= Knative Name Service
:Date: 2023-08
:Revision: v0.1
:toc: macro
image:https://badge.buildkite.com/4af004d06982bb48f8459313b1232cd25db425c5f240e20eef.svg?branch=main[title="Buildkite build status",link=https://buildkite.com/fillmore-labs/name-service]
== Purpose
An sample Knative service that interfaces with a database.
== Configuration
On startup, the service expects an environment variable
`POSTGRES_URL` or to be set.
=== PostgreSQL Configuration
The `POSTGRES_URL` should be in the form of a
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING[PostgreSQL connection URI],
i.e. `postgresql://user:password@host:5432/dbname`
It expects a existing user and database. For an example see
kubectl apply -k k8s/postgres
== Deploy
== Test
A test pod could be started with