Self-hosted manga server + reader
- OPDS Support
- Multi-user support
- Supported formats:
, .zip
, .cbr
, .rar
- Nested folders in library
- Track reading progress
- Thumbnail generation
- Single binary (~19.1 MB)
- Dark/light mode
- Metadata editor
- Mangadex downloader
- Responsive Desktop & Mobile UI
- Webtoon support (no row gaps)
Build from Source
# Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/fiwippi/tanuki.git
# Change the working directory to tanuki
$ cd tanuki
# Build the app and run it
$ make build && make run
- Clone the repository
- Configure the
file to set Tanuki to use the correct ports and mounted folders
- Run
docker-compose up
- Open
or another port if you specified one
GitHub Container Registry
An official container image exists at ghcr.io/fiwippi/tanuki:latest
Usage of tanuki:
-config string
path to the config file, if it does not exist then it will be created (default "./config/config.yml")
Tanuki runs using a config which has a default path of ./config/config.yml
The config options and default values are specified below
port: "8096"
level: info
log_to_file: true
log_to_console: true
db: ./data/tanuki.db
log: ./data/tanuki.log
library: ./library
session_secret: tanuki-secret
scan_interval_minutes: 180
max_uploaded_file_size_mib: 10
debug_mode: false
- To disable logging set
and logging.log_to_console
to false
can be trace
, debug
, info
, warn
, error
, fatal
, panic
can be any non-negative integer. To disable interval scanning set the value to 0
Initial Login
On the first run Tanuki logs the default username and randomly generated password to STDOUT
. It is advised to immediately change the password
⚠️ - Tanuki generates all the thumbnails on startup which will cause a slight initial delay using it until thumbnail generation is done
Rar Archives
If you supply tanuki with Rar archives (.rar
, .cbr
), their unarchive time to retrieve a single page is about 2 seconds compared to only milliseconds for a Zip archives (.zip
, .cbz
) due to library constraints. For this reason consider converting all your files into Zip archives
- The route for the OPDS catalog is
- This is the current OPDS feature support:
- Basic Auth
- Viewing library
- Downloading archive
- Getting cover/thumbnail of archive
- Search
- Page streaming
[0.16.2] - 2022-02-18
- Support Mangadex download with no chapter and volume
[0.16.1] - 2022-02-17
[0.16] - 2022-02-15
- Tanuki automatically scans for new downloads once all downloads are done
[0.15] - 2022-02-15
⚠️ - Breaking changes are made to the database so you should recreate yours!
- Fixed bugs when tracking user progress
- Session token refreshed regardless of time left
- More informative errors and info added to the backend
[0.14] - 2022-02-07
- More responsive UI
- Removed unused internal packages
- License changed to
- Default session cookie life changed to 3 days
- Updated to new Mangadex API change for downloading chapters
- Archive page sorting interprets underscores before other characters
- Remembers last page user tried to access if they're not authed anymore and redirects there after subsequent login
[0.13.1] - 2021-11-03
- Removed trailing dots from names of downloaded manga
- Default scan interval changed to 3 hours
[0.13] - 2021-11-03
- Stopped program consuming exhaustive amount of file descriptors
- Filepath sanitiser does not remove apostrophes and exclamation marks from downloaded Mangadex titles
- Autofocus for searchbar for Mangadex
- No autocorrect and autocapitalisation for the login screen
- Minor documentation changes
[0.12.3] - 2021-09-27
- Fixed page ordering bug introduced in 0.12.1
[0.12.2] - 2021-09-26
- More edge cases handled when decoding images
[0.12.1] - 2021-09-23
- Fixed ordering for some pages
[0.12] - 2021-09-23
- Better support for unicode characters
- Correct page displayed instead of page with similar name
- Loading animation for viewing the DB + searching and downloading from Mangadex
- Updated Mangadex functionality broken by Mangadex API change
- Series progress calculation takes into account all entries instead of only ones which have been accessed
[0.11] - 2021-08-24
- Thumbnail generation generated lazily instead of with a recurring job, this stops the throttling of the db whenever the job was running and speeds up page loading
- Mangas with pages specified only by numbers (with no text) no longer sorted in inverse order
- Stopped invalid progress displaying as NaN client-side
- Natural ordering improved so entries in a series now assigned correct order (until I manage to break it again)
- Invalid API requests automatically redirect the user to the login page as opposed to only when accessing the frontend routes
- When setting progress for a whole series, entry progress is created if it is previously nil
- Loading animation when scanning in the db or manually generating thumbnails
[0.10] - 2021-08-17
- Non-english titles displayed for Mangadex entries if english ones don't exist
- Mangadex archive pages zero padded in the archive
- Archives walked in proper lexical order (but lowercase first)
- Entry progress only created when reading the entry instead of when accessing the series
- Default entry progress is displayed as 0.00% instead of N/A
- Not all thumbnails have to be loaded to display them client side
- Series in the catalog and entries in each series are ordered naturally
[0.9.3] - 2021-08-13
- Stops CORS policy error when searching for Mangadex entries
[0.9.2] - 2021-08-13
- Removed delay on page load where navbar mobile shows until it detected it was on desktop
[0.9.1] - 2021-08-13
- If unspecified intervals in config then uses defaults
[0.9] - 2021-08-13
- Added favicon
- Added more documentation
- Docker image supports HTTP requests
- Docker image on the GitHub Container Registry
- Ignored correct files in .gitignore
[0.8] - 2021-08-12
- Specifying a zero/negative interval disables periodic tasks
- Ability to specify config path with param
- Stops thumbnail generation blocking populating the DB
- Added OPDS Search & Page Streaming
[0.7] - 2021-08-12
[0.6] - 2021-08-06
- Webtoon support, in the reader modal you can select the webtoon option which removes gaps between rows
- Mobile UI overhaul, tanuki is now smoother and works better on mobile
[0.5] - 2021-08-05
- Redundant CSS and JS code removed
- CSS classes all name appropriately
- CSS colours all specified in minify.go which makes it simpler to organise colours for both CSS themes
- Theme does not jitter on load anymore
- Alpine.js behaviour encapsulated into smaller classes which
- enabled minification
- reduces duplicity because behaviour is reproduced
- No more
can't find img.src
when loading images in the library view
- Many bug fixes, notable selecting options in the modal works correctly
[0.4] - 2021-07-30
- Assets minified before embedding
- Data preloaded through templating engine to reduce API calls
[0.3] - 2021-07-28
- Missing entries renamed to missing items
- Fixed bug where tanuki overwrites series/entry metadata with incorrect ones
- Tanuki now recognises missing series and entries as missing items
- Restructured project structure
- Packages used by multiple main packages moved to the
- Packages used specifically to the user in the
[0.2] - 2021-07-23
- Go routines speed up parsing series and adding them to the DB
- Properties like user progress bundles into one API call so less calls are made
- Series list is stored in order as catalog instead of being generated on the fly
- Metadata for each entry is stored in order instead of being generated on the fly
- Parsing/adding/generating series/thumbnails doesn't stop at the first error, it returns all errors which occurred at the end
[0.1] - 2021-07-19