Kubernetes operator for executing synthetic tests
Canary Checker is a Kubernetes native multi-tenant synthetic monitoring system. To learn more, please see the official documentation.
- Built-in UI/Dashboard with multi-cluster aggregation
- CRD based configuration and status reporting
- Prometheus Integration
- Runnable as a CLI for once-off checks or as a standalone server outside kubernetes
- Many built-in check types
Quick Start
Before installing the Canary Checker, please ensure you have the prerequisites installed on your Kubernetes cluster.
The recommended method for installing Canary Checker is using helm
Install Helm
The following steps will install the latest version of helm
curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3
chmod 700 get_helm.sh
Add the Flanksource helm repository
helm repo add flanksource https://flanksource.github.io/charts
helm repo update
Configurable fields
See the values file for the full list of configurable fields. Mandatory configuration values are for the configuration of the database, and it is recommended to also configure the UI ingress.
Canary Checker should optimally be run connected to a dedicated Postgres Server, but can run an embedded postgres instance for development and testing.
Embedded database (default):
db.external.enabled |
false (default) |
db.embedded.storageClass |
Set to name of a storageclass available in the cluster |
db.embedded.storage |
Set to volume of storage to request |
The Canary Checker statefulset will be configured to start an embedded postgres server in the pod, which stores data to a PVC
To connect to the embedded database:
kubectl port-forward canary-checker-0 6432:6432
psql -U postgres localhost -p 6432 canary with password postgres #password will be postgres
Fully automatic Postgres Server creation
db.external.enabled |
true |
db.external.create |
true |
db.external.storageClass |
Set to name of a storageclass available in the cluster |
db.external.storage |
Set to volume of storage to request |
The helm chart will create a postgres server statefulset, with a random password and default port, along with a canarychecker database hosted on the server.
To specify a username and password for the chart-managed Postgres server, create a secret in the namespace that the chart will install to, named postgres-connection
, which contains POSTGRES_USER
External Postgres Server
In order to connect to an existing Postgres server, a database must be created on the server, along with a user that has administrator permissions for the database.git
db.external.enabled |
true |
db.external.create |
false |
db.external.secretKeyRef.name |
Set to name of name of secret that contains a key containging the postgres connection URI |
db.external.secretKeyRef.key |
Set to the name of the key in the secret that contains the postgres connection URI |
The connection URI must be specified in the format postgresql://"$user":"$password"@"$host"/"$database"
Flanksource UI
The canary checker itself only presents an API. To view the data graphically, the Flanksource UI is required, and is installed by default. The UI should be configured to allow external access to via ingress
flanksource-ui.ingress.host |
URL at which the UI will be accessed |
flanksource-ui.ingress.annotations |
Map of annotations required by the ingress controller or certificate issuer |
flanksource-ui.ingress.tls |
Map of configuration options for TLS |
More details regarding ingress configuration can be found in the kubernetes documentation
flanksource-ui.backendURL |
Required to be set to the name of the canary-checker service. The name will default to 'canary-checker' unless nameOverride is specified. If nameOverride is set, backendURL` must be set to the same value |
Due to a limitation in Helm, there is no way to automatically propogate the generated service name to a child chart, and it must be aligned by the user.
Deploy using Helm
To install into a new canary-checker
namespace, run
helm install canary-checker-demo --wait -n canary-checker --create-namespace flanksource/canary-checker -f values.yaml
where values.yaml
contains the configuration options detailed above. eg
external: true
create: true
storageClass: default
storage: 30Gi
host: canary-checker.flanksource.com
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
- secretName: canary-checker-tls
- canary-checker.flanksource.com
Deploy a sample Canary
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flanksource/canary-checker/master/fixtures-crd/http_pass.yaml
Check the results of the Canary
kubectl get canary
sample output
platform-system dns 30 Passed 0/2 (0%) 6s
platform-system lan 30 Passed 12/12 (100%) 1033 139m 6s
platform-system ldap 30 Passed 5/5 (100%) 323 1s
platform-system pod 120 Passed 1/2 (50%) 10904 45m 24s
platform-system s3 30 Passed 5/5 (100%) 1091 5m35s 5s
apiVersion: canaries.flanksource.com/v1
kind: Canary
name: http-pass
interval: 30
- endpoint: https://httpstat.us/200
thresholdMillis: 3000
responseCodes: [201, 200, 301]
responseContent: ""
maxSSLExpiry: 7