Overview ¶
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BlockTopic(networkName string) string
- func CidArrsContains(a []cid.Cid, b cid.Cid) bool
- func CidArrsEqual(a, b []cid.Cid) bool
- func DeciStr(bi BigInt) string
- func DrandTopic(chainInfoJSON string) (string, error)
- func IndexerIngestTopic(networkName string) string
- func MessageProvider() func(t *testing.T) *Message
- func MessageTopic(networkName string) string
- func MustParseAddress(addr string) address.Address
- func MustParseCid(c string) cid.Cid
- func NewGasFeeCap(price int64) abi.TokenAmount
- func NewGasPremium(price int64) abi.TokenAmount
- func ReverseFullBlock(chain []*FullTipSet)
- func ReverseTipSet(chain []*TipSet)
- func SizeStr(bi BigInt) string
- func TipsetProvider() func(*testing.T) *TipSet
- type APIVersion
- type ActivateDealsParams
- type ActivateDealsResult
- type ActiveBeneficiary
- type ActiveSync
- type Actor
- type ActorState
- type ActorV4
- type AddSignerParams
- type AddVerifiedClientParams
- type AddVerifierParams
- type Allocation
- type AllocationId
- type AllocationRequest
- type AllocationRequests
- type AllocationsResponse
- type ApplyRewardParams
- type ApproveReturn
- type BatchReturn
- type BeaconEntry
- type BeneficiaryTerm
- type BigInt
- type BlockHeader
- func (b *BlockHeader) Cid() cid.Cid
- func (b *BlockHeader) Equals(other *BlockHeader) bool
- func (b *BlockHeader) IsValidated() bool
- func (b *BlockHeader) LastTicket() *Ticket
- func (t *BlockHeader) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
- func (b *BlockHeader) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BlockHeader) SerializeWithCid() (cid.Cid, []byte, error)
- func (b *BlockHeader) SetValidated()
- func (b *BlockHeader) SignatureData() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BlockHeader) String() string
- func (b *BlockHeader) ToNode() node.Node
- func (b *BlockHeader) ToStorageBlock() (blocks.Block, error)
- func (t *BlockHeader) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
- type BlockMessages
- type BlockMessagesInfo
- type BlockMsg
- type BlockTemplate
- type ChainInfo
- type ChainMessage
- type ChainMsg
- type ChangeBeneficiaryParams
- type ChangeMultiaddrsParams
- type ChangeNumApprovalsThresholdParams
- type ChangePeerIDParams
- type ChangeWorkerAddressParams
- type ChannelAvailableFunds
- type ChannelInfo
- type CheckSectorProvenParams
- type CheckStatus
- type CheckStatusCode
- type CirculatingSupply
- type Claim
- type ClaimAllocationsParams
- type ClaimAllocationsReturn
- type ClaimExtensionRequest
- type ClaimId
- type ClaimTerm
- type ClientDealProposal
- type CompactPartitionsParams
- type CompactSectorNumbersParams
- type ComputeDataCommitmentParams
- type ComputeDataCommitmentReturn
- type ComputeStateOutput
- type ConfirmSectorProofsParams
- type ConnMgrInfo
- type CronEventPayload
- type CronEventType
- type DataCap
- type Deadline
- type Deadlines
- type DealArray
- type DealCollateralBounds
- type DealLabel
- type DealProposal
- type DealSpaces
- type DealState
- type DeclareFaultsParams
- type DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams
- type DeferredCronEventParams
- type DisputeWindowedPoStParams
- type ElectionProof
- type EstimateMessage
- type EstimateResult
- type EthAddress
- type EthAddressList
- type EthBigInt
- type EthBlock
- type EthBytes
- type EthCall
- type EthFeeHistory
- type EthFeeHistoryParams
- type EthFilterID
- type EthFilterResult
- type EthFilterSpec
- type EthHash
- type EthHashList
- type EthLog
- type EthNonce
- type EthSubscribeParams
- type EthSubscriptionID
- type EthSubscriptionParams
- type EthSubscriptionResponse
- type EthTopicSpec
- type EthTx
- type EthTxArgs
- type EthTxReceipt
- type EthUint64
- type Event
- type EventEntry
- type ExecutionTrace
- type ExpTipSet
- type ExpirationExtension
- type ExpirationExtension2
- type ExpirationQueue
- type ExpirationSet
- type ExtendClaimTermsParams
- type ExtendClaimTermsReturn
- type ExtendSectorExpiration2Params
- type ExtendSectorExpirationParams
- type ExtendedPeerInfo
- type FIL
- type FailCode
- type Fault
- type FaultDeclaration
- type FilterID
- type ForkUpgradeParams
- type FullBlock
- type FullTipSet
- type GasTrace
- type GetBeneficiaryReturn
- type GetClaimsParams
- type GetClaimsReturn
- type GetControlAddressesReturn
- type HeadChange
- type HeadChangeType
- type InvocResult
- type KeyInfo
- type KeyType
- type LaneState
- type Loc
- type LockBalanceParams
- type MarketBalance
- type MarketDeal
- type MarketWithdrawBalanceParams
- type Merge
- type Message
- type MessageCID
- type MessageCheckStatus
- type MessageMatch
- type MessagePrototype
- type MessageReceipt
- type MessageReceiptVersion
- type MessageRoot
- func (mr *MessageRoot) Cid() cid.Cid
- func (t *MessageRoot) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
- func (mr *MessageRoot) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (mr *MessageRoot) SerializeWithCid() (cid.Cid, []byte, error)
- func (mr *MessageRoot) ToStorageBlock() (blocks.Block, error)
- func (t *MessageRoot) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
- type MessageSendSpec
- type MinerConstructorParams
- type MinerInfo
- type MinerPower
- type MinerSectors
- type MinerWithdrawBalanceParams
- type MiningBaseInfo
- type ModVerifyParams
- type MpoolChange
- type MpoolConfig
- type MpoolUpdate
- type MsgGasCost
- type MsgLookup
- type MsgMeta
- type MsgType
- type MsigInfo
- type MsigTransaction
- type MsigVesting
- type MultisigConstructorParams
- type NatInfo
- type NetworkName
- type NetworkParams
- type NetworkType
- type NodeChainStatus
- type NodePeerStatus
- type NodeStatus
- type NodeSyncStatus
- type ObjStat
- type OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams
- type PCHDir
- type PaddedByteIndex
- type Partition
- type PartitionKey
- type PaychConstructorParams
- type PaychGetOpts
- type PaymentInfo
- type PendingBeneficiaryChange
- type PoStPartition
- type PowerPair
- type PreCommitSectorBatchParams
- type PreCommitSectorBatchParams2
- type PreCommitSectorParams
- type ProposalHashData
- type ProposeParams
- type ProposeReturn
- type ProtocolParams
- type ProveCommitAggregateParams
- type ProveCommitSectorParams
- type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams
- type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2
- type PublishStorageDealsParams
- type PublishStorageDealsReturn
- type PubsubScore
- type RawHost
- type RawMessage
- type ReceiverType
- type RecoveryDeclaration
- type RemoveDataCapParams
- type RemoveDataCapProposal
- type RemoveDataCapRequest
- type RemoveDataCapReturn
- type RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams
- type RemoveExpiredAllocationsReturn
- type RemoveExpiredClaimsParams
- type RemoveExpiredClaimsReturn
- type RemoveSignerParams
- type ReplicaUpdate
- type ReplicaUpdate2
- type ReportConsensusFaultParams
- type RestoreBytesParams
- type RmDcProposalID
- type SectorAllocationClaim
- type SectorClaim
- type SectorDataSpec
- type SectorDealData
- type SectorDeals
- type SectorInfo
- type SectorOnChainInfo
- type SectorPreCommitInfo
- type SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
- type Sectors
- type SetMultimap
- type SigType
- type SignedMessage
- type SignedVoucher
- type Signer
- type Status
- type SubmitWindowedPoStParams
- type SwapSignerParams
- type SyncState
- type SyncStateStage
- type Target
- type TargetTracker
- type TerminateSectorsParams
- type TerminateSectorsReturn
- type TerminationDeclaration
- type Ticket
- type TipSet
- func (ts *TipSet) At(i int) *BlockHeader
- func (ts *TipSet) Blocks() []*BlockHeader
- func (ts *TipSet) Cids() []cid.Cid
- func (ts *TipSet) Defined() bool
- func (ts *TipSet) Equals(ots *TipSet) bool
- func (ts *TipSet) Height() abi.ChainEpoch
- func (ts *TipSet) IsChildOf(parent *TipSet) bool
- func (ts *TipSet) Key() TipSetKey
- func (ts *TipSet) Len() int
- func (ts *TipSet) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
- func (ts *TipSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (ts *TipSet) MinTicket() *Ticket
- func (ts *TipSet) MinTicketBlock() *BlockHeader
- func (ts *TipSet) MinTimestamp() uint64
- func (ts *TipSet) ParentState() cid.Cid
- func (ts *TipSet) ParentWeight() big.Int
- func (ts *TipSet) Parents() TipSetKey
- func (ts TipSet) String() string
- func (ts *TipSet) ToSlice() []*BlockHeader
- func (ts *TipSet) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error
- func (ts *TipSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type TipSetKey
- func (tsk TipSetKey) Bytes() []byte
- func (tsk TipSetKey) Cid() (cid.Cid, error)
- func (tsk TipSetKey) Cids() []cid.Cid
- func (tsk TipSetKey) ContainsAll(other TipSetKey) bool
- func (tsk TipSetKey) Equals(other TipSetKey) bool
- func (tsk TipSetKey) Has(id cid.Cid) bool
- func (tsk TipSetKey) IsEmpty() bool
- func (tsk TipSetKey) MarshalCBOR(writer io.Writer) error
- func (tsk TipSetKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (tsk TipSetKey) String() string
- func (tsk TipSetKey) ToStorageBlock() (block.Block, error)
- func (tsk *TipSetKey) UnmarshalCBOR(reader io.Reader) error
- func (tsk *TipSetKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- func (tsk TipSetKey) V0MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
- func (tsk *TipSetKey) V0UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error
- type Transaction
- type TxnID
- type TxnIDParams
- type UUID
- func (uid UUID) IsEmpty() bool
- func (uid UUID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (uid UUID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (uid *UUID) Scan(value interface{}) error
- func (uid UUID) String() string
- func (uid *UUID) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (uid *UUID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- func (uid UUID) Value() (driver.Value, error)
- type UniversalReceiverParams
- type UnpaddedByteIndex
- type UpdateChannelStateParams
- type UseBytesParams
- type VRFPi
- type VerifiedDealInfo
- type VerifyDealsForActivationParams
- type VerifyDealsForActivationReturn
- type Version
- type VestSpec
- type VestingFund
- type VestingFunds
- type VoucherCreateResult
- type VoucherSpec
- type WindowedPoSt
- type WorkerKeyChange
Constants ¶
const ( StageIdle = SyncStateStage(iota) StageHeaders StagePersistHeaders StageMessages StageSyncComplete StageSyncErrored StageFetchingMessages )
const ( EthAddressLength = types.EthAddressLength EthBloomSize = types.EthBloomSize EthHashLength = types.EthHashLength )
const ( EventFlagIndexedKey = 0b00000001 EventFlagIndexedValue = 0b00000010 )
EventEntry flags defined in fvm_shared
const ( SigTypeUnknown = SigType(math.MaxUint8) SigTypeSecp256k1 = SigType(iota) SigTypeBLS SigTypeDelegated )
const ( MTUnknown = MsgType("unknown") // Signing message CID. MsgMeta.Extra contains raw cbor message bytes MTChainMsg = MsgType("message") // Signing a blockheader. signing raw cbor block bytes (MsgMeta.Extra is empty) MTBlock = MsgType("block") // Signing a deal proposal. signing raw cbor proposal bytes (MsgMeta.Extra is empty) MTDealProposal = MsgType("dealproposal") // extra is nil, 'toSign' is cbor raw bytes of 'DrawRandomParams' // following types follow above rule MTDrawRandomParam = MsgType("drawrandomparam") MTSignedVoucher = MsgType("signedvoucher") MTStorageAsk = MsgType("storageask") MTAskResponse = MsgType("askresponse") MTNetWorkResponse = MsgType("networkresposne") // reference : storagemarket/impl/remotecli.go:330 // sign storagemarket.ClientDeal.ProposalCid, // MsgMeta.Extra is nil, 'toSign' is market.ClientDealProposal // storagemarket.ClientDeal.ProposalCid equals cborutil.AsIpld(market.ClientDealProposal).Cid() MTClientDeal = MsgType("clientdeal") MTProviderDealState = MsgType("providerdealstate") MTVerifyAddress = MsgType("verifyaddress") )
const ( DealMaxLabelSize = market.DealMaxLabelSize EpochUndefined = market.EpochUndefined ProposalsAmtBitwidth = market.ProposalsAmtBitwidth StatesAmtBitwidth = market.StatesAmtBitwidth )
const ( AddressedPartitionsMax = miner.AddressedPartitionsMax AddressedSectorsMax = miner.AddressedSectorsMax ChainFinality = miner.ChainFinality CronEventProcessEarlyTerminations = miner.CronEventProcessEarlyTerminations CronEventProvingDeadline = miner.CronEventProvingDeadline CronEventWorkerKeyChange = miner.CronEventWorkerKeyChange DeadlineExpirationAmtBitwidth = miner.DeadlineExpirationAmtBitwidth DeadlineOptimisticPoStSubmissionsAmtBitwidth = miner.DeadlineOptimisticPoStSubmissionsAmtBitwidth DeadlinePartitionsAmtBitwidth = miner.DeadlinePartitionsAmtBitwidth DeclarationsMax = miner.DeclarationsMax FaultDeclarationCutoff = miner.FaultDeclarationCutoff MaxAggregateProofSize = miner.MaxAggregateProofSize MaxAggregatedSectors = miner.MaxAggregatedSectors MaxPartitionsPerDeadline = miner.MaxPartitionsPerDeadline MaxSectorExpirationExtension = miner.MaxSectorExpirationExtension MinAggregatedSectors = miner.MinAggregatedSectors MinSectorExpiration = miner.MinSectorExpiration PartitionEarlyTerminationArrayAmtBitwidth = miner.PartitionEarlyTerminationArrayAmtBitwidth PartitionExpirationAmtBitwidth = miner.PartitionExpirationAmtBitwidth PreCommitSectorBatchMaxSize = miner.PreCommitSectorBatchMaxSize PrecommitCleanUpAmtBitwidth = miner.PrecommitCleanUpAmtBitwidth ProveReplicaUpdatesMaxSize = miner.ProveReplicaUpdatesMaxSize SectorsAmtBitwidth = miner.SectorsAmtBitwidth WPoStChallengeLookback = miner.WPoStChallengeLookback WPoStPeriodDeadlines = miner.WPoStPeriodDeadlines WorkerKeyChangeDelay = miner.WorkerKeyChangeDelay )
const ( LaneStatesAmtBitwidth = paych.LaneStatesAmtBitwidth SettleDelay = paych.SettleDelay )
const ( EndOfLifeClaimDropPeriod = verifreg.EndOfLifeClaimDropPeriod MaximumVerifiedAllocationExpiration = verifreg.MaximumVerifiedAllocationExpiration MaximumVerifiedAllocationTerm = verifreg.MaximumVerifiedAllocationTerm MinimumVerifiedAllocationTerm = verifreg.MinimumVerifiedAllocationTerm NoAllocationID = verifreg.NoAllocationID SignatureDomainSeparation_RemoveDataCap = verifreg.SignatureDomainSeparation_RemoveDataCap )
const DefaultHashFunction = uint64(mh.BLAKE2B_MIN + 31)
The multihash function identifier to use for content addresses.
const (
Eip1559TxType = types.Eip1559TxType
const EventAMTBitwidth = 5
const HeadChangeTopic = "headchange"
HeadChangeTopic is the topic used to publish new heads.
const (
MessageVersion = types.MessageVersion
const (
SignersMax = multisig.SignersMax
Variables ¶
var ( AsActorV4 = types.AsActorV4 AsActorV5 = types.AsActorV5 )
var ( BigAdd = types.BigAdd BigCmp = types.BigCmp BigDiv = types.BigDiv BigDivFloat = types.BigDivFloat BigFromBytes = types.BigFromBytes BigFromString = types.BigFromString BigMod = types.BigMod BigMul = types.BigMul BigSub = types.BigSub NewInt = types.NewInt )
var ( AttoFil = types.AttoFil FemtoFil = types.FemtoFil NanoFil = types.NanoFil PicoFil = types.PicoFil ZeroFIL = types.ZeroFIL )
var ( FromFil = types.FromFil MustParseFIL = types.MustParseFIL ParseFIL = types.ParseFIL )
var ( EmptyEthBloom = types.EmptyEthBloom EmptyEthHash = types.EmptyEthHash EmptyEthInt = types.EmptyEthInt EmptyEthNonce = types.EmptyEthNonce EmptyRootHash = types.EmptyRootHash EmptyUncleHash = types.EmptyUncleHash ErrInvalidAddress = types.ErrInvalidAddress EthBigIntZero = types.EthBigIntZero FullEthBloom = types.FullEthBloom )
var ( CastEthAddress = types.CastEthAddress DecodeHexString = types.DecodeHexString DecodeHexStringTrimSpace = types.DecodeHexStringTrimSpace EthAddressFromFilecoinAddress = types.EthAddressFromFilecoinAddress EthAddressFromPubKey = types.EthAddressFromPubKey EthBloomSet = types.EthBloomSet EthHashFromCid = types.EthHashFromCid EthHashFromTxBytes = types.EthHashFromTxBytes EthUint64FromBytes = types.EthUint64FromBytes EthUint64FromHex = types.EthUint64FromHex GetContractEthAddressFromCode = types.GetContractEthAddressFromCode IsEthAddress = types.IsEthAddress NewEthBlock = types.NewEthBlock ParseEthAddress = types.ParseEthAddress ParseEthHash = types.ParseEthHash SetEip155ChainID = types.SetEip155ChainID TryEthAddressFromFilecoinAddress = types.TryEthAddressFromFilecoinAddress )
var ( EthTxArgsFromUnsignedEthMessage = types.EthTxArgsFromUnsignedEthMessage EthTxFromSignedEthMessage = types.EthTxFromSignedEthMessage ParseEthTxArgs = types.ParseEthTxArgs RecoverSignature = types.RecoverSignature )
var ( ErrKeyInfoNotFound = fmt.Errorf("key info not found") ErrKeyExists = fmt.Errorf("key already exists") )
var ( DecodeRLP = types.DecodeRLP EncodeRLP = types.EncodeRLP )
var ( AsDealProposalArray = market.AsDealProposalArray AsSetMultimap = market.AsSetMultimap DealClientCollateralBounds = market.DealClientCollateralBounds DealDurationBounds = market.DealDurationBounds DealPricePerEpochBounds = market.DealPricePerEpochBounds DealProviderCollateralBounds = market.DealProviderCollateralBounds DealWeight = market.DealWeight MakeEmptySetMultimap = market.MakeEmptySetMultimap NewLabelFromBytes = market.NewLabelFromBytes NewLabelFromString = market.NewLabelFromString StoreEmptySetMultimap = market.StoreEmptySetMultimap ValidateDealsForActivation = market.ValidateDealsForActivation )
var ( AggregatePreCommitNetworkFee = miner.AggregatePreCommitNetworkFee AggregateProveCommitNetworkFee = miner.AggregateProveCommitNetworkFee ConstructDeadline = miner.ConstructDeadline ConstructDeadlines = miner.ConstructDeadlines ConstructVestingFunds = miner.ConstructVestingFunds ExpectedRewardForPower = miner.ExpectedRewardForPower ExpectedRewardForPowerClampedAtAttoFIL = miner.ExpectedRewardForPowerClampedAtAttoFIL FindSector = miner.FindSector InitialPledgeForPower = miner.InitialPledgeForPower LoadExpirationQueue = miner.LoadExpirationQueue LoadSectors = miner.LoadSectors NewDeadlineInfo = miner.NewDeadlineInfo NewPowerPair = miner.NewPowerPair NewPowerPairZero = miner.NewPowerPairZero PreCommitDepositForPower = miner.PreCommitDepositForPower QAPowerForSector = miner.QAPowerForSector QAPowerForWeight = miner.QAPowerForWeight QAPowerMax = miner.QAPowerMax QualityForWeight = miner.QualityForWeight QuantSpecForDeadline = miner.QuantSpecForDeadline SectorKey = miner.SectorKey )
var (
DecodeMessage = types.DecodeMessage
var DefaultCidBuilder = cid.V1Builder{Codec: cid.DagCBOR, MhType: DefaultHashFunction}
A builder for all blockchain CIDs. Note that sector commitments use a different scheme.
var (
EmptyInt = types.EmptyInt
var EmptyTSK = TipSetKey{}
var EmptyTokenAmount = abi.TokenAmount{}
var EmptyVesting = MsigVesting{ InitialBalance: EmptyInt, StartEpoch: -1, UnlockDuration: -1, }
var (
ErrActorNotFound = types.ErrActorNotFound
var MarketBalanceNil = MarketBalance{}
var TotalFilecoinInt = types.TotalFilecoinInt
var UndefTipSet = &TipSet{}
UndefTipSet is a singleton representing a nil or undefined tipset.
var ZeroAddress = types.ZeroAddress
Functions ¶
func BlockTopic ¶ added in v1.8.0
BlockTopic returns the network pubsub topic identifier on which new blocks are announced.
func CidArrsContains ¶ added in v1.6.0
func CidArrsContains(a []cid.Cid, b cid.Cid) bool
func CidArrsEqual ¶
func CidArrsEqual(a, b []cid.Cid) bool
func DrandTopic ¶ added in v1.8.0
func IndexerIngestTopic ¶ added in v1.8.0
func MessageProvider ¶
func MessageTopic ¶ added in v1.8.0
MessageTopic returns the network pubsub topic identifier on which new messages are announced. The message payload is just a SignedMessage.
func MustParseAddress ¶
func MustParseAddress(addr string) address.Address
func MustParseCid ¶
func MustParseCid(c string) cid.Cid
func NewGasFeeCap ¶
func NewGasFeeCap(price int64) abi.TokenAmount
func NewGasPremium ¶
func NewGasPremium(price int64) abi.TokenAmount
func ReverseFullBlock ¶
func ReverseFullBlock(chain []*FullTipSet)
Reverse reverses the order of the slice `chain`.
func ReverseTipSet ¶
func ReverseTipSet(chain []*TipSet)
Reverse reverses the order of the slice `chain`.
func TipsetProvider ¶
Types ¶
type APIVersion ¶ added in v1.7.0
type APIVersion uint32
func NewVer ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewVer(major, minor, patch uint8) APIVersion
func (APIVersion) EqMajorMinor ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (ve APIVersion) EqMajorMinor(v2 APIVersion) bool
func (APIVersion) Ints ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (ve APIVersion) Ints() (uint32, uint32, uint32)
Ints returns (major, minor, patch) versions
func (APIVersion) String ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (ve APIVersion) String() string
type ActivateDealsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ActivateDealsParams = market.ActivateDealsParams
type ActivateDealsResult ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ActivateDealsResult = market.ActivateDealsResult
type ActiveBeneficiary ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ActiveBeneficiary = miner.ActiveBeneficiary
type ActiveSync ¶
type ActorState ¶ added in v1.7.0
type ActorState struct { Balance BigInt Code cid.Cid State interface{} }
type AddSignerParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type AddSignerParams = multisig.AddSignerParams
type AddVerifiedClientParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AddVerifiedClientParams = verifreg.AddVerifiedClientParams
type AddVerifierParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AddVerifierParams = verifreg.AddVerifierParams
type Allocation ¶ added in v1.8.0
type Allocation = verifreg.Allocation
type AllocationId ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AllocationId = verifreg.AllocationId
type AllocationRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AllocationRequest = verifreg.AllocationRequest
type AllocationRequests ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AllocationRequests = verifreg.AllocationRequests
type AllocationsResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AllocationsResponse = verifreg.AllocationsResponse
type ApplyRewardParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ApplyRewardParams = miner.ApplyRewardParams
type ApproveReturn ¶ added in v1.10.0
type ApproveReturn = multisig.ApproveReturn
type BatchReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type BatchReturn = verifreg.BatchReturn
type BeaconEntry ¶
func (*BeaconEntry) MarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *BeaconEntry) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*BeaconEntry) UnmarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *BeaconEntry) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
type BeneficiaryTerm ¶ added in v1.8.0
type BeneficiaryTerm = miner.BeneficiaryTerm
type BlockHeader ¶
type BlockHeader struct { // Miner is the address of the miner actor that mined this newBlock. Miner address.Address // Ticket is the ticket submitted with this newBlock. Ticket *Ticket // ElectionProof is the vrf proof giving this newBlock's miner authoring rights ElectionProof *ElectionProof // BeaconEntries contain the verifiable oracle randomness used to elect // this newBlock's author leader BeaconEntries []BeaconEntry // WinPoStProof are the winning post proofs WinPoStProof []proof.PoStProof // Parents is the set of parents this newBlock was based on. Typically one, // but can be several in the case where there were multiple winning ticket- // holders for an epoch. Parents []cid.Cid // ParentWeight is the aggregate chain weight of the parent set. ParentWeight big.Int // Height is the chain height of this newBlock. Height abi.ChainEpoch // ParentStateRoot is the CID of the root of the state tree after application of the messages in the parent tipset // to the parent tipset's state root. ParentStateRoot cid.Cid // ParentMessageReceipts is a list of receipts corresponding to the application of the messages in the parent tipset // to the parent tipset's state root (corresponding to this newBlock's ParentStateRoot). ParentMessageReceipts cid.Cid // Messages is the set of messages included in this newBlock Messages cid.Cid // The aggregate signature of all BLS signed messages in the newBlock BLSAggregate *crypto.Signature // The timestamp, in seconds since the Unix epoch, at which this newBlock was created. Timestamp uint64 // The signature of the miner's worker key over the newBlock BlockSig *crypto.Signature // ForkSignaling is extra data used by miners to communicate ForkSignaling uint64 // identical for all blocks in same tipset: the base fee after executing parent tipset ParentBaseFee abi.TokenAmount // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BlockHeader is a newBlock in the blockchain.
func DecodeBlock ¶
func DecodeBlock(b []byte) (*BlockHeader, error)
DecodeBlock decodes raw cbor bytes into a BlockHeader.
func (*BlockHeader) Cid ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) Cid() cid.Cid
Cid returns the content id of this newBlock.
func (*BlockHeader) Equals ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) Equals(other *BlockHeader) bool
Equals returns true if the BlockHeader is equal to other.
func (*BlockHeader) IsValidated ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) IsValidated() bool
IsValidated check whether block signature is valid from memory
func (*BlockHeader) LastTicket ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) LastTicket() *Ticket
LastTicket get ticket in block
func (*BlockHeader) MarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *BlockHeader) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*BlockHeader) Serialize ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
Serialize serialize blockheader to binary
func (*BlockHeader) SerializeWithCid ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) SerializeWithCid() (cid.Cid, []byte, error)
func (*BlockHeader) SetValidated ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) SetValidated()
SetValidated set block signature is valid after checkout blocksig
func (*BlockHeader) SignatureData ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) SignatureData() ([]byte, error)
SignatureData returns the newBlock's bytes with a null signature field for signature creation and verification
func (*BlockHeader) String ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) String() string
func (*BlockHeader) ToNode ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) ToNode() node.Node
ToNode converts the BlockHeader to an IPLD node.
func (*BlockHeader) ToStorageBlock ¶
func (b *BlockHeader) ToStorageBlock() (blocks.Block, error)
ToStorageBlock convert blockheader to data block with cid
func (*BlockHeader) UnmarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *BlockHeader) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
type BlockMessages ¶
type BlockMessages struct { BlsMessages []*Message SecpkMessages []*SignedMessage Cids []cid.Cid }
BlsMessages[x].cid = Cids[x] SecpkMessages[y].cid = Cids[BlsMessages.length + y]
type BlockMessagesInfo ¶
type BlockMessagesInfo struct { BlsMessages []ChainMsg SecpkMessages []ChainMsg Block *BlockHeader }
BlockMessagesInfo contains messages for one newBlock in a tipset.
type BlockMsg ¶
type BlockMsg struct { Header *BlockHeader BlsMessages []cid.Cid SecpkMessages []cid.Cid }
type BlockTemplate ¶
type BlockTemplate struct { Miner address.Address Parents TipSetKey Ticket *Ticket Eproof *ElectionProof BeaconValues []BeaconEntry Messages []*SignedMessage Epoch abi.ChainEpoch Timestamp uint64 WinningPoStProof []builtin.PoStProof }
type ChainInfo ¶
type ChainInfo struct { // The originator of the TipSetKey propagation wave. Source peer.ID // The peer that sent us the TipSetKey message. Sender peer.ID Head *TipSet }
ChainInfo is used to track metadata about a peer and its chain.
func NewChainInfo ¶
NewChainInfo creates a chain info from a peer id a head tipset key and a chain height.
type ChainMessage ¶
type ChainMessage struct { TS *TipSet Message ChainMsg Block *BlockHeader Receipt *MessageReceipt }
ChainMessage is an on-chain message with its block and receipt.
type ChangeBeneficiaryParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ChangeBeneficiaryParams = miner.ChangeBeneficiaryParams
type ChangeMultiaddrsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ChangeMultiaddrsParams = miner.ChangeMultiaddrsParams
type ChangeNumApprovalsThresholdParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type ChangeNumApprovalsThresholdParams = multisig.ChangeNumApprovalsThresholdParams
type ChangePeerIDParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ChangePeerIDParams = miner.ChangePeerIDParams
type ChangeWorkerAddressParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ChangeWorkerAddressParams = miner.ChangeWorkerAddressParams
type ChannelAvailableFunds ¶
type ChannelAvailableFunds struct { // Channel is the address of the channel Channel *address.Address // From is the from address of the channel (channel creator) From address.Address // To is the to address of the channel To address.Address // ConfirmedAmt is the total amount of funds that have been confirmed on-chain for the channel ConfirmedAmt BigInt // PendingAmt is the amount of funds that are pending confirmation on-chain PendingAmt BigInt // NonReservedAmt is part of ConfirmedAmt that is available for use (e.g. when the payment channel was pre-funded) NonReservedAmt BigInt // PendingAvailableAmt is the amount of funds that are pending confirmation on-chain that will become available once confirmed PendingAvailableAmt BigInt // PendingWaitSentinel can be used with PaychGetWaitReady to wait for // confirmation of pending funds PendingWaitSentinel *cid.Cid // QueuedAmt is the amount that is queued up behind a pending request QueuedAmt BigInt // VoucherRedeemedAmt is the amount that is redeemed by vouchers on-chain // and in the local datastore VoucherReedeemedAmt BigInt }
type ChannelInfo ¶
type ChannelInfo struct { Channel address.Address WaitSentinel cid.Cid }
type CheckSectorProvenParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CheckSectorProvenParams = miner.CheckSectorProvenParams
type CheckStatus ¶
type CheckStatus struct { Code CheckStatusCode OK bool Err string Hint map[string]interface{} }
type CheckStatusCode ¶
type CheckStatusCode int
const ( // Message Checks CheckStatusMessageSerialize CheckStatusCode CheckStatusMessageSize CheckStatusMessageValidity CheckStatusMessageMinGas CheckStatusMessageMinBaseFee CheckStatusMessageBaseFee CheckStatusMessageBaseFeeLowerBound CheckStatusMessageBaseFeeUpperBound CheckStatusMessageGetStateNonce CheckStatusMessageNonce CheckStatusMessageGetStateBalance CheckStatusMessageBalance )
func (CheckStatusCode) String ¶
func (i CheckStatusCode) String() string
type CirculatingSupply ¶
type CirculatingSupply struct { FilVested abi.TokenAmount FilMined abi.TokenAmount FilBurnt abi.TokenAmount FilLocked abi.TokenAmount FilCirculating abi.TokenAmount FilReserveDisbursed abi.TokenAmount }
type ClaimAllocationsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClaimAllocationsParams = verifreg.ClaimAllocationsParams
type ClaimAllocationsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClaimAllocationsReturn = verifreg.ClaimAllocationsReturn
type ClaimExtensionRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClaimExtensionRequest = verifreg.ClaimExtensionRequest
type ClientDealProposal ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClientDealProposal = market.ClientDealProposal
type CompactPartitionsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CompactPartitionsParams = miner.CompactPartitionsParams
type CompactSectorNumbersParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CompactSectorNumbersParams = miner.CompactSectorNumbersParams
type ComputeDataCommitmentParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ComputeDataCommitmentParams = market.ComputeDataCommitmentParams
type ComputeDataCommitmentReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ComputeDataCommitmentReturn = market.ComputeDataCommitmentReturn
type ComputeStateOutput ¶ added in v1.7.0
type ComputeStateOutput struct { Root cid.Cid Trace []*InvocResult }
type ConfirmSectorProofsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ConfirmSectorProofsParams = miner.ConfirmSectorProofsParams
type ConnMgrInfo ¶ added in v1.6.1
type CronEventPayload ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CronEventPayload = miner.CronEventPayload
type CronEventType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CronEventType = miner.CronEventType
type Deadline ¶
type Deadline struct { PostSubmissions bitfield.BitField DisputableProofCount uint64 }
type DealCollateralBounds ¶
type DealCollateralBounds struct { Min abi.TokenAmount Max abi.TokenAmount }
type DealProposal ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DealProposal = market.DealProposal
type DealSpaces ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DealSpaces = market.DealSpaces
type DeclareFaultsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DeclareFaultsParams = miner.DeclareFaultsParams
type DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams = miner.DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams
type DeferredCronEventParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DeferredCronEventParams = miner.DeferredCronEventParams
type DisputeWindowedPoStParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DisputeWindowedPoStParams = miner.DisputeWindowedPoStParams
type ElectionProof ¶
type ElectionProof struct { WinCount int64 // A proof output by running a VRF on the VRFProof of the parent ticket VRFProof VRFPi }
func (*ElectionProof) ComputeWinCount ¶
func (ep *ElectionProof) ComputeWinCount(power abi.StoragePower, totalPower abi.StoragePower) int64
ComputeWinCount uses VRFProof to compute number of wins The algorithm is based on Algorand's Sortition with Binomial distribution replaced by Poisson distribution.
func (*ElectionProof) MarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *ElectionProof) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*ElectionProof) UnmarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *ElectionProof) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
type EstimateMessage ¶
type EstimateMessage struct { Msg *Message Spec *MessageSendSpec }
type EstimateResult ¶
type EthAddress ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthAddress = types.EthAddress
type EthAddressList ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthAddressList = types.EthAddressList
type EthFeeHistory ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthFeeHistory = types.EthFeeHistory
type EthFeeHistoryParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthFeeHistoryParams = types.EthFeeHistoryParams
type EthFilterID ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthFilterID = types.EthFilterID
type EthFilterResult ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthFilterResult = types.EthFilterResult
type EthFilterSpec ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthFilterSpec = types.EthFilterSpec
type EthHashList ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthHashList = types.EthHashList
type EthSubscribeParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthSubscribeParams = types.EthSubscribeParams
type EthSubscriptionID ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthSubscriptionID = types.EthSubscriptionID
type EthSubscriptionParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthSubscriptionParams = types.EthSubscriptionParams
type EthSubscriptionResponse ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthSubscriptionResponse = types.EthSubscriptionResponse
type EthTopicSpec ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthTopicSpec = types.EthTopicSpec
type EthTxReceipt ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EthTxReceipt = types.EthTxReceipt
type Event ¶ added in v1.10.0
type Event struct { // The ID of the actor that emitted this event. Emitter abi.ActorID // Key values making up this event. Entries []EventEntry }
func DecodeEvents ¶ added in v1.10.0
DecodeEvents decodes a CBOR list of CBOR-encoded events.
type EventEntry ¶ added in v1.10.0
type EventEntry struct { // A bitmap conveying metadata or hints about this entry. Flags uint8 // The key of this event entry Key string // The event value's codec Codec uint64 // The event value Value []byte }
func (*EventEntry) MarshalCBOR ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (t *EventEntry) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*EventEntry) UnmarshalCBOR ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (t *EventEntry) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
type ExecutionTrace ¶
type ExecutionTrace struct { Msg *Message MsgRct *MessageReceipt Error string Duration time.Duration GasCharges []*GasTrace Subcalls []ExecutionTrace }
type ExpTipSet ¶
type ExpTipSet struct { Cids []cid.Cid Blocks []*BlockHeader Height abi.ChainEpoch }
type ExpirationExtension ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExpirationExtension = miner.ExpirationExtension
type ExpirationExtension2 ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExpirationExtension2 = miner.ExpirationExtension2
type ExpirationQueue ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExpirationQueue = miner.ExpirationQueue
type ExpirationSet ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExpirationSet = miner.ExpirationSet
type ExtendClaimTermsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExtendClaimTermsParams = verifreg.ExtendClaimTermsParams
type ExtendClaimTermsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExtendClaimTermsReturn = verifreg.ExtendClaimTermsReturn
type ExtendSectorExpiration2Params ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExtendSectorExpiration2Params = miner.ExtendSectorExpiration2Params
type ExtendSectorExpirationParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ExtendSectorExpirationParams = miner.ExtendSectorExpirationParams
type ExtendedPeerInfo ¶ added in v1.6.1
type Fault ¶ added in v1.7.0
type Fault struct { Miner address.Address Epoch abi.ChainEpoch }
type FaultDeclaration ¶ added in v1.8.0
type FaultDeclaration = miner.FaultDeclaration
type ForkUpgradeParams ¶ added in v1.6.0
type ForkUpgradeParams struct { UpgradeSmokeHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeBreezeHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeIgnitionHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeLiftoffHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeAssemblyHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeRefuelHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeTapeHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeKumquatHeight abi.ChainEpoch BreezeGasTampingDuration abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeCalicoHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradePersianHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeOrangeHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeClausHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeTrustHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeNorwegianHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeTurboHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeHyperdriveHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeChocolateHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeOhSnapHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeSkyrHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeSharkHeight abi.ChainEpoch UpgradeHyggeHeight abi.ChainEpoch }
type FullBlock ¶
type FullBlock struct { Header *BlockHeader BLSMessages []*Message SECPMessages []*SignedMessage }
FullBlock carries a newBlock header and the message and receipt collections referenced from the header.
type FullTipSet ¶
type FullTipSet struct { Blocks []*FullBlock // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FullTipSet is an expanded version of the TipSet that contains all the blocks and messages
func NewFullTipSet ¶
func NewFullTipSet(blks []*FullBlock) *FullTipSet
func (*FullTipSet) Cids ¶
func (fts *FullTipSet) Cids() []cid.Cid
func (*FullTipSet) TipSet ¶
func (fts *FullTipSet) TipSet() *TipSet
TipSet returns a narrower view of this FullTipSet elliding the newBlock messages.
type GasTrace ¶
type GasTrace struct { Name string Location []Loc `json:"loc"` TotalGas int64 `json:"tg"` ComputeGas int64 `json:"cg"` StorageGas int64 `json:"sg"` TotalVirtualGas int64 `json:"vtg"` VirtualComputeGas int64 `json:"vcg"` VirtualStorageGas int64 `json:"vsg"` TimeTaken time.Duration `json:"tt"` Extra interface{} `json:"ex,omitempty"` Callers []uintptr `json:"-"` }
func (*GasTrace) MarshalJSON ¶
type GetBeneficiaryReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GetBeneficiaryReturn = miner.GetBeneficiaryReturn
type GetClaimsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GetClaimsParams = verifreg.GetClaimsParams
type GetClaimsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GetClaimsReturn = verifreg.GetClaimsReturn
type GetControlAddressesReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GetControlAddressesReturn = miner.GetControlAddressesReturn
type HeadChange ¶
type HeadChange struct { Type HeadChangeType Val *TipSet }
type HeadChangeType ¶
type HeadChangeType string
const ( HCRevert HeadChangeType = "revert" HCApply HeadChangeType = "apply" HCCurrent HeadChangeType = "current" )
type InvocResult ¶
type InvocResult struct { MsgCid cid.Cid Msg *Message MsgRct *MessageReceipt GasCost MsgGasCost ExecutionTrace ExecutionTrace Error string Duration time.Duration }
type KeyType ¶
type KeyType string
KeyType defines a type of a key
func SignType2Key ¶
func (*KeyType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LockBalanceParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type LockBalanceParams = multisig.LockBalanceParams
type MarketDeal ¶
type MarketDeal struct { Proposal DealProposal State DealState }
type MarketWithdrawBalanceParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type MarketWithdrawBalanceParams = market.WithdrawBalanceParams
type MessageCID ¶
type MessageCID struct { Cid cid.Cid Message *Message }
type MessageCheckStatus ¶
type MessageCheckStatus struct { Cid cid.Cid CheckStatus }
type MessageMatch ¶ added in v1.7.0
type MessageMatch struct { To address.Address From address.Address }
type MessagePrototype ¶
type MessageReceipt ¶
type MessageReceipt struct { ExitCode exitcode.ExitCode Return []byte GasUsed int64 EventsRoot *cid.Cid // Root of Event AMT with bitwidth = EventAMTBitwidth // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MessageReceipt is what is returned by executing a message on the vm.
func NewMessageReceiptV0 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func NewMessageReceiptV0(exitcode exitcode.ExitCode, ret []byte, gasUsed int64) MessageReceipt
NewMessageReceiptV0 creates a new pre FIP-0049 receipt with no capability to convey events.
func NewMessageReceiptV1 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func NewMessageReceiptV1(exitcode exitcode.ExitCode, ret []byte, gasUsed int64, eventsRoot *cid.Cid) MessageReceipt
NewMessageReceiptV1 creates a new pre FIP-0049 receipt with the ability to convey events.
func (*MessageReceipt) Equals ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (mr *MessageReceipt) Equals(o *MessageReceipt) bool
func (*MessageReceipt) MarshalCBOR ¶
func (mr *MessageReceipt) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*MessageReceipt) String ¶
func (mr *MessageReceipt) String() string
func (*MessageReceipt) UnmarshalCBOR ¶
func (mr *MessageReceipt) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
func (*MessageReceipt) Version ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (mr *MessageReceipt) Version() MessageReceiptVersion
type MessageReceiptVersion ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MessageReceiptVersion byte
const ( // MessageReceiptV0 refers to pre FIP-0049 receipts. MessageReceiptV0 MessageReceiptVersion = 0 // MessageReceiptV1 refers to post FIP-0049 receipts. MessageReceiptV1 MessageReceiptVersion = 1 )
type MessageRoot ¶
type MessageRoot struct { BlsRoot cid.Cid SecpkRoot cid.Cid }
func (*MessageRoot) Cid ¶
func (mr *MessageRoot) Cid() cid.Cid
func (*MessageRoot) MarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *MessageRoot) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*MessageRoot) Serialize ¶
func (mr *MessageRoot) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
func (*MessageRoot) SerializeWithCid ¶
func (mr *MessageRoot) SerializeWithCid() (cid.Cid, []byte, error)
func (*MessageRoot) ToStorageBlock ¶
func (mr *MessageRoot) ToStorageBlock() (blocks.Block, error)
func (*MessageRoot) UnmarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *MessageRoot) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
type MessageSendSpec ¶
type MessageSendSpec struct { MaxFee abi.TokenAmount GasOverEstimation float64 GasOverPremium float64 }
type MinerConstructorParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MinerConstructorParams = miner.MinerConstructorParams
type MinerInfo ¶ added in v1.6.0
type MinerInfo struct { Owner address.Address // Must be an ID-address. Worker address.Address // Must be an ID-address. NewWorker address.Address // Must be an ID-address. ControlAddresses []address.Address // Must be an ID-addresses. WorkerChangeEpoch abi.ChainEpoch PeerId *peer.ID // nolint Multiaddrs []abi.Multiaddrs WindowPoStProofType abi.RegisteredPoStProof SectorSize abi.SectorSize WindowPoStPartitionSectors uint64 ConsensusFaultElapsed abi.ChainEpoch Beneficiary address.Address BeneficiaryTerm *BeneficiaryTerm PendingBeneficiaryTerm *PendingBeneficiaryChange }
type MinerPower ¶
type MinerSectors ¶
type MinerWithdrawBalanceParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type MinerWithdrawBalanceParams = miner.WithdrawBalanceParams
type MiningBaseInfo ¶
type MiningBaseInfo struct { MinerPower abi.StoragePower NetworkPower abi.StoragePower Sectors []builtin.ExtendedSectorInfo WorkerKey address.Address SectorSize abi.SectorSize PrevBeaconEntry BeaconEntry BeaconEntries []BeaconEntry EligibleForMining bool }
type ModVerifyParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ModVerifyParams = paych.ModVerifyParams
type MpoolConfig ¶
type MpoolUpdate ¶
type MpoolUpdate struct { Type MpoolChange Message *SignedMessage }
type MsgGasCost ¶
type MsgGasCost struct { Message cid.Cid // Can be different than requested, in case it was replaced, but only gas values changed GasUsed abi.TokenAmount BaseFeeBurn abi.TokenAmount OverEstimationBurn abi.TokenAmount MinerPenalty abi.TokenAmount MinerTip abi.TokenAmount Refund abi.TokenAmount TotalCost abi.TokenAmount }
type MsgLookup ¶
type MsgLookup struct { Message cid.Cid // Can be different than requested, in case it was replaced, but only gas values changed Receipt MessageReceipt ReturnDec interface{} TipSet TipSetKey Height abi.ChainEpoch }
type MsigInfo ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MsigInfo struct { ApprovalsThreshold uint64 Signers []address.Address InitialBalance abi.TokenAmount CurrentBalance abi.TokenAmount LockBalance abi.TokenAmount StartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch UnlockDuration abi.ChainEpoch }
type MsigTransaction ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MsigVesting ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MsigVesting struct { InitialBalance abi.TokenAmount StartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch UnlockDuration abi.ChainEpoch }
type MultisigConstructorParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MultisigConstructorParams = multisig.ConstructorParams
type NatInfo ¶ added in v1.6.1
type NatInfo struct { Reachability network.Reachability PublicAddr string }
type NetworkName ¶
type NetworkName string
const ( NetworkNameMain NetworkName = "mainnet" NetworkNameCalibration NetworkName = "calibrationnet" NetworkNameButterfly NetworkName = "butterflynet" NetworkNameInterop NetworkName = "interopnet" NetworkNameIntegration NetworkName = "integrationnet" NetworkNameForce NetworkName = "forcenet" NetworkNameWallaby NetworkName = "wallabynet" NetworkNameHyperspace NetworkName = "hyperspacenet" )
type NetworkParams ¶ added in v1.6.0
type NetworkParams struct { NetworkName NetworkName BlockDelaySecs uint64 ConsensusMinerMinPower abi.StoragePower SupportedProofTypes []abi.RegisteredSealProof PreCommitChallengeDelay abi.ChainEpoch ForkUpgradeParams ForkUpgradeParams }
type NetworkType ¶ added in v1.6.0
type NetworkType int
const ( NetworkDefault NetworkType = 0 NetworkMainnet NetworkType = 0x1 Network2k NetworkType = 0x2 NetworkDebug NetworkType = 0x3 NetworkCalibnet NetworkType = 0x4 NetworkNerpa NetworkType = 0x5 NetworkInterop NetworkType = 0x6 NetworkForce NetworkType = 0x7 NetworkButterfly NetworkType = 0x8 NetworkWallaby NetworkType = 0x9 NetworkHyperspace NetworkType = 0x10 Integrationnet NetworkType = 0x30 )
type NodeChainStatus ¶ added in v1.9.0
type NodePeerStatus ¶ added in v1.9.0
type NodeStatus ¶ added in v1.9.0
type NodeStatus struct { SyncStatus NodeSyncStatus PeerStatus NodePeerStatus ChainStatus NodeChainStatus }
type NodeSyncStatus ¶ added in v1.9.0
type OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams = market.OnMinerSectorsTerminateParams
type PaddedByteIndex ¶
type PaddedByteIndex uint64
type Partition ¶
type Partition struct { AllSectors bitfield.BitField FaultySectors bitfield.BitField RecoveringSectors bitfield.BitField LiveSectors bitfield.BitField ActiveSectors bitfield.BitField }
type PartitionKey ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PartitionKey = miner.PartitionKey
type PaychConstructorParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type PaychConstructorParams = paych.ConstructorParams
type PaychGetOpts ¶ added in v1.6.0
type PaychGetOpts struct {
OffChain bool
type PaymentInfo ¶
type PaymentInfo struct { Channel address.Address WaitSentinel cid.Cid Vouchers []*SignedVoucher }
func (*PaymentInfo) MarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *PaymentInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error
func (*PaymentInfo) UnmarshalCBOR ¶
func (t *PaymentInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)
type PendingBeneficiaryChange ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PendingBeneficiaryChange = miner.PendingBeneficiaryChange
type PoStPartition ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PoStPartition = miner.PoStPartition
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams = miner.PreCommitSectorBatchParams
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams2 ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams2 = miner.PreCommitSectorBatchParams2
type PreCommitSectorParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PreCommitSectorParams = miner.PreCommitSectorParams
type ProposalHashData ¶ added in v1.10.0
type ProposalHashData = multisig.ProposalHashData
type ProposeParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type ProposeParams = multisig.ProposeParams
type ProposeReturn ¶ added in v1.10.0
type ProposeReturn = multisig.ProposeReturn
type ProtocolParams ¶
type ProtocolParams struct { Network string BlockTime time.Duration SupportedSectors []SectorInfo }
type ProveCommitAggregateParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProveCommitAggregateParams = miner.ProveCommitAggregateParams
type ProveCommitSectorParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProveCommitSectorParams = miner.ProveCommitSectorParams
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams = miner.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2 ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2 = miner.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2
type PublishStorageDealsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PublishStorageDealsParams = market.PublishStorageDealsParams
type PublishStorageDealsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PublishStorageDealsReturn = market.PublishStorageDealsReturn
type PubsubScore ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PubsubScore struct { ID peer.ID Score *pubsub.PeerScoreSnapshot }
type RawMessage ¶
type RawMessage = types.RawMessage
type ReceiverType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ReceiverType = verifreg.ReceiverType
type RecoveryDeclaration ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RecoveryDeclaration = miner.RecoveryDeclaration
type RemoveDataCapParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveDataCapParams = verifreg.RemoveDataCapParams
type RemoveDataCapProposal ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveDataCapProposal = verifreg.RemoveDataCapProposal
type RemoveDataCapRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveDataCapRequest = verifreg.RemoveDataCapRequest
type RemoveDataCapReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveDataCapReturn = verifreg.RemoveDataCapReturn
type RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams = verifreg.RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams
type RemoveExpiredAllocationsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveExpiredAllocationsReturn = verifreg.RemoveExpiredAllocationsReturn
type RemoveExpiredClaimsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveExpiredClaimsParams = verifreg.RemoveExpiredClaimsParams
type RemoveExpiredClaimsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RemoveExpiredClaimsReturn = verifreg.RemoveExpiredClaimsReturn
type RemoveSignerParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type RemoveSignerParams = multisig.RemoveSignerParams
type ReplicaUpdate ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ReplicaUpdate = miner.ReplicaUpdate
type ReplicaUpdate2 ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ReplicaUpdate2 = miner.ReplicaUpdate2
type ReportConsensusFaultParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ReportConsensusFaultParams = miner.ReportConsensusFaultParams
type RestoreBytesParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RestoreBytesParams = verifreg.RestoreBytesParams
type RmDcProposalID ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RmDcProposalID = verifreg.RmDcProposalID
type SectorAllocationClaim ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorAllocationClaim = verifreg.SectorAllocationClaim
type SectorClaim ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorClaim = miner.SectorClaim
type SectorDataSpec ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorDataSpec = market.SectorDataSpec
type SectorDealData ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorDealData = market.SectorDealData
type SectorDeals ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorDeals = market.SectorDeals
type SectorInfo ¶
type SectorInfo struct { Size abi.SectorSize MaxPieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize }
SectorInfo provides information about a sector construction
type SectorOnChainInfo ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorOnChainInfo = miner.SectorOnChainInfo
type SectorPreCommitInfo ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorPreCommitInfo = miner.SectorPreCommitInfo
type SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo = miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
type SetMultimap ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SetMultimap = market.SetMultimap
type SigType ¶
func AddressProtocol2SignType ¶ added in v1.10.0
func AddressProtocol2SignType(p address.Protocol) SigType
func KeyType2Sign ¶
type SignedMessage ¶
type SignedMessage = types.SignedMessage
type SignedVoucher ¶
type SignedVoucher = paych.SignedVoucher
type Signer ¶
type Signer interface { SignBytes(ctx context.Context, data []byte, addr address.Address) (*crypto.Signature, error) HasAddress(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address) (bool, error) }
Signer signs data with a private key obtained internally from a provided address.
type SubmitWindowedPoStParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type SubmitWindowedPoStParams = miner.SubmitWindowedPoStParams
type SwapSignerParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type SwapSignerParams = multisig.SwapSignerParams
type SyncState ¶
type SyncState struct { ActiveSyncs []ActiveSync VMApplied uint64 }
type SyncStateStage ¶
type SyncStateStage int
just compatible code lotus
func (SyncStateStage) String ¶
func (v SyncStateStage) String() string
type TargetTracker ¶
type TerminateSectorsParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type TerminateSectorsParams = miner.TerminateSectorsParams
type TerminateSectorsReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type TerminateSectorsReturn = miner.TerminateSectorsReturn
type TerminationDeclaration ¶ added in v1.8.0
type TerminationDeclaration = miner.TerminationDeclaration
type Ticket ¶
type Ticket struct { // A proof output by running a VRF on the VRFProof of the parent ticket VRFProof VRFPi }
A Ticket is a marker of a tick of the blockchain's clock. It is the source of randomness for proofs of storage and leader election. It is generated by the miner of a newBlock using a VRF.
type TipSet ¶
type TipSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TipSet is a non-empty, immutable set of blocks at the same height with the same parent set. Blocks in a tipset are canonically ordered by ticket. Blocks may be iterated either via ToSlice() (which involves a shallow copy) or efficiently by index with At(). TipSet is a lightweight value type; passing by pointer is usually unnecessary.
Canonical tipset newBlock ordering does not match the order of CIDs in a TipSetKey used as a tipset "key".
func NewTipSet ¶
func NewTipSet(bhs []*BlockHeader) (*TipSet, error)
func (*TipSet) At ¶
func (ts *TipSet) At(i int) *BlockHeader
At returns the i'th newBlock in the tipset. An index outside the half-open range [0, Len()) will panic.
func (*TipSet) Blocks ¶
func (ts *TipSet) Blocks() []*BlockHeader
func (*TipSet) Defined ¶
Defined checks whether the tipset is defined. Invoking any other methods on an undefined tipset will result in undefined behaviour (c.f. cid.Undef)
func (*TipSet) Height ¶
func (ts *TipSet) Height() abi.ChainEpoch
Height returns the height of a tipset.
func (*TipSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*TipSet) MinTicketBlock ¶
func (ts *TipSet) MinTicketBlock() *BlockHeader
func (*TipSet) MinTimestamp ¶
func (*TipSet) ParentState ¶
func (ts *TipSet) ParentState() cid.Cid
Parents returns the CIDs of the parents of the blocks in the tipset.
func (*TipSet) ParentWeight ¶
ParentWeight returns the tipset's ParentWeight in fixed point form.
func (TipSet) String ¶
String returns a formatted string of the CIDs in the TipSet. "{ <cid1> <cid2> <cid3> }" Note: existing callers use this as a unique key for the tipset. We should change them to use the TipSetKey explicitly
func (*TipSet) ToSlice ¶
func (ts *TipSet) ToSlice() []*BlockHeader
ToSlice returns an ordered slice of pointers to the tipset's blocks.
func (*TipSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TipSetKey ¶
type TipSetKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A TipSetKey is an immutable collection of CIDs forming a unique key for a tipset. The CIDs are assumed to be distinct and in canonical order. Two keys with the same CIDs in a different order are not considered equal. TipSetKey is a lightweight value type, and may be compared for equality with ==.
func NewTipSetKey ¶
func NewTipSetKey(cids ...cid.Cid) TipSetKey
NewTipSetKey builds a new key from a slice of CIDs. The CIDs are assumed to be ordered correctly.
func TipSetKeyFromBytes ¶
TipSetKeyFromBytes wraps an encoded key, validating correct decoding.
func (TipSetKey) Cids ¶
func (tsk TipSetKey) Cids() []cid.Cid
Cids returns a slice of the CIDs comprising this key.
func (TipSetKey) ContainsAll ¶
ContainsAll checks if another set is a subset of this one. We can assume that the relative order of members of one key is maintained in the other since we assume that all ids are sorted by corresponding newBlock ticket value.
func (TipSetKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (TipSetKey) ToStorageBlock ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*TipSetKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (TipSetKey) V0MarshalCBOR ¶ added in v1.10.0
todo: remove after nv18
type Transaction ¶ added in v1.10.0
type Transaction = multisig.Transaction
type TxnIDParams ¶ added in v1.10.0
type TxnIDParams = multisig.TxnIDParams
type UUID ¶
func (UUID) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (UUID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*UUID) Scan ¶
Scan assigns a value from a database driver. An error should be returned if the value cannot be stored without loss of information.
Reference types such as []byte are only valid until the next call to Scan and should not be retained. Their underlying memory is owned by the driver. If retention is necessary, copy their values before the next call to Scan.
func (*UUID) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (*UUID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type UniversalReceiverParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type UniversalReceiverParams = verifreg.UniversalReceiverParams
type UnpaddedByteIndex ¶
type UnpaddedByteIndex uint64
func (UnpaddedByteIndex) Padded ¶
func (i UnpaddedByteIndex) Padded() PaddedByteIndex
func (UnpaddedByteIndex) Valid ¶
func (i UnpaddedByteIndex) Valid() error
type UpdateChannelStateParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type UpdateChannelStateParams = paych.UpdateChannelStateParams
type UseBytesParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type UseBytesParams = verifreg.UseBytesParams
type VerifiedDealInfo ¶ added in v1.8.0
type VerifiedDealInfo = market.VerifiedDealInfo
type VerifyDealsForActivationParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type VerifyDealsForActivationParams = market.VerifyDealsForActivationParams
type VerifyDealsForActivationReturn ¶ added in v1.8.0
type VerifyDealsForActivationReturn = market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn
type Version ¶
type Version struct { Version string // APIVersion is a binary encoded semver version of the remote implementing // this api // APIVersion APIVersion }
Version provides various build-time information
type VestingFund ¶ added in v1.8.0
type VestingFund = miner.VestingFund
type VestingFunds ¶ added in v1.8.0
type VestingFunds = miner.VestingFunds
type VoucherCreateResult ¶
type VoucherCreateResult struct { // Voucher that was created, or nil if there was an error or if there // were insufficient funds in the channel Voucher *SignedVoucher // Shortfall is the additional amount that would be needed in the channel // in order to be able to create the voucher Shortfall BigInt }
VoucherCreateResult is the response to calling PaychVoucherCreate
type VoucherSpec ¶
type VoucherSpec struct { Amount BigInt TimeLockMin abi.ChainEpoch TimeLockMax abi.ChainEpoch MinSettle abi.ChainEpoch Extra *ModVerifyParams }
type WindowedPoSt ¶ added in v1.8.0
type WindowedPoSt = miner.WindowedPoSt
type WorkerKeyChange ¶ added in v1.8.0
type WorkerKeyChange = miner.WorkerKeyChange
Source Files
- actor.go
- api_types.go
- beacon.go
- bigint.go
- bigint_fil.go
- bigint_unit.go
- block_header.go
- block_message.go
- block_msg.go
- cbor_gen.go
- chain_info.go
- checkstatuscode_string.go
- complex_provider.go
- election_proof.go
- eth.go
- eth_transactions.go
- event.go
- exec.go
- full_block.go
- full_tipset.go
- key_info.go
- message.go
- message_marshal.go
- message_receipt.go
- message_receipt_cbor.go
- message_root.go
- mpool.go
- mpool_config.go
- msg_meta.go
- net.go
- padded_byte.go
- param.go
- paych.go
- rlp.go
- shared_func.go
- signed_message.go
- signer.go
- state_types_gen.go
- supply.go
- tipset.go
- tipset_key.go
- tipset_marshal.go
- uuid.go
- version.go