Golang MQTT Broker, Version 3.1.1, and Compatible
for eclipse paho client and mosquitto-client

1, Each MQTT broker publishes and subscribes to a partition of kafak multiple topics, one broker corresponds to a partition
2, When the device is connected, the broker saves the correspondence between the device and the partition, which is convenient for the backend service query.
3, When broker receive message from device, according to the producer's topic configuration, sends message to the specified kafka topic
4, After the backend service receives the kafka message, if the service needs to response device, it can directly reply according to the partition to which the received message belongs, or query the response from the Redis to the specified partition, mqtt topic and qos should be saved in the message header with key "topic" and "qos"
Usage of hmq-kafka:
Usage: hmq-kafka [options]
Broker Options:
-w, --worker <number> Worker num to process message, perfer (client num)/10. (default 1024)
-p, --port <port> Use port for clients (default: 1883)
--host <host> Network host to listen on. (default "")
-ws, --wsport <port> Use port for websocket monitoring
-wsp,--wspath <path> Use path for websocket monitoring
-c, --config <file> Configuration file
Logging Options:
-d, --debug <bool> Enable debugging output (default false)
-D Debug enabled
Common Options:
-h, --help Show this message
"workerNum": 4096,
"port": "1883",
"host": "",
"debug": true,
"tlsPort": "8883",
"tlsHost": "",
"wsPort": "1888",
"wsPath": "/ws",
"wsTLS": false,
"tlsInfo": {
"verify": true,
"caFile": "ssl/ca/ca.pem",
"certFile": "ssl/server/cert.pem",
"keyFile": "ssl/server/key.pem"
"plugins": [
"redisAddr": "",
"kafkaConfig": {
"addr": [
"consumer": {
"partition": -1,
"topic": [
"producer": {
"onConnect": "onConnect",
"onPublish": "onPublish",
"onSubscribe": "onSubscribe",
"onDisconnect": "onDisconnect",
"onUnsubscribe": "onUnsubscribe",
"regexpMap": [
"^/(.+)/(.+)/upload/(.*)$": "upload"
Features and Future
High throughput
High concurrency
Low memory and CPU
- Apache License Version 2.0