A console to manage Fireworq daemons on a Web UI.
Getting Started
You can choose from two options to launch Fireworqonsole as follows.
Use Docker
Run the following commands and you will get the whole system working
all at once. Make sure you have Docker installed before running
these commands.
$ docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 fireworq/fireworqonsole
Use binary
A release build is available on the releases page.
For example, the following commands download and extract the
Fireworqonsole binary for Linux AMD64 (x86-64) platform.
$ OS=linux
$ ARCH=amd64
$ curl -L $(curl -sL | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' | grep "_${OS}_${ARCH}.zip") > fireworqonsole_${OS}_${ARCH}.zip
$ unzip fireworqonsole_${OS}_${ARCH}.zip fireworqonsole
Run fireworqonsole
by the following command.
$ ./fireworqonsole
After launched
Access http://localhost:8888/ from your browser and follow the
instruction to add Fireworq nodes to manage. You can also use
argument of the command to specify nodes if you prefer. To
start a console with a different port, specify --bind
argument of
the command.
- Copyright (c) 2017 The Fireworqonsole Authors. All rights reserved.
- Fireworq is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See
LICENSE for the full license text.