This is a k6 extension using the xk6 system, that allows to use NATS protocol.
This extension is a fork of ydarias/k6-nats that adds headers support and some other features.
It is provided with no warranty, use it at your own risk.
To build a k6
binary with this extension, first ensure you have the prerequisites:
- Install
framework for extending k6
go install go.k6.io/xk6/cmd/xk6@latest
- Build the binary:
xk6 build --with github.com/fernandoescolar/xk6-nats@latest
- Run a test
k6 run -e NATS_HOSTNAME=localhost test/test.js
To run JetStream test, make sure NATS JetStream is started, e.g. nats-server -js
k6 run -e NATS_HOSTNAME=localhost test/test_jetstream.js
To run publish with headers test, make sure NATS JetStream is started, e.g. nats-server -js
./k6 run -e NATS_HOSTNAME=localhost test/test_headers.js
A Nats instance represents the connection with the NATS server, and it is created with new Nats(configuration)
, where configuration attributes are:
Attribute |
Description |
servers |
(mandatory) is the list of servers where NATS is available (e.g. [nats://localhost:4222] ) |
unsafe |
(optional) allows running with self-signed certificates when doing tests against a testing environment, it is a boolean value (default value is false ) |
token |
(optional) is the value of the token used to connect to the NATS server |
import {Nats} from 'k6/x/nats'
const natsConfig = {
servers: ['nats://localhost:4222'],
unsafe: true,
const nats = new Nats(natsConfig)
You can publish messages to a topic using the following functions:
Function |
Description |
publish(topic, payload) |
publish a new message using the topic (string) and the given payload that is a string representation that later is serialized as a byte array |
publisWithHeaders(topic, payload, headers) |
publish a new message using the topic (string), the given payload that is a string representation that later is serialized as a byte array and the headers |
publishMsg(message) |
publish a new message using the message (object) that has the following attributes: topic (string), data (string), raw (byte array) and headers (object) |
request(topic, payload, headers) |
sends a request to the topic (string) and the given payload as string representation and the headers, and returns a message |
const publisher = new Nats(natsConfig)
publisher.publish('topic', 'data')
publisher.publishWithHeaders('topic', 'data', { 'header1': 'value1' })
publisher.publishMsg({ topic: 'topic', data: 'string data', headers: { 'header1': 'value1' } })
publisher.publishMsg({ topic: 'topic', raw: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], headers: { 'header1': 'value1' } })
const message = publisher.request('topic', 'data', { 'header1': 'value1' })
You can subscribe to a topic using the following functions:
Function |
Description |
subscribe(topic, callback) |
subscribe to a topic (string) and execute the callback function when a message is received, it returns a subscription |
const subscriber = new Nats(natsConfig)
const subscription = subscriber.subscribe('topic', (msg) => {
// ...
You can use JetStream Pub/Sub in the same way as NATS Pub/Sub. The only difference is that you need to setup the stream before publishing or subscribing to it.
The configuration is the same as the one used in the nats-io's StreamConfig
Attribute |
Description |
name |
(mandatory) is the name of the stream |
description |
(optional) is the description of the stream |
subjects |
(mandatory) is the list of subjects that the stream will be listening to |
retention |
(optional) is the retention policy of the stream, it can be limits , interest , workqueue or stream |
max_consumers |
(optional) is the maximum number of consumers that the stream will allow |
max_msgs |
(optional) is the maximum number of messages that the stream will store |
max_bytes |
(optional) is the maximum number of bytes that the stream will store |
max_age |
(optional) is the maximum age of the messages that the stream will store |
max_msg_size |
(optional) is the maximum size of the messages that the stream will store |
discard |
(optional) is the discard policy of the stream, it can be old , new or none |
storage |
(optional) is the type of storage that the stream will use, it can be file or memory |
replicas |
(optional) is the number of replicas that the stream will have |
no_ack |
(optional) is a boolean value that indicates if the stream will use acks or not |
const streamConfig = {
name: "mock",
subjects: ["foo"],
max_msgs_per_subject: 100,
discard: 0,
storage: 1
const publisher = new Nats(natsConfig)
JetStream operations
Once the stream is setup, you can publish and subscribe to it using the following functions:
Function |
Description |
jetStreamSetup(config) |
setup a stream with the given configuration |
jetStreamPublish(topic, payload) |
publish a new message using the topic (string) and the given payload that is a string representation that later is serialized as a byte array |
jetStreamPublishWithHeaders(topic, payload, headers) |
publish a new message using the topic (string), the given payload that is a string representation that later is serialized as a byte array and the headers |
jetStreamPublishMsg(message) |
publish a new message using the message (object) that has the following attributes: topic (string), data (string), raw (byte array) and headers (object) |
jetStreamSubscribe(topic, callback) |
subscribe to a topic (string) and execute the callback function when a message is received, it returns a subscription |
const subscriber = new Nats(natsConfig)
const subscription = subscriber.jetStreamSubscribe('mock', (msg) => {
const publisher = new Nats(natsConfig)
publisher.jetStreamPublish('foo', 'data')
publisher.jetStreamPublishWithHeaders('foo', 'data', { 'header1': 'value1' })
publisher.jetStreamPublishMsg({ topic: 'topic', data: 'string data', headers: { 'header1': 'value1' } })
publisher.jetStreamPublishMsg({ topic: 'topic', raw: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], headers: { 'header1': 'value1' } })
// ...
Return values
A subscription
return value has the following methods:
Method |
Description |
close() |
closes the subscription |
A message
return value has the following attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
raw |
the payload in byte array format |
data |
the payload in string format |
topic |
the topic where the message was published |
headers |
the headers of the message |
You can find some examples in the examples folder. To run them, you need to have a NATS server running and then run the following command:
k6 run -e NATS_HOSTNAME=your_nats_server_host examples/simple.js
k6 run -e NATS_HOSTNAME=your_nats_server_host examples/withHeaders.js
Or you can check the test folder to see how to use the extension.
The original source code of this project belongs to ydarias and has not been relased under any license.
The source code of this project is released under the MIT License.