNormalizationTokenFilter
- type IcuTokenizer
- type IcuTransformTokenFilter
- type Ids
- type IdsQuery
- type Ilm
- type IlmIndicator
- type IlmIndicatorDetails
- type IlmPolicy
- type IlmPolicyStatistics
- type Impact
- type InProgress
- type IndexAction
- type IndexAliases
- type IndexAndDataStreamAction
- type IndexCapabilities
- type IndexDetails
- type IndexField
- type IndexHealthStats
- type IndexMappingRecord
- type IndexOperation
- type IndexPrivilegesCheck
- type IndexResult
- type IndexResultSummary
- type IndexRouting
- type IndexRoutingAllocation
- type IndexRoutingAllocationDisk
- type IndexRoutingAllocationInclude
- type IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery
- type IndexRoutingRebalance
- type IndexSegment
- type IndexSegmentSort
- type IndexSettingBlocks
- type IndexSettings
- type IndexSettingsAnalysis
- type IndexSettingsLifecycle
- type IndexSettingsLifecycleStep
- type IndexSettingsTimeSeries
- type IndexState
- type IndexStats
- type IndexTemplate
- type IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration
- type IndexTemplateItem
- type IndexTemplateMapping
- type IndexTemplateSummary
- type IndexVersioning
- type IndexingPressureMemorySummary
- type IndexingSlowlogSettings
- type IndexingSlowlogTresholds
- type IndexingStats
- type IndicatorNode
- type Indicators
- type Indices
- type IndicesAction
- type IndicesBlockStatus
- type IndicesIndexingPressure
- type IndicesIndexingPressureMemory
- type IndicesModifyAction
- type IndicesOptions
- type IndicesPrivileges
- type IndicesPrivilegesQuery
- type IndicesRecord
- type IndicesShardStats
- type IndicesShardStores
- type IndicesShardsStats
- type IndicesStats
- type IndicesValidationExplanation
- type IndicesVersions
- type InferenceAggregate
- type InferenceAggregation
- type InferenceClassImportance
- type InferenceConfig
- type InferenceConfigClassification
- type InferenceConfigContainer
- type InferenceConfigCreateContainer
- type InferenceConfigRegression
- type InferenceConfigUpdateContainer
- type InferenceFeatureImportance
- type InferenceProcessor
- type InferenceResponseResult
- type InferenceResult
- type InferenceTopClassEntry
- type Influence
- type Influencer
- type InfoFeatureState
- type IngestPipeline
- type IngestTotal
- type InlineGet
- type InlineGetDictUserDefined
- type InlineScript
- type InnerHits
- type InnerHitsResult
- type Input
- type IntegerNumberProperty
- type IntegerRangeProperty
- type Intervals
- type IntervalsAllOf
- type IntervalsAnyOf
- type IntervalsFilter
- type IntervalsFuzzy
- type IntervalsMatch
- type IntervalsPrefix
- type IntervalsQuery
- type IntervalsWildcard
- type InvertedIndex
- type Invocation
- type Invocations
- type IoStatDevice
- type IoStats
- type IpFilter
- type IpPrefixAggregate
- type IpPrefixAggregation
- type IpPrefixBucket
- type IpProperty
- type IpRangeAggregate
- type IpRangeAggregation
- type IpRangeAggregationRange
- type IpRangeBucket
- type IpRangeProperty
- type Job
- type JobBlocked
- type JobConfig
- type JobForecastStatistics
- type JobStatistics
- type JobStats
- type JobTimingStats
- type JobUsage
- type JobsRecord
- type JoinProcessor
- type JoinProperty
- type JsonProcessor
- type Jvm
- type JvmClasses
- type JvmMemoryStats
- type JvmStats
- type JvmThreads
- type KStemTokenFilter
- type KeepTypesTokenFilter
- type KeepWordsTokenFilter
- type KeyValueProcessor
- type KeyedPercentiles
- type KeyedProcessor
- type KeywordAnalyzer
- type KeywordMarkerTokenFilter
- type KeywordProperty
- type KeywordTokenizer
- type KibanaToken
- type KnnQuery
- type KuromojiAnalyzer
- type KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter
- type KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter
- type KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter
- type KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter
- type KuromojiTokenizer
- type LanguageAnalyzer
- type LanguageContext
- type LaplaceSmoothingModel
- type LatLonGeoLocation
- type Latest
- type LengthTokenFilter
- type LetterTokenizer
- type License
- type LicenseInformation
- type Lifecycle
- type LifecycleExplain
- type LifecycleExplainManaged
- type LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution
- type LifecycleExplainUnmanaged
- type Like
- type LikeDocument
- type LimitTokenCountTokenFilter
- type Limits
- type LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel
- type LinearMovingAverageAggregation
- type LoggingAction
- type LoggingResult
- type LogstashPipeline
- type LongNumberProperty
- type LongRangeProperty
- type LongRareTermsAggregate
- type LongRareTermsBucket
- type LongTermsAggregate
- type LongTermsBucket
- type LowercaseNormalizer
- type LowercaseProcessor
- type LowercaseTokenFilter
- type LowercaseTokenizer
- type MLDatafeed
- type MLFilter
- type MTermVectorsOperation
- type MachineLearning
- type ManageUserPrivileges
- type MapboxVectorTiles
- type MappingCharFilter
- type MappingLimitSettings
- type MappingLimitSettingsDepth
- type MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields
- type MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength
- type MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields
- type MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects
- type MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields
- type MappingStats
- type MasterIsStableIndicator
- type MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode
- type MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails
- type MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory
- type MasterRecord
- type MatchAllQuery
- type MatchBoolPrefixQuery
- type MatchNoneQuery
- type MatchOnlyTextProperty
- type MatchPhrasePrefixQuery
- type MatchPhraseQuery
- type MatchQuery
- type MatchedField
- type MatchedText
- type MatrixAggregation
- type MatrixStatsAggregate
- type MatrixStatsAggregation
- type MatrixStatsFields
- type MaxAggregate
- type MaxAggregation
- type MaxBucketAggregation
- type MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate
- type MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation
- type MemMlStats
- type MemStats
- type Memory
- type MemoryStats
- type Merge
- type MergeScheduler
- type MergesStats
- type Metadata
- type Metrics
- type MgetOperation
- type MgetResponseItem
- type MigrationFeatureIndexInfo
- type MinAggregate
- type MinAggregation
- type MinBucketAggregation
- type MinimalLicenseInformation
- type MinimumShouldMatch
- type Missing
- type MissingAggregate
- type MissingAggregation
- type MlCounter
- type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs
- type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis
- type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount
- type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory
- type MlInference
- type MlInferenceDeployments
- type MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs
- type MlInferenceIngestProcessor
- type MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount
- type MlInferenceTrainedModels
- type MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount
- type MlJobForecasts
- type ModelConfig
- type ModelConfigContainer
- type ModelPlotConfig
- type ModelSizeStats
- type ModelSnapshot
- type ModelSnapshotUpgrade
- type Monitoring
- type MoreLikeThisQuery
- type MountedSnapshot
- type MovingAverageAggregation
- type MovingFunctionAggregation
- type MovingPercentilesAggregation
- type MsearchRequestItem
- type MsearchResponseItem
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket
- type MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid
- type MultiGetError
- type MultiMatchQuery
- type MultiSearchItem
- type MultiSearchResult
- type MultiTermLookup
- type MultiTermsAggregate
- type MultiTermsAggregation
- type MultiTermsBucket
- type MultiplexerTokenFilter
- type MultisearchBody
- type MultisearchHeader
- type Murmur3HashProperty
- type MutualInformationHeuristic
- type NGramTokenFilter
- type NGramTokenizer
- type Names
- type NativeCode
- type NativeCodeInformation
- type NerInferenceOptions
- type NerInferenceUpdateOptions
- type NestedAggregate
- type NestedAggregation
- type NestedIdentity
- type NestedProperty
- type NestedQuery
- type NestedSortValue
- type NeverCondition
- type NlpBertTokenizationConfig
- type NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig
- type NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions
- type Node
- type NodeAllocationExplanation
- type NodeAttributes
- type NodeAttributesRecord
- type NodeBufferPool
- type NodeDiskUsage
- type NodeIds
- type NodeInfo
- type NodeInfoAction
- type NodeInfoAggregation
- type NodeInfoBootstrap
- type NodeInfoClient
- type NodeInfoDiscover
- type NodeInfoHttp
- type NodeInfoIngest
- type NodeInfoIngestDownloader
- type NodeInfoIngestInfo
- type NodeInfoIngestProcessor
- type NodeInfoJvmMemory
- type NodeInfoMemory
- type NodeInfoNetwork
- type NodeInfoNetworkInterface
- type NodeInfoOSCPU
- type NodeInfoPath
- type NodeInfoRepositories
- type NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl
- type NodeInfoScript
- type NodeInfoSearch
- type NodeInfoSearchRemote
- type NodeInfoSettings
- type NodeInfoSettingsCluster
- type NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection
- type NodeInfoSettingsHttp
- type NodeInfoSettingsHttpType
- type NodeInfoSettingsIngest
- type NodeInfoSettingsNetwork
- type NodeInfoSettingsNode
- type NodeInfoSettingsTransport
- type NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures
- type NodeInfoSettingsTransportType
- type NodeInfoTransport
- type NodeInfoXpack
- type NodeInfoXpackLicense
- type NodeInfoXpackLicenseType
- type NodeInfoXpackSecurity
- type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc
- type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms
- type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus
- type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken
- type NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl
- type NodeJvmInfo
- type NodeOperatingSystemInfo
- type NodePackagingType
- type NodeProcessInfo
- type NodeReloadError
- type NodeReloadResult
- type NodeShard
- type NodeShutdownStatus
- type NodeStatistics
- type NodeTasks
- type NodeThreadPoolInfo
- type NodeUsage
- type NodesContext
- type NodesCredentials
- type NodesCredentialsFileToken
- type NodesIndexingPressure
- type NodesIndexingPressureMemory
- type NodesIngest
- type NodesRecord
- type NoriAnalyzer
- type NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter
- type NoriTokenizer
- type NormalizeAggregation
- type Normalizer
- type NumberRangeQuery
- type NumericDecayFunction
- type NumericFielddata
- type ObjectProperty
- type OneHotEncodingPreprocessor
- type OperatingSystem
- type OperatingSystemMemoryInfo
- type OperationContainer
- type OutlierDetectionParameters
- type OverallBucket
- type OverallBucketJob
- type Overlapping
- type Page
- type PagerDutyAction
- type PagerDutyContext
- type PagerDutyEvent
- type PagerDutyEventProxy
- type PagerDutyResult
- type PainlessContextSetup
- type ParentAggregate
- type ParentAggregation
- type ParentIdQuery
- type ParentTaskInfo
- type PassThroughInferenceOptions
- type PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions
- type PathHierarchyTokenizer
- type PatternAnalyzer
- type PatternCaptureTokenFilter
- type PatternReplaceCharFilter
- type PatternReplaceTokenFilter
- type PatternTokenizer
- type PendingTask
- type PendingTasksRecord
- type PerPartitionCategorization
- type Percentage
- type PercentageScoreHeuristic
- type PercentileRanksAggregation
- type Percentiles
- type PercentilesAggregation
- type PercentilesBucketAggregate
- type PercentilesBucketAggregation
- type PercolateQuery
- type PercolatorProperty
- type PersistentTaskStatus
- type Phase
- type Phases
- type PhoneticTokenFilter
- type PhraseSuggest
- type PhraseSuggestCollate
- type PhraseSuggestCollateQuery
- type PhraseSuggestHighlight
- type PhraseSuggestOption
- type PhraseSuggester
- type PinnedDoc
- type PinnedQuery
- type PipeSeparatedFlagsSimpleQueryStringFlag
- type PipelineConfig
- type PipelineMetadata
- type PipelineProcessor
- type PipelineSettings
- type PipelineSimulation
- type Pivot
- type PivotGroupByContainer
- type PluginStats
- type PluginsRecord
- type PluginsStatus
- type PointInTimeReference
- type PointProperty
- type Pool
- type PorterStemTokenFilter
- type PostMigrationFeature
- type PredicateTokenFilter
- type PredictedValue
- type PrefixQuery
- type Preprocessor
- type PressureMemory
- type Privileges
- type PrivilegesActions
- type PrivilegesCheck
- type Process
- type Processor
- type ProcessorContainer
- type Profile
- type Property
- type PublishedClusterStates
- type Queries
- type Query
- type QueryBreakdown
- type QueryCacheStats
- type QueryProfile
- type QueryRule
- type QueryRuleActions
- type QueryRuleCriteria
- type QueryRuleset
- type QueryRulesetListItem
- type QueryStringQuery
- type QueryVectorBuilder
- type QueryWatch
- type QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions
- type QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions
- type RandomScoreFunction
- type RangeAggregate
- type RangeAggregation
- type RangeBucket
- type RangeQuery
- type RankContainer
- type RankEvalHit
- type RankEvalHitItem
- type RankEvalMetric
- type RankEvalMetricDetail
- type RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain
- type RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank
- type RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank
- type RankEvalMetricPrecision
- type RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold
- type RankEvalMetricRecall
- type RankEvalQuery
- type RankEvalRequestItem
- type RankFeatureFunction
- type RankFeatureFunctionLinear
- type RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm
- type RankFeatureFunctionSaturation
- type RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid
- type RankFeatureProperty
- type RankFeatureQuery
- type RankFeaturesProperty
- type RareTermsAggregation
- type RateAggregate
- type RateAggregation
- type ReadException
- type ReadOnlyUrlRepository
- type ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings
- type RealmCache
- type RealmInfo
- type Recording
- type RecoveryBytes
- type RecoveryFiles
- type RecoveryIndexStatus
- type RecoveryOrigin
- type RecoveryRecord
- type RecoveryStartStatus
- type RecoveryStats
- type RecoveryStatus
- type RefreshStats
- type RegexOptions
- type RegexpQuery
- type RegressionInferenceOptions
- type ReindexDestination
- type ReindexNode
- type ReindexSource
- type ReindexStatus
- type ReindexTask
- type ReloadDetails
- type ReloadResult
- type RelocationFailureInfo
- type RemoteSource
- type RemoveAction
- type RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter
- type RemoveIndexAction
- type RemoveProcessor
- type RenameProcessor
- type ReportingEmailAttachment
- type RepositoriesRecord
- type Repository
- type RepositoryIntegrityIndicator
- type RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails
- type RepositoryLocation
- type RepositoryMeteringInformation
- type RequestCacheStats
- type RequestCounts
- type RequestItem
- type RerouteDecision
- type RerouteExplanation
- type RerouteParameters
- type RerouteProcessor
- type Rescore
- type RescoreQuery
- type ReservedSize
- type ResolveClusterInfo
- type ResolveIndexAliasItem
- type ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem
- type ResolveIndexItem
- type ResourcePrivileges
- type ResponseBody
- type ResponseItem
- type Retention
- type RetentionLease
- type RetentionPolicy
- type RetentionPolicyContainer
- type Retries
- type ReverseNestedAggregate
- type ReverseNestedAggregation
- type ReverseTokenFilter
- type Role
- type RoleDescriptor
- type RoleDescriptorRead
- type RoleDescriptorWrapper
- type RoleMappingRule
- type RoleTemplate
- type RoleTemplateInlineQuery
- type RoleTemplateInlineScript
- type RoleTemplateQuery
- type RoleTemplateScript
- type RolloverConditions
- type RollupCapabilities
- type RollupCapabilitySummary
- type RollupFieldSummary
- type RollupJob
- type RollupJobConfiguration
- type RollupJobStats
- type RollupJobStatus
- type RollupJobSummary
- type RollupJobSummaryField
- type RoutingField
- type RrfRank
- type RuleCondition
- type RuleQuery
- type RunningStateSearchInterval
- type RuntimeField
- type RuntimeFieldFetchFields
- type RuntimeFields
- type RuntimeFieldsType
- type S3Repository
- type S3RepositorySettings
- type SLMPolicy
- type SampleDiversity
- type SamplerAggregate
- type SamplerAggregation
- type ScalarValue
- type ScaledFloatNumberProperty
- type ScheduleContainer
- type ScheduleTimeOfDay
- type ScheduleTriggerEvent
- type ScoreSort
- type Script
- type ScriptCache
- type ScriptCondition
- type ScriptField
- type ScriptProcessor
- type ScriptQuery
- type ScriptScoreFunction
- type ScriptScoreQuery
- type ScriptSort
- type ScriptTransform
- type ScriptedHeuristic
- type ScriptedMetricAggregate
- type ScriptedMetricAggregation
- type Scripting
- type ScrollIds
- type SearchApplication
- type SearchApplicationListItem
- type SearchApplicationTemplate
- type SearchAsYouTypeProperty
- type SearchIdle
- type SearchInput
- type SearchInputRequestBody
- type SearchInputRequestDefinition
- type SearchProfile
- type SearchStats
- type SearchTemplateRequestBody
- type SearchTransform
- type SearchableSnapshots
- type Security
- type SecurityRoleMapping
- type SecurityRoles
- type SecurityRolesDls
- type SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache
- type SecurityRolesFile
- type SecurityRolesNative
- type Segment
- type SegmentsRecord
- type SegmentsStats
- type SerialDifferencingAggregation
- type SerializedClusterState
- type SerializedClusterStateDetail
- type ServiceToken
- type SetProcessor
- type SetSecurityUserProcessor
- type Settings
- type SettingsAnalyze
- type SettingsHighlight
- type SettingsQueryString
- type SettingsSearch
- type SettingsSimilarity
- type SettingsSimilarityBm25
- type SettingsSimilarityBoolean
- type SettingsSimilarityDfi
- type SettingsSimilarityDfr
- type SettingsSimilarityIb
- type SettingsSimilarityLmd
- type SettingsSimilarityLmj
- type SettingsSimilarityScripted
- type ShapeFieldQuery
- type ShapeProperty
- type ShapeQuery
- type ShardCommit
- type ShardFailure
- type ShardFileSizeInfo
- type ShardHealthStats
- type ShardLease
- type ShardMigrationStatus
- type ShardPath
- type ShardProfile
- type ShardQueryCache
- type ShardRecovery
- type ShardRetentionLeases
- type ShardRouting
- type ShardSegmentRouting
- type ShardSequenceNumber
- type ShardStatistics
- type ShardStore
- type ShardStoreException
- type ShardStoreIndex
- type ShardStoreNode
- type ShardStoreWrapper
- type ShardsAvailabilityIndicator
- type ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails
- type ShardsCapacityIndicator
- type ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails
- type ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail
- type ShardsRecord
- type ShardsSegment
- type ShardsStatsSummary
- type ShardsStatsSummaryItem
- type ShardsTotalStats
- type Shared
- type SharedFileSystemRepository
- type SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings
- type ShingleTokenFilter
- type ShortNumberProperty
- type ShrinkConfiguration
- type SignificantLongTermsAggregate
- type SignificantLongTermsBucket
- type SignificantStringTermsAggregate
- type SignificantStringTermsBucket
- type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket
- type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket
- type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid
- type SignificantTermsAggregation
- type SignificantTextAggregation
- type SimpleAnalyzer
- type SimpleMovingAverageAggregation
- type SimpleQueryStringFlags
- type SimpleQueryStringQuery
- type SimpleValueAggregate
- type SimulateIngest
- type SimulatedActions
- type SizeField
- type SlackAction
- type SlackAttachment
- type SlackAttachmentField
- type SlackDynamicAttachment
- type SlackMessage
- type SlackResult
- type SlicedScroll
- type Slices
- type Slm
- type SlmIndicator
- type SlmIndicatorDetails
- type SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies
- type SlowlogSettings
- type SlowlogTresholdLevels
- type SlowlogTresholds
- type SmoothingModelContainer
- type SnapshotIndexStats
- type SnapshotInfo
- type SnapshotLifecycle
- type SnapshotResponseItem
- type SnapshotRestore
- type SnapshotShardFailure
- type SnapshotShardsStats
- type SnapshotShardsStatus
- type SnapshotStats
- type SnapshotsRecord
- type SnowballAnalyzer
- type SnowballTokenFilter
- type SoftDeletes
- type Sort
- type SortCombinations
- type SortOptions
- type SortProcessor
- type SourceConfig
- type SourceConfigParam
- type SourceField
- type SourceFilter
- type SourceOnlyRepository
- type SourceOnlyRepositorySettings
- type SpanContainingQuery
- type SpanFieldMaskingQuery
- type SpanFirstQuery
- type SpanGapQuery
- type SpanMultiTermQuery
- type SpanNearQuery
- type SpanNotQuery
- type SpanOrQuery
- type SpanQuery
- type SpanTermQuery
- type SpanWithinQuery
- type SparseEmbeddingResult
- type SparseVector
- type SparseVectorProperty
- type SplitProcessor
- type Sql
- type Ssl
- type StandardAnalyzer
- type StandardDeviationBounds
- type StandardDeviationBoundsAsString
- type StandardTokenizer
- type Statistics
- type Stats
- type StatsAggregate
- type StatsAggregation
- type StatsBucketAggregate
- type StatsBucketAggregation
- type Status
- type StemmerOverrideTokenFilter
- type StemmerTokenFilter
- type StepKey
- type StopAnalyzer
- type StopTokenFilter
- type StopWords
- type Storage
- type StoreStats
- type StoredScript
- type StoredScriptId
- type StringRareTermsAggregate
- type StringRareTermsBucket
- type StringStatsAggregate
- type StringStatsAggregation
- type StringTermsAggregate
- type StringTermsBucket
- type StringifiedEpochTimeUnitMillis
- type StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds
- type StringifiedVersionNumber
- type Stringifiedboolean
- type Stringifiedinteger
- type StupidBackoffSmoothingModel
- type Suggest
- type SuggestContext
- type SuggestFuzziness
- type Suggester
- type SumAggregate
- type SumAggregation
- type SumBucketAggregation
- type Summary
- type SyncContainer
- type SynonymGraphTokenFilter
- type SynonymRule
- type SynonymRuleRead
- type SynonymTokenFilter
- type SynonymsSetItem
- type SynonymsUpdateResult
- type TDigest
- type TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate
- type TDigestPercentilesAggregate
- type TTestAggregate
- type TTestAggregation
- type TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor
- type TaskFailure
- type TaskId
- type TaskInfo
- type TaskInfos
- type TasksRecord
- type Template
- type TemplateConfig
- type TemplateMapping
- type TemplatesRecord
- type Term
- type TermQuery
- type TermSuggest
- type TermSuggestOption
- type TermSuggester
- type TermVector
- type TermVectorsFilter
- type TermVectorsResult
- type TermVectorsToken
- type TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket
- type TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket
- type TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket
- type TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket
- type TermsAggregateBaseVoid
- type TermsAggregation
- type TermsExclude
- type TermsGrouping
- type TermsInclude
- type TermsLookup
- type TermsPartition
- type TermsQuery
- type TermsQueryField
- type TermsSetQuery
- type TestPopulation
- type TextClassificationInferenceOptions
- type TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions
- type TextEmbedding
- type TextEmbeddingByteResult
- type TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions
- type TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions
- type TextEmbeddingResult
- type TextExpansionInferenceOptions
- type TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions
- type TextExpansionQuery
- type TextIndexPrefixes
- type TextProperty
- type TextToAnalyze
- type ThreadCount
- type ThreadPoolRecord
- type ThrottleState
- type TimeOfMonth
- type TimeOfWeek
- type TimeOfYear
- type TimeSync
- type TimingStats
- type TokenCountProperty
- type TokenDetail
- type TokenFilter
- type TokenFilterDefinition
- type TokenPruningConfig
- type TokenizationConfigContainer
- type Tokenizer
- type TokenizerDefinition
- type TopClassEntry
- type TopHit
- type TopHitsAggregate
- type TopHitsAggregation
- type TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds
- type TopMetrics
- type TopMetricsAggregate
- type TopMetricsAggregation
- type TopMetricsValue
- type TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds
- type TotalFeatureImportance
- type TotalFeatureImportanceClass
- type TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics
- type TotalHits
- type TotalUserProfiles
- type TrackHits
- type TrainedModel
- type TrainedModelAssignment
- type TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable
- type TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters
- type TrainedModelConfig
- type TrainedModelConfigInput
- type TrainedModelConfigMetadata
- type TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus
- type TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats
- type TrainedModelDeploymentStats
- type TrainedModelEntities
- type TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance
- type TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance
- type TrainedModelInferenceStats
- type TrainedModelLocation
- type TrainedModelLocationIndex
- type TrainedModelPrefixStrings
- type TrainedModelSizeStats
- type TrainedModelStats
- type TrainedModelTree
- type TrainedModelTreeNode
- type TrainedModelsRecord
- type TransformAuthorization
- type TransformContainer
- type TransformDestination
- type TransformIndexerStats
- type TransformProgress
- type TransformSource
- type TransformStats
- type TransformStatsHealth
- type TransformSummary
- type TransformsRecord
- type Translog
- type TranslogRetention
- type TranslogStats
- type TranslogStatus
- type Transport
- type TransportHistogram
- type TriggerContainer
- type TriggerEventContainer
- type TriggerEventResult
- type TrimProcessor
- type TrimTokenFilter
- type TruncateTokenFilter
- type TypeFieldMappings
- type TypeMapping
- type TypeQuery
- type UaxEmailUrlTokenizer
- type UnassignedInformation
- type UniqueTokenFilter
- type UnmappedRareTermsAggregate
- type UnmappedSamplerAggregate
- type UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate
- type UnmappedTermsAggregate
- type UnratedDocument
- type UnsignedLongNumberProperty
- type UpdateAction
- type UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode
- type UpdateOperation
- type UppercaseProcessor
- type UppercaseTokenFilter
- type UrlDecodeProcessor
- type UsageStatsIndex
- type UsageStatsShards
- type User
- type UserAgentProcessor
- type UserIndicesPrivileges
- type UserProfile
- type UserProfileHitMetadata
- type UserProfileUser
- type UserProfileWithMetadata
- type UserRealm
- type ValidationLoss
- type ValueCountAggregate
- type ValueCountAggregation
- type VariableWidthHistogramAggregate
- type VariableWidthHistogramAggregation
- type VariableWidthHistogramBucket
- type Vector
- type VerifyIndex
- type VersionProperty
- type Vertex
- type VertexDefinition
- type VertexInclude
- type Vocabulary
- type WaitForActiveShards
- type WarmerStats
- type Watch
- type WatchRecord
- type WatchRecordQueuedStats
- type WatchRecordStats
- type WatchStatus
- type Watcher
- type WatcherAction
- type WatcherActionTotals
- type WatcherActions
- type WatcherCondition
- type WatcherInput
- type WatcherNodeStats
- type WatcherStatusActions
- type WatcherWatch
- type WatcherWatchTrigger
- type WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule
- type WebhookAction
- type WebhookResult
- type WeightedAverageAggregation
- type WeightedAverageValue
- type WeightedAvgAggregate
- type WeightedTokensQuery
- type Weights
- type WhitespaceAnalyzer
- type WhitespaceTokenizer
- type WildcardProperty
- type WildcardQuery
- type WktGeoBounds
- type WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter
- type WordDelimiterTokenFilter
- type WrapperQuery
- type WriteOperation
- type XpackDatafeed
- type XpackFeature
- type XpackFeatures
- type XpackQuery
- type XpackRealm
- type XpackRoleMapping
- type XpackRuntimeFieldTypes
- type ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions
- type ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APIKeyAggregate ¶
type APIKeyAggregate interface{}
APIKeyAggregate holds the union for the following types:
CardinalityAggregate ValueCountAggregate StringTermsAggregate LongTermsAggregate DoubleTermsAggregate UnmappedTermsAggregate MultiTermsAggregate MissingAggregate FilterAggregate FiltersAggregate RangeAggregate DateRangeAggregate CompositeAggregate
type APIKeyAggregationContainer ¶
type APIKeyAggregationContainer struct { // Aggregations Sub-aggregations for this aggregation. // Only applies to bucket aggregations. Aggregations map[string]APIKeyAggregationContainer `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` // Cardinality A single-value metrics aggregation that calculates an approximate count of // distinct values. Cardinality *CardinalityAggregation `json:"cardinality,omitempty"` // Composite A multi-bucket aggregation that creates composite buckets from different // sources. // Unlike the other multi-bucket aggregations, you can use the `composite` // aggregation to paginate *all* buckets from a multi-level aggregation // efficiently. Composite *CompositeAggregation `json:"composite,omitempty"` // DateRange A multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define // a set of date ranges - each representing a bucket. DateRange *DateRangeAggregation `json:"date_range,omitempty"` // Filter A single bucket aggregation that narrows the set of documents to those that // match a query. Filter *APIKeyQueryContainer `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Filters A multi-bucket aggregation where each bucket contains the documents that // match a query. Filters *APIKeyFiltersAggregation `json:"filters,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Missing *MissingAggregation `json:"missing,omitempty"` // Range A multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define // a set of ranges - each representing a bucket. Range *RangeAggregation `json:"range,omitempty"` // Terms A multi-bucket value source based aggregation where buckets are dynamically // built - one per unique value. Terms *TermsAggregation `json:"terms,omitempty"` // ValueCount A single-value metrics aggregation that counts the number of values that are // extracted from the aggregated documents. ValueCount *ValueCountAggregation `json:"value_count,omitempty"` }
APIKeyAggregationContainer type.
func NewAPIKeyAggregationContainer ¶
func NewAPIKeyAggregationContainer() *APIKeyAggregationContainer
NewAPIKeyAggregationContainer returns a APIKeyAggregationContainer.
func (*APIKeyAggregationContainer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *APIKeyAggregationContainer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type APIKeyFiltersAggregation ¶
type APIKeyFiltersAggregation struct { // Filters Collection of queries from which to build buckets. Filters BucketsAPIKeyQueryContainer `json:"filters,omitempty"` // Keyed By default, the named filters aggregation returns the buckets as an object. // Set to `false` to return the buckets as an array of objects. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // OtherBucket Set to `true` to add a bucket to the response which will contain all // documents that do not match any of the given filters. OtherBucket *bool `json:"other_bucket,omitempty"` // OtherBucketKey The key with which the other bucket is returned. OtherBucketKey *string `json:"other_bucket_key,omitempty"` }
APIKeyFiltersAggregation type.
func NewAPIKeyFiltersAggregation ¶
func NewAPIKeyFiltersAggregation() *APIKeyFiltersAggregation
NewAPIKeyFiltersAggregation returns a APIKeyFiltersAggregation.
func (*APIKeyFiltersAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *APIKeyFiltersAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type APIKeyQueryContainer ¶
type APIKeyQueryContainer struct { // Bool matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries. Bool *BoolQuery `json:"bool,omitempty"` // Exists Returns documents that contain an indexed value for a field. Exists *ExistsQuery `json:"exists,omitempty"` // Ids Returns documents based on their IDs. // This query uses document IDs stored in the `_id` field. Ids *IdsQuery `json:"ids,omitempty"` // Match Returns documents that match a provided text, number, date or boolean value. // The provided text is analyzed before matching. Match map[string]MatchQuery `json:"match,omitempty"` // MatchAll Matches all documents, giving them all a `_score` of 1.0. MatchAll *MatchAllQuery `json:"match_all,omitempty"` // Prefix Returns documents that contain a specific prefix in a provided field. Prefix map[string]PrefixQuery `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // Range Returns documents that contain terms within a provided range. Range map[string]RangeQuery `json:"range,omitempty"` // SimpleQueryString Returns documents based on a provided query string, using a parser with a // limited but fault-tolerant syntax. SimpleQueryString *SimpleQueryStringQuery `json:"simple_query_string,omitempty"` // Term Returns documents that contain an exact term in a provided field. // To return a document, the query term must exactly match the queried field's // value, including whitespace and capitalization. Term map[string]TermQuery `json:"term,omitempty"` // Terms Returns documents that contain one or more exact terms in a provided field. // To return a document, one or more terms must exactly match a field value, // including whitespace and capitalization. Terms *TermsQuery `json:"terms,omitempty"` // Wildcard Returns documents that contain terms matching a wildcard pattern. Wildcard map[string]WildcardQuery `json:"wildcard,omitempty"` }
APIKeyQueryContainer type.
func NewAPIKeyQueryContainer ¶
func NewAPIKeyQueryContainer() *APIKeyQueryContainer
NewAPIKeyQueryContainer returns a APIKeyQueryContainer.
type AcknowledgeState ¶
type AcknowledgeState struct { State acknowledgementoptions.AcknowledgementOptions `json:"state"` Timestamp DateTime `json:"timestamp"` }
AcknowledgeState type.
func NewAcknowledgeState ¶
func NewAcknowledgeState() *AcknowledgeState
NewAcknowledgeState returns a AcknowledgeState.
func (*AcknowledgeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AcknowledgeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Acknowledgement ¶
Acknowledgement type.
func NewAcknowledgement ¶
func NewAcknowledgement() *Acknowledgement
NewAcknowledgement returns a Acknowledgement.
func (*Acknowledgement) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Acknowledgement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ActionStatus ¶
type ActionStatus struct { Ack AcknowledgeState `json:"ack"` LastExecution *ExecutionState `json:"last_execution,omitempty"` LastSuccessfulExecution *ExecutionState `json:"last_successful_execution,omitempty"` LastThrottle *ThrottleState `json:"last_throttle,omitempty"` }
ActionStatus type.
func NewActionStatus ¶
func NewActionStatus() *ActionStatus
NewActionStatus returns a ActionStatus.
type ActivationState ¶
ActivationState type.
func NewActivationState ¶
func NewActivationState() *ActivationState
NewActivationState returns a ActivationState.
func (*ActivationState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ActivationState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ActivationStatus ¶
type ActivationStatus struct { Actions WatcherStatusActions `json:"actions"` State ActivationState `json:"state"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
ActivationStatus type.
func NewActivationStatus ¶
func NewActivationStatus() *ActivationStatus
NewActivationStatus returns a ActivationStatus.
func (*ActivationStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ActivationStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AdaptiveSelection ¶
type AdaptiveSelection struct { // AvgQueueSize The exponentially weighted moving average queue size of search requests on // the keyed node. AvgQueueSize *int64 `json:"avg_queue_size,omitempty"` // AvgResponseTime The exponentially weighted moving average response time of search requests on // the keyed node. AvgResponseTime Duration `json:"avg_response_time,omitempty"` // AvgResponseTimeNs The exponentially weighted moving average response time, in nanoseconds, of // search requests on the keyed node. AvgResponseTimeNs *int64 `json:"avg_response_time_ns,omitempty"` // AvgServiceTime The exponentially weighted moving average service time of search requests on // the keyed node. AvgServiceTime Duration `json:"avg_service_time,omitempty"` // AvgServiceTimeNs The exponentially weighted moving average service time, in nanoseconds, of // search requests on the keyed node. AvgServiceTimeNs *int64 `json:"avg_service_time_ns,omitempty"` // OutgoingSearches The number of outstanding search requests to the keyed node from the node // these stats are for. OutgoingSearches *int64 `json:"outgoing_searches,omitempty"` // Rank The rank of this node; used for shard selection when routing search requests. Rank *string `json:"rank,omitempty"` }
AdaptiveSelection type.
func NewAdaptiveSelection ¶
func NewAdaptiveSelection() *AdaptiveSelection
NewAdaptiveSelection returns a AdaptiveSelection.
func (*AdaptiveSelection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AdaptiveSelection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AddAction ¶
type AddAction struct { // Alias Alias for the action. // Index alias names support date math. Alias *string `json:"alias,omitempty"` // Aliases Aliases for the action. // Index alias names support date math. Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"` // Filter Query used to limit documents the alias can access. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Index Data stream or index for the action. // Supports wildcards (`*`). Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // IndexRouting Value used to route indexing operations to a specific shard. // If specified, this overwrites the `routing` value for indexing operations. // Data stream aliases don’t support this parameter. IndexRouting *string `json:"index_routing,omitempty"` // Indices Data streams or indices for the action. // Supports wildcards (`*`). Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // IsHidden If `true`, the alias is hidden. IsHidden *bool `json:"is_hidden,omitempty"` // IsWriteIndex If `true`, sets the write index or data stream for the alias. IsWriteIndex *bool `json:"is_write_index,omitempty"` // MustExist If `true`, the alias must exist to perform the action. MustExist *bool `json:"must_exist,omitempty"` // Routing Value used to route indexing and search operations to a specific shard. // Data stream aliases don’t support this parameter. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // SearchRouting Value used to route search operations to a specific shard. // If specified, this overwrites the `routing` value for search operations. // Data stream aliases don’t support this parameter. SearchRouting *string `json:"search_routing,omitempty"` }
AddAction type.
func (*AddAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AdjacencyMatrixAggregate ¶
type AdjacencyMatrixAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsAdjacencyMatrixBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
AdjacencyMatrixAggregate type.
func NewAdjacencyMatrixAggregate ¶
func NewAdjacencyMatrixAggregate() *AdjacencyMatrixAggregate
NewAdjacencyMatrixAggregate returns a AdjacencyMatrixAggregate.
func (*AdjacencyMatrixAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AdjacencyMatrixAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AdjacencyMatrixAggregation ¶
type AdjacencyMatrixAggregation struct { // Filters Filters used to create buckets. // At least one filter is required. Filters map[string]Query `json:"filters,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
AdjacencyMatrixAggregation type.
func NewAdjacencyMatrixAggregation ¶
func NewAdjacencyMatrixAggregation() *AdjacencyMatrixAggregation
NewAdjacencyMatrixAggregation returns a AdjacencyMatrixAggregation.
func (*AdjacencyMatrixAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AdjacencyMatrixAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AdjacencyMatrixBucket ¶
type AdjacencyMatrixBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key string `json:"key"` }
AdjacencyMatrixBucket type.
func NewAdjacencyMatrixBucket ¶
func NewAdjacencyMatrixBucket() *AdjacencyMatrixBucket
NewAdjacencyMatrixBucket returns a AdjacencyMatrixBucket.
func (AdjacencyMatrixBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s AdjacencyMatrixBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*AdjacencyMatrixBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AdjacencyMatrixBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Aggregate ¶
type Aggregate interface{}
Aggregate holds the union for the following types:
CardinalityAggregate HdrPercentilesAggregate HdrPercentileRanksAggregate TDigestPercentilesAggregate TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate PercentilesBucketAggregate MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate MinAggregate MaxAggregate SumAggregate AvgAggregate WeightedAvgAggregate ValueCountAggregate SimpleValueAggregate DerivativeAggregate BucketMetricValueAggregate StatsAggregate StatsBucketAggregate ExtendedStatsAggregate ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate GeoBoundsAggregate GeoCentroidAggregate HistogramAggregate DateHistogramAggregate AutoDateHistogramAggregate VariableWidthHistogramAggregate StringTermsAggregate LongTermsAggregate DoubleTermsAggregate UnmappedTermsAggregate LongRareTermsAggregate StringRareTermsAggregate UnmappedRareTermsAggregate MultiTermsAggregate MissingAggregate NestedAggregate ReverseNestedAggregate GlobalAggregate FilterAggregate ChildrenAggregate ParentAggregate SamplerAggregate UnmappedSamplerAggregate GeoHashGridAggregate GeoTileGridAggregate GeoHexGridAggregate RangeAggregate DateRangeAggregate GeoDistanceAggregate IpRangeAggregate IpPrefixAggregate FiltersAggregate AdjacencyMatrixAggregate SignificantLongTermsAggregate SignificantStringTermsAggregate UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate CompositeAggregate FrequentItemSetsAggregate ScriptedMetricAggregate TopHitsAggregate InferenceAggregate StringStatsAggregate BoxPlotAggregate TopMetricsAggregate TTestAggregate RateAggregate CumulativeCardinalityAggregate MatrixStatsAggregate GeoLineAggregate
type AggregateMetricDoubleProperty ¶
type AggregateMetricDoubleProperty struct { DefaultMetric string `json:"default_metric"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Metrics []string `json:"metrics"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
AggregateMetricDoubleProperty type.
func NewAggregateMetricDoubleProperty ¶
func NewAggregateMetricDoubleProperty() *AggregateMetricDoubleProperty
NewAggregateMetricDoubleProperty returns a AggregateMetricDoubleProperty.
func (AggregateMetricDoubleProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s AggregateMetricDoubleProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*AggregateMetricDoubleProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AggregateMetricDoubleProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AggregateOrder ¶
type AggregateOrder interface{}
AggregateOrder holds the union for the following types:
map[string]sortorder.SortOrder []map[string]sortorder.SortOrder
type AggregateOutput ¶
type AggregateOutput struct { Exponent *Weights `json:"exponent,omitempty"` LogisticRegression *Weights `json:"logistic_regression,omitempty"` WeightedMode *Weights `json:"weighted_mode,omitempty"` WeightedSum *Weights `json:"weighted_sum,omitempty"` }
AggregateOutput type.
func NewAggregateOutput ¶
func NewAggregateOutput() *AggregateOutput
NewAggregateOutput returns a AggregateOutput.
type Aggregation ¶
type Aggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Aggregation type.
func (*Aggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Aggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AggregationBreakdown ¶
type AggregationBreakdown struct { BuildAggregation int64 `json:"build_aggregation"` BuildAggregationCount int64 `json:"build_aggregation_count"` BuildLeafCollector int64 `json:"build_leaf_collector"` BuildLeafCollectorCount int64 `json:"build_leaf_collector_count"` Collect int64 `json:"collect"` CollectCount int64 `json:"collect_count"` Initialize int64 `json:"initialize"` InitializeCount int64 `json:"initialize_count"` PostCollection *int64 `json:"post_collection,omitempty"` PostCollectionCount *int64 `json:"post_collection_count,omitempty"` Reduce int64 `json:"reduce"` ReduceCount int64 `json:"reduce_count"` }
AggregationBreakdown type.
func NewAggregationBreakdown ¶
func NewAggregationBreakdown() *AggregationBreakdown
NewAggregationBreakdown returns a AggregationBreakdown.
func (*AggregationBreakdown) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AggregationBreakdown) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AggregationProfile ¶
type AggregationProfile struct { Breakdown AggregationBreakdown `json:"breakdown"` Children []AggregationProfile `json:"children,omitempty"` Debug *AggregationProfileDebug `json:"debug,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` TimeInNanos int64 `json:"time_in_nanos"` Type string `json:"type"` }
AggregationProfile type.
func NewAggregationProfile ¶
func NewAggregationProfile() *AggregationProfile
NewAggregationProfile returns a AggregationProfile.
func (*AggregationProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AggregationProfile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AggregationProfileDebug ¶
type AggregationProfileDebug struct { BuiltBuckets *int `json:"built_buckets,omitempty"` CharsFetched *int `json:"chars_fetched,omitempty"` CollectAnalyzedCount *int `json:"collect_analyzed_count,omitempty"` CollectAnalyzedNs *int `json:"collect_analyzed_ns,omitempty"` CollectionStrategy *string `json:"collection_strategy,omitempty"` DeferredAggregators []string `json:"deferred_aggregators,omitempty"` Delegate *string `json:"delegate,omitempty"` DelegateDebug *AggregationProfileDebug `json:"delegate_debug,omitempty"` EmptyCollectorsUsed *int `json:"empty_collectors_used,omitempty"` ExtractCount *int `json:"extract_count,omitempty"` ExtractNs *int `json:"extract_ns,omitempty"` Filters []AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter `json:"filters,omitempty"` HasFilter *bool `json:"has_filter,omitempty"` MapReducer *string `json:"map_reducer,omitempty"` NumericCollectorsUsed *int `json:"numeric_collectors_used,omitempty"` OrdinalsCollectorsOverheadTooHigh *int `json:"ordinals_collectors_overhead_too_high,omitempty"` OrdinalsCollectorsUsed *int `json:"ordinals_collectors_used,omitempty"` ResultStrategy *string `json:"result_strategy,omitempty"` SegmentsCollected *int `json:"segments_collected,omitempty"` SegmentsCounted *int `json:"segments_counted,omitempty"` SegmentsWithDeletedDocs *int `json:"segments_with_deleted_docs,omitempty"` SegmentsWithDocCountField *int `json:"segments_with_doc_count_field,omitempty"` SegmentsWithMultiValuedOrds *int `json:"segments_with_multi_valued_ords,omitempty"` SegmentsWithSingleValuedOrds *int `json:"segments_with_single_valued_ords,omitempty"` StringHashingCollectorsUsed *int `json:"string_hashing_collectors_used,omitempty"` SurvivingBuckets *int `json:"surviving_buckets,omitempty"` TotalBuckets *int `json:"total_buckets,omitempty"` ValuesFetched *int `json:"values_fetched,omitempty"` }
AggregationProfileDebug type.
func NewAggregationProfileDebug ¶
func NewAggregationProfileDebug() *AggregationProfileDebug
NewAggregationProfileDebug returns a AggregationProfileDebug.
func (*AggregationProfileDebug) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AggregationProfileDebug) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter ¶
type AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter struct { Query *string `json:"query,omitempty"` ResultsFromMetadata *int `json:"results_from_metadata,omitempty"` SegmentsCountedInConstantTime *int `json:"segments_counted_in_constant_time,omitempty"` SpecializedFor *string `json:"specialized_for,omitempty"` }
AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter type.
func NewAggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter ¶
func NewAggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter() *AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter
NewAggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter returns a AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter.
func (*AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AggregationProfileDelegateDebugFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AggregationRange ¶
type AggregationRange struct { // From Start of the range (inclusive). From string `json:"from,omitempty"` // Key Custom key to return the range with. Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // To End of the range (exclusive). To string `json:"to,omitempty"` }
AggregationRange type.
func NewAggregationRange ¶
func NewAggregationRange() *AggregationRange
NewAggregationRange returns a AggregationRange.
func (*AggregationRange) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AggregationRange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Aggregations ¶
type Aggregations struct { // AdjacencyMatrix A bucket aggregation returning a form of adjacency matrix. // The request provides a collection of named filter expressions, similar to the // `filters` aggregation. // Each bucket in the response represents a non-empty cell in the matrix of // intersecting filters. AdjacencyMatrix *AdjacencyMatrixAggregation `json:"adjacency_matrix,omitempty"` // Aggregations Sub-aggregations for this aggregation. // Only applies to bucket aggregations. Aggregations map[string]Aggregations `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` // AutoDateHistogram A multi-bucket aggregation similar to the date histogram, except instead of // providing an interval to use as the width of each bucket, a target number of // buckets is provided. AutoDateHistogram *AutoDateHistogramAggregation `json:"auto_date_histogram,omitempty"` // Avg A single-value metrics aggregation that computes the average of numeric // values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. Avg *AverageAggregation `json:"avg,omitempty"` // AvgBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates the mean value of a specified // metric in a sibling aggregation. // The specified metric must be numeric and the sibling aggregation must be a // multi-bucket aggregation. AvgBucket *AverageBucketAggregation `json:"avg_bucket,omitempty"` // Boxplot A metrics aggregation that computes a box plot of numeric values extracted // from the aggregated documents. Boxplot *BoxplotAggregation `json:"boxplot,omitempty"` // BucketCorrelation A sibling pipeline aggregation which runs a correlation function on the // configured sibling multi-bucket aggregation. BucketCorrelation *BucketCorrelationAggregation `json:"bucket_correlation,omitempty"` // BucketCountKsTest A sibling pipeline aggregation which runs a two sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov // test ("K-S test") against a provided distribution and the distribution // implied by the documents counts in the configured sibling aggregation. BucketCountKsTest *BucketKsAggregation `json:"bucket_count_ks_test,omitempty"` // BucketScript A parent pipeline aggregation which runs a script which can perform per // bucket computations on metrics in the parent multi-bucket aggregation. BucketScript *BucketScriptAggregation `json:"bucket_script,omitempty"` // BucketSelector A parent pipeline aggregation which runs a script to determine whether the // current bucket will be retained in the parent multi-bucket aggregation. BucketSelector *BucketSelectorAggregation `json:"bucket_selector,omitempty"` // BucketSort A parent pipeline aggregation which sorts the buckets of its parent // multi-bucket aggregation. BucketSort *BucketSortAggregation `json:"bucket_sort,omitempty"` // Cardinality A single-value metrics aggregation that calculates an approximate count of // distinct values. Cardinality *CardinalityAggregation `json:"cardinality,omitempty"` // CategorizeText A multi-bucket aggregation that groups semi-structured text into buckets. CategorizeText *CategorizeTextAggregation `json:"categorize_text,omitempty"` // Children A single bucket aggregation that selects child documents that have the // specified type, as defined in a `join` field. Children *ChildrenAggregation `json:"children,omitempty"` // Composite A multi-bucket aggregation that creates composite buckets from different // sources. // Unlike the other multi-bucket aggregations, you can use the `composite` // aggregation to paginate *all* buckets from a multi-level aggregation // efficiently. Composite *CompositeAggregation `json:"composite,omitempty"` // CumulativeCardinality A parent pipeline aggregation which calculates the cumulative cardinality in // a parent `histogram` or `date_histogram` aggregation. CumulativeCardinality *CumulativeCardinalityAggregation `json:"cumulative_cardinality,omitempty"` // CumulativeSum A parent pipeline aggregation which calculates the cumulative sum of a // specified metric in a parent `histogram` or `date_histogram` aggregation. CumulativeSum *CumulativeSumAggregation `json:"cumulative_sum,omitempty"` // DateHistogram A multi-bucket values source based aggregation that can be applied on date // values or date range values extracted from the documents. // It dynamically builds fixed size (interval) buckets over the values. DateHistogram *DateHistogramAggregation `json:"date_histogram,omitempty"` // DateRange A multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define // a set of date ranges - each representing a bucket. DateRange *DateRangeAggregation `json:"date_range,omitempty"` // Derivative A parent pipeline aggregation which calculates the derivative of a specified // metric in a parent `histogram` or `date_histogram` aggregation. Derivative *DerivativeAggregation `json:"derivative,omitempty"` // DiversifiedSampler A filtering aggregation used to limit any sub aggregations' processing to a // sample of the top-scoring documents. // Similar to the `sampler` aggregation, but adds the ability to limit the // number of matches that share a common value. DiversifiedSampler *DiversifiedSamplerAggregation `json:"diversified_sampler,omitempty"` // ExtendedStats A multi-value metrics aggregation that computes stats over numeric values // extracted from the aggregated documents. ExtendedStats *ExtendedStatsAggregation `json:"extended_stats,omitempty"` // ExtendedStatsBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates a variety of stats across all // bucket of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. ExtendedStatsBucket *ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation `json:"extended_stats_bucket,omitempty"` // Filter A single bucket aggregation that narrows the set of documents to those that // match a query. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Filters A multi-bucket aggregation where each bucket contains the documents that // match a query. Filters *FiltersAggregation `json:"filters,omitempty"` // FrequentItemSets A bucket aggregation which finds frequent item sets, a form of association // rules mining that identifies items that often occur together. FrequentItemSets *FrequentItemSetsAggregation `json:"frequent_item_sets,omitempty"` // GeoBounds A metric aggregation that computes the geographic bounding box containing all // values for a Geopoint or Geoshape field. GeoBounds *GeoBoundsAggregation `json:"geo_bounds,omitempty"` // GeoCentroid A metric aggregation that computes the weighted centroid from all coordinate // values for geo fields. GeoCentroid *GeoCentroidAggregation `json:"geo_centroid,omitempty"` // GeoDistance A multi-bucket aggregation that works on `geo_point` fields. // Evaluates the distance of each document value from an origin point and // determines the buckets it belongs to, based on ranges defined in the request. GeoDistance *GeoDistanceAggregation `json:"geo_distance,omitempty"` // GeoLine Aggregates all `geo_point` values within a bucket into a `LineString` ordered // by the chosen sort field. GeoLine *GeoLineAggregation `json:"geo_line,omitempty"` // GeohashGrid A multi-bucket aggregation that groups `geo_point` and `geo_shape` values // into buckets that represent a grid. // Each cell is labeled using a geohash which is of user-definable precision. GeohashGrid *GeoHashGridAggregation `json:"geohash_grid,omitempty"` // GeohexGrid A multi-bucket aggregation that groups `geo_point` and `geo_shape` values // into buckets that represent a grid. // Each cell corresponds to a H3 cell index and is labeled using the H3Index // representation. GeohexGrid *GeohexGridAggregation `json:"geohex_grid,omitempty"` // GeotileGrid A multi-bucket aggregation that groups `geo_point` and `geo_shape` values // into buckets that represent a grid. // Each cell corresponds to a map tile as used by many online map sites. GeotileGrid *GeoTileGridAggregation `json:"geotile_grid,omitempty"` // Global Defines a single bucket of all the documents within the search execution // context. // This context is defined by the indices and the document types you’re // searching on, but is not influenced by the search query itself. Global *GlobalAggregation `json:"global,omitempty"` // Histogram A multi-bucket values source based aggregation that can be applied on numeric // values or numeric range values extracted from the documents. // It dynamically builds fixed size (interval) buckets over the values. Histogram *HistogramAggregation `json:"histogram,omitempty"` // Inference A parent pipeline aggregation which loads a pre-trained model and performs // inference on the collated result fields from the parent bucket aggregation. Inference *InferenceAggregation `json:"inference,omitempty"` // IpPrefix A bucket aggregation that groups documents based on the network or // sub-network of an IP address. IpPrefix *IpPrefixAggregation `json:"ip_prefix,omitempty"` // IpRange A multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define // a set of IP ranges - each representing a bucket. IpRange *IpRangeAggregation `json:"ip_range,omitempty"` Line *GeoLineAggregation `json:"line,omitempty"` // MatrixStats A numeric aggregation that computes the following statistics over a set of // document fields: `count`, `mean`, `variance`, `skewness`, `kurtosis`, // `covariance`, and `covariance`. MatrixStats *MatrixStatsAggregation `json:"matrix_stats,omitempty"` // Max A single-value metrics aggregation that returns the maximum value among the // numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. Max *MaxAggregation `json:"max,omitempty"` // MaxBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which identifies the bucket(s) with the // maximum value of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation and outputs both // the value and the key(s) of the bucket(s). MaxBucket *MaxBucketAggregation `json:"max_bucket,omitempty"` // MedianAbsoluteDeviation A single-value aggregation that approximates the median absolute deviation of // its search results. MedianAbsoluteDeviation *MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation `json:"median_absolute_deviation,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Min A single-value metrics aggregation that returns the minimum value among // numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. Min *MinAggregation `json:"min,omitempty"` // MinBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which identifies the bucket(s) with the // minimum value of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation and outputs both // the value and the key(s) of the bucket(s). MinBucket *MinBucketAggregation `json:"min_bucket,omitempty"` // Missing A field data based single bucket aggregation, that creates a bucket of all // documents in the current document set context that are missing a field value // (effectively, missing a field or having the configured NULL value set). Missing *MissingAggregation `json:"missing,omitempty"` MovingAvg MovingAverageAggregation `json:"moving_avg,omitempty"` // MovingFn Given an ordered series of data, "slides" a window across the data and runs a // custom script on each window of data. // For convenience, a number of common functions are predefined such as `min`, // `max`, and moving averages. MovingFn *MovingFunctionAggregation `json:"moving_fn,omitempty"` // MovingPercentiles Given an ordered series of percentiles, "slides" a window across those // percentiles and computes cumulative percentiles. MovingPercentiles *MovingPercentilesAggregation `json:"moving_percentiles,omitempty"` // MultiTerms A multi-bucket value source based aggregation where buckets are dynamically // built - one per unique set of values. MultiTerms *MultiTermsAggregation `json:"multi_terms,omitempty"` // Nested A special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating nested // documents. Nested *NestedAggregation `json:"nested,omitempty"` // Normalize A parent pipeline aggregation which calculates the specific // normalized/rescaled value for a specific bucket value. Normalize *NormalizeAggregation `json:"normalize,omitempty"` // Parent A special single bucket aggregation that selects parent documents that have // the specified type, as defined in a `join` field. Parent *ParentAggregation `json:"parent,omitempty"` // PercentileRanks A multi-value metrics aggregation that calculates one or more percentile // ranks over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. PercentileRanks *PercentileRanksAggregation `json:"percentile_ranks,omitempty"` // Percentiles A multi-value metrics aggregation that calculates one or more percentiles // over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. Percentiles *PercentilesAggregation `json:"percentiles,omitempty"` // PercentilesBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates percentiles across all bucket // of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. PercentilesBucket *PercentilesBucketAggregation `json:"percentiles_bucket,omitempty"` // Range A multi-bucket value source based aggregation that enables the user to define // a set of ranges - each representing a bucket. Range *RangeAggregation `json:"range,omitempty"` // RareTerms A multi-bucket value source based aggregation which finds "rare" terms — // terms that are at the long-tail of the distribution and are not frequent. RareTerms *RareTermsAggregation `json:"rare_terms,omitempty"` // Rate Calculates a rate of documents or a field in each bucket. // Can only be used inside a `date_histogram` or `composite` aggregation. Rate *RateAggregation `json:"rate,omitempty"` // ReverseNested A special single bucket aggregation that enables aggregating on parent // documents from nested documents. // Should only be defined inside a `nested` aggregation. ReverseNested *ReverseNestedAggregation `json:"reverse_nested,omitempty"` // Sampler A filtering aggregation used to limit any sub aggregations' processing to a // sample of the top-scoring documents. Sampler *SamplerAggregation `json:"sampler,omitempty"` // ScriptedMetric A metric aggregation that uses scripts to provide a metric output. ScriptedMetric *ScriptedMetricAggregation `json:"scripted_metric,omitempty"` // SerialDiff An aggregation that subtracts values in a time series from themselves at // different time lags or periods. SerialDiff *SerialDifferencingAggregation `json:"serial_diff,omitempty"` // SignificantTerms Returns interesting or unusual occurrences of terms in a set. SignificantTerms *SignificantTermsAggregation `json:"significant_terms,omitempty"` // SignificantText Returns interesting or unusual occurrences of free-text terms in a set. SignificantText *SignificantTextAggregation `json:"significant_text,omitempty"` // Stats A multi-value metrics aggregation that computes stats over numeric values // extracted from the aggregated documents. Stats *StatsAggregation `json:"stats,omitempty"` // StatsBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates a variety of stats across all // bucket of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. StatsBucket *StatsBucketAggregation `json:"stats_bucket,omitempty"` // StringStats A multi-value metrics aggregation that computes statistics over string values // extracted from the aggregated documents. StringStats *StringStatsAggregation `json:"string_stats,omitempty"` // Sum A single-value metrics aggregation that sums numeric values that are // extracted from the aggregated documents. Sum *SumAggregation `json:"sum,omitempty"` // SumBucket A sibling pipeline aggregation which calculates the sum of a specified metric // across all buckets in a sibling aggregation. SumBucket *SumBucketAggregation `json:"sum_bucket,omitempty"` // TTest A metrics aggregation that performs a statistical hypothesis test in which // the test statistic follows a Student’s t-distribution under the null // hypothesis on numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. TTest *TTestAggregation `json:"t_test,omitempty"` // Terms A multi-bucket value source based aggregation where buckets are dynamically // built - one per unique value. Terms *TermsAggregation `json:"terms,omitempty"` // TopHits A metric aggregation that returns the top matching documents per bucket. TopHits *TopHitsAggregation `json:"top_hits,omitempty"` // TopMetrics A metric aggregation that selects metrics from the document with the largest // or smallest sort value. TopMetrics *TopMetricsAggregation `json:"top_metrics,omitempty"` // ValueCount A single-value metrics aggregation that counts the number of values that are // extracted from the aggregated documents. ValueCount *ValueCountAggregation `json:"value_count,omitempty"` // VariableWidthHistogram A multi-bucket aggregation similar to the histogram, except instead of // providing an interval to use as the width of each bucket, a target number of // buckets is provided. VariableWidthHistogram *VariableWidthHistogramAggregation `json:"variable_width_histogram,omitempty"` // WeightedAvg A single-value metrics aggregation that computes the weighted average of // numeric values that are extracted from the aggregated documents. WeightedAvg *WeightedAverageAggregation `json:"weighted_avg,omitempty"` }
Aggregations type.
func NewAggregations ¶
func NewAggregations() *Aggregations
NewAggregations returns a Aggregations.
func (*Aggregations) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Aggregations) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Alias ¶
type Alias struct { // Filter Query used to limit documents the alias can access. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // IndexRouting Value used to route indexing operations to a specific shard. // If specified, this overwrites the `routing` value for indexing operations. IndexRouting *string `json:"index_routing,omitempty"` // IsHidden If `true`, the alias is hidden. // All indices for the alias must have the same `is_hidden` value. IsHidden *bool `json:"is_hidden,omitempty"` // IsWriteIndex If `true`, the index is the write index for the alias. IsWriteIndex *bool `json:"is_write_index,omitempty"` // Routing Value used to route indexing and search operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // SearchRouting Value used to route search operations to a specific shard. // If specified, this overwrites the `routing` value for search operations. SearchRouting *string `json:"search_routing,omitempty"` }
Alias type.
func (*Alias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AliasDefinition ¶
type AliasDefinition struct { // Filter Query used to limit documents the alias can access. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // IndexRouting Value used to route indexing operations to a specific shard. // If specified, this overwrites the `routing` value for indexing operations. IndexRouting *string `json:"index_routing,omitempty"` // IsHidden If `true`, the alias is hidden. // All indices for the alias must have the same `is_hidden` value. IsHidden *bool `json:"is_hidden,omitempty"` // IsWriteIndex If `true`, the index is the write index for the alias. IsWriteIndex *bool `json:"is_write_index,omitempty"` // Routing Value used to route indexing and search operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // SearchRouting Value used to route search operations to a specific shard. // If specified, this overwrites the `routing` value for search operations. SearchRouting *string `json:"search_routing,omitempty"` }
AliasDefinition type.
func NewAliasDefinition ¶
func NewAliasDefinition() *AliasDefinition
NewAliasDefinition returns a AliasDefinition.
func (*AliasDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AliasDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AliasesRecord ¶
type AliasesRecord struct { // Alias alias name Alias *string `json:"alias,omitempty"` // Filter filter Filter *string `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Index index alias points to Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // IsWriteIndex write index IsWriteIndex *string `json:"is_write_index,omitempty"` // RoutingIndex index routing RoutingIndex *string `json:"routing.index,omitempty"` // RoutingSearch search routing RoutingSearch *string `json:",omitempty"` }
AliasesRecord type.
func NewAliasesRecord ¶
func NewAliasesRecord() *AliasesRecord
NewAliasesRecord returns a AliasesRecord.
func (*AliasesRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AliasesRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AllField ¶
type AllField struct { Analyzer string `json:"analyzer"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` OmitNorms bool `json:"omit_norms"` SearchAnalyzer string `json:"search_analyzer"` Similarity string `json:"similarity"` Store bool `json:"store"` StoreTermVectorOffsets bool `json:"store_term_vector_offsets"` StoreTermVectorPayloads bool `json:"store_term_vector_payloads"` StoreTermVectorPositions bool `json:"store_term_vector_positions"` StoreTermVectors bool `json:"store_term_vectors"` }
AllField type.
func (*AllField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AllocationDecision ¶
type AllocationDecision struct { Decider string `json:"decider"` Decision allocationexplaindecision.AllocationExplainDecision `json:"decision"` Explanation string `json:"explanation"` }
AllocationDecision type.
func NewAllocationDecision ¶
func NewAllocationDecision() *AllocationDecision
NewAllocationDecision returns a AllocationDecision.
func (*AllocationDecision) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AllocationDecision) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AllocationRecord ¶
type AllocationRecord struct { // DiskAvail Free disk space available to Elasticsearch. // Elasticsearch retrieves this metric from the node’s operating system. // Disk-based shard allocation uses this metric to assign shards to nodes based // on available disk space. DiskAvail ByteSize `json:"disk.avail,omitempty"` // DiskIndices Disk space used by the node’s shards. Does not include disk space for the // translog or unassigned shards. // IMPORTANT: This metric double-counts disk space for hard-linked files, such // as those created when shrinking, splitting, or cloning an index. DiskIndices ByteSize `json:"disk.indices,omitempty"` // DiskPercent Total percentage of disk space in use. Calculated as `disk.used / //`. DiskPercent Percentage `json:"disk.percent,omitempty"` // DiskTotal Total disk space for the node, including in-use and available space. DiskTotal ByteSize `json:",omitempty"` // DiskUsed Total disk space in use. // Elasticsearch retrieves this metric from the node’s operating system (OS). // The metric includes disk space for: Elasticsearch, including the translog and // unassigned shards; the node’s operating system; any other applications or // files on the node. // Unlike `disk.indices`, this metric does not double-count disk space for // hard-linked files. DiskUsed ByteSize `json:"disk.used,omitempty"` // Host Network host for the node. Set using the `` setting. Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Ip IP address and port for the node. Ip string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Node Name for the node. Set using the `` setting. Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` // Shards Number of primary and replica shards assigned to the node. Shards *string `json:"shards,omitempty"` }
AllocationRecord type.
func NewAllocationRecord ¶
func NewAllocationRecord() *AllocationRecord
NewAllocationRecord returns a AllocationRecord.
func (*AllocationRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AllocationRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AllocationStore ¶
type AllocationStore struct { AllocationId string `json:"allocation_id"` Found bool `json:"found"` InSync bool `json:"in_sync"` MatchingSizeInBytes int64 `json:"matching_size_in_bytes"` MatchingSyncId bool `json:"matching_sync_id"` StoreException string `json:"store_exception"` }
AllocationStore type.
func NewAllocationStore ¶
func NewAllocationStore() *AllocationStore
NewAllocationStore returns a AllocationStore.
func (*AllocationStore) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AllocationStore) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AlwaysCondition ¶
type AlwaysCondition struct { }
AlwaysCondition type.
func NewAlwaysCondition ¶
func NewAlwaysCondition() *AlwaysCondition
NewAlwaysCondition returns a AlwaysCondition.
type AnalysisConfig ¶
type AnalysisConfig struct { // BucketSpan The size of the interval that the analysis is aggregated into, typically // between `5m` and `1h`. This value should be either a whole number of days or // equate to a // whole number of buckets in one day. If the anomaly detection job uses a // datafeed with aggregations, this value must also be divisible by the interval // of the date histogram aggregation. BucketSpan Duration `json:"bucket_span,omitempty"` // CategorizationAnalyzer If `categorization_field_name` is specified, you can also define the analyzer // that is used to interpret the categorization field. This property cannot be // used at the same time as `categorization_filters`. The categorization // analyzer specifies how the `categorization_field` is interpreted by the // categorization process. The `categorization_analyzer` field can be specified // either as a string or as an object. If it is a string, it must refer to a // built-in analyzer or one added by another plugin. CategorizationAnalyzer CategorizationAnalyzer `json:"categorization_analyzer,omitempty"` // CategorizationFieldName If this property is specified, the values of the specified field will be // categorized. The resulting categories must be used in a detector by setting // `by_field_name`, `over_field_name`, or `partition_field_name` to the keyword // `mlcategory`. CategorizationFieldName *string `json:"categorization_field_name,omitempty"` // CategorizationFilters If `categorization_field_name` is specified, you can also define optional // filters. This property expects an array of regular expressions. The // expressions are used to filter out matching sequences from the categorization // field values. You can use this functionality to fine tune the categorization // by excluding sequences from consideration when categories are defined. For // example, you can exclude SQL statements that appear in your log files. This // property cannot be used at the same time as `categorization_analyzer`. If you // only want to define simple regular expression filters that are applied prior // to tokenization, setting this property is the easiest method. If you also // want to customize the tokenizer or post-tokenization filtering, use the // `categorization_analyzer` property instead and include the filters as // pattern_replace character filters. The effect is exactly the same. CategorizationFilters []string `json:"categorization_filters,omitempty"` // Detectors Detector configuration objects specify which data fields a job analyzes. They // also specify which analytical functions are used. You can specify multiple // detectors for a job. If the detectors array does not contain at least one // detector, no analysis can occur and an error is returned. Detectors []Detector `json:"detectors"` // Influencers A comma separated list of influencer field names. Typically these can be the // by, over, or partition fields that are used in the detector configuration. // You might also want to use a field name that is not specifically named in a // detector, but is available as part of the input data. When you use multiple // detectors, the use of influencers is recommended as it aggregates results for // each influencer entity. Influencers []string `json:"influencers,omitempty"` // Latency The size of the window in which to expect data that is out of time order. If // you specify a non-zero value, it must be greater than or equal to one second. // NOTE: Latency is applicable only when you send data by using the post data // API. Latency Duration `json:"latency,omitempty"` // ModelPruneWindow Advanced configuration option. Affects the pruning of models that have not // been updated for the given time duration. The value must be set to a multiple // of the `bucket_span`. If set too low, important information may be removed // from the model. For jobs created in 8.1 and later, the default value is the // greater of `30d` or 20 times `bucket_span`. ModelPruneWindow Duration `json:"model_prune_window,omitempty"` // MultivariateByFields This functionality is reserved for internal use. It is not supported for use // in customer environments and is not subject to the support SLA of official GA // features. If set to `true`, the analysis will automatically find correlations // between metrics for a given by field value and report anomalies when those // correlations cease to hold. For example, suppose CPU and memory usage on host // A is usually highly correlated with the same metrics on host B. Perhaps this // correlation occurs because they are running a load-balanced application. If // you enable this property, anomalies will be reported when, for example, CPU // usage on host A is high and the value of CPU usage on host B is low. That is // to say, you’ll see an anomaly when the CPU of host A is unusual given the CPU // of host B. To use the `multivariate_by_fields` property, you must also // specify `by_field_name` in your detector. MultivariateByFields *bool `json:"multivariate_by_fields,omitempty"` // PerPartitionCategorization Settings related to how categorization interacts with partition fields. PerPartitionCategorization *PerPartitionCategorization `json:"per_partition_categorization,omitempty"` // SummaryCountFieldName If this property is specified, the data that is fed to the job is expected to // be pre-summarized. This property value is the name of the field that contains // the count of raw data points that have been summarized. The same // `summary_count_field_name` applies to all detectors in the job. NOTE: The // `summary_count_field_name` property cannot be used with the `metric` // function. SummaryCountFieldName *string `json:"summary_count_field_name,omitempty"` }
AnalysisConfig type.
func NewAnalysisConfig ¶
func NewAnalysisConfig() *AnalysisConfig
NewAnalysisConfig returns a AnalysisConfig.
func (*AnalysisConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalysisConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnalysisConfigRead ¶
type AnalysisConfigRead struct { // BucketSpan The size of the interval that the analysis is aggregated into, typically // between `5m` and `1h`. BucketSpan Duration `json:"bucket_span"` // CategorizationAnalyzer If `categorization_field_name` is specified, you can also define the analyzer // that is used to interpret the categorization field. // This property cannot be used at the same time as `categorization_filters`. // The categorization analyzer specifies how the `categorization_field` is // interpreted by the categorization process. CategorizationAnalyzer CategorizationAnalyzer `json:"categorization_analyzer,omitempty"` // CategorizationFieldName If this property is specified, the values of the specified field will be // categorized. // The resulting categories must be used in a detector by setting // `by_field_name`, `over_field_name`, or `partition_field_name` to the keyword // `mlcategory`. CategorizationFieldName *string `json:"categorization_field_name,omitempty"` // CategorizationFilters If `categorization_field_name` is specified, you can also define optional // filters. // This property expects an array of regular expressions. // The expressions are used to filter out matching sequences from the // categorization field values. CategorizationFilters []string `json:"categorization_filters,omitempty"` // Detectors An array of detector configuration objects. // Detector configuration objects specify which data fields a job analyzes. // They also specify which analytical functions are used. // You can specify multiple detectors for a job. Detectors []DetectorRead `json:"detectors"` // Influencers A comma separated list of influencer field names. // Typically these can be the by, over, or partition fields that are used in the // detector configuration. // You might also want to use a field name that is not specifically named in a // detector, but is available as part of the input data. // When you use multiple detectors, the use of influencers is recommended as it // aggregates results for each influencer entity. Influencers []string `json:"influencers"` // Latency The size of the window in which to expect data that is out of time order. // Defaults to no latency. // If you specify a non-zero value, it must be greater than or equal to one // second. Latency Duration `json:"latency,omitempty"` // ModelPruneWindow Advanced configuration option. // Affects the pruning of models that have not been updated for the given time // duration. // The value must be set to a multiple of the `bucket_span`. // If set too low, important information may be removed from the model. // Typically, set to `30d` or longer. // If not set, model pruning only occurs if the model memory status reaches the // soft limit or the hard limit. // For jobs created in 8.1 and later, the default value is the greater of `30d` // or 20 times `bucket_span`. ModelPruneWindow Duration `json:"model_prune_window,omitempty"` // MultivariateByFields This functionality is reserved for internal use. // It is not supported for use in customer environments and is not subject to // the support SLA of official GA features. // If set to `true`, the analysis will automatically find correlations between // metrics for a given by field value and report anomalies when those // correlations cease to hold. MultivariateByFields *bool `json:"multivariate_by_fields,omitempty"` // PerPartitionCategorization Settings related to how categorization interacts with partition fields. PerPartitionCategorization *PerPartitionCategorization `json:"per_partition_categorization,omitempty"` // SummaryCountFieldName If this property is specified, the data that is fed to the job is expected to // be pre-summarized. // This property value is the name of the field that contains the count of raw // data points that have been summarized. // The same `summary_count_field_name` applies to all detectors in the job. SummaryCountFieldName *string `json:"summary_count_field_name,omitempty"` }
AnalysisConfigRead type.
func NewAnalysisConfigRead ¶
func NewAnalysisConfigRead() *AnalysisConfigRead
NewAnalysisConfigRead returns a AnalysisConfigRead.
func (*AnalysisConfigRead) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalysisConfigRead) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnalysisLimits ¶
type AnalysisLimits struct { // CategorizationExamplesLimit The maximum number of examples stored per category in memory and in the // results data store. If you increase this value, more examples are available, // however it requires that you have more storage available. If you set this // value to 0, no examples are stored. NOTE: The `categorization_examples_limit` // applies only to analysis that uses categorization. CategorizationExamplesLimit *int64 `json:"categorization_examples_limit,omitempty"` // ModelMemoryLimit The approximate maximum amount of memory resources that are required for // analytical processing. Once this limit is approached, data pruning becomes // more aggressive. Upon exceeding this limit, new entities are not modeled. If // the `` setting has a value greater than 0 and // less than 1024mb, that value is used instead of the default. The default // value is relatively small to ensure that high resource usage is a conscious // decision. If you have jobs that are expected to analyze high cardinality // fields, you will likely need to use a higher value. If you specify a number // instead of a string, the units are assumed to be MiB. Specifying a string is // recommended for clarity. If you specify a byte size unit of `b` or `kb` and // the number does not equate to a discrete number of megabytes, it is rounded // down to the closest MiB. The minimum valid value is 1 MiB. If you specify a // value less than 1 MiB, an error occurs. If you specify a value for the // `` setting, an error occurs when you try to // create jobs that have `model_memory_limit` values greater than that setting // value. ModelMemoryLimit *string `json:"model_memory_limit,omitempty"` }
AnalysisLimits type.
func NewAnalysisLimits ¶
func NewAnalysisLimits() *AnalysisLimits
NewAnalysisLimits returns a AnalysisLimits.
func (*AnalysisLimits) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalysisLimits) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnalysisMemoryLimit ¶
type AnalysisMemoryLimit struct { // ModelMemoryLimit Limits can be applied for the resources required to hold the mathematical // models in memory. These limits are approximate and can be set per job. They // do not control the memory used by other processes, for example the // Elasticsearch Java processes. ModelMemoryLimit string `json:"model_memory_limit"` }
AnalysisMemoryLimit type.
func NewAnalysisMemoryLimit ¶
func NewAnalysisMemoryLimit() *AnalysisMemoryLimit
NewAnalysisMemoryLimit returns a AnalysisMemoryLimit.
func (*AnalysisMemoryLimit) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalysisMemoryLimit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Analytics ¶
type Analytics struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Stats AnalyticsStatistics `json:"stats"` }
Analytics type.
func (*Analytics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AnalyticsCollection ¶
type AnalyticsCollection struct { // EventDataStream Data stream for the collection. EventDataStream EventDataStream `json:"event_data_stream"` }
AnalyticsCollection type.
func NewAnalyticsCollection ¶
func NewAnalyticsCollection() *AnalyticsCollection
NewAnalyticsCollection returns a AnalyticsCollection.
type AnalyticsStatistics ¶
type AnalyticsStatistics struct { BoxplotUsage int64 `json:"boxplot_usage"` CumulativeCardinalityUsage int64 `json:"cumulative_cardinality_usage"` MovingPercentilesUsage int64 `json:"moving_percentiles_usage"` MultiTermsUsage *int64 `json:"multi_terms_usage,omitempty"` NormalizeUsage int64 `json:"normalize_usage"` RateUsage int64 `json:"rate_usage"` StringStatsUsage int64 `json:"string_stats_usage"` TTestUsage int64 `json:"t_test_usage"` TopMetricsUsage int64 `json:"top_metrics_usage"` }
AnalyticsStatistics type.
func NewAnalyticsStatistics ¶
func NewAnalyticsStatistics() *AnalyticsStatistics
NewAnalyticsStatistics returns a AnalyticsStatistics.
func (*AnalyticsStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalyticsStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnalyzeDetail ¶
type AnalyzeDetail struct { Analyzer *AnalyzerDetail `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` Charfilters []CharFilterDetail `json:"charfilters,omitempty"` CustomAnalyzer bool `json:"custom_analyzer"` Tokenfilters []TokenDetail `json:"tokenfilters,omitempty"` Tokenizer *TokenDetail `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"` }
AnalyzeDetail type.
func NewAnalyzeDetail ¶
func NewAnalyzeDetail() *AnalyzeDetail
NewAnalyzeDetail returns a AnalyzeDetail.
func (*AnalyzeDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalyzeDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnalyzeToken ¶
type AnalyzeToken struct { EndOffset int64 `json:"end_offset"` Position int64 `json:"position"` PositionLength *int64 `json:"positionLength,omitempty"` StartOffset int64 `json:"start_offset"` Token string `json:"token"` Type string `json:"type"` }
AnalyzeToken type.
func NewAnalyzeToken ¶
func NewAnalyzeToken() *AnalyzeToken
NewAnalyzeToken returns a AnalyzeToken.
func (*AnalyzeToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalyzeToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Analyzer ¶
type Analyzer interface{}
Analyzer holds the union for the following types:
CustomAnalyzer FingerprintAnalyzer KeywordAnalyzer LanguageAnalyzer NoriAnalyzer PatternAnalyzer SimpleAnalyzer StandardAnalyzer StopAnalyzer WhitespaceAnalyzer IcuAnalyzer KuromojiAnalyzer SnowballAnalyzer DutchAnalyzer
type AnalyzerDetail ¶
type AnalyzerDetail struct { Name string `json:"name"` Tokens []ExplainAnalyzeToken `json:"tokens"` }
AnalyzerDetail type.
func NewAnalyzerDetail ¶
func NewAnalyzerDetail() *AnalyzerDetail
NewAnalyzerDetail returns a AnalyzerDetail.
func (*AnalyzerDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnalyzerDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Anomaly ¶
type Anomaly struct { // Actual The actual value for the bucket. Actual []Float64 `json:"actual,omitempty"` // AnomalyScoreExplanation Information about the factors impacting the initial anomaly score. AnomalyScoreExplanation *AnomalyExplanation `json:"anomaly_score_explanation,omitempty"` // BucketSpan The length of the bucket in seconds. This value matches the `bucket_span` // that is specified in the job. BucketSpan int64 `json:"bucket_span"` // ByFieldName The field used to split the data. In particular, this property is used for // analyzing the splits with respect to their own history. It is used for // finding unusual values in the context of the split. ByFieldName *string `json:"by_field_name,omitempty"` // ByFieldValue The value of `by_field_name`. ByFieldValue *string `json:"by_field_value,omitempty"` // Causes For population analysis, an over field must be specified in the detector. // This property contains an array of anomaly records that are the causes for // the anomaly that has been identified for the over field. This sub-resource // contains the most anomalous records for the `over_field_name`. For // scalability reasons, a maximum of the 10 most significant causes of the // anomaly are returned. As part of the core analytical modeling, these // low-level anomaly records are aggregated for their parent over field record. // The `causes` resource contains similar elements to the record resource, // namely `actual`, `typical`, `geo_results.actual_point`, // `geo_results.typical_point`, `*_field_name` and `*_field_value`. Probability // and scores are not applicable to causes. Causes []AnomalyCause `json:"causes,omitempty"` // DetectorIndex A unique identifier for the detector. DetectorIndex int `json:"detector_index"` // FieldName Certain functions require a field to operate on, for example, `sum()`. For // those functions, this value is the name of the field to be analyzed. FieldName *string `json:"field_name,omitempty"` // Function The function in which the anomaly occurs, as specified in the detector // configuration. For example, `max`. Function *string `json:"function,omitempty"` // FunctionDescription The description of the function in which the anomaly occurs, as specified in // the detector configuration. FunctionDescription *string `json:"function_description,omitempty"` // GeoResults If the detector function is `lat_long`, this object contains comma delimited // strings for the latitude and longitude of the actual and typical values. GeoResults *GeoResults `json:"geo_results,omitempty"` // Influencers If influencers were specified in the detector configuration, this array // contains influencers that contributed to or were to blame for an anomaly. Influencers []Influence `json:"influencers,omitempty"` // InitialRecordScore A normalized score between 0-100, which is based on the probability of the // anomalousness of this record. This is the initial value that was calculated // at the time the bucket was processed. InitialRecordScore Float64 `json:"initial_record_score"` // IsInterim If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are // calculated based on partial input data. IsInterim bool `json:"is_interim"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // OverFieldName The field used to split the data. In particular, this property is used for // analyzing the splits with respect to the history of all splits. It is used // for finding unusual values in the population of all splits. OverFieldName *string `json:"over_field_name,omitempty"` // OverFieldValue The value of `over_field_name`. OverFieldValue *string `json:"over_field_value,omitempty"` // PartitionFieldName The field used to segment the analysis. When you use this property, you have // completely independent baselines for each value of this field. PartitionFieldName *string `json:"partition_field_name,omitempty"` // PartitionFieldValue The value of `partition_field_name`. PartitionFieldValue *string `json:"partition_field_value,omitempty"` // Probability The probability of the individual anomaly occurring, in the range 0 to 1. For // example, `0.0000772031`. This value can be held to a high precision of over // 300 decimal places, so the `record_score` is provided as a human-readable and // friendly interpretation of this. Probability Float64 `json:"probability"` // RecordScore A normalized score between 0-100, which is based on the probability of the // anomalousness of this record. Unlike `initial_record_score`, this value will // be updated by a re-normalization process as new data is analyzed. RecordScore Float64 `json:"record_score"` // ResultType Internal. This is always set to `record`. ResultType string `json:"result_type"` // Timestamp The start time of the bucket for which these results were calculated. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // Typical The typical value for the bucket, according to analytical modeling. Typical []Float64 `json:"typical,omitempty"` }
Anomaly type.
func (*Anomaly) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AnomalyCause ¶
type AnomalyCause struct { Actual []Float64 `json:"actual"` ByFieldName string `json:"by_field_name"` ByFieldValue string `json:"by_field_value"` FieldName string `json:"field_name"` Function string `json:"function"` FunctionDescription string `json:"function_description"` Influencers []Influence `json:"influencers"` OverFieldName string `json:"over_field_name"` OverFieldValue string `json:"over_field_value"` PartitionFieldName string `json:"partition_field_name"` PartitionFieldValue string `json:"partition_field_value"` Probability Float64 `json:"probability"` Typical []Float64 `json:"typical"` }
AnomalyCause type.
func NewAnomalyCause ¶
func NewAnomalyCause() *AnomalyCause
NewAnomalyCause returns a AnomalyCause.
func (*AnomalyCause) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnomalyCause) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnomalyDetectors ¶
type AnomalyDetectors struct { CategorizationAnalyzer CategorizationAnalyzer `json:"categorization_analyzer"` CategorizationExamplesLimit int `json:"categorization_examples_limit"` DailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays int `json:"daily_model_snapshot_retention_after_days"` ModelMemoryLimit string `json:"model_memory_limit"` ModelSnapshotRetentionDays int `json:"model_snapshot_retention_days"` }
AnomalyDetectors type.
func NewAnomalyDetectors ¶
func NewAnomalyDetectors() *AnomalyDetectors
NewAnomalyDetectors returns a AnomalyDetectors.
func (*AnomalyDetectors) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnomalyDetectors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AnomalyExplanation ¶
type AnomalyExplanation struct { // AnomalyCharacteristicsImpact Impact from the duration and magnitude of the detected anomaly relative to // the historical average. AnomalyCharacteristicsImpact *int `json:"anomaly_characteristics_impact,omitempty"` // AnomalyLength Length of the detected anomaly in the number of buckets. AnomalyLength *int `json:"anomaly_length,omitempty"` // AnomalyType Type of the detected anomaly: `spike` or `dip`. AnomalyType *string `json:"anomaly_type,omitempty"` // HighVariancePenalty Indicates reduction of anomaly score for the bucket with large confidence // intervals. If a bucket has large confidence intervals, the score is reduced. HighVariancePenalty *bool `json:"high_variance_penalty,omitempty"` // IncompleteBucketPenalty If the bucket contains fewer samples than expected, the score is reduced. IncompleteBucketPenalty *bool `json:"incomplete_bucket_penalty,omitempty"` // LowerConfidenceBound Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval. LowerConfidenceBound *Float64 `json:"lower_confidence_bound,omitempty"` // MultiBucketImpact Impact of the deviation between actual and typical values in the past 12 // buckets. MultiBucketImpact *int `json:"multi_bucket_impact,omitempty"` // SingleBucketImpact Impact of the deviation between actual and typical values in the current // bucket. SingleBucketImpact *int `json:"single_bucket_impact,omitempty"` // TypicalValue Typical (expected) value for this bucket. TypicalValue *Float64 `json:"typical_value,omitempty"` // UpperConfidenceBound Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval. UpperConfidenceBound *Float64 `json:"upper_confidence_bound,omitempty"` }
AnomalyExplanation type.
func NewAnomalyExplanation ¶
func NewAnomalyExplanation() *AnomalyExplanation
NewAnomalyExplanation returns a AnomalyExplanation.
func (*AnomalyExplanation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AnomalyExplanation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApiKey ¶
type ApiKey struct { // Creation Creation time for the API key in milliseconds. Creation *int64 `json:"creation,omitempty"` // Expiration Expiration time for the API key in milliseconds. Expiration *int64 `json:"expiration,omitempty"` // Id Id for the API key Id string `json:"id"` // Invalidated Invalidation status for the API key. // If the key has been invalidated, it has a value of `true`. Otherwise, it is // `false`. Invalidated *bool `json:"invalidated,omitempty"` // LimitedBy The owner user’s permissions associated with the API key. // It is a point-in-time snapshot captured at creation and subsequent updates. // An API key’s effective permissions are an intersection of its assigned // privileges and the owner user’s permissions. LimitedBy []map[string]RoleDescriptor `json:"limited_by,omitempty"` // Metadata Metadata of the API key Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Name Name of the API key. Name string `json:"name"` // Realm Realm name of the principal for which this API key was created. Realm *string `json:"realm,omitempty"` // RoleDescriptors The role descriptors assigned to this API key when it was created or last // updated. // An empty role descriptor means the API key inherits the owner user’s // permissions. RoleDescriptors map[string]RoleDescriptor `json:"role_descriptors,omitempty"` Sort_ []FieldValue `json:"_sort,omitempty"` // Username Principal for which this API key was created Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
ApiKey type.
func (*ApiKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ApiKeyAuthorization ¶
type ApiKeyAuthorization struct { // Id The identifier for the API key. Id string `json:"id"` // Name The name of the API key. Name string `json:"name"` }
ApiKeyAuthorization type.
func NewApiKeyAuthorization ¶
func NewApiKeyAuthorization() *ApiKeyAuthorization
NewApiKeyAuthorization returns a ApiKeyAuthorization.
func (*ApiKeyAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ApiKeyAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AppendProcessor ¶
type AppendProcessor struct { // AllowDuplicates If `false`, the processor does not append values already present in the // field. AllowDuplicates *bool `json:"allow_duplicates,omitempty"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to be appended to. // Supports template snippets. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // Value The value to be appended. Supports template snippets. Value []json.RawMessage `json:"value"` }
AppendProcessor type.
func NewAppendProcessor ¶
func NewAppendProcessor() *AppendProcessor
NewAppendProcessor returns a AppendProcessor.
func (*AppendProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AppendProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges ¶
type ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges struct {
Manage ManageUserPrivileges `json:"manage"`
ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges type.
func NewApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges ¶
func NewApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges() *ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges
NewApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges returns a ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges.
type ApplicationPrivileges ¶
type ApplicationPrivileges struct { // Application The name of the application to which this entry applies. Application string `json:"application"` // Privileges A list of strings, where each element is the name of an application privilege // or action. Privileges []string `json:"privileges"` // Resources A list resources to which the privileges are applied. Resources []string `json:"resources"` }
ApplicationPrivileges type.
func NewApplicationPrivileges ¶
func NewApplicationPrivileges() *ApplicationPrivileges
NewApplicationPrivileges returns a ApplicationPrivileges.
func (*ApplicationPrivileges) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ApplicationPrivileges) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApplicationPrivilegesCheck ¶
type ApplicationPrivilegesCheck struct { // Application The name of the application. Application string `json:"application"` // Privileges A list of the privileges that you want to check for the specified resources. // May be either application privilege names, or the names of actions that are // granted by those privileges Privileges []string `json:"privileges"` // Resources A list of resource names against which the privileges should be checked Resources []string `json:"resources"` }
ApplicationPrivilegesCheck type.
func NewApplicationPrivilegesCheck ¶
func NewApplicationPrivilegesCheck() *ApplicationPrivilegesCheck
NewApplicationPrivilegesCheck returns a ApplicationPrivilegesCheck.
func (*ApplicationPrivilegesCheck) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ApplicationPrivilegesCheck) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApplicationsPrivileges ¶
type ApplicationsPrivileges map[string]ResourcePrivileges
ApplicationsPrivileges type alias.
type Archive ¶
type Archive struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` IndicesCount int64 `json:"indices_count"` }
Archive type.
func (*Archive) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ArrayCompareCondition ¶
type ArrayCompareCondition struct { ArrayCompareCondition map[conditionop.ConditionOp]ArrayCompareOpParams `json:"-"` Path string `json:"path"` }
ArrayCompareCondition type.
func NewArrayCompareCondition ¶
func NewArrayCompareCondition() *ArrayCompareCondition
NewArrayCompareCondition returns a ArrayCompareCondition.
func (ArrayCompareCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ArrayCompareCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ArrayCompareCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ArrayCompareCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ArrayCompareOpParams ¶
type ArrayCompareOpParams struct { Quantifier quantifier.Quantifier `json:"quantifier"` Value FieldValue `json:"value"` }
ArrayCompareOpParams type.
func NewArrayCompareOpParams ¶
func NewArrayCompareOpParams() *ArrayCompareOpParams
NewArrayCompareOpParams returns a ArrayCompareOpParams.
func (*ArrayCompareOpParams) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ArrayCompareOpParams) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ArrayPercentilesItem ¶
type ArrayPercentilesItem struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
ArrayPercentilesItem type.
func NewArrayPercentilesItem ¶
func NewArrayPercentilesItem() *ArrayPercentilesItem
NewArrayPercentilesItem returns a ArrayPercentilesItem.
func (*ArrayPercentilesItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ArrayPercentilesItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AsciiFoldingTokenFilter ¶
type AsciiFoldingTokenFilter struct { PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
AsciiFoldingTokenFilter type.
func NewAsciiFoldingTokenFilter ¶
func NewAsciiFoldingTokenFilter() *AsciiFoldingTokenFilter
NewAsciiFoldingTokenFilter returns a AsciiFoldingTokenFilter.
func (AsciiFoldingTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s AsciiFoldingTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*AsciiFoldingTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AsciiFoldingTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AsyncSearch ¶
type AsyncSearch struct { // Aggregations Partial aggregations results, coming from the shards that have already // completed the execution of the query. Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` Clusters_ *ClusterStatistics `json:"_clusters,omitempty"` Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Hits HitsMetadata `json:"hits"` MaxScore *Float64 `json:"max_score,omitempty"` // NumReducePhases Indicates how many reductions of the results have been performed. // If this number increases compared to the last retrieved results for a get // asynch search request, you can expect additional results included in the // search response. NumReducePhases *int64 `json:"num_reduce_phases,omitempty"` PitId *string `json:"pit_id,omitempty"` Profile *Profile `json:"profile,omitempty"` ScrollId_ *string `json:"_scroll_id,omitempty"` // Shards_ Indicates how many shards have run the query. // Note that in order for shard results to be included in the search response, // they need to be reduced first. Shards_ ShardStatistics `json:"_shards"` Suggest map[string][]Suggest `json:"suggest,omitempty"` TerminatedEarly *bool `json:"terminated_early,omitempty"` TimedOut bool `json:"timed_out"` Took int64 `json:"took"` }
AsyncSearch type.
func (*AsyncSearch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AsyncSearch) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AttachmentProcessor ¶
type AttachmentProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to get the base64 encoded field from. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and field does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // IndexedChars The number of chars being used for extraction to prevent huge fields. // Use `-1` for no limit. IndexedChars *int64 `json:"indexed_chars,omitempty"` // IndexedCharsField Field name from which you can overwrite the number of chars being used for // extraction. IndexedCharsField *string `json:"indexed_chars_field,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Properties Array of properties to select to be stored. // Can be `content`, `title`, `name`, `author`, `keywords`, `date`, // `content_type`, `content_length`, `language`. Properties []string `json:"properties,omitempty"` // RemoveBinary If true, the binary field will be removed from the document RemoveBinary *bool `json:"remove_binary,omitempty"` // ResourceName Field containing the name of the resource to decode. // If specified, the processor passes this resource name to the underlying Tika // library to enable Resource Name Based Detection. ResourceName *string `json:"resource_name,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field that will hold the attachment information. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
AttachmentProcessor type.
func NewAttachmentProcessor ¶
func NewAttachmentProcessor() *AttachmentProcessor
NewAttachmentProcessor returns a AttachmentProcessor.
func (*AttachmentProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AttachmentProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AuthenticateToken ¶
AuthenticateToken type.
func NewAuthenticateToken ¶
func NewAuthenticateToken() *AuthenticateToken
NewAuthenticateToken returns a AuthenticateToken.
func (*AuthenticateToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AuthenticateToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AuthenticatedUser ¶
type AuthenticatedUser struct { AuthenticationProvider *AuthenticationProvider `json:"authentication_provider,omitempty"` AuthenticationRealm UserRealm `json:"authentication_realm"` AuthenticationType string `json:"authentication_type"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` LookupRealm UserRealm `json:"lookup_realm"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` ProfileUid *string `json:"profile_uid,omitempty"` Roles []string `json:"roles"` Username string `json:"username"` }
AuthenticatedUser type.
func NewAuthenticatedUser ¶
func NewAuthenticatedUser() *AuthenticatedUser
NewAuthenticatedUser returns a AuthenticatedUser.
func (*AuthenticatedUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AuthenticatedUser) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AuthenticationProvider ¶
AuthenticationProvider type.
func NewAuthenticationProvider ¶
func NewAuthenticationProvider() *AuthenticationProvider
NewAuthenticationProvider returns a AuthenticationProvider.
func (*AuthenticationProvider) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AuthenticationProvider) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoDateHistogramAggregate ¶
type AutoDateHistogramAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsDateHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Interval string `json:"interval"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
AutoDateHistogramAggregate type.
func NewAutoDateHistogramAggregate ¶
func NewAutoDateHistogramAggregate() *AutoDateHistogramAggregate
NewAutoDateHistogramAggregate returns a AutoDateHistogramAggregate.
func (*AutoDateHistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoDateHistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoDateHistogramAggregation ¶
type AutoDateHistogramAggregation struct { // Buckets The target number of buckets. Buckets *int `json:"buckets,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Format The date format used to format `key_as_string` in the response. // If no `format` is specified, the first date format specified in the field // mapping is used. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinimumInterval The minimum rounding interval. // This can make the collection process more efficient, as the aggregation will // not attempt to round at any interval lower than `minimum_interval`. MinimumInterval *minimuminterval.MinimumInterval `json:"minimum_interval,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing DateTime `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Offset Time zone specified as a ISO 8601 UTC offset. Offset *string `json:"offset,omitempty"` Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // TimeZone Time zone ID. TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` }
AutoDateHistogramAggregation type.
func NewAutoDateHistogramAggregation ¶
func NewAutoDateHistogramAggregation() *AutoDateHistogramAggregation
NewAutoDateHistogramAggregation returns a AutoDateHistogramAggregation.
func (*AutoDateHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoDateHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoFollowPattern ¶
type AutoFollowPattern struct { Name string `json:"name"` Pattern AutoFollowPatternSummary `json:"pattern"` }
AutoFollowPattern type.
func NewAutoFollowPattern ¶
func NewAutoFollowPattern() *AutoFollowPattern
NewAutoFollowPattern returns a AutoFollowPattern.
func (*AutoFollowPattern) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoFollowPattern) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoFollowPatternSummary ¶
type AutoFollowPatternSummary struct { Active bool `json:"active"` // FollowIndexPattern The name of follower index. FollowIndexPattern *string `json:"follow_index_pattern,omitempty"` // LeaderIndexExclusionPatterns An array of simple index patterns that can be used to exclude indices from // being auto-followed. LeaderIndexExclusionPatterns []string `json:"leader_index_exclusion_patterns"` // LeaderIndexPatterns An array of simple index patterns to match against indices in the remote // cluster specified by the remote_cluster field. LeaderIndexPatterns []string `json:"leader_index_patterns"` // MaxOutstandingReadRequests The maximum number of outstanding reads requests from the remote cluster. MaxOutstandingReadRequests int `json:"max_outstanding_read_requests"` // RemoteCluster The remote cluster containing the leader indices to match against. RemoteCluster string `json:"remote_cluster"` }
AutoFollowPatternSummary type.
func NewAutoFollowPatternSummary ¶
func NewAutoFollowPatternSummary() *AutoFollowPatternSummary
NewAutoFollowPatternSummary returns a AutoFollowPatternSummary.
func (*AutoFollowPatternSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoFollowPatternSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoFollowStats ¶
type AutoFollowStats struct { AutoFollowedClusters []AutoFollowedCluster `json:"auto_followed_clusters"` NumberOfFailedFollowIndices int64 `json:"number_of_failed_follow_indices"` NumberOfFailedRemoteClusterStateRequests int64 `json:"number_of_failed_remote_cluster_state_requests"` NumberOfSuccessfulFollowIndices int64 `json:"number_of_successful_follow_indices"` RecentAutoFollowErrors []ErrorCause `json:"recent_auto_follow_errors"` }
AutoFollowStats type.
func NewAutoFollowStats ¶
func NewAutoFollowStats() *AutoFollowStats
NewAutoFollowStats returns a AutoFollowStats.
func (*AutoFollowStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoFollowStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoFollowedCluster ¶
type AutoFollowedCluster struct { ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"` LastSeenMetadataVersion int64 `json:"last_seen_metadata_version"` TimeSinceLastCheckMillis int64 `json:"time_since_last_check_millis"` }
AutoFollowedCluster type.
func NewAutoFollowedCluster ¶
func NewAutoFollowedCluster() *AutoFollowedCluster
NewAutoFollowedCluster returns a AutoFollowedCluster.
func (*AutoFollowedCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoFollowedCluster) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoscalingCapacity ¶
type AutoscalingCapacity struct { Node AutoscalingResources `json:"node"` Total AutoscalingResources `json:"total"` }
AutoscalingCapacity type.
func NewAutoscalingCapacity ¶
func NewAutoscalingCapacity() *AutoscalingCapacity
NewAutoscalingCapacity returns a AutoscalingCapacity.
type AutoscalingDecider ¶
type AutoscalingDecider struct { ReasonDetails json.RawMessage `json:"reason_details,omitempty"` ReasonSummary *string `json:"reason_summary,omitempty"` RequiredCapacity AutoscalingCapacity `json:"required_capacity"` }
AutoscalingDecider type.
func NewAutoscalingDecider ¶
func NewAutoscalingDecider() *AutoscalingDecider
NewAutoscalingDecider returns a AutoscalingDecider.
func (*AutoscalingDecider) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoscalingDecider) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoscalingDeciders ¶
type AutoscalingDeciders struct { CurrentCapacity AutoscalingCapacity `json:"current_capacity"` CurrentNodes []AutoscalingNode `json:"current_nodes"` Deciders map[string]AutoscalingDecider `json:"deciders"` RequiredCapacity AutoscalingCapacity `json:"required_capacity"` }
AutoscalingDeciders type.
func NewAutoscalingDeciders ¶
func NewAutoscalingDeciders() *AutoscalingDeciders
NewAutoscalingDeciders returns a AutoscalingDeciders.
type AutoscalingNode ¶
type AutoscalingNode struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
AutoscalingNode type.
func NewAutoscalingNode ¶
func NewAutoscalingNode() *AutoscalingNode
NewAutoscalingNode returns a AutoscalingNode.
func (*AutoscalingNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoscalingNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutoscalingPolicy ¶
type AutoscalingPolicy struct { // Deciders Decider settings Deciders map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"deciders"` Roles []string `json:"roles"` }
AutoscalingPolicy type.
func NewAutoscalingPolicy ¶
func NewAutoscalingPolicy() *AutoscalingPolicy
NewAutoscalingPolicy returns a AutoscalingPolicy.
type AutoscalingResources ¶
AutoscalingResources type.
func NewAutoscalingResources ¶
func NewAutoscalingResources() *AutoscalingResources
NewAutoscalingResources returns a AutoscalingResources.
func (*AutoscalingResources) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AutoscalingResources) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AverageAggregation ¶
type AverageAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
AverageAggregation type.
func NewAverageAggregation ¶
func NewAverageAggregation() *AverageAggregation
NewAverageAggregation returns a AverageAggregation.
func (*AverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AverageBucketAggregation ¶
type AverageBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
AverageBucketAggregation type.
func NewAverageBucketAggregation ¶
func NewAverageBucketAggregation() *AverageBucketAggregation
NewAverageBucketAggregation returns a AverageBucketAggregation.
func (*AverageBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AverageBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AvgAggregate ¶
type AvgAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
AvgAggregate type.
func NewAvgAggregate ¶
func NewAvgAggregate() *AvgAggregate
NewAvgAggregate returns a AvgAggregate.
func (*AvgAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AvgAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AzureRepository ¶
type AzureRepository struct { Settings AzureRepositorySettings `json:"settings"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
AzureRepository type.
func NewAzureRepository ¶
func NewAzureRepository() *AzureRepository
NewAzureRepository returns a AzureRepository.
func (AzureRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s AzureRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*AzureRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AzureRepository) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AzureRepositorySettings ¶
type AzureRepositorySettings struct { BasePath *string `json:"base_path,omitempty"` ChunkSize ByteSize `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` Compress *bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` Container *string `json:"container,omitempty"` LocationMode *string `json:"location_mode,omitempty"` MaxRestoreBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` Readonly *bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"` }
AzureRepositorySettings type.
func NewAzureRepositorySettings ¶
func NewAzureRepositorySettings() *AzureRepositorySettings
NewAzureRepositorySettings returns a AzureRepositorySettings.
func (*AzureRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *AzureRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BaseIndicator ¶
type BaseIndicator struct { Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
BaseIndicator type.
func NewBaseIndicator ¶
func NewBaseIndicator() *BaseIndicator
NewBaseIndicator returns a BaseIndicator.
func (*BaseIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BaseIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BaseNode ¶
type BaseNode struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` Host string `json:"host"` Ip string `json:"ip"` Name string `json:"name"` Roles []noderole.NodeRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
BaseNode type.
func (*BaseNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type BinaryProperty ¶
type BinaryProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
BinaryProperty type.
func NewBinaryProperty ¶
func NewBinaryProperty() *BinaryProperty
NewBinaryProperty returns a BinaryProperty.
func (BinaryProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s BinaryProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*BinaryProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BinaryProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BoolQuery ¶
type BoolQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Filter The clause (query) must appear in matching documents. // However, unlike `must`, the score of the query will be ignored. Filter []Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch Specifies the number or percentage of `should` clauses returned documents // must match. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // Must The clause (query) must appear in matching documents and will contribute to // the score. Must []Query `json:"must,omitempty"` // MustNot The clause (query) must not appear in the matching documents. // Because scoring is ignored, a score of `0` is returned for all documents. MustNot []Query `json:"must_not,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Should The clause (query) should appear in the matching document. Should []Query `json:"should,omitempty"` }
BoolQuery type.
func (*BoolQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type BooleanProperty ¶
type BooleanProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fielddata *NumericFielddata `json:"fielddata,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *bool `json:"null_value,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
BooleanProperty type.
func NewBooleanProperty ¶
func NewBooleanProperty() *BooleanProperty
NewBooleanProperty returns a BooleanProperty.
func (BooleanProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s BooleanProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*BooleanProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BooleanProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BoostingQuery ¶
type BoostingQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Negative Query used to decrease the relevance score of matching documents. Negative *Query `json:"negative,omitempty"` // NegativeBoost Floating point number between 0 and 1.0 used to decrease the relevance scores // of documents matching the `negative` query. NegativeBoost Float64 `json:"negative_boost"` // Positive Any returned documents must match this query. Positive *Query `json:"positive,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
BoostingQuery type.
func NewBoostingQuery ¶
func NewBoostingQuery() *BoostingQuery
NewBoostingQuery returns a BoostingQuery.
func (*BoostingQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BoostingQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BoxPlotAggregate ¶
type BoxPlotAggregate struct { Lower Float64 `json:"lower"` LowerAsString *string `json:"lower_as_string,omitempty"` Max Float64 `json:"max"` MaxAsString *string `json:"max_as_string,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Min Float64 `json:"min"` MinAsString *string `json:"min_as_string,omitempty"` Q1 Float64 `json:"q1"` Q1AsString *string `json:"q1_as_string,omitempty"` Q2 Float64 `json:"q2"` Q2AsString *string `json:"q2_as_string,omitempty"` Q3 Float64 `json:"q3"` Q3AsString *string `json:"q3_as_string,omitempty"` Upper Float64 `json:"upper"` UpperAsString *string `json:"upper_as_string,omitempty"` }
BoxPlotAggregate type.
func NewBoxPlotAggregate ¶
func NewBoxPlotAggregate() *BoxPlotAggregate
NewBoxPlotAggregate returns a BoxPlotAggregate.
func (*BoxPlotAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BoxPlotAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BoxplotAggregation ¶
type BoxplotAggregation struct { // Compression Limits the maximum number of nodes used by the underlying TDigest algorithm // to `20 * compression`, enabling control of memory usage and approximation // error. Compression *Float64 `json:"compression,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
BoxplotAggregation type.
func NewBoxplotAggregation ¶
func NewBoxplotAggregation() *BoxplotAggregation
NewBoxplotAggregation returns a BoxplotAggregation.
func (*BoxplotAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BoxplotAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Breaker ¶
type Breaker struct { // EstimatedSize Estimated memory used for the operation. EstimatedSize *string `json:"estimated_size,omitempty"` // EstimatedSizeInBytes Estimated memory used, in bytes, for the operation. EstimatedSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"estimated_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // LimitSize Memory limit for the circuit breaker. LimitSize *string `json:"limit_size,omitempty"` // LimitSizeInBytes Memory limit, in bytes, for the circuit breaker. LimitSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"limit_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Overhead A constant that all estimates for the circuit breaker are multiplied with to // calculate a final estimate. Overhead *float32 `json:"overhead,omitempty"` // Tripped Total number of times the circuit breaker has been triggered and prevented an // out of memory error. Tripped *float32 `json:"tripped,omitempty"` }
Breaker type.
func (*Breaker) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type BucketCorrelationAggregation ¶
type BucketCorrelationAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Function The correlation function to execute. Function BucketCorrelationFunction `json:"function"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
BucketCorrelationAggregation type.
func NewBucketCorrelationAggregation ¶
func NewBucketCorrelationAggregation() *BucketCorrelationAggregation
NewBucketCorrelationAggregation returns a BucketCorrelationAggregation.
func (*BucketCorrelationAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketCorrelationAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketCorrelationFunction ¶
type BucketCorrelationFunction struct { // CountCorrelation The configuration to calculate a count correlation. This function is designed // for determining the correlation of a term value and a given metric. CountCorrelation BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation `json:"count_correlation"` }
BucketCorrelationFunction type.
func NewBucketCorrelationFunction ¶
func NewBucketCorrelationFunction() *BucketCorrelationFunction
NewBucketCorrelationFunction returns a BucketCorrelationFunction.
type BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation ¶
type BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation struct { // Indicator The indicator with which to correlate the configured `bucket_path` values. Indicator BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator `json:"indicator"` }
BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation type.
func NewBucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation ¶
func NewBucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation() *BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation
NewBucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation returns a BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelation.
type BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator ¶
type BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator struct { // DocCount The total number of documents that initially created the expectations. It’s // required to be greater // than or equal to the sum of all values in the buckets_path as this is the // originating superset of data // to which the term values are correlated. DocCount int `json:"doc_count"` // Expectations An array of numbers with which to correlate the configured `bucket_path` // values. // The length of this value must always equal the number of buckets returned by // the `bucket_path`. Expectations []Float64 `json:"expectations"` // Fractions An array of fractions to use when averaging and calculating variance. This // should be used if // the pre-calculated data and the buckets_path have known gaps. The length of // fractions, if provided, // must equal expectations. Fractions []Float64 `json:"fractions,omitempty"` }
BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator type.
func NewBucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator ¶
func NewBucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator() *BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator
NewBucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator returns a BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator.
func (*BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketCorrelationFunctionCountCorrelationIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketInfluencer ¶
type BucketInfluencer struct { // AnomalyScore A normalized score between 0-100, which is calculated for each bucket // influencer. This score might be updated as // newer data is analyzed. AnomalyScore Float64 `json:"anomaly_score"` // BucketSpan The length of the bucket in seconds. This value matches the bucket span that // is specified in the job. BucketSpan int64 `json:"bucket_span"` // InfluencerFieldName The field name of the influencer. InfluencerFieldName string `json:"influencer_field_name"` // InitialAnomalyScore The score between 0-100 for each bucket influencer. This score is the initial // value that was calculated at the // time the bucket was processed. InitialAnomalyScore Float64 `json:"initial_anomaly_score"` // IsInterim If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are // calculated based on partial input data. IsInterim bool `json:"is_interim"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // Probability The probability that the bucket has this behavior, in the range 0 to 1. This // value can be held to a high precision // of over 300 decimal places, so the `anomaly_score` is provided as a // human-readable and friendly interpretation of // this. Probability Float64 `json:"probability"` // RawAnomalyScore Internal. RawAnomalyScore Float64 `json:"raw_anomaly_score"` // ResultType Internal. This value is always set to `bucket_influencer`. ResultType string `json:"result_type"` // Timestamp The start time of the bucket for which these results were calculated. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // TimestampString The start time of the bucket for which these results were calculated. TimestampString DateTime `json:"timestamp_string,omitempty"` }
BucketInfluencer type.
func NewBucketInfluencer ¶
func NewBucketInfluencer() *BucketInfluencer
NewBucketInfluencer returns a BucketInfluencer.
func (*BucketInfluencer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketInfluencer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketKsAggregation ¶
type BucketKsAggregation struct { // Alternative A list of string values indicating which K-S test alternative to calculate. // The valid values // are: "greater", "less", "two_sided". This parameter is key for determining // the K-S statistic used // when calculating the K-S test. Default value is all possible alternative // hypotheses. Alternative []string `json:"alternative,omitempty"` // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Fractions A list of doubles indicating the distribution of the samples with which to // compare to the `buckets_path` results. // In typical usage this is the overall proportion of documents in each bucket, // which is compared with the actual // document proportions in each bucket from the sibling aggregation counts. The // default is to assume that overall // documents are uniformly distributed on these buckets, which they would be if // one used equal percentiles of a // metric to define the bucket end points. Fractions []Float64 `json:"fractions,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // SamplingMethod Indicates the sampling methodology when calculating the K-S test. Note, this // is sampling of the returned values. // This determines the cumulative distribution function (CDF) points used // comparing the two samples. Default is // `upper_tail`, which emphasizes the upper end of the CDF points. Valid options // are: `upper_tail`, `uniform`, // and `lower_tail`. SamplingMethod *string `json:"sampling_method,omitempty"` }
BucketKsAggregation type.
func NewBucketKsAggregation ¶
func NewBucketKsAggregation() *BucketKsAggregation
NewBucketKsAggregation returns a BucketKsAggregation.
func (*BucketKsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketKsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketMetricValueAggregate ¶
type BucketMetricValueAggregate struct { Keys []string `json:"keys"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
BucketMetricValueAggregate type.
func NewBucketMetricValueAggregate ¶
func NewBucketMetricValueAggregate() *BucketMetricValueAggregate
NewBucketMetricValueAggregate returns a BucketMetricValueAggregate.
func (*BucketMetricValueAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketMetricValueAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketPathAggregation ¶
type BucketPathAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
BucketPathAggregation type.
func NewBucketPathAggregation ¶
func NewBucketPathAggregation() *BucketPathAggregation
NewBucketPathAggregation returns a BucketPathAggregation.
func (*BucketPathAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketPathAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketScriptAggregation ¶
type BucketScriptAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Script The script to run for this aggregation. Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
BucketScriptAggregation type.
func NewBucketScriptAggregation ¶
func NewBucketScriptAggregation() *BucketScriptAggregation
NewBucketScriptAggregation returns a BucketScriptAggregation.
func (*BucketScriptAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketScriptAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketSelectorAggregation ¶
type BucketSelectorAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Script The script to run for this aggregation. Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
BucketSelectorAggregation type.
func NewBucketSelectorAggregation ¶
func NewBucketSelectorAggregation() *BucketSelectorAggregation
NewBucketSelectorAggregation returns a BucketSelectorAggregation.
func (*BucketSelectorAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketSelectorAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketSortAggregation ¶
type BucketSortAggregation struct { // From Buckets in positions prior to `from` will be truncated. From *int `json:"from,omitempty"` // GapPolicy The policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Size The number of buckets to return. // Defaults to all buckets of the parent aggregation. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sort The list of fields to sort on. Sort []SortCombinations `json:"sort,omitempty"` }
BucketSortAggregation type.
func NewBucketSortAggregation ¶
func NewBucketSortAggregation() *BucketSortAggregation
NewBucketSortAggregation returns a BucketSortAggregation.
func (*BucketSortAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketSortAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketSummary ¶
type BucketSummary struct { // AnomalyScore The maximum anomaly score, between 0-100, for any of the bucket influencers. // This is an overall, rate-limited // score for the job. All the anomaly records in the bucket contribute to this // score. This value might be updated as // new data is analyzed. AnomalyScore Float64 `json:"anomaly_score"` BucketInfluencers []BucketInfluencer `json:"bucket_influencers"` // BucketSpan The length of the bucket in seconds. This value matches the bucket span that // is specified in the job. BucketSpan int64 `json:"bucket_span"` // EventCount The number of input data records processed in this bucket. EventCount int64 `json:"event_count"` // InitialAnomalyScore The maximum anomaly score for any of the bucket influencers. This is the // initial value that was calculated at the // time the bucket was processed. InitialAnomalyScore Float64 `json:"initial_anomaly_score"` // IsInterim If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are // calculated based on partial input data. IsInterim bool `json:"is_interim"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // ProcessingTimeMs The amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took to analyze the bucket // contents and calculate results. ProcessingTimeMs int64 `json:"processing_time_ms"` // ResultType Internal. This value is always set to bucket. ResultType string `json:"result_type"` // Timestamp The start time of the bucket. This timestamp uniquely identifies the bucket. // Events that occur exactly at the // timestamp of the bucket are included in the results for the bucket. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // TimestampString The start time of the bucket. This timestamp uniquely identifies the bucket. // Events that occur exactly at the // timestamp of the bucket are included in the results for the bucket. TimestampString DateTime `json:"timestamp_string,omitempty"` }
BucketSummary type.
func NewBucketSummary ¶
func NewBucketSummary() *BucketSummary
NewBucketSummary returns a BucketSummary.
func (*BucketSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BucketSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BucketsAPIKeyQueryContainer ¶
type BucketsAPIKeyQueryContainer interface{}
BucketsAPIKeyQueryContainer holds the union for the following types:
map[string]APIKeyQueryContainer []APIKeyQueryContainer
type BucketsAdjacencyMatrixBucket ¶
type BucketsAdjacencyMatrixBucket interface{}
BucketsAdjacencyMatrixBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]AdjacencyMatrixBucket []AdjacencyMatrixBucket
type BucketsCompositeBucket ¶
type BucketsCompositeBucket interface{}
BucketsCompositeBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]CompositeBucket []CompositeBucket
type BucketsDateHistogramBucket ¶
type BucketsDateHistogramBucket interface{}
BucketsDateHistogramBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]DateHistogramBucket []DateHistogramBucket
type BucketsDoubleTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsDoubleTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsDoubleTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]DoubleTermsBucket []DoubleTermsBucket
type BucketsFiltersBucket ¶
type BucketsFiltersBucket interface{}
BucketsFiltersBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]FiltersBucket []FiltersBucket
type BucketsFrequentItemSetsBucket ¶
type BucketsFrequentItemSetsBucket interface{}
BucketsFrequentItemSetsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]FrequentItemSetsBucket []FrequentItemSetsBucket
type BucketsGeoHashGridBucket ¶
type BucketsGeoHashGridBucket interface{}
BucketsGeoHashGridBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]GeoHashGridBucket []GeoHashGridBucket
type BucketsGeoHexGridBucket ¶
type BucketsGeoHexGridBucket interface{}
BucketsGeoHexGridBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]GeoHexGridBucket []GeoHexGridBucket
type BucketsGeoTileGridBucket ¶
type BucketsGeoTileGridBucket interface{}
BucketsGeoTileGridBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]GeoTileGridBucket []GeoTileGridBucket
type BucketsHistogramBucket ¶
type BucketsHistogramBucket interface{}
BucketsHistogramBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]HistogramBucket []HistogramBucket
type BucketsIpPrefixBucket ¶
type BucketsIpPrefixBucket interface{}
BucketsIpPrefixBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]IpPrefixBucket []IpPrefixBucket
type BucketsIpRangeBucket ¶
type BucketsIpRangeBucket interface{}
BucketsIpRangeBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]IpRangeBucket []IpRangeBucket
type BucketsLongRareTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsLongRareTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsLongRareTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]LongRareTermsBucket []LongRareTermsBucket
type BucketsLongTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsLongTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsLongTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]LongTermsBucket []LongTermsBucket
type BucketsMultiTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsMultiTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsMultiTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]MultiTermsBucket []MultiTermsBucket
type BucketsPath ¶
type BucketsPath interface{}
BucketsPath holds the union for the following types:
string []string map[string]string
type BucketsQuery ¶
type BucketsQuery interface{}
BucketsQuery holds the union for the following types:
map[string]Query []Query
type BucketsRangeBucket ¶
type BucketsRangeBucket interface{}
BucketsRangeBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]RangeBucket []RangeBucket
type BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]SignificantLongTermsBucket []SignificantLongTermsBucket
type BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]SignificantStringTermsBucket []SignificantStringTermsBucket
type BucketsStringRareTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsStringRareTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsStringRareTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]StringRareTermsBucket []StringRareTermsBucket
type BucketsStringTermsBucket ¶
type BucketsStringTermsBucket interface{}
BucketsStringTermsBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]StringTermsBucket []StringTermsBucket
type BucketsVariableWidthHistogramBucket ¶
type BucketsVariableWidthHistogramBucket interface{}
BucketsVariableWidthHistogramBucket holds the union for the following types:
map[string]VariableWidthHistogramBucket []VariableWidthHistogramBucket
type BucketsVoid ¶
type BucketsVoid interface{}
BucketsVoid holds the union for the following types:
map[string]interface{} []interface{}
type BuildInformation ¶
BuildInformation type.
func NewBuildInformation ¶
func NewBuildInformation() *BuildInformation
NewBuildInformation returns a BuildInformation.
func (*BuildInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BuildInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BulkIndexByScrollFailure ¶
type BulkIndexByScrollFailure struct { Cause ErrorCause `json:"cause"` Id string `json:"id"` Index string `json:"index"` Status int `json:"status"` Type string `json:"type"` }
BulkIndexByScrollFailure type.
func NewBulkIndexByScrollFailure ¶
func NewBulkIndexByScrollFailure() *BulkIndexByScrollFailure
NewBulkIndexByScrollFailure returns a BulkIndexByScrollFailure.
func (*BulkIndexByScrollFailure) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BulkIndexByScrollFailure) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BulkStats ¶
type BulkStats struct { AvgSize ByteSize `json:"avg_size,omitempty"` AvgSizeInBytes int64 `json:"avg_size_in_bytes"` AvgTime Duration `json:"avg_time,omitempty"` AvgTimeInMillis int64 `json:"avg_time_in_millis"` TotalOperations int64 `json:"total_operations"` TotalSize ByteSize `json:"total_size,omitempty"` TotalSizeInBytes int64 `json:"total_size_in_bytes"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
BulkStats type.
func (*BulkStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ByteNumberProperty ¶
type ByteNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *byte `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ByteNumberProperty type.
func NewByteNumberProperty ¶
func NewByteNumberProperty() *ByteNumberProperty
NewByteNumberProperty returns a ByteNumberProperty.
func (ByteNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ByteNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ByteNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ByteNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ByteSize ¶
type ByteSize interface{}
ByteSize holds the union for the following types:
int64 string
type BytesProcessor ¶
type BytesProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to convert. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the converted value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
BytesProcessor type.
func NewBytesProcessor ¶
func NewBytesProcessor() *BytesProcessor
NewBytesProcessor returns a BytesProcessor.
func (*BytesProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BytesProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CacheQueries ¶
type CacheQueries struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
CacheQueries type.
func NewCacheQueries ¶
func NewCacheQueries() *CacheQueries
NewCacheQueries returns a CacheQueries.
func (*CacheQueries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CacheQueries) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CacheStats ¶
type CacheStats struct { Count int `json:"count"` Evictions int `json:"evictions"` Hits int `json:"hits"` Misses int `json:"misses"` NodeId string `json:"node_id"` }
CacheStats type.
func (*CacheStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CacheStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Calendar ¶
type Calendar struct { // CalendarId A string that uniquely identifies a calendar. CalendarId string `json:"calendar_id"` // Description A description of the calendar. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // JobIds An array of anomaly detection job identifiers. JobIds []string `json:"job_ids"` }
Calendar type.
func (*Calendar) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CalendarEvent ¶
type CalendarEvent struct { // CalendarId A string that uniquely identifies a calendar. CalendarId *string `json:"calendar_id,omitempty"` // Description A description of the scheduled event. Description string `json:"description"` // EndTime The timestamp for the end of the scheduled event in milliseconds since the // epoch or ISO 8601 format. EndTime DateTime `json:"end_time"` EventId *string `json:"event_id,omitempty"` // StartTime The timestamp for the beginning of the scheduled event in milliseconds since // the epoch or ISO 8601 format. StartTime DateTime `json:"start_time"` }
CalendarEvent type.
func NewCalendarEvent ¶
func NewCalendarEvent() *CalendarEvent
NewCalendarEvent returns a CalendarEvent.
func (*CalendarEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CalendarEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CardinalityAggregate ¶
type CardinalityAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Value int64 `json:"value"` }
CardinalityAggregate type.
func NewCardinalityAggregate ¶
func NewCardinalityAggregate() *CardinalityAggregate
NewCardinalityAggregate returns a CardinalityAggregate.
func (*CardinalityAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CardinalityAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CardinalityAggregation ¶
type CardinalityAggregation struct { // ExecutionHint Mechanism by which cardinality aggregations is run. ExecutionHint *cardinalityexecutionmode.CardinalityExecutionMode `json:"execution_hint,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` // PrecisionThreshold A unique count below which counts are expected to be close to accurate. // This allows to trade memory for accuracy. PrecisionThreshold *int `json:"precision_threshold,omitempty"` Rehash *bool `json:"rehash,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
CardinalityAggregation type.
func NewCardinalityAggregation ¶
func NewCardinalityAggregation() *CardinalityAggregation
NewCardinalityAggregation returns a CardinalityAggregation.
func (*CardinalityAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CardinalityAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CatAnonalyDetectorColumns ¶
type CatAnonalyDetectorColumns []catanomalydetectorcolumn.CatAnomalyDetectorColumn
CatAnonalyDetectorColumns type alias.
type CatComponentTemplate ¶
type CatComponentTemplate struct { AliasCount string `json:"alias_count"` IncludedIn string `json:"included_in"` MappingCount string `json:"mapping_count"` MetadataCount string `json:"metadata_count"` Name string `json:"name"` SettingsCount string `json:"settings_count"` Version string `json:"version"` }
CatComponentTemplate type.
func NewCatComponentTemplate ¶
func NewCatComponentTemplate() *CatComponentTemplate
NewCatComponentTemplate returns a CatComponentTemplate.
func (*CatComponentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CatComponentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CatDatafeedColumns ¶
type CatDatafeedColumns []catdatafeedcolumn.CatDatafeedColumn
CatDatafeedColumns type alias.
type CatTrainedModelsColumns ¶
type CatTrainedModelsColumns []cattrainedmodelscolumn.CatTrainedModelsColumn
CatTrainedModelsColumns type alias.
type CatTransformColumns ¶
type CatTransformColumns []cattransformcolumn.CatTransformColumn
CatTransformColumns type alias.
type CategorizationAnalyzer ¶
type CategorizationAnalyzer interface{}
CategorizationAnalyzer holds the union for the following types:
string CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition
type CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition ¶
type CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition struct { // CharFilter One or more character filters. In addition to the built-in character filters, // other plugins can provide more character filters. If this property is not // specified, no character filters are applied prior to categorization. If you // are customizing some other aspect of the analyzer and you need to achieve the // equivalent of `categorization_filters` (which are not permitted when some // other aspect of the analyzer is customized), add them here as pattern replace // character filters. CharFilter []CharFilter `json:"char_filter,omitempty"` // Filter One or more token filters. In addition to the built-in token filters, other // plugins can provide more token filters. If this property is not specified, no // token filters are applied prior to categorization. Filter []TokenFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Tokenizer The name or definition of the tokenizer to use after character filters are // applied. This property is compulsory if `categorization_analyzer` is // specified as an object. Machine learning provides a tokenizer called // `ml_standard` that tokenizes in a way that has been determined to produce // good categorization results on a variety of log file formats for logs in // English. If you want to use that tokenizer but change the character or token // filters, specify "tokenizer": "ml_standard" in your // `categorization_analyzer`. Additionally, the `ml_classic` tokenizer is // available, which tokenizes in the same way as the non-customizable tokenizer // in old versions of the product (before 6.2). `ml_classic` was the default // categorization tokenizer in versions 6.2 to 7.13, so if you need // categorization identical to the default for jobs created in these versions, // specify "tokenizer": "ml_classic" in your `categorization_analyzer`. Tokenizer Tokenizer `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"` }
CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition type.
func NewCategorizationAnalyzerDefinition ¶
func NewCategorizationAnalyzerDefinition() *CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition
NewCategorizationAnalyzerDefinition returns a CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition.
func (*CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CategorizeTextAggregation ¶
type CategorizeTextAggregation struct { // CategorizationAnalyzer The categorization analyzer specifies how the text is analyzed and tokenized // before being categorized. // The syntax is very similar to that used to define the analyzer in the // [Analyze // endpoint]( // This property // cannot be used at the same time as categorization_filters. CategorizationAnalyzer CategorizeTextAnalyzer `json:"categorization_analyzer,omitempty"` // CategorizationFilters This property expects an array of regular expressions. The expressions are // used to filter out matching // sequences from the categorization field values. You can use this // functionality to fine tune the categorization // by excluding sequences from consideration when categories are defined. For // example, you can exclude SQL // statements that appear in your log files. This property cannot be used at the // same time as categorization_analyzer. // If you only want to define simple regular expression filters that are applied // prior to tokenization, setting // this property is the easiest method. If you also want to customize the // tokenizer or post-tokenization filtering, // use the categorization_analyzer property instead and include the filters as // pattern_replace character filters. CategorizationFilters []string `json:"categorization_filters,omitempty"` // Field The semi-structured text field to categorize. Field string `json:"field"` // MaxMatchedTokens The maximum number of token positions to match on before attempting to merge // categories. Larger // values will use more memory and create narrower categories. Max allowed value // is 100. MaxMatchedTokens *int `json:"max_matched_tokens,omitempty"` // MaxUniqueTokens The maximum number of unique tokens at any position up to max_matched_tokens. // Must be larger than 1. // Smaller values use less memory and create fewer categories. Larger values // will use more memory and // create narrower categories. Max allowed value is 100. MaxUniqueTokens *int `json:"max_unique_tokens,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount The minimum number of documents in a bucket to be returned to the results. MinDocCount *int `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // ShardMinDocCount The minimum number of documents in a bucket to be returned from the shard // before merging. ShardMinDocCount *int `json:"shard_min_doc_count,omitempty"` // ShardSize The number of categorization buckets to return from each shard before merging // all the results. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // SimilarityThreshold The minimum percentage of tokens that must match for text to be added to the // category bucket. Must // be between 1 and 100. The larger the value the narrower the categories. // Larger values will increase memory // usage and create narrower categories. SimilarityThreshold *int `json:"similarity_threshold,omitempty"` // Size The number of buckets to return. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
CategorizeTextAggregation type.
func NewCategorizeTextAggregation ¶
func NewCategorizeTextAggregation() *CategorizeTextAggregation
NewCategorizeTextAggregation returns a CategorizeTextAggregation.
func (*CategorizeTextAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CategorizeTextAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CategorizeTextAnalyzer ¶
type CategorizeTextAnalyzer interface{}
CategorizeTextAnalyzer holds the union for the following types:
string CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer
type Category ¶
type Category struct { // CategoryId A unique identifier for the category. category_id is unique at the job level, // even when per-partition categorization is enabled. CategoryId uint64 `json:"category_id"` // Examples A list of examples of actual values that matched the category. Examples []string `json:"examples"` // GrokPattern [experimental] A Grok pattern that could be used in Logstash or an ingest // pipeline to extract fields from messages that match the category. This field // is experimental and may be changed or removed in a future release. The Grok // patterns that are found are not optimal, but are often a good starting point // for manual tweaking. GrokPattern *string `json:"grok_pattern,omitempty"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // MaxMatchingLength The maximum length of the fields that matched the category. The value is // increased by 10% to enable matching for similar fields that have not been // analyzed. MaxMatchingLength uint64 `json:"max_matching_length"` Mlcategory string `json:"mlcategory"` // NumMatches The number of messages that have been matched by this category. This is only // guaranteed to have the latest accurate count after a job _flush or _close NumMatches *int64 `json:"num_matches,omitempty"` P *string `json:"p,omitempty"` // PartitionFieldName If per-partition categorization is enabled, this property identifies the // field used to segment the categorization. It is not present when // per-partition categorization is disabled. PartitionFieldName *string `json:"partition_field_name,omitempty"` // PartitionFieldValue If per-partition categorization is enabled, this property identifies the // value of the partition_field_name for the category. It is not present when // per-partition categorization is disabled. PartitionFieldValue *string `json:"partition_field_value,omitempty"` // PreferredToCategories A list of category_id entries that this current category encompasses. Any new // message that is processed by the categorizer will match against this category // and not any of the categories in this list. This is only guaranteed to have // the latest accurate list of categories after a job _flush or _close PreferredToCategories []string `json:"preferred_to_categories,omitempty"` // Regex A regular expression that is used to search for values that match the // category. Regex string `json:"regex"` ResultType string `json:"result_type"` // Terms A space separated list of the common tokens that are matched in values of the // category. Terms string `json:"terms"` }
Category type.
func (*Category) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Ccr ¶
type Ccr struct { AutoFollowPatternsCount int `json:"auto_follow_patterns_count"` Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FollowerIndicesCount int `json:"follower_indices_count"` }
Ccr type.
func (*Ccr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CcrShardStats ¶
type CcrShardStats struct { BytesRead int64 `json:"bytes_read"` FailedReadRequests int64 `json:"failed_read_requests"` FailedWriteRequests int64 `json:"failed_write_requests"` FatalException *ErrorCause `json:"fatal_exception,omitempty"` FollowerAliasesVersion int64 `json:"follower_aliases_version"` FollowerGlobalCheckpoint int64 `json:"follower_global_checkpoint"` FollowerIndex string `json:"follower_index"` FollowerMappingVersion int64 `json:"follower_mapping_version"` FollowerMaxSeqNo int64 `json:"follower_max_seq_no"` FollowerSettingsVersion int64 `json:"follower_settings_version"` LastRequestedSeqNo int64 `json:"last_requested_seq_no"` LeaderGlobalCheckpoint int64 `json:"leader_global_checkpoint"` LeaderIndex string `json:"leader_index"` LeaderMaxSeqNo int64 `json:"leader_max_seq_no"` OperationsRead int64 `json:"operations_read"` OperationsWritten int64 `json:"operations_written"` OutstandingReadRequests int `json:"outstanding_read_requests"` OutstandingWriteRequests int `json:"outstanding_write_requests"` ReadExceptions []ReadException `json:"read_exceptions"` RemoteCluster string `json:"remote_cluster"` ShardId int `json:"shard_id"` SuccessfulReadRequests int64 `json:"successful_read_requests"` SuccessfulWriteRequests int64 `json:"successful_write_requests"` TimeSinceLastRead Duration `json:"time_since_last_read,omitempty"` TimeSinceLastReadMillis int64 `json:"time_since_last_read_millis"` TotalReadRemoteExecTime Duration `json:"total_read_remote_exec_time,omitempty"` TotalReadRemoteExecTimeMillis int64 `json:"total_read_remote_exec_time_millis"` TotalReadTime Duration `json:"total_read_time,omitempty"` TotalReadTimeMillis int64 `json:"total_read_time_millis"` TotalWriteTime Duration `json:"total_write_time,omitempty"` TotalWriteTimeMillis int64 `json:"total_write_time_millis"` WriteBufferOperationCount int64 `json:"write_buffer_operation_count"` WriteBufferSizeInBytes ByteSize `json:"write_buffer_size_in_bytes"` }
CcrShardStats type.
func NewCcrShardStats ¶
func NewCcrShardStats() *CcrShardStats
NewCcrShardStats returns a CcrShardStats.
func (*CcrShardStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CcrShardStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CertificateInformation ¶
type CertificateInformation struct { Alias string `json:"alias,omitempty"` Expiry DateTime `json:"expiry"` Format string `json:"format"` HasPrivateKey bool `json:"has_private_key"` Issuer *string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` Path string `json:"path"` SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"` SubjectDn string `json:"subject_dn"` }
CertificateInformation type.
func NewCertificateInformation ¶
func NewCertificateInformation() *CertificateInformation
NewCertificateInformation returns a CertificateInformation.
func (*CertificateInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CertificateInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Cgroup ¶
type Cgroup struct { // Cpu Contains statistics about `cpu` control group for the node. Cpu *CgroupCpu `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // Cpuacct Contains statistics about `cpuacct` control group for the node. Cpuacct *CpuAcct `json:"cpuacct,omitempty"` // Memory Contains statistics about the memory control group for the node. Memory *CgroupMemory `json:"memory,omitempty"` }
Cgroup type.
type CgroupCpu ¶
type CgroupCpu struct { // CfsPeriodMicros The period of time, in microseconds, for how regularly all tasks in the same // cgroup as the Elasticsearch process should have their access to CPU resources // reallocated. CfsPeriodMicros *int `json:"cfs_period_micros,omitempty"` // CfsQuotaMicros The total amount of time, in microseconds, for which all tasks in the same // cgroup as the Elasticsearch process can run during one period // `cfs_period_micros`. CfsQuotaMicros *int `json:"cfs_quota_micros,omitempty"` // ControlGroup The `cpu` control group to which the Elasticsearch process belongs. ControlGroup *string `json:"control_group,omitempty"` // Stat Contains CPU statistics for the node. Stat *CgroupCpuStat `json:"stat,omitempty"` }
CgroupCpu type.
func (*CgroupCpu) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CgroupCpuStat ¶
type CgroupCpuStat struct { // NumberOfElapsedPeriods The number of reporting periods (as specified by `cfs_period_micros`) that // have elapsed. NumberOfElapsedPeriods *int64 `json:"number_of_elapsed_periods,omitempty"` // NumberOfTimesThrottled The number of times all tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process // have been throttled. NumberOfTimesThrottled *int64 `json:"number_of_times_throttled,omitempty"` // TimeThrottledNanos The total amount of time, in nanoseconds, for which all tasks in the same // cgroup as the Elasticsearch process have been throttled. TimeThrottledNanos *int64 `json:"time_throttled_nanos,omitempty"` }
CgroupCpuStat type.
func NewCgroupCpuStat ¶
func NewCgroupCpuStat() *CgroupCpuStat
NewCgroupCpuStat returns a CgroupCpuStat.
func (*CgroupCpuStat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CgroupCpuStat) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CgroupMemory ¶
type CgroupMemory struct { // ControlGroup The `memory` control group to which the Elasticsearch process belongs. ControlGroup *string `json:"control_group,omitempty"` // LimitInBytes The maximum amount of user memory (including file cache) allowed for all // tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process. // This value can be too big to store in a `long`, so is returned as a string so // that the value returned can exactly match what the underlying operating // system interface returns. // Any value that is too large to parse into a `long` almost certainly means no // limit has been set for the cgroup. LimitInBytes *string `json:"limit_in_bytes,omitempty"` // UsageInBytes The total current memory usage by processes in the cgroup, in bytes, by all // tasks in the same cgroup as the Elasticsearch process. // This value is stored as a string for consistency with `limit_in_bytes`. UsageInBytes *string `json:"usage_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
CgroupMemory type.
func NewCgroupMemory ¶
func NewCgroupMemory() *CgroupMemory
NewCgroupMemory returns a CgroupMemory.
func (*CgroupMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CgroupMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ChainInput ¶
type ChainInput struct {
Inputs []map[string]WatcherInput `json:"inputs"`
ChainInput type.
type CharFilter ¶
type CharFilter interface{}
CharFilter holds the union for the following types:
string CharFilterDefinition
type CharFilterDefinition ¶
type CharFilterDefinition interface{}
CharFilterDefinition holds the union for the following types:
HtmlStripCharFilter MappingCharFilter PatternReplaceCharFilter IcuNormalizationCharFilter KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter
type CharFilterDetail ¶
type CharFilterDetail struct { FilteredText []string `json:"filtered_text"` Name string `json:"name"` }
CharFilterDetail type.
func NewCharFilterDetail ¶
func NewCharFilterDetail() *CharFilterDetail
NewCharFilterDetail returns a CharFilterDetail.
func (*CharFilterDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CharFilterDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CharFilterTypes ¶
type CharFilterTypes struct { // AnalyzerTypes Contains statistics about analyzer types used in selected nodes. AnalyzerTypes []FieldTypes `json:"analyzer_types"` // BuiltInAnalyzers Contains statistics about built-in analyzers used in selected nodes. BuiltInAnalyzers []FieldTypes `json:"built_in_analyzers"` // BuiltInCharFilters Contains statistics about built-in character filters used in selected nodes. BuiltInCharFilters []FieldTypes `json:"built_in_char_filters"` // BuiltInFilters Contains statistics about built-in token filters used in selected nodes. BuiltInFilters []FieldTypes `json:"built_in_filters"` // BuiltInTokenizers Contains statistics about built-in tokenizers used in selected nodes. BuiltInTokenizers []FieldTypes `json:"built_in_tokenizers"` // CharFilterTypes Contains statistics about character filter types used in selected nodes. CharFilterTypes []FieldTypes `json:"char_filter_types"` // FilterTypes Contains statistics about token filter types used in selected nodes. FilterTypes []FieldTypes `json:"filter_types"` // TokenizerTypes Contains statistics about tokenizer types used in selected nodes. TokenizerTypes []FieldTypes `json:"tokenizer_types"` }
CharFilterTypes type.
func NewCharFilterTypes ¶
func NewCharFilterTypes() *CharFilterTypes
NewCharFilterTypes returns a CharFilterTypes.
type CharGroupTokenizer ¶
type CharGroupTokenizer struct { MaxTokenLength *int `json:"max_token_length,omitempty"` TokenizeOnChars []string `json:"tokenize_on_chars"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
CharGroupTokenizer type.
func NewCharGroupTokenizer ¶
func NewCharGroupTokenizer() *CharGroupTokenizer
NewCharGroupTokenizer returns a CharGroupTokenizer.
func (CharGroupTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s CharGroupTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*CharGroupTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CharGroupTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CheckpointStats ¶
type CheckpointStats struct { Checkpoint int64 `json:"checkpoint"` CheckpointProgress *TransformProgress `json:"checkpoint_progress,omitempty"` TimeUpperBound DateTime `json:"time_upper_bound,omitempty"` TimeUpperBoundMillis *int64 `json:"time_upper_bound_millis,omitempty"` Timestamp DateTime `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` TimestampMillis *int64 `json:"timestamp_millis,omitempty"` }
CheckpointStats type.
func NewCheckpointStats ¶
func NewCheckpointStats() *CheckpointStats
NewCheckpointStats returns a CheckpointStats.
func (*CheckpointStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CheckpointStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Checkpointing ¶
type Checkpointing struct { ChangesLastDetectedAt *int64 `json:"changes_last_detected_at,omitempty"` ChangesLastDetectedAtDateTime DateTime `json:"changes_last_detected_at_date_time,omitempty"` Last CheckpointStats `json:"last"` LastSearchTime *int64 `json:"last_search_time,omitempty"` Next *CheckpointStats `json:"next,omitempty"` OperationsBehind *int64 `json:"operations_behind,omitempty"` }
Checkpointing type.
func NewCheckpointing ¶
func NewCheckpointing() *Checkpointing
NewCheckpointing returns a Checkpointing.
func (*Checkpointing) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Checkpointing) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ChiSquareHeuristic ¶
type ChiSquareHeuristic struct { // BackgroundIsSuperset Set to `false` if you defined a custom background filter that represents a // different set of documents that you want to compare to. BackgroundIsSuperset bool `json:"background_is_superset"` // IncludeNegatives Set to `false` to filter out the terms that appear less often in the subset // than in documents outside the subset. IncludeNegatives bool `json:"include_negatives"` }
ChiSquareHeuristic type.
func NewChiSquareHeuristic ¶
func NewChiSquareHeuristic() *ChiSquareHeuristic
NewChiSquareHeuristic returns a ChiSquareHeuristic.
func (*ChiSquareHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ChiSquareHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ChildrenAggregate ¶
type ChildrenAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ChildrenAggregate type.
func NewChildrenAggregate ¶
func NewChildrenAggregate() *ChildrenAggregate
NewChildrenAggregate returns a ChildrenAggregate.
func (ChildrenAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ChildrenAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ChildrenAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ChildrenAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ChildrenAggregation ¶
type ChildrenAggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Type The child type that should be selected. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ChildrenAggregation type.
func NewChildrenAggregation ¶
func NewChildrenAggregation() *ChildrenAggregation
NewChildrenAggregation returns a ChildrenAggregation.
func (*ChildrenAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ChildrenAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ChunkingConfig ¶
type ChunkingConfig struct { // Mode If the mode is `auto`, the chunk size is dynamically calculated; // this is the recommended value when the datafeed does not use aggregations. // If the mode is `manual`, chunking is applied according to the specified // `time_span`; // use this mode when the datafeed uses aggregations. If the mode is `off`, no // chunking is applied. Mode chunkingmode.ChunkingMode `json:"mode"` // TimeSpan The time span that each search will be querying. This setting is applicable // only when the `mode` is set to `manual`. TimeSpan Duration `json:"time_span,omitempty"` }
ChunkingConfig type.
func NewChunkingConfig ¶
func NewChunkingConfig() *ChunkingConfig
NewChunkingConfig returns a ChunkingConfig.
func (*ChunkingConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ChunkingConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CircleProcessor ¶
type CircleProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ErrorDistance The difference between the resulting inscribed distance from center to side // and the circle’s radius (measured in meters for `geo_shape`, unit-less for // `shape`). ErrorDistance Float64 `json:"error_distance"` // Field The field to interpret as a circle. Either a string in WKT format or a map // for GeoJSON. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // ShapeType Which field mapping type is to be used when processing the circle: // `geo_shape` or `shape`. ShapeType shapetype.ShapeType `json:"shape_type"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the polygon shape to // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
CircleProcessor type.
func NewCircleProcessor ¶
func NewCircleProcessor() *CircleProcessor
NewCircleProcessor returns a CircleProcessor.
func (*CircleProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CircleProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClassificationInferenceOptions ¶
type ClassificationInferenceOptions struct { // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Specifies the maximum number of feature importance values per document. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // PredictionFieldType Specifies the type of the predicted field to write. Acceptable values are: // string, number, boolean. When boolean is provided 1.0 is transformed to true // and 0.0 to false. PredictionFieldType *string `json:"prediction_field_type,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // TopClassesResultsField Specifies the field to which the top classes are written. Defaults to // top_classes. TopClassesResultsField *string `json:"top_classes_results_field,omitempty"` }
ClassificationInferenceOptions type.
func NewClassificationInferenceOptions ¶
func NewClassificationInferenceOptions() *ClassificationInferenceOptions
NewClassificationInferenceOptions returns a ClassificationInferenceOptions.
func (*ClassificationInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClassificationInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CleanupRepositoryResults ¶
type CleanupRepositoryResults struct { // DeletedBlobs Number of binary large objects (blobs) removed during cleanup. DeletedBlobs int64 `json:"deleted_blobs"` // DeletedBytes Number of bytes freed by cleanup operations. DeletedBytes int64 `json:"deleted_bytes"` }
CleanupRepositoryResults type.
func NewCleanupRepositoryResults ¶
func NewCleanupRepositoryResults() *CleanupRepositoryResults
NewCleanupRepositoryResults returns a CleanupRepositoryResults.
func (*CleanupRepositoryResults) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CleanupRepositoryResults) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // Agent Reported agent for the HTTP client. // If unavailable, this property is not included in the response. Agent *string `json:"agent,omitempty"` // ClosedTimeMillis Time at which the client closed the connection if the connection is closed. ClosedTimeMillis *int64 `json:"closed_time_millis,omitempty"` // Id Unique ID for the HTTP client. Id *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // LastRequestTimeMillis Time of the most recent request from this client. LastRequestTimeMillis *int64 `json:"last_request_time_millis,omitempty"` // LastUri The URI of the client’s most recent request. LastUri *string `json:"last_uri,omitempty"` // LocalAddress Local address for the HTTP connection. LocalAddress *string `json:"local_address,omitempty"` // OpenedTimeMillis Time at which the client opened the connection. OpenedTimeMillis *int64 `json:"opened_time_millis,omitempty"` // RemoteAddress Remote address for the HTTP connection. RemoteAddress *string `json:"remote_address,omitempty"` // RequestCount Number of requests from this client. RequestCount *int64 `json:"request_count,omitempty"` // RequestSizeBytes Cumulative size in bytes of all requests from this client. RequestSizeBytes *int64 `json:"request_size_bytes,omitempty"` // XOpaqueId Value from the client’s `x-opaque-id` HTTP header. // If unavailable, this property is not included in the response. XOpaqueId *string `json:"x_opaque_id,omitempty"` }
Client type.
func (*Client) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CloseIndexResult ¶
type CloseIndexResult struct { Closed bool `json:"closed"` Shards map[string]CloseShardResult `json:"shards,omitempty"` }
CloseIndexResult type.
func NewCloseIndexResult ¶
func NewCloseIndexResult() *CloseIndexResult
NewCloseIndexResult returns a CloseIndexResult.
func (*CloseIndexResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CloseIndexResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CloseShardResult ¶
type CloseShardResult struct {
Failures []ShardFailure `json:"failures"`
CloseShardResult type.
func NewCloseShardResult ¶
func NewCloseShardResult() *CloseShardResult
NewCloseShardResult returns a CloseShardResult.
type ClusterAppliedStats ¶
type ClusterAppliedStats struct {
Recordings []Recording `json:"recordings,omitempty"`
ClusterAppliedStats type.
func NewClusterAppliedStats ¶
func NewClusterAppliedStats() *ClusterAppliedStats
NewClusterAppliedStats returns a ClusterAppliedStats.
type ClusterComponentTemplate ¶
type ClusterComponentTemplate struct { ComponentTemplate ComponentTemplateNode `json:"component_template"` Name string `json:"name"` }
ClusterComponentTemplate type.
func NewClusterComponentTemplate ¶
func NewClusterComponentTemplate() *ClusterComponentTemplate
NewClusterComponentTemplate returns a ClusterComponentTemplate.
func (*ClusterComponentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterComponentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterDetails ¶
type ClusterDetails struct { Failures []ShardFailure `json:"failures,omitempty"` Indices string `json:"indices"` Shards_ *ShardStatistics `json:"_shards,omitempty"` Status clustersearchstatus.ClusterSearchStatus `json:"status"` TimedOut bool `json:"timed_out"` Took *int64 `json:"took,omitempty"` }
ClusterDetails type.
func NewClusterDetails ¶
func NewClusterDetails() *ClusterDetails
NewClusterDetails returns a ClusterDetails.
func (*ClusterDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterFileSystem ¶
type ClusterFileSystem struct { // AvailableInBytes Total number of bytes available to JVM in file stores across all selected // nodes. // Depending on operating system or process-level restrictions, this number may // be less than `nodes.fs.free_in_byes`. // This is the actual amount of free disk space the selected Elasticsearch nodes // can use. AvailableInBytes int64 `json:"available_in_bytes"` // FreeInBytes Total number of unallocated bytes in file stores across all selected nodes. FreeInBytes int64 `json:"free_in_bytes"` // TotalInBytes Total size, in bytes, of all file stores across all selected nodes. TotalInBytes int64 `json:"total_in_bytes"` }
ClusterFileSystem type.
func NewClusterFileSystem ¶
func NewClusterFileSystem() *ClusterFileSystem
NewClusterFileSystem returns a ClusterFileSystem.
func (*ClusterFileSystem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterFileSystem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterIndexingPressure ¶
type ClusterIndexingPressure struct {
Memory ClusterPressureMemory `json:"memory"`
ClusterIndexingPressure type.
func NewClusterIndexingPressure ¶
func NewClusterIndexingPressure() *ClusterIndexingPressure
NewClusterIndexingPressure returns a ClusterIndexingPressure.
type ClusterIndices ¶
type ClusterIndices struct { // Analysis Contains statistics about analyzers and analyzer components used in selected // nodes. Analysis CharFilterTypes `json:"analysis"` // Completion Contains statistics about memory used for completion in selected nodes. Completion CompletionStats `json:"completion"` // Count Total number of indices with shards assigned to selected nodes. Count int64 `json:"count"` // Docs Contains counts for documents in selected nodes. Docs DocStats `json:"docs"` // Fielddata Contains statistics about the field data cache of selected nodes. Fielddata FielddataStats `json:"fielddata"` // Mappings Contains statistics about field mappings in selected nodes. Mappings FieldTypesMappings `json:"mappings"` // QueryCache Contains statistics about the query cache of selected nodes. QueryCache QueryCacheStats `json:"query_cache"` // Segments Contains statistics about segments in selected nodes. Segments SegmentsStats `json:"segments"` // Shards Contains statistics about indices with shards assigned to selected nodes. Shards ClusterIndicesShards `json:"shards"` // Store Contains statistics about the size of shards assigned to selected nodes. Store StoreStats `json:"store"` // Versions Contains statistics about analyzers and analyzer components used in selected // nodes. Versions []IndicesVersions `json:"versions,omitempty"` }
ClusterIndices type.
func NewClusterIndices ¶
func NewClusterIndices() *ClusterIndices
NewClusterIndices returns a ClusterIndices.
func (*ClusterIndices) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterIndices) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterIndicesShards ¶
type ClusterIndicesShards struct { // Index Contains statistics about shards assigned to selected nodes. Index *ClusterIndicesShardsIndex `json:"index,omitempty"` // Primaries Number of primary shards assigned to selected nodes. Primaries *Float64 `json:"primaries,omitempty"` // Replication Ratio of replica shards to primary shards across all selected nodes. Replication *Float64 `json:"replication,omitempty"` // Total Total number of shards assigned to selected nodes. Total *Float64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
ClusterIndicesShards type.
func NewClusterIndicesShards ¶
func NewClusterIndicesShards() *ClusterIndicesShards
NewClusterIndicesShards returns a ClusterIndicesShards.
func (*ClusterIndicesShards) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterIndicesShards) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterIndicesShardsIndex ¶
type ClusterIndicesShardsIndex struct { // Primaries Contains statistics about the number of primary shards assigned to selected // nodes. Primaries ClusterShardMetrics `json:"primaries"` // Replication Contains statistics about the number of replication shards assigned to // selected nodes. Replication ClusterShardMetrics `json:"replication"` // Shards Contains statistics about the number of shards assigned to selected nodes. Shards ClusterShardMetrics `json:"shards"` }
ClusterIndicesShardsIndex type.
func NewClusterIndicesShardsIndex ¶
func NewClusterIndicesShardsIndex() *ClusterIndicesShardsIndex
NewClusterIndicesShardsIndex returns a ClusterIndicesShardsIndex.
type ClusterInfo ¶
type ClusterInfo struct { Nodes map[string]NodeDiskUsage `json:"nodes"` ReservedSizes []ReservedSize `json:"reserved_sizes"` ShardDataSetSizes map[string]string `json:"shard_data_set_sizes,omitempty"` ShardPaths map[string]string `json:"shard_paths"` ShardSizes map[string]int64 `json:"shard_sizes"` }
ClusterInfo type.
type ClusterInfoTargets ¶
type ClusterInfoTargets []clusterinfotarget.ClusterInfoTarget
ClusterInfoTargets type alias.
type ClusterIngest ¶
type ClusterIngest struct { NumberOfPipelines int `json:"number_of_pipelines"` ProcessorStats map[string]ClusterProcessor `json:"processor_stats"` }
ClusterIngest type.
func NewClusterIngest ¶
func NewClusterIngest() *ClusterIngest
NewClusterIngest returns a ClusterIngest.
func (*ClusterIngest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterIngest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterJvm ¶
type ClusterJvm struct { // MaxUptimeInMillis Uptime duration, in milliseconds, since JVM last started. MaxUptimeInMillis int64 `json:"max_uptime_in_millis"` // Mem Contains statistics about memory used by selected nodes. Mem ClusterJvmMemory `json:"mem"` // Threads Number of active threads in use by JVM across all selected nodes. Threads int64 `json:"threads"` // Versions Contains statistics about the JVM versions used by selected nodes. Versions []ClusterJvmVersion `json:"versions"` }
ClusterJvm type.
func (*ClusterJvm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterJvm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterJvmMemory ¶
type ClusterJvmMemory struct { // HeapMaxInBytes Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap across all // selected nodes. HeapMaxInBytes int64 `json:"heap_max_in_bytes"` // HeapUsedInBytes Memory, in bytes, currently in use by the heap across all selected nodes. HeapUsedInBytes int64 `json:"heap_used_in_bytes"` }
ClusterJvmMemory type.
func NewClusterJvmMemory ¶
func NewClusterJvmMemory() *ClusterJvmMemory
NewClusterJvmMemory returns a ClusterJvmMemory.
func (*ClusterJvmMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterJvmMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterJvmVersion ¶
type ClusterJvmVersion struct { // BundledJdk Always `true`. All distributions come with a bundled Java Development Kit // (JDK). BundledJdk bool `json:"bundled_jdk"` // Count Total number of selected nodes using JVM. Count int `json:"count"` // UsingBundledJdk If `true`, a bundled JDK is in use by JVM. UsingBundledJdk bool `json:"using_bundled_jdk"` // Version Version of JVM used by one or more selected nodes. Version string `json:"version"` // VmName Name of the JVM. VmName string `json:"vm_name"` // VmVendor Vendor of the JVM. VmVendor string `json:"vm_vendor"` // VmVersion Full version number of JVM. // The full version number includes a plus sign (+) followed by the build // number. VmVersion string `json:"vm_version"` }
ClusterJvmVersion type.
func NewClusterJvmVersion ¶
func NewClusterJvmVersion() *ClusterJvmVersion
NewClusterJvmVersion returns a ClusterJvmVersion.
func (*ClusterJvmVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterJvmVersion) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterNetworkTypes ¶
type ClusterNetworkTypes struct { // HttpTypes Contains statistics about the HTTP network types used by selected nodes. HttpTypes map[string]int `json:"http_types"` // TransportTypes Contains statistics about the transport network types used by selected nodes. TransportTypes map[string]int `json:"transport_types"` }
ClusterNetworkTypes type.
func NewClusterNetworkTypes ¶
func NewClusterNetworkTypes() *ClusterNetworkTypes
NewClusterNetworkTypes returns a ClusterNetworkTypes.
type ClusterNode ¶
type ClusterNode struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ClusterNode type.
func (*ClusterNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterNodeCount ¶
type ClusterNodeCount struct { CoordinatingOnly int `json:"coordinating_only"` Data int `json:"data"` DataCold int `json:"data_cold"` DataContent int `json:"data_content"` DataFrozen *int `json:"data_frozen,omitempty"` DataHot int `json:"data_hot"` DataWarm int `json:"data_warm"` Ingest int `json:"ingest"` Master int `json:"master"` Ml int `json:"ml"` RemoteClusterClient int `json:"remote_cluster_client"` Total int `json:"total"` Transform int `json:"transform"` VotingOnly int `json:"voting_only"` }
ClusterNodeCount type.
func NewClusterNodeCount ¶
func NewClusterNodeCount() *ClusterNodeCount
NewClusterNodeCount returns a ClusterNodeCount.
func (*ClusterNodeCount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterNodeCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterNodes ¶
type ClusterNodes struct { // Count Contains counts for nodes selected by the request’s node filters. Count ClusterNodeCount `json:"count"` // DiscoveryTypes Contains statistics about the discovery types used by selected nodes. DiscoveryTypes map[string]int `json:"discovery_types"` // Fs Contains statistics about file stores by selected nodes. Fs ClusterFileSystem `json:"fs"` IndexingPressure ClusterIndexingPressure `json:"indexing_pressure"` Ingest ClusterIngest `json:"ingest"` // Jvm Contains statistics about the Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) used by selected // nodes. Jvm ClusterJvm `json:"jvm"` // NetworkTypes Contains statistics about the transport and HTTP networks used by selected // nodes. NetworkTypes ClusterNetworkTypes `json:"network_types"` // Os Contains statistics about the operating systems used by selected nodes. Os ClusterOperatingSystem `json:"os"` // PackagingTypes Contains statistics about Elasticsearch distributions installed on selected // nodes. PackagingTypes []NodePackagingType `json:"packaging_types"` // Plugins Contains statistics about installed plugins and modules by selected nodes. // If no plugins or modules are installed, this array is empty. Plugins []PluginStats `json:"plugins"` // Process Contains statistics about processes used by selected nodes. Process ClusterProcess `json:"process"` // Versions Array of Elasticsearch versions used on selected nodes. Versions []string `json:"versions"` }
ClusterNodes type.
func NewClusterNodes ¶
func NewClusterNodes() *ClusterNodes
NewClusterNodes returns a ClusterNodes.
type ClusterOperatingSystem ¶
type ClusterOperatingSystem struct { // AllocatedProcessors Number of processors used to calculate thread pool size across all selected // nodes. // This number can be set with the processors setting of a node and defaults to // the number of processors reported by the operating system. // In both cases, this number will never be larger than 32. AllocatedProcessors int `json:"allocated_processors"` // Architectures Contains statistics about processor architectures (for example, x86_64 or // aarch64) used by selected nodes. Architectures []ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture `json:"architectures,omitempty"` // AvailableProcessors Number of processors available to JVM across all selected nodes. AvailableProcessors int `json:"available_processors"` // Mem Contains statistics about memory used by selected nodes. Mem OperatingSystemMemoryInfo `json:"mem"` // Names Contains statistics about operating systems used by selected nodes. Names []ClusterOperatingSystemName `json:"names"` // PrettyNames Contains statistics about operating systems used by selected nodes. PrettyNames []ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName `json:"pretty_names"` }
ClusterOperatingSystem type.
func NewClusterOperatingSystem ¶
func NewClusterOperatingSystem() *ClusterOperatingSystem
NewClusterOperatingSystem returns a ClusterOperatingSystem.
func (*ClusterOperatingSystem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterOperatingSystem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture ¶
type ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture struct { // Arch Name of an architecture used by one or more selected nodes. Arch string `json:"arch"` // Count Number of selected nodes using the architecture. Count int `json:"count"` }
ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture type.
func NewClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture ¶
func NewClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture() *ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture
NewClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture returns a ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture.
func (*ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterOperatingSystemArchitecture) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterOperatingSystemName ¶
type ClusterOperatingSystemName struct { // Count Number of selected nodes using the operating system. Count int `json:"count"` // Name Name of an operating system used by one or more selected nodes. Name string `json:"name"` }
ClusterOperatingSystemName type.
func NewClusterOperatingSystemName ¶
func NewClusterOperatingSystemName() *ClusterOperatingSystemName
NewClusterOperatingSystemName returns a ClusterOperatingSystemName.
func (*ClusterOperatingSystemName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterOperatingSystemName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName ¶
type ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName struct { // Count Number of selected nodes using the operating system. Count int `json:"count"` // PrettyName Human-readable name of an operating system used by one or more selected // nodes. PrettyName string `json:"pretty_name"` }
ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName type.
func NewClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName ¶
func NewClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName() *ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName
NewClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName returns a ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName.
func (*ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterOperatingSystemPrettyName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterPressureMemory ¶
type ClusterPressureMemory struct { Current IndexingPressureMemorySummary `json:"current"` LimitInBytes int64 `json:"limit_in_bytes"` Total IndexingPressureMemorySummary `json:"total"` }
ClusterPressureMemory type.
func NewClusterPressureMemory ¶
func NewClusterPressureMemory() *ClusterPressureMemory
NewClusterPressureMemory returns a ClusterPressureMemory.
func (*ClusterPressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterPressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterProcess ¶
type ClusterProcess struct { // Cpu Contains statistics about CPU used by selected nodes. Cpu ClusterProcessCpu `json:"cpu"` // OpenFileDescriptors Contains statistics about open file descriptors in selected nodes. OpenFileDescriptors ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors `json:"open_file_descriptors"` }
ClusterProcess type.
func NewClusterProcess ¶
func NewClusterProcess() *ClusterProcess
NewClusterProcess returns a ClusterProcess.
type ClusterProcessCpu ¶
type ClusterProcessCpu struct { // Percent Percentage of CPU used across all selected nodes. // Returns `-1` if not supported. Percent int `json:"percent"` }
ClusterProcessCpu type.
func NewClusterProcessCpu ¶
func NewClusterProcessCpu() *ClusterProcessCpu
NewClusterProcessCpu returns a ClusterProcessCpu.
func (*ClusterProcessCpu) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterProcessCpu) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors ¶
type ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors struct { // Avg Average number of concurrently open file descriptors. // Returns `-1` if not supported. Avg int64 `json:"avg"` // Max Maximum number of concurrently open file descriptors allowed across all // selected nodes. // Returns `-1` if not supported. Max int64 `json:"max"` // Min Minimum number of concurrently open file descriptors across all selected // nodes. // Returns -1 if not supported. Min int64 `json:"min"` }
ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors type.
func NewClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors ¶
func NewClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors() *ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors
NewClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors returns a ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors.
func (*ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterProcessOpenFileDescriptors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterProcessor ¶
type ClusterProcessor struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` Current int64 `json:"current"` Failed int64 `json:"failed"` Time Duration `json:"time,omitempty"` TimeInMillis int64 `json:"time_in_millis"` }
ClusterProcessor type.
func NewClusterProcessor ¶
func NewClusterProcessor() *ClusterProcessor
NewClusterProcessor returns a ClusterProcessor.
func (*ClusterProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterRemoteInfo ¶
type ClusterRemoteInfo interface{}
ClusterRemoteInfo holds the union for the following types:
ClusterRemoteSniffInfo ClusterRemoteProxyInfo
type ClusterRemoteProxyInfo ¶
type ClusterRemoteProxyInfo struct { Connected bool `json:"connected"` InitialConnectTimeout Duration `json:"initial_connect_timeout"` MaxProxySocketConnections int `json:"max_proxy_socket_connections"` Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"` NumProxySocketsConnected int `json:"num_proxy_sockets_connected"` ProxyAddress string `json:"proxy_address"` ServerName string `json:"server_name"` }
ClusterRemoteProxyInfo type.
func NewClusterRemoteProxyInfo ¶
func NewClusterRemoteProxyInfo() *ClusterRemoteProxyInfo
NewClusterRemoteProxyInfo returns a ClusterRemoteProxyInfo.
func (ClusterRemoteProxyInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ClusterRemoteProxyInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ClusterRemoteProxyInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterRemoteProxyInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterRemoteSniffInfo ¶
type ClusterRemoteSniffInfo struct { Connected bool `json:"connected"` InitialConnectTimeout Duration `json:"initial_connect_timeout"` MaxConnectionsPerCluster int `json:"max_connections_per_cluster"` Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"` NumNodesConnected int64 `json:"num_nodes_connected"` Seeds []string `json:"seeds"` }
ClusterRemoteSniffInfo type.
func NewClusterRemoteSniffInfo ¶
func NewClusterRemoteSniffInfo() *ClusterRemoteSniffInfo
NewClusterRemoteSniffInfo returns a ClusterRemoteSniffInfo.
func (ClusterRemoteSniffInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ClusterRemoteSniffInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ClusterRemoteSniffInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterRemoteSniffInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes ¶
type ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes struct { // CharsMax Maximum number of characters for a single runtime field script. CharsMax int `json:"chars_max"` // CharsTotal Total number of characters for the scripts that define the current runtime // field data type. CharsTotal int `json:"chars_total"` // Count Number of runtime fields mapped to the field data type in selected nodes. Count int `json:"count"` // DocMax Maximum number of accesses to doc_values for a single runtime field script DocMax int `json:"doc_max"` // DocTotal Total number of accesses to doc_values for the scripts that define the // current runtime field data type. DocTotal int `json:"doc_total"` // IndexCount Number of indices containing a mapping of the runtime field data type in // selected nodes. IndexCount int `json:"index_count"` // Lang Script languages used for the runtime fields scripts. Lang []string `json:"lang"` // LinesMax Maximum number of lines for a single runtime field script. LinesMax int `json:"lines_max"` // LinesTotal Total number of lines for the scripts that define the current runtime field // data type. LinesTotal int `json:"lines_total"` // Name Field data type used in selected nodes. Name string `json:"name"` // ScriptlessCount Number of runtime fields that don’t declare a script. ScriptlessCount int `json:"scriptless_count"` // ShadowedCount Number of runtime fields that shadow an indexed field. ShadowedCount int `json:"shadowed_count"` // SourceMax Maximum number of accesses to _source for a single runtime field script. SourceMax int `json:"source_max"` // SourceTotal Total number of accesses to _source for the scripts that define the current // runtime field data type. SourceTotal int `json:"source_total"` }
ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes type.
func NewClusterRuntimeFieldTypes ¶
func NewClusterRuntimeFieldTypes() *ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes
NewClusterRuntimeFieldTypes returns a ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes.
func (*ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterShardMetrics ¶
type ClusterShardMetrics struct { // Avg Mean number of shards in an index, counting only shards assigned to selected // nodes. Avg Float64 `json:"avg"` // Max Maximum number of shards in an index, counting only shards assigned to // selected nodes. Max Float64 `json:"max"` // Min Minimum number of shards in an index, counting only shards assigned to // selected nodes. Min Float64 `json:"min"` }
ClusterShardMetrics type.
func NewClusterShardMetrics ¶
func NewClusterShardMetrics() *ClusterShardMetrics
NewClusterShardMetrics returns a ClusterShardMetrics.
func (*ClusterShardMetrics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterShardMetrics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterStateQueue ¶
type ClusterStateQueue struct { // Committed Number of committed cluster states in queue. Committed *int64 `json:"committed,omitempty"` // Pending Number of pending cluster states in queue. Pending *int64 `json:"pending,omitempty"` // Total Total number of cluster states in queue. Total *int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
ClusterStateQueue type.
func NewClusterStateQueue ¶
func NewClusterStateQueue() *ClusterStateQueue
NewClusterStateQueue returns a ClusterStateQueue.
func (*ClusterStateQueue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterStateQueue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterStateUpdate ¶
type ClusterStateUpdate struct { // CommitTime The cumulative amount of time spent waiting for a successful cluster state // update to commit, which measures the time from the start of each publication // until a majority of the master-eligible nodes have written the state to disk // and confirmed the write to the elected master. CommitTime Duration `json:"commit_time,omitempty"` // CommitTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent waiting for a // successful cluster state update to commit, which measures the time from the // start of each publication until a majority of the master-eligible nodes have // written the state to disk and confirmed the write to the elected master. CommitTimeMillis *int64 `json:"commit_time_millis,omitempty"` // CompletionTime The cumulative amount of time spent waiting for a successful cluster state // update to complete, which measures the time from the start of each // publication until all the other nodes have notified the elected master that // they have applied the cluster state. CompletionTime Duration `json:"completion_time,omitempty"` // CompletionTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent waiting for a // successful cluster state update to complete, which measures the time from the // start of each publication until all the other nodes have notified the elected // master that they have applied the cluster state. CompletionTimeMillis *int64 `json:"completion_time_millis,omitempty"` // ComputationTime The cumulative amount of time spent computing no-op cluster state updates // since the node started. ComputationTime Duration `json:"computation_time,omitempty"` // ComputationTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent computing no-op cluster // state updates since the node started. ComputationTimeMillis *int64 `json:"computation_time_millis,omitempty"` // ContextConstructionTime The cumulative amount of time spent constructing a publication context since // the node started for publications that ultimately succeeded. // This statistic includes the time spent computing the difference between the // current and new cluster state preparing a serialized representation of this // difference. ContextConstructionTime Duration `json:"context_construction_time,omitempty"` // ContextConstructionTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent constructing a // publication context since the node started for publications that ultimately // succeeded. // This statistic includes the time spent computing the difference between the // current and new cluster state preparing a serialized representation of this // difference. ContextConstructionTimeMillis *int64 `json:"context_construction_time_millis,omitempty"` // Count The number of cluster state update attempts that did not change the cluster // state since the node started. Count int64 `json:"count"` // MasterApplyTime The cumulative amount of time spent successfully applying cluster state // updates on the elected master since the node started. MasterApplyTime Duration `json:"master_apply_time,omitempty"` // MasterApplyTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent successfully applying // cluster state updates on the elected master since the node started. MasterApplyTimeMillis *int64 `json:"master_apply_time_millis,omitempty"` // NotificationTime The cumulative amount of time spent notifying listeners of a no-op cluster // state update since the node started. NotificationTime Duration `json:"notification_time,omitempty"` // NotificationTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent notifying listeners of // a no-op cluster state update since the node started. NotificationTimeMillis *int64 `json:"notification_time_millis,omitempty"` // PublicationTime The cumulative amount of time spent publishing cluster state updates which // ultimately succeeded, which includes everything from the start of the // publication (just after the computation of the new cluster state) until the // publication has finished and the master node is ready to start processing the // next state update. // This includes the time measured by `context_construction_time`, // `commit_time`, `completion_time` and `master_apply_time`. PublicationTime Duration `json:"publication_time,omitempty"` // PublicationTimeMillis The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, spent publishing cluster // state updates which ultimately succeeded, which includes everything from the // start of the publication (just after the computation of the new cluster // state) until the publication has finished and the master node is ready to // start processing the next state update. // This includes the time measured by `context_construction_time`, // `commit_time`, `completion_time` and `master_apply_time`. PublicationTimeMillis *int64 `json:"publication_time_millis,omitempty"` }
ClusterStateUpdate type.
func NewClusterStateUpdate ¶
func NewClusterStateUpdate() *ClusterStateUpdate
NewClusterStateUpdate returns a ClusterStateUpdate.
func (*ClusterStateUpdate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterStateUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterStatistics ¶
type ClusterStatistics struct { Details map[string]ClusterDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Failed int `json:"failed"` Partial int `json:"partial"` Running int `json:"running"` Skipped int `json:"skipped"` Successful int `json:"successful"` Total int `json:"total"` }
ClusterStatistics type.
func NewClusterStatistics ¶
func NewClusterStatistics() *ClusterStatistics
NewClusterStatistics returns a ClusterStatistics.
func (*ClusterStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ClusterStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Collector ¶
type Collector struct { Children []Collector `json:"children,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Reason string `json:"reason"` TimeInNanos int64 `json:"time_in_nanos"` }
Collector type.
func (*Collector) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CombinedFieldsQuery ¶
type CombinedFieldsQuery struct { // AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery If true, match phrase queries are automatically created for multi-term // synonyms. AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery *bool `json:"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Fields List of fields to search. Field wildcard patterns are allowed. Only `text` // fields are supported, and they must all have the same search `analyzer`. Fields []string `json:"fields"` // MinimumShouldMatch Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // Operator Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query value. Operator *combinedfieldsoperator.CombinedFieldsOperator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // Query Text to search for in the provided `fields`. // The `combined_fields` query analyzes the provided text before performing a // search. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // ZeroTermsQuery Indicates whether no documents are returned if the analyzer removes all // tokens, such as when using a `stop` filter. ZeroTermsQuery *combinedfieldszeroterms.CombinedFieldsZeroTerms `json:"zero_terms_query,omitempty"` }
CombinedFieldsQuery type.
func NewCombinedFieldsQuery ¶
func NewCombinedFieldsQuery() *CombinedFieldsQuery
NewCombinedFieldsQuery returns a CombinedFieldsQuery.
func (*CombinedFieldsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CombinedFieldsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Command ¶
type Command struct { // AllocateEmptyPrimary Allocate an empty primary shard to a node. Accepts the index and shard for // index name and shard number, and node to allocate the shard to. Using this // command leads to a complete loss of all data that was indexed into this // shard, if it was previously started. If a node which has a copy of the data // rejoins the cluster later on, that data will be deleted. To ensure that these // implications are well-understood, this command requires the flag // accept_data_loss to be explicitly set to true. AllocateEmptyPrimary *CommandAllocatePrimaryAction `json:"allocate_empty_primary,omitempty"` // AllocateReplica Allocate an unassigned replica shard to a node. Accepts index and shard for // index name and shard number, and node to allocate the shard to. Takes // allocation deciders into account. AllocateReplica *CommandAllocateReplicaAction `json:"allocate_replica,omitempty"` // AllocateStalePrimary Allocate a primary shard to a node that holds a stale copy. Accepts the index // and shard for index name and shard number, and node to allocate the shard to. // Using this command may lead to data loss for the provided shard id. If a node // which has the good copy of the data rejoins the cluster later on, that data // will be deleted or overwritten with the data of the stale copy that was // forcefully allocated with this command. To ensure that these implications are // well-understood, this command requires the flag accept_data_loss to be // explicitly set to true. AllocateStalePrimary *CommandAllocatePrimaryAction `json:"allocate_stale_primary,omitempty"` // Cancel Cancel allocation of a shard (or recovery). Accepts index and shard for index // name and shard number, and node for the node to cancel the shard allocation // on. This can be used to force resynchronization of existing replicas from the // primary shard by cancelling them and allowing them to be reinitialized // through the standard recovery process. By default only replica shard // allocations can be cancelled. If it is necessary to cancel the allocation of // a primary shard then the allow_primary flag must also be included in the // request. Cancel *CommandCancelAction `json:"cancel,omitempty"` // Move Move a started shard from one node to another node. Accepts index and shard // for index name and shard number, from_node for the node to move the shard // from, and to_node for the node to move the shard to. Move *CommandMoveAction `json:"move,omitempty"` }
Command type.
type CommandAllocatePrimaryAction ¶
type CommandAllocatePrimaryAction struct { // AcceptDataLoss If a node which has a copy of the data rejoins the cluster later on, that // data will be deleted. To ensure that these implications are well-understood, // this command requires the flag accept_data_loss to be explicitly set to true AcceptDataLoss bool `json:"accept_data_loss"` Index string `json:"index"` Node string `json:"node"` Shard int `json:"shard"` }
CommandAllocatePrimaryAction type.
func NewCommandAllocatePrimaryAction ¶
func NewCommandAllocatePrimaryAction() *CommandAllocatePrimaryAction
NewCommandAllocatePrimaryAction returns a CommandAllocatePrimaryAction.
func (*CommandAllocatePrimaryAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CommandAllocatePrimaryAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommandAllocateReplicaAction ¶
type CommandAllocateReplicaAction struct { Index string `json:"index"` Node string `json:"node"` Shard int `json:"shard"` }
CommandAllocateReplicaAction type.
func NewCommandAllocateReplicaAction ¶
func NewCommandAllocateReplicaAction() *CommandAllocateReplicaAction
NewCommandAllocateReplicaAction returns a CommandAllocateReplicaAction.
func (*CommandAllocateReplicaAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CommandAllocateReplicaAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommandCancelAction ¶
type CommandCancelAction struct { AllowPrimary *bool `json:"allow_primary,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` Node string `json:"node"` Shard int `json:"shard"` }
CommandCancelAction type.
func NewCommandCancelAction ¶
func NewCommandCancelAction() *CommandCancelAction
NewCommandCancelAction returns a CommandCancelAction.
func (*CommandCancelAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CommandCancelAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommandMoveAction ¶
type CommandMoveAction struct { // FromNode The node to move the shard from FromNode string `json:"from_node"` Index string `json:"index"` Shard int `json:"shard"` // ToNode The node to move the shard to ToNode string `json:"to_node"` }
CommandMoveAction type.
func NewCommandMoveAction ¶
func NewCommandMoveAction() *CommandMoveAction
NewCommandMoveAction returns a CommandMoveAction.
func (*CommandMoveAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CommandMoveAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommonGramsTokenFilter ¶
type CommonGramsTokenFilter struct { CommonWords []string `json:"common_words,omitempty"` CommonWordsPath *string `json:"common_words_path,omitempty"` IgnoreCase *bool `json:"ignore_case,omitempty"` QueryMode *bool `json:"query_mode,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
CommonGramsTokenFilter type.
func NewCommonGramsTokenFilter ¶
func NewCommonGramsTokenFilter() *CommonGramsTokenFilter
NewCommonGramsTokenFilter returns a CommonGramsTokenFilter.
func (CommonGramsTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s CommonGramsTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*CommonGramsTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CommonGramsTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommonTermsQuery ¶
type CommonTermsQuery struct { Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CutoffFrequency *Float64 `json:"cutoff_frequency,omitempty"` HighFreqOperator *operator.Operator `json:"high_freq_operator,omitempty"` LowFreqOperator *operator.Operator `json:"low_freq_operator,omitempty"` MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
CommonTermsQuery type.
func NewCommonTermsQuery ¶
func NewCommonTermsQuery() *CommonTermsQuery
NewCommonTermsQuery returns a CommonTermsQuery.
func (*CommonTermsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CommonTermsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompactNodeInfo ¶
type CompactNodeInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
CompactNodeInfo type.
func NewCompactNodeInfo ¶
func NewCompactNodeInfo() *CompactNodeInfo
NewCompactNodeInfo returns a CompactNodeInfo.
func (*CompactNodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompactNodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompletionContext ¶
type CompletionContext struct { // Boost The factor by which the score of the suggestion should be boosted. // The score is computed by multiplying the boost with the suggestion weight. Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Context The value of the category to filter/boost on. Context Context `json:"context"` // Neighbours An array of precision values at which neighboring geohashes should be taken // into account. // Precision value can be a distance value (`5m`, `10km`, etc.) or a raw geohash // precision (`1`..`12`). // Defaults to generating neighbors for index time precision level. Neighbours []GeoHashPrecision `json:"neighbours,omitempty"` // Precision The precision of the geohash to encode the query geo point. // Can be specified as a distance value (`5m`, `10km`, etc.), or as a raw // geohash precision (`1`..`12`). // Defaults to index time precision level. Precision GeoHashPrecision `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Prefix Whether the category value should be treated as a prefix or not. Prefix *bool `json:"prefix,omitempty"` }
CompletionContext type.
func NewCompletionContext ¶
func NewCompletionContext() *CompletionContext
NewCompletionContext returns a CompletionContext.
func (*CompletionContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompletionContext) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompletionProperty ¶
type CompletionProperty struct { Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` Contexts []SuggestContext `json:"contexts,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` MaxInputLength *int `json:"max_input_length,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` PreservePositionIncrements *bool `json:"preserve_position_increments,omitempty"` PreserveSeparators *bool `json:"preserve_separators,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` SearchAnalyzer *string `json:"search_analyzer,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
CompletionProperty type.
func NewCompletionProperty ¶
func NewCompletionProperty() *CompletionProperty
NewCompletionProperty returns a CompletionProperty.
func (CompletionProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s CompletionProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*CompletionProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompletionProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompletionStats ¶
type CompletionStats struct { Fields map[string]FieldSizeUsage `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Size Total amount of memory used for completion across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. Size ByteSize `json:"size,omitempty"` // SizeInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for completion across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` }
CompletionStats type.
func NewCompletionStats ¶
func NewCompletionStats() *CompletionStats
NewCompletionStats returns a CompletionStats.
func (*CompletionStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompletionStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompletionSuggest ¶
type CompletionSuggest struct { Length int `json:"length"` Offset int `json:"offset"` Options []CompletionSuggestOption `json:"options"` Text string `json:"text"` }
CompletionSuggest type.
func NewCompletionSuggest ¶
func NewCompletionSuggest() *CompletionSuggest
NewCompletionSuggest returns a CompletionSuggest.
func (*CompletionSuggest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompletionSuggest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompletionSuggestOption ¶
type CompletionSuggestOption struct { CollateMatch *bool `json:"collate_match,omitempty"` Contexts map[string][]Context `json:"contexts,omitempty"` Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` Routing_ *string `json:"_routing,omitempty"` Score *Float64 `json:"score,omitempty"` Score_ *Float64 `json:"_score,omitempty"` Source_ json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` }
CompletionSuggestOption type.
func NewCompletionSuggestOption ¶
func NewCompletionSuggestOption() *CompletionSuggestOption
NewCompletionSuggestOption returns a CompletionSuggestOption.
func (*CompletionSuggestOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompletionSuggestOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompletionSuggester ¶
type CompletionSuggester struct { // Analyzer The analyzer to analyze the suggest text with. // Defaults to the search analyzer of the suggest field. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Contexts A value, geo point object, or a geo hash string to filter or boost the // suggestion on. Contexts map[string][]CompletionContext `json:"contexts,omitempty"` // Field The field to fetch the candidate suggestions from. // Needs to be set globally or per suggestion. Field string `json:"field"` // Fuzzy Enables fuzziness, meaning you can have a typo in your search and still get // results back. Fuzzy *SuggestFuzziness `json:"fuzzy,omitempty"` // Regex A regex query that expresses a prefix as a regular expression. Regex *RegexOptions `json:"regex,omitempty"` // Size The maximum corrections to be returned per suggest text token. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // SkipDuplicates Whether duplicate suggestions should be filtered out. SkipDuplicates *bool `json:"skip_duplicates,omitempty"` }
CompletionSuggester type.
func NewCompletionSuggester ¶
func NewCompletionSuggester() *CompletionSuggester
NewCompletionSuggester returns a CompletionSuggester.
func (*CompletionSuggester) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompletionSuggester) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ComponentTemplateNode ¶
type ComponentTemplateNode struct { Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` Template ComponentTemplateSummary `json:"template"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ComponentTemplateNode type.
func NewComponentTemplateNode ¶
func NewComponentTemplateNode() *ComponentTemplateNode
NewComponentTemplateNode returns a ComponentTemplateNode.
func (*ComponentTemplateNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ComponentTemplateNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ComponentTemplateSummary ¶
type ComponentTemplateSummary struct { Aliases map[string]AliasDefinition `json:"aliases,omitempty"` Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` Mappings *TypeMapping `json:"mappings,omitempty"` Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` Settings map[string]IndexSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ComponentTemplateSummary type.
func NewComponentTemplateSummary ¶
func NewComponentTemplateSummary() *ComponentTemplateSummary
NewComponentTemplateSummary returns a ComponentTemplateSummary.
func (*ComponentTemplateSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ComponentTemplateSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeAggregate ¶
type CompositeAggregate struct { AfterKey CompositeAggregateKey `json:"after_key,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsCompositeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
CompositeAggregate type.
func NewCompositeAggregate ¶
func NewCompositeAggregate() *CompositeAggregate
NewCompositeAggregate returns a CompositeAggregate.
func (*CompositeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeAggregateKey ¶
type CompositeAggregateKey map[string]FieldValue
CompositeAggregateKey type alias.
type CompositeAggregation ¶
type CompositeAggregation struct { // After When paginating, use the `after_key` value returned in the previous response // to retrieve the next page. After CompositeAggregateKey `json:"after,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Size The number of composite buckets that should be returned. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sources The value sources used to build composite buckets. // Keys are returned in the order of the `sources` definition. Sources []map[string]CompositeAggregationSource `json:"sources,omitempty"` }
CompositeAggregation type.
func NewCompositeAggregation ¶
func NewCompositeAggregation() *CompositeAggregation
NewCompositeAggregation returns a CompositeAggregation.
func (*CompositeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeAggregationSource ¶
type CompositeAggregationSource struct { // DateHistogram A date histogram aggregation. DateHistogram *CompositeDateHistogramAggregation `json:"date_histogram,omitempty"` // GeotileGrid A geotile grid aggregation. GeotileGrid *CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation `json:"geotile_grid,omitempty"` // Histogram A histogram aggregation. Histogram *CompositeHistogramAggregation `json:"histogram,omitempty"` // Terms A terms aggregation. Terms *CompositeTermsAggregation `json:"terms,omitempty"` }
CompositeAggregationSource type.
func NewCompositeAggregationSource ¶
func NewCompositeAggregationSource() *CompositeAggregationSource
NewCompositeAggregationSource returns a CompositeAggregationSource.
type CompositeBucket ¶
type CompositeBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key CompositeAggregateKey `json:"key"` }
CompositeBucket type.
func NewCompositeBucket ¶
func NewCompositeBucket() *CompositeBucket
NewCompositeBucket returns a CompositeBucket.
func (CompositeBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s CompositeBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*CompositeBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeDateHistogramAggregation ¶
type CompositeDateHistogramAggregation struct { // CalendarInterval Either `calendar_interval` or `fixed_interval` must be present CalendarInterval *string `json:"calendar_interval,omitempty"` // Field Either `field` or `script` must be present Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // FixedInterval Either `calendar_interval` or `fixed_interval` must be present FixedInterval *string `json:"fixed_interval,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` MissingBucket *bool `json:"missing_bucket,omitempty"` MissingOrder *missingorder.MissingOrder `json:"missing_order,omitempty"` Offset Duration `json:"offset,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // Script Either `field` or `script` must be present Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` ValueType *valuetype.ValueType `json:"value_type,omitempty"` }
CompositeDateHistogramAggregation type.
func NewCompositeDateHistogramAggregation ¶
func NewCompositeDateHistogramAggregation() *CompositeDateHistogramAggregation
NewCompositeDateHistogramAggregation returns a CompositeDateHistogramAggregation.
func (*CompositeDateHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeDateHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation ¶
type CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation struct { Bounds GeoBounds `json:"bounds,omitempty"` // Field Either `field` or `script` must be present Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` MissingBucket *bool `json:"missing_bucket,omitempty"` MissingOrder *missingorder.MissingOrder `json:"missing_order,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` Precision *int `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Script Either `field` or `script` must be present Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` ValueType *valuetype.ValueType `json:"value_type,omitempty"` }
CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation type.
func NewCompositeGeoTileGridAggregation ¶
func NewCompositeGeoTileGridAggregation() *CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation
NewCompositeGeoTileGridAggregation returns a CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation.
func (*CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeGeoTileGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeHistogramAggregation ¶
type CompositeHistogramAggregation struct { // Field Either `field` or `script` must be present Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Interval Float64 `json:"interval"` MissingBucket *bool `json:"missing_bucket,omitempty"` MissingOrder *missingorder.MissingOrder `json:"missing_order,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // Script Either `field` or `script` must be present Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` ValueType *valuetype.ValueType `json:"value_type,omitempty"` }
CompositeHistogramAggregation type.
func NewCompositeHistogramAggregation ¶
func NewCompositeHistogramAggregation() *CompositeHistogramAggregation
NewCompositeHistogramAggregation returns a CompositeHistogramAggregation.
func (*CompositeHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CompositeTermsAggregation ¶
type CompositeTermsAggregation struct { // Field Either `field` or `script` must be present Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` MissingBucket *bool `json:"missing_bucket,omitempty"` MissingOrder *missingorder.MissingOrder `json:"missing_order,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // Script Either `field` or `script` must be present Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` ValueType *valuetype.ValueType `json:"value_type,omitempty"` }
CompositeTermsAggregation type.
func NewCompositeTermsAggregation ¶
func NewCompositeTermsAggregation() *CompositeTermsAggregation
NewCompositeTermsAggregation returns a CompositeTermsAggregation.
func (*CompositeTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CompositeTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConditionTokenFilter ¶
type ConditionTokenFilter struct { Filter []string `json:"filter"` Script Script `json:"script"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ConditionTokenFilter type.
func NewConditionTokenFilter ¶
func NewConditionTokenFilter() *ConditionTokenFilter
NewConditionTokenFilter returns a ConditionTokenFilter.
func (ConditionTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ConditionTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ConditionTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConditionTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { // FeatureStates A list of feature states to be included in this snapshot. A list of features // available for inclusion in the snapshot and their descriptions be can be // retrieved using the get features API. // Each feature state includes one or more system indices containing data // necessary for the function of that feature. Providing an empty array will // include no feature states in the snapshot, regardless of the value of // include_global_state. By default, all available feature states will be // included in the snapshot if include_global_state is true, or no feature // states if include_global_state is false. FeatureStates []string `json:"feature_states,omitempty"` // missing or closed. If true, the snapshot ignores missing or closed data // streams and indices. IgnoreUnavailable *bool `json:"ignore_unavailable,omitempty"` // IncludeGlobalState If true, the current global state is included in the snapshot. IncludeGlobalState *bool `json:"include_global_state,omitempty"` // Indices A comma-separated list of data streams and indices to include in the // snapshot. Multi-index syntax is supported. // By default, a snapshot includes all data streams and indices in the cluster. // If this argument is provided, the snapshot only includes the specified data // streams and clusters. Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // Metadata Attaches arbitrary metadata to the snapshot, such as a record of who took the // snapshot, why it was taken, or any other useful data. Metadata must be less // than 1024 bytes. Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Partial If false, the entire snapshot will fail if one or more indices included in // the snapshot do not have all primary shards available. Partial *bool `json:"partial,omitempty"` }
Configuration type.
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration
NewConfiguration returns a Configuration.
func (*Configuration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Configuration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Configurations ¶
type Configurations struct { Forcemerge *ForceMergeConfiguration `json:"forcemerge,omitempty"` Rollover *RolloverConditions `json:"rollover,omitempty"` Shrink *ShrinkConfiguration `json:"shrink,omitempty"` }
Configurations type.
func NewConfigurations ¶
func NewConfigurations() *Configurations
NewConfigurations returns a Configurations.
type ConfusionMatrixItem ¶
type ConfusionMatrixItem struct { ActualClass string `json:"actual_class"` ActualClassDocCount int `json:"actual_class_doc_count"` OtherPredictedClassDocCount int `json:"other_predicted_class_doc_count"` PredictedClasses []ConfusionMatrixPrediction `json:"predicted_classes"` }
ConfusionMatrixItem type.
func NewConfusionMatrixItem ¶
func NewConfusionMatrixItem() *ConfusionMatrixItem
NewConfusionMatrixItem returns a ConfusionMatrixItem.
func (*ConfusionMatrixItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConfusionMatrixItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConfusionMatrixPrediction ¶
type ConfusionMatrixPrediction struct { Count int `json:"count"` PredictedClass string `json:"predicted_class"` }
ConfusionMatrixPrediction type.
func NewConfusionMatrixPrediction ¶
func NewConfusionMatrixPrediction() *ConfusionMatrixPrediction
NewConfusionMatrixPrediction returns a ConfusionMatrixPrediction.
func (*ConfusionMatrixPrediction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConfusionMatrixPrediction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConfusionMatrixThreshold ¶
type ConfusionMatrixThreshold struct { // FalseNegative False Negative FalseNegative int `json:"fn"` // FalsePositive False Positive FalsePositive int `json:"fp"` // TrueNegative True Negative TrueNegative int `json:"tn"` // TruePositive True Positive TruePositive int `json:"tp"` }
ConfusionMatrixThreshold type.
func NewConfusionMatrixThreshold ¶
func NewConfusionMatrixThreshold() *ConfusionMatrixThreshold
NewConfusionMatrixThreshold returns a ConfusionMatrixThreshold.
func (*ConfusionMatrixThreshold) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConfusionMatrixThreshold) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Connection ¶
type Connection struct { DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Source int64 `json:"source"` Target int64 `json:"target"` Weight Float64 `json:"weight"` }
Connection type.
func (*Connection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Connection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConstantKeywordProperty ¶
type ConstantKeywordProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value,omitempty"` }
ConstantKeywordProperty type.
func NewConstantKeywordProperty ¶
func NewConstantKeywordProperty() *ConstantKeywordProperty
NewConstantKeywordProperty returns a ConstantKeywordProperty.
func (ConstantKeywordProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ConstantKeywordProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ConstantKeywordProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConstantKeywordProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConstantScoreQuery ¶
type ConstantScoreQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Filter Filter query you wish to run. Any returned documents must match this query. // Filter queries do not calculate relevance scores. // To speed up performance, Elasticsearch automatically caches frequently used // filter queries. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
ConstantScoreQuery type.
func NewConstantScoreQuery ¶
func NewConstantScoreQuery() *ConstantScoreQuery
NewConstantScoreQuery returns a ConstantScoreQuery.
func (*ConstantScoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConstantScoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Context ¶
type Context interface{}
Context holds the union for the following types:
string GeoLocation
type ContextMethod ¶
type ContextMethod struct { Name string `json:"name"` Params []ContextMethodParam `json:"params"` ReturnType string `json:"return_type"` }
ContextMethod type.
func NewContextMethod ¶
func NewContextMethod() *ContextMethod
NewContextMethod returns a ContextMethod.
func (*ContextMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ContextMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ContextMethodParam ¶
ContextMethodParam type.
func NewContextMethodParam ¶
func NewContextMethodParam() *ContextMethodParam
NewContextMethodParam returns a ContextMethodParam.
func (*ContextMethodParam) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ContextMethodParam) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConvertProcessor ¶
type ConvertProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field whose value is to be converted. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the converted value to. // By default, the `field` is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` // Type The type to convert the existing value to. Type converttype.ConvertType `json:"type"` }
ConvertProcessor type.
func NewConvertProcessor ¶
func NewConvertProcessor() *ConvertProcessor
NewConvertProcessor returns a ConvertProcessor.
func (*ConvertProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ConvertProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CoordinatorStats ¶
type CoordinatorStats struct { ExecutedSearchesTotal int64 `json:"executed_searches_total"` NodeId string `json:"node_id"` QueueSize int `json:"queue_size"` RemoteRequestsCurrent int `json:"remote_requests_current"` RemoteRequestsTotal int64 `json:"remote_requests_total"` }
CoordinatorStats type.
func NewCoordinatorStats ¶
func NewCoordinatorStats() *CoordinatorStats
NewCoordinatorStats returns a CoordinatorStats.
func (*CoordinatorStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CoordinatorStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CoordsGeoBounds ¶
type CoordsGeoBounds struct { Bottom Float64 `json:"bottom"` Left Float64 `json:"left"` Right Float64 `json:"right"` Top Float64 `json:"top"` }
CoordsGeoBounds type.
func NewCoordsGeoBounds ¶
func NewCoordsGeoBounds() *CoordsGeoBounds
NewCoordsGeoBounds returns a CoordsGeoBounds.
func (*CoordsGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CoordsGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CoreKnnQuery ¶
type CoreKnnQuery struct { // Field The name of the vector field to search against Field string `json:"field"` // K The final number of nearest neighbors to return as top hits K int64 `json:"k"` // NumCandidates The number of nearest neighbor candidates to consider per shard NumCandidates int64 `json:"num_candidates"` // QueryVector The query vector QueryVector []float32 `json:"query_vector"` }
CoreKnnQuery type.
func NewCoreKnnQuery ¶
func NewCoreKnnQuery() *CoreKnnQuery
NewCoreKnnQuery returns a CoreKnnQuery.
func (*CoreKnnQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CoreKnnQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CountRecord ¶
type CountRecord struct { // Count the document count Count *string `json:"count,omitempty"` // Epoch seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Epoch StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds `json:"epoch,omitempty"` // Timestamp time in HH:MM:SS Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
CountRecord type.
func (*CountRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CountRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Cpu ¶
type Cpu struct { LoadAverage map[string]Float64 `json:"load_average,omitempty"` Percent *int `json:"percent,omitempty"` Sys Duration `json:"sys,omitempty"` SysInMillis *int64 `json:"sys_in_millis,omitempty"` Total Duration `json:"total,omitempty"` TotalInMillis *int64 `json:"total_in_millis,omitempty"` User Duration `json:"user,omitempty"` UserInMillis *int64 `json:"user_in_millis,omitempty"` }
Cpu type.
func (*Cpu) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CpuAcct ¶
type CpuAcct struct { // ControlGroup The `cpuacct` control group to which the Elasticsearch process belongs. ControlGroup *string `json:"control_group,omitempty"` // UsageNanos The total CPU time, in nanoseconds, consumed by all tasks in the same cgroup // as the Elasticsearch process. UsageNanos *int64 `json:"usage_nanos,omitempty"` }
CpuAcct type.
func (*CpuAcct) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CreateOperation ¶
type CreateOperation struct { // DynamicTemplates A map from the full name of fields to the name of dynamic templates. // Defaults to an empty map. // If a name matches a dynamic template, then that template will be applied // regardless of other match predicates defined in the template. // If a field is already defined in the mapping, then this parameter won’t be // used. DynamicTemplates map[string]string `json:"dynamic_templates,omitempty"` // Id_ The document ID. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` IfPrimaryTerm *int64 `json:"if_primary_term,omitempty"` IfSeqNo *int64 `json:"if_seq_no,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index or index alias to perform the action on. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Pipeline ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. // If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, then setting the value // to `_none` disables the default ingest pipeline for this request. // If a final pipeline is configured it will always run, regardless of the value // of this parameter. Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // RequireAlias If `true`, the request’s actions must target an index alias. RequireAlias *bool `json:"require_alias,omitempty"` // Routing Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
CreateOperation type.
func NewCreateOperation ¶
func NewCreateOperation() *CreateOperation
NewCreateOperation returns a CreateOperation.
func (*CreateOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CreateOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CreatedStatus ¶
type CreatedStatus struct {
Created bool `json:"created"`
CreatedStatus type.
func NewCreatedStatus ¶
func NewCreatedStatus() *CreatedStatus
NewCreatedStatus returns a CreatedStatus.
func (*CreatedStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CreatedStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CsvProcessor ¶
type CsvProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // EmptyValue Value used to fill empty fields. // Empty fields are skipped if this is not provided. // An empty field is one with no value (2 consecutive separators) or empty // quotes (`""`). EmptyValue json.RawMessage `json:"empty_value,omitempty"` // Field The field to extract data from. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Quote Quote used in CSV, has to be single character string. Quote *string `json:"quote,omitempty"` // Separator Separator used in CSV, has to be single character string. Separator *string `json:"separator,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetFields The array of fields to assign extracted values to. TargetFields []string `json:"target_fields"` // Trim Trim whitespaces in unquoted fields. Trim *bool `json:"trim,omitempty"` }
CsvProcessor type.
func NewCsvProcessor ¶
func NewCsvProcessor() *CsvProcessor
NewCsvProcessor returns a CsvProcessor.
func (*CsvProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CsvProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CumulativeCardinalityAggregate ¶
type CumulativeCardinalityAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Value int64 `json:"value"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
CumulativeCardinalityAggregate type.
func NewCumulativeCardinalityAggregate ¶
func NewCumulativeCardinalityAggregate() *CumulativeCardinalityAggregate
NewCumulativeCardinalityAggregate returns a CumulativeCardinalityAggregate.
func (*CumulativeCardinalityAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CumulativeCardinalityAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CumulativeCardinalityAggregation ¶
type CumulativeCardinalityAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
CumulativeCardinalityAggregation type.
func NewCumulativeCardinalityAggregation ¶
func NewCumulativeCardinalityAggregation() *CumulativeCardinalityAggregation
NewCumulativeCardinalityAggregation returns a CumulativeCardinalityAggregation.
func (*CumulativeCardinalityAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CumulativeCardinalityAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CumulativeSumAggregation ¶
type CumulativeSumAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
CumulativeSumAggregation type.
func NewCumulativeSumAggregation ¶
func NewCumulativeSumAggregation() *CumulativeSumAggregation
NewCumulativeSumAggregation returns a CumulativeSumAggregation.
func (*CumulativeSumAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CumulativeSumAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CurrentNode ¶
type CurrentNode struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` WeightRanking int `json:"weight_ranking"` }
CurrentNode type.
func (*CurrentNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CurrentNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CustomAnalyzer ¶
type CustomAnalyzer struct { CharFilter []string `json:"char_filter,omitempty"` Filter []string `json:"filter,omitempty"` PositionIncrementGap *int `json:"position_increment_gap,omitempty"` PositionOffsetGap *int `json:"position_offset_gap,omitempty"` Tokenizer string `json:"tokenizer"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
CustomAnalyzer type.
func NewCustomAnalyzer ¶
func NewCustomAnalyzer() *CustomAnalyzer
NewCustomAnalyzer returns a CustomAnalyzer.
func (CustomAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s CustomAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*CustomAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CustomAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer ¶
type CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer struct { CharFilter []string `json:"char_filter,omitempty"` Filter []string `json:"filter,omitempty"` Tokenizer *string `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"` }
CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer type.
func NewCustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer ¶
func NewCustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer() *CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer
NewCustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer returns a CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer.
func (*CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *CustomCategorizeTextAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CustomNormalizer ¶
type CustomNormalizer struct { CharFilter []string `json:"char_filter,omitempty"` Filter []string `json:"filter,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
CustomNormalizer type.
func NewCustomNormalizer ¶
func NewCustomNormalizer() *CustomNormalizer
NewCustomNormalizer returns a CustomNormalizer.
func (CustomNormalizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s CustomNormalizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type DailySchedule ¶
type DailySchedule struct {
At []ScheduleTimeOfDay `json:"at"`
DailySchedule type.
func NewDailySchedule ¶
func NewDailySchedule() *DailySchedule
NewDailySchedule returns a DailySchedule.
type DanglingIndex ¶
type DanglingIndex struct { CreationDateMillis int64 `json:"creation_date_millis"` IndexName string `json:"index_name"` IndexUuid string `json:"index_uuid"` NodeIds []string `json:"node_ids"` }
DanglingIndex type.
func NewDanglingIndex ¶
func NewDanglingIndex() *DanglingIndex
NewDanglingIndex returns a DanglingIndex.
func (*DanglingIndex) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DanglingIndex) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataCounts ¶
type DataCounts struct { BucketCount int64 `json:"bucket_count"` EarliestRecordTimestamp *int64 `json:"earliest_record_timestamp,omitempty"` EmptyBucketCount int64 `json:"empty_bucket_count"` InputBytes int64 `json:"input_bytes"` InputFieldCount int64 `json:"input_field_count"` InputRecordCount int64 `json:"input_record_count"` InvalidDateCount int64 `json:"invalid_date_count"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` LastDataTime *int64 `json:"last_data_time,omitempty"` LatestBucketTimestamp *int64 `json:"latest_bucket_timestamp,omitempty"` LatestEmptyBucketTimestamp *int64 `json:"latest_empty_bucket_timestamp,omitempty"` LatestRecordTimestamp *int64 `json:"latest_record_timestamp,omitempty"` LatestSparseBucketTimestamp *int64 `json:"latest_sparse_bucket_timestamp,omitempty"` LogTime *int64 `json:"log_time,omitempty"` MissingFieldCount int64 `json:"missing_field_count"` OutOfOrderTimestampCount int64 `json:"out_of_order_timestamp_count"` ProcessedFieldCount int64 `json:"processed_field_count"` ProcessedRecordCount int64 `json:"processed_record_count"` SparseBucketCount int64 `json:"sparse_bucket_count"` }
DataCounts type.
func (*DataCounts) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataCounts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataDescription ¶
type DataDescription struct { FieldDelimiter *string `json:"field_delimiter,omitempty"` // Format Only JSON format is supported at this time. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // TimeField The name of the field that contains the timestamp. TimeField *string `json:"time_field,omitempty"` // TimeFormat The time format, which can be `epoch`, `epoch_ms`, or a custom pattern. The // value `epoch` refers to UNIX or Epoch time (the number of seconds since 1 Jan // 1970). The value `epoch_ms` indicates that time is measured in milliseconds // since the epoch. The `epoch` and `epoch_ms` time formats accept either // integer or real values. Custom patterns must conform to the Java // DateTimeFormatter class. When you use date-time formatting patterns, it is // recommended that you provide the full date, time and time zone. For example: // `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX`. If the pattern that you specify is not sufficient // to produce a complete timestamp, job creation fails. TimeFormat *string `json:"time_format,omitempty"` }
DataDescription type.
func NewDataDescription ¶
func NewDataDescription() *DataDescription
NewDataDescription returns a DataDescription.
func (*DataDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataEmailAttachment ¶
type DataEmailAttachment struct {
Format *dataattachmentformat.DataAttachmentFormat `json:"format,omitempty"`
DataEmailAttachment type.
func NewDataEmailAttachment ¶
func NewDataEmailAttachment() *DataEmailAttachment
NewDataEmailAttachment returns a DataEmailAttachment.
type DataFrameAnalyticsRecord ¶
type DataFrameAnalyticsRecord struct { // AssignmentExplanation Messages related to the selection of a node. AssignmentExplanation *string `json:"assignment_explanation,omitempty"` // CreateTime The time when the job was created. CreateTime *string `json:"create_time,omitempty"` // Description A description of the job. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // DestIndex The name of the destination index. DestIndex *string `json:"dest_index,omitempty"` // FailureReason Messages about the reason why the job failed. FailureReason *string `json:"failure_reason,omitempty"` // Id The identifier for the job. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // ModelMemoryLimit The approximate maximum amount of memory resources that are permitted for the // job. ModelMemoryLimit *string `json:"model_memory_limit,omitempty"` // NodeAddress The network address of the assigned node. NodeAddress *string `json:"node.address,omitempty"` // NodeEphemeralId The ephemeral identifier of the assigned node. NodeEphemeralId *string `json:"node.ephemeral_id,omitempty"` // NodeId The unique identifier of the assigned node. NodeId *string `json:",omitempty"` // NodeName The name of the assigned node. NodeName *string `json:",omitempty"` // Progress The progress report for the job by phase. Progress *string `json:"progress,omitempty"` // SourceIndex The name of the source index. SourceIndex *string `json:"source_index,omitempty"` // State The current status of the job. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Type The type of analysis that the job performs. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Version The version of Elasticsearch when the job was created. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
DataFrameAnalyticsRecord type.
func NewDataFrameAnalyticsRecord ¶
func NewDataFrameAnalyticsRecord() *DataFrameAnalyticsRecord
NewDataFrameAnalyticsRecord returns a DataFrameAnalyticsRecord.
func (*DataFrameAnalyticsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataFrameAnalyticsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataPathStats ¶
type DataPathStats struct { // Available Total amount of disk space available to this Java virtual machine on this // file store. Available *string `json:"available,omitempty"` // AvailableInBytes Total number of bytes available to this Java virtual machine on this file // store. AvailableInBytes *int64 `json:"available_in_bytes,omitempty"` DiskQueue *string `json:"disk_queue,omitempty"` DiskReadSize *string `json:"disk_read_size,omitempty"` DiskReadSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"disk_read_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` DiskReads *int64 `json:"disk_reads,omitempty"` DiskWriteSize *string `json:"disk_write_size,omitempty"` DiskWriteSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"disk_write_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` DiskWrites *int64 `json:"disk_writes,omitempty"` // Free Total amount of unallocated disk space in the file store. Free *string `json:"free,omitempty"` // FreeInBytes Total number of unallocated bytes in the file store. FreeInBytes *int64 `json:"free_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Mount Mount point of the file store (for example: `/dev/sda2`). Mount *string `json:"mount,omitempty"` // Path Path to the file store. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Total Total size of the file store. Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"` // TotalInBytes Total size of the file store in bytes. TotalInBytes *int64 `json:"total_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Type Type of the file store (ex: ext4). Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DataPathStats type.
func NewDataPathStats ¶
func NewDataPathStats() *DataPathStats
NewDataPathStats returns a DataPathStats.
func (*DataPathStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataPathStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStream ¶
type DataStream struct { // AllowCustomRouting If `true`, the data stream allows custom routing on write request. AllowCustomRouting *bool `json:"allow_custom_routing,omitempty"` // Generation Current generation for the data stream. This number acts as a cumulative // count of the stream’s rollovers, starting at 1. Generation int `json:"generation"` // Hidden If `true`, the data stream is hidden. Hidden bool `json:"hidden"` // IlmPolicy Name of the current ILM lifecycle policy in the stream’s matching index // template. // This lifecycle policy is set in the `` setting. // If the template does not include a lifecycle policy, this property is not // included in the response. // NOTE: A data stream’s backing indices may be assigned different lifecycle // policies. To retrieve the lifecycle policy for individual backing indices, // use the get index settings API. IlmPolicy *string `json:"ilm_policy,omitempty"` // Indices Array of objects containing information about the data stream’s backing // indices. // The last item in this array contains information about the stream’s current // write index. Indices []DataStreamIndex `json:"indices"` // Lifecycle Contains the configuration for the data lifecycle management of this data // stream. Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` // Meta_ Custom metadata for the stream, copied from the `_meta` object of the // stream’s matching index template. // If empty, the response omits this property. Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` // Name Name of the data stream. Name string `json:"name"` // NextGenerationManagedBy Name of the lifecycle system that'll manage the next generation of the data // stream. NextGenerationManagedBy managedby.ManagedBy `json:"next_generation_managed_by"` // PreferIlm Indicates if ILM should take precedence over DSL in case both are configured // to managed this data stream. PreferIlm bool `json:"prefer_ilm"` // Replicated If `true`, the data stream is created and managed by cross-cluster // replication and the local cluster can not write into this data stream or // change its mappings. Replicated *bool `json:"replicated,omitempty"` // Status Health status of the data stream. // This health status is based on the state of the primary and replica shards of // the stream’s backing indices. Status healthstatus.HealthStatus `json:"status"` // System If `true`, the data stream is created and managed by an Elastic stack // component and cannot be modified through normal user interaction. System *bool `json:"system,omitempty"` // Template Name of the index template used to create the data stream’s backing indices. // The template’s index pattern must match the name of this data stream. Template string `json:"template"` // TimestampField Information about the `@timestamp` field in the data stream. TimestampField DataStreamTimestampField `json:"timestamp_field"` }
DataStream type.
func (*DataStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStream) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamIndex ¶
type DataStreamIndex struct { // IlmPolicy Name of the current ILM lifecycle policy configured for this backing index. IlmPolicy *string `json:"ilm_policy,omitempty"` // IndexName Name of the backing index. IndexName string `json:"index_name"` // IndexUuid Universally unique identifier (UUID) for the index. IndexUuid string `json:"index_uuid"` // ManagedBy Name of the lifecycle system that's currently managing this backing index. ManagedBy managedby.ManagedBy `json:"managed_by"` // PreferIlm Indicates if ILM should take precedence over DSL in case both are configured // to manage this index. PreferIlm bool `json:"prefer_ilm"` }
DataStreamIndex type.
func NewDataStreamIndex ¶
func NewDataStreamIndex() *DataStreamIndex
NewDataStreamIndex returns a DataStreamIndex.
func (*DataStreamIndex) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamIndex) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamLifecycle ¶
type DataStreamLifecycle struct { DataRetention Duration `json:"data_retention,omitempty"` Downsampling *DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling `json:"downsampling,omitempty"` }
DataStreamLifecycle type.
func NewDataStreamLifecycle ¶
func NewDataStreamLifecycle() *DataStreamLifecycle
NewDataStreamLifecycle returns a DataStreamLifecycle.
func (*DataStreamLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling ¶
type DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling struct { // Rounds The list of downsampling rounds to execute as part of this downsampling // configuration Rounds []DownsamplingRound `json:"rounds"` }
DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling type.
func NewDataStreamLifecycleDownsampling ¶
func NewDataStreamLifecycleDownsampling() *DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling
NewDataStreamLifecycleDownsampling returns a DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling.
type DataStreamLifecycleExplain ¶
type DataStreamLifecycleExplain struct { Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` GenerationTime Duration `json:"generation_time,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` IndexCreationDateMillis *int64 `json:"index_creation_date_millis,omitempty"` Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` ManagedByLifecycle bool `json:"managed_by_lifecycle"` RolloverDateMillis *int64 `json:"rollover_date_millis,omitempty"` TimeSinceIndexCreation Duration `json:"time_since_index_creation,omitempty"` TimeSinceRollover Duration `json:"time_since_rollover,omitempty"` }
DataStreamLifecycleExplain type.
func NewDataStreamLifecycleExplain ¶
func NewDataStreamLifecycleExplain() *DataStreamLifecycleExplain
NewDataStreamLifecycleExplain returns a DataStreamLifecycleExplain.
func (*DataStreamLifecycleExplain) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamLifecycleExplain) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions ¶
type DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions struct { MaxAge *string `json:"max_age,omitempty"` MaxDocs *int64 `json:"max_docs,omitempty"` MaxPrimaryShardDocs *int64 `json:"max_primary_shard_docs,omitempty"` MaxPrimaryShardSize ByteSize `json:"max_primary_shard_size,omitempty"` MaxSize ByteSize `json:"max_size,omitempty"` MinAge Duration `json:"min_age,omitempty"` MinDocs *int64 `json:"min_docs,omitempty"` MinPrimaryShardDocs *int64 `json:"min_primary_shard_docs,omitempty"` MinPrimaryShardSize ByteSize `json:"min_primary_shard_size,omitempty"` MinSize ByteSize `json:"min_size,omitempty"` }
DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions type.
func NewDataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions ¶
func NewDataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions() *DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions
NewDataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions returns a DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions.
func (*DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover ¶
type DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover struct { // DataRetention If defined, every document added to this data stream will be stored at least // for this time frame. // Any time after this duration the document could be deleted. // When empty, every document in this data stream will be stored indefinitely. DataRetention Duration `json:"data_retention,omitempty"` // Downsampling The downsampling configuration to execute for the managed backing index after // rollover. Downsampling *DataStreamLifecycleDownsampling `json:"downsampling,omitempty"` // Rollover The conditions which will trigger the rollover of a backing index as // configured by the cluster setting `cluster.lifecycle.default.rollover`. // This property is an implementation detail and it will only be retrieved when // the query param `include_defaults` is set to true. // The contents of this field are subject to change. Rollover *DataStreamLifecycleRolloverConditions `json:"rollover,omitempty"` }
DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover type.
func NewDataStreamLifecycleWithRollover ¶
func NewDataStreamLifecycleWithRollover() *DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover
NewDataStreamLifecycleWithRollover returns a DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover.
func (*DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamTimestamp ¶
type DataStreamTimestamp struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
DataStreamTimestamp type.
func NewDataStreamTimestamp ¶
func NewDataStreamTimestamp() *DataStreamTimestamp
NewDataStreamTimestamp returns a DataStreamTimestamp.
func (*DataStreamTimestamp) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamTimestamp) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamTimestampField ¶
type DataStreamTimestampField struct { // Name Name of the timestamp field for the data stream, which must be `@timestamp`. // The `@timestamp` field must be included in every document indexed to the data // stream. Name string `json:"name"` }
DataStreamTimestampField type.
func NewDataStreamTimestampField ¶
func NewDataStreamTimestampField() *DataStreamTimestampField
NewDataStreamTimestampField returns a DataStreamTimestampField.
func (*DataStreamTimestampField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamTimestampField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamVisibility ¶
type DataStreamVisibility struct {
Hidden *bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
DataStreamVisibility type.
func NewDataStreamVisibility ¶
func NewDataStreamVisibility() *DataStreamVisibility
NewDataStreamVisibility returns a DataStreamVisibility.
func (*DataStreamVisibility) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamVisibility) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamWithLifecycle ¶
type DataStreamWithLifecycle struct { Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` }
DataStreamWithLifecycle type.
func NewDataStreamWithLifecycle ¶
func NewDataStreamWithLifecycle() *DataStreamWithLifecycle
NewDataStreamWithLifecycle returns a DataStreamWithLifecycle.
func (*DataStreamWithLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamWithLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreams ¶
type DataStreams struct { Available bool `json:"available"` DataStreams int64 `json:"data_streams"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` IndicesCount int64 `json:"indices_count"` }
DataStreams type.
func (*DataStreams) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreams) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataStreamsStatsItem ¶
type DataStreamsStatsItem struct { // BackingIndices Current number of backing indices for the data stream. BackingIndices int `json:"backing_indices"` // DataStream Name of the data stream. DataStream string `json:"data_stream"` // MaximumTimestamp The data stream’s highest `@timestamp` value, converted to milliseconds since // the Unix epoch. // NOTE: This timestamp is provided as a best effort. // The data stream may contain `@timestamp` values higher than this if one or // more of the following conditions are met: // The stream contains closed backing indices; // Backing indices with a lower generation contain higher `@timestamp` values. MaximumTimestamp int64 `json:"maximum_timestamp"` // StoreSize Total size of all shards for the data stream’s backing indices. // This parameter is only returned if the `human` query parameter is `true`. StoreSize ByteSize `json:"store_size,omitempty"` // StoreSizeBytes Total size, in bytes, of all shards for the data stream’s backing indices. StoreSizeBytes int64 `json:"store_size_bytes"` }
DataStreamsStatsItem type.
func NewDataStreamsStatsItem ¶
func NewDataStreamsStatsItem() *DataStreamsStatsItem
NewDataStreamsStatsItem returns a DataStreamsStatsItem.
func (*DataStreamsStatsItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataStreamsStatsItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataTierPhaseStatistics ¶
type DataTierPhaseStatistics struct { DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` IndexCount int64 `json:"index_count"` NodeCount int64 `json:"node_count"` PrimaryShardCount int64 `json:"primary_shard_count"` PrimaryShardSizeAvgBytes int64 `json:"primary_shard_size_avg_bytes"` PrimaryShardSizeMadBytes int64 `json:"primary_shard_size_mad_bytes"` PrimaryShardSizeMedianBytes int64 `json:"primary_shard_size_median_bytes"` PrimarySizeBytes int64 `json:"primary_size_bytes"` TotalShardCount int64 `json:"total_shard_count"` TotalSizeBytes int64 `json:"total_size_bytes"` }
DataTierPhaseStatistics type.
func NewDataTierPhaseStatistics ¶
func NewDataTierPhaseStatistics() *DataTierPhaseStatistics
NewDataTierPhaseStatistics returns a DataTierPhaseStatistics.
func (*DataTierPhaseStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataTierPhaseStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataTiers ¶
type DataTiers struct { Available bool `json:"available"` DataCold DataTierPhaseStatistics `json:"data_cold"` DataContent DataTierPhaseStatistics `json:"data_content"` DataFrozen *DataTierPhaseStatistics `json:"data_frozen,omitempty"` DataHot DataTierPhaseStatistics `json:"data_hot"` DataWarm DataTierPhaseStatistics `json:"data_warm"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
DataTiers type.
func (*DataTiers) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DatafeedAuthorization ¶
type DatafeedAuthorization struct { // ApiKey If an API key was used for the most recent update to the datafeed, its name // and identifier are listed in the response. ApiKey *ApiKeyAuthorization `json:"api_key,omitempty"` // Roles If a user ID was used for the most recent update to the datafeed, its roles // at the time of the update are listed in the response. Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` // ServiceAccount If a service account was used for the most recent update to the datafeed, the // account name is listed in the response. ServiceAccount *string `json:"service_account,omitempty"` }
DatafeedAuthorization type.
func NewDatafeedAuthorization ¶
func NewDatafeedAuthorization() *DatafeedAuthorization
NewDatafeedAuthorization returns a DatafeedAuthorization.
func (*DatafeedAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DatafeedAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DatafeedConfig ¶
type DatafeedConfig struct { // Aggregations If set, the datafeed performs aggregation searches. Support for aggregations // is limited and should be used only with low cardinality data. Aggregations map[string]Aggregations `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` // ChunkingConfig Datafeeds might be required to search over long time periods, for several // months or years. This search is split into time chunks in order to ensure the // load on Elasticsearch is managed. Chunking configuration controls how the // size of these time chunks are calculated and is an advanced configuration // option. ChunkingConfig *ChunkingConfig `json:"chunking_config,omitempty"` // DatafeedId A numerical character string that uniquely identifies the datafeed. This // identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), // hyphens, and underscores. It must start and end with alphanumeric characters. // The default value is the job identifier. DatafeedId *string `json:"datafeed_id,omitempty"` // DelayedDataCheckConfig Specifies whether the datafeed checks for missing data and the size of the // window. The datafeed can optionally search over indices that have already // been read in an effort to determine whether any data has subsequently been // added to the index. If missing data is found, it is a good indication that // the `query_delay` option is set too low and the data is being indexed after // the datafeed has passed that moment in time. This check runs only on // real-time datafeeds. DelayedDataCheckConfig *DelayedDataCheckConfig `json:"delayed_data_check_config,omitempty"` // Frequency The interval at which scheduled queries are made while the datafeed runs in // real time. The default value is either the bucket span for short bucket // spans, or, for longer bucket spans, a sensible fraction of the bucket span. // For example: `150s`. When `frequency` is shorter than the bucket span, // interim results for the last (partial) bucket are written then eventually // overwritten by the full bucket results. If the datafeed uses aggregations, // this value must be divisible by the interval of the date histogram // aggregation. Frequency Duration `json:"frequency,omitempty"` // Indices An array of index names. Wildcards are supported. If any indices are in // remote clusters, the machine learning nodes must have the // `remote_cluster_client` role. Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // IndicesOptions Specifies index expansion options that are used during search. IndicesOptions *IndicesOptions `json:"indices_options,omitempty"` JobId *string `json:"job_id,omitempty"` // MaxEmptySearches If a real-time datafeed has never seen any data (including during any initial // training period) then it will automatically stop itself and close its // associated job after this many real-time searches that return no documents. // In other words, it will stop after `frequency` times `max_empty_searches` of // real-time operation. If not set then a datafeed with no end time that sees no // data will remain started until it is explicitly stopped. MaxEmptySearches *int `json:"max_empty_searches,omitempty"` // Query The Elasticsearch query domain-specific language (DSL). This value // corresponds to the query object in an Elasticsearch search POST body. All the // options that are supported by Elasticsearch can be used, as this object is // passed verbatim to Elasticsearch. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` // QueryDelay The number of seconds behind real time that data is queried. For example, if // data from 10:04 a.m. might not be searchable in Elasticsearch until 10:06 // a.m., set this property to 120 seconds. The default value is randomly // selected between `60s` and `120s`. This randomness improves the query // performance when there are multiple jobs running on the same node. QueryDelay Duration `json:"query_delay,omitempty"` // RuntimeMappings Specifies runtime fields for the datafeed search. RuntimeMappings RuntimeFields `json:"runtime_mappings,omitempty"` // ScriptFields Specifies scripts that evaluate custom expressions and returns script fields // to the datafeed. The detector configuration objects in a job can contain // functions that use these script fields. ScriptFields map[string]ScriptField `json:"script_fields,omitempty"` // ScrollSize The size parameter that is used in Elasticsearch searches when the datafeed // does not use aggregations. The maximum value is the value of // `index.max_result_window`, which is 10,000 by default. ScrollSize *int `json:"scroll_size,omitempty"` }
DatafeedConfig type.
func NewDatafeedConfig ¶
func NewDatafeedConfig() *DatafeedConfig
NewDatafeedConfig returns a DatafeedConfig.
func (*DatafeedConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DatafeedConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DatafeedRunningState ¶
type DatafeedRunningState struct { // RealTimeConfigured Indicates if the datafeed is "real-time"; meaning that the datafeed has no // configured `end` time. RealTimeConfigured bool `json:"real_time_configured"` // RealTimeRunning Indicates whether the datafeed has finished running on the available past // data. // For datafeeds without a configured `end` time, this means that the datafeed // is now running on "real-time" data. RealTimeRunning bool `json:"real_time_running"` // SearchInterval Provides the latest time interval the datafeed has searched. SearchInterval *RunningStateSearchInterval `json:"search_interval,omitempty"` }
DatafeedRunningState type.
func NewDatafeedRunningState ¶
func NewDatafeedRunningState() *DatafeedRunningState
NewDatafeedRunningState returns a DatafeedRunningState.
func (*DatafeedRunningState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DatafeedRunningState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DatafeedStats ¶
type DatafeedStats struct { // AssignmentExplanation For started datafeeds only, contains messages relating to the selection of a // node. AssignmentExplanation *string `json:"assignment_explanation,omitempty"` // DatafeedId A numerical character string that uniquely identifies the datafeed. // This identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), // hyphens, and underscores. // It must start and end with alphanumeric characters. DatafeedId string `json:"datafeed_id"` // Node For started datafeeds only, this information pertains to the node upon which // the datafeed is started. Node *DiscoveryNode `json:"node,omitempty"` // RunningState An object containing the running state for this datafeed. // It is only provided if the datafeed is started. RunningState *DatafeedRunningState `json:"running_state,omitempty"` // State The status of the datafeed, which can be one of the following values: // `starting`, `started`, `stopping`, `stopped`. State datafeedstate.DatafeedState `json:"state"` // TimingStats An object that provides statistical information about timing aspect of this // datafeed. TimingStats DatafeedTimingStats `json:"timing_stats"` }
DatafeedStats type.
func NewDatafeedStats ¶
func NewDatafeedStats() *DatafeedStats
NewDatafeedStats returns a DatafeedStats.
func (*DatafeedStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DatafeedStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DatafeedTimingStats ¶
type DatafeedTimingStats struct { // AverageSearchTimePerBucketMs The average search time per bucket, in milliseconds. AverageSearchTimePerBucketMs Float64 `json:"average_search_time_per_bucket_ms,omitempty"` // BucketCount The number of buckets processed. BucketCount int64 `json:"bucket_count"` // ExponentialAverageSearchTimePerHourMs The exponential average search time per hour, in milliseconds. ExponentialAverageSearchTimePerHourMs Float64 `json:"exponential_average_search_time_per_hour_ms"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // SearchCount The number of searches run by the datafeed. SearchCount int64 `json:"search_count"` // TotalSearchTimeMs The total time the datafeed spent searching, in milliseconds. TotalSearchTimeMs Float64 `json:"total_search_time_ms"` }
DatafeedTimingStats type.
func NewDatafeedTimingStats ¶
func NewDatafeedTimingStats() *DatafeedTimingStats
NewDatafeedTimingStats returns a DatafeedTimingStats.
func (*DatafeedTimingStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DatafeedTimingStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Datafeeds ¶
type Datafeeds struct {
ScrollSize int `json:"scroll_size"`
Datafeeds type.
func (*Datafeeds) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DatafeedsRecord ¶
type DatafeedsRecord struct { // AssignmentExplanation For started datafeeds only, contains messages relating to the selection of a // node. AssignmentExplanation *string `json:"assignment_explanation,omitempty"` // BucketsCount The number of buckets processed. BucketsCount *string `json:"buckets.count,omitempty"` // Id The datafeed identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // NodeAddress The network address of the assigned node. // For started datafeeds only, this information pertains to the node upon which // the datafeed is started. NodeAddress *string `json:"node.address,omitempty"` // NodeEphemeralId The ephemeral identifier of the assigned node. // For started datafeeds only, this information pertains to the node upon which // the datafeed is started. NodeEphemeralId *string `json:"node.ephemeral_id,omitempty"` // NodeId The unique identifier of the assigned node. // For started datafeeds only, this information pertains to the node upon which // the datafeed is started. NodeId *string `json:",omitempty"` // NodeName The name of the assigned node. // For started datafeeds only, this information pertains to the node upon which // the datafeed is started. NodeName *string `json:",omitempty"` // SearchBucketAvg The average search time per bucket, in milliseconds. SearchBucketAvg *string `json:"search.bucket_avg,omitempty"` // SearchCount The number of searches run by the datafeed. SearchCount *string `json:"search.count,omitempty"` // SearchExpAvgHour The exponential average search time per hour, in milliseconds. SearchExpAvgHour *string `json:"search.exp_avg_hour,omitempty"` // SearchTime The total time the datafeed spent searching, in milliseconds. SearchTime *string `json:"search.time,omitempty"` // State The status of the datafeed. State *datafeedstate.DatafeedState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
DatafeedsRecord type.
func NewDatafeedsRecord ¶
func NewDatafeedsRecord() *DatafeedsRecord
NewDatafeedsRecord returns a DatafeedsRecord.
func (*DatafeedsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DatafeedsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysis ¶
type DataframeAnalysis struct { // Alpha Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree // growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss // decreases most quickly. This parameter affects loss calculations by acting as // a multiplier of the tree depth. Higher alpha values result in shallower trees // and faster training times. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Alpha *Float64 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` // DependentVariable Defines which field of the document is to be predicted. It must match one of // the fields in the index being used to train. If this field is missing from a // document, then that document will not be used for training, but a prediction // with the trained model will be generated for it. It is also known as // continuous target variable. // For classification analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric // (`integer`, `short`, `long`, `byte`), categorical (`ip` or `keyword`), or // `boolean`. There must be no more than 30 different values in this field. // For regression analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric. DependentVariable string `json:"dependent_variable"` // DownsampleFactor Advanced configuration option. Controls the fraction of data that is used to // compute the derivatives of the loss function for tree training. A small value // results in the use of a small fraction of the data. If this value is set to // be less than 1, accuracy typically improves. However, too small a value may // result in poor convergence for the ensemble and so require more trees. By // default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must // be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. DownsampleFactor *Float64 `json:"downsample_factor,omitempty"` // EarlyStoppingEnabled Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether the training process should // finish if it is not finding any better performing models. If disabled, the // training process can take significantly longer and the chance of finding a // better performing model is unremarkable. EarlyStoppingEnabled *bool `json:"early_stopping_enabled,omitempty"` // Eta Advanced configuration option. The shrinkage applied to the weights. Smaller // values result in larger forests which have a better generalization error. // However, larger forests cause slower training. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a value between // 0.001 and 1. Eta *Float64 `json:"eta,omitempty"` // EtaGrowthRatePerTree Advanced configuration option. Specifies the rate at which `eta` increases // for each new tree that is added to the forest. For example, a rate of 1.05 // increases `eta` by 5% for each extra tree. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be between 0.5 and 2. EtaGrowthRatePerTree *Float64 `json:"eta_growth_rate_per_tree,omitempty"` // FeatureBagFraction Advanced configuration option. Defines the fraction of features that will be // used when selecting a random bag for each candidate split. By default, this // value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. FeatureBagFraction *Float64 `json:"feature_bag_fraction,omitempty"` // FeatureProcessors Advanced configuration option. A collection of feature preprocessors that // modify one or more included fields. The analysis uses the resulting one or // more features instead of the original document field. However, these features // are ephemeral; they are not stored in the destination index. Multiple // `feature_processors` entries can refer to the same document fields. Automatic // categorical feature encoding still occurs for the fields that are unprocessed // by a custom processor or that have categorical values. Use this property only // if you want to override the automatic feature encoding of the specified // fields. FeatureProcessors []DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor `json:"feature_processors,omitempty"` // Gamma Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent // overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies a linear penalty associated // with the size of individual trees in the forest. A high gamma value causes // training to prefer small trees. A small gamma value results in larger // individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated // during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value. Gamma *Float64 `json:"gamma,omitempty"` // Lambda Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent // overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies an L2 regularization term // which applies to leaf weights of the individual trees in the forest. A high // lambda value causes training to favor small leaf weights. This behavior makes // the prediction function smoother at the expense of potentially not being able // to capture relevant relationships between the features and the dependent // variable. A small lambda value results in large individual trees and slower // training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter // optimization. It must be a nonnegative value. Lambda *Float64 `json:"lambda,omitempty"` // MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter Advanced configuration option. A multiplier responsible for determining the // maximum number of hyperparameter optimization steps in the Bayesian // optimization procedure. The maximum number of steps is determined based on // the number of undefined hyperparameters times the maximum optimization rounds // per hyperparameter. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter *int `json:"max_optimization_rounds_per_hyperparameter,omitempty"` // MaxTrees Advanced configuration option. Defines the maximum number of decision trees // in the forest. The maximum value is 2000. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. MaxTrees *int `json:"max_trees,omitempty"` // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Advanced configuration option. Specifies the maximum number of feature // importance values per document to return. By default, no feature importance // calculation occurs. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // PredictionFieldName Defines the name of the prediction field in the results. Defaults to // `<dependent_variable>_prediction`. PredictionFieldName *string `json:"prediction_field_name,omitempty"` // RandomizeSeed Defines the seed for the random generator that is used to pick training data. // By default, it is randomly generated. Set it to a specific value to use the // same training data each time you start a job (assuming other related // parameters such as `source` and `analyzed_fields` are the same). RandomizeSeed *Float64 `json:"randomize_seed,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthLimit Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree // growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss // decreases most quickly. This soft limit combines with the // `soft_tree_depth_tolerance` to penalize trees that exceed the specified // depth; the regularized loss increases quickly beyond this depth. By default, // this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be // greater than or equal to 0. SoftTreeDepthLimit *int `json:"soft_tree_depth_limit,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthTolerance Advanced configuration option. This option controls how quickly the // regularized loss increases when the tree depth exceeds // `soft_tree_depth_limit`. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.01. SoftTreeDepthTolerance *Float64 `json:"soft_tree_depth_tolerance,omitempty"` // TrainingPercent Defines what percentage of the eligible documents that will be used for // training. Documents that are ignored by the analysis (for example those that // contain arrays with more than one value) won’t be included in the calculation // for used percentage. TrainingPercent Percentage `json:"training_percent,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysis type.
func NewDataframeAnalysis ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysis() *DataframeAnalysis
NewDataframeAnalysis returns a DataframeAnalysis.
func (*DataframeAnalysis) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysis) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields ¶
type DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields struct { // Excludes An array of strings that defines the fields that will be included in the // analysis. Excludes []string `json:"excludes"` // Includes An array of strings that defines the fields that will be excluded from the // analysis. You do not need to add fields with unsupported data types to // excludes, these fields are excluded from the analysis automatically. Includes []string `json:"includes"` }
DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields() *DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields
NewDataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields returns a DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields.
func (*DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisClassification ¶
type DataframeAnalysisClassification struct { // Alpha Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree // growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss // decreases most quickly. This parameter affects loss calculations by acting as // a multiplier of the tree depth. Higher alpha values result in shallower trees // and faster training times. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Alpha *Float64 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` ClassAssignmentObjective *string `json:"class_assignment_objective,omitempty"` // DependentVariable Defines which field of the document is to be predicted. It must match one of // the fields in the index being used to train. If this field is missing from a // document, then that document will not be used for training, but a prediction // with the trained model will be generated for it. It is also known as // continuous target variable. // For classification analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric // (`integer`, `short`, `long`, `byte`), categorical (`ip` or `keyword`), or // `boolean`. There must be no more than 30 different values in this field. // For regression analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric. DependentVariable string `json:"dependent_variable"` // DownsampleFactor Advanced configuration option. Controls the fraction of data that is used to // compute the derivatives of the loss function for tree training. A small value // results in the use of a small fraction of the data. If this value is set to // be less than 1, accuracy typically improves. However, too small a value may // result in poor convergence for the ensemble and so require more trees. By // default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must // be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. DownsampleFactor *Float64 `json:"downsample_factor,omitempty"` // EarlyStoppingEnabled Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether the training process should // finish if it is not finding any better performing models. If disabled, the // training process can take significantly longer and the chance of finding a // better performing model is unremarkable. EarlyStoppingEnabled *bool `json:"early_stopping_enabled,omitempty"` // Eta Advanced configuration option. The shrinkage applied to the weights. Smaller // values result in larger forests which have a better generalization error. // However, larger forests cause slower training. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a value between // 0.001 and 1. Eta *Float64 `json:"eta,omitempty"` // EtaGrowthRatePerTree Advanced configuration option. Specifies the rate at which `eta` increases // for each new tree that is added to the forest. For example, a rate of 1.05 // increases `eta` by 5% for each extra tree. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be between 0.5 and 2. EtaGrowthRatePerTree *Float64 `json:"eta_growth_rate_per_tree,omitempty"` // FeatureBagFraction Advanced configuration option. Defines the fraction of features that will be // used when selecting a random bag for each candidate split. By default, this // value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. FeatureBagFraction *Float64 `json:"feature_bag_fraction,omitempty"` // FeatureProcessors Advanced configuration option. A collection of feature preprocessors that // modify one or more included fields. The analysis uses the resulting one or // more features instead of the original document field. However, these features // are ephemeral; they are not stored in the destination index. Multiple // `feature_processors` entries can refer to the same document fields. Automatic // categorical feature encoding still occurs for the fields that are unprocessed // by a custom processor or that have categorical values. Use this property only // if you want to override the automatic feature encoding of the specified // fields. FeatureProcessors []DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor `json:"feature_processors,omitempty"` // Gamma Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent // overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies a linear penalty associated // with the size of individual trees in the forest. A high gamma value causes // training to prefer small trees. A small gamma value results in larger // individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated // during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value. Gamma *Float64 `json:"gamma,omitempty"` // Lambda Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent // overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies an L2 regularization term // which applies to leaf weights of the individual trees in the forest. A high // lambda value causes training to favor small leaf weights. This behavior makes // the prediction function smoother at the expense of potentially not being able // to capture relevant relationships between the features and the dependent // variable. A small lambda value results in large individual trees and slower // training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter // optimization. It must be a nonnegative value. Lambda *Float64 `json:"lambda,omitempty"` // MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter Advanced configuration option. A multiplier responsible for determining the // maximum number of hyperparameter optimization steps in the Bayesian // optimization procedure. The maximum number of steps is determined based on // the number of undefined hyperparameters times the maximum optimization rounds // per hyperparameter. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter *int `json:"max_optimization_rounds_per_hyperparameter,omitempty"` // MaxTrees Advanced configuration option. Defines the maximum number of decision trees // in the forest. The maximum value is 2000. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. MaxTrees *int `json:"max_trees,omitempty"` // NumTopClasses Defines the number of categories for which the predicted probabilities are // reported. It must be non-negative or -1. If it is -1 or greater than the // total number of categories, probabilities are reported for all categories; if // you have a large number of categories, there could be a significant effect on // the size of your destination index. NOTE: To use the AUC ROC evaluation // method, `num_top_classes` must be set to -1 or a value greater than or equal // to the total number of categories. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Advanced configuration option. Specifies the maximum number of feature // importance values per document to return. By default, no feature importance // calculation occurs. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // PredictionFieldName Defines the name of the prediction field in the results. Defaults to // `<dependent_variable>_prediction`. PredictionFieldName *string `json:"prediction_field_name,omitempty"` // RandomizeSeed Defines the seed for the random generator that is used to pick training data. // By default, it is randomly generated. Set it to a specific value to use the // same training data each time you start a job (assuming other related // parameters such as `source` and `analyzed_fields` are the same). RandomizeSeed *Float64 `json:"randomize_seed,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthLimit Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree // growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss // decreases most quickly. This soft limit combines with the // `soft_tree_depth_tolerance` to penalize trees that exceed the specified // depth; the regularized loss increases quickly beyond this depth. By default, // this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be // greater than or equal to 0. SoftTreeDepthLimit *int `json:"soft_tree_depth_limit,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthTolerance Advanced configuration option. This option controls how quickly the // regularized loss increases when the tree depth exceeds // `soft_tree_depth_limit`. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.01. SoftTreeDepthTolerance *Float64 `json:"soft_tree_depth_tolerance,omitempty"` // TrainingPercent Defines what percentage of the eligible documents that will be used for // training. Documents that are ignored by the analysis (for example those that // contain arrays with more than one value) won’t be included in the calculation // for used percentage. TrainingPercent Percentage `json:"training_percent,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysisClassification type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisClassification ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisClassification() *DataframeAnalysisClassification
NewDataframeAnalysisClassification returns a DataframeAnalysisClassification.
func (*DataframeAnalysisClassification) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisClassification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisContainer ¶
type DataframeAnalysisContainer struct { // Classification The configuration information necessary to perform classification. Classification *DataframeAnalysisClassification `json:"classification,omitempty"` // OutlierDetection The configuration information necessary to perform outlier detection. NOTE: // Advanced parameters are for fine-tuning classification analysis. They are set // automatically by hyperparameter optimization to give the minimum validation // error. It is highly recommended to use the default values unless you fully // understand the function of these parameters. OutlierDetection *DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection `json:"outlier_detection,omitempty"` // Regression The configuration information necessary to perform regression. NOTE: Advanced // parameters are for fine-tuning regression analysis. They are set // automatically by hyperparameter optimization to give the minimum validation // error. It is highly recommended to use the default values unless you fully // understand the function of these parameters. Regression *DataframeAnalysisRegression `json:"regression,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysisContainer type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisContainer ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisContainer() *DataframeAnalysisContainer
NewDataframeAnalysisContainer returns a DataframeAnalysisContainer.
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor ¶
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor struct { // FrequencyEncoding The configuration information necessary to perform frequency encoding. FrequencyEncoding *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding `json:"frequency_encoding,omitempty"` // MultiEncoding The configuration information necessary to perform multi encoding. It allows // multiple processors to be changed together. This way the output of a // processor can then be passed to another as an input. MultiEncoding *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding `json:"multi_encoding,omitempty"` // NGramEncoding The configuration information necessary to perform n-gram encoding. Features // created by this encoder have the following name format: // <feature_prefix>.<ngram><string position>. For example, if the feature_prefix // is f, the feature name for the second unigram in a string is f.11. NGramEncoding *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding `json:"n_gram_encoding,omitempty"` // OneHotEncoding The configuration information necessary to perform one hot encoding. OneHotEncoding *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding `json:"one_hot_encoding,omitempty"` // TargetMeanEncoding The configuration information necessary to perform target mean encoding. TargetMeanEncoding *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding `json:"target_mean_encoding,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor() *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor
NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor returns a DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor.
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding ¶
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding struct { // FeatureName The resulting feature name. FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Field string `json:"field"` // FrequencyMap The resulting frequency map for the field value. If the field value is // missing from the frequency_map, the resulting value is 0. FrequencyMap map[string]Float64 `json:"frequency_map"` }
DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding() *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding
NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding returns a DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding.
func (*DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorFrequencyEncoding) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding ¶
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding struct { // Processors The ordered array of custom processors to execute. Must be more than 1. Processors []int `json:"processors"` }
DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding() *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding
NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding returns a DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorMultiEncoding.
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding ¶
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding struct { Custom *bool `json:"custom,omitempty"` // FeaturePrefix The feature name prefix. Defaults to ngram_<start>_<length>. FeaturePrefix *string `json:"feature_prefix,omitempty"` // Field The name of the text field to encode. Field string `json:"field"` // Length Specifies the length of the n-gram substring. Defaults to 50. Must be greater // than 0. Length *int `json:"length,omitempty"` // NGrams Specifies which n-grams to gather. It’s an array of integer values where the // minimum value is 1, and a maximum value is 5. NGrams []int `json:"n_grams"` // Start Specifies the zero-indexed start of the n-gram substring. Negative values are // allowed for encoding n-grams of string suffixes. Defaults to 0. Start *int `json:"start,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding() *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding
NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding returns a DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding.
func (*DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorNGramEncoding) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding ¶
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding struct { // Field The name of the field to encode. Field string `json:"field"` // HotMap The one hot map mapping the field value with the column name. HotMap string `json:"hot_map"` }
DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding() *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding
NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding returns a DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding.
func (*DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorOneHotEncoding) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding ¶
type DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding struct { // DefaultValue The default value if field value is not found in the target_map. DefaultValue int `json:"default_value"` // FeatureName The resulting feature name. FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` // Field The name of the field to encode. Field string `json:"field"` // TargetMap The field value to target mean transition map. TargetMap map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"target_map"` }
DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding() *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding
NewDataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding returns a DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding.
func (*DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessorTargetMeanEncoding) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection ¶
type DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection struct { // ComputeFeatureInfluence Specifies whether the feature influence calculation is enabled. ComputeFeatureInfluence *bool `json:"compute_feature_influence,omitempty"` // FeatureInfluenceThreshold The minimum outlier score that a document needs to have in order to calculate // its feature influence score. Value range: 0-1. FeatureInfluenceThreshold *Float64 `json:"feature_influence_threshold,omitempty"` // Method The method that outlier detection uses. Available methods are `lof`, `ldof`, // `distance_kth_nn`, `distance_knn`, and `ensemble`. The default value is // ensemble, which means that outlier detection uses an ensemble of different // methods and normalises and combines their individual outlier scores to obtain // the overall outlier score. Method *string `json:"method,omitempty"` // NNeighbors Defines the value for how many nearest neighbors each method of outlier // detection uses to calculate its outlier score. When the value is not set, // different values are used for different ensemble members. This default // behavior helps improve the diversity in the ensemble; only override it if you // are confident that the value you choose is appropriate for the data set. NNeighbors *int `json:"n_neighbors,omitempty"` // OutlierFraction The proportion of the data set that is assumed to be outlying prior to // outlier detection. For example, 0.05 means it is assumed that 5% of values // are real outliers and 95% are inliers. OutlierFraction *Float64 `json:"outlier_fraction,omitempty"` // StandardizationEnabled If true, the following operation is performed on the columns before computing // outlier scores: `(x_i - mean(x_i)) / sd(x_i)`. StandardizationEnabled *bool `json:"standardization_enabled,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection() *DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection
NewDataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection returns a DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection.
func (*DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisOutlierDetection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalysisRegression ¶
type DataframeAnalysisRegression struct { // Alpha Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree // growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss // decreases most quickly. This parameter affects loss calculations by acting as // a multiplier of the tree depth. Higher alpha values result in shallower trees // and faster training times. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to zero. Alpha *Float64 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` // DependentVariable Defines which field of the document is to be predicted. It must match one of // the fields in the index being used to train. If this field is missing from a // document, then that document will not be used for training, but a prediction // with the trained model will be generated for it. It is also known as // continuous target variable. // For classification analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric // (`integer`, `short`, `long`, `byte`), categorical (`ip` or `keyword`), or // `boolean`. There must be no more than 30 different values in this field. // For regression analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric. DependentVariable string `json:"dependent_variable"` // DownsampleFactor Advanced configuration option. Controls the fraction of data that is used to // compute the derivatives of the loss function for tree training. A small value // results in the use of a small fraction of the data. If this value is set to // be less than 1, accuracy typically improves. However, too small a value may // result in poor convergence for the ensemble and so require more trees. By // default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must // be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. DownsampleFactor *Float64 `json:"downsample_factor,omitempty"` // EarlyStoppingEnabled Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether the training process should // finish if it is not finding any better performing models. If disabled, the // training process can take significantly longer and the chance of finding a // better performing model is unremarkable. EarlyStoppingEnabled *bool `json:"early_stopping_enabled,omitempty"` // Eta Advanced configuration option. The shrinkage applied to the weights. Smaller // values result in larger forests which have a better generalization error. // However, larger forests cause slower training. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a value between // 0.001 and 1. Eta *Float64 `json:"eta,omitempty"` // EtaGrowthRatePerTree Advanced configuration option. Specifies the rate at which `eta` increases // for each new tree that is added to the forest. For example, a rate of 1.05 // increases `eta` by 5% for each extra tree. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be between 0.5 and 2. EtaGrowthRatePerTree *Float64 `json:"eta_growth_rate_per_tree,omitempty"` // FeatureBagFraction Advanced configuration option. Defines the fraction of features that will be // used when selecting a random bag for each candidate split. By default, this // value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. FeatureBagFraction *Float64 `json:"feature_bag_fraction,omitempty"` // FeatureProcessors Advanced configuration option. A collection of feature preprocessors that // modify one or more included fields. The analysis uses the resulting one or // more features instead of the original document field. However, these features // are ephemeral; they are not stored in the destination index. Multiple // `feature_processors` entries can refer to the same document fields. Automatic // categorical feature encoding still occurs for the fields that are unprocessed // by a custom processor or that have categorical values. Use this property only // if you want to override the automatic feature encoding of the specified // fields. FeatureProcessors []DataframeAnalysisFeatureProcessor `json:"feature_processors,omitempty"` // Gamma Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent // overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies a linear penalty associated // with the size of individual trees in the forest. A high gamma value causes // training to prefer small trees. A small gamma value results in larger // individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated // during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value. Gamma *Float64 `json:"gamma,omitempty"` // Lambda Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent // overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies an L2 regularization term // which applies to leaf weights of the individual trees in the forest. A high // lambda value causes training to favor small leaf weights. This behavior makes // the prediction function smoother at the expense of potentially not being able // to capture relevant relationships between the features and the dependent // variable. A small lambda value results in large individual trees and slower // training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter // optimization. It must be a nonnegative value. Lambda *Float64 `json:"lambda,omitempty"` // LossFunction The loss function used during regression. Available options are `mse` (mean // squared error), `msle` (mean squared logarithmic error), `huber` // (Pseudo-Huber loss). LossFunction *string `json:"loss_function,omitempty"` // LossFunctionParameter A positive number that is used as a parameter to the `loss_function`. LossFunctionParameter *Float64 `json:"loss_function_parameter,omitempty"` // MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter Advanced configuration option. A multiplier responsible for determining the // maximum number of hyperparameter optimization steps in the Bayesian // optimization procedure. The maximum number of steps is determined based on // the number of undefined hyperparameters times the maximum optimization rounds // per hyperparameter. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter *int `json:"max_optimization_rounds_per_hyperparameter,omitempty"` // MaxTrees Advanced configuration option. Defines the maximum number of decision trees // in the forest. The maximum value is 2000. By default, this value is // calculated during hyperparameter optimization. MaxTrees *int `json:"max_trees,omitempty"` // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Advanced configuration option. Specifies the maximum number of feature // importance values per document to return. By default, no feature importance // calculation occurs. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // PredictionFieldName Defines the name of the prediction field in the results. Defaults to // `<dependent_variable>_prediction`. PredictionFieldName *string `json:"prediction_field_name,omitempty"` // RandomizeSeed Defines the seed for the random generator that is used to pick training data. // By default, it is randomly generated. Set it to a specific value to use the // same training data each time you start a job (assuming other related // parameters such as `source` and `analyzed_fields` are the same). RandomizeSeed *Float64 `json:"randomize_seed,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthLimit Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree // growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss // decreases most quickly. This soft limit combines with the // `soft_tree_depth_tolerance` to penalize trees that exceed the specified // depth; the regularized loss increases quickly beyond this depth. By default, // this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be // greater than or equal to 0. SoftTreeDepthLimit *int `json:"soft_tree_depth_limit,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthTolerance Advanced configuration option. This option controls how quickly the // regularized loss increases when the tree depth exceeds // `soft_tree_depth_limit`. By default, this value is calculated during // hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.01. SoftTreeDepthTolerance *Float64 `json:"soft_tree_depth_tolerance,omitempty"` // TrainingPercent Defines what percentage of the eligible documents that will be used for // training. Documents that are ignored by the analysis (for example those that // contain arrays with more than one value) won’t be included in the calculation // for used percentage. TrainingPercent Percentage `json:"training_percent,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalysisRegression type.
func NewDataframeAnalysisRegression ¶
func NewDataframeAnalysisRegression() *DataframeAnalysisRegression
NewDataframeAnalysisRegression returns a DataframeAnalysisRegression.
func (*DataframeAnalysisRegression) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalysisRegression) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalytics ¶
type DataframeAnalytics struct { // AnalysisStats An object containing information about the analysis job. AnalysisStats *DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer `json:"analysis_stats,omitempty"` // AssignmentExplanation For running jobs only, contains messages relating to the selection of a node // to run the job. AssignmentExplanation *string `json:"assignment_explanation,omitempty"` // DataCounts An object that provides counts for the quantity of documents skipped, used in // training, or available for testing. DataCounts DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts `json:"data_counts"` // Id The unique identifier of the data frame analytics job. Id string `json:"id"` // MemoryUsage An object describing memory usage of the analytics. It is present only after // the job is started and memory usage is reported. MemoryUsage DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage `json:"memory_usage"` // Node Contains properties for the node that runs the job. This information is // available only for running jobs. Node *NodeAttributes `json:"node,omitempty"` // Progress The progress report of the data frame analytics job by phase. Progress []DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress `json:"progress"` // State The status of the data frame analytics job, which can be one of the following // values: failed, started, starting, stopping, stopped. State dataframestate.DataframeState `json:"state"` }
DataframeAnalytics type.
func NewDataframeAnalytics ¶
func NewDataframeAnalytics() *DataframeAnalytics
NewDataframeAnalytics returns a DataframeAnalytics.
func (*DataframeAnalytics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalytics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization struct { // ApiKey If an API key was used for the most recent update to the job, its name and // identifier are listed in the response. ApiKey *ApiKeyAuthorization `json:"api_key,omitempty"` // Roles If a user ID was used for the most recent update to the job, its roles at the // time of the update are listed in the response. Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` // ServiceAccount If a service account was used for the most recent update to the job, the // account name is listed in the response. ServiceAccount *string `json:"service_account,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsAuthorization ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsAuthorization() *DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization
NewDataframeAnalyticsAuthorization returns a DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsDestination ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsDestination struct { // Index Defines the destination index to store the results of the data frame // analytics job. Index string `json:"index"` // ResultsField Defines the name of the field in which to store the results of the analysis. // Defaults to `ml`. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsDestination type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsDestination ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsDestination() *DataframeAnalyticsDestination
NewDataframeAnalyticsDestination returns a DataframeAnalyticsDestination.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection struct { // FeatureType The feature type of this field for the analysis. May be categorical or // numerical. FeatureType *string `json:"feature_type,omitempty"` // IsIncluded Whether the field is selected to be included in the analysis. IsIncluded bool `json:"is_included"` // IsRequired Whether the field is required. IsRequired bool `json:"is_required"` // MappingTypes The mapping types of the field. MappingTypes []string `json:"mapping_types"` // Name The field name. Name string `json:"name"` // Reason The reason a field is not selected to be included in the analysis. Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection() *DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection
NewDataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection returns a DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsFieldSelection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation struct { // ExpectedMemoryWithDisk Estimated memory usage under the assumption that overflowing to disk is // allowed during data frame analytics. expected_memory_with_disk is usually // smaller than expected_memory_without_disk as using disk allows to limit the // main memory needed to perform data frame analytics. ExpectedMemoryWithDisk string `json:"expected_memory_with_disk"` // ExpectedMemoryWithoutDisk Estimated memory usage under the assumption that the whole data frame // analytics should happen in memory (i.e. without overflowing to disk). ExpectedMemoryWithoutDisk string `json:"expected_memory_without_disk"` }
DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation() *DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation
NewDataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation returns a DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsMemoryEstimation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsSource ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsSource struct { // Index Index or indices on which to perform the analysis. It can be a single index // or index pattern as well as an array of indices or patterns. NOTE: If your // source indices contain documents with the same IDs, only the document that is // indexed last appears in the destination index. Index []string `json:"index"` // Query The Elasticsearch query domain-specific language (DSL). This value // corresponds to the query object in an Elasticsearch search POST body. All the // options that are supported by Elasticsearch can be used, as this object is // passed verbatim to Elasticsearch. By default, this property has the following // value: {"match_all": {}}. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` // RuntimeMappings Definitions of runtime fields that will become part of the mapping of the // destination index. RuntimeMappings RuntimeFields `json:"runtime_mappings,omitempty"` // Source_ Specify `includes` and/or `excludes patterns to select which fields will be // present in the destination. Fields that are excluded cannot be included in // the analysis. Source_ *DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields `json:"_source,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsSource type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsSource ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsSource() *DataframeAnalyticsSource
NewDataframeAnalyticsSource returns a DataframeAnalyticsSource.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer struct { // ClassificationStats An object containing information about the classification analysis job. ClassificationStats *DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters `json:"classification_stats,omitempty"` // OutlierDetectionStats An object containing information about the outlier detection job. OutlierDetectionStats *DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection `json:"outlier_detection_stats,omitempty"` // RegressionStats An object containing information about the regression analysis. RegressionStats *DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters `json:"regression_stats,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer() *DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer
NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer returns a DataframeAnalyticsStatsContainer.
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts struct { // SkippedDocsCount The number of documents that are skipped during the analysis because they // contained values that are not supported by the analysis. For example, outlier // detection does not support missing fields so it skips documents with missing // fields. Likewise, all types of analysis skip documents that contain arrays // with more than one element. SkippedDocsCount int `json:"skipped_docs_count"` // TestDocsCount The number of documents that are not used for training the model and can be // used for testing. TestDocsCount int `json:"test_docs_count"` // TrainingDocsCount The number of documents that are used for training the model. TrainingDocsCount int `json:"training_docs_count"` }
DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts() *DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts
NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts returns a DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsStatsDataCounts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters struct { // Hyperparameters An object containing the parameters of the classification analysis job. Hyperparameters Hyperparameters `json:"hyperparameters"` // Iteration The number of iterations on the analysis. Iteration int `json:"iteration"` // Timestamp The timestamp when the statistics were reported in milliseconds since the // epoch. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // TimingStats An object containing time statistics about the data frame analytics job. TimingStats TimingStats `json:"timing_stats"` // ValidationLoss An object containing information about validation loss. ValidationLoss ValidationLoss `json:"validation_loss"` }
DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters() *DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters
NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters returns a DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsStatsHyperparameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage struct { // MemoryReestimateBytes This value is present when the status is hard_limit and it is a new estimate // of how much memory the job needs. MemoryReestimateBytes *int64 `json:"memory_reestimate_bytes,omitempty"` // PeakUsageBytes The number of bytes used at the highest peak of memory usage. PeakUsageBytes int64 `json:"peak_usage_bytes"` // Status The memory usage status. Status string `json:"status"` // Timestamp The timestamp when memory usage was calculated. Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage() *DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage
NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage returns a DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsStatsMemoryUsage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection struct { // Parameters The list of job parameters specified by the user or determined by algorithmic // heuristics. Parameters OutlierDetectionParameters `json:"parameters"` // Timestamp The timestamp when the statistics were reported in milliseconds since the // epoch. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // TimingStats An object containing time statistics about the data frame analytics job. TimingStats TimingStats `json:"timing_stats"` }
DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection() *DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection
NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection returns a DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsStatsOutlierDetection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress struct { // Phase Defines the phase of the data frame analytics job. Phase string `json:"phase"` // ProgressPercent The progress that the data frame analytics job has made expressed in // percentage. ProgressPercent int `json:"progress_percent"` }
DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress() *DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress
NewDataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress returns a DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsStatsProgress) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeAnalyticsSummary ¶
type DataframeAnalyticsSummary struct { AllowLazyStart *bool `json:"allow_lazy_start,omitempty"` Analysis DataframeAnalysisContainer `json:"analysis"` AnalyzedFields *DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields `json:"analyzed_fields,omitempty"` // Authorization The security privileges that the job uses to run its queries. If Elastic // Stack security features were disabled at the time of the most recent update // to the job, this property is omitted. Authorization *DataframeAnalyticsAuthorization `json:"authorization,omitempty"` CreateTime *int64 `json:"create_time,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Dest DataframeAnalyticsDestination `json:"dest"` Id string `json:"id"` MaxNumThreads *int `json:"max_num_threads,omitempty"` ModelMemoryLimit *string `json:"model_memory_limit,omitempty"` Source DataframeAnalyticsSource `json:"source"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
DataframeAnalyticsSummary type.
func NewDataframeAnalyticsSummary ¶
func NewDataframeAnalyticsSummary() *DataframeAnalyticsSummary
NewDataframeAnalyticsSummary returns a DataframeAnalyticsSummary.
func (*DataframeAnalyticsSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeAnalyticsSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeClassificationSummary ¶
type DataframeClassificationSummary struct { // Accuracy Accuracy of predictions (per-class and overall). Accuracy *DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` // AucRoc The AUC ROC (area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic) // score and optionally the curve. // It is calculated for a specific class (provided as "class_name") treated as // positive. AucRoc *DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc `json:"auc_roc,omitempty"` // MulticlassConfusionMatrix Multiclass confusion matrix. MulticlassConfusionMatrix *DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix `json:"multiclass_confusion_matrix,omitempty"` // Precision Precision of predictions (per-class and average). Precision *DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Recall Recall of predictions (per-class and average). Recall *DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall `json:"recall,omitempty"` }
DataframeClassificationSummary type.
func NewDataframeClassificationSummary ¶
func NewDataframeClassificationSummary() *DataframeClassificationSummary
NewDataframeClassificationSummary returns a DataframeClassificationSummary.
type DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy ¶
type DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy struct { Classes []DataframeEvaluationClass `json:"classes"` OverallAccuracy Float64 `json:"overall_accuracy"` }
DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy type.
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy ¶
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy() *DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy
NewDataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy returns a DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy.
func (*DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeClassificationSummaryAccuracy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix ¶
type DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix struct { ConfusionMatrix []ConfusionMatrixItem `json:"confusion_matrix"` OtherActualClassCount int `json:"other_actual_class_count"` }
DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix type.
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix ¶
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix() *DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix
NewDataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix returns a DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix.
func (*DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeClassificationSummaryMulticlassConfusionMatrix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision ¶
type DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision struct { AvgPrecision Float64 `json:"avg_precision"` Classes []DataframeEvaluationClass `json:"classes"` }
DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision type.
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision ¶
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision() *DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision
NewDataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision returns a DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision.
func (*DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeClassificationSummaryPrecision) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall ¶
type DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall struct { AvgRecall Float64 `json:"avg_recall"` Classes []DataframeEvaluationClass `json:"classes"` }
DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall type.
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryRecall ¶
func NewDataframeClassificationSummaryRecall() *DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall
NewDataframeClassificationSummaryRecall returns a DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall.
func (*DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeClassificationSummaryRecall) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationClass ¶
type DataframeEvaluationClass struct { ClassName string `json:"class_name"` Value Float64 `json:"value"` }
DataframeEvaluationClass type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationClass ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationClass() *DataframeEvaluationClass
NewDataframeEvaluationClass returns a DataframeEvaluationClass.
func (*DataframeEvaluationClass) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationClass) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationClassification ¶
type DataframeEvaluationClassification struct { // ActualField The field of the index which contains the ground truth. The data type of this // field can be boolean or integer. If the data type is integer, the value has // to be either 0 (false) or 1 (true). ActualField string `json:"actual_field"` // Metrics Specifies the metrics that are used for the evaluation. Metrics *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics `json:"metrics,omitempty"` // PredictedField The field in the index which contains the predicted value, in other words the // results of the classification analysis. PredictedField *string `json:"predicted_field,omitempty"` // TopClassesField The field of the index which is an array of documents of the form { // "class_name": XXX, "class_probability": YYY }. This field must be defined as // nested in the mappings. TopClassesField *string `json:"top_classes_field,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationClassification type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationClassification ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationClassification() *DataframeEvaluationClassification
NewDataframeEvaluationClassification returns a DataframeEvaluationClassification.
func (*DataframeEvaluationClassification) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationClassification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics ¶
type DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics struct { // Accuracy Accuracy of predictions (per-class and overall). Accuracy map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` // AucRoc The AUC ROC (area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic) // score and optionally the curve. It is calculated for a specific class // (provided as "class_name") treated as positive. AucRoc *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc `json:"auc_roc,omitempty"` // MulticlassConfusionMatrix Multiclass confusion matrix. MulticlassConfusionMatrix map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"multiclass_confusion_matrix,omitempty"` // Precision Precision of predictions (per-class and average). Precision map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Recall Recall of predictions (per-class and average). Recall map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"recall,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics() *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics
NewDataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics returns a DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetrics.
type DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc ¶
type DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc struct { // ClassName Name of the only class that is treated as positive during AUC ROC // calculation. Other classes are treated as negative ("one-vs-all" strategy). // All the evaluated documents must have class_name in the list of their top // classes. ClassName *string `json:"class_name,omitempty"` // IncludeCurve Whether or not the curve should be returned in addition to the score. Default // value is false. IncludeCurve *bool `json:"include_curve,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc() *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc
NewDataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc returns a DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc.
func (*DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationContainer ¶
type DataframeEvaluationContainer struct { // Classification Classification evaluation evaluates the results of a classification analysis // which outputs a prediction that identifies to which of the classes each // document belongs. Classification *DataframeEvaluationClassification `json:"classification,omitempty"` // OutlierDetection Outlier detection evaluates the results of an outlier detection analysis // which outputs the probability that each document is an outlier. OutlierDetection *DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection `json:"outlier_detection,omitempty"` // Regression Regression evaluation evaluates the results of a regression analysis which // outputs a prediction of values. Regression *DataframeEvaluationRegression `json:"regression,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationContainer type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationContainer ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationContainer() *DataframeEvaluationContainer
NewDataframeEvaluationContainer returns a DataframeEvaluationContainer.
type DataframeEvaluationMetrics ¶
type DataframeEvaluationMetrics struct { // AucRoc The AUC ROC (area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic) // score and optionally the curve. It is calculated for a specific class // (provided as "class_name") treated as positive. AucRoc *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc `json:"auc_roc,omitempty"` // Precision Precision of predictions (per-class and average). Precision map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Recall Recall of predictions (per-class and average). Recall map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"recall,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationMetrics type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationMetrics ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationMetrics() *DataframeEvaluationMetrics
NewDataframeEvaluationMetrics returns a DataframeEvaluationMetrics.
type DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection ¶
type DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection struct { // ActualField The field of the index which contains the ground truth. The data type of this // field can be boolean or integer. If the data type is integer, the value has // to be either 0 (false) or 1 (true). ActualField string `json:"actual_field"` // Metrics Specifies the metrics that are used for the evaluation. Metrics *DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics `json:"metrics,omitempty"` // PredictedProbabilityField The field of the index that defines the probability of whether the item // belongs to the class in question or not. It’s the field that contains the // results of the analysis. PredictedProbabilityField string `json:"predicted_probability_field"` }
DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection() *DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection
NewDataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection returns a DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection.
func (*DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics ¶
type DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics struct { // AucRoc The AUC ROC (area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic) // score and optionally the curve. It is calculated for a specific class // (provided as "class_name") treated as positive. AucRoc *DataframeEvaluationClassificationMetricsAucRoc `json:"auc_roc,omitempty"` // ConfusionMatrix Accuracy of predictions (per-class and overall). ConfusionMatrix map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"confusion_matrix,omitempty"` // Precision Precision of predictions (per-class and average). Precision map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Recall Recall of predictions (per-class and average). Recall map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"recall,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics() *DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics
NewDataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics returns a DataframeEvaluationOutlierDetectionMetrics.
type DataframeEvaluationRegression ¶
type DataframeEvaluationRegression struct { // ActualField The field of the index which contains the ground truth. The data type of this // field must be numerical. ActualField string `json:"actual_field"` // Metrics Specifies the metrics that are used for the evaluation. For more information // on mse, msle, and huber, consult the Jupyter notebook on regression loss // functions. Metrics *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics `json:"metrics,omitempty"` // PredictedField The field in the index that contains the predicted value, in other words the // results of the regression analysis. PredictedField string `json:"predicted_field"` }
DataframeEvaluationRegression type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegression ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegression() *DataframeEvaluationRegression
NewDataframeEvaluationRegression returns a DataframeEvaluationRegression.
func (*DataframeEvaluationRegression) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationRegression) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics ¶
type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics struct { // Huber Pseudo Huber loss function. Huber *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber `json:"huber,omitempty"` // Mse Average squared difference between the predicted values and the actual // (ground truth) value. For more information, read this wiki article. Mse map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"mse,omitempty"` // Msle Average squared difference between the logarithm of the predicted values and // the logarithm of the actual (ground truth) value. Msle *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle `json:"msle,omitempty"` // RSquared Proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from // the independent variables. RSquared map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"r_squared,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics() *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics
NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics returns a DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetrics.
type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber ¶
type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber struct { // Delta Approximates 1/2 (prediction - actual)2 for values much less than delta and // approximates a straight line with slope delta for values much larger than // delta. Defaults to 1. Delta needs to be greater than 0. Delta *Float64 `json:"delta,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber() *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber
NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber returns a DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber.
func (*DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsHuber) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle ¶
type DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle struct { // Offset Defines the transition point at which you switch from minimizing quadratic // error to minimizing quadratic log error. Defaults to 1. Offset *Float64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` }
DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle() *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle
NewDataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle returns a DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle.
func (*DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationRegressionMetricsMsle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc ¶
type DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc struct { Curve []DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem `json:"curve,omitempty"` Value Float64 `json:"value"` }
DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc() *DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc
NewDataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc returns a DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc.
func (*DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem ¶
type DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem struct { Fpr Float64 `json:"fpr"` Threshold Float64 `json:"threshold"` Tpr Float64 `json:"tpr"` }
DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem() *DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem
NewDataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem returns a DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem.
func (*DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRocCurveItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeEvaluationValue ¶
type DataframeEvaluationValue struct {
Value Float64 `json:"value"`
DataframeEvaluationValue type.
func NewDataframeEvaluationValue ¶
func NewDataframeEvaluationValue() *DataframeEvaluationValue
NewDataframeEvaluationValue returns a DataframeEvaluationValue.
func (*DataframeEvaluationValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframeEvaluationValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeOutlierDetectionSummary ¶
type DataframeOutlierDetectionSummary struct { // AucRoc The AUC ROC (area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic) // score and optionally the curve. AucRoc *DataframeEvaluationSummaryAucRoc `json:"auc_roc,omitempty"` // ConfusionMatrix Set the different thresholds of the outlier score at where the metrics (`tp` // - true positive, `fp` - false positive, `tn` - true negative, `fn` - false // negative) are calculated. ConfusionMatrix map[string]ConfusionMatrixThreshold `json:"confusion_matrix,omitempty"` // Precision Set the different thresholds of the outlier score at where the metric is // calculated. Precision map[string]Float64 `json:"precision,omitempty"` // Recall Set the different thresholds of the outlier score at where the metric is // calculated. Recall map[string]Float64 `json:"recall,omitempty"` }
DataframeOutlierDetectionSummary type.
func NewDataframeOutlierDetectionSummary ¶
func NewDataframeOutlierDetectionSummary() *DataframeOutlierDetectionSummary
NewDataframeOutlierDetectionSummary returns a DataframeOutlierDetectionSummary.
type DataframePreviewConfig ¶
type DataframePreviewConfig struct { Analysis DataframeAnalysisContainer `json:"analysis"` AnalyzedFields *DataframeAnalysisAnalyzedFields `json:"analyzed_fields,omitempty"` MaxNumThreads *int `json:"max_num_threads,omitempty"` ModelMemoryLimit *string `json:"model_memory_limit,omitempty"` Source DataframeAnalyticsSource `json:"source"` }
DataframePreviewConfig type.
func NewDataframePreviewConfig ¶
func NewDataframePreviewConfig() *DataframePreviewConfig
NewDataframePreviewConfig returns a DataframePreviewConfig.
func (*DataframePreviewConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DataframePreviewConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DataframeRegressionSummary ¶
type DataframeRegressionSummary struct { // Huber Pseudo Huber loss function. Huber *DataframeEvaluationValue `json:"huber,omitempty"` // Mse Average squared difference between the predicted values and the actual // (`ground truth`) value. Mse *DataframeEvaluationValue `json:"mse,omitempty"` // Msle Average squared difference between the logarithm of the predicted values and // the logarithm of the actual (`ground truth`) value. Msle *DataframeEvaluationValue `json:"msle,omitempty"` // RSquared Proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from // the independent variables. RSquared *DataframeEvaluationValue `json:"r_squared,omitempty"` }
DataframeRegressionSummary type.
func NewDataframeRegressionSummary ¶
func NewDataframeRegressionSummary() *DataframeRegressionSummary
NewDataframeRegressionSummary returns a DataframeRegressionSummary.
type DateDecayFunction ¶
type DateDecayFunction struct { DateDecayFunction map[string]DecayPlacementDateMathDuration `json:"-"` // MultiValueMode Determines how the distance is calculated when a field used for computing the // decay contains multiple values. MultiValueMode *multivaluemode.MultiValueMode `json:"multi_value_mode,omitempty"` }
DateDecayFunction type.
func NewDateDecayFunction ¶
func NewDateDecayFunction() *DateDecayFunction
NewDateDecayFunction returns a DateDecayFunction.
func (DateDecayFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DateDecayFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
type DateDistanceFeatureQuery ¶
type DateDistanceFeatureQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field Name of the field used to calculate distances. This field must meet the // following criteria: // be a `date`, `date_nanos` or `geo_point` field; // have an `index` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default; // have an `doc_values` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default. Field string `json:"field"` // Origin Date or point of origin used to calculate distances. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `origin` value // must be a date. // Date Math, such as `now-1h`, is supported. // If the field value is a `geo_point` field, the `origin` value must be a // geopoint. Origin string `json:"origin"` // Pivot Distance from the `origin` at which relevance scores receive half of the // `boost` value. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `pivot` value // must be a time unit, such as `1h` or `10d`. If the `field` value is a // `geo_point` field, the `pivot` value must be a distance unit, such as `1km` // or `12m`. Pivot Duration `json:"pivot"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
DateDistanceFeatureQuery type.
func NewDateDistanceFeatureQuery ¶
func NewDateDistanceFeatureQuery() *DateDistanceFeatureQuery
NewDateDistanceFeatureQuery returns a DateDistanceFeatureQuery.
func (*DateDistanceFeatureQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateDistanceFeatureQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateHistogramAggregate ¶
type DateHistogramAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsDateHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
DateHistogramAggregate type.
func NewDateHistogramAggregate ¶
func NewDateHistogramAggregate() *DateHistogramAggregate
NewDateHistogramAggregate returns a DateHistogramAggregate.
func (*DateHistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateHistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateHistogramAggregation ¶
type DateHistogramAggregation struct { // CalendarInterval Calendar-aware interval. // Can be specified using the unit name, such as `month`, or as a single unit // quantity, such as `1M`. CalendarInterval *calendarinterval.CalendarInterval `json:"calendar_interval,omitempty"` // ExtendedBounds Enables extending the bounds of the histogram beyond the data itself. ExtendedBounds *ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath `json:"extended_bounds,omitempty"` // Field The date field whose values are use to build a histogram. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // FixedInterval Fixed intervals: a fixed number of SI units and never deviate, regardless of // where they fall on the calendar. FixedInterval Duration `json:"fixed_interval,omitempty"` // Format The date format used to format `key_as_string` in the response. // If no `format` is specified, the first date format specified in the field // mapping is used. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // HardBounds Limits the histogram to specified bounds. HardBounds *ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath `json:"hard_bounds,omitempty"` Interval Duration `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Keyed Set to `true` to associate a unique string key with each bucket and return // the ranges as a hash rather than an array. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Only returns buckets that have `min_doc_count` number of documents. // By default, all buckets between the first bucket that matches documents and // the last one are returned. MinDocCount *int `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing DateTime `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Offset Changes the start value of each bucket by the specified positive (`+`) or // negative offset (`-`) duration. Offset Duration `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Order The sort order of the returned buckets. Order AggregateOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // TimeZone Time zone used for bucketing and rounding. // Defaults to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` }
DateHistogramAggregation type.
func NewDateHistogramAggregation ¶
func NewDateHistogramAggregation() *DateHistogramAggregation
NewDateHistogramAggregation returns a DateHistogramAggregation.
func (*DateHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateHistogramBucket ¶
type DateHistogramBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key int64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` }
DateHistogramBucket type.
func NewDateHistogramBucket ¶
func NewDateHistogramBucket() *DateHistogramBucket
NewDateHistogramBucket returns a DateHistogramBucket.
func (DateHistogramBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DateHistogramBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*DateHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateHistogramGrouping ¶
type DateHistogramGrouping struct { // CalendarInterval The interval of time buckets to be generated when rolling up. CalendarInterval Duration `json:"calendar_interval,omitempty"` // Delay How long to wait before rolling up new documents. // By default, the indexer attempts to roll up all data that is available. // However, it is not uncommon for data to arrive out of order. // The indexer is unable to deal with data that arrives after a time-span has // been rolled up. // You need to specify a delay that matches the longest period of time you // expect out-of-order data to arrive. Delay Duration `json:"delay,omitempty"` // Field The date field that is to be rolled up. Field string `json:"field"` // FixedInterval The interval of time buckets to be generated when rolling up. FixedInterval Duration `json:"fixed_interval,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` Interval Duration `json:"interval,omitempty"` // TimeZone Defines what `time_zone` the rollup documents are stored as. // Unlike raw data, which can shift timezones on the fly, rolled documents have // to be stored with a specific timezone. // By default, rollup documents are stored in `UTC`. TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` }
DateHistogramGrouping type.
func NewDateHistogramGrouping ¶
func NewDateHistogramGrouping() *DateHistogramGrouping
NewDateHistogramGrouping returns a DateHistogramGrouping.
func (*DateHistogramGrouping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateHistogramGrouping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateIndexNameProcessor ¶
type DateIndexNameProcessor struct { // DateFormats An array of the expected date formats for parsing dates / timestamps in the // document being preprocessed. // Can be a java time pattern or one of the following formats: ISO8601, UNIX, // UNIX_MS, or TAI64N. DateFormats []string `json:"date_formats"` // DateRounding How to round the date when formatting the date into the index name. Valid // values are: // `y` (year), `M` (month), `w` (week), `d` (day), `h` (hour), `m` (minute) and // `s` (second). // Supports template snippets. DateRounding string `json:"date_rounding"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to get the date or timestamp from. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IndexNameFormat The format to be used when printing the parsed date into the index name. // A valid java time pattern is expected here. // Supports template snippets. IndexNameFormat *string `json:"index_name_format,omitempty"` // IndexNamePrefix A prefix of the index name to be prepended before the printed date. // Supports template snippets. IndexNamePrefix *string `json:"index_name_prefix,omitempty"` // Locale The locale to use when parsing the date from the document being preprocessed, // relevant when parsing month names or week days. Locale *string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // Timezone The timezone to use when parsing the date and when date math index supports // resolves expressions into concrete index names. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` }
DateIndexNameProcessor type.
func NewDateIndexNameProcessor ¶
func NewDateIndexNameProcessor() *DateIndexNameProcessor
NewDateIndexNameProcessor returns a DateIndexNameProcessor.
func (*DateIndexNameProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateIndexNameProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateNanosProperty ¶
type DateNanosProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue DateTime `json:"null_value,omitempty"` PrecisionStep *int `json:"precision_step,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DateNanosProperty type.
func NewDateNanosProperty ¶
func NewDateNanosProperty() *DateNanosProperty
NewDateNanosProperty returns a DateNanosProperty.
func (DateNanosProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DateNanosProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DateNanosProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateNanosProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateProcessor ¶
type DateProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to get the date from. Field string `json:"field"` // Formats An array of the expected date formats. // Can be a java time pattern or one of the following formats: ISO8601, UNIX, // UNIX_MS, or TAI64N. Formats []string `json:"formats"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // Locale The locale to use when parsing the date, relevant when parsing month names or // week days. // Supports template snippets. Locale *string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field that will hold the parsed date. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` // Timezone The timezone to use when parsing the date. // Supports template snippets. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` }
DateProcessor type.
func NewDateProcessor ¶
func NewDateProcessor() *DateProcessor
NewDateProcessor returns a DateProcessor.
func (*DateProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateProperty ¶
type DateProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fielddata *NumericFielddata `json:"fielddata,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` Locale *string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue DateTime `json:"null_value,omitempty"` PrecisionStep *int `json:"precision_step,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DateProperty type.
func NewDateProperty ¶
func NewDateProperty() *DateProperty
NewDateProperty returns a DateProperty.
func (DateProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DateProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DateProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateRangeAggregate ¶
type DateRangeAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsRangeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
DateRangeAggregate type.
func NewDateRangeAggregate ¶
func NewDateRangeAggregate() *DateRangeAggregate
NewDateRangeAggregate returns a DateRangeAggregate.
func (*DateRangeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateRangeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateRangeAggregation ¶
type DateRangeAggregation struct { // Field The date field whose values are use to build ranges. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Format The date format used to format `from` and `to` in the response. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Keyed Set to `true` to associate a unique string key with each bucket and returns // the ranges as a hash rather than an array. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Ranges Array of date ranges. Ranges []DateRangeExpression `json:"ranges,omitempty"` // TimeZone Time zone used to convert dates from another time zone to UTC. TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` }
DateRangeAggregation type.
func NewDateRangeAggregation ¶
func NewDateRangeAggregation() *DateRangeAggregation
NewDateRangeAggregation returns a DateRangeAggregation.
func (*DateRangeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateRangeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateRangeExpression ¶
type DateRangeExpression struct { // From Start of the range (inclusive). From FieldDateMath `json:"from,omitempty"` // Key Custom key to return the range with. Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // To End of the range (exclusive). To FieldDateMath `json:"to,omitempty"` }
DateRangeExpression type.
func NewDateRangeExpression ¶
func NewDateRangeExpression() *DateRangeExpression
NewDateRangeExpression returns a DateRangeExpression.
func (*DateRangeExpression) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateRangeExpression) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateRangeProperty ¶
type DateRangeProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DateRangeProperty type.
func NewDateRangeProperty ¶
func NewDateRangeProperty() *DateRangeProperty
NewDateRangeProperty returns a DateRangeProperty.
func (DateRangeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DateRangeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DateRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateRangeQuery ¶
type DateRangeQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Format Date format used to convert `date` values in the query. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` From string `json:"from,omitempty"` // Gt Greater than. Gt *string `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Gte Greater than or equal to. Gte *string `json:"gte,omitempty"` // Lt Less than. Lt *string `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Lte Less than or equal to. Lte *string `json:"lte,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Relation Indicates how the range query matches values for `range` fields. Relation *rangerelation.RangeRelation `json:"relation,omitempty"` // TimeZone Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset or IANA time zone used to convert // `date` values in the query to UTC. TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` To string `json:"to,omitempty"` }
DateRangeQuery type.
func NewDateRangeQuery ¶
func NewDateRangeQuery() *DateRangeQuery
NewDateRangeQuery returns a DateRangeQuery.
func (*DateRangeQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DateRangeQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DateTime ¶
type DateTime interface{}
DateTime holds the union for the following types:
string int64
type DecayFunction ¶
type DecayFunction interface{}
DecayFunction holds the union for the following types:
DateDecayFunction NumericDecayFunction GeoDecayFunction
type DecayPlacementDateMathDuration ¶
type DecayPlacementDateMathDuration struct { // Decay Defines how documents are scored at the distance given at scale. Decay *Float64 `json:"decay,omitempty"` // Offset If defined, the decay function will only compute the decay function for // documents with a distance greater than the defined `offset`. Offset Duration `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Origin The point of origin used for calculating distance. Must be given as a number // for numeric field, date for date fields and geo point for geo fields. Origin *string `json:"origin,omitempty"` // Scale Defines the distance from origin + offset at which the computed score will // equal `decay` parameter. Scale Duration `json:"scale,omitempty"` }
DecayPlacementDateMathDuration type.
func NewDecayPlacementDateMathDuration ¶
func NewDecayPlacementDateMathDuration() *DecayPlacementDateMathDuration
NewDecayPlacementDateMathDuration returns a DecayPlacementDateMathDuration.
func (*DecayPlacementDateMathDuration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DecayPlacementDateMathDuration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance ¶
type DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance struct { // Decay Defines how documents are scored at the distance given at scale. Decay *Float64 `json:"decay,omitempty"` // Offset If defined, the decay function will only compute the decay function for // documents with a distance greater than the defined `offset`. Offset *string `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Origin The point of origin used for calculating distance. Must be given as a number // for numeric field, date for date fields and geo point for geo fields. Origin GeoLocation `json:"origin,omitempty"` // Scale Defines the distance from origin + offset at which the computed score will // equal `decay` parameter. Scale *string `json:"scale,omitempty"` }
DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance type.
func NewDecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance ¶
func NewDecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance() *DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance
NewDecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance returns a DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance.
func (*DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DecayPlacementdoubledouble ¶
type DecayPlacementdoubledouble struct { // Decay Defines how documents are scored at the distance given at scale. Decay *Float64 `json:"decay,omitempty"` // Offset If defined, the decay function will only compute the decay function for // documents with a distance greater than the defined `offset`. Offset *Float64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Origin The point of origin used for calculating distance. Must be given as a number // for numeric field, date for date fields and geo point for geo fields. Origin *Float64 `json:"origin,omitempty"` // Scale Defines the distance from origin + offset at which the computed score will // equal `decay` parameter. Scale *Float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` }
DecayPlacementdoubledouble type.
func NewDecayPlacementdoubledouble ¶
func NewDecayPlacementdoubledouble() *DecayPlacementdoubledouble
NewDecayPlacementdoubledouble returns a DecayPlacementdoubledouble.
func (*DecayPlacementdoubledouble) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DecayPlacementdoubledouble) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Defaults ¶
type Defaults struct { AnomalyDetectors AnomalyDetectors `json:"anomaly_detectors"` Datafeeds Datafeeds `json:"datafeeds"` }
Defaults type.
type Definition ¶
type Definition struct { // Preprocessors Collection of preprocessors Preprocessors []Preprocessor `json:"preprocessors,omitempty"` // TrainedModel The definition of the trained model. TrainedModel TrainedModel `json:"trained_model"` }
Definition type.
type DelayedDataCheckConfig ¶
type DelayedDataCheckConfig struct { // CheckWindow The window of time that is searched for late data. This window of time ends // with the latest finalized bucket. // It defaults to null, which causes an appropriate `check_window` to be // calculated when the real-time datafeed runs. // In particular, the default `check_window` span calculation is based on the // maximum of `2h` or `8 * bucket_span`. CheckWindow Duration `json:"check_window,omitempty"` // Enabled Specifies whether the datafeed periodically checks for delayed data. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
DelayedDataCheckConfig type.
func NewDelayedDataCheckConfig ¶
func NewDelayedDataCheckConfig() *DelayedDataCheckConfig
NewDelayedDataCheckConfig returns a DelayedDataCheckConfig.
func (*DelayedDataCheckConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DelayedDataCheckConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DeleteOperation ¶
type DeleteOperation struct { // Id_ The document ID. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` IfPrimaryTerm *int64 `json:"if_primary_term,omitempty"` IfSeqNo *int64 `json:"if_seq_no,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index or index alias to perform the action on. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Routing Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
DeleteOperation type.
func NewDeleteOperation ¶
func NewDeleteOperation() *DeleteOperation
NewDeleteOperation returns a DeleteOperation.
func (*DeleteOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DeleteOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter ¶
type DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter struct { Delimiter *string `json:"delimiter,omitempty"` Encoding *delimitedpayloadencoding.DelimitedPayloadEncoding `json:"encoding,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter type.
func NewDelimitedPayloadTokenFilter ¶
func NewDelimitedPayloadTokenFilter() *DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter
NewDelimitedPayloadTokenFilter returns a DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter.
func (DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DenseVectorIndexOptions ¶
type DenseVectorIndexOptions struct { EfConstruction int `json:"ef_construction"` M int `json:"m"` Type string `json:"type"` }
DenseVectorIndexOptions type.
func NewDenseVectorIndexOptions ¶
func NewDenseVectorIndexOptions() *DenseVectorIndexOptions
NewDenseVectorIndexOptions returns a DenseVectorIndexOptions.
func (*DenseVectorIndexOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DenseVectorIndexOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DenseVectorProperty ¶
type DenseVectorProperty struct { Dims *int `json:"dims,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexOptions *DenseVectorIndexOptions `json:"index_options,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DenseVectorProperty type.
func NewDenseVectorProperty ¶
func NewDenseVectorProperty() *DenseVectorProperty
NewDenseVectorProperty returns a DenseVectorProperty.
func (DenseVectorProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DenseVectorProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DenseVectorProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DenseVectorProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Deprecation ¶
type Deprecation struct { Details string `json:"details"` // Level The level property describes the significance of the issue. Level deprecationlevel.DeprecationLevel `json:"level"` Message string `json:"message"` Url string `json:"url"` }
Deprecation type.
func (*Deprecation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Deprecation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DeprecationIndexing ¶
type DeprecationIndexing struct {
Enabled string `json:"enabled"`
DeprecationIndexing type.
func NewDeprecationIndexing ¶
func NewDeprecationIndexing() *DeprecationIndexing
NewDeprecationIndexing returns a DeprecationIndexing.
func (*DeprecationIndexing) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DeprecationIndexing) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DerivativeAggregate ¶
type DerivativeAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` NormalizedValue *Float64 `json:"normalized_value,omitempty"` NormalizedValueAsString *string `json:"normalized_value_as_string,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
DerivativeAggregate type.
func NewDerivativeAggregate ¶
func NewDerivativeAggregate() *DerivativeAggregate
NewDerivativeAggregate returns a DerivativeAggregate.
func (*DerivativeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DerivativeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DerivativeAggregation ¶
type DerivativeAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
DerivativeAggregation type.
func NewDerivativeAggregation ¶
func NewDerivativeAggregation() *DerivativeAggregation
NewDerivativeAggregation returns a DerivativeAggregation.
func (*DerivativeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DerivativeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DetectionRule ¶
type DetectionRule struct { // Actions The set of actions to be triggered when the rule applies. If more than one // action is specified the effects of all actions are combined. Actions []ruleaction.RuleAction `json:"actions,omitempty"` // Conditions An array of numeric conditions when the rule applies. A rule must either have // a non-empty scope or at least one condition. Multiple conditions are combined // together with a logical AND. Conditions []RuleCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"` // Scope A scope of series where the rule applies. A rule must either have a non-empty // scope or at least one condition. By default, the scope includes all series. // Scoping is allowed for any of the fields that are also specified in // `by_field_name`, `over_field_name`, or `partition_field_name`. Scope map[string]FilterRef `json:"scope,omitempty"` }
DetectionRule type.
func NewDetectionRule ¶
func NewDetectionRule() *DetectionRule
NewDetectionRule returns a DetectionRule.
type Detector ¶
type Detector struct { // ByFieldName The field used to split the data. In particular, this property is used for // analyzing the splits with respect to their own history. It is used for // finding unusual values in the context of the split. ByFieldName *string `json:"by_field_name,omitempty"` // CustomRules Custom rules enable you to customize the way detectors operate. For example, // a rule may dictate conditions under which results should be skipped. Kibana // refers to custom rules as job rules. CustomRules []DetectionRule `json:"custom_rules,omitempty"` // DetectorDescription A description of the detector. DetectorDescription *string `json:"detector_description,omitempty"` // DetectorIndex A unique identifier for the detector. This identifier is based on the order // of the detectors in the `analysis_config`, starting at zero. If you specify a // value for this property, it is ignored. DetectorIndex *int `json:"detector_index,omitempty"` // ExcludeFrequent If set, frequent entities are excluded from influencing the anomaly results. // Entities can be considered frequent over time or frequent in a population. If // you are working with both over and by fields, you can set `exclude_frequent` // to `all` for both fields, or to `by` or `over` for those specific fields. ExcludeFrequent *excludefrequent.ExcludeFrequent `json:"exclude_frequent,omitempty"` // FieldName The field that the detector uses in the function. If you use an event rate // function such as count or rare, do not specify this field. The `field_name` // cannot contain double quotes or backslashes. FieldName *string `json:"field_name,omitempty"` // Function The analysis function that is used. For example, `count`, `rare`, `mean`, // `min`, `max`, or `sum`. Function *string `json:"function,omitempty"` // OverFieldName The field used to split the data. In particular, this property is used for // analyzing the splits with respect to the history of all splits. It is used // for finding unusual values in the population of all splits. OverFieldName *string `json:"over_field_name,omitempty"` // PartitionFieldName The field used to segment the analysis. When you use this property, you have // completely independent baselines for each value of this field. PartitionFieldName *string `json:"partition_field_name,omitempty"` // UseNull Defines whether a new series is used as the null series when there is no // value for the by or partition fields. UseNull *bool `json:"use_null,omitempty"` }
Detector type.
func (*Detector) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DetectorRead ¶
type DetectorRead struct { // ByFieldName The field used to split the data. // In particular, this property is used for analyzing the splits with respect to // their own history. // It is used for finding unusual values in the context of the split. ByFieldName *string `json:"by_field_name,omitempty"` // CustomRules An array of custom rule objects, which enable you to customize the way // detectors operate. // For example, a rule may dictate to the detector conditions under which // results should be skipped. // Kibana refers to custom rules as job rules. CustomRules []DetectionRule `json:"custom_rules,omitempty"` // DetectorDescription A description of the detector. DetectorDescription *string `json:"detector_description,omitempty"` // DetectorIndex A unique identifier for the detector. // This identifier is based on the order of the detectors in the // `analysis_config`, starting at zero. DetectorIndex *int `json:"detector_index,omitempty"` // ExcludeFrequent Contains one of the following values: `all`, `none`, `by`, or `over`. // If set, frequent entities are excluded from influencing the anomaly results. // Entities can be considered frequent over time or frequent in a population. // If you are working with both over and by fields, then you can set // `exclude_frequent` to all for both fields, or to `by` or `over` for those // specific fields. ExcludeFrequent *excludefrequent.ExcludeFrequent `json:"exclude_frequent,omitempty"` // FieldName The field that the detector uses in the function. // If you use an event rate function such as `count` or `rare`, do not specify // this field. FieldName *string `json:"field_name,omitempty"` // Function The analysis function that is used. // For example, `count`, `rare`, `mean`, `min`, `max`, and `sum`. Function string `json:"function"` // OverFieldName The field used to split the data. // In particular, this property is used for analyzing the splits with respect to // the history of all splits. // It is used for finding unusual values in the population of all splits. OverFieldName *string `json:"over_field_name,omitempty"` // PartitionFieldName The field used to segment the analysis. // When you use this property, you have completely independent baselines for // each value of this field. PartitionFieldName *string `json:"partition_field_name,omitempty"` // UseNull Defines whether a new series is used as the null series when there is no // value for the by or partition fields. UseNull *bool `json:"use_null,omitempty"` }
DetectorRead type.
func NewDetectorRead ¶
func NewDetectorRead() *DetectorRead
NewDetectorRead returns a DetectorRead.
func (*DetectorRead) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DetectorRead) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Diagnosis ¶
type Diagnosis struct { Action string `json:"action"` AffectedResources DiagnosisAffectedResources `json:"affected_resources"` Cause string `json:"cause"` HelpUrl string `json:"help_url"` Id string `json:"id"` }
Diagnosis type.
func (*Diagnosis) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DiagnosisAffectedResources ¶
type DiagnosisAffectedResources struct { FeatureStates []string `json:"feature_states,omitempty"` Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` Nodes []IndicatorNode `json:"nodes,omitempty"` SlmPolicies []string `json:"slm_policies,omitempty"` SnapshotRepositories []string `json:"snapshot_repositories,omitempty"` }
DiagnosisAffectedResources type.
func NewDiagnosisAffectedResources ¶
func NewDiagnosisAffectedResources() *DiagnosisAffectedResources
NewDiagnosisAffectedResources returns a DiagnosisAffectedResources.
func (*DiagnosisAffectedResources) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DiagnosisAffectedResources) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter ¶
type DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter struct { HyphenationPatternsPath *string `json:"hyphenation_patterns_path,omitempty"` MaxSubwordSize *int `json:"max_subword_size,omitempty"` MinSubwordSize *int `json:"min_subword_size,omitempty"` MinWordSize *int `json:"min_word_size,omitempty"` OnlyLongestMatch *bool `json:"only_longest_match,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` WordList []string `json:"word_list,omitempty"` WordListPath *string `json:"word_list_path,omitempty"` }
DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter type.
func NewDictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter ¶
func NewDictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter() *DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter
NewDictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter returns a DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter.
func (DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DirectGenerator ¶
type DirectGenerator struct { // Field The field to fetch the candidate suggestions from. // Needs to be set globally or per suggestion. Field string `json:"field"` // MaxEdits The maximum edit distance candidate suggestions can have in order to be // considered as a suggestion. // Can only be `1` or `2`. MaxEdits *int `json:"max_edits,omitempty"` // MaxInspections A factor that is used to multiply with the shard_size in order to inspect // more candidate spelling corrections on the shard level. // Can improve accuracy at the cost of performance. MaxInspections *float32 `json:"max_inspections,omitempty"` // MaxTermFreq The maximum threshold in number of documents in which a suggest text token // can exist in order to be included. // This can be used to exclude high frequency terms — which are usually spelled // correctly — from being spellchecked. // Can be a relative percentage number (for example `0.4`) or an absolute number // to represent document frequencies. // If a value higher than 1 is specified, then fractional can not be specified. MaxTermFreq *float32 `json:"max_term_freq,omitempty"` // MinDocFreq The minimal threshold in number of documents a suggestion should appear in. // This can improve quality by only suggesting high frequency terms. // Can be specified as an absolute number or as a relative percentage of number // of documents. // If a value higher than 1 is specified, the number cannot be fractional. MinDocFreq *float32 `json:"min_doc_freq,omitempty"` // MinWordLength The minimum length a suggest text term must have in order to be included. MinWordLength *int `json:"min_word_length,omitempty"` // PostFilter A filter (analyzer) that is applied to each of the generated tokens before // they are passed to the actual phrase scorer. PostFilter *string `json:"post_filter,omitempty"` // PreFilter A filter (analyzer) that is applied to each of the tokens passed to this // candidate generator. // This filter is applied to the original token before candidates are generated. PreFilter *string `json:"pre_filter,omitempty"` // PrefixLength The number of minimal prefix characters that must match in order be a // candidate suggestions. // Increasing this number improves spellcheck performance. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // Size The maximum corrections to be returned per suggest text token. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // SuggestMode Controls what suggestions are included on the suggestions generated on each // shard. SuggestMode *suggestmode.SuggestMode `json:"suggest_mode,omitempty"` }
DirectGenerator type.
func NewDirectGenerator ¶
func NewDirectGenerator() *DirectGenerator
NewDirectGenerator returns a DirectGenerator.
func (*DirectGenerator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DirectGenerator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DisMaxQuery ¶
type DisMaxQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Queries One or more query clauses. // Returned documents must match one or more of these queries. // If a document matches multiple queries, Elasticsearch uses the highest // relevance score. Queries []Query `json:"queries"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // TieBreaker Floating point number between 0 and 1.0 used to increase the relevance scores // of documents matching multiple query clauses. TieBreaker *Float64 `json:"tie_breaker,omitempty"` }
DisMaxQuery type.
func (*DisMaxQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DisMaxQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Discovery ¶
type Discovery struct { ClusterApplierStats *ClusterAppliedStats `json:"cluster_applier_stats,omitempty"` // ClusterStateQueue Contains statistics for the cluster state queue of the node. ClusterStateQueue *ClusterStateQueue `json:"cluster_state_queue,omitempty"` // ClusterStateUpdate Contains low-level statistics about how long various activities took during // cluster state updates while the node was the elected master. // Omitted if the node is not master-eligible. // Every field whose name ends in `_time` within this object is also represented // as a raw number of milliseconds in a field whose name ends in `_time_millis`. // The human-readable fields with a `_time` suffix are only returned if // requested with the `?human=true` query parameter. ClusterStateUpdate map[string]ClusterStateUpdate `json:"cluster_state_update,omitempty"` // PublishedClusterStates Contains statistics for the published cluster states of the node. PublishedClusterStates *PublishedClusterStates `json:"published_cluster_states,omitempty"` SerializedClusterStates *SerializedClusterState `json:"serialized_cluster_states,omitempty"` }
Discovery type.
type DiscoveryNode ¶
type DiscoveryNode struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` EphemeralId string `json:"ephemeral_id"` Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
DiscoveryNode type.
func NewDiscoveryNode ¶
func NewDiscoveryNode() *DiscoveryNode
NewDiscoveryNode returns a DiscoveryNode.
func (*DiscoveryNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DiscoveryNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DiskIndicator ¶
type DiskIndicator struct { Details *DiskIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
DiskIndicator type.
func NewDiskIndicator ¶
func NewDiskIndicator() *DiskIndicator
NewDiskIndicator returns a DiskIndicator.
func (*DiskIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DiskIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DiskIndicatorDetails ¶
type DiskIndicatorDetails struct { IndicesWithReadonlyBlock int64 `json:"indices_with_readonly_block"` NodesOverFloodStageWatermark int64 `json:"nodes_over_flood_stage_watermark"` NodesOverHighWatermark int64 `json:"nodes_over_high_watermark"` NodesWithEnoughDiskSpace int64 `json:"nodes_with_enough_disk_space"` NodesWithUnknownDiskStatus int64 `json:"nodes_with_unknown_disk_status"` }
DiskIndicatorDetails type.
func NewDiskIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewDiskIndicatorDetails() *DiskIndicatorDetails
NewDiskIndicatorDetails returns a DiskIndicatorDetails.
func (*DiskIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DiskIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DiskUsage ¶
type DiskUsage struct { FreeBytes int64 `json:"free_bytes"` FreeDiskPercent Float64 `json:"free_disk_percent"` Path string `json:"path"` TotalBytes int64 `json:"total_bytes"` UsedBytes int64 `json:"used_bytes"` UsedDiskPercent Float64 `json:"used_disk_percent"` }
DiskUsage type.
func (*DiskUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DissectProcessor ¶
type DissectProcessor struct { // AppendSeparator The character(s) that separate the appended fields. AppendSeparator *string `json:"append_separator,omitempty"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to dissect. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Pattern The pattern to apply to the field. Pattern string `json:"pattern"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
DissectProcessor type.
func NewDissectProcessor ¶
func NewDissectProcessor() *DissectProcessor
NewDissectProcessor returns a DissectProcessor.
func (*DissectProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DissectProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DistanceFeatureQuery ¶
type DistanceFeatureQuery interface{}
DistanceFeatureQuery holds the union for the following types:
GeoDistanceFeatureQuery DateDistanceFeatureQuery
type DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration ¶
type DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field Name of the field used to calculate distances. This field must meet the // following criteria: // be a `date`, `date_nanos` or `geo_point` field; // have an `index` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default; // have an `doc_values` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default. Field string `json:"field"` // Origin Date or point of origin used to calculate distances. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `origin` value // must be a date. // Date Math, such as `now-1h`, is supported. // If the field value is a `geo_point` field, the `origin` value must be a // geopoint. Origin string `json:"origin"` // Pivot Distance from the `origin` at which relevance scores receive half of the // `boost` value. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `pivot` value // must be a time unit, such as `1h` or `10d`. If the `field` value is a // `geo_point` field, the `pivot` value must be a distance unit, such as `1km` // or `12m`. Pivot Duration `json:"pivot"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration type.
func NewDistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration ¶
func NewDistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration() *DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration
NewDistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration returns a DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration.
func (*DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DistanceFeatureQueryBaseDateMathDuration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance ¶
type DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field Name of the field used to calculate distances. This field must meet the // following criteria: // be a `date`, `date_nanos` or `geo_point` field; // have an `index` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default; // have an `doc_values` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default. Field string `json:"field"` // Origin Date or point of origin used to calculate distances. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `origin` value // must be a date. // Date Math, such as `now-1h`, is supported. // If the field value is a `geo_point` field, the `origin` value must be a // geopoint. Origin GeoLocation `json:"origin"` // Pivot Distance from the `origin` at which relevance scores receive half of the // `boost` value. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `pivot` value // must be a time unit, such as `1h` or `10d`. If the `field` value is a // `geo_point` field, the `pivot` value must be a distance unit, such as `1km` // or `12m`. Pivot string `json:"pivot"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance type.
func NewDistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance ¶
func NewDistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance() *DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance
NewDistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance returns a DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance.
func (*DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DistanceFeatureQueryBaseGeoLocationDistance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DiversifiedSamplerAggregation ¶
type DiversifiedSamplerAggregation struct { // ExecutionHint The type of value used for de-duplication. ExecutionHint *sampleraggregationexecutionhint.SamplerAggregationExecutionHint `json:"execution_hint,omitempty"` // Field The field used to provide values used for de-duplication. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // MaxDocsPerValue Limits how many documents are permitted per choice of de-duplicating value. MaxDocsPerValue *int `json:"max_docs_per_value,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // ShardSize Limits how many top-scoring documents are collected in the sample processed // on each shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` }
DiversifiedSamplerAggregation type.
func NewDiversifiedSamplerAggregation ¶
func NewDiversifiedSamplerAggregation() *DiversifiedSamplerAggregation
NewDiversifiedSamplerAggregation returns a DiversifiedSamplerAggregation.
func (*DiversifiedSamplerAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DiversifiedSamplerAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DocStats ¶
type DocStats struct { // Count Total number of non-deleted documents across all primary shards assigned to // selected nodes. // This number is based on documents in Lucene segments and may include // documents from nested fields. Count int64 `json:"count"` // Deleted Total number of deleted documents across all primary shards assigned to // selected nodes. // This number is based on documents in Lucene segments. // Elasticsearch reclaims the disk space of deleted Lucene documents when a // segment is merged. Deleted *int64 `json:"deleted,omitempty"` }
DocStats type.
func (*DocStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Document ¶
type Document struct { // Id_ Unique identifier for the document. // This ID must be unique within the `_index`. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index containing the document. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Source_ JSON body for the document. Source_ json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` }
Document type.
func (*Document) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DocumentRating ¶
type DocumentRating struct { // Id_ The document ID. Id_ string `json:"_id"` // Index_ The document’s index. For data streams, this should be the document’s backing // index. Index_ string `json:"_index"` // Rating The document’s relevance with regard to this search request. Rating int `json:"rating"` }
DocumentRating type.
func NewDocumentRating ¶
func NewDocumentRating() *DocumentRating
NewDocumentRating returns a DocumentRating.
func (*DocumentRating) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DocumentRating) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DocumentSimulation ¶
type DocumentSimulation struct { DocumentSimulation map[string]string `json:"-"` // Id_ Unique identifier for the document. This ID must be unique within the // `_index`. Id_ string `json:"_id"` // Index_ Name of the index containing the document. Index_ string `json:"_index"` Ingest_ SimulateIngest `json:"_ingest"` // Routing_ Value used to send the document to a specific primary shard. Routing_ *string `json:"_routing,omitempty"` // Source_ JSON body for the document. Source_ map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"_source"` VersionType_ *versiontype.VersionType `json:"_version_type,omitempty"` Version_ StringifiedVersionNumber `json:"_version,omitempty"` }
DocumentSimulation type.
func NewDocumentSimulation ¶
func NewDocumentSimulation() *DocumentSimulation
NewDocumentSimulation returns a DocumentSimulation.
func (DocumentSimulation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DocumentSimulation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*DocumentSimulation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DocumentSimulation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DotExpanderProcessor ¶
type DotExpanderProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to expand into an object field. // If set to `*`, all top-level fields will be expanded. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Path The field that contains the field to expand. // Only required if the field to expand is part another object field, because // the `field` option can only understand leaf fields. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
DotExpanderProcessor type.
func NewDotExpanderProcessor ¶
func NewDotExpanderProcessor() *DotExpanderProcessor
NewDotExpanderProcessor returns a DotExpanderProcessor.
func (*DotExpanderProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DotExpanderProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DoubleNumberProperty ¶
type DoubleNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *Float64 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DoubleNumberProperty type.
func NewDoubleNumberProperty ¶
func NewDoubleNumberProperty() *DoubleNumberProperty
NewDoubleNumberProperty returns a DoubleNumberProperty.
func (DoubleNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DoubleNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DoubleNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DoubleNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DoubleRangeProperty ¶
type DoubleRangeProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DoubleRangeProperty type.
func NewDoubleRangeProperty ¶
func NewDoubleRangeProperty() *DoubleRangeProperty
NewDoubleRangeProperty returns a DoubleRangeProperty.
func (DoubleRangeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DoubleRangeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DoubleRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DoubleRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DoubleTermsAggregate ¶
type DoubleTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsDoubleTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
DoubleTermsAggregate type.
func NewDoubleTermsAggregate ¶
func NewDoubleTermsAggregate() *DoubleTermsAggregate
NewDoubleTermsAggregate returns a DoubleTermsAggregate.
func (*DoubleTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DoubleTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DoubleTermsBucket ¶
type DoubleTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` DocCountError *int64 `json:"doc_count_error,omitempty"` Key Float64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` }
DoubleTermsBucket type.
func NewDoubleTermsBucket ¶
func NewDoubleTermsBucket() *DoubleTermsBucket
NewDoubleTermsBucket returns a DoubleTermsBucket.
func (DoubleTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DoubleTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*DoubleTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DoubleTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DownsampleConfig ¶
type DownsampleConfig struct { // FixedInterval The interval at which to aggregate the original time series index. FixedInterval string `json:"fixed_interval"` }
DownsampleConfig type.
func NewDownsampleConfig ¶
func NewDownsampleConfig() *DownsampleConfig
NewDownsampleConfig returns a DownsampleConfig.
func (*DownsampleConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DownsampleConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DownsamplingRound ¶
type DownsamplingRound struct { // After The duration since rollover when this downsampling round should execute After Duration `json:"after"` // Config The downsample configuration to execute. Config DownsampleConfig `json:"config"` }
DownsamplingRound type.
func NewDownsamplingRound ¶
func NewDownsamplingRound() *DownsamplingRound
NewDownsamplingRound returns a DownsamplingRound.
func (*DownsamplingRound) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DownsamplingRound) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DropProcessor ¶
type DropProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
DropProcessor type.
func NewDropProcessor ¶
func NewDropProcessor() *DropProcessor
NewDropProcessor returns a DropProcessor.
func (*DropProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DropProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DurationValueUnitFloatMillis ¶
type DurationValueUnitFloatMillis Float64
DurationValueUnitFloatMillis type alias.
type DurationValueUnitMillis ¶
type DurationValueUnitMillis int64
DurationValueUnitMillis type alias.
type DurationValueUnitSeconds ¶
type DurationValueUnitSeconds int64
DurationValueUnitSeconds type alias.
type DutchAnalyzer ¶
type DutchAnalyzer struct { Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DutchAnalyzer type.
func NewDutchAnalyzer ¶
func NewDutchAnalyzer() *DutchAnalyzer
NewDutchAnalyzer returns a DutchAnalyzer.
func (DutchAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DutchAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DutchAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DutchAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DynamicProperty ¶
type DynamicProperty struct { Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` EagerGlobalOrdinals *bool `json:"eager_global_ordinals,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexOptions *indexoptions.IndexOptions `json:"index_options,omitempty"` IndexPhrases *bool `json:"index_phrases,omitempty"` IndexPrefixes *TextIndexPrefixes `json:"index_prefixes,omitempty"` Locale *string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Norms *bool `json:"norms,omitempty"` NullValue FieldValue `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` PositionIncrementGap *int `json:"position_increment_gap,omitempty"` PrecisionStep *int `json:"precision_step,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` SearchAnalyzer *string `json:"search_analyzer,omitempty"` SearchQuoteAnalyzer *string `json:"search_quote_analyzer,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` TermVector *termvectoroption.TermVectorOption `json:"term_vector,omitempty"` TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DynamicProperty type.
func NewDynamicProperty ¶
func NewDynamicProperty() *DynamicProperty
NewDynamicProperty returns a DynamicProperty.
func (DynamicProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DynamicProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*DynamicProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DynamicProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type DynamicTemplate ¶
type DynamicTemplate struct { Mapping Property `json:"mapping,omitempty"` Match *string `json:"match,omitempty"` MatchMappingType *string `json:"match_mapping_type,omitempty"` MatchPattern *matchtype.MatchType `json:"match_pattern,omitempty"` PathMatch *string `json:"path_match,omitempty"` PathUnmatch *string `json:"path_unmatch,omitempty"` Unmatch *string `json:"unmatch,omitempty"` }
DynamicTemplate type.
func NewDynamicTemplate ¶
func NewDynamicTemplate() *DynamicTemplate
NewDynamicTemplate returns a DynamicTemplate.
func (*DynamicTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DynamicTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EdgeNGramTokenFilter ¶
type EdgeNGramTokenFilter struct { MaxGram *int `json:"max_gram,omitempty"` MinGram *int `json:"min_gram,omitempty"` PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` Side *edgengramside.EdgeNGramSide `json:"side,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
EdgeNGramTokenFilter type.
func NewEdgeNGramTokenFilter ¶
func NewEdgeNGramTokenFilter() *EdgeNGramTokenFilter
NewEdgeNGramTokenFilter returns a EdgeNGramTokenFilter.
func (EdgeNGramTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s EdgeNGramTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*EdgeNGramTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EdgeNGramTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EdgeNGramTokenizer ¶
type EdgeNGramTokenizer struct { CustomTokenChars *string `json:"custom_token_chars,omitempty"` MaxGram int `json:"max_gram"` MinGram int `json:"min_gram"` TokenChars []tokenchar.TokenChar `json:"token_chars"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
EdgeNGramTokenizer type.
func NewEdgeNGramTokenizer ¶
func NewEdgeNGramTokenizer() *EdgeNGramTokenizer
NewEdgeNGramTokenizer returns a EdgeNGramTokenizer.
func (EdgeNGramTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s EdgeNGramTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*EdgeNGramTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EdgeNGramTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ElasticsearchError ¶
type ElasticsearchError struct { ErrorCause ErrorCause `json:"error"` Status int `json:"status"` }
An ElasticsearchError represent the exception raised by the server and sent as json payloads.
func NewElasticsearchError ¶
func NewElasticsearchError() *ElasticsearchError
NewElasticsearchError returns a ElasticsearchError.
func (ElasticsearchError) As ¶
func (e ElasticsearchError) As(err interface{}) bool
As implements errors.As interface to allow type matching of ElasticsearchError.
func (ElasticsearchError) Error ¶
func (e ElasticsearchError) Error() string
Error implements error string serialization of the ElasticsearchError.
func (ElasticsearchError) Is ¶
func (e ElasticsearchError) Is(err error) bool
Is implements errors.Is interface to allow value comparison within ElasticsearchError. It checks for always present values only: Status & ErrorCause.Type.
type ElasticsearchVersionInfo ¶
type ElasticsearchVersionInfo struct { BuildDate DateTime `json:"build_date"` BuildFlavor string `json:"build_flavor"` BuildHash string `json:"build_hash"` BuildSnapshot bool `json:"build_snapshot"` BuildType string `json:"build_type"` Int string `json:"number"` LuceneVersion string `json:"lucene_version"` MinimumIndexCompatibilityVersion string `json:"minimum_index_compatibility_version"` MinimumWireCompatibilityVersion string `json:"minimum_wire_compatibility_version"` }
ElasticsearchVersionInfo type.
func NewElasticsearchVersionInfo ¶
func NewElasticsearchVersionInfo() *ElasticsearchVersionInfo
NewElasticsearchVersionInfo returns a ElasticsearchVersionInfo.
func (*ElasticsearchVersionInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ElasticsearchVersionInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo ¶
type ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo struct { BuildFlavor string `json:"build_flavor"` Int string `json:"number"` MinimumIndexCompatibilityVersion string `json:"minimum_index_compatibility_version"` MinimumWireCompatibilityVersion string `json:"minimum_wire_compatibility_version"` }
ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo type.
func NewElasticsearchVersionMinInfo ¶
func NewElasticsearchVersionMinInfo() *ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo
NewElasticsearchVersionMinInfo returns a ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo.
func (*ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ElisionTokenFilter ¶
type ElisionTokenFilter struct { Articles []string `json:"articles,omitempty"` ArticlesCase Stringifiedboolean `json:"articles_case,omitempty"` ArticlesPath *string `json:"articles_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ElisionTokenFilter type.
func NewElisionTokenFilter ¶
func NewElisionTokenFilter() *ElisionTokenFilter
NewElisionTokenFilter returns a ElisionTokenFilter.
func (ElisionTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ElisionTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ElisionTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ElisionTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Email ¶
type Email struct { Attachments map[string]EmailAttachmentContainer `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Bcc []string `json:"bcc,omitempty"` Body *EmailBody `json:"body,omitempty"` Cc []string `json:"cc,omitempty"` From *string `json:"from,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Priority *emailpriority.EmailPriority `json:"priority,omitempty"` ReplyTo []string `json:"reply_to,omitempty"` SentDate DateTime `json:"sent_date,omitempty"` Subject string `json:"subject"` To []string `json:"to"` }
Email type.
func (*Email) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type EmailAction ¶
type EmailAction struct { Attachments map[string]EmailAttachmentContainer `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Bcc []string `json:"bcc,omitempty"` Body *EmailBody `json:"body,omitempty"` Cc []string `json:"cc,omitempty"` From *string `json:"from,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Priority *emailpriority.EmailPriority `json:"priority,omitempty"` ReplyTo []string `json:"reply_to,omitempty"` SentDate DateTime `json:"sent_date,omitempty"` Subject string `json:"subject"` To []string `json:"to"` }
EmailAction type.
func (*EmailAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EmailAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EmailAttachmentContainer ¶
type EmailAttachmentContainer struct { Data *DataEmailAttachment `json:"data,omitempty"` Http *HttpEmailAttachment `json:"http,omitempty"` Reporting *ReportingEmailAttachment `json:"reporting,omitempty"` }
EmailAttachmentContainer type.
func NewEmailAttachmentContainer ¶
func NewEmailAttachmentContainer() *EmailAttachmentContainer
NewEmailAttachmentContainer returns a EmailAttachmentContainer.
type EmailResult ¶
type EmailResult struct { Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` Message Email `json:"message"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` }
EmailResult type.
func (*EmailResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EmailResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EnrichPolicy ¶
type EnrichPolicy struct { ElasticsearchVersion *string `json:"elasticsearch_version,omitempty"` EnrichFields []string `json:"enrich_fields"` Indices []string `json:"indices"` MatchField string `json:"match_field"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` }
EnrichPolicy type.
func NewEnrichPolicy ¶
func NewEnrichPolicy() *EnrichPolicy
NewEnrichPolicy returns a EnrichPolicy.
func (*EnrichPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EnrichPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EnrichProcessor ¶
type EnrichProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field in the input document that matches the policies match_field used to // retrieve the enrichment data. // Supports template snippets. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // MaxMatches The maximum number of matched documents to include under the configured // target field. // The `target_field` will be turned into a json array if `max_matches` is // higher than 1, otherwise `target_field` will become a json object. // In order to avoid documents getting too large, the maximum allowed value is // 128. MaxMatches *int `json:"max_matches,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Override If processor will update fields with pre-existing non-null-valued field. // When set to `false`, such fields will not be touched. Override *bool `json:"override,omitempty"` // PolicyName The name of the enrich policy to use. PolicyName string `json:"policy_name"` // ShapeRelation A spatial relation operator used to match the geoshape of incoming documents // to documents in the enrich index. // This option is only used for `geo_match` enrich policy types. ShapeRelation *geoshaperelation.GeoShapeRelation `json:"shape_relation,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField Field added to incoming documents to contain enrich data. This field contains // both the `match_field` and `enrich_fields` specified in the enrich policy. // Supports template snippets. TargetField string `json:"target_field"` }
EnrichProcessor type.
func NewEnrichProcessor ¶
func NewEnrichProcessor() *EnrichProcessor
NewEnrichProcessor returns a EnrichProcessor.
func (*EnrichProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EnrichProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Ensemble ¶
type Ensemble struct { AggregateOutput *AggregateOutput `json:"aggregate_output,omitempty"` ClassificationLabels []string `json:"classification_labels,omitempty"` FeatureNames []string `json:"feature_names,omitempty"` TargetType *string `json:"target_type,omitempty"` TrainedModels []TrainedModel `json:"trained_models"` }
Ensemble type.
func (*Ensemble) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Eql ¶
type Eql struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Features EqlFeatures `json:"features"` Queries map[string]XpackQuery `json:"queries"` }
Eql type.
func (*Eql) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type EqlFeatures ¶
type EqlFeatures struct { Event uint `json:"event"` Join uint `json:"join"` Joins EqlFeaturesJoin `json:"joins"` Keys EqlFeaturesKeys `json:"keys"` Pipes EqlFeaturesPipes `json:"pipes"` Sequence uint `json:"sequence"` Sequences EqlFeaturesSequences `json:"sequences"` }
EqlFeatures type.
type EqlFeaturesJoin ¶
type EqlFeaturesJoin struct { JoinQueriesFiveOrMore uint `json:"join_queries_five_or_more"` JoinQueriesFour uint `json:"join_queries_four"` JoinQueriesThree uint `json:"join_queries_three"` JoinQueriesTwo uint `json:"join_queries_two"` JoinUntil uint `json:"join_until"` }
EqlFeaturesJoin type.
func NewEqlFeaturesJoin ¶
func NewEqlFeaturesJoin() *EqlFeaturesJoin
NewEqlFeaturesJoin returns a EqlFeaturesJoin.
type EqlFeaturesKeys ¶
type EqlFeaturesKeys struct { JoinKeysFiveOrMore uint `json:"join_keys_five_or_more"` JoinKeysFour uint `json:"join_keys_four"` JoinKeysOne uint `json:"join_keys_one"` JoinKeysThree uint `json:"join_keys_three"` JoinKeysTwo uint `json:"join_keys_two"` }
EqlFeaturesKeys type.
func NewEqlFeaturesKeys ¶
func NewEqlFeaturesKeys() *EqlFeaturesKeys
NewEqlFeaturesKeys returns a EqlFeaturesKeys.
type EqlFeaturesPipes ¶
EqlFeaturesPipes type.
func NewEqlFeaturesPipes ¶
func NewEqlFeaturesPipes() *EqlFeaturesPipes
NewEqlFeaturesPipes returns a EqlFeaturesPipes.
type EqlFeaturesSequences ¶
type EqlFeaturesSequences struct { SequenceMaxspan uint `json:"sequence_maxspan"` SequenceQueriesFiveOrMore uint `json:"sequence_queries_five_or_more"` SequenceQueriesFour uint `json:"sequence_queries_four"` SequenceQueriesThree uint `json:"sequence_queries_three"` SequenceQueriesTwo uint `json:"sequence_queries_two"` SequenceUntil uint `json:"sequence_until"` }
EqlFeaturesSequences type.
func NewEqlFeaturesSequences ¶
func NewEqlFeaturesSequences() *EqlFeaturesSequences
NewEqlFeaturesSequences returns a EqlFeaturesSequences.
type EqlHits ¶
type EqlHits struct { // Events Contains events matching the query. Each object represents a matching event. Events []HitsEvent `json:"events,omitempty"` // Sequences Contains event sequences matching the query. Each object represents a // matching sequence. This parameter is only returned for EQL queries containing // a sequence. Sequences []HitsSequence `json:"sequences,omitempty"` // Total Metadata about the number of matching events or sequences. Total *TotalHits `json:"total,omitempty"` }
EqlHits type.
type ErrorCause ¶
type ErrorCause struct { CausedBy *ErrorCause `json:"caused_by,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` // Reason A human-readable explanation of the error, in english Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` RootCause []ErrorCause `json:"root_cause,omitempty"` // StackTrace The server stack trace. Present only if the `error_trace=true` parameter was // sent with the request. StackTrace *string `json:"stack_trace,omitempty"` Suppressed []ErrorCause `json:"suppressed,omitempty"` // Type The type of error Type string `json:"type"` }
ErrorCause type.
func (ErrorCause) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ErrorCause) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ErrorCause) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ErrorCause) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ErrorResponseBase ¶
type ErrorResponseBase struct { Error ErrorCause `json:"error"` Status int `json:"status"` }
ErrorResponseBase type.
func NewErrorResponseBase ¶
func NewErrorResponseBase() *ErrorResponseBase
NewErrorResponseBase returns a ErrorResponseBase.
func (*ErrorResponseBase) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ErrorResponseBase) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EventDataStream ¶
type EventDataStream struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
EventDataStream type.
func NewEventDataStream ¶
func NewEventDataStream() *EventDataStream
NewEventDataStream returns a EventDataStream.
func (*EventDataStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EventDataStream) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EwmaModelSettings ¶
type EwmaModelSettings struct {
Alpha *float32 `json:"alpha,omitempty"`
EwmaModelSettings type.
func NewEwmaModelSettings ¶
func NewEwmaModelSettings() *EwmaModelSettings
NewEwmaModelSettings returns a EwmaModelSettings.
func (*EwmaModelSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EwmaModelSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EwmaMovingAverageAggregation ¶
type EwmaMovingAverageAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Minimize *bool `json:"minimize,omitempty"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Predict *int `json:"predict,omitempty"` Settings EwmaModelSettings `json:"settings"` Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
EwmaMovingAverageAggregation type.
func NewEwmaMovingAverageAggregation ¶
func NewEwmaMovingAverageAggregation() *EwmaMovingAverageAggregation
NewEwmaMovingAverageAggregation returns a EwmaMovingAverageAggregation.
func (EwmaMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s EwmaMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*EwmaMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *EwmaMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus ¶
type ExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus struct {
Phase enrichpolicyphase.EnrichPolicyPhase `json:"phase"`
ExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus type.
func NewExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus ¶
func NewExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus() *ExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus
NewExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus returns a ExecuteEnrichPolicyStatus.
type ExecutingPolicy ¶
ExecutingPolicy type.
func NewExecutingPolicy ¶
func NewExecutingPolicy() *ExecutingPolicy
NewExecutingPolicy returns a ExecutingPolicy.
func (*ExecutingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExecutingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExecutionResult ¶
type ExecutionResult struct { Actions []ExecutionResultAction `json:"actions"` Condition ExecutionResultCondition `json:"condition"` ExecutionDuration int64 `json:"execution_duration"` ExecutionTime DateTime `json:"execution_time"` Input ExecutionResultInput `json:"input"` }
ExecutionResult type.
func NewExecutionResult ¶
func NewExecutionResult() *ExecutionResult
NewExecutionResult returns a ExecutionResult.
func (*ExecutionResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExecutionResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExecutionResultAction ¶
type ExecutionResultAction struct { Email *EmailResult `json:"email,omitempty"` Error *ErrorCause `json:"error,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id"` Index *IndexResult `json:"index,omitempty"` Logging *LoggingResult `json:"logging,omitempty"` Pagerduty *PagerDutyResult `json:"pagerduty,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Slack *SlackResult `json:"slack,omitempty"` Status actionstatusoptions.ActionStatusOptions `json:"status"` Type actiontype.ActionType `json:"type"` Webhook *WebhookResult `json:"webhook,omitempty"` }
ExecutionResultAction type.
func NewExecutionResultAction ¶
func NewExecutionResultAction() *ExecutionResultAction
NewExecutionResultAction returns a ExecutionResultAction.
func (*ExecutionResultAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExecutionResultAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExecutionResultCondition ¶
type ExecutionResultCondition struct { Met bool `json:"met"` Status actionstatusoptions.ActionStatusOptions `json:"status"` Type conditiontype.ConditionType `json:"type"` }
ExecutionResultCondition type.
func NewExecutionResultCondition ¶
func NewExecutionResultCondition() *ExecutionResultCondition
NewExecutionResultCondition returns a ExecutionResultCondition.
func (*ExecutionResultCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExecutionResultCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExecutionResultInput ¶
type ExecutionResultInput struct { Payload map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"payload"` Status actionstatusoptions.ActionStatusOptions `json:"status"` Type inputtype.InputType `json:"type"` }
ExecutionResultInput type.
func NewExecutionResultInput ¶
func NewExecutionResultInput() *ExecutionResultInput
NewExecutionResultInput returns a ExecutionResultInput.
type ExecutionState ¶
type ExecutionState struct { Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Successful bool `json:"successful"` Timestamp DateTime `json:"timestamp"` }
ExecutionState type.
func NewExecutionState ¶
func NewExecutionState() *ExecutionState
NewExecutionState returns a ExecutionState.
func (*ExecutionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExecutionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExecutionThreadPool ¶
type ExecutionThreadPool struct { MaxSize int64 `json:"max_size"` QueueSize int64 `json:"queue_size"` }
ExecutionThreadPool type.
func NewExecutionThreadPool ¶
func NewExecutionThreadPool() *ExecutionThreadPool
NewExecutionThreadPool returns a ExecutionThreadPool.
func (*ExecutionThreadPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExecutionThreadPool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExistsQuery ¶
type ExistsQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field Name of the field you wish to search. Field string `json:"field"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
ExistsQuery type.
func (*ExistsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExistsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExpandWildcards ¶
type ExpandWildcards []expandwildcard.ExpandWildcard
ExpandWildcards type alias.
type ExplainAnalyzeToken ¶
type ExplainAnalyzeToken struct { Bytes string `json:"bytes"` EndOffset int64 `json:"end_offset"` ExplainAnalyzeToken map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` Keyword *bool `json:"keyword,omitempty"` Position int64 `json:"position"` PositionLength int64 `json:"positionLength"` StartOffset int64 `json:"start_offset"` TermFrequency int64 `json:"termFrequency"` Token string `json:"token"` Type string `json:"type"` }
ExplainAnalyzeToken type.
func NewExplainAnalyzeToken ¶
func NewExplainAnalyzeToken() *ExplainAnalyzeToken
NewExplainAnalyzeToken returns a ExplainAnalyzeToken.
func (ExplainAnalyzeToken) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ExplainAnalyzeToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ExplainAnalyzeToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExplainAnalyzeToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Explanation ¶
type Explanation struct { Description string `json:"description"` Details []ExplanationDetail `json:"details"` Value float32 `json:"value"` }
Explanation type.
func (*Explanation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Explanation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExplanationDetail ¶
type ExplanationDetail struct { Description string `json:"description"` Details []ExplanationDetail `json:"details,omitempty"` Value float32 `json:"value"` }
ExplanationDetail type.
func NewExplanationDetail ¶
func NewExplanationDetail() *ExplanationDetail
NewExplanationDetail returns a ExplanationDetail.
func (*ExplanationDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExplanationDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExploreControls ¶
type ExploreControls struct { // SampleDiversity To avoid the top-matching documents sample being dominated by a single source // of results, it is sometimes necessary to request diversity in the sample. // You can do this by selecting a single-value field and setting a maximum // number of documents per value for that field. SampleDiversity *SampleDiversity `json:"sample_diversity,omitempty"` // SampleSize Each hop considers a sample of the best-matching documents on each shard. // Using samples improves the speed of execution and keeps exploration focused // on meaningfully-connected terms. // Very small values (less than 50) might not provide sufficient // weight-of-evidence to identify significant connections between terms. // Very large sample sizes can dilute the quality of the results and increase // execution times. SampleSize *int `json:"sample_size,omitempty"` // Timeout The length of time in milliseconds after which exploration will be halted and // the results gathered so far are returned. // This timeout is honored on a best-effort basis. // Execution might overrun this timeout if, for example, a long pause is // encountered while FieldData is loaded for a field. Timeout Duration `json:"timeout,omitempty"` // UseSignificance Filters associated terms so only those that are significantly associated with // your query are included. UseSignificance bool `json:"use_significance"` }
ExploreControls type.
func NewExploreControls ¶
func NewExploreControls() *ExploreControls
NewExploreControls returns a ExploreControls.
func (*ExploreControls) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExploreControls) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath ¶
type ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath struct { // Max Maximum value for the bound. Max FieldDateMath `json:"max"` // Min Minimum value for the bound. Min FieldDateMath `json:"min"` }
ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath type.
func NewExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath ¶
func NewExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath() *ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath
NewExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath returns a ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath.
func (*ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedBoundsFieldDateMath) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedBoundsdouble ¶
type ExtendedBoundsdouble struct { // Max Maximum value for the bound. Max Float64 `json:"max"` // Min Minimum value for the bound. Min Float64 `json:"min"` }
ExtendedBoundsdouble type.
func NewExtendedBoundsdouble ¶
func NewExtendedBoundsdouble() *ExtendedBoundsdouble
NewExtendedBoundsdouble returns a ExtendedBoundsdouble.
func (*ExtendedBoundsdouble) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedBoundsdouble) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedMemoryStats ¶
type ExtendedMemoryStats struct { // AdjustedTotalInBytes If the amount of physical memory has been overridden using the // `es`.`total_memory_bytes` system property then this reports the overridden // value in bytes. // Otherwise it reports the same value as `total_in_bytes`. AdjustedTotalInBytes *int64 `json:"adjusted_total_in_bytes,omitempty"` // FreeInBytes Amount of free physical memory in bytes. FreeInBytes *int64 `json:"free_in_bytes,omitempty"` // FreePercent Percentage of free memory. FreePercent *int `json:"free_percent,omitempty"` Resident *string `json:"resident,omitempty"` ResidentInBytes *int64 `json:"resident_in_bytes,omitempty"` // TotalInBytes Total amount of physical memory in bytes. TotalInBytes *int64 `json:"total_in_bytes,omitempty"` TotalVirtual *string `json:"total_virtual,omitempty"` TotalVirtualInBytes *int64 `json:"total_virtual_in_bytes,omitempty"` // UsedInBytes Amount of used physical memory in bytes. UsedInBytes *int64 `json:"used_in_bytes,omitempty"` // UsedPercent Percentage of used memory. UsedPercent *int `json:"used_percent,omitempty"` }
ExtendedMemoryStats type.
func NewExtendedMemoryStats ¶
func NewExtendedMemoryStats() *ExtendedMemoryStats
NewExtendedMemoryStats returns a ExtendedMemoryStats.
func (*ExtendedMemoryStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedMemoryStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedStatsAggregate ¶
type ExtendedStatsAggregate struct { Avg Float64 `json:"avg,omitempty"` AvgAsString *string `json:"avg_as_string,omitempty"` Count int64 `json:"count"` Max Float64 `json:"max,omitempty"` MaxAsString *string `json:"max_as_string,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Min Float64 `json:"min,omitempty"` MinAsString *string `json:"min_as_string,omitempty"` StdDeviation Float64 `json:"std_deviation,omitempty"` StdDeviationAsString *string `json:"std_deviation_as_string,omitempty"` StdDeviationBounds *StandardDeviationBounds `json:"std_deviation_bounds,omitempty"` StdDeviationBoundsAsString *StandardDeviationBoundsAsString `json:"std_deviation_bounds_as_string,omitempty"` StdDeviationPopulation Float64 `json:"std_deviation_population,omitempty"` StdDeviationSampling Float64 `json:"std_deviation_sampling,omitempty"` Sum Float64 `json:"sum"` SumAsString *string `json:"sum_as_string,omitempty"` SumOfSquares Float64 `json:"sum_of_squares,omitempty"` SumOfSquaresAsString *string `json:"sum_of_squares_as_string,omitempty"` Variance Float64 `json:"variance,omitempty"` VarianceAsString *string `json:"variance_as_string,omitempty"` VariancePopulation Float64 `json:"variance_population,omitempty"` VariancePopulationAsString *string `json:"variance_population_as_string,omitempty"` VarianceSampling Float64 `json:"variance_sampling,omitempty"` VarianceSamplingAsString *string `json:"variance_sampling_as_string,omitempty"` }
ExtendedStatsAggregate type.
func NewExtendedStatsAggregate ¶
func NewExtendedStatsAggregate() *ExtendedStatsAggregate
NewExtendedStatsAggregate returns a ExtendedStatsAggregate.
func (*ExtendedStatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedStatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedStatsAggregation ¶
type ExtendedStatsAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // Sigma The number of standard deviations above/below the mean to display. Sigma *Float64 `json:"sigma,omitempty"` }
ExtendedStatsAggregation type.
func NewExtendedStatsAggregation ¶
func NewExtendedStatsAggregation() *ExtendedStatsAggregation
NewExtendedStatsAggregation returns a ExtendedStatsAggregation.
func (*ExtendedStatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedStatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate ¶
type ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate struct { Avg Float64 `json:"avg,omitempty"` AvgAsString *string `json:"avg_as_string,omitempty"` Count int64 `json:"count"` Max Float64 `json:"max,omitempty"` MaxAsString *string `json:"max_as_string,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Min Float64 `json:"min,omitempty"` MinAsString *string `json:"min_as_string,omitempty"` StdDeviation Float64 `json:"std_deviation,omitempty"` StdDeviationAsString *string `json:"std_deviation_as_string,omitempty"` StdDeviationBounds *StandardDeviationBounds `json:"std_deviation_bounds,omitempty"` StdDeviationBoundsAsString *StandardDeviationBoundsAsString `json:"std_deviation_bounds_as_string,omitempty"` StdDeviationPopulation Float64 `json:"std_deviation_population,omitempty"` StdDeviationSampling Float64 `json:"std_deviation_sampling,omitempty"` Sum Float64 `json:"sum"` SumAsString *string `json:"sum_as_string,omitempty"` SumOfSquares Float64 `json:"sum_of_squares,omitempty"` SumOfSquaresAsString *string `json:"sum_of_squares_as_string,omitempty"` Variance Float64 `json:"variance,omitempty"` VarianceAsString *string `json:"variance_as_string,omitempty"` VariancePopulation Float64 `json:"variance_population,omitempty"` VariancePopulationAsString *string `json:"variance_population_as_string,omitempty"` VarianceSampling Float64 `json:"variance_sampling,omitempty"` VarianceSamplingAsString *string `json:"variance_sampling_as_string,omitempty"` }
ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate type.
func NewExtendedStatsBucketAggregate ¶
func NewExtendedStatsBucketAggregate() *ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate
NewExtendedStatsBucketAggregate returns a ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate.
func (*ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedStatsBucketAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation ¶
type ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Sigma The number of standard deviations above/below the mean to display. Sigma *Float64 `json:"sigma,omitempty"` }
ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation type.
func NewExtendedStatsBucketAggregation ¶
func NewExtendedStatsBucketAggregation() *ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation
NewExtendedStatsBucketAggregation returns a ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation.
func (*ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ExtendedStatsBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FailProcessor ¶
type FailProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // Message The error message thrown by the processor. // Supports template snippets. Message string `json:"message"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
FailProcessor type.
func NewFailProcessor ¶
func NewFailProcessor() *FailProcessor
NewFailProcessor returns a FailProcessor.
func (*FailProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FailProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FeatureToggle ¶
type FeatureToggle struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
FeatureToggle type.
func NewFeatureToggle ¶
func NewFeatureToggle() *FeatureToggle
NewFeatureToggle returns a FeatureToggle.
func (*FeatureToggle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FeatureToggle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FetchProfile ¶
type FetchProfile struct { Breakdown FetchProfileBreakdown `json:"breakdown"` Children []FetchProfile `json:"children,omitempty"` Debug *FetchProfileDebug `json:"debug,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` TimeInNanos int64 `json:"time_in_nanos"` Type string `json:"type"` }
FetchProfile type.
func NewFetchProfile ¶
func NewFetchProfile() *FetchProfile
NewFetchProfile returns a FetchProfile.
func (*FetchProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FetchProfile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FetchProfileBreakdown ¶
type FetchProfileBreakdown struct { LoadSource *int `json:"load_source,omitempty"` LoadSourceCount *int `json:"load_source_count,omitempty"` LoadStoredFields *int `json:"load_stored_fields,omitempty"` LoadStoredFieldsCount *int `json:"load_stored_fields_count,omitempty"` NextReader *int `json:"next_reader,omitempty"` NextReaderCount *int `json:"next_reader_count,omitempty"` Process *int `json:"process,omitempty"` ProcessCount *int `json:"process_count,omitempty"` }
FetchProfileBreakdown type.
func NewFetchProfileBreakdown ¶
func NewFetchProfileBreakdown() *FetchProfileBreakdown
NewFetchProfileBreakdown returns a FetchProfileBreakdown.
func (*FetchProfileBreakdown) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FetchProfileBreakdown) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FetchProfileDebug ¶
type FetchProfileDebug struct { FastPath *int `json:"fast_path,omitempty"` StoredFields []string `json:"stored_fields,omitempty"` }
FetchProfileDebug type.
func NewFetchProfileDebug ¶
func NewFetchProfileDebug() *FetchProfileDebug
NewFetchProfileDebug returns a FetchProfileDebug.
func (*FetchProfileDebug) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FetchProfileDebug) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldAliasProperty ¶
type FieldAliasProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
FieldAliasProperty type.
func NewFieldAliasProperty ¶
func NewFieldAliasProperty() *FieldAliasProperty
NewFieldAliasProperty returns a FieldAliasProperty.
func (FieldAliasProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FieldAliasProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*FieldAliasProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldAliasProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldAndFormat ¶
type FieldAndFormat struct { // Field Wildcard pattern. The request returns values for field names matching this // pattern. Field string `json:"field"` // Format Format in which the values are returned. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` IncludeUnmapped *bool `json:"include_unmapped,omitempty"` }
FieldAndFormat type.
func NewFieldAndFormat ¶
func NewFieldAndFormat() *FieldAndFormat
NewFieldAndFormat returns a FieldAndFormat.
func (*FieldAndFormat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldAndFormat) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldCapability ¶
type FieldCapability struct { // Aggregatable Whether this field can be aggregated on all indices. Aggregatable bool `json:"aggregatable"` // Indices The list of indices where this field has the same type family, or null if all // indices have the same type family for the field. Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // Meta Merged metadata across all indices as a map of string keys to arrays of // values. A value length of 1 indicates that all indices had the same value for // this key, while a length of 2 or more indicates that not all indices had the // same value for this key. Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MetadataField Whether this field is registered as a metadata field. MetadataField *bool `json:"metadata_field,omitempty"` // MetricConflictsIndices The list of indices where this field is present if these indices // don’t have the same `time_series_metric` value for this field. MetricConflictsIndices []string `json:"metric_conflicts_indices,omitempty"` // NonAggregatableIndices The list of indices where this field is not aggregatable, or null if all // indices have the same definition for the field. NonAggregatableIndices []string `json:"non_aggregatable_indices,omitempty"` // NonDimensionIndices If this list is present in response then some indices have the // field marked as a dimension and other indices, the ones in this list, do not. NonDimensionIndices []string `json:"non_dimension_indices,omitempty"` // NonSearchableIndices The list of indices where this field is not searchable, or null if all // indices have the same definition for the field. NonSearchableIndices []string `json:"non_searchable_indices,omitempty"` // Searchable Whether this field is indexed for search on all indices. Searchable bool `json:"searchable"` // TimeSeriesDimension Whether this field is used as a time series dimension. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric Contains metric type if this fields is used as a time series // metrics, absent if the field is not used as metric. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` }
FieldCapability type.
func NewFieldCapability ¶
func NewFieldCapability() *FieldCapability
NewFieldCapability returns a FieldCapability.
func (*FieldCapability) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldCapability) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldCollapse ¶
type FieldCollapse struct { Collapse *FieldCollapse `json:"collapse,omitempty"` // Field The field to collapse the result set on Field string `json:"field"` // InnerHits The number of inner hits and their sort order InnerHits []InnerHits `json:"inner_hits,omitempty"` // MaxConcurrentGroupSearches The number of concurrent requests allowed to retrieve the inner_hits per // group MaxConcurrentGroupSearches *int `json:"max_concurrent_group_searches,omitempty"` }
FieldCollapse type.
func NewFieldCollapse ¶
func NewFieldCollapse() *FieldCollapse
NewFieldCollapse returns a FieldCollapse.
func (*FieldCollapse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldCollapse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldDateMath ¶
type FieldDateMath interface{}
FieldDateMath holds the union for the following types:
string Float64
type FieldLookup ¶
type FieldLookup struct { // Id `id` of the document. Id string `json:"id"` // Index Index from which to retrieve the document. Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Path Name of the field. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Routing Custom routing value. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` }
FieldLookup type.
func (*FieldLookup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldLookup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldMapping ¶
type FieldMapping struct { FullName string `json:"full_name"` Mapping map[string]Property `json:"mapping"` }
FieldMapping type.
func NewFieldMapping ¶
func NewFieldMapping() *FieldMapping
NewFieldMapping returns a FieldMapping.
func (*FieldMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldMemoryUsage ¶
type FieldMemoryUsage struct { MemorySize ByteSize `json:"memory_size,omitempty"` MemorySizeInBytes int64 `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"` }
FieldMemoryUsage type.
func NewFieldMemoryUsage ¶
func NewFieldMemoryUsage() *FieldMemoryUsage
NewFieldMemoryUsage returns a FieldMemoryUsage.
func (*FieldMemoryUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldMemoryUsage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldMetric ¶
type FieldMetric struct { // Field The field to collect metrics for. This must be a numeric of some kind. Field string `json:"field"` // Metrics An array of metrics to collect for the field. At least one metric must be // configured. Metrics []metric.Metric `json:"metrics"` }
FieldMetric type.
func (*FieldMetric) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldMetric) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldNamesField ¶
type FieldNamesField struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
FieldNamesField type.
func NewFieldNamesField ¶
func NewFieldNamesField() *FieldNamesField
NewFieldNamesField returns a FieldNamesField.
func (*FieldNamesField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldNamesField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldRule ¶
type FieldRule struct { Dn []string `json:"dn,omitempty"` Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"` Username []string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
FieldRule type.
func (*FieldRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FieldSecurity ¶
type FieldSecurity struct { Except []string `json:"except,omitempty"` Grant []string `json:"grant,omitempty"` }
FieldSecurity type.
func NewFieldSecurity ¶
func NewFieldSecurity() *FieldSecurity
NewFieldSecurity returns a FieldSecurity.
func (*FieldSecurity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldSecurity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldSizeUsage ¶
type FieldSizeUsage struct { Size ByteSize `json:"size,omitempty"` SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` }
FieldSizeUsage type.
func NewFieldSizeUsage ¶
func NewFieldSizeUsage() *FieldSizeUsage
NewFieldSizeUsage returns a FieldSizeUsage.
func (*FieldSizeUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldSizeUsage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldSort ¶
type FieldSort struct { Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Mode *sortmode.SortMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Nested *NestedSortValue `json:"nested,omitempty"` NumericType *fieldsortnumerictype.FieldSortNumericType `json:"numeric_type,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` UnmappedType *fieldtype.FieldType `json:"unmapped_type,omitempty"` }
FieldSort type.
func (*FieldSort) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FieldStat ¶
type FieldStat struct { Cardinality int `json:"cardinality"` Count int `json:"count"` Earliest *string `json:"earliest,omitempty"` Latest *string `json:"latest,omitempty"` MaxValue *int `json:"max_value,omitempty"` MeanValue *int `json:"mean_value,omitempty"` MedianValue *int `json:"median_value,omitempty"` MinValue *int `json:"min_value,omitempty"` TopHits []TopHit `json:"top_hits"` }
FieldStat type.
func (*FieldStat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FieldStatistics ¶
type FieldStatistics struct { DocCount int `json:"doc_count"` SumDocFreq int64 `json:"sum_doc_freq"` SumTtf int64 `json:"sum_ttf"` }
FieldStatistics type.
func NewFieldStatistics ¶
func NewFieldStatistics() *FieldStatistics
NewFieldStatistics returns a FieldStatistics.
func (*FieldStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldSuggester ¶
type FieldSuggester struct { // Completion Provides auto-complete/search-as-you-type functionality. Completion *CompletionSuggester `json:"completion,omitempty"` // Phrase Provides access to word alternatives on a per token basis within a certain // string distance. Phrase *PhraseSuggester `json:"phrase,omitempty"` // Prefix Prefix used to search for suggestions. Prefix *string `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // Regex A prefix expressed as a regular expression. Regex *string `json:"regex,omitempty"` // Term Suggests terms based on edit distance. Term *TermSuggester `json:"term,omitempty"` // Text The text to use as input for the suggester. // Needs to be set globally or per suggestion. Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
FieldSuggester type.
func NewFieldSuggester ¶
func NewFieldSuggester() *FieldSuggester
NewFieldSuggester returns a FieldSuggester.
func (*FieldSuggester) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldSuggester) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldSummary ¶
type FieldSummary struct { Any uint `json:"any"` DocValues uint `json:"doc_values"` InvertedIndex InvertedIndex `json:"inverted_index"` KnnVectors uint `json:"knn_vectors"` Norms uint `json:"norms"` Points uint `json:"points"` StoredFields uint `json:"stored_fields"` TermVectors uint `json:"term_vectors"` }
FieldSummary type.
func NewFieldSummary ¶
func NewFieldSummary() *FieldSummary
NewFieldSummary returns a FieldSummary.
type FieldTypes ¶
type FieldTypes struct { // Count The number of occurrences of the field type in selected nodes. Count int `json:"count"` // IndexCount The number of indices containing the field type in selected nodes. IndexCount int `json:"index_count"` // IndexedVectorCount For dense_vector field types, number of indexed vector types in selected // nodes. IndexedVectorCount *int64 `json:"indexed_vector_count,omitempty"` // IndexedVectorDimMax For dense_vector field types, the maximum dimension of all indexed vector // types in selected nodes. IndexedVectorDimMax *int64 `json:"indexed_vector_dim_max,omitempty"` // IndexedVectorDimMin For dense_vector field types, the minimum dimension of all indexed vector // types in selected nodes. IndexedVectorDimMin *int64 `json:"indexed_vector_dim_min,omitempty"` // Name The name for the field type in selected nodes. Name string `json:"name"` // ScriptCount The number of fields that declare a script. ScriptCount *int `json:"script_count,omitempty"` }
FieldTypes type.
func (*FieldTypes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldTypes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldTypesMappings ¶
type FieldTypesMappings struct { // FieldTypes Contains statistics about field data types used in selected nodes. FieldTypes []FieldTypes `json:"field_types"` // RuntimeFieldTypes Contains statistics about runtime field data types used in selected nodes. RuntimeFieldTypes []ClusterRuntimeFieldTypes `json:"runtime_field_types,omitempty"` // TotalDeduplicatedFieldCount Total number of fields in all non-system indices, accounting for mapping // deduplication. TotalDeduplicatedFieldCount *int `json:"total_deduplicated_field_count,omitempty"` // TotalDeduplicatedMappingSize Total size of all mappings after deduplication and compression. TotalDeduplicatedMappingSize ByteSize `json:"total_deduplicated_mapping_size,omitempty"` // TotalDeduplicatedMappingSizeInBytes Total size of all mappings, in bytes, after deduplication and compression. TotalDeduplicatedMappingSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"total_deduplicated_mapping_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // TotalFieldCount Total number of fields in all non-system indices. TotalFieldCount *int `json:"total_field_count,omitempty"` }
FieldTypesMappings type.
func NewFieldTypesMappings ¶
func NewFieldTypesMappings() *FieldTypesMappings
NewFieldTypesMappings returns a FieldTypesMappings.
func (*FieldTypesMappings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldTypesMappings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldValue ¶
type FieldValue interface{}
FieldValue holds the union for the following types:
int64 Float64 string bool nil json.RawMessage
type FieldValueFactorScoreFunction ¶
type FieldValueFactorScoreFunction struct { // Factor Optional factor to multiply the field value with. Factor *Float64 `json:"factor,omitempty"` // Field Field to be extracted from the document. Field string `json:"field"` // Missing Value used if the document doesn’t have that field. // The modifier and factor are still applied to it as though it were read from // the document. Missing *Float64 `json:"missing,omitempty"` // Modifier Modifier to apply to the field value. Modifier *fieldvaluefactormodifier.FieldValueFactorModifier `json:"modifier,omitempty"` }
FieldValueFactorScoreFunction type.
func NewFieldValueFactorScoreFunction ¶
func NewFieldValueFactorScoreFunction() *FieldValueFactorScoreFunction
NewFieldValueFactorScoreFunction returns a FieldValueFactorScoreFunction.
func (*FieldValueFactorScoreFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FieldValueFactorScoreFunction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FielddataFrequencyFilter ¶
type FielddataFrequencyFilter struct { Max Float64 `json:"max"` Min Float64 `json:"min"` MinSegmentSize int `json:"min_segment_size"` }
FielddataFrequencyFilter type.
func NewFielddataFrequencyFilter ¶
func NewFielddataFrequencyFilter() *FielddataFrequencyFilter
NewFielddataFrequencyFilter returns a FielddataFrequencyFilter.
func (*FielddataFrequencyFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FielddataFrequencyFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FielddataRecord ¶
type FielddataRecord struct { // Field field name Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Host host name Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Id node id Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ip ip address Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Node node name Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` // Size field data usage Size *string `json:"size,omitempty"` }
FielddataRecord type.
func NewFielddataRecord ¶
func NewFielddataRecord() *FielddataRecord
NewFielddataRecord returns a FielddataRecord.
func (*FielddataRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FielddataRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FielddataStats ¶
type FielddataStats struct { Evictions *int64 `json:"evictions,omitempty"` Fields map[string]FieldMemoryUsage `json:"fields,omitempty"` MemorySize ByteSize `json:"memory_size,omitempty"` MemorySizeInBytes int64 `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"` }
FielddataStats type.
func NewFielddataStats ¶
func NewFielddataStats() *FielddataStats
NewFielddataStats returns a FielddataStats.
func (*FielddataStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FielddataStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FieldsUsageBody ¶
type FieldsUsageBody struct { FieldsUsageBody map[string]UsageStatsIndex `json:"-"` Shards_ ShardStatistics `json:"_shards"` }
FieldsUsageBody type.
func NewFieldsUsageBody ¶
func NewFieldsUsageBody() *FieldsUsageBody
NewFieldsUsageBody returns a FieldsUsageBody.
func (FieldsUsageBody) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FieldsUsageBody) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
type FileCountSnapshotStats ¶
type FileCountSnapshotStats struct { FileCount int `json:"file_count"` SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` }
FileCountSnapshotStats type.
func NewFileCountSnapshotStats ¶
func NewFileCountSnapshotStats() *FileCountSnapshotStats
NewFileCountSnapshotStats returns a FileCountSnapshotStats.
func (*FileCountSnapshotStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FileCountSnapshotStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FileDetails ¶
type FileDetails struct { Length int64 `json:"length"` Name string `json:"name"` Recovered int64 `json:"recovered"` }
FileDetails type.
func (*FileDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FileDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FileSystem ¶
type FileSystem struct { // Data List of all file stores. Data []DataPathStats `json:"data,omitempty"` // IoStats Contains I/O statistics for the node. IoStats *IoStats `json:"io_stats,omitempty"` // Timestamp Last time the file stores statistics were refreshed. // Recorded in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Total Contains statistics for all file stores of the node. Total *FileSystemTotal `json:"total,omitempty"` }
FileSystem type.
func (*FileSystem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FileSystem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FileSystemTotal ¶
type FileSystemTotal struct { // Available Total disk space available to this Java virtual machine on all file stores. // Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than // `free`. // This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can // utilise. Available *string `json:"available,omitempty"` // AvailableInBytes Total number of bytes available to this Java virtual machine on all file // stores. // Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than // `free_in_bytes`. // This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can // utilise. AvailableInBytes *int64 `json:"available_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Free Total unallocated disk space in all file stores. Free *string `json:"free,omitempty"` // FreeInBytes Total number of unallocated bytes in all file stores. FreeInBytes *int64 `json:"free_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Total Total size of all file stores. Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"` // TotalInBytes Total size of all file stores in bytes. TotalInBytes *int64 `json:"total_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
FileSystemTotal type.
func NewFileSystemTotal ¶
func NewFileSystemTotal() *FileSystemTotal
NewFileSystemTotal returns a FileSystemTotal.
func (*FileSystemTotal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FileSystemTotal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FillMaskInferenceOptions ¶
type FillMaskInferenceOptions struct { // MaskToken The string/token which will be removed from incoming documents and replaced // with the inference prediction(s). // In a response, this field contains the mask token for the specified // model/tokenizer. Each model and tokenizer // has a predefined mask token which cannot be changed. Thus, it is recommended // not to set this value in requests. // However, if this field is present in a request, its value must match the // predefined value for that model/tokenizer, // otherwise the request will fail. MaskToken *string `json:"mask_token,omitempty"` // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
FillMaskInferenceOptions type.
func NewFillMaskInferenceOptions ¶
func NewFillMaskInferenceOptions() *FillMaskInferenceOptions
NewFillMaskInferenceOptions returns a FillMaskInferenceOptions.
func (*FillMaskInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FillMaskInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewFillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewFillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions() *FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions
NewFillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions returns a FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FilterAggregate ¶
type FilterAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
FilterAggregate type.
func NewFilterAggregate ¶
func NewFilterAggregate() *FilterAggregate
NewFilterAggregate returns a FilterAggregate.
func (FilterAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FilterAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*FilterAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FilterAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FilterRef ¶
type FilterRef struct { // FilterId The identifier for the filter. FilterId string `json:"filter_id"` // FilterType If set to `include`, the rule applies for values in the filter. If set to // `exclude`, the rule applies for values not in the filter. FilterType *filtertype.FilterType `json:"filter_type,omitempty"` }
FilterRef type.
func (*FilterRef) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FiltersAggregate ¶
type FiltersAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsFiltersBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
FiltersAggregate type.
func NewFiltersAggregate ¶
func NewFiltersAggregate() *FiltersAggregate
NewFiltersAggregate returns a FiltersAggregate.
func (*FiltersAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FiltersAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FiltersAggregation ¶
type FiltersAggregation struct { // Filters Collection of queries from which to build buckets. Filters BucketsQuery `json:"filters,omitempty"` // Keyed By default, the named filters aggregation returns the buckets as an object. // Set to `false` to return the buckets as an array of objects. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // OtherBucket Set to `true` to add a bucket to the response which will contain all // documents that do not match any of the given filters. OtherBucket *bool `json:"other_bucket,omitempty"` // OtherBucketKey The key with which the other bucket is returned. OtherBucketKey *string `json:"other_bucket_key,omitempty"` }
FiltersAggregation type.
func NewFiltersAggregation ¶
func NewFiltersAggregation() *FiltersAggregation
NewFiltersAggregation returns a FiltersAggregation.
func (*FiltersAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FiltersAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FiltersBucket ¶
type FiltersBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` }
FiltersBucket type.
func NewFiltersBucket ¶
func NewFiltersBucket() *FiltersBucket
NewFiltersBucket returns a FiltersBucket.
func (FiltersBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FiltersBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*FiltersBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FiltersBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FingerprintAnalyzer ¶
type FingerprintAnalyzer struct { MaxOutputSize int `json:"max_output_size"` PreserveOriginal bool `json:"preserve_original"` Separator string `json:"separator"` Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` StopwordsPath *string `json:"stopwords_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
FingerprintAnalyzer type.
func NewFingerprintAnalyzer ¶
func NewFingerprintAnalyzer() *FingerprintAnalyzer
NewFingerprintAnalyzer returns a FingerprintAnalyzer.
func (FingerprintAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FingerprintAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*FingerprintAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FingerprintAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FingerprintTokenFilter ¶
type FingerprintTokenFilter struct { MaxOutputSize *int `json:"max_output_size,omitempty"` Separator *string `json:"separator,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
FingerprintTokenFilter type.
func NewFingerprintTokenFilter ¶
func NewFingerprintTokenFilter() *FingerprintTokenFilter
NewFingerprintTokenFilter returns a FingerprintTokenFilter.
func (FingerprintTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FingerprintTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*FingerprintTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FingerprintTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Flattened ¶
type Flattened struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FieldCount int `json:"field_count"` }
Flattened type.
func (*Flattened) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FlattenedProperty ¶
type FlattenedProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` DepthLimit *int `json:"depth_limit,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` EagerGlobalOrdinals *bool `json:"eager_global_ordinals,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexOptions *indexoptions.IndexOptions `json:"index_options,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *string `json:"null_value,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` SplitQueriesOnWhitespace *bool `json:"split_queries_on_whitespace,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
FlattenedProperty type.
func NewFlattenedProperty ¶
func NewFlattenedProperty() *FlattenedProperty
NewFlattenedProperty returns a FlattenedProperty.
func (FlattenedProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FlattenedProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*FlattenedProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FlattenedProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Float64 ¶
type Float64 float64
Float64 custom type for Inf & NaN handling.
func (Float64) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements Marshaler interface.
func (*Float64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements Unmarshaler interface.
type FloatNumberProperty ¶
type FloatNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *float32 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
FloatNumberProperty type.
func NewFloatNumberProperty ¶
func NewFloatNumberProperty() *FloatNumberProperty
NewFloatNumberProperty returns a FloatNumberProperty.
func (FloatNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FloatNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*FloatNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FloatNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FloatRangeProperty ¶
type FloatRangeProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
FloatRangeProperty type.
func NewFloatRangeProperty ¶
func NewFloatRangeProperty() *FloatRangeProperty
NewFloatRangeProperty returns a FloatRangeProperty.
func (FloatRangeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FloatRangeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*FloatRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FloatRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FlushStats ¶
type FlushStats struct { Periodic int64 `json:"periodic"` Total int64 `json:"total"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
FlushStats type.
func (*FlushStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FlushStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FollowIndexStats ¶
type FollowIndexStats struct { Index string `json:"index"` Shards []CcrShardStats `json:"shards"` }
FollowIndexStats type.
func NewFollowIndexStats ¶
func NewFollowIndexStats() *FollowIndexStats
NewFollowIndexStats returns a FollowIndexStats.
func (*FollowIndexStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FollowIndexStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FollowStats ¶
type FollowStats struct {
Indices []FollowIndexStats `json:"indices"`
FollowStats type.
type FollowerIndex ¶
type FollowerIndex struct { FollowerIndex string `json:"follower_index"` LeaderIndex string `json:"leader_index"` Parameters *FollowerIndexParameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"` RemoteCluster string `json:"remote_cluster"` Status followerindexstatus.FollowerIndexStatus `json:"status"` }
FollowerIndex type.
func NewFollowerIndex ¶
func NewFollowerIndex() *FollowerIndex
NewFollowerIndex returns a FollowerIndex.
func (*FollowerIndex) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FollowerIndex) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FollowerIndexParameters ¶
type FollowerIndexParameters struct { MaxOutstandingReadRequests int `json:"max_outstanding_read_requests"` MaxOutstandingWriteRequests int `json:"max_outstanding_write_requests"` MaxReadRequestOperationCount int `json:"max_read_request_operation_count"` MaxReadRequestSize string `json:"max_read_request_size"` MaxRetryDelay Duration `json:"max_retry_delay"` MaxWriteBufferCount int `json:"max_write_buffer_count"` MaxWriteBufferSize string `json:"max_write_buffer_size"` MaxWriteRequestOperationCount int `json:"max_write_request_operation_count"` MaxWriteRequestSize string `json:"max_write_request_size"` ReadPollTimeout Duration `json:"read_poll_timeout"` }
FollowerIndexParameters type.
func NewFollowerIndexParameters ¶
func NewFollowerIndexParameters() *FollowerIndexParameters
NewFollowerIndexParameters returns a FollowerIndexParameters.
func (*FollowerIndexParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FollowerIndexParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ForceMergeConfiguration ¶
type ForceMergeConfiguration struct {
MaxNumSegments int `json:"max_num_segments"`
ForceMergeConfiguration type.
func NewForceMergeConfiguration ¶
func NewForceMergeConfiguration() *ForceMergeConfiguration
NewForceMergeConfiguration returns a ForceMergeConfiguration.
func (*ForceMergeConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ForceMergeConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ForceMergeResponseBody ¶
type ForceMergeResponseBody struct { Shards_ ShardStatistics `json:"_shards"` // Task task contains a task id returned when wait_for_completion=false, // you can use the task_id to get the status of the task at _tasks/<task_id> Task *string `json:"task,omitempty"` }
ForceMergeResponseBody type.
func NewForceMergeResponseBody ¶
func NewForceMergeResponseBody() *ForceMergeResponseBody
NewForceMergeResponseBody returns a ForceMergeResponseBody.
func (*ForceMergeResponseBody) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ForceMergeResponseBody) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ForeachProcessor ¶
type ForeachProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field Field containing array or object values. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true`, the processor silently exits without changing the document if the // `field` is `null` or missing. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Processor Ingest processor to run on each element. Processor *ProcessorContainer `json:"processor,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
ForeachProcessor type.
func NewForeachProcessor ¶
func NewForeachProcessor() *ForeachProcessor
NewForeachProcessor returns a ForeachProcessor.
func (*ForeachProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ForeachProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FormattableMetricAggregation ¶
type FormattableMetricAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
FormattableMetricAggregation type.
func NewFormattableMetricAggregation ¶
func NewFormattableMetricAggregation() *FormattableMetricAggregation
NewFormattableMetricAggregation returns a FormattableMetricAggregation.
func (*FormattableMetricAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FormattableMetricAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FoundStatus ¶
type FoundStatus struct {
Found bool `json:"found"`
FoundStatus type.
func (*FoundStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FoundStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor ¶
type FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor struct { FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Field string `json:"field"` FrequencyMap map[string]Float64 `json:"frequency_map"` }
FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor type.
func NewFrequencyEncodingPreprocessor ¶
func NewFrequencyEncodingPreprocessor() *FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor
NewFrequencyEncodingPreprocessor returns a FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor.
func (*FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FrequentItemSetsAggregate ¶
type FrequentItemSetsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsFrequentItemSetsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
FrequentItemSetsAggregate type.
func NewFrequentItemSetsAggregate ¶
func NewFrequentItemSetsAggregate() *FrequentItemSetsAggregate
NewFrequentItemSetsAggregate returns a FrequentItemSetsAggregate.
func (*FrequentItemSetsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FrequentItemSetsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FrequentItemSetsAggregation ¶
type FrequentItemSetsAggregation struct { // Fields Fields to analyze. Fields []FrequentItemSetsField `json:"fields"` // Filter Query that filters documents from analysis. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // MinimumSetSize The minimum size of one item set. MinimumSetSize *int `json:"minimum_set_size,omitempty"` // MinimumSupport The minimum support of one item set. MinimumSupport *Float64 `json:"minimum_support,omitempty"` // Size The number of top item sets to return. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
FrequentItemSetsAggregation type.
func NewFrequentItemSetsAggregation ¶
func NewFrequentItemSetsAggregation() *FrequentItemSetsAggregation
NewFrequentItemSetsAggregation returns a FrequentItemSetsAggregation.
func (*FrequentItemSetsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FrequentItemSetsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FrequentItemSetsBucket ¶
type FrequentItemSetsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key map[string][]string `json:"key"` Support Float64 `json:"support"` }
FrequentItemSetsBucket type.
func NewFrequentItemSetsBucket ¶
func NewFrequentItemSetsBucket() *FrequentItemSetsBucket
NewFrequentItemSetsBucket returns a FrequentItemSetsBucket.
func (FrequentItemSetsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s FrequentItemSetsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*FrequentItemSetsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FrequentItemSetsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FrequentItemSetsField ¶
type FrequentItemSetsField struct { // Exclude Values to exclude. // Can be regular expression strings or arrays of strings of exact terms. Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` Field string `json:"field"` // Include Values to include. // Can be regular expression strings or arrays of strings of exact terms. Include TermsInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` }
FrequentItemSetsField type.
func NewFrequentItemSetsField ¶
func NewFrequentItemSetsField() *FrequentItemSetsField
NewFrequentItemSetsField returns a FrequentItemSetsField.
func (*FrequentItemSetsField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FrequentItemSetsField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FrozenIndices ¶
type FrozenIndices struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` IndicesCount int64 `json:"indices_count"` }
FrozenIndices type.
func NewFrozenIndices ¶
func NewFrozenIndices() *FrozenIndices
NewFrozenIndices returns a FrozenIndices.
func (*FrozenIndices) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FrozenIndices) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FunctionScore ¶
type FunctionScore struct { // Exp Function that scores a document with a exponential decay, depending on the // distance of a numeric field value of the document from an origin. Exp DecayFunction `json:"exp,omitempty"` // FieldValueFactor Function allows you to use a field from a document to influence the score. // It’s similar to using the script_score function, however, it avoids the // overhead of scripting. FieldValueFactor *FieldValueFactorScoreFunction `json:"field_value_factor,omitempty"` Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Gauss Function that scores a document with a normal decay, depending on the // distance of a numeric field value of the document from an origin. Gauss DecayFunction `json:"gauss,omitempty"` // Linear Function that scores a document with a linear decay, depending on the // distance of a numeric field value of the document from an origin. Linear DecayFunction `json:"linear,omitempty"` // RandomScore Generates scores that are uniformly distributed from 0 up to but not // including 1. // In case you want scores to be reproducible, it is possible to provide a // `seed` and `field`. RandomScore *RandomScoreFunction `json:"random_score,omitempty"` // ScriptScore Enables you to wrap another query and customize the scoring of it optionally // with a computation derived from other numeric field values in the doc using a // script expression. ScriptScore *ScriptScoreFunction `json:"script_score,omitempty"` Weight *Float64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
FunctionScore type.
func NewFunctionScore ¶
func NewFunctionScore() *FunctionScore
NewFunctionScore returns a FunctionScore.
func (*FunctionScore) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FunctionScore) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FunctionScoreQuery ¶
type FunctionScoreQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // BoostMode Defines how he newly computed score is combined with the score of the query BoostMode *functionboostmode.FunctionBoostMode `json:"boost_mode,omitempty"` // Functions One or more functions that compute a new score for each document returned by // the query. Functions []FunctionScore `json:"functions,omitempty"` // MaxBoost Restricts the new score to not exceed the provided limit. MaxBoost *Float64 `json:"max_boost,omitempty"` // MinScore Excludes documents that do not meet the provided score threshold. MinScore *Float64 `json:"min_score,omitempty"` // Query A query that determines the documents for which a new score is computed. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // ScoreMode Specifies how the computed scores are combined ScoreMode *functionscoremode.FunctionScoreMode `json:"score_mode,omitempty"` }
FunctionScoreQuery type.
func NewFunctionScoreQuery ¶
func NewFunctionScoreQuery() *FunctionScoreQuery
NewFunctionScoreQuery returns a FunctionScoreQuery.
func (*FunctionScoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FunctionScoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Fuzziness ¶
type Fuzziness interface{}
Fuzziness holds the union for the following types:
string int
type FuzzyQuery ¶
type FuzzyQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Fuzziness Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // MaxExpansions Maximum number of variations created. MaxExpansions *int `json:"max_expansions,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged when creating expansions. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Rewrite Number of beginning characters left unchanged when creating expansions. Rewrite *string `json:"rewrite,omitempty"` // Transpositions Indicates whether edits include transpositions of two adjacent characters // (for example `ab` to `ba`). Transpositions *bool `json:"transpositions,omitempty"` // Value Term you wish to find in the provided field. Value string `json:"value"` }
FuzzyQuery type.
func (*FuzzyQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *FuzzyQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GarbageCollector ¶
type GarbageCollector struct { // Collectors Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors for the node. Collectors map[string]GarbageCollectorTotal `json:"collectors,omitempty"` }
GarbageCollector type.
func NewGarbageCollector ¶
func NewGarbageCollector() *GarbageCollector
NewGarbageCollector returns a GarbageCollector.
type GarbageCollectorTotal ¶
type GarbageCollectorTotal struct { // CollectionCount Total number of JVM garbage collectors that collect objects. CollectionCount *int64 `json:"collection_count,omitempty"` // CollectionTime Total time spent by JVM collecting objects. CollectionTime *string `json:"collection_time,omitempty"` // CollectionTimeInMillis Total time, in milliseconds, spent by JVM collecting objects. CollectionTimeInMillis *int64 `json:"collection_time_in_millis,omitempty"` }
GarbageCollectorTotal type.
func NewGarbageCollectorTotal ¶
func NewGarbageCollectorTotal() *GarbageCollectorTotal
NewGarbageCollectorTotal returns a GarbageCollectorTotal.
func (*GarbageCollectorTotal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GarbageCollectorTotal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GcsRepository ¶
type GcsRepository struct { Settings GcsRepositorySettings `json:"settings"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
GcsRepository type.
func NewGcsRepository ¶
func NewGcsRepository() *GcsRepository
NewGcsRepository returns a GcsRepository.
func (GcsRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GcsRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*GcsRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GcsRepository) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GcsRepositorySettings ¶
type GcsRepositorySettings struct { ApplicationName *string `json:"application_name,omitempty"` BasePath *string `json:"base_path,omitempty"` Bucket string `json:"bucket"` ChunkSize ByteSize `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` Compress *bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` MaxRestoreBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` Readonly *bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"` }
GcsRepositorySettings type.
func NewGcsRepositorySettings ¶
func NewGcsRepositorySettings() *GcsRepositorySettings
NewGcsRepositorySettings returns a GcsRepositorySettings.
func (*GcsRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GcsRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoBoundingBoxQuery ¶
type GeoBoundingBoxQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` GeoBoundingBoxQuery map[string]GeoBounds `json:"-"` // IgnoreUnmapped Set to `true` to ignore an unmapped field and not match any documents for // this query. // Set to `false` to throw an exception if the field is not mapped. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` Type *geoexecution.GeoExecution `json:"type,omitempty"` // ValidationMethod Set to `IGNORE_MALFORMED` to accept geo points with invalid latitude or // longitude. // Set to `COERCE` to also try to infer correct latitude or longitude. ValidationMethod *geovalidationmethod.GeoValidationMethod `json:"validation_method,omitempty"` }
GeoBoundingBoxQuery type.
func NewGeoBoundingBoxQuery ¶
func NewGeoBoundingBoxQuery() *GeoBoundingBoxQuery
NewGeoBoundingBoxQuery returns a GeoBoundingBoxQuery.
func (GeoBoundingBoxQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoBoundingBoxQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoBoundingBoxQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoBounds ¶
type GeoBounds interface{}
GeoBounds holds the union for the following types:
CoordsGeoBounds TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds WktGeoBounds
type GeoBoundsAggregate ¶
type GeoBoundsAggregate struct { Bounds GeoBounds `json:"bounds,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GeoBoundsAggregate type.
func NewGeoBoundsAggregate ¶
func NewGeoBoundsAggregate() *GeoBoundsAggregate
NewGeoBoundsAggregate returns a GeoBoundsAggregate.
func (*GeoBoundsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoBoundsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoBoundsAggregation ¶
type GeoBoundsAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // WrapLongitude Specifies whether the bounding box should be allowed to overlap the // international date line. WrapLongitude *bool `json:"wrap_longitude,omitempty"` }
GeoBoundsAggregation type.
func NewGeoBoundsAggregation ¶
func NewGeoBoundsAggregation() *GeoBoundsAggregation
NewGeoBoundsAggregation returns a GeoBoundsAggregation.
func (*GeoBoundsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoBoundsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoCentroidAggregate ¶
type GeoCentroidAggregate struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` Location GeoLocation `json:"location,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GeoCentroidAggregate type.
func NewGeoCentroidAggregate ¶
func NewGeoCentroidAggregate() *GeoCentroidAggregate
NewGeoCentroidAggregate returns a GeoCentroidAggregate.
func (*GeoCentroidAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoCentroidAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoCentroidAggregation ¶
type GeoCentroidAggregation struct { Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Location GeoLocation `json:"location,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
GeoCentroidAggregation type.
func NewGeoCentroidAggregation ¶
func NewGeoCentroidAggregation() *GeoCentroidAggregation
NewGeoCentroidAggregation returns a GeoCentroidAggregation.
func (*GeoCentroidAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoCentroidAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoDecayFunction ¶
type GeoDecayFunction struct { GeoDecayFunction map[string]DecayPlacementGeoLocationDistance `json:"-"` // MultiValueMode Determines how the distance is calculated when a field used for computing the // decay contains multiple values. MultiValueMode *multivaluemode.MultiValueMode `json:"multi_value_mode,omitempty"` }
GeoDecayFunction type.
func NewGeoDecayFunction ¶
func NewGeoDecayFunction() *GeoDecayFunction
NewGeoDecayFunction returns a GeoDecayFunction.
func (GeoDecayFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoDecayFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
type GeoDistanceAggregate ¶
type GeoDistanceAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsRangeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GeoDistanceAggregate type.
func NewGeoDistanceAggregate ¶
func NewGeoDistanceAggregate() *GeoDistanceAggregate
NewGeoDistanceAggregate returns a GeoDistanceAggregate.
func (*GeoDistanceAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoDistanceAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoDistanceAggregation ¶
type GeoDistanceAggregation struct { // DistanceType The distance calculation type. DistanceType *geodistancetype.GeoDistanceType `json:"distance_type,omitempty"` // Field A field of type `geo_point` used to evaluate the distance. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Origin The origin used to evaluate the distance. Origin GeoLocation `json:"origin,omitempty"` // Ranges An array of ranges used to bucket documents. Ranges []AggregationRange `json:"ranges,omitempty"` // Unit The distance unit. Unit *distanceunit.DistanceUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
GeoDistanceAggregation type.
func NewGeoDistanceAggregation ¶
func NewGeoDistanceAggregation() *GeoDistanceAggregation
NewGeoDistanceAggregation returns a GeoDistanceAggregation.
func (*GeoDistanceAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoDistanceAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoDistanceFeatureQuery ¶
type GeoDistanceFeatureQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field Name of the field used to calculate distances. This field must meet the // following criteria: // be a `date`, `date_nanos` or `geo_point` field; // have an `index` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default; // have an `doc_values` mapping parameter value of `true`, which is the default. Field string `json:"field"` // Origin Date or point of origin used to calculate distances. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `origin` value // must be a date. // Date Math, such as `now-1h`, is supported. // If the field value is a `geo_point` field, the `origin` value must be a // geopoint. Origin GeoLocation `json:"origin"` // Pivot Distance from the `origin` at which relevance scores receive half of the // `boost` value. // If the `field` value is a `date` or `date_nanos` field, the `pivot` value // must be a time unit, such as `1h` or `10d`. If the `field` value is a // `geo_point` field, the `pivot` value must be a distance unit, such as `1km` // or `12m`. Pivot string `json:"pivot"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
GeoDistanceFeatureQuery type.
func NewGeoDistanceFeatureQuery ¶
func NewGeoDistanceFeatureQuery() *GeoDistanceFeatureQuery
NewGeoDistanceFeatureQuery returns a GeoDistanceFeatureQuery.
func (*GeoDistanceFeatureQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoDistanceFeatureQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoDistanceQuery ¶
type GeoDistanceQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Distance The radius of the circle centred on the specified location. // Points which fall into this circle are considered to be matches. Distance string `json:"distance"` // DistanceType How to compute the distance. // Set to `plane` for a faster calculation that's inaccurate on long distances // and close to the poles. DistanceType *geodistancetype.GeoDistanceType `json:"distance_type,omitempty"` GeoDistanceQuery map[string]GeoLocation `json:"-"` // IgnoreUnmapped Set to `true` to ignore an unmapped field and not match any documents for // this query. // Set to `false` to throw an exception if the field is not mapped. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // ValidationMethod Set to `IGNORE_MALFORMED` to accept geo points with invalid latitude or // longitude. // Set to `COERCE` to also try to infer correct latitude or longitude. ValidationMethod *geovalidationmethod.GeoValidationMethod `json:"validation_method,omitempty"` }
GeoDistanceQuery type.
func NewGeoDistanceQuery ¶
func NewGeoDistanceQuery() *GeoDistanceQuery
NewGeoDistanceQuery returns a GeoDistanceQuery.
func (GeoDistanceQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoDistanceQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoDistanceQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoDistanceQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoDistanceSort ¶
type GeoDistanceSort struct { DistanceType *geodistancetype.GeoDistanceType `json:"distance_type,omitempty"` GeoDistanceSort map[string][]GeoLocation `json:"-"` IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` Mode *sortmode.SortMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` Unit *distanceunit.DistanceUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
GeoDistanceSort type.
func NewGeoDistanceSort ¶
func NewGeoDistanceSort() *GeoDistanceSort
NewGeoDistanceSort returns a GeoDistanceSort.
func (GeoDistanceSort) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoDistanceSort) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoDistanceSort) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoDistanceSort) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoHashGridAggregate ¶
type GeoHashGridAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsGeoHashGridBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GeoHashGridAggregate type.
func NewGeoHashGridAggregate ¶
func NewGeoHashGridAggregate() *GeoHashGridAggregate
NewGeoHashGridAggregate returns a GeoHashGridAggregate.
func (*GeoHashGridAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoHashGridAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoHashGridAggregation ¶
type GeoHashGridAggregation struct { // Bounds The bounding box to filter the points in each bucket. Bounds GeoBounds `json:"bounds,omitempty"` // Field Field containing indexed `geo_point` or `geo_shape` values. // If the field contains an array, `geohash_grid` aggregates all array values. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Precision The string length of the geohashes used to define cells/buckets in the // results. Precision GeoHashPrecision `json:"precision,omitempty"` // ShardSize Allows for more accurate counting of the top cells returned in the final // result the aggregation. // Defaults to returning `max(10,(size x number-of-shards))` buckets from each // shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size The maximum number of geohash buckets to return. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
GeoHashGridAggregation type.
func NewGeoHashGridAggregation ¶
func NewGeoHashGridAggregation() *GeoHashGridAggregation
NewGeoHashGridAggregation returns a GeoHashGridAggregation.
func (*GeoHashGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoHashGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoHashGridBucket ¶
type GeoHashGridBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key string `json:"key"` }
GeoHashGridBucket type.
func NewGeoHashGridBucket ¶
func NewGeoHashGridBucket() *GeoHashGridBucket
NewGeoHashGridBucket returns a GeoHashGridBucket.
func (GeoHashGridBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoHashGridBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoHashGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoHashGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoHashLocation ¶
type GeoHashLocation struct {
Geohash string `json:"geohash"`
GeoHashLocation type.
func NewGeoHashLocation ¶
func NewGeoHashLocation() *GeoHashLocation
NewGeoHashLocation returns a GeoHashLocation.
func (*GeoHashLocation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoHashLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoHashPrecision ¶
type GeoHashPrecision interface{}
GeoHashPrecision holds the union for the following types:
int string
type GeoHexGridAggregate ¶
type GeoHexGridAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsGeoHexGridBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GeoHexGridAggregate type.
func NewGeoHexGridAggregate ¶
func NewGeoHexGridAggregate() *GeoHexGridAggregate
NewGeoHexGridAggregate returns a GeoHexGridAggregate.
func (*GeoHexGridAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoHexGridAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoHexGridBucket ¶
type GeoHexGridBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key string `json:"key"` }
GeoHexGridBucket type.
func NewGeoHexGridBucket ¶
func NewGeoHexGridBucket() *GeoHexGridBucket
NewGeoHexGridBucket returns a GeoHexGridBucket.
func (GeoHexGridBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoHexGridBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoHexGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoHexGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoIpDownloadStatistics ¶
type GeoIpDownloadStatistics struct { // DatabaseCount Current number of databases available for use. DatabaseCount int `json:"database_count"` // FailedDownloads Total number of failed database downloads. FailedDownloads int `json:"failed_downloads"` // SkippedUpdates Total number of database updates skipped. SkippedUpdates int `json:"skipped_updates"` // SuccessfulDownloads Total number of successful database downloads. SuccessfulDownloads int `json:"successful_downloads"` // TotalDownloadTime Total milliseconds spent downloading databases. TotalDownloadTime int64 `json:"total_download_time"` }
GeoIpDownloadStatistics type.
func NewGeoIpDownloadStatistics ¶
func NewGeoIpDownloadStatistics() *GeoIpDownloadStatistics
NewGeoIpDownloadStatistics returns a GeoIpDownloadStatistics.
func (*GeoIpDownloadStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoIpDownloadStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoIpNodeDatabaseName ¶
type GeoIpNodeDatabaseName struct { // Name Name of the database. Name string `json:"name"` }
GeoIpNodeDatabaseName type.
func NewGeoIpNodeDatabaseName ¶
func NewGeoIpNodeDatabaseName() *GeoIpNodeDatabaseName
NewGeoIpNodeDatabaseName returns a GeoIpNodeDatabaseName.
func (*GeoIpNodeDatabaseName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoIpNodeDatabaseName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoIpNodeDatabases ¶
type GeoIpNodeDatabases struct { // Databases Downloaded databases for the node. Databases []GeoIpNodeDatabaseName `json:"databases"` // FilesInTemp Downloaded database files, including related license files. Elasticsearch // stores these files in the node’s temporary directory: // $ES_TMPDIR/geoip-databases/<node_id>. FilesInTemp []string `json:"files_in_temp"` }
GeoIpNodeDatabases type.
func NewGeoIpNodeDatabases ¶
func NewGeoIpNodeDatabases() *GeoIpNodeDatabases
NewGeoIpNodeDatabases returns a GeoIpNodeDatabases.
type GeoIpProcessor ¶
type GeoIpProcessor struct { // DatabaseFile The database filename referring to a database the module ships with // (GeoLite2-City.mmdb, GeoLite2-Country.mmdb, or GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) or a custom // database in the ingest-geoip config directory. DatabaseFile *string `json:"database_file,omitempty"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to get the ip address from for the geographical lookup. Field string `json:"field"` // FirstOnly If `true`, only the first found geoip data will be returned, even if the // field contains an array. FirstOnly *bool `json:"first_only,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Properties Controls what properties are added to the `target_field` based on the geoip // lookup. Properties []string `json:"properties,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field that will hold the geographical information looked up from the // MaxMind database. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
GeoIpProcessor type.
func NewGeoIpProcessor ¶
func NewGeoIpProcessor() *GeoIpProcessor
NewGeoIpProcessor returns a GeoIpProcessor.
func (*GeoIpProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoIpProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoLine ¶
type GeoLine struct { // Coordinates Array of `[lon, lat]` coordinates Coordinates [][]Float64 `json:"coordinates"` // Type Always `"LineString"` Type string `json:"type"` }
GeoLine type.
func (*GeoLine) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type GeoLineAggregate ¶
type GeoLineAggregate struct { Geometry GeoLine `json:"geometry"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties json.RawMessage `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` }
GeoLineAggregate type.
func NewGeoLineAggregate ¶
func NewGeoLineAggregate() *GeoLineAggregate
NewGeoLineAggregate returns a GeoLineAggregate.
func (*GeoLineAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoLineAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoLineAggregation ¶
type GeoLineAggregation struct { // IncludeSort When `true`, returns an additional array of the sort values in the feature // properties. IncludeSort *bool `json:"include_sort,omitempty"` // Point The name of the geo_point field. Point GeoLinePoint `json:"point"` // Size The maximum length of the line represented in the aggregation. // Valid sizes are between 1 and 10000. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sort The name of the numeric field to use as the sort key for ordering the points. // When the `geo_line` aggregation is nested inside a `time_series` aggregation, // this field defaults to `@timestamp`, and any other value will result in // error. Sort GeoLineSort `json:"sort"` // SortOrder The order in which the line is sorted (ascending or descending). SortOrder *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"sort_order,omitempty"` }
GeoLineAggregation type.
func NewGeoLineAggregation ¶
func NewGeoLineAggregation() *GeoLineAggregation
NewGeoLineAggregation returns a GeoLineAggregation.
func (*GeoLineAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoLineAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoLinePoint ¶
type GeoLinePoint struct { // Field The name of the geo_point field. Field string `json:"field"` }
GeoLinePoint type.
func NewGeoLinePoint ¶
func NewGeoLinePoint() *GeoLinePoint
NewGeoLinePoint returns a GeoLinePoint.
func (*GeoLinePoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoLinePoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoLineSort ¶
type GeoLineSort struct { // Field The name of the numeric field to use as the sort key for ordering the points. Field string `json:"field"` }
GeoLineSort type.
func (*GeoLineSort) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoLineSort) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoLocation ¶
type GeoLocation interface{}
GeoLocation holds the union for the following types:
LatLonGeoLocation GeoHashLocation []Float64 string
type GeoPointProperty ¶
type GeoPointProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` IgnoreZValue *bool `json:"ignore_z_value,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue GeoLocation `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
GeoPointProperty type.
func NewGeoPointProperty ¶
func NewGeoPointProperty() *GeoPointProperty
NewGeoPointProperty returns a GeoPointProperty.
func (GeoPointProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoPointProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*GeoPointProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoPointProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoPolygonPoints ¶
type GeoPolygonPoints struct {
Points []GeoLocation `json:"points"`
GeoPolygonPoints type.
func NewGeoPolygonPoints ¶
func NewGeoPolygonPoints() *GeoPolygonPoints
NewGeoPolygonPoints returns a GeoPolygonPoints.
type GeoPolygonQuery ¶
type GeoPolygonQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` GeoPolygonQuery map[string]GeoPolygonPoints `json:"-"` IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` ValidationMethod *geovalidationmethod.GeoValidationMethod `json:"validation_method,omitempty"` }
GeoPolygonQuery type.
func NewGeoPolygonQuery ¶
func NewGeoPolygonQuery() *GeoPolygonQuery
NewGeoPolygonQuery returns a GeoPolygonQuery.
func (GeoPolygonQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoPolygonQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoPolygonQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoPolygonQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoResults ¶
type GeoResults struct { // ActualPoint The actual value for the bucket formatted as a `geo_point`. ActualPoint string `json:"actual_point"` // TypicalPoint The typical value for the bucket formatted as a `geo_point`. TypicalPoint string `json:"typical_point"` }
GeoResults type.
func (*GeoResults) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoResults) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoShapeFieldQuery ¶
type GeoShapeFieldQuery struct { // IndexedShape Query using an indexed shape retrieved from the the specified document and // path. IndexedShape *FieldLookup `json:"indexed_shape,omitempty"` // Relation Spatial relation operator used to search a geo field. Relation *geoshaperelation.GeoShapeRelation `json:"relation,omitempty"` Shape json.RawMessage `json:"shape,omitempty"` }
GeoShapeFieldQuery type.
func NewGeoShapeFieldQuery ¶
func NewGeoShapeFieldQuery() *GeoShapeFieldQuery
NewGeoShapeFieldQuery returns a GeoShapeFieldQuery.
func (*GeoShapeFieldQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoShapeFieldQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoShapeProperty ¶
type GeoShapeProperty struct { Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` IgnoreZValue *bool `json:"ignore_z_value,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Orientation *geoorientation.GeoOrientation `json:"orientation,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Strategy *geostrategy.GeoStrategy `json:"strategy,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
GeoShapeProperty type.
func NewGeoShapeProperty ¶
func NewGeoShapeProperty() *GeoShapeProperty
NewGeoShapeProperty returns a GeoShapeProperty.
func (GeoShapeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoShapeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*GeoShapeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoShapeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoShapeQuery ¶
type GeoShapeQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` GeoShapeQuery map[string]GeoShapeFieldQuery `json:"-"` // IgnoreUnmapped Set to `true` to ignore an unmapped field and not match any documents for // this query. // Set to `false` to throw an exception if the field is not mapped. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
GeoShapeQuery type.
func NewGeoShapeQuery ¶
func NewGeoShapeQuery() *GeoShapeQuery
NewGeoShapeQuery returns a GeoShapeQuery.
func (GeoShapeQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoShapeQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoShapeQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoShapeQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoTileGridAggregate ¶
type GeoTileGridAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsGeoTileGridBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GeoTileGridAggregate type.
func NewGeoTileGridAggregate ¶
func NewGeoTileGridAggregate() *GeoTileGridAggregate
NewGeoTileGridAggregate returns a GeoTileGridAggregate.
func (*GeoTileGridAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoTileGridAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoTileGridAggregation ¶
type GeoTileGridAggregation struct { // Bounds A bounding box to filter the geo-points or geo-shapes in each bucket. Bounds GeoBounds `json:"bounds,omitempty"` // Field Field containing indexed `geo_point` or `geo_shape` values. // If the field contains an array, `geotile_grid` aggregates all array values. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Precision Integer zoom of the key used to define cells/buckets in the results. // Values outside of the range [0,29] will be rejected. Precision *int `json:"precision,omitempty"` // ShardSize Allows for more accurate counting of the top cells returned in the final // result the aggregation. // Defaults to returning `max(10,(size x number-of-shards))` buckets from each // shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size The maximum number of buckets to return. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
GeoTileGridAggregation type.
func NewGeoTileGridAggregation ¶
func NewGeoTileGridAggregation() *GeoTileGridAggregation
NewGeoTileGridAggregation returns a GeoTileGridAggregation.
func (*GeoTileGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoTileGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeoTileGridBucket ¶
type GeoTileGridBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key string `json:"key"` }
GeoTileGridBucket type.
func NewGeoTileGridBucket ¶
func NewGeoTileGridBucket() *GeoTileGridBucket
NewGeoTileGridBucket returns a GeoTileGridBucket.
func (GeoTileGridBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GeoTileGridBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GeoTileGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeoTileGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GeohexGridAggregation ¶
type GeohexGridAggregation struct { // Bounds Bounding box used to filter the geo-points in each bucket. Bounds GeoBounds `json:"bounds,omitempty"` // Field Field containing indexed `geo_point` or `geo_shape` values. // If the field contains an array, `geohex_grid` aggregates all array values. Field string `json:"field"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Precision Integer zoom of the key used to defined cells or buckets // in the results. Value should be between 0-15. Precision *int `json:"precision,omitempty"` // ShardSize Number of buckets returned from each shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size Maximum number of buckets to return. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
GeohexGridAggregation type.
func NewGeohexGridAggregation ¶
func NewGeohexGridAggregation() *GeohexGridAggregation
NewGeohexGridAggregation returns a GeohexGridAggregation.
func (*GeohexGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GeohexGridAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GetMigrationFeature ¶
type GetMigrationFeature struct { FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Indices []MigrationFeatureIndexInfo `json:"indices"` MigrationStatus migrationstatus.MigrationStatus `json:"migration_status"` MinimumIndexVersion string `json:"minimum_index_version"` }
GetMigrationFeature type.
func NewGetMigrationFeature ¶
func NewGetMigrationFeature() *GetMigrationFeature
NewGetMigrationFeature returns a GetMigrationFeature.
func (*GetMigrationFeature) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GetMigrationFeature) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GetResult ¶
type GetResult struct { Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Found bool `json:"found"` Id_ string `json:"_id"` Index_ string `json:"_index"` PrimaryTerm_ *int64 `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"` Routing_ *string `json:"_routing,omitempty"` SeqNo_ *int64 `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"` Source_ json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` Version_ *int64 `json:"_version,omitempty"` }
GetResult type.
func (*GetResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type GetScriptContext ¶
type GetScriptContext struct { Methods []ContextMethod `json:"methods"` Name string `json:"name"` }
GetScriptContext type.
func NewGetScriptContext ¶
func NewGetScriptContext() *GetScriptContext
NewGetScriptContext returns a GetScriptContext.
func (*GetScriptContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GetScriptContext) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GetStats ¶
type GetStats struct { Current int64 `json:"current"` ExistsTime Duration `json:"exists_time,omitempty"` ExistsTimeInMillis int64 `json:"exists_time_in_millis"` ExistsTotal int64 `json:"exists_total"` MissingTime Duration `json:"missing_time,omitempty"` MissingTimeInMillis int64 `json:"missing_time_in_millis"` MissingTotal int64 `json:"missing_total"` Time Duration `json:"time,omitempty"` TimeInMillis int64 `json:"time_in_millis"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
GetStats type.
func (*GetStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type GetUserProfileErrors ¶
type GetUserProfileErrors struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` Details map[string]ErrorCause `json:"details"` }
GetUserProfileErrors type.
func NewGetUserProfileErrors ¶
func NewGetUserProfileErrors() *GetUserProfileErrors
NewGetUserProfileErrors returns a GetUserProfileErrors.
func (*GetUserProfileErrors) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GetUserProfileErrors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GlobalAggregate ¶
type GlobalAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
GlobalAggregate type.
func NewGlobalAggregate ¶
func NewGlobalAggregate() *GlobalAggregate
NewGlobalAggregate returns a GlobalAggregate.
func (GlobalAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s GlobalAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*GlobalAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GlobalAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GlobalAggregation ¶
type GlobalAggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
GlobalAggregation type.
func NewGlobalAggregation ¶
func NewGlobalAggregation() *GlobalAggregation
NewGlobalAggregation returns a GlobalAggregation.
func (*GlobalAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GlobalAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GlobalPrivilege ¶
type GlobalPrivilege struct {
Application ApplicationGlobalUserPrivileges `json:"application"`
GlobalPrivilege type.
func NewGlobalPrivilege ¶
func NewGlobalPrivilege() *GlobalPrivilege
NewGlobalPrivilege returns a GlobalPrivilege.
type GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic ¶
type GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic struct { // BackgroundIsSuperset Set to `false` if you defined a custom background filter that represents a // different set of documents that you want to compare to. BackgroundIsSuperset *bool `json:"background_is_superset,omitempty"` }
GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic type.
func NewGoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic ¶
func NewGoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic() *GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic
NewGoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic returns a GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic.
func (*GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GrantApiKey ¶
type GrantApiKey struct { // Expiration Expiration time for the API key. By default, API keys never expire. Expiration *string `json:"expiration,omitempty"` // Metadata Arbitrary metadata that you want to associate with the API key. // It supports nested data structure. // Within the `metadata` object, keys beginning with `_` are reserved for system // usage. Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` // RoleDescriptors The role descriptors for this API key. // This parameter is optional. // When it is not specified or is an empty array, the API key has a point in // time snapshot of permissions of the specified user or access token. // If you supply role descriptors, the resultant permissions are an intersection // of API keys permissions and the permissions of the user or access token. RoleDescriptors []map[string]RoleDescriptor `json:"role_descriptors,omitempty"` }
GrantApiKey type.
func (*GrantApiKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GrantApiKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GrokProcessor ¶
type GrokProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to use for grok expression parsing. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // PatternDefinitions A map of pattern-name and pattern tuples defining custom patterns to be used // by the current processor. // Patterns matching existing names will override the pre-existing definition. PatternDefinitions map[string]string `json:"pattern_definitions,omitempty"` // Patterns An ordered list of grok expression to match and extract named captures with. // Returns on the first expression in the list that matches. Patterns []string `json:"patterns"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TraceMatch When `true`, `_ingest._grok_match_index` will be inserted into your matched // document’s metadata with the index into the pattern found in `patterns` that // matched. TraceMatch *bool `json:"trace_match,omitempty"` }
GrokProcessor type.
func NewGrokProcessor ¶
func NewGrokProcessor() *GrokProcessor
NewGrokProcessor returns a GrokProcessor.
func (*GrokProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GrokProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Groupings ¶
type Groupings struct { // DateHistogram A date histogram group aggregates a date field into time-based buckets. // This group is mandatory; you currently cannot roll up documents without a // timestamp and a `date_histogram` group. DateHistogram *DateHistogramGrouping `json:"date_histogram,omitempty"` // Histogram The histogram group aggregates one or more numeric fields into numeric // histogram intervals. Histogram *HistogramGrouping `json:"histogram,omitempty"` // Terms The terms group can be used on keyword or numeric fields to allow bucketing // via the terms aggregation at a later point. // The indexer enumerates and stores all values of a field for each time-period. // This can be potentially costly for high-cardinality groups such as IP // addresses, especially if the time-bucket is particularly sparse. Terms *TermsGrouping `json:"terms,omitempty"` }
Groupings type.
type GsubProcessor ¶
type GsubProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to apply the replacement to. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Pattern The pattern to be replaced. Pattern string `json:"pattern"` // Replacement The string to replace the matching patterns with. Replacement string `json:"replacement"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the converted value to // By default, the `field` is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
GsubProcessor type.
func NewGsubProcessor ¶
func NewGsubProcessor() *GsubProcessor
NewGsubProcessor returns a GsubProcessor.
func (*GsubProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *GsubProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HalfFloatNumberProperty ¶
type HalfFloatNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *float32 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
HalfFloatNumberProperty type.
func NewHalfFloatNumberProperty ¶
func NewHalfFloatNumberProperty() *HalfFloatNumberProperty
NewHalfFloatNumberProperty returns a HalfFloatNumberProperty.
func (HalfFloatNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HalfFloatNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HalfFloatNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HalfFloatNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HasChildQuery ¶
type HasChildQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // IgnoreUnmapped Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped `type` and not return any documents // instead of an error. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` // InnerHits If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits. InnerHits *InnerHits `json:"inner_hits,omitempty"` // MaxChildren Maximum number of child documents that match the query allowed for a returned // parent document. // If the parent document exceeds this limit, it is excluded from the search // results. MaxChildren *int `json:"max_children,omitempty"` // MinChildren Minimum number of child documents that match the query required to match the // query for a returned parent document. // If the parent document does not meet this limit, it is excluded from the // search results. MinChildren *int `json:"min_children,omitempty"` // Query Query you wish to run on child documents of the `type` field. // If a child document matches the search, the query returns the parent // document. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // ScoreMode Indicates how scores for matching child documents affect the root parent // document’s relevance score. ScoreMode *childscoremode.ChildScoreMode `json:"score_mode,omitempty"` // Type Name of the child relationship mapped for the `join` field. Type string `json:"type"` }
HasChildQuery type.
func NewHasChildQuery ¶
func NewHasChildQuery() *HasChildQuery
NewHasChildQuery returns a HasChildQuery.
func (*HasChildQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HasChildQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HasParentQuery ¶
type HasParentQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // IgnoreUnmapped Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped `parent_type` and not return any // documents instead of an error. // You can use this parameter to query multiple indices that may not contain the // `parent_type`. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` // InnerHits If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits. InnerHits *InnerHits `json:"inner_hits,omitempty"` // ParentType Name of the parent relationship mapped for the `join` field. ParentType string `json:"parent_type"` // Query Query you wish to run on parent documents of the `parent_type` field. // If a parent document matches the search, the query returns its child // documents. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Score Indicates whether the relevance score of a matching parent document is // aggregated into its child documents. Score *bool `json:"score,omitempty"` }
HasParentQuery type.
func NewHasParentQuery ¶
func NewHasParentQuery() *HasParentQuery
NewHasParentQuery returns a HasParentQuery.
func (*HasParentQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HasParentQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors ¶
type HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` Details map[string]ErrorCause `json:"details"` }
HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors type.
func NewHasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors ¶
func NewHasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors() *HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors
NewHasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors returns a HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors.
func (*HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HasPrivilegesUserProfileErrors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HdrMethod ¶
type HdrMethod struct { // NumberOfSignificantValueDigits Specifies the resolution of values for the histogram in number of significant // digits. NumberOfSignificantValueDigits *int `json:"number_of_significant_value_digits,omitempty"` }
HdrMethod type.
func (*HdrMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HdrPercentileRanksAggregate ¶
type HdrPercentileRanksAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Values Percentiles `json:"values"` }
HdrPercentileRanksAggregate type.
func NewHdrPercentileRanksAggregate ¶
func NewHdrPercentileRanksAggregate() *HdrPercentileRanksAggregate
NewHdrPercentileRanksAggregate returns a HdrPercentileRanksAggregate.
func (*HdrPercentileRanksAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HdrPercentileRanksAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HdrPercentilesAggregate ¶
type HdrPercentilesAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Values Percentiles `json:"values"` }
HdrPercentilesAggregate type.
func NewHdrPercentilesAggregate ¶
func NewHdrPercentilesAggregate() *HdrPercentilesAggregate
NewHdrPercentilesAggregate returns a HdrPercentilesAggregate.
func (*HdrPercentilesAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HdrPercentilesAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HealthRecord ¶
type HealthRecord struct { // ActiveShardsPercent active number of shards in percent ActiveShardsPercent *string `json:"active_shards_percent,omitempty"` // Cluster cluster name Cluster *string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Epoch seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Epoch StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds `json:"epoch,omitempty"` // Init number of initializing nodes Init *string `json:"init,omitempty"` // MaxTaskWaitTime wait time of longest task pending MaxTaskWaitTime *string `json:"max_task_wait_time,omitempty"` // NodeData number of nodes that can store data NodeData *string `json:",omitempty"` // NodeTotal total number of nodes NodeTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PendingTasks number of pending tasks PendingTasks *string `json:"pending_tasks,omitempty"` // Pri number of primary shards Pri *string `json:"pri,omitempty"` // Relo number of relocating nodes Relo *string `json:"relo,omitempty"` // Shards total number of shards Shards *string `json:"shards,omitempty"` // Status health status Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // Timestamp time in HH:MM:SS Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Unassign number of unassigned shards Unassign *string `json:"unassign,omitempty"` }
HealthRecord type.
func NewHealthRecord ¶
func NewHealthRecord() *HealthRecord
NewHealthRecord returns a HealthRecord.
func (*HealthRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HealthRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HealthResponseBody ¶
type HealthResponseBody struct { // ActivePrimaryShards The number of active primary shards. ActivePrimaryShards int `json:"active_primary_shards"` // ActiveShards The total number of active primary and replica shards. ActiveShards int `json:"active_shards"` // ActiveShardsPercentAsNumber The ratio of active shards in the cluster expressed as a percentage. ActiveShardsPercentAsNumber Percentage `json:"active_shards_percent_as_number"` // ClusterName The name of the cluster. ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"` // DelayedUnassignedShards The number of shards whose allocation has been delayed by the timeout // settings. DelayedUnassignedShards int `json:"delayed_unassigned_shards"` Indices map[string]IndexHealthStats `json:"indices,omitempty"` // InitializingShards The number of shards that are under initialization. InitializingShards int `json:"initializing_shards"` // NumberOfDataNodes The number of nodes that are dedicated data nodes. NumberOfDataNodes int `json:"number_of_data_nodes"` // NumberOfInFlightFetch The number of unfinished fetches. NumberOfInFlightFetch int `json:"number_of_in_flight_fetch"` // NumberOfNodes The number of nodes within the cluster. NumberOfNodes int `json:"number_of_nodes"` // NumberOfPendingTasks The number of cluster-level changes that have not yet been executed. NumberOfPendingTasks int `json:"number_of_pending_tasks"` // RelocatingShards The number of shards that are under relocation. RelocatingShards int `json:"relocating_shards"` Status healthstatus.HealthStatus `json:"status"` // TaskMaxWaitingInQueue The time since the earliest initiated task is waiting for being performed. TaskMaxWaitingInQueue Duration `json:"task_max_waiting_in_queue,omitempty"` // TaskMaxWaitingInQueueMillis The time expressed in milliseconds since the earliest initiated task is // waiting for being performed. TaskMaxWaitingInQueueMillis int64 `json:"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis"` // TimedOut If false the response returned within the period of time that is specified by // the timeout parameter (30s by default) TimedOut bool `json:"timed_out"` // UnassignedShards The number of shards that are not allocated. UnassignedShards int `json:"unassigned_shards"` }
HealthResponseBody type.
func NewHealthResponseBody ¶
func NewHealthResponseBody() *HealthResponseBody
NewHealthResponseBody returns a HealthResponseBody.
func (*HealthResponseBody) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HealthResponseBody) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HealthStatistics ¶
type HealthStatistics struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Invocations Invocations `json:"invocations"` }
HealthStatistics type.
func NewHealthStatistics ¶
func NewHealthStatistics() *HealthStatistics
NewHealthStatistics returns a HealthStatistics.
func (*HealthStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HealthStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HelpRecord ¶
type HelpRecord struct {
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
HelpRecord type.
func (*HelpRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HelpRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Highlight ¶
type Highlight struct { // BoundaryChars A string that contains each boundary character. BoundaryChars *string `json:"boundary_chars,omitempty"` // BoundaryMaxScan How far to scan for boundary characters. BoundaryMaxScan *int `json:"boundary_max_scan,omitempty"` // BoundaryScanner Specifies how to break the highlighted fragments: chars, sentence, or word. // Only valid for the unified and fvh highlighters. // Defaults to `sentence` for the `unified` highlighter. Defaults to `chars` for // the `fvh` highlighter. BoundaryScanner *boundaryscanner.BoundaryScanner `json:"boundary_scanner,omitempty"` // BoundaryScannerLocale Controls which locale is used to search for sentence and word boundaries. // This parameter takes a form of a language tag, for example: `"en-US"`, // `"fr-FR"`, `"ja-JP"`. BoundaryScannerLocale *string `json:"boundary_scanner_locale,omitempty"` Encoder *highlighterencoder.HighlighterEncoder `json:"encoder,omitempty"` Fields map[string]HighlightField `json:"fields"` ForceSource *bool `json:"force_source,omitempty"` // FragmentSize The size of the highlighted fragment in characters. FragmentSize *int `json:"fragment_size,omitempty"` // Fragmenter Specifies how text should be broken up in highlight snippets: `simple` or // `span`. // Only valid for the `plain` highlighter. Fragmenter *highlighterfragmenter.HighlighterFragmenter `json:"fragmenter,omitempty"` HighlightFilter *bool `json:"highlight_filter,omitempty"` // HighlightQuery Highlight matches for a query other than the search query. // This is especially useful if you use a rescore query because those are not // taken into account by highlighting by default. HighlightQuery *Query `json:"highlight_query,omitempty"` // MaxAnalyzedOffset If set to a non-negative value, highlighting stops at this defined maximum // limit. // The rest of the text is not processed, thus not highlighted and no error is // returned // The `max_analyzed_offset` query setting does not override the // `index.highlight.max_analyzed_offset` setting, which prevails when it’s set // to lower value than the query setting. MaxAnalyzedOffset *int `json:"max_analyzed_offset,omitempty"` MaxFragmentLength *int `json:"max_fragment_length,omitempty"` // NoMatchSize The amount of text you want to return from the beginning of the field if // there are no matching fragments to highlight. NoMatchSize *int `json:"no_match_size,omitempty"` // NumberOfFragments The maximum number of fragments to return. // If the number of fragments is set to `0`, no fragments are returned. // Instead, the entire field contents are highlighted and returned. // This can be handy when you need to highlight short texts such as a title or // address, but fragmentation is not required. // If `number_of_fragments` is `0`, `fragment_size` is ignored. NumberOfFragments *int `json:"number_of_fragments,omitempty"` Options map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"options,omitempty"` // Order Sorts highlighted fragments by score when set to `score`. // By default, fragments will be output in the order they appear in the field // (order: `none`). // Setting this option to `score` will output the most relevant fragments first. // Each highlighter applies its own logic to compute relevancy scores. Order *highlighterorder.HighlighterOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // PhraseLimit Controls the number of matching phrases in a document that are considered. // Prevents the `fvh` highlighter from analyzing too many phrases and consuming // too much memory. // When using `matched_fields`, `phrase_limit` phrases per matched field are // considered. Raising the limit increases query time and consumes more memory. // Only supported by the `fvh` highlighter. PhraseLimit *int `json:"phrase_limit,omitempty"` // PostTags Use in conjunction with `pre_tags` to define the HTML tags to use for the // highlighted text. // By default, highlighted text is wrapped in `<em>` and `</em>` tags. PostTags []string `json:"post_tags,omitempty"` // PreTags Use in conjunction with `post_tags` to define the HTML tags to use for the // highlighted text. // By default, highlighted text is wrapped in `<em>` and `</em>` tags. PreTags []string `json:"pre_tags,omitempty"` // RequireFieldMatch By default, only fields that contains a query match are highlighted. // Set to `false` to highlight all fields. RequireFieldMatch *bool `json:"require_field_match,omitempty"` // TagsSchema Set to `styled` to use the built-in tag schema. TagsSchema *highlightertagsschema.HighlighterTagsSchema `json:"tags_schema,omitempty"` Type *highlightertype.HighlighterType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Highlight type.
func (*Highlight) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HighlightField ¶
type HighlightField struct { Analyzer Analyzer `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // BoundaryChars A string that contains each boundary character. BoundaryChars *string `json:"boundary_chars,omitempty"` // BoundaryMaxScan How far to scan for boundary characters. BoundaryMaxScan *int `json:"boundary_max_scan,omitempty"` // BoundaryScanner Specifies how to break the highlighted fragments: chars, sentence, or word. // Only valid for the unified and fvh highlighters. // Defaults to `sentence` for the `unified` highlighter. Defaults to `chars` for // the `fvh` highlighter. BoundaryScanner *boundaryscanner.BoundaryScanner `json:"boundary_scanner,omitempty"` // BoundaryScannerLocale Controls which locale is used to search for sentence and word boundaries. // This parameter takes a form of a language tag, for example: `"en-US"`, // `"fr-FR"`, `"ja-JP"`. BoundaryScannerLocale *string `json:"boundary_scanner_locale,omitempty"` ForceSource *bool `json:"force_source,omitempty"` FragmentOffset *int `json:"fragment_offset,omitempty"` // FragmentSize The size of the highlighted fragment in characters. FragmentSize *int `json:"fragment_size,omitempty"` // Fragmenter Specifies how text should be broken up in highlight snippets: `simple` or // `span`. // Only valid for the `plain` highlighter. Fragmenter *highlighterfragmenter.HighlighterFragmenter `json:"fragmenter,omitempty"` HighlightFilter *bool `json:"highlight_filter,omitempty"` // HighlightQuery Highlight matches for a query other than the search query. // This is especially useful if you use a rescore query because those are not // taken into account by highlighting by default. HighlightQuery *Query `json:"highlight_query,omitempty"` MatchedFields []string `json:"matched_fields,omitempty"` // MaxAnalyzedOffset If set to a non-negative value, highlighting stops at this defined maximum // limit. // The rest of the text is not processed, thus not highlighted and no error is // returned // The `max_analyzed_offset` query setting does not override the // `index.highlight.max_analyzed_offset` setting, which prevails when it’s set // to lower value than the query setting. MaxAnalyzedOffset *int `json:"max_analyzed_offset,omitempty"` MaxFragmentLength *int `json:"max_fragment_length,omitempty"` // NoMatchSize The amount of text you want to return from the beginning of the field if // there are no matching fragments to highlight. NoMatchSize *int `json:"no_match_size,omitempty"` // NumberOfFragments The maximum number of fragments to return. // If the number of fragments is set to `0`, no fragments are returned. // Instead, the entire field contents are highlighted and returned. // This can be handy when you need to highlight short texts such as a title or // address, but fragmentation is not required. // If `number_of_fragments` is `0`, `fragment_size` is ignored. NumberOfFragments *int `json:"number_of_fragments,omitempty"` Options map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"options,omitempty"` // Order Sorts highlighted fragments by score when set to `score`. // By default, fragments will be output in the order they appear in the field // (order: `none`). // Setting this option to `score` will output the most relevant fragments first. // Each highlighter applies its own logic to compute relevancy scores. Order *highlighterorder.HighlighterOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // PhraseLimit Controls the number of matching phrases in a document that are considered. // Prevents the `fvh` highlighter from analyzing too many phrases and consuming // too much memory. // When using `matched_fields`, `phrase_limit` phrases per matched field are // considered. Raising the limit increases query time and consumes more memory. // Only supported by the `fvh` highlighter. PhraseLimit *int `json:"phrase_limit,omitempty"` // PostTags Use in conjunction with `pre_tags` to define the HTML tags to use for the // highlighted text. // By default, highlighted text is wrapped in `<em>` and `</em>` tags. PostTags []string `json:"post_tags,omitempty"` // PreTags Use in conjunction with `post_tags` to define the HTML tags to use for the // highlighted text. // By default, highlighted text is wrapped in `<em>` and `</em>` tags. PreTags []string `json:"pre_tags,omitempty"` // RequireFieldMatch By default, only fields that contains a query match are highlighted. // Set to `false` to highlight all fields. RequireFieldMatch *bool `json:"require_field_match,omitempty"` // TagsSchema Set to `styled` to use the built-in tag schema. TagsSchema *highlightertagsschema.HighlighterTagsSchema `json:"tags_schema,omitempty"` Type *highlightertype.HighlighterType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
HighlightField type.
func NewHighlightField ¶
func NewHighlightField() *HighlightField
NewHighlightField returns a HighlightField.
func (*HighlightField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HighlightField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Hint ¶
type Hint struct { // Labels A single key-value pair to match against the labels section // of a profile. A profile is considered matching if it matches // at least one of the strings. Labels map[string][]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Uids A list of Profile UIDs to match against. Uids []string `json:"uids,omitempty"` }
Hint type.
type HistogramAggregate ¶
type HistogramAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
HistogramAggregate type.
func NewHistogramAggregate ¶
func NewHistogramAggregate() *HistogramAggregate
NewHistogramAggregate returns a HistogramAggregate.
func (*HistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HistogramAggregation ¶
type HistogramAggregation struct { // ExtendedBounds Enables extending the bounds of the histogram beyond the data itself. ExtendedBounds *ExtendedBoundsdouble `json:"extended_bounds,omitempty"` // Field The name of the field to aggregate on. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // HardBounds Limits the range of buckets in the histogram. // It is particularly useful in the case of open data ranges that can result in // a very large number of buckets. HardBounds *ExtendedBoundsdouble `json:"hard_bounds,omitempty"` // Interval The interval for the buckets. // Must be a positive decimal. Interval *Float64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Keyed If `true`, returns buckets as a hash instead of an array, keyed by the bucket // keys. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Only returns buckets that have `min_doc_count` number of documents. // By default, the response will fill gaps in the histogram with empty buckets. MinDocCount *int `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing *Float64 `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Offset By default, the bucket keys start with 0 and then continue in even spaced // steps of `interval`. // The bucket boundaries can be shifted by using the `offset` option. Offset *Float64 `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Order The sort order of the returned buckets. // By default, the returned buckets are sorted by their key ascending. Order AggregateOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
HistogramAggregation type.
func NewHistogramAggregation ¶
func NewHistogramAggregation() *HistogramAggregation
NewHistogramAggregation returns a HistogramAggregation.
func (*HistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HistogramBucket ¶
type HistogramBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key Float64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` }
HistogramBucket type.
func NewHistogramBucket ¶
func NewHistogramBucket() *HistogramBucket
NewHistogramBucket returns a HistogramBucket.
func (HistogramBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HistogramBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*HistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HistogramGrouping ¶
type HistogramGrouping struct { // Fields The set of fields that you wish to build histograms for. // All fields specified must be some kind of numeric. // Order does not matter. Fields []string `json:"fields"` // Interval The interval of histogram buckets to be generated when rolling up. // For example, a value of `5` creates buckets that are five units wide (`0-5`, // `5-10`, etc). // Note that only one interval can be specified in the histogram group, meaning // that all fields being grouped via the histogram must share the same interval. Interval int64 `json:"interval"` }
HistogramGrouping type.
func NewHistogramGrouping ¶
func NewHistogramGrouping() *HistogramGrouping
NewHistogramGrouping returns a HistogramGrouping.
func (*HistogramGrouping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HistogramGrouping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HistogramProperty ¶
type HistogramProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
HistogramProperty type.
func NewHistogramProperty ¶
func NewHistogramProperty() *HistogramProperty
NewHistogramProperty returns a HistogramProperty.
func (HistogramProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HistogramProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HistogramProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HistogramProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Hit ¶
type Hit struct { Explanation_ *Explanation `json:"_explanation,omitempty"` Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Highlight map[string][]string `json:"highlight,omitempty"` Id_ string `json:"_id"` IgnoredFieldValues map[string][]string `json:"ignored_field_values,omitempty"` Ignored_ []string `json:"_ignored,omitempty"` Index_ string `json:"_index"` InnerHits map[string]InnerHitsResult `json:"inner_hits,omitempty"` MatchedQueries []string `json:"matched_queries,omitempty"` Nested_ *NestedIdentity `json:"_nested,omitempty"` Node_ *string `json:"_node,omitempty"` PrimaryTerm_ *int64 `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"` Routing_ *string `json:"_routing,omitempty"` Score_ Float64 `json:"_score,omitempty"` SeqNo_ *int64 `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"` Shard_ *string `json:"_shard,omitempty"` Sort []FieldValue `json:"sort,omitempty"` Source_ json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` Version_ *int64 `json:"_version,omitempty"` }
Hit type.
func (*Hit) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HitsEvent ¶
type HitsEvent struct { Fields map[string][]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Id_ Unique identifier for the event. This ID is only unique within the index. Id_ string `json:"_id"` // Index_ Name of the index containing the event. Index_ string `json:"_index"` // Source_ Original JSON body passed for the event at index time. Source_ json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` }
HitsEvent type.
func (*HitsEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HitsMetadata ¶
type HitsMetadata struct { Hits []Hit `json:"hits"` MaxScore Float64 `json:"max_score,omitempty"` // Total Total hit count information, present only if `track_total_hits` wasn't // `false` in the search request. Total *TotalHits `json:"total,omitempty"` }
HitsMetadata type.
func NewHitsMetadata ¶
func NewHitsMetadata() *HitsMetadata
NewHitsMetadata returns a HitsMetadata.
func (*HitsMetadata) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HitsMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HitsSequence ¶
type HitsSequence struct { // Events Contains events matching the query. Each object represents a matching event. Events []HitsEvent `json:"events"` // JoinKeys Shared field values used to constrain matches in the sequence. These are // defined using the by keyword in the EQL query syntax. JoinKeys []json.RawMessage `json:"join_keys"` }
HitsSequence type.
func NewHitsSequence ¶
func NewHitsSequence() *HitsSequence
NewHitsSequence returns a HitsSequence.
type HoltLinearModelSettings ¶
type HoltLinearModelSettings struct { Alpha *float32 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` Beta *float32 `json:"beta,omitempty"` }
HoltLinearModelSettings type.
func NewHoltLinearModelSettings ¶
func NewHoltLinearModelSettings() *HoltLinearModelSettings
NewHoltLinearModelSettings returns a HoltLinearModelSettings.
func (*HoltLinearModelSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HoltLinearModelSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HoltMovingAverageAggregation ¶
type HoltMovingAverageAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Minimize *bool `json:"minimize,omitempty"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Predict *int `json:"predict,omitempty"` Settings HoltLinearModelSettings `json:"settings"` Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
HoltMovingAverageAggregation type.
func NewHoltMovingAverageAggregation ¶
func NewHoltMovingAverageAggregation() *HoltMovingAverageAggregation
NewHoltMovingAverageAggregation returns a HoltMovingAverageAggregation.
func (HoltMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HoltMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HoltMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HoltMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HoltWintersModelSettings ¶
type HoltWintersModelSettings struct { Alpha *float32 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` Beta *float32 `json:"beta,omitempty"` Gamma *float32 `json:"gamma,omitempty"` Pad *bool `json:"pad,omitempty"` Period *int `json:"period,omitempty"` Type *holtwinterstype.HoltWintersType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
HoltWintersModelSettings type.
func NewHoltWintersModelSettings ¶
func NewHoltWintersModelSettings() *HoltWintersModelSettings
NewHoltWintersModelSettings returns a HoltWintersModelSettings.
func (*HoltWintersModelSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HoltWintersModelSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation ¶
type HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Minimize *bool `json:"minimize,omitempty"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Predict *int `json:"predict,omitempty"` Settings HoltWintersModelSettings `json:"settings"` Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation type.
func NewHoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation ¶
func NewHoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation() *HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation
NewHoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation returns a HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation.
func (HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Hop ¶
type Hop struct { // Connections Specifies one or more fields from which you want to extract terms that are // associated with the specified vertices. Connections *Hop `json:"connections,omitempty"` // Query An optional guiding query that constrains the Graph API as it explores // connected terms. Query Query `json:"query"` // Vertices Contains the fields you are interested in. Vertices []VertexDefinition `json:"vertices"` }
Hop type.
type HotThread ¶
type HotThread struct { Hosts []string `json:"hosts"` NodeId string `json:"node_id"` NodeName string `json:"node_name"` Threads []string `json:"threads"` }
HotThread type.
func (*HotThread) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HourAndMinute ¶
HourAndMinute type.
func NewHourAndMinute ¶
func NewHourAndMinute() *HourAndMinute
NewHourAndMinute returns a HourAndMinute.
type HourlySchedule ¶
type HourlySchedule struct {
Minute []int `json:"minute"`
HourlySchedule type.
func NewHourlySchedule ¶
func NewHourlySchedule() *HourlySchedule
NewHourlySchedule returns a HourlySchedule.
type HtmlStripCharFilter ¶
type HtmlStripCharFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
HtmlStripCharFilter type.
func NewHtmlStripCharFilter ¶
func NewHtmlStripCharFilter() *HtmlStripCharFilter
NewHtmlStripCharFilter returns a HtmlStripCharFilter.
func (HtmlStripCharFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HtmlStripCharFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HtmlStripCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HtmlStripCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Http ¶
type Http struct { // Clients Information on current and recently-closed HTTP client connections. // Clients that have been closed longer than the // `http.client_stats.closed_channels.max_age` setting will not be represented // here. Clients []Client `json:"clients,omitempty"` // CurrentOpen Current number of open HTTP connections for the node. CurrentOpen *int `json:"current_open,omitempty"` // TotalOpened Total number of HTTP connections opened for the node. TotalOpened *int64 `json:"total_opened,omitempty"` }
Http type.
func (*Http) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HttpEmailAttachment ¶
type HttpEmailAttachment struct { ContentType *string `json:"content_type,omitempty"` Inline *bool `json:"inline,omitempty"` Request *HttpInputRequestDefinition `json:"request,omitempty"` }
HttpEmailAttachment type.
func NewHttpEmailAttachment ¶
func NewHttpEmailAttachment() *HttpEmailAttachment
NewHttpEmailAttachment returns a HttpEmailAttachment.
func (*HttpEmailAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HttpEmailAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HttpHeaders ¶
HttpHeaders type alias.
type HttpInput ¶
type HttpInput struct { Extract []string `json:"extract,omitempty"` Request *HttpInputRequestDefinition `json:"request,omitempty"` ResponseContentType *responsecontenttype.ResponseContentType `json:"response_content_type,omitempty"` }
HttpInput type.
type HttpInputAuthentication ¶
type HttpInputAuthentication struct {
Basic HttpInputBasicAuthentication `json:"basic"`
HttpInputAuthentication type.
func NewHttpInputAuthentication ¶
func NewHttpInputAuthentication() *HttpInputAuthentication
NewHttpInputAuthentication returns a HttpInputAuthentication.
type HttpInputBasicAuthentication ¶
type HttpInputBasicAuthentication struct { Password string `json:"password"` Username string `json:"username"` }
HttpInputBasicAuthentication type.
func NewHttpInputBasicAuthentication ¶
func NewHttpInputBasicAuthentication() *HttpInputBasicAuthentication
NewHttpInputBasicAuthentication returns a HttpInputBasicAuthentication.
func (*HttpInputBasicAuthentication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HttpInputBasicAuthentication) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HttpInputProxy ¶
HttpInputProxy type.
func NewHttpInputProxy ¶
func NewHttpInputProxy() *HttpInputProxy
NewHttpInputProxy returns a HttpInputProxy.
func (*HttpInputProxy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HttpInputProxy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HttpInputRequestDefinition ¶
type HttpInputRequestDefinition struct { Auth *HttpInputAuthentication `json:"auth,omitempty"` Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` ConnectionTimeout Duration `json:"connection_timeout,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Method *httpinputmethod.HttpInputMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` Params map[string]string `json:"params,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Port *uint `json:"port,omitempty"` Proxy *HttpInputProxy `json:"proxy,omitempty"` ReadTimeout Duration `json:"read_timeout,omitempty"` Scheme *connectionscheme.ConnectionScheme `json:"scheme,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
HttpInputRequestDefinition type.
func NewHttpInputRequestDefinition ¶
func NewHttpInputRequestDefinition() *HttpInputRequestDefinition
NewHttpInputRequestDefinition returns a HttpInputRequestDefinition.
func (*HttpInputRequestDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HttpInputRequestDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HttpInputRequestResult ¶
type HttpInputRequestResult struct { Auth *HttpInputAuthentication `json:"auth,omitempty"` Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` ConnectionTimeout Duration `json:"connection_timeout,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Method *httpinputmethod.HttpInputMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` Params map[string]string `json:"params,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Port *uint `json:"port,omitempty"` Proxy *HttpInputProxy `json:"proxy,omitempty"` ReadTimeout Duration `json:"read_timeout,omitempty"` Scheme *connectionscheme.ConnectionScheme `json:"scheme,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
HttpInputRequestResult type.
func NewHttpInputRequestResult ¶
func NewHttpInputRequestResult() *HttpInputRequestResult
NewHttpInputRequestResult returns a HttpInputRequestResult.
func (*HttpInputRequestResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HttpInputRequestResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HttpInputResponseResult ¶
type HttpInputResponseResult struct { Body string `json:"body"` Headers HttpHeaders `json:"headers"` Status int `json:"status"` }
HttpInputResponseResult type.
func NewHttpInputResponseResult ¶
func NewHttpInputResponseResult() *HttpInputResponseResult
NewHttpInputResponseResult returns a HttpInputResponseResult.
func (*HttpInputResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HttpInputResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HunspellTokenFilter ¶
type HunspellTokenFilter struct { Dedup *bool `json:"dedup,omitempty"` Dictionary *string `json:"dictionary,omitempty"` Locale string `json:"locale"` LongestOnly *bool `json:"longest_only,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
HunspellTokenFilter type.
func NewHunspellTokenFilter ¶
func NewHunspellTokenFilter() *HunspellTokenFilter
NewHunspellTokenFilter returns a HunspellTokenFilter.
func (HunspellTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HunspellTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HunspellTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HunspellTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Hyperparameter ¶
type Hyperparameter struct { // AbsoluteImportance A positive number showing how much the parameter influences the variation of // the loss function. For hyperparameters with values that are not specified by // the user but tuned during hyperparameter optimization. AbsoluteImportance *Float64 `json:"absolute_importance,omitempty"` // Name Name of the hyperparameter. Name string `json:"name"` // RelativeImportance A number between 0 and 1 showing the proportion of influence on the variation // of the loss function among all tuned hyperparameters. For hyperparameters // with values that are not specified by the user but tuned during // hyperparameter optimization. RelativeImportance *Float64 `json:"relative_importance,omitempty"` // Supplied Indicates if the hyperparameter is specified by the user (true) or optimized // (false). Supplied bool `json:"supplied"` // Value The value of the hyperparameter, either optimized or specified by the user. Value Float64 `json:"value"` }
Hyperparameter type.
func NewHyperparameter ¶
func NewHyperparameter() *Hyperparameter
NewHyperparameter returns a Hyperparameter.
func (*Hyperparameter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Hyperparameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Hyperparameters ¶
type Hyperparameters struct { // Alpha Advanced configuration option. // Machine learning uses loss guided tree growing, which means that the decision // trees grow where the regularized loss decreases most quickly. // This parameter affects loss calculations by acting as a multiplier of the // tree depth. // Higher alpha values result in shallower trees and faster training times. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be greater than or equal to zero. Alpha *Float64 `json:"alpha,omitempty"` // DownsampleFactor Advanced configuration option. // Controls the fraction of data that is used to compute the derivatives of the // loss function for tree training. // A small value results in the use of a small fraction of the data. // If this value is set to be less than 1, accuracy typically improves. // However, too small a value may result in poor convergence for the ensemble // and so require more trees. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. DownsampleFactor *Float64 `json:"downsample_factor,omitempty"` // Eta Advanced configuration option. // The shrinkage applied to the weights. // Smaller values result in larger forests which have a better generalization // error. // However, larger forests cause slower training. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be a value between `0.001` and `1`. Eta *Float64 `json:"eta,omitempty"` // EtaGrowthRatePerTree Advanced configuration option. // Specifies the rate at which `eta` increases for each new tree that is added // to the forest. // For example, a rate of 1.05 increases `eta` by 5% for each extra tree. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be between `0.5` and `2`. EtaGrowthRatePerTree *Float64 `json:"eta_growth_rate_per_tree,omitempty"` // FeatureBagFraction Advanced configuration option. // Defines the fraction of features that will be used when selecting a random // bag for each candidate split. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. FeatureBagFraction *Float64 `json:"feature_bag_fraction,omitempty"` // Gamma Advanced configuration option. // Regularization parameter to prevent overfitting on the training data set. // Multiplies a linear penalty associated with the size of individual trees in // the forest. // A high gamma value causes training to prefer small trees. // A small gamma value results in larger individual trees and slower training. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be a nonnegative value. Gamma *Float64 `json:"gamma,omitempty"` // Lambda Advanced configuration option. // Regularization parameter to prevent overfitting on the training data set. // Multiplies an L2 regularization term which applies to leaf weights of the // individual trees in the forest. // A high lambda value causes training to favor small leaf weights. // This behavior makes the prediction function smoother at the expense of // potentially not being able to capture relevant relationships between the // features and the dependent variable. // A small lambda value results in large individual trees and slower training. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be a nonnegative value. Lambda *Float64 `json:"lambda,omitempty"` // MaxAttemptsToAddTree If the algorithm fails to determine a non-trivial tree (more than a single // leaf), this parameter determines how many of such consecutive failures are // tolerated. // Once the number of attempts exceeds the threshold, the forest training stops. MaxAttemptsToAddTree *int `json:"max_attempts_to_add_tree,omitempty"` // MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter Advanced configuration option. // A multiplier responsible for determining the maximum number of hyperparameter // optimization steps in the Bayesian optimization procedure. // The maximum number of steps is determined based on the number of undefined // hyperparameters times the maximum optimization rounds per hyperparameter. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. MaxOptimizationRoundsPerHyperparameter *int `json:"max_optimization_rounds_per_hyperparameter,omitempty"` // MaxTrees Advanced configuration option. // Defines the maximum number of decision trees in the forest. // The maximum value is 2000. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. MaxTrees *int `json:"max_trees,omitempty"` // NumFolds The maximum number of folds for the cross-validation procedure. NumFolds *int `json:"num_folds,omitempty"` // NumSplitsPerFeature Determines the maximum number of splits for every feature that can occur in a // decision tree when the tree is trained. NumSplitsPerFeature *int `json:"num_splits_per_feature,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthLimit Advanced configuration option. // Machine learning uses loss guided tree growing, which means that the decision // trees grow where the regularized loss decreases most quickly. // This soft limit combines with the `soft_tree_depth_tolerance` to penalize // trees that exceed the specified depth; the regularized loss increases quickly // beyond this depth. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be greater than or equal to 0. SoftTreeDepthLimit *int `json:"soft_tree_depth_limit,omitempty"` // SoftTreeDepthTolerance Advanced configuration option. // This option controls how quickly the regularized loss increases when the tree // depth exceeds `soft_tree_depth_limit`. // By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. // It must be greater than or equal to 0.01. SoftTreeDepthTolerance *Float64 `json:"soft_tree_depth_tolerance,omitempty"` }
Hyperparameters type.
func NewHyperparameters ¶
func NewHyperparameters() *Hyperparameters
NewHyperparameters returns a Hyperparameters.
func (*Hyperparameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Hyperparameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter ¶
type HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter struct { HyphenationPatternsPath *string `json:"hyphenation_patterns_path,omitempty"` MaxSubwordSize *int `json:"max_subword_size,omitempty"` MinSubwordSize *int `json:"min_subword_size,omitempty"` MinWordSize *int `json:"min_word_size,omitempty"` OnlyLongestMatch *bool `json:"only_longest_match,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` WordList []string `json:"word_list,omitempty"` WordListPath *string `json:"word_list_path,omitempty"` }
HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter type.
func NewHyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter ¶
func NewHyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter() *HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter
NewHyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter returns a HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter.
func (HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IcuAnalyzer ¶
type IcuAnalyzer struct { Method icunormalizationtype.IcuNormalizationType `json:"method"` Mode icunormalizationmode.IcuNormalizationMode `json:"mode"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IcuAnalyzer type.
func (IcuAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type IcuCollationTokenFilter ¶
type IcuCollationTokenFilter struct { Alternate *icucollationalternate.IcuCollationAlternate `json:"alternate,omitempty"` CaseFirst *icucollationcasefirst.IcuCollationCaseFirst `json:"caseFirst,omitempty"` CaseLevel *bool `json:"caseLevel,omitempty"` Country *string `json:"country,omitempty"` Decomposition *icucollationdecomposition.IcuCollationDecomposition `json:"decomposition,omitempty"` HiraganaQuaternaryMode *bool `json:"hiraganaQuaternaryMode,omitempty"` Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` Numeric *bool `json:"numeric,omitempty"` Rules *string `json:"rules,omitempty"` Strength *icucollationstrength.IcuCollationStrength `json:"strength,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` VariableTop *string `json:"variableTop,omitempty"` Variant *string `json:"variant,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IcuCollationTokenFilter type.
func NewIcuCollationTokenFilter ¶
func NewIcuCollationTokenFilter() *IcuCollationTokenFilter
NewIcuCollationTokenFilter returns a IcuCollationTokenFilter.
func (IcuCollationTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuCollationTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IcuCollationTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IcuCollationTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IcuFoldingTokenFilter ¶
type IcuFoldingTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` UnicodeSetFilter string `json:"unicode_set_filter"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IcuFoldingTokenFilter type.
func NewIcuFoldingTokenFilter ¶
func NewIcuFoldingTokenFilter() *IcuFoldingTokenFilter
NewIcuFoldingTokenFilter returns a IcuFoldingTokenFilter.
func (IcuFoldingTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuFoldingTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IcuFoldingTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IcuFoldingTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IcuNormalizationCharFilter ¶
type IcuNormalizationCharFilter struct { Mode *icunormalizationmode.IcuNormalizationMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Name *icunormalizationtype.IcuNormalizationType `json:"name,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IcuNormalizationCharFilter type.
func NewIcuNormalizationCharFilter ¶
func NewIcuNormalizationCharFilter() *IcuNormalizationCharFilter
NewIcuNormalizationCharFilter returns a IcuNormalizationCharFilter.
func (IcuNormalizationCharFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuNormalizationCharFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IcuNormalizationCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IcuNormalizationCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IcuNormalizationTokenFilter ¶
type IcuNormalizationTokenFilter struct { Name icunormalizationtype.IcuNormalizationType `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IcuNormalizationTokenFilter type.
func NewIcuNormalizationTokenFilter ¶
func NewIcuNormalizationTokenFilter() *IcuNormalizationTokenFilter
NewIcuNormalizationTokenFilter returns a IcuNormalizationTokenFilter.
func (IcuNormalizationTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuNormalizationTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IcuNormalizationTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IcuNormalizationTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IcuTokenizer ¶
type IcuTokenizer struct { RuleFiles string `json:"rule_files"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IcuTokenizer type.
func NewIcuTokenizer ¶
func NewIcuTokenizer() *IcuTokenizer
NewIcuTokenizer returns a IcuTokenizer.
func (IcuTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IcuTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IcuTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IcuTransformTokenFilter ¶
type IcuTransformTokenFilter struct { Dir *icutransformdirection.IcuTransformDirection `json:"dir,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IcuTransformTokenFilter type.
func NewIcuTransformTokenFilter ¶
func NewIcuTransformTokenFilter() *IcuTransformTokenFilter
NewIcuTransformTokenFilter returns a IcuTransformTokenFilter.
func (IcuTransformTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IcuTransformTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IcuTransformTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IcuTransformTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IdsQuery ¶
type IdsQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Values An array of document IDs. Values []string `json:"values,omitempty"` }
IdsQuery type.
func (*IdsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Ilm ¶
type Ilm struct { PolicyCount int `json:"policy_count"` PolicyStats []IlmPolicyStatistics `json:"policy_stats"` }
Ilm type.
func (*Ilm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type IlmIndicator ¶
type IlmIndicator struct { Details *IlmIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
IlmIndicator type.
func NewIlmIndicator ¶
func NewIlmIndicator() *IlmIndicator
NewIlmIndicator returns a IlmIndicator.
func (*IlmIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IlmIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IlmIndicatorDetails ¶
type IlmIndicatorDetails struct { IlmStatus lifecycleoperationmode.LifecycleOperationMode `json:"ilm_status"` Policies int64 `json:"policies"` }
IlmIndicatorDetails type.
func NewIlmIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewIlmIndicatorDetails() *IlmIndicatorDetails
NewIlmIndicatorDetails returns a IlmIndicatorDetails.
func (*IlmIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IlmIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IlmPolicyStatistics ¶
type IlmPolicyStatistics struct { IndicesManaged int `json:"indices_managed"` Phases Phases `json:"phases"` }
IlmPolicyStatistics type.
func NewIlmPolicyStatistics ¶
func NewIlmPolicyStatistics() *IlmPolicyStatistics
NewIlmPolicyStatistics returns a IlmPolicyStatistics.
func (*IlmPolicyStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IlmPolicyStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Impact ¶
type Impact struct { Description string `json:"description"` Id string `json:"id"` ImpactAreas []impactarea.ImpactArea `json:"impact_areas"` Severity int `json:"severity"` }
Impact type.
func (*Impact) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InProgress ¶
type InProgress struct { Name string `json:"name"` StartTimeMillis int64 `json:"start_time_millis"` State string `json:"state"` Uuid string `json:"uuid"` }
InProgress type.
func (*InProgress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InProgress) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexAction ¶
type IndexAction struct { DocId *string `json:"doc_id,omitempty"` ExecutionTimeField *string `json:"execution_time_field,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` OpType *optype.OpType `json:"op_type,omitempty"` Refresh *refresh.Refresh `json:"refresh,omitempty"` Timeout Duration `json:"timeout,omitempty"` }
IndexAction type.
func (*IndexAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexAliases ¶
type IndexAliases struct {
Aliases map[string]AliasDefinition `json:"aliases"`
IndexAliases type.
func NewIndexAliases ¶
func NewIndexAliases() *IndexAliases
NewIndexAliases returns a IndexAliases.
type IndexAndDataStreamAction ¶
type IndexAndDataStreamAction struct { // DataStream Data stream targeted by the action. DataStream string `json:"data_stream"` // Index Index for the action. Index string `json:"index"` }
IndexAndDataStreamAction type.
func NewIndexAndDataStreamAction ¶
func NewIndexAndDataStreamAction() *IndexAndDataStreamAction
NewIndexAndDataStreamAction returns a IndexAndDataStreamAction.
func (*IndexAndDataStreamAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexAndDataStreamAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexCapabilities ¶
type IndexCapabilities struct {
RollupJobs []RollupJobSummary `json:"rollup_jobs"`
IndexCapabilities type.
func NewIndexCapabilities ¶
func NewIndexCapabilities() *IndexCapabilities
NewIndexCapabilities returns a IndexCapabilities.
type IndexDetails ¶
type IndexDetails struct { MaxSegmentsPerShard int64 `json:"max_segments_per_shard"` ShardCount int `json:"shard_count"` Size ByteSize `json:"size,omitempty"` SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` }
IndexDetails type.
func NewIndexDetails ¶
func NewIndexDetails() *IndexDetails
NewIndexDetails returns a IndexDetails.
func (*IndexDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexField ¶
type IndexField struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
IndexField type.
func (*IndexField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexHealthStats ¶
type IndexHealthStats struct { ActivePrimaryShards int `json:"active_primary_shards"` ActiveShards int `json:"active_shards"` InitializingShards int `json:"initializing_shards"` NumberOfReplicas int `json:"number_of_replicas"` NumberOfShards int `json:"number_of_shards"` RelocatingShards int `json:"relocating_shards"` Shards map[string]ShardHealthStats `json:"shards,omitempty"` Status healthstatus.HealthStatus `json:"status"` UnassignedShards int `json:"unassigned_shards"` }
IndexHealthStats type.
func NewIndexHealthStats ¶
func NewIndexHealthStats() *IndexHealthStats
NewIndexHealthStats returns a IndexHealthStats.
func (*IndexHealthStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexHealthStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexMappingRecord ¶
type IndexMappingRecord struct { Item *TypeMapping `json:"item,omitempty"` Mappings TypeMapping `json:"mappings"` }
IndexMappingRecord type.
func NewIndexMappingRecord ¶
func NewIndexMappingRecord() *IndexMappingRecord
NewIndexMappingRecord returns a IndexMappingRecord.
type IndexOperation ¶
type IndexOperation struct { // DynamicTemplates A map from the full name of fields to the name of dynamic templates. // Defaults to an empty map. // If a name matches a dynamic template, then that template will be applied // regardless of other match predicates defined in the template. // If a field is already defined in the mapping, then this parameter won’t be // used. DynamicTemplates map[string]string `json:"dynamic_templates,omitempty"` // Id_ The document ID. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` IfPrimaryTerm *int64 `json:"if_primary_term,omitempty"` IfSeqNo *int64 `json:"if_seq_no,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index or index alias to perform the action on. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Pipeline ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. // If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, then setting the value // to `_none` disables the default ingest pipeline for this request. // If a final pipeline is configured it will always run, regardless of the value // of this parameter. Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // RequireAlias If `true`, the request’s actions must target an index alias. RequireAlias *bool `json:"require_alias,omitempty"` // Routing Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
IndexOperation type.
func NewIndexOperation ¶
func NewIndexOperation() *IndexOperation
NewIndexOperation returns a IndexOperation.
func (*IndexOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexPrivilegesCheck ¶
type IndexPrivilegesCheck struct { // AllowRestrictedIndices This needs to be set to true (default is false) if using wildcards or regexps // for patterns that cover restricted indices. // Implicitly, restricted indices do not match index patterns because restricted // indices usually have limited privileges and including them in pattern tests // would render most such tests false. // If restricted indices are explicitly included in the names list, privileges // will be checked against them regardless of the value of // allow_restricted_indices. AllowRestrictedIndices *bool `json:"allow_restricted_indices,omitempty"` // Names A list of indices. Names []string `json:"names"` // Privileges A list of the privileges that you want to check for the specified indices. Privileges []indexprivilege.IndexPrivilege `json:"privileges"` }
IndexPrivilegesCheck type.
func NewIndexPrivilegesCheck ¶
func NewIndexPrivilegesCheck() *IndexPrivilegesCheck
NewIndexPrivilegesCheck returns a IndexPrivilegesCheck.
func (*IndexPrivilegesCheck) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexPrivilegesCheck) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexResult ¶
type IndexResult struct {
Response IndexResultSummary `json:"response"`
IndexResult type.
type IndexResultSummary ¶
type IndexResultSummary struct { Created bool `json:"created"` Id string `json:"id"` Index string `json:"index"` Result result.Result `json:"result"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
IndexResultSummary type.
func NewIndexResultSummary ¶
func NewIndexResultSummary() *IndexResultSummary
NewIndexResultSummary returns a IndexResultSummary.
func (*IndexResultSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexResultSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexRouting ¶
type IndexRouting struct { Allocation *IndexRoutingAllocation `json:"allocation,omitempty"` Rebalance *IndexRoutingRebalance `json:"rebalance,omitempty"` }
IndexRouting type.
func NewIndexRouting ¶
func NewIndexRouting() *IndexRouting
NewIndexRouting returns a IndexRouting.
type IndexRoutingAllocation ¶
type IndexRoutingAllocation struct { Disk *IndexRoutingAllocationDisk `json:"disk,omitempty"` Enable *indexroutingallocationoptions.IndexRoutingAllocationOptions `json:"enable,omitempty"` Include *IndexRoutingAllocationInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` InitialRecovery *IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery `json:"initial_recovery,omitempty"` }
IndexRoutingAllocation type.
func NewIndexRoutingAllocation ¶
func NewIndexRoutingAllocation() *IndexRoutingAllocation
NewIndexRoutingAllocation returns a IndexRoutingAllocation.
type IndexRoutingAllocationDisk ¶
type IndexRoutingAllocationDisk struct {
ThresholdEnabled string `json:"threshold_enabled,omitempty"`
IndexRoutingAllocationDisk type.
func NewIndexRoutingAllocationDisk ¶
func NewIndexRoutingAllocationDisk() *IndexRoutingAllocationDisk
NewIndexRoutingAllocationDisk returns a IndexRoutingAllocationDisk.
func (*IndexRoutingAllocationDisk) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexRoutingAllocationDisk) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexRoutingAllocationInclude ¶
type IndexRoutingAllocationInclude struct { Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` TierPreference_ *string `json:"_tier_preference,omitempty"` }
IndexRoutingAllocationInclude type.
func NewIndexRoutingAllocationInclude ¶
func NewIndexRoutingAllocationInclude() *IndexRoutingAllocationInclude
NewIndexRoutingAllocationInclude returns a IndexRoutingAllocationInclude.
func (*IndexRoutingAllocationInclude) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexRoutingAllocationInclude) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery ¶
type IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery struct {
Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"`
IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery type.
func NewIndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery ¶
func NewIndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery() *IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery
NewIndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery returns a IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery.
func (*IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexRoutingAllocationInitialRecovery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexRoutingRebalance ¶
type IndexRoutingRebalance struct {
Enable indexroutingrebalanceoptions.IndexRoutingRebalanceOptions `json:"enable"`
IndexRoutingRebalance type.
func NewIndexRoutingRebalance ¶
func NewIndexRoutingRebalance() *IndexRoutingRebalance
NewIndexRoutingRebalance returns a IndexRoutingRebalance.
type IndexSegment ¶
type IndexSegment struct {
Shards map[string][]ShardsSegment `json:"shards"`
IndexSegment type.
func NewIndexSegment ¶
func NewIndexSegment() *IndexSegment
NewIndexSegment returns a IndexSegment.
type IndexSegmentSort ¶
type IndexSegmentSort struct { Field []string `json:"field,omitempty"` Missing []segmentsortmissing.SegmentSortMissing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Mode []segmentsortmode.SegmentSortMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Order []segmentsortorder.SegmentSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
IndexSegmentSort type.
func NewIndexSegmentSort ¶
func NewIndexSegmentSort() *IndexSegmentSort
NewIndexSegmentSort returns a IndexSegmentSort.
func (*IndexSegmentSort) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSegmentSort) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexSettingBlocks ¶
type IndexSettingBlocks struct { Metadata Stringifiedboolean `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Read Stringifiedboolean `json:"read,omitempty"` ReadOnly Stringifiedboolean `json:"read_only,omitempty"` ReadOnlyAllowDelete Stringifiedboolean `json:"read_only_allow_delete,omitempty"` Write Stringifiedboolean `json:"write,omitempty"` }
IndexSettingBlocks type.
func NewIndexSettingBlocks ¶
func NewIndexSettingBlocks() *IndexSettingBlocks
NewIndexSettingBlocks returns a IndexSettingBlocks.
func (*IndexSettingBlocks) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSettingBlocks) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexSettings ¶
type IndexSettings struct { Analysis *IndexSettingsAnalysis `json:"analysis,omitempty"` // Analyze Settings to define analyzers, tokenizers, token filters and character // filters. Analyze *SettingsAnalyze `json:"analyze,omitempty"` AutoExpandReplicas *string `json:"auto_expand_replicas,omitempty"` Blocks *IndexSettingBlocks `json:"blocks,omitempty"` CheckOnStartup *indexcheckonstartup.IndexCheckOnStartup `json:"check_on_startup,omitempty"` Codec *string `json:"codec,omitempty"` CreationDate StringifiedEpochTimeUnitMillis `json:"creation_date,omitempty"` CreationDateString DateTime `json:"creation_date_string,omitempty"` DefaultPipeline *string `json:"default_pipeline,omitempty"` FinalPipeline *string `json:"final_pipeline,omitempty"` Format string `json:"format,omitempty"` GcDeletes Duration `json:"gc_deletes,omitempty"` Hidden string `json:"hidden,omitempty"` Highlight *SettingsHighlight `json:"highlight,omitempty"` Index *IndexSettings `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexSettings map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` // IndexingPressure Configure indexing back pressure limits. IndexingPressure *IndicesIndexingPressure `json:"indexing_pressure,omitempty"` IndexingSlowlog *IndexingSlowlogSettings `json:"indexing.slowlog,omitempty"` Lifecycle *IndexSettingsLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` LoadFixedBitsetFiltersEagerly *bool `json:"load_fixed_bitset_filters_eagerly,omitempty"` // Mapping Enable or disable dynamic mapping for an index. Mapping *MappingLimitSettings `json:"mapping,omitempty"` MaxDocvalueFieldsSearch *int `json:"max_docvalue_fields_search,omitempty"` MaxInnerResultWindow *int `json:"max_inner_result_window,omitempty"` MaxNgramDiff *int `json:"max_ngram_diff,omitempty"` MaxRefreshListeners *int `json:"max_refresh_listeners,omitempty"` MaxRegexLength *int `json:"max_regex_length,omitempty"` MaxRescoreWindow *int `json:"max_rescore_window,omitempty"` MaxResultWindow *int `json:"max_result_window,omitempty"` MaxScriptFields *int `json:"max_script_fields,omitempty"` MaxShingleDiff *int `json:"max_shingle_diff,omitempty"` MaxSlicesPerScroll *int `json:"max_slices_per_scroll,omitempty"` MaxTermsCount *int `json:"max_terms_count,omitempty"` Merge *Merge `json:"merge,omitempty"` Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` NumberOfReplicas string `json:"number_of_replicas,omitempty"` NumberOfRoutingShards *int `json:"number_of_routing_shards,omitempty"` NumberOfShards string `json:"number_of_shards,omitempty"` Priority string `json:"priority,omitempty"` ProvidedName *string `json:"provided_name,omitempty"` Queries *Queries `json:"queries,omitempty"` QueryString *SettingsQueryString `json:"query_string,omitempty"` RefreshInterval Duration `json:"refresh_interval,omitempty"` Routing *IndexRouting `json:"routing,omitempty"` RoutingPartitionSize Stringifiedinteger `json:"routing_partition_size,omitempty"` RoutingPath []string `json:"routing_path,omitempty"` Search *SettingsSearch `json:"search,omitempty"` Settings *IndexSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` // Similarity Configure custom similarity settings to customize how search results are // scored. Similarity map[string]SettingsSimilarity `json:"similarity,omitempty"` SoftDeletes *SoftDeletes `json:"soft_deletes,omitempty"` Sort *IndexSegmentSort `json:"sort,omitempty"` // Store The store module allows you to control how index data is stored and accessed // on disk. Store *Storage `json:"store,omitempty"` TimeSeries *IndexSettingsTimeSeries `json:"time_series,omitempty"` TopMetricsMaxSize *int `json:"top_metrics_max_size,omitempty"` Translog *Translog `json:"translog,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` VerifiedBeforeClose string `json:"verified_before_close,omitempty"` Version *IndexVersioning `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IndexSettings type.
func NewIndexSettings ¶
func NewIndexSettings() *IndexSettings
NewIndexSettings returns a IndexSettings.
func (IndexSettings) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IndexSettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*IndexSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexSettingsAnalysis ¶
type IndexSettingsAnalysis struct { Analyzer map[string]Analyzer `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` CharFilter map[string]CharFilter `json:"char_filter,omitempty"` Filter map[string]TokenFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` Normalizer map[string]Normalizer `json:"normalizer,omitempty"` Tokenizer map[string]Tokenizer `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"` }
IndexSettingsAnalysis type.
func NewIndexSettingsAnalysis ¶
func NewIndexSettingsAnalysis() *IndexSettingsAnalysis
NewIndexSettingsAnalysis returns a IndexSettingsAnalysis.
func (*IndexSettingsAnalysis) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSettingsAnalysis) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexSettingsLifecycle ¶
type IndexSettingsLifecycle struct { // IndexingComplete Indicates whether or not the index has been rolled over. Automatically set to // true when ILM completes the rollover action. // You can explicitly set it to skip rollover. IndexingComplete Stringifiedboolean `json:"indexing_complete,omitempty"` // Name The name of the policy to use to manage the index. For information about how // Elasticsearch applies policy changes, see Policy updates. Name string `json:"name"` // OriginationDate If specified, this is the timestamp used to calculate the index age for its // phase transitions. Use this setting // if you create a new index that contains old data and want to use the original // creation date to calculate the index // age. Specified as a Unix epoch value in milliseconds. OriginationDate *int64 `json:"origination_date,omitempty"` // ParseOriginationDate Set to true to parse the origination date from the index name. This // origination date is used to calculate the index age // for its phase transitions. The index name must match the pattern // ^.*-{date_format}-\\d+, where the date_format is // yyyy.MM.dd and the trailing digits are optional. An index that was rolled // over would normally match the full format, // for example logs-2016.10.31-000002). If the index name doesn’t match the // pattern, index creation fails. ParseOriginationDate *bool `json:"parse_origination_date,omitempty"` // RolloverAlias The index alias to update when the index rolls over. Specify when using a // policy that contains a rollover action. // When the index rolls over, the alias is updated to reflect that the index is // no longer the write index. For more // information about rolling indices, see Rollover. RolloverAlias *string `json:"rollover_alias,omitempty"` Step *IndexSettingsLifecycleStep `json:"step,omitempty"` }
IndexSettingsLifecycle type.
func NewIndexSettingsLifecycle ¶
func NewIndexSettingsLifecycle() *IndexSettingsLifecycle
NewIndexSettingsLifecycle returns a IndexSettingsLifecycle.
func (*IndexSettingsLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSettingsLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexSettingsLifecycleStep ¶
type IndexSettingsLifecycleStep struct { // WaitTimeThreshold Time to wait for the cluster to resolve allocation issues during an ILM // shrink action. Must be greater than 1h (1 hour). // See Shard allocation for shrink. WaitTimeThreshold Duration `json:"wait_time_threshold,omitempty"` }
IndexSettingsLifecycleStep type.
func NewIndexSettingsLifecycleStep ¶
func NewIndexSettingsLifecycleStep() *IndexSettingsLifecycleStep
NewIndexSettingsLifecycleStep returns a IndexSettingsLifecycleStep.
func (*IndexSettingsLifecycleStep) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSettingsLifecycleStep) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexSettingsTimeSeries ¶
type IndexSettingsTimeSeries struct { EndTime DateTime `json:"end_time,omitempty"` StartTime DateTime `json:"start_time,omitempty"` }
IndexSettingsTimeSeries type.
func NewIndexSettingsTimeSeries ¶
func NewIndexSettingsTimeSeries() *IndexSettingsTimeSeries
NewIndexSettingsTimeSeries returns a IndexSettingsTimeSeries.
func (*IndexSettingsTimeSeries) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexSettingsTimeSeries) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexState ¶
type IndexState struct { Aliases map[string]Alias `json:"aliases,omitempty"` DataStream *string `json:"data_stream,omitempty"` // Defaults Default settings, included when the request's `include_default` is `true`. Defaults *IndexSettings `json:"defaults,omitempty"` // Lifecycle Data lifecycle applicable if this is a data stream. Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` Mappings *TypeMapping `json:"mappings,omitempty"` Settings *IndexSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
IndexState type.
func (*IndexState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexStats ¶
type IndexStats struct { Bulk *BulkStats `json:"bulk,omitempty"` // Completion Contains statistics about completions across all shards assigned to the node. Completion *CompletionStats `json:"completion,omitempty"` // Docs Contains statistics about documents across all primary shards assigned to the // node. Docs *DocStats `json:"docs,omitempty"` // Fielddata Contains statistics about the field data cache across all shards assigned to // the node. Fielddata *FielddataStats `json:"fielddata,omitempty"` // Flush Contains statistics about flush operations for the node. Flush *FlushStats `json:"flush,omitempty"` // Get Contains statistics about get operations for the node. Get *GetStats `json:"get,omitempty"` // Indexing Contains statistics about indexing operations for the node. Indexing *IndexingStats `json:"indexing,omitempty"` // Indices Contains statistics about indices operations for the node. Indices *IndicesStats `json:"indices,omitempty"` // Merges Contains statistics about merge operations for the node. Merges *MergesStats `json:"merges,omitempty"` // QueryCache Contains statistics about the query cache across all shards assigned to the // node. QueryCache *QueryCacheStats `json:"query_cache,omitempty"` // Recovery Contains statistics about recovery operations for the node. Recovery *RecoveryStats `json:"recovery,omitempty"` // Refresh Contains statistics about refresh operations for the node. Refresh *RefreshStats `json:"refresh,omitempty"` // RequestCache Contains statistics about the request cache across all shards assigned to the // node. RequestCache *RequestCacheStats `json:"request_cache,omitempty"` // Search Contains statistics about search operations for the node. Search *SearchStats `json:"search,omitempty"` // Segments Contains statistics about segments across all shards assigned to the node. Segments *SegmentsStats `json:"segments,omitempty"` ShardStats *ShardsTotalStats `json:"shard_stats,omitempty"` // Store Contains statistics about the size of shards assigned to the node. Store *StoreStats `json:"store,omitempty"` // Translog Contains statistics about transaction log operations for the node. Translog *TranslogStats `json:"translog,omitempty"` // Warmer Contains statistics about index warming operations for the node. Warmer *WarmerStats `json:"warmer,omitempty"` }
IndexStats type.
type IndexTemplate ¶
type IndexTemplate struct { AllowAutoCreate *bool `json:"allow_auto_create,omitempty"` // ComposedOf An ordered list of component template names. // Component templates are merged in the order specified, meaning that the last // component template specified has the highest precedence. ComposedOf []string `json:"composed_of"` // DataStream If this object is included, the template is used to create data streams and // their backing indices. // Supports an empty object. // Data streams require a matching index template with a `data_stream` object. DataStream *IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration `json:"data_stream,omitempty"` // IndexPatterns Name of the index template. IndexPatterns []string `json:"index_patterns"` // Meta_ Optional user metadata about the index template. May have any contents. // This map is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch. Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` // Priority Priority to determine index template precedence when a new data stream or // index is created. // The index template with the highest priority is chosen. // If no priority is specified the template is treated as though it is of // priority 0 (lowest priority). // This number is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch. Priority *int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Template Template to be applied. // It may optionally include an `aliases`, `mappings`, or `settings` // configuration. Template *IndexTemplateSummary `json:"template,omitempty"` // Version Version number used to manage index templates externally. // This number is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch. Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IndexTemplate type.
func NewIndexTemplate ¶
func NewIndexTemplate() *IndexTemplate
NewIndexTemplate returns a IndexTemplate.
func (*IndexTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration ¶
type IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration struct { // AllowCustomRouting If true, the data stream supports custom routing. AllowCustomRouting *bool `json:"allow_custom_routing,omitempty"` // Hidden If true, the data stream is hidden. Hidden *bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"` }
IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration type.
func NewIndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration ¶
func NewIndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration() *IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration
NewIndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration returns a IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration.
func (*IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexTemplateDataStreamConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexTemplateItem ¶
type IndexTemplateItem struct { IndexTemplate IndexTemplate `json:"index_template"` Name string `json:"name"` }
IndexTemplateItem type.
func NewIndexTemplateItem ¶
func NewIndexTemplateItem() *IndexTemplateItem
NewIndexTemplateItem returns a IndexTemplateItem.
func (*IndexTemplateItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexTemplateItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexTemplateMapping ¶
type IndexTemplateMapping struct { // Aliases Aliases to add. // If the index template includes a `data_stream` object, these are data stream // aliases. // Otherwise, these are index aliases. // Data stream aliases ignore the `index_routing`, `routing`, and // `search_routing` options. Aliases map[string]Alias `json:"aliases,omitempty"` Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` // Mappings Mapping for fields in the index. // If specified, this mapping can include field names, field data types, and // mapping parameters. Mappings *TypeMapping `json:"mappings,omitempty"` // Settings Configuration options for the index. Settings *IndexSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
IndexTemplateMapping type.
func NewIndexTemplateMapping ¶
func NewIndexTemplateMapping() *IndexTemplateMapping
NewIndexTemplateMapping returns a IndexTemplateMapping.
type IndexTemplateSummary ¶
type IndexTemplateSummary struct { // Aliases Aliases to add. // If the index template includes a `data_stream` object, these are data stream // aliases. // Otherwise, these are index aliases. // Data stream aliases ignore the `index_routing`, `routing`, and // `search_routing` options. Aliases map[string]Alias `json:"aliases,omitempty"` Lifecycle *DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` // Mappings Mapping for fields in the index. // If specified, this mapping can include field names, field data types, and // mapping parameters. Mappings *TypeMapping `json:"mappings,omitempty"` // Settings Configuration options for the index. Settings *IndexSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
IndexTemplateSummary type.
func NewIndexTemplateSummary ¶
func NewIndexTemplateSummary() *IndexTemplateSummary
NewIndexTemplateSummary returns a IndexTemplateSummary.
type IndexVersioning ¶
type IndexVersioning struct { Created *string `json:"created,omitempty"` CreatedString *string `json:"created_string,omitempty"` }
IndexVersioning type.
func NewIndexVersioning ¶
func NewIndexVersioning() *IndexVersioning
NewIndexVersioning returns a IndexVersioning.
func (*IndexVersioning) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexVersioning) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexingPressureMemorySummary ¶
type IndexingPressureMemorySummary struct { AllInBytes int64 `json:"all_in_bytes"` CombinedCoordinatingAndPrimaryInBytes int64 `json:"combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes"` CoordinatingInBytes int64 `json:"coordinating_in_bytes"` CoordinatingRejections *int64 `json:"coordinating_rejections,omitempty"` PrimaryInBytes int64 `json:"primary_in_bytes"` PrimaryRejections *int64 `json:"primary_rejections,omitempty"` ReplicaInBytes int64 `json:"replica_in_bytes"` ReplicaRejections *int64 `json:"replica_rejections,omitempty"` }
IndexingPressureMemorySummary type.
func NewIndexingPressureMemorySummary ¶
func NewIndexingPressureMemorySummary() *IndexingPressureMemorySummary
NewIndexingPressureMemorySummary returns a IndexingPressureMemorySummary.
func (*IndexingPressureMemorySummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexingPressureMemorySummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexingSlowlogSettings ¶
type IndexingSlowlogSettings struct { Level *string `json:"level,omitempty"` Reformat *bool `json:"reformat,omitempty"` Source *int `json:"source,omitempty"` Threshold *IndexingSlowlogTresholds `json:"threshold,omitempty"` }
IndexingSlowlogSettings type.
func NewIndexingSlowlogSettings ¶
func NewIndexingSlowlogSettings() *IndexingSlowlogSettings
NewIndexingSlowlogSettings returns a IndexingSlowlogSettings.
func (*IndexingSlowlogSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexingSlowlogSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndexingSlowlogTresholds ¶
type IndexingSlowlogTresholds struct { // Index The indexing slow log, similar in functionality to the search slow log. The // log file name ends with `_index_indexing_slowlog.json`. // Log and the thresholds are configured in the same way as the search slowlog. Index *SlowlogTresholdLevels `json:"index,omitempty"` }
IndexingSlowlogTresholds type.
func NewIndexingSlowlogTresholds ¶
func NewIndexingSlowlogTresholds() *IndexingSlowlogTresholds
NewIndexingSlowlogTresholds returns a IndexingSlowlogTresholds.
type IndexingStats ¶
type IndexingStats struct { DeleteCurrent int64 `json:"delete_current"` DeleteTime Duration `json:"delete_time,omitempty"` DeleteTimeInMillis int64 `json:"delete_time_in_millis"` DeleteTotal int64 `json:"delete_total"` IndexCurrent int64 `json:"index_current"` IndexFailed int64 `json:"index_failed"` IndexTime Duration `json:"index_time,omitempty"` IndexTimeInMillis int64 `json:"index_time_in_millis"` IndexTotal int64 `json:"index_total"` IsThrottled bool `json:"is_throttled"` NoopUpdateTotal int64 `json:"noop_update_total"` ThrottleTime Duration `json:"throttle_time,omitempty"` ThrottleTimeInMillis int64 `json:"throttle_time_in_millis"` Types map[string]IndexingStats `json:"types,omitempty"` WriteLoad *Float64 `json:"write_load,omitempty"` }
IndexingStats type.
func NewIndexingStats ¶
func NewIndexingStats() *IndexingStats
NewIndexingStats returns a IndexingStats.
func (*IndexingStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndexingStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicatorNode ¶
type IndicatorNode struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` NodeId string `json:"node_id,omitempty"` }
IndicatorNode type.
func NewIndicatorNode ¶
func NewIndicatorNode() *IndicatorNode
NewIndicatorNode returns a IndicatorNode.
func (*IndicatorNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicatorNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Indicators ¶
type Indicators struct { Disk *DiskIndicator `json:"disk,omitempty"` Ilm *IlmIndicator `json:"ilm,omitempty"` MasterIsStable *MasterIsStableIndicator `json:"master_is_stable,omitempty"` RepositoryIntegrity *RepositoryIntegrityIndicator `json:"repository_integrity,omitempty"` ShardsAvailability *ShardsAvailabilityIndicator `json:"shards_availability,omitempty"` ShardsCapacity *ShardsCapacityIndicator `json:"shards_capacity,omitempty"` Slm *SlmIndicator `json:"slm,omitempty"` }
Indicators type.
type IndicesAction ¶
type IndicesAction struct { // Add Adds a data stream or index to an alias. // If the alias doesn’t exist, the `add` action creates it. Add *AddAction `json:"add,omitempty"` // Remove Removes a data stream or index from an alias. Remove *RemoveAction `json:"remove,omitempty"` // RemoveIndex Deletes an index. // You cannot use this action on aliases or data streams. RemoveIndex *RemoveIndexAction `json:"remove_index,omitempty"` }
IndicesAction type.
func NewIndicesAction ¶
func NewIndicesAction() *IndicesAction
NewIndicesAction returns a IndicesAction.
type IndicesBlockStatus ¶
IndicesBlockStatus type.
func NewIndicesBlockStatus ¶
func NewIndicesBlockStatus() *IndicesBlockStatus
NewIndicesBlockStatus returns a IndicesBlockStatus.
func (*IndicesBlockStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesBlockStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesIndexingPressure ¶
type IndicesIndexingPressure struct {
Memory IndicesIndexingPressureMemory `json:"memory"`
IndicesIndexingPressure type.
func NewIndicesIndexingPressure ¶
func NewIndicesIndexingPressure() *IndicesIndexingPressure
NewIndicesIndexingPressure returns a IndicesIndexingPressure.
type IndicesIndexingPressureMemory ¶
type IndicesIndexingPressureMemory struct { // Limit Number of outstanding bytes that may be consumed by indexing requests. When // this limit is reached or exceeded, // the node will reject new coordinating and primary operations. When replica // operations consume 1.5x this limit, // the node will reject new replica operations. Defaults to 10% of the heap. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
IndicesIndexingPressureMemory type.
func NewIndicesIndexingPressureMemory ¶
func NewIndicesIndexingPressureMemory() *IndicesIndexingPressureMemory
NewIndicesIndexingPressureMemory returns a IndicesIndexingPressureMemory.
func (*IndicesIndexingPressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesIndexingPressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesModifyAction ¶
type IndicesModifyAction struct { // AddBackingIndex Adds an existing index as a backing index for a data stream. // The index is hidden as part of this operation. // WARNING: Adding indices with the `add_backing_index` action can potentially // result in improper data stream behavior. // This should be considered an expert level API. AddBackingIndex *IndexAndDataStreamAction `json:"add_backing_index,omitempty"` // RemoveBackingIndex Removes a backing index from a data stream. // The index is unhidden as part of this operation. // A data stream’s write index cannot be removed. RemoveBackingIndex *IndexAndDataStreamAction `json:"remove_backing_index,omitempty"` }
IndicesModifyAction type.
func NewIndicesModifyAction ¶
func NewIndicesModifyAction() *IndicesModifyAction
NewIndicesModifyAction returns a IndicesModifyAction.
type IndicesOptions ¶
type IndicesOptions struct { // AllowNoIndices If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index // alias, or `_all` value targets only // missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets // other open indices. For example, // a request targeting `foo*,bar*` returns an error if an index starts with // `foo` but no index starts with `bar`. AllowNoIndices *bool `json:"allow_no_indices,omitempty"` // ExpandWildcards Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target // data streams, this argument // determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports // comma-separated values, // such as `open,hidden`. ExpandWildcards []expandwildcard.ExpandWildcard `json:"expand_wildcards,omitempty"` // IgnoreThrottled If true, concrete, expanded or aliased indices are ignored when frozen. IgnoreThrottled *bool `json:"ignore_throttled,omitempty"` IgnoreUnavailable *bool `json:"ignore_unavailable,omitempty"` }
IndicesOptions type.
func NewIndicesOptions ¶
func NewIndicesOptions() *IndicesOptions
NewIndicesOptions returns a IndicesOptions.
func (*IndicesOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesPrivileges ¶
type IndicesPrivileges struct { // AllowRestrictedIndices Set to `true` if using wildcard or regular expressions for patterns that // cover restricted indices. Implicitly, restricted indices have limited // privileges that can cause pattern tests to fail. If restricted indices are // explicitly included in the `names` list, Elasticsearch checks privileges // against these indices regardless of the value set for // `allow_restricted_indices`. AllowRestrictedIndices *bool `json:"allow_restricted_indices,omitempty"` // FieldSecurity The document fields that the owners of the role have read access to. FieldSecurity *FieldSecurity `json:"field_security,omitempty"` // Names A list of indices (or index name patterns) to which the permissions in this // entry apply. Names []string `json:"names"` // Privileges The index level privileges that owners of the role have on the specified // indices. Privileges []indexprivilege.IndexPrivilege `json:"privileges"` // Query A search query that defines the documents the owners of the role have access // to. A document within the specified indices must match this query for it to // be accessible by the owners of the role. Query IndicesPrivilegesQuery `json:"query,omitempty"` }
IndicesPrivileges type.
func NewIndicesPrivileges ¶
func NewIndicesPrivileges() *IndicesPrivileges
NewIndicesPrivileges returns a IndicesPrivileges.
func (*IndicesPrivileges) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesPrivileges) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesPrivilegesQuery ¶
type IndicesPrivilegesQuery interface{}
IndicesPrivilegesQuery holds the union for the following types:
string Query RoleTemplateQuery
type IndicesRecord ¶
type IndicesRecord struct { // BulkAvgSizeInBytes average size in bytes of shard bulk BulkAvgSizeInBytes *string `json:"bulk.avg_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // BulkAvgTime average time spend in shard bulk BulkAvgTime *string `json:"bulk.avg_time,omitempty"` // BulkTotalOperations number of bulk shard ops BulkTotalOperations *string `json:"bulk.total_operations,omitempty"` // BulkTotalSizeInBytes total size in bytes of shard bulk BulkTotalSizeInBytes *string `json:"bulk.total_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // BulkTotalTime time spend in shard bulk BulkTotalTime *string `json:"bulk.total_time,omitempty"` // CompletionSize size of completion CompletionSize *string `json:"completion.size,omitempty"` // CreationDate index creation date (millisecond value) CreationDate *string `json:",omitempty"` // CreationDateString index creation date (as string) CreationDateString *string `json:",omitempty"` // DocsCount available docs DocsCount string `json:"docs.count,omitempty"` // DocsDeleted deleted docs DocsDeleted string `json:"docs.deleted,omitempty"` // FielddataEvictions fielddata evictions FielddataEvictions *string `json:"fielddata.evictions,omitempty"` // FielddataMemorySize used fielddata cache FielddataMemorySize *string `json:"fielddata.memory_size,omitempty"` // FlushTotal number of flushes FlushTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // FlushTotalTime time spent in flush FlushTotalTime *string `json:"flush.total_time,omitempty"` // GetCurrent number of current get ops GetCurrent *string `json:"get.current,omitempty"` // GetExistsTime time spent in successful gets GetExistsTime *string `json:"get.exists_time,omitempty"` // GetExistsTotal number of successful gets GetExistsTotal *string `json:"get.exists_total,omitempty"` // GetMissingTime time spent in failed gets GetMissingTime *string `json:"get.missing_time,omitempty"` // GetMissingTotal number of failed gets GetMissingTotal *string `json:"get.missing_total,omitempty"` // GetTime time spent in get GetTime *string `json:"get.time,omitempty"` // GetTotal number of get ops GetTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // Health current health status Health *string `json:"health,omitempty"` // Index index name Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteCurrent number of current deletions IndexingDeleteCurrent *string `json:"indexing.delete_current,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteTime time spent in deletions IndexingDeleteTime *string `json:"indexing.delete_time,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteTotal number of delete ops IndexingDeleteTotal *string `json:"indexing.delete_total,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexCurrent number of current indexing ops IndexingIndexCurrent *string `json:"indexing.index_current,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexFailed number of failed indexing ops IndexingIndexFailed *string `json:"indexing.index_failed,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexTime time spent in indexing IndexingIndexTime *string `json:"indexing.index_time,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexTotal number of indexing ops IndexingIndexTotal *string `json:"indexing.index_total,omitempty"` // MemoryTotal total used memory MemoryTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // MergesCurrent number of current merges MergesCurrent *string `json:"merges.current,omitempty"` // MergesCurrentDocs number of current merging docs MergesCurrentDocs *string `json:"merges.current_docs,omitempty"` // MergesCurrentSize size of current merges MergesCurrentSize *string `json:"merges.current_size,omitempty"` // MergesTotal number of completed merge ops MergesTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // MergesTotalDocs docs merged MergesTotalDocs *string `json:"merges.total_docs,omitempty"` // MergesTotalSize size merged MergesTotalSize *string `json:"merges.total_size,omitempty"` // MergesTotalTime time spent in merges MergesTotalTime *string `json:"merges.total_time,omitempty"` // Pri number of primary shards Pri *string `json:"pri,omitempty"` // PriBulkAvgSizeInBytes average size in bytes of shard bulk PriBulkAvgSizeInBytes *string `json:"pri.bulk.avg_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // PriBulkAvgTime average time spend in shard bulk PriBulkAvgTime *string `json:"pri.bulk.avg_time,omitempty"` // PriBulkTotalOperations number of bulk shard ops PriBulkTotalOperations *string `json:"pri.bulk.total_operations,omitempty"` // PriBulkTotalSizeInBytes total size in bytes of shard bulk PriBulkTotalSizeInBytes *string `json:"pri.bulk.total_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // PriBulkTotalTime time spend in shard bulk PriBulkTotalTime *string `json:"pri.bulk.total_time,omitempty"` // PriCompletionSize size of completion PriCompletionSize *string `json:"pri.completion.size,omitempty"` // PriFielddataEvictions fielddata evictions PriFielddataEvictions *string `json:"pri.fielddata.evictions,omitempty"` // PriFielddataMemorySize used fielddata cache PriFielddataMemorySize *string `json:"pri.fielddata.memory_size,omitempty"` // PriFlushTotal number of flushes PriFlushTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriFlushTotalTime time spent in flush PriFlushTotalTime *string `json:"pri.flush.total_time,omitempty"` // PriGetCurrent number of current get ops PriGetCurrent *string `json:"pri.get.current,omitempty"` // PriGetExistsTime time spent in successful gets PriGetExistsTime *string `json:"pri.get.exists_time,omitempty"` // PriGetExistsTotal number of successful gets PriGetExistsTotal *string `json:"pri.get.exists_total,omitempty"` // PriGetMissingTime time spent in failed gets PriGetMissingTime *string `json:"pri.get.missing_time,omitempty"` // PriGetMissingTotal number of failed gets PriGetMissingTotal *string `json:"pri.get.missing_total,omitempty"` // PriGetTime time spent in get PriGetTime *string `json:"pri.get.time,omitempty"` // PriGetTotal number of get ops PriGetTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriIndexingDeleteCurrent number of current deletions PriIndexingDeleteCurrent *string `json:"pri.indexing.delete_current,omitempty"` // PriIndexingDeleteTime time spent in deletions PriIndexingDeleteTime *string `json:"pri.indexing.delete_time,omitempty"` // PriIndexingDeleteTotal number of delete ops PriIndexingDeleteTotal *string `json:"pri.indexing.delete_total,omitempty"` // PriIndexingIndexCurrent number of current indexing ops PriIndexingIndexCurrent *string `json:"pri.indexing.index_current,omitempty"` // PriIndexingIndexFailed number of failed indexing ops PriIndexingIndexFailed *string `json:"pri.indexing.index_failed,omitempty"` // PriIndexingIndexTime time spent in indexing PriIndexingIndexTime *string `json:"pri.indexing.index_time,omitempty"` // PriIndexingIndexTotal number of indexing ops PriIndexingIndexTotal *string `json:"pri.indexing.index_total,omitempty"` // PriMemoryTotal total user memory PriMemoryTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriMergesCurrent number of current merges PriMergesCurrent *string `json:"pri.merges.current,omitempty"` // PriMergesCurrentDocs number of current merging docs PriMergesCurrentDocs *string `json:"pri.merges.current_docs,omitempty"` // PriMergesCurrentSize size of current merges PriMergesCurrentSize *string `json:"pri.merges.current_size,omitempty"` // PriMergesTotal number of completed merge ops PriMergesTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriMergesTotalDocs docs merged PriMergesTotalDocs *string `json:"pri.merges.total_docs,omitempty"` // PriMergesTotalSize size merged PriMergesTotalSize *string `json:"pri.merges.total_size,omitempty"` // PriMergesTotalTime time spent in merges PriMergesTotalTime *string `json:"pri.merges.total_time,omitempty"` // PriQueryCacheEvictions query cache evictions PriQueryCacheEvictions *string `json:"pri.query_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // PriQueryCacheMemorySize used query cache PriQueryCacheMemorySize *string `json:"pri.query_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // PriRefreshExternalTime time spent in external refreshes PriRefreshExternalTime *string `json:"pri.refresh.external_time,omitempty"` // PriRefreshExternalTotal total external refreshes PriRefreshExternalTotal *string `json:"pri.refresh.external_total,omitempty"` // PriRefreshListeners number of pending refresh listeners PriRefreshListeners *string `json:"pri.refresh.listeners,omitempty"` // PriRefreshTime time spent in refreshes PriRefreshTime *string `json:"pri.refresh.time,omitempty"` // PriRefreshTotal total refreshes PriRefreshTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriRequestCacheEvictions request cache evictions PriRequestCacheEvictions *string `json:"pri.request_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // PriRequestCacheHitCount request cache hit count PriRequestCacheHitCount *string `json:"pri.request_cache.hit_count,omitempty"` // PriRequestCacheMemorySize used request cache PriRequestCacheMemorySize *string `json:"pri.request_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // PriRequestCacheMissCount request cache miss count PriRequestCacheMissCount *string `json:"pri.request_cache.miss_count,omitempty"` // PriSearchFetchCurrent current fetch phase ops PriSearchFetchCurrent *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchFetchTime time spent in fetch phase PriSearchFetchTime *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchFetchTotal total fetch ops PriSearchFetchTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchOpenContexts open search contexts PriSearchOpenContexts *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchQueryCurrent current query phase ops PriSearchQueryCurrent *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchQueryTime time spent in query phase PriSearchQueryTime *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchQueryTotal total query phase ops PriSearchQueryTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchScrollCurrent open scroll contexts PriSearchScrollCurrent *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchScrollTime time scroll contexts held open PriSearchScrollTime *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSearchScrollTotal completed scroll contexts PriSearchScrollTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSegmentsCount number of segments PriSegmentsCount *string `json:"pri.segments.count,omitempty"` // PriSegmentsFixedBitsetMemory memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and export type // filters for types referred in _parent fields PriSegmentsFixedBitsetMemory *string `json:"pri.segments.fixed_bitset_memory,omitempty"` // PriSegmentsIndexWriterMemory memory used by index writer PriSegmentsIndexWriterMemory *string `json:"pri.segments.index_writer_memory,omitempty"` // PriSegmentsMemory memory used by segments PriSegmentsMemory *string `json:"pri.segments.memory,omitempty"` // PriSegmentsVersionMapMemory memory used by version map PriSegmentsVersionMapMemory *string `json:"pri.segments.version_map_memory,omitempty"` // PriStoreSize store size of primaries PriStoreSize string `json:",omitempty"` // PriSuggestCurrent number of current suggest ops PriSuggestCurrent *string `json:"pri.suggest.current,omitempty"` // PriSuggestTime time spend in suggest PriSuggestTime *string `json:"pri.suggest.time,omitempty"` // PriSuggestTotal number of suggest ops PriSuggestTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriWarmerCurrent current warmer ops PriWarmerCurrent *string `json:"pri.warmer.current,omitempty"` // PriWarmerTotal total warmer ops PriWarmerTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // PriWarmerTotalTime time spent in warmers PriWarmerTotalTime *string `json:"pri.warmer.total_time,omitempty"` // QueryCacheEvictions query cache evictions QueryCacheEvictions *string `json:"query_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // QueryCacheMemorySize used query cache QueryCacheMemorySize *string `json:"query_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // RefreshExternalTime time spent in external refreshes RefreshExternalTime *string `json:"refresh.external_time,omitempty"` // RefreshExternalTotal total external refreshes RefreshExternalTotal *string `json:"refresh.external_total,omitempty"` // RefreshListeners number of pending refresh listeners RefreshListeners *string `json:"refresh.listeners,omitempty"` // RefreshTime time spent in refreshes RefreshTime *string `json:"refresh.time,omitempty"` // RefreshTotal total refreshes RefreshTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // Rep number of replica shards Rep *string `json:"rep,omitempty"` // RequestCacheEvictions request cache evictions RequestCacheEvictions *string `json:"request_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // RequestCacheHitCount request cache hit count RequestCacheHitCount *string `json:"request_cache.hit_count,omitempty"` // RequestCacheMemorySize used request cache RequestCacheMemorySize *string `json:"request_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // RequestCacheMissCount request cache miss count RequestCacheMissCount *string `json:"request_cache.miss_count,omitempty"` // SearchFetchCurrent current fetch phase ops SearchFetchCurrent *string `json:"search.fetch_current,omitempty"` // SearchFetchTime time spent in fetch phase SearchFetchTime *string `json:"search.fetch_time,omitempty"` // SearchFetchTotal total fetch ops SearchFetchTotal *string `json:"search.fetch_total,omitempty"` // SearchOpenContexts open search contexts SearchOpenContexts *string `json:"search.open_contexts,omitempty"` // SearchQueryCurrent current query phase ops SearchQueryCurrent *string `json:"search.query_current,omitempty"` // SearchQueryTime time spent in query phase SearchQueryTime *string `json:"search.query_time,omitempty"` // SearchQueryTotal total query phase ops SearchQueryTotal *string `json:"search.query_total,omitempty"` // SearchScrollCurrent open scroll contexts SearchScrollCurrent *string `json:"search.scroll_current,omitempty"` // SearchScrollTime time scroll contexts held open SearchScrollTime *string `json:"search.scroll_time,omitempty"` // SearchScrollTotal completed scroll contexts SearchScrollTotal *string `json:"search.scroll_total,omitempty"` // SearchThrottled indicates if the index is search throttled SearchThrottled *string `json:"search.throttled,omitempty"` // SegmentsCount number of segments SegmentsCount *string `json:"segments.count,omitempty"` // SegmentsFixedBitsetMemory memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and export type // filters for types referred in _parent fields SegmentsFixedBitsetMemory *string `json:"segments.fixed_bitset_memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsIndexWriterMemory memory used by index writer SegmentsIndexWriterMemory *string `json:"segments.index_writer_memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsMemory memory used by segments SegmentsMemory *string `json:"segments.memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsVersionMapMemory memory used by version map SegmentsVersionMapMemory *string `json:"segments.version_map_memory,omitempty"` // Status open/close status Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // StoreSize store size of primaries & replicas StoreSize string `json:"store.size,omitempty"` // SuggestCurrent number of current suggest ops SuggestCurrent *string `json:"suggest.current,omitempty"` // SuggestTime time spend in suggest SuggestTime *string `json:"suggest.time,omitempty"` // SuggestTotal number of suggest ops SuggestTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // Uuid index uuid Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` // WarmerCurrent current warmer ops WarmerCurrent *string `json:"warmer.current,omitempty"` // WarmerTotal total warmer ops WarmerTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // WarmerTotalTime time spent in warmers WarmerTotalTime *string `json:"warmer.total_time,omitempty"` }
IndicesRecord type.
func NewIndicesRecord ¶
func NewIndicesRecord() *IndicesRecord
NewIndicesRecord returns a IndicesRecord.
func (*IndicesRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesShardStats ¶
type IndicesShardStats struct { Bulk *BulkStats `json:"bulk,omitempty"` Commit *ShardCommit `json:"commit,omitempty"` Completion *CompletionStats `json:"completion,omitempty"` Docs *DocStats `json:"docs,omitempty"` Fielddata *FielddataStats `json:"fielddata,omitempty"` Flush *FlushStats `json:"flush,omitempty"` Get *GetStats `json:"get,omitempty"` Indexing *IndexingStats `json:"indexing,omitempty"` Indices *IndicesStats `json:"indices,omitempty"` Mappings *MappingStats `json:"mappings,omitempty"` Merges *MergesStats `json:"merges,omitempty"` QueryCache *ShardQueryCache `json:"query_cache,omitempty"` Recovery *RecoveryStats `json:"recovery,omitempty"` Refresh *RefreshStats `json:"refresh,omitempty"` RequestCache *RequestCacheStats `json:"request_cache,omitempty"` RetentionLeases *ShardRetentionLeases `json:"retention_leases,omitempty"` Routing *ShardRouting `json:"routing,omitempty"` Search *SearchStats `json:"search,omitempty"` Segments *SegmentsStats `json:"segments,omitempty"` SeqNo *ShardSequenceNumber `json:"seq_no,omitempty"` ShardPath *ShardPath `json:"shard_path,omitempty"` ShardStats *ShardsTotalStats `json:"shard_stats,omitempty"` Shards map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"shards,omitempty"` Store *StoreStats `json:"store,omitempty"` Translog *TranslogStats `json:"translog,omitempty"` Warmer *WarmerStats `json:"warmer,omitempty"` }
IndicesShardStats type.
func NewIndicesShardStats ¶
func NewIndicesShardStats() *IndicesShardStats
NewIndicesShardStats returns a IndicesShardStats.
type IndicesShardStores ¶
type IndicesShardStores struct {
Shards map[string]ShardStoreWrapper `json:"shards"`
IndicesShardStores type.
func NewIndicesShardStores ¶
func NewIndicesShardStores() *IndicesShardStores
NewIndicesShardStores returns a IndicesShardStores.
type IndicesShardsStats ¶
type IndicesShardsStats struct { AllFields FieldSummary `json:"all_fields"` Fields map[string]FieldSummary `json:"fields"` }
IndicesShardsStats type.
func NewIndicesShardsStats ¶
func NewIndicesShardsStats() *IndicesShardsStats
NewIndicesShardsStats returns a IndicesShardsStats.
type IndicesStats ¶
type IndicesStats struct { Health *healthstatus.HealthStatus `json:"health,omitempty"` Primaries *IndexStats `json:"primaries,omitempty"` Shards map[string][]IndicesShardStats `json:"shards,omitempty"` Status *indexmetadatastate.IndexMetadataState `json:"status,omitempty"` Total *IndexStats `json:"total,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
IndicesStats type.
func NewIndicesStats ¶
func NewIndicesStats() *IndicesStats
NewIndicesStats returns a IndicesStats.
func (*IndicesStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesValidationExplanation ¶
type IndicesValidationExplanation struct { Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` Explanation *string `json:"explanation,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` }
IndicesValidationExplanation type.
func NewIndicesValidationExplanation ¶
func NewIndicesValidationExplanation() *IndicesValidationExplanation
NewIndicesValidationExplanation returns a IndicesValidationExplanation.
func (*IndicesValidationExplanation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesValidationExplanation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IndicesVersions ¶
type IndicesVersions struct { IndexCount int `json:"index_count"` PrimaryShardCount int `json:"primary_shard_count"` TotalPrimaryBytes int64 `json:"total_primary_bytes"` Version string `json:"version"` }
IndicesVersions type.
func NewIndicesVersions ¶
func NewIndicesVersions() *IndicesVersions
NewIndicesVersions returns a IndicesVersions.
func (*IndicesVersions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IndicesVersions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceAggregate ¶
type InferenceAggregate struct { Data map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` FeatureImportance []InferenceFeatureImportance `json:"feature_importance,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` TopClasses []InferenceTopClassEntry `json:"top_classes,omitempty"` Value FieldValue `json:"value,omitempty"` Warning *string `json:"warning,omitempty"` }
InferenceAggregate type.
func NewInferenceAggregate ¶
func NewInferenceAggregate() *InferenceAggregate
NewInferenceAggregate returns a InferenceAggregate.
func (InferenceAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s InferenceAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*InferenceAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceAggregation ¶
type InferenceAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` // InferenceConfig Contains the inference type and its options. InferenceConfig *InferenceConfigContainer `json:"inference_config,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // ModelId The ID or alias for the trained model. ModelId string `json:"model_id"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
InferenceAggregation type.
func NewInferenceAggregation ¶
func NewInferenceAggregation() *InferenceAggregation
NewInferenceAggregation returns a InferenceAggregation.
func (*InferenceAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceClassImportance ¶
type InferenceClassImportance struct { ClassName string `json:"class_name"` Importance Float64 `json:"importance"` }
InferenceClassImportance type.
func NewInferenceClassImportance ¶
func NewInferenceClassImportance() *InferenceClassImportance
NewInferenceClassImportance returns a InferenceClassImportance.
func (*InferenceClassImportance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceClassImportance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceConfig ¶
type InferenceConfig struct { // Classification Classification configuration for inference. Classification *InferenceConfigClassification `json:"classification,omitempty"` // Regression Regression configuration for inference. Regression *InferenceConfigRegression `json:"regression,omitempty"` }
InferenceConfig type.
func NewInferenceConfig ¶
func NewInferenceConfig() *InferenceConfig
NewInferenceConfig returns a InferenceConfig.
type InferenceConfigClassification ¶
type InferenceConfigClassification struct { // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Specifies the maximum number of feature importance values per document. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // PredictionFieldType Specifies the type of the predicted field to write. // Valid values are: `string`, `number`, `boolean`. PredictionFieldType *string `json:"prediction_field_type,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // TopClassesResultsField Specifies the field to which the top classes are written. TopClassesResultsField *string `json:"top_classes_results_field,omitempty"` }
InferenceConfigClassification type.
func NewInferenceConfigClassification ¶
func NewInferenceConfigClassification() *InferenceConfigClassification
NewInferenceConfigClassification returns a InferenceConfigClassification.
func (*InferenceConfigClassification) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceConfigClassification) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceConfigContainer ¶
type InferenceConfigContainer struct { // Classification Classification configuration for inference. Classification *ClassificationInferenceOptions `json:"classification,omitempty"` // Regression Regression configuration for inference. Regression *RegressionInferenceOptions `json:"regression,omitempty"` }
InferenceConfigContainer type.
func NewInferenceConfigContainer ¶
func NewInferenceConfigContainer() *InferenceConfigContainer
NewInferenceConfigContainer returns a InferenceConfigContainer.
type InferenceConfigCreateContainer ¶
type InferenceConfigCreateContainer struct { // Classification Classification configuration for inference. Classification *ClassificationInferenceOptions `json:"classification,omitempty"` // FillMask Fill mask configuration for inference. FillMask *FillMaskInferenceOptions `json:"fill_mask,omitempty"` // Ner Named entity recognition configuration for inference. Ner *NerInferenceOptions `json:"ner,omitempty"` // PassThrough Pass through configuration for inference. PassThrough *PassThroughInferenceOptions `json:"pass_through,omitempty"` // QuestionAnswering Question answering configuration for inference. QuestionAnswering *QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions `json:"question_answering,omitempty"` // Regression Regression configuration for inference. Regression *RegressionInferenceOptions `json:"regression,omitempty"` // TextClassification Text classification configuration for inference. TextClassification *TextClassificationInferenceOptions `json:"text_classification,omitempty"` // TextEmbedding Text embedding configuration for inference. TextEmbedding *TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions `json:"text_embedding,omitempty"` // TextExpansion Text expansion configuration for inference. TextExpansion *TextExpansionInferenceOptions `json:"text_expansion,omitempty"` // ZeroShotClassification Zeroshot classification configuration for inference. ZeroShotClassification *ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions `json:"zero_shot_classification,omitempty"` }
InferenceConfigCreateContainer type.
func NewInferenceConfigCreateContainer ¶
func NewInferenceConfigCreateContainer() *InferenceConfigCreateContainer
NewInferenceConfigCreateContainer returns a InferenceConfigCreateContainer.
type InferenceConfigRegression ¶
type InferenceConfigRegression struct { // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Specifies the maximum number of feature importance values per document. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` }
InferenceConfigRegression type.
func NewInferenceConfigRegression ¶
func NewInferenceConfigRegression() *InferenceConfigRegression
NewInferenceConfigRegression returns a InferenceConfigRegression.
func (*InferenceConfigRegression) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceConfigRegression) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceConfigUpdateContainer ¶
type InferenceConfigUpdateContainer struct { // Classification Classification configuration for inference. Classification *ClassificationInferenceOptions `json:"classification,omitempty"` // FillMask Fill mask configuration for inference. FillMask *FillMaskInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"fill_mask,omitempty"` // Ner Named entity recognition configuration for inference. Ner *NerInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"ner,omitempty"` // PassThrough Pass through configuration for inference. PassThrough *PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"pass_through,omitempty"` // QuestionAnswering Question answering configuration for inference QuestionAnswering *QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"question_answering,omitempty"` // Regression Regression configuration for inference. Regression *RegressionInferenceOptions `json:"regression,omitempty"` // TextClassification Text classification configuration for inference. TextClassification *TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"text_classification,omitempty"` // TextEmbedding Text embedding configuration for inference. TextEmbedding *TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"text_embedding,omitempty"` // TextExpansion Text expansion configuration for inference. TextExpansion *TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"text_expansion,omitempty"` // ZeroShotClassification Zeroshot classification configuration for inference. ZeroShotClassification *ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions `json:"zero_shot_classification,omitempty"` }
InferenceConfigUpdateContainer type.
func NewInferenceConfigUpdateContainer ¶
func NewInferenceConfigUpdateContainer() *InferenceConfigUpdateContainer
NewInferenceConfigUpdateContainer returns a InferenceConfigUpdateContainer.
type InferenceFeatureImportance ¶
type InferenceFeatureImportance struct { Classes []InferenceClassImportance `json:"classes,omitempty"` FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Importance *Float64 `json:"importance,omitempty"` }
InferenceFeatureImportance type.
func NewInferenceFeatureImportance ¶
func NewInferenceFeatureImportance() *InferenceFeatureImportance
NewInferenceFeatureImportance returns a InferenceFeatureImportance.
func (*InferenceFeatureImportance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceFeatureImportance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceProcessor ¶
type InferenceProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // FieldMap Maps the document field names to the known field names of the model. // This mapping takes precedence over any default mappings provided in the model // configuration. FieldMap map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"field_map,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // InferenceConfig Contains the inference type and its options. InferenceConfig *InferenceConfig `json:"inference_config,omitempty"` // ModelId The ID or alias for the trained model, or the ID of the deployment. ModelId string `json:"model_id"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField Field added to incoming documents to contain results objects. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
InferenceProcessor type.
func NewInferenceProcessor ¶
func NewInferenceProcessor() *InferenceProcessor
NewInferenceProcessor returns a InferenceProcessor.
func (*InferenceProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceResponseResult ¶
type InferenceResponseResult struct { // Entities If the model is trained for named entity recognition (NER) tasks, the // response contains the recognized entities. Entities []TrainedModelEntities `json:"entities,omitempty"` // FeatureImportance The feature importance for the inference results. Relevant only for // classification or regression models FeatureImportance []TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance `json:"feature_importance,omitempty"` // IsTruncated Indicates whether the input text was truncated to meet the model's maximum // sequence length limit. This property // is present only when it is true. IsTruncated *bool `json:"is_truncated,omitempty"` // PredictedValue If the model is trained for a text classification or zero shot classification // task, the response is the // predicted class. // For named entity recognition (NER) tasks, it contains the annotated text // output. // For fill mask tasks, it contains the top prediction for replacing the mask // token. // For text embedding tasks, it contains the raw numerical text embedding // values. // For regression models, its a numerical value // For classification models, it may be an integer, double, boolean or string // depending on prediction type PredictedValue []PredictedValue `json:"predicted_value,omitempty"` // PredictedValueSequence For fill mask tasks, the response contains the input text sequence with the // mask token replaced by the predicted // value. // Additionally PredictedValueSequence *string `json:"predicted_value_sequence,omitempty"` // PredictionProbability Specifies a probability for the predicted value. PredictionProbability *Float64 `json:"prediction_probability,omitempty"` // PredictionScore Specifies a confidence score for the predicted value. PredictionScore *Float64 `json:"prediction_score,omitempty"` // TopClasses For fill mask, text classification, and zero shot classification tasks, the // response contains a list of top // class entries. TopClasses []TopClassEntry `json:"top_classes,omitempty"` // Warning If the request failed, the response contains the reason for the failure. Warning *string `json:"warning,omitempty"` }
InferenceResponseResult type.
func NewInferenceResponseResult ¶
func NewInferenceResponseResult() *InferenceResponseResult
NewInferenceResponseResult returns a InferenceResponseResult.
func (*InferenceResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InferenceResult ¶
type InferenceResult struct { SparseEmbedding []SparseEmbeddingResult `json:"sparse_embedding,omitempty"` TextEmbedding []TextEmbeddingResult `json:"text_embedding,omitempty"` TextEmbeddingBytes []TextEmbeddingByteResult `json:"text_embedding_bytes,omitempty"` }
InferenceResult type.
func NewInferenceResult ¶
func NewInferenceResult() *InferenceResult
NewInferenceResult returns a InferenceResult.
type InferenceTopClassEntry ¶
type InferenceTopClassEntry struct { ClassName FieldValue `json:"class_name"` ClassProbability Float64 `json:"class_probability"` ClassScore Float64 `json:"class_score"` }
InferenceTopClassEntry type.
func NewInferenceTopClassEntry ¶
func NewInferenceTopClassEntry() *InferenceTopClassEntry
NewInferenceTopClassEntry returns a InferenceTopClassEntry.
func (*InferenceTopClassEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InferenceTopClassEntry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Influence ¶
type Influence struct { InfluencerFieldName string `json:"influencer_field_name"` InfluencerFieldValues []string `json:"influencer_field_values"` }
Influence type.
func (*Influence) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Influencer ¶
type Influencer struct { // BucketSpan The length of the bucket in seconds. This value matches the bucket span that // is specified in the job. BucketSpan int64 `json:"bucket_span"` // Foo Additional influencer properties are added, depending on the fields being // analyzed. For example, if it’s // analyzing `user_name` as an influencer, a field `user_name` is added to the // result document. This // information enables you to filter the anomaly results more easily. Foo *string `json:"foo,omitempty"` // InfluencerFieldName The field name of the influencer. InfluencerFieldName string `json:"influencer_field_name"` // InfluencerFieldValue The entity that influenced, contributed to, or was to blame for the anomaly. InfluencerFieldValue string `json:"influencer_field_value"` // InfluencerScore A normalized score between 0-100, which is based on the probability of the // influencer in this bucket aggregated // across detectors. Unlike `initial_influencer_score`, this value is updated by // a re-normalization process as new // data is analyzed. InfluencerScore Float64 `json:"influencer_score"` // InitialInfluencerScore A normalized score between 0-100, which is based on the probability of the // influencer aggregated across detectors. // This is the initial value that was calculated at the time the bucket was // processed. InitialInfluencerScore Float64 `json:"initial_influencer_score"` // IsInterim If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are // calculated based on partial input data. IsInterim bool `json:"is_interim"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // Probability The probability that the influencer has this behavior, in the range 0 to 1. // This value can be held to a high // precision of over 300 decimal places, so the `influencer_score` is provided // as a human-readable and friendly // interpretation of this value. Probability Float64 `json:"probability"` // ResultType Internal. This value is always set to `influencer`. ResultType string `json:"result_type"` // Timestamp The start time of the bucket for which these results were calculated. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` }
Influencer type.
func (*Influencer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Influencer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InfoFeatureState ¶
type InfoFeatureState struct { FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Indices []string `json:"indices"` }
InfoFeatureState type.
func NewInfoFeatureState ¶
func NewInfoFeatureState() *InfoFeatureState
NewInfoFeatureState returns a InfoFeatureState.
func (*InfoFeatureState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InfoFeatureState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IngestPipeline ¶
type IngestPipeline struct { // Description Description of the ingest pipeline. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Meta_ Arbitrary metadata about the ingest pipeline. This map is not automatically // generated by Elasticsearch. Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` // OnFailure Processors to run immediately after a processor failure. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Processors Processors used to perform transformations on documents before indexing. // Processors run sequentially in the order specified. Processors []ProcessorContainer `json:"processors,omitempty"` // Version Version number used by external systems to track ingest pipelines. Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
IngestPipeline type.
func NewIngestPipeline ¶
func NewIngestPipeline() *IngestPipeline
NewIngestPipeline returns a IngestPipeline.
func (*IngestPipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IngestPipeline) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IngestTotal ¶
type IngestTotal struct { // Count Total number of documents ingested during the lifetime of this node. Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // Current Total number of documents currently being ingested. Current *int64 `json:"current,omitempty"` // Failed Total number of failed ingest operations during the lifetime of this node. Failed *int64 `json:"failed,omitempty"` // Processors Total number of ingest processors. Processors []map[string]KeyedProcessor `json:"processors,omitempty"` // TimeInMillis Total time, in milliseconds, spent preprocessing ingest documents during the // lifetime of this node. TimeInMillis *int64 `json:"time_in_millis,omitempty"` }
IngestTotal type.
func (*IngestTotal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IngestTotal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InlineGet ¶
type InlineGet struct { Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Found bool `json:"found"` Metadata map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` PrimaryTerm_ *int64 `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"` Routing_ *string `json:"_routing,omitempty"` SeqNo_ *int64 `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"` Source_ json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` }
InlineGet type.
func (InlineGet) MarshalJSON ¶
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*InlineGet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InlineGetDictUserDefined ¶
type InlineGetDictUserDefined struct { Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Found bool `json:"found"` InlineGetDictUserDefined map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` PrimaryTerm_ *int64 `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"` Routing_ *string `json:"_routing,omitempty"` SeqNo_ *int64 `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"` Source_ map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"_source,omitempty"` }
InlineGetDictUserDefined type.
func NewInlineGetDictUserDefined ¶
func NewInlineGetDictUserDefined() *InlineGetDictUserDefined
NewInlineGetDictUserDefined returns a InlineGetDictUserDefined.
func (InlineGetDictUserDefined) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s InlineGetDictUserDefined) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*InlineGetDictUserDefined) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InlineGetDictUserDefined) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InlineScript ¶
type InlineScript struct { // Lang Specifies the language the script is written in. Lang *scriptlanguage.ScriptLanguage `json:"lang,omitempty"` Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` // Params Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. // Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` // Source The script source. Source string `json:"source"` }
InlineScript type.
func NewInlineScript ¶
func NewInlineScript() *InlineScript
NewInlineScript returns a InlineScript.
func (*InlineScript) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *InlineScript) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InnerHits ¶
type InnerHits struct { Collapse *FieldCollapse `json:"collapse,omitempty"` DocvalueFields []FieldAndFormat `json:"docvalue_fields,omitempty"` Explain *bool `json:"explain,omitempty"` Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // From Inner hit starting document offset. From *int `json:"from,omitempty"` Highlight *Highlight `json:"highlight,omitempty"` IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` // Name The name for the particular inner hit definition in the response. // Useful when a search request contains multiple inner hits. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` ScriptFields map[string]ScriptField `json:"script_fields,omitempty"` SeqNoPrimaryTerm *bool `json:"seq_no_primary_term,omitempty"` // Size The maximum number of hits to return per `inner_hits`. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sort How the inner hits should be sorted per `inner_hits`. // By default, inner hits are sorted by score. Sort []SortCombinations `json:"sort,omitempty"` Source_ SourceConfig `json:"_source,omitempty"` StoredFields []string `json:"stored_fields,omitempty"` TrackScores *bool `json:"track_scores,omitempty"` Version *bool `json:"version,omitempty"` }
InnerHits type.
func (*InnerHits) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type InnerHitsResult ¶
type InnerHitsResult struct {
Hits *HitsMetadata `json:"hits,omitempty"`
InnerHitsResult type.
func NewInnerHitsResult ¶
func NewInnerHitsResult() *InnerHitsResult
NewInnerHitsResult returns a InnerHitsResult.
type Input ¶
type Input struct {
FieldNames []string `json:"field_names"`
Input type.
func (*Input) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type IntegerNumberProperty ¶
type IntegerNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *int `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IntegerNumberProperty type.
func NewIntegerNumberProperty ¶
func NewIntegerNumberProperty() *IntegerNumberProperty
NewIntegerNumberProperty returns a IntegerNumberProperty.
func (IntegerNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IntegerNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IntegerNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntegerNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntegerRangeProperty ¶
type IntegerRangeProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IntegerRangeProperty type.
func NewIntegerRangeProperty ¶
func NewIntegerRangeProperty() *IntegerRangeProperty
NewIntegerRangeProperty returns a IntegerRangeProperty.
func (IntegerRangeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IntegerRangeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IntegerRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntegerRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Intervals ¶
type Intervals struct { // AllOf Returns matches that span a combination of other rules. AllOf *IntervalsAllOf `json:"all_of,omitempty"` // AnyOf Returns intervals produced by any of its sub-rules. AnyOf *IntervalsAnyOf `json:"any_of,omitempty"` // Fuzzy Matches analyzed text. Fuzzy *IntervalsFuzzy `json:"fuzzy,omitempty"` // Match Matches analyzed text. Match *IntervalsMatch `json:"match,omitempty"` // Prefix Matches terms that start with a specified set of characters. Prefix *IntervalsPrefix `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // Wildcard Matches terms using a wildcard pattern. Wildcard *IntervalsWildcard `json:"wildcard,omitempty"` }
Intervals type.
type IntervalsAllOf ¶
type IntervalsAllOf struct { // Filter Rule used to filter returned intervals. Filter *IntervalsFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Intervals An array of rules to combine. All rules must produce a match in a document // for the overall source to match. Intervals []Intervals `json:"intervals"` // MaxGaps Maximum number of positions between the matching terms. // Intervals produced by the rules further apart than this are not considered // matches. MaxGaps *int `json:"max_gaps,omitempty"` // Ordered If `true`, intervals produced by the rules should appear in the order in // which they are specified. Ordered *bool `json:"ordered,omitempty"` }
IntervalsAllOf type.
func NewIntervalsAllOf ¶
func NewIntervalsAllOf() *IntervalsAllOf
NewIntervalsAllOf returns a IntervalsAllOf.
func (*IntervalsAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntervalsAnyOf ¶
type IntervalsAnyOf struct { // Filter Rule used to filter returned intervals. Filter *IntervalsFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Intervals An array of rules to match. Intervals []Intervals `json:"intervals"` }
IntervalsAnyOf type.
func NewIntervalsAnyOf ¶
func NewIntervalsAnyOf() *IntervalsAnyOf
NewIntervalsAnyOf returns a IntervalsAnyOf.
type IntervalsFilter ¶
type IntervalsFilter struct { // After Query used to return intervals that follow an interval from the `filter` // rule. After *Intervals `json:"after,omitempty"` // Before Query used to return intervals that occur before an interval from the // `filter` rule. Before *Intervals `json:"before,omitempty"` // ContainedBy Query used to return intervals contained by an interval from the `filter` // rule. ContainedBy *Intervals `json:"contained_by,omitempty"` // Containing Query used to return intervals that contain an interval from the `filter` // rule. Containing *Intervals `json:"containing,omitempty"` // NotContainedBy Query used to return intervals that are **not** contained by an interval from // the `filter` rule. NotContainedBy *Intervals `json:"not_contained_by,omitempty"` // NotContaining Query used to return intervals that do **not** contain an interval from the // `filter` rule. NotContaining *Intervals `json:"not_containing,omitempty"` // NotOverlapping Query used to return intervals that do **not** overlap with an interval from // the `filter` rule. NotOverlapping *Intervals `json:"not_overlapping,omitempty"` // Overlapping Query used to return intervals that overlap with an interval from the // `filter` rule. Overlapping *Intervals `json:"overlapping,omitempty"` // Script Script used to return matching documents. // This script must return a boolean value: `true` or `false`. Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
IntervalsFilter type.
func NewIntervalsFilter ¶
func NewIntervalsFilter() *IntervalsFilter
NewIntervalsFilter returns a IntervalsFilter.
func (*IntervalsFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntervalsFuzzy ¶
type IntervalsFuzzy struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to normalize the term. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Fuzziness Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged when creating expansions. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // Term The term to match. Term string `json:"term"` // Transpositions Indicates whether edits include transpositions of two adjacent characters // (for example, `ab` to `ba`). Transpositions *bool `json:"transpositions,omitempty"` // UseField If specified, match intervals from this field rather than the top-level // field. // The `term` is normalized using the search analyzer from this field, unless // `analyzer` is specified separately. UseField *string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` }
IntervalsFuzzy type.
func NewIntervalsFuzzy ¶
func NewIntervalsFuzzy() *IntervalsFuzzy
NewIntervalsFuzzy returns a IntervalsFuzzy.
func (*IntervalsFuzzy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsFuzzy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntervalsMatch ¶
type IntervalsMatch struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to analyze terms in the query. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Filter An optional interval filter. Filter *IntervalsFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // MaxGaps Maximum number of positions between the matching terms. // Terms further apart than this are not considered matches. MaxGaps *int `json:"max_gaps,omitempty"` // Ordered If `true`, matching terms must appear in their specified order. Ordered *bool `json:"ordered,omitempty"` // Query Text you wish to find in the provided field. Query string `json:"query"` // UseField If specified, match intervals from this field rather than the top-level // field. // The `term` is normalized using the search analyzer from this field, unless // `analyzer` is specified separately. UseField *string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` }
IntervalsMatch type.
func NewIntervalsMatch ¶
func NewIntervalsMatch() *IntervalsMatch
NewIntervalsMatch returns a IntervalsMatch.
func (*IntervalsMatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsMatch) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntervalsPrefix ¶
type IntervalsPrefix struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to analyze the `prefix`. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Prefix Beginning characters of terms you wish to find in the top-level field. Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // UseField If specified, match intervals from this field rather than the top-level // field. // The `prefix` is normalized using the search analyzer from this field, unless // `analyzer` is specified separately. UseField *string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` }
IntervalsPrefix type.
func NewIntervalsPrefix ¶
func NewIntervalsPrefix() *IntervalsPrefix
NewIntervalsPrefix returns a IntervalsPrefix.
func (*IntervalsPrefix) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsPrefix) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntervalsQuery ¶
type IntervalsQuery struct { // AllOf Returns matches that span a combination of other rules. AllOf *IntervalsAllOf `json:"all_of,omitempty"` // AnyOf Returns intervals produced by any of its sub-rules. AnyOf *IntervalsAnyOf `json:"any_of,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Fuzzy Matches terms that are similar to the provided term, within an edit distance // defined by `fuzziness`. Fuzzy *IntervalsFuzzy `json:"fuzzy,omitempty"` // Match Matches analyzed text. Match *IntervalsMatch `json:"match,omitempty"` // Prefix Matches terms that start with a specified set of characters. Prefix *IntervalsPrefix `json:"prefix,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Wildcard Matches terms using a wildcard pattern. Wildcard *IntervalsWildcard `json:"wildcard,omitempty"` }
IntervalsQuery type.
func NewIntervalsQuery ¶
func NewIntervalsQuery() *IntervalsQuery
NewIntervalsQuery returns a IntervalsQuery.
func (*IntervalsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntervalsWildcard ¶
type IntervalsWildcard struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to analyze the `pattern`. // Defaults to the top-level field's analyzer. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Pattern Wildcard pattern used to find matching terms. Pattern string `json:"pattern"` // UseField If specified, match intervals from this field rather than the top-level // field. // The `pattern` is normalized using the search analyzer from this field, unless // `analyzer` is specified separately. UseField *string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` }
IntervalsWildcard type.
func NewIntervalsWildcard ¶
func NewIntervalsWildcard() *IntervalsWildcard
NewIntervalsWildcard returns a IntervalsWildcard.
func (*IntervalsWildcard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IntervalsWildcard) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InvertedIndex ¶
type InvertedIndex struct { Offsets uint `json:"offsets"` Payloads uint `json:"payloads"` Positions uint `json:"positions"` Postings uint `json:"postings"` Proximity uint `json:"proximity"` TermFrequencies uint `json:"term_frequencies"` Terms uint `json:"terms"` }
InvertedIndex type.
func NewInvertedIndex ¶
func NewInvertedIndex() *InvertedIndex
NewInvertedIndex returns a InvertedIndex.
type Invocation ¶
Invocation type.
func (*Invocation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Invocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Invocations ¶
type Invocations struct {
Total int64 `json:"total"`
Invocations type.
func (*Invocations) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Invocations) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IoStatDevice ¶
type IoStatDevice struct { // DeviceName The Linux device name. DeviceName *string `json:"device_name,omitempty"` // Operations The total number of read and write operations for the device completed since // starting Elasticsearch. Operations *int64 `json:"operations,omitempty"` // ReadKilobytes The total number of kilobytes read for the device since starting // Elasticsearch. ReadKilobytes *int64 `json:"read_kilobytes,omitempty"` // ReadOperations The total number of read operations for the device completed since starting // Elasticsearch. ReadOperations *int64 `json:"read_operations,omitempty"` // WriteKilobytes The total number of kilobytes written for the device since starting // Elasticsearch. WriteKilobytes *int64 `json:"write_kilobytes,omitempty"` // WriteOperations The total number of write operations for the device completed since starting // Elasticsearch. WriteOperations *int64 `json:"write_operations,omitempty"` }
IoStatDevice type.
func NewIoStatDevice ¶
func NewIoStatDevice() *IoStatDevice
NewIoStatDevice returns a IoStatDevice.
func (*IoStatDevice) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IoStatDevice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IoStats ¶
type IoStats struct { // Devices Array of disk metrics for each device that is backing an Elasticsearch data // path. // These disk metrics are probed periodically and averages between the last // probe and the current probe are computed. Devices []IoStatDevice `json:"devices,omitempty"` // Total The sum of the disk metrics for all devices that back an Elasticsearch data // path. Total *IoStatDevice `json:"total,omitempty"` }
IoStats type.
type IpPrefixAggregate ¶
type IpPrefixAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsIpPrefixBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
IpPrefixAggregate type.
func NewIpPrefixAggregate ¶
func NewIpPrefixAggregate() *IpPrefixAggregate
NewIpPrefixAggregate returns a IpPrefixAggregate.
func (*IpPrefixAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpPrefixAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpPrefixAggregation ¶
type IpPrefixAggregation struct { // AppendPrefixLength Defines whether the prefix length is appended to IP address keys in the // response. AppendPrefixLength *bool `json:"append_prefix_length,omitempty"` // Field The IP address field to aggregation on. The field mapping type must be `ip`. Field string `json:"field"` // IsIpv6 Defines whether the prefix applies to IPv6 addresses. IsIpv6 *bool `json:"is_ipv6,omitempty"` // Keyed Defines whether buckets are returned as a hash rather than an array in the // response. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Minimum number of documents in a bucket for it to be included in the // response. MinDocCount *int64 `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Length of the network prefix. For IPv4 addresses the accepted range is [0, // 32]. // For IPv6 addresses the accepted range is [0, 128]. PrefixLength int `json:"prefix_length"` }
IpPrefixAggregation type.
func NewIpPrefixAggregation ¶
func NewIpPrefixAggregation() *IpPrefixAggregation
NewIpPrefixAggregation returns a IpPrefixAggregation.
func (*IpPrefixAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpPrefixAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpPrefixBucket ¶
type IpPrefixBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` IsIpv6 bool `json:"is_ipv6"` Key string `json:"key"` Netmask *string `json:"netmask,omitempty"` PrefixLength int `json:"prefix_length"` }
IpPrefixBucket type.
func NewIpPrefixBucket ¶
func NewIpPrefixBucket() *IpPrefixBucket
NewIpPrefixBucket returns a IpPrefixBucket.
func (IpPrefixBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IpPrefixBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*IpPrefixBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpPrefixBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpProperty ¶
type IpProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *string `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IpProperty type.
func (IpProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IpProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IpProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpRangeAggregate ¶
type IpRangeAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsIpRangeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
IpRangeAggregate type.
func NewIpRangeAggregate ¶
func NewIpRangeAggregate() *IpRangeAggregate
NewIpRangeAggregate returns a IpRangeAggregate.
func (*IpRangeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpRangeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpRangeAggregation ¶
type IpRangeAggregation struct { // Field The date field whose values are used to build ranges. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Ranges Array of IP ranges. Ranges []IpRangeAggregationRange `json:"ranges,omitempty"` }
IpRangeAggregation type.
func NewIpRangeAggregation ¶
func NewIpRangeAggregation() *IpRangeAggregation
NewIpRangeAggregation returns a IpRangeAggregation.
func (*IpRangeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpRangeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpRangeAggregationRange ¶
type IpRangeAggregationRange struct { // From Start of the range. From string `json:"from,omitempty"` // Mask IP range defined as a CIDR mask. Mask *string `json:"mask,omitempty"` // To End of the range. To string `json:"to,omitempty"` }
IpRangeAggregationRange type.
func NewIpRangeAggregationRange ¶
func NewIpRangeAggregationRange() *IpRangeAggregationRange
NewIpRangeAggregationRange returns a IpRangeAggregationRange.
func (*IpRangeAggregationRange) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpRangeAggregationRange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpRangeBucket ¶
type IpRangeBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` From *string `json:"from,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` To *string `json:"to,omitempty"` }
IpRangeBucket type.
func NewIpRangeBucket ¶
func NewIpRangeBucket() *IpRangeBucket
NewIpRangeBucket returns a IpRangeBucket.
func (IpRangeBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IpRangeBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*IpRangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpRangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IpRangeProperty ¶
type IpRangeProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IpRangeProperty type.
func NewIpRangeProperty ¶
func NewIpRangeProperty() *IpRangeProperty
NewIpRangeProperty returns a IpRangeProperty.
func (IpRangeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s IpRangeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*IpRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *IpRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Job ¶
type Job struct { // AllowLazyOpen Advanced configuration option. // Specifies whether this job can open when there is insufficient machine // learning node capacity for it to be immediately assigned to a node. AllowLazyOpen bool `json:"allow_lazy_open"` // AnalysisConfig The analysis configuration, which specifies how to analyze the data. // After you create a job, you cannot change the analysis configuration; all the // properties are informational. AnalysisConfig AnalysisConfig `json:"analysis_config"` // AnalysisLimits Limits can be applied for the resources required to hold the mathematical // models in memory. // These limits are approximate and can be set per job. // They do not control the memory used by other processes, for example the // Elasticsearch Java processes. AnalysisLimits *AnalysisLimits `json:"analysis_limits,omitempty"` // BackgroundPersistInterval Advanced configuration option. // The time between each periodic persistence of the model. // The default value is a randomized value between 3 to 4 hours, which avoids // all jobs persisting at exactly the same time. // The smallest allowed value is 1 hour. BackgroundPersistInterval Duration `json:"background_persist_interval,omitempty"` Blocked *JobBlocked `json:"blocked,omitempty"` CreateTime DateTime `json:"create_time,omitempty"` // CustomSettings Advanced configuration option. // Contains custom metadata about the job. CustomSettings json.RawMessage `json:"custom_settings,omitempty"` // DailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old // model snapshots for this job. // It specifies a period of time (in days) after which only the first snapshot // per day is retained. // This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this // job. // Valid values range from 0 to `model_snapshot_retention_days`. DailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays *int64 `json:"daily_model_snapshot_retention_after_days,omitempty"` // DataDescription The data description defines the format of the input data when you send data // to the job by using the post data API. // Note that when configuring a datafeed, these properties are automatically // set. // When data is received via the post data API, it is not stored in // Elasticsearch. // Only the results for anomaly detection are retained. DataDescription DataDescription `json:"data_description"` // DatafeedConfig The datafeed, which retrieves data from Elasticsearch for analysis by the // job. // You can associate only one datafeed with each anomaly detection job. DatafeedConfig *MLDatafeed `json:"datafeed_config,omitempty"` // Deleting Indicates that the process of deleting the job is in progress but not yet // completed. // It is only reported when `true`. Deleting *bool `json:"deleting,omitempty"` // Description A description of the job. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // FinishedTime If the job closed or failed, this is the time the job finished, otherwise it // is `null`. // This property is informational; you cannot change its value. FinishedTime DateTime `json:"finished_time,omitempty"` // Groups A list of job groups. // A job can belong to no groups or many. Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. // This identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), // hyphens, and underscores. // It must start and end with alphanumeric characters. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // JobType Reserved for future use, currently set to `anomaly_detector`. JobType *string `json:"job_type,omitempty"` // JobVersion The machine learning configuration version number at which the the job was // created. JobVersion *string `json:"job_version,omitempty"` // ModelPlotConfig This advanced configuration option stores model information along with the // results. // It provides a more detailed view into anomaly detection. // Model plot provides a simplified and indicative view of the model and its // bounds. ModelPlotConfig *ModelPlotConfig `json:"model_plot_config,omitempty"` ModelSnapshotId *string `json:"model_snapshot_id,omitempty"` // ModelSnapshotRetentionDays Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old // model snapshots for this job. // It specifies the maximum period of time (in days) that snapshots are // retained. // This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this // job. // By default, snapshots ten days older than the newest snapshot are deleted. ModelSnapshotRetentionDays int64 `json:"model_snapshot_retention_days"` // RenormalizationWindowDays Advanced configuration option. // The period over which adjustments to the score are applied, as new data is // seen. // The default value is the longer of 30 days or 100 `bucket_spans`. RenormalizationWindowDays *int64 `json:"renormalization_window_days,omitempty"` // ResultsIndexName A text string that affects the name of the machine learning results index. // The default value is `shared`, which generates an index named // `.ml-anomalies-shared`. ResultsIndexName string `json:"results_index_name"` // ResultsRetentionDays Advanced configuration option. // The period of time (in days) that results are retained. // Age is calculated relative to the timestamp of the latest bucket result. // If this property has a non-null value, once per day at 00:30 (server time), // results that are the specified number of days older than the latest bucket // result are deleted from Elasticsearch. // The default value is null, which means all results are retained. // Annotations generated by the system also count as results for retention // purposes; they are deleted after the same number of days as results. // Annotations added by users are retained forever. ResultsRetentionDays *int64 `json:"results_retention_days,omitempty"` }
Job type.
func (*Job) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type JobBlocked ¶
type JobBlocked struct { Reason jobblockedreason.JobBlockedReason `json:"reason"` TaskId TaskId `json:"task_id,omitempty"` }
JobBlocked type.
func (*JobBlocked) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JobBlocked) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JobConfig ¶
type JobConfig struct { // AllowLazyOpen Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether this job can open when there // is insufficient machine learning node capacity for it to be immediately // assigned to a node. AllowLazyOpen *bool `json:"allow_lazy_open,omitempty"` // AnalysisConfig The analysis configuration, which specifies how to analyze the data. // After you create a job, you cannot change the analysis configuration; all the // properties are informational. AnalysisConfig AnalysisConfig `json:"analysis_config"` // AnalysisLimits Limits can be applied for the resources required to hold the mathematical // models in memory. // These limits are approximate and can be set per job. // They do not control the memory used by other processes, for example the // Elasticsearch Java processes. AnalysisLimits *AnalysisLimits `json:"analysis_limits,omitempty"` // BackgroundPersistInterval Advanced configuration option. // The time between each periodic persistence of the model. // The default value is a randomized value between 3 to 4 hours, which avoids // all jobs persisting at exactly the same time. // The smallest allowed value is 1 hour. BackgroundPersistInterval Duration `json:"background_persist_interval,omitempty"` // CustomSettings Advanced configuration option. // Contains custom metadata about the job. CustomSettings json.RawMessage `json:"custom_settings,omitempty"` // DailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old // model snapshots for this job. // It specifies a period of time (in days) after which only the first snapshot // per day is retained. // This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this // job. DailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays *int64 `json:"daily_model_snapshot_retention_after_days,omitempty"` // DataDescription The data description defines the format of the input data when you send data // to the job by using the post data API. // Note that when configure a datafeed, these properties are automatically set. DataDescription DataDescription `json:"data_description"` // DatafeedConfig The datafeed, which retrieves data from Elasticsearch for analysis by the // job. // You can associate only one datafeed with each anomaly detection job. DatafeedConfig *DatafeedConfig `json:"datafeed_config,omitempty"` // Description A description of the job. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Groups A list of job groups. A job can belong to no groups or many. Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. // This identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), // hyphens, and underscores. // It must start and end with alphanumeric characters. JobId *string `json:"job_id,omitempty"` // JobType Reserved for future use, currently set to `anomaly_detector`. JobType *string `json:"job_type,omitempty"` // ModelPlotConfig This advanced configuration option stores model information along with the // results. // It provides a more detailed view into anomaly detection. // Model plot provides a simplified and indicative view of the model and its // bounds. ModelPlotConfig *ModelPlotConfig `json:"model_plot_config,omitempty"` // ModelSnapshotRetentionDays Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old // model snapshots for this job. // It specifies the maximum period of time (in days) that snapshots are // retained. // This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this // job. // The default value is `10`, which means snapshots ten days older than the // newest snapshot are deleted. ModelSnapshotRetentionDays *int64 `json:"model_snapshot_retention_days,omitempty"` // RenormalizationWindowDays Advanced configuration option. // The period over which adjustments to the score are applied, as new data is // seen. // The default value is the longer of 30 days or 100 `bucket_spans`. RenormalizationWindowDays *int64 `json:"renormalization_window_days,omitempty"` // ResultsIndexName A text string that affects the name of the machine learning results index. // The default value is `shared`, which generates an index named // `.ml-anomalies-shared`. ResultsIndexName *string `json:"results_index_name,omitempty"` // ResultsRetentionDays Advanced configuration option. // The period of time (in days) that results are retained. // Age is calculated relative to the timestamp of the latest bucket result. // If this property has a non-null value, once per day at 00:30 (server time), // results that are the specified number of days older than the latest bucket // result are deleted from Elasticsearch. // The default value is null, which means all results are retained. // Annotations generated by the system also count as results for retention // purposes; they are deleted after the same number of days as results. // Annotations added by users are retained forever. ResultsRetentionDays *int64 `json:"results_retention_days,omitempty"` }
JobConfig type.
func (*JobConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type JobForecastStatistics ¶
type JobForecastStatistics struct { ForecastedJobs int `json:"forecasted_jobs"` MemoryBytes *JobStatistics `json:"memory_bytes,omitempty"` ProcessingTimeMs *JobStatistics `json:"processing_time_ms,omitempty"` Records *JobStatistics `json:"records,omitempty"` Status map[string]int64 `json:"status,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
JobForecastStatistics type.
func NewJobForecastStatistics ¶
func NewJobForecastStatistics() *JobForecastStatistics
NewJobForecastStatistics returns a JobForecastStatistics.
func (*JobForecastStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JobForecastStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JobStatistics ¶
type JobStatistics struct { Avg Float64 `json:"avg"` Max Float64 `json:"max"` Min Float64 `json:"min"` Total Float64 `json:"total"` }
JobStatistics type.
func NewJobStatistics ¶
func NewJobStatistics() *JobStatistics
NewJobStatistics returns a JobStatistics.
func (*JobStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JobStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JobStats ¶
type JobStats struct { // AssignmentExplanation For open anomaly detection jobs only, contains messages relating to the // selection of a node to run the job. AssignmentExplanation *string `json:"assignment_explanation,omitempty"` // DataCounts An object that describes the quantity of input to the job and any related // error counts. // The `data_count` values are cumulative for the lifetime of a job. // If a model snapshot is reverted or old results are deleted, the job counts // are not reset. DataCounts DataCounts `json:"data_counts"` // Deleting Indicates that the process of deleting the job is in progress but not yet // completed. It is only reported when `true`. Deleting *bool `json:"deleting,omitempty"` // ForecastsStats An object that provides statistical information about forecasts belonging to // this job. // Some statistics are omitted if no forecasts have been made. ForecastsStats JobForecastStatistics `json:"forecasts_stats"` // JobId Identifier for the anomaly detection job. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // ModelSizeStats An object that provides information about the size and contents of the model. ModelSizeStats ModelSizeStats `json:"model_size_stats"` // Node Contains properties for the node that runs the job. // This information is available only for open jobs. Node *DiscoveryNode `json:"node,omitempty"` // OpenTime For open jobs only, the elapsed time for which the job has been open. OpenTime DateTime `json:"open_time,omitempty"` // State The status of the anomaly detection job, which can be one of the following // values: `closed`, `closing`, `failed`, `opened`, `opening`. State jobstate.JobState `json:"state"` // TimingStats An object that provides statistical information about timing aspect of this // job. TimingStats JobTimingStats `json:"timing_stats"` }
JobStats type.
func (*JobStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type JobTimingStats ¶
type JobTimingStats struct { AverageBucketProcessingTimeMs Float64 `json:"average_bucket_processing_time_ms,omitempty"` BucketCount int64 `json:"bucket_count"` ExponentialAverageBucketProcessingTimeMs Float64 `json:"exponential_average_bucket_processing_time_ms,omitempty"` ExponentialAverageBucketProcessingTimePerHourMs Float64 `json:"exponential_average_bucket_processing_time_per_hour_ms"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` MaximumBucketProcessingTimeMs Float64 `json:"maximum_bucket_processing_time_ms,omitempty"` MinimumBucketProcessingTimeMs Float64 `json:"minimum_bucket_processing_time_ms,omitempty"` TotalBucketProcessingTimeMs Float64 `json:"total_bucket_processing_time_ms"` }
JobTimingStats type.
func NewJobTimingStats ¶
func NewJobTimingStats() *JobTimingStats
NewJobTimingStats returns a JobTimingStats.
func (*JobTimingStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JobTimingStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JobUsage ¶
type JobUsage struct { Count int `json:"count"` CreatedBy map[string]int64 `json:"created_by"` Detectors JobStatistics `json:"detectors"` Forecasts MlJobForecasts `json:"forecasts"` ModelSize JobStatistics `json:"model_size"` }
JobUsage type.
func (*JobUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type JobsRecord ¶
type JobsRecord struct { // AssignmentExplanation For open anomaly detection jobs only, contains messages relating to the // selection of a node to run the job. AssignmentExplanation *string `json:"assignment_explanation,omitempty"` // BucketsCount The number of bucket results produced by the job. BucketsCount *string `json:"buckets.count,omitempty"` // BucketsTimeExpAvg The exponential moving average of all bucket processing times, in // milliseconds. BucketsTimeExpAvg *string `json:"buckets.time.exp_avg,omitempty"` // BucketsTimeExpAvgHour The exponential moving average of bucket processing times calculated in a one // hour time window, in milliseconds. BucketsTimeExpAvgHour *string `json:"buckets.time.exp_avg_hour,omitempty"` // BucketsTimeMax The maximum of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds. BucketsTimeMax *string `json:"buckets.time.max,omitempty"` // BucketsTimeMin The minimum of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds. BucketsTimeMin *string `json:"buckets.time.min,omitempty"` // BucketsTimeTotal The sum of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds. BucketsTimeTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // DataBuckets The total number of buckets processed. DataBuckets *string `json:"data.buckets,omitempty"` // DataEarliestRecord The timestamp of the earliest chronologically input document. DataEarliestRecord *string `json:"data.earliest_record,omitempty"` // DataEmptyBuckets The number of buckets which did not contain any data. // If your data contains many empty buckets, consider increasing your // `bucket_span` or using functions that are tolerant to gaps in data such as // mean, `non_null_sum` or `non_zero_count`. DataEmptyBuckets *string `json:"data.empty_buckets,omitempty"` // DataInputBytes The number of bytes of input data posted to the anomaly detection job. DataInputBytes ByteSize `json:"data.input_bytes,omitempty"` // DataInputFields The total number of fields in input documents posted to the anomaly detection // job. // This count includes fields that are not used in the analysis. // However, be aware that if you are using a datafeed, it extracts only the // required fields from the documents it retrieves before posting them to the // job. DataInputFields *string `json:"data.input_fields,omitempty"` // DataInputRecords The number of input documents posted to the anomaly detection job. DataInputRecords *string `json:"data.input_records,omitempty"` // DataInvalidDates The number of input documents with either a missing date field or a date that // could not be parsed. DataInvalidDates *string `json:"data.invalid_dates,omitempty"` // DataLast The timestamp at which data was last analyzed, according to server time. DataLast *string `json:"data.last,omitempty"` // DataLastEmptyBucket The timestamp of the last bucket that did not contain any data. DataLastEmptyBucket *string `json:"data.last_empty_bucket,omitempty"` // DataLastSparseBucket The timestamp of the last bucket that was considered sparse. DataLastSparseBucket *string `json:"data.last_sparse_bucket,omitempty"` // DataLatestRecord The timestamp of the latest chronologically input document. DataLatestRecord *string `json:"data.latest_record,omitempty"` // DataMissingFields The number of input documents that are missing a field that the anomaly // detection job is configured to analyze. // Input documents with missing fields are still processed because it is // possible that not all fields are missing. // If you are using datafeeds or posting data to the job in JSON format, a high // `missing_field_count` is often not an indication of data issues. // It is not necessarily a cause for concern. DataMissingFields *string `json:"data.missing_fields,omitempty"` // DataOutOfOrderTimestamps The number of input documents that have a timestamp chronologically preceding // the start of the current anomaly detection bucket offset by the latency // window. // This information is applicable only when you provide data to the anomaly // detection job by using the post data API. // These out of order documents are discarded, since jobs require time series // data to be in ascending chronological order. DataOutOfOrderTimestamps *string `json:"data.out_of_order_timestamps,omitempty"` // DataProcessedFields The total number of fields in all the documents that have been processed by // the anomaly detection job. // Only fields that are specified in the detector configuration object // contribute to this count. // The timestamp is not included in this count. DataProcessedFields *string `json:"data.processed_fields,omitempty"` // DataProcessedRecords The number of input documents that have been processed by the anomaly // detection job. // This value includes documents with missing fields, since they are nonetheless // analyzed. // If you use datafeeds and have aggregations in your search query, the // `processed_record_count` is the number of aggregation results processed, not // the number of Elasticsearch documents. DataProcessedRecords *string `json:"data.processed_records,omitempty"` // DataSparseBuckets The number of buckets that contained few data points compared to the expected // number of data points. // If your data contains many sparse buckets, consider using a longer // `bucket_span`. DataSparseBuckets *string `json:"data.sparse_buckets,omitempty"` // ForecastsMemoryAvg The average memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsMemoryAvg *string `json:"forecasts.memory.avg,omitempty"` // ForecastsMemoryMax The maximum memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsMemoryMax *string `json:"forecasts.memory.max,omitempty"` // ForecastsMemoryMin The minimum memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsMemoryMin *string `json:"forecasts.memory.min,omitempty"` // ForecastsMemoryTotal The total memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsMemoryTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // ForecastsRecordsAvg The average number of `model_forecast` documents written for forecasts // related to the anomaly detection job. ForecastsRecordsAvg *string `json:"forecasts.records.avg,omitempty"` // ForecastsRecordsMax The maximum number of `model_forecast` documents written for forecasts // related to the anomaly detection job. ForecastsRecordsMax *string `json:"forecasts.records.max,omitempty"` // ForecastsRecordsMin The minimum number of `model_forecast` documents written for forecasts // related to the anomaly detection job. ForecastsRecordsMin *string `json:"forecasts.records.min,omitempty"` // ForecastsRecordsTotal The total number of `model_forecast` documents written for forecasts related // to the anomaly detection job. ForecastsRecordsTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // ForecastsTimeAvg The average runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsTimeAvg *string `json:"forecasts.time.avg,omitempty"` // ForecastsTimeMax The maximum runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsTimeMax *string `json:"forecasts.time.max,omitempty"` // ForecastsTimeMin The minimum runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsTimeMin *string `json:"forecasts.time.min,omitempty"` // ForecastsTimeTotal The total runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly // detection job. ForecastsTimeTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // ForecastsTotal The number of individual forecasts currently available for the job. // A value of one or more indicates that forecasts exist. ForecastsTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // Id The anomaly detection job identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // ModelBucketAllocationFailures The number of buckets for which new entities in incoming data were not // processed due to insufficient model memory. // This situation is also signified by a `hard_limit: memory_status` property // value. ModelBucketAllocationFailures *string `json:"model.bucket_allocation_failures,omitempty"` // ModelByFields The number of `by` field values that were analyzed by the models. // This value is cumulative for all detectors in the job. ModelByFields *string `json:"model.by_fields,omitempty"` // ModelBytes The number of bytes of memory used by the models. // This is the maximum value since the last time the model was persisted. // If the job is closed, this value indicates the latest size. ModelBytes ByteSize `json:"model.bytes,omitempty"` // ModelBytesExceeded The number of bytes over the high limit for memory usage at the last // allocation failure. ModelBytesExceeded ByteSize `json:"model.bytes_exceeded,omitempty"` // ModelCategorizationStatus The status of categorization for the job. ModelCategorizationStatus *categorizationstatus.CategorizationStatus `json:"model.categorization_status,omitempty"` // ModelCategorizedDocCount The number of documents that have had a field categorized. ModelCategorizedDocCount *string `json:"model.categorized_doc_count,omitempty"` // ModelDeadCategoryCount The number of categories created by categorization that will never be // assigned again because another category’s definition makes it a superset of // the dead category. // Dead categories are a side effect of the way categorization has no prior // training. ModelDeadCategoryCount *string `json:"model.dead_category_count,omitempty"` // ModelFailedCategoryCount The number of times that categorization wanted to create a new category but // couldn’t because the job had hit its `model_memory_limit`. // This count does not track which specific categories failed to be created. // Therefore you cannot use this value to determine the number of unique // categories that were missed. ModelFailedCategoryCount *string `json:"model.failed_category_count,omitempty"` // ModelFrequentCategoryCount The number of categories that match more than 1% of categorized documents. ModelFrequentCategoryCount *string `json:"model.frequent_category_count,omitempty"` // ModelLogTime The timestamp when the model stats were gathered, according to server time. ModelLogTime *string `json:"model.log_time,omitempty"` // ModelMemoryLimit The upper limit for model memory usage, checked on increasing values. ModelMemoryLimit *string `json:"model.memory_limit,omitempty"` // ModelMemoryStatus The status of the mathematical models. ModelMemoryStatus *memorystatus.MemoryStatus `json:"model.memory_status,omitempty"` // ModelOverFields The number of `over` field values that were analyzed by the models. // This value is cumulative for all detectors in the job. ModelOverFields *string `json:"model.over_fields,omitempty"` // ModelPartitionFields The number of `partition` field values that were analyzed by the models. // This value is cumulative for all detectors in the job. ModelPartitionFields *string `json:"model.partition_fields,omitempty"` // ModelRareCategoryCount The number of categories that match just one categorized document. ModelRareCategoryCount *string `json:"model.rare_category_count,omitempty"` // ModelTimestamp The timestamp of the last record when the model stats were gathered. ModelTimestamp *string `json:"model.timestamp,omitempty"` // ModelTotalCategoryCount The number of categories created by categorization. ModelTotalCategoryCount *string `json:"model.total_category_count,omitempty"` // NodeAddress The network address of the assigned node. NodeAddress *string `json:"node.address,omitempty"` // NodeEphemeralId The ephemeral identifier of the assigned node. NodeEphemeralId *string `json:"node.ephemeral_id,omitempty"` // NodeId The uniqe identifier of the assigned node. NodeId *string `json:",omitempty"` // NodeName The name of the assigned node. NodeName *string `json:",omitempty"` // OpenedTime For open jobs only, the amount of time the job has been opened. OpenedTime *string `json:"opened_time,omitempty"` // State The status of the anomaly detection job. State *jobstate.JobState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
JobsRecord type.
func (*JobsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JobsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JoinProcessor ¶
type JoinProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field Field containing array values to join. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Separator The separator character. Separator string `json:"separator"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the joined value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
JoinProcessor type.
func NewJoinProcessor ¶
func NewJoinProcessor() *JoinProcessor
NewJoinProcessor returns a JoinProcessor.
func (*JoinProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JoinProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JoinProperty ¶
type JoinProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` EagerGlobalOrdinals *bool `json:"eager_global_ordinals,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Relations map[string][]string `json:"relations,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
JoinProperty type.
func NewJoinProperty ¶
func NewJoinProperty() *JoinProperty
NewJoinProperty returns a JoinProperty.
func (JoinProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s JoinProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*JoinProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JoinProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JsonProcessor ¶
type JsonProcessor struct { // AddToRoot Flag that forces the parsed JSON to be added at the top level of the // document. // `target_field` must not be set when this option is chosen. AddToRoot *bool `json:"add_to_root,omitempty"` // AddToRootConflictStrategy When set to `replace`, root fields that conflict with fields from the parsed // JSON will be overridden. // When set to `merge`, conflicting fields will be merged. // Only applicable `if add_to_root` is set to true. AddToRootConflictStrategy *jsonprocessorconflictstrategy.JsonProcessorConflictStrategy `json:"add_to_root_conflict_strategy,omitempty"` // AllowDuplicateKeys When set to `true`, the JSON parser will not fail if the JSON contains // duplicate keys. // Instead, the last encountered value for any duplicate key wins. AllowDuplicateKeys *bool `json:"allow_duplicate_keys,omitempty"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to be parsed. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field that the converted structured object will be written into. // Any existing content in this field will be overwritten. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
JsonProcessor type.
func NewJsonProcessor ¶
func NewJsonProcessor() *JsonProcessor
NewJsonProcessor returns a JsonProcessor.
func (*JsonProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JsonProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Jvm ¶
type Jvm struct { // BufferPools Contains statistics about JVM buffer pools for the node. BufferPools map[string]NodeBufferPool `json:"buffer_pools,omitempty"` // Classes Contains statistics about classes loaded by JVM for the node. Classes *JvmClasses `json:"classes,omitempty"` // Gc Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors for the node. Gc *GarbageCollector `json:"gc,omitempty"` // Mem Contains JVM memory usage statistics for the node. Mem *JvmMemoryStats `json:"mem,omitempty"` // Threads Contains statistics about JVM thread usage for the node. Threads *JvmThreads `json:"threads,omitempty"` // Timestamp Last time JVM statistics were refreshed. Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Uptime Human-readable JVM uptime. // Only returned if the `human` query parameter is `true`. Uptime *string `json:"uptime,omitempty"` // UptimeInMillis JVM uptime in milliseconds. UptimeInMillis *int64 `json:"uptime_in_millis,omitempty"` }
Jvm type.
func (*Jvm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type JvmClasses ¶
type JvmClasses struct { // CurrentLoadedCount Number of classes currently loaded by JVM. CurrentLoadedCount *int64 `json:"current_loaded_count,omitempty"` // TotalLoadedCount Total number of classes loaded since the JVM started. TotalLoadedCount *int64 `json:"total_loaded_count,omitempty"` // TotalUnloadedCount Total number of classes unloaded since the JVM started. TotalUnloadedCount *int64 `json:"total_unloaded_count,omitempty"` }
JvmClasses type.
func (*JvmClasses) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JvmClasses) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JvmMemoryStats ¶
type JvmMemoryStats struct { // HeapCommittedInBytes Amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap. HeapCommittedInBytes *int64 `json:"heap_committed_in_bytes,omitempty"` // HeapMaxInBytes Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap. HeapMaxInBytes *int64 `json:"heap_max_in_bytes,omitempty"` // HeapUsedInBytes Memory, in bytes, currently in use by the heap. HeapUsedInBytes *int64 `json:"heap_used_in_bytes,omitempty"` // HeapUsedPercent Percentage of memory currently in use by the heap. HeapUsedPercent *int64 `json:"heap_used_percent,omitempty"` // NonHeapCommittedInBytes Amount of non-heap memory available, in bytes. NonHeapCommittedInBytes *int64 `json:"non_heap_committed_in_bytes,omitempty"` // NonHeapUsedInBytes Non-heap memory used, in bytes. NonHeapUsedInBytes *int64 `json:"non_heap_used_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Pools Contains statistics about heap memory usage for the node. Pools map[string]Pool `json:"pools,omitempty"` }
JvmMemoryStats type.
func NewJvmMemoryStats ¶
func NewJvmMemoryStats() *JvmMemoryStats
NewJvmMemoryStats returns a JvmMemoryStats.
func (*JvmMemoryStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JvmMemoryStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JvmStats ¶
type JvmStats struct { // HeapMax Maximum amount of memory available for use by the heap. HeapMax ByteSize `json:"heap_max,omitempty"` // HeapMaxInBytes Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap. HeapMaxInBytes int `json:"heap_max_in_bytes"` // JavaInference Amount of Java heap currently being used for caching inference models. JavaInference ByteSize `json:"java_inference,omitempty"` // JavaInferenceInBytes Amount of Java heap, in bytes, currently being used for caching inference // models. JavaInferenceInBytes int `json:"java_inference_in_bytes"` // JavaInferenceMax Maximum amount of Java heap to be used for caching inference models. JavaInferenceMax ByteSize `json:"java_inference_max,omitempty"` // JavaInferenceMaxInBytes Maximum amount of Java heap, in bytes, to be used for caching inference // models. JavaInferenceMaxInBytes int `json:"java_inference_max_in_bytes"` }
JvmStats type.
func (*JvmStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type JvmThreads ¶
type JvmThreads struct { // Count Number of active threads in use by JVM. Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // PeakCount Highest number of threads used by JVM. PeakCount *int64 `json:"peak_count,omitempty"` }
JvmThreads type.
func (*JvmThreads) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *JvmThreads) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KStemTokenFilter ¶
type KStemTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KStemTokenFilter type.
func NewKStemTokenFilter ¶
func NewKStemTokenFilter() *KStemTokenFilter
NewKStemTokenFilter returns a KStemTokenFilter.
func (KStemTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KStemTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KStemTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KStemTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeepTypesTokenFilter ¶
type KeepTypesTokenFilter struct { Mode *keeptypesmode.KeepTypesMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KeepTypesTokenFilter type.
func NewKeepTypesTokenFilter ¶
func NewKeepTypesTokenFilter() *KeepTypesTokenFilter
NewKeepTypesTokenFilter returns a KeepTypesTokenFilter.
func (KeepTypesTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeepTypesTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KeepTypesTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeepTypesTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeepWordsTokenFilter ¶
type KeepWordsTokenFilter struct { KeepWords []string `json:"keep_words,omitempty"` KeepWordsCase *bool `json:"keep_words_case,omitempty"` KeepWordsPath *string `json:"keep_words_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KeepWordsTokenFilter type.
func NewKeepWordsTokenFilter ¶
func NewKeepWordsTokenFilter() *KeepWordsTokenFilter
NewKeepWordsTokenFilter returns a KeepWordsTokenFilter.
func (KeepWordsTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeepWordsTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KeepWordsTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeepWordsTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeyValueProcessor ¶
type KeyValueProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ExcludeKeys List of keys to exclude from document. ExcludeKeys []string `json:"exclude_keys,omitempty"` // Field The field to be parsed. // Supports template snippets. Field string `json:"field"` // FieldSplit Regex pattern to use for splitting key-value pairs. FieldSplit string `json:"field_split"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // IncludeKeys List of keys to filter and insert into document. // Defaults to including all keys. IncludeKeys []string `json:"include_keys,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Prefix Prefix to be added to extracted keys. Prefix *string `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // StripBrackets If `true`. strip brackets `()`, `<>`, `[]` as well as quotes `'` and `"` from // extracted values. StripBrackets *bool `json:"strip_brackets,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to insert the extracted keys into. // Defaults to the root of the document. // Supports template snippets. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` // TrimKey String of characters to trim from extracted keys. TrimKey *string `json:"trim_key,omitempty"` // TrimValue String of characters to trim from extracted values. TrimValue *string `json:"trim_value,omitempty"` // ValueSplit Regex pattern to use for splitting the key from the value within a key-value // pair. ValueSplit string `json:"value_split"` }
KeyValueProcessor type.
func NewKeyValueProcessor ¶
func NewKeyValueProcessor() *KeyValueProcessor
NewKeyValueProcessor returns a KeyValueProcessor.
func (*KeyValueProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeyValueProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeyedPercentiles ¶
KeyedPercentiles type alias.
func (KeyedPercentiles) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeyedPercentiles) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeyedProcessor ¶
type KeyedProcessor struct { Stats *Processor `json:"stats,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
KeyedProcessor type.
func NewKeyedProcessor ¶
func NewKeyedProcessor() *KeyedProcessor
NewKeyedProcessor returns a KeyedProcessor.
func (*KeyedProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeyedProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeywordAnalyzer ¶
type KeywordAnalyzer struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KeywordAnalyzer type.
func NewKeywordAnalyzer ¶
func NewKeywordAnalyzer() *KeywordAnalyzer
NewKeywordAnalyzer returns a KeywordAnalyzer.
func (KeywordAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeywordAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KeywordAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeywordAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeywordMarkerTokenFilter ¶
type KeywordMarkerTokenFilter struct { IgnoreCase *bool `json:"ignore_case,omitempty"` Keywords []string `json:"keywords,omitempty"` KeywordsPath *string `json:"keywords_path,omitempty"` KeywordsPattern *string `json:"keywords_pattern,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KeywordMarkerTokenFilter type.
func NewKeywordMarkerTokenFilter ¶
func NewKeywordMarkerTokenFilter() *KeywordMarkerTokenFilter
NewKeywordMarkerTokenFilter returns a KeywordMarkerTokenFilter.
func (KeywordMarkerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeywordMarkerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KeywordMarkerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeywordMarkerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeywordProperty ¶
type KeywordProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` EagerGlobalOrdinals *bool `json:"eager_global_ordinals,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexOptions *indexoptions.IndexOptions `json:"index_options,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Normalizer *string `json:"normalizer,omitempty"` Norms *bool `json:"norms,omitempty"` NullValue *string `json:"null_value,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` SplitQueriesOnWhitespace *bool `json:"split_queries_on_whitespace,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
KeywordProperty type.
func NewKeywordProperty ¶
func NewKeywordProperty() *KeywordProperty
NewKeywordProperty returns a KeywordProperty.
func (KeywordProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeywordProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KeywordProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeywordProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KeywordTokenizer ¶
type KeywordTokenizer struct { BufferSize int `json:"buffer_size"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KeywordTokenizer type.
func NewKeywordTokenizer ¶
func NewKeywordTokenizer() *KeywordTokenizer
NewKeywordTokenizer returns a KeywordTokenizer.
func (KeywordTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KeywordTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KeywordTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeywordTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KibanaToken ¶
KibanaToken type.
func (*KibanaToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KibanaToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KnnQuery ¶
type KnnQuery struct { // Boost Boost value to apply to kNN scores Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field The name of the vector field to search against Field string `json:"field"` // Filter Filters for the kNN search query Filter []Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` // InnerHits If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits. InnerHits *InnerHits `json:"inner_hits,omitempty"` // K The final number of nearest neighbors to return as top hits K int64 `json:"k"` // NumCandidates The number of nearest neighbor candidates to consider per shard NumCandidates int64 `json:"num_candidates"` // QueryVector The query vector QueryVector []float32 `json:"query_vector,omitempty"` // QueryVectorBuilder The query vector builder. You must provide a query_vector_builder or // query_vector, but not both. QueryVectorBuilder *QueryVectorBuilder `json:"query_vector_builder,omitempty"` // Similarity The minimum similarity for a vector to be considered a match Similarity *float32 `json:"similarity,omitempty"` }
KnnQuery type.
func (*KnnQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type KuromojiAnalyzer ¶
type KuromojiAnalyzer struct { Mode kuromojitokenizationmode.KuromojiTokenizationMode `json:"mode"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` UserDictionary *string `json:"user_dictionary,omitempty"` }
KuromojiAnalyzer type.
func NewKuromojiAnalyzer ¶
func NewKuromojiAnalyzer() *KuromojiAnalyzer
NewKuromojiAnalyzer returns a KuromojiAnalyzer.
func (KuromojiAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KuromojiAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KuromojiAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KuromojiAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter ¶
type KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter struct { NormalizeKana bool `json:"normalize_kana"` NormalizeKanji bool `json:"normalize_kanji"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter type.
func NewKuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter ¶
func NewKuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter() *KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter
NewKuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter returns a KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter.
func (KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KuromojiIterationMarkCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter ¶
type KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter type.
func NewKuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter ¶
func NewKuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter() *KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter
NewKuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter returns a KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter.
func (KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter ¶
type KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` UseRomaji bool `json:"use_romaji"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter type.
func NewKuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter ¶
func NewKuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter() *KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter
NewKuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter returns a KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter.
func (KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter ¶
type KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter struct { MinimumLength int `json:"minimum_length"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter type.
func NewKuromojiStemmerTokenFilter ¶
func NewKuromojiStemmerTokenFilter() *KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter
NewKuromojiStemmerTokenFilter returns a KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter.
func (KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type KuromojiTokenizer ¶
type KuromojiTokenizer struct { DiscardCompoundToken *bool `json:"discard_compound_token,omitempty"` DiscardPunctuation *bool `json:"discard_punctuation,omitempty"` Mode kuromojitokenizationmode.KuromojiTokenizationMode `json:"mode"` NbestCost *int `json:"nbest_cost,omitempty"` NbestExamples *string `json:"nbest_examples,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` UserDictionary *string `json:"user_dictionary,omitempty"` UserDictionaryRules []string `json:"user_dictionary_rules,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
KuromojiTokenizer type.
func NewKuromojiTokenizer ¶
func NewKuromojiTokenizer() *KuromojiTokenizer
NewKuromojiTokenizer returns a KuromojiTokenizer.
func (KuromojiTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s KuromojiTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*KuromojiTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KuromojiTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LanguageAnalyzer ¶
type LanguageAnalyzer struct { Language language.Language `json:"language"` StemExclusion []string `json:"stem_exclusion"` Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` StopwordsPath *string `json:"stopwords_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
LanguageAnalyzer type.
func NewLanguageAnalyzer ¶
func NewLanguageAnalyzer() *LanguageAnalyzer
NewLanguageAnalyzer returns a LanguageAnalyzer.
func (LanguageAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LanguageAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LanguageAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LanguageAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LanguageContext ¶
type LanguageContext struct { Contexts []string `json:"contexts"` Language scriptlanguage.ScriptLanguage `json:"language"` }
LanguageContext type.
func NewLanguageContext ¶
func NewLanguageContext() *LanguageContext
NewLanguageContext returns a LanguageContext.
type LaplaceSmoothingModel ¶
type LaplaceSmoothingModel struct { // Alpha A constant that is added to all counts to balance weights. Alpha Float64 `json:"alpha"` }
LaplaceSmoothingModel type.
func NewLaplaceSmoothingModel ¶
func NewLaplaceSmoothingModel() *LaplaceSmoothingModel
NewLaplaceSmoothingModel returns a LaplaceSmoothingModel.
func (*LaplaceSmoothingModel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LaplaceSmoothingModel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LatLonGeoLocation ¶
type LatLonGeoLocation struct { // Lat Latitude Lat Float64 `json:"lat"` // Lon Longitude Lon Float64 `json:"lon"` }
LatLonGeoLocation type.
func NewLatLonGeoLocation ¶
func NewLatLonGeoLocation() *LatLonGeoLocation
NewLatLonGeoLocation returns a LatLonGeoLocation.
func (*LatLonGeoLocation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LatLonGeoLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Latest ¶
type Latest struct { // Sort Specifies the date field that is used to identify the latest documents. Sort string `json:"sort"` // UniqueKey Specifies an array of one or more fields that are used to group the data. UniqueKey []string `json:"unique_key"` }
Latest type.
func (*Latest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LengthTokenFilter ¶
type LengthTokenFilter struct { Max *int `json:"max,omitempty"` Min *int `json:"min,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
LengthTokenFilter type.
func NewLengthTokenFilter ¶
func NewLengthTokenFilter() *LengthTokenFilter
NewLengthTokenFilter returns a LengthTokenFilter.
func (LengthTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LengthTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LengthTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LengthTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LetterTokenizer ¶
type LetterTokenizer struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
LetterTokenizer type.
func NewLetterTokenizer ¶
func NewLetterTokenizer() *LetterTokenizer
NewLetterTokenizer returns a LetterTokenizer.
func (LetterTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LetterTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LetterTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LetterTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type License ¶
type License struct { ExpiryDateInMillis int64 `json:"expiry_date_in_millis"` IssueDateInMillis int64 `json:"issue_date_in_millis"` IssuedTo string `json:"issued_to"` Issuer string `json:"issuer"` MaxNodes int64 `json:"max_nodes,omitempty"` MaxResourceUnits *int64 `json:"max_resource_units,omitempty"` Signature string `json:"signature"` StartDateInMillis *int64 `json:"start_date_in_millis,omitempty"` Type licensetype.LicenseType `json:"type"` Uid string `json:"uid"` }
License type.
func (*License) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LicenseInformation ¶
type LicenseInformation struct { ExpiryDate DateTime `json:"expiry_date,omitempty"` ExpiryDateInMillis *int64 `json:"expiry_date_in_millis,omitempty"` IssueDate DateTime `json:"issue_date"` IssueDateInMillis int64 `json:"issue_date_in_millis"` IssuedTo string `json:"issued_to"` Issuer string `json:"issuer"` MaxNodes int64 `json:"max_nodes,omitempty"` MaxResourceUnits int `json:"max_resource_units,omitempty"` StartDateInMillis int64 `json:"start_date_in_millis"` Status licensestatus.LicenseStatus `json:"status"` Type licensetype.LicenseType `json:"type"` Uid string `json:"uid"` }
LicenseInformation type.
func NewLicenseInformation ¶
func NewLicenseInformation() *LicenseInformation
NewLicenseInformation returns a LicenseInformation.
func (*LicenseInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LicenseInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Lifecycle ¶
type Lifecycle struct { ModifiedDate DateTime `json:"modified_date"` Policy IlmPolicy `json:"policy"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
Lifecycle type.
func (*Lifecycle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LifecycleExplain ¶
type LifecycleExplain interface{}
LifecycleExplain holds the union for the following types:
LifecycleExplainManaged LifecycleExplainUnmanaged
type LifecycleExplainManaged ¶
type LifecycleExplainManaged struct { Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` ActionTime DateTime `json:"action_time,omitempty"` ActionTimeMillis *int64 `json:"action_time_millis,omitempty"` Age Duration `json:"age,omitempty"` FailedStep *string `json:"failed_step,omitempty"` FailedStepRetryCount *int `json:"failed_step_retry_count,omitempty"` Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexCreationDate DateTime `json:"index_creation_date,omitempty"` IndexCreationDateMillis *int64 `json:"index_creation_date_millis,omitempty"` IsAutoRetryableError *bool `json:"is_auto_retryable_error,omitempty"` LifecycleDate DateTime `json:"lifecycle_date,omitempty"` LifecycleDateMillis *int64 `json:"lifecycle_date_millis,omitempty"` Managed bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` Phase string `json:"phase"` PhaseExecution *LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution `json:"phase_execution,omitempty"` PhaseTime DateTime `json:"phase_time,omitempty"` PhaseTimeMillis *int64 `json:"phase_time_millis,omitempty"` Policy string `json:"policy"` Step *string `json:"step,omitempty"` StepInfo map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"step_info,omitempty"` StepTime DateTime `json:"step_time,omitempty"` StepTimeMillis *int64 `json:"step_time_millis,omitempty"` TimeSinceIndexCreation Duration `json:"time_since_index_creation,omitempty"` }
LifecycleExplainManaged type.
func NewLifecycleExplainManaged ¶
func NewLifecycleExplainManaged() *LifecycleExplainManaged
NewLifecycleExplainManaged returns a LifecycleExplainManaged.
func (LifecycleExplainManaged) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LifecycleExplainManaged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LifecycleExplainManaged) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LifecycleExplainManaged) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution ¶
type LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution struct { ModifiedDateInMillis int64 `json:"modified_date_in_millis"` Policy string `json:"policy"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution type.
func NewLifecycleExplainPhaseExecution ¶
func NewLifecycleExplainPhaseExecution() *LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution
NewLifecycleExplainPhaseExecution returns a LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution.
func (*LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LifecycleExplainPhaseExecution) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LifecycleExplainUnmanaged ¶
type LifecycleExplainUnmanaged struct { Index string `json:"index"` Managed bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` }
LifecycleExplainUnmanaged type.
func NewLifecycleExplainUnmanaged ¶
func NewLifecycleExplainUnmanaged() *LifecycleExplainUnmanaged
NewLifecycleExplainUnmanaged returns a LifecycleExplainUnmanaged.
func (LifecycleExplainUnmanaged) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LifecycleExplainUnmanaged) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LifecycleExplainUnmanaged) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LifecycleExplainUnmanaged) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Like ¶
type Like interface{}
Like holds the union for the following types:
string LikeDocument
type LikeDocument ¶
type LikeDocument struct { // Doc A document not present in the index. Doc json.RawMessage `json:"doc,omitempty"` Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Id_ ID of a document. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` // Index_ Index of a document. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` PerFieldAnalyzer map[string]string `json:"per_field_analyzer,omitempty"` Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
LikeDocument type.
func NewLikeDocument ¶
func NewLikeDocument() *LikeDocument
NewLikeDocument returns a LikeDocument.
func (*LikeDocument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LikeDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LimitTokenCountTokenFilter ¶
type LimitTokenCountTokenFilter struct { ConsumeAllTokens *bool `json:"consume_all_tokens,omitempty"` MaxTokenCount Stringifiedinteger `json:"max_token_count,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
LimitTokenCountTokenFilter type.
func NewLimitTokenCountTokenFilter ¶
func NewLimitTokenCountTokenFilter() *LimitTokenCountTokenFilter
NewLimitTokenCountTokenFilter returns a LimitTokenCountTokenFilter.
func (LimitTokenCountTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LimitTokenCountTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LimitTokenCountTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LimitTokenCountTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Limits ¶
type Limits struct { EffectiveMaxModelMemoryLimit string `json:"effective_max_model_memory_limit"` MaxModelMemoryLimit *string `json:"max_model_memory_limit,omitempty"` TotalMlMemory string `json:"total_ml_memory"` }
Limits type.
func (*Limits) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel ¶
type LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel struct { BigramLambda Float64 `json:"bigram_lambda"` TrigramLambda Float64 `json:"trigram_lambda"` UnigramLambda Float64 `json:"unigram_lambda"` }
LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel type.
func NewLinearInterpolationSmoothingModel ¶
func NewLinearInterpolationSmoothingModel() *LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel
NewLinearInterpolationSmoothingModel returns a LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel.
func (*LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LinearMovingAverageAggregation ¶
type LinearMovingAverageAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Minimize *bool `json:"minimize,omitempty"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Predict *int `json:"predict,omitempty"` Settings EmptyObject `json:"settings"` Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
LinearMovingAverageAggregation type.
func NewLinearMovingAverageAggregation ¶
func NewLinearMovingAverageAggregation() *LinearMovingAverageAggregation
NewLinearMovingAverageAggregation returns a LinearMovingAverageAggregation.
func (LinearMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LinearMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LinearMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LinearMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LoggingAction ¶
type LoggingAction struct { Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` Level *string `json:"level,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` }
LoggingAction type.
func NewLoggingAction ¶
func NewLoggingAction() *LoggingAction
NewLoggingAction returns a LoggingAction.
func (*LoggingAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LoggingAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LoggingResult ¶
type LoggingResult struct {
LoggedText string `json:"logged_text"`
LoggingResult type.
func NewLoggingResult ¶
func NewLoggingResult() *LoggingResult
NewLoggingResult returns a LoggingResult.
func (*LoggingResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LoggingResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LogstashPipeline ¶
type LogstashPipeline struct { // Description Description of the pipeline. // This description is not used by Elasticsearch or Logstash. Description string `json:"description"` // LastModified Date the pipeline was last updated. // Must be in the `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ` strict_date_time format. LastModified DateTime `json:"last_modified"` // Pipeline Configuration for the pipeline. Pipeline string `json:"pipeline"` // PipelineMetadata Optional metadata about the pipeline. // May have any contents. // This metadata is not generated or used by Elasticsearch or Logstash. PipelineMetadata PipelineMetadata `json:"pipeline_metadata"` // PipelineSettings Settings for the pipeline. // Supports only flat keys in dot notation. PipelineSettings PipelineSettings `json:"pipeline_settings"` // Username User who last updated the pipeline. Username string `json:"username"` }
LogstashPipeline type.
func NewLogstashPipeline ¶
func NewLogstashPipeline() *LogstashPipeline
NewLogstashPipeline returns a LogstashPipeline.
func (*LogstashPipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LogstashPipeline) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LongNumberProperty ¶
type LongNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *int64 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
LongNumberProperty type.
func NewLongNumberProperty ¶
func NewLongNumberProperty() *LongNumberProperty
NewLongNumberProperty returns a LongNumberProperty.
func (LongNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LongNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LongNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LongNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LongRangeProperty ¶
type LongRangeProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
LongRangeProperty type.
func NewLongRangeProperty ¶
func NewLongRangeProperty() *LongRangeProperty
NewLongRangeProperty returns a LongRangeProperty.
func (LongRangeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LongRangeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LongRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LongRangeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LongRareTermsAggregate ¶
type LongRareTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsLongRareTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
LongRareTermsAggregate type.
func NewLongRareTermsAggregate ¶
func NewLongRareTermsAggregate() *LongRareTermsAggregate
NewLongRareTermsAggregate returns a LongRareTermsAggregate.
func (*LongRareTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LongRareTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LongRareTermsBucket ¶
type LongRareTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key int64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` }
LongRareTermsBucket type.
func NewLongRareTermsBucket ¶
func NewLongRareTermsBucket() *LongRareTermsBucket
NewLongRareTermsBucket returns a LongRareTermsBucket.
func (LongRareTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LongRareTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*LongRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LongRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LongTermsAggregate ¶
type LongTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsLongTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
LongTermsAggregate type.
func NewLongTermsAggregate ¶
func NewLongTermsAggregate() *LongTermsAggregate
NewLongTermsAggregate returns a LongTermsAggregate.
func (*LongTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LongTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LongTermsBucket ¶
type LongTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` DocCountError *int64 `json:"doc_count_error,omitempty"` Key int64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` }
LongTermsBucket type.
func NewLongTermsBucket ¶
func NewLongTermsBucket() *LongTermsBucket
NewLongTermsBucket returns a LongTermsBucket.
func (LongTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LongTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*LongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LowercaseNormalizer ¶
type LowercaseNormalizer struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
LowercaseNormalizer type.
func NewLowercaseNormalizer ¶
func NewLowercaseNormalizer() *LowercaseNormalizer
NewLowercaseNormalizer returns a LowercaseNormalizer.
func (LowercaseNormalizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LowercaseNormalizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type LowercaseProcessor ¶
type LowercaseProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to make lowercase. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the converted value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
LowercaseProcessor type.
func NewLowercaseProcessor ¶
func NewLowercaseProcessor() *LowercaseProcessor
NewLowercaseProcessor returns a LowercaseProcessor.
func (*LowercaseProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LowercaseProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LowercaseTokenFilter ¶
type LowercaseTokenFilter struct { Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
LowercaseTokenFilter type.
func NewLowercaseTokenFilter ¶
func NewLowercaseTokenFilter() *LowercaseTokenFilter
NewLowercaseTokenFilter returns a LowercaseTokenFilter.
func (LowercaseTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LowercaseTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LowercaseTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LowercaseTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LowercaseTokenizer ¶
type LowercaseTokenizer struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
LowercaseTokenizer type.
func NewLowercaseTokenizer ¶
func NewLowercaseTokenizer() *LowercaseTokenizer
NewLowercaseTokenizer returns a LowercaseTokenizer.
func (LowercaseTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s LowercaseTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*LowercaseTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *LowercaseTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MLDatafeed ¶
type MLDatafeed struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregations `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` // Authorization The security privileges that the datafeed uses to run its queries. If Elastic // Stack security features were disabled at the time of the most recent update // to the datafeed, this property is omitted. Authorization *DatafeedAuthorization `json:"authorization,omitempty"` ChunkingConfig *ChunkingConfig `json:"chunking_config,omitempty"` DatafeedId string `json:"datafeed_id"` DelayedDataCheckConfig DelayedDataCheckConfig `json:"delayed_data_check_config"` Frequency Duration `json:"frequency,omitempty"` Indexes []string `json:"indexes,omitempty"` Indices []string `json:"indices"` IndicesOptions *IndicesOptions `json:"indices_options,omitempty"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` MaxEmptySearches *int `json:"max_empty_searches,omitempty"` Query Query `json:"query"` QueryDelay Duration `json:"query_delay,omitempty"` RuntimeMappings RuntimeFields `json:"runtime_mappings,omitempty"` ScriptFields map[string]ScriptField `json:"script_fields,omitempty"` ScrollSize *int `json:"scroll_size,omitempty"` }
MLDatafeed type.
func (*MLDatafeed) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MLDatafeed) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MLFilter ¶
type MLFilter struct { // Description A description of the filter. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // FilterId A string that uniquely identifies a filter. FilterId string `json:"filter_id"` // Items An array of strings which is the filter item list. Items []string `json:"items"` }
MLFilter type.
func (*MLFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MTermVectorsOperation ¶
type MTermVectorsOperation struct { // Doc An artificial document (a document not present in the index) for which you // want to retrieve term vectors. Doc json.RawMessage `json:"doc,omitempty"` // FieldStatistics If `true`, the response includes the document count, sum of document // frequencies, and sum of total term frequencies. FieldStatistics *bool `json:"field_statistics,omitempty"` // Fields Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the // statistics. // Used as the default list unless a specific field list is provided in the // `completion_fields` or `fielddata_fields` parameters. Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Filter Filter terms based on their tf-idf scores. Filter *TermVectorsFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Id_ The ID of the document. Id_ string `json:"_id"` // Index_ The index of the document. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Offsets If `true`, the response includes term offsets. Offsets *bool `json:"offsets,omitempty"` // Payloads If `true`, the response includes term payloads. Payloads *bool `json:"payloads,omitempty"` // Positions If `true`, the response includes term positions. Positions *bool `json:"positions,omitempty"` // Routing Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // TermStatistics If true, the response includes term frequency and document frequency. TermStatistics *bool `json:"term_statistics,omitempty"` // Version If `true`, returns the document version as part of a hit. Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` // VersionType Specific version type. VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
MTermVectorsOperation type.
func NewMTermVectorsOperation ¶
func NewMTermVectorsOperation() *MTermVectorsOperation
NewMTermVectorsOperation returns a MTermVectorsOperation.
func (*MTermVectorsOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MTermVectorsOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MachineLearning ¶
type MachineLearning struct { Available bool `json:"available"` DataFrameAnalyticsJobs MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs `json:"data_frame_analytics_jobs"` Datafeeds map[string]XpackDatafeed `json:"datafeeds"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Inference MlInference `json:"inference"` // Jobs Job usage statistics. The `_all` entry is always present and gathers // statistics for all jobs. Jobs map[string]JobUsage `json:"jobs"` NodeCount int `json:"node_count"` }
MachineLearning type.
func NewMachineLearning ¶
func NewMachineLearning() *MachineLearning
NewMachineLearning returns a MachineLearning.
func (*MachineLearning) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MachineLearning) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ManageUserPrivileges ¶
type ManageUserPrivileges struct {
Applications []string `json:"applications"`
ManageUserPrivileges type.
func NewManageUserPrivileges ¶
func NewManageUserPrivileges() *ManageUserPrivileges
NewManageUserPrivileges returns a ManageUserPrivileges.
type MappingCharFilter ¶
type MappingCharFilter struct { Mappings []string `json:"mappings,omitempty"` MappingsPath *string `json:"mappings_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
MappingCharFilter type.
func NewMappingCharFilter ¶
func NewMappingCharFilter() *MappingCharFilter
NewMappingCharFilter returns a MappingCharFilter.
func (MappingCharFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s MappingCharFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*MappingCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettings ¶
type MappingLimitSettings struct { Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` Depth *MappingLimitSettingsDepth `json:"depth,omitempty"` DimensionFields *MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields `json:"dimension_fields,omitempty"` FieldNameLength *MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength `json:"field_name_length,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` NestedFields *MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields `json:"nested_fields,omitempty"` NestedObjects *MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects `json:"nested_objects,omitempty"` TotalFields *MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields `json:"total_fields,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettings type.
func NewMappingLimitSettings ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettings() *MappingLimitSettings
NewMappingLimitSettings returns a MappingLimitSettings.
func (*MappingLimitSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettingsDepth ¶
type MappingLimitSettingsDepth struct { // Limit The maximum depth for a field, which is measured as the number of inner // objects. For instance, if all fields are defined // at the root object level, then the depth is 1. If there is one object // mapping, then the depth is 2, etc. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettingsDepth type.
func NewMappingLimitSettingsDepth ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettingsDepth() *MappingLimitSettingsDepth
NewMappingLimitSettingsDepth returns a MappingLimitSettingsDepth.
func (*MappingLimitSettingsDepth) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettingsDepth) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields ¶
type MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields struct { // Limit [preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or // removed in a future release. // Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are // not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields type.
func NewMappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields() *MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields
NewMappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields returns a MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields.
func (*MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettingsDimensionFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength ¶
type MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength struct { // Limit Setting for the maximum length of a field name. This setting isn’t really // something that addresses mappings explosion but // might still be useful if you want to limit the field length. It usually // shouldn’t be necessary to set this setting. The // default is okay unless a user starts to add a huge number of fields with // really long names. Default is `Long.MAX_VALUE` (no limit). Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength type.
func NewMappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength() *MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength
NewMappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength returns a MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength.
func (*MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettingsFieldNameLength) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields ¶
type MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields struct { // Limit The maximum number of distinct nested mappings in an index. The nested type // should only be used in special cases, when // arrays of objects need to be queried independently of each other. To // safeguard against poorly designed mappings, this // setting limits the number of unique nested types per index. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields type.
func NewMappingLimitSettingsNestedFields ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettingsNestedFields() *MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields
NewMappingLimitSettingsNestedFields returns a MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields.
func (*MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettingsNestedFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects ¶
type MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects struct { // Limit The maximum number of nested JSON objects that a single document can contain // across all nested types. This limit helps // to prevent out of memory errors when a document contains too many nested // objects. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects type.
func NewMappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects() *MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects
NewMappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects returns a MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects.
func (*MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettingsNestedObjects) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields ¶
type MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields struct { // Limit The maximum number of fields in an index. Field and object mappings, as well // as field aliases count towards this limit. // The limit is in place to prevent mappings and searches from becoming too // large. Higher values can lead to performance // degradations and memory issues, especially in clusters with a high load or // few resources. Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields type.
func NewMappingLimitSettingsTotalFields ¶
func NewMappingLimitSettingsTotalFields() *MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields
NewMappingLimitSettingsTotalFields returns a MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields.
func (*MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingLimitSettingsTotalFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MappingStats ¶
type MappingStats struct { TotalCount int64 `json:"total_count"` TotalEstimatedOverhead ByteSize `json:"total_estimated_overhead,omitempty"` TotalEstimatedOverheadInBytes int64 `json:"total_estimated_overhead_in_bytes"` }
MappingStats type.
func NewMappingStats ¶
func NewMappingStats() *MappingStats
NewMappingStats returns a MappingStats.
func (*MappingStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MappingStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MasterIsStableIndicator ¶
type MasterIsStableIndicator struct { Details *MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
MasterIsStableIndicator type.
func NewMasterIsStableIndicator ¶
func NewMasterIsStableIndicator() *MasterIsStableIndicator
NewMasterIsStableIndicator returns a MasterIsStableIndicator.
func (*MasterIsStableIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MasterIsStableIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode ¶
type MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode struct { ClusterFormationMessage string `json:"cluster_formation_message"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` NodeId string `json:"node_id"` }
MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode type.
func NewMasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode ¶
func NewMasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode() *MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode
NewMasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode returns a MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode.
func (*MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails ¶
type MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails struct { ClusterFormation []MasterIsStableIndicatorClusterFormationNode `json:"cluster_formation,omitempty"` CurrentMaster IndicatorNode `json:"current_master"` ExceptionFetchingHistory *MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory `json:"exception_fetching_history,omitempty"` RecentMasters []IndicatorNode `json:"recent_masters"` }
MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails type.
func NewMasterIsStableIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewMasterIsStableIndicatorDetails() *MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails
NewMasterIsStableIndicatorDetails returns a MasterIsStableIndicatorDetails.
type MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory ¶
type MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory struct { Message string `json:"message"` StackTrace string `json:"stack_trace"` }
MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory type.
func NewMasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory ¶
func NewMasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory() *MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory
NewMasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory returns a MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory.
func (*MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MasterIsStableIndicatorExceptionFetchingHistory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MasterRecord ¶
type MasterRecord struct { // Host host name Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Id node id Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ip ip address Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Node node name Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` }
MasterRecord type.
func NewMasterRecord ¶
func NewMasterRecord() *MasterRecord
NewMasterRecord returns a MasterRecord.
func (*MasterRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MasterRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchAllQuery ¶
type MatchAllQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
MatchAllQuery type.
func NewMatchAllQuery ¶
func NewMatchAllQuery() *MatchAllQuery
NewMatchAllQuery returns a MatchAllQuery.
func (*MatchAllQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchAllQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchBoolPrefixQuery ¶
type MatchBoolPrefixQuery struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Fuzziness Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. // Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final // term. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // FuzzyRewrite Method used to rewrite the query. // Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final // term. FuzzyRewrite *string `json:"fuzzy_rewrite,omitempty"` // FuzzyTranspositions If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent // characters (for example, `ab` to `ba`). // Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final // term. FuzzyTranspositions *bool `json:"fuzzy_transpositions,omitempty"` // MaxExpansions Maximum number of terms to which the query will expand. // Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final // term. MaxExpansions *int `json:"max_expansions,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. // Applied to the constructed bool query. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // Operator Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query value. // Applied to the constructed bool query. Operator *operator.Operator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. // Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final // term. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // Query Terms you wish to find in the provided field. // The last term is used in a prefix query. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
MatchBoolPrefixQuery type.
func NewMatchBoolPrefixQuery ¶
func NewMatchBoolPrefixQuery() *MatchBoolPrefixQuery
NewMatchBoolPrefixQuery returns a MatchBoolPrefixQuery.
func (*MatchBoolPrefixQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchBoolPrefixQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchNoneQuery ¶
type MatchNoneQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
MatchNoneQuery type.
func NewMatchNoneQuery ¶
func NewMatchNoneQuery() *MatchNoneQuery
NewMatchNoneQuery returns a MatchNoneQuery.
func (*MatchNoneQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchNoneQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchOnlyTextProperty ¶
type MatchOnlyTextProperty struct { // CopyTo Allows you to copy the values of multiple fields into a group // field, which can then be queried as a single field. CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` // Fields Multi-fields allow the same string value to be indexed in multiple ways for // different purposes, such as one // field for search and a multi-field for sorting and aggregations, or the same // string value analyzed by different analyzers. Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
MatchOnlyTextProperty type.
func NewMatchOnlyTextProperty ¶
func NewMatchOnlyTextProperty() *MatchOnlyTextProperty
NewMatchOnlyTextProperty returns a MatchOnlyTextProperty.
func (MatchOnlyTextProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s MatchOnlyTextProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*MatchOnlyTextProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchOnlyTextProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchPhrasePrefixQuery ¶
type MatchPhrasePrefixQuery struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert text in the query value into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // MaxExpansions Maximum number of terms to which the last provided term of the query value // will expand. MaxExpansions *int `json:"max_expansions,omitempty"` // Query Text you wish to find in the provided field. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Slop Maximum number of positions allowed between matching tokens. Slop *int `json:"slop,omitempty"` // ZeroTermsQuery Indicates whether no documents are returned if the analyzer removes all // tokens, such as when using a `stop` filter. ZeroTermsQuery *zerotermsquery.ZeroTermsQuery `json:"zero_terms_query,omitempty"` }
MatchPhrasePrefixQuery type.
func NewMatchPhrasePrefixQuery ¶
func NewMatchPhrasePrefixQuery() *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery
NewMatchPhrasePrefixQuery returns a MatchPhrasePrefixQuery.
func (*MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchPhrasePrefixQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchPhraseQuery ¶
type MatchPhraseQuery struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Query Query terms that are analyzed and turned into a phrase query. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Slop Maximum number of positions allowed between matching tokens. Slop *int `json:"slop,omitempty"` // ZeroTermsQuery Indicates whether no documents are returned if the `analyzer` removes all // tokens, such as when using a `stop` filter. ZeroTermsQuery *zerotermsquery.ZeroTermsQuery `json:"zero_terms_query,omitempty"` }
MatchPhraseQuery type.
func NewMatchPhraseQuery ¶
func NewMatchPhraseQuery() *MatchPhraseQuery
NewMatchPhraseQuery returns a MatchPhraseQuery.
func (*MatchPhraseQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchPhraseQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchQuery ¶
type MatchQuery struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery If `true`, match phrase queries are automatically created for multi-term // synonyms. AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery *bool `json:"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CutoffFrequency *Float64 `json:"cutoff_frequency,omitempty"` // Fuzziness Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // FuzzyRewrite Method used to rewrite the query. FuzzyRewrite *string `json:"fuzzy_rewrite,omitempty"` // FuzzyTranspositions If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent // characters (for example, `ab` to `ba`). FuzzyTranspositions *bool `json:"fuzzy_transpositions,omitempty"` // Lenient If `true`, format-based errors, such as providing a text query value for a // numeric field, are ignored. Lenient *bool `json:"lenient,omitempty"` // MaxExpansions Maximum number of terms to which the query will expand. MaxExpansions *int `json:"max_expansions,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // Operator Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query value. Operator *operator.Operator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // Query Text, number, boolean value or date you wish to find in the provided field. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // ZeroTermsQuery Indicates whether no documents are returned if the `analyzer` removes all // tokens, such as when using a `stop` filter. ZeroTermsQuery *zerotermsquery.ZeroTermsQuery `json:"zero_terms_query,omitempty"` }
MatchQuery type.
func (*MatchQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchedField ¶
type MatchedField struct { Length int `json:"length"` Match string `json:"match"` Offset int `json:"offset"` }
MatchedField type.
func NewMatchedField ¶
func NewMatchedField() *MatchedField
NewMatchedField returns a MatchedField.
func (*MatchedField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchedField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatchedText ¶
type MatchedText struct { Fields map[string][]MatchedField `json:"fields,omitempty"` Matched bool `json:"matched"` }
MatchedText type.
func (*MatchedText) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatchedText) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatrixAggregation ¶
type MatrixAggregation struct { // Fields An array of fields for computing the statistics. Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing map[string]Float64 `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
MatrixAggregation type.
func NewMatrixAggregation ¶
func NewMatrixAggregation() *MatrixAggregation
NewMatrixAggregation returns a MatrixAggregation.
func (*MatrixAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatrixAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatrixStatsAggregate ¶
type MatrixStatsAggregate struct { DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Fields []MatrixStatsFields `json:"fields,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MatrixStatsAggregate type.
func NewMatrixStatsAggregate ¶
func NewMatrixStatsAggregate() *MatrixStatsAggregate
NewMatrixStatsAggregate returns a MatrixStatsAggregate.
func (*MatrixStatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatrixStatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatrixStatsAggregation ¶
type MatrixStatsAggregation struct { // Fields An array of fields for computing the statistics. Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing map[string]Float64 `json:"missing,omitempty"` // Mode Array value the aggregation will use for array or multi-valued fields. Mode *sortmode.SortMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
MatrixStatsAggregation type.
func NewMatrixStatsAggregation ¶
func NewMatrixStatsAggregation() *MatrixStatsAggregation
NewMatrixStatsAggregation returns a MatrixStatsAggregation.
func (*MatrixStatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatrixStatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MatrixStatsFields ¶
type MatrixStatsFields struct { Correlation map[string]Float64 `json:"correlation"` Count int64 `json:"count"` Covariance map[string]Float64 `json:"covariance"` Kurtosis Float64 `json:"kurtosis"` Mean Float64 `json:"mean"` Name string `json:"name"` Skewness Float64 `json:"skewness"` Variance Float64 `json:"variance"` }
MatrixStatsFields type.
func NewMatrixStatsFields ¶
func NewMatrixStatsFields() *MatrixStatsFields
NewMatrixStatsFields returns a MatrixStatsFields.
func (*MatrixStatsFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MatrixStatsFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MaxAggregate ¶
type MaxAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
MaxAggregate type.
func NewMaxAggregate ¶
func NewMaxAggregate() *MaxAggregate
NewMaxAggregate returns a MaxAggregate.
func (*MaxAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MaxAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MaxAggregation ¶
type MaxAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
MaxAggregation type.
func NewMaxAggregation ¶
func NewMaxAggregation() *MaxAggregation
NewMaxAggregation returns a MaxAggregation.
func (*MaxAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MaxAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MaxBucketAggregation ¶
type MaxBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
MaxBucketAggregation type.
func NewMaxBucketAggregation ¶
func NewMaxBucketAggregation() *MaxBucketAggregation
NewMaxBucketAggregation returns a MaxBucketAggregation.
func (*MaxBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MaxBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate ¶
type MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate type.
func NewMedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate ¶
func NewMedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate() *MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate
NewMedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate returns a MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate.
func (*MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation ¶
type MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation struct { // Compression Limits the maximum number of nodes used by the underlying TDigest algorithm // to `20 * compression`, enabling control of memory usage and approximation // error. Compression *Float64 `json:"compression,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation type.
func NewMedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation ¶
func NewMedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation() *MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation
NewMedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation returns a MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation.
func (*MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MedianAbsoluteDeviationAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MemMlStats ¶
type MemMlStats struct { // AnomalyDetectors Amount of native memory set aside for anomaly detection jobs. AnomalyDetectors ByteSize `json:"anomaly_detectors,omitempty"` // AnomalyDetectorsInBytes Amount of native memory, in bytes, set aside for anomaly detection jobs. AnomalyDetectorsInBytes int `json:"anomaly_detectors_in_bytes"` // DataFrameAnalytics Amount of native memory set aside for data frame analytics jobs. DataFrameAnalytics ByteSize `json:"data_frame_analytics,omitempty"` // DataFrameAnalyticsInBytes Amount of native memory, in bytes, set aside for data frame analytics jobs. DataFrameAnalyticsInBytes int `json:"data_frame_analytics_in_bytes"` // Max Maximum amount of native memory (separate to the JVM heap) that may be used // by machine learning native processes. Max ByteSize `json:"max,omitempty"` // MaxInBytes Maximum amount of native memory (separate to the JVM heap), in bytes, that // may be used by machine learning native processes. MaxInBytes int `json:"max_in_bytes"` // NativeCodeOverhead Amount of native memory set aside for loading machine learning native code // shared libraries. NativeCodeOverhead ByteSize `json:"native_code_overhead,omitempty"` // NativeCodeOverheadInBytes Amount of native memory, in bytes, set aside for loading machine learning // native code shared libraries. NativeCodeOverheadInBytes int `json:"native_code_overhead_in_bytes"` // NativeInference Amount of native memory set aside for trained models that have a PyTorch // model_type. NativeInference ByteSize `json:"native_inference,omitempty"` // NativeInferenceInBytes Amount of native memory, in bytes, set aside for trained models that have a // PyTorch model_type. NativeInferenceInBytes int `json:"native_inference_in_bytes"` }
MemMlStats type.
func (*MemMlStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MemMlStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MemStats ¶
type MemStats struct { // AdjustedTotal If the amount of physical memory has been overridden using the // es.total_memory_bytes system property // then this reports the overridden value. Otherwise it reports the same value // as total. AdjustedTotal ByteSize `json:"adjusted_total,omitempty"` // AdjustedTotalInBytes If the amount of physical memory has been overridden using the // `es.total_memory_bytes` system property // then this reports the overridden value in bytes. Otherwise it reports the // same value as `total_in_bytes`. AdjustedTotalInBytes int `json:"adjusted_total_in_bytes"` // Ml Contains statistics about machine learning use of native memory on the node. Ml MemMlStats `json:"ml"` // Total Total amount of physical memory. Total ByteSize `json:"total,omitempty"` // TotalInBytes Total amount of physical memory in bytes. TotalInBytes int `json:"total_in_bytes"` }
MemStats type.
func (*MemStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Memory ¶
type Memory struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` EphemeralId string `json:"ephemeral_id"` // Jvm Contains Java Virtual Machine (JVM) statistics for the node. Jvm JvmStats `json:"jvm"` // Mem Contains statistics about memory usage for the node. Mem MemStats `json:"mem"` // Name Human-readable identifier for the node. Based on the Node name setting // setting. Name string `json:"name"` // Roles Roles assigned to the node. Roles []string `json:"roles"` // TransportAddress The host and port where transport HTTP connections are accepted. TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
Memory type.
func (*Memory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MemoryStats ¶
type MemoryStats struct { // AdjustedTotalInBytes If the amount of physical memory has been overridden using the // `es`.`total_memory_bytes` system property then this reports the overridden // value in bytes. // Otherwise it reports the same value as `total_in_bytes`. AdjustedTotalInBytes *int64 `json:"adjusted_total_in_bytes,omitempty"` // FreeInBytes Amount of free physical memory in bytes. FreeInBytes *int64 `json:"free_in_bytes,omitempty"` Resident *string `json:"resident,omitempty"` ResidentInBytes *int64 `json:"resident_in_bytes,omitempty"` // TotalInBytes Total amount of physical memory in bytes. TotalInBytes *int64 `json:"total_in_bytes,omitempty"` TotalVirtual *string `json:"total_virtual,omitempty"` TotalVirtualInBytes *int64 `json:"total_virtual_in_bytes,omitempty"` // UsedInBytes Amount of used physical memory in bytes. UsedInBytes *int64 `json:"used_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
MemoryStats type.
func (*MemoryStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MemoryStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Merge ¶
type Merge struct {
Scheduler *MergeScheduler `json:"scheduler,omitempty"`
Merge type.
type MergeScheduler ¶
type MergeScheduler struct { MaxMergeCount Stringifiedinteger `json:"max_merge_count,omitempty"` MaxThreadCount Stringifiedinteger `json:"max_thread_count,omitempty"` }
MergeScheduler type.
func NewMergeScheduler ¶
func NewMergeScheduler() *MergeScheduler
NewMergeScheduler returns a MergeScheduler.
func (*MergeScheduler) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MergeScheduler) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MergesStats ¶
type MergesStats struct { Current int64 `json:"current"` CurrentDocs int64 `json:"current_docs"` CurrentSize *string `json:"current_size,omitempty"` CurrentSizeInBytes int64 `json:"current_size_in_bytes"` Total int64 `json:"total"` TotalAutoThrottle *string `json:"total_auto_throttle,omitempty"` TotalAutoThrottleInBytes int64 `json:"total_auto_throttle_in_bytes"` TotalDocs int64 `json:"total_docs"` TotalSize *string `json:"total_size,omitempty"` TotalSizeInBytes int64 `json:"total_size_in_bytes"` TotalStoppedTime Duration `json:"total_stopped_time,omitempty"` TotalStoppedTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_stopped_time_in_millis"` TotalThrottledTime Duration `json:"total_throttled_time,omitempty"` TotalThrottledTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_throttled_time_in_millis"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
MergesStats type.
func (*MergesStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MergesStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MgetOperation ¶
type MgetOperation struct { // Id_ The unique document ID. Id_ string `json:"_id"` // Index_ The index that contains the document. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Routing The key for the primary shard the document resides on. Required if routing is // used during indexing. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // Source_ If `false`, excludes all _source fields. Source_ SourceConfig `json:"_source,omitempty"` // StoredFields The stored fields you want to retrieve. StoredFields []string `json:"stored_fields,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
MgetOperation type.
func NewMgetOperation ¶
func NewMgetOperation() *MgetOperation
NewMgetOperation returns a MgetOperation.
func (*MgetOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MgetOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MgetResponseItem ¶
type MgetResponseItem interface{}
MgetResponseItem holds the union for the following types:
GetResult MultiGetError
type MigrationFeatureIndexInfo ¶
type MigrationFeatureIndexInfo struct { FailureCause *ErrorCause `json:"failure_cause,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` Version string `json:"version"` }
MigrationFeatureIndexInfo type.
func NewMigrationFeatureIndexInfo ¶
func NewMigrationFeatureIndexInfo() *MigrationFeatureIndexInfo
NewMigrationFeatureIndexInfo returns a MigrationFeatureIndexInfo.
func (*MigrationFeatureIndexInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MigrationFeatureIndexInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MinAggregate ¶
type MinAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
MinAggregate type.
func NewMinAggregate ¶
func NewMinAggregate() *MinAggregate
NewMinAggregate returns a MinAggregate.
func (*MinAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MinAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MinAggregation ¶
type MinAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
MinAggregation type.
func NewMinAggregation ¶
func NewMinAggregation() *MinAggregation
NewMinAggregation returns a MinAggregation.
func (*MinAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MinAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MinBucketAggregation ¶
type MinBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
MinBucketAggregation type.
func NewMinBucketAggregation ¶
func NewMinBucketAggregation() *MinBucketAggregation
NewMinBucketAggregation returns a MinBucketAggregation.
func (*MinBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MinBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MinimalLicenseInformation ¶
type MinimalLicenseInformation struct { ExpiryDateInMillis int64 `json:"expiry_date_in_millis"` Mode licensetype.LicenseType `json:"mode"` Status licensestatus.LicenseStatus `json:"status"` Type licensetype.LicenseType `json:"type"` Uid string `json:"uid"` }
MinimalLicenseInformation type.
func NewMinimalLicenseInformation ¶
func NewMinimalLicenseInformation() *MinimalLicenseInformation
NewMinimalLicenseInformation returns a MinimalLicenseInformation.
func (*MinimalLicenseInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MinimalLicenseInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MinimumShouldMatch ¶
type MinimumShouldMatch interface{}
MinimumShouldMatch holds the union for the following types:
int string
type Missing ¶
type Missing interface{}
Missing holds the union for the following types:
string int Float64 bool
type MissingAggregate ¶
type MissingAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MissingAggregate type.
func NewMissingAggregate ¶
func NewMissingAggregate() *MissingAggregate
NewMissingAggregate returns a MissingAggregate.
func (MissingAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s MissingAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*MissingAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MissingAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MissingAggregation ¶
type MissingAggregation struct { // Field The name of the field. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
MissingAggregation type.
func NewMissingAggregation ¶
func NewMissingAggregation() *MissingAggregation
NewMissingAggregation returns a MissingAggregation.
func (*MissingAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MissingAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlCounter ¶
type MlCounter struct {
Count int64 `json:"count"`
MlCounter type.
func (*MlCounter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs ¶
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs struct { All_ MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount `json:"_all"` AnalysisCounts *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis `json:"analysis_counts,omitempty"` MemoryUsage *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory `json:"memory_usage,omitempty"` Stopped *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount `json:"stopped,omitempty"` }
MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs type.
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs ¶
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs() *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs
NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs returns a MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobs.
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis ¶
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis struct { Classification *int `json:"classification,omitempty"` OutlierDetection *int `json:"outlier_detection,omitempty"` Regression *int `json:"regression,omitempty"` }
MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis type.
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis ¶
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis() *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis
NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis returns a MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis.
func (*MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsAnalysis) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount ¶
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount struct {
Count int64 `json:"count"`
MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount type.
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount ¶
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount() *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount
NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount returns a MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount.
func (*MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory ¶
type MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory struct {
PeakUsageBytes JobStatistics `json:"peak_usage_bytes"`
MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory type.
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory ¶
func NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory() *MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory
NewMlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory returns a MlDataFrameAnalyticsJobsMemory.
type MlInference ¶
type MlInference struct { Deployments *MlInferenceDeployments `json:"deployments,omitempty"` IngestProcessors map[string]MlInferenceIngestProcessor `json:"ingest_processors"` TrainedModels MlInferenceTrainedModels `json:"trained_models"` }
MlInference type.
type MlInferenceDeployments ¶
type MlInferenceDeployments struct { Count int `json:"count"` InferenceCounts JobStatistics `json:"inference_counts"` ModelSizesBytes JobStatistics `json:"model_sizes_bytes"` TimeMs MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs `json:"time_ms"` }
MlInferenceDeployments type.
func NewMlInferenceDeployments ¶
func NewMlInferenceDeployments() *MlInferenceDeployments
NewMlInferenceDeployments returns a MlInferenceDeployments.
func (*MlInferenceDeployments) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlInferenceDeployments) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs ¶
type MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs struct {
Avg Float64 `json:"avg"`
MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs type.
func NewMlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs ¶
func NewMlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs() *MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs
NewMlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs returns a MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs.
func (*MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlInferenceDeploymentsTimeMs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlInferenceIngestProcessor ¶
type MlInferenceIngestProcessor struct { NumDocsProcessed MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount `json:"num_docs_processed"` NumFailures MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount `json:"num_failures"` Pipelines MlCounter `json:"pipelines"` TimeMs MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount `json:"time_ms"` }
MlInferenceIngestProcessor type.
func NewMlInferenceIngestProcessor ¶
func NewMlInferenceIngestProcessor() *MlInferenceIngestProcessor
NewMlInferenceIngestProcessor returns a MlInferenceIngestProcessor.
type MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount ¶
type MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount struct { Max int64 `json:"max"` Min int64 `json:"min"` Sum int64 `json:"sum"` }
MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount type.
func NewMlInferenceIngestProcessorCount ¶
func NewMlInferenceIngestProcessorCount() *MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount
NewMlInferenceIngestProcessorCount returns a MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount.
func (*MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlInferenceIngestProcessorCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlInferenceTrainedModels ¶
type MlInferenceTrainedModels struct { All_ MlCounter `json:"_all"` Count *MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount `json:"count,omitempty"` EstimatedHeapMemoryUsageBytes *JobStatistics `json:"estimated_heap_memory_usage_bytes,omitempty"` EstimatedOperations *JobStatistics `json:"estimated_operations,omitempty"` ModelSizeBytes *JobStatistics `json:"model_size_bytes,omitempty"` }
MlInferenceTrainedModels type.
func NewMlInferenceTrainedModels ¶
func NewMlInferenceTrainedModels() *MlInferenceTrainedModels
NewMlInferenceTrainedModels returns a MlInferenceTrainedModels.
type MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount ¶
type MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount struct { Classification *int64 `json:"classification,omitempty"` Ner *int64 `json:"ner,omitempty"` Other int64 `json:"other"` PassThrough *int64 `json:"pass_through,omitempty"` Prepackaged int64 `json:"prepackaged"` Regression *int64 `json:"regression,omitempty"` TextEmbedding *int64 `json:"text_embedding,omitempty"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount type.
func NewMlInferenceTrainedModelsCount ¶
func NewMlInferenceTrainedModelsCount() *MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount
NewMlInferenceTrainedModelsCount returns a MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount.
func (*MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlInferenceTrainedModelsCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MlJobForecasts ¶
type MlJobForecasts struct { ForecastedJobs int64 `json:"forecasted_jobs"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
MlJobForecasts type.
func NewMlJobForecasts ¶
func NewMlJobForecasts() *MlJobForecasts
NewMlJobForecasts returns a MlJobForecasts.
func (*MlJobForecasts) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MlJobForecasts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ModelConfig ¶
type ModelConfig struct { // Service The service type Service string `json:"service"` // ServiceSettings Settings specific to the service ServiceSettings json.RawMessage `json:"service_settings"` // TaskSettings Task settings specific to the service and model TaskSettings json.RawMessage `json:"task_settings"` }
ModelConfig type.
func (*ModelConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ModelConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ModelConfigContainer ¶
type ModelConfigContainer struct { // ModelId The model Id ModelId string `json:"model_id"` // Service The service type Service string `json:"service"` // ServiceSettings Settings specific to the service ServiceSettings json.RawMessage `json:"service_settings"` // TaskSettings Task settings specific to the service and model TaskSettings json.RawMessage `json:"task_settings"` // TaskType The model's task type TaskType tasktype.TaskType `json:"task_type"` }
ModelConfigContainer type.
func NewModelConfigContainer ¶
func NewModelConfigContainer() *ModelConfigContainer
NewModelConfigContainer returns a ModelConfigContainer.
func (*ModelConfigContainer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ModelConfigContainer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ModelPlotConfig ¶
type ModelPlotConfig struct { // AnnotationsEnabled If true, enables calculation and storage of the model change annotations for // each entity that is being analyzed. AnnotationsEnabled *bool `json:"annotations_enabled,omitempty"` // Enabled If true, enables calculation and storage of the model bounds for each entity // that is being analyzed. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // Terms Limits data collection to this comma separated list of partition or by field // values. If terms are not specified or it is an empty string, no filtering is // applied. Wildcards are not supported. Only the specified terms can be viewed // when using the Single Metric Viewer. Terms *string `json:"terms,omitempty"` }
ModelPlotConfig type.
func NewModelPlotConfig ¶
func NewModelPlotConfig() *ModelPlotConfig
NewModelPlotConfig returns a ModelPlotConfig.
func (*ModelPlotConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ModelPlotConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ModelSizeStats ¶
type ModelSizeStats struct { AssignmentMemoryBasis *string `json:"assignment_memory_basis,omitempty"` BucketAllocationFailuresCount int64 `json:"bucket_allocation_failures_count"` CategorizationStatus categorizationstatus.CategorizationStatus `json:"categorization_status"` CategorizedDocCount int `json:"categorized_doc_count"` DeadCategoryCount int `json:"dead_category_count"` FailedCategoryCount int `json:"failed_category_count"` FrequentCategoryCount int `json:"frequent_category_count"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` LogTime DateTime `json:"log_time"` MemoryStatus memorystatus.MemoryStatus `json:"memory_status"` ModelBytes ByteSize `json:"model_bytes"` ModelBytesExceeded ByteSize `json:"model_bytes_exceeded,omitempty"` ModelBytesMemoryLimit ByteSize `json:"model_bytes_memory_limit,omitempty"` PeakModelBytes ByteSize `json:"peak_model_bytes,omitempty"` RareCategoryCount int `json:"rare_category_count"` ResultType string `json:"result_type"` Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` TotalByFieldCount int64 `json:"total_by_field_count"` TotalCategoryCount int `json:"total_category_count"` TotalOverFieldCount int64 `json:"total_over_field_count"` TotalPartitionFieldCount int64 `json:"total_partition_field_count"` }
ModelSizeStats type.
func NewModelSizeStats ¶
func NewModelSizeStats() *ModelSizeStats
NewModelSizeStats returns a ModelSizeStats.
func (*ModelSizeStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ModelSizeStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ModelSnapshot ¶
type ModelSnapshot struct { // Description An optional description of the job. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // JobId A numerical character string that uniquely identifies the job that the // snapshot was created for. JobId string `json:"job_id"` // LatestRecordTimeStamp The timestamp of the latest processed record. LatestRecordTimeStamp *int `json:"latest_record_time_stamp,omitempty"` // LatestResultTimeStamp The timestamp of the latest bucket result. LatestResultTimeStamp *int `json:"latest_result_time_stamp,omitempty"` // MinVersion The minimum version required to be able to restore the model snapshot. MinVersion string `json:"min_version"` // ModelSizeStats Summary information describing the model. ModelSizeStats *ModelSizeStats `json:"model_size_stats,omitempty"` // Retain If true, this snapshot will not be deleted during automatic cleanup of // snapshots older than model_snapshot_retention_days. However, this snapshot // will be deleted when the job is deleted. The default value is false. Retain bool `json:"retain"` // SnapshotDocCount For internal use only. SnapshotDocCount int64 `json:"snapshot_doc_count"` // SnapshotId A numerical character string that uniquely identifies the model snapshot. SnapshotId string `json:"snapshot_id"` // Timestamp The creation timestamp for the snapshot. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` }
ModelSnapshot type.
func NewModelSnapshot ¶
func NewModelSnapshot() *ModelSnapshot
NewModelSnapshot returns a ModelSnapshot.
func (*ModelSnapshot) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ModelSnapshot) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ModelSnapshotUpgrade ¶
type ModelSnapshotUpgrade struct { AssignmentExplanation string `json:"assignment_explanation"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` Node DiscoveryNode `json:"node"` SnapshotId string `json:"snapshot_id"` State snapshotupgradestate.SnapshotUpgradeState `json:"state"` }
ModelSnapshotUpgrade type.
func NewModelSnapshotUpgrade ¶
func NewModelSnapshotUpgrade() *ModelSnapshotUpgrade
NewModelSnapshotUpgrade returns a ModelSnapshotUpgrade.
func (*ModelSnapshotUpgrade) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ModelSnapshotUpgrade) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Monitoring ¶
type Monitoring struct { Available bool `json:"available"` CollectionEnabled bool `json:"collection_enabled"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` EnabledExporters map[string]int64 `json:"enabled_exporters"` }
Monitoring type.
func (*Monitoring) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Monitoring) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MoreLikeThisQuery ¶
type MoreLikeThisQuery struct { // Analyzer The analyzer that is used to analyze the free form text. // Defaults to the analyzer associated with the first field in fields. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // BoostTerms Each term in the formed query could be further boosted by their tf-idf score. // This sets the boost factor to use when using this feature. // Defaults to deactivated (0). BoostTerms *Float64 `json:"boost_terms,omitempty"` // FailOnUnsupportedField Controls whether the query should fail (throw an exception) if any of the // specified fields are not of the supported types (`text` or `keyword`). FailOnUnsupportedField *bool `json:"fail_on_unsupported_field,omitempty"` // Fields A list of fields to fetch and analyze the text from. // Defaults to the `index.query.default_field` index setting, which has a // default value of `*`. Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Include Specifies whether the input documents should also be included in the search // results returned. Include *bool `json:"include,omitempty"` // Like Specifies free form text and/or a single or multiple documents for which you // want to find similar documents. Like []Like `json:"like"` // MaxDocFreq The maximum document frequency above which the terms are ignored from the // input document. MaxDocFreq *int `json:"max_doc_freq,omitempty"` // MaxQueryTerms The maximum number of query terms that can be selected. MaxQueryTerms *int `json:"max_query_terms,omitempty"` // MaxWordLength The maximum word length above which the terms are ignored. // Defaults to unbounded (`0`). MaxWordLength *int `json:"max_word_length,omitempty"` // MinDocFreq The minimum document frequency below which the terms are ignored from the // input document. MinDocFreq *int `json:"min_doc_freq,omitempty"` // MinTermFreq The minimum term frequency below which the terms are ignored from the input // document. MinTermFreq *int `json:"min_term_freq,omitempty"` // MinWordLength The minimum word length below which the terms are ignored. MinWordLength *int `json:"min_word_length,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch After the disjunctive query has been formed, this parameter controls the // number of terms that must match. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // PerFieldAnalyzer Overrides the default analyzer. PerFieldAnalyzer map[string]string `json:"per_field_analyzer,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // StopWords An array of stop words. // Any word in this set is ignored. StopWords []string `json:"stop_words,omitempty"` // Unlike Used in combination with `like` to exclude documents that match a set of // terms. Unlike []Like `json:"unlike,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
MoreLikeThisQuery type.
func NewMoreLikeThisQuery ¶
func NewMoreLikeThisQuery() *MoreLikeThisQuery
NewMoreLikeThisQuery returns a MoreLikeThisQuery.
func (*MoreLikeThisQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MoreLikeThisQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MountedSnapshot ¶
type MountedSnapshot struct { Indices []string `json:"indices"` Shards ShardStatistics `json:"shards"` Snapshot string `json:"snapshot"` }
MountedSnapshot type.
func NewMountedSnapshot ¶
func NewMountedSnapshot() *MountedSnapshot
NewMountedSnapshot returns a MountedSnapshot.
func (*MountedSnapshot) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MountedSnapshot) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MovingAverageAggregation ¶
type MovingAverageAggregation interface{}
MovingAverageAggregation holds the union for the following types:
LinearMovingAverageAggregation SimpleMovingAverageAggregation EwmaMovingAverageAggregation HoltMovingAverageAggregation HoltWintersMovingAverageAggregation
type MovingFunctionAggregation ¶
type MovingFunctionAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Script The script that should be executed on each window of data. Script *string `json:"script,omitempty"` // Shift By default, the window consists of the last n values excluding the current // bucket. // Increasing `shift` by 1, moves the starting window position by 1 to the // right. Shift *int `json:"shift,omitempty"` // Window The size of window to "slide" across the histogram. Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
MovingFunctionAggregation type.
func NewMovingFunctionAggregation ¶
func NewMovingFunctionAggregation() *MovingFunctionAggregation
NewMovingFunctionAggregation returns a MovingFunctionAggregation.
func (*MovingFunctionAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MovingFunctionAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MovingPercentilesAggregation ¶
type MovingPercentilesAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Shift By default, the window consists of the last n values excluding the current // bucket. // Increasing `shift` by 1, moves the starting window position by 1 to the // right. Shift *int `json:"shift,omitempty"` // Window The size of window to "slide" across the histogram. Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
MovingPercentilesAggregation type.
func NewMovingPercentilesAggregation ¶
func NewMovingPercentilesAggregation() *MovingPercentilesAggregation
NewMovingPercentilesAggregation returns a MovingPercentilesAggregation.
func (*MovingPercentilesAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MovingPercentilesAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MsearchRequestItem ¶
type MsearchRequestItem interface{}
MsearchRequestItem holds the union for the following types:
MultisearchHeader MultisearchBody
type MsearchResponseItem ¶
type MsearchResponseItem interface{}
MsearchResponseItem holds the union for the following types:
MultiSearchItem ErrorResponseBase
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket struct { Buckets BucketsAdjacencyMatrixBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseAdjacencyMatrixBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket struct { Buckets BucketsCompositeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseCompositeBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket struct { Buckets BucketsDateHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseDateHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsDoubleTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket struct { Buckets BucketsFiltersBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseFiltersBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsFrequentItemSetsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseFrequentItemSetsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket struct { Buckets BucketsGeoHashGridBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHashGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket struct { Buckets BucketsGeoHexGridBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoHexGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket struct { Buckets BucketsGeoTileGridBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseGeoTileGridBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket struct { Buckets BucketsHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket struct { Buckets BucketsIpPrefixBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpPrefixBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket struct { Buckets BucketsIpRangeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseIpRangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsLongRareTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsLongTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsMultiTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket struct { Buckets BucketsRangeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseRangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsStringRareTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsStringTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket struct { Buckets BucketsVariableWidthHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseVariableWidthHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid ¶
type MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid struct { Buckets BucketsVoid `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid type.
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid ¶
func NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid() *MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid
NewMultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid returns a MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid.
func (*MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiBucketAggregateBaseVoid) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiGetError ¶
type MultiGetError struct { Error ErrorCause `json:"error"` Id_ string `json:"_id"` Index_ string `json:"_index"` }
MultiGetError type.
func NewMultiGetError ¶
func NewMultiGetError() *MultiGetError
NewMultiGetError returns a MultiGetError.
func (*MultiGetError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiGetError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiMatchQuery ¶
type MultiMatchQuery struct { // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery If `true`, match phrase queries are automatically created for multi-term // synonyms. AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery *bool `json:"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CutoffFrequency *Float64 `json:"cutoff_frequency,omitempty"` // Fields The fields to be queried. // Defaults to the `index.query.default_field` index settings, which in turn // defaults to `*`. Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Fuzziness Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // FuzzyRewrite Method used to rewrite the query. FuzzyRewrite *string `json:"fuzzy_rewrite,omitempty"` // FuzzyTranspositions If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent // characters (for example, `ab` to `ba`). // Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final // term. FuzzyTranspositions *bool `json:"fuzzy_transpositions,omitempty"` // Lenient If `true`, format-based errors, such as providing a text query value for a // numeric field, are ignored. Lenient *bool `json:"lenient,omitempty"` // MaxExpansions Maximum number of terms to which the query will expand. MaxExpansions *int `json:"max_expansions,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // Operator Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query value. Operator *operator.Operator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // Query Text, number, boolean value or date you wish to find in the provided field. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Slop Maximum number of positions allowed between matching tokens. Slop *int `json:"slop,omitempty"` // TieBreaker Determines how scores for each per-term blended query and scores across // groups are combined. TieBreaker *Float64 `json:"tie_breaker,omitempty"` // Type How `the` multi_match query is executed internally. Type *textquerytype.TextQueryType `json:"type,omitempty"` // ZeroTermsQuery Indicates whether no documents are returned if the `analyzer` removes all // tokens, such as when using a `stop` filter. ZeroTermsQuery *zerotermsquery.ZeroTermsQuery `json:"zero_terms_query,omitempty"` }
MultiMatchQuery type.
func NewMultiMatchQuery ¶
func NewMultiMatchQuery() *MultiMatchQuery
NewMultiMatchQuery returns a MultiMatchQuery.
func (*MultiMatchQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiMatchQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiSearchItem ¶
type MultiSearchItem struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` Clusters_ *ClusterStatistics `json:"_clusters,omitempty"` Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Hits HitsMetadata `json:"hits"` MaxScore *Float64 `json:"max_score,omitempty"` NumReducePhases *int64 `json:"num_reduce_phases,omitempty"` PitId *string `json:"pit_id,omitempty"` Profile *Profile `json:"profile,omitempty"` ScrollId_ *string `json:"_scroll_id,omitempty"` Shards_ ShardStatistics `json:"_shards"` Status *int `json:"status,omitempty"` Suggest map[string][]Suggest `json:"suggest,omitempty"` TerminatedEarly *bool `json:"terminated_early,omitempty"` TimedOut bool `json:"timed_out"` Took int64 `json:"took"` }
MultiSearchItem type.
func NewMultiSearchItem ¶
func NewMultiSearchItem() *MultiSearchItem
NewMultiSearchItem returns a MultiSearchItem.
func (*MultiSearchItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiSearchItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiSearchResult ¶
type MultiSearchResult struct { Responses []MsearchResponseItem `json:"responses"` Took int64 `json:"took"` }
MultiSearchResult type.
func NewMultiSearchResult ¶
func NewMultiSearchResult() *MultiSearchResult
NewMultiSearchResult returns a MultiSearchResult.
func (*MultiSearchResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiSearchResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiTermLookup ¶
type MultiTermLookup struct { // Field A fields from which to retrieve terms. Field string `json:"field"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` }
MultiTermLookup type.
func NewMultiTermLookup ¶
func NewMultiTermLookup() *MultiTermLookup
NewMultiTermLookup returns a MultiTermLookup.
func (*MultiTermLookup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiTermLookup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiTermsAggregate ¶
type MultiTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsMultiTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
MultiTermsAggregate type.
func NewMultiTermsAggregate ¶
func NewMultiTermsAggregate() *MultiTermsAggregate
NewMultiTermsAggregate returns a MultiTermsAggregate.
func (*MultiTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiTermsAggregation ¶
type MultiTermsAggregation struct { // CollectMode Specifies the strategy for data collection. CollectMode *termsaggregationcollectmode.TermsAggregationCollectMode `json:"collect_mode,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount The minimum number of documents in a bucket for it to be returned. MinDocCount *int64 `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Order Specifies the sort order of the buckets. // Defaults to sorting by descending document count. Order AggregateOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // ShardMinDocCount The minimum number of documents in a bucket on each shard for it to be // returned. ShardMinDocCount *int64 `json:"shard_min_doc_count,omitempty"` // ShardSize The number of candidate terms produced by each shard. // By default, `shard_size` will be automatically estimated based on the number // of shards and the `size` parameter. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // ShowTermDocCountError Calculates the doc count error on per term basis. ShowTermDocCountError *bool `json:"show_term_doc_count_error,omitempty"` // Size The number of term buckets should be returned out of the overall terms list. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Terms The field from which to generate sets of terms. Terms []MultiTermLookup `json:"terms"` }
MultiTermsAggregation type.
func NewMultiTermsAggregation ¶
func NewMultiTermsAggregation() *MultiTermsAggregation
NewMultiTermsAggregation returns a MultiTermsAggregation.
func (*MultiTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiTermsBucket ¶
type MultiTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Key []FieldValue `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` }
MultiTermsBucket type.
func NewMultiTermsBucket ¶
func NewMultiTermsBucket() *MultiTermsBucket
NewMultiTermsBucket returns a MultiTermsBucket.
func (MultiTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s MultiTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*MultiTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultiplexerTokenFilter ¶
type MultiplexerTokenFilter struct { Filters []string `json:"filters"` PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
MultiplexerTokenFilter type.
func NewMultiplexerTokenFilter ¶
func NewMultiplexerTokenFilter() *MultiplexerTokenFilter
NewMultiplexerTokenFilter returns a MultiplexerTokenFilter.
func (MultiplexerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s MultiplexerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*MultiplexerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultiplexerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultisearchBody ¶
type MultisearchBody struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregations `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` Collapse *FieldCollapse `json:"collapse,omitempty"` // DocvalueFields Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The request returns doc values for field // names matching these patterns in the hits.fields property of the response. DocvalueFields []FieldAndFormat `json:"docvalue_fields,omitempty"` // Explain If true, returns detailed information about score computation as part of a // hit. Explain *bool `json:"explain,omitempty"` // Ext Configuration of search extensions defined by Elasticsearch plugins. Ext map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"ext,omitempty"` // Fields Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The request returns values for field names // matching these patterns in the hits.fields property of the response. Fields []FieldAndFormat `json:"fields,omitempty"` // From Starting document offset. By default, you cannot page through more than // 10,000 // hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more hits, use the // search_after parameter. From *int `json:"from,omitempty"` Highlight *Highlight `json:"highlight,omitempty"` // IndicesBoost Boosts the _score of documents from specified indices. IndicesBoost []map[string]Float64 `json:"indices_boost,omitempty"` // Knn Defines the approximate kNN search to run. Knn []KnnQuery `json:"knn,omitempty"` // MinScore Minimum _score for matching documents. Documents with a lower _score are // not included in the search results. MinScore *Float64 `json:"min_score,omitempty"` // Pit Limits the search to a point in time (PIT). If you provide a PIT, you // cannot specify an <index> in the request path. Pit *PointInTimeReference `json:"pit,omitempty"` PostFilter *Query `json:"post_filter,omitempty"` Profile *bool `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Query Defines the search definition using the Query DSL. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` Rescore []Rescore `json:"rescore,omitempty"` // RuntimeMappings Defines one or more runtime fields in the search request. These fields take // precedence over mapped fields with the same name. RuntimeMappings RuntimeFields `json:"runtime_mappings,omitempty"` // ScriptFields Retrieve a script evaluation (based on different fields) for each hit. ScriptFields map[string]ScriptField `json:"script_fields,omitempty"` SearchAfter []FieldValue `json:"search_after,omitempty"` // SeqNoPrimaryTerm If true, returns sequence number and primary term of the last modification // of each hit. See Optimistic concurrency control. SeqNoPrimaryTerm *bool `json:"seq_no_primary_term,omitempty"` // Size The number of hits to return. By default, you cannot page through more // than 10,000 hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more // hits, use the search_after parameter. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` Sort []SortCombinations `json:"sort,omitempty"` // Source_ Indicates which source fields are returned for matching documents. These // fields are returned in the hits._source property of the search response. Source_ SourceConfig `json:"_source,omitempty"` // Stats Stats groups to associate with the search. Each group maintains a statistics // aggregation for its associated searches. You can retrieve these stats using // the indices stats API. Stats []string `json:"stats,omitempty"` // StoredFields List of stored fields to return as part of a hit. If no fields are specified, // no stored fields are included in the response. If this field is specified, // the _source // parameter defaults to false. You can pass _source: true to return both source // fields // and stored fields in the search response. StoredFields []string `json:"stored_fields,omitempty"` Suggest *Suggester `json:"suggest,omitempty"` // TerminateAfter Maximum number of documents to collect for each shard. If a query reaches // this // limit, Elasticsearch terminates the query early. Elasticsearch collects // documents // before sorting. Defaults to 0, which does not terminate query execution // early. TerminateAfter *int64 `json:"terminate_after,omitempty"` // Timeout Specifies the period of time to wait for a response from each shard. If no // response // is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an // error. // Defaults to no timeout. Timeout *string `json:"timeout,omitempty"` // TrackScores If true, calculate and return document scores, even if the scores are not // used for sorting. TrackScores *bool `json:"track_scores,omitempty"` // TrackTotalHits Number of hits matching the query to count accurately. If true, the exact // number of hits is returned at the cost of some performance. If false, the // response does not include the total number of hits matching the query. // Defaults to 10,000 hits. TrackTotalHits TrackHits `json:"track_total_hits,omitempty"` // Version If true, returns document version as part of a hit. Version *bool `json:"version,omitempty"` }
MultisearchBody type.
func NewMultisearchBody ¶
func NewMultisearchBody() *MultisearchBody
NewMultisearchBody returns a MultisearchBody.
func (*MultisearchBody) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultisearchBody) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultisearchHeader ¶
type MultisearchHeader struct { AllowNoIndices *bool `json:"allow_no_indices,omitempty"` AllowPartialSearchResults *bool `json:"allow_partial_search_results,omitempty"` CcsMinimizeRoundtrips *bool `json:"ccs_minimize_roundtrips,omitempty"` ExpandWildcards []expandwildcard.ExpandWildcard `json:"expand_wildcards,omitempty"` IgnoreThrottled *bool `json:"ignore_throttled,omitempty"` Index []string `json:"index,omitempty"` Preference *string `json:"preference,omitempty"` RequestCache *bool `json:"request_cache,omitempty"` Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` SearchType *searchtype.SearchType `json:"search_type,omitempty"` }
MultisearchHeader type.
func NewMultisearchHeader ¶
func NewMultisearchHeader() *MultisearchHeader
NewMultisearchHeader returns a MultisearchHeader.
func (*MultisearchHeader) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MultisearchHeader) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Murmur3HashProperty ¶
type Murmur3HashProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Murmur3HashProperty type.
func NewMurmur3HashProperty ¶
func NewMurmur3HashProperty() *Murmur3HashProperty
NewMurmur3HashProperty returns a Murmur3HashProperty.
func (Murmur3HashProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s Murmur3HashProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*Murmur3HashProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Murmur3HashProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MutualInformationHeuristic ¶
type MutualInformationHeuristic struct { // BackgroundIsSuperset Set to `false` if you defined a custom background filter that represents a // different set of documents that you want to compare to. BackgroundIsSuperset *bool `json:"background_is_superset,omitempty"` // IncludeNegatives Set to `false` to filter out the terms that appear less often in the subset // than in documents outside the subset. IncludeNegatives *bool `json:"include_negatives,omitempty"` }
MutualInformationHeuristic type.
func NewMutualInformationHeuristic ¶
func NewMutualInformationHeuristic() *MutualInformationHeuristic
NewMutualInformationHeuristic returns a MutualInformationHeuristic.
func (*MutualInformationHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *MutualInformationHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NGramTokenFilter ¶
type NGramTokenFilter struct { MaxGram *int `json:"max_gram,omitempty"` MinGram *int `json:"min_gram,omitempty"` PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
NGramTokenFilter type.
func NewNGramTokenFilter ¶
func NewNGramTokenFilter() *NGramTokenFilter
NewNGramTokenFilter returns a NGramTokenFilter.
func (NGramTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NGramTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*NGramTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NGramTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NGramTokenizer ¶
type NGramTokenizer struct { CustomTokenChars *string `json:"custom_token_chars,omitempty"` MaxGram int `json:"max_gram"` MinGram int `json:"min_gram"` TokenChars []tokenchar.TokenChar `json:"token_chars"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
NGramTokenizer type.
func NewNGramTokenizer ¶
func NewNGramTokenizer() *NGramTokenizer
NewNGramTokenizer returns a NGramTokenizer.
func (NGramTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NGramTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*NGramTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NGramTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NativeCode ¶
NativeCode type.
func (*NativeCode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NativeCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NativeCodeInformation ¶
type NativeCodeInformation struct { BuildHash string `json:"build_hash"` Version string `json:"version"` }
NativeCodeInformation type.
func NewNativeCodeInformation ¶
func NewNativeCodeInformation() *NativeCodeInformation
NewNativeCodeInformation returns a NativeCodeInformation.
func (*NativeCodeInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NativeCodeInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NerInferenceOptions ¶
type NerInferenceOptions struct { // ClassificationLabels The token classification labels. Must be IOB formatted tags ClassificationLabels []string `json:"classification_labels,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` Vocabulary *Vocabulary `json:"vocabulary,omitempty"` }
NerInferenceOptions type.
func NewNerInferenceOptions ¶
func NewNerInferenceOptions() *NerInferenceOptions
NewNerInferenceOptions returns a NerInferenceOptions.
func (*NerInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NerInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NerInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type NerInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
NerInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewNerInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewNerInferenceUpdateOptions() *NerInferenceUpdateOptions
NewNerInferenceUpdateOptions returns a NerInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*NerInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NerInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NestedAggregate ¶
type NestedAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
NestedAggregate type.
func NewNestedAggregate ¶
func NewNestedAggregate() *NestedAggregate
NewNestedAggregate returns a NestedAggregate.
func (NestedAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NestedAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*NestedAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NestedAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NestedAggregation ¶
type NestedAggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Path The path to the field of type `nested`. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
NestedAggregation type.
func NewNestedAggregation ¶
func NewNestedAggregation() *NestedAggregation
NewNestedAggregation returns a NestedAggregation.
func (*NestedAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NestedAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NestedIdentity ¶
type NestedIdentity struct { Field string `json:"field"` Nested_ *NestedIdentity `json:"_nested,omitempty"` Offset int `json:"offset"` }
NestedIdentity type.
func NewNestedIdentity ¶
func NewNestedIdentity() *NestedIdentity
NewNestedIdentity returns a NestedIdentity.
func (*NestedIdentity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NestedIdentity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NestedProperty ¶
type NestedProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IncludeInParent *bool `json:"include_in_parent,omitempty"` IncludeInRoot *bool `json:"include_in_root,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
NestedProperty type.
func NewNestedProperty ¶
func NewNestedProperty() *NestedProperty
NewNestedProperty returns a NestedProperty.
func (NestedProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NestedProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*NestedProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NestedProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NestedQuery ¶
type NestedQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // IgnoreUnmapped Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped path and not return any documents // instead of an error. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` // InnerHits If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits. InnerHits *InnerHits `json:"inner_hits,omitempty"` // Path Path to the nested object you wish to search. Path string `json:"path"` // Query Query you wish to run on nested objects in the path. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // ScoreMode How scores for matching child objects affect the root parent document’s // relevance score. ScoreMode *childscoremode.ChildScoreMode `json:"score_mode,omitempty"` }
NestedQuery type.
func (*NestedQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NestedQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NestedSortValue ¶
type NestedSortValue struct { Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` MaxChildren *int `json:"max_children,omitempty"` Nested *NestedSortValue `json:"nested,omitempty"` Path string `json:"path"` }
NestedSortValue type.
func NewNestedSortValue ¶
func NewNestedSortValue() *NestedSortValue
NewNestedSortValue returns a NestedSortValue.
func (*NestedSortValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NestedSortValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NeverCondition ¶
type NeverCondition struct { }
NeverCondition type.
func NewNeverCondition ¶
func NewNeverCondition() *NeverCondition
NewNeverCondition returns a NeverCondition.
type NlpBertTokenizationConfig ¶
type NlpBertTokenizationConfig struct { // DoLowerCase Should the tokenizer lower case the text DoLowerCase *bool `json:"do_lower_case,omitempty"` // MaxSequenceLength Maximum input sequence length for the model MaxSequenceLength *int `json:"max_sequence_length,omitempty"` // Span Tokenization spanning options. Special value of -1 indicates no spanning // takes place Span *int `json:"span,omitempty"` // Truncate Should tokenization input be automatically truncated before sending to the // model for inference Truncate *tokenizationtruncate.TokenizationTruncate `json:"truncate,omitempty"` // WithSpecialTokens Is tokenization completed with special tokens WithSpecialTokens *bool `json:"with_special_tokens,omitempty"` }
NlpBertTokenizationConfig type.
func NewNlpBertTokenizationConfig ¶
func NewNlpBertTokenizationConfig() *NlpBertTokenizationConfig
NewNlpBertTokenizationConfig returns a NlpBertTokenizationConfig.
func (*NlpBertTokenizationConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NlpBertTokenizationConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig ¶
type NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig struct { // AddPrefixSpace Should the tokenizer prefix input with a space character AddPrefixSpace *bool `json:"add_prefix_space,omitempty"` // MaxSequenceLength Maximum input sequence length for the model MaxSequenceLength *int `json:"max_sequence_length,omitempty"` // Span Tokenization spanning options. Special value of -1 indicates no spanning // takes place Span *int `json:"span,omitempty"` // Truncate Should tokenization input be automatically truncated before sending to the // model for inference Truncate *tokenizationtruncate.TokenizationTruncate `json:"truncate,omitempty"` // WithSpecialTokens Is tokenization completed with special tokens WithSpecialTokens *bool `json:"with_special_tokens,omitempty"` }
NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig type.
func NewNlpRobertaTokenizationConfig ¶
func NewNlpRobertaTokenizationConfig() *NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig
NewNlpRobertaTokenizationConfig returns a NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig.
func (*NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions ¶
type NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions struct { // Span Span options to apply Span *int `json:"span,omitempty"` // Truncate Truncate options to apply Truncate *tokenizationtruncate.TokenizationTruncate `json:"truncate,omitempty"` }
NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions type.
func NewNlpTokenizationUpdateOptions ¶
func NewNlpTokenizationUpdateOptions() *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions
NewNlpTokenizationUpdateOptions returns a NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions.
func (*NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeAllocationExplanation ¶
type NodeAllocationExplanation struct { Deciders []AllocationDecision `json:"deciders"` NodeAttributes map[string]string `json:"node_attributes"` NodeDecision decision.Decision `json:"node_decision"` NodeId string `json:"node_id"` NodeName string `json:"node_name"` Store *AllocationStore `json:"store,omitempty"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` WeightRanking int `json:"weight_ranking"` }
NodeAllocationExplanation type.
func NewNodeAllocationExplanation ¶
func NewNodeAllocationExplanation() *NodeAllocationExplanation
NewNodeAllocationExplanation returns a NodeAllocationExplanation.
func (*NodeAllocationExplanation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeAllocationExplanation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeAttributes ¶
type NodeAttributes struct { // Attributes Lists node attributes. Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` // EphemeralId The ephemeral ID of the node. EphemeralId string `json:"ephemeral_id"` ExternalId *string `json:"external_id,omitempty"` // Id The unique identifier of the node. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name The unique identifier of the node. Name string `json:"name"` Roles []noderole.NodeRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // TransportAddress The host and port where transport HTTP connections are accepted. TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
NodeAttributes type.
func NewNodeAttributes ¶
func NewNodeAttributes() *NodeAttributes
NewNodeAttributes returns a NodeAttributes.
func (*NodeAttributes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeAttributes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeAttributesRecord ¶
type NodeAttributesRecord struct { // Attr The attribute name. Attr *string `json:"attr,omitempty"` // Host The host name. Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Id The unique node identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ip The IP address. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Node The node name. Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` // Pid The process identifier. Pid *string `json:"pid,omitempty"` // Port The bound transport port. Port *string `json:"port,omitempty"` // Value The attribute value. Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
NodeAttributesRecord type.
func NewNodeAttributesRecord ¶
func NewNodeAttributesRecord() *NodeAttributesRecord
NewNodeAttributesRecord returns a NodeAttributesRecord.
func (*NodeAttributesRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeAttributesRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeBufferPool ¶
type NodeBufferPool struct { // Count Number of buffer pools. Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // TotalCapacity Total capacity of buffer pools. TotalCapacity *string `json:"total_capacity,omitempty"` // TotalCapacityInBytes Total capacity of buffer pools in bytes. TotalCapacityInBytes *int64 `json:"total_capacity_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Used Size of buffer pools. Used *string `json:"used,omitempty"` // UsedInBytes Size of buffer pools in bytes. UsedInBytes *int64 `json:"used_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
NodeBufferPool type.
func NewNodeBufferPool ¶
func NewNodeBufferPool() *NodeBufferPool
NewNodeBufferPool returns a NodeBufferPool.
func (*NodeBufferPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeBufferPool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeDiskUsage ¶
type NodeDiskUsage struct { LeastAvailable DiskUsage `json:"least_available"` MostAvailable DiskUsage `json:"most_available"` NodeName string `json:"node_name"` }
NodeDiskUsage type.
func NewNodeDiskUsage ¶
func NewNodeDiskUsage() *NodeDiskUsage
NewNodeDiskUsage returns a NodeDiskUsage.
func (*NodeDiskUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeDiskUsage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfo ¶
type NodeInfo struct { Aggregations map[string]NodeInfoAggregation `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` BuildFlavor string `json:"build_flavor"` // BuildHash Short hash of the last git commit in this release. BuildHash string `json:"build_hash"` BuildType string `json:"build_type"` // Host The node’s host name. Host string `json:"host"` Http *NodeInfoHttp `json:"http,omitempty"` Ingest *NodeInfoIngest `json:"ingest,omitempty"` // Ip The node’s IP address. Ip string `json:"ip"` Jvm *NodeJvmInfo `json:"jvm,omitempty"` Modules []PluginStats `json:"modules,omitempty"` // Name The node's name Name string `json:"name"` Network *NodeInfoNetwork `json:"network,omitempty"` Os *NodeOperatingSystemInfo `json:"os,omitempty"` Plugins []PluginStats `json:"plugins,omitempty"` Process *NodeProcessInfo `json:"process,omitempty"` Roles []noderole.NodeRole `json:"roles"` Settings *NodeInfoSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"` ThreadPool map[string]NodeThreadPoolInfo `json:"thread_pool,omitempty"` // TotalIndexingBuffer Total heap allowed to be used to hold recently indexed documents before they // must be written to disk. This size is a shared pool across all shards on this // node, and is controlled by Indexing Buffer settings. TotalIndexingBuffer *int64 `json:"total_indexing_buffer,omitempty"` // TotalIndexingBufferInBytes Same as total_indexing_buffer, but expressed in bytes. TotalIndexingBufferInBytes ByteSize `json:"total_indexing_buffer_in_bytes,omitempty"` Transport *NodeInfoTransport `json:"transport,omitempty"` // TransportAddress Host and port where transport HTTP connections are accepted. TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` // Version Elasticsearch version running on this node. Version string `json:"version"` }
NodeInfo type.
func (*NodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NodeInfoAction ¶
type NodeInfoAction struct {
DestructiveRequiresName string `json:"destructive_requires_name"`
NodeInfoAction type.
func NewNodeInfoAction ¶
func NewNodeInfoAction() *NodeInfoAction
NewNodeInfoAction returns a NodeInfoAction.
func (*NodeInfoAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoAggregation ¶
type NodeInfoAggregation struct {
Types []string `json:"types"`
NodeInfoAggregation type.
func NewNodeInfoAggregation ¶
func NewNodeInfoAggregation() *NodeInfoAggregation
NewNodeInfoAggregation returns a NodeInfoAggregation.
type NodeInfoBootstrap ¶
type NodeInfoBootstrap struct {
MemoryLock string `json:"memory_lock"`
NodeInfoBootstrap type.
func NewNodeInfoBootstrap ¶
func NewNodeInfoBootstrap() *NodeInfoBootstrap
NewNodeInfoBootstrap returns a NodeInfoBootstrap.
func (*NodeInfoBootstrap) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoBootstrap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoClient ¶
type NodeInfoClient struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
NodeInfoClient type.
func NewNodeInfoClient ¶
func NewNodeInfoClient() *NodeInfoClient
NewNodeInfoClient returns a NodeInfoClient.
func (*NodeInfoClient) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoClient) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoDiscover ¶
type NodeInfoDiscover struct { NodeInfoDiscover map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"-"` SeedHosts []string `json:"seed_hosts,omitempty"` SeedProviders []string `json:"seed_providers,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoDiscover type.
func NewNodeInfoDiscover ¶
func NewNodeInfoDiscover() *NodeInfoDiscover
NewNodeInfoDiscover returns a NodeInfoDiscover.
func (NodeInfoDiscover) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NodeInfoDiscover) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*NodeInfoDiscover) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoDiscover) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoHttp ¶
type NodeInfoHttp struct { BoundAddress []string `json:"bound_address"` MaxContentLength ByteSize `json:"max_content_length,omitempty"` MaxContentLengthInBytes int64 `json:"max_content_length_in_bytes"` PublishAddress string `json:"publish_address"` }
NodeInfoHttp type.
func NewNodeInfoHttp ¶
func NewNodeInfoHttp() *NodeInfoHttp
NewNodeInfoHttp returns a NodeInfoHttp.
func (*NodeInfoHttp) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoHttp) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoIngest ¶
type NodeInfoIngest struct {
Processors []NodeInfoIngestProcessor `json:"processors"`
NodeInfoIngest type.
func NewNodeInfoIngest ¶
func NewNodeInfoIngest() *NodeInfoIngest
NewNodeInfoIngest returns a NodeInfoIngest.
type NodeInfoIngestDownloader ¶
type NodeInfoIngestDownloader struct {
Enabled string `json:"enabled"`
NodeInfoIngestDownloader type.
func NewNodeInfoIngestDownloader ¶
func NewNodeInfoIngestDownloader() *NodeInfoIngestDownloader
NewNodeInfoIngestDownloader returns a NodeInfoIngestDownloader.
func (*NodeInfoIngestDownloader) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoIngestDownloader) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoIngestInfo ¶
type NodeInfoIngestInfo struct {
Downloader NodeInfoIngestDownloader `json:"downloader"`
NodeInfoIngestInfo type.
func NewNodeInfoIngestInfo ¶
func NewNodeInfoIngestInfo() *NodeInfoIngestInfo
NewNodeInfoIngestInfo returns a NodeInfoIngestInfo.
type NodeInfoIngestProcessor ¶
type NodeInfoIngestProcessor struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
NodeInfoIngestProcessor type.
func NewNodeInfoIngestProcessor ¶
func NewNodeInfoIngestProcessor() *NodeInfoIngestProcessor
NewNodeInfoIngestProcessor returns a NodeInfoIngestProcessor.
func (*NodeInfoIngestProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoIngestProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoJvmMemory ¶
type NodeInfoJvmMemory struct { DirectMax ByteSize `json:"direct_max,omitempty"` DirectMaxInBytes int64 `json:"direct_max_in_bytes"` HeapInit ByteSize `json:"heap_init,omitempty"` HeapInitInBytes int64 `json:"heap_init_in_bytes"` HeapMax ByteSize `json:"heap_max,omitempty"` HeapMaxInBytes int64 `json:"heap_max_in_bytes"` NonHeapInit ByteSize `json:"non_heap_init,omitempty"` NonHeapInitInBytes int64 `json:"non_heap_init_in_bytes"` NonHeapMax ByteSize `json:"non_heap_max,omitempty"` NonHeapMaxInBytes int64 `json:"non_heap_max_in_bytes"` }
NodeInfoJvmMemory type.
func NewNodeInfoJvmMemory ¶
func NewNodeInfoJvmMemory() *NodeInfoJvmMemory
NewNodeInfoJvmMemory returns a NodeInfoJvmMemory.
func (*NodeInfoJvmMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoJvmMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoMemory ¶
type NodeInfoMemory struct { Total string `json:"total"` TotalInBytes int64 `json:"total_in_bytes"` }
NodeInfoMemory type.
func NewNodeInfoMemory ¶
func NewNodeInfoMemory() *NodeInfoMemory
NewNodeInfoMemory returns a NodeInfoMemory.
func (*NodeInfoMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoNetwork ¶
type NodeInfoNetwork struct { PrimaryInterface NodeInfoNetworkInterface `json:"primary_interface"` RefreshInterval int `json:"refresh_interval"` }
NodeInfoNetwork type.
func NewNodeInfoNetwork ¶
func NewNodeInfoNetwork() *NodeInfoNetwork
NewNodeInfoNetwork returns a NodeInfoNetwork.
func (*NodeInfoNetwork) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoNetwork) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoNetworkInterface ¶
type NodeInfoNetworkInterface struct { Address string `json:"address"` MacAddress string `json:"mac_address"` Name string `json:"name"` }
NodeInfoNetworkInterface type.
func NewNodeInfoNetworkInterface ¶
func NewNodeInfoNetworkInterface() *NodeInfoNetworkInterface
NewNodeInfoNetworkInterface returns a NodeInfoNetworkInterface.
func (*NodeInfoNetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoNetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoOSCPU ¶
type NodeInfoOSCPU struct { CacheSize string `json:"cache_size"` CacheSizeInBytes int `json:"cache_size_in_bytes"` CoresPerSocket int `json:"cores_per_socket"` Mhz int `json:"mhz"` Model string `json:"model"` TotalCores int `json:"total_cores"` TotalSockets int `json:"total_sockets"` Vendor string `json:"vendor"` }
NodeInfoOSCPU type.
func NewNodeInfoOSCPU ¶
func NewNodeInfoOSCPU() *NodeInfoOSCPU
NewNodeInfoOSCPU returns a NodeInfoOSCPU.
func (*NodeInfoOSCPU) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoOSCPU) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoPath ¶
type NodeInfoPath struct { Data []string `json:"data,omitempty"` Home *string `json:"home,omitempty"` Logs *string `json:"logs,omitempty"` Repo []string `json:"repo,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoPath type.
func NewNodeInfoPath ¶
func NewNodeInfoPath() *NodeInfoPath
NewNodeInfoPath returns a NodeInfoPath.
func (*NodeInfoPath) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoPath) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoRepositories ¶
type NodeInfoRepositories struct {
Url NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl `json:"url"`
NodeInfoRepositories type.
func NewNodeInfoRepositories ¶
func NewNodeInfoRepositories() *NodeInfoRepositories
NewNodeInfoRepositories returns a NodeInfoRepositories.
type NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl ¶
type NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl struct {
AllowedUrls string `json:"allowed_urls"`
NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl type.
func NewNodeInfoRepositoriesUrl ¶
func NewNodeInfoRepositoriesUrl() *NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl
NewNodeInfoRepositoriesUrl returns a NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl.
func (*NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoRepositoriesUrl) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoScript ¶
type NodeInfoScript struct { AllowedTypes string `json:"allowed_types"` DisableMaxCompilationsRate string `json:"disable_max_compilations_rate"` }
NodeInfoScript type.
func NewNodeInfoScript ¶
func NewNodeInfoScript() *NodeInfoScript
NewNodeInfoScript returns a NodeInfoScript.
func (*NodeInfoScript) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoScript) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSearch ¶
type NodeInfoSearch struct {
Remote NodeInfoSearchRemote `json:"remote"`
NodeInfoSearch type.
func NewNodeInfoSearch ¶
func NewNodeInfoSearch() *NodeInfoSearch
NewNodeInfoSearch returns a NodeInfoSearch.
type NodeInfoSearchRemote ¶
type NodeInfoSearchRemote struct {
Connect string `json:"connect"`
NodeInfoSearchRemote type.
func NewNodeInfoSearchRemote ¶
func NewNodeInfoSearchRemote() *NodeInfoSearchRemote
NewNodeInfoSearchRemote returns a NodeInfoSearchRemote.
func (*NodeInfoSearchRemote) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSearchRemote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettings ¶
type NodeInfoSettings struct { Action *NodeInfoAction `json:"action,omitempty"` Bootstrap *NodeInfoBootstrap `json:"bootstrap,omitempty"` Client NodeInfoClient `json:"client"` Cluster NodeInfoSettingsCluster `json:"cluster"` Discovery *NodeInfoDiscover `json:"discovery,omitempty"` Http NodeInfoSettingsHttp `json:"http"` Ingest *NodeInfoSettingsIngest `json:"ingest,omitempty"` Network *NodeInfoSettingsNetwork `json:"network,omitempty"` Node NodeInfoSettingsNode `json:"node"` Path *NodeInfoPath `json:"path,omitempty"` Repositories *NodeInfoRepositories `json:"repositories,omitempty"` Script *NodeInfoScript `json:"script,omitempty"` Search *NodeInfoSearch `json:"search,omitempty"` Transport NodeInfoSettingsTransport `json:"transport"` Xpack *NodeInfoXpack `json:"xpack,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoSettings type.
func NewNodeInfoSettings ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettings() *NodeInfoSettings
NewNodeInfoSettings returns a NodeInfoSettings.
type NodeInfoSettingsCluster ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsCluster struct { DeprecationIndexing *DeprecationIndexing `json:"deprecation_indexing,omitempty"` Election NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection `json:"election"` InitialMasterNodes []string `json:"initial_master_nodes,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Routing *IndexRouting `json:"routing,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoSettingsCluster type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsCluster ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsCluster() *NodeInfoSettingsCluster
NewNodeInfoSettingsCluster returns a NodeInfoSettingsCluster.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsCluster) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection struct {
Strategy string `json:"strategy"`
NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsClusterElection ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsClusterElection() *NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection
NewNodeInfoSettingsClusterElection returns a NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsClusterElection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsHttp ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsHttp struct { Compression string `json:"compression,omitempty"` Port string `json:"port,omitempty"` Type NodeInfoSettingsHttpType `json:"type"` TypeDefault *string `json:"type.default,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoSettingsHttp type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsHttp ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsHttp() *NodeInfoSettingsHttp
NewNodeInfoSettingsHttp returns a NodeInfoSettingsHttp.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsHttp) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsHttp) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsHttpType ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsHttpType struct {
Default string `json:"default"`
NodeInfoSettingsHttpType type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsHttpType ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsHttpType() *NodeInfoSettingsHttpType
NewNodeInfoSettingsHttpType returns a NodeInfoSettingsHttpType.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsHttpType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsHttpType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsIngest ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsIngest struct { Append *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"append,omitempty"` Attachment *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"attachment,omitempty"` Bytes *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"bytes,omitempty"` Circle *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"circle,omitempty"` Convert *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"convert,omitempty"` Csv *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"csv,omitempty"` Date *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"date,omitempty"` DateIndexName *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"date_index_name,omitempty"` Dissect *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"dissect,omitempty"` DotExpander *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"dot_expander,omitempty"` Drop *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"drop,omitempty"` Enrich *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"enrich,omitempty"` Fail *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"fail,omitempty"` Foreach *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"foreach,omitempty"` Geoip *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"geoip,omitempty"` Grok *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"grok,omitempty"` Gsub *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"gsub,omitempty"` Inference *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"inference,omitempty"` Join *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"join,omitempty"` Json *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"json,omitempty"` Kv *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"kv,omitempty"` Lowercase *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"lowercase,omitempty"` Pipeline *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` Remove *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"remove,omitempty"` Rename *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"rename,omitempty"` Script *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"script,omitempty"` Set *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"set,omitempty"` SetSecurityUser *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"set_security_user,omitempty"` Sort *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"sort,omitempty"` Split *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"split,omitempty"` Trim *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"trim,omitempty"` Uppercase *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"uppercase,omitempty"` Urldecode *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"urldecode,omitempty"` UserAgent *NodeInfoIngestInfo `json:"user_agent,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoSettingsIngest type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsIngest ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsIngest() *NodeInfoSettingsIngest
NewNodeInfoSettingsIngest returns a NodeInfoSettingsIngest.
type NodeInfoSettingsNetwork ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsNetwork struct {
Host string `json:"host"`
NodeInfoSettingsNetwork type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsNetwork ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsNetwork() *NodeInfoSettingsNetwork
NewNodeInfoSettingsNetwork returns a NodeInfoSettingsNetwork.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsNetwork) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsNetwork) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsNode ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsNode struct { Attr map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"attr"` MaxLocalStorageNodes *string `json:"max_local_storage_nodes,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` }
NodeInfoSettingsNode type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsNode ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsNode() *NodeInfoSettingsNode
NewNodeInfoSettingsNode returns a NodeInfoSettingsNode.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsTransport ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsTransport struct { Features *NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures `json:"features,omitempty"` Type NodeInfoSettingsTransportType `json:"type"` TypeDefault *string `json:"type.default,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoSettingsTransport type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsTransport ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsTransport() *NodeInfoSettingsTransport
NewNodeInfoSettingsTransport returns a NodeInfoSettingsTransport.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsTransport) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsTransport) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures struct {
XPack string `json:"x-pack"`
NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures() *NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures
NewNodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures returns a NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsTransportFeatures) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoSettingsTransportType ¶
type NodeInfoSettingsTransportType struct {
Default string `json:"default"`
NodeInfoSettingsTransportType type.
func NewNodeInfoSettingsTransportType ¶
func NewNodeInfoSettingsTransportType() *NodeInfoSettingsTransportType
NewNodeInfoSettingsTransportType returns a NodeInfoSettingsTransportType.
func (*NodeInfoSettingsTransportType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoSettingsTransportType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoTransport ¶
type NodeInfoTransport struct { BoundAddress []string `json:"bound_address"` Profiles map[string]string `json:"profiles"` PublishAddress string `json:"publish_address"` }
NodeInfoTransport type.
func NewNodeInfoTransport ¶
func NewNodeInfoTransport() *NodeInfoTransport
NewNodeInfoTransport returns a NodeInfoTransport.
func (*NodeInfoTransport) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoTransport) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoXpack ¶
type NodeInfoXpack struct { License *NodeInfoXpackLicense `json:"license,omitempty"` Notification map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"notification,omitempty"` Security NodeInfoXpackSecurity `json:"security"` }
NodeInfoXpack type.
func NewNodeInfoXpack ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpack() *NodeInfoXpack
NewNodeInfoXpack returns a NodeInfoXpack.
type NodeInfoXpackLicense ¶
type NodeInfoXpackLicense struct {
SelfGenerated NodeInfoXpackLicenseType `json:"self_generated"`
NodeInfoXpackLicense type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackLicense ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackLicense() *NodeInfoXpackLicense
NewNodeInfoXpackLicense returns a NodeInfoXpackLicense.
type NodeInfoXpackLicenseType ¶
type NodeInfoXpackLicenseType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
NodeInfoXpackLicenseType type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackLicenseType ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackLicenseType() *NodeInfoXpackLicenseType
NewNodeInfoXpackLicenseType returns a NodeInfoXpackLicenseType.
func (*NodeInfoXpackLicenseType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoXpackLicenseType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoXpackSecurity ¶
type NodeInfoXpackSecurity struct { Authc *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc `json:"authc,omitempty"` Enabled string `json:"enabled"` Http NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl `json:"http"` Transport *NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl `json:"transport,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoXpackSecurity type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurity ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurity() *NodeInfoXpackSecurity
NewNodeInfoXpackSecurity returns a NodeInfoXpackSecurity.
func (*NodeInfoXpackSecurity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoXpackSecurity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc ¶
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc struct { Realms NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms `json:"realms"` Token NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken `json:"token"` }
NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc() *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc
NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc returns a NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthc.
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms ¶
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms struct { File map[string]NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus `json:"file,omitempty"` Native map[string]NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus `json:"native,omitempty"` Pki map[string]NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus `json:"pki,omitempty"` }
NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms() *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms
NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms returns a NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealms.
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus ¶
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus struct { Enabled *string `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Order string `json:"order"` }
NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus() *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus
NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus returns a NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus.
func (*NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcRealmsStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken ¶
type NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken struct {
Enabled string `json:"enabled"`
NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken() *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken
NewNodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken returns a NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken.
func (*NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeInfoXpackSecurityAuthcToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl ¶
NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl type.
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl ¶
func NewNodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl() *NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl
NewNodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl returns a NodeInfoXpackSecuritySsl.
type NodeJvmInfo ¶
type NodeJvmInfo struct { GcCollectors []string `json:"gc_collectors"` InputArguments []string `json:"input_arguments"` Mem NodeInfoJvmMemory `json:"mem"` MemoryPools []string `json:"memory_pools"` Pid int `json:"pid"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` UsingBundledJdk bool `json:"using_bundled_jdk"` UsingCompressedOrdinaryObjectPointers string `json:"using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers,omitempty"` Version string `json:"version"` VmName string `json:"vm_name"` VmVendor string `json:"vm_vendor"` VmVersion string `json:"vm_version"` }
NodeJvmInfo type.
func (*NodeJvmInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeJvmInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeOperatingSystemInfo ¶
type NodeOperatingSystemInfo struct { // AllocatedProcessors The number of processors actually used to calculate thread pool size. This // number can be set with the node.processors setting of a node and defaults to // the number of processors reported by the OS. AllocatedProcessors *int `json:"allocated_processors,omitempty"` // Arch Name of the JVM architecture (ex: amd64, x86) Arch string `json:"arch"` // AvailableProcessors Number of processors available to the Java virtual machine AvailableProcessors int `json:"available_processors"` Cpu *NodeInfoOSCPU `json:"cpu,omitempty"` Mem *NodeInfoMemory `json:"mem,omitempty"` // Name Name of the operating system (ex: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) Name string `json:"name"` PrettyName string `json:"pretty_name"` // RefreshIntervalInMillis Refresh interval for the OS statistics RefreshIntervalInMillis int64 `json:"refresh_interval_in_millis"` Swap *NodeInfoMemory `json:"swap,omitempty"` // Version Version of the operating system Version string `json:"version"` }
NodeOperatingSystemInfo type.
func NewNodeOperatingSystemInfo ¶
func NewNodeOperatingSystemInfo() *NodeOperatingSystemInfo
NewNodeOperatingSystemInfo returns a NodeOperatingSystemInfo.
func (*NodeOperatingSystemInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeOperatingSystemInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodePackagingType ¶
type NodePackagingType struct { // Count Number of selected nodes using the distribution flavor and file type. Count int `json:"count"` // Flavor Type of Elasticsearch distribution. This is always `default`. Flavor string `json:"flavor"` // Type File type (such as `tar` or `zip`) used for the distribution package. Type string `json:"type"` }
NodePackagingType type.
func NewNodePackagingType ¶
func NewNodePackagingType() *NodePackagingType
NewNodePackagingType returns a NodePackagingType.
func (*NodePackagingType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodePackagingType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeProcessInfo ¶
type NodeProcessInfo struct { // Id Process identifier (PID) Id int64 `json:"id"` // Mlockall Indicates if the process address space has been successfully locked in memory Mlockall bool `json:"mlockall"` // RefreshIntervalInMillis Refresh interval for the process statistics RefreshIntervalInMillis int64 `json:"refresh_interval_in_millis"` }
NodeProcessInfo type.
func NewNodeProcessInfo ¶
func NewNodeProcessInfo() *NodeProcessInfo
NewNodeProcessInfo returns a NodeProcessInfo.
func (*NodeProcessInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeProcessInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeReloadError ¶
type NodeReloadError struct { Name string `json:"name"` ReloadException *ErrorCause `json:"reload_exception,omitempty"` }
NodeReloadError type.
func NewNodeReloadError ¶
func NewNodeReloadError() *NodeReloadError
NewNodeReloadError returns a NodeReloadError.
func (*NodeReloadError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeReloadError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeReloadResult ¶
type NodeReloadResult interface{}
NodeReloadResult holds the union for the following types:
Stats NodeReloadError
type NodeShard ¶
type NodeShard struct { AllocationId map[string]string `json:"allocation_id,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` RecoverySource map[string]string `json:"recovery_source,omitempty"` RelocatingNode string `json:"relocating_node,omitempty"` RelocationFailureInfo *RelocationFailureInfo `json:"relocation_failure_info,omitempty"` Shard int `json:"shard"` State shardroutingstate.ShardRoutingState `json:"state"` UnassignedInfo *UnassignedInformation `json:"unassigned_info,omitempty"` }
NodeShard type.
func (*NodeShard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NodeShutdownStatus ¶
type NodeShutdownStatus struct { NodeId string `json:"node_id"` PersistentTasks PersistentTaskStatus `json:"persistent_tasks"` Plugins PluginsStatus `json:"plugins"` Reason string `json:"reason"` ShardMigration ShardMigrationStatus `json:"shard_migration"` ShutdownStartedmillis int64 `json:"shutdown_startedmillis"` Status shutdownstatus.ShutdownStatus `json:"status"` Type shutdowntype.ShutdownType `json:"type"` }
NodeShutdownStatus type.
func NewNodeShutdownStatus ¶
func NewNodeShutdownStatus() *NodeShutdownStatus
NewNodeShutdownStatus returns a NodeShutdownStatus.
func (*NodeShutdownStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeShutdownStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeStatistics ¶
type NodeStatistics struct { // Failed Number of nodes that rejected the request or failed to respond. If this value // is not 0, a reason for the rejection or failure is included in the response. Failed int `json:"failed"` Failures []ErrorCause `json:"failures,omitempty"` // Successful Number of nodes that responded successfully to the request. Successful int `json:"successful"` // Total Total number of nodes selected by the request. Total int `json:"total"` }
NodeStatistics type.
func NewNodeStatistics ¶
func NewNodeStatistics() *NodeStatistics
NewNodeStatistics returns a NodeStatistics.
func (*NodeStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeTasks ¶
type NodeTasks struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` Tasks map[string]TaskInfo `json:"tasks"` TransportAddress *string `json:"transport_address,omitempty"` }
NodeTasks type.
func (*NodeTasks) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NodeThreadPoolInfo ¶
type NodeThreadPoolInfo struct { Core *int `json:"core,omitempty"` KeepAlive Duration `json:"keep_alive,omitempty"` Max *int `json:"max,omitempty"` QueueSize int `json:"queue_size"` Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` }
NodeThreadPoolInfo type.
func NewNodeThreadPoolInfo ¶
func NewNodeThreadPoolInfo() *NodeThreadPoolInfo
NewNodeThreadPoolInfo returns a NodeThreadPoolInfo.
func (*NodeThreadPoolInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodeThreadPoolInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodeUsage ¶
type NodeUsage struct { Aggregations map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"aggregations"` RestActions map[string]int `json:"rest_actions"` Since int64 `json:"since"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` }
NodeUsage type.
func (*NodeUsage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NodesContext ¶
type NodesContext struct { CacheEvictions *int64 `json:"cache_evictions,omitempty"` CompilationLimitTriggered *int64 `json:"compilation_limit_triggered,omitempty"` Compilations *int64 `json:"compilations,omitempty"` Context *string `json:"context,omitempty"` }
NodesContext type.
func NewNodesContext ¶
func NewNodesContext() *NodesContext
NewNodesContext returns a NodesContext.
func (*NodesContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodesContext) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodesCredentials ¶
type NodesCredentials struct { // FileTokens File-backed tokens collected from all nodes FileTokens map[string]NodesCredentialsFileToken `json:"file_tokens"` // NodeStats General status showing how nodes respond to the above collection request NodeStats NodeStatistics `json:"_nodes"` }
NodesCredentials type.
func NewNodesCredentials ¶
func NewNodesCredentials() *NodesCredentials
NewNodesCredentials returns a NodesCredentials.
type NodesCredentialsFileToken ¶
type NodesCredentialsFileToken struct {
Nodes []string `json:"nodes"`
NodesCredentialsFileToken type.
func NewNodesCredentialsFileToken ¶
func NewNodesCredentialsFileToken() *NodesCredentialsFileToken
NewNodesCredentialsFileToken returns a NodesCredentialsFileToken.
type NodesIndexingPressure ¶
type NodesIndexingPressure struct { // Memory Contains statistics for memory consumption from indexing load. Memory *NodesIndexingPressureMemory `json:"memory,omitempty"` }
NodesIndexingPressure type.
func NewNodesIndexingPressure ¶
func NewNodesIndexingPressure() *NodesIndexingPressure
NewNodesIndexingPressure returns a NodesIndexingPressure.
type NodesIndexingPressureMemory ¶
type NodesIndexingPressureMemory struct { // Current Contains statistics for current indexing load. Current *PressureMemory `json:"current,omitempty"` // Limit Configured memory limit for the indexing requests. // Replica requests have an automatic limit that is 1.5x this value. Limit ByteSize `json:"limit,omitempty"` // LimitInBytes Configured memory limit, in bytes, for the indexing requests. // Replica requests have an automatic limit that is 1.5x this value. LimitInBytes *int64 `json:"limit_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Total Contains statistics for the cumulative indexing load since the node started. Total *PressureMemory `json:"total,omitempty"` }
NodesIndexingPressureMemory type.
func NewNodesIndexingPressureMemory ¶
func NewNodesIndexingPressureMemory() *NodesIndexingPressureMemory
NewNodesIndexingPressureMemory returns a NodesIndexingPressureMemory.
func (*NodesIndexingPressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodesIndexingPressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NodesIngest ¶
type NodesIngest struct { // Pipelines Contains statistics about ingest pipelines for the node. Pipelines map[string]IngestTotal `json:"pipelines,omitempty"` // Total Contains statistics about ingest operations for the node. Total *IngestTotal `json:"total,omitempty"` }
NodesIngest type.
type NodesRecord ¶
type NodesRecord struct { // Build The Elasticsearch build hash. Build *string `json:"build,omitempty"` // BulkAvgSizeInBytes The average size in bytes of shard bulk. BulkAvgSizeInBytes *string `json:"bulk.avg_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // BulkAvgTime The average time spend in shard bulk. BulkAvgTime *string `json:"bulk.avg_time,omitempty"` // BulkTotalOperations The number of bulk shard operations. BulkTotalOperations *string `json:"bulk.total_operations,omitempty"` // BulkTotalSizeInBytes The total size in bytes of shard bulk. BulkTotalSizeInBytes *string `json:"bulk.total_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // BulkTotalTime The time spend in shard bulk. BulkTotalTime *string `json:"bulk.total_time,omitempty"` // CompletionSize The size of completion. CompletionSize *string `json:"completion.size,omitempty"` // Cpu The recent system CPU usage as a percentage. Cpu *string `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // DiskAvail The available disk space. DiskAvail ByteSize `json:"disk.avail,omitempty"` // DiskTotal The total disk space. DiskTotal ByteSize `json:",omitempty"` // DiskUsed The used disk space. DiskUsed ByteSize `json:"disk.used,omitempty"` // DiskUsedPercent The used disk space percentage. DiskUsedPercent Percentage `json:"disk.used_percent,omitempty"` // FielddataEvictions The fielddata evictions. FielddataEvictions *string `json:"fielddata.evictions,omitempty"` // FielddataMemorySize The used fielddata cache. FielddataMemorySize *string `json:"fielddata.memory_size,omitempty"` // FileDescCurrent The used file descriptors. FileDescCurrent *string `json:"file_desc.current,omitempty"` // FileDescMax The maximum number of file descriptors. FileDescMax *string `json:"file_desc.max,omitempty"` // FileDescPercent The used file descriptor ratio. FileDescPercent Percentage `json:"file_desc.percent,omitempty"` // Flavor The Elasticsearch distribution flavor. Flavor *string `json:"flavor,omitempty"` // FlushTotal The number of flushes. FlushTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // FlushTotalTime The time spent in flush. FlushTotalTime *string `json:"flush.total_time,omitempty"` // GetCurrent The number of current get ops. GetCurrent *string `json:"get.current,omitempty"` // GetExistsTime The time spent in successful gets. GetExistsTime *string `json:"get.exists_time,omitempty"` // GetExistsTotal The number of successful get operations. GetExistsTotal *string `json:"get.exists_total,omitempty"` // GetMissingTime The time spent in failed gets. GetMissingTime *string `json:"get.missing_time,omitempty"` // GetMissingTotal The number of failed gets. GetMissingTotal *string `json:"get.missing_total,omitempty"` // GetTime The time spent in get. GetTime *string `json:"get.time,omitempty"` // GetTotal The number of get ops. GetTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // HeapCurrent The used heap. HeapCurrent *string `json:"heap.current,omitempty"` // HeapMax The maximum configured heap. HeapMax *string `json:"heap.max,omitempty"` // HeapPercent The used heap ratio. HeapPercent Percentage `json:"heap.percent,omitempty"` // HttpAddress The bound HTTP address. HttpAddress *string `json:"http_address,omitempty"` // Id The unique node identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteCurrent The number of current deletions. IndexingDeleteCurrent *string `json:"indexing.delete_current,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteTime The time spent in deletions. IndexingDeleteTime *string `json:"indexing.delete_time,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteTotal The number of delete operations. IndexingDeleteTotal *string `json:"indexing.delete_total,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexCurrent The number of current indexing operations. IndexingIndexCurrent *string `json:"indexing.index_current,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexFailed The number of failed indexing operations. IndexingIndexFailed *string `json:"indexing.index_failed,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexTime The time spent in indexing. IndexingIndexTime *string `json:"indexing.index_time,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexTotal The number of indexing operations. IndexingIndexTotal *string `json:"indexing.index_total,omitempty"` // Ip The IP address. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Jdk The Java version. Jdk *string `json:"jdk,omitempty"` // Load15M The load average for the last fifteen minutes. Load15M *string `json:"load_15m,omitempty"` // Load1M The load average for the most recent minute. Load1M *string `json:"load_1m,omitempty"` // Load5M The load average for the last five minutes. Load5M *string `json:"load_5m,omitempty"` // Master Indicates whether the node is the elected master node. // Returned values include `*`(elected master) and `-`(not elected master). Master *string `json:"master,omitempty"` // MergesCurrent The number of current merges. MergesCurrent *string `json:"merges.current,omitempty"` // MergesCurrentDocs The number of current merging docs. MergesCurrentDocs *string `json:"merges.current_docs,omitempty"` // MergesCurrentSize The size of current merges. MergesCurrentSize *string `json:"merges.current_size,omitempty"` // MergesTotal The number of completed merge operations. MergesTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // MergesTotalDocs The docs merged. MergesTotalDocs *string `json:"merges.total_docs,omitempty"` // MergesTotalSize The size merged. MergesTotalSize *string `json:"merges.total_size,omitempty"` // MergesTotalTime The time spent in merges. MergesTotalTime *string `json:"merges.total_time,omitempty"` // Name The node name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // NodeRole The roles of the node. // Returned values include `c`(cold node), `d`(data node), `f`(frozen node), // `h`(hot node), `i`(ingest node), `l`(machine learning node), `m` (master // eligible node), `r`(remote cluster client node), `s`(content node), // `t`(transform node), `v`(voting-only node), `w`(warm node),and // `-`(coordinating node only). NodeRole *string `json:"node.role,omitempty"` // Pid The process identifier. Pid *string `json:"pid,omitempty"` // Port The bound transport port. Port *string `json:"port,omitempty"` // QueryCacheEvictions The query cache evictions. QueryCacheEvictions *string `json:"query_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // QueryCacheHitCount The query cache hit counts. QueryCacheHitCount *string `json:"query_cache.hit_count,omitempty"` // QueryCacheMemorySize The used query cache. QueryCacheMemorySize *string `json:"query_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // QueryCacheMissCount The query cache miss counts. QueryCacheMissCount *string `json:"query_cache.miss_count,omitempty"` // RamCurrent The used machine memory. RamCurrent *string `json:"ram.current,omitempty"` // RamMax The total machine memory. RamMax *string `json:"ram.max,omitempty"` // RamPercent The used machine memory ratio. RamPercent Percentage `json:"ram.percent,omitempty"` // RefreshExternalTime The time spent in external refreshes. RefreshExternalTime *string `json:"refresh.external_time,omitempty"` // RefreshExternalTotal The total external refreshes. RefreshExternalTotal *string `json:"refresh.external_total,omitempty"` // RefreshListeners The number of pending refresh listeners. RefreshListeners *string `json:"refresh.listeners,omitempty"` // RefreshTime The time spent in refreshes. RefreshTime *string `json:"refresh.time,omitempty"` // RefreshTotal The total refreshes. RefreshTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // RequestCacheEvictions The request cache evictions. RequestCacheEvictions *string `json:"request_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // RequestCacheHitCount The request cache hit counts. RequestCacheHitCount *string `json:"request_cache.hit_count,omitempty"` // RequestCacheMemorySize The used request cache. RequestCacheMemorySize *string `json:"request_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // RequestCacheMissCount The request cache miss counts. RequestCacheMissCount *string `json:"request_cache.miss_count,omitempty"` // ScriptCacheEvictions The total compiled scripts evicted from the cache. ScriptCacheEvictions *string `json:"script.cache_evictions,omitempty"` // ScriptCompilationLimitTriggered The script cache compilation limit triggered. ScriptCompilationLimitTriggered *string `json:"script.compilation_limit_triggered,omitempty"` // ScriptCompilations The total script compilations. ScriptCompilations *string `json:"script.compilations,omitempty"` // SearchFetchCurrent The current fetch phase operations. SearchFetchCurrent *string `json:"search.fetch_current,omitempty"` // SearchFetchTime The time spent in fetch phase. SearchFetchTime *string `json:"search.fetch_time,omitempty"` // SearchFetchTotal The total fetch operations. SearchFetchTotal *string `json:"search.fetch_total,omitempty"` // SearchOpenContexts The open search contexts. SearchOpenContexts *string `json:"search.open_contexts,omitempty"` // SearchQueryCurrent The current query phase operations. SearchQueryCurrent *string `json:"search.query_current,omitempty"` // SearchQueryTime The time spent in query phase. SearchQueryTime *string `json:"search.query_time,omitempty"` // SearchQueryTotal The total query phase operations. SearchQueryTotal *string `json:"search.query_total,omitempty"` // SearchScrollCurrent The open scroll contexts. SearchScrollCurrent *string `json:"search.scroll_current,omitempty"` // SearchScrollTime The time scroll contexts held open. SearchScrollTime *string `json:"search.scroll_time,omitempty"` // SearchScrollTotal The completed scroll contexts. SearchScrollTotal *string `json:"search.scroll_total,omitempty"` // SegmentsCount The number of segments. SegmentsCount *string `json:"segments.count,omitempty"` // SegmentsFixedBitsetMemory The memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and export // type filters for types referred in _parent fields. SegmentsFixedBitsetMemory *string `json:"segments.fixed_bitset_memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsIndexWriterMemory The memory used by the index writer. SegmentsIndexWriterMemory *string `json:"segments.index_writer_memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsMemory The memory used by segments. SegmentsMemory *string `json:"segments.memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsVersionMapMemory The memory used by the version map. SegmentsVersionMapMemory *string `json:"segments.version_map_memory,omitempty"` // SuggestCurrent The number of current suggest operations. SuggestCurrent *string `json:"suggest.current,omitempty"` // SuggestTime The time spend in suggest. SuggestTime *string `json:"suggest.time,omitempty"` // SuggestTotal The number of suggest operations. SuggestTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // Type The Elasticsearch distribution type. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Uptime The node uptime. Uptime *string `json:"uptime,omitempty"` // Version The Elasticsearch version. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
NodesRecord type.
func (*NodesRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NodesRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NoriAnalyzer ¶
type NoriAnalyzer struct { DecompoundMode *noridecompoundmode.NoriDecompoundMode `json:"decompound_mode,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` UserDictionary *string `json:"user_dictionary,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
NoriAnalyzer type.
func NewNoriAnalyzer ¶
func NewNoriAnalyzer() *NoriAnalyzer
NewNoriAnalyzer returns a NoriAnalyzer.
func (NoriAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NoriAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*NoriAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NoriAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter ¶
type NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter type.
func NewNoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter ¶
func NewNoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter() *NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter
NewNoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter returns a NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter.
func (NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NoriTokenizer ¶
type NoriTokenizer struct { DecompoundMode *noridecompoundmode.NoriDecompoundMode `json:"decompound_mode,omitempty"` DiscardPunctuation *bool `json:"discard_punctuation,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` UserDictionary *string `json:"user_dictionary,omitempty"` UserDictionaryRules []string `json:"user_dictionary_rules,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
NoriTokenizer type.
func NewNoriTokenizer ¶
func NewNoriTokenizer() *NoriTokenizer
NewNoriTokenizer returns a NoriTokenizer.
func (NoriTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NoriTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*NoriTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NoriTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NormalizeAggregation ¶
type NormalizeAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Method The specific method to apply. Method *normalizemethod.NormalizeMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
NormalizeAggregation type.
func NewNormalizeAggregation ¶
func NewNormalizeAggregation() *NormalizeAggregation
NewNormalizeAggregation returns a NormalizeAggregation.
func (*NormalizeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NormalizeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Normalizer ¶
type Normalizer interface{}
Normalizer holds the union for the following types:
LowercaseNormalizer CustomNormalizer
type NumberRangeQuery ¶
type NumberRangeQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` From Float64 `json:"from,omitempty"` // Gt Greater than. Gt *Float64 `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Gte Greater than or equal to. Gte *Float64 `json:"gte,omitempty"` // Lt Less than. Lt *Float64 `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Lte Less than or equal to. Lte *Float64 `json:"lte,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Relation Indicates how the range query matches values for `range` fields. Relation *rangerelation.RangeRelation `json:"relation,omitempty"` To Float64 `json:"to,omitempty"` }
NumberRangeQuery type.
func NewNumberRangeQuery ¶
func NewNumberRangeQuery() *NumberRangeQuery
NewNumberRangeQuery returns a NumberRangeQuery.
func (*NumberRangeQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *NumberRangeQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NumericDecayFunction ¶
type NumericDecayFunction struct { // MultiValueMode Determines how the distance is calculated when a field used for computing the // decay contains multiple values. MultiValueMode *multivaluemode.MultiValueMode `json:"multi_value_mode,omitempty"` NumericDecayFunction map[string]DecayPlacementdoubledouble `json:"-"` }
NumericDecayFunction type.
func NewNumericDecayFunction ¶
func NewNumericDecayFunction() *NumericDecayFunction
NewNumericDecayFunction returns a NumericDecayFunction.
func (NumericDecayFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s NumericDecayFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
type NumericFielddata ¶
type NumericFielddata struct {
Format numericfielddataformat.NumericFielddataFormat `json:"format"`
NumericFielddata type.
func NewNumericFielddata ¶
func NewNumericFielddata() *NumericFielddata
NewNumericFielddata returns a NumericFielddata.
type ObjectProperty ¶
type ObjectProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Subobjects *bool `json:"subobjects,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ObjectProperty type.
func NewObjectProperty ¶
func NewObjectProperty() *ObjectProperty
NewObjectProperty returns a ObjectProperty.
func (ObjectProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ObjectProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ObjectProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ObjectProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OneHotEncodingPreprocessor ¶
type OneHotEncodingPreprocessor struct { Field string `json:"field"` HotMap map[string]string `json:"hot_map"` }
OneHotEncodingPreprocessor type.
func NewOneHotEncodingPreprocessor ¶
func NewOneHotEncodingPreprocessor() *OneHotEncodingPreprocessor
NewOneHotEncodingPreprocessor returns a OneHotEncodingPreprocessor.
func (*OneHotEncodingPreprocessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OneHotEncodingPreprocessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OperatingSystem ¶
type OperatingSystem struct { Cgroup *Cgroup `json:"cgroup,omitempty"` Cpu *Cpu `json:"cpu,omitempty"` Mem *ExtendedMemoryStats `json:"mem,omitempty"` Swap *MemoryStats `json:"swap,omitempty"` Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
OperatingSystem type.
func NewOperatingSystem ¶
func NewOperatingSystem() *OperatingSystem
NewOperatingSystem returns a OperatingSystem.
func (*OperatingSystem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OperatingSystem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OperatingSystemMemoryInfo ¶
type OperatingSystemMemoryInfo struct { // AdjustedTotalInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory across all selected nodes, but using the // value specified using the `es.total_memory_bytes` system property instead of // measured total memory for those nodes where that system property was set. AdjustedTotalInBytes *int64 `json:"adjusted_total_in_bytes,omitempty"` // FreeInBytes Amount, in bytes, of free physical memory across all selected nodes. FreeInBytes int64 `json:"free_in_bytes"` // FreePercent Percentage of free physical memory across all selected nodes. FreePercent int `json:"free_percent"` // TotalInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of physical memory across all selected nodes. TotalInBytes int64 `json:"total_in_bytes"` // UsedInBytes Amount, in bytes, of physical memory in use across all selected nodes. UsedInBytes int64 `json:"used_in_bytes"` // UsedPercent Percentage of physical memory in use across all selected nodes. UsedPercent int `json:"used_percent"` }
OperatingSystemMemoryInfo type.
func NewOperatingSystemMemoryInfo ¶
func NewOperatingSystemMemoryInfo() *OperatingSystemMemoryInfo
NewOperatingSystemMemoryInfo returns a OperatingSystemMemoryInfo.
func (*OperatingSystemMemoryInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OperatingSystemMemoryInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OperationContainer ¶
type OperationContainer struct { // Create Indexes the specified document if it does not already exist. // The following line must contain the source data to be indexed. Create *CreateOperation `json:"create,omitempty"` // Delete Removes the specified document from the index. Delete *DeleteOperation `json:"delete,omitempty"` // Index Indexes the specified document. // If the document exists, replaces the document and increments the version. // The following line must contain the source data to be indexed. Index *IndexOperation `json:"index,omitempty"` // Update Performs a partial document update. // The following line must contain the partial document and update options. Update *UpdateOperation `json:"update,omitempty"` }
OperationContainer type.
func NewOperationContainer ¶
func NewOperationContainer() *OperationContainer
NewOperationContainer returns a OperationContainer.
type OutlierDetectionParameters ¶
type OutlierDetectionParameters struct { // ComputeFeatureInfluence Specifies whether the feature influence calculation is enabled. ComputeFeatureInfluence *bool `json:"compute_feature_influence,omitempty"` // FeatureInfluenceThreshold The minimum outlier score that a document needs to have in order to calculate // its feature influence score. // Value range: 0-1 FeatureInfluenceThreshold *Float64 `json:"feature_influence_threshold,omitempty"` // Method The method that outlier detection uses. // Available methods are `lof`, `ldof`, `distance_kth_nn`, `distance_knn`, and // `ensemble`. // The default value is ensemble, which means that outlier detection uses an // ensemble of different methods and normalises and combines their individual // outlier scores to obtain the overall outlier score. Method *string `json:"method,omitempty"` // NNeighbors Defines the value for how many nearest neighbors each method of outlier // detection uses to calculate its outlier score. // When the value is not set, different values are used for different ensemble // members. // This default behavior helps improve the diversity in the ensemble; only // override it if you are confident that the value you choose is appropriate for // the data set. NNeighbors *int `json:"n_neighbors,omitempty"` // OutlierFraction The proportion of the data set that is assumed to be outlying prior to // outlier detection. // For example, 0.05 means it is assumed that 5% of values are real outliers and // 95% are inliers. OutlierFraction *Float64 `json:"outlier_fraction,omitempty"` // StandardizationEnabled If `true`, the following operation is performed on the columns before // computing outlier scores: (x_i - mean(x_i)) / sd(x_i). StandardizationEnabled *bool `json:"standardization_enabled,omitempty"` }
OutlierDetectionParameters type.
func NewOutlierDetectionParameters ¶
func NewOutlierDetectionParameters() *OutlierDetectionParameters
NewOutlierDetectionParameters returns a OutlierDetectionParameters.
func (*OutlierDetectionParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OutlierDetectionParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OverallBucket ¶
type OverallBucket struct { // BucketSpan The length of the bucket in seconds. Matches the job with the longest // bucket_span value. BucketSpan int64 `json:"bucket_span"` // IsInterim If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are // calculated based on partial input data. IsInterim bool `json:"is_interim"` // Jobs An array of objects that contain the max_anomaly_score per job_id. Jobs []OverallBucketJob `json:"jobs"` // OverallScore The top_n average of the maximum bucket anomaly_score per job. OverallScore Float64 `json:"overall_score"` // ResultType Internal. This is always set to overall_bucket. ResultType string `json:"result_type"` // Timestamp The start time of the bucket for which these results were calculated. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // TimestampString The start time of the bucket for which these results were calculated. TimestampString DateTime `json:"timestamp_string"` }
OverallBucket type.
func NewOverallBucket ¶
func NewOverallBucket() *OverallBucket
NewOverallBucket returns a OverallBucket.
func (*OverallBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OverallBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OverallBucketJob ¶
type OverallBucketJob struct { JobId string `json:"job_id"` MaxAnomalyScore Float64 `json:"max_anomaly_score"` }
OverallBucketJob type.
func NewOverallBucketJob ¶
func NewOverallBucketJob() *OverallBucketJob
NewOverallBucketJob returns a OverallBucketJob.
func (*OverallBucketJob) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OverallBucketJob) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Overlapping ¶
type Overlapping struct { IndexPatterns []string `json:"index_patterns"` Name string `json:"name"` }
Overlapping type.
func (*Overlapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Overlapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Page ¶
type Page struct { // From Skips the specified number of items. From *int `json:"from,omitempty"` // Size Specifies the maximum number of items to obtain. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
Page type.
func (*Page) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PagerDutyAction ¶
type PagerDutyAction struct { Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` AttachPayload bool `json:"attach_payload"` Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` ClientUrl *string `json:"client_url,omitempty"` Contexts []PagerDutyContext `json:"contexts,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` EventType *pagerdutyeventtype.PagerDutyEventType `json:"event_type,omitempty"` IncidentKey string `json:"incident_key"` Proxy *PagerDutyEventProxy `json:"proxy,omitempty"` }
PagerDutyAction type.
func NewPagerDutyAction ¶
func NewPagerDutyAction() *PagerDutyAction
NewPagerDutyAction returns a PagerDutyAction.
func (*PagerDutyAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PagerDutyAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PagerDutyContext ¶
type PagerDutyContext struct { Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` Src *string `json:"src,omitempty"` Type pagerdutycontexttype.PagerDutyContextType `json:"type"` }
PagerDutyContext type.
func NewPagerDutyContext ¶
func NewPagerDutyContext() *PagerDutyContext
NewPagerDutyContext returns a PagerDutyContext.
func (*PagerDutyContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PagerDutyContext) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PagerDutyEvent ¶
type PagerDutyEvent struct { Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` AttachPayload bool `json:"attach_payload"` Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` ClientUrl *string `json:"client_url,omitempty"` Contexts []PagerDutyContext `json:"contexts,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` EventType *pagerdutyeventtype.PagerDutyEventType `json:"event_type,omitempty"` IncidentKey string `json:"incident_key"` Proxy *PagerDutyEventProxy `json:"proxy,omitempty"` }
PagerDutyEvent type.
func NewPagerDutyEvent ¶
func NewPagerDutyEvent() *PagerDutyEvent
NewPagerDutyEvent returns a PagerDutyEvent.
func (*PagerDutyEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PagerDutyEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PagerDutyEventProxy ¶
type PagerDutyEventProxy struct { Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"` }
PagerDutyEventProxy type.
func NewPagerDutyEventProxy ¶
func NewPagerDutyEventProxy() *PagerDutyEventProxy
NewPagerDutyEventProxy returns a PagerDutyEventProxy.
func (*PagerDutyEventProxy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PagerDutyEventProxy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PagerDutyResult ¶
type PagerDutyResult struct { Event PagerDutyEvent `json:"event"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Request *HttpInputRequestResult `json:"request,omitempty"` Response *HttpInputResponseResult `json:"response,omitempty"` }
PagerDutyResult type.
func NewPagerDutyResult ¶
func NewPagerDutyResult() *PagerDutyResult
NewPagerDutyResult returns a PagerDutyResult.
func (*PagerDutyResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PagerDutyResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PainlessContextSetup ¶
type PainlessContextSetup struct { // Document Document that’s temporarily indexed in-memory and accessible from the script. Document json.RawMessage `json:"document,omitempty"` // Index Index containing a mapping that’s compatible with the indexed document. // You may specify a remote index by prefixing the index with the remote cluster // alias. Index string `json:"index"` // Query Use this parameter to specify a query for computing a score. Query Query `json:"query"` }
PainlessContextSetup type.
func NewPainlessContextSetup ¶
func NewPainlessContextSetup() *PainlessContextSetup
NewPainlessContextSetup returns a PainlessContextSetup.
func (*PainlessContextSetup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PainlessContextSetup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ParentAggregate ¶
type ParentAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ParentAggregate type.
func NewParentAggregate ¶
func NewParentAggregate() *ParentAggregate
NewParentAggregate returns a ParentAggregate.
func (ParentAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ParentAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ParentAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ParentAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ParentAggregation ¶
type ParentAggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Type The child type that should be selected. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ParentAggregation type.
func NewParentAggregation ¶
func NewParentAggregation() *ParentAggregation
NewParentAggregation returns a ParentAggregation.
func (*ParentAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ParentAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ParentIdQuery ¶
type ParentIdQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Id ID of the parent document. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // IgnoreUnmapped Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped `type` and not return any documents // instead of an error. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Type Name of the child relationship mapped for the `join` field. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ParentIdQuery type.
func NewParentIdQuery ¶
func NewParentIdQuery() *ParentIdQuery
NewParentIdQuery returns a ParentIdQuery.
func (*ParentIdQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ParentIdQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ParentTaskInfo ¶
type ParentTaskInfo struct { Action string `json:"action"` Cancellable bool `json:"cancellable"` Cancelled *bool `json:"cancelled,omitempty"` Children []TaskInfo `json:"children,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers"` Id int64 `json:"id"` Node string `json:"node"` ParentTaskId TaskId `json:"parent_task_id,omitempty"` RunningTime Duration `json:"running_time,omitempty"` RunningTimeInNanos int64 `json:"running_time_in_nanos"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` // Status Task status information can vary wildly from task to task. Status json.RawMessage `json:"status,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` }
ParentTaskInfo type.
func NewParentTaskInfo ¶
func NewParentTaskInfo() *ParentTaskInfo
NewParentTaskInfo returns a ParentTaskInfo.
func (*ParentTaskInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ParentTaskInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PassThroughInferenceOptions ¶
type PassThroughInferenceOptions struct { // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` Vocabulary *Vocabulary `json:"vocabulary,omitempty"` }
PassThroughInferenceOptions type.
func NewPassThroughInferenceOptions ¶
func NewPassThroughInferenceOptions() *PassThroughInferenceOptions
NewPassThroughInferenceOptions returns a PassThroughInferenceOptions.
func (*PassThroughInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PassThroughInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewPassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewPassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions() *PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions
NewPassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions returns a PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PassThroughInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PathHierarchyTokenizer ¶
type PathHierarchyTokenizer struct { BufferSize Stringifiedinteger `json:"buffer_size,omitempty"` Delimiter *string `json:"delimiter,omitempty"` Replacement *string `json:"replacement,omitempty"` Reverse Stringifiedboolean `json:"reverse,omitempty"` Skip Stringifiedinteger `json:"skip,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PathHierarchyTokenizer type.
func NewPathHierarchyTokenizer ¶
func NewPathHierarchyTokenizer() *PathHierarchyTokenizer
NewPathHierarchyTokenizer returns a PathHierarchyTokenizer.
func (PathHierarchyTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PathHierarchyTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PathHierarchyTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PathHierarchyTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PatternAnalyzer ¶
type PatternAnalyzer struct { Flags *string `json:"flags,omitempty"` Lowercase *bool `json:"lowercase,omitempty"` Pattern string `json:"pattern"` Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PatternAnalyzer type.
func NewPatternAnalyzer ¶
func NewPatternAnalyzer() *PatternAnalyzer
NewPatternAnalyzer returns a PatternAnalyzer.
func (PatternAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PatternAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PatternAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PatternAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PatternCaptureTokenFilter ¶
type PatternCaptureTokenFilter struct { Patterns []string `json:"patterns"` PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PatternCaptureTokenFilter type.
func NewPatternCaptureTokenFilter ¶
func NewPatternCaptureTokenFilter() *PatternCaptureTokenFilter
NewPatternCaptureTokenFilter returns a PatternCaptureTokenFilter.
func (PatternCaptureTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PatternCaptureTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PatternCaptureTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PatternCaptureTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PatternReplaceCharFilter ¶
type PatternReplaceCharFilter struct { Flags *string `json:"flags,omitempty"` Pattern string `json:"pattern"` Replacement *string `json:"replacement,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PatternReplaceCharFilter type.
func NewPatternReplaceCharFilter ¶
func NewPatternReplaceCharFilter() *PatternReplaceCharFilter
NewPatternReplaceCharFilter returns a PatternReplaceCharFilter.
func (PatternReplaceCharFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PatternReplaceCharFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PatternReplaceCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PatternReplaceCharFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PatternReplaceTokenFilter ¶
type PatternReplaceTokenFilter struct { All *bool `json:"all,omitempty"` Flags *string `json:"flags,omitempty"` Pattern string `json:"pattern"` Replacement *string `json:"replacement,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PatternReplaceTokenFilter type.
func NewPatternReplaceTokenFilter ¶
func NewPatternReplaceTokenFilter() *PatternReplaceTokenFilter
NewPatternReplaceTokenFilter returns a PatternReplaceTokenFilter.
func (PatternReplaceTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PatternReplaceTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PatternReplaceTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PatternReplaceTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PatternTokenizer ¶
type PatternTokenizer struct { Flags *string `json:"flags,omitempty"` Group *int `json:"group,omitempty"` Pattern *string `json:"pattern,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PatternTokenizer type.
func NewPatternTokenizer ¶
func NewPatternTokenizer() *PatternTokenizer
NewPatternTokenizer returns a PatternTokenizer.
func (PatternTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PatternTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PatternTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PatternTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PendingTask ¶
type PendingTask struct { // Executing Indicates whether the pending tasks are currently executing or not. Executing bool `json:"executing"` // InsertOrder The number that represents when the task has been inserted into the task // queue. InsertOrder int `json:"insert_order"` // Priority The priority of the pending task. // The valid priorities in descending priority order are: `IMMEDIATE` > `URGENT` // > `HIGH` > `NORMAL` > `LOW` > `LANGUID`. Priority string `json:"priority"` // Source A general description of the cluster task that may include a reason and // origin. Source string `json:"source"` // TimeInQueue The time since the task is waiting for being performed. TimeInQueue Duration `json:"time_in_queue,omitempty"` // TimeInQueueMillis The time expressed in milliseconds since the task is waiting for being // performed. TimeInQueueMillis int64 `json:"time_in_queue_millis"` }
PendingTask type.
func (*PendingTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PendingTask) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PendingTasksRecord ¶
type PendingTasksRecord struct { // InsertOrder The task insertion order. InsertOrder *string `json:"insertOrder,omitempty"` // Priority The task priority. Priority *string `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Source The task source. Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` // TimeInQueue Indicates how long the task has been in queue. TimeInQueue *string `json:"timeInQueue,omitempty"` }
PendingTasksRecord type.
func NewPendingTasksRecord ¶
func NewPendingTasksRecord() *PendingTasksRecord
NewPendingTasksRecord returns a PendingTasksRecord.
func (*PendingTasksRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PendingTasksRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PerPartitionCategorization ¶
type PerPartitionCategorization struct { // Enabled To enable this setting, you must also set the `partition_field_name` property // to the same value in every detector that uses the keyword `mlcategory`. // Otherwise, job creation fails. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // StopOnWarn This setting can be set to true only if per-partition categorization is // enabled. If true, both categorization and subsequent anomaly detection stops // for partitions where the categorization status changes to warn. This setting // makes it viable to have a job where it is expected that categorization works // well for some partitions but not others; you do not pay the cost of bad // categorization forever in the partitions where it works badly. StopOnWarn *bool `json:"stop_on_warn,omitempty"` }
PerPartitionCategorization type.
func NewPerPartitionCategorization ¶
func NewPerPartitionCategorization() *PerPartitionCategorization
NewPerPartitionCategorization returns a PerPartitionCategorization.
func (*PerPartitionCategorization) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PerPartitionCategorization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Percentage ¶
type Percentage interface{}
Percentage holds the union for the following types:
string float32
type PercentageScoreHeuristic ¶
type PercentageScoreHeuristic struct { }
PercentageScoreHeuristic type.
func NewPercentageScoreHeuristic ¶
func NewPercentageScoreHeuristic() *PercentageScoreHeuristic
NewPercentageScoreHeuristic returns a PercentageScoreHeuristic.
type PercentileRanksAggregation ¶
type PercentileRanksAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Hdr Uses the alternative High Dynamic Range Histogram algorithm to calculate // percentile ranks. Hdr *HdrMethod `json:"hdr,omitempty"` // Keyed By default, the aggregation associates a unique string key with each bucket // and returns the ranges as a hash rather than an array. // Set to `false` to disable this behavior. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // Tdigest Sets parameters for the default TDigest algorithm used to calculate // percentile ranks. Tdigest *TDigest `json:"tdigest,omitempty"` // Values An array of values for which to calculate the percentile ranks. Values []Float64 `json:"values,omitempty"` }
PercentileRanksAggregation type.
func NewPercentileRanksAggregation ¶
func NewPercentileRanksAggregation() *PercentileRanksAggregation
NewPercentileRanksAggregation returns a PercentileRanksAggregation.
func (*PercentileRanksAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PercentileRanksAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Percentiles ¶
type Percentiles interface{}
Percentiles holds the union for the following types:
KeyedPercentiles []ArrayPercentilesItem
type PercentilesAggregation ¶
type PercentilesAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Hdr Uses the alternative High Dynamic Range Histogram algorithm to calculate // percentiles. Hdr *HdrMethod `json:"hdr,omitempty"` // Keyed By default, the aggregation associates a unique string key with each bucket // and returns the ranges as a hash rather than an array. // Set to `false` to disable this behavior. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` // Percents The percentiles to calculate. Percents []Float64 `json:"percents,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // Tdigest Sets parameters for the default TDigest algorithm used to calculate // percentiles. Tdigest *TDigest `json:"tdigest,omitempty"` }
PercentilesAggregation type.
func NewPercentilesAggregation ¶
func NewPercentilesAggregation() *PercentilesAggregation
NewPercentilesAggregation returns a PercentilesAggregation.
func (*PercentilesAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PercentilesAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PercentilesBucketAggregate ¶
type PercentilesBucketAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Values Percentiles `json:"values"` }
PercentilesBucketAggregate type.
func NewPercentilesBucketAggregate ¶
func NewPercentilesBucketAggregate() *PercentilesBucketAggregate
NewPercentilesBucketAggregate returns a PercentilesBucketAggregate.
func (*PercentilesBucketAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PercentilesBucketAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PercentilesBucketAggregation ¶
type PercentilesBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Percents The list of percentiles to calculate. Percents []Float64 `json:"percents,omitempty"` }
PercentilesBucketAggregation type.
func NewPercentilesBucketAggregation ¶
func NewPercentilesBucketAggregation() *PercentilesBucketAggregation
NewPercentilesBucketAggregation returns a PercentilesBucketAggregation.
func (*PercentilesBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PercentilesBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PercolateQuery ¶
type PercolateQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Document The source of the document being percolated. Document json.RawMessage `json:"document,omitempty"` // Documents An array of sources of the documents being percolated. Documents []json.RawMessage `json:"documents,omitempty"` // Field Field that holds the indexed queries. The field must use the `percolator` // mapping type. Field string `json:"field"` // Id The ID of a stored document to percolate. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Index The index of a stored document to percolate. Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Name The suffix used for the `_percolator_document_slot` field when multiple // `percolate` queries are specified. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Preference Preference used to fetch document to percolate. Preference *string `json:"preference,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Routing Routing used to fetch document to percolate. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // Version The expected version of a stored document to percolate. Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PercolateQuery type.
func NewPercolateQuery ¶
func NewPercolateQuery() *PercolateQuery
NewPercolateQuery returns a PercolateQuery.
func (*PercolateQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PercolateQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PercolatorProperty ¶
type PercolatorProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
PercolatorProperty type.
func NewPercolatorProperty ¶
func NewPercolatorProperty() *PercolatorProperty
NewPercolatorProperty returns a PercolatorProperty.
func (PercolatorProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PercolatorProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PercolatorProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PercolatorProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PersistentTaskStatus ¶
type PersistentTaskStatus struct {
Status shutdownstatus.ShutdownStatus `json:"status"`
PersistentTaskStatus type.
func NewPersistentTaskStatus ¶
func NewPersistentTaskStatus() *PersistentTaskStatus
NewPersistentTaskStatus returns a PersistentTaskStatus.
type Phase ¶
type Phase struct { Actions json.RawMessage `json:"actions,omitempty"` Configurations *Configurations `json:"configurations,omitempty"` MinAge *Duration `json:"min_age,omitempty"` }
Phase type.
func (*Phase) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Phases ¶
type Phases struct { Cold *Phase `json:"cold,omitempty"` Delete *Phase `json:"delete,omitempty"` Frozen *Phase `json:"frozen,omitempty"` Hot *Phase `json:"hot,omitempty"` Warm *Phase `json:"warm,omitempty"` }
Phases type.
type PhoneticTokenFilter ¶
type PhoneticTokenFilter struct { Encoder phoneticencoder.PhoneticEncoder `json:"encoder"` Languageset []phoneticlanguage.PhoneticLanguage `json:"languageset"` MaxCodeLen *int `json:"max_code_len,omitempty"` NameType phoneticnametype.PhoneticNameType `json:"name_type"` Replace *bool `json:"replace,omitempty"` RuleType phoneticruletype.PhoneticRuleType `json:"rule_type"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PhoneticTokenFilter type.
func NewPhoneticTokenFilter ¶
func NewPhoneticTokenFilter() *PhoneticTokenFilter
NewPhoneticTokenFilter returns a PhoneticTokenFilter.
func (PhoneticTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PhoneticTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PhoneticTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhoneticTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PhraseSuggest ¶
type PhraseSuggest struct { Length int `json:"length"` Offset int `json:"offset"` Options []PhraseSuggestOption `json:"options"` Text string `json:"text"` }
PhraseSuggest type.
func NewPhraseSuggest ¶
func NewPhraseSuggest() *PhraseSuggest
NewPhraseSuggest returns a PhraseSuggest.
func (*PhraseSuggest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhraseSuggest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PhraseSuggestCollate ¶
type PhraseSuggestCollate struct { // Params Parameters to use if the query is templated. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` // Prune Returns all suggestions with an extra `collate_match` option indicating // whether the generated phrase matched any document. Prune *bool `json:"prune,omitempty"` // Query A collate query that is run once for every suggestion. Query PhraseSuggestCollateQuery `json:"query"` }
PhraseSuggestCollate type.
func NewPhraseSuggestCollate ¶
func NewPhraseSuggestCollate() *PhraseSuggestCollate
NewPhraseSuggestCollate returns a PhraseSuggestCollate.
func (*PhraseSuggestCollate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhraseSuggestCollate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PhraseSuggestCollateQuery ¶
type PhraseSuggestCollateQuery struct { // Id The search template ID. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Source The query source. Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
PhraseSuggestCollateQuery type.
func NewPhraseSuggestCollateQuery ¶
func NewPhraseSuggestCollateQuery() *PhraseSuggestCollateQuery
NewPhraseSuggestCollateQuery returns a PhraseSuggestCollateQuery.
func (*PhraseSuggestCollateQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhraseSuggestCollateQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PhraseSuggestHighlight ¶
type PhraseSuggestHighlight struct { // PostTag Use in conjunction with `pre_tag` to define the HTML tags to use for the // highlighted text. PostTag string `json:"post_tag"` // PreTag Use in conjunction with `post_tag` to define the HTML tags to use for the // highlighted text. PreTag string `json:"pre_tag"` }
PhraseSuggestHighlight type.
func NewPhraseSuggestHighlight ¶
func NewPhraseSuggestHighlight() *PhraseSuggestHighlight
NewPhraseSuggestHighlight returns a PhraseSuggestHighlight.
func (*PhraseSuggestHighlight) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhraseSuggestHighlight) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PhraseSuggestOption ¶
type PhraseSuggestOption struct { CollateMatch *bool `json:"collate_match,omitempty"` Highlighted *string `json:"highlighted,omitempty"` Score Float64 `json:"score"` Text string `json:"text"` }
PhraseSuggestOption type.
func NewPhraseSuggestOption ¶
func NewPhraseSuggestOption() *PhraseSuggestOption
NewPhraseSuggestOption returns a PhraseSuggestOption.
func (*PhraseSuggestOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhraseSuggestOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PhraseSuggester ¶
type PhraseSuggester struct { // Analyzer The analyzer to analyze the suggest text with. // Defaults to the search analyzer of the suggest field. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Collate Checks each suggestion against the specified query to prune suggestions for // which no matching docs exist in the index. Collate *PhraseSuggestCollate `json:"collate,omitempty"` // Confidence Defines a factor applied to the input phrases score, which is used as a // threshold for other suggest candidates. // Only candidates that score higher than the threshold will be included in the // result. Confidence *Float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty"` // DirectGenerator A list of candidate generators that produce a list of possible terms per term // in the given text. DirectGenerator []DirectGenerator `json:"direct_generator,omitempty"` // Field The field to fetch the candidate suggestions from. // Needs to be set globally or per suggestion. Field string `json:"field"` ForceUnigrams *bool `json:"force_unigrams,omitempty"` // GramSize Sets max size of the n-grams (shingles) in the field. // If the field doesn’t contain n-grams (shingles), this should be omitted or // set to `1`. // If the field uses a shingle filter, the `gram_size` is set to the // `max_shingle_size` if not explicitly set. GramSize *int `json:"gram_size,omitempty"` // Highlight Sets up suggestion highlighting. // If not provided, no highlighted field is returned. Highlight *PhraseSuggestHighlight `json:"highlight,omitempty"` // MaxErrors The maximum percentage of the terms considered to be misspellings in order to // form a correction. // This method accepts a float value in the range `[0..1)` as a fraction of the // actual query terms or a number `>=1` as an absolute number of query terms. MaxErrors *Float64 `json:"max_errors,omitempty"` // RealWordErrorLikelihood The likelihood of a term being misspelled even if the term exists in the // dictionary. RealWordErrorLikelihood *Float64 `json:"real_word_error_likelihood,omitempty"` // Separator The separator that is used to separate terms in the bigram field. // If not set, the whitespace character is used as a separator. Separator *string `json:"separator,omitempty"` // ShardSize Sets the maximum number of suggested terms to be retrieved from each // individual shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size The maximum corrections to be returned per suggest text token. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Smoothing The smoothing model used to balance weight between infrequent grams (grams // (shingles) are not existing in the index) and frequent grams (appear at least // once in the index). // The default model is Stupid Backoff. Smoothing *SmoothingModelContainer `json:"smoothing,omitempty"` // Text The text/query to provide suggestions for. Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` TokenLimit *int `json:"token_limit,omitempty"` }
PhraseSuggester type.
func NewPhraseSuggester ¶
func NewPhraseSuggester() *PhraseSuggester
NewPhraseSuggester returns a PhraseSuggester.
func (*PhraseSuggester) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PhraseSuggester) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PinnedDoc ¶
type PinnedDoc struct { // Id_ The unique document ID. Id_ string `json:"_id"` // Index_ The index that contains the document. Index_ string `json:"_index"` }
PinnedDoc type.
func (*PinnedDoc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PinnedQuery ¶
type PinnedQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Docs Documents listed in the order they are to appear in results. // Required if `ids` is not specified. Docs []PinnedDoc `json:"docs,omitempty"` // Ids Document IDs listed in the order they are to appear in results. // Required if `docs` is not specified. Ids []string `json:"ids,omitempty"` // Organic Any choice of query used to rank documents which will be ranked below the // "pinned" documents. Organic *Query `json:"organic,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
PinnedQuery type.
func (*PinnedQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PinnedQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PipeSeparatedFlagsSimpleQueryStringFlag ¶
type PipeSeparatedFlagsSimpleQueryStringFlag interface{}
PipeSeparatedFlagsSimpleQueryStringFlag holds the union for the following types:
simplequerystringflag.SimpleQueryStringFlag string
type PipelineConfig ¶
type PipelineConfig struct { // Description Description of the ingest pipeline. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Processors Processors used to perform transformations on documents before indexing. // Processors run sequentially in the order specified. Processors []ProcessorContainer `json:"processors"` // Version Version number used by external systems to track ingest pipelines. Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PipelineConfig type.
func NewPipelineConfig ¶
func NewPipelineConfig() *PipelineConfig
NewPipelineConfig returns a PipelineConfig.
func (*PipelineConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PipelineConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PipelineMetadata ¶
PipelineMetadata type.
func NewPipelineMetadata ¶
func NewPipelineMetadata() *PipelineMetadata
NewPipelineMetadata returns a PipelineMetadata.
func (*PipelineMetadata) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PipelineMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PipelineProcessor ¶
type PipelineProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissingPipeline Whether to ignore missing pipelines instead of failing. IgnoreMissingPipeline *bool `json:"ignore_missing_pipeline,omitempty"` // Name The name of the pipeline to execute. // Supports template snippets. Name string `json:"name"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
PipelineProcessor type.
func NewPipelineProcessor ¶
func NewPipelineProcessor() *PipelineProcessor
NewPipelineProcessor returns a PipelineProcessor.
func (*PipelineProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PipelineProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PipelineSettings ¶
type PipelineSettings struct { // PipelineBatchDelay When creating pipeline event batches, how long in milliseconds to wait for // each event before dispatching an undersized batch to pipeline workers. PipelineBatchDelay int `json:"pipeline.batch.delay"` // PipelineBatchSize The maximum number of events an individual worker thread will collect from // inputs before attempting to execute its filters and outputs. PipelineBatchSize int `json:"pipeline.batch.size"` // PipelineWorkers The number of workers that will, in parallel, execute the filter and output // stages of the pipeline. PipelineWorkers int `json:"pipeline.workers"` // QueueCheckpointWrites The maximum number of written events before forcing a checkpoint when // persistent queues are enabled (`queue.type: persisted`). QueueCheckpointWrites int `json:"queue.checkpoint.writes"` // QueueMaxBytesNumber The total capacity of the queue (`queue.type: persisted`) in number of bytes. QueueMaxBytesNumber int `json:"queue.max_bytes.number"` // QueueMaxBytesUnits The total capacity of the queue (`queue.type: persisted`) in terms of units // of bytes. QueueMaxBytesUnits string `json:"queue.max_bytes.units"` // QueueType The internal queuing model to use for event buffering. QueueType string `json:"queue.type"` }
PipelineSettings type.
func NewPipelineSettings ¶
func NewPipelineSettings() *PipelineSettings
NewPipelineSettings returns a PipelineSettings.
func (*PipelineSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PipelineSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PipelineSimulation ¶
type PipelineSimulation struct { Doc *DocumentSimulation `json:"doc,omitempty"` ProcessorResults []PipelineSimulation `json:"processor_results,omitempty"` ProcessorType *string `json:"processor_type,omitempty"` Status *actionstatusoptions.ActionStatusOptions `json:"status,omitempty"` Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
PipelineSimulation type.
func NewPipelineSimulation ¶
func NewPipelineSimulation() *PipelineSimulation
NewPipelineSimulation returns a PipelineSimulation.
func (*PipelineSimulation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PipelineSimulation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pivot ¶
type Pivot struct { // Aggregations Defines how to aggregate the grouped data. The following aggregations are // currently supported: average, bucket // script, bucket selector, cardinality, filter, geo bounds, geo centroid, geo // line, max, median absolute deviation, // min, missing, percentiles, rare terms, scripted metric, stats, sum, terms, // top metrics, value count, weighted // average. Aggregations map[string]Aggregations `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` // GroupBy Defines how to group the data. More than one grouping can be defined per // pivot. The following groupings are // currently supported: date histogram, geotile grid, histogram, terms. GroupBy map[string]PivotGroupByContainer `json:"group_by,omitempty"` }
Pivot type.
type PivotGroupByContainer ¶
type PivotGroupByContainer struct { DateHistogram *DateHistogramAggregation `json:"date_histogram,omitempty"` GeotileGrid *GeoTileGridAggregation `json:"geotile_grid,omitempty"` Histogram *HistogramAggregation `json:"histogram,omitempty"` Terms *TermsAggregation `json:"terms,omitempty"` }
PivotGroupByContainer type.
func NewPivotGroupByContainer ¶
func NewPivotGroupByContainer() *PivotGroupByContainer
NewPivotGroupByContainer returns a PivotGroupByContainer.
type PluginStats ¶
type PluginStats struct { Classname string `json:"classname"` Description string `json:"description"` ElasticsearchVersion string `json:"elasticsearch_version"` ExtendedPlugins []string `json:"extended_plugins"` HasNativeController bool `json:"has_native_controller"` JavaVersion string `json:"java_version"` Licensed bool `json:"licensed"` Name string `json:"name"` Version string `json:"version"` }
PluginStats type.
func (*PluginStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PluginStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PluginsRecord ¶
type PluginsRecord struct { // Component The component name. Component *string `json:"component,omitempty"` // Description The plugin details. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id The unique node identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name The node name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Type The plugin type. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Version The component version. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PluginsRecord type.
func NewPluginsRecord ¶
func NewPluginsRecord() *PluginsRecord
NewPluginsRecord returns a PluginsRecord.
func (*PluginsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PluginsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PluginsStatus ¶
type PluginsStatus struct {
Status shutdownstatus.ShutdownStatus `json:"status"`
PluginsStatus type.
func NewPluginsStatus ¶
func NewPluginsStatus() *PluginsStatus
NewPluginsStatus returns a PluginsStatus.
type PointInTimeReference ¶
type PointInTimeReference struct { Id string `json:"id"` KeepAlive Duration `json:"keep_alive,omitempty"` }
PointInTimeReference type.
func NewPointInTimeReference ¶
func NewPointInTimeReference() *PointInTimeReference
NewPointInTimeReference returns a PointInTimeReference.
func (*PointInTimeReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PointInTimeReference) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PointProperty ¶
type PointProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` IgnoreZValue *bool `json:"ignore_z_value,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *string `json:"null_value,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
PointProperty type.
func NewPointProperty ¶
func NewPointProperty() *PointProperty
NewPointProperty returns a PointProperty.
func (PointProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PointProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PointProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PointProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pool ¶
type Pool struct { // MaxInBytes Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap. MaxInBytes *int64 `json:"max_in_bytes,omitempty"` // PeakMaxInBytes Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the heap. PeakMaxInBytes *int64 `json:"peak_max_in_bytes,omitempty"` // PeakUsedInBytes Largest amount of memory, in bytes, historically used by the heap. PeakUsedInBytes *int64 `json:"peak_used_in_bytes,omitempty"` // UsedInBytes Memory, in bytes, used by the heap. UsedInBytes *int64 `json:"used_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
Pool type.
func (*Pool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PorterStemTokenFilter ¶
type PorterStemTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PorterStemTokenFilter type.
func NewPorterStemTokenFilter ¶
func NewPorterStemTokenFilter() *PorterStemTokenFilter
NewPorterStemTokenFilter returns a PorterStemTokenFilter.
func (PorterStemTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PorterStemTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PorterStemTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PorterStemTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PostMigrationFeature ¶
type PostMigrationFeature struct {
FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"`
PostMigrationFeature type.
func NewPostMigrationFeature ¶
func NewPostMigrationFeature() *PostMigrationFeature
NewPostMigrationFeature returns a PostMigrationFeature.
func (*PostMigrationFeature) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PostMigrationFeature) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PredicateTokenFilter ¶
type PredicateTokenFilter struct { Script Script `json:"script"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
PredicateTokenFilter type.
func NewPredicateTokenFilter ¶
func NewPredicateTokenFilter() *PredicateTokenFilter
NewPredicateTokenFilter returns a PredicateTokenFilter.
func (PredicateTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PredicateTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*PredicateTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PredicateTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PredictedValue ¶
type PredictedValue interface{}
PredictedValue holds the union for the following types:
string Float64 bool int
type PrefixQuery ¶
type PrefixQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // CaseInsensitive Allows ASCII case insensitive matching of the value with the indexed field // values when set to `true`. // Default is `false` which means the case sensitivity of matching depends on // the underlying field’s mapping. CaseInsensitive *bool `json:"case_insensitive,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Rewrite Method used to rewrite the query. Rewrite *string `json:"rewrite,omitempty"` // Value Beginning characters of terms you wish to find in the provided field. Value string `json:"value"` }
PrefixQuery type.
func (*PrefixQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PrefixQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Preprocessor ¶
type Preprocessor struct { FrequencyEncoding *FrequencyEncodingPreprocessor `json:"frequency_encoding,omitempty"` OneHotEncoding *OneHotEncodingPreprocessor `json:"one_hot_encoding,omitempty"` TargetMeanEncoding *TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor `json:"target_mean_encoding,omitempty"` }
Preprocessor type.
func NewPreprocessor ¶
func NewPreprocessor() *Preprocessor
NewPreprocessor returns a Preprocessor.
type PressureMemory ¶
type PressureMemory struct { // All Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating, primary, or replica // stage. All ByteSize `json:"all,omitempty"` // AllInBytes Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating, primary, // or replica stage. AllInBytes *int64 `json:"all_in_bytes,omitempty"` // CombinedCoordinatingAndPrimary Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating or primary stage. // This value is not the sum of coordinating and primary as a node can reuse the // coordinating memory if the primary stage is executed locally. CombinedCoordinatingAndPrimary ByteSize `json:"combined_coordinating_and_primary,omitempty"` // CombinedCoordinatingAndPrimaryInBytes Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating or // primary stage. // This value is not the sum of coordinating and primary as a node can reuse the // coordinating memory if the primary stage is executed locally. CombinedCoordinatingAndPrimaryInBytes *int64 `json:"combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes,omitempty"` // Coordinating Memory consumed by indexing requests in the coordinating stage. Coordinating ByteSize `json:"coordinating,omitempty"` // CoordinatingInBytes Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the coordinating stage. CoordinatingInBytes *int64 `json:"coordinating_in_bytes,omitempty"` // CoordinatingRejections Number of indexing requests rejected in the coordinating stage. CoordinatingRejections *int64 `json:"coordinating_rejections,omitempty"` // Primary Memory consumed by indexing requests in the primary stage. Primary ByteSize `json:"primary,omitempty"` // PrimaryInBytes Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the primary stage. PrimaryInBytes *int64 `json:"primary_in_bytes,omitempty"` // PrimaryRejections Number of indexing requests rejected in the primary stage. PrimaryRejections *int64 `json:"primary_rejections,omitempty"` // Replica Memory consumed by indexing requests in the replica stage. Replica ByteSize `json:"replica,omitempty"` // ReplicaInBytes Memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the replica stage. ReplicaInBytes *int64 `json:"replica_in_bytes,omitempty"` // ReplicaRejections Number of indexing requests rejected in the replica stage. ReplicaRejections *int64 `json:"replica_rejections,omitempty"` }
PressureMemory type.
func NewPressureMemory ¶
func NewPressureMemory() *PressureMemory
NewPressureMemory returns a PressureMemory.
func (*PressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PressureMemory) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Privileges ¶
Privileges type alias.
type PrivilegesActions ¶
type PrivilegesActions struct { Actions []string `json:"actions"` Application *string `json:"application,omitempty"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
PrivilegesActions type.
func NewPrivilegesActions ¶
func NewPrivilegesActions() *PrivilegesActions
NewPrivilegesActions returns a PrivilegesActions.
func (*PrivilegesActions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PrivilegesActions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PrivilegesCheck ¶
type PrivilegesCheck struct { Application []ApplicationPrivilegesCheck `json:"application,omitempty"` // Cluster A list of the cluster privileges that you want to check. Cluster []clusterprivilege.ClusterPrivilege `json:"cluster,omitempty"` Index []IndexPrivilegesCheck `json:"index,omitempty"` }
PrivilegesCheck type.
func NewPrivilegesCheck ¶
func NewPrivilegesCheck() *PrivilegesCheck
NewPrivilegesCheck returns a PrivilegesCheck.
type Process ¶
type Process struct { // Cpu Contains CPU statistics for the node. Cpu *Cpu `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // MaxFileDescriptors Maximum number of file descriptors allowed on the system, or `-1` if not // supported. MaxFileDescriptors *int `json:"max_file_descriptors,omitempty"` // Mem Contains virtual memory statistics for the node. Mem *MemoryStats `json:"mem,omitempty"` // OpenFileDescriptors Number of opened file descriptors associated with the current or `-1` if not // supported. OpenFileDescriptors *int `json:"open_file_descriptors,omitempty"` // Timestamp Last time the statistics were refreshed. // Recorded in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
Process type.
func (*Process) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Processor ¶
type Processor struct { // Count Number of documents transformed by the processor. Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // Current Number of documents currently being transformed by the processor. Current *int64 `json:"current,omitempty"` // Failed Number of failed operations for the processor. Failed *int64 `json:"failed,omitempty"` // TimeInMillis Time, in milliseconds, spent by the processor transforming documents. TimeInMillis *int64 `json:"time_in_millis,omitempty"` }
Processor type.
func (*Processor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ProcessorContainer ¶
type ProcessorContainer struct { // Append Appends one or more values to an existing array if the field already exists // and it is an array. // Converts a scalar to an array and appends one or more values to it if the // field exists and it is a scalar. // Creates an array containing the provided values if the field doesn’t exist. // Accepts a single value or an array of values. Append *AppendProcessor `json:"append,omitempty"` // Attachment The attachment processor lets Elasticsearch extract file attachments in // common formats (such as PPT, XLS, and PDF) by using the Apache text // extraction library Tika. Attachment *AttachmentProcessor `json:"attachment,omitempty"` // Bytes Converts a human readable byte value (for example `1kb`) to its value in // bytes (for example `1024`). // If the field is an array of strings, all members of the array will be // converted. // Supported human readable units are "b", "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb", "pb" case // insensitive. // An error will occur if the field is not a supported format or resultant value // exceeds 2^63. Bytes *BytesProcessor `json:"bytes,omitempty"` // Circle Converts circle definitions of shapes to regular polygons which approximate // them. Circle *CircleProcessor `json:"circle,omitempty"` // Convert Converts a field in the currently ingested document to a different type, such // as converting a string to an integer. // If the field value is an array, all members will be converted. Convert *ConvertProcessor `json:"convert,omitempty"` // Csv Extracts fields from CSV line out of a single text field within a document. // Any empty field in CSV will be skipped. Csv *CsvProcessor `json:"csv,omitempty"` // Date Parses dates from fields, and then uses the date or timestamp as the // timestamp for the document. Date *DateProcessor `json:"date,omitempty"` // DateIndexName The purpose of this processor is to point documents to the right time based // index based on a date or timestamp field in a document by using the date math // index name support. DateIndexName *DateIndexNameProcessor `json:"date_index_name,omitempty"` // Dissect Extracts structured fields out of a single text field by matching the text // field against a delimiter-based pattern. Dissect *DissectProcessor `json:"dissect,omitempty"` // DotExpander Expands a field with dots into an object field. // This processor allows fields with dots in the name to be accessible by other // processors in the pipeline. // Otherwise these fields can’t be accessed by any processor. DotExpander *DotExpanderProcessor `json:"dot_expander,omitempty"` // Drop Drops the document without raising any errors. // This is useful to prevent the document from getting indexed based on some // condition. Drop *DropProcessor `json:"drop,omitempty"` // Enrich The `enrich` processor can enrich documents with data from another index. Enrich *EnrichProcessor `json:"enrich,omitempty"` // Fail Raises an exception. // This is useful for when you expect a pipeline to fail and want to relay a // specific message to the requester. Fail *FailProcessor `json:"fail,omitempty"` // Foreach Runs an ingest processor on each element of an array or object. Foreach *ForeachProcessor `json:"foreach,omitempty"` // Geoip The `geoip` processor adds information about the geographical location of an // IPv4 or IPv6 address. Geoip *GeoIpProcessor `json:"geoip,omitempty"` // Grok Extracts structured fields out of a single text field within a document. // You choose which field to extract matched fields from, as well as the grok // pattern you expect will match. // A grok pattern is like a regular expression that supports aliased expressions // that can be reused. Grok *GrokProcessor `json:"grok,omitempty"` // Gsub Converts a string field by applying a regular expression and a replacement. // If the field is an array of string, all members of the array will be // converted. // If any non-string values are encountered, the processor will throw an // exception. Gsub *GsubProcessor `json:"gsub,omitempty"` // Inference Uses a pre-trained data frame analytics model or a model deployed for natural // language processing tasks to infer against the data that is being ingested in // the pipeline. Inference *InferenceProcessor `json:"inference,omitempty"` // Join Joins each element of an array into a single string using a separator // character between each element. // Throws an error when the field is not an array. Join *JoinProcessor `json:"join,omitempty"` // Json Converts a JSON string into a structured JSON object. Json *JsonProcessor `json:"json,omitempty"` // Kv This processor helps automatically parse messages (or specific event fields) // which are of the `foo=bar` variety. Kv *KeyValueProcessor `json:"kv,omitempty"` // Lowercase Converts a string to its lowercase equivalent. // If the field is an array of strings, all members of the array will be // converted. Lowercase *LowercaseProcessor `json:"lowercase,omitempty"` // Pipeline Executes another pipeline. Pipeline *PipelineProcessor `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // Remove Removes existing fields. // If one field doesn’t exist, an exception will be thrown. Remove *RemoveProcessor `json:"remove,omitempty"` // Rename Renames an existing field. // If the field doesn’t exist or the new name is already used, an exception will // be thrown. Rename *RenameProcessor `json:"rename,omitempty"` // Reroute Routes a document to another target index or data stream. // When setting the `destination` option, the target is explicitly specified and // the dataset and namespace options can’t be set. // When the `destination` option is not set, this processor is in a data stream // mode. Note that in this mode, the reroute processor can only be used on data // streams that follow the data stream naming scheme. Reroute *RerouteProcessor `json:"reroute,omitempty"` // Script Runs an inline or stored script on incoming documents. // The script runs in the `ingest` context. Script *ScriptProcessor `json:"script,omitempty"` // Set Adds a field with the specified value. // If the field already exists, its value will be replaced with the provided // one. Set *SetProcessor `json:"set,omitempty"` // SetSecurityUser Sets user-related details (such as `username`, `roles`, `email`, `full_name`, // `metadata`, `api_key`, `realm` and `authentication_type`) from the current // authenticated user to the current document by pre-processing the ingest. SetSecurityUser *SetSecurityUserProcessor `json:"set_security_user,omitempty"` // Sort Sorts the elements of an array ascending or descending. // Homogeneous arrays of numbers will be sorted numerically, while arrays of // strings or heterogeneous arrays of strings + numbers will be sorted // lexicographically. // Throws an error when the field is not an array. Sort *SortProcessor `json:"sort,omitempty"` // Split Splits a field into an array using a separator character. // Only works on string fields. Split *SplitProcessor `json:"split,omitempty"` // Trim Trims whitespace from a field. // If the field is an array of strings, all members of the array will be // trimmed. // This only works on leading and trailing whitespace. Trim *TrimProcessor `json:"trim,omitempty"` // Uppercase Converts a string to its uppercase equivalent. // If the field is an array of strings, all members of the array will be // converted. Uppercase *UppercaseProcessor `json:"uppercase,omitempty"` // Urldecode URL-decodes a string. // If the field is an array of strings, all members of the array will be // decoded. Urldecode *UrlDecodeProcessor `json:"urldecode,omitempty"` // UserAgent The `user_agent` processor extracts details from the user agent string a // browser sends with its web requests. // This processor adds this information by default under the `user_agent` field. UserAgent *UserAgentProcessor `json:"user_agent,omitempty"` }
ProcessorContainer type.
func NewProcessorContainer ¶
func NewProcessorContainer() *ProcessorContainer
NewProcessorContainer returns a ProcessorContainer.
type Property ¶
type Property interface{}
Property holds the union for the following types:
BinaryProperty BooleanProperty DynamicProperty JoinProperty KeywordProperty MatchOnlyTextProperty PercolatorProperty RankFeatureProperty RankFeaturesProperty SearchAsYouTypeProperty TextProperty VersionProperty WildcardProperty DateNanosProperty DateProperty AggregateMetricDoubleProperty DenseVectorProperty SparseVectorProperty FlattenedProperty NestedProperty ObjectProperty CompletionProperty ConstantKeywordProperty FieldAliasProperty HistogramProperty IpProperty Murmur3HashProperty TokenCountProperty GeoPointProperty GeoShapeProperty PointProperty ShapeProperty ByteNumberProperty DoubleNumberProperty FloatNumberProperty HalfFloatNumberProperty IntegerNumberProperty LongNumberProperty ScaledFloatNumberProperty ShortNumberProperty UnsignedLongNumberProperty DateRangeProperty DoubleRangeProperty FloatRangeProperty IntegerRangeProperty IpRangeProperty LongRangeProperty
type PublishedClusterStates ¶
type PublishedClusterStates struct { // CompatibleDiffs Number of compatible differences between published cluster states. CompatibleDiffs *int64 `json:"compatible_diffs,omitempty"` // FullStates Number of published cluster states. FullStates *int64 `json:"full_states,omitempty"` // IncompatibleDiffs Number of incompatible differences between published cluster states. IncompatibleDiffs *int64 `json:"incompatible_diffs,omitempty"` }
PublishedClusterStates type.
func NewPublishedClusterStates ¶
func NewPublishedClusterStates() *PublishedClusterStates
NewPublishedClusterStates returns a PublishedClusterStates.
func (*PublishedClusterStates) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PublishedClusterStates) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Query ¶
type Query struct { // Bool matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries. Bool *BoolQuery `json:"bool,omitempty"` // Boosting Returns documents matching a `positive` query while reducing the relevance // score of documents that also match a `negative` query. Boosting *BoostingQuery `json:"boosting,omitempty"` // CombinedFields The `combined_fields` query supports searching multiple text fields as if // their contents had been indexed into one combined field. CombinedFields *CombinedFieldsQuery `json:"combined_fields,omitempty"` Common map[string]CommonTermsQuery `json:"common,omitempty"` // ConstantScore Wraps a filter query and returns every matching document with a relevance // score equal to the `boost` parameter value. ConstantScore *ConstantScoreQuery `json:"constant_score,omitempty"` // DisMax Returns documents matching one or more wrapped queries, called query clauses // or clauses. // If a returned document matches multiple query clauses, the `dis_max` query // assigns the document the highest relevance score from any matching clause, // plus a tie breaking increment for any additional matching subqueries. DisMax *DisMaxQuery `json:"dis_max,omitempty"` // DistanceFeature Boosts the relevance score of documents closer to a provided origin date or // point. // For example, you can use this query to give more weight to documents closer // to a certain date or location. DistanceFeature DistanceFeatureQuery `json:"distance_feature,omitempty"` // Exists Returns documents that contain an indexed value for a field. Exists *ExistsQuery `json:"exists,omitempty"` // FieldMaskingSpan Wrapper to allow span queries to participate in composite single-field span // queries by _lying_ about their search field. FieldMaskingSpan *SpanFieldMaskingQuery `json:"field_masking_span,omitempty"` // FunctionScore The `function_score` enables you to modify the score of documents that are // retrieved by a query. FunctionScore *FunctionScoreQuery `json:"function_score,omitempty"` // Fuzzy Returns documents that contain terms similar to the search term, as measured // by a Levenshtein edit distance. Fuzzy map[string]FuzzyQuery `json:"fuzzy,omitempty"` // GeoBoundingBox Matches geo_point and geo_shape values that intersect a bounding box. GeoBoundingBox *GeoBoundingBoxQuery `json:"geo_bounding_box,omitempty"` // GeoDistance Matches `geo_point` and `geo_shape` values within a given distance of a // geopoint. GeoDistance *GeoDistanceQuery `json:"geo_distance,omitempty"` GeoPolygon *GeoPolygonQuery `json:"geo_polygon,omitempty"` // GeoShape Filter documents indexed using either the `geo_shape` or the `geo_point` // type. GeoShape *GeoShapeQuery `json:"geo_shape,omitempty"` // HasChild Returns parent documents whose joined child documents match a provided query. HasChild *HasChildQuery `json:"has_child,omitempty"` // HasParent Returns child documents whose joined parent document matches a provided // query. HasParent *HasParentQuery `json:"has_parent,omitempty"` // Ids Returns documents based on their IDs. // This query uses document IDs stored in the `_id` field. Ids *IdsQuery `json:"ids,omitempty"` // Intervals Returns documents based on the order and proximity of matching terms. Intervals map[string]IntervalsQuery `json:"intervals,omitempty"` // Knn Finds the k nearest vectors to a query vector, as measured by a similarity // metric. knn query finds nearest vectors through approximate search on indexed // dense_vectors. Knn *KnnQuery `json:"knn,omitempty"` // Match Returns documents that match a provided text, number, date or boolean value. // The provided text is analyzed before matching. Match map[string]MatchQuery `json:"match,omitempty"` // MatchAll Matches all documents, giving them all a `_score` of 1.0. MatchAll *MatchAllQuery `json:"match_all,omitempty"` // MatchBoolPrefix Analyzes its input and constructs a `bool` query from the terms. // Each term except the last is used in a `term` query. // The last term is used in a prefix query. MatchBoolPrefix map[string]MatchBoolPrefixQuery `json:"match_bool_prefix,omitempty"` // MatchNone Matches no documents. MatchNone *MatchNoneQuery `json:"match_none,omitempty"` // MatchPhrase Analyzes the text and creates a phrase query out of the analyzed text. MatchPhrase map[string]MatchPhraseQuery `json:"match_phrase,omitempty"` // MatchPhrasePrefix Returns documents that contain the words of a provided text, in the same // order as provided. // The last term of the provided text is treated as a prefix, matching any words // that begin with that term. MatchPhrasePrefix map[string]MatchPhrasePrefixQuery `json:"match_phrase_prefix,omitempty"` // MoreLikeThis Returns documents that are "like" a given set of documents. MoreLikeThis *MoreLikeThisQuery `json:"more_like_this,omitempty"` // MultiMatch Enables you to search for a provided text, number, date or boolean value // across multiple fields. // The provided text is analyzed before matching. MultiMatch *MultiMatchQuery `json:"multi_match,omitempty"` // Nested Wraps another query to search nested fields. // If an object matches the search, the nested query returns the root parent // document. Nested *NestedQuery `json:"nested,omitempty"` // ParentId Returns child documents joined to a specific parent document. ParentId *ParentIdQuery `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` // Percolate Matches queries stored in an index. Percolate *PercolateQuery `json:"percolate,omitempty"` // Pinned Promotes selected documents to rank higher than those matching a given query. Pinned *PinnedQuery `json:"pinned,omitempty"` // Prefix Returns documents that contain a specific prefix in a provided field. Prefix map[string]PrefixQuery `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // QueryString Returns documents based on a provided query string, using a parser with a // strict syntax. QueryString *QueryStringQuery `json:"query_string,omitempty"` // Range Returns documents that contain terms within a provided range. Range map[string]RangeQuery `json:"range,omitempty"` // RankFeature Boosts the relevance score of documents based on the numeric value of a // `rank_feature` or `rank_features` field. RankFeature *RankFeatureQuery `json:"rank_feature,omitempty"` // Regexp Returns documents that contain terms matching a regular expression. Regexp map[string]RegexpQuery `json:"regexp,omitempty"` RuleQuery *RuleQuery `json:"rule_query,omitempty"` // Script Filters documents based on a provided script. // The script query is typically used in a filter context. Script *ScriptQuery `json:"script,omitempty"` // ScriptScore Uses a script to provide a custom score for returned documents. ScriptScore *ScriptScoreQuery `json:"script_score,omitempty"` // Shape Queries documents that contain fields indexed using the `shape` type. Shape *ShapeQuery `json:"shape,omitempty"` // SimpleQueryString Returns documents based on a provided query string, using a parser with a // limited but fault-tolerant syntax. SimpleQueryString *SimpleQueryStringQuery `json:"simple_query_string,omitempty"` // SpanContaining Returns matches which enclose another span query. SpanContaining *SpanContainingQuery `json:"span_containing,omitempty"` // SpanFirst Matches spans near the beginning of a field. SpanFirst *SpanFirstQuery `json:"span_first,omitempty"` // SpanMulti Allows you to wrap a multi term query (one of `wildcard`, `fuzzy`, `prefix`, // `range`, or `regexp` query) as a `span` query, so it can be nested. SpanMulti *SpanMultiTermQuery `json:"span_multi,omitempty"` // SpanNear Matches spans which are near one another. // You can specify `slop`, the maximum number of intervening unmatched // positions, as well as whether matches are required to be in-order. SpanNear *SpanNearQuery `json:"span_near,omitempty"` // SpanNot Removes matches which overlap with another span query or which are within x // tokens before (controlled by the parameter `pre`) or y tokens after // (controlled by the parameter `post`) another span query. SpanNot *SpanNotQuery `json:"span_not,omitempty"` // SpanOr Matches the union of its span clauses. SpanOr *SpanOrQuery `json:"span_or,omitempty"` // SpanTerm Matches spans containing a term. SpanTerm map[string]SpanTermQuery `json:"span_term,omitempty"` // SpanWithin Returns matches which are enclosed inside another span query. SpanWithin *SpanWithinQuery `json:"span_within,omitempty"` // Term Returns documents that contain an exact term in a provided field. // To return a document, the query term must exactly match the queried field's // value, including whitespace and capitalization. Term map[string]TermQuery `json:"term,omitempty"` // Terms Returns documents that contain one or more exact terms in a provided field. // To return a document, one or more terms must exactly match a field value, // including whitespace and capitalization. Terms *TermsQuery `json:"terms,omitempty"` // TermsSet Returns documents that contain a minimum number of exact terms in a provided // field. // To return a document, a required number of terms must exactly match the field // values, including whitespace and capitalization. TermsSet map[string]TermsSetQuery `json:"terms_set,omitempty"` // TextExpansion Uses a natural language processing model to convert the query text into a // list of token-weight pairs which are then used in a query against a sparse // vector or rank features field. TextExpansion map[string]TextExpansionQuery `json:"text_expansion,omitempty"` Type *TypeQuery `json:"type,omitempty"` // WeightedTokens Supports returning text_expansion query results by sending in precomputed // tokens with the query. WeightedTokens map[string]WeightedTokensQuery `json:"weighted_tokens,omitempty"` // Wildcard Returns documents that contain terms matching a wildcard pattern. Wildcard map[string]WildcardQuery `json:"wildcard,omitempty"` // Wrapper A query that accepts any other query as base64 encoded string. Wrapper *WrapperQuery `json:"wrapper,omitempty"` }
Query type.
func (*Query) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type QueryBreakdown ¶
type QueryBreakdown struct { Advance int64 `json:"advance"` AdvanceCount int64 `json:"advance_count"` BuildScorer int64 `json:"build_scorer"` BuildScorerCount int64 `json:"build_scorer_count"` ComputeMaxScore int64 `json:"compute_max_score"` ComputeMaxScoreCount int64 `json:"compute_max_score_count"` CreateWeight int64 `json:"create_weight"` CreateWeightCount int64 `json:"create_weight_count"` Match int64 `json:"match"` MatchCount int64 `json:"match_count"` NextDoc int64 `json:"next_doc"` NextDocCount int64 `json:"next_doc_count"` Score int64 `json:"score"` ScoreCount int64 `json:"score_count"` SetMinCompetitiveScore int64 `json:"set_min_competitive_score"` SetMinCompetitiveScoreCount int64 `json:"set_min_competitive_score_count"` ShallowAdvance int64 `json:"shallow_advance"` ShallowAdvanceCount int64 `json:"shallow_advance_count"` }
QueryBreakdown type.
func NewQueryBreakdown ¶
func NewQueryBreakdown() *QueryBreakdown
NewQueryBreakdown returns a QueryBreakdown.
func (*QueryBreakdown) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryBreakdown) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryCacheStats ¶
type QueryCacheStats struct { // CacheCount Total number of entries added to the query cache across all shards assigned // to selected nodes. // This number includes current and evicted entries. CacheCount int `json:"cache_count"` // CacheSize Total number of entries currently in the query cache across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. CacheSize int `json:"cache_size"` // Evictions Total number of query cache evictions across all shards assigned to selected // nodes. Evictions int `json:"evictions"` // HitCount Total count of query cache hits across all shards assigned to selected nodes. HitCount int `json:"hit_count"` // MemorySize Total amount of memory used for the query cache across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. MemorySize ByteSize `json:"memory_size,omitempty"` // MemorySizeInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for the query cache across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. MemorySizeInBytes int64 `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"` // MissCount Total count of query cache misses across all shards assigned to selected // nodes. MissCount int `json:"miss_count"` // TotalCount Total count of hits and misses in the query cache across all shards assigned // to selected nodes. TotalCount int `json:"total_count"` }
QueryCacheStats type.
func NewQueryCacheStats ¶
func NewQueryCacheStats() *QueryCacheStats
NewQueryCacheStats returns a QueryCacheStats.
func (*QueryCacheStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryCacheStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryProfile ¶
type QueryProfile struct { Breakdown QueryBreakdown `json:"breakdown"` Children []QueryProfile `json:"children,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` TimeInNanos int64 `json:"time_in_nanos"` Type string `json:"type"` }
QueryProfile type.
func NewQueryProfile ¶
func NewQueryProfile() *QueryProfile
NewQueryProfile returns a QueryProfile.
func (*QueryProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryProfile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryRule ¶
type QueryRule struct { Actions QueryRuleActions `json:"actions"` Criteria []QueryRuleCriteria `json:"criteria"` RuleId string `json:"rule_id"` Type queryruletype.QueryRuleType `json:"type"` }
QueryRule type.
func (*QueryRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type QueryRuleActions ¶
type QueryRuleActions struct { Docs []PinnedDoc `json:"docs,omitempty"` Ids []string `json:"ids,omitempty"` }
QueryRuleActions type.
func NewQueryRuleActions ¶
func NewQueryRuleActions() *QueryRuleActions
NewQueryRuleActions returns a QueryRuleActions.
type QueryRuleCriteria ¶
type QueryRuleCriteria struct { Metadata string `json:"metadata"` Type queryrulecriteriatype.QueryRuleCriteriaType `json:"type"` Values []json.RawMessage `json:"values,omitempty"` }
QueryRuleCriteria type.
func NewQueryRuleCriteria ¶
func NewQueryRuleCriteria() *QueryRuleCriteria
NewQueryRuleCriteria returns a QueryRuleCriteria.
func (*QueryRuleCriteria) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryRuleCriteria) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryRuleset ¶
type QueryRuleset struct { // Rules Rules associated with the query ruleset Rules []QueryRule `json:"rules"` // RulesetId Query Ruleset unique identifier RulesetId string `json:"ruleset_id"` }
QueryRuleset type.
func NewQueryRuleset ¶
func NewQueryRuleset() *QueryRuleset
NewQueryRuleset returns a QueryRuleset.
func (*QueryRuleset) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryRuleset) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryRulesetListItem ¶
type QueryRulesetListItem struct { // RulesCount The number of rules associated with this ruleset RulesCount int `json:"rules_count"` // RulesetId Ruleset unique identifier RulesetId string `json:"ruleset_id"` }
QueryRulesetListItem type.
func NewQueryRulesetListItem ¶
func NewQueryRulesetListItem() *QueryRulesetListItem
NewQueryRulesetListItem returns a QueryRulesetListItem.
func (*QueryRulesetListItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryRulesetListItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryStringQuery ¶
type QueryStringQuery struct { // AllowLeadingWildcard If `true`, the wildcard characters `*` and `?` are allowed as the first // character of the query string. AllowLeadingWildcard *bool `json:"allow_leading_wildcard,omitempty"` // AnalyzeWildcard If `true`, the query attempts to analyze wildcard terms in the query string. AnalyzeWildcard *bool `json:"analyze_wildcard,omitempty"` // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert text in the query string into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery If `true`, match phrase queries are automatically created for multi-term // synonyms. AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery *bool `json:"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // DefaultField Default field to search if no field is provided in the query string. // Supports wildcards (`*`). // Defaults to the `index.query.default_field` index setting, which has a // default value of `*`. DefaultField *string `json:"default_field,omitempty"` // DefaultOperator Default boolean logic used to interpret text in the query string if no // operators are specified. DefaultOperator *operator.Operator `json:"default_operator,omitempty"` // EnablePositionIncrements If `true`, enable position increments in queries constructed from a // `query_string` search. EnablePositionIncrements *bool `json:"enable_position_increments,omitempty"` Escape *bool `json:"escape,omitempty"` // Fields Array of fields to search. Supports wildcards (`*`). Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Fuzziness Maximum edit distance allowed for fuzzy matching. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // FuzzyMaxExpansions Maximum number of terms to which the query expands for fuzzy matching. FuzzyMaxExpansions *int `json:"fuzzy_max_expansions,omitempty"` // FuzzyPrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. FuzzyPrefixLength *int `json:"fuzzy_prefix_length,omitempty"` // FuzzyRewrite Method used to rewrite the query. FuzzyRewrite *string `json:"fuzzy_rewrite,omitempty"` // FuzzyTranspositions If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent // characters (for example, `ab` to `ba`). FuzzyTranspositions *bool `json:"fuzzy_transpositions,omitempty"` // Lenient If `true`, format-based errors, such as providing a text value for a numeric // field, are ignored. Lenient *bool `json:"lenient,omitempty"` // MaxDeterminizedStates Maximum number of automaton states required for the query. MaxDeterminizedStates *int `json:"max_determinized_states,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // PhraseSlop Maximum number of positions allowed between matching tokens for phrases. PhraseSlop *Float64 `json:"phrase_slop,omitempty"` // Query Query string you wish to parse and use for search. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // QuoteAnalyzer Analyzer used to convert quoted text in the query string into tokens. // For quoted text, this parameter overrides the analyzer specified in the // `analyzer` parameter. QuoteAnalyzer *string `json:"quote_analyzer,omitempty"` // QuoteFieldSuffix Suffix appended to quoted text in the query string. // You can use this suffix to use a different analysis method for exact matches. QuoteFieldSuffix *string `json:"quote_field_suffix,omitempty"` // Rewrite Method used to rewrite the query. Rewrite *string `json:"rewrite,omitempty"` // TieBreaker How to combine the queries generated from the individual search terms in the // resulting `dis_max` query. TieBreaker *Float64 `json:"tie_breaker,omitempty"` // TimeZone Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset or IANA time zone used to convert // date values in the query string to UTC. TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` // Type Determines how the query matches and scores documents. Type *textquerytype.TextQueryType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
QueryStringQuery type.
func NewQueryStringQuery ¶
func NewQueryStringQuery() *QueryStringQuery
NewQueryStringQuery returns a QueryStringQuery.
func (*QueryStringQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryStringQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QueryVectorBuilder ¶
type QueryVectorBuilder struct {
TextEmbedding *TextEmbedding `json:"text_embedding,omitempty"`
QueryVectorBuilder type.
func NewQueryVectorBuilder ¶
func NewQueryVectorBuilder() *QueryVectorBuilder
NewQueryVectorBuilder returns a QueryVectorBuilder.
type QueryWatch ¶
type QueryWatch struct { Id_ string `json:"_id"` PrimaryTerm_ *int `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"` SeqNo_ *int64 `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"` Status *WatchStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` Watch *Watch `json:"watch,omitempty"` }
QueryWatch type.
func (*QueryWatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QueryWatch) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions ¶
type QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions struct { // MaxAnswerLength The maximum answer length to consider MaxAnswerLength *int `json:"max_answer_length,omitempty"` // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions type.
func NewQuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions ¶
func NewQuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions() *QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions
NewQuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions returns a QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions.
func (*QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QuestionAnsweringInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // MaxAnswerLength The maximum answer length to consider for extraction MaxAnswerLength *int `json:"max_answer_length,omitempty"` // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // Question The question to answer given the inference context Question string `json:"question"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewQuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewQuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions() *QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions
NewQuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions returns a QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *QuestionAnsweringInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RandomScoreFunction ¶
type RandomScoreFunction struct { Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Seed string `json:"seed,omitempty"` }
RandomScoreFunction type.
func NewRandomScoreFunction ¶
func NewRandomScoreFunction() *RandomScoreFunction
NewRandomScoreFunction returns a RandomScoreFunction.
func (*RandomScoreFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RandomScoreFunction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RangeAggregate ¶
type RangeAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsRangeBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
RangeAggregate type.
func NewRangeAggregate ¶
func NewRangeAggregate() *RangeAggregate
NewRangeAggregate returns a RangeAggregate.
func (*RangeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RangeAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RangeAggregation ¶
type RangeAggregation struct { // Field The date field whose values are use to build ranges. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Keyed Set to `true` to associate a unique string key with each bucket and return // the ranges as a hash rather than an array. Keyed *bool `json:"keyed,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing *int `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Ranges An array of ranges used to bucket documents. Ranges []AggregationRange `json:"ranges,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
RangeAggregation type.
func NewRangeAggregation ¶
func NewRangeAggregation() *RangeAggregation
NewRangeAggregation returns a RangeAggregation.
func (*RangeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RangeAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RangeBucket ¶
type RangeBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` From *Float64 `json:"from,omitempty"` FromAsString *string `json:"from_as_string,omitempty"` // Key The bucket key. Present if the aggregation is _not_ keyed Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` To *Float64 `json:"to,omitempty"` ToAsString *string `json:"to_as_string,omitempty"` }
RangeBucket type.
func (RangeBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s RangeBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*RangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RangeBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RangeQuery ¶
type RangeQuery interface{}
RangeQuery holds the union for the following types:
DateRangeQuery NumberRangeQuery
type RankContainer ¶
type RankContainer struct { // Rrf The reciprocal rank fusion parameters Rrf *RrfRank `json:"rrf,omitempty"` }
RankContainer type.
func NewRankContainer ¶
func NewRankContainer() *RankContainer
NewRankContainer returns a RankContainer.
type RankEvalHit ¶
type RankEvalHit struct { Id_ string `json:"_id"` Index_ string `json:"_index"` Score_ Float64 `json:"_score"` }
RankEvalHit type.
func (*RankEvalHit) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalHit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalHitItem ¶
type RankEvalHitItem struct { Hit RankEvalHit `json:"hit"` Rating Float64 `json:"rating,omitempty"` }
RankEvalHitItem type.
func NewRankEvalHitItem ¶
func NewRankEvalHitItem() *RankEvalHitItem
NewRankEvalHitItem returns a RankEvalHitItem.
func (*RankEvalHitItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalHitItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetric ¶
type RankEvalMetric struct { Dcg *RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain `json:"dcg,omitempty"` ExpectedReciprocalRank *RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank `json:"expected_reciprocal_rank,omitempty"` MeanReciprocalRank *RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank `json:"mean_reciprocal_rank,omitempty"` Precision *RankEvalMetricPrecision `json:"precision,omitempty"` Recall *RankEvalMetricRecall `json:"recall,omitempty"` }
RankEvalMetric type.
func NewRankEvalMetric ¶
func NewRankEvalMetric() *RankEvalMetric
NewRankEvalMetric returns a RankEvalMetric.
type RankEvalMetricDetail ¶
type RankEvalMetricDetail struct { // Hits The hits section shows a grouping of the search results with their supplied // ratings Hits []RankEvalHitItem `json:"hits"` // MetricDetails The metric_details give additional information about the calculated quality // metric (e.g. how many of the retrieved documents were relevant). The content // varies for each metric but allows for better interpretation of the results MetricDetails map[string]map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"metric_details"` // MetricScore The metric_score in the details section shows the contribution of this query // to the global quality metric score MetricScore Float64 `json:"metric_score"` // UnratedDocs The unrated_docs section contains an _index and _id entry for each document // in the search result for this query that didn’t have a ratings value. This // can be used to ask the user to supply ratings for these documents UnratedDocs []UnratedDocument `json:"unrated_docs"` }
RankEvalMetricDetail type.
func NewRankEvalMetricDetail ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricDetail() *RankEvalMetricDetail
NewRankEvalMetricDetail returns a RankEvalMetricDetail.
func (*RankEvalMetricDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain ¶
type RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain struct { // K Sets the maximum number of documents retrieved per query. This value will act // in place of the usual size parameter in the query. K *int `json:"k,omitempty"` // Normalize If set to true, this metric will calculate the Normalized DCG. Normalize *bool `json:"normalize,omitempty"` }
RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain type.
func NewRankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain() *RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain
NewRankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain returns a RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain.
func (*RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricDiscountedCumulativeGain) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank ¶
type RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank struct { // K Sets the maximum number of documents retrieved per query. This value will act // in place of the usual size parameter in the query. K *int `json:"k,omitempty"` // MaximumRelevance The highest relevance grade used in the user-supplied relevance judgments. MaximumRelevance int `json:"maximum_relevance"` }
RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank type.
func NewRankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank() *RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank
NewRankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank returns a RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank.
func (*RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricExpectedReciprocalRank) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank ¶
type RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank struct { // K Sets the maximum number of documents retrieved per query. This value will act // in place of the usual size parameter in the query. K *int `json:"k,omitempty"` // RelevantRatingThreshold Sets the rating threshold above which documents are considered to be // "relevant". RelevantRatingThreshold *int `json:"relevant_rating_threshold,omitempty"` }
RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank type.
func NewRankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank() *RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank
NewRankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank returns a RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank.
func (*RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricMeanReciprocalRank) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetricPrecision ¶
type RankEvalMetricPrecision struct { // IgnoreUnlabeled Controls how unlabeled documents in the search results are counted. If set to // true, unlabeled documents are ignored and neither count as relevant or // irrelevant. Set to false (the default), they are treated as irrelevant. IgnoreUnlabeled *bool `json:"ignore_unlabeled,omitempty"` // K Sets the maximum number of documents retrieved per query. This value will act // in place of the usual size parameter in the query. K *int `json:"k,omitempty"` // RelevantRatingThreshold Sets the rating threshold above which documents are considered to be // "relevant". RelevantRatingThreshold *int `json:"relevant_rating_threshold,omitempty"` }
RankEvalMetricPrecision type.
func NewRankEvalMetricPrecision ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricPrecision() *RankEvalMetricPrecision
NewRankEvalMetricPrecision returns a RankEvalMetricPrecision.
func (*RankEvalMetricPrecision) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricPrecision) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold ¶
type RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold struct { // K Sets the maximum number of documents retrieved per query. This value will act // in place of the usual size parameter in the query. K *int `json:"k,omitempty"` // RelevantRatingThreshold Sets the rating threshold above which documents are considered to be // "relevant". RelevantRatingThreshold *int `json:"relevant_rating_threshold,omitempty"` }
RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold type.
func NewRankEvalMetricRatingTreshold ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricRatingTreshold() *RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold
NewRankEvalMetricRatingTreshold returns a RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold.
func (*RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricRatingTreshold) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalMetricRecall ¶
type RankEvalMetricRecall struct { // K Sets the maximum number of documents retrieved per query. This value will act // in place of the usual size parameter in the query. K *int `json:"k,omitempty"` // RelevantRatingThreshold Sets the rating threshold above which documents are considered to be // "relevant". RelevantRatingThreshold *int `json:"relevant_rating_threshold,omitempty"` }
RankEvalMetricRecall type.
func NewRankEvalMetricRecall ¶
func NewRankEvalMetricRecall() *RankEvalMetricRecall
NewRankEvalMetricRecall returns a RankEvalMetricRecall.
func (*RankEvalMetricRecall) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalMetricRecall) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalQuery ¶
RankEvalQuery type.
func NewRankEvalQuery ¶
func NewRankEvalQuery() *RankEvalQuery
NewRankEvalQuery returns a RankEvalQuery.
func (*RankEvalQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankEvalRequestItem ¶
type RankEvalRequestItem struct { // Id The search request’s ID, used to group result details later. Id string `json:"id"` // Params The search template parameters. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` // Ratings List of document ratings Ratings []DocumentRating `json:"ratings"` // Request The query being evaluated. Request *RankEvalQuery `json:"request,omitempty"` // TemplateId The search template Id TemplateId *string `json:"template_id,omitempty"` }
RankEvalRequestItem type.
func NewRankEvalRequestItem ¶
func NewRankEvalRequestItem() *RankEvalRequestItem
NewRankEvalRequestItem returns a RankEvalRequestItem.
func (*RankEvalRequestItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankEvalRequestItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankFeatureFunction ¶
type RankFeatureFunction struct { }
RankFeatureFunction type.
func NewRankFeatureFunction ¶
func NewRankFeatureFunction() *RankFeatureFunction
NewRankFeatureFunction returns a RankFeatureFunction.
type RankFeatureFunctionLinear ¶
type RankFeatureFunctionLinear struct { }
RankFeatureFunctionLinear type.
func NewRankFeatureFunctionLinear ¶
func NewRankFeatureFunctionLinear() *RankFeatureFunctionLinear
NewRankFeatureFunctionLinear returns a RankFeatureFunctionLinear.
type RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm ¶
type RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm struct { // ScalingFactor Configurable scaling factor. ScalingFactor float32 `json:"scaling_factor"` }
RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm type.
func NewRankFeatureFunctionLogarithm ¶
func NewRankFeatureFunctionLogarithm() *RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm
NewRankFeatureFunctionLogarithm returns a RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm.
func (*RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankFeatureFunctionSaturation ¶
type RankFeatureFunctionSaturation struct { // Pivot Configurable pivot value so that the result will be less than 0.5. Pivot *float32 `json:"pivot,omitempty"` }
RankFeatureFunctionSaturation type.
func NewRankFeatureFunctionSaturation ¶
func NewRankFeatureFunctionSaturation() *RankFeatureFunctionSaturation
NewRankFeatureFunctionSaturation returns a RankFeatureFunctionSaturation.
func (*RankFeatureFunctionSaturation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankFeatureFunctionSaturation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid ¶
type RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid struct { // Exponent Configurable Exponent. Exponent float32 `json:"exponent"` // Pivot Configurable pivot value so that the result will be less than 0.5. Pivot float32 `json:"pivot"` }
RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid type.
func NewRankFeatureFunctionSigmoid ¶
func NewRankFeatureFunctionSigmoid() *RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid
NewRankFeatureFunctionSigmoid returns a RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid.
func (*RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankFeatureProperty ¶
type RankFeatureProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` PositiveScoreImpact *bool `json:"positive_score_impact,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
RankFeatureProperty type.
func NewRankFeatureProperty ¶
func NewRankFeatureProperty() *RankFeatureProperty
NewRankFeatureProperty returns a RankFeatureProperty.
func (RankFeatureProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s RankFeatureProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*RankFeatureProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankFeatureProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankFeatureQuery ¶
type RankFeatureQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Field `rank_feature` or `rank_features` field used to boost relevance scores. Field string `json:"field"` // Linear Linear function used to boost relevance scores based on the value of the rank // feature `field`. Linear *RankFeatureFunctionLinear `json:"linear,omitempty"` // Log Logarithmic function used to boost relevance scores based on the value of the // rank feature `field`. Log *RankFeatureFunctionLogarithm `json:"log,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Saturation Saturation function used to boost relevance scores based on the value of the // rank feature `field`. Saturation *RankFeatureFunctionSaturation `json:"saturation,omitempty"` // Sigmoid Sigmoid function used to boost relevance scores based on the value of the // rank feature `field`. Sigmoid *RankFeatureFunctionSigmoid `json:"sigmoid,omitempty"` }
RankFeatureQuery type.
func NewRankFeatureQuery ¶
func NewRankFeatureQuery() *RankFeatureQuery
NewRankFeatureQuery returns a RankFeatureQuery.
func (*RankFeatureQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankFeatureQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RankFeaturesProperty ¶
type RankFeaturesProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` PositiveScoreImpact *bool `json:"positive_score_impact,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
RankFeaturesProperty type.
func NewRankFeaturesProperty ¶
func NewRankFeaturesProperty() *RankFeaturesProperty
NewRankFeaturesProperty returns a RankFeaturesProperty.
func (RankFeaturesProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s RankFeaturesProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*RankFeaturesProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RankFeaturesProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RareTermsAggregation ¶
type RareTermsAggregation struct { // Exclude Terms that should be excluded from the aggregation. Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // Field The field from which to return rare terms. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Include Terms that should be included in the aggregation. Include TermsInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` // MaxDocCount The maximum number of documents a term should appear in. MaxDocCount *int64 `json:"max_doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Precision The precision of the internal CuckooFilters. // Smaller precision leads to better approximation, but higher memory usage. Precision *Float64 `json:"precision,omitempty"` ValueType *string `json:"value_type,omitempty"` }
RareTermsAggregation type.
func NewRareTermsAggregation ¶
func NewRareTermsAggregation() *RareTermsAggregation
NewRareTermsAggregation returns a RareTermsAggregation.
func (*RareTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RareTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RateAggregate ¶
type RateAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Value Float64 `json:"value"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
RateAggregate type.
func NewRateAggregate ¶
func NewRateAggregate() *RateAggregate
NewRateAggregate returns a RateAggregate.
func (*RateAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RateAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RateAggregation ¶
type RateAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` // Mode How the rate is calculated. Mode *ratemode.RateMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // Unit The interval used to calculate the rate. // By default, the interval of the `date_histogram` is used. Unit *calendarinterval.CalendarInterval `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
RateAggregation type.
func NewRateAggregation ¶
func NewRateAggregation() *RateAggregation
NewRateAggregation returns a RateAggregation.
func (*RateAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RateAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReadException ¶
type ReadException struct { Exception ErrorCause `json:"exception"` FromSeqNo int64 `json:"from_seq_no"` Retries int `json:"retries"` }
ReadException type.
func NewReadException ¶
func NewReadException() *ReadException
NewReadException returns a ReadException.
func (*ReadException) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReadException) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReadOnlyUrlRepository ¶
type ReadOnlyUrlRepository struct { Settings ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings `json:"settings"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
ReadOnlyUrlRepository type.
func NewReadOnlyUrlRepository ¶
func NewReadOnlyUrlRepository() *ReadOnlyUrlRepository
NewReadOnlyUrlRepository returns a ReadOnlyUrlRepository.
func (ReadOnlyUrlRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ReadOnlyUrlRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ReadOnlyUrlRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReadOnlyUrlRepository) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings ¶
type ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings struct { ChunkSize ByteSize `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` Compress *bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` HttpMaxRetries *int `json:"http_max_retries,omitempty"` HttpSocketTimeout Duration `json:"http_socket_timeout,omitempty"` MaxNumberOfSnapshots *int `json:"max_number_of_snapshots,omitempty"` MaxRestoreBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url"` }
ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings type.
func NewReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings ¶
func NewReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings() *ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings
NewReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings returns a ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings.
func (*ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RealmCache ¶
type RealmCache struct {
Size int64 `json:"size"`
RealmCache type.
func (*RealmCache) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RealmCache) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Recording ¶
type Recording struct { CumulativeExecutionCount *int64 `json:"cumulative_execution_count,omitempty"` CumulativeExecutionTime Duration `json:"cumulative_execution_time,omitempty"` CumulativeExecutionTimeMillis *int64 `json:"cumulative_execution_time_millis,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Recording type.
func (*Recording) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RecoveryBytes ¶
type RecoveryBytes struct { Percent Percentage `json:"percent"` Recovered ByteSize `json:"recovered,omitempty"` RecoveredFromSnapshot ByteSize `json:"recovered_from_snapshot,omitempty"` RecoveredFromSnapshotInBytes ByteSize `json:"recovered_from_snapshot_in_bytes,omitempty"` RecoveredInBytes ByteSize `json:"recovered_in_bytes"` Reused ByteSize `json:"reused,omitempty"` ReusedInBytes ByteSize `json:"reused_in_bytes"` Total ByteSize `json:"total,omitempty"` TotalInBytes ByteSize `json:"total_in_bytes"` }
RecoveryBytes type.
func NewRecoveryBytes ¶
func NewRecoveryBytes() *RecoveryBytes
NewRecoveryBytes returns a RecoveryBytes.
func (*RecoveryBytes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryBytes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryFiles ¶
type RecoveryFiles struct { Details []FileDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Percent Percentage `json:"percent"` Recovered int64 `json:"recovered"` Reused int64 `json:"reused"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
RecoveryFiles type.
func NewRecoveryFiles ¶
func NewRecoveryFiles() *RecoveryFiles
NewRecoveryFiles returns a RecoveryFiles.
func (*RecoveryFiles) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryFiles) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryIndexStatus ¶
type RecoveryIndexStatus struct { Bytes *RecoveryBytes `json:"bytes,omitempty"` Files RecoveryFiles `json:"files"` Size RecoveryBytes `json:"size"` SourceThrottleTime Duration `json:"source_throttle_time,omitempty"` SourceThrottleTimeInMillis int64 `json:"source_throttle_time_in_millis"` TargetThrottleTime Duration `json:"target_throttle_time,omitempty"` TargetThrottleTimeInMillis int64 `json:"target_throttle_time_in_millis"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
RecoveryIndexStatus type.
func NewRecoveryIndexStatus ¶
func NewRecoveryIndexStatus() *RecoveryIndexStatus
NewRecoveryIndexStatus returns a RecoveryIndexStatus.
func (*RecoveryIndexStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryIndexStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryOrigin ¶
type RecoveryOrigin struct { BootstrapNewHistoryUuid *bool `json:"bootstrap_new_history_uuid,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Hostname *string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty"` RestoreUUID *string `json:"restoreUUID,omitempty"` Snapshot *string `json:"snapshot,omitempty"` TransportAddress *string `json:"transport_address,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
RecoveryOrigin type.
func NewRecoveryOrigin ¶
func NewRecoveryOrigin() *RecoveryOrigin
NewRecoveryOrigin returns a RecoveryOrigin.
func (*RecoveryOrigin) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryOrigin) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryRecord ¶
type RecoveryRecord struct { // Bytes The number of bytes to recover. Bytes *string `json:"bytes,omitempty"` // BytesPercent The ratio of bytes recovered. BytesPercent Percentage `json:"bytes_percent,omitempty"` // BytesRecovered The bytes recovered. BytesRecovered *string `json:"bytes_recovered,omitempty"` // BytesTotal The total number of bytes. BytesTotal *string `json:"bytes_total,omitempty"` // Files The number of files to recover. Files *string `json:"files,omitempty"` // FilesPercent The ratio of files recovered. FilesPercent Percentage `json:"files_percent,omitempty"` // FilesRecovered The files recovered. FilesRecovered *string `json:"files_recovered,omitempty"` // FilesTotal The total number of files. FilesTotal *string `json:"files_total,omitempty"` // Index The index name. Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Repository The repository name. Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty"` // Shard The shard name. Shard *string `json:"shard,omitempty"` // Snapshot The snapshot name. Snapshot *string `json:"snapshot,omitempty"` // SourceHost The source host. SourceHost *string `json:"source_host,omitempty"` // SourceNode The source node name. SourceNode *string `json:"source_node,omitempty"` // Stage The recovery stage. Stage *string `json:"stage,omitempty"` // StartTime The recovery start time. StartTime DateTime `json:"start_time,omitempty"` // StartTimeMillis The recovery start time in epoch milliseconds. StartTimeMillis *int64 `json:"start_time_millis,omitempty"` // StopTime The recovery stop time. StopTime DateTime `json:"stop_time,omitempty"` // StopTimeMillis The recovery stop time in epoch milliseconds. StopTimeMillis *int64 `json:"stop_time_millis,omitempty"` // TargetHost The target host. TargetHost *string `json:"target_host,omitempty"` // TargetNode The target node name. TargetNode *string `json:"target_node,omitempty"` // Time The recovery time. Time Duration `json:"time,omitempty"` // TranslogOps The number of translog operations to recover. TranslogOps *string `json:"translog_ops,omitempty"` // TranslogOpsPercent The ratio of translog operations recovered. TranslogOpsPercent Percentage `json:"translog_ops_percent,omitempty"` // TranslogOpsRecovered The translog operations recovered. TranslogOpsRecovered *string `json:"translog_ops_recovered,omitempty"` // Type The recovery type. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
RecoveryRecord type.
func NewRecoveryRecord ¶
func NewRecoveryRecord() *RecoveryRecord
NewRecoveryRecord returns a RecoveryRecord.
func (*RecoveryRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryStartStatus ¶
type RecoveryStartStatus struct { CheckIndexTime Duration `json:"check_index_time,omitempty"` CheckIndexTimeInMillis int64 `json:"check_index_time_in_millis"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
RecoveryStartStatus type.
func NewRecoveryStartStatus ¶
func NewRecoveryStartStatus() *RecoveryStartStatus
NewRecoveryStartStatus returns a RecoveryStartStatus.
func (*RecoveryStartStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryStartStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryStats ¶
type RecoveryStats struct { CurrentAsSource int64 `json:"current_as_source"` CurrentAsTarget int64 `json:"current_as_target"` ThrottleTime Duration `json:"throttle_time,omitempty"` ThrottleTimeInMillis int64 `json:"throttle_time_in_millis"` }
RecoveryStats type.
func NewRecoveryStats ¶
func NewRecoveryStats() *RecoveryStats
NewRecoveryStats returns a RecoveryStats.
func (*RecoveryStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RecoveryStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RecoveryStatus ¶
type RecoveryStatus struct {
Shards []ShardRecovery `json:"shards"`
RecoveryStatus type.
func NewRecoveryStatus ¶
func NewRecoveryStatus() *RecoveryStatus
NewRecoveryStatus returns a RecoveryStatus.
type RefreshStats ¶
type RefreshStats struct { ExternalTotal int64 `json:"external_total"` ExternalTotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"external_total_time_in_millis"` Listeners int64 `json:"listeners"` Total int64 `json:"total"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
RefreshStats type.
func NewRefreshStats ¶
func NewRefreshStats() *RefreshStats
NewRefreshStats returns a RefreshStats.
func (*RefreshStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RefreshStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RegexOptions ¶
type RegexOptions struct { // Flags Optional operators for the regular expression. Flags string `json:"flags,omitempty"` // MaxDeterminizedStates Maximum number of automaton states required for the query. MaxDeterminizedStates *int `json:"max_determinized_states,omitempty"` }
RegexOptions type.
func NewRegexOptions ¶
func NewRegexOptions() *RegexOptions
NewRegexOptions returns a RegexOptions.
func (*RegexOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RegexOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RegexpQuery ¶
type RegexpQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // CaseInsensitive Allows case insensitive matching of the regular expression value with the // indexed field values when set to `true`. // When `false`, case sensitivity of matching depends on the underlying field’s // mapping. CaseInsensitive *bool `json:"case_insensitive,omitempty"` // Flags Enables optional operators for the regular expression. Flags *string `json:"flags,omitempty"` // MaxDeterminizedStates Maximum number of automaton states required for the query. MaxDeterminizedStates *int `json:"max_determinized_states,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Rewrite Method used to rewrite the query. Rewrite *string `json:"rewrite,omitempty"` // Value Regular expression for terms you wish to find in the provided field. Value string `json:"value"` }
RegexpQuery type.
func (*RegexpQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RegexpQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RegressionInferenceOptions ¶
type RegressionInferenceOptions struct { // NumTopFeatureImportanceValues Specifies the maximum number of feature importance values per document. NumTopFeatureImportanceValues *int `json:"num_top_feature_importance_values,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` }
RegressionInferenceOptions type.
func NewRegressionInferenceOptions ¶
func NewRegressionInferenceOptions() *RegressionInferenceOptions
NewRegressionInferenceOptions returns a RegressionInferenceOptions.
func (*RegressionInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RegressionInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReindexDestination ¶
type ReindexDestination struct { // Index The name of the data stream, index, or index alias you are copying to. Index string `json:"index"` // OpType Set to `create` to only index documents that do not already exist. // Important: To reindex to a data stream destination, this argument must be // `create`. OpType *optype.OpType `json:"op_type,omitempty"` // Pipeline The name of the pipeline to use. Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // Routing By default, a document's routing is preserved unless it’s changed by the // script. // Set to `discard` to set routing to `null`, or `=value` to route using the // specified `value`. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` // VersionType The versioning to use for the indexing operation. VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
ReindexDestination type.
func NewReindexDestination ¶
func NewReindexDestination() *ReindexDestination
NewReindexDestination returns a ReindexDestination.
func (*ReindexDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReindexDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReindexNode ¶
type ReindexNode struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` Host string `json:"host"` Ip string `json:"ip"` Name string `json:"name"` Roles []noderole.NodeRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` Tasks map[string]ReindexTask `json:"tasks"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
ReindexNode type.
func (*ReindexNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReindexNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReindexSource ¶
type ReindexSource struct { // Index The name of the data stream, index, or alias you are copying from. // Accepts a comma-separated list to reindex from multiple sources. Index []string `json:"index"` // Query Specifies the documents to reindex using the Query DSL. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` // Remote A remote instance of Elasticsearch that you want to index from. Remote *RemoteSource `json:"remote,omitempty"` RuntimeMappings RuntimeFields `json:"runtime_mappings,omitempty"` // Size The number of documents to index per batch. // Use when indexing from remote to ensure that the batches fit within the // on-heap buffer, which defaults to a maximum size of 100 MB. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Slice Slice the reindex request manually using the provided slice ID and total // number of slices. Slice *SlicedScroll `json:"slice,omitempty"` Sort []SortCombinations `json:"sort,omitempty"` // SourceFields_ If `true` reindexes all source fields. // Set to a list to reindex select fields. SourceFields_ []string `json:"_source,omitempty"` }
ReindexSource type.
func NewReindexSource ¶
func NewReindexSource() *ReindexSource
NewReindexSource returns a ReindexSource.
func (*ReindexSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReindexSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReindexStatus ¶
type ReindexStatus struct { // Batches The number of scroll responses pulled back by the reindex. Batches int64 `json:"batches"` // Created The number of documents that were successfully created. Created int64 `json:"created"` // Deleted The number of documents that were successfully deleted. Deleted int64 `json:"deleted"` // Noops The number of documents that were ignored because the script used for the // reindex returned a `noop` value for `ctx.op`. Noops int64 `json:"noops"` // RequestsPerSecond The number of requests per second effectively executed during the reindex. RequestsPerSecond float32 `json:"requests_per_second"` // Retries The number of retries attempted by reindex. `bulk` is the number of bulk // actions retried and `search` is the number of search actions retried. Retries Retries `json:"retries"` Throttled Duration `json:"throttled,omitempty"` // ThrottledMillis Number of milliseconds the request slept to conform to `requests_per_second`. ThrottledMillis int64 `json:"throttled_millis"` ThrottledUntil Duration `json:"throttled_until,omitempty"` // ThrottledUntilMillis This field should always be equal to zero in a `_reindex` response. // It only has meaning when using the Task API, where it indicates the next time // (in milliseconds since epoch) a throttled request will be executed again in // order to conform to `requests_per_second`. ThrottledUntilMillis int64 `json:"throttled_until_millis"` // Total The number of documents that were successfully processed. Total int64 `json:"total"` // Updated The number of documents that were successfully updated, for example, a // document with same ID already existed prior to reindex updating it. Updated int64 `json:"updated"` // VersionConflicts The number of version conflicts that reindex hits. VersionConflicts int64 `json:"version_conflicts"` }
ReindexStatus type.
func NewReindexStatus ¶
func NewReindexStatus() *ReindexStatus
NewReindexStatus returns a ReindexStatus.
func (*ReindexStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReindexStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReindexTask ¶
type ReindexTask struct { Action string `json:"action"` Cancellable bool `json:"cancellable"` Description string `json:"description"` Headers HttpHeaders `json:"headers"` Id int64 `json:"id"` Node string `json:"node"` RunningTimeInNanos int64 `json:"running_time_in_nanos"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` Status ReindexStatus `json:"status"` Type string `json:"type"` }
ReindexTask type.
func (*ReindexTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReindexTask) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReloadDetails ¶
type ReloadDetails struct { Index string `json:"index"` ReloadedAnalyzers []string `json:"reloaded_analyzers"` ReloadedNodeIds []string `json:"reloaded_node_ids"` }
ReloadDetails type.
func NewReloadDetails ¶
func NewReloadDetails() *ReloadDetails
NewReloadDetails returns a ReloadDetails.
func (*ReloadDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReloadDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReloadResult ¶
type ReloadResult struct { ReloadDetails []ReloadDetails `json:"reload_details"` Shards_ ShardStatistics `json:"_shards"` }
ReloadResult type.
func NewReloadResult ¶
func NewReloadResult() *ReloadResult
NewReloadResult returns a ReloadResult.
type RelocationFailureInfo ¶
type RelocationFailureInfo struct {
FailedAttempts int `json:"failed_attempts"`
RelocationFailureInfo type.
func NewRelocationFailureInfo ¶
func NewRelocationFailureInfo() *RelocationFailureInfo
NewRelocationFailureInfo returns a RelocationFailureInfo.
func (*RelocationFailureInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RelocationFailureInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RemoteSource ¶
type RemoteSource struct { // ConnectTimeout The remote connection timeout. // Defaults to 30 seconds. ConnectTimeout Duration `json:"connect_timeout,omitempty"` // Headers An object containing the headers of the request. Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` // Host The URL for the remote instance of Elasticsearch that you want to index from. Host string `json:"host"` // Password The password to use for authentication with the remote host. Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // SocketTimeout The remote socket read timeout. Defaults to 30 seconds. SocketTimeout Duration `json:"socket_timeout,omitempty"` // Username The username to use for authentication with the remote host. Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
RemoteSource type.
func NewRemoteSource ¶
func NewRemoteSource() *RemoteSource
NewRemoteSource returns a RemoteSource.
func (*RemoteSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RemoteSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RemoveAction ¶
type RemoveAction struct { // Alias Alias for the action. // Index alias names support date math. Alias *string `json:"alias,omitempty"` // Aliases Aliases for the action. // Index alias names support date math. Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"` // Index Data stream or index for the action. // Supports wildcards (`*`). Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Indices Data streams or indices for the action. // Supports wildcards (`*`). Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // MustExist If `true`, the alias must exist to perform the action. MustExist *bool `json:"must_exist,omitempty"` }
RemoveAction type.
func NewRemoveAction ¶
func NewRemoveAction() *RemoveAction
NewRemoveAction returns a RemoveAction.
func (*RemoveAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RemoveAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter ¶
type RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter type.
func NewRemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter ¶
func NewRemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter() *RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter
NewRemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter returns a RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter.
func (RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RemoveIndexAction ¶
type RemoveIndexAction struct { // Index Data stream or index for the action. // Supports wildcards (`*`). Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Indices Data streams or indices for the action. // Supports wildcards (`*`). Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // MustExist If `true`, the alias must exist to perform the action. MustExist *bool `json:"must_exist,omitempty"` }
RemoveIndexAction type.
func NewRemoveIndexAction ¶
func NewRemoveIndexAction() *RemoveIndexAction
NewRemoveIndexAction returns a RemoveIndexAction.
func (*RemoveIndexAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RemoveIndexAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RemoveProcessor ¶
type RemoveProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field Fields to be removed. Supports template snippets. Field []string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
RemoveProcessor type.
func NewRemoveProcessor ¶
func NewRemoveProcessor() *RemoveProcessor
NewRemoveProcessor returns a RemoveProcessor.
func (*RemoveProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RemoveProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RenameProcessor ¶
type RenameProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to be renamed. // Supports template snippets. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The new name of the field. // Supports template snippets. TargetField string `json:"target_field"` }
RenameProcessor type.
func NewRenameProcessor ¶
func NewRenameProcessor() *RenameProcessor
NewRenameProcessor returns a RenameProcessor.
func (*RenameProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RenameProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReportingEmailAttachment ¶
type ReportingEmailAttachment struct { Inline *bool `json:"inline,omitempty"` Interval Duration `json:"interval,omitempty"` Request *HttpInputRequestDefinition `json:"request,omitempty"` Retries *int `json:"retries,omitempty"` Url string `json:"url"` }
ReportingEmailAttachment type.
func NewReportingEmailAttachment ¶
func NewReportingEmailAttachment() *ReportingEmailAttachment
NewReportingEmailAttachment returns a ReportingEmailAttachment.
func (*ReportingEmailAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReportingEmailAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RepositoriesRecord ¶
type RepositoriesRecord struct { // Id The unique repository identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Type The repository type. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
RepositoriesRecord type.
func NewRepositoriesRecord ¶
func NewRepositoriesRecord() *RepositoriesRecord
NewRepositoriesRecord returns a RepositoriesRecord.
func (*RepositoriesRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RepositoriesRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Repository ¶
type Repository interface{}
Repository holds the union for the following types:
AzureRepository GcsRepository S3Repository SharedFileSystemRepository ReadOnlyUrlRepository SourceOnlyRepository
type RepositoryIntegrityIndicator ¶
type RepositoryIntegrityIndicator struct { Details *RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
RepositoryIntegrityIndicator type.
func NewRepositoryIntegrityIndicator ¶
func NewRepositoryIntegrityIndicator() *RepositoryIntegrityIndicator
NewRepositoryIntegrityIndicator returns a RepositoryIntegrityIndicator.
func (*RepositoryIntegrityIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RepositoryIntegrityIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails ¶
type RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails struct { Corrupted []string `json:"corrupted,omitempty"` CorruptedRepositories *int64 `json:"corrupted_repositories,omitempty"` TotalRepositories *int64 `json:"total_repositories,omitempty"` }
RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails type.
func NewRepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewRepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails() *RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails
NewRepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails returns a RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails.
func (*RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RepositoryIntegrityIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RepositoryLocation ¶
type RepositoryLocation struct { BasePath string `json:"base_path"` // Bucket Bucket name (GCP, S3) Bucket *string `json:"bucket,omitempty"` // Container Container name (Azure) Container *string `json:"container,omitempty"` }
RepositoryLocation type.
func NewRepositoryLocation ¶
func NewRepositoryLocation() *RepositoryLocation
NewRepositoryLocation returns a RepositoryLocation.
func (*RepositoryLocation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RepositoryLocation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RepositoryMeteringInformation ¶
type RepositoryMeteringInformation struct { // Archived A flag that tells whether or not this object has been archived. When a // repository is closed or updated the // repository metering information is archived and kept for a certain period of // time. This allows retrieving the // repository metering information of previous repository instantiations. Archived bool `json:"archived"` // ClusterVersion The cluster state version when this object was archived, this field can be // used as a logical timestamp to delete // all the archived metrics up to an observed version. This field is only // present for archived repository metering // information objects. The main purpose of this field is to avoid possible race // conditions during repository metering // information deletions, i.e. deleting archived repositories metering // information that we haven’t observed yet. ClusterVersion *int64 `json:"cluster_version,omitempty"` // RepositoryEphemeralId An identifier that changes every time the repository is updated. RepositoryEphemeralId string `json:"repository_ephemeral_id"` // RepositoryLocation Represents an unique location within the repository. RepositoryLocation RepositoryLocation `json:"repository_location"` // RepositoryName Repository name. RepositoryName string `json:"repository_name"` // RepositoryStartedAt Time the repository was created or updated. Recorded in milliseconds since // the Unix Epoch. RepositoryStartedAt int64 `json:"repository_started_at"` // RepositoryStoppedAt Time the repository was deleted or updated. Recorded in milliseconds since // the Unix Epoch. RepositoryStoppedAt *int64 `json:"repository_stopped_at,omitempty"` // RepositoryType Repository type. RepositoryType string `json:"repository_type"` // RequestCounts An object with the number of request performed against the repository grouped // by request type. RequestCounts RequestCounts `json:"request_counts"` }
RepositoryMeteringInformation type.
func NewRepositoryMeteringInformation ¶
func NewRepositoryMeteringInformation() *RepositoryMeteringInformation
NewRepositoryMeteringInformation returns a RepositoryMeteringInformation.
func (*RepositoryMeteringInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RepositoryMeteringInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RequestCacheStats ¶
type RequestCacheStats struct { Evictions int64 `json:"evictions"` HitCount int64 `json:"hit_count"` MemorySize *string `json:"memory_size,omitempty"` MemorySizeInBytes int64 `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"` MissCount int64 `json:"miss_count"` }
RequestCacheStats type.
func NewRequestCacheStats ¶
func NewRequestCacheStats() *RequestCacheStats
NewRequestCacheStats returns a RequestCacheStats.
func (*RequestCacheStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RequestCacheStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RequestCounts ¶
type RequestCounts struct { // GetBlob Number of Get Blob requests (Azure) GetBlob *int64 `json:"GetBlob,omitempty"` // GetBlobProperties Number of Get Blob Properties requests (Azure) GetBlobProperties *int64 `json:"GetBlobProperties,omitempty"` // GetObject Number of get object requests (GCP, S3) GetObject *int64 `json:"GetObject,omitempty"` // InsertObject Number of insert object requests, including simple, multipart and resumable // uploads. Resumable uploads // can perform multiple http requests to insert a single object but they are // considered as a single request // since they are billed as an individual operation. (GCP) InsertObject *int64 `json:"InsertObject,omitempty"` // ListBlobs Number of List Blobs requests (Azure) ListBlobs *int64 `json:"ListBlobs,omitempty"` // ListObjects Number of list objects requests (GCP, S3) ListObjects *int64 `json:"ListObjects,omitempty"` // PutBlob Number of Put Blob requests (Azure) PutBlob *int64 `json:"PutBlob,omitempty"` // PutBlock Number of Put Block (Azure) PutBlock *int64 `json:"PutBlock,omitempty"` // PutBlockList Number of Put Block List requests PutBlockList *int64 `json:"PutBlockList,omitempty"` // PutMultipartObject Number of Multipart requests, including CreateMultipartUpload, UploadPart and // CompleteMultipartUpload requests (S3) PutMultipartObject *int64 `json:"PutMultipartObject,omitempty"` // PutObject Number of PutObject requests (S3) PutObject *int64 `json:"PutObject,omitempty"` }
RequestCounts type.
func NewRequestCounts ¶
func NewRequestCounts() *RequestCounts
NewRequestCounts returns a RequestCounts.
func (*RequestCounts) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RequestCounts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RequestItem ¶
type RequestItem interface{}
RequestItem holds the union for the following types:
MultisearchHeader TemplateConfig
type RerouteDecision ¶
type RerouteDecision struct { Decider string `json:"decider"` Decision string `json:"decision"` Explanation string `json:"explanation"` }
RerouteDecision type.
func NewRerouteDecision ¶
func NewRerouteDecision() *RerouteDecision
NewRerouteDecision returns a RerouteDecision.
func (*RerouteDecision) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RerouteDecision) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RerouteExplanation ¶
type RerouteExplanation struct { Command string `json:"command"` Decisions []RerouteDecision `json:"decisions"` Parameters RerouteParameters `json:"parameters"` }
RerouteExplanation type.
func NewRerouteExplanation ¶
func NewRerouteExplanation() *RerouteExplanation
NewRerouteExplanation returns a RerouteExplanation.
func (*RerouteExplanation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RerouteExplanation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RerouteParameters ¶
type RerouteParameters struct { AllowPrimary bool `json:"allow_primary"` FromNode *string `json:"from_node,omitempty"` Index string `json:"index"` Node string `json:"node"` Shard int `json:"shard"` ToNode *string `json:"to_node,omitempty"` }
RerouteParameters type.
func NewRerouteParameters ¶
func NewRerouteParameters() *RerouteParameters
NewRerouteParameters returns a RerouteParameters.
func (*RerouteParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RerouteParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RerouteProcessor ¶
type RerouteProcessor struct { // Dataset Field references or a static value for the dataset part of the data stream // name. // In addition to the criteria for index names, cannot contain - and must be no // longer than 100 characters. // Example values are nginx.access and nginx.error. // // Supports field references with a mustache-like syntax (denoted as {{double}} // or {{{triple}}} curly braces). // When resolving field references, the processor replaces invalid characters // with _. Uses the <dataset> part // of the index name as a fallback if all field references resolve to a null, // missing, or non-string value. // // default {{data_stream.dataset}} Dataset []string `json:"dataset,omitempty"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Destination A static value for the target. Can’t be set when the dataset or namespace // option is set. Destination *string `json:"destination,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // Namespace Field references or a static value for the namespace part of the data stream // name. See the criteria for // index names for allowed characters. Must be no longer than 100 characters. // // Supports field references with a mustache-like syntax (denoted as {{double}} // or {{{triple}}} curly braces). // When resolving field references, the processor replaces invalid characters // with _. Uses the <namespace> part // of the index name as a fallback if all field references resolve to a null, // missing, or non-string value. // // default {{data_stream.namespace}} Namespace []string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
RerouteProcessor type.
func NewRerouteProcessor ¶
func NewRerouteProcessor() *RerouteProcessor
NewRerouteProcessor returns a RerouteProcessor.
func (*RerouteProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RerouteProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Rescore ¶
type Rescore struct { Query RescoreQuery `json:"query"` WindowSize *int `json:"window_size,omitempty"` }
Rescore type.
func (*Rescore) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RescoreQuery ¶
type RescoreQuery struct { // Query The query to use for rescoring. // This query is only run on the Top-K results returned by the `query` and // `post_filter` phases. Query Query `json:"rescore_query"` // QueryWeight Relative importance of the original query versus the rescore query. QueryWeight *Float64 `json:"query_weight,omitempty"` // RescoreQueryWeight Relative importance of the rescore query versus the original query. RescoreQueryWeight *Float64 `json:"rescore_query_weight,omitempty"` // ScoreMode Determines how scores are combined. ScoreMode *scoremode.ScoreMode `json:"score_mode,omitempty"` }
RescoreQuery type.
func NewRescoreQuery ¶
func NewRescoreQuery() *RescoreQuery
NewRescoreQuery returns a RescoreQuery.
func (*RescoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RescoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReservedSize ¶
type ReservedSize struct { NodeId string `json:"node_id"` Path string `json:"path"` Shards []string `json:"shards"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
ReservedSize type.
func NewReservedSize ¶
func NewReservedSize() *ReservedSize
NewReservedSize returns a ReservedSize.
func (*ReservedSize) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReservedSize) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ResolveClusterInfo ¶
type ResolveClusterInfo struct { // Connected Whether the remote cluster is connected to the local (querying) cluster. Connected bool `json:"connected"` // Error Provides error messages that are likely to occur if you do a search with this // index expression // on the specified cluster (e.g., lack of security privileges to query an // index). Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` // MatchingIndices Whether the index expression provided in the request matches any indices, // aliases or data streams // on the cluster. MatchingIndices *bool `json:"matching_indices,omitempty"` SkipUnavailable bool `json:"skip_unavailable"` // Version Provides version information about the cluster. Version *ElasticsearchVersionMinInfo `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ResolveClusterInfo type.
func NewResolveClusterInfo ¶
func NewResolveClusterInfo() *ResolveClusterInfo
NewResolveClusterInfo returns a ResolveClusterInfo.
func (*ResolveClusterInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResolveClusterInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ResolveIndexAliasItem ¶
ResolveIndexAliasItem type.
func NewResolveIndexAliasItem ¶
func NewResolveIndexAliasItem() *ResolveIndexAliasItem
NewResolveIndexAliasItem returns a ResolveIndexAliasItem.
func (*ResolveIndexAliasItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResolveIndexAliasItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem ¶
type ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem struct { BackingIndices []string `json:"backing_indices"` Name string `json:"name"` TimestampField string `json:"timestamp_field"` }
ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem type.
func NewResolveIndexDataStreamsItem ¶
func NewResolveIndexDataStreamsItem() *ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem
NewResolveIndexDataStreamsItem returns a ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem.
func (*ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResolveIndexDataStreamsItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ResolveIndexItem ¶
type ResolveIndexItem struct { Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"` Attributes []string `json:"attributes"` DataStream *string `json:"data_stream,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` }
ResolveIndexItem type.
func NewResolveIndexItem ¶
func NewResolveIndexItem() *ResolveIndexItem
NewResolveIndexItem returns a ResolveIndexItem.
func (*ResolveIndexItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResolveIndexItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ResourcePrivileges ¶
type ResourcePrivileges map[string]Privileges
ResourcePrivileges type alias.
type ResponseBody ¶
type ResponseBody struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"aggregations,omitempty"` Clusters_ *ClusterStatistics `json:"_clusters,omitempty"` Fields map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"fields,omitempty"` Hits HitsMetadata `json:"hits"` MaxScore *Float64 `json:"max_score,omitempty"` NumReducePhases *int64 `json:"num_reduce_phases,omitempty"` PitId *string `json:"pit_id,omitempty"` Profile *Profile `json:"profile,omitempty"` ScrollId_ *string `json:"_scroll_id,omitempty"` Shards_ ShardStatistics `json:"_shards"` Suggest map[string][]Suggest `json:"suggest,omitempty"` TerminatedEarly *bool `json:"terminated_early,omitempty"` TimedOut bool `json:"timed_out"` Took int64 `json:"took"` }
ResponseBody type.
func NewResponseBody ¶
func NewResponseBody() *ResponseBody
NewResponseBody returns a ResponseBody.
func (*ResponseBody) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResponseBody) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ResponseItem ¶
type ResponseItem struct { // Error Contains additional information about the failed operation. // The parameter is only returned for failed operations. Error *ErrorCause `json:"error,omitempty"` ForcedRefresh *bool `json:"forced_refresh,omitempty"` Get *InlineGetDictUserDefined `json:"get,omitempty"` // Id_ The document ID associated with the operation. Id_ string `json:"_id,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index associated with the operation. // If the operation targeted a data stream, this is the backing index into which // the document was written. Index_ string `json:"_index"` // PrimaryTerm_ The primary term assigned to the document for the operation. PrimaryTerm_ *int64 `json:"_primary_term,omitempty"` // Result Result of the operation. // Successful values are `created`, `deleted`, and `updated`. Result *string `json:"result,omitempty"` // SeqNo_ The sequence number assigned to the document for the operation. // Sequence numbers are used to ensure an older version of a document doesn’t // overwrite a newer version. SeqNo_ *int64 `json:"_seq_no,omitempty"` // Shards_ Contains shard information for the operation. Shards_ *ShardStatistics `json:"_shards,omitempty"` // Status HTTP status code returned for the operation. Status int `json:"status"` // Version_ The document version associated with the operation. // The document version is incremented each time the document is updated. Version_ *int64 `json:"_version,omitempty"` }
ResponseItem type.
func NewResponseItem ¶
func NewResponseItem() *ResponseItem
NewResponseItem returns a ResponseItem.
func (*ResponseItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResponseItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Retention ¶
type Retention struct { // ExpireAfter Time period after which a snapshot is considered expired and eligible for // deletion. SLM deletes expired snapshots based on the slm.retention_schedule. ExpireAfter Duration `json:"expire_after"` // MaxCount Maximum number of snapshots to retain, even if the snapshots have not yet // expired. If the number of snapshots in the repository exceeds this limit, the // policy retains the most recent snapshots and deletes older snapshots. MaxCount int `json:"max_count"` // MinCount Minimum number of snapshots to retain, even if the snapshots have expired. MinCount int `json:"min_count"` }
Retention type.
func (*Retention) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RetentionLease ¶
type RetentionLease struct {
Period Duration `json:"period"`
RetentionLease type.
func NewRetentionLease ¶
func NewRetentionLease() *RetentionLease
NewRetentionLease returns a RetentionLease.
func (*RetentionLease) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RetentionLease) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RetentionPolicy ¶
type RetentionPolicy struct { // Field The date field that is used to calculate the age of the document. Field string `json:"field"` // MaxAge Specifies the maximum age of a document in the destination index. Documents // that are older than the configured // value are removed from the destination index. MaxAge Duration `json:"max_age"` }
RetentionPolicy type.
func NewRetentionPolicy ¶
func NewRetentionPolicy() *RetentionPolicy
NewRetentionPolicy returns a RetentionPolicy.
func (*RetentionPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RetentionPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RetentionPolicyContainer ¶
type RetentionPolicyContainer struct { // Time Specifies that the transform uses a time field to set the retention policy. Time *RetentionPolicy `json:"time,omitempty"` }
RetentionPolicyContainer type.
func NewRetentionPolicyContainer ¶
func NewRetentionPolicyContainer() *RetentionPolicyContainer
NewRetentionPolicyContainer returns a RetentionPolicyContainer.
type ReverseNestedAggregate ¶
type ReverseNestedAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ReverseNestedAggregate type.
func NewReverseNestedAggregate ¶
func NewReverseNestedAggregate() *ReverseNestedAggregate
NewReverseNestedAggregate returns a ReverseNestedAggregate.
func (ReverseNestedAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ReverseNestedAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ReverseNestedAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReverseNestedAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReverseNestedAggregation ¶
type ReverseNestedAggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Path Defines the nested object field that should be joined back to. // The default is empty, which means that it joins back to the root/main // document level. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
ReverseNestedAggregation type.
func NewReverseNestedAggregation ¶
func NewReverseNestedAggregation() *ReverseNestedAggregation
NewReverseNestedAggregation returns a ReverseNestedAggregation.
func (*ReverseNestedAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReverseNestedAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReverseTokenFilter ¶
type ReverseTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ReverseTokenFilter type.
func NewReverseTokenFilter ¶
func NewReverseTokenFilter() *ReverseTokenFilter
NewReverseTokenFilter returns a ReverseTokenFilter.
func (ReverseTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ReverseTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ReverseTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ReverseTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Role ¶
type Role struct { Applications []ApplicationPrivileges `json:"applications"` Cluster []string `json:"cluster"` Global map[string]map[string]map[string][]string `json:"global,omitempty"` Indices []IndicesPrivileges `json:"indices"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` RoleTemplates []RoleTemplate `json:"role_templates,omitempty"` RunAs []string `json:"run_as"` TransientMetadata map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"transient_metadata,omitempty"` }
Role type.
func (*Role) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RoleDescriptor ¶
type RoleDescriptor struct { // Applications A list of application privilege entries Applications []ApplicationPrivileges `json:"applications,omitempty"` // Cluster A list of cluster privileges. These privileges define the cluster level // actions that API keys are able to execute. Cluster []string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Global An object defining global privileges. A global privilege is a form of cluster // privilege that is request-aware. Support for global privileges is currently // limited to the management of application privileges. Global []GlobalPrivilege `json:"global,omitempty"` // Indices A list of indices permissions entries. Indices []IndicesPrivileges `json:"indices,omitempty"` // Metadata Optional meta-data. Within the metadata object, keys that begin with `_` are // reserved for system usage. Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // RunAs A list of users that the API keys can impersonate. RunAs []string `json:"run_as,omitempty"` TransientMetadata map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"transient_metadata,omitempty"` }
RoleDescriptor type.
func NewRoleDescriptor ¶
func NewRoleDescriptor() *RoleDescriptor
NewRoleDescriptor returns a RoleDescriptor.
func (*RoleDescriptor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RoleDescriptor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RoleDescriptorRead ¶
type RoleDescriptorRead struct { // Applications A list of application privilege entries Applications []ApplicationPrivileges `json:"applications,omitempty"` // Cluster A list of cluster privileges. These privileges define the cluster level // actions that API keys are able to execute. Cluster []string `json:"cluster"` // Global An object defining global privileges. A global privilege is a form of cluster // privilege that is request-aware. Support for global privileges is currently // limited to the management of application privileges. Global []GlobalPrivilege `json:"global,omitempty"` // Indices A list of indices permissions entries. Indices []IndicesPrivileges `json:"indices"` // Metadata Optional meta-data. Within the metadata object, keys that begin with `_` are // reserved for system usage. Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // RunAs A list of users that the API keys can impersonate. RunAs []string `json:"run_as,omitempty"` TransientMetadata map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"transient_metadata,omitempty"` }
RoleDescriptorRead type.
func NewRoleDescriptorRead ¶
func NewRoleDescriptorRead() *RoleDescriptorRead
NewRoleDescriptorRead returns a RoleDescriptorRead.
func (*RoleDescriptorRead) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RoleDescriptorRead) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RoleDescriptorWrapper ¶
type RoleDescriptorWrapper struct {
RoleDescriptor RoleDescriptorRead `json:"role_descriptor"`
RoleDescriptorWrapper type.
func NewRoleDescriptorWrapper ¶
func NewRoleDescriptorWrapper() *RoleDescriptorWrapper
NewRoleDescriptorWrapper returns a RoleDescriptorWrapper.
type RoleMappingRule ¶
type RoleMappingRule struct { All []RoleMappingRule `json:"all,omitempty"` Any []RoleMappingRule `json:"any,omitempty"` Except *RoleMappingRule `json:"except,omitempty"` Field *FieldRule `json:"field,omitempty"` }
RoleMappingRule type.
func NewRoleMappingRule ¶
func NewRoleMappingRule() *RoleMappingRule
NewRoleMappingRule returns a RoleMappingRule.
type RoleTemplate ¶
type RoleTemplate struct { Format *templateformat.TemplateFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` Template Script `json:"template"` }
RoleTemplate type.
func NewRoleTemplate ¶
func NewRoleTemplate() *RoleTemplate
NewRoleTemplate returns a RoleTemplate.
func (*RoleTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RoleTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RoleTemplateInlineQuery ¶
type RoleTemplateInlineQuery interface{}
RoleTemplateInlineQuery holds the union for the following types:
string Query
type RoleTemplateInlineScript ¶
type RoleTemplateInlineScript struct { Lang *scriptlanguage.ScriptLanguage `json:"lang,omitempty"` Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` // Params Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. // Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` Source RoleTemplateInlineQuery `json:"source"` }
RoleTemplateInlineScript type.
func NewRoleTemplateInlineScript ¶
func NewRoleTemplateInlineScript() *RoleTemplateInlineScript
NewRoleTemplateInlineScript returns a RoleTemplateInlineScript.
func (*RoleTemplateInlineScript) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RoleTemplateInlineScript) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RoleTemplateQuery ¶
type RoleTemplateQuery struct { // Template When you create a role, you can specify a query that defines the document // level security permissions. You can optionally // use Mustache templates in the role query to insert the username of the // current authenticated user into the role. // Like other places in Elasticsearch that support templating or scripting, you // can specify inline, stored, or file-based // templates and define custom parameters. You access the details for the // current authenticated user through the _user parameter. Template RoleTemplateScript `json:"template,omitempty"` }
RoleTemplateQuery type.
func NewRoleTemplateQuery ¶
func NewRoleTemplateQuery() *RoleTemplateQuery
NewRoleTemplateQuery returns a RoleTemplateQuery.
func (*RoleTemplateQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RoleTemplateQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RoleTemplateScript ¶
type RoleTemplateScript interface{}
RoleTemplateScript holds the union for the following types:
RoleTemplateInlineScript StoredScriptId
type RolloverConditions ¶
type RolloverConditions struct { MaxAge Duration `json:"max_age,omitempty"` MaxAgeMillis *int64 `json:"max_age_millis,omitempty"` MaxDocs *int64 `json:"max_docs,omitempty"` MaxPrimaryShardDocs *int64 `json:"max_primary_shard_docs,omitempty"` MaxPrimaryShardSize ByteSize `json:"max_primary_shard_size,omitempty"` MaxPrimaryShardSizeBytes *int64 `json:"max_primary_shard_size_bytes,omitempty"` MaxSize ByteSize `json:"max_size,omitempty"` MaxSizeBytes *int64 `json:"max_size_bytes,omitempty"` MinAge Duration `json:"min_age,omitempty"` MinDocs *int64 `json:"min_docs,omitempty"` MinPrimaryShardDocs *int64 `json:"min_primary_shard_docs,omitempty"` MinPrimaryShardSize ByteSize `json:"min_primary_shard_size,omitempty"` MinPrimaryShardSizeBytes *int64 `json:"min_primary_shard_size_bytes,omitempty"` MinSize ByteSize `json:"min_size,omitempty"` MinSizeBytes *int64 `json:"min_size_bytes,omitempty"` }
RolloverConditions type.
func NewRolloverConditions ¶
func NewRolloverConditions() *RolloverConditions
NewRolloverConditions returns a RolloverConditions.
func (*RolloverConditions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RolloverConditions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupCapabilities ¶
type RollupCapabilities struct {
RollupJobs []RollupCapabilitySummary `json:"rollup_jobs"`
RollupCapabilities type.
func NewRollupCapabilities ¶
func NewRollupCapabilities() *RollupCapabilities
NewRollupCapabilities returns a RollupCapabilities.
type RollupCapabilitySummary ¶
type RollupCapabilitySummary struct { Fields map[string][]RollupFieldSummary `json:"fields"` IndexPattern string `json:"index_pattern"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` RollupIndex string `json:"rollup_index"` }
RollupCapabilitySummary type.
func NewRollupCapabilitySummary ¶
func NewRollupCapabilitySummary() *RollupCapabilitySummary
NewRollupCapabilitySummary returns a RollupCapabilitySummary.
func (*RollupCapabilitySummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupCapabilitySummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupFieldSummary ¶
type RollupFieldSummary struct { Agg string `json:"agg"` CalendarInterval Duration `json:"calendar_interval,omitempty"` TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` }
RollupFieldSummary type.
func NewRollupFieldSummary ¶
func NewRollupFieldSummary() *RollupFieldSummary
NewRollupFieldSummary returns a RollupFieldSummary.
func (*RollupFieldSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupFieldSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupJob ¶
type RollupJob struct { Config RollupJobConfiguration `json:"config"` Stats RollupJobStats `json:"stats"` Status RollupJobStatus `json:"status"` }
RollupJob type.
type RollupJobConfiguration ¶
type RollupJobConfiguration struct { Cron string `json:"cron"` Groups Groupings `json:"groups"` Id string `json:"id"` IndexPattern string `json:"index_pattern"` Metrics []FieldMetric `json:"metrics"` PageSize int64 `json:"page_size"` RollupIndex string `json:"rollup_index"` Timeout Duration `json:"timeout"` }
RollupJobConfiguration type.
func NewRollupJobConfiguration ¶
func NewRollupJobConfiguration() *RollupJobConfiguration
NewRollupJobConfiguration returns a RollupJobConfiguration.
func (*RollupJobConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupJobConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupJobStats ¶
type RollupJobStats struct { DocumentsProcessed int64 `json:"documents_processed"` IndexFailures int64 `json:"index_failures"` IndexTimeInMs int64 `json:"index_time_in_ms"` IndexTotal int64 `json:"index_total"` PagesProcessed int64 `json:"pages_processed"` ProcessingTimeInMs int64 `json:"processing_time_in_ms"` ProcessingTotal int64 `json:"processing_total"` RollupsIndexed int64 `json:"rollups_indexed"` SearchFailures int64 `json:"search_failures"` SearchTimeInMs int64 `json:"search_time_in_ms"` SearchTotal int64 `json:"search_total"` TriggerCount int64 `json:"trigger_count"` }
RollupJobStats type.
func NewRollupJobStats ¶
func NewRollupJobStats() *RollupJobStats
NewRollupJobStats returns a RollupJobStats.
func (*RollupJobStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupJobStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupJobStatus ¶
type RollupJobStatus struct { CurrentPosition map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"current_position,omitempty"` JobState indexingjobstate.IndexingJobState `json:"job_state"` UpgradedDocId *bool `json:"upgraded_doc_id,omitempty"` }
RollupJobStatus type.
func NewRollupJobStatus ¶
func NewRollupJobStatus() *RollupJobStatus
NewRollupJobStatus returns a RollupJobStatus.
func (*RollupJobStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupJobStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupJobSummary ¶
type RollupJobSummary struct { Fields map[string][]RollupJobSummaryField `json:"fields"` IndexPattern string `json:"index_pattern"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` RollupIndex string `json:"rollup_index"` }
RollupJobSummary type.
func NewRollupJobSummary ¶
func NewRollupJobSummary() *RollupJobSummary
NewRollupJobSummary returns a RollupJobSummary.
func (*RollupJobSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupJobSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RollupJobSummaryField ¶
type RollupJobSummaryField struct { Agg string `json:"agg"` CalendarInterval Duration `json:"calendar_interval,omitempty"` TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` }
RollupJobSummaryField type.
func NewRollupJobSummaryField ¶
func NewRollupJobSummaryField() *RollupJobSummaryField
NewRollupJobSummaryField returns a RollupJobSummaryField.
func (*RollupJobSummaryField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RollupJobSummaryField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RoutingField ¶
type RoutingField struct {
Required bool `json:"required"`
RoutingField type.
func NewRoutingField ¶
func NewRoutingField() *RoutingField
NewRoutingField returns a RoutingField.
func (*RoutingField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RoutingField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RrfRank ¶
type RrfRank struct { // RankConstant How much influence documents in individual result sets per query have over // the final ranked result set RankConstant *int64 `json:"rank_constant,omitempty"` // WindowSize Size of the individual result sets per query WindowSize *int64 `json:"window_size,omitempty"` }
RrfRank type.
func (*RrfRank) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RuleCondition ¶
type RuleCondition struct { // AppliesTo Specifies the result property to which the condition applies. If your // detector uses `lat_long`, `metric`, `rare`, or `freq_rare` functions, you can // only specify conditions that apply to time. AppliesTo appliesto.AppliesTo `json:"applies_to"` // Operator Specifies the condition operator. The available options are greater than, // greater than or equals, less than, and less than or equals. Operator conditionoperator.ConditionOperator `json:"operator"` // Value The value that is compared against the `applies_to` field using the operator. Value Float64 `json:"value"` }
RuleCondition type.
func NewRuleCondition ¶
func NewRuleCondition() *RuleCondition
NewRuleCondition returns a RuleCondition.
func (*RuleCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RuleCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RuleQuery ¶
type RuleQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` MatchCriteria json.RawMessage `json:"match_criteria,omitempty"` Organic *Query `json:"organic,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` RulesetId string `json:"ruleset_id"` }
RuleQuery type.
func (*RuleQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RunningStateSearchInterval ¶
type RunningStateSearchInterval struct { // End The end time. End Duration `json:"end,omitempty"` // EndMs The end time as an epoch in milliseconds. EndMs int64 `json:"end_ms"` // Start The start time. Start Duration `json:"start,omitempty"` // StartMs The start time as an epoch in milliseconds. StartMs int64 `json:"start_ms"` }
RunningStateSearchInterval type.
func NewRunningStateSearchInterval ¶
func NewRunningStateSearchInterval() *RunningStateSearchInterval
NewRunningStateSearchInterval returns a RunningStateSearchInterval.
func (*RunningStateSearchInterval) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RunningStateSearchInterval) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RuntimeField ¶
type RuntimeField struct { // FetchFields For type `lookup` FetchFields []RuntimeFieldFetchFields `json:"fetch_fields,omitempty"` // Format A custom format for `date` type runtime fields. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // InputField For type `lookup` InputField *string `json:"input_field,omitempty"` // Script Painless script executed at query time. Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // TargetField For type `lookup` TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` // TargetIndex For type `lookup` TargetIndex *string `json:"target_index,omitempty"` // Type Field type, which can be: `boolean`, `composite`, `date`, `double`, // `geo_point`, `ip`,`keyword`, `long`, or `lookup`. Type runtimefieldtype.RuntimeFieldType `json:"type"` }
RuntimeField type.
func NewRuntimeField ¶
func NewRuntimeField() *RuntimeField
NewRuntimeField returns a RuntimeField.
func (*RuntimeField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RuntimeField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RuntimeFieldFetchFields ¶
type RuntimeFieldFetchFields struct { Field string `json:"field"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` }
RuntimeFieldFetchFields type.
func NewRuntimeFieldFetchFields ¶
func NewRuntimeFieldFetchFields() *RuntimeFieldFetchFields
NewRuntimeFieldFetchFields returns a RuntimeFieldFetchFields.
func (*RuntimeFieldFetchFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RuntimeFieldFetchFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RuntimeFieldsType ¶
type RuntimeFieldsType struct { CharsMax int64 `json:"chars_max"` CharsTotal int64 `json:"chars_total"` Count int64 `json:"count"` DocMax int64 `json:"doc_max"` DocTotal int64 `json:"doc_total"` IndexCount int64 `json:"index_count"` Lang []string `json:"lang"` LinesMax int64 `json:"lines_max"` LinesTotal int64 `json:"lines_total"` Name string `json:"name"` ScriptlessCount int64 `json:"scriptless_count"` ShadowedCount int64 `json:"shadowed_count"` SourceMax int64 `json:"source_max"` SourceTotal int64 `json:"source_total"` }
RuntimeFieldsType type.
func NewRuntimeFieldsType ¶
func NewRuntimeFieldsType() *RuntimeFieldsType
NewRuntimeFieldsType returns a RuntimeFieldsType.
func (*RuntimeFieldsType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *RuntimeFieldsType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type S3Repository ¶
type S3Repository struct { Settings S3RepositorySettings `json:"settings"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
S3Repository type.
func NewS3Repository ¶
func NewS3Repository() *S3Repository
NewS3Repository returns a S3Repository.
func (S3Repository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s S3Repository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*S3Repository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *S3Repository) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type S3RepositorySettings ¶
type S3RepositorySettings struct { BasePath *string `json:"base_path,omitempty"` Bucket string `json:"bucket"` BufferSize ByteSize `json:"buffer_size,omitempty"` CannedAcl *string `json:"canned_acl,omitempty"` ChunkSize ByteSize `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` Compress *bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` MaxRestoreBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` Readonly *bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"` ServerSideEncryption *bool `json:"server_side_encryption,omitempty"` StorageClass *string `json:"storage_class,omitempty"` }
S3RepositorySettings type.
func NewS3RepositorySettings ¶
func NewS3RepositorySettings() *S3RepositorySettings
NewS3RepositorySettings returns a S3RepositorySettings.
func (*S3RepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *S3RepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SLMPolicy ¶
type SLMPolicy struct { Config *Configuration `json:"config,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Repository string `json:"repository"` Retention *Retention `json:"retention,omitempty"` Schedule string `json:"schedule"` }
SLMPolicy type.
func (*SLMPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SampleDiversity ¶
type SampleDiversity struct { Field string `json:"field"` MaxDocsPerValue int `json:"max_docs_per_value"` }
SampleDiversity type.
func NewSampleDiversity ¶
func NewSampleDiversity() *SampleDiversity
NewSampleDiversity returns a SampleDiversity.
func (*SampleDiversity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SampleDiversity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SamplerAggregate ¶
type SamplerAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SamplerAggregate type.
func NewSamplerAggregate ¶
func NewSamplerAggregate() *SamplerAggregate
NewSamplerAggregate returns a SamplerAggregate.
func (SamplerAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SamplerAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*SamplerAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SamplerAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SamplerAggregation ¶
type SamplerAggregation struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // ShardSize Limits how many top-scoring documents are collected in the sample processed // on each shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` }
SamplerAggregation type.
func NewSamplerAggregation ¶
func NewSamplerAggregation() *SamplerAggregation
NewSamplerAggregation returns a SamplerAggregation.
func (*SamplerAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SamplerAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScalarValue ¶
type ScalarValue interface{}
ScalarValue holds the union for the following types:
int64 Float64 string bool nil
type ScaledFloatNumberProperty ¶
type ScaledFloatNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *Float64 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` ScalingFactor *Float64 `json:"scaling_factor,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ScaledFloatNumberProperty type.
func NewScaledFloatNumberProperty ¶
func NewScaledFloatNumberProperty() *ScaledFloatNumberProperty
NewScaledFloatNumberProperty returns a ScaledFloatNumberProperty.
func (ScaledFloatNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ScaledFloatNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ScaledFloatNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScaledFloatNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScheduleContainer ¶
type ScheduleContainer struct { Cron *string `json:"cron,omitempty"` Daily *DailySchedule `json:"daily,omitempty"` Hourly *HourlySchedule `json:"hourly,omitempty"` Interval Duration `json:"interval,omitempty"` Monthly []TimeOfMonth `json:"monthly,omitempty"` Weekly []TimeOfWeek `json:"weekly,omitempty"` Yearly []TimeOfYear `json:"yearly,omitempty"` }
ScheduleContainer type.
func NewScheduleContainer ¶
func NewScheduleContainer() *ScheduleContainer
NewScheduleContainer returns a ScheduleContainer.
func (*ScheduleContainer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScheduleContainer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScheduleTimeOfDay ¶
type ScheduleTimeOfDay interface{}
ScheduleTimeOfDay holds the union for the following types:
string HourAndMinute
type ScheduleTriggerEvent ¶
type ScheduleTriggerEvent struct { ScheduledTime DateTime `json:"scheduled_time"` TriggeredTime DateTime `json:"triggered_time,omitempty"` }
ScheduleTriggerEvent type.
func NewScheduleTriggerEvent ¶
func NewScheduleTriggerEvent() *ScheduleTriggerEvent
NewScheduleTriggerEvent returns a ScheduleTriggerEvent.
func (*ScheduleTriggerEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScheduleTriggerEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Script ¶
type Script interface{}
Script holds the union for the following types:
InlineScript StoredScriptId
type ScriptCache ¶
type ScriptCache struct { // CacheEvictions Total number of times the script cache has evicted old data. CacheEvictions *int64 `json:"cache_evictions,omitempty"` // CompilationLimitTriggered Total number of times the script compilation circuit breaker has limited // inline script compilations. CompilationLimitTriggered *int64 `json:"compilation_limit_triggered,omitempty"` // Compilations Total number of inline script compilations performed by the node. Compilations *int64 `json:"compilations,omitempty"` Context *string `json:"context,omitempty"` }
ScriptCache type.
func (*ScriptCache) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptCache) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptCondition ¶
type ScriptCondition struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
ScriptCondition type.
func NewScriptCondition ¶
func NewScriptCondition() *ScriptCondition
NewScriptCondition returns a ScriptCondition.
func (*ScriptCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptField ¶
type ScriptField struct { IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script"` }
ScriptField type.
func (*ScriptField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptProcessor ¶
type ScriptProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id ID of a stored script. // If no `source` is specified, this parameter is required. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // Lang Script language. Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Params Object containing parameters for the script. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` // Source Inline script. // If no `id` is specified, this parameter is required. Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
ScriptProcessor type.
func NewScriptProcessor ¶
func NewScriptProcessor() *ScriptProcessor
NewScriptProcessor returns a ScriptProcessor.
func (*ScriptProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptQuery ¶
type ScriptQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Script Contains a script to run as a query. // This script must return a boolean value, `true` or `false`. Script Script `json:"script"` }
ScriptQuery type.
func (*ScriptQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptScoreFunction ¶
type ScriptScoreFunction struct { // Script A script that computes a score. Script Script `json:"script"` }
ScriptScoreFunction type.
func NewScriptScoreFunction ¶
func NewScriptScoreFunction() *ScriptScoreFunction
NewScriptScoreFunction returns a ScriptScoreFunction.
func (*ScriptScoreFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptScoreFunction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptScoreQuery ¶
type ScriptScoreQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // MinScore Documents with a score lower than this floating point number are excluded // from the search results. MinScore *float32 `json:"min_score,omitempty"` // Query Query used to return documents. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Script Script used to compute the score of documents returned by the query. // Important: final relevance scores from the `script_score` query cannot be // negative. Script Script `json:"script"` }
ScriptScoreQuery type.
func NewScriptScoreQuery ¶
func NewScriptScoreQuery() *ScriptScoreQuery
NewScriptScoreQuery returns a ScriptScoreQuery.
func (*ScriptScoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptScoreQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptSort ¶
type ScriptSort struct { Mode *sortmode.SortMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` Nested *NestedSortValue `json:"nested,omitempty"` Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script"` Type *scriptsorttype.ScriptSortType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ScriptSort type.
func (*ScriptSort) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptSort) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptTransform ¶
type ScriptTransform struct { Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Lang *string `json:"lang,omitempty"` Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
ScriptTransform type.
func NewScriptTransform ¶
func NewScriptTransform() *ScriptTransform
NewScriptTransform returns a ScriptTransform.
func (*ScriptTransform) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptTransform) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptedHeuristic ¶
type ScriptedHeuristic struct {
Script Script `json:"script"`
ScriptedHeuristic type.
func NewScriptedHeuristic ¶
func NewScriptedHeuristic() *ScriptedHeuristic
NewScriptedHeuristic returns a ScriptedHeuristic.
func (*ScriptedHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptedHeuristic) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptedMetricAggregate ¶
type ScriptedMetricAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value,omitempty"` }
ScriptedMetricAggregate type.
func NewScriptedMetricAggregate ¶
func NewScriptedMetricAggregate() *ScriptedMetricAggregate
NewScriptedMetricAggregate returns a ScriptedMetricAggregate.
func (*ScriptedMetricAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptedMetricAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ScriptedMetricAggregation ¶
type ScriptedMetricAggregation struct { // CombineScript Runs once on each shard after document collection is complete. // Allows the aggregation to consolidate the state returned from each shard. CombineScript Script `json:"combine_script,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // InitScript Runs prior to any collection of documents. // Allows the aggregation to set up any initial state. InitScript Script `json:"init_script,omitempty"` // MapScript Run once per document collected. // If no `combine_script` is specified, the resulting state needs to be stored // in the `state` object. MapScript Script `json:"map_script,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` // Params A global object with script parameters for `init`, `map` and `combine` // scripts. // It is shared between the scripts. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` // ReduceScript Runs once on the coordinating node after all shards have returned their // results. // The script is provided with access to a variable `states`, which is an array // of the result of the `combine_script` on each shard. ReduceScript Script `json:"reduce_script,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
ScriptedMetricAggregation type.
func NewScriptedMetricAggregation ¶
func NewScriptedMetricAggregation() *ScriptedMetricAggregation
NewScriptedMetricAggregation returns a ScriptedMetricAggregation.
func (*ScriptedMetricAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ScriptedMetricAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Scripting ¶
type Scripting struct { // CacheEvictions Total number of times the script cache has evicted old data. CacheEvictions *int64 `json:"cache_evictions,omitempty"` // CompilationLimitTriggered Total number of times the script compilation circuit breaker has limited // inline script compilations. CompilationLimitTriggered *int64 `json:"compilation_limit_triggered,omitempty"` // Compilations Total number of inline script compilations performed by the node. Compilations *int64 `json:"compilations,omitempty"` // CompilationsHistory Contains this recent history of script compilations. CompilationsHistory map[string]int64 `json:"compilations_history,omitempty"` Contexts []NodesContext `json:"contexts,omitempty"` }
Scripting type.
func (*Scripting) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SearchApplication ¶
type SearchApplication struct { // AnalyticsCollectionName Analytics collection associated to the Search Application. AnalyticsCollectionName *string `json:"analytics_collection_name,omitempty"` // Indices Indices that are part of the Search Application. Indices []string `json:"indices"` // Name Search Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Template Search template to use on search operations. Template *SearchApplicationTemplate `json:"template,omitempty"` // UpdatedAtMillis Last time the Search Application was updated. UpdatedAtMillis int64 `json:"updated_at_millis"` }
SearchApplication type.
func NewSearchApplication ¶
func NewSearchApplication() *SearchApplication
NewSearchApplication returns a SearchApplication.
func (*SearchApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchApplication) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchApplicationListItem ¶
type SearchApplicationListItem struct { // AnalyticsCollectionName Analytics collection associated to the Search Application AnalyticsCollectionName *string `json:"analytics_collection_name,omitempty"` // Indices Indices that are part of the Search Application Indices []string `json:"indices"` // Name Search Application name Name string `json:"name"` // UpdatedAtMillis Last time the Search Application was updated UpdatedAtMillis int64 `json:"updated_at_millis"` }
SearchApplicationListItem type.
func NewSearchApplicationListItem ¶
func NewSearchApplicationListItem() *SearchApplicationListItem
NewSearchApplicationListItem returns a SearchApplicationListItem.
func (*SearchApplicationListItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchApplicationListItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchApplicationTemplate ¶
type SearchApplicationTemplate struct { // Script The associated mustache template. Script InlineScript `json:"script"` }
SearchApplicationTemplate type.
func NewSearchApplicationTemplate ¶
func NewSearchApplicationTemplate() *SearchApplicationTemplate
NewSearchApplicationTemplate returns a SearchApplicationTemplate.
type SearchAsYouTypeProperty ¶
type SearchAsYouTypeProperty struct { Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexOptions *indexoptions.IndexOptions `json:"index_options,omitempty"` MaxShingleSize *int `json:"max_shingle_size,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Norms *bool `json:"norms,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` SearchAnalyzer *string `json:"search_analyzer,omitempty"` SearchQuoteAnalyzer *string `json:"search_quote_analyzer,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` TermVector *termvectoroption.TermVectorOption `json:"term_vector,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SearchAsYouTypeProperty type.
func NewSearchAsYouTypeProperty ¶
func NewSearchAsYouTypeProperty() *SearchAsYouTypeProperty
NewSearchAsYouTypeProperty returns a SearchAsYouTypeProperty.
func (SearchAsYouTypeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SearchAsYouTypeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SearchAsYouTypeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchAsYouTypeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchIdle ¶
type SearchIdle struct {
After Duration `json:"after,omitempty"`
SearchIdle type.
func (*SearchIdle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchIdle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchInput ¶
type SearchInput struct { Extract []string `json:"extract,omitempty"` Request SearchInputRequestDefinition `json:"request"` Timeout Duration `json:"timeout,omitempty"` }
SearchInput type.
func (*SearchInput) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchInput) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchInputRequestBody ¶
type SearchInputRequestBody struct {
Query Query `json:"query"`
SearchInputRequestBody type.
func NewSearchInputRequestBody ¶
func NewSearchInputRequestBody() *SearchInputRequestBody
NewSearchInputRequestBody returns a SearchInputRequestBody.
type SearchInputRequestDefinition ¶
type SearchInputRequestDefinition struct { Body *SearchInputRequestBody `json:"body,omitempty"` Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` IndicesOptions *IndicesOptions `json:"indices_options,omitempty"` RestTotalHitsAsInt *bool `json:"rest_total_hits_as_int,omitempty"` SearchType *searchtype.SearchType `json:"search_type,omitempty"` Template *SearchTemplateRequestBody `json:"template,omitempty"` }
SearchInputRequestDefinition type.
func NewSearchInputRequestDefinition ¶
func NewSearchInputRequestDefinition() *SearchInputRequestDefinition
NewSearchInputRequestDefinition returns a SearchInputRequestDefinition.
func (*SearchInputRequestDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchInputRequestDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchProfile ¶
type SearchProfile struct { Collector []Collector `json:"collector"` Query []QueryProfile `json:"query"` RewriteTime int64 `json:"rewrite_time"` }
SearchProfile type.
func NewSearchProfile ¶
func NewSearchProfile() *SearchProfile
NewSearchProfile returns a SearchProfile.
func (*SearchProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchProfile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchStats ¶
type SearchStats struct { FetchCurrent int64 `json:"fetch_current"` FetchTime Duration `json:"fetch_time,omitempty"` FetchTimeInMillis int64 `json:"fetch_time_in_millis"` FetchTotal int64 `json:"fetch_total"` Groups map[string]SearchStats `json:"groups,omitempty"` OpenContexts *int64 `json:"open_contexts,omitempty"` QueryCurrent int64 `json:"query_current"` QueryTime Duration `json:"query_time,omitempty"` QueryTimeInMillis int64 `json:"query_time_in_millis"` QueryTotal int64 `json:"query_total"` ScrollCurrent int64 `json:"scroll_current"` ScrollTime Duration `json:"scroll_time,omitempty"` ScrollTimeInMillis int64 `json:"scroll_time_in_millis"` ScrollTotal int64 `json:"scroll_total"` SuggestCurrent int64 `json:"suggest_current"` SuggestTime Duration `json:"suggest_time,omitempty"` SuggestTimeInMillis int64 `json:"suggest_time_in_millis"` SuggestTotal int64 `json:"suggest_total"` }
SearchStats type.
func (*SearchStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchTemplateRequestBody ¶
type SearchTemplateRequestBody struct { Explain *bool `json:"explain,omitempty"` // Id ID of the search template to use. If no source is specified, // this parameter is required. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` Profile *bool `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Source An inline search template. Supports the same parameters as the search API's // request body. Also supports Mustache variables. If no id is specified, this // parameter is required. Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
SearchTemplateRequestBody type.
func NewSearchTemplateRequestBody ¶
func NewSearchTemplateRequestBody() *SearchTemplateRequestBody
NewSearchTemplateRequestBody returns a SearchTemplateRequestBody.
func (*SearchTemplateRequestBody) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchTemplateRequestBody) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchTransform ¶
type SearchTransform struct { Request SearchInputRequestDefinition `json:"request"` Timeout Duration `json:"timeout"` }
SearchTransform type.
func NewSearchTransform ¶
func NewSearchTransform() *SearchTransform
NewSearchTransform returns a SearchTransform.
func (*SearchTransform) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchTransform) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SearchableSnapshots ¶
type SearchableSnapshots struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FullCopyIndicesCount *int `json:"full_copy_indices_count,omitempty"` IndicesCount int `json:"indices_count"` }
SearchableSnapshots type.
func NewSearchableSnapshots ¶
func NewSearchableSnapshots() *SearchableSnapshots
NewSearchableSnapshots returns a SearchableSnapshots.
func (*SearchableSnapshots) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SearchableSnapshots) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Security ¶
type Security struct { Anonymous FeatureToggle `json:"anonymous"` ApiKeyService FeatureToggle `json:"api_key_service"` Audit Audit `json:"audit"` Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Fips140 FeatureToggle `json:"fips_140"` Ipfilter IpFilter `json:"ipfilter"` OperatorPrivileges Base `json:"operator_privileges"` Realms map[string]XpackRealm `json:"realms"` RoleMapping map[string]XpackRoleMapping `json:"role_mapping"` Roles SecurityRoles `json:"roles"` Ssl Ssl `json:"ssl"` SystemKey *FeatureToggle `json:"system_key,omitempty"` TokenService FeatureToggle `json:"token_service"` }
Security type.
func (*Security) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SecurityRoleMapping ¶
type SecurityRoleMapping struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` RoleTemplates []RoleTemplate `json:"role_templates,omitempty"` Roles []string `json:"roles"` Rules RoleMappingRule `json:"rules"` }
SecurityRoleMapping type.
func NewSecurityRoleMapping ¶
func NewSecurityRoleMapping() *SecurityRoleMapping
NewSecurityRoleMapping returns a SecurityRoleMapping.
func (*SecurityRoleMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SecurityRoleMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SecurityRoles ¶
type SecurityRoles struct { Dls SecurityRolesDls `json:"dls"` File SecurityRolesFile `json:"file"` Native SecurityRolesNative `json:"native"` }
SecurityRoles type.
func NewSecurityRoles ¶
func NewSecurityRoles() *SecurityRoles
NewSecurityRoles returns a SecurityRoles.
type SecurityRolesDls ¶
type SecurityRolesDls struct {
BitSetCache SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache `json:"bit_set_cache"`
SecurityRolesDls type.
func NewSecurityRolesDls ¶
func NewSecurityRolesDls() *SecurityRolesDls
NewSecurityRolesDls returns a SecurityRolesDls.
type SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache ¶
type SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache struct { Count int `json:"count"` Memory ByteSize `json:"memory,omitempty"` MemoryInBytes uint64 `json:"memory_in_bytes"` }
SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache type.
func NewSecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache ¶
func NewSecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache() *SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache
NewSecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache returns a SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache.
func (*SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SecurityRolesDlsBitSetCache) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SecurityRolesFile ¶
type SecurityRolesFile struct { Dls bool `json:"dls"` Fls bool `json:"fls"` Size int64 `json:"size"` }
SecurityRolesFile type.
func NewSecurityRolesFile ¶
func NewSecurityRolesFile() *SecurityRolesFile
NewSecurityRolesFile returns a SecurityRolesFile.
func (*SecurityRolesFile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SecurityRolesFile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SecurityRolesNative ¶
type SecurityRolesNative struct { Dls bool `json:"dls"` Fls bool `json:"fls"` Size int64 `json:"size"` }
SecurityRolesNative type.
func NewSecurityRolesNative ¶
func NewSecurityRolesNative() *SecurityRolesNative
NewSecurityRolesNative returns a SecurityRolesNative.
func (*SecurityRolesNative) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SecurityRolesNative) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Segment ¶
type Segment struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` Committed bool `json:"committed"` Compound bool `json:"compound"` DeletedDocs int64 `json:"deleted_docs"` Generation int `json:"generation"` NumDocs int64 `json:"num_docs"` Search bool `json:"search"` SizeInBytes Float64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` Version string `json:"version"` }
Segment type.
func (*Segment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SegmentsRecord ¶
type SegmentsRecord struct { // Committed If `true`, the segment is synced to disk. // Segments that are synced can survive a hard reboot. // If `false`, the data from uncommitted segments is also stored in the // transaction log so that Elasticsearch is able to replay changes on the next // start. Committed *string `json:"committed,omitempty"` // Compound If `true`, the segment is stored in a compound file. // This means Lucene merged all files from the segment in a single file to save // file descriptors. Compound *string `json:"compound,omitempty"` // DocsCount The number of documents in the segment. // This excludes deleted documents and counts any nested documents separately // from their parents. // It also excludes documents which were indexed recently and do not yet belong // to a segment. DocsCount *string `json:"docs.count,omitempty"` // DocsDeleted The number of deleted documents in the segment, which might be higher or // lower than the number of delete operations you have performed. // This number excludes deletes that were performed recently and do not yet // belong to a segment. // Deleted documents are cleaned up by the automatic merge process if it makes // sense to do so. // Also, Elasticsearch creates extra deleted documents to internally track the // recent history of operations on a shard. DocsDeleted *string `json:"docs.deleted,omitempty"` // Generation The segment generation number. // Elasticsearch increments this generation number for each segment written then // uses this number to derive the segment name. Generation *string `json:"generation,omitempty"` // Id The unique identifier of the node where it lives. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Index The index name. Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Ip The IP address of the node where it lives. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Prirep The shard type: `primary` or `replica`. Prirep *string `json:"prirep,omitempty"` // Searchable If `true`, the segment is searchable. // If `false`, the segment has most likely been written to disk but needs a // refresh to be searchable. Searchable *string `json:"searchable,omitempty"` // Segment The segment name, which is derived from the segment generation and used // internally to create file names in the directory of the shard. Segment *string `json:"segment,omitempty"` // Shard The shard name. Shard *string `json:"shard,omitempty"` // Size The segment size in bytes. Size ByteSize `json:"size,omitempty"` // SizeMemory The segment memory in bytes. // A value of `-1` indicates Elasticsearch was unable to compute this number. SizeMemory ByteSize `json:"size.memory,omitempty"` // Version The version of Lucene used to write the segment. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SegmentsRecord type.
func NewSegmentsRecord ¶
func NewSegmentsRecord() *SegmentsRecord
NewSegmentsRecord returns a SegmentsRecord.
func (*SegmentsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SegmentsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SegmentsStats ¶
type SegmentsStats struct { // Count Total number of segments across all shards assigned to selected nodes. Count int `json:"count"` // DocValuesMemory Total amount of memory used for doc values across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. DocValuesMemory ByteSize `json:"doc_values_memory,omitempty"` // DocValuesMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for doc values across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. DocValuesMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"doc_values_memory_in_bytes"` // FileSizes This object is not populated by the cluster stats API. // To get information on segment files, use the node stats API. FileSizes map[string]ShardFileSizeInfo `json:"file_sizes"` // FixedBitSet Total amount of memory used by fixed bit sets across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. // Fixed bit sets are used for nested object field types and type filters for // join fields. FixedBitSet ByteSize `json:"fixed_bit_set,omitempty"` // FixedBitSetMemoryInBytes Total amount of memory, in bytes, used by fixed bit sets across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. FixedBitSetMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes"` IndexWriterMaxMemoryInBytes *int64 `json:"index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes,omitempty"` // IndexWriterMemory Total amount of memory used by all index writers across all shards assigned // to selected nodes. IndexWriterMemory ByteSize `json:"index_writer_memory,omitempty"` // IndexWriterMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used by all index writers across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. IndexWriterMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"index_writer_memory_in_bytes"` // MaxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp Unix timestamp, in milliseconds, of the most recently retried indexing // request. MaxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp int64 `json:"max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp"` // Memory Total amount of memory used for segments across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. Memory ByteSize `json:"memory,omitempty"` // MemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for segments across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. MemoryInBytes int64 `json:"memory_in_bytes"` // NormsMemory Total amount of memory used for normalization factors across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. NormsMemory ByteSize `json:"norms_memory,omitempty"` // NormsMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for normalization factors across all // shards assigned to selected nodes. NormsMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"norms_memory_in_bytes"` // PointsMemory Total amount of memory used for points across all shards assigned to selected // nodes. PointsMemory ByteSize `json:"points_memory,omitempty"` // PointsMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for points across all shards assigned // to selected nodes. PointsMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"points_memory_in_bytes"` // StoredFieldsMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for stored fields across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. StoredFieldsMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"stored_fields_memory_in_bytes"` StoredMemory ByteSize `json:"stored_memory,omitempty"` // TermVectorsMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for term vectors across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. TermVectorsMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"term_vectors_memory_in_bytes"` // TermVectoryMemory Total amount of memory used for term vectors across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. TermVectoryMemory ByteSize `json:"term_vectory_memory,omitempty"` // TermsMemory Total amount of memory used for terms across all shards assigned to selected // nodes. TermsMemory ByteSize `json:"terms_memory,omitempty"` // TermsMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for terms across all shards assigned // to selected nodes. TermsMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"terms_memory_in_bytes"` // VersionMapMemory Total amount of memory used by all version maps across all shards assigned to // selected nodes. VersionMapMemory ByteSize `json:"version_map_memory,omitempty"` // VersionMapMemoryInBytes Total amount, in bytes, of memory used by all version maps across all shards // assigned to selected nodes. VersionMapMemoryInBytes int64 `json:"version_map_memory_in_bytes"` }
SegmentsStats type.
func NewSegmentsStats ¶
func NewSegmentsStats() *SegmentsStats
NewSegmentsStats returns a SegmentsStats.
func (*SegmentsStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SegmentsStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SerialDifferencingAggregation ¶
type SerialDifferencingAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` // Lag The historical bucket to subtract from the current value. // Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Lag *int `json:"lag,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
SerialDifferencingAggregation type.
func NewSerialDifferencingAggregation ¶
func NewSerialDifferencingAggregation() *SerialDifferencingAggregation
NewSerialDifferencingAggregation returns a SerialDifferencingAggregation.
func (*SerialDifferencingAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SerialDifferencingAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SerializedClusterState ¶
type SerializedClusterState struct { Diffs *SerializedClusterStateDetail `json:"diffs,omitempty"` // FullStates Number of published cluster states. FullStates *SerializedClusterStateDetail `json:"full_states,omitempty"` }
SerializedClusterState type.
func NewSerializedClusterState ¶
func NewSerializedClusterState() *SerializedClusterState
NewSerializedClusterState returns a SerializedClusterState.
type SerializedClusterStateDetail ¶
type SerializedClusterStateDetail struct { CompressedSize *string `json:"compressed_size,omitempty"` CompressedSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"compressed_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` UncompressedSize *string `json:"uncompressed_size,omitempty"` UncompressedSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"uncompressed_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
SerializedClusterStateDetail type.
func NewSerializedClusterStateDetail ¶
func NewSerializedClusterStateDetail() *SerializedClusterStateDetail
NewSerializedClusterStateDetail returns a SerializedClusterStateDetail.
func (*SerializedClusterStateDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SerializedClusterStateDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ServiceToken ¶
ServiceToken type.
func NewServiceToken ¶
func NewServiceToken() *ServiceToken
NewServiceToken returns a ServiceToken.
func (*ServiceToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ServiceToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SetProcessor ¶
type SetProcessor struct { // CopyFrom The origin field which will be copied to `field`, cannot set `value` // simultaneously. // Supported data types are `boolean`, `number`, `array`, `object`, `string`, // `date`, etc. CopyFrom *string `json:"copy_from,omitempty"` // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to insert, upsert, or update. // Supports template snippets. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreEmptyValue If `true` and `value` is a template snippet that evaluates to `null` or the // empty string, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document. IgnoreEmptyValue *bool `json:"ignore_empty_value,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // MediaType The media type for encoding `value`. // Applies only when value is a template snippet. // Must be one of `application/json`, `text/plain`, or // `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. MediaType *string `json:"media_type,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Override If `true` processor will update fields with pre-existing non-null-valued // field. // When set to `false`, such fields will not be touched. Override *bool `json:"override,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // Value The value to be set for the field. // Supports template snippets. // May specify only one of `value` or `copy_from`. Value json.RawMessage `json:"value,omitempty"` }
SetProcessor type.
func NewSetProcessor ¶
func NewSetProcessor() *SetProcessor
NewSetProcessor returns a SetProcessor.
func (*SetProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SetProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SetSecurityUserProcessor ¶
type SetSecurityUserProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to store the user information into. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Properties Controls what user related properties are added to the field. Properties []string `json:"properties,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
SetSecurityUserProcessor type.
func NewSetSecurityUserProcessor ¶
func NewSetSecurityUserProcessor() *SetSecurityUserProcessor
NewSetSecurityUserProcessor returns a SetSecurityUserProcessor.
func (*SetSecurityUserProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SetSecurityUserProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Settings ¶
type Settings struct { // AlignCheckpoints Specifies whether the transform checkpoint ranges should be optimized for // performance. Such optimization can align // checkpoint ranges with the date histogram interval when date histogram is // specified as a group source in the // transform config. As a result, less document updates in the destination index // will be performed thus improving // overall performance. AlignCheckpoints *bool `json:"align_checkpoints,omitempty"` // DatesAsEpochMillis Defines if dates in the ouput should be written as ISO formatted string or as // millis since epoch. epoch_millis was // the default for transforms created before version 7.11. For compatible output // set this value to `true`. DatesAsEpochMillis *bool `json:"dates_as_epoch_millis,omitempty"` // DeduceMappings Specifies whether the transform should deduce the destination index mappings // from the transform configuration. DeduceMappings *bool `json:"deduce_mappings,omitempty"` // DocsPerSecond Specifies a limit on the number of input documents per second. This setting // throttles the transform by adding a // wait time between search requests. The default value is null, which disables // throttling. DocsPerSecond *float32 `json:"docs_per_second,omitempty"` // MaxPageSearchSize Defines the initial page size to use for the composite aggregation for each // checkpoint. If circuit breaker // exceptions occur, the page size is dynamically adjusted to a lower value. The // minimum value is `10` and the // maximum is `65,536`. MaxPageSearchSize *int `json:"max_page_search_size,omitempty"` // Unattended If `true`, the transform runs in unattended mode. In unattended mode, the // transform retries indefinitely in case // of an error which means the transform never fails. Setting the number of // retries other than infinite fails in // validation. Unattended *bool `json:"unattended,omitempty"` }
Settings type.
func (*Settings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SettingsAnalyze ¶
type SettingsAnalyze struct {
MaxTokenCount Stringifiedinteger `json:"max_token_count,omitempty"`
SettingsAnalyze type.
func NewSettingsAnalyze ¶
func NewSettingsAnalyze() *SettingsAnalyze
NewSettingsAnalyze returns a SettingsAnalyze.
func (*SettingsAnalyze) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsAnalyze) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SettingsHighlight ¶
type SettingsHighlight struct {
MaxAnalyzedOffset *int `json:"max_analyzed_offset,omitempty"`
SettingsHighlight type.
func NewSettingsHighlight ¶
func NewSettingsHighlight() *SettingsHighlight
NewSettingsHighlight returns a SettingsHighlight.
func (*SettingsHighlight) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsHighlight) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SettingsQueryString ¶
type SettingsQueryString struct {
Lenient Stringifiedboolean `json:"lenient"`
SettingsQueryString type.
func NewSettingsQueryString ¶
func NewSettingsQueryString() *SettingsQueryString
NewSettingsQueryString returns a SettingsQueryString.
func (*SettingsQueryString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsQueryString) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SettingsSearch ¶
type SettingsSearch struct { Idle *SearchIdle `json:"idle,omitempty"` Slowlog *SlowlogSettings `json:"slowlog,omitempty"` }
SettingsSearch type.
func NewSettingsSearch ¶
func NewSettingsSearch() *SettingsSearch
NewSettingsSearch returns a SettingsSearch.
type SettingsSimilarity ¶
type SettingsSimilarity interface{}
SettingsSimilarity holds the union for the following types:
SettingsSimilarityBm25 SettingsSimilarityBoolean SettingsSimilarityDfi SettingsSimilarityDfr SettingsSimilarityIb SettingsSimilarityLmd SettingsSimilarityLmj SettingsSimilarityScripted
type SettingsSimilarityBm25 ¶
type SettingsSimilarityBm25 struct { B *Float64 `json:"b,omitempty"` DiscountOverlaps *bool `json:"discount_overlaps,omitempty"` K1 *Float64 `json:"k1,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityBm25 type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityBm25 ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityBm25() *SettingsSimilarityBm25
NewSettingsSimilarityBm25 returns a SettingsSimilarityBm25.
func (SettingsSimilarityBm25) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityBm25) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SettingsSimilarityBm25) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsSimilarityBm25) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SettingsSimilarityBoolean ¶
type SettingsSimilarityBoolean struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
SettingsSimilarityBoolean type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityBoolean ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityBoolean() *SettingsSimilarityBoolean
NewSettingsSimilarityBoolean returns a SettingsSimilarityBoolean.
func (SettingsSimilarityBoolean) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityBoolean) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type SettingsSimilarityDfi ¶
type SettingsSimilarityDfi struct { IndependenceMeasure dfiindependencemeasure.DFIIndependenceMeasure `json:"independence_measure"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityDfi type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityDfi ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityDfi() *SettingsSimilarityDfi
NewSettingsSimilarityDfi returns a SettingsSimilarityDfi.
func (SettingsSimilarityDfi) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityDfi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type SettingsSimilarityDfr ¶
type SettingsSimilarityDfr struct { AfterEffect dfraftereffect.DFRAfterEffect `json:"after_effect"` BasicModel dfrbasicmodel.DFRBasicModel `json:"basic_model"` Normalization normalization.Normalization `json:"normalization"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityDfr type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityDfr ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityDfr() *SettingsSimilarityDfr
NewSettingsSimilarityDfr returns a SettingsSimilarityDfr.
func (SettingsSimilarityDfr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityDfr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type SettingsSimilarityIb ¶
type SettingsSimilarityIb struct { Distribution ibdistribution.IBDistribution `json:"distribution"` Lambda iblambda.IBLambda `json:"lambda"` Normalization normalization.Normalization `json:"normalization"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityIb type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityIb ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityIb() *SettingsSimilarityIb
NewSettingsSimilarityIb returns a SettingsSimilarityIb.
func (SettingsSimilarityIb) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityIb) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
type SettingsSimilarityLmd ¶
type SettingsSimilarityLmd struct { Mu *Float64 `json:"mu,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityLmd type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityLmd ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityLmd() *SettingsSimilarityLmd
NewSettingsSimilarityLmd returns a SettingsSimilarityLmd.
func (SettingsSimilarityLmd) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityLmd) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SettingsSimilarityLmd) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsSimilarityLmd) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SettingsSimilarityLmj ¶
type SettingsSimilarityLmj struct { Lambda *Float64 `json:"lambda,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityLmj type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityLmj ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityLmj() *SettingsSimilarityLmj
NewSettingsSimilarityLmj returns a SettingsSimilarityLmj.
func (SettingsSimilarityLmj) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityLmj) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SettingsSimilarityLmj) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsSimilarityLmj) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SettingsSimilarityScripted ¶
type SettingsSimilarityScripted struct { Script Script `json:"script"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` WeightScript Script `json:"weight_script,omitempty"` }
SettingsSimilarityScripted type.
func NewSettingsSimilarityScripted ¶
func NewSettingsSimilarityScripted() *SettingsSimilarityScripted
NewSettingsSimilarityScripted returns a SettingsSimilarityScripted.
func (SettingsSimilarityScripted) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SettingsSimilarityScripted) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SettingsSimilarityScripted) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SettingsSimilarityScripted) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShapeFieldQuery ¶
type ShapeFieldQuery struct { // IndexedShape Queries using a pre-indexed shape. IndexedShape *FieldLookup `json:"indexed_shape,omitempty"` // Relation Spatial relation between the query shape and the document shape. Relation *geoshaperelation.GeoShapeRelation `json:"relation,omitempty"` // Shape Queries using an inline shape definition in GeoJSON or Well Known Text (WKT) // format. Shape json.RawMessage `json:"shape,omitempty"` }
ShapeFieldQuery type.
func NewShapeFieldQuery ¶
func NewShapeFieldQuery() *ShapeFieldQuery
NewShapeFieldQuery returns a ShapeFieldQuery.
func (*ShapeFieldQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShapeFieldQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShapeProperty ¶
type ShapeProperty struct { Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` IgnoreZValue *bool `json:"ignore_z_value,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Orientation *geoorientation.GeoOrientation `json:"orientation,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ShapeProperty type.
func NewShapeProperty ¶
func NewShapeProperty() *ShapeProperty
NewShapeProperty returns a ShapeProperty.
func (ShapeProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ShapeProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ShapeProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShapeProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShapeQuery ¶
type ShapeQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // IgnoreUnmapped When set to `true` the query ignores an unmapped field and will not match any // documents. IgnoreUnmapped *bool `json:"ignore_unmapped,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` ShapeQuery map[string]ShapeFieldQuery `json:"-"` }
ShapeQuery type.
func (ShapeQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ShapeQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ShapeQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShapeQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardCommit ¶
type ShardCommit struct { Generation int `json:"generation"` Id string `json:"id"` NumDocs int64 `json:"num_docs"` UserData map[string]string `json:"user_data"` }
ShardCommit type.
func (*ShardCommit) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardCommit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardFailure ¶
type ShardFailure struct { Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` Reason ErrorCause `json:"reason"` Shard int `json:"shard"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
ShardFailure type.
func NewShardFailure ¶
func NewShardFailure() *ShardFailure
NewShardFailure returns a ShardFailure.
func (*ShardFailure) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardFailure) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardFileSizeInfo ¶
type ShardFileSizeInfo struct { AverageSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"average_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` MaxSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"max_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` MinSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"min_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` }
ShardFileSizeInfo type.
func NewShardFileSizeInfo ¶
func NewShardFileSizeInfo() *ShardFileSizeInfo
NewShardFileSizeInfo returns a ShardFileSizeInfo.
func (*ShardFileSizeInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardFileSizeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardHealthStats ¶
type ShardHealthStats struct { ActiveShards int `json:"active_shards"` InitializingShards int `json:"initializing_shards"` PrimaryActive bool `json:"primary_active"` RelocatingShards int `json:"relocating_shards"` Status healthstatus.HealthStatus `json:"status"` UnassignedShards int `json:"unassigned_shards"` }
ShardHealthStats type.
func NewShardHealthStats ¶
func NewShardHealthStats() *ShardHealthStats
NewShardHealthStats returns a ShardHealthStats.
func (*ShardHealthStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardHealthStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardLease ¶
type ShardLease struct { Id string `json:"id"` RetainingSeqNo int64 `json:"retaining_seq_no"` Source string `json:"source"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` }
ShardLease type.
func (*ShardLease) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardLease) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardMigrationStatus ¶
type ShardMigrationStatus struct {
Status shutdownstatus.ShutdownStatus `json:"status"`
ShardMigrationStatus type.
func NewShardMigrationStatus ¶
func NewShardMigrationStatus() *ShardMigrationStatus
NewShardMigrationStatus returns a ShardMigrationStatus.
type ShardPath ¶
type ShardPath struct { DataPath string `json:"data_path"` IsCustomDataPath bool `json:"is_custom_data_path"` StatePath string `json:"state_path"` }
ShardPath type.
func (*ShardPath) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ShardProfile ¶
type ShardProfile struct { Aggregations []AggregationProfile `json:"aggregations"` Fetch *FetchProfile `json:"fetch,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id"` Searches []SearchProfile `json:"searches"` }
ShardProfile type.
func NewShardProfile ¶
func NewShardProfile() *ShardProfile
NewShardProfile returns a ShardProfile.
func (*ShardProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardProfile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardQueryCache ¶
type ShardQueryCache struct { CacheCount int64 `json:"cache_count"` CacheSize int64 `json:"cache_size"` Evictions int64 `json:"evictions"` HitCount int64 `json:"hit_count"` MemorySizeInBytes int64 `json:"memory_size_in_bytes"` MissCount int64 `json:"miss_count"` TotalCount int64 `json:"total_count"` }
ShardQueryCache type.
func NewShardQueryCache ¶
func NewShardQueryCache() *ShardQueryCache
NewShardQueryCache returns a ShardQueryCache.
func (*ShardQueryCache) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardQueryCache) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardRecovery ¶
type ShardRecovery struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Index RecoveryIndexStatus `json:"index"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` Source RecoveryOrigin `json:"source"` Stage string `json:"stage"` Start *RecoveryStartStatus `json:"start,omitempty"` StartTime DateTime `json:"start_time,omitempty"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` StopTime DateTime `json:"stop_time,omitempty"` StopTimeInMillis *int64 `json:"stop_time_in_millis,omitempty"` Target RecoveryOrigin `json:"target"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` Translog TranslogStatus `json:"translog"` Type string `json:"type"` VerifyIndex VerifyIndex `json:"verify_index"` }
ShardRecovery type.
func NewShardRecovery ¶
func NewShardRecovery() *ShardRecovery
NewShardRecovery returns a ShardRecovery.
func (*ShardRecovery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardRecovery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardRetentionLeases ¶
type ShardRetentionLeases struct { Leases []ShardLease `json:"leases"` PrimaryTerm int64 `json:"primary_term"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
ShardRetentionLeases type.
func NewShardRetentionLeases ¶
func NewShardRetentionLeases() *ShardRetentionLeases
NewShardRetentionLeases returns a ShardRetentionLeases.
func (*ShardRetentionLeases) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardRetentionLeases) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardRouting ¶
type ShardRouting struct { Node string `json:"node"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` RelocatingNode string `json:"relocating_node,omitempty"` State shardroutingstate.ShardRoutingState `json:"state"` }
ShardRouting type.
func NewShardRouting ¶
func NewShardRouting() *ShardRouting
NewShardRouting returns a ShardRouting.
func (*ShardRouting) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardRouting) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardSegmentRouting ¶
type ShardSegmentRouting struct { Node string `json:"node"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` State string `json:"state"` }
ShardSegmentRouting type.
func NewShardSegmentRouting ¶
func NewShardSegmentRouting() *ShardSegmentRouting
NewShardSegmentRouting returns a ShardSegmentRouting.
func (*ShardSegmentRouting) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardSegmentRouting) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardSequenceNumber ¶
type ShardSequenceNumber struct { GlobalCheckpoint int64 `json:"global_checkpoint"` LocalCheckpoint int64 `json:"local_checkpoint"` MaxSeqNo int64 `json:"max_seq_no"` }
ShardSequenceNumber type.
func NewShardSequenceNumber ¶
func NewShardSequenceNumber() *ShardSequenceNumber
NewShardSequenceNumber returns a ShardSequenceNumber.
func (*ShardSequenceNumber) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardSequenceNumber) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardStatistics ¶
type ShardStatistics struct { Failed uint `json:"failed"` Failures []ShardFailure `json:"failures,omitempty"` Skipped *uint `json:"skipped,omitempty"` // Successful Indicates how many shards have successfully run the search. Successful uint `json:"successful"` // Total Indicates how many shards the search will run on overall. Total uint `json:"total"` }
ShardStatistics type.
func NewShardStatistics ¶
func NewShardStatistics() *ShardStatistics
NewShardStatistics returns a ShardStatistics.
type ShardStore ¶
type ShardStore struct { Allocation shardstoreallocation.ShardStoreAllocation `json:"allocation"` AllocationId *string `json:"allocation_id,omitempty"` ShardStore map[string]ShardStoreNode `json:"-"` StoreException *ShardStoreException `json:"store_exception,omitempty"` }
ShardStore type.
func (ShardStore) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ShardStore) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*ShardStore) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardStore) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardStoreException ¶
ShardStoreException type.
func NewShardStoreException ¶
func NewShardStoreException() *ShardStoreException
NewShardStoreException returns a ShardStoreException.
func (*ShardStoreException) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardStoreException) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardStoreIndex ¶
type ShardStoreIndex struct { Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"` Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
ShardStoreIndex type.
func NewShardStoreIndex ¶
func NewShardStoreIndex() *ShardStoreIndex
NewShardStoreIndex returns a ShardStoreIndex.
type ShardStoreNode ¶
type ShardStoreNode struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` EphemeralId *string `json:"ephemeral_id,omitempty"` ExternalId *string `json:"external_id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Roles []string `json:"roles"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
ShardStoreNode type.
func NewShardStoreNode ¶
func NewShardStoreNode() *ShardStoreNode
NewShardStoreNode returns a ShardStoreNode.
func (*ShardStoreNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardStoreNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardStoreWrapper ¶
type ShardStoreWrapper struct {
Stores []ShardStore `json:"stores"`
ShardStoreWrapper type.
func NewShardStoreWrapper ¶
func NewShardStoreWrapper() *ShardStoreWrapper
NewShardStoreWrapper returns a ShardStoreWrapper.
type ShardsAvailabilityIndicator ¶
type ShardsAvailabilityIndicator struct { Details *ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
ShardsAvailabilityIndicator type.
func NewShardsAvailabilityIndicator ¶
func NewShardsAvailabilityIndicator() *ShardsAvailabilityIndicator
NewShardsAvailabilityIndicator returns a ShardsAvailabilityIndicator.
func (*ShardsAvailabilityIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsAvailabilityIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails ¶
type ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails struct { CreatingPrimaries int64 `json:"creating_primaries"` InitializingPrimaries int64 `json:"initializing_primaries"` InitializingReplicas int64 `json:"initializing_replicas"` RestartingPrimaries int64 `json:"restarting_primaries"` RestartingReplicas int64 `json:"restarting_replicas"` StartedPrimaries int64 `json:"started_primaries"` StartedReplicas int64 `json:"started_replicas"` UnassignedPrimaries int64 `json:"unassigned_primaries"` UnassignedReplicas int64 `json:"unassigned_replicas"` }
ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails type.
func NewShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails() *ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails
NewShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails returns a ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails.
func (*ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsAvailabilityIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsCapacityIndicator ¶
type ShardsCapacityIndicator struct { Details *ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
ShardsCapacityIndicator type.
func NewShardsCapacityIndicator ¶
func NewShardsCapacityIndicator() *ShardsCapacityIndicator
NewShardsCapacityIndicator returns a ShardsCapacityIndicator.
func (*ShardsCapacityIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsCapacityIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails ¶
type ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails struct { Data ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail `json:"data"` Frozen ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail `json:"frozen"` }
ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails type.
func NewShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails() *ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails
NewShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails returns a ShardsCapacityIndicatorDetails.
type ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail ¶
type ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail struct { CurrentUsedShards *int `json:"current_used_shards,omitempty"` MaxShardsInCluster int `json:"max_shards_in_cluster"` }
ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail type.
func NewShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail ¶
func NewShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail() *ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail
NewShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail returns a ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail.
func (*ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsCapacityIndicatorTierDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsRecord ¶
type ShardsRecord struct { // BulkAvgSizeInBytes The average size in bytes of shard bulk operations. BulkAvgSizeInBytes *string `json:"bulk.avg_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // BulkAvgTime The average time spent in shard bulk operations. BulkAvgTime *string `json:"bulk.avg_time,omitempty"` // BulkTotalOperations The number of bulk shard operations. BulkTotalOperations *string `json:"bulk.total_operations,omitempty"` // BulkTotalSizeInBytes The total size in bytes of shard bulk operations. BulkTotalSizeInBytes *string `json:"bulk.total_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // BulkTotalTime The time spent in shard bulk operations. BulkTotalTime *string `json:"bulk.total_time,omitempty"` // CompletionSize The size of completion. CompletionSize *string `json:"completion.size,omitempty"` // Docs The number of documents in the shard. Docs string `json:"docs,omitempty"` // FielddataEvictions The fielddata cache evictions. FielddataEvictions *string `json:"fielddata.evictions,omitempty"` // FielddataMemorySize The used fielddata cache memory. FielddataMemorySize *string `json:"fielddata.memory_size,omitempty"` // FlushTotal The number of flushes. FlushTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // FlushTotalTime The time spent in flush. FlushTotalTime *string `json:"flush.total_time,omitempty"` // GetCurrent The number of current get operations. GetCurrent *string `json:"get.current,omitempty"` // GetExistsTime The time spent in successful get operations. GetExistsTime *string `json:"get.exists_time,omitempty"` // GetExistsTotal The number of successful get operations. GetExistsTotal *string `json:"get.exists_total,omitempty"` // GetMissingTime The time spent in failed get operations. GetMissingTime *string `json:"get.missing_time,omitempty"` // GetMissingTotal The number of failed get operations. GetMissingTotal *string `json:"get.missing_total,omitempty"` // GetTime The time spent in get operations. GetTime *string `json:"get.time,omitempty"` // GetTotal The number of get operations. GetTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // Id The unique identifier for the node. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Index The index name. Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteCurrent The number of current deletion operations. IndexingDeleteCurrent *string `json:"indexing.delete_current,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteTime The time spent in deletion operations. IndexingDeleteTime *string `json:"indexing.delete_time,omitempty"` // IndexingDeleteTotal The number of delete operations. IndexingDeleteTotal *string `json:"indexing.delete_total,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexCurrent The number of current indexing operations. IndexingIndexCurrent *string `json:"indexing.index_current,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexFailed The number of failed indexing operations. IndexingIndexFailed *string `json:"indexing.index_failed,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexTime The time spent in indexing operations. IndexingIndexTime *string `json:"indexing.index_time,omitempty"` // IndexingIndexTotal The number of indexing operations. IndexingIndexTotal *string `json:"indexing.index_total,omitempty"` // Ip The IP address of the node. Ip string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // MergesCurrent The number of current merge operations. MergesCurrent *string `json:"merges.current,omitempty"` // MergesCurrentDocs The number of current merging documents. MergesCurrentDocs *string `json:"merges.current_docs,omitempty"` // MergesCurrentSize The size of current merge operations. MergesCurrentSize *string `json:"merges.current_size,omitempty"` // MergesTotal The number of completed merge operations. MergesTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // MergesTotalDocs The nuber of merged documents. MergesTotalDocs *string `json:"merges.total_docs,omitempty"` // MergesTotalSize The size of current merges. MergesTotalSize *string `json:"merges.total_size,omitempty"` // MergesTotalTime The time spent merging documents. MergesTotalTime *string `json:"merges.total_time,omitempty"` // Node The name of node. Node string `json:"node,omitempty"` // PathData The shard data path. PathData *string `json:",omitempty"` // PathState The shard state path. PathState *string `json:"path.state,omitempty"` // Prirep The shard type: `primary` or `replica`. Prirep *string `json:"prirep,omitempty"` // QueryCacheEvictions The query cache evictions. QueryCacheEvictions *string `json:"query_cache.evictions,omitempty"` // QueryCacheMemorySize The used query cache memory. QueryCacheMemorySize *string `json:"query_cache.memory_size,omitempty"` // RecoverysourceType The type of recovery source. RecoverysourceType *string `json:"recoverysource.type,omitempty"` // RefreshExternalTime The time spent in external refreshes. RefreshExternalTime *string `json:"refresh.external_time,omitempty"` // RefreshExternalTotal The total nunber of external refreshes. RefreshExternalTotal *string `json:"refresh.external_total,omitempty"` // RefreshListeners The number of pending refresh listeners. RefreshListeners *string `json:"refresh.listeners,omitempty"` // RefreshTime The time spent in refreshes. RefreshTime *string `json:"refresh.time,omitempty"` // RefreshTotal The total number of refreshes. RefreshTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // SearchFetchCurrent The current fetch phase operations. SearchFetchCurrent *string `json:"search.fetch_current,omitempty"` // SearchFetchTime The time spent in fetch phase. SearchFetchTime *string `json:"search.fetch_time,omitempty"` // SearchFetchTotal The total number of fetch operations. SearchFetchTotal *string `json:"search.fetch_total,omitempty"` // SearchOpenContexts The number of open search contexts. SearchOpenContexts *string `json:"search.open_contexts,omitempty"` // SearchQueryCurrent The current query phase operations. SearchQueryCurrent *string `json:"search.query_current,omitempty"` // SearchQueryTime The time spent in query phase. SearchQueryTime *string `json:"search.query_time,omitempty"` // SearchQueryTotal The total number of query phase operations. SearchQueryTotal *string `json:"search.query_total,omitempty"` // SearchScrollCurrent The open scroll contexts. SearchScrollCurrent *string `json:"search.scroll_current,omitempty"` // SearchScrollTime The time scroll contexts were held open. SearchScrollTime *string `json:"search.scroll_time,omitempty"` // SearchScrollTotal The number of completed scroll contexts. SearchScrollTotal *string `json:"search.scroll_total,omitempty"` // SegmentsCount The number of segments. SegmentsCount *string `json:"segments.count,omitempty"` // SegmentsFixedBitsetMemory The memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and export // type filters for types referred in `_parent` fields. SegmentsFixedBitsetMemory *string `json:"segments.fixed_bitset_memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsIndexWriterMemory The memory used by the index writer. SegmentsIndexWriterMemory *string `json:"segments.index_writer_memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsMemory The memory used by segments. SegmentsMemory *string `json:"segments.memory,omitempty"` // SegmentsVersionMapMemory The memory used by the version map. SegmentsVersionMapMemory *string `json:"segments.version_map_memory,omitempty"` // SeqNoGlobalCheckpoint The global checkpoint. SeqNoGlobalCheckpoint *string `json:"seq_no.global_checkpoint,omitempty"` // SeqNoLocalCheckpoint The local checkpoint. SeqNoLocalCheckpoint *string `json:"seq_no.local_checkpoint,omitempty"` // SeqNoMax The maximum sequence number. SeqNoMax *string `json:"seq_no.max,omitempty"` // Shard The shard name. Shard *string `json:"shard,omitempty"` // State The shard state. // Returned values include: // `INITIALIZING`: The shard is recovering from a peer shard or gateway. // `RELOCATING`: The shard is relocating. // `STARTED`: The shard has started. // `UNASSIGNED`: The shard is not assigned to any node. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // Store The disk space used by the shard. Store string `json:"store,omitempty"` // SyncId The sync identifier. SyncId *string `json:"sync_id,omitempty"` // UnassignedAt The time at which the shard became unassigned in Coordinated Universal Time // (UTC). UnassignedAt *string `json:",omitempty"` // UnassignedDetails Additional details as to why the shard became unassigned. // It does not explain why the shard is not assigned; use the cluster allocation // explain API for that information. UnassignedDetails *string `json:"unassigned.details,omitempty"` // UnassignedFor The time at which the shard was requested to be unassigned in Coordinated // Universal Time (UTC). UnassignedFor *string `json:"unassigned.for,omitempty"` // UnassignedReason The reason for the last change to the state of an unassigned shard. // It does not explain why the shard is currently unassigned; use the cluster // allocation explain API for that information. // Returned values include: // `ALLOCATION_FAILED`: Unassigned as a result of a failed allocation of the // shard. // `CLUSTER_RECOVERED`: Unassigned as a result of a full cluster recovery. // `DANGLING_INDEX_IMPORTED`: Unassigned as a result of importing a dangling // index. // `EXISTING_INDEX_RESTORED`: Unassigned as a result of restoring into a closed // index. // `FORCED_EMPTY_PRIMARY`: The shard’s allocation was last modified by forcing // an empty primary using the cluster reroute API. // `INDEX_CLOSED`: Unassigned because the index was closed. // `INDEX_CREATED`: Unassigned as a result of an API creation of an index. // `INDEX_REOPENED`: Unassigned as a result of opening a closed index. // `MANUAL_ALLOCATION`: The shard’s allocation was last modified by the cluster // reroute API. // `NEW_INDEX_RESTORED`: Unassigned as a result of restoring into a new index. // `NODE_LEFT`: Unassigned as a result of the node hosting it leaving the // cluster. // `NODE_RESTARTING`: Similar to `NODE_LEFT`, except that the node was // registered as restarting using the node shutdown API. // `PRIMARY_FAILED`: The shard was initializing as a replica, but the primary // shard failed before the initialization completed. // `REALLOCATED_REPLICA`: A better replica location is identified and causes the // existing replica allocation to be cancelled. // `REINITIALIZED`: When a shard moves from started back to initializing. // `REPLICA_ADDED`: Unassigned as a result of explicit addition of a replica. // `REROUTE_CANCELLED`: Unassigned as a result of explicit cancel reroute // command. UnassignedReason *string `json:"unassigned.reason,omitempty"` // WarmerCurrent The number of current warmer operations. WarmerCurrent *string `json:"warmer.current,omitempty"` // WarmerTotal The total number of warmer operations. WarmerTotal *string `json:",omitempty"` // WarmerTotalTime The time spent in warmer operations. WarmerTotalTime *string `json:"warmer.total_time,omitempty"` }
ShardsRecord type.
func NewShardsRecord ¶
func NewShardsRecord() *ShardsRecord
NewShardsRecord returns a ShardsRecord.
func (*ShardsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsSegment ¶
type ShardsSegment struct { NumCommittedSegments int `json:"num_committed_segments"` NumSearchSegments int `json:"num_search_segments"` Routing ShardSegmentRouting `json:"routing"` Segments map[string]Segment `json:"segments"` }
ShardsSegment type.
func NewShardsSegment ¶
func NewShardsSegment() *ShardsSegment
NewShardsSegment returns a ShardsSegment.
func (*ShardsSegment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsSegment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsStatsSummary ¶
type ShardsStatsSummary struct { Incremental ShardsStatsSummaryItem `json:"incremental"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` Time Duration `json:"time,omitempty"` TimeInMillis int64 `json:"time_in_millis"` Total ShardsStatsSummaryItem `json:"total"` }
ShardsStatsSummary type.
func NewShardsStatsSummary ¶
func NewShardsStatsSummary() *ShardsStatsSummary
NewShardsStatsSummary returns a ShardsStatsSummary.
func (*ShardsStatsSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsStatsSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsStatsSummaryItem ¶
type ShardsStatsSummaryItem struct { FileCount int64 `json:"file_count"` SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` }
ShardsStatsSummaryItem type.
func NewShardsStatsSummaryItem ¶
func NewShardsStatsSummaryItem() *ShardsStatsSummaryItem
NewShardsStatsSummaryItem returns a ShardsStatsSummaryItem.
func (*ShardsStatsSummaryItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsStatsSummaryItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShardsTotalStats ¶
type ShardsTotalStats struct {
TotalCount int64 `json:"total_count"`
ShardsTotalStats type.
func NewShardsTotalStats ¶
func NewShardsTotalStats() *ShardsTotalStats
NewShardsTotalStats returns a ShardsTotalStats.
func (*ShardsTotalStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShardsTotalStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SharedFileSystemRepository ¶
type SharedFileSystemRepository struct {}
SharedFileSystemRepository type.
func NewSharedFileSystemRepository ¶
func NewSharedFileSystemRepository() *SharedFileSystemRepository
NewSharedFileSystemRepository returns a SharedFileSystemRepository.
func (SharedFileSystemRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SharedFileSystemRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SharedFileSystemRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SharedFileSystemRepository) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings ¶
type SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings struct {}
SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings type.
func NewSharedFileSystemRepositorySettings ¶
func NewSharedFileSystemRepositorySettings() *SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings
NewSharedFileSystemRepositorySettings returns a SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings.
func (*SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SharedFileSystemRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShingleTokenFilter ¶
type ShingleTokenFilter struct { FillerToken *string `json:"filler_token,omitempty"` MaxShingleSize string `json:"max_shingle_size,omitempty"` MinShingleSize string `json:"min_shingle_size,omitempty"` OutputUnigrams *bool `json:"output_unigrams,omitempty"` OutputUnigramsIfNoShingles *bool `json:"output_unigrams_if_no_shingles,omitempty"` TokenSeparator *string `json:"token_separator,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ShingleTokenFilter type.
func NewShingleTokenFilter ¶
func NewShingleTokenFilter() *ShingleTokenFilter
NewShingleTokenFilter returns a ShingleTokenFilter.
func (ShingleTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ShingleTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ShingleTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShingleTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShortNumberProperty ¶
type ShortNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *int `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ShortNumberProperty type.
func NewShortNumberProperty ¶
func NewShortNumberProperty() *ShortNumberProperty
NewShortNumberProperty returns a ShortNumberProperty.
func (ShortNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s ShortNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*ShortNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShortNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShrinkConfiguration ¶
type ShrinkConfiguration struct {
NumberOfShards int `json:"number_of_shards"`
ShrinkConfiguration type.
func NewShrinkConfiguration ¶
func NewShrinkConfiguration() *ShrinkConfiguration
NewShrinkConfiguration returns a ShrinkConfiguration.
func (*ShrinkConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ShrinkConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantLongTermsAggregate ¶
type SignificantLongTermsAggregate struct { BgCount *int64 `json:"bg_count,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCount *int64 `json:"doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SignificantLongTermsAggregate type.
func NewSignificantLongTermsAggregate ¶
func NewSignificantLongTermsAggregate() *SignificantLongTermsAggregate
NewSignificantLongTermsAggregate returns a SignificantLongTermsAggregate.
func (*SignificantLongTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantLongTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
type SignificantLongTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` BgCount int64 `json:"bg_count"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key int64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` Score Float64 `json:"score"` }
SignificantLongTermsBucket type.
func NewSignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
func NewSignificantLongTermsBucket() *SignificantLongTermsBucket
NewSignificantLongTermsBucket returns a SignificantLongTermsBucket.
func (SignificantLongTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SignificantLongTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*SignificantLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantStringTermsAggregate ¶
type SignificantStringTermsAggregate struct { BgCount *int64 `json:"bg_count,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCount *int64 `json:"doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SignificantStringTermsAggregate type.
func NewSignificantStringTermsAggregate ¶
func NewSignificantStringTermsAggregate() *SignificantStringTermsAggregate
NewSignificantStringTermsAggregate returns a SignificantStringTermsAggregate.
func (*SignificantStringTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantStringTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
type SignificantStringTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` BgCount int64 `json:"bg_count"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key string `json:"key"` Score Float64 `json:"score"` }
SignificantStringTermsBucket type.
func NewSignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
func NewSignificantStringTermsBucket() *SignificantStringTermsBucket
NewSignificantStringTermsBucket returns a SignificantStringTermsBucket.
func (SignificantStringTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SignificantStringTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*SignificantStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket struct { BgCount *int64 `json:"bg_count,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsSignificantLongTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCount *int64 `json:"doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket type.
func NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket ¶
func NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket() *SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket
NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket returns a SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket.
func (*SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket struct { BgCount *int64 `json:"bg_count,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsSignificantStringTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCount *int64 `json:"doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket type.
func NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket ¶
func NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket() *SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket
NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket returns a SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket.
func (*SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantTermsAggregateBaseSignificantStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid ¶
type SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid struct { BgCount *int64 `json:"bg_count,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsVoid `json:"buckets"` DocCount *int64 `json:"doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid type.
func NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid ¶
func NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid() *SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid
NewSignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid returns a SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid.
func (*SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantTermsAggregateBaseVoid) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantTermsAggregation ¶
type SignificantTermsAggregation struct { // BackgroundFilter A background filter that can be used to focus in on significant terms within // a narrower context, instead of the entire index. BackgroundFilter *Query `json:"background_filter,omitempty"` // ChiSquare Use Chi square, as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et al., // Chapter 13.5.2, as the significance score. ChiSquare *ChiSquareHeuristic `json:"chi_square,omitempty"` // Exclude Terms to exclude. Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // ExecutionHint Mechanism by which the aggregation should be executed: using field values // directly or using global ordinals. ExecutionHint *termsaggregationexecutionhint.TermsAggregationExecutionHint `json:"execution_hint,omitempty"` // Field The field from which to return significant terms. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Gnd Use Google normalized distance as described in "The Google Similarity // Distance", Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007, as the significance score. Gnd *GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic `json:"gnd,omitempty"` // Include Terms to include. Include TermsInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` // Jlh Use JLH score as the significance score. Jlh *EmptyObject `json:"jlh,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Only return terms that are found in more than `min_doc_count` hits. MinDocCount *int64 `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` // MutualInformation Use mutual information as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et // al., Chapter 13.5.1, as the significance score. MutualInformation *MutualInformationHeuristic `json:"mutual_information,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Percentage A simple calculation of the number of documents in the foreground sample with // a term divided by the number of documents in the background with the term. Percentage *PercentageScoreHeuristic `json:"percentage,omitempty"` // ScriptHeuristic Customized score, implemented via a script. ScriptHeuristic *ScriptedHeuristic `json:"script_heuristic,omitempty"` // ShardMinDocCount Regulates the certainty a shard has if the term should actually be added to // the candidate list or not with respect to the `min_doc_count`. // Terms will only be considered if their local shard frequency within the set // is higher than the `shard_min_doc_count`. ShardMinDocCount *int64 `json:"shard_min_doc_count,omitempty"` // ShardSize Can be used to control the volumes of candidate terms produced by each shard. // By default, `shard_size` will be automatically estimated based on the number // of shards and the `size` parameter. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size The number of buckets returned out of the overall terms list. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
SignificantTermsAggregation type.
func NewSignificantTermsAggregation ¶
func NewSignificantTermsAggregation() *SignificantTermsAggregation
NewSignificantTermsAggregation returns a SignificantTermsAggregation.
func (*SignificantTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantTermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SignificantTextAggregation ¶
type SignificantTextAggregation struct { // BackgroundFilter A background filter that can be used to focus in on significant terms within // a narrower context, instead of the entire index. BackgroundFilter *Query `json:"background_filter,omitempty"` // ChiSquare Use Chi square, as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et al., // Chapter 13.5.2, as the significance score. ChiSquare *ChiSquareHeuristic `json:"chi_square,omitempty"` // Exclude Values to exclude. Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // ExecutionHint Determines whether the aggregation will use field values directly or global // ordinals. ExecutionHint *termsaggregationexecutionhint.TermsAggregationExecutionHint `json:"execution_hint,omitempty"` // Field The field from which to return significant text. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // FilterDuplicateText Whether to out duplicate text to deal with noisy data. FilterDuplicateText *bool `json:"filter_duplicate_text,omitempty"` // Gnd Use Google normalized distance as described in "The Google Similarity // Distance", Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007, as the significance score. Gnd *GoogleNormalizedDistanceHeuristic `json:"gnd,omitempty"` // Include Values to include. Include TermsInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` // Jlh Use JLH score as the significance score. Jlh *EmptyObject `json:"jlh,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Only return values that are found in more than `min_doc_count` hits. MinDocCount *int64 `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` // MutualInformation Use mutual information as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et // al., Chapter 13.5.1, as the significance score. MutualInformation *MutualInformationHeuristic `json:"mutual_information,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Percentage A simple calculation of the number of documents in the foreground sample with // a term divided by the number of documents in the background with the term. Percentage *PercentageScoreHeuristic `json:"percentage,omitempty"` // ScriptHeuristic Customized score, implemented via a script. ScriptHeuristic *ScriptedHeuristic `json:"script_heuristic,omitempty"` // ShardMinDocCount Regulates the certainty a shard has if the values should actually be added to // the candidate list or not with respect to the min_doc_count. // Values will only be considered if their local shard frequency within the set // is higher than the `shard_min_doc_count`. ShardMinDocCount *int64 `json:"shard_min_doc_count,omitempty"` // ShardSize The number of candidate terms produced by each shard. // By default, `shard_size` will be automatically estimated based on the number // of shards and the `size` parameter. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size The number of buckets returned out of the overall terms list. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // SourceFields Overrides the JSON `_source` fields from which text will be analyzed. SourceFields []string `json:"source_fields,omitempty"` }
SignificantTextAggregation type.
func NewSignificantTextAggregation ¶
func NewSignificantTextAggregation() *SignificantTextAggregation
NewSignificantTextAggregation returns a SignificantTextAggregation.
func (*SignificantTextAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SignificantTextAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SimpleAnalyzer ¶
type SimpleAnalyzer struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SimpleAnalyzer type.
func NewSimpleAnalyzer ¶
func NewSimpleAnalyzer() *SimpleAnalyzer
NewSimpleAnalyzer returns a SimpleAnalyzer.
func (SimpleAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SimpleAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SimpleAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SimpleAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SimpleMovingAverageAggregation ¶
type SimpleMovingAverageAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Minimize *bool `json:"minimize,omitempty"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Predict *int `json:"predict,omitempty"` Settings EmptyObject `json:"settings"` Window *int `json:"window,omitempty"` }
SimpleMovingAverageAggregation type.
func NewSimpleMovingAverageAggregation ¶
func NewSimpleMovingAverageAggregation() *SimpleMovingAverageAggregation
NewSimpleMovingAverageAggregation returns a SimpleMovingAverageAggregation.
func (SimpleMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SimpleMovingAverageAggregation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SimpleMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SimpleMovingAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SimpleQueryStringFlags ¶
type SimpleQueryStringFlags PipeSeparatedFlagsSimpleQueryStringFlag
SimpleQueryStringFlags type alias.
type SimpleQueryStringQuery ¶
type SimpleQueryStringQuery struct { // AnalyzeWildcard If `true`, the query attempts to analyze wildcard terms in the query string. AnalyzeWildcard *bool `json:"analyze_wildcard,omitempty"` // Analyzer Analyzer used to convert text in the query string into tokens. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery If `true`, the parser creates a match_phrase query for each multi-position // token. AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery *bool `json:"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // DefaultOperator Default boolean logic used to interpret text in the query string if no // operators are specified. DefaultOperator *operator.Operator `json:"default_operator,omitempty"` // Fields Array of fields you wish to search. // Accepts wildcard expressions. // You also can boost relevance scores for matches to particular fields using a // caret (`^`) notation. // Defaults to the `index.query.default_field index` setting, which has a // default value of `*`. Fields []string `json:"fields,omitempty"` // Flags List of enabled operators for the simple query string syntax. Flags PipeSeparatedFlagsSimpleQueryStringFlag `json:"flags,omitempty"` // FuzzyMaxExpansions Maximum number of terms to which the query expands for fuzzy matching. FuzzyMaxExpansions *int `json:"fuzzy_max_expansions,omitempty"` // FuzzyPrefixLength Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. FuzzyPrefixLength *int `json:"fuzzy_prefix_length,omitempty"` // FuzzyTranspositions If `true`, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent // characters (for example, `ab` to `ba`). FuzzyTranspositions *bool `json:"fuzzy_transpositions,omitempty"` // Lenient If `true`, format-based errors, such as providing a text value for a numeric // field, are ignored. Lenient *bool `json:"lenient,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatch Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. MinimumShouldMatch MinimumShouldMatch `json:"minimum_should_match,omitempty"` // Query Query string in the simple query string syntax you wish to parse and use for // search. Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // QuoteFieldSuffix Suffix appended to quoted text in the query string. QuoteFieldSuffix *string `json:"quote_field_suffix,omitempty"` }
SimpleQueryStringQuery type.
func NewSimpleQueryStringQuery ¶
func NewSimpleQueryStringQuery() *SimpleQueryStringQuery
NewSimpleQueryStringQuery returns a SimpleQueryStringQuery.
func (*SimpleQueryStringQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SimpleQueryStringQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SimpleValueAggregate ¶
type SimpleValueAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
SimpleValueAggregate type.
func NewSimpleValueAggregate ¶
func NewSimpleValueAggregate() *SimpleValueAggregate
NewSimpleValueAggregate returns a SimpleValueAggregate.
func (*SimpleValueAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SimpleValueAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SimulateIngest ¶
type SimulateIngest struct { Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` Timestamp DateTime `json:"timestamp"` }
SimulateIngest type.
func NewSimulateIngest ¶
func NewSimulateIngest() *SimulateIngest
NewSimulateIngest returns a SimulateIngest.
func (*SimulateIngest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SimulateIngest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SimulatedActions ¶
type SimulatedActions struct { Actions []string `json:"actions"` All *SimulatedActions `json:"all,omitempty"` UseAll bool `json:"use_all"` }
SimulatedActions type.
func NewSimulatedActions ¶
func NewSimulatedActions() *SimulatedActions
NewSimulatedActions returns a SimulatedActions.
func (*SimulatedActions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SimulatedActions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SizeField ¶
type SizeField struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
SizeField type.
func (*SizeField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SlackAction ¶
type SlackAction struct { Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` Message SlackMessage `json:"message"` }
SlackAction type.
func (*SlackAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlackAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlackAttachment ¶
type SlackAttachment struct { AuthorIcon *string `json:"author_icon,omitempty"` AuthorLink *string `json:"author_link,omitempty"` AuthorName string `json:"author_name"` Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` Fallback *string `json:"fallback,omitempty"` Fields []SlackAttachmentField `json:"fields,omitempty"` ImageUrl *string `json:"image_url,omitempty"` Pretext *string `json:"pretext,omitempty"` Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` ThumbUrl *string `json:"thumb_url,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title"` TitleLink *string `json:"title_link,omitempty"` Ts *int64 `json:"ts,omitempty"` }
SlackAttachment type.
func NewSlackAttachment ¶
func NewSlackAttachment() *SlackAttachment
NewSlackAttachment returns a SlackAttachment.
func (*SlackAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlackAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlackAttachmentField ¶
type SlackAttachmentField struct { Int bool `json:"short"` Title string `json:"title"` Value string `json:"value"` }
SlackAttachmentField type.
func NewSlackAttachmentField ¶
func NewSlackAttachmentField() *SlackAttachmentField
NewSlackAttachmentField returns a SlackAttachmentField.
func (*SlackAttachmentField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlackAttachmentField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlackDynamicAttachment ¶
type SlackDynamicAttachment struct { AttachmentTemplate SlackAttachment `json:"attachment_template"` ListPath string `json:"list_path"` }
SlackDynamicAttachment type.
func NewSlackDynamicAttachment ¶
func NewSlackDynamicAttachment() *SlackDynamicAttachment
NewSlackDynamicAttachment returns a SlackDynamicAttachment.
func (*SlackDynamicAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlackDynamicAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlackMessage ¶
type SlackMessage struct { Attachments []SlackAttachment `json:"attachments"` DynamicAttachments *SlackDynamicAttachment `json:"dynamic_attachments,omitempty"` From string `json:"from"` Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` To []string `json:"to"` }
SlackMessage type.
func NewSlackMessage ¶
func NewSlackMessage() *SlackMessage
NewSlackMessage returns a SlackMessage.
func (*SlackMessage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlackMessage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlackResult ¶
type SlackResult struct { Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` Message SlackMessage `json:"message"` }
SlackResult type.
func (*SlackResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlackResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlicedScroll ¶
type SlicedScroll struct { Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id"` Max int `json:"max"` }
SlicedScroll type.
func NewSlicedScroll ¶
func NewSlicedScroll() *SlicedScroll
NewSlicedScroll returns a SlicedScroll.
func (*SlicedScroll) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlicedScroll) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Slices ¶
type Slices interface{}
Slices holds the union for the following types:
int slicescalculation.SlicesCalculation
type Slm ¶
type Slm struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` PolicyCount *int `json:"policy_count,omitempty"` PolicyStats *Statistics `json:"policy_stats,omitempty"` }
Slm type.
func (*Slm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SlmIndicator ¶
type SlmIndicator struct { Details *SlmIndicatorDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Diagnosis []Diagnosis `json:"diagnosis,omitempty"` Impacts []Impact `json:"impacts,omitempty"` Status indicatorhealthstatus.IndicatorHealthStatus `json:"status"` Symptom string `json:"symptom"` }
SlmIndicator type.
func NewSlmIndicator ¶
func NewSlmIndicator() *SlmIndicator
NewSlmIndicator returns a SlmIndicator.
func (*SlmIndicator) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlmIndicator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlmIndicatorDetails ¶
type SlmIndicatorDetails struct { Policies int64 `json:"policies"` SlmStatus lifecycleoperationmode.LifecycleOperationMode `json:"slm_status"` UnhealthyPolicies SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies `json:"unhealthy_policies"` }
SlmIndicatorDetails type.
func NewSlmIndicatorDetails ¶
func NewSlmIndicatorDetails() *SlmIndicatorDetails
NewSlmIndicatorDetails returns a SlmIndicatorDetails.
func (*SlmIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlmIndicatorDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies ¶
type SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` InvocationsSinceLastSuccess map[string]int64 `json:"invocations_since_last_success,omitempty"` }
SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies type.
func NewSlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies ¶
func NewSlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies() *SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies
NewSlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies returns a SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies.
func (*SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlmIndicatorUnhealthyPolicies) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlowlogSettings ¶
type SlowlogSettings struct { Level *string `json:"level,omitempty"` Reformat *bool `json:"reformat,omitempty"` Source *int `json:"source,omitempty"` Threshold *SlowlogTresholds `json:"threshold,omitempty"` }
SlowlogSettings type.
func NewSlowlogSettings ¶
func NewSlowlogSettings() *SlowlogSettings
NewSlowlogSettings returns a SlowlogSettings.
func (*SlowlogSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlowlogSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlowlogTresholdLevels ¶
type SlowlogTresholdLevels struct { Debug Duration `json:"debug,omitempty"` Info Duration `json:"info,omitempty"` Trace Duration `json:"trace,omitempty"` Warn Duration `json:"warn,omitempty"` }
SlowlogTresholdLevels type.
func NewSlowlogTresholdLevels ¶
func NewSlowlogTresholdLevels() *SlowlogTresholdLevels
NewSlowlogTresholdLevels returns a SlowlogTresholdLevels.
func (*SlowlogTresholdLevels) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlowlogTresholdLevels) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlowlogTresholds ¶
type SlowlogTresholds struct { Fetch *SlowlogTresholdLevels `json:"fetch,omitempty"` Query *SlowlogTresholdLevels `json:"query,omitempty"` }
SlowlogTresholds type.
func NewSlowlogTresholds ¶
func NewSlowlogTresholds() *SlowlogTresholds
NewSlowlogTresholds returns a SlowlogTresholds.
type SmoothingModelContainer ¶
type SmoothingModelContainer struct { // Laplace A smoothing model that uses an additive smoothing where a constant (typically // `1.0` or smaller) is added to all counts to balance weights. Laplace *LaplaceSmoothingModel `json:"laplace,omitempty"` // LinearInterpolation A smoothing model that takes the weighted mean of the unigrams, bigrams, and // trigrams based on user supplied weights (lambdas). LinearInterpolation *LinearInterpolationSmoothingModel `json:"linear_interpolation,omitempty"` // StupidBackoff A simple backoff model that backs off to lower order n-gram models if the // higher order count is `0` and discounts the lower order n-gram model by a // constant factor. StupidBackoff *StupidBackoffSmoothingModel `json:"stupid_backoff,omitempty"` }
SmoothingModelContainer type.
func NewSmoothingModelContainer ¶
func NewSmoothingModelContainer() *SmoothingModelContainer
NewSmoothingModelContainer returns a SmoothingModelContainer.
type SnapshotIndexStats ¶
type SnapshotIndexStats struct { Shards map[string]SnapshotShardsStatus `json:"shards"` ShardsStats SnapshotShardsStats `json:"shards_stats"` Stats SnapshotStats `json:"stats"` }
SnapshotIndexStats type.
func NewSnapshotIndexStats ¶
func NewSnapshotIndexStats() *SnapshotIndexStats
NewSnapshotIndexStats returns a SnapshotIndexStats.
type SnapshotInfo ¶
type SnapshotInfo struct { DataStreams []string `json:"data_streams"` Duration Duration `json:"duration,omitempty"` DurationInMillis *int64 `json:"duration_in_millis,omitempty"` EndTime DateTime `json:"end_time,omitempty"` EndTimeInMillis *int64 `json:"end_time_in_millis,omitempty"` Failures []SnapshotShardFailure `json:"failures,omitempty"` FeatureStates []InfoFeatureState `json:"feature_states,omitempty"` IncludeGlobalState *bool `json:"include_global_state,omitempty"` IndexDetails map[string]IndexDetails `json:"index_details,omitempty"` Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty"` Shards *ShardStatistics `json:"shards,omitempty"` Snapshot string `json:"snapshot"` StartTime DateTime `json:"start_time,omitempty"` StartTimeInMillis *int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Uuid string `json:"uuid"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionId *int64 `json:"version_id,omitempty"` }
SnapshotInfo type.
func NewSnapshotInfo ¶
func NewSnapshotInfo() *SnapshotInfo
NewSnapshotInfo returns a SnapshotInfo.
func (*SnapshotInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotLifecycle ¶
type SnapshotLifecycle struct { InProgress *InProgress `json:"in_progress,omitempty"` LastFailure *Invocation `json:"last_failure,omitempty"` LastSuccess *Invocation `json:"last_success,omitempty"` ModifiedDate DateTime `json:"modified_date,omitempty"` ModifiedDateMillis int64 `json:"modified_date_millis"` NextExecution DateTime `json:"next_execution,omitempty"` NextExecutionMillis int64 `json:"next_execution_millis"` Policy SLMPolicy `json:"policy"` Stats Statistics `json:"stats"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
SnapshotLifecycle type.
func NewSnapshotLifecycle ¶
func NewSnapshotLifecycle() *SnapshotLifecycle
NewSnapshotLifecycle returns a SnapshotLifecycle.
func (*SnapshotLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotLifecycle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotResponseItem ¶
type SnapshotResponseItem struct { Error *ErrorCause `json:"error,omitempty"` Repository string `json:"repository"` Snapshots []SnapshotInfo `json:"snapshots,omitempty"` }
SnapshotResponseItem type.
func NewSnapshotResponseItem ¶
func NewSnapshotResponseItem() *SnapshotResponseItem
NewSnapshotResponseItem returns a SnapshotResponseItem.
func (*SnapshotResponseItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotResponseItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotRestore ¶
type SnapshotRestore struct { Indices []string `json:"indices"` Shards ShardStatistics `json:"shards"` Snapshot string `json:"snapshot"` }
SnapshotRestore type.
func NewSnapshotRestore ¶
func NewSnapshotRestore() *SnapshotRestore
NewSnapshotRestore returns a SnapshotRestore.
func (*SnapshotRestore) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotRestore) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotShardFailure ¶
type SnapshotShardFailure struct { Index string `json:"index"` NodeId *string `json:"node_id,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason"` ShardId string `json:"shard_id"` Status string `json:"status"` }
SnapshotShardFailure type.
func NewSnapshotShardFailure ¶
func NewSnapshotShardFailure() *SnapshotShardFailure
NewSnapshotShardFailure returns a SnapshotShardFailure.
func (*SnapshotShardFailure) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotShardFailure) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotShardsStats ¶
type SnapshotShardsStats struct { Done int64 `json:"done"` Failed int64 `json:"failed"` Finalizing int64 `json:"finalizing"` Initializing int64 `json:"initializing"` Started int64 `json:"started"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
SnapshotShardsStats type.
func NewSnapshotShardsStats ¶
func NewSnapshotShardsStats() *SnapshotShardsStats
NewSnapshotShardsStats returns a SnapshotShardsStats.
func (*SnapshotShardsStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotShardsStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotShardsStatus ¶
type SnapshotShardsStatus struct { Stage shardsstatsstage.ShardsStatsStage `json:"stage"` Stats ShardsStatsSummary `json:"stats"` }
SnapshotShardsStatus type.
func NewSnapshotShardsStatus ¶
func NewSnapshotShardsStatus() *SnapshotShardsStatus
NewSnapshotShardsStatus returns a SnapshotShardsStatus.
type SnapshotStats ¶
type SnapshotStats struct { Incremental FileCountSnapshotStats `json:"incremental"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` Time Duration `json:"time,omitempty"` TimeInMillis int64 `json:"time_in_millis"` Total FileCountSnapshotStats `json:"total"` }
SnapshotStats type.
func NewSnapshotStats ¶
func NewSnapshotStats() *SnapshotStats
NewSnapshotStats returns a SnapshotStats.
func (*SnapshotStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnapshotsRecord ¶
type SnapshotsRecord struct { // Duration The time it took the snapshot process to complete, in time units. Duration Duration `json:"duration,omitempty"` // EndEpoch The Unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00) at which the snapshot // process ended. EndEpoch StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds `json:"end_epoch,omitempty"` // EndTime The time (HH:MM:SS) at which the snapshot process ended. EndTime *string `json:"end_time,omitempty"` // FailedShards The number of failed shards in the snapshot. FailedShards *string `json:"failed_shards,omitempty"` // Id The unique identifier for the snapshot. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Indices The number of indices in the snapshot. Indices *string `json:"indices,omitempty"` // Reason The reason for any snapshot failures. Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // Repository The repository name. Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty"` // StartEpoch The Unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00) at which the snapshot // process started. StartEpoch StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds `json:"start_epoch,omitempty"` // StartTime The time (HH:MM:SS) at which the snapshot process started. StartTime ScheduleTimeOfDay `json:"start_time,omitempty"` // Status The state of the snapshot process. // Returned values include: // `FAILED`: The snapshot process failed. // `INCOMPATIBLE`: The snapshot process is incompatible with the current cluster // version. // `IN_PROGRESS`: The snapshot process started but has not completed. // `PARTIAL`: The snapshot process completed with a partial success. // `SUCCESS`: The snapshot process completed with a full success. Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` // SuccessfulShards The number of successful shards in the snapshot. SuccessfulShards *string `json:"successful_shards,omitempty"` // TotalShards The total number of shards in the snapshot. TotalShards *string `json:"total_shards,omitempty"` }
SnapshotsRecord type.
func NewSnapshotsRecord ¶
func NewSnapshotsRecord() *SnapshotsRecord
NewSnapshotsRecord returns a SnapshotsRecord.
func (*SnapshotsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnapshotsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnowballAnalyzer ¶
type SnowballAnalyzer struct { Language snowballlanguage.SnowballLanguage `json:"language"` Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SnowballAnalyzer type.
func NewSnowballAnalyzer ¶
func NewSnowballAnalyzer() *SnowballAnalyzer
NewSnowballAnalyzer returns a SnowballAnalyzer.
func (SnowballAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SnowballAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SnowballAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnowballAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SnowballTokenFilter ¶
type SnowballTokenFilter struct { Language snowballlanguage.SnowballLanguage `json:"language"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SnowballTokenFilter type.
func NewSnowballTokenFilter ¶
func NewSnowballTokenFilter() *SnowballTokenFilter
NewSnowballTokenFilter returns a SnowballTokenFilter.
func (SnowballTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SnowballTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SnowballTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SnowballTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SoftDeletes ¶
type SoftDeletes struct { // Enabled Indicates whether soft deletes are enabled on the index. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // RetentionLease The maximum period to retain a shard history retention lease before it is // considered expired. // Shard history retention leases ensure that soft deletes are retained during // merges on the Lucene // index. If a soft delete is merged away before it can be replicated to a // follower the following // process will fail due to incomplete history on the leader. RetentionLease *RetentionLease `json:"retention_lease,omitempty"` }
SoftDeletes type.
func (*SoftDeletes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SoftDeletes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SortCombinations ¶
type SortCombinations interface{}
SortCombinations holds the union for the following types:
string SortOptions
type SortOptions ¶
type SortOptions struct { Doc_ *ScoreSort `json:"_doc,omitempty"` GeoDistance_ *GeoDistanceSort `json:"_geo_distance,omitempty"` Score_ *ScoreSort `json:"_score,omitempty"` Script_ *ScriptSort `json:"_script,omitempty"` SortOptions map[string]FieldSort `json:"-"` }
SortOptions type.
func (SortOptions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SortOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
type SortProcessor ¶
type SortProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to be sorted. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Order The sort order to use. // Accepts `"asc"` or `"desc"`. Order *sortorder.SortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the sorted value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
SortProcessor type.
func NewSortProcessor ¶
func NewSortProcessor() *SortProcessor
NewSortProcessor returns a SortProcessor.
func (*SortProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SortProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SourceConfig ¶
type SourceConfig interface{}
SourceConfig holds the union for the following types:
bool SourceFilter
type SourceConfigParam ¶
type SourceConfigParam interface{}
SourceConfigParam holds the union for the following types:
bool []string
type SourceField ¶
type SourceField struct { Compress *bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` CompressThreshold *string `json:"compress_threshold,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Excludes []string `json:"excludes,omitempty"` Includes []string `json:"includes,omitempty"` Mode *sourcefieldmode.SourceFieldMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` }
SourceField type.
func (*SourceField) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SourceField) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SourceFilter ¶
type SourceFilter struct { Excludes []string `json:"excludes,omitempty"` Includes []string `json:"includes,omitempty"` }
SourceFilter type.
func NewSourceFilter ¶
func NewSourceFilter() *SourceFilter
NewSourceFilter returns a SourceFilter.
func (*SourceFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SourceFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SourceOnlyRepository ¶
type SourceOnlyRepository struct { Settings SourceOnlyRepositorySettings `json:"settings"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Uuid *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
SourceOnlyRepository type.
func NewSourceOnlyRepository ¶
func NewSourceOnlyRepository() *SourceOnlyRepository
NewSourceOnlyRepository returns a SourceOnlyRepository.
func (SourceOnlyRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SourceOnlyRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SourceOnlyRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SourceOnlyRepository) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SourceOnlyRepositorySettings ¶
type SourceOnlyRepositorySettings struct { ChunkSize ByteSize `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"` Compress *bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` DelegateType *string `json:"delegate_type,omitempty"` MaxNumberOfSnapshots *int `json:"max_number_of_snapshots,omitempty"` MaxRestoreBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec ByteSize `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec,omitempty"` ReadOnly *bool `json:"read_only,omitempty"` }
SourceOnlyRepositorySettings type.
func NewSourceOnlyRepositorySettings ¶
func NewSourceOnlyRepositorySettings() *SourceOnlyRepositorySettings
NewSourceOnlyRepositorySettings returns a SourceOnlyRepositorySettings.
func (*SourceOnlyRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SourceOnlyRepositorySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanContainingQuery ¶
type SpanContainingQuery struct { // Big Can be any span query. // Matching spans from `big` that contain matches from `little` are returned. Big *SpanQuery `json:"big,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Little Can be any span query. // Matching spans from `big` that contain matches from `little` are returned. Little *SpanQuery `json:"little,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanContainingQuery type.
func NewSpanContainingQuery ¶
func NewSpanContainingQuery() *SpanContainingQuery
NewSpanContainingQuery returns a SpanContainingQuery.
func (*SpanContainingQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanContainingQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanFieldMaskingQuery ¶
type SpanFieldMaskingQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Field string `json:"field"` Query *SpanQuery `json:"query,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanFieldMaskingQuery type.
func NewSpanFieldMaskingQuery ¶
func NewSpanFieldMaskingQuery() *SpanFieldMaskingQuery
NewSpanFieldMaskingQuery returns a SpanFieldMaskingQuery.
func (*SpanFieldMaskingQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanFieldMaskingQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanFirstQuery ¶
type SpanFirstQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // End Controls the maximum end position permitted in a match. End int `json:"end"` // Match Can be any other span type query. Match *SpanQuery `json:"match,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanFirstQuery type.
func NewSpanFirstQuery ¶
func NewSpanFirstQuery() *SpanFirstQuery
NewSpanFirstQuery returns a SpanFirstQuery.
func (*SpanFirstQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanFirstQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanGapQuery ¶
SpanGapQuery type alias.
type SpanMultiTermQuery ¶
type SpanMultiTermQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Match Should be a multi term query (one of `wildcard`, `fuzzy`, `prefix`, `range`, // or `regexp` query). Match *Query `json:"match,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanMultiTermQuery type.
func NewSpanMultiTermQuery ¶
func NewSpanMultiTermQuery() *SpanMultiTermQuery
NewSpanMultiTermQuery returns a SpanMultiTermQuery.
func (*SpanMultiTermQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanMultiTermQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanNearQuery ¶
type SpanNearQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Clauses Array of one or more other span type queries. Clauses []SpanQuery `json:"clauses"` // InOrder Controls whether matches are required to be in-order. InOrder *bool `json:"in_order,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Slop Controls the maximum number of intervening unmatched positions permitted. Slop *int `json:"slop,omitempty"` }
SpanNearQuery type.
func NewSpanNearQuery ¶
func NewSpanNearQuery() *SpanNearQuery
NewSpanNearQuery returns a SpanNearQuery.
func (*SpanNearQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanNearQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanNotQuery ¶
type SpanNotQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Dist The number of tokens from within the include span that can’t have overlap // with the exclude span. // Equivalent to setting both `pre` and `post`. Dist *int `json:"dist,omitempty"` // Exclude Span query whose matches must not overlap those returned. Exclude *SpanQuery `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // Include Span query whose matches are filtered. Include *SpanQuery `json:"include,omitempty"` // Post The number of tokens after the include span that can’t have overlap with the // exclude span. Post *int `json:"post,omitempty"` // Pre The number of tokens before the include span that can’t have overlap with the // exclude span. Pre *int `json:"pre,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanNotQuery type.
func NewSpanNotQuery ¶
func NewSpanNotQuery() *SpanNotQuery
NewSpanNotQuery returns a SpanNotQuery.
func (*SpanNotQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanNotQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanOrQuery ¶
type SpanOrQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Clauses Array of one or more other span type queries. Clauses []SpanQuery `json:"clauses"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanOrQuery type.
func (*SpanOrQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanOrQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanQuery ¶
type SpanQuery struct { // FieldMaskingSpan Allows queries like `span_near` or `span_or` across different fields. FieldMaskingSpan *SpanFieldMaskingQuery `json:"field_masking_span,omitempty"` // SpanContaining Accepts a list of span queries, but only returns those spans which also match // a second span query. SpanContaining *SpanContainingQuery `json:"span_containing,omitempty"` // SpanFirst Accepts another span query whose matches must appear within the first N // positions of the field. SpanFirst *SpanFirstQuery `json:"span_first,omitempty"` SpanGap SpanGapQuery `json:"span_gap,omitempty"` // SpanMulti Wraps a `term`, `range`, `prefix`, `wildcard`, `regexp`, or `fuzzy` query. SpanMulti *SpanMultiTermQuery `json:"span_multi,omitempty"` // SpanNear Accepts multiple span queries whose matches must be within the specified // distance of each other, and possibly in the same order. SpanNear *SpanNearQuery `json:"span_near,omitempty"` // SpanNot Wraps another span query, and excludes any documents which match that query. SpanNot *SpanNotQuery `json:"span_not,omitempty"` // SpanOr Combines multiple span queries and returns documents which match any of the // specified queries. SpanOr *SpanOrQuery `json:"span_or,omitempty"` // SpanTerm The equivalent of the `term` query but for use with other span queries. SpanTerm map[string]SpanTermQuery `json:"span_term,omitempty"` // SpanWithin The result from a single span query is returned as long is its span falls // within the spans returned by a list of other span queries. SpanWithin *SpanWithinQuery `json:"span_within,omitempty"` }
SpanQuery type.
func (*SpanQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SpanTermQuery ¶
type SpanTermQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value"` }
SpanTermQuery type.
func NewSpanTermQuery ¶
func NewSpanTermQuery() *SpanTermQuery
NewSpanTermQuery returns a SpanTermQuery.
func (*SpanTermQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanTermQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SpanWithinQuery ¶
type SpanWithinQuery struct { // Big Can be any span query. // Matching spans from `little` that are enclosed within `big` are returned. Big *SpanQuery `json:"big,omitempty"` // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Little Can be any span query. // Matching spans from `little` that are enclosed within `big` are returned. Little *SpanQuery `json:"little,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
SpanWithinQuery type.
func NewSpanWithinQuery ¶
func NewSpanWithinQuery() *SpanWithinQuery
NewSpanWithinQuery returns a SpanWithinQuery.
func (*SpanWithinQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SpanWithinQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SparseEmbeddingResult ¶
type SparseEmbeddingResult struct {
Embedding SparseVector `json:"embedding"`
SparseEmbeddingResult type.
func NewSparseEmbeddingResult ¶
func NewSparseEmbeddingResult() *SparseEmbeddingResult
NewSparseEmbeddingResult returns a SparseEmbeddingResult.
func (*SparseEmbeddingResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SparseEmbeddingResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SparseVector ¶
SparseVector type alias.
type SparseVectorProperty ¶
type SparseVectorProperty struct { Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SparseVectorProperty type.
func NewSparseVectorProperty ¶
func NewSparseVectorProperty() *SparseVectorProperty
NewSparseVectorProperty returns a SparseVectorProperty.
func (SparseVectorProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SparseVectorProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SparseVectorProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SparseVectorProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SplitProcessor ¶
type SplitProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to split. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // PreserveTrailing Preserves empty trailing fields, if any. PreserveTrailing *bool `json:"preserve_trailing,omitempty"` // Separator A regex which matches the separator, for example, `,` or `\s+`. Separator string `json:"separator"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the split value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
SplitProcessor type.
func NewSplitProcessor ¶
func NewSplitProcessor() *SplitProcessor
NewSplitProcessor returns a SplitProcessor.
func (*SplitProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SplitProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Sql ¶
type Sql struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Features map[string]int `json:"features"` Queries map[string]XpackQuery `json:"queries"` }
Sql type.
func (*Sql) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Ssl ¶
type Ssl struct { Http FeatureToggle `json:"http"` Transport FeatureToggle `json:"transport"` }
Ssl type.
type StandardAnalyzer ¶
type StandardAnalyzer struct { MaxTokenLength *int `json:"max_token_length,omitempty"` Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
StandardAnalyzer type.
func NewStandardAnalyzer ¶
func NewStandardAnalyzer() *StandardAnalyzer
NewStandardAnalyzer returns a StandardAnalyzer.
func (StandardAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StandardAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*StandardAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StandardAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StandardDeviationBounds ¶
type StandardDeviationBounds struct { Lower Float64 `json:"lower,omitempty"` LowerPopulation Float64 `json:"lower_population,omitempty"` LowerSampling Float64 `json:"lower_sampling,omitempty"` Upper Float64 `json:"upper,omitempty"` UpperPopulation Float64 `json:"upper_population,omitempty"` UpperSampling Float64 `json:"upper_sampling,omitempty"` }
StandardDeviationBounds type.
func NewStandardDeviationBounds ¶
func NewStandardDeviationBounds() *StandardDeviationBounds
NewStandardDeviationBounds returns a StandardDeviationBounds.
func (*StandardDeviationBounds) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StandardDeviationBounds) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StandardDeviationBoundsAsString ¶
type StandardDeviationBoundsAsString struct { Lower string `json:"lower"` LowerPopulation string `json:"lower_population"` LowerSampling string `json:"lower_sampling"` Upper string `json:"upper"` UpperPopulation string `json:"upper_population"` UpperSampling string `json:"upper_sampling"` }
StandardDeviationBoundsAsString type.
func NewStandardDeviationBoundsAsString ¶
func NewStandardDeviationBoundsAsString() *StandardDeviationBoundsAsString
NewStandardDeviationBoundsAsString returns a StandardDeviationBoundsAsString.
func (*StandardDeviationBoundsAsString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StandardDeviationBoundsAsString) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StandardTokenizer ¶
type StandardTokenizer struct { MaxTokenLength *int `json:"max_token_length,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
StandardTokenizer type.
func NewStandardTokenizer ¶
func NewStandardTokenizer() *StandardTokenizer
NewStandardTokenizer returns a StandardTokenizer.
func (StandardTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StandardTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*StandardTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StandardTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Statistics ¶
type Statistics struct { Policy *string `json:"policy,omitempty"` RetentionDeletionTime Duration `json:"retention_deletion_time,omitempty"` RetentionDeletionTimeMillis *int64 `json:"retention_deletion_time_millis,omitempty"` RetentionFailed *int64 `json:"retention_failed,omitempty"` RetentionRuns *int64 `json:"retention_runs,omitempty"` RetentionTimedOut *int64 `json:"retention_timed_out,omitempty"` TotalSnapshotDeletionFailures *int64 `json:"total_snapshot_deletion_failures,omitempty"` TotalSnapshotsDeleted *int64 `json:"total_snapshots_deleted,omitempty"` TotalSnapshotsFailed *int64 `json:"total_snapshots_failed,omitempty"` TotalSnapshotsTaken *int64 `json:"total_snapshots_taken,omitempty"` }
Statistics type.
func (*Statistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Statistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Stats ¶
type Stats struct { // AdaptiveSelection Statistics about adaptive replica selection. AdaptiveSelection map[string]AdaptiveSelection `json:"adaptive_selection,omitempty"` // Attributes Contains a list of attributes for the node. Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // Breakers Statistics about the field data circuit breaker. Breakers map[string]Breaker `json:"breakers,omitempty"` // Discovery Contains node discovery statistics for the node. Discovery *Discovery `json:"discovery,omitempty"` // Fs File system information, data path, free disk space, read/write stats. Fs *FileSystem `json:"fs,omitempty"` // Host Network host for the node, based on the network host setting. Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Http HTTP connection information. Http *Http `json:"http,omitempty"` // IndexingPressure Contains indexing pressure statistics for the node. IndexingPressure *NodesIndexingPressure `json:"indexing_pressure,omitempty"` // Indices Indices stats about size, document count, indexing and deletion times, search // times, field cache size, merges and flushes. Indices *IndicesShardStats `json:"indices,omitempty"` // Ingest Statistics about ingest preprocessing. Ingest *NodesIngest `json:"ingest,omitempty"` // Ip IP address and port for the node. Ip []string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Jvm JVM stats, memory pool information, garbage collection, buffer pools, number // of loaded/unloaded classes. Jvm *Jvm `json:"jvm,omitempty"` // Name Human-readable identifier for the node. // Based on the node name setting. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Os Operating system stats, load average, mem, swap. Os *OperatingSystem `json:"os,omitempty"` // Process Process statistics, memory consumption, cpu usage, open file descriptors. Process *Process `json:"process,omitempty"` // Roles Roles assigned to the node. Roles []noderole.NodeRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Script Contains script statistics for the node. Script *Scripting `json:"script,omitempty"` ScriptCache map[string][]ScriptCache `json:"script_cache,omitempty"` // ThreadPool Statistics about each thread pool, including current size, queue and rejected // tasks. ThreadPool map[string]ThreadCount `json:"thread_pool,omitempty"` Timestamp *int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Transport Transport statistics about sent and received bytes in cluster communication. Transport *Transport `json:"transport,omitempty"` // TransportAddress Host and port for the transport layer, used for internal communication // between nodes in a cluster. TransportAddress *string `json:"transport_address,omitempty"` }
Stats type.
func (*Stats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StatsAggregate ¶
type StatsAggregate struct { Avg Float64 `json:"avg,omitempty"` AvgAsString *string `json:"avg_as_string,omitempty"` Count int64 `json:"count"` Max Float64 `json:"max,omitempty"` MaxAsString *string `json:"max_as_string,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Min Float64 `json:"min,omitempty"` MinAsString *string `json:"min_as_string,omitempty"` Sum Float64 `json:"sum"` SumAsString *string `json:"sum_as_string,omitempty"` }
StatsAggregate type.
func NewStatsAggregate ¶
func NewStatsAggregate() *StatsAggregate
NewStatsAggregate returns a StatsAggregate.
func (*StatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StatsAggregation ¶
type StatsAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
StatsAggregation type.
func NewStatsAggregation ¶
func NewStatsAggregation() *StatsAggregation
NewStatsAggregation returns a StatsAggregation.
func (*StatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StatsBucketAggregate ¶
type StatsBucketAggregate struct { Avg Float64 `json:"avg,omitempty"` AvgAsString *string `json:"avg_as_string,omitempty"` Count int64 `json:"count"` Max Float64 `json:"max,omitempty"` MaxAsString *string `json:"max_as_string,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Min Float64 `json:"min,omitempty"` MinAsString *string `json:"min_as_string,omitempty"` Sum Float64 `json:"sum"` SumAsString *string `json:"sum_as_string,omitempty"` }
StatsBucketAggregate type.
func NewStatsBucketAggregate ¶
func NewStatsBucketAggregate() *StatsBucketAggregate
NewStatsBucketAggregate returns a StatsBucketAggregate.
func (*StatsBucketAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StatsBucketAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StatsBucketAggregation ¶
type StatsBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
StatsBucketAggregation type.
func NewStatsBucketAggregation ¶
func NewStatsBucketAggregation() *StatsBucketAggregation
NewStatsBucketAggregation returns a StatsBucketAggregation.
func (*StatsBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StatsBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Status ¶
type Status struct { IncludeGlobalState bool `json:"include_global_state"` Indices map[string]SnapshotIndexStats `json:"indices"` Repository string `json:"repository"` ShardsStats SnapshotShardsStats `json:"shards_stats"` Snapshot string `json:"snapshot"` State string `json:"state"` Stats SnapshotStats `json:"stats"` Uuid string `json:"uuid"` }
Status type.
func (*Status) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StemmerOverrideTokenFilter ¶
type StemmerOverrideTokenFilter struct { Rules []string `json:"rules,omitempty"` RulesPath *string `json:"rules_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
StemmerOverrideTokenFilter type.
func NewStemmerOverrideTokenFilter ¶
func NewStemmerOverrideTokenFilter() *StemmerOverrideTokenFilter
NewStemmerOverrideTokenFilter returns a StemmerOverrideTokenFilter.
func (StemmerOverrideTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StemmerOverrideTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*StemmerOverrideTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StemmerOverrideTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StemmerTokenFilter ¶
type StemmerTokenFilter struct { Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
StemmerTokenFilter type.
func NewStemmerTokenFilter ¶
func NewStemmerTokenFilter() *StemmerTokenFilter
NewStemmerTokenFilter returns a StemmerTokenFilter.
func (StemmerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StemmerTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*StemmerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StemmerTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StepKey ¶
type StepKey struct { Action string `json:"action"` Name string `json:"name"` Phase string `json:"phase"` }
StepKey type.
func (*StepKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StopAnalyzer ¶
type StopAnalyzer struct { Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` StopwordsPath *string `json:"stopwords_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
StopAnalyzer type.
func NewStopAnalyzer ¶
func NewStopAnalyzer() *StopAnalyzer
NewStopAnalyzer returns a StopAnalyzer.
func (StopAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StopAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*StopAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StopAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StopTokenFilter ¶
type StopTokenFilter struct { IgnoreCase *bool `json:"ignore_case,omitempty"` RemoveTrailing *bool `json:"remove_trailing,omitempty"` Stopwords []string `json:"stopwords,omitempty"` StopwordsPath *string `json:"stopwords_path,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
StopTokenFilter type.
func NewStopTokenFilter ¶
func NewStopTokenFilter() *StopTokenFilter
NewStopTokenFilter returns a StopTokenFilter.
func (StopTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StopTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*StopTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StopTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Storage ¶
type Storage struct { // AllowMmap You can restrict the use of the mmapfs and the related hybridfs store type // via the setting // This is a boolean setting indicating whether or not memory-mapping is // allowed. The default is to allow it. This // setting is useful, for example, if you are in an environment where you can // not control the ability to create a lot // of memory maps so you need disable the ability to use memory-mapping. AllowMmap *bool `json:"allow_mmap,omitempty"` Type storagetype.StorageType `json:"type"` }
Storage type.
func (*Storage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StoreStats ¶
type StoreStats struct { // Reserved A prediction of how much larger the shard stores will eventually grow due to // ongoing peer recoveries, restoring snapshots, and similar activities. Reserved ByteSize `json:"reserved,omitempty"` // ReservedInBytes A prediction, in bytes, of how much larger the shard stores will eventually // grow due to ongoing peer recoveries, restoring snapshots, and similar // activities. ReservedInBytes int64 `json:"reserved_in_bytes"` // Size Total size of all shards assigned to selected nodes. Size ByteSize `json:"size,omitempty"` // SizeInBytes Total size, in bytes, of all shards assigned to selected nodes. SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` // TotalDataSetSize Total data set size of all shards assigned to selected nodes. // This includes the size of shards not stored fully on the nodes, such as the // cache for partially mounted indices. TotalDataSetSize ByteSize `json:"total_data_set_size,omitempty"` // TotalDataSetSizeInBytes Total data set size, in bytes, of all shards assigned to selected nodes. // This includes the size of shards not stored fully on the nodes, such as the // cache for partially mounted indices. TotalDataSetSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"total_data_set_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
StoreStats type.
func (*StoreStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StoreStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StoredScript ¶
type StoredScript struct { // Lang Specifies the language the script is written in. Lang scriptlanguage.ScriptLanguage `json:"lang"` Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` // Source The script source. Source string `json:"source"` }
StoredScript type.
func NewStoredScript ¶
func NewStoredScript() *StoredScript
NewStoredScript returns a StoredScript.
func (*StoredScript) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StoredScript) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StoredScriptId ¶
type StoredScriptId struct { // Id The `id` for a stored script. Id string `json:"id"` // Params Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. // Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` }
StoredScriptId type.
func NewStoredScriptId ¶
func NewStoredScriptId() *StoredScriptId
NewStoredScriptId returns a StoredScriptId.
func (*StoredScriptId) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StoredScriptId) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringRareTermsAggregate ¶
type StringRareTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsStringRareTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
StringRareTermsAggregate type.
func NewStringRareTermsAggregate ¶
func NewStringRareTermsAggregate() *StringRareTermsAggregate
NewStringRareTermsAggregate returns a StringRareTermsAggregate.
func (*StringRareTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StringRareTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringRareTermsBucket ¶
type StringRareTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key string `json:"key"` }
StringRareTermsBucket type.
func NewStringRareTermsBucket ¶
func NewStringRareTermsBucket() *StringRareTermsBucket
NewStringRareTermsBucket returns a StringRareTermsBucket.
func (StringRareTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StringRareTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*StringRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StringRareTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringStatsAggregate ¶
type StringStatsAggregate struct { AvgLength Float64 `json:"avg_length,omitempty"` AvgLengthAsString *string `json:"avg_length_as_string,omitempty"` Count int64 `json:"count"` Distribution map[string]Float64 `json:"distribution,omitempty"` Entropy Float64 `json:"entropy,omitempty"` MaxLength int `json:"max_length,omitempty"` MaxLengthAsString *string `json:"max_length_as_string,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` MinLength int `json:"min_length,omitempty"` MinLengthAsString *string `json:"min_length_as_string,omitempty"` }
StringStatsAggregate type.
func NewStringStatsAggregate ¶
func NewStringStatsAggregate() *StringStatsAggregate
NewStringStatsAggregate returns a StringStatsAggregate.
func (*StringStatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StringStatsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringStatsAggregation ¶
type StringStatsAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // ShowDistribution Shows the probability distribution for all characters. ShowDistribution *bool `json:"show_distribution,omitempty"` }
StringStatsAggregation type.
func NewStringStatsAggregation ¶
func NewStringStatsAggregation() *StringStatsAggregation
NewStringStatsAggregation returns a StringStatsAggregation.
func (*StringStatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StringStatsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringTermsAggregate ¶
type StringTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsStringTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
StringTermsAggregate type.
func NewStringTermsAggregate ¶
func NewStringTermsAggregate() *StringTermsAggregate
NewStringTermsAggregate returns a StringTermsAggregate.
func (*StringTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StringTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringTermsBucket ¶
type StringTermsBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` DocCountError *int64 `json:"doc_count_error,omitempty"` Key FieldValue `json:"key"` }
StringTermsBucket type.
func NewStringTermsBucket ¶
func NewStringTermsBucket() *StringTermsBucket
NewStringTermsBucket returns a StringTermsBucket.
func (StringTermsBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s StringTermsBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*StringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringifiedEpochTimeUnitMillis ¶
type StringifiedEpochTimeUnitMillis interface{}
StringifiedEpochTimeUnitMillis holds the union for the following types:
int64 string
type StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds ¶
type StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds interface{}
StringifiedEpochTimeUnitSeconds holds the union for the following types:
int64 string
type StringifiedVersionNumber ¶
type StringifiedVersionNumber interface{}
StringifiedVersionNumber holds the union for the following types:
int64 string
type Stringifiedboolean ¶
type Stringifiedboolean interface{}
Stringifiedboolean holds the union for the following types:
bool string
type Stringifiedinteger ¶
type Stringifiedinteger interface{}
Stringifiedinteger holds the union for the following types:
int string
type StupidBackoffSmoothingModel ¶
type StupidBackoffSmoothingModel struct { // Discount A constant factor that the lower order n-gram model is discounted by. Discount Float64 `json:"discount"` }
StupidBackoffSmoothingModel type.
func NewStupidBackoffSmoothingModel ¶
func NewStupidBackoffSmoothingModel() *StupidBackoffSmoothingModel
NewStupidBackoffSmoothingModel returns a StupidBackoffSmoothingModel.
func (*StupidBackoffSmoothingModel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StupidBackoffSmoothingModel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Suggest ¶
type Suggest interface{}
Suggest holds the union for the following types:
CompletionSuggest PhraseSuggest TermSuggest
type SuggestContext ¶
type SuggestContext struct { Name string `json:"name"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Precision string `json:"precision,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` }
SuggestContext type.
func NewSuggestContext ¶
func NewSuggestContext() *SuggestContext
NewSuggestContext returns a SuggestContext.
func (*SuggestContext) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SuggestContext) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SuggestFuzziness ¶
type SuggestFuzziness struct { // Fuzziness The fuzziness factor. Fuzziness Fuzziness `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` // MinLength Minimum length of the input before fuzzy suggestions are returned. MinLength *int `json:"min_length,omitempty"` // PrefixLength Minimum length of the input, which is not checked for fuzzy alternatives. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // Transpositions If set to `true`, transpositions are counted as one change instead of two. Transpositions *bool `json:"transpositions,omitempty"` // UnicodeAware If `true`, all measurements (like fuzzy edit distance, transpositions, and // lengths) are measured in Unicode code points instead of in bytes. // This is slightly slower than raw bytes. UnicodeAware *bool `json:"unicode_aware,omitempty"` }
SuggestFuzziness type.
func NewSuggestFuzziness ¶
func NewSuggestFuzziness() *SuggestFuzziness
NewSuggestFuzziness returns a SuggestFuzziness.
func (*SuggestFuzziness) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SuggestFuzziness) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Suggester ¶
type Suggester struct { Suggesters map[string]FieldSuggester `json:"-"` // Text Global suggest text, to avoid repetition when the same text is used in // several suggesters Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
Suggester type.
func (Suggester) MarshalJSON ¶
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*Suggester) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SumAggregate ¶
type SumAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
SumAggregate type.
func NewSumAggregate ¶
func NewSumAggregate() *SumAggregate
NewSumAggregate returns a SumAggregate.
func (*SumAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SumAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SumAggregation ¶
type SumAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
SumAggregation type.
func NewSumAggregation ¶
func NewSumAggregation() *SumAggregation
NewSumAggregation returns a SumAggregation.
func (*SumAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SumAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SumBucketAggregation ¶
type SumBucketAggregation struct { // BucketsPath Path to the buckets that contain one set of values to correlate. BucketsPath BucketsPath `json:"buckets_path,omitempty"` // Format `DecimalFormat` pattern for the output value. // If specified, the formatted value is returned in the aggregation’s // `value_as_string` property. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // GapPolicy Policy to apply when gaps are found in the data. GapPolicy *gappolicy.GapPolicy `json:"gap_policy,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
SumBucketAggregation type.
func NewSumBucketAggregation ¶
func NewSumBucketAggregation() *SumBucketAggregation
NewSumBucketAggregation returns a SumBucketAggregation.
func (*SumBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SumBucketAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Summary ¶
type Summary struct {
Config map[policytype.PolicyType]EnrichPolicy `json:"config"`
Summary type.
type SyncContainer ¶
type SyncContainer struct { // Time Specifies that the transform uses a time field to synchronize the source and // destination indices. Time *TimeSync `json:"time,omitempty"` }
SyncContainer type.
func NewSyncContainer ¶
func NewSyncContainer() *SyncContainer
NewSyncContainer returns a SyncContainer.
type SynonymGraphTokenFilter ¶
type SynonymGraphTokenFilter struct { Expand *bool `json:"expand,omitempty"` Format *synonymformat.SynonymFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` Lenient *bool `json:"lenient,omitempty"` Synonyms []string `json:"synonyms,omitempty"` SynonymsPath *string `json:"synonyms_path,omitempty"` Tokenizer *string `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Updateable *bool `json:"updateable,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SynonymGraphTokenFilter type.
func NewSynonymGraphTokenFilter ¶
func NewSynonymGraphTokenFilter() *SynonymGraphTokenFilter
NewSynonymGraphTokenFilter returns a SynonymGraphTokenFilter.
func (SynonymGraphTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SynonymGraphTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SynonymGraphTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SynonymGraphTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SynonymRule ¶
type SynonymRule struct { // Id Synonym Rule identifier Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Synonyms Synonyms, in Solr format, that conform the synonym rule. See // Synonyms string `json:"synonyms"` }
SynonymRule type.
func (*SynonymRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SynonymRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SynonymRuleRead ¶
type SynonymRuleRead struct { // Id Synonym Rule identifier Id string `json:"id"` // Synonyms Synonyms, in Solr format, that conform the synonym rule. See // Synonyms string `json:"synonyms"` }
SynonymRuleRead type.
func NewSynonymRuleRead ¶
func NewSynonymRuleRead() *SynonymRuleRead
NewSynonymRuleRead returns a SynonymRuleRead.
func (*SynonymRuleRead) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SynonymRuleRead) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SynonymTokenFilter ¶
type SynonymTokenFilter struct { Expand *bool `json:"expand,omitempty"` Format *synonymformat.SynonymFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` Lenient *bool `json:"lenient,omitempty"` Synonyms []string `json:"synonyms,omitempty"` SynonymsPath *string `json:"synonyms_path,omitempty"` Tokenizer *string `json:"tokenizer,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Updateable *bool `json:"updateable,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SynonymTokenFilter type.
func NewSynonymTokenFilter ¶
func NewSynonymTokenFilter() *SynonymTokenFilter
NewSynonymTokenFilter returns a SynonymTokenFilter.
func (SynonymTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SynonymTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*SynonymTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SynonymTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SynonymsSetItem ¶
type SynonymsSetItem struct { // Count Number of synonym rules that the synonym set contains Count int `json:"count"` // SynonymsSet Synonyms set identifier SynonymsSet string `json:"synonyms_set"` }
SynonymsSetItem type.
func NewSynonymsSetItem ¶
func NewSynonymsSetItem() *SynonymsSetItem
NewSynonymsSetItem returns a SynonymsSetItem.
func (*SynonymsSetItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SynonymsSetItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SynonymsUpdateResult ¶
type SynonymsUpdateResult struct { // ReloadAnalyzersDetails Updating synonyms in a synonym set reloads the associated analyzers. // This is the analyzers reloading result ReloadAnalyzersDetails ReloadResult `json:"reload_analyzers_details"` // Result Update operation result Result result.Result `json:"result"` }
SynonymsUpdateResult type.
func NewSynonymsUpdateResult ¶
func NewSynonymsUpdateResult() *SynonymsUpdateResult
NewSynonymsUpdateResult returns a SynonymsUpdateResult.
type TDigest ¶
type TDigest struct { // Compression Limits the maximum number of nodes used by the underlying TDigest algorithm // to `20 * compression`, enabling control of memory usage and approximation // error. Compression *int `json:"compression,omitempty"` }
TDigest type.
func (*TDigest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate ¶
type TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Values Percentiles `json:"values"` }
TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate type.
func NewTDigestPercentileRanksAggregate ¶
func NewTDigestPercentileRanksAggregate() *TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate
NewTDigestPercentileRanksAggregate returns a TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate.
func (*TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TDigestPercentileRanksAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TDigestPercentilesAggregate ¶
type TDigestPercentilesAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Values Percentiles `json:"values"` }
TDigestPercentilesAggregate type.
func NewTDigestPercentilesAggregate ¶
func NewTDigestPercentilesAggregate() *TDigestPercentilesAggregate
NewTDigestPercentilesAggregate returns a TDigestPercentilesAggregate.
func (*TDigestPercentilesAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TDigestPercentilesAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TTestAggregate ¶
type TTestAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
TTestAggregate type.
func NewTTestAggregate ¶
func NewTTestAggregate() *TTestAggregate
NewTTestAggregate returns a TTestAggregate.
func (*TTestAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TTestAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TTestAggregation ¶
type TTestAggregation struct { // A Test population A. A *TestPopulation `json:"a,omitempty"` // B Test population B. B *TestPopulation `json:"b,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Type The type of test. Type *ttesttype.TTestType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
TTestAggregation type.
func NewTTestAggregation ¶
func NewTTestAggregation() *TTestAggregation
NewTTestAggregation returns a TTestAggregation.
func (*TTestAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TTestAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor ¶
type TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor struct { DefaultValue Float64 `json:"default_value"` FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Field string `json:"field"` TargetMap map[string]Float64 `json:"target_map"` }
TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor type.
func NewTargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor ¶
func NewTargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor() *TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor
NewTargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor returns a TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor.
func (*TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TargetMeanEncodingPreprocessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TaskFailure ¶
type TaskFailure struct { NodeId string `json:"node_id"` Reason ErrorCause `json:"reason"` Status string `json:"status"` TaskId int64 `json:"task_id"` }
TaskFailure type.
func (*TaskFailure) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TaskFailure) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TaskInfo ¶
type TaskInfo struct { Action string `json:"action"` Cancellable bool `json:"cancellable"` Cancelled *bool `json:"cancelled,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers"` Id int64 `json:"id"` Node string `json:"node"` ParentTaskId TaskId `json:"parent_task_id,omitempty"` RunningTime Duration `json:"running_time,omitempty"` RunningTimeInNanos int64 `json:"running_time_in_nanos"` StartTimeInMillis int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"` // Status Task status information can vary wildly from task to task. Status json.RawMessage `json:"status,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` }
TaskInfo type.
func (*TaskInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TaskInfos ¶
type TaskInfos interface{}
TaskInfos holds the union for the following types:
[]TaskInfo map[string]ParentTaskInfo
type TasksRecord ¶
type TasksRecord struct { // Action The task action. Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` // Description The task action description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Id The identifier of the task with the node. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ip The IP address for the node. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Node The node name. Node *string `json:"node,omitempty"` // NodeId The unique node identifier. NodeId *string `json:"node_id,omitempty"` // ParentTaskId The parent task identifier. ParentTaskId *string `json:"parent_task_id,omitempty"` // Port The bound transport port for the node. Port *string `json:"port,omitempty"` // RunningTime The running time. RunningTime *string `json:"running_time,omitempty"` // RunningTimeNs The running time in nanoseconds. RunningTimeNs *string `json:"running_time_ns,omitempty"` // StartTime The start time in milliseconds. StartTime *string `json:"start_time,omitempty"` // TaskId The unique task identifier. TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // Timestamp The start time in `HH:MM:SS` format. Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Type The task type. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Version The Elasticsearch version. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // XOpaqueId The X-Opaque-ID header. XOpaqueId *string `json:"x_opaque_id,omitempty"` }
TasksRecord type.
func (*TasksRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TasksRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Template ¶
type Template struct { Aliases map[string]Alias `json:"aliases"` Mappings TypeMapping `json:"mappings"` Settings IndexSettings `json:"settings"` }
Template type.
type TemplateConfig ¶
type TemplateConfig struct { // Explain If `true`, returns detailed information about score calculation as part of // each hit. Explain *bool `json:"explain,omitempty"` // Id ID of the search template to use. If no source is specified, // this parameter is required. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Params Key-value pairs used to replace Mustache variables in the template. // The key is the variable name. // The value is the variable value. Params map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"` // Profile If `true`, the query execution is profiled. Profile *bool `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Source An inline search template. Supports the same parameters as the search API's // request body. Also supports Mustache variables. If no id is specified, this // parameter is required. Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
TemplateConfig type.
func NewTemplateConfig ¶
func NewTemplateConfig() *TemplateConfig
NewTemplateConfig returns a TemplateConfig.
func (*TemplateConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TemplateConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TemplateMapping ¶
type TemplateMapping struct { Aliases map[string]Alias `json:"aliases"` IndexPatterns []string `json:"index_patterns"` Mappings TypeMapping `json:"mappings"` Order int `json:"order"` Settings map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"settings"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TemplateMapping type.
func NewTemplateMapping ¶
func NewTemplateMapping() *TemplateMapping
NewTemplateMapping returns a TemplateMapping.
func (*TemplateMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TemplateMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TemplatesRecord ¶
type TemplatesRecord struct { // ComposedOf The component templates that comprise the index template. ComposedOf *string `json:"composed_of,omitempty"` // IndexPatterns The template index patterns. IndexPatterns *string `json:"index_patterns,omitempty"` // Name The template name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Order The template application order or priority number. Order *string `json:"order,omitempty"` // Version The template version. Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TemplatesRecord type.
func NewTemplatesRecord ¶
func NewTemplatesRecord() *TemplatesRecord
NewTemplatesRecord returns a TemplatesRecord.
func (*TemplatesRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TemplatesRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Term ¶
type Term struct { DocFreq *int `json:"doc_freq,omitempty"` Score *Float64 `json:"score,omitempty"` TermFreq int `json:"term_freq"` Tokens []TermVectorsToken `json:"tokens,omitempty"` Ttf *int `json:"ttf,omitempty"` }
Term type.
func (*Term) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TermQuery ¶
type TermQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // CaseInsensitive Allows ASCII case insensitive matching of the value with the indexed field // values when set to `true`. // When `false`, the case sensitivity of matching depends on the underlying // field’s mapping. CaseInsensitive *bool `json:"case_insensitive,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Value Term you wish to find in the provided field. Value FieldValue `json:"value"` }
TermQuery type.
func (*TermQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TermSuggest ¶
type TermSuggest struct { Length int `json:"length"` Offset int `json:"offset"` Options []TermSuggestOption `json:"options"` Text string `json:"text"` }
TermSuggest type.
func (*TermSuggest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermSuggest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermSuggestOption ¶
type TermSuggestOption struct { CollateMatch *bool `json:"collate_match,omitempty"` Freq int64 `json:"freq"` Highlighted *string `json:"highlighted,omitempty"` Score Float64 `json:"score"` Text string `json:"text"` }
TermSuggestOption type.
func NewTermSuggestOption ¶
func NewTermSuggestOption() *TermSuggestOption
NewTermSuggestOption returns a TermSuggestOption.
func (*TermSuggestOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermSuggestOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermSuggester ¶
type TermSuggester struct { // Analyzer The analyzer to analyze the suggest text with. // Defaults to the search analyzer of the suggest field. Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` // Field The field to fetch the candidate suggestions from. // Needs to be set globally or per suggestion. Field string `json:"field"` LowercaseTerms *bool `json:"lowercase_terms,omitempty"` // MaxEdits The maximum edit distance candidate suggestions can have in order to be // considered as a suggestion. // Can only be `1` or `2`. MaxEdits *int `json:"max_edits,omitempty"` // MaxInspections A factor that is used to multiply with the shard_size in order to inspect // more candidate spelling corrections on the shard level. // Can improve accuracy at the cost of performance. MaxInspections *int `json:"max_inspections,omitempty"` // MaxTermFreq The maximum threshold in number of documents in which a suggest text token // can exist in order to be included. // Can be a relative percentage number (for example `0.4`) or an absolute number // to represent document frequencies. // If a value higher than 1 is specified, then fractional can not be specified. MaxTermFreq *float32 `json:"max_term_freq,omitempty"` // MinDocFreq The minimal threshold in number of documents a suggestion should appear in. // This can improve quality by only suggesting high frequency terms. // Can be specified as an absolute number or as a relative percentage of number // of documents. // If a value higher than 1 is specified, then the number cannot be fractional. MinDocFreq *float32 `json:"min_doc_freq,omitempty"` // MinWordLength The minimum length a suggest text term must have in order to be included. MinWordLength *int `json:"min_word_length,omitempty"` // PrefixLength The number of minimal prefix characters that must match in order be a // candidate for suggestions. // Increasing this number improves spellcheck performance. PrefixLength *int `json:"prefix_length,omitempty"` // ShardSize Sets the maximum number of suggestions to be retrieved from each individual // shard. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // Size The maximum corrections to be returned per suggest text token. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sort Defines how suggestions should be sorted per suggest text term. Sort *suggestsort.SuggestSort `json:"sort,omitempty"` // StringDistance The string distance implementation to use for comparing how similar suggested // terms are. StringDistance *stringdistance.StringDistance `json:"string_distance,omitempty"` // SuggestMode Controls what suggestions are included or controls for what suggest text // terms, suggestions should be suggested. SuggestMode *suggestmode.SuggestMode `json:"suggest_mode,omitempty"` // Text The suggest text. // Needs to be set globally or per suggestion. Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
TermSuggester type.
func NewTermSuggester ¶
func NewTermSuggester() *TermSuggester
NewTermSuggester returns a TermSuggester.
func (*TermSuggester) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermSuggester) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermVector ¶
type TermVector struct { FieldStatistics FieldStatistics `json:"field_statistics"` Terms map[string]Term `json:"terms"` }
TermVector type.
type TermVectorsFilter ¶
type TermVectorsFilter struct { // MaxDocFreq Ignore words which occur in more than this many docs. // Defaults to unbounded. MaxDocFreq *int `json:"max_doc_freq,omitempty"` // MaxNumTerms Maximum number of terms that must be returned per field. MaxNumTerms *int `json:"max_num_terms,omitempty"` // MaxTermFreq Ignore words with more than this frequency in the source doc. // Defaults to unbounded. MaxTermFreq *int `json:"max_term_freq,omitempty"` // MaxWordLength The maximum word length above which words will be ignored. // Defaults to unbounded. MaxWordLength *int `json:"max_word_length,omitempty"` // MinDocFreq Ignore terms which do not occur in at least this many docs. MinDocFreq *int `json:"min_doc_freq,omitempty"` // MinTermFreq Ignore words with less than this frequency in the source doc. MinTermFreq *int `json:"min_term_freq,omitempty"` // MinWordLength The minimum word length below which words will be ignored. MinWordLength *int `json:"min_word_length,omitempty"` }
TermVectorsFilter type.
func NewTermVectorsFilter ¶
func NewTermVectorsFilter() *TermVectorsFilter
NewTermVectorsFilter returns a TermVectorsFilter.
func (*TermVectorsFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermVectorsFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermVectorsResult ¶
type TermVectorsResult struct { Error *ErrorCause `json:"error,omitempty"` Found *bool `json:"found,omitempty"` Id_ string `json:"_id"` Index_ string `json:"_index"` TermVectors map[string]TermVector `json:"term_vectors,omitempty"` Took *int64 `json:"took,omitempty"` Version_ *int64 `json:"_version,omitempty"` }
TermVectorsResult type.
func NewTermVectorsResult ¶
func NewTermVectorsResult() *TermVectorsResult
NewTermVectorsResult returns a TermVectorsResult.
func (*TermVectorsResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermVectorsResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermVectorsToken ¶
type TermVectorsToken struct { EndOffset *int `json:"end_offset,omitempty"` Payload *string `json:"payload,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position"` StartOffset *int `json:"start_offset,omitempty"` }
TermVectorsToken type.
func NewTermVectorsToken ¶
func NewTermVectorsToken() *TermVectorsToken
NewTermVectorsToken returns a TermVectorsToken.
func (*TermVectorsToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermVectorsToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket ¶
type TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsDoubleTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket type.
func NewTermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket ¶
func NewTermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket() *TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket
NewTermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket returns a TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket.
func (*TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsAggregateBaseDoubleTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket ¶
type TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsLongTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket type.
func NewTermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket ¶
func NewTermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket() *TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket
NewTermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket returns a TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket.
func (*TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsAggregateBaseLongTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket ¶
type TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsMultiTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket type.
func NewTermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket ¶
func NewTermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket() *TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket
NewTermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket returns a TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket.
func (*TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsAggregateBaseMultiTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket ¶
type TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket struct { Buckets BucketsStringTermsBucket `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket type.
func NewTermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket ¶
func NewTermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket() *TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket
NewTermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket returns a TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket.
func (*TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsAggregateBaseStringTermsBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsAggregateBaseVoid ¶
type TermsAggregateBaseVoid struct { Buckets BucketsVoid `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
TermsAggregateBaseVoid type.
func NewTermsAggregateBaseVoid ¶
func NewTermsAggregateBaseVoid() *TermsAggregateBaseVoid
NewTermsAggregateBaseVoid returns a TermsAggregateBaseVoid.
func (*TermsAggregateBaseVoid) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsAggregateBaseVoid) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsAggregation ¶
type TermsAggregation struct { // CollectMode Determines how child aggregations should be calculated: breadth-first or // depth-first. CollectMode *termsaggregationcollectmode.TermsAggregationCollectMode `json:"collect_mode,omitempty"` // Exclude Values to exclude. // Accepts regular expressions and partitions. Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // ExecutionHint Determines whether the aggregation will use field values directly or global // ordinals. ExecutionHint *termsaggregationexecutionhint.TermsAggregationExecutionHint `json:"execution_hint,omitempty"` // Field The field from which to return terms. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Include Values to include. // Accepts regular expressions and partitions. Include TermsInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Only return values that are found in more than `min_doc_count` hits. MinDocCount *int `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` MissingBucket *bool `json:"missing_bucket,omitempty"` MissingOrder *missingorder.MissingOrder `json:"missing_order,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Order Specifies the sort order of the buckets. // Defaults to sorting by descending document count. Order AggregateOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // ShardSize The number of candidate terms produced by each shard. // By default, `shard_size` will be automatically estimated based on the number // of shards and the `size` parameter. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` // ShowTermDocCountError Set to `true` to return the `doc_count_error_upper_bound`, which is an upper // bound to the error on the `doc_count` returned by each shard. ShowTermDocCountError *bool `json:"show_term_doc_count_error,omitempty"` // Size The number of buckets returned out of the overall terms list. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // ValueType Coerced unmapped fields into the specified type. ValueType *string `json:"value_type,omitempty"` }
TermsAggregation type.
func NewTermsAggregation ¶
func NewTermsAggregation() *TermsAggregation
NewTermsAggregation returns a TermsAggregation.
func (*TermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsGrouping ¶
type TermsGrouping struct { // Fields The set of fields that you wish to collect terms for. // This array can contain fields that are both keyword and numerics. // Order does not matter. Fields []string `json:"fields"` }
TermsGrouping type.
func NewTermsGrouping ¶
func NewTermsGrouping() *TermsGrouping
NewTermsGrouping returns a TermsGrouping.
func (*TermsGrouping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsGrouping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsInclude ¶
type TermsInclude interface{}
TermsInclude holds the union for the following types:
string []string TermsPartition
type TermsLookup ¶
type TermsLookup struct { Id string `json:"id"` Index string `json:"index"` Path string `json:"path"` Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` }
TermsLookup type.
func (*TermsLookup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsLookup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsPartition ¶
type TermsPartition struct { // NumPartitions The number of partitions. NumPartitions int64 `json:"num_partitions"` // Partition The partition number for this request. Partition int64 `json:"partition"` }
TermsPartition type.
func NewTermsPartition ¶
func NewTermsPartition() *TermsPartition
NewTermsPartition returns a TermsPartition.
func (*TermsPartition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsPartition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsQuery ¶
type TermsQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` TermsQuery map[string]TermsQueryField `json:"-"` }
TermsQuery type.
func (TermsQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s TermsQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*TermsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TermsQueryField ¶
type TermsQueryField interface{}
TermsQueryField holds the union for the following types:
[]FieldValue TermsLookup
type TermsSetQuery ¶
type TermsSetQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatchField Numeric field containing the number of matching terms required to return a // document. MinimumShouldMatchField *string `json:"minimum_should_match_field,omitempty"` // MinimumShouldMatchScript Custom script containing the number of matching terms required to return a // document. MinimumShouldMatchScript Script `json:"minimum_should_match_script,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Terms Array of terms you wish to find in the provided field. Terms []string `json:"terms"` }
TermsSetQuery type.
func NewTermsSetQuery ¶
func NewTermsSetQuery() *TermsSetQuery
NewTermsSetQuery returns a TermsSetQuery.
func (*TermsSetQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TermsSetQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TestPopulation ¶
type TestPopulation struct { // Field The field to aggregate. Field string `json:"field"` // Filter A filter used to define a set of records to run unpaired t-test on. Filter *Query `json:"filter,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
TestPopulation type.
func NewTestPopulation ¶
func NewTestPopulation() *TestPopulation
NewTestPopulation returns a TestPopulation.
func (*TestPopulation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestPopulation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextClassificationInferenceOptions ¶
type TextClassificationInferenceOptions struct { // ClassificationLabels Classification labels to apply other than the stored labels. Must have the // same deminsions as the default configured labels ClassificationLabels []string `json:"classification_labels,omitempty"` // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
TextClassificationInferenceOptions type.
func NewTextClassificationInferenceOptions ¶
func NewTextClassificationInferenceOptions() *TextClassificationInferenceOptions
NewTextClassificationInferenceOptions returns a TextClassificationInferenceOptions.
func (*TextClassificationInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextClassificationInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // ClassificationLabels Classification labels to apply other than the stored labels. Must have the // same deminsions as the default configured labels ClassificationLabels []string `json:"classification_labels,omitempty"` // NumTopClasses Specifies the number of top class predictions to return. Defaults to 0. NumTopClasses *int `json:"num_top_classes,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewTextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewTextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions() *TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions
NewTextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions returns a TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextEmbedding ¶
TextEmbedding type.
func NewTextEmbedding ¶
func NewTextEmbedding() *TextEmbedding
NewTextEmbedding returns a TextEmbedding.
func (*TextEmbedding) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextEmbedding) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextEmbeddingByteResult ¶
type TextEmbeddingByteResult struct {
Embedding []byte `json:"embedding"`
TextEmbeddingByteResult type.
func NewTextEmbeddingByteResult ¶
func NewTextEmbeddingByteResult() *TextEmbeddingByteResult
NewTextEmbeddingByteResult returns a TextEmbeddingByteResult.
func (*TextEmbeddingByteResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextEmbeddingByteResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions ¶
type TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions struct { // EmbeddingSize The number of dimensions in the embedding output EmbeddingSize *int `json:"embedding_size,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions type.
func NewTextEmbeddingInferenceOptions ¶
func NewTextEmbeddingInferenceOptions() *TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions
NewTextEmbeddingInferenceOptions returns a TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions.
func (*TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextEmbeddingInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewTextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewTextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions() *TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions
NewTextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions returns a TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextEmbeddingInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextEmbeddingResult ¶
type TextEmbeddingResult struct {
Embedding []float32 `json:"embedding"`
TextEmbeddingResult type.
func NewTextEmbeddingResult ¶
func NewTextEmbeddingResult() *TextEmbeddingResult
NewTextEmbeddingResult returns a TextEmbeddingResult.
func (*TextEmbeddingResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextEmbeddingResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextExpansionInferenceOptions ¶
type TextExpansionInferenceOptions struct { // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
TextExpansionInferenceOptions type.
func NewTextExpansionInferenceOptions ¶
func NewTextExpansionInferenceOptions() *TextExpansionInferenceOptions
NewTextExpansionInferenceOptions returns a TextExpansionInferenceOptions.
func (*TextExpansionInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextExpansionInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewTextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewTextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions() *TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions
NewTextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions returns a TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextExpansionInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextExpansionQuery ¶
type TextExpansionQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // ModelId The text expansion NLP model to use ModelId string `json:"model_id"` // ModelText The query text ModelText string `json:"model_text"` // PruningConfig Token pruning configurations PruningConfig *TokenPruningConfig `json:"pruning_config,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
TextExpansionQuery type.
func NewTextExpansionQuery ¶
func NewTextExpansionQuery() *TextExpansionQuery
NewTextExpansionQuery returns a TextExpansionQuery.
func (*TextExpansionQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextExpansionQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextIndexPrefixes ¶
TextIndexPrefixes type.
func NewTextIndexPrefixes ¶
func NewTextIndexPrefixes() *TextIndexPrefixes
NewTextIndexPrefixes returns a TextIndexPrefixes.
func (*TextIndexPrefixes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextIndexPrefixes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TextProperty ¶
type TextProperty struct { Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` EagerGlobalOrdinals *bool `json:"eager_global_ordinals,omitempty"` Fielddata *bool `json:"fielddata,omitempty"` FielddataFrequencyFilter *FielddataFrequencyFilter `json:"fielddata_frequency_filter,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` IndexOptions *indexoptions.IndexOptions `json:"index_options,omitempty"` IndexPhrases *bool `json:"index_phrases,omitempty"` IndexPrefixes *TextIndexPrefixes `json:"index_prefixes,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Norms *bool `json:"norms,omitempty"` PositionIncrementGap *int `json:"position_increment_gap,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` SearchAnalyzer *string `json:"search_analyzer,omitempty"` SearchQuoteAnalyzer *string `json:"search_quote_analyzer,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` TermVector *termvectoroption.TermVectorOption `json:"term_vector,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
TextProperty type.
func NewTextProperty ¶
func NewTextProperty() *TextProperty
NewTextProperty returns a TextProperty.
func (TextProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s TextProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*TextProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TextProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ThreadCount ¶
type ThreadCount struct { // Active Number of active threads in the thread pool. Active *int64 `json:"active,omitempty"` // Completed Number of tasks completed by the thread pool executor. Completed *int64 `json:"completed,omitempty"` // Largest Highest number of active threads in the thread pool. Largest *int64 `json:"largest,omitempty"` // Queue Number of tasks in queue for the thread pool. Queue *int64 `json:"queue,omitempty"` // Rejected Number of tasks rejected by the thread pool executor. Rejected *int64 `json:"rejected,omitempty"` // Threads Number of threads in the thread pool. Threads *int64 `json:"threads,omitempty"` }
ThreadCount type.
func (*ThreadCount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ThreadCount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ThreadPoolRecord ¶
type ThreadPoolRecord struct { // Active The number of active threads in the current thread pool. Active *string `json:"active,omitempty"` // Completed The number of completed tasks. Completed *string `json:"completed,omitempty"` // Core The core number of active threads allowed in a scaling thread pool. Core string `json:"core,omitempty"` // EphemeralNodeId The ephemeral node identifier. EphemeralNodeId *string `json:"ephemeral_node_id,omitempty"` // Host The host name for the current node. Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` // Ip The IP address for the current node. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // KeepAlive The thread keep alive time. KeepAlive string `json:"keep_alive,omitempty"` // Largest The highest number of active threads in the current thread pool. Largest *string `json:"largest,omitempty"` // Max The maximum number of active threads allowed in a scaling thread pool. Max string `json:"max,omitempty"` // Name The thread pool name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // NodeId The persistent node identifier. NodeId *string `json:"node_id,omitempty"` // NodeName The node name. NodeName *string `json:"node_name,omitempty"` // Pid The process identifier. Pid *string `json:"pid,omitempty"` // PoolSize The number of threads in the current thread pool. PoolSize *string `json:"pool_size,omitempty"` // Port The bound transport port for the current node. Port *string `json:"port,omitempty"` // Queue The number of tasks currently in queue. Queue *string `json:"queue,omitempty"` // QueueSize The maximum number of tasks permitted in the queue. QueueSize *string `json:"queue_size,omitempty"` // Rejected The number of rejected tasks. Rejected *string `json:"rejected,omitempty"` // Size The number of active threads allowed in a fixed thread pool. Size string `json:"size,omitempty"` // Type The thread pool type. // Returned values include `fixed`, `fixed_auto_queue_size`, `direct`, and // `scaling`. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ThreadPoolRecord type.
func NewThreadPoolRecord ¶
func NewThreadPoolRecord() *ThreadPoolRecord
NewThreadPoolRecord returns a ThreadPoolRecord.
func (*ThreadPoolRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ThreadPoolRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ThrottleState ¶
ThrottleState type.
func NewThrottleState ¶
func NewThrottleState() *ThrottleState
NewThrottleState returns a ThrottleState.
func (*ThrottleState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ThrottleState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TimeOfMonth ¶
TimeOfMonth type.
type TimeOfWeek ¶
TimeOfWeek type.
type TimeOfYear ¶
type TimeOfYear struct { At []string `json:"at"` Int []month.Month `json:"int"` On []int `json:"on"` }
TimeOfYear type.
type TimeSync ¶
type TimeSync struct { // Delay The time delay between the current time and the latest input data time. Delay Duration `json:"delay,omitempty"` // Field The date field that is used to identify new documents in the source. In // general, it’s a good idea to use a field // that contains the ingest timestamp. If you use a different field, you might // need to set the delay such that it // accounts for data transmission delays. Field string `json:"field"` }
TimeSync type.
func (*TimeSync) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TimingStats ¶
type TimingStats struct { // ElapsedTime Runtime of the analysis in milliseconds. ElapsedTime int64 `json:"elapsed_time"` // IterationTime Runtime of the latest iteration of the analysis in milliseconds. IterationTime *int64 `json:"iteration_time,omitempty"` }
TimingStats type.
func (*TimingStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TimingStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TokenCountProperty ¶
type TokenCountProperty struct { Analyzer *string `json:"analyzer,omitempty"` Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` EnablePositionIncrements *bool `json:"enable_position_increments,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *Float64 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
TokenCountProperty type.
func NewTokenCountProperty ¶
func NewTokenCountProperty() *TokenCountProperty
NewTokenCountProperty returns a TokenCountProperty.
func (TokenCountProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s TokenCountProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*TokenCountProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TokenCountProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TokenDetail ¶
type TokenDetail struct { Name string `json:"name"` Tokens []ExplainAnalyzeToken `json:"tokens"` }
TokenDetail type.
func (*TokenDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TokenDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TokenFilter ¶
type TokenFilter interface{}
TokenFilter holds the union for the following types:
string TokenFilterDefinition
type TokenFilterDefinition ¶
type TokenFilterDefinition interface{}
TokenFilterDefinition holds the union for the following types:
AsciiFoldingTokenFilter CommonGramsTokenFilter ConditionTokenFilter DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter EdgeNGramTokenFilter ElisionTokenFilter FingerprintTokenFilter HunspellTokenFilter HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter KeepTypesTokenFilter KeepWordsTokenFilter KeywordMarkerTokenFilter KStemTokenFilter LengthTokenFilter LimitTokenCountTokenFilter LowercaseTokenFilter MultiplexerTokenFilter NGramTokenFilter NoriPartOfSpeechTokenFilter PatternCaptureTokenFilter PatternReplaceTokenFilter PorterStemTokenFilter PredicateTokenFilter RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilter ReverseTokenFilter ShingleTokenFilter SnowballTokenFilter StemmerOverrideTokenFilter StemmerTokenFilter StopTokenFilter SynonymGraphTokenFilter SynonymTokenFilter TrimTokenFilter TruncateTokenFilter UniqueTokenFilter UppercaseTokenFilter WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter WordDelimiterTokenFilter KuromojiStemmerTokenFilter KuromojiReadingFormTokenFilter KuromojiPartOfSpeechTokenFilter IcuCollationTokenFilter IcuFoldingTokenFilter IcuNormalizationTokenFilter IcuTransformTokenFilter PhoneticTokenFilter DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter
type TokenPruningConfig ¶
type TokenPruningConfig struct { // OnlyScorePrunedTokens Whether to only score pruned tokens, vs only scoring kept tokens. OnlyScorePrunedTokens *bool `json:"only_score_pruned_tokens,omitempty"` // TokensFreqRatioThreshold Tokens whose frequency is more than this threshold times the average // frequency of all tokens in the specified field are considered outliers and // pruned. TokensFreqRatioThreshold *int `json:"tokens_freq_ratio_threshold,omitempty"` // TokensWeightThreshold Tokens whose weight is less than this threshold are considered nonsignificant // and pruned. TokensWeightThreshold *float32 `json:"tokens_weight_threshold,omitempty"` }
TokenPruningConfig type.
func NewTokenPruningConfig ¶
func NewTokenPruningConfig() *TokenPruningConfig
NewTokenPruningConfig returns a TokenPruningConfig.
func (*TokenPruningConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TokenPruningConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TokenizationConfigContainer ¶
type TokenizationConfigContainer struct { // Bert Indicates BERT tokenization and its options Bert *NlpBertTokenizationConfig `json:"bert,omitempty"` // Mpnet Indicates MPNET tokenization and its options Mpnet *NlpBertTokenizationConfig `json:"mpnet,omitempty"` // Roberta Indicates RoBERTa tokenization and its options Roberta *NlpRobertaTokenizationConfig `json:"roberta,omitempty"` }
TokenizationConfigContainer type.
func NewTokenizationConfigContainer ¶
func NewTokenizationConfigContainer() *TokenizationConfigContainer
NewTokenizationConfigContainer returns a TokenizationConfigContainer.
type Tokenizer ¶
type Tokenizer interface{}
Tokenizer holds the union for the following types:
string TokenizerDefinition
type TokenizerDefinition ¶
type TokenizerDefinition interface{}
TokenizerDefinition holds the union for the following types:
CharGroupTokenizer EdgeNGramTokenizer KeywordTokenizer LetterTokenizer LowercaseTokenizer NGramTokenizer NoriTokenizer PathHierarchyTokenizer StandardTokenizer UaxEmailUrlTokenizer WhitespaceTokenizer KuromojiTokenizer PatternTokenizer IcuTokenizer
type TopClassEntry ¶
type TopClassEntry struct { ClassName string `json:"class_name"` ClassProbability Float64 `json:"class_probability"` ClassScore Float64 `json:"class_score"` }
TopClassEntry type.
func NewTopClassEntry ¶
func NewTopClassEntry() *TopClassEntry
NewTopClassEntry returns a TopClassEntry.
func (*TopClassEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopClassEntry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopHit ¶
type TopHit struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value,omitempty"` }
TopHit type.
func (*TopHit) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TopHitsAggregate ¶
type TopHitsAggregate struct { Hits HitsMetadata `json:"hits"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
TopHitsAggregate type.
func NewTopHitsAggregate ¶
func NewTopHitsAggregate() *TopHitsAggregate
NewTopHitsAggregate returns a TopHitsAggregate.
func (*TopHitsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopHitsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopHitsAggregation ¶
type TopHitsAggregation struct { // DocvalueFields Fields for which to return doc values. DocvalueFields []string `json:"docvalue_fields,omitempty"` // Explain If `true`, returns detailed information about score computation as part of a // hit. Explain *bool `json:"explain,omitempty"` // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // From Starting document offset. From *int `json:"from,omitempty"` // Highlight Specifies the highlighter to use for retrieving highlighted snippets from one // or more fields in the search results. Highlight *Highlight `json:"highlight,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // ScriptFields Returns the result of one or more script evaluations for each hit. ScriptFields map[string]ScriptField `json:"script_fields,omitempty"` // SeqNoPrimaryTerm If `true`, returns sequence number and primary term of the last modification // of each hit. SeqNoPrimaryTerm *bool `json:"seq_no_primary_term,omitempty"` // Size The maximum number of top matching hits to return per bucket. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sort Sort order of the top matching hits. // By default, the hits are sorted by the score of the main query. Sort []SortCombinations `json:"sort,omitempty"` // Source_ Selects the fields of the source that are returned. Source_ SourceConfig `json:"_source,omitempty"` // StoredFields Returns values for the specified stored fields (fields that use the `store` // mapping option). StoredFields []string `json:"stored_fields,omitempty"` // TrackScores If `true`, calculates and returns document scores, even if the scores are not // used for sorting. TrackScores *bool `json:"track_scores,omitempty"` // Version If `true`, returns document version as part of a hit. Version *bool `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TopHitsAggregation type.
func NewTopHitsAggregation ¶
func NewTopHitsAggregation() *TopHitsAggregation
NewTopHitsAggregation returns a TopHitsAggregation.
func (*TopHitsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopHitsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds ¶
type TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds struct { BottomRight GeoLocation `json:"bottom_right"` TopLeft GeoLocation `json:"top_left"` }
TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds type.
func NewTopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds ¶
func NewTopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds() *TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds
NewTopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds returns a TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds.
func (*TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopLeftBottomRightGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopMetrics ¶
type TopMetrics struct { Metrics map[string]FieldValue `json:"metrics"` Sort []FieldValue `json:"sort"` }
TopMetrics type.
type TopMetricsAggregate ¶
type TopMetricsAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Top []TopMetrics `json:"top"` }
TopMetricsAggregate type.
func NewTopMetricsAggregate ¶
func NewTopMetricsAggregate() *TopMetricsAggregate
NewTopMetricsAggregate returns a TopMetricsAggregate.
func (*TopMetricsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopMetricsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopMetricsAggregation ¶
type TopMetricsAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Metrics The fields of the top document to return. Metrics []TopMetricsValue `json:"metrics,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // Size The number of top documents from which to return metrics. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Sort The sort order of the documents. Sort []SortCombinations `json:"sort,omitempty"` }
TopMetricsAggregation type.
func NewTopMetricsAggregation ¶
func NewTopMetricsAggregation() *TopMetricsAggregation
NewTopMetricsAggregation returns a TopMetricsAggregation.
func (*TopMetricsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopMetricsAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopMetricsValue ¶
type TopMetricsValue struct { // Field A field to return as a metric. Field string `json:"field"` }
TopMetricsValue type.
func NewTopMetricsValue ¶
func NewTopMetricsValue() *TopMetricsValue
NewTopMetricsValue returns a TopMetricsValue.
func (*TopMetricsValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopMetricsValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds ¶
type TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds struct { BottomLeft GeoLocation `json:"bottom_left"` TopRight GeoLocation `json:"top_right"` }
TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds type.
func NewTopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds ¶
func NewTopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds() *TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds
NewTopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds returns a TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds.
func (*TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TopRightBottomLeftGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TotalFeatureImportance ¶
type TotalFeatureImportance struct { // Classes If the trained model is a classification model, feature importance statistics // are gathered per target class value. Classes []TotalFeatureImportanceClass `json:"classes"` // FeatureName The feature for which this importance was calculated. FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` // Importance A collection of feature importance statistics related to the training data // set for this particular feature. Importance []TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics `json:"importance"` }
TotalFeatureImportance type.
func NewTotalFeatureImportance ¶
func NewTotalFeatureImportance() *TotalFeatureImportance
NewTotalFeatureImportance returns a TotalFeatureImportance.
func (*TotalFeatureImportance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TotalFeatureImportance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TotalFeatureImportanceClass ¶
type TotalFeatureImportanceClass struct { // ClassName The target class value. Could be a string, boolean, or number. ClassName string `json:"class_name"` // Importance A collection of feature importance statistics related to the training data // set for this particular feature. Importance []TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics `json:"importance"` }
TotalFeatureImportanceClass type.
func NewTotalFeatureImportanceClass ¶
func NewTotalFeatureImportanceClass() *TotalFeatureImportanceClass
NewTotalFeatureImportanceClass returns a TotalFeatureImportanceClass.
func (*TotalFeatureImportanceClass) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TotalFeatureImportanceClass) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics ¶
type TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics struct { // Max The maximum importance value across all the training data for this feature. Max int `json:"max"` // MeanMagnitude The average magnitude of this feature across all the training data. This // value is the average of the absolute values of the importance for this // feature. MeanMagnitude Float64 `json:"mean_magnitude"` // Min The minimum importance value across all the training data for this feature. Min int `json:"min"` }
TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics type.
func NewTotalFeatureImportanceStatistics ¶
func NewTotalFeatureImportanceStatistics() *TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics
NewTotalFeatureImportanceStatistics returns a TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics.
func (*TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TotalFeatureImportanceStatistics) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TotalHits ¶
type TotalHits struct { Relation totalhitsrelation.TotalHitsRelation `json:"relation"` Value int64 `json:"value"` }
TotalHits type.
func (*TotalHits) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements Unmarshaler interface, it handles the shortcut for total hits.
type TotalUserProfiles ¶
TotalUserProfiles type.
func NewTotalUserProfiles ¶
func NewTotalUserProfiles() *TotalUserProfiles
NewTotalUserProfiles returns a TotalUserProfiles.
func (*TotalUserProfiles) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TotalUserProfiles) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrackHits ¶
type TrackHits interface{}
TrackHits holds the union for the following types:
bool int
type TrainedModel ¶
type TrainedModel struct { // Ensemble The definition for an ensemble model Ensemble *Ensemble `json:"ensemble,omitempty"` // Tree The definition for a binary decision tree. Tree *TrainedModelTree `json:"tree,omitempty"` // TreeNode The definition of a node in a tree. // There are two major types of nodes: leaf nodes and not-leaf nodes. // - Leaf nodes only need node_index and leaf_value defined. // - All other nodes need split_feature, left_child, right_child, threshold, // decision_type, and default_left defined. TreeNode *TrainedModelTreeNode `json:"tree_node,omitempty"` }
TrainedModel type.
func NewTrainedModel ¶
func NewTrainedModel() *TrainedModel
NewTrainedModel returns a TrainedModel.
type TrainedModelAssignment ¶
type TrainedModelAssignment struct { // AssignmentState The overall assignment state. AssignmentState deploymentassignmentstate.DeploymentAssignmentState `json:"assignment_state"` MaxAssignedAllocations *int `json:"max_assigned_allocations,omitempty"` // RoutingTable The allocation state for each node. RoutingTable map[string]TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable `json:"routing_table"` // StartTime The timestamp when the deployment started. StartTime DateTime `json:"start_time"` TaskParameters TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters `json:"task_parameters"` }
TrainedModelAssignment type.
func NewTrainedModelAssignment ¶
func NewTrainedModelAssignment() *TrainedModelAssignment
NewTrainedModelAssignment returns a TrainedModelAssignment.
func (*TrainedModelAssignment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelAssignment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable ¶
type TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable struct { // CurrentAllocations Current number of allocations. CurrentAllocations int `json:"current_allocations"` // Reason The reason for the current state. It is usually populated only when the // `routing_state` is `failed`. Reason string `json:"reason"` // RoutingState The current routing state. RoutingState routingstate.RoutingState `json:"routing_state"` // TargetAllocations Target number of allocations. TargetAllocations int `json:"target_allocations"` }
TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable type.
func NewTrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable ¶
func NewTrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable() *TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable
NewTrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable returns a TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable.
func (*TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters ¶
type TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters struct { // CacheSize The size of the trained model cache. CacheSize ByteSize `json:"cache_size"` // DeploymentId The unique identifier for the trained model deployment. DeploymentId string `json:"deployment_id"` // ModelBytes The size of the trained model in bytes. ModelBytes int `json:"model_bytes"` // ModelId The unique identifier for the trained model. ModelId string `json:"model_id"` // NumberOfAllocations The total number of allocations this model is assigned across ML nodes. NumberOfAllocations int `json:"number_of_allocations"` Priority trainingpriority.TrainingPriority `json:"priority"` // QueueCapacity Number of inference requests are allowed in the queue at a time. QueueCapacity int `json:"queue_capacity"` // ThreadsPerAllocation Number of threads per allocation. ThreadsPerAllocation int `json:"threads_per_allocation"` }
TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters type.
func NewTrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters ¶
func NewTrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters() *TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters
NewTrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters returns a TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters.
func (*TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelAssignmentTaskParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelConfig ¶
type TrainedModelConfig struct { CompressedDefinition *string `json:"compressed_definition,omitempty"` // CreateTime The time when the trained model was created. CreateTime DateTime `json:"create_time,omitempty"` // CreatedBy Information on the creator of the trained model. CreatedBy *string `json:"created_by,omitempty"` // DefaultFieldMap Any field map described in the inference configuration takes precedence. DefaultFieldMap map[string]string `json:"default_field_map,omitempty"` // Description The free-text description of the trained model. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // EstimatedHeapMemoryUsageBytes The estimated heap usage in bytes to keep the trained model in memory. EstimatedHeapMemoryUsageBytes *int `json:"estimated_heap_memory_usage_bytes,omitempty"` // EstimatedOperations The estimated number of operations to use the trained model. EstimatedOperations *int `json:"estimated_operations,omitempty"` // FullyDefined True if the full model definition is present. FullyDefined *bool `json:"fully_defined,omitempty"` // InferenceConfig The default configuration for inference. This can be either a regression, // classification, or one of the many NLP focused configurations. It must match // the underlying definition.trained_model's target_type. For pre-packaged // models such as ELSER the config is not required. InferenceConfig *InferenceConfigCreateContainer `json:"inference_config,omitempty"` // Input The input field names for the model definition. Input TrainedModelConfigInput `json:"input"` // LicenseLevel The license level of the trained model. LicenseLevel *string `json:"license_level,omitempty"` Location *TrainedModelLocation `json:"location,omitempty"` // Metadata An object containing metadata about the trained model. For example, models // created by data frame analytics contain analysis_config and input objects. Metadata *TrainedModelConfigMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // ModelId Identifier for the trained model. ModelId string `json:"model_id"` ModelSizeBytes ByteSize `json:"model_size_bytes,omitempty"` // ModelType The model type ModelType *trainedmodeltype.TrainedModelType `json:"model_type,omitempty"` PrefixStrings *TrainedModelPrefixStrings `json:"prefix_strings,omitempty"` // Tags A comma delimited string of tags. A trained model can have many tags, or // none. Tags []string `json:"tags"` // Version The Elasticsearch version number in which the trained model was created. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TrainedModelConfig type.
func NewTrainedModelConfig ¶
func NewTrainedModelConfig() *TrainedModelConfig
NewTrainedModelConfig returns a TrainedModelConfig.
func (*TrainedModelConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelConfigInput ¶
type TrainedModelConfigInput struct { // FieldNames An array of input field names for the model. FieldNames []string `json:"field_names"` }
TrainedModelConfigInput type.
func NewTrainedModelConfigInput ¶
func NewTrainedModelConfigInput() *TrainedModelConfigInput
NewTrainedModelConfigInput returns a TrainedModelConfigInput.
type TrainedModelConfigMetadata ¶
type TrainedModelConfigMetadata struct { // FeatureImportanceBaseline An object that contains the baseline for feature importance values. For // regression analysis, it is a single value. For classification analysis, there // is a value for each class. FeatureImportanceBaseline map[string]string `json:"feature_importance_baseline,omitempty"` // Hyperparameters List of the available hyperparameters optimized during the // fine_parameter_tuning phase as well as specified by the user. Hyperparameters []Hyperparameter `json:"hyperparameters,omitempty"` ModelAliases []string `json:"model_aliases,omitempty"` // TotalFeatureImportance An array of the total feature importance for each feature used from the // training data set. This array of objects is returned if data frame analytics // trained the model and the request includes total_feature_importance in the // include request parameter. TotalFeatureImportance []TotalFeatureImportance `json:"total_feature_importance,omitempty"` }
TrainedModelConfigMetadata type.
func NewTrainedModelConfigMetadata ¶
func NewTrainedModelConfigMetadata() *TrainedModelConfigMetadata
NewTrainedModelConfigMetadata returns a TrainedModelConfigMetadata.
type TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus ¶
type TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus struct { // AllocationCount The current number of nodes where the model is allocated. AllocationCount int `json:"allocation_count"` // State The detailed allocation state related to the nodes. State deploymentallocationstate.DeploymentAllocationState `json:"state"` // TargetAllocationCount The desired number of nodes for model allocation. TargetAllocationCount int `json:"target_allocation_count"` }
TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus type.
func NewTrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus ¶
func NewTrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus() *TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus
NewTrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus returns a TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus.
func (*TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats ¶
type TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats struct { // AverageInferenceTimeMs The average time for each inference call to complete on this node. AverageInferenceTimeMs Float64 `json:"average_inference_time_ms"` // ErrorCount The number of errors when evaluating the trained model. ErrorCount int `json:"error_count"` // InferenceCount The total number of inference calls made against this node for this model. InferenceCount int `json:"inference_count"` // LastAccess The epoch time stamp of the last inference call for the model on this node. LastAccess int64 `json:"last_access"` // Node Information pertaining to the node. Node DiscoveryNode `json:"node"` // NumberOfAllocations The number of allocations assigned to this node. NumberOfAllocations int `json:"number_of_allocations"` // NumberOfPendingRequests The number of inference requests queued to be processed. NumberOfPendingRequests int `json:"number_of_pending_requests"` // RejectionExecutionCount The number of inference requests that were not processed because the queue // was full. RejectionExecutionCount int `json:"rejection_execution_count"` // RoutingState The current routing state and reason for the current routing state for this // allocation. RoutingState TrainedModelAssignmentRoutingTable `json:"routing_state"` // StartTime The epoch timestamp when the allocation started. StartTime int64 `json:"start_time"` // ThreadsPerAllocation The number of threads used by each allocation during inference. ThreadsPerAllocation int `json:"threads_per_allocation"` // TimeoutCount The number of inference requests that timed out before being processed. TimeoutCount int `json:"timeout_count"` }
TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats type.
func NewTrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats ¶
func NewTrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats() *TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats
NewTrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats returns a TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats.
func (*TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelDeploymentStats ¶
type TrainedModelDeploymentStats struct { // AllocationStatus The detailed allocation status for the deployment. AllocationStatus TrainedModelDeploymentAllocationStatus `json:"allocation_status"` CacheSize ByteSize `json:"cache_size,omitempty"` // DeploymentId The unique identifier for the trained model deployment. DeploymentId string `json:"deployment_id"` // ErrorCount The sum of `error_count` for all nodes in the deployment. ErrorCount int `json:"error_count"` // InferenceCount The sum of `inference_count` for all nodes in the deployment. InferenceCount int `json:"inference_count"` // ModelId The unique identifier for the trained model. ModelId string `json:"model_id"` // Nodes The deployment stats for each node that currently has the model allocated. // In serverless, stats are reported for a single unnamed virtual node. Nodes TrainedModelDeploymentNodesStats `json:"nodes"` // NumberOfAllocations The number of allocations requested. NumberOfAllocations int `json:"number_of_allocations"` // QueueCapacity The number of inference requests that can be queued before new requests are // rejected. QueueCapacity int `json:"queue_capacity"` // Reason The reason for the current deployment state. Usually only populated when // the model is not deployed to a node. Reason string `json:"reason"` // RejectedExecutionCount The sum of `rejected_execution_count` for all nodes in the deployment. // Individual nodes reject an inference request if the inference queue is full. // The queue size is controlled by the `queue_capacity` setting in the start // trained model deployment API. RejectedExecutionCount int `json:"rejected_execution_count"` // StartTime The epoch timestamp when the deployment started. StartTime int64 `json:"start_time"` // State The overall state of the deployment. State deploymentstate.DeploymentState `json:"state"` // ThreadsPerAllocation The number of threads used be each allocation during inference. ThreadsPerAllocation int `json:"threads_per_allocation"` // TimeoutCount The sum of `timeout_count` for all nodes in the deployment. TimeoutCount int `json:"timeout_count"` }
TrainedModelDeploymentStats type.
func NewTrainedModelDeploymentStats ¶
func NewTrainedModelDeploymentStats() *TrainedModelDeploymentStats
NewTrainedModelDeploymentStats returns a TrainedModelDeploymentStats.
func (*TrainedModelDeploymentStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelDeploymentStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelEntities ¶
type TrainedModelEntities struct { ClassName string `json:"class_name"` ClassProbability Float64 `json:"class_probability"` EndPos int `json:"end_pos"` Entity string `json:"entity"` StartPos int `json:"start_pos"` }
TrainedModelEntities type.
func NewTrainedModelEntities ¶
func NewTrainedModelEntities() *TrainedModelEntities
NewTrainedModelEntities returns a TrainedModelEntities.
func (*TrainedModelEntities) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelEntities) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance ¶
type TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance struct { ClassName string `json:"class_name"` Importance Float64 `json:"importance"` }
TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance type.
func NewTrainedModelInferenceClassImportance ¶
func NewTrainedModelInferenceClassImportance() *TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance
NewTrainedModelInferenceClassImportance returns a TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance.
func (*TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance ¶
type TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance struct { Classes []TrainedModelInferenceClassImportance `json:"classes,omitempty"` FeatureName string `json:"feature_name"` Importance *Float64 `json:"importance,omitempty"` }
TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance type.
func NewTrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance ¶
func NewTrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance() *TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance
NewTrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance returns a TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance.
func (*TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelInferenceFeatureImportance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelInferenceStats ¶
type TrainedModelInferenceStats struct { // CacheMissCount The number of times the model was loaded for inference and was not retrieved // from the cache. // If this number is close to the `inference_count`, the cache is not being // appropriately used. // This can be solved by increasing the cache size or its time-to-live (TTL). // Refer to general machine learning settings for the appropriate settings. CacheMissCount int `json:"cache_miss_count"` // FailureCount The number of failures when using the model for inference. FailureCount int `json:"failure_count"` // InferenceCount The total number of times the model has been called for inference. // This is across all inference contexts, including all pipelines. InferenceCount int `json:"inference_count"` // MissingAllFieldsCount The number of inference calls where all the training features for the model // were missing. MissingAllFieldsCount int `json:"missing_all_fields_count"` // Timestamp The time when the statistics were last updated. Timestamp DateTime `json:"timestamp"` }
TrainedModelInferenceStats type.
func NewTrainedModelInferenceStats ¶
func NewTrainedModelInferenceStats() *TrainedModelInferenceStats
NewTrainedModelInferenceStats returns a TrainedModelInferenceStats.
func (*TrainedModelInferenceStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelInferenceStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelLocation ¶
type TrainedModelLocation struct {
Index TrainedModelLocationIndex `json:"index"`
TrainedModelLocation type.
func NewTrainedModelLocation ¶
func NewTrainedModelLocation() *TrainedModelLocation
NewTrainedModelLocation returns a TrainedModelLocation.
type TrainedModelLocationIndex ¶
type TrainedModelLocationIndex struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
TrainedModelLocationIndex type.
func NewTrainedModelLocationIndex ¶
func NewTrainedModelLocationIndex() *TrainedModelLocationIndex
NewTrainedModelLocationIndex returns a TrainedModelLocationIndex.
func (*TrainedModelLocationIndex) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelLocationIndex) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelPrefixStrings ¶
type TrainedModelPrefixStrings struct { // Ingest String prepended to input at ingest Ingest *string `json:"ingest,omitempty"` // Search String prepended to input at search Search *string `json:"search,omitempty"` }
TrainedModelPrefixStrings type.
func NewTrainedModelPrefixStrings ¶
func NewTrainedModelPrefixStrings() *TrainedModelPrefixStrings
NewTrainedModelPrefixStrings returns a TrainedModelPrefixStrings.
func (*TrainedModelPrefixStrings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelPrefixStrings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelSizeStats ¶
type TrainedModelSizeStats struct { // ModelSizeBytes The size of the model in bytes. ModelSizeBytes ByteSize `json:"model_size_bytes"` // RequiredNativeMemoryBytes The amount of memory required to load the model in bytes. RequiredNativeMemoryBytes int `json:"required_native_memory_bytes"` }
TrainedModelSizeStats type.
func NewTrainedModelSizeStats ¶
func NewTrainedModelSizeStats() *TrainedModelSizeStats
NewTrainedModelSizeStats returns a TrainedModelSizeStats.
func (*TrainedModelSizeStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelSizeStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelStats ¶
type TrainedModelStats struct { // DeploymentStats A collection of deployment stats, which is present when the models are // deployed. DeploymentStats *TrainedModelDeploymentStats `json:"deployment_stats,omitempty"` // InferenceStats A collection of inference stats fields. InferenceStats *TrainedModelInferenceStats `json:"inference_stats,omitempty"` // Ingest A collection of ingest stats for the model across all nodes. // The values are summations of the individual node statistics. // The format matches the ingest section in the nodes stats API. Ingest map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"ingest,omitempty"` // ModelId The unique identifier of the trained model. ModelId string `json:"model_id"` // ModelSizeStats A collection of model size stats. ModelSizeStats TrainedModelSizeStats `json:"model_size_stats"` // PipelineCount The number of ingest pipelines that currently refer to the model. PipelineCount int `json:"pipeline_count"` }
TrainedModelStats type.
func NewTrainedModelStats ¶
func NewTrainedModelStats() *TrainedModelStats
NewTrainedModelStats returns a TrainedModelStats.
func (*TrainedModelStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelTree ¶
type TrainedModelTree struct { ClassificationLabels []string `json:"classification_labels,omitempty"` FeatureNames []string `json:"feature_names"` TargetType *string `json:"target_type,omitempty"` TreeStructure []TrainedModelTreeNode `json:"tree_structure"` }
TrainedModelTree type.
func NewTrainedModelTree ¶
func NewTrainedModelTree() *TrainedModelTree
NewTrainedModelTree returns a TrainedModelTree.
func (*TrainedModelTree) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelTree) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelTreeNode ¶
type TrainedModelTreeNode struct { DecisionType *string `json:"decision_type,omitempty"` DefaultLeft *bool `json:"default_left,omitempty"` LeafValue *Float64 `json:"leaf_value,omitempty"` LeftChild *int `json:"left_child,omitempty"` NodeIndex int `json:"node_index"` RightChild *int `json:"right_child,omitempty"` SplitFeature *int `json:"split_feature,omitempty"` SplitGain *int `json:"split_gain,omitempty"` Threshold *Float64 `json:"threshold,omitempty"` }
TrainedModelTreeNode type.
func NewTrainedModelTreeNode ¶
func NewTrainedModelTreeNode() *TrainedModelTreeNode
NewTrainedModelTreeNode returns a TrainedModelTreeNode.
func (*TrainedModelTreeNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelTreeNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrainedModelsRecord ¶
type TrainedModelsRecord struct { // CreateTime The time the model was created. CreateTime DateTime `json:"create_time,omitempty"` // CreatedBy Information about the creator of the model. CreatedBy *string `json:"created_by,omitempty"` // DataFrameAnalysis The analysis used by the data frame to build the model. DataFrameAnalysis *string `json:"data_frame.analysis,omitempty"` // DataFrameCreateTime The time the data frame analytics job was created. DataFrameCreateTime *string `json:"data_frame.create_time,omitempty"` // DataFrameId The identifier for the data frame analytics job that created the model. // Only displayed if the job is still available. DataFrameId *string `json:",omitempty"` // DataFrameSourceIndex The source index used to train in the data frame analysis. DataFrameSourceIndex *string `json:"data_frame.source_index,omitempty"` // Description A description of the model. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // HeapSize The estimated heap size to keep the model in memory. HeapSize ByteSize `json:"heap_size,omitempty"` // Id The model identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // IngestCount The total number of documents that are processed by the model. IngestCount *string `json:"ingest.count,omitempty"` // IngestCurrent The total number of documents that are currently being handled by the model. IngestCurrent *string `json:"ingest.current,omitempty"` // IngestFailed The total number of failed ingest attempts with the model. IngestFailed *string `json:"ingest.failed,omitempty"` // IngestPipelines The number of pipelines that are referencing the model. IngestPipelines *string `json:"ingest.pipelines,omitempty"` // IngestTime The total time spent processing documents with thie model. IngestTime *string `json:"ingest.time,omitempty"` // License The license level of the model. License *string `json:"license,omitempty"` // Operations The estimated number of operations to use the model. // This number helps to measure the computational complexity of the model. Operations *string `json:"operations,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Version The version of Elasticsearch when the model was created. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TrainedModelsRecord type.
func NewTrainedModelsRecord ¶
func NewTrainedModelsRecord() *TrainedModelsRecord
NewTrainedModelsRecord returns a TrainedModelsRecord.
func (*TrainedModelsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrainedModelsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformAuthorization ¶
type TransformAuthorization struct { // ApiKey If an API key was used for the most recent update to the transform, its name // and identifier are listed in the response. ApiKey *ApiKeyAuthorization `json:"api_key,omitempty"` // Roles If a user ID was used for the most recent update to the transform, its roles // at the time of the update are listed in the response. Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` // ServiceAccount If a service account was used for the most recent update to the transform, // the account name is listed in the response. ServiceAccount *string `json:"service_account,omitempty"` }
TransformAuthorization type.
func NewTransformAuthorization ¶
func NewTransformAuthorization() *TransformAuthorization
NewTransformAuthorization returns a TransformAuthorization.
func (*TransformAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformContainer ¶
type TransformContainer struct { Chain []TransformContainer `json:"chain,omitempty"` Script *ScriptTransform `json:"script,omitempty"` Search *SearchTransform `json:"search,omitempty"` }
TransformContainer type.
func NewTransformContainer ¶
func NewTransformContainer() *TransformContainer
NewTransformContainer returns a TransformContainer.
type TransformDestination ¶
type TransformDestination struct { // Index The destination index for the transform. The mappings of the destination // index are deduced based on the source // fields when possible. If alternate mappings are required, use the create // index API prior to starting the // transform. Index *string `json:"index,omitempty"` // Pipeline The unique identifier for an ingest pipeline. Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` }
TransformDestination type.
func NewTransformDestination ¶
func NewTransformDestination() *TransformDestination
NewTransformDestination returns a TransformDestination.
func (*TransformDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformIndexerStats ¶
type TransformIndexerStats struct { DeleteTimeInMs *int64 `json:"delete_time_in_ms,omitempty"` DocumentsDeleted *int64 `json:"documents_deleted,omitempty"` DocumentsIndexed int64 `json:"documents_indexed"` DocumentsProcessed int64 `json:"documents_processed"` ExponentialAvgCheckpointDurationMs Float64 `json:"exponential_avg_checkpoint_duration_ms"` ExponentialAvgDocumentsIndexed Float64 `json:"exponential_avg_documents_indexed"` ExponentialAvgDocumentsProcessed Float64 `json:"exponential_avg_documents_processed"` IndexFailures int64 `json:"index_failures"` IndexTimeInMs int64 `json:"index_time_in_ms"` IndexTotal int64 `json:"index_total"` PagesProcessed int64 `json:"pages_processed"` ProcessingTimeInMs int64 `json:"processing_time_in_ms"` ProcessingTotal int64 `json:"processing_total"` SearchFailures int64 `json:"search_failures"` SearchTimeInMs int64 `json:"search_time_in_ms"` SearchTotal int64 `json:"search_total"` TriggerCount int64 `json:"trigger_count"` }
TransformIndexerStats type.
func NewTransformIndexerStats ¶
func NewTransformIndexerStats() *TransformIndexerStats
NewTransformIndexerStats returns a TransformIndexerStats.
func (*TransformIndexerStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformIndexerStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformProgress ¶
type TransformProgress struct { DocsIndexed int64 `json:"docs_indexed"` DocsProcessed int64 `json:"docs_processed"` DocsRemaining int64 `json:"docs_remaining"` PercentComplete Float64 `json:"percent_complete"` TotalDocs int64 `json:"total_docs"` }
TransformProgress type.
func NewTransformProgress ¶
func NewTransformProgress() *TransformProgress
NewTransformProgress returns a TransformProgress.
func (*TransformProgress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformProgress) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformSource ¶
type TransformSource struct { // Index The source indices for the transform. It can be a single index, an index // pattern (for example, `"my-index-*""`), an // array of indices (for example, `["my-index-000001", "my-index-000002"]`), or // an array of index patterns (for // example, `["my-index-*", "my-other-index-*"]`. For remote indices use the // syntax `"remote_name:index_name"`. If // any indices are in remote clusters then the master node and at least one // transform node must have the `remote_cluster_client` node role. Index []string `json:"index"` // Query A query clause that retrieves a subset of data from the source index. Query *Query `json:"query,omitempty"` // RuntimeMappings Definitions of search-time runtime fields that can be used by the transform. // For search runtime fields all data // nodes, including remote nodes, must be 7.12 or later. RuntimeMappings RuntimeFields `json:"runtime_mappings,omitempty"` }
TransformSource type.
func NewTransformSource ¶
func NewTransformSource() *TransformSource
NewTransformSource returns a TransformSource.
func (*TransformSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformStats ¶
type TransformStats struct { Checkpointing Checkpointing `json:"checkpointing"` Health *TransformStatsHealth `json:"health,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id"` Node *NodeAttributes `json:"node,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` State string `json:"state"` Stats TransformIndexerStats `json:"stats"` }
TransformStats type.
func NewTransformStats ¶
func NewTransformStats() *TransformStats
NewTransformStats returns a TransformStats.
func (*TransformStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformStatsHealth ¶
type TransformStatsHealth struct {
Status healthstatus.HealthStatus `json:"status"`
TransformStatsHealth type.
func NewTransformStatsHealth ¶
func NewTransformStatsHealth() *TransformStatsHealth
NewTransformStatsHealth returns a TransformStatsHealth.
type TransformSummary ¶
type TransformSummary struct { // Authorization The security privileges that the transform uses to run its queries. If // Elastic Stack security features were disabled at the time of the most recent // update to the transform, this property is omitted. Authorization *TransformAuthorization `json:"authorization,omitempty"` // CreateTime The time the transform was created. CreateTime *int64 `json:"create_time,omitempty"` // Description Free text description of the transform. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Dest The destination for the transform. Dest ReindexDestination `json:"dest"` Frequency Duration `json:"frequency,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id"` Latest *Latest `json:"latest,omitempty"` Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` // Pivot The pivot method transforms the data by aggregating and grouping it. Pivot *Pivot `json:"pivot,omitempty"` RetentionPolicy *RetentionPolicyContainer `json:"retention_policy,omitempty"` // Settings Defines optional transform settings. Settings *Settings `json:"settings,omitempty"` // Source The source of the data for the transform. Source TransformSource `json:"source"` // Sync Defines the properties transforms require to run continuously. Sync *SyncContainer `json:"sync,omitempty"` // Version The version of Elasticsearch that existed on the node when the transform was // created. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TransformSummary type.
func NewTransformSummary ¶
func NewTransformSummary() *TransformSummary
NewTransformSummary returns a TransformSummary.
func (*TransformSummary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformSummary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransformsRecord ¶
type TransformsRecord struct { // ChangesLastDetectionTime The timestamp when changes were last detected in the source indices. ChangesLastDetectionTime string `json:"changes_last_detection_time,omitempty"` // Checkpoint The sequence number for the checkpoint. Checkpoint *string `json:"checkpoint,omitempty"` // CheckpointDurationTimeExpAvg The exponential moving average of the duration of the checkpoint, in // milliseconds. CheckpointDurationTimeExpAvg *string `json:"checkpoint_duration_time_exp_avg,omitempty"` // CheckpointProgress The progress of the next checkpoint that is currently in progress. CheckpointProgress string `json:"checkpoint_progress,omitempty"` // CreateTime The time the transform was created. CreateTime *string `json:"create_time,omitempty"` // DeleteTime The total time spent deleting documents, in milliseconds. DeleteTime *string `json:"delete_time,omitempty"` // Description The description of the transform. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // DestIndex The destination index for the transform. DestIndex *string `json:"dest_index,omitempty"` // DocsPerSecond The number of input documents per second. DocsPerSecond *string `json:"docs_per_second,omitempty"` // DocumentsDeleted The number of documents deleted from the destination index due to the // retention policy for the transform. DocumentsDeleted *string `json:"documents_deleted,omitempty"` // DocumentsIndexed The number of documents that have been indexed into the destination index for // the transform. DocumentsIndexed *string `json:"documents_indexed,omitempty"` // DocumentsProcessed The number of documents that have been processed from the source index of the // transform. DocumentsProcessed *string `json:"documents_processed,omitempty"` // Frequency The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the // transform is running continuously. Frequency *string `json:"frequency,omitempty"` // Id The transform identifier. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // IndexFailure The total number of indexing failures. IndexFailure *string `json:"index_failure,omitempty"` // IndexTime The total time spent indexing documents, in milliseconds. IndexTime *string `json:"index_time,omitempty"` // IndexTotal The total number of index operations done by the transform. IndexTotal *string `json:"index_total,omitempty"` // IndexedDocumentsExpAvg The exponential moving average of the number of new documents that have been // indexed. IndexedDocumentsExpAvg *string `json:"indexed_documents_exp_avg,omitempty"` // LastSearchTime The timestamp of the last search in the source indices. // This field is shown only if the transform is running. LastSearchTime string `json:"last_search_time,omitempty"` // MaxPageSearchSize The initial page size that is used for the composite aggregation for each // checkpoint. MaxPageSearchSize *string `json:"max_page_search_size,omitempty"` // PagesProcessed The number of search or bulk index operations processed. // Documents are processed in batches instead of individually. PagesProcessed *string `json:"pages_processed,omitempty"` // Pipeline The unique identifier for the ingest pipeline. Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // ProcessedDocumentsExpAvg The exponential moving average of the number of documents that have been // processed. ProcessedDocumentsExpAvg *string `json:"processed_documents_exp_avg,omitempty"` // ProcessingTime The total time spent processing results, in milliseconds. ProcessingTime *string `json:"processing_time,omitempty"` // Reason If a transform has a `failed` state, these details describe the reason for // failure. Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // SearchFailure The total number of search failures. SearchFailure *string `json:"search_failure,omitempty"` // SearchTime The total amount of search time, in milliseconds. SearchTime *string `json:"search_time,omitempty"` // SearchTotal The total number of search operations on the source index for the transform. SearchTotal *string `json:"search_total,omitempty"` // SourceIndex The source indices for the transform. SourceIndex *string `json:"source_index,omitempty"` // State The status of the transform. // Returned values include: // `aborting`: The transform is aborting. // `failed: The transform failed. For more information about the failure, check // the `reason` field. // `indexing`: The transform is actively processing data and creating new // documents. // `started`: The transform is running but not actively indexing data. // `stopped`: The transform is stopped. // `stopping`: The transform is stopping. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // TransformType The type of transform: `batch` or `continuous`. TransformType *string `json:"transform_type,omitempty"` // TriggerCount The number of times the transform has been triggered by the scheduler. // For example, the scheduler triggers the transform indexer to check for // updates or ingest new data at an interval specified in the `frequency` // property. TriggerCount *string `json:"trigger_count,omitempty"` // Version The version of Elasticsearch that existed on the node when the transform was // created. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TransformsRecord type.
func NewTransformsRecord ¶
func NewTransformsRecord() *TransformsRecord
NewTransformsRecord returns a TransformsRecord.
func (*TransformsRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransformsRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Translog ¶
type Translog struct { // Durability Whether or not to `fsync` and commit the translog after every index, delete, // update, or bulk request. Durability *translogdurability.TranslogDurability `json:"durability,omitempty"` // FlushThresholdSize The translog stores all operations that are not yet safely persisted in // Lucene (i.e., are not // part of a Lucene commit point). Although these operations are available for // reads, they will need // to be replayed if the shard was stopped and had to be recovered. This setting // controls the // maximum total size of these operations, to prevent recoveries from taking too // long. Once the // maximum size has been reached a flush will happen, generating a new Lucene // commit point. FlushThresholdSize ByteSize `json:"flush_threshold_size,omitempty"` Retention *TranslogRetention `json:"retention,omitempty"` // SyncInterval How often the translog is fsynced to disk and committed, regardless of write // operations. // Values less than 100ms are not allowed. SyncInterval Duration `json:"sync_interval,omitempty"` }
Translog type.
func (*Translog) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TranslogRetention ¶
type TranslogRetention struct { // Age This controls the maximum duration for which translog files are kept by each // shard. Keeping more // translog files increases the chance of performing an operation based sync // when recovering replicas. If // the translog files are not sufficient, replica recovery will fall back to a // file based sync. This setting // is ignored, and should not be set, if soft deletes are enabled. Soft deletes // are enabled by default in // indices created in Elasticsearch versions 7.0.0 and later. Age Duration `json:"age,omitempty"` // Size This controls the total size of translog files to keep for each shard. // Keeping more translog files increases // the chance of performing an operation based sync when recovering a replica. // If the translog files are not // sufficient, replica recovery will fall back to a file based sync. This // setting is ignored, and should not be // set, if soft deletes are enabled. Soft deletes are enabled by default in // indices created in Elasticsearch // versions 7.0.0 and later. Size ByteSize `json:"size,omitempty"` }
TranslogRetention type.
func NewTranslogRetention ¶
func NewTranslogRetention() *TranslogRetention
NewTranslogRetention returns a TranslogRetention.
func (*TranslogRetention) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TranslogRetention) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TranslogStats ¶
type TranslogStats struct { EarliestLastModifiedAge int64 `json:"earliest_last_modified_age"` Operations int64 `json:"operations"` Size *string `json:"size,omitempty"` SizeInBytes int64 `json:"size_in_bytes"` UncommittedOperations int `json:"uncommitted_operations"` UncommittedSize *string `json:"uncommitted_size,omitempty"` UncommittedSizeInBytes int64 `json:"uncommitted_size_in_bytes"` }
TranslogStats type.
func NewTranslogStats ¶
func NewTranslogStats() *TranslogStats
NewTranslogStats returns a TranslogStats.
func (*TranslogStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TranslogStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TranslogStatus ¶
type TranslogStatus struct { Percent Percentage `json:"percent"` Recovered int64 `json:"recovered"` Total int64 `json:"total"` TotalOnStart int64 `json:"total_on_start"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
TranslogStatus type.
func NewTranslogStatus ¶
func NewTranslogStatus() *TranslogStatus
NewTranslogStatus returns a TranslogStatus.
func (*TranslogStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TranslogStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Transport ¶
type Transport struct { // InboundHandlingTimeHistogram The distribution of the time spent handling each inbound message on a // transport thread, represented as a histogram. InboundHandlingTimeHistogram []TransportHistogram `json:"inbound_handling_time_histogram,omitempty"` // OutboundHandlingTimeHistogram The distribution of the time spent sending each outbound transport message on // a transport thread, represented as a histogram. OutboundHandlingTimeHistogram []TransportHistogram `json:"outbound_handling_time_histogram,omitempty"` // RxCount Total number of RX (receive) packets received by the node during internal // cluster communication. RxCount *int64 `json:"rx_count,omitempty"` // RxSize Size of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster // communication. RxSize *string `json:"rx_size,omitempty"` // RxSizeInBytes Size, in bytes, of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster // communication. RxSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"rx_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` // ServerOpen Current number of inbound TCP connections used for internal communication // between nodes. ServerOpen *int `json:"server_open,omitempty"` // TotalOutboundConnections The cumulative number of outbound transport connections that this node has // opened since it started. // Each transport connection may comprise multiple TCP connections but is only // counted once in this statistic. // Transport connections are typically long-lived so this statistic should // remain constant in a stable cluster. TotalOutboundConnections *int64 `json:"total_outbound_connections,omitempty"` // TxCount Total number of TX (transmit) packets sent by the node during internal // cluster communication. TxCount *int64 `json:"tx_count,omitempty"` // TxSize Size of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication. TxSize *string `json:"tx_size,omitempty"` // TxSizeInBytes Size, in bytes, of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster // communication. TxSizeInBytes *int64 `json:"tx_size_in_bytes,omitempty"` }
Transport type.
func (*Transport) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TransportHistogram ¶
type TransportHistogram struct { // Count The number of times a transport thread took a period of time within the // bounds of this bucket to handle an inbound message. Count *int64 `json:"count,omitempty"` // GeMillis The inclusive lower bound of the bucket in milliseconds. May be omitted on // the first bucket if this bucket has no lower bound. GeMillis *int64 `json:"ge_millis,omitempty"` // LtMillis The exclusive upper bound of the bucket in milliseconds. // May be omitted on the last bucket if this bucket has no upper bound. LtMillis *int64 `json:"lt_millis,omitempty"` }
TransportHistogram type.
func NewTransportHistogram ¶
func NewTransportHistogram() *TransportHistogram
NewTransportHistogram returns a TransportHistogram.
func (*TransportHistogram) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TransportHistogram) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TriggerContainer ¶
type TriggerContainer struct {
Schedule *ScheduleContainer `json:"schedule,omitempty"`
TriggerContainer type.
func NewTriggerContainer ¶
func NewTriggerContainer() *TriggerContainer
NewTriggerContainer returns a TriggerContainer.
type TriggerEventContainer ¶
type TriggerEventContainer struct {
Schedule *ScheduleTriggerEvent `json:"schedule,omitempty"`
TriggerEventContainer type.
func NewTriggerEventContainer ¶
func NewTriggerEventContainer() *TriggerEventContainer
NewTriggerEventContainer returns a TriggerEventContainer.
type TriggerEventResult ¶
type TriggerEventResult struct { Manual TriggerEventContainer `json:"manual"` TriggeredTime DateTime `json:"triggered_time"` Type string `json:"type"` }
TriggerEventResult type.
func NewTriggerEventResult ¶
func NewTriggerEventResult() *TriggerEventResult
NewTriggerEventResult returns a TriggerEventResult.
func (*TriggerEventResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TriggerEventResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrimProcessor ¶
type TrimProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The string-valued field to trim whitespace from. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the trimmed value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
TrimProcessor type.
func NewTrimProcessor ¶
func NewTrimProcessor() *TrimProcessor
NewTrimProcessor returns a TrimProcessor.
func (*TrimProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrimProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TrimTokenFilter ¶
type TrimTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TrimTokenFilter type.
func NewTrimTokenFilter ¶
func NewTrimTokenFilter() *TrimTokenFilter
NewTrimTokenFilter returns a TrimTokenFilter.
func (TrimTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s TrimTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*TrimTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TrimTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TruncateTokenFilter ¶
type TruncateTokenFilter struct { Length *int `json:"length,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
TruncateTokenFilter type.
func NewTruncateTokenFilter ¶
func NewTruncateTokenFilter() *TruncateTokenFilter
NewTruncateTokenFilter returns a TruncateTokenFilter.
func (TruncateTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s TruncateTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*TruncateTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TruncateTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TypeFieldMappings ¶
type TypeFieldMappings struct {
Mappings map[string]FieldMapping `json:"mappings"`
TypeFieldMappings type.
func NewTypeFieldMappings ¶
func NewTypeFieldMappings() *TypeFieldMappings
NewTypeFieldMappings returns a TypeFieldMappings.
type TypeMapping ¶
type TypeMapping struct { AllField *AllField `json:"all_field,omitempty"` DataStreamTimestamp_ *DataStreamTimestamp `json:"_data_stream_timestamp,omitempty"` DateDetection *bool `json:"date_detection,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` DynamicDateFormats []string `json:"dynamic_date_formats,omitempty"` DynamicTemplates []map[string]DynamicTemplate `json:"dynamic_templates,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` FieldNames_ *FieldNamesField `json:"_field_names,omitempty"` IndexField *IndexField `json:"index_field,omitempty"` Meta_ Metadata `json:"_meta,omitempty"` NumericDetection *bool `json:"numeric_detection,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Routing_ *RoutingField `json:"_routing,omitempty"` Runtime map[string]RuntimeField `json:"runtime,omitempty"` Size_ *SizeField `json:"_size,omitempty"` Source_ *SourceField `json:"_source,omitempty"` Subobjects *bool `json:"subobjects,omitempty"` }
TypeMapping type.
func (*TypeMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TypeMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TypeQuery ¶
type TypeQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value"` }
TypeQuery type.
func (*TypeQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type UaxEmailUrlTokenizer ¶
type UaxEmailUrlTokenizer struct { MaxTokenLength *int `json:"max_token_length,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
UaxEmailUrlTokenizer type.
func NewUaxEmailUrlTokenizer ¶
func NewUaxEmailUrlTokenizer() *UaxEmailUrlTokenizer
NewUaxEmailUrlTokenizer returns a UaxEmailUrlTokenizer.
func (UaxEmailUrlTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s UaxEmailUrlTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*UaxEmailUrlTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UaxEmailUrlTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnassignedInformation ¶
type UnassignedInformation struct { AllocationStatus *string `json:"allocation_status,omitempty"` At DateTime `json:"at"` Delayed *bool `json:"delayed,omitempty"` Details *string `json:"details,omitempty"` FailedAllocationAttempts *int `json:"failed_allocation_attempts,omitempty"` LastAllocationStatus *string `json:"last_allocation_status,omitempty"` Reason unassignedinformationreason.UnassignedInformationReason `json:"reason"` }
UnassignedInformation type.
func NewUnassignedInformation ¶
func NewUnassignedInformation() *UnassignedInformation
NewUnassignedInformation returns a UnassignedInformation.
func (*UnassignedInformation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnassignedInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UniqueTokenFilter ¶
type UniqueTokenFilter struct { OnlyOnSamePosition *bool `json:"only_on_same_position,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
UniqueTokenFilter type.
func NewUniqueTokenFilter ¶
func NewUniqueTokenFilter() *UniqueTokenFilter
NewUniqueTokenFilter returns a UniqueTokenFilter.
func (UniqueTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s UniqueTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*UniqueTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UniqueTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmappedRareTermsAggregate ¶
type UnmappedRareTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsVoid `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
UnmappedRareTermsAggregate type.
func NewUnmappedRareTermsAggregate ¶
func NewUnmappedRareTermsAggregate() *UnmappedRareTermsAggregate
NewUnmappedRareTermsAggregate returns a UnmappedRareTermsAggregate.
func (*UnmappedRareTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnmappedRareTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmappedSamplerAggregate ¶
type UnmappedSamplerAggregate struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
UnmappedSamplerAggregate type.
func NewUnmappedSamplerAggregate ¶
func NewUnmappedSamplerAggregate() *UnmappedSamplerAggregate
NewUnmappedSamplerAggregate returns a UnmappedSamplerAggregate.
func (UnmappedSamplerAggregate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s UnmappedSamplerAggregate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*UnmappedSamplerAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnmappedSamplerAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate ¶
type UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate struct { BgCount *int64 `json:"bg_count,omitempty"` Buckets BucketsVoid `json:"buckets"` DocCount *int64 `json:"doc_count,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate type.
func NewUnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate ¶
func NewUnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate() *UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate
NewUnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate returns a UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate.
func (*UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnmappedSignificantTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmappedTermsAggregate ¶
type UnmappedTermsAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsVoid `json:"buckets"` DocCountErrorUpperBound *int64 `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` SumOtherDocCount *int64 `json:"sum_other_doc_count,omitempty"` }
UnmappedTermsAggregate type.
func NewUnmappedTermsAggregate ¶
func NewUnmappedTermsAggregate() *UnmappedTermsAggregate
NewUnmappedTermsAggregate returns a UnmappedTermsAggregate.
func (*UnmappedTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnmappedTermsAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnratedDocument ¶
UnratedDocument type.
func NewUnratedDocument ¶
func NewUnratedDocument() *UnratedDocument
NewUnratedDocument returns a UnratedDocument.
func (*UnratedDocument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnratedDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnsignedLongNumberProperty ¶
type UnsignedLongNumberProperty struct { Boost *Float64 `json:"boost,omitempty"` Coerce *bool `json:"coerce,omitempty"` CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` IgnoreMalformed *bool `json:"ignore_malformed,omitempty"` Index *bool `json:"index,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *uint64 `json:"null_value,omitempty"` OnScriptError *onscripterror.OnScriptError `json:"on_script_error,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesDimension For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesDimension *bool `json:"time_series_dimension,omitempty"` // TimeSeriesMetric For internal use by Elastic only. Marks the field as a time series dimension. // Defaults to false. TimeSeriesMetric *timeseriesmetrictype.TimeSeriesMetricType `json:"time_series_metric,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
UnsignedLongNumberProperty type.
func NewUnsignedLongNumberProperty ¶
func NewUnsignedLongNumberProperty() *UnsignedLongNumberProperty
NewUnsignedLongNumberProperty returns a UnsignedLongNumberProperty.
func (UnsignedLongNumberProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s UnsignedLongNumberProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*UnsignedLongNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UnsignedLongNumberProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdateAction ¶
type UpdateAction struct { // DetectNoop Set to false to disable setting 'result' in the response // to 'noop' if no change to the document occurred. DetectNoop *bool `json:"detect_noop,omitempty"` // Doc A partial update to an existing document. Doc json.RawMessage `json:"doc,omitempty"` // DocAsUpsert Set to true to use the contents of 'doc' as the value of 'upsert' DocAsUpsert *bool `json:"doc_as_upsert,omitempty"` // Script Script to execute to update the document. Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` // ScriptedUpsert Set to true to execute the script whether or not the document exists. ScriptedUpsert *bool `json:"scripted_upsert,omitempty"` // Source_ Set to false to disable source retrieval. You can also specify a // comma-separated // list of the fields you want to retrieve. Source_ SourceConfig `json:"_source,omitempty"` // Upsert If the document does not already exist, the contents of 'upsert' are inserted // as a // new document. If the document exists, the 'script' is executed. Upsert json.RawMessage `json:"upsert,omitempty"` }
UpdateAction type.
func NewUpdateAction ¶
func NewUpdateAction() *UpdateAction
NewUpdateAction returns a UpdateAction.
func (*UpdateAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UpdateAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode ¶
type UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode struct { Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"` Host string `json:"host"` Ip string `json:"ip"` Name string `json:"name"` Roles []noderole.NodeRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` Tasks map[string]TaskInfo `json:"tasks"` TransportAddress string `json:"transport_address"` }
UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode type.
func NewUpdateByQueryRethrottleNode ¶
func NewUpdateByQueryRethrottleNode() *UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode
NewUpdateByQueryRethrottleNode returns a UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode.
func (*UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UpdateByQueryRethrottleNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdateOperation ¶
type UpdateOperation struct { // Id_ The document ID. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` IfPrimaryTerm *int64 `json:"if_primary_term,omitempty"` IfSeqNo *int64 `json:"if_seq_no,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index or index alias to perform the action on. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // RequireAlias If `true`, the request’s actions must target an index alias. RequireAlias *bool `json:"require_alias,omitempty"` RetryOnConflict *int `json:"retry_on_conflict,omitempty"` // Routing Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
UpdateOperation type.
func NewUpdateOperation ¶
func NewUpdateOperation() *UpdateOperation
NewUpdateOperation returns a UpdateOperation.
func (*UpdateOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UpdateOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UppercaseProcessor ¶
type UppercaseProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to make uppercase. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the converted value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
UppercaseProcessor type.
func NewUppercaseProcessor ¶
func NewUppercaseProcessor() *UppercaseProcessor
NewUppercaseProcessor returns a UppercaseProcessor.
func (*UppercaseProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UppercaseProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UppercaseTokenFilter ¶
type UppercaseTokenFilter struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
UppercaseTokenFilter type.
func NewUppercaseTokenFilter ¶
func NewUppercaseTokenFilter() *UppercaseTokenFilter
NewUppercaseTokenFilter returns a UppercaseTokenFilter.
func (UppercaseTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s UppercaseTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*UppercaseTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UppercaseTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UrlDecodeProcessor ¶
type UrlDecodeProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field to decode. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist or is `null`, the processor quietly // exits without modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field to assign the converted value to. // By default, the field is updated in-place. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
UrlDecodeProcessor type.
func NewUrlDecodeProcessor ¶
func NewUrlDecodeProcessor() *UrlDecodeProcessor
NewUrlDecodeProcessor returns a UrlDecodeProcessor.
func (*UrlDecodeProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UrlDecodeProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UsageStatsIndex ¶
type UsageStatsIndex struct {
Shards []UsageStatsShards `json:"shards"`
UsageStatsIndex type.
func NewUsageStatsIndex ¶
func NewUsageStatsIndex() *UsageStatsIndex
NewUsageStatsIndex returns a UsageStatsIndex.
type UsageStatsShards ¶
type UsageStatsShards struct { Routing ShardRouting `json:"routing"` Stats IndicesShardsStats `json:"stats"` TrackingId string `json:"tracking_id"` TrackingStartedAtMillis int64 `json:"tracking_started_at_millis"` }
UsageStatsShards type.
func NewUsageStatsShards ¶
func NewUsageStatsShards() *UsageStatsShards
NewUsageStatsShards returns a UsageStatsShards.
func (*UsageStatsShards) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UsageStatsShards) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type User ¶
type User struct { Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` ProfileUid *string `json:"profile_uid,omitempty"` Roles []string `json:"roles"` Username string `json:"username"` }
User type.
func (*User) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type UserAgentProcessor ¶
type UserAgentProcessor struct { // Description Description of the processor. // Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Field The field containing the user agent string. Field string `json:"field"` // If Conditionally execute the processor. If *string `json:"if,omitempty"` // IgnoreFailure Ignore failures for the processor. IgnoreFailure *bool `json:"ignore_failure,omitempty"` // IgnoreMissing If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without // modifying the document. IgnoreMissing *bool `json:"ignore_missing,omitempty"` // OnFailure Handle failures for the processor. OnFailure []ProcessorContainer `json:"on_failure,omitempty"` Options []useragentproperty.UserAgentProperty `json:"options,omitempty"` // RegexFile The name of the file in the `config/ingest-user-agent` directory containing // the regular expressions for parsing the user agent string. Both the directory // and the file have to be created before starting Elasticsearch. If not // specified, ingest-user-agent will use the `regexes.yaml` from uap-core it // ships with. RegexFile *string `json:"regex_file,omitempty"` // Tag Identifier for the processor. // Useful for debugging and metrics. Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` // TargetField The field that will be filled with the user agent details. TargetField *string `json:"target_field,omitempty"` }
UserAgentProcessor type.
func NewUserAgentProcessor ¶
func NewUserAgentProcessor() *UserAgentProcessor
NewUserAgentProcessor returns a UserAgentProcessor.
func (*UserAgentProcessor) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UserAgentProcessor) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UserIndicesPrivileges ¶
type UserIndicesPrivileges struct { // AllowRestrictedIndices Set to `true` if using wildcard or regular expressions for patterns that // cover restricted indices. Implicitly, restricted indices have limited // privileges that can cause pattern tests to fail. If restricted indices are // explicitly included in the `names` list, Elasticsearch checks privileges // against these indices regardless of the value set for // `allow_restricted_indices`. AllowRestrictedIndices bool `json:"allow_restricted_indices"` // FieldSecurity The document fields that the owners of the role have read access to. FieldSecurity []FieldSecurity `json:"field_security,omitempty"` // Names A list of indices (or index name patterns) to which the permissions in this // entry apply. Names []string `json:"names"` // Privileges The index level privileges that owners of the role have on the specified // indices. Privileges []indexprivilege.IndexPrivilege `json:"privileges"` // Query Search queries that define the documents the user has access to. A document // within the specified indices must match these queries for it to be accessible // by the owners of the role. Query []IndicesPrivilegesQuery `json:"query,omitempty"` }
UserIndicesPrivileges type.
func NewUserIndicesPrivileges ¶
func NewUserIndicesPrivileges() *UserIndicesPrivileges
NewUserIndicesPrivileges returns a UserIndicesPrivileges.
func (*UserIndicesPrivileges) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UserIndicesPrivileges) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UserProfile ¶
type UserProfile struct { Data map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"data"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Labels map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"labels"` Uid string `json:"uid"` User UserProfileUser `json:"user"` }
UserProfile type.
func (*UserProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UserProfile) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UserProfileHitMetadata ¶
type UserProfileHitMetadata struct { PrimaryTerm_ int64 `json:"_primary_term"` SeqNo_ int64 `json:"_seq_no"` }
UserProfileHitMetadata type.
func NewUserProfileHitMetadata ¶
func NewUserProfileHitMetadata() *UserProfileHitMetadata
NewUserProfileHitMetadata returns a UserProfileHitMetadata.
func (*UserProfileHitMetadata) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UserProfileHitMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UserProfileUser ¶
type UserProfileUser struct { Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` RealmDomain *string `json:"realm_domain,omitempty"` RealmName string `json:"realm_name"` Roles []string `json:"roles"` Username string `json:"username"` }
UserProfileUser type.
func NewUserProfileUser ¶
func NewUserProfileUser() *UserProfileUser
NewUserProfileUser returns a UserProfileUser.
func (*UserProfileUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UserProfileUser) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UserProfileWithMetadata ¶
type UserProfileWithMetadata struct { Data map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"data"` Doc_ UserProfileHitMetadata `json:"_doc"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Labels map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"labels"` LastSynchronized int64 `json:"last_synchronized"` Uid string `json:"uid"` User UserProfileUser `json:"user"` }
UserProfileWithMetadata type.
func NewUserProfileWithMetadata ¶
func NewUserProfileWithMetadata() *UserProfileWithMetadata
NewUserProfileWithMetadata returns a UserProfileWithMetadata.
func (*UserProfileWithMetadata) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *UserProfileWithMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ValidationLoss ¶
type ValidationLoss struct { // FoldValues Validation loss values for every added decision tree during the forest // growing procedure. FoldValues []string `json:"fold_values"` // LossType The type of the loss metric. For example, binomial_logistic. LossType string `json:"loss_type"` }
ValidationLoss type.
func NewValidationLoss ¶
func NewValidationLoss() *ValidationLoss
NewValidationLoss returns a ValidationLoss.
func (*ValidationLoss) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ValidationLoss) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ValueCountAggregate ¶
type ValueCountAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
ValueCountAggregate type.
func NewValueCountAggregate ¶
func NewValueCountAggregate() *ValueCountAggregate
NewValueCountAggregate returns a ValueCountAggregate.
func (*ValueCountAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ValueCountAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ValueCountAggregation ¶
type ValueCountAggregation struct { // Field The field on which to run the aggregation. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Missing The value to apply to documents that do not have a value. // By default, documents without a value are ignored. Missing Missing `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
ValueCountAggregation type.
func NewValueCountAggregation ¶
func NewValueCountAggregation() *ValueCountAggregation
NewValueCountAggregation returns a ValueCountAggregation.
func (*ValueCountAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ValueCountAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type VariableWidthHistogramAggregate ¶
type VariableWidthHistogramAggregate struct { Buckets BucketsVariableWidthHistogramBucket `json:"buckets"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
VariableWidthHistogramAggregate type.
func NewVariableWidthHistogramAggregate ¶
func NewVariableWidthHistogramAggregate() *VariableWidthHistogramAggregate
NewVariableWidthHistogramAggregate returns a VariableWidthHistogramAggregate.
func (*VariableWidthHistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VariableWidthHistogramAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type VariableWidthHistogramAggregation ¶
type VariableWidthHistogramAggregation struct { // Buckets The target number of buckets. Buckets *int `json:"buckets,omitempty"` // Field The name of the field. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // InitialBuffer Specifies the number of individual documents that will be stored in memory on // a shard before the initial bucketing algorithm is run. // Defaults to `min(10 * shard_size, 50000)`. InitialBuffer *int `json:"initial_buffer,omitempty"` // ShardSize The number of buckets that the coordinating node will request from each // shard. // Defaults to `buckets * 50`. ShardSize *int `json:"shard_size,omitempty"` }
VariableWidthHistogramAggregation type.
func NewVariableWidthHistogramAggregation ¶
func NewVariableWidthHistogramAggregation() *VariableWidthHistogramAggregation
NewVariableWidthHistogramAggregation returns a VariableWidthHistogramAggregation.
func (*VariableWidthHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VariableWidthHistogramAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type VariableWidthHistogramBucket ¶
type VariableWidthHistogramBucket struct { Aggregations map[string]Aggregate `json:"-"` DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"` Key Float64 `json:"key"` KeyAsString *string `json:"key_as_string,omitempty"` Max Float64 `json:"max"` MaxAsString *string `json:"max_as_string,omitempty"` Min Float64 `json:"min"` MinAsString *string `json:"min_as_string,omitempty"` }
VariableWidthHistogramBucket type.
func NewVariableWidthHistogramBucket ¶
func NewVariableWidthHistogramBucket() *VariableWidthHistogramBucket
NewVariableWidthHistogramBucket returns a VariableWidthHistogramBucket.
func (VariableWidthHistogramBucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s VariableWidthHistogramBucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarhsalJSON overrides marshalling for types with additional properties
func (*VariableWidthHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VariableWidthHistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Vector ¶
type Vector struct { Available bool `json:"available"` DenseVectorDimsAvgCount int `json:"dense_vector_dims_avg_count"` DenseVectorFieldsCount int `json:"dense_vector_fields_count"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` SparseVectorFieldsCount *int `json:"sparse_vector_fields_count,omitempty"` }
Vector type.
func (*Vector) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type VerifyIndex ¶
type VerifyIndex struct { CheckIndexTime Duration `json:"check_index_time,omitempty"` CheckIndexTimeInMillis int64 `json:"check_index_time_in_millis"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
VerifyIndex type.
func (*VerifyIndex) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VerifyIndex) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type VersionProperty ¶
type VersionProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
VersionProperty type.
func NewVersionProperty ¶
func NewVersionProperty() *VersionProperty
NewVersionProperty returns a VersionProperty.
func (VersionProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s VersionProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*VersionProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VersionProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Vertex ¶
type Vertex struct { Depth int64 `json:"depth"` Field string `json:"field"` Term string `json:"term"` Weight Float64 `json:"weight"` }
Vertex type.
func (*Vertex) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type VertexDefinition ¶
type VertexDefinition struct { // Exclude Prevents the specified terms from being included in the results. Exclude []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"` // Field Identifies a field in the documents of interest. Field string `json:"field"` // Include Identifies the terms of interest that form the starting points from which you // want to spider out. Include []VertexInclude `json:"include,omitempty"` // MinDocCount Specifies how many documents must contain a pair of terms before it is // considered to be a useful connection. // This setting acts as a certainty threshold. MinDocCount *int64 `json:"min_doc_count,omitempty"` // ShardMinDocCount Controls how many documents on a particular shard have to contain a pair of // terms before the connection is returned for global consideration. ShardMinDocCount *int64 `json:"shard_min_doc_count,omitempty"` // Size Specifies the maximum number of vertex terms returned for each field. Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
VertexDefinition type.
func NewVertexDefinition ¶
func NewVertexDefinition() *VertexDefinition
NewVertexDefinition returns a VertexDefinition.
func (*VertexDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VertexDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type VertexInclude ¶
VertexInclude type.
func NewVertexInclude ¶
func NewVertexInclude() *VertexInclude
NewVertexInclude returns a VertexInclude.
func (*VertexInclude) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *VertexInclude) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Vocabulary ¶
type Vocabulary struct {
Index string `json:"index"`
Vocabulary type.
func (*Vocabulary) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Vocabulary) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WaitForActiveShards ¶
type WaitForActiveShards interface{}
WaitForActiveShards holds the union for the following types:
int waitforactiveshardoptions.WaitForActiveShardOptions
type WarmerStats ¶
type WarmerStats struct { Current int64 `json:"current"` Total int64 `json:"total"` TotalTime Duration `json:"total_time,omitempty"` TotalTimeInMillis int64 `json:"total_time_in_millis"` }
WarmerStats type.
func (*WarmerStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WarmerStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Watch ¶
type Watch struct { Actions map[string]WatcherAction `json:"actions"` Condition WatcherCondition `json:"condition"` Input WatcherInput `json:"input"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Status *WatchStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` ThrottlePeriod Duration `json:"throttle_period,omitempty"` ThrottlePeriodInMillis *int64 `json:"throttle_period_in_millis,omitempty"` Transform *TransformContainer `json:"transform,omitempty"` Trigger TriggerContainer `json:"trigger"` }
Watch type.
func (*Watch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type WatchRecord ¶
type WatchRecord struct { Condition WatcherCondition `json:"condition"` Input WatcherInput `json:"input"` Messages []string `json:"messages"` Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Node string `json:"node"` Result ExecutionResult `json:"result"` State executionstatus.ExecutionStatus `json:"state"` Status *WatchStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` TriggerEvent TriggerEventResult `json:"trigger_event"` User string `json:"user"` WatchId string `json:"watch_id"` }
WatchRecord type.
func (*WatchRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatchRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WatchRecordQueuedStats ¶
type WatchRecordQueuedStats struct {
ExecutionTime DateTime `json:"execution_time"`
WatchRecordQueuedStats type.
func NewWatchRecordQueuedStats ¶
func NewWatchRecordQueuedStats() *WatchRecordQueuedStats
NewWatchRecordQueuedStats returns a WatchRecordQueuedStats.
func (*WatchRecordQueuedStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatchRecordQueuedStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WatchRecordStats ¶
type WatchRecordStats struct { ExecutedActions []string `json:"executed_actions,omitempty"` ExecutionPhase executionphase.ExecutionPhase `json:"execution_phase"` ExecutionTime DateTime `json:"execution_time"` TriggeredTime DateTime `json:"triggered_time"` WatchId string `json:"watch_id"` WatchRecordId string `json:"watch_record_id"` }
WatchRecordStats type.
func NewWatchRecordStats ¶
func NewWatchRecordStats() *WatchRecordStats
NewWatchRecordStats returns a WatchRecordStats.
func (*WatchRecordStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatchRecordStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WatchStatus ¶
type WatchStatus struct { Actions WatcherStatusActions `json:"actions"` ExecutionState *string `json:"execution_state,omitempty"` LastChecked DateTime `json:"last_checked,omitempty"` LastMetCondition DateTime `json:"last_met_condition,omitempty"` State ActivationState `json:"state"` Version int64 `json:"version"` }
WatchStatus type.
func (*WatchStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatchStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Watcher ¶
type Watcher struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Count Counter `json:"count"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Execution WatcherActions `json:"execution"` Watch WatcherWatch `json:"watch"` }
Watcher type.
func (*Watcher) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type WatcherAction ¶
type WatcherAction struct { ActionType *actiontype.ActionType `json:"action_type,omitempty"` Condition *WatcherCondition `json:"condition,omitempty"` Email *EmailAction `json:"email,omitempty"` Foreach *string `json:"foreach,omitempty"` Index *IndexAction `json:"index,omitempty"` Logging *LoggingAction `json:"logging,omitempty"` MaxIterations *int `json:"max_iterations,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Pagerduty *PagerDutyAction `json:"pagerduty,omitempty"` Slack *SlackAction `json:"slack,omitempty"` ThrottlePeriod Duration `json:"throttle_period,omitempty"` ThrottlePeriodInMillis *int64 `json:"throttle_period_in_millis,omitempty"` Transform *TransformContainer `json:"transform,omitempty"` Webhook *WebhookAction `json:"webhook,omitempty"` }
WatcherAction type.
func NewWatcherAction ¶
func NewWatcherAction() *WatcherAction
NewWatcherAction returns a WatcherAction.
func (*WatcherAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatcherAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WatcherActionTotals ¶
type WatcherActionTotals struct { Total Duration `json:"total"` TotalTimeInMs int64 `json:"total_time_in_ms"` }
WatcherActionTotals type.
func NewWatcherActionTotals ¶
func NewWatcherActionTotals() *WatcherActionTotals
NewWatcherActionTotals returns a WatcherActionTotals.
func (*WatcherActionTotals) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatcherActionTotals) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WatcherActions ¶
type WatcherActions struct {
Actions map[string]WatcherActionTotals `json:"actions"`
WatcherActions type.
func NewWatcherActions ¶
func NewWatcherActions() *WatcherActions
NewWatcherActions returns a WatcherActions.
type WatcherCondition ¶
type WatcherCondition struct { Always *AlwaysCondition `json:"always,omitempty"` ArrayCompare map[string]ArrayCompareCondition `json:"array_compare,omitempty"` Compare map[string]map[conditionop.ConditionOp]FieldValue `json:"compare,omitempty"` Never *NeverCondition `json:"never,omitempty"` Script *ScriptCondition `json:"script,omitempty"` }
WatcherCondition type.
func NewWatcherCondition ¶
func NewWatcherCondition() *WatcherCondition
NewWatcherCondition returns a WatcherCondition.
type WatcherInput ¶
type WatcherInput struct { Chain *ChainInput `json:"chain,omitempty"` Http *HttpInput `json:"http,omitempty"` Search *SearchInput `json:"search,omitempty"` Simple map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"simple,omitempty"` }
WatcherInput type.
func NewWatcherInput ¶
func NewWatcherInput() *WatcherInput
NewWatcherInput returns a WatcherInput.
type WatcherNodeStats ¶
type WatcherNodeStats struct { CurrentWatches []WatchRecordStats `json:"current_watches,omitempty"` ExecutionThreadPool ExecutionThreadPool `json:"execution_thread_pool"` NodeId string `json:"node_id"` QueuedWatches []WatchRecordQueuedStats `json:"queued_watches,omitempty"` WatchCount int64 `json:"watch_count"` WatcherState watcherstate.WatcherState `json:"watcher_state"` }
WatcherNodeStats type.
func NewWatcherNodeStats ¶
func NewWatcherNodeStats() *WatcherNodeStats
NewWatcherNodeStats returns a WatcherNodeStats.
func (*WatcherNodeStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatcherNodeStats) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WatcherStatusActions ¶
type WatcherStatusActions map[string]ActionStatus
WatcherStatusActions type alias.
type WatcherWatch ¶
type WatcherWatch struct { Action map[string]Counter `json:"action,omitempty"` Condition map[string]Counter `json:"condition,omitempty"` Input map[string]Counter `json:"input"` Trigger WatcherWatchTrigger `json:"trigger"` }
WatcherWatch type.
func NewWatcherWatch ¶
func NewWatcherWatch() *WatcherWatch
NewWatcherWatch returns a WatcherWatch.
type WatcherWatchTrigger ¶
type WatcherWatchTrigger struct { All_ Counter `json:"_all"` Schedule *WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule `json:"schedule,omitempty"` }
WatcherWatchTrigger type.
func NewWatcherWatchTrigger ¶
func NewWatcherWatchTrigger() *WatcherWatchTrigger
NewWatcherWatchTrigger returns a WatcherWatchTrigger.
type WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule ¶
type WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule struct { Active int64 `json:"active"` All_ Counter `json:"_all"` Cron Counter `json:"cron"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule type.
func NewWatcherWatchTriggerSchedule ¶
func NewWatcherWatchTriggerSchedule() *WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule
NewWatcherWatchTriggerSchedule returns a WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule.
func (*WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WatcherWatchTriggerSchedule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WebhookAction ¶
type WebhookAction struct { Auth *HttpInputAuthentication `json:"auth,omitempty"` Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` ConnectionTimeout Duration `json:"connection_timeout,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Method *httpinputmethod.HttpInputMethod `json:"method,omitempty"` Params map[string]string `json:"params,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Port *uint `json:"port,omitempty"` Proxy *HttpInputProxy `json:"proxy,omitempty"` ReadTimeout Duration `json:"read_timeout,omitempty"` Scheme *connectionscheme.ConnectionScheme `json:"scheme,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WebhookAction type.
func NewWebhookAction ¶
func NewWebhookAction() *WebhookAction
NewWebhookAction returns a WebhookAction.
func (*WebhookAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WebhookAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WebhookResult ¶
type WebhookResult struct { Request HttpInputRequestResult `json:"request"` Response *HttpInputResponseResult `json:"response,omitempty"` }
WebhookResult type.
func NewWebhookResult ¶
func NewWebhookResult() *WebhookResult
NewWebhookResult returns a WebhookResult.
type WeightedAverageAggregation ¶
type WeightedAverageAggregation struct { // Format A numeric response formatter. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Value Configuration for the field that provides the values. Value *WeightedAverageValue `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueType *valuetype.ValueType `json:"value_type,omitempty"` // Weight Configuration for the field or script that provides the weights. Weight *WeightedAverageValue `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
WeightedAverageAggregation type.
func NewWeightedAverageAggregation ¶
func NewWeightedAverageAggregation() *WeightedAverageAggregation
NewWeightedAverageAggregation returns a WeightedAverageAggregation.
func (*WeightedAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WeightedAverageAggregation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WeightedAverageValue ¶
type WeightedAverageValue struct { // Field The field from which to extract the values or weights. Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` // Missing A value or weight to use if the field is missing. Missing *Float64 `json:"missing,omitempty"` Script Script `json:"script,omitempty"` }
WeightedAverageValue type.
func NewWeightedAverageValue ¶
func NewWeightedAverageValue() *WeightedAverageValue
NewWeightedAverageValue returns a WeightedAverageValue.
func (*WeightedAverageValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WeightedAverageValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WeightedAvgAggregate ¶
type WeightedAvgAggregate struct { Meta Metadata `json:"meta,omitempty"` // Value The metric value. A missing value generally means that there was no data to // aggregate, // unless specified otherwise. Value Float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueAsString *string `json:"value_as_string,omitempty"` }
WeightedAvgAggregate type.
func NewWeightedAvgAggregate ¶
func NewWeightedAvgAggregate() *WeightedAvgAggregate
NewWeightedAvgAggregate returns a WeightedAvgAggregate.
func (*WeightedAvgAggregate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WeightedAvgAggregate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WeightedTokensQuery ¶
type WeightedTokensQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // PruningConfig Token pruning configurations PruningConfig *TokenPruningConfig `json:"pruning_config,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Tokens The tokens representing this query Tokens map[string]float32 `json:"tokens"` }
WeightedTokensQuery type.
func NewWeightedTokensQuery ¶
func NewWeightedTokensQuery() *WeightedTokensQuery
NewWeightedTokensQuery returns a WeightedTokensQuery.
func (*WeightedTokensQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WeightedTokensQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Weights ¶
type Weights struct {
Weights Float64 `json:"weights"`
Weights type.
func (*Weights) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type WhitespaceAnalyzer ¶
type WhitespaceAnalyzer struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
WhitespaceAnalyzer type.
func NewWhitespaceAnalyzer ¶
func NewWhitespaceAnalyzer() *WhitespaceAnalyzer
NewWhitespaceAnalyzer returns a WhitespaceAnalyzer.
func (WhitespaceAnalyzer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s WhitespaceAnalyzer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*WhitespaceAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WhitespaceAnalyzer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WhitespaceTokenizer ¶
type WhitespaceTokenizer struct { MaxTokenLength *int `json:"max_token_length,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
WhitespaceTokenizer type.
func NewWhitespaceTokenizer ¶
func NewWhitespaceTokenizer() *WhitespaceTokenizer
NewWhitespaceTokenizer returns a WhitespaceTokenizer.
func (WhitespaceTokenizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s WhitespaceTokenizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*WhitespaceTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WhitespaceTokenizer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WildcardProperty ¶
type WildcardProperty struct { CopyTo []string `json:"copy_to,omitempty"` DocValues *bool `json:"doc_values,omitempty"` Dynamic *dynamicmapping.DynamicMapping `json:"dynamic,omitempty"` Fields map[string]Property `json:"fields,omitempty"` IgnoreAbove *int `json:"ignore_above,omitempty"` // Meta Metadata about the field. Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"` NullValue *string `json:"null_value,omitempty"` Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"` Similarity *string `json:"similarity,omitempty"` Store *bool `json:"store,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
WildcardProperty type.
func NewWildcardProperty ¶
func NewWildcardProperty() *WildcardProperty
NewWildcardProperty returns a WildcardProperty.
func (WildcardProperty) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s WildcardProperty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*WildcardProperty) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WildcardProperty) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WildcardQuery ¶
type WildcardQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // CaseInsensitive Allows case insensitive matching of the pattern with the indexed field values // when set to true. Default is false which means the case sensitivity of // matching depends on the underlying field’s mapping. CaseInsensitive *bool `json:"case_insensitive,omitempty"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` // Rewrite Method used to rewrite the query. Rewrite *string `json:"rewrite,omitempty"` // Value Wildcard pattern for terms you wish to find in the provided field. Required, // when wildcard is not set. Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Wildcard Wildcard pattern for terms you wish to find in the provided field. Required, // when value is not set. Wildcard *string `json:"wildcard,omitempty"` }
WildcardQuery type.
func NewWildcardQuery ¶
func NewWildcardQuery() *WildcardQuery
NewWildcardQuery returns a WildcardQuery.
func (*WildcardQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WildcardQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WktGeoBounds ¶
type WktGeoBounds struct {
Wkt string `json:"wkt"`
WktGeoBounds type.
func NewWktGeoBounds ¶
func NewWktGeoBounds() *WktGeoBounds
NewWktGeoBounds returns a WktGeoBounds.
func (*WktGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WktGeoBounds) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter ¶
type WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter struct { AdjustOffsets *bool `json:"adjust_offsets,omitempty"` CatenateAll *bool `json:"catenate_all,omitempty"` CatenateNumbers *bool `json:"catenate_numbers,omitempty"` CatenateWords *bool `json:"catenate_words,omitempty"` GenerateNumberParts *bool `json:"generate_number_parts,omitempty"` GenerateWordParts *bool `json:"generate_word_parts,omitempty"` IgnoreKeywords *bool `json:"ignore_keywords,omitempty"` PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` ProtectedWords []string `json:"protected_words,omitempty"` ProtectedWordsPath *string `json:"protected_words_path,omitempty"` SplitOnCaseChange *bool `json:"split_on_case_change,omitempty"` SplitOnNumerics *bool `json:"split_on_numerics,omitempty"` StemEnglishPossessive *bool `json:"stem_english_possessive,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` TypeTable []string `json:"type_table,omitempty"` TypeTablePath *string `json:"type_table_path,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter type.
func NewWordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter ¶
func NewWordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter() *WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter
NewWordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter returns a WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter.
func (WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WordDelimiterGraphTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WordDelimiterTokenFilter ¶
type WordDelimiterTokenFilter struct { CatenateAll *bool `json:"catenate_all,omitempty"` CatenateNumbers *bool `json:"catenate_numbers,omitempty"` CatenateWords *bool `json:"catenate_words,omitempty"` GenerateNumberParts *bool `json:"generate_number_parts,omitempty"` GenerateWordParts *bool `json:"generate_word_parts,omitempty"` PreserveOriginal Stringifiedboolean `json:"preserve_original,omitempty"` ProtectedWords []string `json:"protected_words,omitempty"` ProtectedWordsPath *string `json:"protected_words_path,omitempty"` SplitOnCaseChange *bool `json:"split_on_case_change,omitempty"` SplitOnNumerics *bool `json:"split_on_numerics,omitempty"` StemEnglishPossessive *bool `json:"stem_english_possessive,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` TypeTable []string `json:"type_table,omitempty"` TypeTablePath *string `json:"type_table_path,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
WordDelimiterTokenFilter type.
func NewWordDelimiterTokenFilter ¶
func NewWordDelimiterTokenFilter() *WordDelimiterTokenFilter
NewWordDelimiterTokenFilter returns a WordDelimiterTokenFilter.
func (WordDelimiterTokenFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s WordDelimiterTokenFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON override marshalling to include literal value
func (*WordDelimiterTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WordDelimiterTokenFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WrapperQuery ¶
type WrapperQuery struct { // Boost Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of // the query. // Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. // A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. // A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score. Boost *float32 `json:"boost,omitempty"` // Query A base64 encoded query. // The binary data format can be any of JSON, YAML, CBOR or SMILE encodings Query string `json:"query"` QueryName_ *string `json:"_name,omitempty"` }
WrapperQuery type.
func NewWrapperQuery ¶
func NewWrapperQuery() *WrapperQuery
NewWrapperQuery returns a WrapperQuery.
func (*WrapperQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WrapperQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WriteOperation ¶
type WriteOperation struct { // DynamicTemplates A map from the full name of fields to the name of dynamic templates. // Defaults to an empty map. // If a name matches a dynamic template, then that template will be applied // regardless of other match predicates defined in the template. // If a field is already defined in the mapping, then this parameter won’t be // used. DynamicTemplates map[string]string `json:"dynamic_templates,omitempty"` // Id_ The document ID. Id_ *string `json:"_id,omitempty"` IfPrimaryTerm *int64 `json:"if_primary_term,omitempty"` IfSeqNo *int64 `json:"if_seq_no,omitempty"` // Index_ Name of the index or index alias to perform the action on. Index_ *string `json:"_index,omitempty"` // Pipeline ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. // If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, then setting the value // to `_none` disables the default ingest pipeline for this request. // If a final pipeline is configured it will always run, regardless of the value // of this parameter. Pipeline *string `json:"pipeline,omitempty"` // RequireAlias If `true`, the request’s actions must target an index alias. RequireAlias *bool `json:"require_alias,omitempty"` // Routing Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. Routing *string `json:"routing,omitempty"` Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionType *versiontype.VersionType `json:"version_type,omitempty"` }
WriteOperation type.
func NewWriteOperation ¶
func NewWriteOperation() *WriteOperation
NewWriteOperation returns a WriteOperation.
func (*WriteOperation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WriteOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type XpackDatafeed ¶
type XpackDatafeed struct {
Count int64 `json:"count"`
XpackDatafeed type.
func NewXpackDatafeed ¶
func NewXpackDatafeed() *XpackDatafeed
NewXpackDatafeed returns a XpackDatafeed.
func (*XpackDatafeed) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *XpackDatafeed) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type XpackFeature ¶
type XpackFeature struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` NativeCodeInfo *NativeCodeInformation `json:"native_code_info,omitempty"` }
XpackFeature type.
func NewXpackFeature ¶
func NewXpackFeature() *XpackFeature
NewXpackFeature returns a XpackFeature.
func (*XpackFeature) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *XpackFeature) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type XpackFeatures ¶
type XpackFeatures struct { AggregateMetric XpackFeature `json:"aggregate_metric"` Analytics XpackFeature `json:"analytics"` Archive XpackFeature `json:"archive"` Ccr XpackFeature `json:"ccr"` DataFrame *XpackFeature `json:"data_frame,omitempty"` DataScience *XpackFeature `json:"data_science,omitempty"` DataStreams XpackFeature `json:"data_streams"` DataTiers XpackFeature `json:"data_tiers"` Enrich XpackFeature `json:"enrich"` Eql XpackFeature `json:"eql"` Flattened *XpackFeature `json:"flattened,omitempty"` FrozenIndices XpackFeature `json:"frozen_indices"` Graph XpackFeature `json:"graph"` Ilm XpackFeature `json:"ilm"` Logstash XpackFeature `json:"logstash"` Ml XpackFeature `json:"ml"` Monitoring XpackFeature `json:"monitoring"` Rollup XpackFeature `json:"rollup"` RuntimeFields *XpackFeature `json:"runtime_fields,omitempty"` SearchableSnapshots XpackFeature `json:"searchable_snapshots"` Security XpackFeature `json:"security"` Slm XpackFeature `json:"slm"` Spatial XpackFeature `json:"spatial"` Sql XpackFeature `json:"sql"` Transform XpackFeature `json:"transform"` Vectors *XpackFeature `json:"vectors,omitempty"` VotingOnly XpackFeature `json:"voting_only"` Watcher XpackFeature `json:"watcher"` }
XpackFeatures type.
func NewXpackFeatures ¶
func NewXpackFeatures() *XpackFeatures
NewXpackFeatures returns a XpackFeatures.
type XpackQuery ¶
type XpackQuery struct { Count *int `json:"count,omitempty"` Failed *int `json:"failed,omitempty"` Paging *int `json:"paging,omitempty"` Total *int `json:"total,omitempty"` }
XpackQuery type.
func (*XpackQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *XpackQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type XpackRealm ¶
type XpackRealm struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Cache []RealmCache `json:"cache,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` HasAuthorizationRealms []bool `json:"has_authorization_realms,omitempty"` HasDefaultUsernamePattern []bool `json:"has_default_username_pattern,omitempty"` HasTruststore []bool `json:"has_truststore,omitempty"` IsAuthenticationDelegated []bool `json:"is_authentication_delegated,omitempty"` Name []string `json:"name,omitempty"` Order []int64 `json:"order,omitempty"` Size []int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` }
XpackRealm type.
func (*XpackRealm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *XpackRealm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type XpackRoleMapping ¶
XpackRoleMapping type.
func NewXpackRoleMapping ¶
func NewXpackRoleMapping() *XpackRoleMapping
NewXpackRoleMapping returns a XpackRoleMapping.
func (*XpackRoleMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *XpackRoleMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type XpackRuntimeFieldTypes ¶
type XpackRuntimeFieldTypes struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FieldTypes []RuntimeFieldsType `json:"field_types"` }
XpackRuntimeFieldTypes type.
func NewXpackRuntimeFieldTypes ¶
func NewXpackRuntimeFieldTypes() *XpackRuntimeFieldTypes
NewXpackRuntimeFieldTypes returns a XpackRuntimeFieldTypes.
func (*XpackRuntimeFieldTypes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *XpackRuntimeFieldTypes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions ¶
type ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions struct { // ClassificationLabels The zero shot classification labels indicating entailment, neutral, and // contradiction // Must contain exactly and only entailment, neutral, and contradiction ClassificationLabels []string `json:"classification_labels"` // HypothesisTemplate Hypothesis template used when tokenizing labels for prediction HypothesisTemplate *string `json:"hypothesis_template,omitempty"` // Labels The labels to predict. Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // MultiLabel Indicates if more than one true label exists. MultiLabel *bool `json:"multi_label,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *TokenizationConfigContainer `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions type.
func NewZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions ¶
func NewZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions() *ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions
NewZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions returns a ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions.
func (*ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ZeroShotClassificationInferenceOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
type ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions struct { // Labels The labels to predict. Labels []string `json:"labels"` // MultiLabel Update the configured multi label option. Indicates if more than one true // label exists. Defaults to the configured value. MultiLabel *bool `json:"multi_label,omitempty"` // ResultsField The field that is added to incoming documents to contain the inference // prediction. Defaults to predicted_value. ResultsField *string `json:"results_field,omitempty"` // Tokenization The tokenization options to update when inferring Tokenization *NlpTokenizationUpdateOptions `json:"tokenization,omitempty"` }
ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions type.
func NewZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions ¶
func NewZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions() *ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions
NewZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions returns a ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions.
func (*ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ZeroShotClassificationInferenceUpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Source Files
- acknowledgement.go
- acknowledgestate.go
- actionstatus.go
- activationstate.go
- activationstatus.go
- adaptiveselection.go
- addaction.go
- adjacencymatrixaggregate.go
- adjacencymatrixaggregation.go
- adjacencymatrixbucket.go
- aggregate.go
- aggregatemetricdoubleproperty.go
- aggregateorder.go
- aggregateoutput.go
- aggregation.go
- aggregationbreakdown.go
- aggregationprofile.go
- aggregationprofiledebug.go
- aggregationprofiledelegatedebugfilter.go
- aggregationrange.go
- aggregations.go
- alias.go
- aliasdefinition.go
- aliasesrecord.go
- allfield.go
- allocationdecision.go
- allocationrecord.go
- allocationstore.go
- alwayscondition.go
- analysisconfig.go
- analysisconfigread.go
- analysislimits.go
- analysismemorylimit.go
- analytics.go
- analyticscollection.go
- analyticsstatistics.go
- analyzedetail.go
- analyzer.go
- analyzerdetail.go
- analyzetoken.go
- anomaly.go
- anomalycause.go
- anomalydetectors.go
- anomalyexplanation.go
- apikey.go
- apikeyaggregate.go
- apikeyaggregationcontainer.go
- apikeyauthorization.go
- apikeyfiltersaggregation.go
- apikeyquerycontainer.go
- appendprocessor.go
- applicationglobaluserprivileges.go
- applicationprivileges.go
- applicationprivilegescheck.go
- applicationsprivileges.go
- archive.go
- arraycomparecondition.go
- arraycompareopparams.go
- arraypercentilesitem.go
- asciifoldingtokenfilter.go
- asyncsearch.go
- attachmentprocessor.go
- audit.go
- authenticateduser.go
- authenticatetoken.go
- authenticationprovider.go
- autodatehistogramaggregate.go
- autodatehistogramaggregation.go
- autofollowedcluster.go
- autofollowpattern.go
- autofollowpatternsummary.go
- autofollowstats.go
- autoscalingcapacity.go
- autoscalingdecider.go
- autoscalingdeciders.go
- autoscalingnode.go
- autoscalingpolicy.go
- autoscalingresources.go
- averageaggregation.go
- averagebucketaggregation.go
- avgaggregate.go
- azurerepository.go
- azurerepositorysettings.go
- base.go
- baseindicator.go
- basenode.go
- binaryproperty.go
- booleanproperty.go
- boolquery.go
- boostingquery.go
- boxplotaggregate.go
- boxplotaggregation.go
- breaker.go
- bucketcorrelationaggregation.go
- bucketcorrelationfunction.go
- bucketcorrelationfunctioncountcorrelation.go
- bucketcorrelationfunctioncountcorrelationindicator.go
- bucketinfluencer.go
- bucketksaggregation.go
- bucketmetricvalueaggregate.go
- bucketpathaggregation.go
- bucketsadjacencymatrixbucket.go
- bucketsapikeyquerycontainer.go
- bucketscompositebucket.go
- bucketscriptaggregation.go
- bucketsdatehistogrambucket.go
- bucketsdoubletermsbucket.go
- bucketselectoraggregation.go
- bucketsfiltersbucket.go
- bucketsfrequentitemsetsbucket.go
- bucketsgeohashgridbucket.go
- bucketsgeohexgridbucket.go
- bucketsgeotilegridbucket.go
- bucketshistogrambucket.go
- bucketsipprefixbucket.go
- bucketsiprangebucket.go
- bucketslongraretermsbucket.go
- bucketslongtermsbucket.go
- bucketsmultitermsbucket.go
- bucketsortaggregation.go
- bucketspath.go
- bucketsquery.go
- bucketsrangebucket.go
- bucketssignificantlongtermsbucket.go
- bucketssignificantstringtermsbucket.go
- bucketsstringraretermsbucket.go
- bucketsstringtermsbucket.go
- bucketsummary.go
- bucketsvariablewidthhistogrambucket.go
- bucketsvoid.go
- buildinformation.go
- bulkindexbyscrollfailure.go
- bulkstats.go
- bytenumberproperty.go
- bytesize.go
- bytesprocessor.go
- cachequeries.go
- cachestats.go
- calendar.go
- calendarevent.go
- cardinalityaggregate.go
- cardinalityaggregation.go
- catanonalydetectorcolumns.go
- catcomponenttemplate.go
- catdatafeedcolumns.go
- catdfacolumns.go
- categorizationanalyzer.go
- categorizationanalyzerdefinition.go
- categorizetextaggregation.go
- categorizetextanalyzer.go
- category.go
- cattrainedmodelscolumns.go
- cattransformcolumns.go
- ccr.go
- ccrshardstats.go
- certificateinformation.go
- cgroup.go
- cgroupcpu.go
- cgroupcpustat.go
- cgroupmemory.go
- chaininput.go
- charfilter.go
- charfilterdefinition.go
- charfilterdetail.go
- charfiltertypes.go
- chargrouptokenizer.go
- checkpointing.go
- checkpointstats.go
- childrenaggregate.go
- childrenaggregation.go
- chisquareheuristic.go
- chunkingconfig.go
- circleprocessor.go
- classificationinferenceoptions.go
- cleanuprepositoryresults.go
- client.go
- closeindexresult.go
- closeshardresult.go
- clusterappliedstats.go
- clustercomponenttemplate.go
- clusterdetails.go
- clusterfilesystem.go
- clusterindexingpressure.go
- clusterindices.go
- clusterindicesshards.go
- clusterindicesshardsindex.go
- clusterinfo.go
- clusterinfotargets.go
- clusteringest.go
- clusterjvm.go
- clusterjvmmemory.go
- clusterjvmversion.go
- clusternetworktypes.go
- clusternode.go
- clusternodecount.go
- clusternodes.go
- clusteroperatingsystem.go
- clusteroperatingsystemarchitecture.go
- clusteroperatingsystemname.go
- clusteroperatingsystemprettyname.go
- clusterpressurememory.go
- clusterprocess.go
- clusterprocesscpu.go
- clusterprocessopenfiledescriptors.go
- clusterprocessor.go
- clusterremoteinfo.go
- clusterremoteproxyinfo.go
- clusterremotesniffinfo.go
- clusterruntimefieldtypes.go
- clustershardmetrics.go
- clusterstatequeue.go
- clusterstateupdate.go
- clusterstatistics.go
- collector.go
- column.go
- combinedfieldsquery.go
- command.go
- commandallocateprimaryaction.go
- commandallocatereplicaaction.go
- commandcancelaction.go
- commandmoveaction.go
- commongramstokenfilter.go
- commontermsquery.go
- compactnodeinfo.go
- completioncontext.go
- completionproperty.go
- completionstats.go
- completionsuggest.go
- completionsuggester.go
- completionsuggestoption.go
- componenttemplatenode.go
- componenttemplatesummary.go
- compositeaggregate.go
- compositeaggregatekey.go
- compositeaggregation.go
- compositeaggregationsource.go
- compositebucket.go
- compositedatehistogramaggregation.go
- compositegeotilegridaggregation.go
- compositehistogramaggregation.go
- compositetermsaggregation.go
- conditiontokenfilter.go
- configuration.go
- configurations.go
- confusionmatrixitem.go
- confusionmatrixprediction.go
- confusionmatrixthreshold.go
- connection.go
- constantkeywordproperty.go
- constantscorequery.go
- context.go
- contextmethod.go
- contextmethodparam.go
- convertprocessor.go
- coordinatorstats.go
- coordsgeobounds.go
- coreknnquery.go
- counter.go
- countrecord.go
- cpu.go
- cpuacct.go
- createdstatus.go
- createoperation.go
- csvprocessor.go
- cumulativecardinalityaggregate.go
- cumulativecardinalityaggregation.go
- cumulativesumaggregation.go
- currentnode.go
- customanalyzer.go
- customcategorizetextanalyzer.go
- customnormalizer.go
- dailyschedule.go
- danglingindex.go
- datacounts.go
- datadescription.go
- dataemailattachment.go
- datafeedauthorization.go
- datafeedconfig.go
- datafeedrunningstate.go
- datafeeds.go
- datafeedsrecord.go
- datafeedstats.go
- datafeedtimingstats.go
- dataframeanalysis.go
- dataframeanalysisanalyzedfields.go
- dataframeanalysisclassification.go
- dataframeanalysiscontainer.go
- dataframeanalysisfeatureprocessor.go
- dataframeanalysisfeatureprocessorfrequencyencoding.go
- dataframeanalysisfeatureprocessormultiencoding.go
- dataframeanalysisfeatureprocessorngramencoding.go
- dataframeanalysisfeatureprocessoronehotencoding.go
- dataframeanalysisfeatureprocessortargetmeanencoding.go
- dataframeanalysisoutlierdetection.go
- dataframeanalysisregression.go
- dataframeanalytics.go
- dataframeanalyticsauthorization.go
- dataframeanalyticsdestination.go
- dataframeanalyticsfieldselection.go
- dataframeanalyticsmemoryestimation.go
- dataframeanalyticsrecord.go
- dataframeanalyticssource.go
- dataframeanalyticsstatscontainer.go
- dataframeanalyticsstatsdatacounts.go
- dataframeanalyticsstatshyperparameters.go
- dataframeanalyticsstatsmemoryusage.go
- dataframeanalyticsstatsoutlierdetection.go
- dataframeanalyticsstatsprogress.go
- dataframeanalyticssummary.go
- dataframeclassificationsummary.go
- dataframeclassificationsummaryaccuracy.go
- dataframeclassificationsummarymulticlassconfusionmatrix.go
- dataframeclassificationsummaryprecision.go
- dataframeclassificationsummaryrecall.go
- dataframeevaluationclass.go
- dataframeevaluationclassification.go
- dataframeevaluationclassificationmetrics.go
- dataframeevaluationclassificationmetricsaucroc.go
- dataframeevaluationcontainer.go
- dataframeevaluationmetrics.go
- dataframeevaluationoutlierdetection.go
- dataframeevaluationoutlierdetectionmetrics.go
- dataframeevaluationregression.go
- dataframeevaluationregressionmetrics.go
- dataframeevaluationregressionmetricshuber.go
- dataframeevaluationregressionmetricsmsle.go
- dataframeevaluationsummaryaucroc.go
- dataframeevaluationsummaryaucroccurveitem.go
- dataframeevaluationvalue.go
- dataframeoutlierdetectionsummary.go
- dataframepreviewconfig.go
- dataframeregressionsummary.go
- datapathstats.go
- datastream.go
- datastreamindex.go
- datastreamlifecycle.go
- datastreamlifecycledownsampling.go
- datastreamlifecycleexplain.go
- datastreamlifecyclerolloverconditions.go
- datastreamlifecyclewithrollover.go
- datastreamnames.go
- datastreams.go
- datastreamsstatsitem.go
- datastreamtimestamp.go
- datastreamtimestampfield.go
- datastreamvisibility.go
- datastreamwithlifecycle.go
- datatierphasestatistics.go
- datatiers.go
- datedecayfunction.go
- datedistancefeaturequery.go
- datehistogramaggregate.go
- datehistogramaggregation.go
- datehistogrambucket.go
- datehistogramgrouping.go
- dateindexnameprocessor.go
- datenanosproperty.go
- dateprocessor.go
- dateproperty.go
- daterangeaggregate.go
- daterangeaggregation.go
- daterangeexpression.go
- daterangeproperty.go
- daterangequery.go
- datetime.go
- decayfunction.go
- decayplacementdatemathduration.go
- decayplacementdoubledouble.go
- decayplacementgeolocationdistance.go
- defaults.go
- definition.go
- delayeddatacheckconfig.go
- deleteoperation.go
- delimitedpayloadtokenfilter.go
- densevectorindexoptions.go
- densevectorproperty.go
- deprecation.go
- deprecationindexing.go
- derivativeaggregate.go
- derivativeaggregation.go
- detectionrule.go
- detector.go
- detectorread.go
- diagnosis.go
- diagnosisaffectedresources.go
- dictionarydecompoundertokenfilter.go
- directgenerator.go
- discovery.go
- discoverynode.go
- diskindicator.go
- diskindicatordetails.go
- diskusage.go
- dismaxquery.go
- dissectprocessor.go
- distancefeaturequery.go
- distancefeaturequerybasedatemathduration.go
- distancefeaturequerybasegeolocationdistance.go
- diversifiedsampleraggregation.go
- docstats.go
- document.go
- documentrating.go
- documentsimulation.go
- dotexpanderprocessor.go
- doublenumberproperty.go
- doublerangeproperty.go
- doubletermsaggregate.go
- doubletermsbucket.go
- downsampleconfig.go
- downsamplinground.go
- dropprocessor.go
- duration.go
- durationvalueunitfloatmillis.go
- durationvalueunitmillis.go
- durationvalueunitnanos.go
- durationvalueunitseconds.go
- dutchanalyzer.go
- dynamicproperty.go
- dynamictemplate.go
- edgengramtokenfilter.go
- edgengramtokenizer.go
- elasticsearcherror.go
- elasticsearchversioninfo.go
- elasticsearchversionmininfo.go
- elisiontokenfilter.go
- email.go
- emailaction.go
- emailattachmentcontainer.go
- emailbody.go
- emailresult.go
- emptyobject.go
- enrichpolicy.go
- enrichprocessor.go
- ensemble.go
- epochtimeunitmillis.go
- epochtimeunitseconds.go
- eql.go
- eqlfeatures.go
- eqlfeaturesjoin.go
- eqlfeatureskeys.go
- eqlfeaturespipes.go
- eqlfeaturessequences.go
- eqlhits.go
- errorcause.go
- errorresponsebase.go
- esqlcolumns.go
- eventdatastream.go
- ewmamodelsettings.go
- ewmamovingaverageaggregation.go
- executeenrichpolicystatus.go
- executingpolicy.go
- executionresult.go
- executionresultaction.go
- executionresultcondition.go
- executionresultinput.go
- executionstate.go
- executionthreadpool.go
- existsquery.go
- expandwildcards.go
- explainanalyzetoken.go
- explanation.go
- explanationdetail.go
- explorecontrols.go
- extendedboundsdouble.go
- extendedboundsfielddatemath.go
- extendedmemorystats.go
- extendedstatsaggregate.go
- extendedstatsaggregation.go
- extendedstatsbucketaggregate.go
- extendedstatsbucketaggregation.go
- failprocessor.go
- feature.go
- features.go
- featuretoggle.go
- fetchprofile.go
- fetchprofilebreakdown.go
- fetchprofiledebug.go
- fieldaliasproperty.go
- fieldandformat.go
- fieldcapability.go
- fieldcollapse.go
- fielddatafrequencyfilter.go
- fielddatarecord.go
- fielddatastats.go
- fielddatemath.go
- fieldlookup.go
- fieldmapping.go
- fieldmemoryusage.go
- fieldmetric.go
- fieldnamesfield.go
- fieldrule.go
- fields.go
- fieldsecurity.go
- fieldsizeusage.go
- fieldsort.go
- fieldstat.go
- fieldstatistics.go
- fieldsuggester.go
- fieldsummary.go
- fieldsusagebody.go
- fieldtypes.go
- fieldtypesmappings.go
- fieldvalue.go
- fieldvaluefactorscorefunction.go
- filecountsnapshotstats.go
- filedetails.go
- filesystem.go
- filesystemtotal.go
- fillmaskinferenceoptions.go
- fillmaskinferenceupdateoptions.go
- filteraggregate.go
- filterref.go
- filtersaggregate.go
- filtersaggregation.go
- filtersbucket.go
- fingerprintanalyzer.go
- fingerprinttokenfilter.go
- flattened.go
- flattenedproperty.go
- float64.go
- floatnumberproperty.go
- floatrangeproperty.go
- flushstats.go
- followerindex.go
- followerindexparameters.go
- followindexstats.go
- followstats.go
- forcemergeconfiguration.go
- forcemergeresponsebody.go
- foreachprocessor.go
- formattablemetricaggregation.go
- foundstatus.go
- frequencyencodingpreprocessor.go
- frequentitemsetsaggregate.go
- frequentitemsetsaggregation.go
- frequentitemsetsbucket.go
- frequentitemsetsfield.go
- frozenindices.go
- functionscore.go
- functionscorequery.go
- fuzziness.go
- fuzzyquery.go
- garbagecollector.go
- garbagecollectortotal.go
- gcsrepository.go
- gcsrepositorysettings.go
- geoboundingboxquery.go
- geobounds.go
- geoboundsaggregate.go
- geoboundsaggregation.go
- geocentroidaggregate.go
- geocentroidaggregation.go
- geodecayfunction.go
- geodistanceaggregate.go
- geodistanceaggregation.go
- geodistancefeaturequery.go
- geodistancequery.go
- geodistancesort.go
- geohashgridaggregate.go
- geohashgridaggregation.go
- geohashgridbucket.go
- geohashlocation.go
- geohashprecision.go
- geohexgridaggregate.go
- geohexgridaggregation.go
- geohexgridbucket.go
- geoipdownloadstatistics.go
- geoipnodedatabasename.go
- geoipnodedatabases.go
- geoipprocessor.go
- geoline.go
- geolineaggregate.go
- geolineaggregation.go
- geolinepoint.go
- geolinesort.go
- geolocation.go
- geopointproperty.go
- geopolygonpoints.go
- geopolygonquery.go
- georesults.go
- geoshapefieldquery.go
- geoshapeproperty.go
- geoshapequery.go
- geotilegridaggregate.go
- geotilegridaggregation.go
- geotilegridbucket.go
- getmigrationfeature.go
- getresult.go
- getscriptcontext.go
- getstats.go
- getuserprofileerrors.go
- globalaggregate.go
- globalaggregation.go
- globalprivilege.go
- googlenormalizeddistanceheuristic.go
- grantapikey.go
- grokprocessor.go
- groupings.go
- gsubprocessor.go
- halffloatnumberproperty.go
- haschildquery.go
- hasparentquery.go
- hasprivilegesuserprofileerrors.go
- hdrmethod.go
- hdrpercentileranksaggregate.go
- hdrpercentilesaggregate.go
- healthrecord.go
- healthresponsebody.go
- healthstatistics.go
- helprecord.go
- highlight.go
- highlightfield.go
- hint.go
- histogramaggregate.go
- histogramaggregation.go
- histogrambucket.go
- histogramgrouping.go
- histogramproperty.go
- hit.go
- hitsevent.go
- hitsmetadata.go
- hitssequence.go
- holtlinearmodelsettings.go
- holtmovingaverageaggregation.go
- holtwintersmodelsettings.go
- holtwintersmovingaverageaggregation.go
- hop.go
- hotthread.go
- hourandminute.go
- hourlyschedule.go
- htmlstripcharfilter.go
- http.go
- httpemailattachment.go
- httpheaders.go
- httpinput.go
- httpinputauthentication.go
- httpinputbasicauthentication.go
- httpinputproxy.go
- httpinputrequestdefinition.go
- httpinputrequestresult.go
- httpinputresponseresult.go
- hunspelltokenfilter.go
- hyperparameter.go
- hyperparameters.go
- hyphenationdecompoundertokenfilter.go
- icuanalyzer.go
- icucollationtokenfilter.go
- icufoldingtokenfilter.go
- icunormalizationcharfilter.go
- icunormalizationtokenfilter.go
- icutokenizer.go
- icutransformtokenfilter.go
- ids.go
- idsquery.go
- ilm.go
- ilmindicator.go
- ilmindicatordetails.go
- ilmpolicy.go
- ilmpolicystatistics.go
- impact.go
- indexaction.go
- indexaliases.go
- indexanddatastreamaction.go
- indexcapabilities.go
- indexdetails.go
- indexfield.go
- indexhealthstats.go
- indexingpressurememorysummary.go
- indexingslowlogsettings.go
- indexingslowlogtresholds.go
- indexingstats.go
- indexmappingrecord.go
- indexoperation.go
- indexprivilegescheck.go
- indexresult.go
- indexresultsummary.go
- indexrouting.go
- indexroutingallocation.go
- indexroutingallocationdisk.go
- indexroutingallocationinclude.go
- indexroutingallocationinitialrecovery.go
- indexroutingrebalance.go
- indexsegment.go
- indexsegmentsort.go
- indexsettingblocks.go
- indexsettings.go
- indexsettingsanalysis.go
- indexsettingslifecycle.go
- indexsettingslifecyclestep.go
- indexsettingstimeseries.go
- indexstate.go
- indexstats.go
- indextemplate.go
- indextemplatedatastreamconfiguration.go
- indextemplateitem.go
- indextemplatemapping.go
- indextemplatesummary.go
- indexversioning.go
- indicatornode.go
- indicators.go
- indices.go
- indicesaction.go
- indicesblockstatus.go
- indicesindexingpressure.go
- indicesindexingpressurememory.go
- indicesmodifyaction.go
- indicesoptions.go
- indicesprivileges.go
- indicesprivilegesquery.go
- indicesrecord.go
- indicesshardsstats.go
- indicesshardstats.go
- indicesshardstores.go
- indicesstats.go
- indicesvalidationexplanation.go
- indicesversions.go
- inferenceaggregate.go
- inferenceaggregation.go
- inferenceclassimportance.go
- inferenceconfig.go
- inferenceconfigclassification.go
- inferenceconfigcontainer.go
- inferenceconfigcreatecontainer.go
- inferenceconfigregression.go
- inferenceconfigupdatecontainer.go
- inferencefeatureimportance.go
- inferenceprocessor.go
- inferenceresponseresult.go
- inferenceresult.go
- inferencetopclassentry.go
- influence.go
- influencer.go
- infofeaturestate.go
- ingestpipeline.go
- ingesttotal.go
- inlineget.go
- inlinegetdictuserdefined.go
- inlinescript.go
- innerhits.go
- innerhitsresult.go
- inprogress.go
- input.go
- integernumberproperty.go
- integerrangeproperty.go
- intervals.go
- intervalsallof.go
- intervalsanyof.go
- intervalsfilter.go
- intervalsfuzzy.go
- intervalsmatch.go
- intervalsprefix.go
- intervalsquery.go
- intervalswildcard.go
- invertedindex.go
- invocation.go
- invocations.go
- iostatdevice.go
- iostats.go
- ipfilter.go
- ipprefixaggregate.go
- ipprefixaggregation.go
- ipprefixbucket.go
- ipproperty.go
- iprangeaggregate.go
- iprangeaggregation.go
- iprangeaggregationrange.go
- iprangebucket.go
- iprangeproperty.go
- job.go
- jobblocked.go
- jobconfig.go
- jobforecaststatistics.go
- jobsrecord.go
- jobstatistics.go
- jobstats.go
- jobtimingstats.go
- jobusage.go
- joinprocessor.go
- joinproperty.go
- jsonprocessor.go
- jvm.go
- jvmclasses.go
- jvmmemorystats.go
- jvmstats.go
- jvmthreads.go
- keeptypestokenfilter.go
- keepwordstokenfilter.go
- keyedpercentiles.go
- keyedprocessor.go
- keyvalueprocessor.go
- keywordanalyzer.go
- keywordmarkertokenfilter.go
- keywordproperty.go
- keywordtokenizer.go
- kibanatoken.go
- knnquery.go
- kstemtokenfilter.go
- kuromojianalyzer.go
- kuromojiiterationmarkcharfilter.go
- kuromojipartofspeechtokenfilter.go
- kuromojireadingformtokenfilter.go
- kuromojistemmertokenfilter.go
- kuromojitokenizer.go
- languageanalyzer.go
- languagecontext.go
- laplacesmoothingmodel.go
- latest.go
- latlongeolocation.go
- lengthtokenfilter.go
- lettertokenizer.go
- license.go
- licenseinformation.go
- lifecycle.go
- lifecycleexplain.go
- lifecycleexplainmanaged.go
- lifecycleexplainphaseexecution.go
- lifecycleexplainunmanaged.go
- like.go
- likedocument.go
- limits.go
- limittokencounttokenfilter.go
- linearinterpolationsmoothingmodel.go
- linearmovingaverageaggregation.go
- loggingaction.go
- loggingresult.go
- logstashpipeline.go
- longnumberproperty.go
- longrangeproperty.go
- longraretermsaggregate.go
- longraretermsbucket.go
- longtermsaggregate.go
- longtermsbucket.go
- lowercasenormalizer.go
- lowercaseprocessor.go
- lowercasetokenfilter.go
- lowercasetokenizer.go
- machinelearning.go
- manageuserprivileges.go
- mapboxvectortiles.go
- mappingcharfilter.go
- mappinglimitsettings.go
- mappinglimitsettingsdepth.go
- mappinglimitsettingsdimensionfields.go
- mappinglimitsettingsfieldnamelength.go
- mappinglimitsettingsnestedfields.go
- mappinglimitsettingsnestedobjects.go
- mappinglimitsettingstotalfields.go
- mappingstats.go
- masterisstableindicator.go
- masterisstableindicatorclusterformationnode.go
- masterisstableindicatordetails.go
- masterisstableindicatorexceptionfetchinghistory.go
- masterrecord.go
- matchallquery.go
- matchboolprefixquery.go
- matchedfield.go
- matchedtext.go
- matchnonequery.go
- matchonlytextproperty.go
- matchphraseprefixquery.go
- matchphrasequery.go
- matchquery.go
- matrixaggregation.go
- matrixstatsaggregate.go
- matrixstatsaggregation.go
- matrixstatsfields.go
- maxaggregate.go
- maxaggregation.go
- maxbucketaggregation.go
- medianabsolutedeviationaggregate.go
- medianabsolutedeviationaggregation.go
- memmlstats.go
- memory.go
- memorystats.go
- memstats.go
- merge.go
- mergescheduler.go
- mergesstats.go
- metadata.go
- metrics.go
- mgetoperation.go
- mgetresponseitem.go
- migrationfeatureindexinfo.go
- minaggregate.go
- minaggregation.go
- minbucketaggregation.go
- minimallicenseinformation.go
- minimumshouldmatch.go
- missing.go
- missingaggregate.go
- missingaggregation.go
- mlcounter.go
- mldatafeed.go
- mldataframeanalyticsjobs.go
- mldataframeanalyticsjobsanalysis.go
- mldataframeanalyticsjobscount.go
- mldataframeanalyticsjobsmemory.go
- mlfilter.go
- mlinference.go
- mlinferencedeployments.go
- mlinferencedeploymentstimems.go
- mlinferenceingestprocessor.go
- mlinferenceingestprocessorcount.go
- mlinferencetrainedmodels.go
- mlinferencetrainedmodelscount.go
- mljobforecasts.go
- modelconfig.go
- modelconfigcontainer.go
- modelplotconfig.go
- modelsizestats.go
- modelsnapshot.go
- modelsnapshotupgrade.go
- monitoring.go
- morelikethisquery.go
- mountedsnapshot.go
- movingaverageaggregation.go
- movingfunctionaggregation.go
- movingpercentilesaggregation.go
- msearchrequestitem.go
- msearchresponseitem.go
- mtermvectorsoperation.go
- multibucketaggregatebaseadjacencymatrixbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasecompositebucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasedatehistogrambucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasedoubletermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasefiltersbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasefrequentitemsetsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasegeohashgridbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasegeohexgridbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasegeotilegridbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasehistogrambucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebaseipprefixbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebaseiprangebucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebaselongraretermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebaselongtermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasemultitermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebaserangebucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasesignificantlongtermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasesignificantstringtermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasestringraretermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasestringtermsbucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasevariablewidthhistogrambucket.go
- multibucketaggregatebasevoid.go
- multigeterror.go
- multimatchquery.go
- multiplexertokenfilter.go
- multisearchbody.go
- multisearchheader.go
- multisearchitem.go
- multisearchresult.go
- multitermlookup.go
- multitermsaggregate.go
- multitermsaggregation.go
- multitermsbucket.go
- murmur3hashproperty.go
- mutualinformationheuristic.go
- names.go
- nativecode.go
- nativecodeinformation.go
- nerinferenceoptions.go
- nerinferenceupdateoptions.go
- nestedaggregate.go
- nestedaggregation.go
- nestedidentity.go
- nestedproperty.go
- nestedquery.go
- nestedsortvalue.go
- nevercondition.go
- ngramtokenfilter.go
- ngramtokenizer.go
- nlpberttokenizationconfig.go
- nlprobertatokenizationconfig.go
- nlptokenizationupdateoptions.go
- node.go
- nodeallocationexplanation.go
- nodeattributes.go
- nodeattributesrecord.go
- nodebufferpool.go
- nodediskusage.go
- nodeids.go
- nodeinfo.go
- nodeinfoaction.go
- nodeinfoaggregation.go
- nodeinfobootstrap.go
- nodeinfoclient.go
- nodeinfodiscover.go
- nodeinfohttp.go
- nodeinfoingest.go
- nodeinfoingestdownloader.go
- nodeinfoingestinfo.go
- nodeinfoingestprocessor.go
- nodeinfojvmmemory.go
- nodeinfomemory.go
- nodeinfonetwork.go
- nodeinfonetworkinterface.go
- nodeinfooscpu.go
- nodeinfopath.go
- nodeinforepositories.go
- nodeinforepositoriesurl.go
- nodeinfoscript.go
- nodeinfosearch.go
- nodeinfosearchremote.go
- nodeinfosettings.go
- nodeinfosettingscluster.go
- nodeinfosettingsclusterelection.go
- nodeinfosettingshttp.go
- nodeinfosettingshttptype.go
- nodeinfosettingsingest.go
- nodeinfosettingsnetwork.go
- nodeinfosettingsnode.go
- nodeinfosettingstransport.go
- nodeinfosettingstransportfeatures.go
- nodeinfosettingstransporttype.go
- nodeinfotransport.go
- nodeinfoxpack.go
- nodeinfoxpacklicense.go
- nodeinfoxpacklicensetype.go
- nodeinfoxpacksecurity.go
- nodeinfoxpacksecurityauthc.go
- nodeinfoxpacksecurityauthcrealms.go
- nodeinfoxpacksecurityauthcrealmsstatus.go
- nodeinfoxpacksecurityauthctoken.go
- nodeinfoxpacksecurityssl.go
- nodejvminfo.go
- nodeoperatingsysteminfo.go
- nodepackagingtype.go
- nodeprocessinfo.go
- nodereloaderror.go
- nodereloadresult.go
- nodescontext.go
- nodescredentials.go
- nodescredentialsfiletoken.go
- nodeshard.go
- nodeshutdownstatus.go
- nodesindexingpressure.go
- nodesindexingpressurememory.go
- nodesingest.go
- nodesrecord.go
- nodestatistics.go
- nodetasks.go
- nodethreadpoolinfo.go
- nodeusage.go
- norianalyzer.go
- noripartofspeechtokenfilter.go
- noritokenizer.go
- normalizeaggregation.go
- normalizer.go
- numberrangequery.go
- numericdecayfunction.go
- numericfielddata.go
- objectproperty.go
- onehotencodingpreprocessor.go
- operatingsystem.go
- operatingsystemmemoryinfo.go
- operationcontainer.go
- outlierdetectionparameters.go
- overallbucket.go
- overallbucketjob.go
- overlapping.go
- page.go
- pagerdutyaction.go
- pagerdutycontext.go
- pagerdutyevent.go
- pagerdutyeventproxy.go
- pagerdutyresult.go
- painlesscontextsetup.go
- parentaggregate.go
- parentaggregation.go
- parentidquery.go
- parenttaskinfo.go
- passthroughinferenceoptions.go
- passthroughinferenceupdateoptions.go
- pathhierarchytokenizer.go
- patternanalyzer.go
- patterncapturetokenfilter.go
- patternreplacecharfilter.go
- patternreplacetokenfilter.go
- patterntokenizer.go
- pendingtask.go
- pendingtasksrecord.go
- percentage.go
- percentagescoreheuristic.go
- percentileranksaggregation.go
- percentiles.go
- percentilesaggregation.go
- percentilesbucketaggregate.go
- percentilesbucketaggregation.go
- percolatequery.go
- percolatorproperty.go
- perpartitioncategorization.go
- persistenttaskstatus.go
- phase.go
- phases.go
- phonetictokenfilter.go
- phrasesuggest.go
- phrasesuggestcollate.go
- phrasesuggestcollatequery.go
- phrasesuggester.go
- phrasesuggesthighlight.go
- phrasesuggestoption.go
- pinneddoc.go
- pinnedquery.go
- pipelineconfig.go
- pipelinemetadata.go
- pipelineprocessor.go
- pipelinesettings.go
- pipelinesimulation.go
- pipeseparatedflagssimplequerystringflag.go
- pivot.go
- pivotgroupbycontainer.go
- pluginsrecord.go
- pluginsstatus.go
- pluginstats.go
- pointintimereference.go
- pointproperty.go
- pool.go
- porterstemtokenfilter.go
- postmigrationfeature.go
- predicatetokenfilter.go
- predictedvalue.go
- prefixquery.go
- preprocessor.go
- pressurememory.go
- privileges.go
- privilegesactions.go
- privilegescheck.go
- process.go
- processor.go
- processorcontainer.go
- profile.go
- property.go
- publishedclusterstates.go
- queries.go
- query.go
- querybreakdown.go
- querycachestats.go
- queryprofile.go
- queryrule.go
- queryruleactions.go
- queryrulecriteria.go
- queryruleset.go
- queryrulesetlistitem.go
- querystringquery.go
- queryvectorbuilder.go
- querywatch.go
- questionansweringinferenceoptions.go
- questionansweringinferenceupdateoptions.go
- randomscorefunction.go
- rangeaggregate.go
- rangeaggregation.go
- rangebucket.go
- rangequery.go
- rankcontainer.go
- rankevalhit.go
- rankevalhititem.go
- rankevalmetric.go
- rankevalmetricdetail.go
- rankevalmetricdiscountedcumulativegain.go
- rankevalmetricexpectedreciprocalrank.go
- rankevalmetricmeanreciprocalrank.go
- rankevalmetricprecision.go
- rankevalmetricratingtreshold.go
- rankevalmetricrecall.go
- rankevalquery.go
- rankevalrequestitem.go
- rankfeaturefunction.go
- rankfeaturefunctionlinear.go
- rankfeaturefunctionlogarithm.go
- rankfeaturefunctionsaturation.go
- rankfeaturefunctionsigmoid.go
- rankfeatureproperty.go
- rankfeaturequery.go
- rankfeaturesproperty.go
- raretermsaggregation.go
- rateaggregate.go
- rateaggregation.go
- readexception.go
- readonlyurlrepository.go
- readonlyurlrepositorysettings.go
- realmcache.go
- realminfo.go
- recording.go
- recoverybytes.go
- recoveryfiles.go
- recoveryindexstatus.go
- recoveryorigin.go
- recoveryrecord.go
- recoverystartstatus.go
- recoverystats.go
- recoverystatus.go
- refreshstats.go
- regexoptions.go
- regexpquery.go
- regressioninferenceoptions.go
- reindexdestination.go
- reindexnode.go
- reindexsource.go
- reindexstatus.go
- reindextask.go
- reloaddetails.go
- reloadresult.go
- relocationfailureinfo.go
- remotesource.go
- removeaction.go
- removeduplicatestokenfilter.go
- removeindexaction.go
- removeprocessor.go
- renameprocessor.go
- reportingemailattachment.go
- repositoriesrecord.go
- repository.go
- repositoryintegrityindicator.go
- repositoryintegrityindicatordetails.go
- repositorylocation.go
- repositorymeteringinformation.go
- requestcachestats.go
- requestcounts.go
- requestitem.go
- reroutedecision.go
- rerouteexplanation.go
- rerouteparameters.go
- rerouteprocessor.go
- rescore.go
- rescorequery.go
- reservedsize.go
- resolveclusterinfo.go
- resolveindexaliasitem.go
- resolveindexdatastreamsitem.go
- resolveindexitem.go
- resourceprivileges.go
- responsebody.go
- responseitem.go
- retention.go
- retentionlease.go
- retentionpolicy.go
- retentionpolicycontainer.go
- retries.go
- reversenestedaggregate.go
- reversenestedaggregation.go
- reversetokenfilter.go
- role.go
- roledescriptor.go
- roledescriptorread.go
- roledescriptorwrapper.go
- rolemappingrule.go
- roletemplate.go
- roletemplateinlinequery.go
- roletemplateinlinescript.go
- roletemplatequery.go
- roletemplatescript.go
- rolloverconditions.go
- rollupcapabilities.go
- rollupcapabilitysummary.go
- rollupfieldsummary.go
- rollupjob.go
- rollupjobconfiguration.go
- rollupjobstats.go
- rollupjobstatus.go
- rollupjobsummary.go
- rollupjobsummaryfield.go
- routingfield.go
- rrfrank.go
- rulecondition.go
- rulequery.go
- runningstatesearchinterval.go
- runtimefield.go
- runtimefieldfetchfields.go
- runtimefields.go
- runtimefieldstype.go
- s3repository.go
- s3repositorysettings.go
- samplediversity.go
- sampleraggregate.go
- sampleraggregation.go
- scalarvalue.go
- scaledfloatnumberproperty.go
- schedulecontainer.go
- scheduletimeofday.go
- scheduletriggerevent.go
- scoresort.go
- script.go
- scriptcache.go
- scriptcondition.go
- scriptedheuristic.go
- scriptedmetricaggregate.go
- scriptedmetricaggregation.go
- scriptfield.go
- scripting.go
- scriptprocessor.go
- scriptquery.go
- scriptscorefunction.go
- scriptscorequery.go
- scriptsort.go
- scripttransform.go
- scrollids.go
- searchablesnapshots.go
- searchapplication.go
- searchapplicationlistitem.go
- searchapplicationtemplate.go
- searchasyoutypeproperty.go
- searchidle.go
- searchinput.go
- searchinputrequestbody.go
- searchinputrequestdefinition.go
- searchprofile.go
- searchstats.go
- searchtemplaterequestbody.go
- searchtransform.go
- security.go
- securityrolemapping.go
- securityroles.go
- securityrolesdls.go
- securityrolesdlsbitsetcache.go
- securityrolesfile.go
- securityrolesnative.go
- segment.go
- segmentsrecord.go
- segmentsstats.go
- serialdifferencingaggregation.go
- serializedclusterstate.go
- serializedclusterstatedetail.go
- servicetoken.go
- setprocessor.go
- setsecurityuserprocessor.go
- settings.go
- settingsanalyze.go
- settingshighlight.go
- settingsquerystring.go
- settingssearch.go
- settingssimilarity.go
- settingssimilaritybm25.go
- settingssimilarityboolean.go
- settingssimilaritydfi.go
- settingssimilaritydfr.go
- settingssimilarityib.go
- settingssimilaritylmd.go
- settingssimilaritylmj.go
- settingssimilarityscripted.go
- shapefieldquery.go
- shapeproperty.go
- shapequery.go
- shardcommit.go
- shardfailure.go
- shardfilesizeinfo.go
- shardhealthstats.go
- shardlease.go
- shardmigrationstatus.go
- shardpath.go
- shardprofile.go
- shardquerycache.go
- shardrecovery.go
- shardretentionleases.go
- shardrouting.go
- shardsavailabilityindicator.go
- shardsavailabilityindicatordetails.go
- shardscapacityindicator.go
- shardscapacityindicatordetails.go
- shardscapacityindicatortierdetail.go
- shardsegmentrouting.go
- shardsequencenumber.go
- shardsrecord.go
- shardssegment.go
- shardsstatssummary.go
- shardsstatssummaryitem.go
- shardstatistics.go
- shardstore.go
- shardstoreexception.go
- shardstoreindex.go
- shardstorenode.go
- shardstorewrapper.go
- shardstotalstats.go
- shared.go
- sharedfilesystemrepository.go
- sharedfilesystemrepositorysettings.go
- shingletokenfilter.go
- shortnumberproperty.go
- shrinkconfiguration.go
- significantlongtermsaggregate.go
- significantlongtermsbucket.go
- significantstringtermsaggregate.go
- significantstringtermsbucket.go
- significanttermsaggregatebasesignificantlongtermsbucket.go
- significanttermsaggregatebasesignificantstringtermsbucket.go
- significanttermsaggregatebasevoid.go
- significanttermsaggregation.go
- significanttextaggregation.go
- simpleanalyzer.go
- simplemovingaverageaggregation.go
- simplequerystringflags.go
- simplequerystringquery.go
- simplevalueaggregate.go
- simulatedactions.go
- simulateingest.go
- sizefield.go
- slackaction.go
- slackattachment.go
- slackattachmentfield.go
- slackdynamicattachment.go
- slackmessage.go
- slackresult.go
- slicedscroll.go
- slices.go
- slm.go
- slmindicator.go
- slmindicatordetails.go
- slmindicatorunhealthypolicies.go
- slmpolicy.go
- slowlogsettings.go
- slowlogtresholdlevels.go
- slowlogtresholds.go
- smoothingmodelcontainer.go
- snapshotindexstats.go
- snapshotinfo.go
- snapshotlifecycle.go
- snapshotresponseitem.go
- snapshotrestore.go
- snapshotshardfailure.go
- snapshotshardsstats.go
- snapshotshardsstatus.go
- snapshotsrecord.go
- snapshotstats.go
- snowballanalyzer.go
- snowballtokenfilter.go
- softdeletes.go
- sort.go
- sortcombinations.go
- sortoptions.go
- sortprocessor.go
- sourceconfig.go
- sourceconfigparam.go
- sourcefield.go
- sourcefilter.go
- sourceonlyrepository.go
- sourceonlyrepositorysettings.go
- spancontainingquery.go
- spanfieldmaskingquery.go
- spanfirstquery.go
- spangapquery.go
- spanmultitermquery.go
- spannearquery.go
- spannotquery.go
- spanorquery.go
- spanquery.go
- spantermquery.go
- spanwithinquery.go
- sparseembeddingresult.go
- sparsevector.go
- sparsevectorproperty.go
- splitprocessor.go
- sql.go
- ssl.go
- standardanalyzer.go
- standarddeviationbounds.go
- standarddeviationboundsasstring.go
- standardtokenizer.go
- statistics.go
- stats.go
- statsaggregate.go
- statsaggregation.go
- statsbucketaggregate.go
- statsbucketaggregation.go
- status.go
- stemmeroverridetokenfilter.go
- stemmertokenfilter.go
- stepkey.go
- stopanalyzer.go
- stoptokenfilter.go
- stopwords.go
- storage.go
- storedscript.go
- storedscriptid.go
- storestats.go
- stringifiedboolean.go
- stringifiedepochtimeunitmillis.go
- stringifiedepochtimeunitseconds.go
- stringifiedinteger.go
- stringifiedversionnumber.go
- stringraretermsaggregate.go
- stringraretermsbucket.go
- stringstatsaggregate.go
- stringstatsaggregation.go
- stringtermsaggregate.go
- stringtermsbucket.go
- stupidbackoffsmoothingmodel.go
- suggest.go
- suggestcontext.go
- suggester.go
- suggestfuzziness.go
- sumaggregate.go
- sumaggregation.go
- sumbucketaggregation.go
- summary.go
- synccontainer.go
- synonymgraphtokenfilter.go
- synonymrule.go
- synonymruleread.go
- synonymssetitem.go
- synonymsupdateresult.go
- synonymtokenfilter.go
- targetmeanencodingpreprocessor.go
- taskfailure.go
- taskid.go
- taskinfo.go
- taskinfos.go
- tasksrecord.go
- tdigest.go
- tdigestpercentileranksaggregate.go
- tdigestpercentilesaggregate.go
- template.go
- templateconfig.go
- templatemapping.go
- templatesrecord.go
- term.go
- termquery.go
- termsaggregatebasedoubletermsbucket.go
- termsaggregatebaselongtermsbucket.go
- termsaggregatebasemultitermsbucket.go
- termsaggregatebasestringtermsbucket.go
- termsaggregatebasevoid.go
- termsaggregation.go
- termsexclude.go
- termsgrouping.go
- termsinclude.go
- termslookup.go
- termspartition.go
- termsquery.go
- termsqueryfield.go
- termssetquery.go
- termsuggest.go
- termsuggester.go
- termsuggestoption.go
- termvector.go
- termvectorsfilter.go
- termvectorsresult.go
- termvectorstoken.go
- testpopulation.go
- textclassificationinferenceoptions.go
- textclassificationinferenceupdateoptions.go
- textembedding.go
- textembeddingbyteresult.go
- textembeddinginferenceoptions.go
- textembeddinginferenceupdateoptions.go
- textembeddingresult.go
- textexpansioninferenceoptions.go
- textexpansioninferenceupdateoptions.go
- textexpansionquery.go
- textindexprefixes.go
- textproperty.go
- texttoanalyze.go
- threadcount.go
- threadpoolrecord.go
- throttlestate.go
- timeofmonth.go
- timeofweek.go
- timeofyear.go
- timesync.go
- timingstats.go
- tokencountproperty.go
- tokendetail.go
- tokenfilter.go
- tokenfilterdefinition.go
- tokenizationconfigcontainer.go
- tokenizer.go
- tokenizerdefinition.go
- tokenpruningconfig.go
- topclassentry.go
- tophit.go
- tophitsaggregate.go
- tophitsaggregation.go
- topleftbottomrightgeobounds.go
- topmetrics.go
- topmetricsaggregate.go
- topmetricsaggregation.go
- topmetricsvalue.go
- toprightbottomleftgeobounds.go
- totalfeatureimportance.go
- totalfeatureimportanceclass.go
- totalfeatureimportancestatistics.go
- totalhits.go
- totaluserprofiles.go
- trackhits.go
- trainedmodel.go
- trainedmodelassignment.go
- trainedmodelassignmentroutingtable.go
- trainedmodelassignmenttaskparameters.go
- trainedmodelconfig.go
- trainedmodelconfiginput.go
- trainedmodelconfigmetadata.go
- trainedmodeldeploymentallocationstatus.go
- trainedmodeldeploymentnodesstats.go
- trainedmodeldeploymentstats.go
- trainedmodelentities.go
- trainedmodelinferenceclassimportance.go
- trainedmodelinferencefeatureimportance.go
- trainedmodelinferencestats.go
- trainedmodellocation.go
- trainedmodellocationindex.go
- trainedmodelprefixstrings.go
- trainedmodelsizestats.go
- trainedmodelsrecord.go
- trainedmodelstats.go
- trainedmodeltree.go
- trainedmodeltreenode.go
- transformauthorization.go
- transformcontainer.go
- transformdestination.go
- transformindexerstats.go
- transformprogress.go
- transformsource.go
- transformsrecord.go
- transformstats.go
- transformstatshealth.go
- transformsummary.go
- translog.go
- translogretention.go
- translogstats.go
- translogstatus.go
- transport.go
- transporthistogram.go
- triggercontainer.go
- triggereventcontainer.go
- triggereventresult.go
- trimprocessor.go
- trimtokenfilter.go
- truncatetokenfilter.go
- ttestaggregate.go
- ttestaggregation.go
- typefieldmappings.go
- typemapping.go
- typequery.go
- uaxemailurltokenizer.go
- unassignedinformation.go
- uniquetokenfilter.go
- unmappedraretermsaggregate.go
- unmappedsampleraggregate.go
- unmappedsignificanttermsaggregate.go
- unmappedtermsaggregate.go
- unrateddocument.go
- unsignedlongnumberproperty.go
- updateaction.go
- updatebyqueryrethrottlenode.go
- updateoperation.go
- uppercaseprocessor.go
- uppercasetokenfilter.go
- urldecodeprocessor.go
- usagestatsindex.go
- usagestatsshards.go
- user.go
- useragentprocessor.go
- userindicesprivileges.go
- userprofile.go
- userprofilehitmetadata.go
- userprofileuser.go
- userprofilewithmetadata.go
- userrealm.go
- validationloss.go
- valuecountaggregate.go
- valuecountaggregation.go
- variablewidthhistogramaggregate.go
- variablewidthhistogramaggregation.go
- variablewidthhistogrambucket.go
- vector.go
- verifyindex.go
- versionproperty.go
- vertex.go
- vertexdefinition.go
- vertexinclude.go
- vocabulary.go
- waitforactiveshards.go
- warmerstats.go
- watch.go
- watcher.go
- watcheraction.go
- watcheractions.go
- watcheractiontotals.go
- watchercondition.go
- watcherinput.go
- watchernodestats.go
- watcherstatusactions.go
- watcherwatch.go
- watcherwatchtrigger.go
- watcherwatchtriggerschedule.go
- watchrecord.go
- watchrecordqueuedstats.go
- watchrecordstats.go
- watchstatus.go
- webhookaction.go
- webhookresult.go
- weightedaverageaggregation.go
- weightedaveragevalue.go
- weightedavgaggregate.go
- weightedtokensquery.go
- weights.go
- whitespaceanalyzer.go
- whitespacetokenizer.go
- wildcardproperty.go
- wildcardquery.go
- wktgeobounds.go
- worddelimitergraphtokenfilter.go
- worddelimitertokenfilter.go
- wrapperquery.go
- writeoperation.go
- xpackdatafeed.go
- xpackfeature.go
- xpackfeatures.go
- xpackquery.go
- xpackrealm.go
- xpackrolemapping.go
- xpackruntimefieldtypes.go
- zeroshotclassificationinferenceoptions.go
- zeroshotclassificationinferenceupdateoptions.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package accesstokengranttype
Package accesstokengranttype |
Package acknowledgementoptions
Package acknowledgementoptions |
Package actionexecutionmode
Package actionexecutionmode |
Package actionstatusoptions
Package actionstatusoptions |
Package actiontype
Package actiontype |
Package allocationexplaindecision
Package allocationexplaindecision |
Package apikeygranttype
Package apikeygranttype |
Package appliesto
Package appliesto |
Package boundaryscanner
Package boundaryscanner |
Package bytes
Package bytes |
Package calendarinterval
Package calendarinterval |
Package cardinalityexecutionmode
Package cardinalityexecutionmode |
Package catanomalydetectorcolumn
Package catanomalydetectorcolumn |
Package catdatafeedcolumn
Package catdatafeedcolumn |
Package catdfacolumn
Package catdfacolumn |
Package categorizationstatus
Package categorizationstatus |
Package cattrainedmodelscolumn
Package cattrainedmodelscolumn |
Package cattransformcolumn
Package cattransformcolumn |
Package childscoremode
Package childscoremode |
Package chunkingmode
Package chunkingmode |
Package clusterinfotarget
Package clusterinfotarget |
Package clusterprivilege
Package clusterprivilege |
Package clustersearchstatus
Package clustersearchstatus |
Package combinedfieldsoperator
Package combinedfieldsoperator |
Package combinedfieldszeroterms
Package combinedfieldszeroterms |
Package conditionop
Package conditionop |
Package conditionoperator
Package conditionoperator |
Package conditiontype
Package conditiontype |
Package conflicts
Package conflicts |
Package connectionscheme
Package connectionscheme |
Package converttype
Package converttype |
Package dataattachmentformat
Package dataattachmentformat |
Package datafeedstate
Package datafeedstate |
Package dataframestate
Package dataframestate |
Package day
Package day |
Package decision
Package decision |
Package delimitedpayloadencoding
Package delimitedpayloadencoding |
Package deploymentallocationstate
Package deploymentallocationstate |
Package deploymentassignmentstate
Package deploymentassignmentstate |
Package deploymentstate
Package deploymentstate |
Package deprecationlevel
Package deprecationlevel |
Package dfiindependencemeasure
Package dfiindependencemeasure |
Package dfraftereffect
Package dfraftereffect |
Package dfrbasicmodel
Package dfrbasicmodel |
Package distanceunit
Package distanceunit |
Package dynamicmapping
Package dynamicmapping |
Package edgengramside
Package edgengramside |
Package emailpriority
Package emailpriority |
Package enrichpolicyphase
Package enrichpolicyphase |
Package excludefrequent
Package excludefrequent |
Package executionphase
Package executionphase |
Package executionstatus
Package executionstatus |
Package expandwildcard
Package expandwildcard |
Package feature
Package feature |
Package fieldsortnumerictype
Package fieldsortnumerictype |
Package fieldtype
Package fieldtype |
Package fieldvaluefactormodifier
Package fieldvaluefactormodifier |
Package filtertype
Package filtertype |
Package followerindexstatus
Package followerindexstatus |
Package functionboostmode
Package functionboostmode |
Package functionscoremode
Package functionscoremode |
Package gappolicy
Package gappolicy |
Package geodistancetype
Package geodistancetype |
Package geoexecution
Package geoexecution |
Package geoorientation
Package geoorientation |
Package geoshaperelation
Package geoshaperelation |
Package geostrategy
Package geostrategy |
Package geovalidationmethod
Package geovalidationmethod |
Package granttype
Package granttype |
Package gridaggregationtype
Package gridaggregationtype |
Package gridtype
Package gridtype |
Package groupby
Package groupby |
Package healthstatus
Package healthstatus |
Package highlighterencoder
Package highlighterencoder |
Package highlighterfragmenter
Package highlighterfragmenter |
Package highlighterorder
Package highlighterorder |
Package highlightertagsschema
Package highlightertagsschema |
Package highlightertype
Package highlightertype |
Package holtwinterstype
Package holtwinterstype |
Package httpinputmethod
Package httpinputmethod |
Package ibdistribution
Package ibdistribution |
Package iblambda
Package iblambda |
Package icucollationalternate
Package icucollationalternate |
Package icucollationcasefirst
Package icucollationcasefirst |
Package icucollationdecomposition
Package icucollationdecomposition |
Package icucollationstrength
Package icucollationstrength |
Package icunormalizationmode
Package icunormalizationmode |
Package icunormalizationtype
Package icunormalizationtype |
Package icutransformdirection
Package icutransformdirection |
Package impactarea
Package impactarea |
Package include
Package include |
Package indexcheckonstartup
Package indexcheckonstartup |
Package indexingjobstate
Package indexingjobstate |
Package indexmetadatastate
Package indexmetadatastate |
Package indexoptions
Package indexoptions |
Package indexprivilege
Package indexprivilege |
Package indexroutingallocationoptions
Package indexroutingallocationoptions |
Package indexroutingrebalanceoptions
Package indexroutingrebalanceoptions |
Package indicatorhealthstatus
Package indicatorhealthstatus |
Package indicesblockoptions
Package indicesblockoptions |
Package inputtype
Package inputtype |
Package jobblockedreason
Package jobblockedreason |
Package jobstate
Package jobstate |
Package jsonprocessorconflictstrategy
Package jsonprocessorconflictstrategy |
Package keeptypesmode
Package keeptypesmode |
Package kuromojitokenizationmode
Package kuromojitokenizationmode |
Package language
Package language |
Package level
Package level |
Package licensestatus
Package licensestatus |
Package licensetype
Package licensetype |
Package lifecycleoperationmode
Package lifecycleoperationmode |
Package managedby
Package managedby |
Package matchtype
Package matchtype |
Package memorystatus
Package memorystatus |
Package metric
Package metric |
Package migrationstatus
Package migrationstatus |
Package minimuminterval
Package minimuminterval |
Package missingorder
Package missingorder |
Package month
Package month |
Package multivaluemode
Package multivaluemode |
Package noderole
Package noderole |
Package noridecompoundmode
Package noridecompoundmode |
Package normalization
Package normalization |
Package normalizemethod
Package normalizemethod |
Package numericfielddataformat
Package numericfielddataformat |
Package onscripterror
Package onscripterror |
Package operationtype
Package operationtype |
Package operator
Package operator |
Package optype
Package optype |
Package pagerdutycontexttype
Package pagerdutycontexttype |
Package pagerdutyeventtype
Package pagerdutyeventtype |
Package phoneticencoder
Package phoneticencoder |
Package phoneticlanguage
Package phoneticlanguage |
Package phoneticnametype
Package phoneticnametype |
Package phoneticruletype
Package phoneticruletype |
Package policytype
Package policytype |
Package quantifier
Package quantifier |
Package queryrulecriteriatype
Package queryrulecriteriatype |
Package queryruletype
Package queryruletype |
Package rangerelation
Package rangerelation |
Package ratemode
Package ratemode |
Package refresh
Package refresh |
Package responsecontenttype
Package responsecontenttype |
Package result
Package result |
Package resultposition
Package resultposition |
Package routingstate
Package routingstate |
Package ruleaction
Package ruleaction |
Package runtimefieldtype
Package runtimefieldtype |
Package sampleraggregationexecutionhint
Package sampleraggregationexecutionhint |
Package scoremode
Package scoremode |
Package scriptlanguage
Package scriptlanguage |
Package scriptsorttype
Package scriptsorttype |
Package searchtype
Package searchtype |
Package segmentsortmissing
Package segmentsortmissing |
Package segmentsortmode
Package segmentsortmode |
Package segmentsortorder
Package segmentsortorder |
Package shapetype
Package shapetype |
Package shardroutingstate
Package shardroutingstate |
Package shardsstatsstage
Package shardsstatsstage |
Package shardstoreallocation
Package shardstoreallocation |
Package shardstorestatus
Package shardstorestatus |
Package shutdownstatus
Package shutdownstatus |
Package shutdowntype
Package shutdowntype |
Package simplequerystringflag
Package simplequerystringflag |
Package slicescalculation
Package slicescalculation |
Package snapshotsort
Package snapshotsort |
Package snapshotupgradestate
Package snapshotupgradestate |
Package snowballlanguage
Package snowballlanguage |
Package sortmode
Package sortmode |
Package sortorder
Package sortorder |
Package sourcefieldmode
Package sourcefieldmode |
Package statslevel
Package statslevel |
Package storagetype
Package storagetype |
Package stringdistance
Package stringdistance |
Package suggestmode
Package suggestmode |
Package suggestsort
Package suggestsort |
Package synonymformat
Package synonymformat |
Package tasktype
Package tasktype |
Package templateformat
Package templateformat |
Package termsaggregationcollectmode
Package termsaggregationcollectmode |
Package termsaggregationexecutionhint
Package termsaggregationexecutionhint |
Package termvectoroption
Package termvectoroption |
Package textquerytype
Package textquerytype |
Package threadtype
Package threadtype |
Package timeseriesmetrictype
Package timeseriesmetrictype |
Package timeunit
Package timeunit |
Package tokenchar
Package tokenchar |
Package tokenizationtruncate
Package tokenizationtruncate |
Package totalhitsrelation
Package totalhitsrelation |
Package trainedmodeltype
Package trainedmodeltype |
Package trainingpriority
Package trainingpriority |
Package translogdurability
Package translogdurability |
Package ttesttype
Package ttesttype |
Package type_
Package type_ |
Package unassignedinformationreason
Package unassignedinformationreason |
Package useragentproperty
Package useragentproperty |
Package valuetype
Package valuetype |
Package versiontype
Package versiontype |
Package waitforactiveshardoptions
Package waitforactiveshardoptions |
Package waitforevents
Package waitforevents |
Package watchermetric
Package watchermetric |
Package watcherstate
Package watcherstate |
Package zerotermsquery
Package zerotermsquery |