Chop headers off SNES roms!
Cross-platform command line and GUI tool for removing headers on .smc files (SNES ROMs) so they work with FPGA hardware emulators.
SMC headers are often added to hold metadata for software emulators, but
altering the original format breaks the ROM for FPGA emulation which expects
original-hardware accurate data.
Basically this is to fix games to play on my Analogue Pocket.
It's very fast and can process a whole directory or individual files. Overwrite
existing files or create new ones with a suffix.
Barebones right now. Might be a naive implementation, but has fixed all the broken
ROMs I found to test on.
Cross-platform GUI using Fyne ( I don't love it, but it's functional. I'd never used Fyne before, and I barely know Go, so if you're reviewing this: sorry about the slapdash prototype.
Usage of ./smcfix:
-dir string
Directory to scan for SMC files. (default "/Users/kevin/Workspace/smcfix/bin/mac")
-file string
Single SMC file to check and clean.
Show this help.
-out string
Specify alternate output directory.
Overwrite or create new e.g. "[filename]-smcfix.smc" (default false)
For the command line utility would be run from the exacutable inside the .app package:
./ -dir /Users/kevin/roms/snes -overwrite=true