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Published: Apr 28, 2016 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 17 Imported by: 0



Command vcloud is a wrapper over the Google Compute Engine gcloud tool. It simplifies common usage scenarios and provides some Vanadium-specific support.


vcloud [flags] <command>

The vcloud commands are:

list        List GCE node information
cp          Copy files to or from GCE nodes
node        Manage GCE nodes
run         Copy files to GCE nodes and run
sh          Start a shell or run a command on GCE nodes
help        Display help for commands or topics

The vcloud flags are:

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

The global flags are:

-metadata=<just specify -metadata to activate>
  Displays metadata for the program and exits.
  Specify the gcloud project.
  Dump timing information to stderr before exiting the program.
  Run operations as the given user on each node.

Vcloud list - List GCE node information

List GCE node information. Runs 'gcloud compute instances list'.


vcloud list [flags] [nodes]

[nodes] is a comma-separated list of node name(s). Each node name is a regular expression, with matches performed on the full node name. We select nodes that match any of the regexps. The comma-separated list allows you to easily specify a list of specific node names, without using regexp alternation. We assume node names do not have embedded commas.

If [nodes] is not provided, lists information for all nodes.

The vcloud list flags are:

  Only display these fields, specified as comma-separated column header names.
  Don't print list table header.

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud cp - Copy files to or from GCE nodes

Copy files to GCE node(s). Runs 'gcloud compute copy-files'. The default is to copy to/from all nodes in parallel.


vcloud cp [flags] <nodes> <src...> <dst>

<nodes> is a comma-separated list of node name(s). Each node name is a regular expression, with matches performed on the full node name. We select nodes that match any of the regexps. The comma-separated list allows you to easily specify a list of specific node names, without using regexp alternation. We assume node names do not have embedded commas.

<src...> are the source file argument(s) to 'gcloud compute copy-files', and <dst> is the destination. The syntax for each file is:


Files with the ':' prefix are remote; files without any such prefix are local.

As with 'gcloud compute copy-files', if <dst> is local, all <src...> must be remote. If <dst> is remote, all <src...> must be local.

Each matching node in <nodes> is applied to the remote side of the copy operation, either src or dst. If <dst> is local and there is more than one matching node, sub directories will be automatically created under <dst>.

E.g. if <nodes> matches A, B and C:

// Copies local src{1,2,3} to {A,B,C}:dst
vcloud cp src1 src2 src3 :dst
// Copies remote {A,B,C}:src{1,2,3} to dst/{A,B,C} respectively.
vcloud cp :src1 :src2 :src3 dst

The vcloud cp flags are:

  Skip unstarted nodes after the first failing node.
  Copy to/from this many nodes in parallel.
    <0   means all nodes in parallel
     0,1 means sequentially
     2+  means at most this many nodes in parallel

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud node - Manage GCE nodes

Manage GCE nodes.


vcloud node [flags] <command>

The vcloud node commands are:

authorize   Authorize a user to login to a GCE node
deauthorize Deauthorize a user to login to a GCE node
create      Create GCE nodes
delete      Delete GCE nodes

The vcloud node flags are:

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud node authorize - Authorize a user to login to a GCE node

Authorizes a user to login to a GCE node (possibly as other user). For instance, this mechanism is used to give Jenkins slave nodes access to the GCE mirror of Vanadium repositories.


vcloud node authorize [flags] <userA>@<hostA> [<userB>@]<hostB>

<userA>@<hostA> [<userB>@]<hostB> authorizes userA to log into GCE node hostB from GCE node hostA as user userB. The default value for userB is userA.

The vcloud node authorize flags are:

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud node deauthorize - Deauthorize a user to login to a GCE node

Deuthorizes a user to login to a GCE node (possibly as other user). For instance, this mechanism is used to revoke access of give Jenkins slave nodes to the GCE mirror of Vanadium repositories.


vcloud node deauthorize [flags] <userA>@<hostA> [<userB>@]<hostB>

<userA>@<hostA> [<userB>@]<hostB> deauthorizes userA to log into GCE node hostB from GCE node hostA as user userB. The default value for userB is userA.

The vcloud node deauthorize flags are:

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud node create - Create GCE nodes

Create GCE nodes. Runs 'gcloud compute instances create'.


vcloud node create [flags] <names>

<names> is a list of names identifying nodes to be created.

The vcloud node create flags are:

  Size of the machine boot disk.
  Image to create the machine from.
  Machine type to create.
  Scopes of the machine.
  Script to set up the machine.
  Zone to create the machine in.

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud node delete - Delete GCE nodes

Delete GCE nodes. Runs 'gcloud compute instances delete'.


vcloud node delete [flags] <names>

<names> is a list of names identifying nodes to be deleted.

The vcloud node delete flags are:

  Zone to delete the machine in.

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud run - Copy files to GCE nodes and run

Copy file(s) to GCE node(s) and run. Uses the logic of both cp and sh.


vcloud run [flags] <nodes> <files...> [++ [command...]]

<nodes> is a comma-separated list of node name(s). Each node name is a regular expression, with matches performed on the full node name. We select nodes that match any of the regexps. The comma-separated list allows you to easily specify a list of specific node names, without using regexp alternation. We assume node names do not have embedded commas.

<files...> are the local source file argument(s) to copy to each matching node.

[command...] is the shell command line to run on each node. Specify the entire command line without extra quoting, just like 'vcloud sh'. If a command is specified, it must be preceeded by a single ++ argument, to distinguish it from the files. If no command is given, runs the first file from <files...>.

We run the following logic on each matching node, in parallel by default:

  1. Create a temporary directory TMPDIR based on a random number.
  2. Copy run files to TMPDIR.
  3. Change current directory to TMPDIR.
  4. Runs the [command...], or if no command is given, runs the first run file.
  5. If -outdir is specified, remove run files from TMPDIR, and copy TMPDIR from the node to the local -outdir.
  6. Delete TMPDIR.

The vcloud run flags are:

  Skip unstarted nodes after the first failing node.
  Output directory to store results from each node.
  Copy/run on this many nodes in parallel.
    <0   means all nodes in parallel
     0,1 means sequentially
     2+  means at most this many nodes in parallel

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud sh - Start a shell or run a command on GCE nodes

Start a shell or run a command on GCE node(s). Runs 'gcloud compute ssh'.


vcloud sh [flags] <nodes> [command...]

<nodes> is a comma-separated list of node name(s). Each node name is a regular expression, with matches performed on the full node name. We select nodes that match any of the regexps. The comma-separated list allows you to easily specify a list of specific node names, without using regexp alternation. We assume node names do not have embedded commas.

[command...] is the shell command line to run on each node. Specify the entire command line without extra quoting, e.g. like this:

vcloud sh jenkins-node uname -a

But NOT like this:

vcloud sh jenkins-node 'uname -a'

If quoting and escaping becomes too complicated, use 'vcloud run' instead.

If <nodes> matches exactly one node and no [command] is given, sh starts a shell on the specified node.

Otherwise [command...] is required; sh runs the command on all matching nodes. The default is to run on all nodes in parallel.

The vcloud sh flags are:

  Skip unstarted nodes after the first failing node.
  Run command on this many nodes in parallel.
    <0   means all nodes in parallel
     0,1 means sequentially
     2+  means at most this many nodes in parallel

  Use color to format output.
  Print verbose output.

Vcloud help - Display help for commands or topics

Help with no args displays the usage of the parent command.

Help with args displays the usage of the specified sub-command or help topic.

"help ..." recursively displays help for all commands and topics.


vcloud help [flags] [command/topic ...]

[command/topic ...] optionally identifies a specific sub-command or help topic.

The vcloud help flags are:

  The formatting style for help output:
     compact   - Good for compact cmdline output.
     full      - Good for cmdline output, shows all global flags.
     godoc     - Good for godoc processing.
     shortonly - Only output short description.
  Override the default by setting the CMDLINE_STYLE environment variable.
-width=<terminal width>
  Format output to this target width in runes, or unlimited if width < 0.
  Defaults to the terminal width if available.  Override the default by setting
  the CMDLINE_WIDTH environment variable.

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