
The main objective of this project is to test and play with the gRPC protocol.
Scrooge is a micro bank application where we can send transactions which modify the account balances in the database.
It uses two micro-services:
- balance: it manages accounts and their balance in the database. It exposes a gRPC interface and handles the received requests.
- transaction: it exposes a REST API used to create and update transactions. They are used to modify accounts balance.
Note: the current configuration files have been edited for a docker environment. They must be edited before a local use.
# Local environment
## Downloads packages
$ dep ensure
## Runs services
$ export CONFIGURATION_FROM=file:transaction/config.yml; go run cmd/transaction/main.go
$ export CONFIGURATION_FROM=file:balance/config.yml; go run cmd/balance/main.go
## Builds binaries
$ make
# Builds docker images
$ docker build -t fberrez/scrooge-balance -f Dockerfile-balance .
$ docker build -t fberrez/scrooge-transaction -f Dockerfile-transaction .
# Creates directory for postgres data
$ mkdir containers/backend/data
# Runs docker images
$ docker-compose up -d
A documentation can be find here.
The database contains two accounts:
- account_id: 'a84f1a1b-d6eb-4819-be29-2055b8862094'
balance: 100
- account_id: '7f87b08e-760b-43df-9af4-5354da34e7b4'
balance: 500
Example of requests:
# Makes a transaction
$ curl -L -XPOST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{
"account_id": "7f87b08e-760b-43df-9af4-5354da34e7b4",
"amount": 50,
"currency": "eur"
}' localhost:3001/transaction
# Get Balance
$ curl -L -XGET localhost:3001/balance/7f87b08e-760b-43df-9af4-5354da34e7b4
# Update transaction
$ curl -L -XPUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{
"id": "9a86ea42-6a3e-4c6a-bfec-503930bdf910",
"account_id": "7f87b08e-760b-43df-9af4-5354da34e7b4",
"amount": -100
}' localhost:3001/transaction
├── balance # balance is the microservice used to interact with account balances.
│ └── config.yml # balance configuration file
├── cmd # main folder, used to start microservices in your local environment
├── containers # contains containers data
│ └── backend
│ ├── data # contains postgres data
│ └── schema.sql # database schema executed on the first run
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile-balance # Dockerfile used to build balance image
├── Dockerfile-transaction # Dockerfile used to build transaction image
├── scrooge # scrooge contains the proto file
│ ├── scrooge.pb.go # "compiled" proto file
│ └── scrooge.proto # proto file, used to make interact with balance from the outside
└── transaction # transaction is the microservice used to makes transactions
└── config.yml # transction configuration file