Werf (previously known as Dapp) is made to implement and support Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).
It helps DevOps engineers generate and deploy images by linking together:
- application code (with Git support),
- infrastructure code (with Ansible or shell scripts), and
- platform as a service (Kubernetes).
Werf simplifies development of build scripts, reduces commit build time and automates deployment.
It is designed to make engineer's work fast end efficient.
- Complete application lifecycle management: build and cleanup images, deploy application into Kubernetes.
- Incremental rebuilds for git: reducing average build time for a sequence of git commits.
- Building images with Ansible or Shell scripts.
- Building multiple images from one description.
- Sharing a common cache between builds.
- Reducing image size by detaching source data and build tools.
- Running distributed builds with common registry.
- Advanced tools to debug built images.
- Tools for cleaning both local and remote Docker registry caches.
- Deploying to Kubernetes via helm, the Kubernetes package manager.
Install Dependencies
Git command line utility.
Minimal required version is 1.9.0.
To optionally use Git Submodules minimal version is 2.14.0.
Helm Kubernetes package manager. Helm is optional and only needed for deploy-related commands.
Helm client installation instructions.
Tiller backend installation instructions.
Minimal version is v2.7.0-rc1.
Install Werf
Download binary
The latest release can be reached via this page.
curl -L https://dl.bintray.com/flant/werf/v1.0.0-alpha.6/werf-darwin-amd64-v1.0.0-alpha.6 -o /tmp/werf
chmod +x /tmp/werf
sudo mv /tmp/werf /usr/local/bin/werf
curl -L https://dl.bintray.com/flant/werf/v1.0.0-alpha.6/werf-linux-amd64-v1.0.0-alpha.6 -o /tmp/werf
chmod +x /tmp/werf
sudo mv /tmp/werf /usr/local/bin/werf
Download werf.exec.
Using Multiwerf
Multiwerf is a version manager for Werf, which:
- downloads werf binary builds;
- manages multiple versions of binaries installed on a single host, that can be used at the same time;
- enables autoupdates (optionally).
From source
go get github.com/flant/werf/cmd/werf
Getting started
Make your first werf application!