Index ¶
- Constants
- func Stringify(message interface{}) string
- type ActiveFlag
- type ActivitiesCreateOptions
- type ActivitiesReponse
- type ActivitiesService
- func (s *ActivitiesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ActivitiesCreateOptions) (*ActivityResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ActivitiesService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ActivitiesService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ActivitiesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ActivitiesReponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ActivitiesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ActivitiesReponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ActivitiesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ActivitiesCreateOptions) (*ActivityResponse, *Response, error)
- type Activity
- type ActivityField
- type ActivityFieldsResponse
- type ActivityFieldsService
- type ActivityResponse
- type ActivityType
- type ActivityTypeResponse
- type ActivityTypesAddOptions
- type ActivityTypesEditOptions
- type ActivityTypesResponse
- type ActivityTypesService
- func (s *ActivityTypesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ActivityTypesAddOptions) (*ActivityTypeResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ActivityTypesService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ActivityTypesService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ActivityTypesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ActivityTypesResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ActivityTypesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ActivityTypesEditOptions) (*ActivityTypeResponse, *Response, error)
- type AdditionalData
- type Authorization
- type AuthorizationsListOptions
- type AuthorizationsResponse
- type AuthorizationsService
- type Client
- type Config
- type CreateRemoteLinkedFileOptions
- type CurrenciesListOptions
- type CurrenciesResponse
- type CurrenciesService
- type Currency
- type Deal
- type DealCreateOptions
- type DealField
- type DealFieldCreateOptions
- type DealFieldResponse
- type DealFieldUpdateOptions
- type DealFieldsResponse
- type DealFieldsService
- func (s *DealFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *DealFieldCreateOptions) (*DealFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealFieldsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealFieldsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DealFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*DealFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DealFieldUpdateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- type DealProbability
- type DealResponse
- type DealService
- func (s *DealService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *DealCreateOptions) (*DealResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) DeleteAttachedProduct(ctx context.Context, dealID int, productAttachmentID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) DeleteParticipant(ctx context.Context, dealID int, participantID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) Duplicate(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DealResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) Find(ctx context.Context, term string) (*DealsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) List(ctx context.Context, filterID int) (*DealsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) ListUpdates(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DealsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) Merge(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DealsMergeOptions) (*Response, error)
- func (s *DealService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DealsUpdateOptions) (*Response, error)
- type DealsMergeOptions
- type DealsResponse
- type DealsUpdateOptions
- type DeleteMultipleOptions
- type DeletePermissionSetAssignmentOptions
- type DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions
- type Email
- type ErrorFields
- type ErrorResponse
- type EventAction
- type EventObject
- type FieldType
- type File
- type FileResponse
- type FilesResponse
- type FilesService
- func (s *FilesService) CreateRemoteLinkedFile(ctx context.Context, opt *CreateRemoteLinkedFileOptions) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FilesService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *FilesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FilesService) GetDownloadLinkByID(id int) (string, *http.Request, error)
- func (s *FilesService) LinkRemoteFileToItem(ctx context.Context, opt *LinkRemoteFileToItemOptions) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FilesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*FilesResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FilesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *UpdateFileDetailsOptions) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FilesService) Upload(ctx context.Context, fileName string, filePath string) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
- type Filter
- type FilterConditions
- type FilterCreateOptions
- type FilterOptions
- type FilterResponse
- type FilterUpdateOptions
- type FiltersListOptions
- type FiltersResponse
- type FiltersService
- func (s *FiltersService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *FilterCreateOptions) (*FilterResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FiltersService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *FiltersService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *FiltersService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*FilterResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FiltersService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *FiltersListOptions) (*FiltersResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *FiltersService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *FilterUpdateOptions) (*FilterResponse, *Response, error)
- type Goal
- type GoalCreateOptions
- type GoalGetResultsByIDOptions
- type GoalResponse
- type GoalsListOptions
- type GoalsResponse
- type GoalsService
- func (s *GoalsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *GoalCreateOptions) (*GoalResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *GoalsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *GoalsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*GoalResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *GoalsService) GetResultsByID(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *GoalGetResultsByIDOptions) (*GoalsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *GoalsService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *GoalsListOptions) (*GoalsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *GoalsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *GoalCreateOptions) (*GoalResponse, *Response, error)
- type LinkRemoteFileToItemOptions
- type Note
- type NoteCreateOptions
- type NoteField
- type NoteFieldsResponse
- type NoteFieldsService
- type NoteResponse
- type NoteUpdateOptions
- type NotesResponse
- type NotesService
- func (s *NotesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *NoteCreateOptions) (*NoteResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*NoteResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*NotesResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *NotesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *NoteUpdateOptions) (*NoteResponse, *Response, error)
- type Option
- type Organization
- type OrganizationCreateOptions
- type OrganizationField
- type OrganizationFieldCreateOptions
- type OrganizationFieldResponse
- type OrganizationFieldUpdateOptions
- type OrganizationFieldsResponse
- type OrganizationFieldsService
- func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *OrganizationFieldCreateOptions) (*OrganizationFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*OrganizationFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*OrganizationFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *OrganizationFieldUpdateOptions) (*OrganizationFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- type OrganizationResponse
- type OrganizationUpdateOptions
- type OrganizationsResponse
- type OrganizationsService
- func (s *OrganizationsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *OrganizationCreateOptions) (*OrganizationResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationsService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*OrganizationsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationsService) Merge(ctx context.Context, id int, mergeWithID int) (*OrganizationResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *OrganizationUpdateOptions) (*OrganizationResponse, *Response, error)
- type Pagination
- type Participants
- type Person
- type PersonAddFollowerResponse
- type PersonCreateOptions
- type PersonField
- type PersonFieldCreateOptions
- type PersonFieldResponse
- type PersonFieldUpdateOptions
- type PersonFieldsResponse
- type PersonFieldsService
- func (s *PersonFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *PersonFieldCreateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonFieldsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PersonFieldsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PersonFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*PersonFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*PersonFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *PersonFieldUpdateOptions) (*PersonFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- type PersonResponse
- type PersonUpdateOptions
- type PersonsRespose
- type PersonsService
- func (s *PersonsService) AddFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, userID int) (*PersonAddFollowerResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *PersonCreateOptions) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) DeletePicture(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) Get(ctx context.Context, personID int) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*PersonsRespose, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) Merge(ctx context.Context, id int, mergeWithID int) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PersonsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *PersonUpdateOptions) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
- type Pipeline
- type PipelineCreateOptions
- type PipelineDealsConversionRateResponse
- type PipelineDealsMovementResponse
- type PipelineResponse
- type PipelineUpdateOptions
- type PipelinesResponse
- type PipelinesService
- func (s *PipelinesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *PipelineCreateOptions) (*PipelineResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*PipelineResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) GetDeals(ctx context.Context, id int) (*PipelinesResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) GetDealsConversionRate(ctx context.Context, id int, startDate Timestamp, endDate Timestamp) (*PipelineDealsConversionRateResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) GetDealsMovement(ctx context.Context, id int, startDate Timestamp, endDate Timestamp) (*PipelineDealsMovementResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*PipelinesResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *PipelinesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *PipelineUpdateOptions) (*PipelineResponse, *Response, error)
- type Product
- type ProductAttachedDealsResponse
- type ProductCreateOptions
- type ProductField
- type ProductFieldCreateOptions
- type ProductFieldResponse
- type ProductFieldUpdateOptions
- type ProductFieldsResponse
- type ProductFieldsService
- func (s *ProductFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ProductFieldCreateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductFieldsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProductFieldsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProductFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ProductFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ProductFieldUpdateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
- type ProductFindOptions
- type ProductResponse
- type ProductUpdateOptions
- type ProductsResponse
- type ProductsService
- func (s *ProductsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ProductCreateOptions) (*ProductResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) Find(ctx context.Context, term string) (*ProductsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) GetAttachedDeals(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ProductAttachedDealsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ProductResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ProductsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProductsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ProductUpdateOptions) (*ProductResponse, *Response, error)
- type Rate
- type RateLimitError
- type RecentRecord
- type RecentRecordDetails
- type RecentsListOptions
- type RecentsResponse
- type RecentsService
- type Response
- type SearchOptions
- type SearchResult
- type SearchResults
- type SearchResultsListOptions
- type SearchResultsService
- type Stage
- type StageDealsResponse
- type StageResponse
- type StagesCreateOptions
- type StagesGetDealsInStageOptions
- type StagesListOptions
- type StagesResponse
- type StagesService
- func (s *StagesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *StagesCreateOptions) (*StageResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *StagesService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *StagesService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *StagesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*StageResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *StagesService) GetDealsInStage(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *StagesGetDealsInStageOptions) (*StageDealsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *StagesService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *StagesListOptions) (*StagesResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *StagesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *StagesUpdateOptions) (*StageResponse, *Response, error)
- type StagesUpdateOptions
- type Timestamp
- type UpdateFileDetailsOptions
- type User
- type UserConnections
- type UserConnectionsService
- type UserCreateOptions
- type UserFollowersResponse
- type UserPermissionsResponse
- type UserRoleSettingsResponse
- type UserSettings
- type UserSettingsService
- type UserSingleResponse
- type UsersFindByNameOptions
- type UsersResponse
- type UsersService
- func (s *UsersService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *UserCreateOptions) (*UserSingleResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeletePermissionSetAssignment(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DeletePermissionSetAssignmentOptions) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) DeleteRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) FindByName(ctx context.Context, opt *UsersFindByNameOptions) (*UsersResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserFollowersResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) GetCurrentUserData(ctx context.Context) (*UserSingleResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) List(ctx context.Context) (*UsersResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListFollowers(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserFollowersResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListUserPermissions(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserPermissionsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) ListUserRoleSettings(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserRoleSettingsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (s *UsersService) UpdateUserDetails(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *UsersUpdateUserDetailsOptions) (*Response, error)
- type UsersUpdateUserDetailsOptions
- type VisibleTo
- type Webhook
- type WebhookResponse
- type WebhooksCreateOptions
- type WebhooksResponse
- type WebhooksService
Constants ¶
const ( VisibleToOwnersAndFollowers = 1 VisibleToWholeCompany = 3 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type ActiveFlag ¶
type ActiveFlag uint8
Active flags
const ( ActiveFlagEnabled ActiveFlag = 1 ActiveFlagDisabled ActiveFlag = 0 )
type ActivitiesCreateOptions ¶
type ActivitiesCreateOptions struct { Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` Done uint8 `json:"done,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` DueDate string `json:"due_date,omitempty"` DueTime string `json:"due_time,omitempty"` Duration string `json:"duration,omitempty"` UserID uint `json:"user_id,omitempty"` DealID uint `json:"user_id,omitempty"` PersonID uint `json:"person_id,omitempty"` Participants interface{} `json:"participants,omitempty"` OrgID uint `json:"org_id,omitempty"` }
ActivitiesCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ActivitiesService.Update method.
type ActivitiesReponse ¶
type ActivitiesReponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Activity `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
ActivitiesReponse represents multiple activities response.
type ActivitiesService ¶
type ActivitiesService service
ActivitiesService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Activities
func (*ActivitiesService) Create ¶
func (s *ActivitiesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ActivitiesCreateOptions) (*ActivityResponse, *Response, error)
Create an activity.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Activities/post_activities
func (*ActivitiesService) Delete ¶
Delete an activity. Pipedrive API docs:!/Activities/delete_activities_id
func (*ActivitiesService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple activities in bulk.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Activities/delete_activities
func (*ActivitiesService) GetByID ¶
func (s *ActivitiesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ActivitiesReponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns details of a specific activity.!/Activities/get_activities
func (*ActivitiesService) List ¶
func (s *ActivitiesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ActivitiesReponse, *Response, error)
List returns all activities assigned to a particular user!/Activities/get_activities
func (*ActivitiesService) Update ¶
func (s *ActivitiesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ActivitiesCreateOptions) (*ActivityResponse, *Response, error)
Update an activity
Pipedrive API docs:!/Activities/put_activities_id
type Activity ¶
type Activity struct { ID int `json:"id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` Done bool `json:"done"` Type string `json:"type"` ReferenceType string `json:"reference_type"` ReferenceID int `json:"reference_id"` DueDate string `json:"due_date"` DueTime string `json:"due_time"` Duration string `json:"duration"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` MarkedAsDoneTime string `json:"marked_as_done_time"` Subject string `json:"subject"` OrgID int `json:"org_id"` PersonID int `json:"person_id"` DealID int `json:"deal_id"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` GcalEventID interface{} `json:"gcal_event_id"` GoogleCalendarID interface{} `json:"google_calendar_id"` GoogleCalendarEtag interface{} `json:"google_calendar_etag"` Note string `json:"note"` CreatedByUserID int `json:"created_by_user_id"` Participants []Participants `json:"participants"` OrgName string `json:"org_name"` PersonName string `json:"person_name"` DealTitle string `json:"deal_title"` OwnerName string `json:"owner_name"` PersonDropboxBcc string `json:"person_dropbox_bcc"` DealDropboxBcc string `json:"deal_dropbox_bcc"` AssignedToUserID int `json:"assigned_to_user_id"` }
Activity represents a Pipedrive activity.
type ActivityField ¶
type ActivityField struct { ID int `json:"id"` Key string `json:"key"` Name string `json:"name"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr"` PicklistData interface{} `json:"picklist_data,omitempty"` FieldType string `json:"field_type"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` EditFlag bool `json:"edit_flag"` IndexVisibleFlag bool `json:"index_visible_flag"` DetailsVisibleFlag bool `json:"details_visible_flag"` AddVisibleFlag bool `json:"add_visible_flag"` ImportantFlag bool `json:"important_flag"` BulkEditAllowed bool `json:"bulk_edit_allowed"` MandatoryFlag bool `json:"mandatory_flag"` Options []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` } `json:"options,omitempty"` }
ActivityField represents a Pipedrive activity field.
type ActivityFieldsResponse ¶
type ActivityFieldsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []ActivityField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
ActivityFieldsResponse represents multiple activity fields response.
type ActivityFieldsService ¶
type ActivityFieldsService service
ActivityFieldsService handles activity fields related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/ActivityFields
func (*ActivityFieldsService) List ¶
func (s *ActivityFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ActivityFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
List returns all fields for activity.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityFields/get_activityFields
type ActivityResponse ¶
ActivityResponse represents single activity response.
type ActivityType ¶
type ActivityType struct { ID int `json:"id"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr"` Name string `json:"name"` KeyString string `json:"key_string"` IconKey string `json:"icon_key"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Color interface{} `json:"color"` IsCustomFlag bool `json:"is_custom_flag"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime interface{} `json:"update_time"` }
ActivityType represents a Pipedrive activity type.
func (ActivityType) String ¶
func (at ActivityType) String() string
type ActivityTypeResponse ¶
type ActivityTypeResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data ActivityType `json:"data"` }
ActivityTypeResponse represents single activity type response.
type ActivityTypesAddOptions ¶
type ActivityTypesAddOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` IconKey string `url:"icon_key"` Color string `url:"color,omitempty"` }
ActivityTypesAddOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ActivityTypesService.Create method.
type ActivityTypesEditOptions ¶
type ActivityTypesEditOptions struct { Name string `url:"name,omitempty"` IconKey string `url:"icon_key,omitempty"` Color string `url:"color,omitempty"` OrderNr uint `url:"order_nr,omitempty"` }
ActivityTypesEditOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ActivityTypesService.Update method.
type ActivityTypesResponse ¶
type ActivityTypesResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []ActivityType `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
ActivityTypesResponse represents multiple activity types response.
type ActivityTypesService ¶
type ActivityTypesService service
ActivityTypesService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityTypes
func (*ActivityTypesService) Create ¶
func (s *ActivityTypesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ActivityTypesAddOptions) (*ActivityTypeResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new activity type.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityTypes/post_activityTypes
func (*ActivityTypesService) Delete ¶
Delete an activity type.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityTypes/delete_activityTypes_id
func (*ActivityTypesService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple deletes activity types in bulk.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityTypes/delete_activityTypes
func (*ActivityTypesService) List ¶
func (s *ActivityTypesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ActivityTypesResponse, *Response, error)
List all activity types.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityTypes/get_activityTypes
func (*ActivityTypesService) Update ¶
func (s *ActivityTypesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ActivityTypesEditOptions) (*ActivityTypeResponse, *Response, error)
Update activity type.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ActivityTypes/put_activityTypes_id
type AdditionalData ¶
type AdditionalData struct { User struct { Profile struct { ID int `json:"id"` Email string `json:"email"` Name string `json:"name"` IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"` DefaultCurrency string `json:"default_currency"` IconURL interface{} `json:"icon_url"` Activated bool `json:"activated"` } `json:"profile"` Locale struct { Language string `json:"language"` Country string `json:"country"` Uses12HourClock bool `json:"uses_12_hour_clock"` } `json:"locale"` Timezone struct { Name string `json:"name"` Offset int `json:"offset"` } `json:"timezone"` } `json:"user"` MultipleCompanies bool `json:"multiple_companies"` DefaultCompanyID int `json:"default_company_id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` SinceTimestamp string `json:"since_timestamp"` LastTimestampOnPage string `json:"last_timestamp_on_page"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` }
type Authorization ¶
type Authorization struct { UserID int `json:"user_id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` APIToken string `json:"api_token"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` Company struct { Info struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` CreatorCompanyID interface{} `json:"creator_company_id"` PlanID int `json:"plan_id"` Identifier string `json:"identifier"` Domain string `json:"domain"` BillingCurrency string `json:"billing_currency"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` Status string `json:"status"` TrialEnds string `json:"trial_ends"` CancelledFlag bool `json:"cancelled_flag"` CancelTime interface{} `json:"cancel_time"` Country string `json:"country"` PromoCode string `json:"promo_code"` UsedPromoCodeKey string `json:"used_promo_code_key"` AccountIsOpen bool `json:"account_is_open"` AccountIsNotPaying bool `json:"account_is_not_paying"` } `json:"info"` Features []string `json:"features"` Settings struct { ShowGettingStartedVideo bool `json:"show_getting_started_video"` ListLimit int `json:"list_limit"` BetaApp bool `json:"beta_app"` FileUploadDestination string `json:"file_upload_destination"` CalltoLinkSyntax string `json:"callto_link_syntax"` AutofillDealExpectedCloseDate bool `json:"autofill_deal_expected_close_date"` PersonDuplicateCondition string `json:"person_duplicate_condition"` OrganizationDuplicateCondition string `json:"organization_duplicate_condition"` AddFollowersWhenImporting bool `json:"add_followers_when_importing"` SearchBackend string `json:"search_backend"` BillingManagedBySales bool `json:"billing_managed_by_sales"` MaxDealAgeInAverageProgressCalculation int `json:"max_deal_age_in_average_progress_calculation"` ThirdPartyLinks []interface{} `json:"third_party_links"` ElasticWriteTargetDuringMigration string `json:"elastic_write_target_during_migration"` AutoCreateNewPersonsFromForwarderEmails bool `json:"auto_create_new_persons_from_forwarder_emails"` CompanyAdvancedDebugLogs bool `json:"company_advanced_debug_logs"` DealBlockOrder []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` } `json:"deal_block_order"` PersonBlockOrder []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` } `json:"person_block_order"` OrganizationBlockOrder []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` } `json:"organization_block_order"` NylasSync bool `json:"nylas_sync"` OnboardingComplete bool `json:"onboarding_complete"` } `json:"settings"` } `json:"company"` }
Authorization represents a Pipedrive authorization.
func (Authorization) String ¶
func (a Authorization) String() string
type AuthorizationsListOptions ¶
type AuthorizationsListOptions struct { Email string `url:"email,omitempty"` Password string `url:"password,omitempty"` }
AuthorizationsListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the AuthorizationsService.List method.
type AuthorizationsResponse ¶
type AuthorizationsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Authorization `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
AuthorizationsResponse represents multiple authorizations response.
type AuthorizationsService ¶
type AuthorizationsService service
AuthorizationsService handles authorization related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Authorizations
func (*AuthorizationsService) List ¶
func (s *AuthorizationsService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *AuthorizationsListOptions) (*AuthorizationsResponse, *Response, error)
List returns all authorizations for a particular user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Authorizations/post_authorizations
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // Base URL for API requests. Defaults to the public Pipedrive API, but can be // set to a domain endpoint to use. BaseURL should // always be specified with a trailing slash. BaseURL *url.URL Deals *DealService Currencies *CurrenciesService NoteFields *NoteFieldsService Notes *NotesService Recents *RecentsService SearchResults *SearchResultsService Users *UsersService Filters *FiltersService Activities *ActivitiesService ActivityFields *ActivityFieldsService ActivityTypes *ActivityTypesService Authorizations *AuthorizationsService Stages *StagesService Webhooks *WebhooksService UserConnections *UserConnectionsService GoalsService *GoalsService PipelinesService *PipelinesService UserSettings *UserSettingsService Files *FilesService ProductFields *ProductFieldsService Products *ProductsService PersonFields *PersonFieldsService OrganizationField *OrganizationFieldsService DealFields *DealFieldsService Persons *PersonsService Organizations *OrganizationsService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Client) Do ¶
Do sends an API request and returns the API response. T
The provided ctx must be non-nil. If it is canceled or times out, ctx.Err() will be returned.
func (*Client) NewRequest ¶
type CreateRemoteLinkedFileOptions ¶
type CreateRemoteLinkedFileOptions struct { FileType string `url:"file_type,omitempty"` Title string `url:"title,omitempty"` ItemType string `url:"item_type,omitempty"` ItemID uint `url:"item_id,omitempty"` RemoteLocation string `url:"remote_location,omitempty"` }
CreateRemoteLinkedFileOptions specifices the optional parameters to the FilesService.CreateRemoteLinkedFile method.
type CurrenciesListOptions ¶
type CurrenciesListOptions struct {
Term string `url:"term,omitempty"`
CurrenciesListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the CurrenciesService.List method.
type CurrenciesResponse ¶
type CurrenciesResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data []Currency `json:"data,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error"` ErrorInfo string `json:"error_info"` }
CurrenciesResponse represents multiple currencies response.
type CurrenciesService ¶
type CurrenciesService service
CurrenciesService handles currencies related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Currencies
func (*CurrenciesService) List ¶
func (s *CurrenciesService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *CurrenciesListOptions) (*CurrenciesResponse, *Response, error)
List returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Currencies/get_currencies
type Currency ¶
type Currency struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` DecimalPoints int `json:"decimal_points,omitempty"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag,omitempty"` IsCustomFlag bool `json:"is_custom_flag,omitempty"` }
Currency represents a Pipedrive currency.
type Deal ¶
type Deal struct { ID int `json:"id"` CreatorUserID struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` HasPic bool `json:"has_pic"` PicHash string `json:"pic_hash"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"creator_user_id"` UserID struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` HasPic bool `json:"has_pic"` PicHash string `json:"pic_hash"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"user_id"` PersonID struct { Name string `json:"name"` Email []struct { Value string `json:"value"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` } `json:"email"` Phone []struct { Value string `json:"value"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` } `json:"phone"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"person_id"` OrgID struct { Name string `json:"name"` PeopleCount int `json:"people_count"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Address interface{} `json:"address"` CcEmail string `json:"cc_email"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"org_id"` StageID int `json:"stage_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Value float64 `json:"value"` Currency string `json:"currency"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` StageChangeTime string `json:"stage_change_time"` Active bool `json:"active"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Status string `json:"status"` Probability interface{} `json:"probability"` NextActivityDate interface{} `json:"next_activity_date"` NextActivityTime interface{} `json:"next_activity_time"` NextActivityID interface{} `json:"next_activity_id"` LastActivityID int `json:"last_activity_id"` LastActivityDate string `json:"last_activity_date"` LostReason string `json:"lost_reason"` VisibleTo string `json:"visible_to"` CloseTime string `json:"close_time"` PipelineID int `json:"pipeline_id"` WonTime interface{} `json:"won_time"` FirstWonTime interface{} `json:"first_won_time"` LostTime string `json:"lost_time"` ProductsCount int `json:"products_count"` FilesCount int `json:"files_count"` NotesCount int `json:"notes_count"` FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"` EmailMessagesCount int `json:"email_messages_count"` ActivitiesCount int `json:"activities_count"` DoneActivitiesCount int `json:"done_activities_count"` UndoneActivitiesCount int `json:"undone_activities_count"` ReferenceActivitiesCount int `json:"reference_activities_count"` ParticipantsCount int `json:"participants_count"` ExpectedCloseDate interface{} `json:"expected_close_date"` LastIncomingMailTime interface{} `json:"last_incoming_mail_time"` LastOutgoingMailTime interface{} `json:"last_outgoing_mail_time"` StageOrderNr int `json:"stage_order_nr"` PersonName string `json:"person_name"` OrgName string `json:"org_name"` NextActivitySubject interface{} `json:"next_activity_subject"` NextActivityType interface{} `json:"next_activity_type"` NextActivityDuration interface{} `json:"next_activity_duration"` NextActivityNote interface{} `json:"next_activity_note"` FormattedValue string `json:"formatted_value"` RottenTime interface{} `json:"rotten_time"` WeightedValue int `json:"weighted_value"` FormattedWeightedValue string `json:"formatted_weighted_value"` OwnerName string `json:"owner_name"` CcEmail string `json:"cc_email"` OrgHidden bool `json:"org_hidden"` PersonHidden bool `json:"person_hidden"` OfflineCommunication string `json:"b556c5618b88cd3d33f99b996b5b2fdbc8ba3c7e"` ServicePrice float64 `json:"6906ddfb72aaef6810b35703de142db0f435c314"` AgencyInCharge struct { Name string `json:"name"` PeopleCount int `json:"people_count"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Address interface{} `json:"address"` CcEmail string `json:"cc_email"` Value float32 `json:"value"` } `json:"eb2a2df8945c29118a01d324c58fbf6cef7bfd43"` WantedStartTime string `json:"a3114acce61bb930180af173b395d76f42af8794"` RequirementAnalysis string `json:"56d3d40c37c0db60fff576ae73ba2fea0d58dc09"` DepartureCurrentCT string `json:"ffd2a712d781417ef17a33b3540d3ecd8d945f76"` ArrivalNextCT string `json:"f5bb67b24aec5f9733be8b3402bf1fe5b1ac6ed6"` LeadSource uint `json:"5d4fbabc9b032aeb3df515d9c66994d6892ee062"` TemporaryLink string `json:"4fe88fad67d8dcbc17d18d9ee1faac55122249fd"` RideCosts string `json:"31443a48d1405182dfccac9bf378bbe8216ffc9a"` }
Deal represents a Pipedrive deal.
type DealCreateOptions ¶
type DealCreateOptions struct { Title string `json:"title"` Value string `json:"value"` Currency string `json:"currency"` UserID uint `json:"user_id"` PersonID uint `json:"person_id"` OrgID uint `json:"org_id"` StageID uint `json:"stage_id"` Status string `json:"status"` Probability uint `json:"probability"` LostReason string `json:"lost_reason"` AddTime Timestamp `json:"add_time"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `json:"visible_to"` RequirementAnalysis string `json:"56d3d40c37c0db60fff576ae73ba2fea0d58dc09"` WantedStartTime Timestamp `json:"a3114acce61bb930180af173b395d76f42af8794"` TemporaryLink string `json:"4fe88fad67d8dcbc17d18d9ee1faac55122249fd,omitempty"` LeadSource uint `json:"5d4fbabc9b032aeb3df515d9c66994d6892ee062,omitempty"` }
DealCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the DealsService.Create method.
type DealField ¶
type DealField struct { ID int `json:"id"` Key string `json:"key"` Name string `json:"name"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr,omitempty"` PicklistData interface{} `json:"picklist_data,omitempty"` FieldType string `json:"field_type"` AddTime string `json:"add_time,omitempty"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time,omitempty"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` EditFlag bool `json:"edit_flag"` IndexVisibleFlag bool `json:"index_visible_flag,omitempty"` DetailsVisibleFlag bool `json:"details_visible_flag,omitempty"` AddVisibleFlag bool `json:"add_visible_flag,omitempty"` ImportantFlag bool `json:"important_flag,omitempty"` BulkEditAllowed bool `json:"bulk_edit_allowed,omitempty"` SearchableFlag bool `json:"searchable_flag,omitempty"` FilteringAllowed bool `json:"filtering_allowed,omitempty"` SortableFlag bool `json:"sortable_flag,omitempty"` UseField string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` MandatoryFlag bool `json:"mandatory_flag"` IsSubfield bool `json:"is_subfield,omitempty"` Options []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` } `json:"options,omitempty"` BulkEditAllowedConditions struct { Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"bulk_edit_allowed_conditions,omitempty"` }
DealField represents a Pipedrive deal.
type DealFieldCreateOptions ¶
type DealFieldCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name,omitempty"` FieldType FieldType `url:"field_type,omitempty"` Options string `url:"options,omitempty"` }
DealFieldCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the DealFieldsService.Create method.
type DealFieldResponse ¶
type DealFieldResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data DealField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
DealFieldResponse represents single deal field response.
type DealFieldUpdateOptions ¶
type DealFieldUpdateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name,omitempty"` Options string `url:"options,omitempty"` }
DealFieldUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the DealFieldsService.Update method.
type DealFieldsResponse ¶
type DealFieldsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []DealField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
DealFieldsResponse represents multiple deal fields response.
type DealFieldsService ¶
type DealFieldsService service
DealFieldsService handles deal fields related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/DealFields
func (*DealFieldsService) Create ¶
func (s *DealFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *DealFieldCreateOptions) (*DealFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new deal field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/DealFields/post_dealFields
func (*DealFieldsService) Delete ¶
Delete a deal field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/DealFields/delete_dealFields_id
func (*DealFieldsService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple deletes deal fields in bulk.
Pipedrive API docs:!/DealFields/delete_dealFields
func (*DealFieldsService) GetByID ¶
func (s *DealFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DealFieldResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns specific deal field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/DealFields/get_dealFields_id
func (*DealFieldsService) List ¶
func (s *DealFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*DealFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
List all deal fields.
Pipedrive API docs:!/DealFields/get_dealFields
func (*DealFieldsService) Update ¶
func (s *DealFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DealFieldUpdateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Update a deal field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/DealFields/put_dealFields_id
type DealProbability ¶
type DealProbability uint8
Deal probability
const ( DealProbabilityEnabled DealProbability = 1 DealProbabilityDisabled DealProbability = 0 )
type DealResponse ¶
type DealResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data Deal `json:"data,omitempty"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
DealResponse represents single deal response.
type DealService ¶
type DealService service
DealService handles deals related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Deals
func (*DealService) Create ¶
func (s *DealService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *DealCreateOptions) (*DealResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new deal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/post_deals
func (*DealService) Delete ¶
Delete a deal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/delete_deals_id
func (*DealService) DeleteAttachedProduct ¶
func (s *DealService) DeleteAttachedProduct(ctx context.Context, dealID int, productAttachmentID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteAttachedProduct deletes attached product.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/delete_deals_id_products_product_attachment_id
func (*DealService) DeleteFollower ¶
func (s *DealService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteFollower of a deal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/delete_deals_id_followers_follower_id
func (*DealService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple deletes deals in bulk.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/delete_deals
func (*DealService) DeleteParticipant ¶
func (s *DealService) DeleteParticipant(ctx context.Context, dealID int, participantID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteParticipant deletes participant in a deal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/delete_deals_id_participants_deal_participant_id
func (*DealService) Duplicate ¶
func (s *DealService) Duplicate(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DealResponse, *Response, error)
Duplicate a deal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/post_deals_id_duplicate
func (*DealService) Find ¶
func (s *DealService) Find(ctx context.Context, term string) (*DealsResponse, *Response, error)
Find deals by name.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/get_deals_find
func (*DealService) List ¶
func (s *DealService) List(ctx context.Context, filterID int) (*DealsResponse, *Response, error)
List deals.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/get_deals
func (*DealService) ListUpdates ¶
func (s *DealService) ListUpdates(ctx context.Context, id int) (*DealsResponse, *Response, error)
ListUpdates about a deal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/get_deals_id_flow
func (*DealService) Merge ¶
func (s *DealService) Merge(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DealsMergeOptions) (*Response, error)
Merge two deals.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/put_deals_id_merge
func (*DealService) Update ¶
func (s *DealService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DealsUpdateOptions) (*Response, error)
Update a deal. Pipedrive API docs:!/Deals/put_deals_id
type DealsMergeOptions ¶
type DealsMergeOptions struct {
MergeWithID uint `url:"merge_with_id,omitempty"`
DealsMergeOptions specifices the optional parameters to the DealService.Merge method.
type DealsResponse ¶
type DealsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data []Deal `json:"data,omitempty"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
DealsResponse represents multiple deals response.
type DealsUpdateOptions ¶
type DealsUpdateOptions struct { Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty"` UserID uint `json:"user_id,omitempty"` PersonID uint `json:"person_id,omitempty"` OrganizationID uint `json:"org_id,omitempty"` StageID uint `json:"stage_id,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` LostReason string `json:"lost_reason,omitempty"` VisibleTo uint `json:"visible_to,omitempty"` RequirementAnalysis string `json:"56d3d40c37c0db60fff576ae73ba2fea0d58dc09,omitempty"` TemporaryLink string `json:"4fe88fad67d8dcbc17d18d9ee1faac55122249fd,omitempty"` }
DealsUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the DealService.Update method.
type DeleteMultipleOptions ¶
type DeleteMultipleOptions struct {
Ids string `url:"ids,omitempty"`
type DeletePermissionSetAssignmentOptions ¶
type DeletePermissionSetAssignmentOptions struct {
PermissionSetID uint `url:"permission_set_id,omitempty"`
DeletePermissionSetAssignmentOptions specifices the optional parameters to the UsersService.DeletePermissionSetAssignment method.
type DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions ¶
type DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions struct {
RoleID uint `url:"role_id,omitempty"`
DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions specifices the optional parameters to the UsersService.DeleteRoleAssignment method.
type ErrorFields ¶
type ErrorResponse ¶
ErrorResponse reports one or more errors caused by an API request.
func (*ErrorResponse) Error ¶
func (e *ErrorResponse) Error() string
type EventAction ¶
type EventAction string
Type of actions.
const ( ACTION_ADDED EventAction = "added" ACTION_UPDATED EventAction = "updated" ACTION_MERGED EventAction = "merged" ACTION_DELETED EventAction = "deleted" ACTION_ALL EventAction = "all" )
type EventObject ¶
type EventObject string
Type of objects.
const ( OBJECT_ACTIVITY EventObject = "activity" OBJECT_ACTIVTIY_TYPE EventObject = "activity_type" OBJECT_DEAL EventObject = "deal" OBJECT_NOTE EventObject = "note" OBJECT_ORGANIZATION EventObject = "organization" OBJECT_PERSON EventObject = "person" OBJECT_PIPELINE EventObject = "pipeline" OBJECT_PRODUCT EventObject = "product" OBJECT_STAGE EventObject = "stage" OBJECT_USER EventObject = "user" OBJECT_ALL_ EventObject = "*" )
type FieldType ¶
type FieldType string
Field types
const ( FieldTypeVarchar FieldType = "varchar" FieldTypeVarcharAuto FieldType = "varchar_auto" FieldTypeText FieldType = "text" FieldTypeDouble FieldType = "double" FieldTypeMonetary FieldType = "monetary" FieldTypeDate FieldType = "date" FieldTypeSet FieldType = "set" FieldTypeEnum FieldType = "enum" FieldTypeUser FieldType = "user" FieldTypeOrg FieldType = "org" FieldTypePeople FieldType = "people" FieldTypePhone FieldType = "phone" FieldTypeTime FieldType = "time" FieldTypeTimerange FieldType = "timerange" FieldTypeDaterange FieldType = "daterange" )
type File ¶
type File struct { ID int `json:"id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` DealID int `json:"deal_id"` PersonID int `json:"person_id"` OrgID int `json:"org_id"` ProductID interface{} `json:"product_id"` EmailMessageID interface{} `json:"email_message_id"` ActivityID interface{} `json:"activity_id"` NoteID interface{} `json:"note_id"` LogID interface{} `json:"log_id"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` FileName string `json:"file_name"` FileType string `json:"file_type"` FileSize int `json:"file_size"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` InlineFlag bool `json:"inline_flag"` RemoteLocation string `json:"remote_location"` RemoteID string `json:"remote_id"` Cid interface{} `json:"cid"` S3Bucket interface{} `json:"s3_bucket"` MailMessageID interface{} `json:"mail_message_id"` DealName string `json:"deal_name"` PersonName string `json:"person_name"` OrgName string `json:"org_name"` ProductName interface{} `json:"product_name"` URL string `json:"url"` Name string `json:"name"` Description interface{} `json:"description"` }
File represents a Pipedrive file.
type FileResponse ¶
type FileResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data File `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
FileResponse represents single file response.
type FilesResponse ¶
type FilesResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []File `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
FilesResponse represents multiple files response.
type FilesService ¶
type FilesService service
FilesService handles files related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Files
func (*FilesService) CreateRemoteLinkedFile ¶
func (s *FilesService) CreateRemoteLinkedFile(ctx context.Context, opt *CreateRemoteLinkedFileOptions) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
CreateRemoteLinkedFile creates a remote file and link it to an item.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/post_files_remote
func (*FilesService) Delete ¶
Delete marks a file as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/delete_files_id
func (*FilesService) GetByID ¶
func (s *FilesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns specific file.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/get_files_id
func (*FilesService) GetDownloadLinkByID ¶
GetDownloadLinkByID returns link for specific file.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/get_files_id_download
func (*FilesService) LinkRemoteFileToItem ¶
func (s *FilesService) LinkRemoteFileToItem(ctx context.Context, opt *LinkRemoteFileToItemOptions) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
LinkRemoteFileToItem links an existing remote file (googledrive, etc) to the item you supply.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/post_files_remoteLink
func (*FilesService) List ¶
func (s *FilesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*FilesResponse, *Response, error)
List all files.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/get_files
func (*FilesService) Update ¶
func (s *FilesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *UpdateFileDetailsOptions) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
Update the properties of a file.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/put_files_id
func (*FilesService) Upload ¶
func (s *FilesService) Upload(ctx context.Context, fileName string, filePath string) (*FileResponse, *Response, error)
Upload a file.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Files/post_files
type Filter ¶
type Filter struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Type string `json:"type"` TemporaryFlag interface{} `json:"temporary_flag"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` VisibleTo string `json:"visible_to"` CustomViewID int `json:"custom_view_id"` }
Filter represents a Pipedrive filter.
type FilterConditions ¶
type FilterConditions struct { Glue string `json:"glue"` Conditions []struct { Glue string `json:"glue"` Conditions []struct { Object string `json:"object"` FieldID string `json:"field_id"` Operator string `json:"operator"` Value string `json:"value"` ExtraValue interface{} `json:"extra_value"` } `json:"conditions"` } `json:"conditions"` }
FilterConditions represents filter conditions.
type FilterCreateOptions ¶
type FilterCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name,omitempty"` Conditions string `url:"conditions,omitempty"` Type string `url:"type,omitempty"` }
FilterCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the FiltersService.Create method.
type FilterOptions ¶
type FilterResponse ¶
type FilterResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { Filter Conditions FilterConditions `json:"conditions"` } `json:"data"` }
FilterResponse represents single filter response.
type FilterUpdateOptions ¶
type FilterUpdateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name,omitempty"` Conditions string `url:"conditions,omitempty"` }
FilterUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the FiltersService.Update method.
type FiltersListOptions ¶
type FiltersListOptions struct {
Type string `url:"type,omitempty"`
FiltersListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the FiltersService.List method.
type FiltersResponse ¶
type FiltersResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Filter `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
FiltersResponse represents multiple filters response.
type FiltersService ¶
type FiltersService service
FiltersService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Filters
func (*FiltersService) Create ¶
func (s *FiltersService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *FilterCreateOptions) (*FilterResponse, *Response, error)
Create a filter.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Filters/post_filters
func (*FiltersService) Delete ¶
Delete a filter.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Filters/delete_filters_id
func (*FiltersService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple deletes multiple filters in bulk.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Filters/delete_filters
func (*FiltersService) GetByID ¶
func (s *FiltersService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*FilterResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns specific filter.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Filters/get_filters_id
func (*FiltersService) List ¶
func (s *FiltersService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *FiltersListOptions) (*FiltersResponse, *Response, error)
List filters.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Filters/get_filters
func (*FiltersService) Update ¶
func (s *FiltersService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *FilterUpdateOptions) (*FilterResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific filter.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Filters/put_filters_id
type Goal ¶
type Goal struct { ID int `json:"id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` StageID interface{} `json:"stage_id"` ActiveGoalID int `json:"active_goal_id"` Period string `json:"period"` Expected int `json:"expected"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` GoalType string `json:"goal_type"` ExpectedSum int `json:"expected_sum"` Currency string `json:"currency"` ExpectedType string `json:"expected_type"` CreatedByUserID int `json:"created_by_user_id"` PipelineID interface{} `json:"pipeline_id"` MasterExpected int `json:"master_expected"` Delivered int `json:"delivered"` DeliveredSum int `json:"delivered_sum"` PeriodStart string `json:"period_start"` PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` Percentage int `json:"percentage,omitempty"` }
Goal represents a Pipedrive goal.
type GoalCreateOptions ¶
type GoalCreateOptions struct { GoalType string `url:"goal_type"` ExpectedType string `url:"expected_type"` UserID uint `url:"user_io"` StageID uint `url:"expected_type"` Period string `url:"period"` Expected uint `url:"expected"` Currency string `url:"currency"` PipelineID uint `url:"pipeline_id"` }
GoalCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the GoalsService.Create method.
type GoalGetResultsByIDOptions ¶
type GoalGetResultsByIDOptions struct { PeriodStart string `url:"period_start"` PeriodEnd uint8 `url:"period_end"` }
GoalGetResultsByIDOptions specifices the optional parameters to the GoalGetResultsByIdOptions.GetResultsByID method.
type GoalResponse ¶
GoalResponse represents single goal response.
type GoalsListOptions ¶
type GoalsListOptions struct { UserID uint `url:"user_id,omitempty"` Everyone uint8 `url:"everyone,omitempty"` }
GoalsListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the GoalsService.List method.
type GoalsResponse ¶
type GoalsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Goal `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
GoalsResponse represents multiple goals response.
type GoalsService ¶
type GoalsService service
GoalsService handles goals related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/Goals
func (*GoalsService) Create ¶
func (s *GoalsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *GoalCreateOptions) (*GoalResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new goal, returns the ID upon success.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Goals/post_goals
func (*GoalsService) Delete ¶
Delete marks goal as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Goals/delete_goals_id
func (*GoalsService) GetByID ¶
func (s *GoalsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*GoalResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns data about a specific goal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Goals/get_goals_id
func (*GoalsService) GetResultsByID ¶
func (s *GoalsService) GetResultsByID(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *GoalGetResultsByIDOptions) (*GoalsResponse, *Response, error)
GetResultsByID lists results of a specific goal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Goals/get_goals_id_results
func (*GoalsService) List ¶
func (s *GoalsService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *GoalsListOptions) (*GoalsResponse, *Response, error)
List all goals.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Goals/get_goals
func (*GoalsService) Update ¶
func (s *GoalsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *GoalCreateOptions) (*GoalResponse, *Response, error)
Update the properties of a goal.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Goals/put_goals_id
type LinkRemoteFileToItemOptions ¶
type LinkRemoteFileToItemOptions struct { ItemType string `url:"item_type"` ItemID uint `url:"item_id"` RemoteID uint `url:"remote_id"` RemoteLocation string `url:"remote_location"` }
LinkRemoteFileToItemOptions specifices the optional parameters to the FilesService.LinkRemoteFileToItem method.
type Note ¶
type Note struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` UserID int `json:"user_id,omitempty"` DealID int `json:"deal_id,omitempty"` PersonID int `json:"person_id,omitempty"` OrgID int `json:"org_id,omitempty"` Content string `json:"content,omitempty"` AddTime Timestamp `json:"add_time,omitempty"` UpdateTime Timestamp `json:"update_time,omitempty"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag,omitempty"` PinnedToDealFlag bool `json:"pinned_to_deal_flag,omitempty"` PinnedToPersonFlag bool `json:"pinned_to_person_flag,omitempty"` PinnedToOrganizationFlag bool `json:"pinned_to_organization_flag,omitempty"` LastUpdateUserID int `json:"last_update_user_id,omitempty"` }
Note represents a Pipedrive note.
type NoteCreateOptions ¶
type NoteCreateOptions struct { DealID uint `json:"deal_id"` Content string `json:"content"` PersonID uint `json:"person_id"` OrgID uint `json:"org_id"` PinnedToDealFlag uint8 `json:"pinned_to_deal_flag"` PinnedToOrganizationFlag uint8 `json:"pinned_to_organization_flag"` PinnedToPersonFlag uint8 `json:"pinned_to_person_flag"` }
NoteCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the NotesService.Create method.
type NoteField ¶
type NoteField struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag,omitempty"` FieldType string `json:"field_type,omitempty"` EditFlag int `json:"edit_flag,omitempty"` MandatoryFlag bool `json:"mandatory_flag,omitempty"` VisibleInExportsFlag bool `json:"visible_in_exports_flag,omitempty"` Options []Option `json:"options,omitempty"` }
NoteField represents a Pipedrive note field.
type NoteFieldsResponse ¶
type NoteFieldsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data []NoteField `json:"data,omitempty"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
NoteFieldsResponse represents multiple note fields esponse.
type NoteFieldsService ¶
type NoteFieldsService service
NoteFieldsService handles note field related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API dcos:!/ActivityTypes
func (*NoteFieldsService) List ¶
func (s *NoteFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*NoteFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
List returns all fields for note.
Pipedrive API docs:!/NoteFields/get_noteFields
type NoteResponse ¶
type NoteResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data Note `json:"data,omitempty"` }
NoteResponse represents a single note response.
type NoteUpdateOptions ¶
type NoteUpdateOptions struct { Content string `url:"content"` DealID uint `url:"deal_id"` PersonID uint `url:"person_id"` OrgID uint `url:"org_id"` PinnedToDealFlag uint8 `url:"pinned_to_deal_flag"` PinnedToOrganizationFlag uint8 `url:"pinned_to_organization_flag"` PinnedToPersonFlag uint8 `url:"pinned_to_person_flag"` }
NoteUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the NotesService.Update method.
type NotesResponse ¶
type NotesResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data []Note `json:"data,omitempty"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
NotesResponse represents multiple notes response.
type NotesService ¶
type NotesService service
NotesService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Notes
func (*NotesService) Create ¶
func (s *NotesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *NoteCreateOptions) (*NoteResponse, *Response, error)
Create a note.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Notes/get_notes_id
func (*NotesService) Delete ¶
Delete marks note as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Notes/delete_notes_id
func (*NotesService) GetByID ¶
func (s *NotesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*NoteResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns a specific note by id.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Notes/get_notes_id
func (*NotesService) List ¶
func (s *NotesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*NotesResponse, *Response, error)
List returns notes.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Notes/get_notes
func (*NotesService) Update ¶
func (s *NotesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *NoteUpdateOptions) (*NoteResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific note.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Notes/put_notes_id
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { ID int `json:"id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` OwnerID struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` HasPic bool `json:"has_pic"` PicHash string `json:"pic_hash"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"owner_id"` Name string `json:"name"` OpenDealsCount int `json:"open_deals_count"` RelatedOpenDealsCount int `json:"related_open_deals_count"` ClosedDealsCount int `json:"closed_deals_count"` RelatedClosedDealsCount int `json:"related_closed_deals_count"` EmailMessagesCount int `json:"email_messages_count"` PeopleCount int `json:"people_count"` ActivitiesCount int `json:"activities_count"` DoneActivitiesCount int `json:"done_activities_count"` UndoneActivitiesCount int `json:"undone_activities_count"` ReferenceActivitiesCount int `json:"reference_activities_count"` FilesCount int `json:"files_count"` NotesCount int `json:"notes_count"` FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"` WonDealsCount int `json:"won_deals_count"` RelatedWonDealsCount int `json:"related_won_deals_count"` LostDealsCount int `json:"lost_deals_count"` RelatedLostDealsCount int `json:"related_lost_deals_count"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` CategoryID interface{} `json:"category_id"` PictureID interface{} `json:"picture_id"` CountryCode interface{} `json:"country_code"` FirstChar string `json:"first_char"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` VisibleTo string `json:"visible_to"` NextActivityDate string `json:"next_activity_date"` NextActivityTime interface{} `json:"next_activity_time"` NextActivityID int `json:"next_activity_id"` LastActivityID int `json:"last_activity_id"` LastActivityDate string `json:"last_activity_date"` TimelineLastActivityTime interface{} `json:"timeline_last_activity_time"` TimelineLastActivityTimeByOwner interface{} `json:"timeline_last_activity_time_by_owner"` Address string `json:"address"` AddressSubpremise string `json:"address_subpremise"` AddressStreetNumber string `json:"address_street_number"` AddressRoute string `json:"address_route"` AddressSublocality string `json:"address_sublocality"` AddressLocality string `json:"address_locality"` AddressAdminAreaLevel1 string `json:"address_admin_area_level_1"` AddressAdminAreaLevel2 string `json:"address_admin_area_level_2"` AddressCountry string `json:"address_country"` AddressPostalCode string `json:"address_postal_code"` AddressFormattedAddress string `json:"address_formatted_address"` OwnerName string `json:"owner_name"` CcEmail string `json:"cc_email"` Phone string `json:"3eb8874b7a3c9f3fe4f5b6435d4d009b15ec0c77"` }
Organization represents a Pipedrive organization.
func (Organization) String ¶
func (o Organization) String() string
type OrganizationCreateOptions ¶
type OrganizationCreateOptions struct { Name string `json:"name"` OwnerID uint `json:"owner_id"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `json:"visible_to"` AddTime Timestamp `json:"add_time"` Label uint `json:"label"` }
OrganizationCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the OrganizationsService.Create method.
type OrganizationField ¶
type OrganizationField struct { ID int `json:"id"` Key string `json:"key"` Name string `json:"name"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr,omitempty"` PicklistData interface{} `json:"picklist_data,omitempty"` FieldType string `json:"field_type"` AddTime string `json:"add_time,omitempty"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time,omitempty"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` EditFlag bool `json:"edit_flag"` IndexVisibleFlag bool `json:"index_visible_flag,omitempty"` DetailsVisibleFlag bool `json:"details_visible_flag,omitempty"` AddVisibleFlag bool `json:"add_visible_flag,omitempty"` ImportantFlag bool `json:"important_flag,omitempty"` BulkEditAllowed bool `json:"bulk_edit_allowed,omitempty"` SearchableFlag bool `json:"searchable_flag,omitempty"` UseField string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` MandatoryFlag bool `json:"mandatory_flag"` DisplayField string `json:"display_field,omitempty"` Options []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` } `json:"options,omitempty"` IsSubfield bool `json:"is_subfield,omitempty"` }
OrganizationField represents a Pipedrive organization field.
func (OrganizationField) String ¶
func (of OrganizationField) String() string
type OrganizationFieldCreateOptions ¶
type OrganizationFieldCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` FieldType FieldType `url:"field_type"` Options string `url:"options"` }
OrganizationFieldCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the OrganizationFieldsService.Create method.
type OrganizationFieldResponse ¶
type OrganizationFieldResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data OrganizationField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
OrganizationFieldResponse represents single organization field response.
type OrganizationFieldUpdateOptions ¶
type OrganizationFieldUpdateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` Options string `url:"options"` }
OrganizationFieldUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the OrganizationFieldsService.Update method.
type OrganizationFieldsResponse ¶
type OrganizationFieldsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []OrganizationField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
OrganizationFieldsResponse represents multiple organization fields response.
type OrganizationFieldsService ¶
type OrganizationFieldsService service
OrganizationFieldsService handles organization fields related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields
func (*OrganizationFieldsService) Create ¶
func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *OrganizationFieldCreateOptions) (*OrganizationFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new organization field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields/post_organizationFields
func (*OrganizationFieldsService) Delete ¶
Delete marks a specific organization field as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields/delete_organizationFields_id
func (*OrganizationFieldsService) DeleteMultiple ¶
func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) DeleteMultiple(ctx context.Context, ids []int) (*Response, error)
DeleteMultiple marks organization fields as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields/delete_organizationFields
func (*OrganizationFieldsService) GetByID ¶
func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*OrganizationFieldResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns a specific organization field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields/get_organizationFields_id
func (*OrganizationFieldsService) List ¶
func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*OrganizationFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
List all organization fields within company.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields/get_organizationFields
func (*OrganizationFieldsService) Update ¶
func (s *OrganizationFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *OrganizationFieldUpdateOptions) (*OrganizationFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific organization field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/OrganizationFields/put_organizationFields_id
type OrganizationResponse ¶
type OrganizationResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data Organization `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
OrganizationResponse represents single organization response.
type OrganizationUpdateOptions ¶
type OrganizationUpdateOptions struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` OwnerID uint `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `json:"visible_to,omitempty"` Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` Phone string `json:"3eb8874b7a3c9f3fe4f5b6435d4d009b15ec0c77,omitempty"` }
OrganizationUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the OrganizationUpdateOptions.Update method.
type OrganizationsResponse ¶
type OrganizationsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Organization `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
OrganizationsResponse represents multiple organizations response.
type OrganizationsService ¶
type OrganizationsService service
OrganizationsService handles organization related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations
func (*OrganizationsService) Create ¶
func (s *OrganizationsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *OrganizationCreateOptions) (*OrganizationResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new organizations.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations/post_organizations
func (*OrganizationsService) Delete ¶
Delete marks an organization as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations/delete_organizations_id
func (*OrganizationsService) DeleteFollower ¶
func (s *OrganizationsService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteFollower deletes a follower from an organization.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations/delete_organizations_id_followers_follower_id
func (*OrganizationsService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple deletes multiple organizations in bulk.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations/delete_organizations
func (*OrganizationsService) List ¶
func (s *OrganizationsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*OrganizationsResponse, *Response, error)
List all organizations.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations/get_organizations
func (*OrganizationsService) Merge ¶
func (s *OrganizationsService) Merge(ctx context.Context, id int, mergeWithID int) (*OrganizationResponse, *Response, error)
Merge organizations.
Pipedrive API docs:!/organizations/_id_/merge
func (*OrganizationsService) Update ¶
func (s *OrganizationsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *OrganizationUpdateOptions) (*OrganizationResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific person.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Organizations/put_persons_id
type Pagination ¶
type Participants ¶
Participants represents a Pipedrive participant.
type Person ¶
type Person struct { ID int `json:"id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` OwnerID struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` HasPic bool `json:"has_pic"` PicHash string `json:"pic_hash"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"owner_id"` OrgID interface{} `json:"org_id"` Name string `json:"name"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` OpenDealsCount int `json:"open_deals_count"` RelatedOpenDealsCount int `json:"related_open_deals_count"` ClosedDealsCount int `json:"closed_deals_count"` RelatedClosedDealsCount int `json:"related_closed_deals_count"` ParticipantOpenDealsCount int `json:"participant_open_deals_count"` ParticipantClosedDealsCount int `json:"participant_closed_deals_count"` EmailMessagesCount int `json:"email_messages_count"` ActivitiesCount int `json:"activities_count"` DoneActivitiesCount int `json:"done_activities_count"` UndoneActivitiesCount int `json:"undone_activities_count"` ReferenceActivitiesCount int `json:"reference_activities_count"` FilesCount int `json:"files_count"` NotesCount int `json:"notes_count"` FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"` WonDealsCount int `json:"won_deals_count"` RelatedWonDealsCount int `json:"related_won_deals_count"` LostDealsCount int `json:"lost_deals_count"` RelatedLostDealsCount int `json:"related_lost_deals_count"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Phone []struct { Value string `json:"value"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` } `json:"phone"` Email []Email `json:"email"` FirstChar string `json:"first_char"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` VisibleTo string `json:"visible_to"` PictureID interface{} `json:"picture_id"` NextActivityDate interface{} `json:"next_activity_date"` NextActivityTime interface{} `json:"next_activity_time"` NextActivityID interface{} `json:"next_activity_id"` LastActivityID int `json:"last_activity_id"` LastActivityDate string `json:"last_activity_date"` TimelineLastActivityTime interface{} `json:"timeline_last_activity_time"` TimelineLastActivityTimeByOwner interface{} `json:"timeline_last_activity_time_by_owner"` LastIncomingMailTime interface{} `json:"last_incoming_mail_time"` LastOutgoingMailTime interface{} `json:"last_outgoing_mail_time"` OrgName interface{} `json:"org_name"` OwnerName string `json:"owner_name"` CcEmail string `json:"cc_email"` Label uint `json:"label"` BillingAddress string `json:"d5d6ecba25dd34146d3b9d0f1bb34dedf384143a"` DeliveryAddress string `json:"fb3875ae1de17d63a1a0a9a7643bb677b95ae7fb"` }
Person represents a Pipedrive person.
type PersonAddFollowerResponse ¶
type PersonAddFollowerResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { UserID int `json:"user_id"` ID int `json:"id"` PersonID int `json:"person_id"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` } `json:"data"` }
PersonAddFollowerResponse represents add follower response.
type PersonCreateOptions ¶
type PersonCreateOptions struct { Name string `json:"name"` OwnerID uint `json:"owner_id"` OrgID uint `json:"org_id"` Email string `json:"email"` Phone string `json:"phone"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `json:"visible_to"` AddTime Timestamp `json:"add_time"` Label uint `json:"label"` }
PersonCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the PersonsService.Create method.
type PersonField ¶
type PersonField struct { ID int `json:"id"` Key string `json:"key"` Name string `json:"name"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr"` PicklistData interface{} `json:"picklist_data,omitempty"` FieldType string `json:"field_type"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` EditFlag bool `json:"edit_flag"` IndexVisibleFlag bool `json:"index_visible_flag"` DetailsVisibleFlag bool `json:"details_visible_flag"` AddVisibleFlag bool `json:"add_visible_flag"` ImportantFlag bool `json:"important_flag"` BulkEditAllowed bool `json:"bulk_edit_allowed"` SearchableFlag bool `json:"searchable_flag"` FilteringAllowed bool `json:"filtering_allowed"` SortableFlag bool `json:"sortable_flag"` UseField string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` MandatoryFlag bool `json:"mandatory_flag"` DisplayField string `json:"display_field,omitempty"` Autocomplete string `json:"autocomplete,omitempty"` Options []struct { ID int `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` } `json:"options,omitempty"` }
PersonField represents a Pipedrive person field.
type PersonFieldCreateOptions ¶
type PersonFieldCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` FieldType FieldType `url:"field_type"` Options string `url:"options"` }
PersonFieldCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the PersonFieldsService.Create method.
type PersonFieldResponse ¶
type PersonFieldResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data PersonField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
PersonFieldResponse represents single person field response.
type PersonFieldUpdateOptions ¶
PersonFieldUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the PersonFieldsService.Update method.
type PersonFieldsResponse ¶
type PersonFieldsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []PersonField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
PersonFieldsResponse represents multiple person fields response.
type PersonFieldsService ¶
type PersonFieldsService service
PersonFieldsService handles person fields related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/PersonFields
func (*PersonFieldsService) Create ¶
func (s *PersonFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *PersonFieldCreateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Create a person field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/post_productFields
func (*PersonFieldsService) Delete ¶
Delete marks person field as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/PersonFields/delete_personFields_id
func (*PersonFieldsService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple marks multiple person fields as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/PersonFields/delete_personFields
func (*PersonFieldsService) GetByID ¶
func (s *PersonFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*PersonFieldResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns a specific person field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/get_productFields_id
func (*PersonFieldsService) List ¶
func (s *PersonFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*PersonFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
List all person fields.
Pipedrive API docs:!/PersonFields/get_personFields
func (*PersonFieldsService) Update ¶
func (s *PersonFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *PersonFieldUpdateOptions) (*PersonFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Update a person field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/PersonFields/put_personFields_id
type PersonResponse ¶
type PersonResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data Person `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
PersonResponse represents single person response.
type PersonUpdateOptions ¶
type PersonUpdateOptions struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` OwnerID uint `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` OrgID uint `json:"org_id,omitempty"` Email []Email `json:"email,omitempty"` Phone string `json:"phone,omitempty"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `json:"visible_to,omitempty"` BillingAddress string `json:"d5d6ecba25dd34146d3b9d0f1bb34dedf384143a,omitempty"` DeliveryAddress string `json:"fb3875ae1de17d63a1a0a9a7643bb677b95ae7fb,omitempty"` }
PersonUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the PersonUpdateOptions.Update method.
type PersonsRespose ¶
type PersonsRespose struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Person `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
PersonsRespose represents multiple persons response.
type PersonsService ¶
type PersonsService service
PersonsService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons
func (*PersonsService) AddFollower ¶
func (s *PersonsService) AddFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, userID int) (*PersonAddFollowerResponse, *Response, error)
AddFollower adds a follower to person.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/post_persons_id_followers
func (*PersonsService) Create ¶
func (s *PersonsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *PersonCreateOptions) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new person.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/post_persons
func (*PersonsService) Delete ¶
Delete marks person as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/delete_persons_id
func (*PersonsService) DeleteFollower ¶
func (s *PersonsService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteFollower removes follower from person.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/delete_persons_id_followers_follower_id
func (*PersonsService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple marks multiple persons as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/delete_persons
func (*PersonsService) DeletePicture ¶
DeletePicture deletes person picture.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/delete_persons_id_picture
func (*PersonsService) Get ¶
func (s *PersonsService) Get(ctx context.Context, personID int) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
Get a person.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/get_persons_id
func (*PersonsService) List ¶
func (s *PersonsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*PersonsRespose, *Response, error)
List all persons.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/get_persons
func (*PersonsService) Merge ¶
func (s *PersonsService) Merge(ctx context.Context, id int, mergeWithID int) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
Merge selected persons.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/put_persons_id_merge
func (*PersonsService) Update ¶
func (s *PersonsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *PersonUpdateOptions) (*PersonResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific person.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Persons/put_persons_id
type Pipeline ¶
type Pipeline struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` URLTitle string `json:"url_title"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr"` Active bool `json:"active"` DealProbability bool `json:"deal_probability"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` Selected bool `json:"selected"` }
Pipeline represents a Pipedrive pipeline.
type PipelineCreateOptions ¶
type PipelineCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` DealProbability DealProbability `url:"deal_probability"` OrderNr int `url:"order_nr"` Active ActiveFlag `url:"active"` }
PipelineCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the PipelineCreateOptions.Create method.
type PipelineDealsConversionRateResponse ¶
type PipelineDealsConversionRateResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { StageConversions []struct { FromStageID int `json:"from_stage_id"` ToStageID int `json:"to_stage_id"` ConversionRate float64 `json:"conversion_rate"` } `json:"stage_conversions"` WonConversion float64 `json:"won_conversion"` LostConversion float64 `json:"lost_conversion"` } `json:"data"` }
PipelineDealsConversionRateResponse represents conversion response.
type PipelineDealsMovementResponse ¶
type PipelineDealsMovementResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { MovementsBetweenStages struct { Count int `json:"count"` } `json:"movements_between_stages"` NewDeals struct { Count int `json:"count"` DealIds []int `json:"deal_ids"` Values struct { EUR float64 `json:"EUR"` } `json:"values"` FormattedValues struct { EUR string `json:"EUR"` } `json:"formatted_values"` } `json:"new_deals"` DealsLeftOpen struct { Count int `json:"count"` DealIds []int `json:"deal_ids"` Values struct { EUR float64 `json:"EUR"` } `json:"values"` FormattedValues struct { EUR string `json:"EUR"` } `json:"formatted_values"` } `json:"deals_left_open"` WonDeals struct { Count int `json:"count"` DealIds []int `json:"deal_ids"` Values struct { EUR int `json:"EUR"` } `json:"values"` FormattedValues struct { EUR string `json:"EUR"` } `json:"formatted_values"` } `json:"won_deals"` LostDeals struct { Count int `json:"count"` DealIds []int `json:"deal_ids"` Values struct { EUR int `json:"EUR"` } `json:"values"` FormattedValues struct { EUR string `json:"EUR"` } `json:"formatted_values"` } `json:"lost_deals"` AverageAgeInDays struct { AcrossAllStages float64 `json:"across_all_stages"` ByStages []struct { StageID int `json:"stage_id"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"by_stages"` } `json:"average_age_in_days"` } `json:"data"` }
PipelineDealsMovementResponse represents movement response.
type PipelineResponse ¶
type PipelineResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data Pipeline `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
PipelineResponse represents single pipeline response.
type PipelineUpdateOptions ¶
type PipelineUpdateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` DealProbability DealProbability `url:"deal_probability"` OrderNr int `url:"order_nr"` Active ActiveFlag `url:"active"` }
PipelineUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the PipelinesService.Update method.
type PipelinesResponse ¶
type PipelinesResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Pipeline `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
PipelinesResponse represents multiple pipelines response.
type PipelinesService ¶
type PipelinesService service
PipelinesService handles pipelines related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines
func (*PipelinesService) Create ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *PipelineCreateOptions) (*PipelineResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new pipeline.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/post_pipelines
func (*PipelinesService) Delete ¶
Delete marks a specific pipeline as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/delete_pipelines_id
func (*PipelinesService) GetByID ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*PipelineResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns data about a specific pipeline.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/get_pipelines_id
func (*PipelinesService) GetDeals ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) GetDeals(ctx context.Context, id int) (*PipelinesResponse, *Response, error)
GetDeals returns deal in a specific pipeline.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/get_pipelines_id_deals
func (*PipelinesService) GetDealsConversionRate ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) GetDealsConversionRate(ctx context.Context, id int, startDate Timestamp, endDate Timestamp) (*PipelineDealsConversionRateResponse, *Response, error)
GetDealsConversionRate returns deals conversion rate in a specific pipeline.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/get_pipelines_id_conversion_statistics
func (*PipelinesService) GetDealsMovement ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) GetDealsMovement(ctx context.Context, id int, startDate Timestamp, endDate Timestamp) (*PipelineDealsMovementResponse, *Response, error)
GetDealsMovement returns deals movement in a specific pipeline.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/get_pipelines_id_movement_statistics
func (*PipelinesService) List ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) List(ctx context.Context) (*PipelinesResponse, *Response, error)
List returns data about all pipelines.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/get_pipelines
func (*PipelinesService) Update ¶
func (s *PipelinesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *PipelineUpdateOptions) (*PipelineResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific pipeline.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Pipelines/put_pipelines_id
type Product ¶
type Product struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Code interface{} `json:"code"` Unit string `json:"unit"` Tax int `json:"tax"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Selectable bool `json:"selectable"` FirstChar string `json:"first_char"` VisibleTo string `json:"visible_to"` OwnerID struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` HasPic bool `json:"has_pic"` PicHash string `json:"pic_hash"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` Value int `json:"value"` } `json:"owner_id"` FilesCount interface{} `json:"files_count"` FollowersCount int `json:"followers_count"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` Prices []struct { ID int `json:"id"` ProductID int `json:"product_id"` Price int `json:"price"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Cost int `json:"cost"` OverheadCost int `json:"overhead_cost"` } `json:"prices"` }
Product represents a Pipedrive product.
type ProductAttachedDealsResponse ¶
type ProductAttachedDealsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Deal `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
ProductAttachedDealsResponse represents attached deals response.
type ProductCreateOptions ¶
type ProductCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` Code string `url:"code"` Unit string `url:"unit"` Tax int `url:"tax"` ActiveFlag ActiveFlag `url:"active_flag"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `url:"visible_to"` OwnerID int `url:"owner_id"` Prices string `url:"prices"` }
ProductCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ProductsService.Create method.
type ProductField ¶
type ProductField struct { ID int `json:"id"` Key string `json:"key"` Name string `json:"name"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr"` PicklistData interface{} `json:"picklist_data,omitempty"` FieldType string `json:"field_type"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` EditFlag bool `json:"edit_flag"` IndexVisibleFlag bool `json:"index_visible_flag"` DetailsVisibleFlag bool `json:"details_visible_flag"` AddVisibleFlag bool `json:"add_visible_flag"` ImportantFlag bool `json:"important_flag"` BulkEditAllowed bool `json:"bulk_edit_allowed"` SearchableFlag bool `json:"searchable_flag"` FilteringAllowed bool `json:"filtering_allowed"` SortableFlag bool `json:"sortable_flag"` UseField string `json:"use_field,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty"` MandatoryFlag bool `json:"mandatory_flag"` DisplayField string `json:"display_field,omitempty"` Options []struct { ID bool `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` } `json:"options,omitempty"` }
ProductField represents a Pipedrive product field.
func (ProductField) String ¶
func (p ProductField) String() string
type ProductFieldCreateOptions ¶
type ProductFieldCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` FieldType FieldType `url:"field_type"` Options string `url:"options"` }
ProductFieldCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ProductFieldsService.Create method.
type ProductFieldResponse ¶
type ProductFieldResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data ProductField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
ProductFieldResponse represents single product field response.
type ProductFieldUpdateOptions ¶
ProductFieldUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ProductFieldsService.Update method.
type ProductFieldsResponse ¶
type ProductFieldsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []ProductField `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
ProductFieldsResponse represents multiple product fields response.
type ProductFieldsService ¶
type ProductFieldsService service
ProductFieldsService handles pipelines related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields
func (*ProductFieldsService) Create ¶
func (s *ProductFieldsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ProductFieldCreateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new product field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/post_productFields
func (*ProductFieldsService) Delete ¶
Delete marks a specific product field as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/delete_productFields_id
func (*ProductFieldsService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple marks multiple product fields as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/delete_productFields
func (*ProductFieldsService) GetByID ¶
func (s *ProductFieldsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns a specific product field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/get_productFields_id
func (*ProductFieldsService) List ¶
func (s *ProductFieldsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ProductFieldsResponse, *Response, error)
List returns all data about product fields.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/get_productFields
func (*ProductFieldsService) Update ¶
func (s *ProductFieldsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ProductFieldUpdateOptions) (*ProductFieldResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific product field.
Pipedrive API docs:!/ProductFields/put_productFields_id
type ProductFindOptions ¶
type ProductFindOptions struct {
Term string `url:"term"`
ProductFindOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ProductFindOptions.Find method.
type ProductResponse ¶
type ProductResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Product `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
ProductResponse represents single product response.
type ProductUpdateOptions ¶
type ProductUpdateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` Code string `url:"code"` Unit string `url:"unit"` Tax int `url:"tax"` ActiveFlag ActiveFlag `url:"active_flag"` VisibleTo VisibleTo `url:"visible_to"` OwnerID int `url:"owner_id"` Prices string `url:"prices"` }
ProductUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the ProductsService.Update method.
type ProductsResponse ¶
type ProductsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Product `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data,omitempty"` }
ProductsResponse represents multiple products response.
type ProductsService ¶
type ProductsService service
ProductsService handles pipelines related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products
func (*ProductsService) Create ¶
func (s *ProductsService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *ProductCreateOptions) (*ProductResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new product.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/post_products
func (*ProductsService) Delete ¶
Delete a specific product.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/delete_products_id
func (*ProductsService) DeleteFollower ¶
func (s *ProductsService) DeleteFollower(ctx context.Context, id int, followerID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteFollower removes follower from a specific product.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/delete_products_id_followers_follower_id
func (*ProductsService) Find ¶
func (s *ProductsService) Find(ctx context.Context, term string) (*ProductsResponse, *Response, error)
Find products.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/get_products_find
func (*ProductsService) GetAttachedDeals ¶
func (s *ProductsService) GetAttachedDeals(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ProductAttachedDealsResponse, *Response, error)
GetAttachedDeals returns product attached deals.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/get_products_id_deals
func (*ProductsService) GetByID ¶
func (s *ProductsService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*ProductResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns a specific product.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/get_products_id
func (*ProductsService) List ¶
func (s *ProductsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*ProductsResponse, *Response, error)
List returns all data about products.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/get_products
func (*ProductsService) Update ¶
func (s *ProductsService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *ProductUpdateOptions) (*ProductResponse, *Response, error)
Update a specific product.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Products/put_products_id
type Rate ¶
type RateLimitError ¶
RateLimitError occurs when Pipedrive returns 403 Forbidden response with a rate limit remaining value of 0.
func (*RateLimitError) Error ¶
func (e *RateLimitError) Error() string
type RecentRecord ¶
type RecentRecord struct { Item string `json:"item"` ID int `json:"id"` Data []RecentRecordDetails `json:"data"` }
RecentRecord represents a Pipedrive recent record.
type RecentRecordDetails ¶
type RecentRecordDetails struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` DefaultCurrency string `json:"default_currency"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Lang int `json:"lang"` Email string `json:"email"` Phone string `json:"phone"` Activated bool `json:"activated"` LastLogin string `json:"last_login"` Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` SignupFlowVariation string `json:"signup_flow_variation"` HasCreatedCompany bool `json:"has_created_company"` IsAdmin int `json:"is_admin"` TimezoneName string `json:"timezone_name"` TimezoneOffset string `json:"timezone_offset"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` RoleID int `json:"role_id"` IconURL string `json:"icon_url"` IsYou bool `json:"is_you"` }
RecentRecordDetails represents a Pipedrive recent record details.
func (RecentRecordDetails) String ¶
func (rrd RecentRecordDetails) String() string
type RecentsListOptions ¶
type RecentsListOptions struct { SinceTimestamp string `url:"since_timestamp,omitempty"` Items string `url:"items,omitempty"` Start uint `url:"start,omitempty"` Limit uint `url:"limit,omitempty"` }
RecentsListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the RecentsService.List method.
type RecentsResponse ¶
type RecentsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []RecentRecord `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
RecentsResponse represents multiple recents response.
type RecentsService ¶
type RecentsService service
RecentsService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Recents
func (*RecentsService) List ¶
func (s *RecentsService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *RecentsListOptions) (*RecentsResponse, *Response, error)
List returns data about all recent changes occured after given timestamp.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Recents/get_recents
type SearchResult ¶
type SearchResult struct { Type string `json:"type"` ID int `json:"id"` Source string `json:"source"` ResultScore float64 `json:"result_score"` Notes struct { Count int `json:"count"` Content []interface{} `json:"content"` } `json:"notes"` Fields struct { Count int `json:"count"` Names []interface{} `json:"names"` } `json:"fields"` Title string `json:"title"` Details struct { Phone interface{} `json:"phone"` Email interface{} `json:"email"` OrgID interface{} `json:"org_id"` OrgName interface{} `json:"org_name"` OrgAddress string `json:"org_address"` Picture interface{} `json:"picture"` } `json:"details"` }
SearchResult represents a Pipedrive search result.
func (SearchResult) String ¶
func (sr SearchResult) String() string
type SearchResults ¶
type SearchResults struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []SearchResult `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
SearchResults represents multiple search results response.
type SearchResultsListOptions ¶
type SearchResultsListOptions struct { Term string `url:"term,omitempty"` ItemType string `url:"item_type,omitempty"` Start uint `url:"start,omitempty"` Limit uint `url:"limit,omitempty"` ExactMatch uint8 `url:"exact_match,omitempty"` }
SearchResultsListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the SearchResultsService.Search method.
type SearchResultsService ¶
type SearchResultsService service
SearchResultsService handles search results related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/SearchResults
func (*SearchResultsService) Search ¶
func (s *SearchResultsService) Search(ctx context.Context, opt *SearchResultsListOptions) (*SearchResults, *Response, error)
Search performs a search across the account and returns SearchResults.
Pipedrive API docs:!/SearchResults/get_searchResults
type Stage ¶
type Stage struct { ID int `json:"id"` OrderNr int `json:"order_nr"` Name string `json:"name"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` DealProbability int `json:"deal_probability"` PipelineID int `json:"pipeline_id"` RottenFlag bool `json:"rotten_flag"` RottenDays interface{} `json:"rotten_days"` AddTime string `json:"add_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` PipelineName string `json:"pipeline_name"` }
Stage represents a Pipedrive stage.
type StageDealsResponse ¶
type StageDealsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []Deal `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
StageDealsResponse represents stage deals response.
type StageResponse ¶
StageResponse represents single stage response.
type StagesCreateOptions ¶
type StagesCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` PipelineID uint `url:"pipeline_id"` DealProbability uint `url:"deal_probability"` RottenFlag uint8 `url:"rotten_flag"` RottenDays uint `url:"rotten_days"` }
StagesCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the StagesService.Create method.
type StagesGetDealsInStageOptions ¶
type StagesGetDealsInStageOptions struct { FilterID uint `url:"filter_id"` UserID uint `url:"user_id"` Everyone uint8 `url:"everyone"` Start uint `url:"start"` Limit uint `url:"limit"` }
StagesGetDealsInStageOptions specifices the optional parameters to the StagesService.GetDealsInStage method.
type StagesListOptions ¶
type StagesListOptions struct {
PipelineID uint `url:"pipeline_id"`
StagesListOptions specifices the optional parameters to the StagesService.List method.
type StagesResponse ¶
StagesResponse represents multiple stages response.
type StagesService ¶
type StagesService service
StagesService handles stages related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages
func (*StagesService) Create ¶
func (s *StagesService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *StagesCreateOptions) (*StageResponse, *Response, error)
Create a new stage, returns the ID upon success.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages/post_stages
func (*StagesService) Delete ¶
Delete marks a stage as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages/delete_stages_id
func (*StagesService) DeleteMultiple ¶
DeleteMultiple marks multiple stages as deleted.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages/put_stages_id
func (*StagesService) GetByID ¶
func (s *StagesService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*StageResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns data about a specific stage. Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages/get_stages_id
func (*StagesService) GetDealsInStage ¶
func (s *StagesService) GetDealsInStage(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *StagesGetDealsInStageOptions) (*StageDealsResponse, *Response, error)
GetDealsInStage lists deals in a specific stage.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages/get_stages_id_deals
func (*StagesService) List ¶
func (s *StagesService) List(ctx context.Context, opt *StagesListOptions) (*StagesResponse, *Response, error)
List returns data about all stages.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages
func (*StagesService) Update ¶
func (s *StagesService) Update(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *StagesUpdateOptions) (*StageResponse, *Response, error)
Update the properties of a stage.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Stages/put_stages_id
type StagesUpdateOptions ¶
type StagesUpdateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` PipelineID uint `url:"pipeline_id"` OrderNr uint `url:"order_nr"` DealProbability uint `url:"deal_probability"` RottenFlag uint8 `url:"rotten_flag"` RottenDays uint `url:"rotten_days"` }
StagesUpdateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the StagesService.Update method.
type Timestamp ¶
func (Timestamp) FormatFull ¶
type UpdateFileDetailsOptions ¶
type UpdateFileDetailsOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` Description string `url:"description"` }
UpdateFileDetailsOptions specifices the optional parameters to the FilesService.Update method.
type User ¶
type User struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` DefaultCurrency string `json:"default_currency"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Lang int `json:"lang"` Email string `json:"email"` Phone string `json:"phone"` Activated bool `json:"activated"` LastLogin string `json:"last_login"` Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` SignupFlowVariation string `json:"signup_flow_variation"` HasCreatedCompany bool `json:"has_created_company"` IsAdmin int `json:"is_admin"` TimezoneName string `json:"timezone_name"` TimezoneOffset string `json:"timezone_offset"` ActiveFlag bool `json:"active_flag"` RoleID int `json:"role_id"` IconURL string `json:"icon_url"` IsYou bool `json:"is_you"` }
User represents a Pipedrive user.
type UserConnections ¶
type UserConnections struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { Google string `json:"google"` } `json:"data"` }
UserConnections represents a Pipedrive user connections.
type UserConnectionsService ¶
type UserConnectionsService service
UserConnectionsService handles activities related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/UserConnections
func (*UserConnectionsService) List ¶
func (s *UserConnectionsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*UserConnections, *Response, error)
List returns data about all connections for authorized user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/UserConnections/get_userConnections
type UserCreateOptions ¶
type UserCreateOptions struct { Name string `url:"name"` Email string `url:"email"` ActiveFlag uint8 `url:"active_flag"` }
UserCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the UsersService.Create method.
type UserFollowersResponse ¶
type UserFollowersResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data []int `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
UserFollowersResponse represents user followers response.
type UserPermissionsResponse ¶
type UserPermissionsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { CanAddProducts bool `json:"can_add_products"` CanBulkEditItems bool `json:"can_bulk_edit_items"` CanChangeVisibilityOfItems bool `json:"can_change_visibility_of_items"` CanDeleteActivities bool `json:"can_delete_activities"` CanDeleteDeals bool `json:"can_delete_deals"` CanEditDealsClosedDate bool `json:"can_edit_deals_closed_date"` CanEditProducts bool `json:"can_edit_products"` CanEditSharedFilters bool `json:"can_edit_shared_filters"` CanExportDataFromLists bool `json:"can_export_data_from_lists"` CanFollowOtherUsers bool `json:"can_follow_other_users"` CanMergeDeals bool `json:"can_merge_deals"` CanMergeOrganizations bool `json:"can_merge_organizations"` CanMergePeople bool `json:"can_merge_people"` CanSeeCompanyWideStatistics bool `json:"can_see_company_wide_statistics"` CanSeeDealsListSummary bool `json:"can_see_deals_list_summary"` CanSeeHiddenItemsNames bool `json:"can_see_hidden_items_names"` CanSeeOtherUsers bool `json:"can_see_other_users"` CanSeeOtherUsersStatistics bool `json:"can_see_other_users_statistics"` CanShareFilters bool `json:"can_share_filters"` CanUseAPI bool `json:"can_use_api"` } `json:"data"` }
UserPermissionsResponse represents user permissions response.
type UserRoleSettingsResponse ¶
type UserRoleSettingsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { DealDefaultVisibility int `json:"deal_default_visibility"` OrgDefaultVisibility int `json:"org_default_visibility"` PersonDefaultVisibility int `json:"person_default_visibility"` ProductDefaultVisibility int `json:"product_default_visibility"` DealAccessLevel int `json:"deal_access_level"` OrgAccessLevel int `json:"org_access_level"` PersonAccessLevel int `json:"person_access_level"` ProductAccessLevel int `json:"product_access_level"` } `json:"data"` }
UserRoleSettingsResponse represents user role settings response.
type UserSettings ¶
type UserSettings struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data struct { ShowGettingStartedVideo bool `json:"show_getting_started_video"` ListLimit int `json:"list_limit"` BetaApp bool `json:"beta_app"` FileUploadDestination string `json:"file_upload_destination"` CalltoLinkSyntax string `json:"callto_link_syntax"` AutofillDealExpectedCloseDate bool `json:"autofill_deal_expected_close_date"` PersonDuplicateCondition string `json:"person_duplicate_condition"` OrganizationDuplicateCondition string `json:"organization_duplicate_condition"` AddFollowersWhenImporting bool `json:"add_followers_when_importing"` SearchBackend string `json:"search_backend"` BillingManagedBySales bool `json:"billing_managed_by_sales"` MaxDealAgeInAverageProgressCalculation int `json:"max_deal_age_in_average_progress_calculation"` ThirdPartyLinks []interface{} `json:"third_party_links"` ElasticWriteTargetDuringMigration string `json:"elastic_write_target_during_migration"` AutoCreateNewPersonsFromForwarderEmails bool `json:"auto_create_new_persons_from_forwarder_emails"` CompanyAdvancedDebugLogs bool `json:"company_advanced_debug_logs"` DealBlockOrder []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` } `json:"deal_block_order"` PersonBlockOrder []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` } `json:"person_block_order"` OrganizationBlockOrder []struct { Type string `json:"type"` Visible bool `json:"visible"` } `json:"organization_block_order"` NylasSync bool `json:"nylas_sync"` OnboardingComplete bool `json:"onboarding_complete"` ActivityEmailReminders bool `json:"activity_email_reminders"` ActivityEmailRemindersSendType string `json:"activity_email_reminders_send_type"` ActivityEmailRemindersAmountBefore int `json:"activity_email_reminders_amount_before"` ActivityNotificationsLanguageID int `json:"activity_notifications_language_id"` FileConvertAllowed bool `json:"file_convert_allowed"` DefaultCurrency string `json:"default_currency"` SendEmailNotifications string `json:"send_email_notifications"` ShowUpdateNotifications bool `json:"show_update_notifications"` CreateFolderInGoogleDrive bool `json:"create_folder_in_google_drive"` ShareGoogleDriveFilesWithCompany bool `json:"share_google_drive_files_with_company"` DealsTimelineDefaultField string `json:"deals_timeline_default_field"` DealsTimelineInterval string `json:"deals_timeline_interval"` DealsTimelineArrangeBy string `json:"deals_timeline_arrange_by"` DealsTimelineColumnCount int `json:"deals_timeline_column_count"` DealsTimelineShowProgress bool `json:"deals_timeline_show_progress"` ShareIncomingEmails bool `json:"share_incoming_emails"` ConnectThreadsWithDeals bool `json:"connect_threads_with_deals"` EmailSignature bool `json:"email_signature"` EmailSignatureText string `json:"email_signature_text"` GlobalSearchSurveyLinkClicked bool `json:"global_search_survey_link_clicked"` GoogleCalendarActivityType string `json:"google_calendar_activity_type"` GoogleCalendarIgnoreActivityTypes []interface{} `json:"google_calendar_ignore_activity_types"` UploadAllVisiblePersonsToGoogle bool `json:"upload_all_visible_persons_to_google"` FormatPhoneNumbersEnabled bool `json:"format_phone_numbers_enabled"` OnboardingCompletedTours []interface{} `json:"onboarding_completed_tours"` OpenEmailLinksInNewTab bool `json:"open_email_links_in_new_tab"` TotalsConvertCurrency bool `json:"totals_convert_currency"` EmailSyncFilter string `json:"email_sync_filter"` EmailSyncFilterLabels []interface{} `json:"email_sync_filter_labels"` DealDetailsOpen bool `json:"deal_details_open"` PersonDetailsOpen bool `json:"person_details_open"` OrganizationDetailsOpen bool `json:"organization_details_open"` GoogleCalendarSubjectFormat string `json:"google_calendar_subject_format"` GoogleCalendarActivityReminders []interface{} `json:"google_calendar_activity_reminders"` HideEmailSettingsPromotionBanner bool `json:"hide_email_settings_promotion_banner"` UserAdvancedDebugLogs bool `json:"user_advanced_debug_logs"` ShowFiltercolumnsTutorial bool `json:"show_filtercolumns_tutorial"` ShowDuplicates bool `json:"show_duplicates"` ShowImportTutorial bool `json:"show_import_tutorial"` ShowStatisticsTutorial bool `json:"show_statistics_tutorial"` ShowActivitycrossitemTutorial bool `json:"show_activitycrossitem_tutorial"` HasSeenDropboxOldDetailsDeprecNotice bool `json:"has_seen_dropbox_old_details_deprec_notice"` LinkPersonToOrg bool `json:"link_person_to_org"` TimezoneAutomaticUpdate bool `json:"timezone_automatic_update"` UsePipedriveMailtoLinks bool `json:"use_pipedrive_mailto_links"` AbMailPromotion1Enabled bool `json:"ab_mail_promotion1_enabled"` MailFiltersInbox []interface{} `json:"mail_filters_inbox"` MailFiltersDrafts []interface{} `json:"mail_filters_drafts"` MailFiltersSent []interface{} `json:"mail_filters_sent"` MailFiltersArchive []interface{} `json:"mail_filters_archive"` PromoteGsFilters bool `json:"promote_gs_filters"` PromoteGsNotesAndFields bool `json:"promote_gs_notes_and_fields"` HasSeenHelpTooltip bool `json:"has_seen_help_tooltip"` InvitationLastTime int `json:"invitation_last_time"` InvitationResentCount int `json:"invitation_resent_count"` ExpandedCalendarAllday bool `json:"expanded_calendar_allday"` TimelinePanelOpen bool `json:"timeline_panel_open"` TimelinePanelOnboardingDone bool `json:"timeline_panel_onboarding_done"` HasNotifications bool `json:"has_notifications"` ActivitiesViewMode string `json:"activities_view_mode"` ActivityQuickfilterRange string `json:"activity_quickfilter_range"` CurrentPipelineID int `json:"current_pipeline_id"` DealsTimelineShowWeightedValues bool `json:"deals_timeline_show_weighted_values"` DealsViewMode string `json:"deals_view_mode"` FeedViewType string `json:"feed_view_type"` FilterActivities string `json:"filter_activities"` FilterDeals string `json:"filter_deals"` FilterOrg string `json:"filter_org"` FilterPeople string `json:"filter_people"` FilterPipeline1 string `json:"filter_pipeline_1"` FilterPipeline2 string `json:"filter_pipeline_2"` FilterProducts string `json:"filter_products"` GoogledocsFolderID string `json:"googledocs_folder_id"` GoogleCalendarSync bool `json:"google_calendar_sync"` } `json:"data"` }
UserSettings represents a Pipedrive user settings.
type UserSettingsService ¶
type UserSettingsService service
UserSettingsService handles user settings related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/UserSettings
func (*UserSettingsService) List ¶
func (s *UserSettingsService) List(ctx context.Context) (*UserSettings, *Response, error)
List settings of authorized user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/UserSettings/get_userSettings
type UserSingleResponse ¶
type UserSingleResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data User `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
UserSingleResponse represents single user response.
type UsersFindByNameOptions ¶
type UsersFindByNameOptions struct { Term string `url:"term,omitempty"` SearchByEmail int `url:"search_by_email,omitempty"` }
UsersFindByNameOptions specifices the optional parameters to the UsersService.FindByName method.
type UsersResponse ¶
type UsersResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` ErrorInfo string `json:"error_info,omitempty"` Data []User `json:"data"` AdditionalData AdditionalData `json:"additional_data"` }
UsersResponse represents multiple users response.
type UsersService ¶
type UsersService service
UsersService handles users related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users
func (*UsersService) Create ¶
func (s *UsersService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *UserCreateOptions) (*UserSingleResponse, *Response, error)
Create a user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/post_users
func (*UsersService) DeletePermissionSetAssignment ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeletePermissionSetAssignment(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DeletePermissionSetAssignmentOptions) (*Response, error)
DeletePermissionSetAssignment deletes a permission set assignment for a user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/delete_users_id_permissionSetAssignments
func (*UsersService) DeleteRoleAssignment ¶
func (s *UsersService) DeleteRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions) (*Response, error)
DeleteRoleAssignment deletes a role assignment for a user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/delete_users_id_roleAssignments
func (*UsersService) FindByName ¶
func (s *UsersService) FindByName(ctx context.Context, opt *UsersFindByNameOptions) (*UsersResponse, *Response, error)
FindByName finds users by their name.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/get_users_find
func (*UsersService) GetByID ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetByID(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserFollowersResponse, *Response, error)
GetByID returns specific user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/get_users_id
func (*UsersService) GetCurrentUserData ¶
func (s *UsersService) GetCurrentUserData(ctx context.Context) (*UserSingleResponse, *Response, error)
GetCurrentUserData returns data about an authorized user within the company.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/get_users_me
func (*UsersService) List ¶
func (s *UsersService) List(ctx context.Context) (*UsersResponse, *Response, error)
List returns data about all users within the company.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/get_users
func (*UsersService) ListFollowers ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListFollowers(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserFollowersResponse, *Response, error)
ListFollowers lists followers of a specific user.!/Users/get_users_id_followers
func (*UsersService) ListUserPermissions ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListUserPermissions(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserPermissionsResponse, *Response, error)
ListUserPermissions lists aggregated permissions over all assigned permission sets for a user.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/get_users_id_permissions
func (*UsersService) ListUserRoleSettings ¶
func (s *UsersService) ListUserRoleSettings(ctx context.Context, id int) (*UserRoleSettingsResponse, *Response, error)
ListUserRoleSettings lists settings of user's assigned role.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/get_users_id_roleSettings
func (*UsersService) UpdateUserDetails ¶
func (s *UsersService) UpdateUserDetails(ctx context.Context, id int, opt *UsersUpdateUserDetailsOptions) (*Response, error)
UpdateUserDetails updates the properties of a user. Currently, only active_flag can be updated.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Users/put_users_id
type UsersUpdateUserDetailsOptions ¶
type UsersUpdateUserDetailsOptions struct {
ActiveFlag uint8 `url:"active_flag,omitempty"`
UsersUpdateUserDetailsOptions specifices the optional parameters to the UsersService.UpdateUserDetails method.
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { ID int `json:"id"` CompanyID int `json:"company_id"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` UserID int `json:"user_id"` EventAction string `json:"event_action"` EventObject string `json:"event_object"` SubscriptionURL string `json:"subscription_url"` IsActive int `json:"is_active"` AddTime time.Time `json:"add_time"` RemoveTime interface{} `json:"remove_time"` Type string `json:"type"` HTTPAuthUser interface{} `json:"http_auth_user"` HTTPAuthPassword interface{} `json:"http_auth_password"` AdditionalData struct{} `json:"additional_data"` LastDeliveryTime time.Time `json:"last_delivery_time"` LastHTTPStatus int `json:"last_http_status"` AdminID int `json:"admin_id"` }
Webhook represents a Pipedrive webhook.
type WebhookResponse ¶
type WebhookResponse struct { Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data Webhook `json:"data,omitempty"` }
WebhookResponse represents single webhook response.
type WebhooksCreateOptions ¶
type WebhooksCreateOptions struct { SubscriptionURL string `url:"subscription_url"` EventAction EventAction `url:"event_action"` DealProbability EventObject `url:"event_object"` UserID uint `url:"user_id"` HTTPAuthUser string `url:"http_auth_user"` HTTPAuthPassword string `url:"http_auth_password"` }
WebhooksCreateOptions specifices the optional parameters to the WebhooksService.Create method.
type WebhooksResponse ¶
type WebhooksResponse struct { Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"` Data []Webhook `json:"data,omitempty"` }
WebhooksResponse represents multiple webhooks response.
type WebhooksService ¶
type WebhooksService service
WebhooksService handles webhooks related methods of the Pipedrive API.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Webhooks
func (*WebhooksService) Create ¶
func (s *WebhooksService) Create(ctx context.Context, opt *WebhooksCreateOptions) (*WebhookResponse, *Response, error)
Create a webhook.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Webhooks/post_webhooks
func (*WebhooksService) Delete ¶
Delete a webhook.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Webhooks/delete_webhooks_id
func (*WebhooksService) List ¶
func (s *WebhooksService) List(ctx context.Context) (*WebhooksResponse, *Response, error)
List all webhooks.
Pipedrive API docs:!/Webhooks/get_webhooks
Source Files
- activities.go
- activity_fields.go
- activity_types.go
- authorizations.go
- commons.go
- currencies.go
- deal_fields.go
- deals.go
- errors.go
- files.go
- filters.go
- goals.go
- note_fields.go
- notes.go
- organization_fields.go
- organizations.go
- person_fields.go
- persons.go
- pipedrive.go
- pipelines.go
- product_fields.go
- products.go
- recents.go
- search_results.go
- stages.go
- strings.go
- time.go
- user_connections.go
- user_settings.go
- users.go
- webhooks.go