Index ¶
Constants ¶
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Variables ¶
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var ( GlobalVerbosity = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.Verbosity, Short: "v", Usage: "CLI verbosity (0 is quiet, 1 is the default, 2 is verbose)", DefaultValue: 1} ClientOnly = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.ClientOnly, Usage: "If set, the CLI won't connect to remote server"} PreCheckOnly = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.PreCheckOnly, Usage: "Only run pre-installation checks, to determine if fission can be installed"} KubeContext = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.KubeContext, Usage: "Kubernetes context to be used for the execution of Fission commands", DefaultValue: ""} IgnoreNotFound = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.IgnoreNotFound, Usage: "Treat \"resource not found\" as a successful delete.", DefaultValue: false} Labels = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.Labels, Usage: "Comma separated labels to apply to the function. E.g. --labels=\"environment=dev,application=analytics\""} Annotation = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.Annotation, Usage: "Annotation to apply to the function. To mention multiple annotations --annotation=\"\" --annotation=\"foo=bar\""} Namespace = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.Namespace, Short: "n", Usage: "If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request"} NamespaceFunction = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.NamespaceFunction, Aliases: []string{"fns"}, Usage: "Namespace for function object", Deprecated: true, Substitute: flagkey.Namespace} NamespaceEnvironment = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.NamespaceEnvironment, Aliases: []string{"envns"}, Usage: "Namespace for environment object", Deprecated: true, Substitute: flagkey.Namespace} NamespacePackage = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.NamespacePackage, Aliases: []string{"pkgns"}, Usage: "Namespace for package object", Deprecated: true, Substitute: flagkey.Namespace} NamespaceTrigger = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.NamespaceTrigger, Aliases: []string{"triggerns"}, Usage: "Namespace for trigger object", Deprecated: true, Substitute: flagkey.Namespace} NamespaceCanary = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.NamespaceCanary, Aliases: []string{"canaryns"}, Usage: "Namespace for canary config object", Deprecated: true, Substitute: flagkey.Namespace} ForceNamespace = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.ForceNamespace, Aliases: []string{"force"}, Usage: "If true, resources will be created in namespace provided by (--namespace flag ) even if spec file contains some other namespace", DefaultValue: false} ForceDelete = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.ForceDelete, Aliases: []string{"force"}, Usage: "Delete all resources across all namespaces present in spec"} AllNamespaces = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.AllNamespaces, Short: "A", Usage: "Fetch resources from all namespaces"} RunTimeMinCPU = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.RuntimeMincpu, Usage: "Minimum CPU to be assigned to pod (In millicore, minimum 1)"} RunTimeMaxCPU = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.RuntimeMaxcpu, Usage: "Maximum CPU to be assigned to pod (In millicore, minimum 1)"} RunTimeTargetCPU = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.RuntimeTargetcpu, Usage: "Target average CPU usage percentage across pods for scaling", DefaultValue: 80} RunTimeMinMemory = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.RuntimeMinmemory, Usage: "Minimum memory to be assigned to pod (In megabyte)"} RunTimeMaxMemory = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.RuntimeMaxmemory, Usage: "Maximum memory to be assigned to pod (In megabyte)"} RunImagePullSecret = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.RunImagePullSecret, Usage: "Secret for Kubernetes to pull an image from a private registry"} ReplicasMin = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.ReplicasMinscale, Usage: "Minimum number of pods (Uses resource inputs to configure HPA)", DefaultValue: 1} ReplicasMax = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.ReplicasMaxscale, Usage: "Maximum number of pods (Uses resource inputs to configure HPA)", DefaultValue: 1} FnName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnName, Usage: "Function name"} FnSpecializationTimeout = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnSpecializationTimeout, Aliases: []string{"st"}, Usage: "Timeout for executor to wait for function pod creation", DefaultValue: fv1.DefaultSpecializationTimeOut} FnEnvName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnEnvironmentName, Usage: "Environment name for function"} FnPkgName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnPackageName, Aliases: []string{"pkg"}, Usage: "Name of the existing package (--deploy and --src and --env will be ignored), should be in the same namespace as the function"} FnImageName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnImageName, Usage: "Name of the Docker image to be deployed as a function. Valid only when executorType is set to 'container'"} FnPort = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnPort, Usage: "Port where the application is running", DefaultValue: 8888} FnCommand = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnCommand, Usage: "Command to be passed to the container. If not specified , the ones defined in the image are used"} FnArgs = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnArgs, Usage: "Args to be passed to the command on the container. If not specified , the ones defined in the image are used"} FnEntryPoint = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnEntrypoint, Aliases: []string{"entry"}, Usage: "Entry point for environment v2 to load with"} FnBuildCmd = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnBuildCmd, Usage: "Package build command for builder to run with"} FnSecret = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.FnSecret, Usage: "Function access to secret, should be present in the same namespace as the function. You can provide multiple secrets using multiple --secrets flags. In the case of fn update the secrets will be replaced by the provided list of secrets."} FnCfgMap = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.FnCfgMap, Usage: "Function access to configmap, should be present in the same namespace as the function. You can provide multiple configmaps using multiple --configmap flags. In case of fn update the configmaps will be replaced by the provided list of configmaps."} FnExecutorType = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnExecutorType, Usage: "Executor type for execution; one of 'poolmgr', 'newdeploy'", DefaultValue: string(fv1.ExecutorTypePoolmgr)} FnExecutionTimeout = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnExecutionTimeout, Aliases: []string{"ft"}, Usage: "Maximum time for a request to wait for the response from the function", DefaultValue: 60} FnLogPod = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnLogPod, Usage: "Function pod name (use the latest pod name if unspecified)"} FnLogFollow = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.FnLogFollow, Short: "f", Usage: "Specify if the logs should be streamed"} FnLogDetail = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.FnLogDetail, Short: "d", Usage: "Display detailed information"} FnLogDBType = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnLogDBType, Usage: "Log database type, e.g. influxdb (currently influxdb and kubernetes logs are supported)", DefaultValue: "kubernetes"} FnLogReverseQuery = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.FnLogReverseQuery, Short: "r", Usage: "Specify the log reverse query base on time, it will be invalid if the 'follow' flag is specified. valid for dbtype as influxdb"} FnLogCount = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnLogCount, Usage: "Get N most recent log records", DefaultValue: 20} NamespacePod = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.NamespacePod, Usage: "Namespace in which function's pod are created. If not specified, function's namespace is used. Note: version <1.18 used fission-function as pod's default ns."} FnTestBody = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnTestBody, Short: "b", Usage: "Request body"} FnTestTimeout = Flag{Type: Duration, Name: flagkey.FnTestTimeout, Short: "t", Usage: "Length of time to wait for the response. If set to zero or negative number, no timeout is set", DefaultValue: 60 * time.Second} FnTestHeader = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.FnTestHeader, Short: "H", Usage: "Request headers"} FnTestQuery = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.FnTestQuery, Short: "q", Usage: "Request query parameters: -q key1=value1 -q key2=value2"} FnIdleTimeout = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnIdleTimeout, Usage: "The length of time (in seconds) that a function is idle before pod(s) are eligible for recycling", DefaultValue: 120} FnConcurrency = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnConcurrency, Aliases: []string{"con"}, Usage: "Maximum number of pods specialized concurrently to serve requests (Only valid for executortype; `poolmgr`)", DefaultValue: 500} FnRequestsPerPod = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnRequestsPerPod, Aliases: []string{"rpp"}, Usage: "Maximum number of concurrent requests that can be served by a specialized pod (Only valid for executortype; `poolmgr`)", DefaultValue: 1} FnOnceOnly = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.FnOnceOnly, Aliases: []string{"yolo"}, Usage: "Specifies if specialized pod will serve exactly one request in its lifetime (Only valid for executortype; `poolmgr`)"} FnSubPath = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.FnSubPath, Usage: "Sub Path to check if function internally supports routing"} FnLogAllPods = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.FnLogAllPods, Usage: "Get all pod's logs in the function."} FnRetainPods = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.FnRetainPods, Usage: "Number of pods to retain after pods specialization.", DefaultValue: 0} // Termination Grace Period configurable at function creation/update only for container functions FnTerminationGracePeriod = Flag{Type: Int64, Name: flagkey.FnGracePeriod, Usage: "Grace time (in seconds) for pod to perform connection draining before termination (only non-negative values considered)", DefaultValue: 360} HtName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtName, Usage: "HTTP trigger name"} HtMethod = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.HtMethod, Usage: "HTTP Methods: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD. To mention single method: --method GET and for multiple methods --method GET --method POST. [DEPRECATED for 'fn create', use 'route create' instead]", DefaultValue: []string{http.MethodGet}} HtUrl = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtUrl, Usage: "URL pattern (See gorilla/mux supported patterns) [DEPRECATED for 'fn create', use 'route create' instead]"} HtHost = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtHost, Usage: "Use --ingressrule instead", Deprecated: true, Substitute: flagkey.HtIngressRule} HtIngress = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.HtIngress, Usage: "Creates ingress with same URL"} HtIngressRule = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtIngressRule, Usage: "Host for Ingress rule: --ingressrule host=path (the format of host/path depends on what ingress controller you used)"} HtIngressAnnotation = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.HtIngressAnnotation, Usage: "Annotation for Ingress: --ingressannotation key=value (the format of annotation depends on what ingress controller you used)"} HtIngressTLS = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtIngressTLS, Usage: "Name of the Secret contains TLS key and crt for Ingress (the usability of TLS features depends on what ingress controller you used)"} HtFnName = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.HtFnName, Usage: "Name(s) of the function for this trigger. (If 2 functions are supplied with this flag, traffic gets routed to them based on weights supplied with --weight flag.)"} HtFnWeight = Flag{Type: IntSlice, Name: flagkey.HtFnWeight, Usage: "Weight for each function supplied with --function flag, in the same order. Used for canary deployment"} HtFnFilter = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtFilter, Usage: "Name of the function for trigger(s)"} HtPrefix = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.HtPrefix, Usage: "Prefix with which functions are exposed. NOTE: Prefix takes precedence over URL/RelativeURL [DEPRECATED for 'fn create', use 'route create' instead]"} HtKeepPrefix = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.HtKeepPrefix, Usage: "Keep the prefix in the URL while forwarding request to the function"} TokUsername = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.TokUsername, Usage: "Username to generate token for function invocation"} TokPassword = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.TokPassword, Usage: "Password to generate token for function invocation"} TokAuthURI = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.TokAuthURI, Usage: "Relative URI path to generate token"} TtName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.TtName, Usage: "Time Trigger name"} TtCron = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.TtCron, Usage: "Time trigger cron spec with each asterisk representing respectively second, minute, hour, the day of the month, month and day of the week. Also supports readable formats like '@every 5m', '@hourly'"} TtFnName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.TtFnName, Usage: "Function name"} TtRound = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.TtRound, Usage: "Get next N rounds of invocation time", DefaultValue: 1} MqtName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtName, Usage: "Message queue trigger name"} MqtFnName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtFnName, Usage: "Function name"} MqtMQType = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtMQType, Usage: "For mqtype \"fission\" => kafka\n\t\t\t\t\t For mqtype \"keda\" => kafka, aws-sqs-queue, aws-kinesis-stream, gcp-pubsub, stan, nats-jetstream, rabbitmq, redis", DefaultValue: "kafka"} MqtTopic = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtTopic, Usage: "Message queue Topic the trigger listens on"} MqtRespTopic = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtRespTopic, Usage: "Topic that the function response is sent on (response discarded if unspecified)"} MqtErrorTopic = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtErrorTopic, Usage: "Topic that the function error messages are sent to (errors discarded if unspecified"} MqtMaxRetries = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.MqtMaxRetries, Usage: "Maximum number of times the function will be retried upon failure", DefaultValue: 0} MqtMsgContentType = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtMsgContentType, Short: "c", Usage: "Content type of messages that publish to the topic", DefaultValue: "application/json"} MqtPollingInterval = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.MqtPollingInterval, Usage: "Interval to check the message source for up/down scaling operation of consumers", DefaultValue: 30} MqtCooldownPeriod = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.MqtCooldownPeriod, Usage: "The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the consumer back to 0", DefaultValue: 300} MqtMinReplicaCount = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.MqtMinReplicaCount, Usage: "Minimum number of replicas of consumers to scale down to", DefaultValue: 0} MqtMaxReplicaCount = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.MqtMaxReplicaCount, Usage: "Maximum number of replicas of consumers to scale up to", DefaultValue: 100} MqtMetadata = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.MqtMetadata, Usage: "Metadata needed for connecting to source system in format: --metadata key1=value1 --metadata key2=value2"} MqtSecret = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtSecret, Usage: "Name of secret object", DefaultValue: ""} MqtKind = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.MqtKind, Usage: "Kind of Message Queue Trigger, e.g. fission, keda", DefaultValue: "keda"} EnvName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.EnvName, Usage: "Environment name"} EnvPoolsize = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.EnvPoolsize, Usage: "Size of the pool", DefaultValue: 3} EnvImage = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.EnvImage, Usage: "Environment image URL"} EnvBuilderImage = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.EnvBuilderImage, Usage: "Environment builder image URL"} EnvBuildCmd = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.EnvBuildcommand, Usage: "Build command for environment builder to build source package"} EnvKeepArchive = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.EnvKeeparchive, Usage: "Keep the archive instead of extracting it into a directory (mainly for the JVM environment because .jar is one kind of zip archive)"} EnvExternalNetwork = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.EnvExternalNetwork, Usage: "Allow pod to access external network (only works when istio feature is enabled)"} EnvTerminationGracePeriod = Flag{Type: Int64, Name: flagkey.EnvGracePeriod, Aliases: []string{"period"}, Usage: "Grace time (in seconds) for pod to perform connection draining before termination (only non-negative values considered)", DefaultValue: 360} EnvVersion = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.EnvVersion, Usage: "Environment API version (1 means v1 interface)", DefaultValue: 3} EnvImagePullSecret = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.EnvImagePullSecret, Usage: "Secret for Kubernetes to pull an image from a private registry"} EnvExecutorType = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.EnvExecutorType, Usage: "Executor type of pod in environment; one of 'poolmgr', 'newdeploy', 'container'"} EnvForce = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.EnvForce, Short: "f", Usage: "Force delete env even if one or more functions exist", DefaultValue: false} EnvBuilder = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.EnvBuilder, Usage: "Environment variable to be set in the builder container"} EnvRuntime = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.EnvRuntime, Usage: "Environment variable to be set in the runtime container"} KwName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.KwName, Usage: "Watch name"} KwFnName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.KwFnName, Usage: "Function name"} KwNamespace = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.KwNamespace, Aliases: []string{"ns"}, Usage: "Namespace of resource to watch"} KwObjType = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.KwObjType, Usage: "Type of resource to watch (Pod, Service, etc.)", DefaultValue: "pod"} KwLabels = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.KwLabels, Usage: "Label selector of the form a=b,c=d"} PkgName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgName, Usage: "Package name"} PkgForce = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.PkgForce, Short: "f", Usage: "Force update a package even if it is used by one or more functions"} PkgEnvironment = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgEnvironment, Usage: "Environment name"} PkgBuildCmd = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgBuildCmd, Usage: "Build command for builder to run with"} PkgOutput = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgOutput, Short: "o", Usage: "Output filename to save archive content"} PkgStatus = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgStatus, Usage: `Filter packages by status`} PkgOrphan = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.PkgOrphan, Usage: "Orphan packages that are not referenced by any function"} PkgCode = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgCode, Usage: "URL or local path for single file source code"} PkgDeployArchive = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.PkgDeployArchive, Aliases: []string{"deploy"}, Usage: "URL or local paths for binary archive"} PkgDeployChecksum = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgDeployChecksum, Usage: "SHA256 checksum of deploy archive when providing URL"} PkgSrcArchive = Flag{Type: StringSlice, Name: flagkey.PkgSrcArchive, Aliases: []string{"source", "src"}, Usage: "URL or local paths for source archive"} PkgSrcChecksum = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.PkgSrcChecksum, Usage: "SHA256 checksum of source archive when providing URL"} PkgInsecure = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.PkgInsecure, Usage: "Skip generating SHA256 checksum for file integrity validation"} SpecSave = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecSave, Usage: "Save to the spec directory instead of creating on cluster"} SpecDir = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.SpecDir, Usage: "Directory to store specs, defaults to ./specs"} SpecName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.SpecName, Usage: "Name for the app, applied to resources as a Kubernetes annotation"} SpecDeployID = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.SpecDeployID, Aliases: []string{"id"}, Usage: "Deployment ID for the spec deployment config"} SpecWait = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecWait, Usage: "Wait for package builds"} SpecWatch = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecWatch, Usage: "Watch local files for change, and re-apply specs as necessary"} SpecDelete = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecDelete, Usage: "Allow apply to delete resources that no longer exist in the specification"} SpecDry = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecDry, Usage: "View the generated specs"} SpecValidation = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.SpecValidate, Usage: "Turns server side validations of Fission objects on/off"} SpecIgnore = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.SpecIgnore, Usage: fmt.Sprintf("File containing specs to be ignored inside --specdir, defaults to %v", util.SPEC_IGNORE_FILE)} SpecApplyCommitLabel = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecApplyCommitLabel, Usage: "Apply commit label to the resources"} SpecAllowConflicts = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SpecAllowConflicts, Usage: "If true, spec apply will be forced even if conflicting resources exist", DefaultValue: false} SupportOutput = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.SupportOutput, Short: "o", Usage: "Output directory to save dump archive/files", DefaultValue: flagkey.DefaultSpecOutputDir} SupportNoZip = Flag{Type: Bool, Name: flagkey.SupportNoZip, Usage: "Save dump information into multiple files instead of single zip file"} CanaryName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.CanaryName, Usage: "Name for the canary config"} CanaryTriggerName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.CanaryHTTPTriggerName, Usage: "Http trigger that this config references"} CanaryNewFunc = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.CanaryNewFunc, Aliases: []string{"newfn"}, Usage: "New version of the function"} CanaryOldFunc = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.CanaryOldFunc, Aliases: []string{"oldfn"}, Usage: "Old stable version of the function"} CanaryWeightIncrement = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.CanaryWeightIncrement, Aliases: []string{"step"}, Usage: "Weight increment step for function", DefaultValue: 20} CanaryIncrementInterval = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.CanaryIncrementInterval, Aliases: []string{"internal"}, Usage: "Weight increment interval, string representation of time.Duration, ex : 1m, 2h, 2d", DefaultValue: "2m"} CanaryFailureThreshold = Flag{Type: Int, Name: flagkey.CanaryFailureThreshold, Aliases: []string{"threshold"}, Usage: "Threshold in percentage beyond which the new version of the function is considered unstable", DefaultValue: 10} ArchiveName = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.ArchiveName, Usage: "Name of the archive file"} ArchiveID = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.ArchiveID, Usage: "Id for the archive file"} ArchiveOutput = Flag{Type: String, Name: flagkey.ArchiveOutput, Usage: "Download file with this name", Aliases: []string{"o"}, DefaultValue: ""} )
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
type Flag ¶
type Flag struct { Name string Type FlagType Short string // one-letter abbreviated flag Aliases []string Usage string DefaultValue interface{} // If a flag is marked as deprecated, it will hidden from // the help message automatically. Hence, a flag cannot be // marked as hidden and deprecated at the same time. Hidden bool Deprecated bool // flag name to replace the deprecated flag Substitute string }
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