HTTP service to report ip information based on MaxMind's GeoIP database with automatic database update.
build & run
direct build
Simply go build
then run gommip --help
to see help
# replace ip.foobar.one with your own deployment
# request to root path '/' will report information for your public ip
# the value of result field depends on database
> curl https://ip.foobar.one/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 375
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:43:15 GMT
"msg": "OK",
"result": {
"asn": {
"autonomous_system_number": 13335,
"autonomous_system_organization": "CLOUDFLARENET"
"city": {
"registered_country": {
"geoname_id": 2077456,
"iso_code": "AU",
"names": {
"de": "Australien",
"en": "Australia",
"es": "Australia",
"fr": "Australie",
"ja": "オーストラリア",
"pt-BR": "Austrália",
"ru": "Австралия",
"zh-CN": "澳大利亚"
"ip": ""
> curl https://ip.foobar.one/version
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 512
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:39:57 GMT
"asn": {
"BinaryFormatMajorVersion": 2,
"BinaryFormatMinorVersion": 0,
"BuildEpoch": 1710520257,
"DatabaseType": "GeoLite2-ASN",
"Description": {
"en": "GeoLite2 ASN database"
"IPVersion": 6,
"Languages": [
"NodeCount": 1019957,
"RecordSize": 24
"city": {
"BinaryFormatMajorVersion": 2,
"BinaryFormatMinorVersion": 0,
"BuildEpoch": 1710543035,
"DatabaseType": "GeoLite2-City",
"Description": {
"en": "GeoLite2City database"
"IPVersion": 6,
"Languages": [
"NodeCount": 4372687,
"RecordSize": 28
Run the following command
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app docker.io/library/golang:alpine go build -v
to build inside the golang:alpine container which will produce a binrary file
suitable for using with docker build
to create a container image.
To reuse reuse the go cache in your host machine:
docker run --rm -v "$HOME/go:/go" -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app docker.io/library/golang:alpine go build -v
This project is released under the MIT License.
Thans for https://github.com/P3TERX/GeoLite.mmdb for dabebase used in sample config file.