Nagflux collects data from the NagiosSpoolfileFolder and adds informations from Livestatus. This data is sent to an InfluxDB, to get displayed by Grafana. Therefor is the tool Histou gives you the possibility to add Templates to Grafana.
Nagflux can be seen as the process_perfdata.pl script from PNP4Nagios.
go get -u github.com/griesbacher/nagflux
go build github.com/griesbacher/nagflux
Here are some of the important config-options:
Section |
Config-Key |
Meaning |
main |
NagiosSpoolfileFolder |
This is the folder where nagios/icinga writes its spoolfiles. Icinga2: /var/spool/icinga2/perfdata |
main |
NagfluxSpoolfileFolder |
In this folder you can dump files with InfluxDBs linequery syntax, the will be shipped to the InfluxDB, the timestamp has to be in ms |
Log |
MinSeverity |
INFO is default an enough for the most. DEBUG give you a lot more data but it's mostly just spamming |
Influx |
Version |
Currentliy the only supported Version of InfluxDB is 0.9+ |
Influx |
Address |
The URL of the InfluxDB-API |
Influx |
Arguments |
Here you can set your user name and password as well as the database. The precision has to be ms! |
Influx |
NastyString/NastyStringToReplace |
These keys are to avoid a bug in InfluxDB and should disappear when the bug is fixed |
Grafana |
FieldSeperator |
This char is used to separate the logical parts of the tablenames. This char has to be an char which is not allowed in one of those: host-, servicename, command, perfdata |
If the configfile is in the same folder as the executable:
./nagflux -configPath=/path/to/config.gcfg
- If the InfluxDB is not available Nagflux will stop and an log entry will be written.
- If the Livestatus is not available Nagflux will just write an log entry, but additional informations can't be gathered.
- If any part of the Tablename is not valid for the InfluxDB an log entry will written and the data is writen to a file which has the same name as the logfile just with the ending '.dump-errors'. You could fix the errors by hand and copy the lines in the NagfluxSpoolfileFolder
- If the Data can't be send to the InfluxDB, Nagflux will also write them in the '.dump-errors' file, you can handle them the same way.
Nagflux is fully integrated in OMD-Labs, as well as Histou is. Therefor if you wanna try it out, it's maybe easier to install OMD-Labs.