This is XDS/ADS server for envoy (envoyproxy.io) management, written in Go (uses envoyproxy/go-control-plane under the hood).
Based on Ambassador's Ambex ADS (datawire/ambex) and massively modified to extend its functionality (see CHANGELOG.md for the list of modifications).
This control plane does not rely on kube objects, it just reads envoy configuration from json/protobuf files and watches them (or any other file-trigger) for changes. Such configuration can be used when envoy is running in front of more than one kubernetes cluster or if you just have some legacy VMs/baremetals as backends.
quick start
$ go build .
$ ./envoy-control-plane -h
Usage of ./envoy-control-plane:
Use ads mode. (default: false, means we are using xds)
Use debug logging.
-metricsServerAddr string
Address and port for metrics endpoint. (default ":2112")
-nodeID string
Node ID. (default "test-id")
-port uint
Management server port. (default 18000)
-watch string
Dirs to watch for changes.
slow start
- Build up a binary first (envoy-control-plane file will appear):
$ cd envoy-control-plane/
$ go build .
- Put envoy configuration data files in JSON-format in a directory of your choice.
- Run envoy-control-plane app, setting -watch option to the directory from the previous step.
$ ./envoy-control-plane -nodeID=myenvoy -watch=/path/to/envoy/data/files/directory
- Configure envoy (data plane side) xds cluster to subscribe to updates in control plane (see envoy docs on how to configure xds cluster).
If you need to update envoy configuration at some point -- just update its data json-files and control plane will pick updates automatically and push them to the data plane.