This SUAPP example showcases how you can write a SUAPP to generate a 712 signature on SUAVE that can then ben sent to a contract on Eth L1 which allows you to mint an NFT.
Like all examples in this repo:
forge build
Go Script
Before running you need to fill in some values:
PRIV_KEY: Valid ECDSA Private Key with L1 Eth. (Hexadecimal format)
ETH_RPC_URL: Ethereum L1 testnet RPC URL.
ETH_CHAIN_ID: Chain Id of the L1 you're testing on.
To run the script, execute the following command in your terminal:
go run main.go
The DOMAIN_SEPARATOR and MINT_TYPEHASH are currently hard coded, you will need to make this dynamic for you prod application. Also Accepting PRs!
Ensure that the Ethereum Goerli testnet account associated with the provided private key has sufficient ETH to cover transaction fees.
The script currently targets the Goerli testnet. For mainnet deployment, update the ETH_RPC_URL and ETH_CHAIN_ID appropriately, and ensure that the account has sufficient mainnet ETH.