Send alertmanager alerts notifications to slack without creating webhook url for each slack channel.
It update the original slack channel message to avoid searching if an alert is resolved or not.
Usage of slam:
-cache string
Cache type (local or redis) (default "local")
-cache.redis.db int
Redis DB string
Redis host (default "localhost:6379")
-cache.redis.key-ttl int
Redis key ttl in seconds (default 1296000)
Enable debug mode
-server.grace-timeout int
Grace timeout for shutdown HTTP server (default 5)
-server.http-idle-timeout int
Idle timeout for HTTP server (default 30)
-server.http-listen-address string
Listen address for HTTP server
-server.http-listen-port int
Listen address for HTTP server (default 8080)
-server.http-read-timeout int
Read timeout for HTTP server (default 30)
-server.http-write-timeout int
Write timeout for HTTP server (default 30)
-server.tls-cert-path string
TLS certificate path for HTTP server
-server.tls-key-path string
TLS key path for HTTP server
-slack-token string
Slack app token (could be set by SLACK_TOKEN env var)
-template-files string
Template files to load (files identified by the pattern, like *.tmpl)
-template.annotation.title string
Annotation key name to get for setting slack title message (default "summary")
-template.annotation.title-link string
Annotation key name to get for setting slack title link message (default "title_link")
show version
How it's works
slam use the webhook config from alertmanager:
slam use the groupKey
from webhook json payload, to identify if:
- the slack message has already been sent (for firing status)
- the original slack message should be updated (for resolved status)
This key is stored in local memory or redis.
If the key is not found, it send a new message in the slack channel.
As using webhook format, there is no templating from alertmanager. So we enable the template feature in slam to allow formating slack message. By default, we apply a simple slack message format (cf gif image)
It's possible to define different template and to choose it in the query url.
Run slam with template location:
slam -template-files examples/*.tmpl
Send an alert and use slack.tmpl file template:
curl "http://localhost:8080/webhook/mychann?template=slack.tmpl" -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d @payload.json
Setup alertmanager with slam (using webhook receiver)
resolve_timeout: 5m
receiver: webhook_receiver
- name: webhook_receiver
- url: http://localhost:8080/webhook/mychann
send_resolved: true
Prometheus metrics
slam expose standard prometheus metrics on /metrics
# HELP promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight Current number of scrapes being served.
# TYPE promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight gauge
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight 1
# HELP promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total Total number of scrapes by HTTP status code.
# TYPE promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total counter
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="200"} 0
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="500"} 0
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="503"} 0
# HELP slam_message_sent_failed_total The total number of failed messages sent.
# TYPE slam_message_sent_failed_total counter
slam_message_sent_failed_total{channel="testfgx2"} 1
# HELP slam_message_sent_total The total number of successfully messages sent.
# TYPE slam_message_sent_total counter
slam_message_sent_total{channel="testfgx"} 1
Webhook API
Send slack message in a given channel
GET /webhook/<channel>
Status code: 200 if message sent.
Response: ok
Ready / health API
Readiness check (check slack authentication)
GET /ready
Status code: 200 if ready.
Response: OK
Healthiness check
GET /health
Status code: 200 if healthy.
Response: OK
If the webhook payload contains several alerts, it will wait that all alerts be resolved before update the original message.