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Published: May 9, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 10 Imported by: 0




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var ErrNotFound = sqlx.ErrNotFound


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type OmsCartItem

type OmsCartItem struct {
	Id                int64     `db:"id"`
	ProductId         int64     `db:"product_id"`
	ProductSkuId      int64     `db:"product_sku_id"`
	MemberId          int64     `db:"member_id"`
	Quantity          int64     `db:"quantity"`            // 购买数量
	Price             float64   `db:"price"`               // 添加到购物车的价格
	ProductPic        string    `db:"product_pic"`         // 商品主图
	ProductName       string    `db:"product_name"`        // 商品名称
	ProductSubTitle   string    `db:"product_sub_title"`   // 商品副标题(卖点)
	ProductSkuCode    string    `db:"product_sku_code"`    // 商品sku条码
	MemberNickname    string    `db:"member_nickname"`     // 会员昵称
	CreateDate        time.Time `db:"create_date"`         // 创建时间
	ModifyDate        time.Time `db:"modify_date"`         // 修改时间
	DeleteStatus      int64     `db:"delete_status"`       // 是否删除
	ProductCategoryId int64     `db:"product_category_id"` // 商品分类
	ProductBrand      string    `db:"product_brand"`
	ProductSn         string    `db:"product_sn"`
	ProductAttr       string    `db:"product_attr"` // 商品销售属性:[{"key":"颜色","value":"颜色"},{"key":"容量","value":"4G"}]

type OmsCartItemModel

type OmsCartItemModel interface {
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, MemberId int64) (*[]OmsCartItem, error)
	FindAllByMemberIdAndProduct(ctx context.Context, MemberId, productId int64) (*OmsCartItem, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, memberId int64, ids []int64) error
	ClearCartItem(ctx context.Context, memberId int64) error
	CartItemUpdateQuantity(ctx context.Context, id, memberId, quantity int64) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsCartItemModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsCartItemModel.

func NewOmsCartItemModel

func NewOmsCartItemModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsCartItemModel

NewOmsCartItemModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsCompanyAddress

type OmsCompanyAddress struct {
	Id            int64  `db:"id"`
	AddressName   string `db:"address_name"`   // 地址名称
	SendStatus    int64  `db:"send_status"`    // 默认发货地址:0->否;1->是
	ReceiveStatus int64  `db:"receive_status"` // 是否默认收货地址:0->否;1->是
	Name          string `db:"name"`           // 收发货人姓名
	Phone         string `db:"phone"`          // 收货人电话
	Province      string `db:"province"`       // 省/直辖市
	City          string `db:"city"`           // 市
	Region        string `db:"region"`         // 区
	DetailAddress string `db:"detail_address"` // 详细地址

type OmsCompanyAddressModel

type OmsCompanyAddressModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, Current int64, PageSize int64) (*[]OmsCompanyAddress, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsCompanyAddressModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsCompanyAddressModel.

func NewOmsCompanyAddressModel

func NewOmsCompanyAddressModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsCompanyAddressModel

NewOmsCompanyAddressModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsOrder

type OmsOrder struct {
	Id                    int64     `db:"id"` // 订单id
	MemberId              int64     `db:"member_id"`
	CouponId              int64     `db:"coupon_id"`
	OrderSn               string    `db:"order_sn"`                // 订单编号
	CreateTime            time.Time `db:"create_time"`             // 提交时间
	MemberUsername        string    `db:"member_username"`         // 用户帐号
	TotalAmount           float64   `db:"total_amount"`            // 订单总金额
	PayAmount             float64   `db:"pay_amount"`              // 应付金额(实际支付金额)
	FreightAmount         float64   `db:"freight_amount"`          // 运费金额
	PromotionAmount       float64   `db:"promotion_amount"`        // 促销优化金额(促销价、满减、阶梯价)
	IntegrationAmount     float64   `db:"integration_amount"`      // 积分抵扣金额
	CouponAmount          float64   `db:"coupon_amount"`           // 优惠券抵扣金额
	DiscountAmount        float64   `db:"discount_amount"`         // 管理员后台调整订单使用的折扣金额
	PayType               int64     `db:"pay_type"`                // 支付方式:0->未支付;1->支付宝;2->微信
	SourceType            int64     `db:"source_type"`             // 订单来源:0->PC订单;1->app订单
	Status                int64     `db:"status"`                  // 订单状态:0->待付款;1->待发货;2->已发货;3->已完成;4->已关闭;5->无效订单
	OrderType             int64     `db:"order_type"`              // 订单类型:0->正常订单;1->秒杀订单
	DeliveryCompany       string    `db:"delivery_company"`        // 物流公司(配送方式)
	DeliverySn            string    `db:"delivery_sn"`             // 物流单号
	AutoConfirmDay        int64     `db:"auto_confirm_day"`        // 自动确认时间(天)
	Integration           int64     `db:"integration"`             // 可以获得的积分
	Growth                int64     `db:"growth"`                  // 可以活动的成长值
	PromotionInfo         string    `db:"promotion_info"`          // 活动信息
	BillType              int64     `db:"bill_type"`               // 发票类型:0->不开发票;1->电子发票;2->纸质发票
	BillHeader            string    `db:"bill_header"`             // 发票抬头
	BillContent           string    `db:"bill_content"`            // 发票内容
	BillReceiverPhone     string    `db:"bill_receiver_phone"`     // 收票人电话
	BillReceiverEmail     string    `db:"bill_receiver_email"`     // 收票人邮箱
	ReceiverName          string    `db:"receiver_name"`           // 收货人姓名
	ReceiverPhone         string    `db:"receiver_phone"`          // 收货人电话
	ReceiverPostCode      string    `db:"receiver_post_code"`      // 收货人邮编
	ReceiverProvince      string    `db:"receiver_province"`       // 省份/直辖市
	ReceiverCity          string    `db:"receiver_city"`           // 城市
	ReceiverRegion        string    `db:"receiver_region"`         // 区
	ReceiverDetailAddress string    `db:"receiver_detail_address"` // 详细地址
	Note                  string    `db:"note"`                    // 订单备注
	ConfirmStatus         int64     `db:"confirm_status"`          // 确认收货状态:0->未确认;1->已确认
	DeleteStatus          int64     `db:"delete_status"`           // 删除状态:0->未删除;1->已删除
	UseIntegration        int64     `db:"use_integration"`         // 下单时使用的积分
	PaymentTime           time.Time `db:"payment_time"`            // 支付时间
	DeliveryTime          time.Time `db:"delivery_time"`           // 发货时间
	ReceiveTime           time.Time `db:"receive_time"`            // 确认收货时间
	CommentTime           time.Time `db:"comment_time"`            // 评价时间
	ModifyTime            time.Time `db:"modify_time"`             // 修改时间

type OmsOrderItem

type OmsOrderItem struct {
	Id                int64   `db:"id"`
	OrderId           int64   `db:"order_id"` // 订单id
	OrderSn           string  `db:"order_sn"` // 订单编号
	ProductId         int64   `db:"product_id"`
	ProductPic        string  `db:"product_pic"`
	ProductName       string  `db:"product_name"`
	ProductBrand      string  `db:"product_brand"`
	ProductSn         string  `db:"product_sn"`
	ProductPrice      float64 `db:"product_price"`       // 销售价格
	ProductQuantity   int64   `db:"product_quantity"`    // 购买数量
	ProductSkuId      int64   `db:"product_sku_id"`      // 商品sku编号
	ProductSkuCode    string  `db:"product_sku_code"`    // 商品sku条码
	ProductCategoryId int64   `db:"product_category_id"` // 商品分类id
	PromotionName     string  `db:"promotion_name"`      // 商品促销名称
	PromotionAmount   float64 `db:"promotion_amount"`    // 商品促销分解金额
	CouponAmount      float64 `db:"coupon_amount"`       // 优惠券优惠分解金额
	IntegrationAmount float64 `db:"integration_amount"`  // 积分优惠分解金额
	RealAmount        float64 `db:"real_amount"`         // 该商品经过优惠后的分解金额
	GiftIntegration   int64   `db:"gift_integration"`
	GiftGrowth        int64   `db:"gift_growth"`
	ProductAttr       string  `db:"product_attr"` // 商品销售属性:[{"key":"颜色","value":"颜色"},{"key":"容量","value":"4G"}]

type OmsOrderItemModel

type OmsOrderItemModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, Current int64, PageSize int64, OrderId int64) (*[]OmsOrderItem, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	FindProductListByOrderId(ctx context.Context, OrderId int64) (*[]OmsOrderItem, error)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsOrderItemModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsOrderItemModel.

func NewOmsOrderItemModel

func NewOmsOrderItemModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsOrderItemModel

NewOmsOrderItemModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsOrderModel

type OmsOrderModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.OrderListReq) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.OrderListReq) (*[]OmsOrder, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	FindListByMemberId(ctx context.Context, MemberId int64) (*[]OmsOrder, error)
	FindOneByMemberIdAndOrderId(ctx context.Context, memberId, orderId int64) (*OmsOrder, error)
	UpdateOrderStatus(ctx context.Context, confirmStatus, status, orderId int64) error
	QueryOrderList(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.QueryOrderListReq) (*[]OmsOrder, error)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsOrderModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsOrderModel.

func NewOmsOrderModel

func NewOmsOrderModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsOrderModel

NewOmsOrderModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsOrderOperateHistory

type OmsOrderOperateHistory struct {
	Id          int64          `db:"id"`
	OrderId     int64          `db:"order_id"`     // 订单id
	OperateMan  string         `db:"operate_man"`  // 操作人:用户;系统;后台管理员
	CreateTime  time.Time      `db:"create_time"`  // 操作时间
	OrderStatus int64          `db:"order_status"` // 订单状态:0->待付款;1->待发货;2->已发货;3->已完成;4->已关闭;5->无效订单
	Note        sql.NullString `db:"note"`         // 备注

type OmsOrderOperateHistoryModel

type OmsOrderOperateHistoryModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, Current int64, PageSize int64, OrderId int64) (*[]OmsOrderOperateHistory, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsOrderOperateHistoryModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsOrderOperateHistoryModel.

func NewOmsOrderOperateHistoryModel

func NewOmsOrderOperateHistoryModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsOrderOperateHistoryModel

NewOmsOrderOperateHistoryModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsOrderReturnApply

type OmsOrderReturnApply struct {
	Id               int64          `db:"id"`
	OrderId          int64          `db:"order_id"`           // 订单id
	CompanyAddressId int64          `db:"company_address_id"` // 收货地址表id
	ProductId        int64          `db:"product_id"`         // 退货商品id
	OrderSn          string         `db:"order_sn"`           // 订单编号
	CreateTime       time.Time      `db:"create_time"`        // 申请时间
	MemberUsername   string         `db:"member_username"`    // 会员用户名
	ReturnAmount     float64        `db:"return_amount"`      // 退款金额
	ReturnName       string         `db:"return_name"`        // 退货人姓名
	ReturnPhone      string         `db:"return_phone"`       // 退货人电话
	Status           int64          `db:"status"`             // 申请状态:0->待处理;1->退货中;2->已完成;3->已拒绝
	HandleTime       time.Time      `db:"handle_time"`        // 处理时间
	ProductPic       string         `db:"product_pic"`        // 商品图片
	ProductName      string         `db:"product_name"`       // 商品名称
	ProductBrand     string         `db:"product_brand"`      // 商品品牌
	ProductAttr      string         `db:"product_attr"`       // 商品销售属性:颜色:红色;尺码:xl;
	ProductCount     int64          `db:"product_count"`      // 退货数量
	ProductPrice     float64        `db:"product_price"`      // 商品单价
	ProductRealPrice float64        `db:"product_real_price"` // 商品实际支付单价
	Reason           string         `db:"reason"`             // 原因
	Description      string         `db:"description"`        // 描述
	ProofPics        string         `db:"proof_pics"`         // 凭证图片,以逗号隔开
	HandleNote       string         `db:"handle_note"`        // 处理备注
	HandleMan        string         `db:"handle_man"`         // 处理人员
	ReceiveMan       string         `db:"receive_man"`        // 收货人
	ReceiveTime      time.Time      `db:"receive_time"`       // 收货时间
	ReceiveNote      sql.NullString `db:"receive_note"`       // 收货备注

type OmsOrderReturnApplyModel

type OmsOrderReturnApplyModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.OrderReturnApplyListReq) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.OrderReturnApplyListReq) (*[]OmsOrderReturnApply, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsOrderReturnApplyModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsOrderReturnApplyModel.

func NewOmsOrderReturnApplyModel

func NewOmsOrderReturnApplyModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsOrderReturnApplyModel

NewOmsOrderReturnApplyModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsOrderReturnReason

type OmsOrderReturnReason struct {
	Id         int64     `db:"id"`
	Name       string    `db:"name"` // 退货类型
	Sort       int64     `db:"sort"`
	Status     int64     `db:"status"`      // 状态:0->不启用;1->启用
	CreateTime time.Time `db:"create_time"` // 添加时间

type OmsOrderReturnReasonModel

type OmsOrderReturnReasonModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.OrderReturnReasonListReq) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, in *omsclient.OrderReturnReasonListReq) (*[]OmsOrderReturnReason, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsOrderReturnReasonModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsOrderReturnReasonModel.

func NewOmsOrderReturnReasonModel

func NewOmsOrderReturnReasonModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsOrderReturnReasonModel

NewOmsOrderReturnReasonModel returns a model for the database table.

type OmsOrderSetting

type OmsOrderSetting struct {
	Id                  int64 `db:"id"`
	FlashOrderOvertime  int64 `db:"flash_order_overtime"`  // 秒杀订单超时关闭时间(分)
	NormalOrderOvertime int64 `db:"normal_order_overtime"` // 正常订单超时时间(分)
	ConfirmOvertime     int64 `db:"confirm_overtime"`      // 发货后自动确认收货时间(天)
	FinishOvertime      int64 `db:"finish_overtime"`       // 自动完成交易时间,不能申请售后(天)
	CommentOvertime     int64 `db:"comment_overtime"`      // 订单完成后自动好评时间(天)

type OmsOrderSettingModel

type OmsOrderSettingModel interface {
	Count(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
	FindAll(ctx context.Context, Current int64, PageSize int64) (*[]OmsOrderSetting, error)
	DeleteByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OmsOrderSettingModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here, and implement the added methods in customOmsOrderSettingModel.

func NewOmsOrderSettingModel

func NewOmsOrderSettingModel(conn sqlx.SqlConn) OmsOrderSettingModel

NewOmsOrderSettingModel returns a model for the database table.

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