JetStream NATS KEDA connector image can be used in the Kubernetes deployment as scaleTargetRef in scaledObject of NATs scaler.
The job of the connector is to read messages from the subject in the given stream, call an HTTP endpoint with the body of the message, and write response or error in the response_topic. Following enviornment variables are used by connector image as configuration to connect and authenticate with NATs server which should be defined in the Kubernetes deployment manifest.
TOPIC: Subject from which messages are read. It is generally of form - streamname.subjectname
RESPONSE_TOPIC: Subject to write responses on success response. It is generally of form - response_stream_name.response_subject_name where streamname should be different then input stream. response_stream_name is output stream name. response_subject_name subject name where output is send
ERROR_TOPIC: Subject to write errors on failure. It is generally of form - err_response_stream_name.error_subject_name where streamname should be different then input stream. err_response_stream_name is error stream name. error_subject_name subject name where error output is send
MAX_RETRIES: Maximum number of times an http endpoint will be retried upon failure
CONTENT_TYPE: Content type used while creating post request
STREAM: stream from which connector will read messages.
NATS_SERVER_MONITORING_ENDPOINT: Location of the Nats Jetstream Monitoring
NATS_SERVER: NATS server address. It can be a remote address nats:// or in case deployed in Kubernetes, can reached using corresponding service name
CONSUMER: this is the consumer which fission uses for monitoring and creating resources(eg, creating pods)
ACCOUNT: Name of the NATS account. $G is default when no account is configured.
ACKWAIT: A time.Duration formatted string for how long to wait for an acknowledgement that a message has been processed. Defaults to 30s. Cannot be modified on a durable consumer without manually deleting the consumer.
CONCURRENT: Number of concurrent messages to process at one time. Defaults to 1.