Casserole is a distributed http cache with a focus on:
- Large Objects
- Bandwidth minimization
- Multi-tier distributed cache sharing
- Local Memory
- Cluster Memory
- Cluster Persistent Storage
- No single point of failure
Casserole is written in Go and integrates well-tested distributed libraries such as etcd and groupcache.
Upstream Server Consideratoins
- HTTP headers are used to determine cacheability.
- Cacheable objects expiring in less than 60 seconds are not cached.
- The HTTP verb
is used to determine whether an object is cacheable, not GET
- Responses are immediately streamed if the object is not cached.
- Upstream server must allow
requests on cacheable objects.
- The cluster will download cacheable large objects in
2 megabyte
intervals and will deliver each interval as soon as
it is received.
HTTP Range required
Upstream objects are fetched in 2MB
segments. Objects must support fetching objects through Range: bytes
When retrieving objects larger than 2MB, each Range request to the same object must return the same object, or the request
will be corrupted. For large objects, this is typically not a concern.
Unauthenticated requests
At the moment, only unauthenticated requests are supported. Authenticated requests will be supported at
a later time.
Getting Started
Casserole is still in an alpha development state. Production use at this time is
not recommended. Feedback, testing and help are greatly appreciated.
Single Node Testing Environment
Single node testing is supported with docker-compose. The docker-compose.yml
file is located at utils/compose
and can be started with the following command:
docker-compose up
To scale the cache, use
docker-compose scale cache=3
There are multiple configuration options available for the test environment that can
be configured in the docker-compose.yml
Here are the configurable environment variables with their default values:
ETCD http://etcd:2379
Multi Node Setup
- Set up an etcd cluster
- Determine how much memory you want to use.
- Determine how much disk space you want to use.
The prefered technique for starting casserole is with docker:
docker pull fkautz/casserole
docker run -d \
-e ETCD=http://etcd:2379 \
Configurable options when running casserole:
--address string Address to listen on (default "localhost:8080")
--cleaned-disk-usage string Address to listen on (default "800M")
--disk-cache-dir string Address to listen on (default "./data")
--disk-cache-enabled Address to listen on (default true)
--etcd value URL root to mirror (default [])
--max-disk-usage string Address to listen on (default "1G")
--max-memory-usage string Address to listen on (default "100M")
--mirror-url string URL root to mirror (default "http://localhost:9000")
--peering-address string URL root to mirror (default "http://localhost:8000")
Reporting Feature Requests and Bugs
Please file all bugs and feature requests to
Pull requests are welcome. For new features or complex pull requests, please contact fkautz
first. He can be reached at #casserole