Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type ClassInfo
- type ClassInfoSlice
- type ClassInvitationInfo
- type ClassService
- func (cs *ClassService) AddClass(name string, subjects []int, groupID int, gdCourseID int, template int, ...) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) AddMeeting(name string, subjects []int, section int, startTime int, duration int, ...) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) AddSubClass(classID int, subClassID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) CacheClassProgress(classID int, userID int) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) CacheMeetingProgress(meetingID int, userID int) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) ChangeClass(classID int, name string, subjects []int, gdCourseID int, template int, ...) error
- func (cs *ClassService) ChangeKeeperStudentRelation(classID int, studentID int, keeperID int, add bool, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) ChangeUser(userID int, classID int, isTeacher bool, add bool, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) CloneClass(classID int, name string, platformID int, platformData string, ...) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) CopyMeetingTo(meetingID int, destClassID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) Count() (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) DeleteClass(classID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) DeleteMeeting(meetingID int, classID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) DeleteMeetingPermanently(meetingID int, classID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) DeleteSubClass(classID int, subClassID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) EndClass(classID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) EndMeeting(classID int, meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) GenerateInvitationToken(classID int, endTime int, duration int, teacherID int, channel string, ...) error
- func (cs *ClassService) GetAssociatedStudentsForKeeper(classID int, userID int) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetCachedUserProgresses(meetingIDs []int, studentIDs []int) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetClass(classID int, session *Session) (*ClassInfo, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetClassIDViaGdCourseID(gdCourseID int) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetClassIDViaUserID(potentialParentClassID int, userID int) (int, int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetClassOverallProgress(classID int, userID int) (int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetClasses(groupID int, session *Session) (ClassInfoSlice, int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) (*MeetingInfo, int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetMeetingList(classID int) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetMeetings(classID int, session *Session) (*MeetingInfoArray, int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) GetUserClassRelation(userID int) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) Init() error
- func (cs *ClassService) LoginAsExperienceUser(classID int, phone int, ip string) (*UserInfo, int, string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) PackageClass(classID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) Preload() (int, int, int, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) PublishClass(classID int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryClassBriefs(session *Session) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryExperienceUserLog(classID int, isToken bool, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryInvitationToken(classID int, isToken bool, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QuerySubClasses(classID int, session *Session) (ClassInfoSlice, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryUserProgress(classID int, userID int, session *Session) (*UserMeetingProgressInfoArray, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryUserProgresses(classID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryUserProgressesA(classID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) QueryUsers(classID int, isTeacher bool, session *Session) (*UserInfoArray, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) RefreshKeeperList(classID int) error
- func (cs *ClassService) RegisterExperienceUser(classID int, teacherID int, endTime int, token string, phone int, ...) (*UserInfo, int, string, error)
- func (cs *ClassService) SetAlly(classID int, ally int, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) SetCover(classID int, file io.Reader, session *Session) error
- func (cs *ClassService) UpdateMeetingTime(classID int, session *Session) error
- type ExamInfo
- type ExamQuestionService
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) AddSelection(body string, choices string, answer string, analysis string, knowledgeID int, ...) (int, error)
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) DeleteSelection(id int, session *Session) error
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) GetSelection(selectionID int, session *Session) (*QuestionInfo, error)
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) GetSelections(selectionIDs []int, session *Session) (*QuestionInfoArray, error)
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) Init() error
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) IsCorrect(selectionID int, answer string) (bool, error)
- func (qs *ExamQuestionService) Preload() (int, error)
- type ExamResult
- type ExamResultSlice
- type ExamService
- func (es *ExamService) Answer(meetingID int, examID int, objectiveAnswers string, subjectiveAnswers string, ...) error
- func (es *ExamService) GetExam(id int, session *Session) (*ExamInfo, error)
- func (es *ExamService) GetGdQuestionID(examID int, questionID int) (int, error)
- func (es *ExamService) GetMyResult(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (es *ExamService) GetResults(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (es *ExamService) Import(name string, groupID int, id int, gdExamID int, session *Session) (int, int, error)
- func (es *ExamService) ImportGdExam(name string, groupID int, id int, gdExam *GdTikuExam, session *Session) (int, int, error)
- func (es *ExamService) Init() error
- func (es *ExamService) Preload() (int, int, error)
- func (es *ExamService) Resync(id int, session *Session) (int, error)
- type ExamTask
- type GdAdapter
- func (ga *GdAdapter) GetCourse(courseID int) (*GdCourse, error)
- func (ga *GdAdapter) GetCourseware(coursewareID int) (*GdCourseware, error)
- func (ga *GdAdapter) GetExam(id int) (*GdTikuExam, error)
- func (ga *GdAdapter) GetQuestion(id int) (interface{}, error)
- func (ga *GdAdapter) Parse(s string) (string, error)
- type GdCourse
- type GdCourseware
- type GdPass
- func (gdp *GdPass) CheckLogin(session string) (int, error)
- func (gdp *GdPass) GetClassListOfStudent(id int) string
- func (gdp *GdPass) GetStudentID(account string) int
- func (gdp *GdPass) GetStudentName(id int) (string, error)
- func (gdp *GdPass) GetSutdentInfo(id int) (string, string, string)
- func (gdp *GdPass) HasClass(studentID int, courseID int) bool
- func (gdp *GdPass) Login(name string, password string) (int, error)
- func (gdp *GdPass) LoginAs3rd(id string, t int) (int, error)
- func (gdp *GdPass) Pass(password string, ip string) (*UserInfo, int, int, int, error)
- type GdSessionService
- type GdTikuComposedItem
- type GdTikuExam
- type GdTikuItem
- type GdTikuSubExam
- type GdTikuSubExamSlice
- type GdVideoResource
- type GroupInfo
- type GroupService
- func (gs *GroupService) AddGroup(name string, session *Session) error
- func (gs *GroupService) Count() (int, error)
- func (gs *GroupService) DeleteGroup(groupID int, session *Session) error
- func (gs *GroupService) Init() error
- func (gs *GroupService) Preload() (int, error)
- func (gs *GroupService) QueryGroup() (string, error)
- func (gs *GroupService) SetCachedQuery() (string, error)
- type IDPositionPair
- type IDPositionSlice
- type InstituteService
- type IssueInfo
- type IssueService
- func (is *IssueService) Answer(classID int, issueID int, body string, session *Session) error
- func (is *IssueService) Ask(meetingID int, t int, key string, subKey int, body string, session *Session) (int, error)
- func (is *IssueService) Change(classID int, issueID int, body string, session *Session) error
- func (is *IssueService) Get(classID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (is *IssueService) GetIssueQuestion(groupID int, issueID int) (string, error)
- func (is *IssueService) GetIssueResource(groupID int, issueID int) (string, error)
- func (is *IssueService) GetIssueResourceKey(groupID int, issueID int) string
- func (is *IssueService) Init() error
- func (is *IssueService) Preload() (int, error)
- type MeetingInfo
- type MeetingInfoArray
- type MeetingInfoSlice
- type MeetingService
- func (ms *MeetingService) AddExam(meetingID int, examID int, gdExamID int, name string, startTime int, ...) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) AddMeeting(name string, subjects []int, section int, studentList string, startTime int, ...) (int, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) AddPDF(filename string, id string, name string, meetingID int, preparation int, ...) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) AddReplay(videoID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) AddVideo(videoID string, videoName string, meetingID int, preparation int, ...) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) AnswerExam(meetingID int, examID int, answer string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) AnswerExamQuestion(meetingID int, examID int, questionID int, answer string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ArrangeResource(meetingID int, resourceType int, expectedOrder []string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) AuthorizeExam(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) (*ExamInfo, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeeting(meetingID int, name string, subjects []int, section int, startTime int, ...) (int, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingAlly(meetingID int, ally int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingName(meetingID int, name string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingSection(meetingID int, section int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingSubjects(meetingID int, subjects []int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingTime(meetingID int, startTime int, duration int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingType(meetingID int, t int, data string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) CloneMeeting(meetingID int, destClassID int, session *Session) (int, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) Count() (int, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteCachedUserProgress(meetingID int, userID int) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteCourseware(coursewareID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteExam(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteReplay(videoID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteVideo(videoID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) EndMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetCachedUserProgress(meetingID int, userID int, withHead bool) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetCachedUserProgressesByMeeting(meetingID int, studentIDs []int, withHead bool) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetExamResults(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session, checkAuthority bool) (*MeetingInfo, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetingClassID(meetingID int) (int, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetingFeedback(meetingID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetingProgresses(meetingID int, session *Session) (*UserMeetingProgressInfoArray, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetings(meetingIDs []int, session *Session, checkAuthority bool) (*MeetingInfoArray, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetMyExamResult(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetUUID() string
- func (ms *MeetingService) GetUserProgress(meetingID int, userID int) (*UserMeetingProgressInfo, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) Init() error
- func (ms *MeetingService) JoinMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) (string, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) LeaveMeeting(meetingID int, cancel int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) Preload(meetingOnly bool) (int, int, error)
- func (ms *MeetingService) ResyncExam(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) ScoreMeeting(meetingID int, scores []int, feedback string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) SetCoursewareProgress(meetingID int, coursewareID string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) SetMeetingProgress(meetingID int, seconds int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) SetReplayProgress(meetingID int, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) SetVideoProgress(meetingID int, videoID string, session *Session) error
- func (ms *MeetingService) SyncMeeting(from int, to []int, data string, session *Session) error
- type MessageService
- type Note
- type NoteMap
- type NoteService
- func (ns *NoteService) AddNote(classID int, meetingID int, t int, key string, subKey int, body string, ...) (int, error)
- func (ns *NoteService) DeleteNote(id int, classID int, meetingID int, t int, key string, session *Session) error
- func (ns *NoteService) GetMyNote(classID int, session *Session) (*NoteMap, error)
- func (ns *NoteService) GetTypedNote(t int, key string, session *Session) (*NoteMap, error)
- func (ns *NoteService) Init() error
- func (ns *NoteService) Preload() (int, int, error)
- type NoteTask
- type QuestionInfo
- type QuestionInfoArray
- type Session
- func (s *Session) CheckAppToken(token string) bool
- func (s *Session) CheckToken(token string) bool
- func (s *Session) CheckWeixinToken(token string) bool
- func (s *Session) IsAdmin() bool
- func (s *Session) IsAssistant() bool
- func (s *Session) IsAssistantOrAbove() bool
- func (s *Session) IsExperienceStudent() bool
- func (s *Session) IsKeeper() bool
- func (s *Session) IsKeeperOrAbove() bool
- func (s *Session) IsStudent() bool
- func (s *Session) IsSystem() bool
- func (s *Session) IsTeacher() bool
- func (s *Session) IsTeacherOrAbove() bool
- type SessionService
- func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForAssitant(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForKeeper(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForStudent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForSystem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForTeacher(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) ExpireSession(userID int, duration time.Duration) error
- func (ss *SessionService) GetHttpSession(r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) GetSession(userID int) (*Session, error)
- func (ss *SessionService) GetUUID() string
- func (ss *SessionService) Go404(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (ss *SessionService) SetHttpSession(id int, group int, nickname string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) string
- func (ss *SessionService) SetSession(id int, group int, nickname string, ip string, app int, device string) (string, string)
- func (ss *SessionService) SetWeixinOpenID(session *Session, openID string) error
- func (ss *SessionService) UpdateHttpSession(session *Session, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error
- func (ss *SessionService) UpdateSessionNickname(session *Session, nickname string) error
- func (ss *SessionService) UpdateSessionToken(session *Session, app int) error
- type SubjectService
- func (ss *SubjectService) AddSubject(name string, session *Session) (int, error)
- func (ss *SubjectService) ChangeSubject(subjectID int, name string, session *Session) error
- func (ss *SubjectService) ChangeSubjectList(groupID int, subjectID int, isAdd bool, session *Session) error
- func (ss *SubjectService) GetSubject() (string, error)
- func (ss *SubjectService) GetSubjectList(groupID int) (string, error)
- func (ss *SubjectService) Init() error
- func (ss *SubjectService) Preload() (int, int, error)
- type TagService
- type TranscodingResult
- type TranscodingService
- type TranscodingTask
- type TranscodingTaskType
- type UserInfo
- type UserInfoArray
- type UserMeetingProgressInfo
- type UserMeetingProgressInfoArray
- type UserService
- func (us *UserService) AddUser(name string, pwd string, nickname string, groupID int, ip string, updater int) (int, error)
- func (us *UserService) ChangePassword(userID int, oldPwd string, pwd string) error
- func (us *UserService) ChangeProfile(userID int, nickname string, mail string, phone string, qq string, ...) error
- func (us *UserService) Count() (int, error)
- func (us *UserService) DeleteInvitationToken(token string) error
- func (us *UserService) GenerateInvitationToken(size int, groupID int) ([]string, error)
- func (us *UserService) GetOrAddGdStudent(gdStudentID int, ip string, addIfNotExist bool) (int, string, bool, error)
- func (us *UserService) Init() error
- func (us *UserService) Login(name string, pwd string, ip string) (*UserInfo, error)
- func (us *UserService) Preload() (int, error)
- func (us *UserService) QueryGdStudentID(userID int) (int, error)
- func (us *UserService) QueryInvitationToken() (map[string]string, error)
- func (us *UserService) QueryUserID(gdStudentID int) (int, error)
- func (us *UserService) QueryUsersByNickname(keywords string, groupID int, session *Session) (*UserInfoArray, error)
- func (us *UserService) RegisterViaInvitationToken(name string, pwd string, token string, ip string) error
- func (us *UserService) Remark(userID int, name string, remark string, session *Session) error
- func (us *UserService) UseInvitationToken(token string) (int, error)
- type VideoAuthorizeInfo
- type VideoInfo
- type VideoService
- func (vs *VideoService) CheckInternalIP(id string, ip string) bool
- func (vs *VideoService) GetDowngradedM3U8(id string, resolution string, lineID int, isTLS bool, userID int, ...) (string, error)
- func (vs *VideoService) GetVideoAuthorizeInfo(id string) (*VideoAuthorizeInfo, error)
- func (vs *VideoService) GetVideoKey(id string) ([]byte, error)
- func (vs *VideoService) Init() error
- func (vs *VideoService) Preload() (int, int, error)
- func (vs *VideoService) QueryVideo(start int, groupID int, keywords []string, IDs []string, session *Session) (string, error)
Constants ¶
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
MAX_MEETING_DURATION = 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 // In seconds.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ClassInfo ¶
type ClassInfo struct { ID int Name string Subjects []int Teachers []int Keepers string Students []int Meetings []int Deleted []int NumberOfFinishedMeeting int Parent []int GroupID int GdCourseID int Template int PlatformID int PlatformData string Ally int StartTime int EndTime int Schedule string NextTime int UpdateTime int UpdateIP string Updater int }
type ClassInfoSlice ¶
type ClassInfoSlice []*ClassInfo
func (ClassInfoSlice) Len ¶
func (s ClassInfoSlice) Len() int
func (ClassInfoSlice) Less ¶
func (s ClassInfoSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ClassInfoSlice) Swap ¶
func (s ClassInfoSlice) Swap(i, j int)
func (ClassInfoSlice) ToJSON ¶
func (s ClassInfoSlice) ToJSON(forStudent bool) string
type ClassInvitationInfo ¶
type ClassService ¶
type ClassService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewClassService ¶
func NewClassService(db *common.Database, cache *common.Cache, oss *common.ObjectStorage, ms *MeetingService) (*ClassService, error)
func (*ClassService) AddMeeting ¶
func (*ClassService) AddSubClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) AddSubClass(classID int, subClassID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) CacheClassProgress ¶
func (cs *ClassService) CacheClassProgress(classID int, userID int) (int, error)
func (*ClassService) CacheMeetingProgress ¶
func (cs *ClassService) CacheMeetingProgress(meetingID int, userID int) (int, error)
func (*ClassService) ChangeClass ¶
func (*ClassService) ChangeKeeperStudentRelation ¶
func (*ClassService) ChangeUser ¶
func (*ClassService) CloneClass ¶
func (*ClassService) CopyMeetingTo ¶
func (cs *ClassService) CopyMeetingTo(meetingID int, destClassID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) Count ¶
func (cs *ClassService) Count() (int, error)
func (*ClassService) DeleteClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) DeleteClass(classID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) DeleteMeeting ¶
func (cs *ClassService) DeleteMeeting(meetingID int, classID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) DeleteMeetingPermanently ¶
func (cs *ClassService) DeleteMeetingPermanently(meetingID int, classID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) DeleteSubClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) DeleteSubClass(classID int, subClassID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) EndClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) EndClass(classID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) EndMeeting ¶
func (cs *ClassService) EndMeeting(classID int, meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) GenerateInvitationToken ¶
func (*ClassService) GetAssociatedStudentsForKeeper ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetAssociatedStudentsForKeeper(classID int, userID int) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) GetCachedUserProgresses ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetCachedUserProgresses(meetingIDs []int, studentIDs []int) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) GetClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetClass(classID int, session *Session) (*ClassInfo, error)
func (*ClassService) GetClassIDViaGdCourseID ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetClassIDViaGdCourseID(gdCourseID int) (int, error)
func (*ClassService) GetClassIDViaUserID ¶
func (*ClassService) GetClassOverallProgress ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetClassOverallProgress(classID int, userID int) (int, error)
func (*ClassService) GetClasses ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetClasses(groupID int, session *Session) (ClassInfoSlice, int, error)
func (*ClassService) GetMeeting ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) (*MeetingInfo, int, error)
func (*ClassService) GetMeetingList ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetMeetingList(classID int) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) GetMeetings ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetMeetings(classID int, session *Session) (*MeetingInfoArray, int, error)
func (*ClassService) GetUserClassRelation ¶
func (cs *ClassService) GetUserClassRelation(userID int) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) Init ¶
func (cs *ClassService) Init() error
func (*ClassService) LoginAsExperienceUser ¶
func (*ClassService) PackageClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) PackageClass(classID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) PublishClass ¶
func (cs *ClassService) PublishClass(classID int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) QueryClassBriefs ¶
func (cs *ClassService) QueryClassBriefs(session *Session) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) QueryExperienceUserLog ¶
func (*ClassService) QueryInvitationToken ¶
func (*ClassService) QuerySubClasses ¶
func (cs *ClassService) QuerySubClasses(classID int, session *Session) (ClassInfoSlice, error)
func (*ClassService) QueryUserProgress ¶
func (cs *ClassService) QueryUserProgress(classID int, userID int, session *Session) (*UserMeetingProgressInfoArray, error)
func (*ClassService) QueryUserProgresses ¶
func (cs *ClassService) QueryUserProgresses(classID int, session *Session) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) QueryUserProgressesA ¶
func (cs *ClassService) QueryUserProgressesA(classID int, session *Session) (string, error)
func (*ClassService) QueryUsers ¶
func (cs *ClassService) QueryUsers(classID int, isTeacher bool, session *Session) (*UserInfoArray, error)
func (*ClassService) RefreshKeeperList ¶
func (cs *ClassService) RefreshKeeperList(classID int) error
func (*ClassService) RegisterExperienceUser ¶
func (*ClassService) SetAlly ¶
func (cs *ClassService) SetAlly(classID int, ally int, session *Session) error
func (*ClassService) UpdateMeetingTime ¶
func (cs *ClassService) UpdateMeetingTime(classID int, session *Session) error
type ExamInfo ¶
type ExamQuestionService ¶
type ExamQuestionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewExamQuestionService ¶
func (*ExamQuestionService) AddSelection ¶
func (*ExamQuestionService) DeleteSelection ¶
func (qs *ExamQuestionService) DeleteSelection(id int, session *Session) error
func (*ExamQuestionService) GetSelection ¶
func (qs *ExamQuestionService) GetSelection(selectionID int, session *Session) (*QuestionInfo, error)
func (*ExamQuestionService) GetSelections ¶
func (qs *ExamQuestionService) GetSelections(selectionIDs []int, session *Session) (*QuestionInfoArray, error)
func (*ExamQuestionService) Init ¶
func (qs *ExamQuestionService) Init() error
func (*ExamQuestionService) IsCorrect ¶
func (qs *ExamQuestionService) IsCorrect(selectionID int, answer string) (bool, error)
func (*ExamQuestionService) Preload ¶
func (qs *ExamQuestionService) Preload() (int, error)
type ExamResult ¶
func NewExamResultFromString ¶
func NewExamResultFromString(s string) *ExamResult
func (*ExamResult) ToJSON ¶
func (er *ExamResult) ToJSON() string
type ExamResultSlice ¶
type ExamResultSlice []*ExamResult
func (ExamResultSlice) Len ¶
func (s ExamResultSlice) Len() int
func (ExamResultSlice) Less ¶
func (s ExamResultSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ExamResultSlice) Swap ¶
func (s ExamResultSlice) Swap(i, j int)
type ExamService ¶
type ExamService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewExamService ¶
func NewExamService(db *common.Database, cache *common.Cache, oss *common.ObjectStorage, prefix string, gda *GdAdapter) (*ExamService, error)
func (*ExamService) GetExam ¶
func (es *ExamService) GetExam(id int, session *Session) (*ExamInfo, error)
func (*ExamService) GetGdQuestionID ¶
func (es *ExamService) GetGdQuestionID(examID int, questionID int) (int, error)
func (*ExamService) GetMyResult ¶
func (*ExamService) GetResults ¶
func (*ExamService) ImportGdExam ¶
func (es *ExamService) ImportGdExam(name string, groupID int, id int, gdExam *GdTikuExam, session *Session) (int, int, error)
func (*ExamService) Init ¶
func (es *ExamService) Init() error
type GdAdapter ¶
type GdAdapter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGdAdapter ¶
func (*GdAdapter) GetCourseware ¶
func (ga *GdAdapter) GetCourseware(coursewareID int) (*GdCourseware, error)
func (*GdAdapter) GetQuestion ¶
type GdCourse ¶
func NewGdCourse ¶
type GdCourseware ¶
func NewGdCourseware ¶
func NewGdCourseware(id int, name string) *GdCourseware
func (*GdCourseware) ToJSON ¶
func (gcw *GdCourseware) ToJSON() string
type GdPass ¶
type GdPass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGdPass ¶
func NewGdPass(cs *ClassService, us *UserService, key string) *GdPass
func (*GdPass) GetClassListOfStudent ¶
func (*GdPass) GetStudentID ¶
type GdSessionService ¶
type GdSessionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGdSessionService ¶
func NewGdSessionService() *GdSessionService
func (*GdSessionService) GetStudentID ¶
func (gss *GdSessionService) GetStudentID(sessionID string) (int, error)
type GdTikuComposedItem ¶
func NewGdTikuComposedItem ¶
func NewGdTikuComposedItem() *GdTikuComposedItem
func (*GdTikuComposedItem) ToJSON ¶
func (gtci *GdTikuComposedItem) ToJSON(id *int) string
type GdTikuExam ¶
func NewGdTikuExam ¶
func NewGdTikuExam(gdExamID int) *GdTikuExam
func (*GdTikuExam) Solve ¶
func (gte *GdTikuExam) Solve()
func (*GdTikuExam) Sort ¶
func (gte *GdTikuExam) Sort()
func (*GdTikuExam) ToJSON ¶
func (gte *GdTikuExam) ToJSON() string
type GdTikuItem ¶
type GdTikuItem struct { GdQuestionID int Type int Body string Choice string Answer string Analysis string }
func (*GdTikuItem) ToCSV ¶
func (gti *GdTikuItem) ToCSV() string
func (*GdTikuItem) ToJSON ¶
func (gti *GdTikuItem) ToJSON(id *int) string
type GdTikuSubExam ¶
func NewGdTikuSubExam ¶
func NewGdTikuSubExam() *GdTikuSubExam
func (*GdTikuSubExam) ToJSON ¶
func (gtes *GdTikuSubExam) ToJSON(id *int) string
type GdTikuSubExamSlice ¶
type GdTikuSubExamSlice []*GdTikuSubExam
func (GdTikuSubExamSlice) Len ¶
func (s GdTikuSubExamSlice) Len() int
func (GdTikuSubExamSlice) Less ¶
func (s GdTikuSubExamSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
func (GdTikuSubExamSlice) Swap ¶
func (s GdTikuSubExamSlice) Swap(i, j int)
type GdVideoResource ¶
func (*GdVideoResource) ToJSON ¶
func (gvr *GdVideoResource) ToJSON() string
type GroupService ¶
type GroupService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGroupService ¶
func (*GroupService) AddGroup ¶
func (gs *GroupService) AddGroup(name string, session *Session) error
func (*GroupService) Count ¶
func (gs *GroupService) Count() (int, error)
func (*GroupService) DeleteGroup ¶
func (gs *GroupService) DeleteGroup(groupID int, session *Session) error
func (*GroupService) Init ¶
func (gs *GroupService) Init() error
func (*GroupService) Preload ¶
func (gs *GroupService) Preload() (int, error)
func (*GroupService) QueryGroup ¶
func (gs *GroupService) QueryGroup() (string, error)
func (*GroupService) SetCachedQuery ¶
func (gs *GroupService) SetCachedQuery() (string, error)
type IDPositionPair ¶
type IDPositionSlice ¶
type IDPositionSlice []*IDPositionPair
func (IDPositionSlice) Len ¶
func (s IDPositionSlice) Len() int
func (IDPositionSlice) Less ¶
func (s IDPositionSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
func (IDPositionSlice) Swap ¶
func (s IDPositionSlice) Swap(i, j int)
type InstituteService ¶
type InstituteService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInstituteService ¶
func (*InstituteService) Init ¶
func (is *InstituteService) Init() error
func (*InstituteService) Preload ¶
func (is *InstituteService) Preload() (int, error)
type IssueInfo ¶
type IssueInfo struct { ID int GroupID int ClassID int MeetingID int Type int Key string SubKey int QuestionBody string QuestionUpdateIP string QuestionUpdateTime int QuestionUpdater int AnswerBody string AnswerUpdateIP string AnswerUpdateTime int AnswerUpdater int }
func NewIssueInfoFromMap ¶
type IssueService ¶
type IssueService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIssueService ¶
func NewIssueService(db *common.Database, cache *common.Cache, cs *ClassService, ms *MeetingService) (*IssueService, error)
func (*IssueService) Get ¶
func (is *IssueService) Get(classID int, session *Session) (string, error)
func (*IssueService) GetIssueQuestion ¶
func (is *IssueService) GetIssueQuestion(groupID int, issueID int) (string, error)
func (*IssueService) GetIssueResource ¶
func (is *IssueService) GetIssueResource(groupID int, issueID int) (string, error)
func (*IssueService) GetIssueResourceKey ¶
func (is *IssueService) GetIssueResourceKey(groupID int, issueID int) string
func (*IssueService) Init ¶
func (is *IssueService) Init() error
func (*IssueService) Preload ¶
func (is *IssueService) Preload() (int, error)
type MeetingInfo ¶
type MeetingInfo struct { ID int Name string Subjects []int Section int Type int Data string Ally int Scores []int ScoreCount int NumberOfAttendee int Coursewares []string Videos []string Exams []string Replays []string ClassID int GroupID int StartTime int Duration int EndTime int UpdateTime int UpdateIP string Updater int }
func NewMeetingInfoFromMap ¶
func NewMeetingInfoFromMap(m map[string]string, id int) *MeetingInfo
func (*MeetingInfo) ToJSON ¶
func (mi *MeetingInfo) ToJSON(isTeacher bool) string
type MeetingInfoArray ¶
func (*MeetingInfoArray) ToJSON ¶
func (mia *MeetingInfoArray) ToJSON(isTeacher bool) string
type MeetingInfoSlice ¶
type MeetingInfoSlice []*MeetingInfo
func (MeetingInfoSlice) Len ¶
func (s MeetingInfoSlice) Len() int
func (MeetingInfoSlice) Less ¶
func (s MeetingInfoSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
func (MeetingInfoSlice) Swap ¶
func (s MeetingInfoSlice) Swap(i, j int)
func (MeetingInfoSlice) ToJSON ¶
func (s MeetingInfoSlice) ToJSON() string
type MeetingService ¶
type MeetingService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMeetingService ¶
func NewMeetingService(db *common.Database, cache *common.Cache, liveServerUrl string, ts *TranscodingService, es *ExamService) (*MeetingService, error)
func (*MeetingService) AddMeeting ¶
func (*MeetingService) AddReplay ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) AddReplay(videoID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) AnswerExam ¶
func (*MeetingService) AnswerExamQuestion ¶
func (*MeetingService) ArrangeResource ¶
func (*MeetingService) AuthorizeExam ¶
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeeting ¶
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeetingAlly ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingAlly(meetingID int, ally int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeetingName ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingName(meetingID int, name string, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeetingSection ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingSection(meetingID int, section int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeetingSubjects ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) ChangeMeetingSubjects(meetingID int, subjects []int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeetingTime ¶
func (*MeetingService) ChangeMeetingType ¶
func (*MeetingService) CloneMeeting ¶
func (*MeetingService) Count ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) Count() (int, error)
func (*MeetingService) DeleteCachedUserProgress ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteCachedUserProgress(meetingID int, userID int) error
func (*MeetingService) DeleteCourseware ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteCourseware(coursewareID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) DeleteExam ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteExam(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) DeleteMeeting ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) DeleteReplay ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteReplay(videoID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) DeleteVideo ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) DeleteVideo(videoID string, meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) EndMeeting ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) EndMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) GetCachedUserProgress ¶
func (*MeetingService) GetCachedUserProgressesByMeeting ¶
func (*MeetingService) GetExamResults ¶
func (*MeetingService) GetMeeting ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session, checkAuthority bool) (*MeetingInfo, error)
func (*MeetingService) GetMeetingClassID ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetingClassID(meetingID int) (int, error)
func (*MeetingService) GetMeetingFeedback ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetingFeedback(meetingID int, session *Session) (string, error)
func (*MeetingService) GetMeetingProgresses ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetingProgresses(meetingID int, session *Session) (*UserMeetingProgressInfoArray, error)
func (*MeetingService) GetMeetings ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetMeetings(meetingIDs []int, session *Session, checkAuthority bool) (*MeetingInfoArray, error)
func (*MeetingService) GetMyExamResult ¶
func (*MeetingService) GetUUID ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetUUID() string
func (*MeetingService) GetUserProgress ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) GetUserProgress(meetingID int, userID int) (*UserMeetingProgressInfo, error)
func (*MeetingService) Init ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) Init() error
func (*MeetingService) JoinMeeting ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) JoinMeeting(meetingID int, session *Session) (string, error)
func (*MeetingService) LeaveMeeting ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) LeaveMeeting(meetingID int, cancel int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) Preload ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) Preload(meetingOnly bool) (int, int, error)
func (*MeetingService) ResyncExam ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) ResyncExam(meetingID int, examID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) ScoreMeeting ¶
func (*MeetingService) SetCoursewareProgress ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) SetCoursewareProgress(meetingID int, coursewareID string, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) SetMeetingProgress ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) SetMeetingProgress(meetingID int, seconds int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) SetReplayProgress ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) SetReplayProgress(meetingID int, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) SetVideoProgress ¶
func (ms *MeetingService) SetVideoProgress(meetingID int, videoID string, session *Session) error
func (*MeetingService) SyncMeeting ¶
type MessageService ¶
type MessageService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMessageService ¶
type Note ¶
type Note struct { ID int ClassID int MeetingID int UserID int Type int Key string SubKey int Body string UpdateIP string UpdateTime int }
func NewNoteFromString ¶
func (*Note) GetStringPrefix ¶
type NoteService ¶
type NoteService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNoteService ¶
func (*NoteService) DeleteNote ¶
func (*NoteService) GetMyNote ¶
func (ns *NoteService) GetMyNote(classID int, session *Session) (*NoteMap, error)
func (*NoteService) GetTypedNote ¶
func (*NoteService) Init ¶
func (ns *NoteService) Init() error
type QuestionInfo ¶
type QuestionInfo struct { ID int Body []string Choices []string Answer []int Analysis []string KnowledgeID int }
func NewQuestionInfoFromMap ¶
func NewQuestionInfoFromMap(m map[string]string, id int) *QuestionInfo
func (*QuestionInfo) ToJSON ¶
func (qi *QuestionInfo) ToJSON() string
type QuestionInfoArray ¶
func (*QuestionInfoArray) ToJSON ¶
func (qia *QuestionInfoArray) ToJSON() string
type Session ¶
type Session struct { UserID int Nickname string GroupID int IP string Token string AppToken string WeixinToken string WeixinOpenID string UMengDeviceID string }
func (*Session) CheckAppToken ¶
func (*Session) CheckToken ¶
func (*Session) CheckWeixinToken ¶
func (*Session) IsAssistant ¶
func (*Session) IsAssistantOrAbove ¶
func (*Session) IsExperienceStudent ¶
func (*Session) IsKeeperOrAbove ¶
func (*Session) IsTeacherOrAbove ¶
type SessionService ¶
type SessionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSessionService ¶
func NewSessionService(cache *common.Cache, accessLog *log.Logger) *SessionService
func (*SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForAssitant ¶
func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForAssitant(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForKeeper ¶
func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForKeeper(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForStudent ¶
func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForStudent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForSystem ¶
func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForSystem(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForTeacher ¶
func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForTeacher(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForUser ¶
func (ss *SessionService) CheckHttpSessionForUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) ExpireSession ¶
func (ss *SessionService) ExpireSession(userID int, duration time.Duration) error
func (*SessionService) GetHttpSession ¶
func (ss *SessionService) GetHttpSession(r *http.Request) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) GetSession ¶
func (ss *SessionService) GetSession(userID int) (*Session, error)
func (*SessionService) GetUUID ¶
func (ss *SessionService) GetUUID() string
func (*SessionService) Go404 ¶
func (ss *SessionService) Go404(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*SessionService) SetHttpSession ¶
func (ss *SessionService) SetHttpSession(id int, group int, nickname string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) string
func (*SessionService) SetSession ¶
func (*SessionService) SetWeixinOpenID ¶
func (ss *SessionService) SetWeixinOpenID(session *Session, openID string) error
func (*SessionService) UpdateHttpSession ¶
func (ss *SessionService) UpdateHttpSession(session *Session, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error
func (*SessionService) UpdateSessionNickname ¶
func (ss *SessionService) UpdateSessionNickname(session *Session, nickname string) error
func (*SessionService) UpdateSessionToken ¶
func (ss *SessionService) UpdateSessionToken(session *Session, app int) error
type SubjectService ¶
type SubjectService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSubjectService ¶
func (*SubjectService) AddSubject ¶
func (ss *SubjectService) AddSubject(name string, session *Session) (int, error)
func (*SubjectService) ChangeSubject ¶
func (ss *SubjectService) ChangeSubject(subjectID int, name string, session *Session) error
func (*SubjectService) ChangeSubjectList ¶
func (*SubjectService) GetSubject ¶
func (ss *SubjectService) GetSubject() (string, error)
func (*SubjectService) GetSubjectList ¶
func (ss *SubjectService) GetSubjectList(groupID int) (string, error)
func (*SubjectService) Init ¶
func (ss *SubjectService) Init() error
type TagService ¶
type TagService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTagService ¶
func (*TagService) Init ¶
func (ts *TagService) Init() error
type TranscodingResult ¶
type TranscodingService ¶
type TranscodingService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTranscodingService ¶
func NewTranscodingService(cwOss *common.ObjectStorage, cwKeyPrefix string, ghostScript string, tmpDir string, results chan *TranscodingResult) *TranscodingService
func (*TranscodingService) AddFile ¶
func (ts *TranscodingService) AddFile(fileName string, taskType TranscodingTaskType, ip string, userID int) (string, error)
func (*TranscodingService) ConvertPDF2PNG ¶
func (ts *TranscodingService) ConvertPDF2PNG(destDir string, srcFile string) error
func (*TranscodingService) TrascodePDF ¶
func (ts *TranscodingService) TrascodePDF(t *TranscodingTask) (int, int, error)
type TranscodingTask ¶
type TranscodingTask struct { FileName string StorageKey string Type TranscodingTaskType UserID int UserIP string }
type TranscodingTaskType ¶
type TranscodingTaskType int
const ( PDF TranscodingTaskType = 1 + iota IMAGE AUDIO VIDEO )
type UserInfo ¶
type UserInfoArray ¶
func (*UserInfoArray) ToJSON ¶
func (uia *UserInfoArray) ToJSON() string
type UserMeetingProgressInfo ¶
type UserMeetingProgressInfo struct { UserID int MeetingID int CoursewareProgress string VideoProgress string MeetingProgress int MeetingLog string ExamAnswers string ExamCorrect int ExamTotal int ReplayProgress int Scores []int UpdateTime int UpdateIP string Updater int }
func NewUserMeetingProgressInfoFromMap ¶
func NewUserMeetingProgressInfoFromMap(m map[string]string, userID int, meetingID int) *UserMeetingProgressInfo
func (*UserMeetingProgressInfo) ToJSON ¶
func (umpi *UserMeetingProgressInfo) ToJSON(withHead bool) string
type UserMeetingProgressInfoArray ¶
func (*UserMeetingProgressInfoArray) ToJSON ¶
func (umpia *UserMeetingProgressInfoArray) ToJSON(withHead bool) string
type UserService ¶
type UserService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUserService ¶
func NewUserService(db *common.Database, cache *common.Cache, ss *SessionService) (*UserService, error)
func (*UserService) ChangePassword ¶
func (us *UserService) ChangePassword(userID int, oldPwd string, pwd string) error
func (*UserService) ChangeProfile ¶
func (*UserService) Count ¶
func (us *UserService) Count() (int, error)
func (*UserService) DeleteInvitationToken ¶
func (us *UserService) DeleteInvitationToken(token string) error
func (*UserService) GenerateInvitationToken ¶
func (us *UserService) GenerateInvitationToken(size int, groupID int) ([]string, error)
func (*UserService) GetOrAddGdStudent ¶
func (*UserService) Init ¶
func (us *UserService) Init() error
func (*UserService) Preload ¶
func (us *UserService) Preload() (int, error)
func (*UserService) QueryGdStudentID ¶
func (us *UserService) QueryGdStudentID(userID int) (int, error)
func (*UserService) QueryInvitationToken ¶
func (us *UserService) QueryInvitationToken() (map[string]string, error)
func (*UserService) QueryUserID ¶
func (us *UserService) QueryUserID(gdStudentID int) (int, error)
func (*UserService) QueryUsersByNickname ¶
func (us *UserService) QueryUsersByNickname(keywords string, groupID int, session *Session) (*UserInfoArray, error)
func (*UserService) RegisterViaInvitationToken ¶
func (*UserService) UseInvitationToken ¶
func (us *UserService) UseInvitationToken(token string) (int, error)
type VideoAuthorizeInfo ¶
func NewVideoAuthorizeInfoFromMap ¶
func NewVideoAuthorizeInfoFromMap(m map[string]string, id string) *VideoAuthorizeInfo
func (*VideoAuthorizeInfo) ToJSON ¶
func (vai *VideoAuthorizeInfo) ToJSON() string
type VideoInfo ¶
type VideoService ¶
type VideoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVideoService ¶
func (*VideoService) CheckInternalIP ¶
func (vs *VideoService) CheckInternalIP(id string, ip string) bool
func (*VideoService) GetDowngradedM3U8 ¶
func (*VideoService) GetVideoAuthorizeInfo ¶
func (vs *VideoService) GetVideoAuthorizeInfo(id string) (*VideoAuthorizeInfo, error)
func (*VideoService) GetVideoKey ¶
func (vs *VideoService) GetVideoKey(id string) ([]byte, error)
func (*VideoService) Init ¶
func (vs *VideoService) Init() error
func (*VideoService) QueryVideo ¶
Source Files ¶
- class.go
- class_data.go
- class_image.go
- class_meeting.go
- class_sub.go
- class_user.go
- class_user_experience.go
- class_user_experience_local.go
- exam.go
- exam_data.go
- exam_question.go
- exam_question_data.go
- gd_adapter.go
- gd_adapter_data.go
- gd_adapter_exam.go
- gd_adapter_question.go
- gd_pass.go
- gd_session.go
- group.go
- group_data.go
- institute.go
- issue.go
- issue_data.go
- meeting.go
- meeting_courseware.go
- meeting_data.go
- meeting_exam.go
- meeting_replay.go
- meeting_student.go
- meeting_video.go
- message.go
- note.go
- note_data.go
- session.go
- session_data.go
- session_http.go
- subject.go
- tag.go
- transcoding.go
- transcoding_pdf.go
- user.go
- user_data.go
- user_gaodun.go
- user_invitation.go
- video.go
- video_admin.go
- video_authorize.go
- video_data.go
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