Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ConfigComment(t interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func ConfigUpdate(cfgCur, cfgDef interface{}, comment bool) ([]byte, error)
- func FromFile(path string, def interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func FromReader(reader io.Reader, def interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func StorageFromFile(path string, def *stores.StorageConfig) (*stores.StorageConfig, error)
- func StorageFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*stores.StorageConfig, error)
- func WriteStorageFile(path string, config stores.StorageConfig) error
- type API
- type Backup
- type BatchFeeConfig
- type Chainstore
- type Client
- type Common
- type DAGStoreConfig
- type DealmakingConfig
- type DealmakingConfiger
- type DocField
- type Duration
- type FeeConfig
- type FullNode
- type IndexProviderConfig
- type Libp2p
- type Logging
- type MinerAddressConfig
- type MinerFeeConfig
- type MinerSubsystemConfig
- type ProvingConfig
- type Pubsub
- type RetrievalPricing
- type RetrievalPricingDefault
- type RetrievalPricingExternal
- type SealerConfig
- type SealingConfig
- type SealingConfiger
- type Splitstore
- type StorageMiner
- func (c *StorageMiner) GetDealmakingConfig() DealmakingConfig
- func (c *StorageMiner) GetSealingConfig() SealingConfig
- func (c *StorageMiner) SetDealmakingConfig(other DealmakingConfig)
- func (c *StorageMiner) SetSealingConfig(other SealingConfig)
- func (c *StorageMiner) StorageManager() sectorstorage.Config
- type Wallet
Constants ¶
const ( // RetrievalPricingDefault configures the node to use the default retrieval pricing policy. RetrievalPricingDefaultMode = "default" // RetrievalPricingExternal configures the node to use the external retrieval pricing script // configured by the user. RetrievalPricingExternalMode = "external" )
Variables ¶
var DefaultDefaultMaxFee = types.MustParseFIL("0.07")
var DefaultSimultaneousTransfers = uint64(20)
var Doc = map[string][]DocField{ "API": []DocField{ { Name: "ListenAddress", Type: "string", Comment: `Binding address for the Lotus API`, }, { Name: "RemoteListenAddress", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Timeout", Type: "Duration", Comment: ``, }, }, "Backup": []DocField{ { Name: "DisableMetadataLog", Type: "bool", Comment: `Note that in case of metadata corruption it might be much harder to recover your node if metadata log is disabled`, }, }, "BatchFeeConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "Base", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "PerSector", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, }, "Chainstore": []DocField{ { Name: "EnableSplitstore", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Splitstore", Type: "Splitstore", Comment: ``, }, }, "Client": []DocField{ { Name: "UseIpfs", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "IpfsOnlineMode", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "IpfsMAddr", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "IpfsUseForRetrieval", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "SimultaneousTransfersForStorage", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers between the client and storage providers for storage deals`, }, { Name: "SimultaneousTransfersForRetrieval", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers between the client and storage providers for retrieval deals`, }, { Name: "OffChainRetrieval", Type: "bool", Comment: `Require that retrievals perform no on-chain operations. Paid retrievals without existing payment channels with available funds will fail instead of automatically performing on-chain operations.`, }, }, "Common": []DocField{ { Name: "API", Type: "API", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Backup", Type: "Backup", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Logging", Type: "Logging", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Libp2p", Type: "Libp2p", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Pubsub", Type: "Pubsub", Comment: ``, }, }, "DAGStoreConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "RootDir", Type: "string", Comment: `Path to the dagstore root directory. This directory contains three subdirectories, which can be symlinked to alternative locations if need be: - ./transients: caches unsealed deals that have been fetched from the storage subsystem for serving retrievals. - ./indices: stores shard indices. - ./datastore: holds the KV store tracking the state of every shard known to the DAG store. Default value: <LOTUS_MARKETS_PATH>/dagstore (split deployment) or <LOTUS_MINER_PATH>/dagstore (monolith deployment)`, }, { Name: "MaxConcurrentIndex", Type: "int", Comment: `The maximum amount of indexing jobs that can run simultaneously. 0 means unlimited. Default value: 5.`, }, { Name: "MaxConcurrentReadyFetches", Type: "int", Comment: `The maximum amount of unsealed deals that can be fetched simultaneously from the storage subsystem. 0 means unlimited. Default value: 0 (unlimited).`, }, { Name: "MaxConcurrentUnseals", Type: "int", Comment: `The maximum amount of unseals that can be processed simultaneously from the storage subsystem. 0 means unlimited. Default value: 0 (unlimited).`, }, { Name: "MaxConcurrencyStorageCalls", Type: "int", Comment: `The maximum number of simultaneous inflight API calls to the storage subsystem. Default value: 100.`, }, { Name: "GCInterval", Type: "Duration", Comment: `The time between calls to periodic dagstore GC, in time.Duration string representation, e.g. 1m, 5m, 1h. Default value: 1 minute.`, }, }, "DealmakingConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "ConsiderOnlineStorageDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `When enabled, the miner can accept online deals`, }, { Name: "ConsiderOfflineStorageDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `When enabled, the miner can accept offline deals`, }, { Name: "ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `When enabled, the miner can accept retrieval deals`, }, { Name: "ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `When enabled, the miner can accept offline retrieval deals`, }, { Name: "ConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `When enabled, the miner can accept verified deals`, }, { Name: "ConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `When enabled, the miner can accept unverified deals`, }, { Name: "PieceCidBlocklist", Type: "[]cid.Cid", Comment: `A list of Data CIDs to reject when making deals`, }, { Name: "ExpectedSealDuration", Type: "Duration", Comment: `Maximum expected amount of time getting the deal into a sealed sector will take This includes the time the deal will need to get transferred and published before being assigned to a sector`, }, { Name: "MaxDealStartDelay", Type: "Duration", Comment: `Maximum amount of time proposed deal StartEpoch can be in future`, }, { Name: "PublishMsgPeriod", Type: "Duration", Comment: `When a deal is ready to publish, the amount of time to wait for more deals to be ready to publish before publishing them all as a batch`, }, { Name: "MaxDealsPerPublishMsg", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum number of deals to include in a single PublishStorageDeals message`, }, { Name: "MaxProviderCollateralMultiplier", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum collateral that the provider will put up against a deal, as a multiplier of the minimum collateral bound`, }, { Name: "MaxStagingDealsBytes", Type: "int64", Comment: `The maximum allowed disk usage size in bytes of staging deals not yet passed to the sealing node by the markets service. 0 is unlimited.`, }, { Name: "SimultaneousTransfersForStorage", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum number of parallel online data transfers for storage deals`, }, { Name: "SimultaneousTransfersForStoragePerClient", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers from any single client for storage deals. Unset by default (0), and values higher than SimultaneousTransfersForStorage will have no effect; i.e. the total number of simultaneous data transfers across all storage clients is bound by SimultaneousTransfersForStorage regardless of this number.`, }, { Name: "SimultaneousTransfersForRetrieval", Type: "uint64", Comment: `The maximum number of parallel online data transfers for retrieval deals`, }, { Name: "StartEpochSealingBuffer", Type: "uint64", Comment: `Minimum start epoch buffer to give time for sealing of sector with deal.`, }, { Name: "Filter", Type: "string", Comment: `A command used for fine-grained evaluation of storage deals see for more details`, }, { Name: "RetrievalFilter", Type: "string", Comment: `A command used for fine-grained evaluation of retrieval deals see for more details`, }, { Name: "RetrievalPricing", Type: "*RetrievalPricing", Comment: ``, }, }, "FeeConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "DefaultMaxFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, }, "FullNode": []DocField{ { Name: "Client", Type: "Client", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Wallet", Type: "Wallet", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Fees", Type: "FeeConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Chainstore", Type: "Chainstore", Comment: ``, }, }, "IndexProviderConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "Enable", Type: "bool", Comment: `Enable set whether to enable indexing announcement to the network and expose endpoints that allow indexer nodes to process announcements. Enabled by default.`, }, { Name: "EntriesCacheCapacity", Type: "int", Comment: `EntriesCacheCapacity sets the maximum capacity to use for caching the indexing advertisement entries. Defaults to 1024 if not specified. The cache is evicted using LRU policy. The maximum storage used by the cache is a factor of EntriesCacheCapacity, EntriesChunkSize and the length of multihashes being advertised. For example, advertising 128-bit long multihashes with the default EntriesCacheCapacity, and EntriesChunkSize means the cache size can grow to 256MiB when full.`, }, { Name: "EntriesChunkSize", Type: "int", Comment: `EntriesChunkSize sets the maximum number of multihashes to include in a single entries chunk. Defaults to 16384 if not specified. Note that chunks are chained together for indexing advertisements that include more multihashes than the configured EntriesChunkSize.`, }, { Name: "TopicName", Type: "string", Comment: `TopicName sets the topic name on which the changes to the advertised content are announced. If not explicitly specified, the topic name is automatically inferred from the network name in following format: '/indexer/ingest/<network-name>' Defaults to empty, which implies the topic name is inferred from network name.`, }, { Name: "PurgeCacheOnStart", Type: "bool", Comment: `PurgeCacheOnStart sets whether to clear any cached entries chunks when the provider engine starts. By default, the cache is rehydrated from previously cached entries stored in datastore if any is present.`, }, }, "Libp2p": []DocField{ { Name: "ListenAddresses", Type: "[]string", Comment: `Binding address for the libp2p host - 0 means random port. Format: multiaddress; see`, }, { Name: "AnnounceAddresses", Type: "[]string", Comment: `Addresses to explicitally announce to other peers. If not specified, all interface addresses are announced Format: multiaddress`, }, { Name: "NoAnnounceAddresses", Type: "[]string", Comment: `Addresses to not announce Format: multiaddress`, }, { Name: "BootstrapPeers", Type: "[]string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "ProtectedPeers", Type: "[]string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "DisableNatPortMap", Type: "bool", Comment: `When not disabled (default), lotus asks NAT devices (e.g., routers), to open up an external port and forward it to the port lotus is running on. When this works (i.e., when your router supports NAT port forwarding), it makes the local lotus node accessible from the public internet`, }, { Name: "ConnMgrLow", Type: "uint", Comment: `ConnMgrLow is the number of connections that the basic connection manager will trim down to.`, }, { Name: "ConnMgrHigh", Type: "uint", Comment: `ConnMgrHigh is the number of connections that, when exceeded, will trigger a connection GC operation. Note: protected/recently formed connections don't count towards this limit.`, }, { Name: "ConnMgrGrace", Type: "Duration", Comment: `ConnMgrGrace is a time duration that new connections are immune from being closed by the connection manager.`, }, }, "Logging": []DocField{ { Name: "SubsystemLevels", Type: "map[string]string", Comment: `SubsystemLevels specify per-subsystem log levels`, }, }, "MinerAddressConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "PreCommitControl", Type: "[]string", Comment: `Addresses to send PreCommit messages from`, }, { Name: "CommitControl", Type: "[]string", Comment: `Addresses to send Commit messages from`, }, { Name: "TerminateControl", Type: "[]string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "DealPublishControl", Type: "[]string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "DisableOwnerFallback", Type: "bool", Comment: `DisableOwnerFallback disables usage of the owner address for messages sent automatically`, }, { Name: "DisableWorkerFallback", Type: "bool", Comment: `DisableWorkerFallback disables usage of the worker address for messages sent automatically, if control addresses are configured. A control address that doesn't have enough funds will still be chosen over the worker address if this flag is set.`, }, }, "MinerFeeConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "MaxPreCommitGasFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "MaxCommitGasFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "MaxPreCommitBatchGasFee", Type: "BatchFeeConfig", Comment: `maxBatchFee = maxBase + maxPerSector * nSectors`, }, { Name: "MaxCommitBatchGasFee", Type: "BatchFeeConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "MaxTerminateGasFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "MaxWindowPoStGasFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: `WindowPoSt is a high-value operation, so the default fee should be high.`, }, { Name: "MaxPublishDealsFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "MaxMarketBalanceAddFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: ``, }, }, "MinerSubsystemConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "EnableMining", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "EnableSealing", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "EnableSectorStorage", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "EnableMarkets", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "SealerApiInfo", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "SectorIndexApiInfo", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, }, "ProvingConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "ParallelCheckLimit", Type: "int", Comment: `Maximum number of sector checks to run in parallel. (0 = unlimited)`, }, }, "Pubsub": []DocField{ { Name: "Bootstrapper", Type: "bool", Comment: `Run the node in bootstrap-node mode`, }, { Name: "DirectPeers", Type: "[]string", Comment: `DirectPeers specifies peers with direct peering agreements. These peers are connected outside of the mesh, with all (valid) message unconditionally forwarded to them. The router will maintain open connections to these peers. Note that the peering agreement should be reciprocal with direct peers symmetrically configured at both ends. Type: Array of multiaddress peerinfo strings, must include peerid (/p2p/12D3K...`, }, { Name: "IPColocationWhitelist", Type: "[]string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "RemoteTracer", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, }, "RetrievalPricing": []DocField{ { Name: "Strategy", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Default", Type: "*RetrievalPricingDefault", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "External", Type: "*RetrievalPricingExternal", Comment: ``, }, }, "RetrievalPricingDefault": []DocField{ { Name: "VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer", Type: "bool", Comment: `VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer configures zero fees for data transfer for a retrieval deal of a payloadCid that belongs to a verified storage deal. This parameter is ONLY applicable if the retrieval pricing policy strategy has been configured to "default". default value is true`, }, }, "RetrievalPricingExternal": []DocField{ { Name: "Path", Type: "string", Comment: `Path of the external script that will be run to price a retrieval deal. This parameter is ONLY applicable if the retrieval pricing policy strategy has been configured to "external".`, }, }, "SealerConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "ParallelFetchLimit", Type: "int", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowAddPiece", Type: "bool", Comment: `Local worker config`, }, { Name: "AllowPreCommit1", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowPreCommit2", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowCommit", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowUnseal", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowReplicaUpdate", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowProveReplicaUpdate2", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "AllowRegenSectorKey", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "ResourceFiltering", Type: "sectorstorage.ResourceFilteringStrategy", Comment: `ResourceFiltering instructs the system which resource filtering strategy to use when evaluating tasks against this worker. An empty value defaults to "hardware".`, }, }, "SealingConfig": []DocField{ { Name: "MaxWaitDealsSectors", Type: "uint64", Comment: `Upper bound on how many sectors can be waiting for more deals to be packed in it before it begins sealing at any given time. If the miner is accepting multiple deals in parallel, up to MaxWaitDealsSectors of new sectors will be created. If more than MaxWaitDealsSectors deals are accepted in parallel, only MaxWaitDealsSectors deals will be processed in parallel Note that setting this number too high in relation to deal ingestion rate may result in poor sector packing efficiency 0 = no limit`, }, { Name: "MaxSealingSectors", Type: "uint64", Comment: `Upper bound on how many sectors can be sealing+upgrading at the same time when creating new CC sectors (0 = unlimited)`, }, { Name: "MaxSealingSectorsForDeals", Type: "uint64", Comment: `Upper bound on how many sectors can be sealing+upgrading at the same time when creating new sectors with deals (0 = unlimited)`, }, { Name: "PreferNewSectorsForDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `Prefer creating new sectors even if there are sectors Available for upgrading. This setting combined with MaxUpgradingSectors set to a value higher than MaxSealingSectorsForDeals makes it possible to use fast sector upgrades to handle high volumes of storage deals, while still using the simple sealing flow when the volume of storage deals is lower.`, }, { Name: "MaxUpgradingSectors", Type: "uint64", Comment: `Upper bound on how many sectors can be sealing+upgrading at the same time when upgrading CC sectors with deals (0 = MaxSealingSectorsForDeals)`, }, { Name: "CommittedCapacitySectorLifetime", Type: "Duration", Comment: `CommittedCapacitySectorLifetime is the duration a Committed Capacity (CC) sector will live before it must be extended or converted into sector containing deals before it is terminated. Value must be between 180-540 days inclusive`, }, { Name: "WaitDealsDelay", Type: "Duration", Comment: `Period of time that a newly created sector will wait for more deals to be packed in to before it starts to seal. Sectors which are fully filled will start sealing immediately`, }, { Name: "AlwaysKeepUnsealedCopy", Type: "bool", Comment: `Whether to keep unsealed copies of deal data regardless of whether the client requested that. This lets the miner avoid the relatively high cost of unsealing the data later, at the cost of more storage space`, }, { Name: "FinalizeEarly", Type: "bool", Comment: `Run sector finalization before submitting sector proof to the chain`, }, { Name: "MakeNewSectorForDeals", Type: "bool", Comment: `Whether new sectors are created to pack incoming deals When this is set to false no new sectors will be created for sealing incoming deals This is useful for forcing all deals to be assigned as snap deals to sectors marked for upgrade`, }, { Name: "MakeCCSectorsAvailable", Type: "bool", Comment: `After sealing CC sectors, make them available for upgrading with deals`, }, { Name: "CollateralFromMinerBalance", Type: "bool", Comment: `Whether to use available miner balance for sector collateral instead of sending it with each message`, }, { Name: "AvailableBalanceBuffer", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: `Minimum available balance to keep in the miner actor before sending it with messages`, }, { Name: "DisableCollateralFallback", Type: "bool", Comment: `Don't send collateral with messages even if there is no available balance in the miner actor`, }, { Name: "BatchPreCommits", Type: "bool", Comment: `enable / disable precommit batching (takes effect after nv13)`, }, { Name: "MaxPreCommitBatch", Type: "int", Comment: `maximum precommit batch size - batches will be sent immediately above this size`, }, { Name: "PreCommitBatchWait", Type: "Duration", Comment: `how long to wait before submitting a batch after crossing the minimum batch size`, }, { Name: "PreCommitBatchSlack", Type: "Duration", Comment: `time buffer for forceful batch submission before sectors/deal in batch would start expiring`, }, { Name: "AggregateCommits", Type: "bool", Comment: `enable / disable commit aggregation (takes effect after nv13)`, }, { Name: "MinCommitBatch", Type: "int", Comment: `maximum batched commit size - batches will be sent immediately above this size`, }, { Name: "MaxCommitBatch", Type: "int", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "CommitBatchWait", Type: "Duration", Comment: `how long to wait before submitting a batch after crossing the minimum batch size`, }, { Name: "CommitBatchSlack", Type: "Duration", Comment: `time buffer for forceful batch submission before sectors/deals in batch would start expiring`, }, { Name: "BatchPreCommitAboveBaseFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: `network BaseFee below which to stop doing precommit batching, instead sending precommit messages to the chain individually`, }, { Name: "AggregateAboveBaseFee", Type: "types.FIL", Comment: `network BaseFee below which to stop doing commit aggregation, instead submitting proofs to the chain individually`, }, { Name: "TerminateBatchMax", Type: "uint64", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "TerminateBatchMin", Type: "uint64", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "TerminateBatchWait", Type: "Duration", Comment: ``, }, }, "Splitstore": []DocField{ { Name: "ColdStoreType", Type: "string", Comment: `ColdStoreType specifies the type of the coldstore. It can be "universal" (default) or "discard" for discarding cold blocks.`, }, { Name: "HotStoreType", Type: "string", Comment: `HotStoreType specifies the type of the hotstore. Only currently supported value is "badger".`, }, { Name: "MarkSetType", Type: "string", Comment: `MarkSetType specifies the type of the markset. It can be "map" for in memory marking or "badger" (default) for on-disk marking.`, }, { Name: "HotStoreMessageRetention", Type: "uint64", Comment: `HotStoreMessageRetention specifies the retention policy for messages, in finalities beyond the compaction boundary; default is 0.`, }, { Name: "HotStoreFullGCFrequency", Type: "uint64", Comment: `HotStoreFullGCFrequency specifies how often to perform a full (moving) GC on the hotstore. A value of 0 disables, while a value 1 will do full GC in every compaction. Default is 20 (about once a week).`, }, }, "StorageMiner": []DocField{ { Name: "Subsystems", Type: "MinerSubsystemConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Dealmaking", Type: "DealmakingConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "IndexProvider", Type: "IndexProviderConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Proving", Type: "ProvingConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Sealing", Type: "SealingConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Storage", Type: "SealerConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Fees", Type: "MinerFeeConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "Addresses", Type: "MinerAddressConfig", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "DAGStore", Type: "DAGStoreConfig", Comment: ``, }, }, "Wallet": []DocField{ { Name: "RemoteBackend", Type: "string", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "EnableLedger", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, { Name: "DisableLocal", Type: "bool", Comment: ``, }, }, }
var MaxTraversalLinks uint64 = 32 * (1 << 20)
MaxTraversalLinks configures the maximum number of links to traverse in a DAG while calculating CommP and traversing a DAG with graphsync; invokes a budget on DAG depth and density.
Functions ¶
func ConfigComment ¶
func ConfigUpdate ¶ added in v1.11.1
func FromFile ¶
FromFile loads config from a specified file overriding defaults specified in the def parameter. If file does not exist or is empty defaults are assumed.
func FromReader ¶
FromReader loads config from a reader instance.
func StorageFromFile ¶ added in v0.3.0
func StorageFromFile(path string, def *stores.StorageConfig) (*stores.StorageConfig, error)
func StorageFromReader ¶ added in v0.3.0
func StorageFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*stores.StorageConfig, error)
func WriteStorageFile ¶ added in v0.3.0
func WriteStorageFile(path string, config stores.StorageConfig) error
Types ¶
type API ¶
type API struct { // Binding address for the Lotus API ListenAddress string RemoteListenAddress string Timeout Duration }
API contains configs for API endpoint
type Backup ¶ added in v1.5.1
type Backup struct { // When set to true disables metadata log (.lotus/kvlog). This can save disk // space by reducing metadata redundancy. // // Note that in case of metadata corruption it might be much harder to recover // your node if metadata log is disabled DisableMetadataLog bool }
type BatchFeeConfig ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*BatchFeeConfig) FeeForSectors ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (b *BatchFeeConfig) FeeForSectors(nSectors int) abi.TokenAmount
type Chainstore ¶ added in v1.5.1
type Chainstore struct { EnableSplitstore bool Splitstore Splitstore }
type Client ¶ added in v0.3.0
type Client struct { UseIpfs bool IpfsOnlineMode bool IpfsMAddr string IpfsUseForRetrieval bool // The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers between the client // and storage providers for storage deals SimultaneousTransfersForStorage uint64 // The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers between the client // and storage providers for retrieval deals SimultaneousTransfersForRetrieval uint64 // Require that retrievals perform no on-chain operations. Paid retrievals // without existing payment channels with available funds will fail instead // of automatically performing on-chain operations. OffChainRetrieval bool }
// Full Node
type DAGStoreConfig ¶ added in v1.11.2
type DAGStoreConfig struct { // Path to the dagstore root directory. This directory contains three // subdirectories, which can be symlinked to alternative locations if // need be: // - ./transients: caches unsealed deals that have been fetched from the // storage subsystem for serving retrievals. // - ./indices: stores shard indices. // - ./datastore: holds the KV store tracking the state of every shard // known to the DAG store. // Default value: <LOTUS_MARKETS_PATH>/dagstore (split deployment) or // <LOTUS_MINER_PATH>/dagstore (monolith deployment) RootDir string // The maximum amount of indexing jobs that can run simultaneously. // 0 means unlimited. // Default value: 5. MaxConcurrentIndex int // The maximum amount of unsealed deals that can be fetched simultaneously // from the storage subsystem. 0 means unlimited. // Default value: 0 (unlimited). MaxConcurrentReadyFetches int // The maximum amount of unseals that can be processed simultaneously // from the storage subsystem. 0 means unlimited. // Default value: 0 (unlimited). MaxConcurrentUnseals int // The maximum number of simultaneous inflight API calls to the storage // subsystem. // Default value: 100. MaxConcurrencyStorageCalls int // The time between calls to periodic dagstore GC, in time.Duration string // representation, e.g. 1m, 5m, 1h. // Default value: 1 minute. GCInterval Duration }
type DealmakingConfig ¶ added in v0.4.0
type DealmakingConfig struct { // When enabled, the miner can accept online deals ConsiderOnlineStorageDeals bool // When enabled, the miner can accept offline deals ConsiderOfflineStorageDeals bool // When enabled, the miner can accept retrieval deals ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals bool // When enabled, the miner can accept offline retrieval deals ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals bool // When enabled, the miner can accept verified deals ConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals bool // When enabled, the miner can accept unverified deals ConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals bool // A list of Data CIDs to reject when making deals PieceCidBlocklist []cid.Cid // Maximum expected amount of time getting the deal into a sealed sector will take // This includes the time the deal will need to get transferred and published // before being assigned to a sector ExpectedSealDuration Duration // Maximum amount of time proposed deal StartEpoch can be in future MaxDealStartDelay Duration // When a deal is ready to publish, the amount of time to wait for more // deals to be ready to publish before publishing them all as a batch PublishMsgPeriod Duration // The maximum number of deals to include in a single PublishStorageDeals // message MaxDealsPerPublishMsg uint64 // The maximum collateral that the provider will put up against a deal, // as a multiplier of the minimum collateral bound MaxProviderCollateralMultiplier uint64 // The maximum allowed disk usage size in bytes of staging deals not yet // passed to the sealing node by the markets service. 0 is unlimited. MaxStagingDealsBytes int64 // The maximum number of parallel online data transfers for storage deals SimultaneousTransfersForStorage uint64 // The maximum number of simultaneous data transfers from any single client // for storage deals. // Unset by default (0), and values higher than SimultaneousTransfersForStorage // will have no effect; i.e. the total number of simultaneous data transfers // across all storage clients is bound by SimultaneousTransfersForStorage // regardless of this number. SimultaneousTransfersForStoragePerClient uint64 // The maximum number of parallel online data transfers for retrieval deals SimultaneousTransfersForRetrieval uint64 // Minimum start epoch buffer to give time for sealing of sector with deal. StartEpochSealingBuffer uint64 // A command used for fine-grained evaluation of storage deals // see for more details Filter string // A command used for fine-grained evaluation of retrieval deals // see for more details RetrievalFilter string RetrievalPricing *RetrievalPricing }
type DealmakingConfiger ¶ added in v1.15.2
type DealmakingConfiger interface { GetDealmakingConfig() DealmakingConfig SetDealmakingConfig(DealmakingConfig) }
type Duration ¶
Duration is a wrapper type for time.Duration for decoding and encoding from/to TOML
func (Duration) MarshalText ¶
func (*Duration) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText implements interface for TOML decoding
type FullNode ¶
type FullNode struct { Common Client Client Wallet Wallet Fees FeeConfig Chainstore Chainstore }
FullNode is a full node config
type IndexProviderConfig ¶ added in v1.15.1
type IndexProviderConfig struct { // Enable set whether to enable indexing announcement to the network and expose endpoints that // allow indexer nodes to process announcements. Enabled by default. Enable bool // EntriesCacheCapacity sets the maximum capacity to use for caching the indexing advertisement // entries. Defaults to 1024 if not specified. The cache is evicted using LRU policy. The // maximum storage used by the cache is a factor of EntriesCacheCapacity, EntriesChunkSize and // the length of multihashes being advertised. For example, advertising 128-bit long multihashes // with the default EntriesCacheCapacity, and EntriesChunkSize means the cache size can grow to // 256MiB when full. EntriesCacheCapacity int // EntriesChunkSize sets the maximum number of multihashes to include in a single entries chunk. // Defaults to 16384 if not specified. Note that chunks are chained together for indexing // advertisements that include more multihashes than the configured EntriesChunkSize. EntriesChunkSize int // TopicName sets the topic name on which the changes to the advertised content are announced. // If not explicitly specified, the topic name is automatically inferred from the network name // in following format: '/indexer/ingest/<network-name>' // Defaults to empty, which implies the topic name is inferred from network name. TopicName string // PurgeCacheOnStart sets whether to clear any cached entries chunks when the provider engine // starts. By default, the cache is rehydrated from previously cached entries stored in // datastore if any is present. PurgeCacheOnStart bool }
type Libp2p ¶
type Libp2p struct { // Binding address for the libp2p host - 0 means random port. // Format: multiaddress; see ListenAddresses []string // Addresses to explicitally announce to other peers. If not specified, // all interface addresses are announced // Format: multiaddress AnnounceAddresses []string // Addresses to not announce // Format: multiaddress NoAnnounceAddresses []string BootstrapPeers []string ProtectedPeers []string // When not disabled (default), lotus asks NAT devices (e.g., routers), to // open up an external port and forward it to the port lotus is running on. // When this works (i.e., when your router supports NAT port forwarding), // it makes the local lotus node accessible from the public internet DisableNatPortMap bool // ConnMgrLow is the number of connections that the basic connection manager // will trim down to. ConnMgrLow uint // ConnMgrHigh is the number of connections that, when exceeded, will trigger // a connection GC operation. Note: protected/recently formed connections don't // count towards this limit. ConnMgrHigh uint // ConnMgrGrace is a time duration that new connections are immune from being // closed by the connection manager. ConnMgrGrace Duration }
Libp2p contains configs for libp2p
type Logging ¶ added in v1.15.1
type Logging struct { // SubsystemLevels specify per-subsystem log levels SubsystemLevels map[string]string }
Logging is the logging system config
type MinerAddressConfig ¶ added in v1.2.3
type MinerAddressConfig struct { // Addresses to send PreCommit messages from PreCommitControl []string // Addresses to send Commit messages from CommitControl []string TerminateControl []string DealPublishControl []string // DisableOwnerFallback disables usage of the owner address for messages // sent automatically DisableOwnerFallback bool // DisableWorkerFallback disables usage of the worker address for messages // sent automatically, if control addresses are configured. // A control address that doesn't have enough funds will still be chosen // over the worker address if this flag is set. DisableWorkerFallback bool }
type MinerFeeConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MinerFeeConfig struct { MaxPreCommitGasFee types.FIL MaxCommitGasFee types.FIL // maxBatchFee = maxBase + maxPerSector * nSectors MaxPreCommitBatchGasFee BatchFeeConfig MaxCommitBatchGasFee BatchFeeConfig MaxTerminateGasFee types.FIL // WindowPoSt is a high-value operation, so the default fee should be high. MaxWindowPoStGasFee types.FIL MaxPublishDealsFee types.FIL MaxMarketBalanceAddFee types.FIL }
type MinerSubsystemConfig ¶ added in v1.11.1
type ProvingConfig ¶ added in v1.15.2
type ProvingConfig struct { // Maximum number of sector checks to run in parallel. (0 = unlimited) ParallelCheckLimit int }
type Pubsub ¶ added in v0.3.0
type Pubsub struct { // Run the node in bootstrap-node mode Bootstrapper bool // DirectPeers specifies peers with direct peering agreements. These peers are // connected outside of the mesh, with all (valid) message unconditionally // forwarded to them. The router will maintain open connections to these peers. // Note that the peering agreement should be reciprocal with direct peers // symmetrically configured at both ends. // Type: Array of multiaddress peerinfo strings, must include peerid (/p2p/12D3K... DirectPeers []string IPColocationWhitelist []string RemoteTracer string }
type RetrievalPricing ¶ added in v1.11.0
type RetrievalPricing struct { Strategy string // possible values: "default", "external" Default *RetrievalPricingDefault External *RetrievalPricingExternal }
type RetrievalPricingDefault ¶ added in v1.11.0
type RetrievalPricingDefault struct { // VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer configures zero fees for data transfer for a retrieval deal // of a payloadCid that belongs to a verified storage deal. // This parameter is ONLY applicable if the retrieval pricing policy strategy has been configured to "default". // default value is true VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer bool }
type RetrievalPricingExternal ¶ added in v1.11.0
type RetrievalPricingExternal struct { // Path of the external script that will be run to price a retrieval deal. // This parameter is ONLY applicable if the retrieval pricing policy strategy has been configured to "external". Path string }
type SealerConfig ¶ added in v1.15.2
type SealerConfig struct { ParallelFetchLimit int // Local worker config AllowAddPiece bool AllowPreCommit1 bool AllowPreCommit2 bool AllowCommit bool AllowUnseal bool AllowReplicaUpdate bool AllowProveReplicaUpdate2 bool AllowRegenSectorKey bool // ResourceFiltering instructs the system which resource filtering strategy // to use when evaluating tasks against this worker. An empty value defaults // to "hardware". ResourceFiltering sectorstorage.ResourceFilteringStrategy }
type SealingConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
type SealingConfig struct { // Upper bound on how many sectors can be waiting for more deals to be packed in it before it begins sealing at any given time. // If the miner is accepting multiple deals in parallel, up to MaxWaitDealsSectors of new sectors will be created. // If more than MaxWaitDealsSectors deals are accepted in parallel, only MaxWaitDealsSectors deals will be processed in parallel // Note that setting this number too high in relation to deal ingestion rate may result in poor sector packing efficiency // 0 = no limit MaxWaitDealsSectors uint64 // Upper bound on how many sectors can be sealing+upgrading at the same time when creating new CC sectors (0 = unlimited) MaxSealingSectors uint64 // Upper bound on how many sectors can be sealing+upgrading at the same time when creating new sectors with deals (0 = unlimited) MaxSealingSectorsForDeals uint64 // Prefer creating new sectors even if there are sectors Available for upgrading. // This setting combined with MaxUpgradingSectors set to a value higher than MaxSealingSectorsForDeals makes it // possible to use fast sector upgrades to handle high volumes of storage deals, while still using the simple sealing // flow when the volume of storage deals is lower. PreferNewSectorsForDeals bool // Upper bound on how many sectors can be sealing+upgrading at the same time when upgrading CC sectors with deals (0 = MaxSealingSectorsForDeals) MaxUpgradingSectors uint64 // CommittedCapacitySectorLifetime is the duration a Committed Capacity (CC) sector will // live before it must be extended or converted into sector containing deals before it is // terminated. Value must be between 180-540 days inclusive CommittedCapacitySectorLifetime Duration // Period of time that a newly created sector will wait for more deals to be packed in to before it starts to seal. // Sectors which are fully filled will start sealing immediately WaitDealsDelay Duration // Whether to keep unsealed copies of deal data regardless of whether the client requested that. This lets the miner // avoid the relatively high cost of unsealing the data later, at the cost of more storage space AlwaysKeepUnsealedCopy bool // Run sector finalization before submitting sector proof to the chain FinalizeEarly bool // Whether new sectors are created to pack incoming deals // When this is set to false no new sectors will be created for sealing incoming deals // This is useful for forcing all deals to be assigned as snap deals to sectors marked for upgrade MakeNewSectorForDeals bool // After sealing CC sectors, make them available for upgrading with deals MakeCCSectorsAvailable bool // Whether to use available miner balance for sector collateral instead of sending it with each message CollateralFromMinerBalance bool // Minimum available balance to keep in the miner actor before sending it with messages AvailableBalanceBuffer types.FIL // Don't send collateral with messages even if there is no available balance in the miner actor DisableCollateralFallback bool // enable / disable precommit batching (takes effect after nv13) BatchPreCommits bool // maximum precommit batch size - batches will be sent immediately above this size MaxPreCommitBatch int // how long to wait before submitting a batch after crossing the minimum batch size PreCommitBatchWait Duration // time buffer for forceful batch submission before sectors/deal in batch would start expiring PreCommitBatchSlack Duration // enable / disable commit aggregation (takes effect after nv13) AggregateCommits bool // maximum batched commit size - batches will be sent immediately above this size MinCommitBatch int MaxCommitBatch int // how long to wait before submitting a batch after crossing the minimum batch size CommitBatchWait Duration // time buffer for forceful batch submission before sectors/deals in batch would start expiring CommitBatchSlack Duration // network BaseFee below which to stop doing precommit batching, instead // sending precommit messages to the chain individually BatchPreCommitAboveBaseFee types.FIL // network BaseFee below which to stop doing commit aggregation, instead // submitting proofs to the chain individually AggregateAboveBaseFee types.FIL TerminateBatchMax uint64 TerminateBatchMin uint64 TerminateBatchWait Duration }
type SealingConfiger ¶ added in v1.15.2
type SealingConfiger interface { GetSealingConfig() SealingConfig SetSealingConfig(SealingConfig) }
type Splitstore ¶ added in v1.5.1
type Splitstore struct { // ColdStoreType specifies the type of the coldstore. // It can be "universal" (default) or "discard" for discarding cold blocks. ColdStoreType string // HotStoreType specifies the type of the hotstore. // Only currently supported value is "badger". HotStoreType string // MarkSetType specifies the type of the markset. // It can be "map" for in memory marking or "badger" (default) for on-disk marking. MarkSetType string // HotStoreMessageRetention specifies the retention policy for messages, in finalities beyond // the compaction boundary; default is 0. HotStoreMessageRetention uint64 // HotStoreFullGCFrequency specifies how often to perform a full (moving) GC on the hotstore. // A value of 0 disables, while a value 1 will do full GC in every compaction. // Default is 20 (about once a week). HotStoreFullGCFrequency uint64 }
type StorageMiner ¶
type StorageMiner struct { Common Subsystems MinerSubsystemConfig Dealmaking DealmakingConfig IndexProvider IndexProviderConfig Proving ProvingConfig Sealing SealingConfig Storage SealerConfig Fees MinerFeeConfig Addresses MinerAddressConfig DAGStore DAGStoreConfig }
StorageMiner is a miner config
func DefaultStorageMiner ¶
func DefaultStorageMiner() *StorageMiner
func (*StorageMiner) GetDealmakingConfig ¶ added in v1.15.2
func (c *StorageMiner) GetDealmakingConfig() DealmakingConfig
func (*StorageMiner) GetSealingConfig ¶ added in v1.15.2
func (c *StorageMiner) GetSealingConfig() SealingConfig
func (*StorageMiner) SetDealmakingConfig ¶ added in v1.15.2
func (c *StorageMiner) SetDealmakingConfig(other DealmakingConfig)
func (*StorageMiner) SetSealingConfig ¶ added in v1.15.2
func (c *StorageMiner) SetSealingConfig(other SealingConfig)
func (*StorageMiner) StorageManager ¶ added in v1.15.2
func (c *StorageMiner) StorageManager() sectorstorage.Config