Car Mirror is a synchronization protocol for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) which uses Bloom filters to efficiently share information about a graph under synchronization between two parties. Car Mirror is written with IPFS and Kubo in mind, but go-car-mirror itself attempts to minimize dependencies on the existing Kubo codebase. The intent is that go-car-mirror should clearly express the Car Mirror specification in a way that is easily
portable to other IPFS implementations.
Block - a block is a node in the DAG. A block has child blocks which are identifiable via their block ids
Block Id - a unique identifier for a block, typically a IPLD CID
Block Store - a perisistent store for blocks, allowing retrieval via Block Id
Source - the block store containing the source graph
Sink - the block store to which the source graph is to be transferred
Transfer - an exchange of messages resulting in a graph present on the source being completely copied to the sink
Client - the party requesting the transfer
Server - the party fulfilling the request
Blocks Message - a message sent from Source to Sink containing several blocks
Status Message - a message sent from Sink to Source containing information about the status of the transfer
Session - information held by either the Source or Sink relating to a transfer and maintained for (at least) the lifetime of that transfer
The core package contains interfaces for Block and BlockStore which are generic for BlockId - BlockId may be any compatible type.
It also contains the SourceSession and SinkSession objects which are responsible for accessing the provided BlockStore objects,
queing blocks and status updates for delivery, and processing received blocks in order to generate status updates.
The filter package contains an interface Filter which can represents a bloom filter or a heterogenous collection of bloom filters.
Filter is used to represent a set of Block Ids known to be present on the Sink
The batch package adds additional functionality specific to a synchronous, batch based implementation of the protocol. In this
scenario, blocks from the source are grouped into batches to be sent to the sink. Once a batch is sent, no further blocks are sent
until the sink has responded with a status update.
The messages package contains code for serializing lists of Blocks, Block Ids, and Filters into Block and Status messages. The
'Blocks' message should be binary compatible with the IPFS CAR file format (hence the name of the project)
The http package contains a full implementation of the synchronous batch-based version of the protocol over HTTP
The ipld package contains implementations of the Block and BlockId interfaces which are compatible with Kubo's Node and CID respectively
The fixtures package contains simple implementations of Block, BlockId, and BlockStore for use in unit tests