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Published: Jan 25, 2023 License: Apache-2.0, Apache-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0


Molecula Consumer Kafka SASL


The goal of Molecula Consumer Kafka SASL is to allow IDK to connect to Kafka brokers with SASL-SSL enabled. Currently, the Kafka library we are using in Molecula Consumer Kafka and Molecula Consumer Kafka Static is Kafka-go from Segment IO and it does not seem to support both SASL and SSL. After some research, we found that Confluent Kafka Go is a tool we can use to connect to Kafka brokers with SASL and SSL. Molecula Consumer Kafka SASL was written based on Molecula Consumer Kafka Static.


There should be a ticket coming soon to re-write Molecula Consumer Kafka with Confluent Kafka Go. At this moment, one of the challenges that will come up is finding a way to cross compile cgo through different architectures (arm64!) [make docker-release]. Once Molecula Consumer Kafka re-write with Confluent Kafka Go is done, Kafka-go from Segment IO should be removed as there is no need to have 2 libraries that basically do the same thing to exist within the project.

Kafka SASL

Molecula Consumer Kafka SASL should function and behave just like Molecula Consumer Kafka Static. The only difference is: Molecula Consumer Kafka SASL will be able to connect to Kafka brokers with SASL and SSL enabled by providing the needed information.

New options

The following options were added for Kafka SASL. None of the newly added are required.

  • Username: SASL authentication username
  • Password: SASL authentication password
  • IdAlgorithm: The endpoint identification algorithm used by clients to validate server host name. The default value is https.
  • SaslMechanism: SASL mechanism to use for authentication. Range: GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, OAUTHBEARER
  • SecurityProtocol: Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Range: plaintext, ssl, sasl_plaintext, sasl_ssl
  • SslCaLocation: File or directory path to CA certificate(s) for verifying the broker's key.
  • SslCertificateLocation: Path to client's public key (PEM) used for authentication.
  • SslKeyLocation: Path to client's private key (PEM) used for authentication.
  • SslKeyPassword: Private key passphrase (for use with ssl.key.location and set_ssl_cert()).
How to start Kafka SASL and connect to Lccal IDK Broker with SASL and SSL enabled
  1. Start Local IDK by navigating to project IDK then enter: make shutdown && sudo make startup
    • Looking at docker-compose.yml, non SASL & non SSL broker is at kafka:9092
    • SASL & SSL broker is at kafka:9094
  2. Connect to kafka:9094
    • The SASL and SSL information needed to connect to kafka:9094 is under docker-sasl/client-ssl-test.conf
    • test connection by listing the topics in kafka:9094:
      • kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka:9094 --list --command-config client-ssl-test.conf.conf
  3. Create a new topic to test sending/receiving messages
    • kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka:9094 --create --replication-factor 1 --partitions 10 --topic testSasl --command-config client-ssl-test.conf
  4. Create a header file
    • Since Molecula Consumer Kafka SASL was written based on Molecula Consumer Kafka Static, it needs a header file that has a schema inside it
    • Example header.json:
    • example message that matches the above schema: {"s":"test 1"}
  5. Create a producer
    • kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server kafka:9094 --topic testSasl --producer.config client-ssl-test.conf
  6. SSL Certificates:
    • There is a script to generate SSL certificates under docker-sasl/ssl_keys/
    • Can also use existing certs in the above folder and feed cert files to molecula-consumer-kafka-sasl
    • These certs are needed since in this scenario, we are using kafka with SSL enabled on localhost so we have to geenrate self-signed SSL certs.
  7. Run molecula-consumer-kafka-sasl
    • If binary is not there, build by using go build
    • Run :
      • ./molecula-consumer-kafka-sasl --auto-generate --index test_string --group testGroup --header header.json --topics testSasl --kafka-hosts kafka:9094 --kafka-sasl.username kafkaClient1 --kafka-sasl.password kafkaClient1pw --kafka-sasl.sasl-mechanism PLAIN SASL_SSL --kafka-sasl.ssl-ca-location ../../docker-sasl/ssl_keys/ca-cert --kafka-sasl.ssl-certificate-location ../../docker-sasl/ssl_keys/client_kafkaClient_client.pem --kafka-sasl.ssl-key-location ../../docker-sasl/ssl_keys/client_kafkaClient_client.key --kafka-sasl.ssl-key-password 123456
  8. Send a message with kafka-console-producer
  9. molecula-consumer-kafka-sasl should be able to receive the message and commit it to locally
  10. Double check by going to local pilosa ( -> query builder -> select test_string in the Table dropdown -> Run
    • the results should show the messages that were sent by kafka-console-producer


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