Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type AccountField
- type AccruedInterestAmtField
- type AccruedInterestRateField
- type AdjustmentField
- type AdvIdField
- type AdvRefIDField
- type AdvSideField
- type AdvTransTypeField
- type AggregatedBookField
- type AggressorIndicatorField
- type AllocAccountField
- type AllocAvgPxField
- type AllocHandlInstField
- type AllocIDField
- type AllocLinkIDField
- type AllocLinkTypeField
- type AllocNetMoneyField
- type AllocPriceField
- type AllocRejCodeField
- type AllocSharesField
- type AllocStatusField
- type AllocTextField
- type AllocTransTypeField
- type AvgPrxPrecisionField
- type AvgPxField
- type BasisPxTypeField
- type BatchIDField
- type BeginSeqNoField
- type BeginStringField
- type BenchmarkField
- type BidDescriptorField
- type BidDescriptorTypeField
- type BidForwardPointsField
- type BidIDField
- type BidPxField
- type BidRequestTransTypeField
- type BidSizeField
- type BidSpotRateField
- type BidTypeField
- type BodyLengthField
- type BrokerOfCreditField
- type BusinessRejectReasonField
- type BusinessRejectRefIDField
- type BuyVolumeField
- type CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField
- type CashOrderQtyField
- type CashSettlAgentAcctNameField
- type CashSettlAgentAcctNumField
- type CashSettlAgentCodeField
- type CashSettlAgentContactNameField
- type CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField
- type CashSettlAgentNameField
- type CheckSumField
- type ClOrdIDField
- type ClearingAccountField
- type ClearingFirmField
- type ClientBidIDField
- type ClientIDField
- type CommTypeField
- type CommissionField
- type ComplianceIDField
- type ContraBrokerField
- type ContraTradeQtyField
- type ContraTradeTimeField
- type ContraTraderField
- type ContractMultiplierField
- type CorporateActionField
- type CountryField
- type CouponRateField
- type CoveredOrUncoveredField
- type CrossPercentField
- type CumQtyField
- type CurrencyField
- type CustomerOrFirmField
- type CxlQtyField
- type CxlRejReasonField
- type CxlRejResponseToField
- type CxlTypeField
- type DKReasonField
- type DayAvgPxField
- type DayCumQtyField
- type DayOrderQtyField
- type DefBidSizeField
- type DefOfferSizeField
- type DeleteReasonField
- type DeliverToCompIDField
- type DeliverToLocationIDField
- type DeliverToSubIDField
- type DeskIDField
- type DiscretionInstField
- type DiscretionOffsetField
- type DlvyInstField
- type DropCopyFlagField
- type DueToRelatedField
- type EFPTrackingErrorField
- type EffectiveTimeField
- type EmailThreadIDField
- type EmailTypeField
- type EncodedAllocTextField
- type EncodedAllocTextLenField
- type EncodedHeadlineField
- type EncodedHeadlineLenField
- type EncodedIssuerField
- type EncodedIssuerLenField
- type EncodedListExecInstField
- type EncodedListExecInstLenField
- type EncodedListStatusTextField
- type EncodedListStatusTextLenField
- type EncodedSecurityDescField
- type EncodedSecurityDescLenField
- type EncodedSubjectField
- type EncodedSubjectLenField
- type EncodedTextField
- type EncodedTextLenField
- type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField
- type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField
- type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField
- type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField
- type EncryptMethodField
- type EndSeqNoField
- type ExDestinationField
- type ExchangeForPhysicalField
- type ExecBrokerField
- type ExecIDField
- type ExecInstField
- type ExecRefIDField
- type ExecRestatementReasonField
- type ExecTransTypeField
- type ExecTypeField
- type ExpireDateField
- type ExpireTimeField
- type FairValueField
- type FinancialStatusField
- type ForexReqField
- type FutSettDate2Field
- type FutSettDateField
- type GTBookingInstField
- type GapFillFlagField
- type GrossTradeAmtField
- type HaltReasonCharField
- type HandlInstField
- type HeadlineField
- type HeartBtIntField
- type HighPxField
- type IDSourceField
- type IOINaturalFlagField
- type IOIOthSvcField
- type IOIQltyIndField
- type IOIQualifierField
- type IOIRefIDField
- type IOISharesField
- type IOITransTypeField
- type IOIidField
- type InViewOfCommonField
- type IncTaxIndField
- type IssuerField
- type LastCapacityField
- type LastForwardPointsField
- type LastMktField
- type LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField
- type LastPxField
- type LastSharesField
- type LastSpotRateField
- type LeavesQtyField
- type LinesOfTextField
- type LiquidityIndTypeField
- type LiquidityNumSecuritiesField
- type LiquidityPctHighField
- type LiquidityPctLowField
- type LiquidityValueField
- type ListExecInstField
- type ListExecInstTypeField
- type ListIDField
- type ListNameField
- type ListOrderStatusField
- type ListSeqNoField
- type ListStatusTextField
- type ListStatusTypeField
- type LocateReqdField
- type LocationIDField
- type LowPxField
- type MDEntryBuyerField
- type MDEntryDateField
- type MDEntryIDField
- type MDEntryOriginatorField
- type MDEntryPositionNoField
- type MDEntryPxField
- type MDEntryRefIDField
- type MDEntrySellerField
- type MDEntrySizeField
- type MDEntryTimeField
- type MDEntryTypeField
- type MDMktField
- type MDReqIDField
- type MDReqRejReasonField
- type MDUpdateActionField
- type MDUpdateTypeField
- type MarketDepthField
- type MaturityDayField
- type MaturityMonthYearField
- type MaxFloorField
- type MaxMessageSizeField
- type MaxShowField
- type MessageEncodingField
- type MinQtyField
- type MiscFeeAmtField
- type MiscFeeBasisField
- type MiscFeeCurrField
- type MiscFeeTypeField
- type MsgDirectionField
- type MsgSeqNumField
- type MsgTypeField
- type MultiLegReportingTypeField
- type NetGrossIndField
- type NetMoneyField
- type NewSeqNoField
- type NoAllocsField
- type NoBidComponentsField
- type NoBidDescriptorsField
- type NoContraBrokersField
- type NoDlvyInstField
- type NoExecsField
- type NoIOIQualifiersField
- type NoMDEntriesField
- type NoMDEntryTypesField
- type NoMiscFeesField
- type NoMsgTypesField
- type NoOrdersField
- type NoQuoteEntriesField
- type NoQuoteSetsField
- type NoRelatedSymField
- type NoRoutingIDsField
- type NoRptsField
- type NoStrikesField
- type NoTradingSessionsField
- type NotifyBrokerOfCreditField
- type NumBiddersField
- type NumDaysInterestField
- type NumTicketsField
- type NumberOfOrdersField
- type OfferForwardPointsField
- type OfferPxField
- type OfferSizeField
- type OfferSpotRateField
- type OnBehalfOfCompIDField
- type OnBehalfOfLocationIDField
- type OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
- type OnBehalfOfSubIDField
- type OpenCloseField
- type OpenCloseSettleFlagField
- type OptAttributeField
- type OrdRejReasonField
- type OrdStatusField
- type OrdTypeField
- type OrderIDField
- type OrderQty2Field
- type OrderQtyField
- type OrigClOrdIDField
- type OrigSendingTimeField
- type OrigTimeField
- type OutMainCntryUIndexField
- type OutsideIndexPctField
- type PasswordField
- type PegDifferenceField
- type PossDupFlagField
- type PossResendField
- type PrevClosePxField
- type PriceField
- type PriceTypeField
- type ProcessCodeField
- type ProgPeriodIntervalField
- type ProgRptReqsField
- type PutOrCallField
- type QuoteCancelTypeField
- type QuoteConditionField
- type QuoteEntryIDField
- type QuoteEntryRejectReasonField
- type QuoteIDField
- type QuoteRejectReasonField
- type QuoteReqIDField
- type QuoteRequestRejectReasonField
- type QuoteRequestTypeField
- type QuoteRespIDField
- type QuoteRespTypeField
- type QuoteResponseLevelField
- type QuoteSetIDField
- type QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
- type QuoteStatusField
- type RFQReqIDField
- type RatioQtyField
- type RawDataField
- type RawDataLengthField
- type RefAllocIDField
- type RefMsgTypeField
- type RefSeqNumField
- type RefTagIDField
- type RelatdSymField
- type ReportToExchField
- type ResetSeqNumFlagField
- type RoutingIDField
- type RoutingTypeField
- type RptSeqField
- type Rule80AField
- type SecondaryOrderIDField
- type SecureDataField
- type SecureDataLenField
- type SecurityDescField
- type SecurityExchangeField
- type SecurityIDField
- type SecurityReqIDField
- type SecurityRequestTypeField
- type SecurityResponseIDField
- type SecurityResponseTypeField
- type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField
- type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField
- type SecuritySettlAgentCodeField
- type SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField
- type SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField
- type SecuritySettlAgentNameField
- type SecurityStatusReqIDField
- type SecurityTradingStatusField
- type SecurityTypeField
- type SelfTradePreventionField
- type SellVolumeField
- type SellerDaysField
- type SenderCompIDField
- type SenderLocationIDField
- type SenderSubIDField
- type SendingDateField
- type SendingTimeField
- type SessionRejectReasonField
- type SettlBrkrCodeField
- type SettlCurrAmtField
- type SettlCurrFxRateCalcField
- type SettlCurrFxRateField
- type SettlCurrencyField
- type SettlDeliveryTypeField
- type SettlDepositoryCodeField
- type SettlInstCodeField
- type SettlInstIDField
- type SettlInstModeField
- type SettlInstRefIDField
- type SettlInstSourceField
- type SettlInstTransTypeField
- type SettlLocationField
- type SettlmntTypField
- type SharesField
- type SideField
- type SideValue1Field
- type SideValue2Field
- type SideValueIndField
- type SignatureField
- type SignatureLengthField
- type SolicitedFlagField
- type SpreadToBenchmarkField
- type StandInstDbIDField
- type StandInstDbNameField
- type StandInstDbTypeField
- type StopPxField
- type StrikePriceField
- type StrikeTimeField
- type SubjectField
- type SubscriptionRequestTypeField
- type SymbolField
- type SymbolSfxField
- type TargetCompIDField
- type TargetLocationIDField
- type TargetSubIDField
- type TestReqIDField
- type TextField
- type TickDirectionField
- type TimeInForceField
- type TotNoOrdersField
- type TotNoStrikesField
- type TotQuoteEntriesField
- type TotalNumSecuritiesField
- type TotalVolumeTradedField
- type TradSesCloseTimeField
- type TradSesEndTimeField
- type TradSesMethodField
- type TradSesModeField
- type TradSesOpenTimeField
- type TradSesPreCloseTimeField
- type TradSesReqIDField
- type TradSesStartTimeField
- type TradSesStatusField
- type TradeConditionField
- type TradeDateField
- type TradeTypeField
- type TradingSessionIDField
- type TransactTimeField
- type TriggerPriceDirectionField
- type URLLinkField
- type UnderlyingContractMultiplierField
- type UnderlyingCouponRateField
- type UnderlyingCurrencyField
- type UnderlyingIDSourceField
- type UnderlyingIssuerField
- type UnderlyingMaturityDayField
- type UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField
- type UnderlyingOptAttributeField
- type UnderlyingPutOrCallField
- type UnderlyingSecurityDescField
- type UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField
- type UnderlyingSecurityIDField
- type UnderlyingSecurityTypeField
- type UnderlyingStrikePriceField
- type UnderlyingSymbolField
- type UnderlyingSymbolSfxField
- type UnsolicitedIndicatorField
- type UrgencyField
- type ValidUntilTimeField
- type ValueOfFuturesField
- type WaveNoField
- type WtAverageLiquidityField
- type XmlDataField
- type XmlDataLenField
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountField ¶
AccountField is a STRING field.
func NewAccount ¶
func NewAccount(val string) AccountField
NewAccount returns a new AccountField initialized with val.
func (AccountField) Value ¶
func (f AccountField) Value() string
type AccruedInterestAmtField ¶
type AccruedInterestAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AccruedInterestAmtField is a AMT field.
func NewAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func NewAccruedInterestAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AccruedInterestAmtField
NewAccruedInterestAmt returns a new AccruedInterestAmtField initialized with val and scale.
func (AccruedInterestAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f AccruedInterestAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AccruedInterestAmt (159).
func (AccruedInterestAmtField) Value ¶
func (f AccruedInterestAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AccruedInterestRateField ¶
type AccruedInterestRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AccruedInterestRateField is a FLOAT field.
func NewAccruedInterestRate ¶
func NewAccruedInterestRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AccruedInterestRateField
NewAccruedInterestRate returns a new AccruedInterestRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (AccruedInterestRateField) Tag ¶
func (f AccruedInterestRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AccruedInterestRate (158).
func (AccruedInterestRateField) Value ¶
func (f AccruedInterestRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AdjustmentField ¶
AdjustmentField is a enum.Adjustment field.
func NewAdjustment ¶
func NewAdjustment(val enum.Adjustment) AdjustmentField
func (AdjustmentField) Tag ¶
func (f AdjustmentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Adjustment (334).
func (AdjustmentField) Value ¶
func (f AdjustmentField) Value() enum.Adjustment
type AdvIdField ¶
AdvIdField is a STRING field.
func NewAdvId ¶
func NewAdvId(val string) AdvIdField
NewAdvId returns a new AdvIdField initialized with val.
func (AdvIdField) Value ¶
func (f AdvIdField) Value() string
type AdvRefIDField ¶
AdvRefIDField is a STRING field.
func NewAdvRefID ¶
func NewAdvRefID(val string) AdvRefIDField
NewAdvRefID returns a new AdvRefIDField initialized with val.
func (AdvRefIDField) Value ¶
func (f AdvRefIDField) Value() string
type AdvSideField ¶
AdvSideField is a enum.AdvSide field.
func NewAdvSide ¶
func NewAdvSide(val enum.AdvSide) AdvSideField
func (AdvSideField) Value ¶
func (f AdvSideField) Value() enum.AdvSide
type AdvTransTypeField ¶
AdvTransTypeField is a enum.AdvTransType field.
func NewAdvTransType ¶
func NewAdvTransType(val enum.AdvTransType) AdvTransTypeField
func (AdvTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AdvTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AdvTransType (5).
func (AdvTransTypeField) Value ¶
func (f AdvTransTypeField) Value() enum.AdvTransType
type AggregatedBookField ¶
type AggregatedBookField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
AggregatedBookField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewAggregatedBook ¶
func NewAggregatedBook(val bool) AggregatedBookField
NewAggregatedBook returns a new AggregatedBookField initialized with val.
func (AggregatedBookField) Tag ¶
func (f AggregatedBookField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AggregatedBook (266).
func (AggregatedBookField) Value ¶
func (f AggregatedBookField) Value() bool
type AggressorIndicatorField ¶
AggressorIndicatorField is a enum.AggressorIndicator field.
func NewAggressorIndicator ¶
func NewAggressorIndicator(val enum.AggressorIndicator) AggressorIndicatorField
func (AggressorIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f AggressorIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AggressorIndicator (1057).
func (AggressorIndicatorField) Value ¶
func (f AggressorIndicatorField) Value() enum.AggressorIndicator
type AllocAccountField ¶
AllocAccountField is a STRING field.
func NewAllocAccount ¶
func NewAllocAccount(val string) AllocAccountField
NewAllocAccount returns a new AllocAccountField initialized with val.
func (AllocAccountField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAccountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAccount (79).
func (AllocAccountField) Value ¶
func (f AllocAccountField) Value() string
type AllocAvgPxField ¶
type AllocAvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocAvgPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewAllocAvgPx ¶
func NewAllocAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocAvgPxField
NewAllocAvgPx returns a new AllocAvgPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (AllocAvgPxField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocAvgPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocAvgPx (153).
func (AllocAvgPxField) Value ¶
func (f AllocAvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocHandlInstField ¶
AllocHandlInstField is a enum.AllocHandlInst field.
func NewAllocHandlInst ¶
func NewAllocHandlInst(val enum.AllocHandlInst) AllocHandlInstField
func (AllocHandlInstField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocHandlInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocHandlInst (209).
func (AllocHandlInstField) Value ¶
func (f AllocHandlInstField) Value() enum.AllocHandlInst
type AllocIDField ¶
AllocIDField is a STRING field.
func NewAllocID ¶
func NewAllocID(val string) AllocIDField
NewAllocID returns a new AllocIDField initialized with val.
func (AllocIDField) Value ¶
func (f AllocIDField) Value() string
type AllocLinkIDField ¶
AllocLinkIDField is a STRING field.
func NewAllocLinkID ¶
func NewAllocLinkID(val string) AllocLinkIDField
NewAllocLinkID returns a new AllocLinkIDField initialized with val.
func (AllocLinkIDField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocLinkIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocLinkID (196).
func (AllocLinkIDField) Value ¶
func (f AllocLinkIDField) Value() string
type AllocLinkTypeField ¶
AllocLinkTypeField is a enum.AllocLinkType field.
func NewAllocLinkType ¶
func NewAllocLinkType(val enum.AllocLinkType) AllocLinkTypeField
func (AllocLinkTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocLinkTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocLinkType (197).
func (AllocLinkTypeField) Value ¶
func (f AllocLinkTypeField) Value() enum.AllocLinkType
type AllocNetMoneyField ¶
type AllocNetMoneyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocNetMoneyField is a AMT field.
func NewAllocNetMoney ¶
func NewAllocNetMoney(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocNetMoneyField
NewAllocNetMoney returns a new AllocNetMoneyField initialized with val and scale.
func (AllocNetMoneyField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocNetMoneyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocNetMoney (154).
func (AllocNetMoneyField) Value ¶
func (f AllocNetMoneyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocPriceField ¶
type AllocPriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AllocPriceField is a PRICE field.
func NewAllocPrice ¶
func NewAllocPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocPriceField
NewAllocPrice returns a new AllocPriceField initialized with val and scale.
func (AllocPriceField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocPriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocPrice (366).
func (AllocPriceField) Value ¶
func (f AllocPriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocRejCodeField ¶
AllocRejCodeField is a enum.AllocRejCode field.
func NewAllocRejCode ¶
func NewAllocRejCode(val enum.AllocRejCode) AllocRejCodeField
func (AllocRejCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocRejCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocRejCode (88).
func (AllocRejCodeField) Value ¶
func (f AllocRejCodeField) Value() enum.AllocRejCode
type AllocSharesField ¶
AllocSharesField is a QTY field.
func NewAllocShares ¶
func NewAllocShares(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AllocSharesField
NewAllocShares returns a new AllocSharesField initialized with val and scale.
func (AllocSharesField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocSharesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocShares (80).
func (AllocSharesField) Value ¶
func (f AllocSharesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type AllocStatusField ¶
AllocStatusField is a enum.AllocStatus field.
func NewAllocStatus ¶
func NewAllocStatus(val enum.AllocStatus) AllocStatusField
func (AllocStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocStatus (87).
func (AllocStatusField) Value ¶
func (f AllocStatusField) Value() enum.AllocStatus
type AllocTextField ¶
AllocTextField is a STRING field.
func NewAllocText ¶
func NewAllocText(val string) AllocTextField
NewAllocText returns a new AllocTextField initialized with val.
func (AllocTextField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocText (161).
func (AllocTextField) Value ¶
func (f AllocTextField) Value() string
type AllocTransTypeField ¶
AllocTransTypeField is a enum.AllocTransType field.
func NewAllocTransType ¶
func NewAllocTransType(val enum.AllocTransType) AllocTransTypeField
func (AllocTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f AllocTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AllocTransType (71).
func (AllocTransTypeField) Value ¶
func (f AllocTransTypeField) Value() enum.AllocTransType
type AvgPrxPrecisionField ¶
AvgPrxPrecisionField is a INT field.
func NewAvgPrxPrecision ¶
func NewAvgPrxPrecision(val int) AvgPrxPrecisionField
NewAvgPrxPrecision returns a new AvgPrxPrecisionField initialized with val.
func (AvgPrxPrecisionField) Tag ¶
func (f AvgPrxPrecisionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.AvgPrxPrecision (74).
func (AvgPrxPrecisionField) Value ¶
func (f AvgPrxPrecisionField) Value() int
type AvgPxField ¶
type AvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
AvgPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewAvgPx ¶
func NewAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) AvgPxField
NewAvgPx returns a new AvgPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (AvgPxField) Value ¶
func (f AvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BasisPxTypeField ¶
BasisPxTypeField is a enum.BasisPxType field.
func NewBasisPxType ¶
func NewBasisPxType(val enum.BasisPxType) BasisPxTypeField
func (BasisPxTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BasisPxTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BasisPxType (419).
func (BasisPxTypeField) Value ¶
func (f BasisPxTypeField) Value() enum.BasisPxType
type BatchIDField ¶
BatchIDField is a STRING field.
func NewBatchID ¶
func NewBatchID(val string) BatchIDField
NewBatchID returns a new BatchIDField initialized with val.
func (BatchIDField) Value ¶
func (f BatchIDField) Value() string
type BeginSeqNoField ¶
BeginSeqNoField is a INT field.
func NewBeginSeqNo ¶
func NewBeginSeqNo(val int) BeginSeqNoField
NewBeginSeqNo returns a new BeginSeqNoField initialized with val.
func (BeginSeqNoField) Tag ¶
func (f BeginSeqNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BeginSeqNo (7).
func (BeginSeqNoField) Value ¶
func (f BeginSeqNoField) Value() int
type BeginStringField ¶
BeginStringField is a STRING field.
func NewBeginString ¶
func NewBeginString(val string) BeginStringField
NewBeginString returns a new BeginStringField initialized with val.
func (BeginStringField) Tag ¶
func (f BeginStringField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BeginString (8).
func (BeginStringField) Value ¶
func (f BeginStringField) Value() string
type BenchmarkField ¶
BenchmarkField is a enum.Benchmark field.
func NewBenchmark ¶
func NewBenchmark(val enum.Benchmark) BenchmarkField
func (BenchmarkField) Tag ¶
func (f BenchmarkField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Benchmark (219).
func (BenchmarkField) Value ¶
func (f BenchmarkField) Value() enum.Benchmark
type BidDescriptorField ¶
BidDescriptorField is a STRING field.
func NewBidDescriptor ¶
func NewBidDescriptor(val string) BidDescriptorField
NewBidDescriptor returns a new BidDescriptorField initialized with val.
func (BidDescriptorField) Tag ¶
func (f BidDescriptorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidDescriptor (400).
func (BidDescriptorField) Value ¶
func (f BidDescriptorField) Value() string
type BidDescriptorTypeField ¶
BidDescriptorTypeField is a INT field.
func NewBidDescriptorType ¶
func NewBidDescriptorType(val int) BidDescriptorTypeField
NewBidDescriptorType returns a new BidDescriptorTypeField initialized with val.
func (BidDescriptorTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BidDescriptorTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidDescriptorType (399).
func (BidDescriptorTypeField) Value ¶
func (f BidDescriptorTypeField) Value() int
type BidForwardPointsField ¶
type BidForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field.
func NewBidForwardPoints ¶
func NewBidForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidForwardPointsField
NewBidForwardPoints returns a new BidForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale.
func (BidForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f BidForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidForwardPoints (189).
func (BidForwardPointsField) Value ¶
func (f BidForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidIDField ¶
BidIDField is a STRING field.
func NewBidID ¶
func NewBidID(val string) BidIDField
NewBidID returns a new BidIDField initialized with val.
func (BidIDField) Value ¶
func (f BidIDField) Value() string
type BidPxField ¶
type BidPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewBidPx ¶
func NewBidPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidPxField
NewBidPx returns a new BidPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (BidPxField) Value ¶
func (f BidPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidRequestTransTypeField ¶
BidRequestTransTypeField is a enum.BidRequestTransType field.
func NewBidRequestTransType ¶
func NewBidRequestTransType(val enum.BidRequestTransType) BidRequestTransTypeField
func (BidRequestTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f BidRequestTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidRequestTransType (374).
func (BidRequestTransTypeField) Value ¶
func (f BidRequestTransTypeField) Value() enum.BidRequestTransType
type BidSizeField ¶
type BidSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidSizeField is a QTY field.
func NewBidSize ¶
func NewBidSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidSizeField
NewBidSize returns a new BidSizeField initialized with val and scale.
func (BidSizeField) Value ¶
func (f BidSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidSpotRateField ¶
type BidSpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BidSpotRateField is a PRICE field.
func NewBidSpotRate ¶
func NewBidSpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BidSpotRateField
NewBidSpotRate returns a new BidSpotRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (BidSpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f BidSpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BidSpotRate (188).
func (BidSpotRateField) Value ¶
func (f BidSpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type BidTypeField ¶
BidTypeField is a INT field.
func NewBidType ¶
func NewBidType(val int) BidTypeField
NewBidType returns a new BidTypeField initialized with val.
func (BidTypeField) Value ¶
func (f BidTypeField) Value() int
type BodyLengthField ¶
BodyLengthField is a INT field.
func NewBodyLength ¶
func NewBodyLength(val int) BodyLengthField
NewBodyLength returns a new BodyLengthField initialized with val.
func (BodyLengthField) Tag ¶
func (f BodyLengthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BodyLength (9).
func (BodyLengthField) Value ¶
func (f BodyLengthField) Value() int
type BrokerOfCreditField ¶
BrokerOfCreditField is a STRING field.
func NewBrokerOfCredit ¶
func NewBrokerOfCredit(val string) BrokerOfCreditField
NewBrokerOfCredit returns a new BrokerOfCreditField initialized with val.
func (BrokerOfCreditField) Tag ¶
func (f BrokerOfCreditField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BrokerOfCredit (92).
func (BrokerOfCreditField) Value ¶
func (f BrokerOfCreditField) Value() string
type BusinessRejectReasonField ¶
BusinessRejectReasonField is a enum.BusinessRejectReason field.
func NewBusinessRejectReason ¶
func NewBusinessRejectReason(val enum.BusinessRejectReason) BusinessRejectReasonField
func (BusinessRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f BusinessRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BusinessRejectReason (380).
func (BusinessRejectReasonField) Value ¶
func (f BusinessRejectReasonField) Value() enum.BusinessRejectReason
type BusinessRejectRefIDField ¶
BusinessRejectRefIDField is a STRING field.
func NewBusinessRejectRefID ¶
func NewBusinessRejectRefID(val string) BusinessRejectRefIDField
NewBusinessRejectRefID returns a new BusinessRejectRefIDField initialized with val.
func (BusinessRejectRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f BusinessRejectRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BusinessRejectRefID (379).
func (BusinessRejectRefIDField) Value ¶
func (f BusinessRejectRefIDField) Value() string
type BuyVolumeField ¶
type BuyVolumeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
BuyVolumeField is a QTY field.
func NewBuyVolume ¶
func NewBuyVolume(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) BuyVolumeField
NewBuyVolume returns a new BuyVolumeField initialized with val and scale.
func (BuyVolumeField) Tag ¶
func (f BuyVolumeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.BuyVolume (330).
func (BuyVolumeField) Value ¶
func (f BuyVolumeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField ¶
CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField is a enum.CancelOrdersOnDisconnect field.
func NewCancelOrdersOnDisconnect ¶
func NewCancelOrdersOnDisconnect(val enum.CancelOrdersOnDisconnect) CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField
func (CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField) Tag ¶
func (f CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CancelOrdersOnDisconnect (8013).
func (CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField) Value ¶
func (f CancelOrdersOnDisconnectField) Value() enum.CancelOrdersOnDisconnect
type CashOrderQtyField ¶
type CashOrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CashOrderQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewCashOrderQty ¶
func NewCashOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CashOrderQtyField
NewCashOrderQty returns a new CashOrderQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (CashOrderQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f CashOrderQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashOrderQty (152).
func (CashOrderQtyField) Value ¶
func (f CashOrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CashSettlAgentAcctNameField ¶
CashSettlAgentAcctNameField is a STRING field.
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctName ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctName(val string) CashSettlAgentAcctNameField
NewCashSettlAgentAcctName returns a new CashSettlAgentAcctNameField initialized with val.
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentAcctName (185).
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Value ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNameField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentAcctNumField ¶
CashSettlAgentAcctNumField is a STRING field.
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctNum ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentAcctNum(val string) CashSettlAgentAcctNumField
NewCashSettlAgentAcctNum returns a new CashSettlAgentAcctNumField initialized with val.
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentAcctNum (184).
func (CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Value ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentAcctNumField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentCodeField ¶
CashSettlAgentCodeField is a STRING field.
func NewCashSettlAgentCode ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentCode(val string) CashSettlAgentCodeField
NewCashSettlAgentCode returns a new CashSettlAgentCodeField initialized with val.
func (CashSettlAgentCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentCode (183).
func (CashSettlAgentCodeField) Value ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentCodeField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentContactNameField ¶
CashSettlAgentContactNameField is a STRING field.
func NewCashSettlAgentContactName ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentContactName(val string) CashSettlAgentContactNameField
NewCashSettlAgentContactName returns a new CashSettlAgentContactNameField initialized with val.
func (CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentContactName (186).
func (CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Value ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentContactNameField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField ¶
CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField is a STRING field.
func NewCashSettlAgentContactPhone ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentContactPhone(val string) CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField
NewCashSettlAgentContactPhone returns a new CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField initialized with val.
func (CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentContactPhone (187).
func (CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value() string
type CashSettlAgentNameField ¶
CashSettlAgentNameField is a STRING field.
func NewCashSettlAgentName ¶
func NewCashSettlAgentName(val string) CashSettlAgentNameField
NewCashSettlAgentName returns a new CashSettlAgentNameField initialized with val.
func (CashSettlAgentNameField) Tag ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CashSettlAgentName (182).
func (CashSettlAgentNameField) Value ¶
func (f CashSettlAgentNameField) Value() string
type CheckSumField ¶
CheckSumField is a STRING field.
func NewCheckSum ¶
func NewCheckSum(val string) CheckSumField
NewCheckSum returns a new CheckSumField initialized with val.
func (CheckSumField) Value ¶
func (f CheckSumField) Value() string
type ClOrdIDField ¶
ClOrdIDField is a STRING field.
func NewClOrdID ¶
func NewClOrdID(val string) ClOrdIDField
NewClOrdID returns a new ClOrdIDField initialized with val.
func (ClOrdIDField) Value ¶
func (f ClOrdIDField) Value() string
type ClearingAccountField ¶
ClearingAccountField is a STRING field.
func NewClearingAccount ¶
func NewClearingAccount(val string) ClearingAccountField
NewClearingAccount returns a new ClearingAccountField initialized with val.
func (ClearingAccountField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingAccountField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingAccount (440).
func (ClearingAccountField) Value ¶
func (f ClearingAccountField) Value() string
type ClearingFirmField ¶
ClearingFirmField is a STRING field.
func NewClearingFirm ¶
func NewClearingFirm(val string) ClearingFirmField
NewClearingFirm returns a new ClearingFirmField initialized with val.
func (ClearingFirmField) Tag ¶
func (f ClearingFirmField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClearingFirm (439).
func (ClearingFirmField) Value ¶
func (f ClearingFirmField) Value() string
type ClientBidIDField ¶
ClientBidIDField is a STRING field.
func NewClientBidID ¶
func NewClientBidID(val string) ClientBidIDField
NewClientBidID returns a new ClientBidIDField initialized with val.
func (ClientBidIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ClientBidIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClientBidID (391).
func (ClientBidIDField) Value ¶
func (f ClientBidIDField) Value() string
type ClientIDField ¶
ClientIDField is a STRING field.
func NewClientID ¶
func NewClientID(val string) ClientIDField
NewClientID returns a new ClientIDField initialized with val.
func (ClientIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ClientIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ClientID (109).
func (ClientIDField) Value ¶
func (f ClientIDField) Value() string
type CommTypeField ¶
CommTypeField is a enum.CommType field.
func NewCommType ¶
func NewCommType(val enum.CommType) CommTypeField
func (CommTypeField) Value ¶
func (f CommTypeField) Value() enum.CommType
type CommissionField ¶
type CommissionField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CommissionField is a AMT field.
func NewCommission ¶
func NewCommission(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CommissionField
NewCommission returns a new CommissionField initialized with val and scale.
func (CommissionField) Tag ¶
func (f CommissionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Commission (12).
func (CommissionField) Value ¶
func (f CommissionField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ComplianceIDField ¶
ComplianceIDField is a STRING field.
func NewComplianceID ¶
func NewComplianceID(val string) ComplianceIDField
NewComplianceID returns a new ComplianceIDField initialized with val.
func (ComplianceIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ComplianceIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ComplianceID (376).
func (ComplianceIDField) Value ¶
func (f ComplianceIDField) Value() string
type ContraBrokerField ¶
ContraBrokerField is a STRING field.
func NewContraBroker ¶
func NewContraBroker(val string) ContraBrokerField
NewContraBroker returns a new ContraBrokerField initialized with val.
func (ContraBrokerField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraBrokerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraBroker (375).
func (ContraBrokerField) Value ¶
func (f ContraBrokerField) Value() string
type ContraTradeQtyField ¶
type ContraTradeQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ContraTradeQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewContraTradeQty ¶
func NewContraTradeQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ContraTradeQtyField
NewContraTradeQty returns a new ContraTradeQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (ContraTradeQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraTradeQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraTradeQty (437).
func (ContraTradeQtyField) Value ¶
func (f ContraTradeQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ContraTradeTimeField ¶
type ContraTradeTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ContraTradeTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewContraTradeTime ¶
func NewContraTradeTime(val time.Time) ContraTradeTimeField
NewContraTradeTime returns a new ContraTradeTimeField initialized with val.
func NewContraTradeTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewContraTradeTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) ContraTradeTimeField
NewContraTradeTimeNoMillis returns a new ContraTradeTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewContraTradeTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewContraTradeTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ContraTradeTimeField
NewContraTradeTimeWithPrecision returns a new ContraTradeTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (ContraTradeTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraTradeTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraTradeTime (438).
func (ContraTradeTimeField) Value ¶
func (f ContraTradeTimeField) Value() time.Time
type ContraTraderField ¶
ContraTraderField is a STRING field.
func NewContraTrader ¶
func NewContraTrader(val string) ContraTraderField
NewContraTrader returns a new ContraTraderField initialized with val.
func (ContraTraderField) Tag ¶
func (f ContraTraderField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContraTrader (337).
func (ContraTraderField) Value ¶
func (f ContraTraderField) Value() string
type ContractMultiplierField ¶
type ContractMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ContractMultiplierField is a FLOAT field.
func NewContractMultiplier ¶
func NewContractMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ContractMultiplierField
NewContractMultiplier returns a new ContractMultiplierField initialized with val and scale.
func (ContractMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f ContractMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ContractMultiplier (231).
func (ContractMultiplierField) Value ¶
func (f ContractMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CorporateActionField ¶
CorporateActionField is a enum.CorporateAction field.
func NewCorporateAction ¶
func NewCorporateAction(val enum.CorporateAction) CorporateActionField
func (CorporateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f CorporateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CorporateAction (292).
func (CorporateActionField) Value ¶
func (f CorporateActionField) Value() enum.CorporateAction
type CountryField ¶
CountryField is a STRING field.
func NewCountry ¶
func NewCountry(val string) CountryField
NewCountry returns a new CountryField initialized with val.
func (CountryField) Value ¶
func (f CountryField) Value() string
type CouponRateField ¶
type CouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CouponRateField is a FLOAT field.
func NewCouponRate ¶
func NewCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CouponRateField
NewCouponRate returns a new CouponRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (CouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f CouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CouponRate (223).
func (CouponRateField) Value ¶
func (f CouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CoveredOrUncoveredField ¶
CoveredOrUncoveredField is a enum.CoveredOrUncovered field.
func NewCoveredOrUncovered ¶
func NewCoveredOrUncovered(val enum.CoveredOrUncovered) CoveredOrUncoveredField
func (CoveredOrUncoveredField) Tag ¶
func (f CoveredOrUncoveredField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CoveredOrUncovered (203).
func (CoveredOrUncoveredField) Value ¶
func (f CoveredOrUncoveredField) Value() enum.CoveredOrUncovered
type CrossPercentField ¶
type CrossPercentField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CrossPercentField is a FLOAT field.
func NewCrossPercent ¶
func NewCrossPercent(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CrossPercentField
NewCrossPercent returns a new CrossPercentField initialized with val and scale.
func (CrossPercentField) Tag ¶
func (f CrossPercentField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CrossPercent (413).
func (CrossPercentField) Value ¶
func (f CrossPercentField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CumQtyField ¶
type CumQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CumQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewCumQty ¶
func NewCumQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CumQtyField
NewCumQty returns a new CumQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (CumQtyField) Value ¶
func (f CumQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CurrencyField ¶
CurrencyField is a CURRENCY field.
func NewCurrency ¶
func NewCurrency(val string) CurrencyField
NewCurrency returns a new CurrencyField initialized with val.
func (CurrencyField) Value ¶
func (f CurrencyField) Value() string
type CustomerOrFirmField ¶
CustomerOrFirmField is a enum.CustomerOrFirm field.
func NewCustomerOrFirm ¶
func NewCustomerOrFirm(val enum.CustomerOrFirm) CustomerOrFirmField
func (CustomerOrFirmField) Tag ¶
func (f CustomerOrFirmField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CustomerOrFirm (204).
func (CustomerOrFirmField) Value ¶
func (f CustomerOrFirmField) Value() enum.CustomerOrFirm
type CxlQtyField ¶
type CxlQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
CxlQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewCxlQty ¶
func NewCxlQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) CxlQtyField
NewCxlQty returns a new CxlQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (CxlQtyField) Value ¶
func (f CxlQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type CxlRejReasonField ¶
CxlRejReasonField is a enum.CxlRejReason field.
func NewCxlRejReason ¶
func NewCxlRejReason(val enum.CxlRejReason) CxlRejReasonField
func (CxlRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f CxlRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CxlRejReason (102).
func (CxlRejReasonField) Value ¶
func (f CxlRejReasonField) Value() enum.CxlRejReason
type CxlRejResponseToField ¶
CxlRejResponseToField is a enum.CxlRejResponseTo field.
func NewCxlRejResponseTo ¶
func NewCxlRejResponseTo(val enum.CxlRejResponseTo) CxlRejResponseToField
func (CxlRejResponseToField) Tag ¶
func (f CxlRejResponseToField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.CxlRejResponseTo (434).
func (CxlRejResponseToField) Value ¶
func (f CxlRejResponseToField) Value() enum.CxlRejResponseTo
type CxlTypeField ¶
CxlTypeField is a CHAR field.
func NewCxlType ¶
func NewCxlType(val string) CxlTypeField
NewCxlType returns a new CxlTypeField initialized with val.
func (CxlTypeField) Value ¶
func (f CxlTypeField) Value() string
type DKReasonField ¶
DKReasonField is a enum.DKReason field.
func NewDKReason ¶
func NewDKReason(val enum.DKReason) DKReasonField
func (DKReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f DKReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DKReason (127).
func (DKReasonField) Value ¶
func (f DKReasonField) Value() enum.DKReason
type DayAvgPxField ¶
type DayAvgPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DayAvgPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewDayAvgPx ¶
func NewDayAvgPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DayAvgPxField
NewDayAvgPx returns a new DayAvgPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (DayAvgPxField) Tag ¶
func (f DayAvgPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DayAvgPx (426).
func (DayAvgPxField) Value ¶
func (f DayAvgPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DayCumQtyField ¶
type DayCumQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DayCumQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewDayCumQty ¶
func NewDayCumQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DayCumQtyField
NewDayCumQty returns a new DayCumQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (DayCumQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DayCumQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DayCumQty (425).
func (DayCumQtyField) Value ¶
func (f DayCumQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DayOrderQtyField ¶
type DayOrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DayOrderQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewDayOrderQty ¶
func NewDayOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DayOrderQtyField
NewDayOrderQty returns a new DayOrderQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (DayOrderQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f DayOrderQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DayOrderQty (424).
func (DayOrderQtyField) Value ¶
func (f DayOrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DefBidSizeField ¶
type DefBidSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DefBidSizeField is a QTY field.
func NewDefBidSize ¶
func NewDefBidSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DefBidSizeField
NewDefBidSize returns a new DefBidSizeField initialized with val and scale.
func (DefBidSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f DefBidSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefBidSize (293).
func (DefBidSizeField) Value ¶
func (f DefBidSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DefOfferSizeField ¶
type DefOfferSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DefOfferSizeField is a QTY field.
func NewDefOfferSize ¶
func NewDefOfferSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DefOfferSizeField
NewDefOfferSize returns a new DefOfferSizeField initialized with val and scale.
func (DefOfferSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f DefOfferSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DefOfferSize (294).
func (DefOfferSizeField) Value ¶
func (f DefOfferSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DeleteReasonField ¶
DeleteReasonField is a enum.DeleteReason field.
func NewDeleteReason ¶
func NewDeleteReason(val enum.DeleteReason) DeleteReasonField
func (DeleteReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f DeleteReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeleteReason (285).
func (DeleteReasonField) Value ¶
func (f DeleteReasonField) Value() enum.DeleteReason
type DeliverToCompIDField ¶
DeliverToCompIDField is a STRING field.
func NewDeliverToCompID ¶
func NewDeliverToCompID(val string) DeliverToCompIDField
NewDeliverToCompID returns a new DeliverToCompIDField initialized with val.
func (DeliverToCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliverToCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliverToCompID (128).
func (DeliverToCompIDField) Value ¶
func (f DeliverToCompIDField) Value() string
type DeliverToLocationIDField ¶
DeliverToLocationIDField is a STRING field.
func NewDeliverToLocationID ¶
func NewDeliverToLocationID(val string) DeliverToLocationIDField
NewDeliverToLocationID returns a new DeliverToLocationIDField initialized with val.
func (DeliverToLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliverToLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliverToLocationID (145).
func (DeliverToLocationIDField) Value ¶
func (f DeliverToLocationIDField) Value() string
type DeliverToSubIDField ¶
DeliverToSubIDField is a STRING field.
func NewDeliverToSubID ¶
func NewDeliverToSubID(val string) DeliverToSubIDField
NewDeliverToSubID returns a new DeliverToSubIDField initialized with val.
func (DeliverToSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f DeliverToSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DeliverToSubID (129).
func (DeliverToSubIDField) Value ¶
func (f DeliverToSubIDField) Value() string
type DeskIDField ¶
DeskIDField is a STRING field.
func NewDeskID ¶
func NewDeskID(val string) DeskIDField
NewDeskID returns a new DeskIDField initialized with val.
func (DeskIDField) Value ¶
func (f DeskIDField) Value() string
type DiscretionInstField ¶
DiscretionInstField is a enum.DiscretionInst field.
func NewDiscretionInst ¶
func NewDiscretionInst(val enum.DiscretionInst) DiscretionInstField
func (DiscretionInstField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionInst (388).
func (DiscretionInstField) Value ¶
func (f DiscretionInstField) Value() enum.DiscretionInst
type DiscretionOffsetField ¶
type DiscretionOffsetField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
DiscretionOffsetField is a PRICEOFFSET field.
func NewDiscretionOffset ¶
func NewDiscretionOffset(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) DiscretionOffsetField
NewDiscretionOffset returns a new DiscretionOffsetField initialized with val and scale.
func (DiscretionOffsetField) Tag ¶
func (f DiscretionOffsetField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DiscretionOffset (389).
func (DiscretionOffsetField) Value ¶
func (f DiscretionOffsetField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type DlvyInstField ¶
DlvyInstField is a STRING field.
func NewDlvyInst ¶
func NewDlvyInst(val string) DlvyInstField
NewDlvyInst returns a new DlvyInstField initialized with val.
func (DlvyInstField) Value ¶
func (f DlvyInstField) Value() string
type DropCopyFlagField ¶
DropCopyFlagField is a enum.DropCopyFlag field.
func NewDropCopyFlag ¶
func NewDropCopyFlag(val enum.DropCopyFlag) DropCopyFlagField
func (DropCopyFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f DropCopyFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DropCopyFlag (9406).
func (DropCopyFlagField) Value ¶
func (f DropCopyFlagField) Value() enum.DropCopyFlag
type DueToRelatedField ¶
type DueToRelatedField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
DueToRelatedField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewDueToRelated ¶
func NewDueToRelated(val bool) DueToRelatedField
NewDueToRelated returns a new DueToRelatedField initialized with val.
func (DueToRelatedField) Tag ¶
func (f DueToRelatedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.DueToRelated (329).
func (DueToRelatedField) Value ¶
func (f DueToRelatedField) Value() bool
type EFPTrackingErrorField ¶
type EFPTrackingErrorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
EFPTrackingErrorField is a FLOAT field.
func NewEFPTrackingError ¶
func NewEFPTrackingError(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) EFPTrackingErrorField
NewEFPTrackingError returns a new EFPTrackingErrorField initialized with val and scale.
func (EFPTrackingErrorField) Tag ¶
func (f EFPTrackingErrorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EFPTrackingError (405).
func (EFPTrackingErrorField) Value ¶
func (f EFPTrackingErrorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type EffectiveTimeField ¶
type EffectiveTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
EffectiveTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewEffectiveTime ¶
func NewEffectiveTime(val time.Time) EffectiveTimeField
NewEffectiveTime returns a new EffectiveTimeField initialized with val.
func NewEffectiveTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewEffectiveTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) EffectiveTimeField
NewEffectiveTimeNoMillis returns a new EffectiveTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewEffectiveTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewEffectiveTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) EffectiveTimeField
NewEffectiveTimeWithPrecision returns a new EffectiveTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (EffectiveTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f EffectiveTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EffectiveTime (168).
func (EffectiveTimeField) Value ¶
func (f EffectiveTimeField) Value() time.Time
type EmailThreadIDField ¶
EmailThreadIDField is a STRING field.
func NewEmailThreadID ¶
func NewEmailThreadID(val string) EmailThreadIDField
NewEmailThreadID returns a new EmailThreadIDField initialized with val.
func (EmailThreadIDField) Tag ¶
func (f EmailThreadIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EmailThreadID (164).
func (EmailThreadIDField) Value ¶
func (f EmailThreadIDField) Value() string
type EmailTypeField ¶
EmailTypeField is a enum.EmailType field.
func NewEmailType ¶
func NewEmailType(val enum.EmailType) EmailTypeField
func (EmailTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f EmailTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EmailType (94).
func (EmailTypeField) Value ¶
func (f EmailTypeField) Value() enum.EmailType
type EncodedAllocTextField ¶
EncodedAllocTextField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedAllocText ¶
func NewEncodedAllocText(val string) EncodedAllocTextField
NewEncodedAllocText returns a new EncodedAllocTextField initialized with val.
func (EncodedAllocTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedAllocTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedAllocText (361).
func (EncodedAllocTextField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedAllocTextField) Value() string
type EncodedAllocTextLenField ¶
EncodedAllocTextLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedAllocTextLen ¶
func NewEncodedAllocTextLen(val int) EncodedAllocTextLenField
NewEncodedAllocTextLen returns a new EncodedAllocTextLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedAllocTextLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedAllocTextLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedAllocTextLen (360).
func (EncodedAllocTextLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedAllocTextLenField) Value() int
type EncodedHeadlineField ¶
EncodedHeadlineField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedHeadline ¶
func NewEncodedHeadline(val string) EncodedHeadlineField
NewEncodedHeadline returns a new EncodedHeadlineField initialized with val.
func (EncodedHeadlineField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedHeadlineField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedHeadline (359).
func (EncodedHeadlineField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedHeadlineField) Value() string
type EncodedHeadlineLenField ¶
EncodedHeadlineLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedHeadlineLen ¶
func NewEncodedHeadlineLen(val int) EncodedHeadlineLenField
NewEncodedHeadlineLen returns a new EncodedHeadlineLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedHeadlineLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedHeadlineLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedHeadlineLen (358).
func (EncodedHeadlineLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedHeadlineLenField) Value() int
type EncodedIssuerField ¶
EncodedIssuerField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedIssuer ¶
func NewEncodedIssuer(val string) EncodedIssuerField
NewEncodedIssuer returns a new EncodedIssuerField initialized with val.
func (EncodedIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedIssuer (349).
func (EncodedIssuerField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedIssuerField) Value() string
type EncodedIssuerLenField ¶
EncodedIssuerLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func NewEncodedIssuerLen(val int) EncodedIssuerLenField
NewEncodedIssuerLen returns a new EncodedIssuerLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedIssuerLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedIssuerLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedIssuerLen (348).
func (EncodedIssuerLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedIssuerLenField) Value() int
type EncodedListExecInstField ¶
EncodedListExecInstField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedListExecInst ¶
func NewEncodedListExecInst(val string) EncodedListExecInstField
NewEncodedListExecInst returns a new EncodedListExecInstField initialized with val.
func (EncodedListExecInstField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListExecInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListExecInst (353).
func (EncodedListExecInstField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedListExecInstField) Value() string
type EncodedListExecInstLenField ¶
EncodedListExecInstLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedListExecInstLen ¶
func NewEncodedListExecInstLen(val int) EncodedListExecInstLenField
NewEncodedListExecInstLen returns a new EncodedListExecInstLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedListExecInstLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListExecInstLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListExecInstLen (352).
func (EncodedListExecInstLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedListExecInstLenField) Value() int
type EncodedListStatusTextField ¶
EncodedListStatusTextField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedListStatusText ¶
func NewEncodedListStatusText(val string) EncodedListStatusTextField
NewEncodedListStatusText returns a new EncodedListStatusTextField initialized with val.
func (EncodedListStatusTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListStatusTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListStatusText (446).
func (EncodedListStatusTextField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedListStatusTextField) Value() string
type EncodedListStatusTextLenField ¶
EncodedListStatusTextLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedListStatusTextLen ¶
func NewEncodedListStatusTextLen(val int) EncodedListStatusTextLenField
NewEncodedListStatusTextLen returns a new EncodedListStatusTextLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedListStatusTextLen (445).
func (EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedListStatusTextLenField) Value() int
type EncodedSecurityDescField ¶
EncodedSecurityDescField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func NewEncodedSecurityDesc(val string) EncodedSecurityDescField
NewEncodedSecurityDesc returns a new EncodedSecurityDescField initialized with val.
func (EncodedSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSecurityDesc (351).
func (EncodedSecurityDescField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityDescField) Value() string
type EncodedSecurityDescLenField ¶
EncodedSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedSecurityDescLen(val int) EncodedSecurityDescLenField
NewEncodedSecurityDescLen returns a new EncodedSecurityDescLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSecurityDescLen (350).
func (EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type EncodedSubjectField ¶
EncodedSubjectField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedSubject ¶
func NewEncodedSubject(val string) EncodedSubjectField
NewEncodedSubject returns a new EncodedSubjectField initialized with val.
func (EncodedSubjectField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSubjectField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSubject (357).
func (EncodedSubjectField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedSubjectField) Value() string
type EncodedSubjectLenField ¶
EncodedSubjectLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedSubjectLen ¶
func NewEncodedSubjectLen(val int) EncodedSubjectLenField
NewEncodedSubjectLen returns a new EncodedSubjectLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedSubjectLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedSubjectLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedSubjectLen (356).
func (EncodedSubjectLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedSubjectLenField) Value() int
type EncodedTextField ¶
EncodedTextField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedText ¶
func NewEncodedText(val string) EncodedTextField
NewEncodedText returns a new EncodedTextField initialized with val.
func (EncodedTextField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedText (355).
func (EncodedTextField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedTextField) Value() string
type EncodedTextLenField ¶
EncodedTextLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedTextLen ¶
func NewEncodedTextLen(val int) EncodedTextLenField
NewEncodedTextLen returns a new EncodedTextLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedTextLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedTextLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedTextLen (354).
func (EncodedTextLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedTextLenField) Value() int
type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField ¶
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuer(val string) EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField
NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuer returns a new EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField initialized with val.
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingIssuer (363).
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerField) Value() string
type EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField ¶
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen(val int) EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField
NewEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen returns a new EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen (362).
func (EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLenField) Value() int
type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField ¶
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField is a DATA field.
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc(val string) EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField
NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns a new EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField initialized with val.
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc (365).
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value() string
type EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField ¶
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen(val int) EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField
NewEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen returns a new EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField initialized with val.
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Tag ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen (364).
func (EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Value ¶
func (f EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLenField) Value() int
type EncryptMethodField ¶
EncryptMethodField is a enum.EncryptMethod field.
func NewEncryptMethod ¶
func NewEncryptMethod(val enum.EncryptMethod) EncryptMethodField
func (EncryptMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f EncryptMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.EncryptMethod (98).
func (EncryptMethodField) Value ¶
func (f EncryptMethodField) Value() enum.EncryptMethod
type EndSeqNoField ¶
EndSeqNoField is a INT field.
func NewEndSeqNo ¶
func NewEndSeqNo(val int) EndSeqNoField
NewEndSeqNo returns a new EndSeqNoField initialized with val.
func (EndSeqNoField) Value ¶
func (f EndSeqNoField) Value() int
type ExDestinationField ¶
ExDestinationField is a EXCHANGE field.
func NewExDestination ¶
func NewExDestination(val string) ExDestinationField
NewExDestination returns a new ExDestinationField initialized with val.
func (ExDestinationField) Tag ¶
func (f ExDestinationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExDestination (100).
func (ExDestinationField) Value ¶
func (f ExDestinationField) Value() string
type ExchangeForPhysicalField ¶
type ExchangeForPhysicalField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ExchangeForPhysicalField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewExchangeForPhysical ¶
func NewExchangeForPhysical(val bool) ExchangeForPhysicalField
NewExchangeForPhysical returns a new ExchangeForPhysicalField initialized with val.
func (ExchangeForPhysicalField) Tag ¶
func (f ExchangeForPhysicalField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExchangeForPhysical (411).
func (ExchangeForPhysicalField) Value ¶
func (f ExchangeForPhysicalField) Value() bool
type ExecBrokerField ¶
ExecBrokerField is a STRING field.
func NewExecBroker ¶
func NewExecBroker(val string) ExecBrokerField
NewExecBroker returns a new ExecBrokerField initialized with val.
func (ExecBrokerField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecBrokerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecBroker (76).
func (ExecBrokerField) Value ¶
func (f ExecBrokerField) Value() string
type ExecIDField ¶
ExecIDField is a STRING field.
func NewExecID ¶
func NewExecID(val string) ExecIDField
NewExecID returns a new ExecIDField initialized with val.
func (ExecIDField) Value ¶
func (f ExecIDField) Value() string
type ExecInstField ¶
ExecInstField is a enum.ExecInst field.
func NewExecInst ¶
func NewExecInst(val enum.ExecInst) ExecInstField
func (ExecInstField) Value ¶
func (f ExecInstField) Value() enum.ExecInst
type ExecRefIDField ¶
ExecRefIDField is a STRING field.
func NewExecRefID ¶
func NewExecRefID(val string) ExecRefIDField
NewExecRefID returns a new ExecRefIDField initialized with val.
func (ExecRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecRefID (19).
func (ExecRefIDField) Value ¶
func (f ExecRefIDField) Value() string
type ExecRestatementReasonField ¶
ExecRestatementReasonField is a enum.ExecRestatementReason field.
func NewExecRestatementReason ¶
func NewExecRestatementReason(val enum.ExecRestatementReason) ExecRestatementReasonField
func (ExecRestatementReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecRestatementReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecRestatementReason (378).
func (ExecRestatementReasonField) Value ¶
func (f ExecRestatementReasonField) Value() enum.ExecRestatementReason
type ExecTransTypeField ¶
ExecTransTypeField is a enum.ExecTransType field.
func NewExecTransType ¶
func NewExecTransType(val enum.ExecTransType) ExecTransTypeField
func (ExecTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecTransType (20).
func (ExecTransTypeField) Value ¶
func (f ExecTransTypeField) Value() enum.ExecTransType
type ExecTypeField ¶
ExecTypeField is a enum.ExecType field.
func NewExecType ¶
func NewExecType(val enum.ExecType) ExecTypeField
func (ExecTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExecTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExecType (150).
func (ExecTypeField) Value ¶
func (f ExecTypeField) Value() enum.ExecType
type ExpireDateField ¶
ExpireDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field.
func NewExpireDate ¶
func NewExpireDate(val string) ExpireDateField
NewExpireDate returns a new ExpireDateField initialized with val.
func (ExpireDateField) Tag ¶
func (f ExpireDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExpireDate (432).
func (ExpireDateField) Value ¶
func (f ExpireDateField) Value() string
type ExpireTimeField ¶
type ExpireTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ExpireTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewExpireTime ¶
func NewExpireTime(val time.Time) ExpireTimeField
NewExpireTime returns a new ExpireTimeField initialized with val.
func NewExpireTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewExpireTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) ExpireTimeField
NewExpireTimeNoMillis returns a new ExpireTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewExpireTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewExpireTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ExpireTimeField
NewExpireTimeWithPrecision returns a new ExpireTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (ExpireTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ExpireTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ExpireTime (126).
func (ExpireTimeField) Value ¶
func (f ExpireTimeField) Value() time.Time
type FairValueField ¶
type FairValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
FairValueField is a AMT field.
func NewFairValue ¶
func NewFairValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) FairValueField
NewFairValue returns a new FairValueField initialized with val and scale.
func (FairValueField) Tag ¶
func (f FairValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FairValue (406).
func (FairValueField) Value ¶
func (f FairValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type FinancialStatusField ¶
FinancialStatusField is a enum.FinancialStatus field.
func NewFinancialStatus ¶
func NewFinancialStatus(val enum.FinancialStatus) FinancialStatusField
func (FinancialStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f FinancialStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FinancialStatus (291).
func (FinancialStatusField) Value ¶
func (f FinancialStatusField) Value() enum.FinancialStatus
type ForexReqField ¶
type ForexReqField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ForexReqField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewForexReq ¶
func NewForexReq(val bool) ForexReqField
NewForexReq returns a new ForexReqField initialized with val.
func (ForexReqField) Tag ¶
func (f ForexReqField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ForexReq (121).
func (ForexReqField) Value ¶
func (f ForexReqField) Value() bool
type FutSettDate2Field ¶
FutSettDate2Field is a LOCALMKTDATE field.
func NewFutSettDate2 ¶
func NewFutSettDate2(val string) FutSettDate2Field
NewFutSettDate2 returns a new FutSettDate2Field initialized with val.
func (FutSettDate2Field) Tag ¶
func (f FutSettDate2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FutSettDate2 (193).
func (FutSettDate2Field) Value ¶
func (f FutSettDate2Field) Value() string
type FutSettDateField ¶
FutSettDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field.
func NewFutSettDate ¶
func NewFutSettDate(val string) FutSettDateField
NewFutSettDate returns a new FutSettDateField initialized with val.
func (FutSettDateField) Tag ¶
func (f FutSettDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.FutSettDate (64).
func (FutSettDateField) Value ¶
func (f FutSettDateField) Value() string
type GTBookingInstField ¶
GTBookingInstField is a enum.GTBookingInst field.
func NewGTBookingInst ¶
func NewGTBookingInst(val enum.GTBookingInst) GTBookingInstField
func (GTBookingInstField) Tag ¶
func (f GTBookingInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.GTBookingInst (427).
func (GTBookingInstField) Value ¶
func (f GTBookingInstField) Value() enum.GTBookingInst
type GapFillFlagField ¶
type GapFillFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
GapFillFlagField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewGapFillFlag ¶
func NewGapFillFlag(val bool) GapFillFlagField
NewGapFillFlag returns a new GapFillFlagField initialized with val.
func (GapFillFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f GapFillFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.GapFillFlag (123).
func (GapFillFlagField) Value ¶
func (f GapFillFlagField) Value() bool
type GrossTradeAmtField ¶
type GrossTradeAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
GrossTradeAmtField is a AMT field.
func NewGrossTradeAmt ¶
func NewGrossTradeAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) GrossTradeAmtField
NewGrossTradeAmt returns a new GrossTradeAmtField initialized with val and scale.
func (GrossTradeAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f GrossTradeAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.GrossTradeAmt (381).
func (GrossTradeAmtField) Value ¶
func (f GrossTradeAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type HaltReasonCharField ¶
HaltReasonCharField is a enum.HaltReasonChar field.
func NewHaltReasonChar ¶
func NewHaltReasonChar(val enum.HaltReasonChar) HaltReasonCharField
func (HaltReasonCharField) Tag ¶
func (f HaltReasonCharField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HaltReasonChar (327).
func (HaltReasonCharField) Value ¶
func (f HaltReasonCharField) Value() enum.HaltReasonChar
type HandlInstField ¶
HandlInstField is a enum.HandlInst field.
func NewHandlInst ¶
func NewHandlInst(val enum.HandlInst) HandlInstField
func (HandlInstField) Tag ¶
func (f HandlInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HandlInst (21).
func (HandlInstField) Value ¶
func (f HandlInstField) Value() enum.HandlInst
type HeadlineField ¶
HeadlineField is a STRING field.
func NewHeadline ¶
func NewHeadline(val string) HeadlineField
NewHeadline returns a new HeadlineField initialized with val.
func (HeadlineField) Tag ¶
func (f HeadlineField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Headline (148).
func (HeadlineField) Value ¶
func (f HeadlineField) Value() string
type HeartBtIntField ¶
HeartBtIntField is a INT field.
func NewHeartBtInt ¶
func NewHeartBtInt(val int) HeartBtIntField
NewHeartBtInt returns a new HeartBtIntField initialized with val.
func (HeartBtIntField) Tag ¶
func (f HeartBtIntField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.HeartBtInt (108).
func (HeartBtIntField) Value ¶
func (f HeartBtIntField) Value() int
type HighPxField ¶
type HighPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
HighPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewHighPx ¶
func NewHighPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) HighPxField
NewHighPx returns a new HighPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (HighPxField) Value ¶
func (f HighPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type IDSourceField ¶
IDSourceField is a enum.IDSource field.
func NewIDSource ¶
func NewIDSource(val enum.IDSource) IDSourceField
func (IDSourceField) Value ¶
func (f IDSourceField) Value() enum.IDSource
type IOINaturalFlagField ¶
type IOINaturalFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
IOINaturalFlagField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewIOINaturalFlag ¶
func NewIOINaturalFlag(val bool) IOINaturalFlagField
NewIOINaturalFlag returns a new IOINaturalFlagField initialized with val.
func (IOINaturalFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f IOINaturalFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOINaturalFlag (130).
func (IOINaturalFlagField) Value ¶
func (f IOINaturalFlagField) Value() bool
type IOIOthSvcField ¶
IOIOthSvcField is a CHAR field.
func NewIOIOthSvc ¶
func NewIOIOthSvc(val string) IOIOthSvcField
NewIOIOthSvc returns a new IOIOthSvcField initialized with val.
func (IOIOthSvcField) Tag ¶
func (f IOIOthSvcField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIOthSvc (24).
func (IOIOthSvcField) Value ¶
func (f IOIOthSvcField) Value() string
type IOIQltyIndField ¶
IOIQltyIndField is a enum.IOIQltyInd field.
func NewIOIQltyInd ¶
func NewIOIQltyInd(val enum.IOIQltyInd) IOIQltyIndField
func (IOIQltyIndField) Tag ¶
func (f IOIQltyIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIQltyInd (25).
func (IOIQltyIndField) Value ¶
func (f IOIQltyIndField) Value() enum.IOIQltyInd
type IOIQualifierField ¶
IOIQualifierField is a enum.IOIQualifier field.
func NewIOIQualifier ¶
func NewIOIQualifier(val enum.IOIQualifier) IOIQualifierField
func (IOIQualifierField) Tag ¶
func (f IOIQualifierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIQualifier (104).
func (IOIQualifierField) Value ¶
func (f IOIQualifierField) Value() enum.IOIQualifier
type IOIRefIDField ¶
IOIRefIDField is a STRING field.
func NewIOIRefID ¶
func NewIOIRefID(val string) IOIRefIDField
NewIOIRefID returns a new IOIRefIDField initialized with val.
func (IOIRefIDField) Value ¶
func (f IOIRefIDField) Value() string
type IOISharesField ¶
IOISharesField is a enum.IOIShares field.
func NewIOIShares ¶
func NewIOIShares(val enum.IOIShares) IOISharesField
func (IOISharesField) Tag ¶
func (f IOISharesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOIShares (27).
func (IOISharesField) Value ¶
func (f IOISharesField) Value() enum.IOIShares
type IOITransTypeField ¶
IOITransTypeField is a enum.IOITransType field.
func NewIOITransType ¶
func NewIOITransType(val enum.IOITransType) IOITransTypeField
func (IOITransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f IOITransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IOITransType (28).
func (IOITransTypeField) Value ¶
func (f IOITransTypeField) Value() enum.IOITransType
type IOIidField ¶
IOIidField is a STRING field.
func NewIOIid ¶
func NewIOIid(val string) IOIidField
NewIOIid returns a new IOIidField initialized with val.
func (IOIidField) Value ¶
func (f IOIidField) Value() string
type InViewOfCommonField ¶
type InViewOfCommonField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
InViewOfCommonField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewInViewOfCommon ¶
func NewInViewOfCommon(val bool) InViewOfCommonField
NewInViewOfCommon returns a new InViewOfCommonField initialized with val.
func (InViewOfCommonField) Tag ¶
func (f InViewOfCommonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.InViewOfCommon (328).
func (InViewOfCommonField) Value ¶
func (f InViewOfCommonField) Value() bool
type IncTaxIndField ¶
IncTaxIndField is a enum.IncTaxInd field.
func NewIncTaxInd ¶
func NewIncTaxInd(val enum.IncTaxInd) IncTaxIndField
func (IncTaxIndField) Tag ¶
func (f IncTaxIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.IncTaxInd (416).
func (IncTaxIndField) Value ¶
func (f IncTaxIndField) Value() enum.IncTaxInd
type IssuerField ¶
IssuerField is a STRING field.
func NewIssuer ¶
func NewIssuer(val string) IssuerField
NewIssuer returns a new IssuerField initialized with val.
func (IssuerField) Value ¶
func (f IssuerField) Value() string
type LastCapacityField ¶
LastCapacityField is a enum.LastCapacity field.
func NewLastCapacity ¶
func NewLastCapacity(val enum.LastCapacity) LastCapacityField
func (LastCapacityField) Tag ¶
func (f LastCapacityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastCapacity (29).
func (LastCapacityField) Value ¶
func (f LastCapacityField) Value() enum.LastCapacity
type LastForwardPointsField ¶
type LastForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field.
func NewLastForwardPoints ¶
func NewLastForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastForwardPointsField
NewLastForwardPoints returns a new LastForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale.
func (LastForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f LastForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastForwardPoints (195).
func (LastForwardPointsField) Value ¶
func (f LastForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastMktField ¶
LastMktField is a EXCHANGE field.
func NewLastMkt ¶
func NewLastMkt(val string) LastMktField
NewLastMkt returns a new LastMktField initialized with val.
func (LastMktField) Value ¶
func (f LastMktField) Value() string
type LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField ¶
LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField is a INT field.
func NewLastMsgSeqNumProcessed ¶
func NewLastMsgSeqNumProcessed(val int) LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField
NewLastMsgSeqNumProcessed returns a new LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField initialized with val.
func (LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Tag ¶
func (f LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastMsgSeqNumProcessed (369).
func (LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Value ¶
func (f LastMsgSeqNumProcessedField) Value() int
type LastPxField ¶
type LastPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewLastPx ¶
func NewLastPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastPxField
NewLastPx returns a new LastPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (LastPxField) Value ¶
func (f LastPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastSharesField ¶
LastSharesField is a QTY field.
func NewLastShares ¶
func NewLastShares(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastSharesField
NewLastShares returns a new LastSharesField initialized with val and scale.
func (LastSharesField) Tag ¶
func (f LastSharesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastShares (32).
func (LastSharesField) Value ¶
func (f LastSharesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LastSpotRateField ¶
type LastSpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LastSpotRateField is a PRICE field.
func NewLastSpotRate ¶
func NewLastSpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LastSpotRateField
NewLastSpotRate returns a new LastSpotRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (LastSpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f LastSpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LastSpotRate (194).
func (LastSpotRateField) Value ¶
func (f LastSpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LeavesQtyField ¶
type LeavesQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LeavesQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewLeavesQty ¶
func NewLeavesQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LeavesQtyField
NewLeavesQty returns a new LeavesQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (LeavesQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f LeavesQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LeavesQty (151).
func (LeavesQtyField) Value ¶
func (f LeavesQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LinesOfTextField ¶
LinesOfTextField is a INT field.
func NewLinesOfText ¶
func NewLinesOfText(val int) LinesOfTextField
NewLinesOfText returns a new LinesOfTextField initialized with val.
func (LinesOfTextField) Tag ¶
func (f LinesOfTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LinesOfText (33).
func (LinesOfTextField) Value ¶
func (f LinesOfTextField) Value() int
type LiquidityIndTypeField ¶
LiquidityIndTypeField is a enum.LiquidityIndType field.
func NewLiquidityIndType ¶
func NewLiquidityIndType(val enum.LiquidityIndType) LiquidityIndTypeField
func (LiquidityIndTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityIndTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityIndType (409).
func (LiquidityIndTypeField) Value ¶
func (f LiquidityIndTypeField) Value() enum.LiquidityIndType
type LiquidityNumSecuritiesField ¶
LiquidityNumSecuritiesField is a INT field.
func NewLiquidityNumSecurities ¶
func NewLiquidityNumSecurities(val int) LiquidityNumSecuritiesField
NewLiquidityNumSecurities returns a new LiquidityNumSecuritiesField initialized with val.
func (LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityNumSecurities (441).
func (LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Value ¶
func (f LiquidityNumSecuritiesField) Value() int
type LiquidityPctHighField ¶
type LiquidityPctHighField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LiquidityPctHighField is a FLOAT field.
func NewLiquidityPctHigh ¶
func NewLiquidityPctHigh(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LiquidityPctHighField
NewLiquidityPctHigh returns a new LiquidityPctHighField initialized with val and scale.
func (LiquidityPctHighField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityPctHighField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityPctHigh (403).
func (LiquidityPctHighField) Value ¶
func (f LiquidityPctHighField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LiquidityPctLowField ¶
type LiquidityPctLowField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LiquidityPctLowField is a FLOAT field.
func NewLiquidityPctLow ¶
func NewLiquidityPctLow(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LiquidityPctLowField
NewLiquidityPctLow returns a new LiquidityPctLowField initialized with val and scale.
func (LiquidityPctLowField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityPctLowField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityPctLow (402).
func (LiquidityPctLowField) Value ¶
func (f LiquidityPctLowField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type LiquidityValueField ¶
type LiquidityValueField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LiquidityValueField is a AMT field.
func NewLiquidityValue ¶
func NewLiquidityValue(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LiquidityValueField
NewLiquidityValue returns a new LiquidityValueField initialized with val and scale.
func (LiquidityValueField) Tag ¶
func (f LiquidityValueField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LiquidityValue (404).
func (LiquidityValueField) Value ¶
func (f LiquidityValueField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type ListExecInstField ¶
ListExecInstField is a STRING field.
func NewListExecInst ¶
func NewListExecInst(val string) ListExecInstField
NewListExecInst returns a new ListExecInstField initialized with val.
func (ListExecInstField) Tag ¶
func (f ListExecInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListExecInst (69).
func (ListExecInstField) Value ¶
func (f ListExecInstField) Value() string
type ListExecInstTypeField ¶
ListExecInstTypeField is a enum.ListExecInstType field.
func NewListExecInstType ¶
func NewListExecInstType(val enum.ListExecInstType) ListExecInstTypeField
func (ListExecInstTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ListExecInstTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListExecInstType (433).
func (ListExecInstTypeField) Value ¶
func (f ListExecInstTypeField) Value() enum.ListExecInstType
type ListIDField ¶
ListIDField is a STRING field.
func NewListID ¶
func NewListID(val string) ListIDField
NewListID returns a new ListIDField initialized with val.
func (ListIDField) Value ¶
func (f ListIDField) Value() string
type ListNameField ¶
ListNameField is a STRING field.
func NewListName ¶
func NewListName(val string) ListNameField
NewListName returns a new ListNameField initialized with val.
func (ListNameField) Tag ¶
func (f ListNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListName (392).
func (ListNameField) Value ¶
func (f ListNameField) Value() string
type ListOrderStatusField ¶
ListOrderStatusField is a INT field.
func NewListOrderStatus ¶
func NewListOrderStatus(val int) ListOrderStatusField
NewListOrderStatus returns a new ListOrderStatusField initialized with val.
func (ListOrderStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f ListOrderStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListOrderStatus (431).
func (ListOrderStatusField) Value ¶
func (f ListOrderStatusField) Value() int
type ListSeqNoField ¶
ListSeqNoField is a INT field.
func NewListSeqNo ¶
func NewListSeqNo(val int) ListSeqNoField
NewListSeqNo returns a new ListSeqNoField initialized with val.
func (ListSeqNoField) Tag ¶
func (f ListSeqNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListSeqNo (67).
func (ListSeqNoField) Value ¶
func (f ListSeqNoField) Value() int
type ListStatusTextField ¶
ListStatusTextField is a STRING field.
func NewListStatusText ¶
func NewListStatusText(val string) ListStatusTextField
NewListStatusText returns a new ListStatusTextField initialized with val.
func (ListStatusTextField) Tag ¶
func (f ListStatusTextField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListStatusText (444).
func (ListStatusTextField) Value ¶
func (f ListStatusTextField) Value() string
type ListStatusTypeField ¶
ListStatusTypeField is a INT field.
func NewListStatusType ¶
func NewListStatusType(val int) ListStatusTypeField
NewListStatusType returns a new ListStatusTypeField initialized with val.
func (ListStatusTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f ListStatusTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ListStatusType (429).
func (ListStatusTypeField) Value ¶
func (f ListStatusTypeField) Value() int
type LocateReqdField ¶
type LocateReqdField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
LocateReqdField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewLocateReqd ¶
func NewLocateReqd(val bool) LocateReqdField
NewLocateReqd returns a new LocateReqdField initialized with val.
func (LocateReqdField) Tag ¶
func (f LocateReqdField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LocateReqd (114).
func (LocateReqdField) Value ¶
func (f LocateReqdField) Value() bool
type LocationIDField ¶
LocationIDField is a STRING field.
func NewLocationID ¶
func NewLocationID(val string) LocationIDField
NewLocationID returns a new LocationIDField initialized with val.
func (LocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f LocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.LocationID (283).
func (LocationIDField) Value ¶
func (f LocationIDField) Value() string
type LowPxField ¶
type LowPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
LowPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewLowPx ¶
func NewLowPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) LowPxField
NewLowPx returns a new LowPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (LowPxField) Value ¶
func (f LowPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntryBuyerField ¶
MDEntryBuyerField is a STRING field.
func NewMDEntryBuyer ¶
func NewMDEntryBuyer(val string) MDEntryBuyerField
NewMDEntryBuyer returns a new MDEntryBuyerField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryBuyerField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryBuyerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryBuyer (288).
func (MDEntryBuyerField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryBuyerField) Value() string
type MDEntryDateField ¶
MDEntryDateField is a UTCDATE field.
func NewMDEntryDate ¶
func NewMDEntryDate(val string) MDEntryDateField
NewMDEntryDate returns a new MDEntryDateField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryDateField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryDate (272).
func (MDEntryDateField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryDateField) Value() string
type MDEntryIDField ¶
MDEntryIDField is a STRING field.
func NewMDEntryID ¶
func NewMDEntryID(val string) MDEntryIDField
NewMDEntryID returns a new MDEntryIDField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryID (278).
func (MDEntryIDField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryIDField) Value() string
type MDEntryOriginatorField ¶
MDEntryOriginatorField is a STRING field.
func NewMDEntryOriginator ¶
func NewMDEntryOriginator(val string) MDEntryOriginatorField
NewMDEntryOriginator returns a new MDEntryOriginatorField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryOriginatorField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryOriginatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryOriginator (282).
func (MDEntryOriginatorField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryOriginatorField) Value() string
type MDEntryPositionNoField ¶
MDEntryPositionNoField is a INT field.
func NewMDEntryPositionNo ¶
func NewMDEntryPositionNo(val int) MDEntryPositionNoField
NewMDEntryPositionNo returns a new MDEntryPositionNoField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryPositionNoField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryPositionNoField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryPositionNo (290).
func (MDEntryPositionNoField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryPositionNoField) Value() int
type MDEntryPxField ¶
type MDEntryPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDEntryPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewMDEntryPx ¶
func NewMDEntryPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDEntryPxField
NewMDEntryPx returns a new MDEntryPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (MDEntryPxField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryPxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryPx (270).
func (MDEntryPxField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntryRefIDField ¶
MDEntryRefIDField is a STRING field.
func NewMDEntryRefID ¶
func NewMDEntryRefID(val string) MDEntryRefIDField
NewMDEntryRefID returns a new MDEntryRefIDField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryRefID (280).
func (MDEntryRefIDField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryRefIDField) Value() string
type MDEntrySellerField ¶
MDEntrySellerField is a STRING field.
func NewMDEntrySeller ¶
func NewMDEntrySeller(val string) MDEntrySellerField
NewMDEntrySeller returns a new MDEntrySellerField initialized with val.
func (MDEntrySellerField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntrySellerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntrySeller (289).
func (MDEntrySellerField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntrySellerField) Value() string
type MDEntrySizeField ¶
type MDEntrySizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MDEntrySizeField is a QTY field.
func NewMDEntrySize ¶
func NewMDEntrySize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MDEntrySizeField
NewMDEntrySize returns a new MDEntrySizeField initialized with val and scale.
func (MDEntrySizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntrySizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntrySize (271).
func (MDEntrySizeField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntrySizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MDEntryTimeField ¶
MDEntryTimeField is a UTCTIMEONLY field.
func NewMDEntryTime ¶
func NewMDEntryTime(val string) MDEntryTimeField
NewMDEntryTime returns a new MDEntryTimeField initialized with val.
func (MDEntryTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryTime (273).
func (MDEntryTimeField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryTimeField) Value() string
type MDEntryTypeField ¶
MDEntryTypeField is a enum.MDEntryType field.
func NewMDEntryType ¶
func NewMDEntryType(val enum.MDEntryType) MDEntryTypeField
func (MDEntryTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDEntryTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDEntryType (269).
func (MDEntryTypeField) Value ¶
func (f MDEntryTypeField) Value() enum.MDEntryType
type MDMktField ¶
MDMktField is a EXCHANGE field.
func NewMDMkt ¶
func NewMDMkt(val string) MDMktField
NewMDMkt returns a new MDMktField initialized with val.
func (MDMktField) Value ¶
func (f MDMktField) Value() string
type MDReqIDField ¶
MDReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewMDReqID ¶
func NewMDReqID(val string) MDReqIDField
NewMDReqID returns a new MDReqIDField initialized with val.
func (MDReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f MDReqIDField) Value() string
type MDReqRejReasonField ¶
MDReqRejReasonField is a enum.MDReqRejReason field.
func NewMDReqRejReason ¶
func NewMDReqRejReason(val enum.MDReqRejReason) MDReqRejReasonField
func (MDReqRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f MDReqRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDReqRejReason (281).
func (MDReqRejReasonField) Value ¶
func (f MDReqRejReasonField) Value() enum.MDReqRejReason
type MDUpdateActionField ¶
MDUpdateActionField is a enum.MDUpdateAction field.
func NewMDUpdateAction ¶
func NewMDUpdateAction(val enum.MDUpdateAction) MDUpdateActionField
func (MDUpdateActionField) Tag ¶
func (f MDUpdateActionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDUpdateAction (279).
func (MDUpdateActionField) Value ¶
func (f MDUpdateActionField) Value() enum.MDUpdateAction
type MDUpdateTypeField ¶
MDUpdateTypeField is a enum.MDUpdateType field.
func NewMDUpdateType ¶
func NewMDUpdateType(val enum.MDUpdateType) MDUpdateTypeField
func (MDUpdateTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MDUpdateTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MDUpdateType (265).
func (MDUpdateTypeField) Value ¶
func (f MDUpdateTypeField) Value() enum.MDUpdateType
type MarketDepthField ¶
MarketDepthField is a INT field.
func NewMarketDepth ¶
func NewMarketDepth(val int) MarketDepthField
NewMarketDepth returns a new MarketDepthField initialized with val.
func (MarketDepthField) Tag ¶
func (f MarketDepthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MarketDepth (264).
func (MarketDepthField) Value ¶
func (f MarketDepthField) Value() int
type MaturityDayField ¶
MaturityDayField is a DAYOFMONTH field.
func NewMaturityDay ¶
func NewMaturityDay(val int) MaturityDayField
NewMaturityDay returns a new MaturityDayField initialized with val.
func (MaturityDayField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityDayField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityDay (205).
func (MaturityDayField) Value ¶
func (f MaturityDayField) Value() int
type MaturityMonthYearField ¶
MaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field.
func NewMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewMaturityMonthYear(val string) MaturityMonthYearField
NewMaturityMonthYear returns a new MaturityMonthYearField initialized with val.
func (MaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f MaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaturityMonthYear (200).
func (MaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶
func (f MaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type MaxFloorField ¶
type MaxFloorField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaxFloorField is a QTY field.
func NewMaxFloor ¶
func NewMaxFloor(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaxFloorField
NewMaxFloor returns a new MaxFloorField initialized with val and scale.
func (MaxFloorField) Tag ¶
func (f MaxFloorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaxFloor (111).
func (MaxFloorField) Value ¶
func (f MaxFloorField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MaxMessageSizeField ¶
MaxMessageSizeField is a INT field.
func NewMaxMessageSize ¶
func NewMaxMessageSize(val int) MaxMessageSizeField
NewMaxMessageSize returns a new MaxMessageSizeField initialized with val.
func (MaxMessageSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f MaxMessageSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MaxMessageSize (383).
func (MaxMessageSizeField) Value ¶
func (f MaxMessageSizeField) Value() int
type MaxShowField ¶
type MaxShowField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MaxShowField is a QTY field.
func NewMaxShow ¶
func NewMaxShow(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MaxShowField
NewMaxShow returns a new MaxShowField initialized with val and scale.
func (MaxShowField) Value ¶
func (f MaxShowField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MessageEncodingField ¶
MessageEncodingField is a enum.MessageEncoding field.
func NewMessageEncoding ¶
func NewMessageEncoding(val enum.MessageEncoding) MessageEncodingField
func (MessageEncodingField) Tag ¶
func (f MessageEncodingField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MessageEncoding (347).
func (MessageEncodingField) Value ¶
func (f MessageEncodingField) Value() enum.MessageEncoding
type MinQtyField ¶
type MinQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MinQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewMinQty ¶
func NewMinQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MinQtyField
NewMinQty returns a new MinQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (MinQtyField) Value ¶
func (f MinQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MiscFeeAmtField ¶
type MiscFeeAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
MiscFeeAmtField is a AMT field.
func NewMiscFeeAmt ¶
func NewMiscFeeAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) MiscFeeAmtField
NewMiscFeeAmt returns a new MiscFeeAmtField initialized with val and scale.
func (MiscFeeAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeAmt (137).
func (MiscFeeAmtField) Value ¶
func (f MiscFeeAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type MiscFeeBasisField ¶
MiscFeeBasisField is a enum.MiscFeeBasis field.
func NewMiscFeeBasis ¶
func NewMiscFeeBasis(val enum.MiscFeeBasis) MiscFeeBasisField
func (MiscFeeBasisField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeBasisField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeBasis (891).
func (MiscFeeBasisField) Value ¶
func (f MiscFeeBasisField) Value() enum.MiscFeeBasis
type MiscFeeCurrField ¶
MiscFeeCurrField is a CURRENCY field.
func NewMiscFeeCurr ¶
func NewMiscFeeCurr(val string) MiscFeeCurrField
NewMiscFeeCurr returns a new MiscFeeCurrField initialized with val.
func (MiscFeeCurrField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeCurrField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeCurr (138).
func (MiscFeeCurrField) Value ¶
func (f MiscFeeCurrField) Value() string
type MiscFeeTypeField ¶
MiscFeeTypeField is a enum.MiscFeeType field.
func NewMiscFeeType ¶
func NewMiscFeeType(val enum.MiscFeeType) MiscFeeTypeField
func (MiscFeeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MiscFeeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MiscFeeType (139).
func (MiscFeeTypeField) Value ¶
func (f MiscFeeTypeField) Value() enum.MiscFeeType
type MsgDirectionField ¶
MsgDirectionField is a enum.MsgDirection field.
func NewMsgDirection ¶
func NewMsgDirection(val enum.MsgDirection) MsgDirectionField
func (MsgDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f MsgDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MsgDirection (385).
func (MsgDirectionField) Value ¶
func (f MsgDirectionField) Value() enum.MsgDirection
type MsgSeqNumField ¶
MsgSeqNumField is a INT field.
func NewMsgSeqNum ¶
func NewMsgSeqNum(val int) MsgSeqNumField
NewMsgSeqNum returns a new MsgSeqNumField initialized with val.
func (MsgSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f MsgSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MsgSeqNum (34).
func (MsgSeqNumField) Value ¶
func (f MsgSeqNumField) Value() int
type MsgTypeField ¶
MsgTypeField is a enum.MsgType field.
func NewMsgType ¶
func NewMsgType(val enum.MsgType) MsgTypeField
func (MsgTypeField) Value ¶
func (f MsgTypeField) Value() enum.MsgType
type MultiLegReportingTypeField ¶
MultiLegReportingTypeField is a enum.MultiLegReportingType field.
func NewMultiLegReportingType ¶
func NewMultiLegReportingType(val enum.MultiLegReportingType) MultiLegReportingTypeField
func (MultiLegReportingTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f MultiLegReportingTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.MultiLegReportingType (442).
func (MultiLegReportingTypeField) Value ¶
func (f MultiLegReportingTypeField) Value() enum.MultiLegReportingType
type NetGrossIndField ¶
NetGrossIndField is a enum.NetGrossInd field.
func NewNetGrossInd ¶
func NewNetGrossInd(val enum.NetGrossInd) NetGrossIndField
func (NetGrossIndField) Tag ¶
func (f NetGrossIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetGrossInd (430).
func (NetGrossIndField) Value ¶
func (f NetGrossIndField) Value() enum.NetGrossInd
type NetMoneyField ¶
type NetMoneyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
NetMoneyField is a AMT field.
func NewNetMoney ¶
func NewNetMoney(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) NetMoneyField
NewNetMoney returns a new NetMoneyField initialized with val and scale.
func (NetMoneyField) Tag ¶
func (f NetMoneyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NetMoney (118).
func (NetMoneyField) Value ¶
func (f NetMoneyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type NewSeqNoField ¶
NewSeqNoField is a INT field.
func NewNewSeqNo ¶
func NewNewSeqNo(val int) NewSeqNoField
NewNewSeqNo returns a new NewSeqNoField initialized with val.
func (NewSeqNoField) Value ¶
func (f NewSeqNoField) Value() int
type NoAllocsField ¶
NoAllocsField is a INT field.
func NewNoAllocs ¶
func NewNoAllocs(val int) NoAllocsField
NewNoAllocs returns a new NoAllocsField initialized with val.
func (NoAllocsField) Value ¶
func (f NoAllocsField) Value() int
type NoBidComponentsField ¶
NoBidComponentsField is a INT field.
func NewNoBidComponents ¶
func NewNoBidComponents(val int) NoBidComponentsField
NewNoBidComponents returns a new NoBidComponentsField initialized with val.
func (NoBidComponentsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoBidComponentsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoBidComponents (420).
func (NoBidComponentsField) Value ¶
func (f NoBidComponentsField) Value() int
type NoBidDescriptorsField ¶
NoBidDescriptorsField is a INT field.
func NewNoBidDescriptors ¶
func NewNoBidDescriptors(val int) NoBidDescriptorsField
NewNoBidDescriptors returns a new NoBidDescriptorsField initialized with val.
func (NoBidDescriptorsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoBidDescriptorsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoBidDescriptors (398).
func (NoBidDescriptorsField) Value ¶
func (f NoBidDescriptorsField) Value() int
type NoContraBrokersField ¶
NoContraBrokersField is a INT field.
func NewNoContraBrokers ¶
func NewNoContraBrokers(val int) NoContraBrokersField
NewNoContraBrokers returns a new NoContraBrokersField initialized with val.
func (NoContraBrokersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoContraBrokersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoContraBrokers (382).
func (NoContraBrokersField) Value ¶
func (f NoContraBrokersField) Value() int
type NoDlvyInstField ¶
NoDlvyInstField is a INT field.
func NewNoDlvyInst ¶
func NewNoDlvyInst(val int) NoDlvyInstField
NewNoDlvyInst returns a new NoDlvyInstField initialized with val.
func (NoDlvyInstField) Tag ¶
func (f NoDlvyInstField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoDlvyInst (85).
func (NoDlvyInstField) Value ¶
func (f NoDlvyInstField) Value() int
type NoExecsField ¶
NoExecsField is a INT field.
func NewNoExecs ¶
func NewNoExecs(val int) NoExecsField
NewNoExecs returns a new NoExecsField initialized with val.
func (NoExecsField) Value ¶
func (f NoExecsField) Value() int
type NoIOIQualifiersField ¶
NoIOIQualifiersField is a INT field.
func NewNoIOIQualifiers ¶
func NewNoIOIQualifiers(val int) NoIOIQualifiersField
NewNoIOIQualifiers returns a new NoIOIQualifiersField initialized with val.
func (NoIOIQualifiersField) Tag ¶
func (f NoIOIQualifiersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoIOIQualifiers (199).
func (NoIOIQualifiersField) Value ¶
func (f NoIOIQualifiersField) Value() int
type NoMDEntriesField ¶
NoMDEntriesField is a INT field.
func NewNoMDEntries ¶
func NewNoMDEntries(val int) NoMDEntriesField
NewNoMDEntries returns a new NoMDEntriesField initialized with val.
func (NoMDEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMDEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMDEntries (268).
func (NoMDEntriesField) Value ¶
func (f NoMDEntriesField) Value() int
type NoMDEntryTypesField ¶
NoMDEntryTypesField is a INT field.
func NewNoMDEntryTypes ¶
func NewNoMDEntryTypes(val int) NoMDEntryTypesField
NewNoMDEntryTypes returns a new NoMDEntryTypesField initialized with val.
func (NoMDEntryTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMDEntryTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMDEntryTypes (267).
func (NoMDEntryTypesField) Value ¶
func (f NoMDEntryTypesField) Value() int
type NoMiscFeesField ¶
NoMiscFeesField is a INT field.
func NewNoMiscFees ¶
func NewNoMiscFees(val int) NoMiscFeesField
NewNoMiscFees returns a new NoMiscFeesField initialized with val.
func (NoMiscFeesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMiscFeesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMiscFees (136).
func (NoMiscFeesField) Value ¶
func (f NoMiscFeesField) Value() int
type NoMsgTypesField ¶
NoMsgTypesField is a INT field.
func NewNoMsgTypes ¶
func NewNoMsgTypes(val int) NoMsgTypesField
NewNoMsgTypes returns a new NoMsgTypesField initialized with val.
func (NoMsgTypesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoMsgTypesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoMsgTypes (384).
func (NoMsgTypesField) Value ¶
func (f NoMsgTypesField) Value() int
type NoOrdersField ¶
NoOrdersField is a INT field.
func NewNoOrders ¶
func NewNoOrders(val int) NoOrdersField
NewNoOrders returns a new NoOrdersField initialized with val.
func (NoOrdersField) Value ¶
func (f NoOrdersField) Value() int
type NoQuoteEntriesField ¶
NoQuoteEntriesField is a INT field.
func NewNoQuoteEntries ¶
func NewNoQuoteEntries(val int) NoQuoteEntriesField
NewNoQuoteEntries returns a new NoQuoteEntriesField initialized with val.
func (NoQuoteEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoQuoteEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoQuoteEntries (295).
func (NoQuoteEntriesField) Value ¶
func (f NoQuoteEntriesField) Value() int
type NoQuoteSetsField ¶
NoQuoteSetsField is a INT field.
func NewNoQuoteSets ¶
func NewNoQuoteSets(val int) NoQuoteSetsField
NewNoQuoteSets returns a new NoQuoteSetsField initialized with val.
func (NoQuoteSetsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoQuoteSetsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoQuoteSets (296).
func (NoQuoteSetsField) Value ¶
func (f NoQuoteSetsField) Value() int
type NoRelatedSymField ¶
NoRelatedSymField is a INT field.
func NewNoRelatedSym ¶
func NewNoRelatedSym(val int) NoRelatedSymField
NewNoRelatedSym returns a new NoRelatedSymField initialized with val.
func (NoRelatedSymField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRelatedSymField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRelatedSym (146).
func (NoRelatedSymField) Value ¶
func (f NoRelatedSymField) Value() int
type NoRoutingIDsField ¶
NoRoutingIDsField is a INT field.
func NewNoRoutingIDs ¶
func NewNoRoutingIDs(val int) NoRoutingIDsField
NewNoRoutingIDs returns a new NoRoutingIDsField initialized with val.
func (NoRoutingIDsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoRoutingIDsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoRoutingIDs (215).
func (NoRoutingIDsField) Value ¶
func (f NoRoutingIDsField) Value() int
type NoRptsField ¶
NoRptsField is a INT field.
func NewNoRpts ¶
func NewNoRpts(val int) NoRptsField
NewNoRpts returns a new NoRptsField initialized with val.
func (NoRptsField) Value ¶
func (f NoRptsField) Value() int
type NoStrikesField ¶
NoStrikesField is a INT field.
func NewNoStrikes ¶
func NewNoStrikes(val int) NoStrikesField
NewNoStrikes returns a new NoStrikesField initialized with val.
func (NoStrikesField) Tag ¶
func (f NoStrikesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoStrikes (428).
func (NoStrikesField) Value ¶
func (f NoStrikesField) Value() int
type NoTradingSessionsField ¶
NoTradingSessionsField is a INT field.
func NewNoTradingSessions ¶
func NewNoTradingSessions(val int) NoTradingSessionsField
NewNoTradingSessions returns a new NoTradingSessionsField initialized with val.
func (NoTradingSessionsField) Tag ¶
func (f NoTradingSessionsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NoTradingSessions (386).
func (NoTradingSessionsField) Value ¶
func (f NoTradingSessionsField) Value() int
type NotifyBrokerOfCreditField ¶
type NotifyBrokerOfCreditField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
NotifyBrokerOfCreditField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewNotifyBrokerOfCredit ¶
func NewNotifyBrokerOfCredit(val bool) NotifyBrokerOfCreditField
NewNotifyBrokerOfCredit returns a new NotifyBrokerOfCreditField initialized with val.
func (NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Tag ¶
func (f NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NotifyBrokerOfCredit (208).
func (NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Value ¶
func (f NotifyBrokerOfCreditField) Value() bool
type NumBiddersField ¶
NumBiddersField is a INT field.
func NewNumBidders ¶
func NewNumBidders(val int) NumBiddersField
NewNumBidders returns a new NumBiddersField initialized with val.
func (NumBiddersField) Tag ¶
func (f NumBiddersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumBidders (417).
func (NumBiddersField) Value ¶
func (f NumBiddersField) Value() int
type NumDaysInterestField ¶
NumDaysInterestField is a INT field.
func NewNumDaysInterest ¶
func NewNumDaysInterest(val int) NumDaysInterestField
NewNumDaysInterest returns a new NumDaysInterestField initialized with val.
func (NumDaysInterestField) Tag ¶
func (f NumDaysInterestField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumDaysInterest (157).
func (NumDaysInterestField) Value ¶
func (f NumDaysInterestField) Value() int
type NumTicketsField ¶
NumTicketsField is a INT field.
func NewNumTickets ¶
func NewNumTickets(val int) NumTicketsField
NewNumTickets returns a new NumTicketsField initialized with val.
func (NumTicketsField) Tag ¶
func (f NumTicketsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumTickets (395).
func (NumTicketsField) Value ¶
func (f NumTicketsField) Value() int
type NumberOfOrdersField ¶
NumberOfOrdersField is a INT field.
func NewNumberOfOrders ¶
func NewNumberOfOrders(val int) NumberOfOrdersField
NewNumberOfOrders returns a new NumberOfOrdersField initialized with val.
func (NumberOfOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f NumberOfOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.NumberOfOrders (346).
func (NumberOfOrdersField) Value ¶
func (f NumberOfOrdersField) Value() int
type OfferForwardPointsField ¶
type OfferForwardPointsField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferForwardPointsField is a PRICEOFFSET field.
func NewOfferForwardPoints ¶
func NewOfferForwardPoints(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferForwardPointsField
NewOfferForwardPoints returns a new OfferForwardPointsField initialized with val and scale.
func (OfferForwardPointsField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferForwardPointsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferForwardPoints (191).
func (OfferForwardPointsField) Value ¶
func (f OfferForwardPointsField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferPxField ¶
type OfferPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewOfferPx ¶
func NewOfferPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferPxField
NewOfferPx returns a new OfferPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (OfferPxField) Value ¶
func (f OfferPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferSizeField ¶
type OfferSizeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferSizeField is a QTY field.
func NewOfferSize ¶
func NewOfferSize(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferSizeField
NewOfferSize returns a new OfferSizeField initialized with val and scale.
func (OfferSizeField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferSizeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferSize (135).
func (OfferSizeField) Value ¶
func (f OfferSizeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OfferSpotRateField ¶
type OfferSpotRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OfferSpotRateField is a PRICE field.
func NewOfferSpotRate ¶
func NewOfferSpotRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OfferSpotRateField
NewOfferSpotRate returns a new OfferSpotRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (OfferSpotRateField) Tag ¶
func (f OfferSpotRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OfferSpotRate (190).
func (OfferSpotRateField) Value ¶
func (f OfferSpotRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OnBehalfOfCompIDField ¶
OnBehalfOfCompIDField is a STRING field.
func NewOnBehalfOfCompID ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfCompID(val string) OnBehalfOfCompIDField
NewOnBehalfOfCompID returns a new OnBehalfOfCompIDField initialized with val.
func (OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfCompID (115).
func (OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Value ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfCompIDField) Value() string
type OnBehalfOfLocationIDField ¶
OnBehalfOfLocationIDField is a STRING field.
func NewOnBehalfOfLocationID ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfLocationID(val string) OnBehalfOfLocationIDField
NewOnBehalfOfLocationID returns a new OnBehalfOfLocationIDField initialized with val.
func (OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfLocationID (144).
func (OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Value ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfLocationIDField) Value() string
type OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField ¶
type OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTime ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTime(val time.Time) OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
NewOnBehalfOfSendingTime returns a new OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField initialized with val.
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField
NewOnBehalfOfSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfSendingTime (370).
func (OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Value ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfSendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OnBehalfOfSubIDField ¶
OnBehalfOfSubIDField is a STRING field.
func NewOnBehalfOfSubID ¶
func NewOnBehalfOfSubID(val string) OnBehalfOfSubIDField
NewOnBehalfOfSubID returns a new OnBehalfOfSubIDField initialized with val.
func (OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OnBehalfOfSubID (116).
func (OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Value ¶
func (f OnBehalfOfSubIDField) Value() string
type OpenCloseField ¶
OpenCloseField is a enum.OpenClose field.
func NewOpenClose ¶
func NewOpenClose(val enum.OpenClose) OpenCloseField
func (OpenCloseField) Tag ¶
func (f OpenCloseField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OpenClose (77).
func (OpenCloseField) Value ¶
func (f OpenCloseField) Value() enum.OpenClose
type OpenCloseSettleFlagField ¶
OpenCloseSettleFlagField is a enum.OpenCloseSettleFlag field.
func NewOpenCloseSettleFlag ¶
func NewOpenCloseSettleFlag(val enum.OpenCloseSettleFlag) OpenCloseSettleFlagField
func (OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OpenCloseSettleFlag (286).
func (OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Value ¶
func (f OpenCloseSettleFlagField) Value() enum.OpenCloseSettleFlag
type OptAttributeField ¶
OptAttributeField is a CHAR field.
func NewOptAttribute ¶
func NewOptAttribute(val string) OptAttributeField
NewOptAttribute returns a new OptAttributeField initialized with val.
func (OptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f OptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OptAttribute (206).
func (OptAttributeField) Value ¶
func (f OptAttributeField) Value() string
type OrdRejReasonField ¶
OrdRejReasonField is a enum.OrdRejReason field.
func NewOrdRejReason ¶
func NewOrdRejReason(val enum.OrdRejReason) OrdRejReasonField
func (OrdRejReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f OrdRejReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrdRejReason (103).
func (OrdRejReasonField) Value ¶
func (f OrdRejReasonField) Value() enum.OrdRejReason
type OrdStatusField ¶
OrdStatusField is a enum.OrdStatus field.
func NewOrdStatus ¶
func NewOrdStatus(val enum.OrdStatus) OrdStatusField
func (OrdStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f OrdStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrdStatus (39).
func (OrdStatusField) Value ¶
func (f OrdStatusField) Value() enum.OrdStatus
type OrdTypeField ¶
OrdTypeField is a enum.OrdType field.
func NewOrdType ¶
func NewOrdType(val enum.OrdType) OrdTypeField
func (OrdTypeField) Value ¶
func (f OrdTypeField) Value() enum.OrdType
type OrderIDField ¶
OrderIDField is a STRING field.
func NewOrderID ¶
func NewOrderID(val string) OrderIDField
NewOrderID returns a new OrderIDField initialized with val.
func (OrderIDField) Value ¶
func (f OrderIDField) Value() string
type OrderQty2Field ¶
type OrderQty2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderQty2Field is a QTY field.
func NewOrderQty2 ¶
func NewOrderQty2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderQty2Field
NewOrderQty2 returns a new OrderQty2Field initialized with val and scale.
func (OrderQty2Field) Tag ¶
func (f OrderQty2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrderQty2 (192).
func (OrderQty2Field) Value ¶
func (f OrderQty2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrderQtyField ¶
type OrderQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OrderQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewOrderQty ¶
func NewOrderQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OrderQtyField
NewOrderQty returns a new OrderQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (OrderQtyField) Value ¶
func (f OrderQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OrigClOrdIDField ¶
OrigClOrdIDField is a STRING field.
func NewOrigClOrdID ¶
func NewOrigClOrdID(val string) OrigClOrdIDField
NewOrigClOrdID returns a new OrigClOrdIDField initialized with val.
func (OrigClOrdIDField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigClOrdIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigClOrdID (41).
func (OrigClOrdIDField) Value ¶
func (f OrigClOrdIDField) Value() string
type OrigSendingTimeField ¶
type OrigSendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OrigSendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewOrigSendingTime ¶
func NewOrigSendingTime(val time.Time) OrigSendingTimeField
NewOrigSendingTime returns a new OrigSendingTimeField initialized with val.
func NewOrigSendingTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewOrigSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OrigSendingTimeField
NewOrigSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new OrigSendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewOrigSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewOrigSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OrigSendingTimeField
NewOrigSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new OrigSendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (OrigSendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f OrigSendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OrigSendingTime (122).
func (OrigSendingTimeField) Value ¶
func (f OrigSendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OrigTimeField ¶
type OrigTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
OrigTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewOrigTime ¶
func NewOrigTime(val time.Time) OrigTimeField
NewOrigTime returns a new OrigTimeField initialized with val.
func NewOrigTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewOrigTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) OrigTimeField
NewOrigTimeNoMillis returns a new OrigTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewOrigTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewOrigTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) OrigTimeField
NewOrigTimeWithPrecision returns a new OrigTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (OrigTimeField) Value ¶
func (f OrigTimeField) Value() time.Time
type OutMainCntryUIndexField ¶
type OutMainCntryUIndexField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OutMainCntryUIndexField is a AMT field.
func NewOutMainCntryUIndex ¶
func NewOutMainCntryUIndex(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OutMainCntryUIndexField
NewOutMainCntryUIndex returns a new OutMainCntryUIndexField initialized with val and scale.
func (OutMainCntryUIndexField) Tag ¶
func (f OutMainCntryUIndexField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OutMainCntryUIndex (412).
func (OutMainCntryUIndexField) Value ¶
func (f OutMainCntryUIndexField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type OutsideIndexPctField ¶
type OutsideIndexPctField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
OutsideIndexPctField is a FLOAT field.
func NewOutsideIndexPct ¶
func NewOutsideIndexPct(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) OutsideIndexPctField
NewOutsideIndexPct returns a new OutsideIndexPctField initialized with val and scale.
func (OutsideIndexPctField) Tag ¶
func (f OutsideIndexPctField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.OutsideIndexPct (407).
func (OutsideIndexPctField) Value ¶
func (f OutsideIndexPctField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PasswordField ¶
PasswordField is a STRING field.
func NewPassword ¶
func NewPassword(val string) PasswordField
NewPassword returns a new PasswordField initialized with val.
func (PasswordField) Tag ¶
func (f PasswordField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Password (554).
func (PasswordField) Value ¶
func (f PasswordField) Value() string
type PegDifferenceField ¶
type PegDifferenceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PegDifferenceField is a PRICEOFFSET field.
func NewPegDifference ¶
func NewPegDifference(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PegDifferenceField
NewPegDifference returns a new PegDifferenceField initialized with val and scale.
func (PegDifferenceField) Tag ¶
func (f PegDifferenceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PegDifference (211).
func (PegDifferenceField) Value ¶
func (f PegDifferenceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PossDupFlagField ¶
type PossDupFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PossDupFlagField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewPossDupFlag ¶
func NewPossDupFlag(val bool) PossDupFlagField
NewPossDupFlag returns a new PossDupFlagField initialized with val.
func (PossDupFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f PossDupFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PossDupFlag (43).
func (PossDupFlagField) Value ¶
func (f PossDupFlagField) Value() bool
type PossResendField ¶
type PossResendField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
PossResendField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewPossResend ¶
func NewPossResend(val bool) PossResendField
NewPossResend returns a new PossResendField initialized with val.
func (PossResendField) Tag ¶
func (f PossResendField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PossResend (97).
func (PossResendField) Value ¶
func (f PossResendField) Value() bool
type PrevClosePxField ¶
type PrevClosePxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PrevClosePxField is a PRICE field.
func NewPrevClosePx ¶
func NewPrevClosePx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PrevClosePxField
NewPrevClosePx returns a new PrevClosePxField initialized with val and scale.
func (PrevClosePxField) Tag ¶
func (f PrevClosePxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PrevClosePx (140).
func (PrevClosePxField) Value ¶
func (f PrevClosePxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriceField ¶
type PriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
PriceField is a PRICE field.
func NewPrice ¶
func NewPrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) PriceField
NewPrice returns a new PriceField initialized with val and scale.
func (PriceField) Value ¶
func (f PriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type PriceTypeField ¶
PriceTypeField is a enum.PriceType field.
func NewPriceType ¶
func NewPriceType(val enum.PriceType) PriceTypeField
func (PriceTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f PriceTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PriceType (423).
func (PriceTypeField) Value ¶
func (f PriceTypeField) Value() enum.PriceType
type ProcessCodeField ¶
ProcessCodeField is a enum.ProcessCode field.
func NewProcessCode ¶
func NewProcessCode(val enum.ProcessCode) ProcessCodeField
func (ProcessCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f ProcessCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProcessCode (81).
func (ProcessCodeField) Value ¶
func (f ProcessCodeField) Value() enum.ProcessCode
type ProgPeriodIntervalField ¶
ProgPeriodIntervalField is a INT field.
func NewProgPeriodInterval ¶
func NewProgPeriodInterval(val int) ProgPeriodIntervalField
NewProgPeriodInterval returns a new ProgPeriodIntervalField initialized with val.
func (ProgPeriodIntervalField) Tag ¶
func (f ProgPeriodIntervalField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProgPeriodInterval (415).
func (ProgPeriodIntervalField) Value ¶
func (f ProgPeriodIntervalField) Value() int
type ProgRptReqsField ¶
ProgRptReqsField is a enum.ProgRptReqs field.
func NewProgRptReqs ¶
func NewProgRptReqs(val enum.ProgRptReqs) ProgRptReqsField
func (ProgRptReqsField) Tag ¶
func (f ProgRptReqsField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ProgRptReqs (414).
func (ProgRptReqsField) Value ¶
func (f ProgRptReqsField) Value() enum.ProgRptReqs
type PutOrCallField ¶
PutOrCallField is a enum.PutOrCall field.
func NewPutOrCall ¶
func NewPutOrCall(val enum.PutOrCall) PutOrCallField
func (PutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f PutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.PutOrCall (201).
func (PutOrCallField) Value ¶
func (f PutOrCallField) Value() enum.PutOrCall
type QuoteCancelTypeField ¶
QuoteCancelTypeField is a enum.QuoteCancelType field.
func NewQuoteCancelType ¶
func NewQuoteCancelType(val enum.QuoteCancelType) QuoteCancelTypeField
func (QuoteCancelTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteCancelTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteCancelType (298).
func (QuoteCancelTypeField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteCancelTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteCancelType
type QuoteConditionField ¶
QuoteConditionField is a enum.QuoteCondition field.
func NewQuoteCondition ¶
func NewQuoteCondition(val enum.QuoteCondition) QuoteConditionField
func (QuoteConditionField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteConditionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteCondition (276).
func (QuoteConditionField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteConditionField) Value() enum.QuoteCondition
type QuoteEntryIDField ¶
QuoteEntryIDField is a STRING field.
func NewQuoteEntryID ¶
func NewQuoteEntryID(val string) QuoteEntryIDField
NewQuoteEntryID returns a new QuoteEntryIDField initialized with val.
func (QuoteEntryIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteEntryIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteEntryID (299).
func (QuoteEntryIDField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteEntryIDField) Value() string
type QuoteEntryRejectReasonField ¶
QuoteEntryRejectReasonField is a enum.QuoteEntryRejectReason field.
func NewQuoteEntryRejectReason ¶
func NewQuoteEntryRejectReason(val enum.QuoteEntryRejectReason) QuoteEntryRejectReasonField
func (QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteEntryRejectReason (368).
func (QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteEntryRejectReasonField) Value() enum.QuoteEntryRejectReason
type QuoteIDField ¶
QuoteIDField is a STRING field.
func NewQuoteID ¶
func NewQuoteID(val string) QuoteIDField
NewQuoteID returns a new QuoteIDField initialized with val.
func (QuoteIDField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteIDField) Value() string
type QuoteRejectReasonField ¶
QuoteRejectReasonField is a enum.QuoteRejectReason field.
func NewQuoteRejectReason ¶
func NewQuoteRejectReason(val enum.QuoteRejectReason) QuoteRejectReasonField
func (QuoteRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRejectReason (300).
func (QuoteRejectReasonField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteRejectReasonField) Value() enum.QuoteRejectReason
type QuoteReqIDField ¶
QuoteReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewQuoteReqID ¶
func NewQuoteReqID(val string) QuoteReqIDField
NewQuoteReqID returns a new QuoteReqIDField initialized with val.
func (QuoteReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteReqID (131).
func (QuoteReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteReqIDField) Value() string
type QuoteRequestRejectReasonField ¶
QuoteRequestRejectReasonField is a enum.QuoteRequestRejectReason field.
func NewQuoteRequestRejectReason ¶
func NewQuoteRequestRejectReason(val enum.QuoteRequestRejectReason) QuoteRequestRejectReasonField
func (QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRequestRejectReason (658).
func (QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteRequestRejectReasonField) Value() enum.QuoteRequestRejectReason
type QuoteRequestTypeField ¶
QuoteRequestTypeField is a enum.QuoteRequestType field.
func NewQuoteRequestType ¶
func NewQuoteRequestType(val enum.QuoteRequestType) QuoteRequestTypeField
func (QuoteRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRequestType (303).
func (QuoteRequestTypeField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteRequestTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteRequestType
type QuoteRespIDField ¶
QuoteRespIDField is a STRING field.
func NewQuoteRespID ¶
func NewQuoteRespID(val string) QuoteRespIDField
NewQuoteRespID returns a new QuoteRespIDField initialized with val.
func (QuoteRespIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRespIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRespID (693).
func (QuoteRespIDField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteRespIDField) Value() string
type QuoteRespTypeField ¶
QuoteRespTypeField is a enum.QuoteRespType field.
func NewQuoteRespType ¶
func NewQuoteRespType(val enum.QuoteRespType) QuoteRespTypeField
func (QuoteRespTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteRespTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteRespType (694).
func (QuoteRespTypeField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteRespTypeField) Value() enum.QuoteRespType
type QuoteResponseLevelField ¶
QuoteResponseLevelField is a enum.QuoteResponseLevel field.
func NewQuoteResponseLevel ¶
func NewQuoteResponseLevel(val enum.QuoteResponseLevel) QuoteResponseLevelField
func (QuoteResponseLevelField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteResponseLevelField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteResponseLevel (301).
func (QuoteResponseLevelField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteResponseLevelField) Value() enum.QuoteResponseLevel
type QuoteSetIDField ¶
QuoteSetIDField is a STRING field.
func NewQuoteSetID ¶
func NewQuoteSetID(val string) QuoteSetIDField
NewQuoteSetID returns a new QuoteSetIDField initialized with val.
func (QuoteSetIDField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteSetIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteSetID (302).
func (QuoteSetIDField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteSetIDField) Value() string
type QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField ¶
type QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTime ¶
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTime(val time.Time) QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
NewQuoteSetValidUntilTime returns a new QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField initialized with val.
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeNoMillis returns a new QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField
NewQuoteSetValidUntilTimeWithPrecision returns a new QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteSetValidUntilTime (367).
func (QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteSetValidUntilTimeField) Value() time.Time
type QuoteStatusField ¶
QuoteStatusField is a enum.QuoteStatus field.
func NewQuoteStatus ¶
func NewQuoteStatus(val enum.QuoteStatus) QuoteStatusField
func (QuoteStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f QuoteStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.QuoteStatus (297).
func (QuoteStatusField) Value ¶
func (f QuoteStatusField) Value() enum.QuoteStatus
type RFQReqIDField ¶
RFQReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewRFQReqID ¶
func NewRFQReqID(val string) RFQReqIDField
NewRFQReqID returns a new RFQReqIDField initialized with val.
func (RFQReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RFQReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RFQReqID (644).
func (RFQReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f RFQReqIDField) Value() string
type RatioQtyField ¶
type RatioQtyField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
RatioQtyField is a QTY field.
func NewRatioQty ¶
func NewRatioQty(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) RatioQtyField
NewRatioQty returns a new RatioQtyField initialized with val and scale.
func (RatioQtyField) Tag ¶
func (f RatioQtyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RatioQty (319).
func (RatioQtyField) Value ¶
func (f RatioQtyField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type RawDataField ¶
RawDataField is a DATA field.
func NewRawData ¶
func NewRawData(val string) RawDataField
NewRawData returns a new RawDataField initialized with val.
func (RawDataField) Value ¶
func (f RawDataField) Value() string
type RawDataLengthField ¶
RawDataLengthField is a LENGTH field.
func NewRawDataLength ¶
func NewRawDataLength(val int) RawDataLengthField
NewRawDataLength returns a new RawDataLengthField initialized with val.
func (RawDataLengthField) Tag ¶
func (f RawDataLengthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RawDataLength (95).
func (RawDataLengthField) Value ¶
func (f RawDataLengthField) Value() int
type RefAllocIDField ¶
RefAllocIDField is a STRING field.
func NewRefAllocID ¶
func NewRefAllocID(val string) RefAllocIDField
NewRefAllocID returns a new RefAllocIDField initialized with val.
func (RefAllocIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefAllocIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefAllocID (72).
func (RefAllocIDField) Value ¶
func (f RefAllocIDField) Value() string
type RefMsgTypeField ¶
RefMsgTypeField is a STRING field.
func NewRefMsgType ¶
func NewRefMsgType(val string) RefMsgTypeField
NewRefMsgType returns a new RefMsgTypeField initialized with val.
func (RefMsgTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RefMsgTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefMsgType (372).
func (RefMsgTypeField) Value ¶
func (f RefMsgTypeField) Value() string
type RefSeqNumField ¶
RefSeqNumField is a INT field.
func NewRefSeqNum ¶
func NewRefSeqNum(val int) RefSeqNumField
NewRefSeqNum returns a new RefSeqNumField initialized with val.
func (RefSeqNumField) Tag ¶
func (f RefSeqNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefSeqNum (45).
func (RefSeqNumField) Value ¶
func (f RefSeqNumField) Value() int
type RefTagIDField ¶
RefTagIDField is a INT field.
func NewRefTagID ¶
func NewRefTagID(val int) RefTagIDField
NewRefTagID returns a new RefTagIDField initialized with val.
func (RefTagIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RefTagIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RefTagID (371).
func (RefTagIDField) Value ¶
func (f RefTagIDField) Value() int
type RelatdSymField ¶
RelatdSymField is a STRING field.
func NewRelatdSym ¶
func NewRelatdSym(val string) RelatdSymField
NewRelatdSym returns a new RelatdSymField initialized with val.
func (RelatdSymField) Tag ¶
func (f RelatdSymField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RelatdSym (46).
func (RelatdSymField) Value ¶
func (f RelatdSymField) Value() string
type ReportToExchField ¶
type ReportToExchField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ReportToExchField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewReportToExch ¶
func NewReportToExch(val bool) ReportToExchField
NewReportToExch returns a new ReportToExchField initialized with val.
func (ReportToExchField) Tag ¶
func (f ReportToExchField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ReportToExch (113).
func (ReportToExchField) Value ¶
func (f ReportToExchField) Value() bool
type ResetSeqNumFlagField ¶
type ResetSeqNumFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
ResetSeqNumFlagField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewResetSeqNumFlag ¶
func NewResetSeqNumFlag(val bool) ResetSeqNumFlagField
NewResetSeqNumFlag returns a new ResetSeqNumFlagField initialized with val.
func (ResetSeqNumFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f ResetSeqNumFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ResetSeqNumFlag (141).
func (ResetSeqNumFlagField) Value ¶
func (f ResetSeqNumFlagField) Value() bool
type RoutingIDField ¶
RoutingIDField is a STRING field.
func NewRoutingID ¶
func NewRoutingID(val string) RoutingIDField
NewRoutingID returns a new RoutingIDField initialized with val.
func (RoutingIDField) Tag ¶
func (f RoutingIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RoutingID (217).
func (RoutingIDField) Value ¶
func (f RoutingIDField) Value() string
type RoutingTypeField ¶
RoutingTypeField is a enum.RoutingType field.
func NewRoutingType ¶
func NewRoutingType(val enum.RoutingType) RoutingTypeField
func (RoutingTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f RoutingTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.RoutingType (216).
func (RoutingTypeField) Value ¶
func (f RoutingTypeField) Value() enum.RoutingType
type RptSeqField ¶
RptSeqField is a INT field.
func NewRptSeq ¶
func NewRptSeq(val int) RptSeqField
NewRptSeq returns a new RptSeqField initialized with val.
func (RptSeqField) Value ¶
func (f RptSeqField) Value() int
type Rule80AField ¶
Rule80AField is a enum.Rule80A field.
func NewRule80A ¶
func NewRule80A(val enum.Rule80A) Rule80AField
func (Rule80AField) Value ¶
func (f Rule80AField) Value() enum.Rule80A
type SecondaryOrderIDField ¶
SecondaryOrderIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSecondaryOrderID ¶
func NewSecondaryOrderID(val string) SecondaryOrderIDField
NewSecondaryOrderID returns a new SecondaryOrderIDField initialized with val.
func (SecondaryOrderIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecondaryOrderIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecondaryOrderID (198).
func (SecondaryOrderIDField) Value ¶
func (f SecondaryOrderIDField) Value() string
type SecureDataField ¶
SecureDataField is a DATA field.
func NewSecureData ¶
func NewSecureData(val string) SecureDataField
NewSecureData returns a new SecureDataField initialized with val.
func (SecureDataField) Tag ¶
func (f SecureDataField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecureData (91).
func (SecureDataField) Value ¶
func (f SecureDataField) Value() string
type SecureDataLenField ¶
SecureDataLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewSecureDataLen ¶
func NewSecureDataLen(val int) SecureDataLenField
NewSecureDataLen returns a new SecureDataLenField initialized with val.
func (SecureDataLenField) Tag ¶
func (f SecureDataLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecureDataLen (90).
func (SecureDataLenField) Value ¶
func (f SecureDataLenField) Value() int
type SecurityDescField ¶
SecurityDescField is a STRING field.
func NewSecurityDesc ¶
func NewSecurityDesc(val string) SecurityDescField
NewSecurityDesc returns a new SecurityDescField initialized with val.
func (SecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityDesc (107).
func (SecurityDescField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityDescField) Value() string
type SecurityExchangeField ¶
SecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field.
func NewSecurityExchange ¶
func NewSecurityExchange(val string) SecurityExchangeField
NewSecurityExchange returns a new SecurityExchangeField initialized with val.
func (SecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityExchange (207).
func (SecurityExchangeField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type SecurityIDField ¶
SecurityIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSecurityID ¶
func NewSecurityID(val string) SecurityIDField
NewSecurityID returns a new SecurityIDField initialized with val.
func (SecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityID (48).
func (SecurityIDField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityIDField) Value() string
type SecurityReqIDField ¶
SecurityReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSecurityReqID ¶
func NewSecurityReqID(val string) SecurityReqIDField
NewSecurityReqID returns a new SecurityReqIDField initialized with val.
func (SecurityReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityReqID (320).
func (SecurityReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityReqIDField) Value() string
type SecurityRequestTypeField ¶
SecurityRequestTypeField is a enum.SecurityRequestType field.
func NewSecurityRequestType ¶
func NewSecurityRequestType(val enum.SecurityRequestType) SecurityRequestTypeField
func (SecurityRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityRequestType (321).
func (SecurityRequestTypeField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityRequestTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityRequestType
type SecurityResponseIDField ¶
SecurityResponseIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSecurityResponseID ¶
func NewSecurityResponseID(val string) SecurityResponseIDField
NewSecurityResponseID returns a new SecurityResponseIDField initialized with val.
func (SecurityResponseIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityResponseIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityResponseID (322).
func (SecurityResponseIDField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityResponseIDField) Value() string
type SecurityResponseTypeField ¶
SecurityResponseTypeField is a enum.SecurityResponseType field.
func NewSecurityResponseType ¶
func NewSecurityResponseType(val enum.SecurityResponseType) SecurityResponseTypeField
func (SecurityResponseTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityResponseTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityResponseType (323).
func (SecurityResponseTypeField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityResponseTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityResponseType
type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField ¶
SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField is a STRING field.
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctName ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctName(val string) SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField
NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctName returns a new SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField initialized with val.
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentAcctName (179).
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Value ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNameField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField ¶
SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField is a STRING field.
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctNum ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctNum(val string) SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField
NewSecuritySettlAgentAcctNum returns a new SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField initialized with val.
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentAcctNum (178).
func (SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Value ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentAcctNumField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentCodeField ¶
SecuritySettlAgentCodeField is a STRING field.
func NewSecuritySettlAgentCode ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentCode(val string) SecuritySettlAgentCodeField
NewSecuritySettlAgentCode returns a new SecuritySettlAgentCodeField initialized with val.
func (SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentCode (177).
func (SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Value ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentCodeField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField ¶
SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField is a STRING field.
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactName ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactName(val string) SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField
NewSecuritySettlAgentContactName returns a new SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField initialized with val.
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentContactName (180).
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Value ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactNameField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField ¶
SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField is a STRING field.
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactPhone ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentContactPhone(val string) SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField
NewSecuritySettlAgentContactPhone returns a new SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField initialized with val.
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentContactPhone (181).
func (SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentContactPhoneField) Value() string
type SecuritySettlAgentNameField ¶
SecuritySettlAgentNameField is a STRING field.
func NewSecuritySettlAgentName ¶
func NewSecuritySettlAgentName(val string) SecuritySettlAgentNameField
NewSecuritySettlAgentName returns a new SecuritySettlAgentNameField initialized with val.
func (SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Tag ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecuritySettlAgentName (176).
func (SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Value ¶
func (f SecuritySettlAgentNameField) Value() string
type SecurityStatusReqIDField ¶
SecurityStatusReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSecurityStatusReqID ¶
func NewSecurityStatusReqID(val string) SecurityStatusReqIDField
NewSecurityStatusReqID returns a new SecurityStatusReqIDField initialized with val.
func (SecurityStatusReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityStatusReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityStatusReqID (324).
func (SecurityStatusReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityStatusReqIDField) Value() string
type SecurityTradingStatusField ¶
SecurityTradingStatusField is a enum.SecurityTradingStatus field.
func NewSecurityTradingStatus ¶
func NewSecurityTradingStatus(val enum.SecurityTradingStatus) SecurityTradingStatusField
func (SecurityTradingStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityTradingStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityTradingStatus (326).
func (SecurityTradingStatusField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityTradingStatusField) Value() enum.SecurityTradingStatus
type SecurityTypeField ¶
SecurityTypeField is a enum.SecurityType field.
func NewSecurityType ¶
func NewSecurityType(val enum.SecurityType) SecurityTypeField
func (SecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SecurityType (167).
func (SecurityTypeField) Value ¶
func (f SecurityTypeField) Value() enum.SecurityType
type SelfTradePreventionField ¶
SelfTradePreventionField is a enum.SelfTradePrevention field.
func NewSelfTradePrevention ¶
func NewSelfTradePrevention(val enum.SelfTradePrevention) SelfTradePreventionField
func (SelfTradePreventionField) Tag ¶
func (f SelfTradePreventionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SelfTradePrevention (7928).
func (SelfTradePreventionField) Value ¶
func (f SelfTradePreventionField) Value() enum.SelfTradePrevention
type SellVolumeField ¶
type SellVolumeField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SellVolumeField is a QTY field.
func NewSellVolume ¶
func NewSellVolume(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SellVolumeField
NewSellVolume returns a new SellVolumeField initialized with val and scale.
func (SellVolumeField) Tag ¶
func (f SellVolumeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SellVolume (331).
func (SellVolumeField) Value ¶
func (f SellVolumeField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SellerDaysField ¶
SellerDaysField is a INT field.
func NewSellerDays ¶
func NewSellerDays(val int) SellerDaysField
NewSellerDays returns a new SellerDaysField initialized with val.
func (SellerDaysField) Tag ¶
func (f SellerDaysField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SellerDays (287).
func (SellerDaysField) Value ¶
func (f SellerDaysField) Value() int
type SenderCompIDField ¶
SenderCompIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSenderCompID ¶
func NewSenderCompID(val string) SenderCompIDField
NewSenderCompID returns a new SenderCompIDField initialized with val.
func (SenderCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SenderCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SenderCompID (49).
func (SenderCompIDField) Value ¶
func (f SenderCompIDField) Value() string
type SenderLocationIDField ¶
SenderLocationIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSenderLocationID ¶
func NewSenderLocationID(val string) SenderLocationIDField
NewSenderLocationID returns a new SenderLocationIDField initialized with val.
func (SenderLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SenderLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SenderLocationID (142).
func (SenderLocationIDField) Value ¶
func (f SenderLocationIDField) Value() string
type SenderSubIDField ¶
SenderSubIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSenderSubID ¶
func NewSenderSubID(val string) SenderSubIDField
NewSenderSubID returns a new SenderSubIDField initialized with val.
func (SenderSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SenderSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SenderSubID (50).
func (SenderSubIDField) Value ¶
func (f SenderSubIDField) Value() string
type SendingDateField ¶
SendingDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field.
func NewSendingDate ¶
func NewSendingDate(val string) SendingDateField
NewSendingDate returns a new SendingDateField initialized with val.
func (SendingDateField) Tag ¶
func (f SendingDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SendingDate (51).
func (SendingDateField) Value ¶
func (f SendingDateField) Value() string
type SendingTimeField ¶
type SendingTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
SendingTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewSendingTime ¶
func NewSendingTime(val time.Time) SendingTimeField
NewSendingTime returns a new SendingTimeField initialized with val.
func NewSendingTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewSendingTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) SendingTimeField
NewSendingTimeNoMillis returns a new SendingTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewSendingTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewSendingTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) SendingTimeField
NewSendingTimeWithPrecision returns a new SendingTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (SendingTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f SendingTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SendingTime (52).
func (SendingTimeField) Value ¶
func (f SendingTimeField) Value() time.Time
type SessionRejectReasonField ¶
SessionRejectReasonField is a enum.SessionRejectReason field.
func NewSessionRejectReason ¶
func NewSessionRejectReason(val enum.SessionRejectReason) SessionRejectReasonField
func (SessionRejectReasonField) Tag ¶
func (f SessionRejectReasonField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SessionRejectReason (373).
func (SessionRejectReasonField) Value ¶
func (f SessionRejectReasonField) Value() enum.SessionRejectReason
type SettlBrkrCodeField ¶
SettlBrkrCodeField is a STRING field.
func NewSettlBrkrCode ¶
func NewSettlBrkrCode(val string) SettlBrkrCodeField
NewSettlBrkrCode returns a new SettlBrkrCodeField initialized with val.
func (SettlBrkrCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlBrkrCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlBrkrCode (174).
func (SettlBrkrCodeField) Value ¶
func (f SettlBrkrCodeField) Value() string
type SettlCurrAmtField ¶
type SettlCurrAmtField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlCurrAmtField is a AMT field.
func NewSettlCurrAmt ¶
func NewSettlCurrAmt(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlCurrAmtField
NewSettlCurrAmt returns a new SettlCurrAmtField initialized with val and scale.
func (SettlCurrAmtField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrAmtField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrAmt (119).
func (SettlCurrAmtField) Value ¶
func (f SettlCurrAmtField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlCurrFxRateCalcField ¶
SettlCurrFxRateCalcField is a enum.SettlCurrFxRateCalc field.
func NewSettlCurrFxRateCalc ¶
func NewSettlCurrFxRateCalc(val enum.SettlCurrFxRateCalc) SettlCurrFxRateCalcField
func (SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrFxRateCalc (156).
func (SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Value ¶
func (f SettlCurrFxRateCalcField) Value() enum.SettlCurrFxRateCalc
type SettlCurrFxRateField ¶
type SettlCurrFxRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SettlCurrFxRateField is a FLOAT field.
func NewSettlCurrFxRate ¶
func NewSettlCurrFxRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SettlCurrFxRateField
NewSettlCurrFxRate returns a new SettlCurrFxRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (SettlCurrFxRateField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrFxRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrFxRate (155).
func (SettlCurrFxRateField) Value ¶
func (f SettlCurrFxRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SettlCurrencyField ¶
SettlCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field.
func NewSettlCurrency ¶
func NewSettlCurrency(val string) SettlCurrencyField
NewSettlCurrency returns a new SettlCurrencyField initialized with val.
func (SettlCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlCurrency (120).
func (SettlCurrencyField) Value ¶
func (f SettlCurrencyField) Value() string
type SettlDeliveryTypeField ¶
SettlDeliveryTypeField is a INT field.
func NewSettlDeliveryType ¶
func NewSettlDeliveryType(val int) SettlDeliveryTypeField
NewSettlDeliveryType returns a new SettlDeliveryTypeField initialized with val.
func (SettlDeliveryTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlDeliveryTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlDeliveryType (172).
func (SettlDeliveryTypeField) Value ¶
func (f SettlDeliveryTypeField) Value() int
type SettlDepositoryCodeField ¶
SettlDepositoryCodeField is a STRING field.
func NewSettlDepositoryCode ¶
func NewSettlDepositoryCode(val string) SettlDepositoryCodeField
NewSettlDepositoryCode returns a new SettlDepositoryCodeField initialized with val.
func (SettlDepositoryCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlDepositoryCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlDepositoryCode (173).
func (SettlDepositoryCodeField) Value ¶
func (f SettlDepositoryCodeField) Value() string
type SettlInstCodeField ¶
SettlInstCodeField is a STRING field.
func NewSettlInstCode ¶
func NewSettlInstCode(val string) SettlInstCodeField
NewSettlInstCode returns a new SettlInstCodeField initialized with val.
func (SettlInstCodeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstCodeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstCode (175).
func (SettlInstCodeField) Value ¶
func (f SettlInstCodeField) Value() string
type SettlInstIDField ¶
SettlInstIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSettlInstID ¶
func NewSettlInstID(val string) SettlInstIDField
NewSettlInstID returns a new SettlInstIDField initialized with val.
func (SettlInstIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstID (162).
func (SettlInstIDField) Value ¶
func (f SettlInstIDField) Value() string
type SettlInstModeField ¶
SettlInstModeField is a enum.SettlInstMode field.
func NewSettlInstMode ¶
func NewSettlInstMode(val enum.SettlInstMode) SettlInstModeField
func (SettlInstModeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstModeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstMode (160).
func (SettlInstModeField) Value ¶
func (f SettlInstModeField) Value() enum.SettlInstMode
type SettlInstRefIDField ¶
SettlInstRefIDField is a STRING field.
func NewSettlInstRefID ¶
func NewSettlInstRefID(val string) SettlInstRefIDField
NewSettlInstRefID returns a new SettlInstRefIDField initialized with val.
func (SettlInstRefIDField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstRefIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstRefID (214).
func (SettlInstRefIDField) Value ¶
func (f SettlInstRefIDField) Value() string
type SettlInstSourceField ¶
SettlInstSourceField is a enum.SettlInstSource field.
func NewSettlInstSource ¶
func NewSettlInstSource(val enum.SettlInstSource) SettlInstSourceField
func (SettlInstSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstSource (165).
func (SettlInstSourceField) Value ¶
func (f SettlInstSourceField) Value() enum.SettlInstSource
type SettlInstTransTypeField ¶
SettlInstTransTypeField is a enum.SettlInstTransType field.
func NewSettlInstTransType ¶
func NewSettlInstTransType(val enum.SettlInstTransType) SettlInstTransTypeField
func (SettlInstTransTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlInstTransTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlInstTransType (163).
func (SettlInstTransTypeField) Value ¶
func (f SettlInstTransTypeField) Value() enum.SettlInstTransType
type SettlLocationField ¶
SettlLocationField is a enum.SettlLocation field.
func NewSettlLocation ¶
func NewSettlLocation(val enum.SettlLocation) SettlLocationField
func (SettlLocationField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlLocationField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlLocation (166).
func (SettlLocationField) Value ¶
func (f SettlLocationField) Value() enum.SettlLocation
type SettlmntTypField ¶
SettlmntTypField is a enum.SettlmntTyp field.
func NewSettlmntTyp ¶
func NewSettlmntTyp(val enum.SettlmntTyp) SettlmntTypField
func (SettlmntTypField) Tag ¶
func (f SettlmntTypField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SettlmntTyp (63).
func (SettlmntTypField) Value ¶
func (f SettlmntTypField) Value() enum.SettlmntTyp
type SharesField ¶
SharesField is a QTY field.
func NewShares ¶
func NewShares(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SharesField
NewShares returns a new SharesField initialized with val and scale.
func (SharesField) Value ¶
func (f SharesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SideValue1Field ¶
type SideValue1Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SideValue1Field is a AMT field.
func NewSideValue1 ¶
func NewSideValue1(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SideValue1Field
NewSideValue1 returns a new SideValue1Field initialized with val and scale.
func (SideValue1Field) Tag ¶
func (f SideValue1Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideValue1 (396).
func (SideValue1Field) Value ¶
func (f SideValue1Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SideValue2Field ¶
type SideValue2Field struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SideValue2Field is a AMT field.
func NewSideValue2 ¶
func NewSideValue2(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SideValue2Field
NewSideValue2 returns a new SideValue2Field initialized with val and scale.
func (SideValue2Field) Tag ¶
func (f SideValue2Field) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideValue2 (397).
func (SideValue2Field) Value ¶
func (f SideValue2Field) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type SideValueIndField ¶
SideValueIndField is a INT field.
func NewSideValueInd ¶
func NewSideValueInd(val int) SideValueIndField
NewSideValueInd returns a new SideValueIndField initialized with val.
func (SideValueIndField) Tag ¶
func (f SideValueIndField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SideValueInd (401).
func (SideValueIndField) Value ¶
func (f SideValueIndField) Value() int
type SignatureField ¶
SignatureField is a DATA field.
func NewSignature ¶
func NewSignature(val string) SignatureField
NewSignature returns a new SignatureField initialized with val.
func (SignatureField) Tag ¶
func (f SignatureField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.Signature (89).
func (SignatureField) Value ¶
func (f SignatureField) Value() string
type SignatureLengthField ¶
SignatureLengthField is a LENGTH field.
func NewSignatureLength ¶
func NewSignatureLength(val int) SignatureLengthField
NewSignatureLength returns a new SignatureLengthField initialized with val.
func (SignatureLengthField) Tag ¶
func (f SignatureLengthField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SignatureLength (93).
func (SignatureLengthField) Value ¶
func (f SignatureLengthField) Value() int
type SolicitedFlagField ¶
type SolicitedFlagField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
SolicitedFlagField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewSolicitedFlag ¶
func NewSolicitedFlag(val bool) SolicitedFlagField
NewSolicitedFlag returns a new SolicitedFlagField initialized with val.
func (SolicitedFlagField) Tag ¶
func (f SolicitedFlagField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SolicitedFlag (377).
func (SolicitedFlagField) Value ¶
func (f SolicitedFlagField) Value() bool
type SpreadToBenchmarkField ¶
type SpreadToBenchmarkField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
SpreadToBenchmarkField is a PRICEOFFSET field.
func NewSpreadToBenchmark ¶
func NewSpreadToBenchmark(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) SpreadToBenchmarkField
NewSpreadToBenchmark returns a new SpreadToBenchmarkField initialized with val and scale.
func (SpreadToBenchmarkField) Tag ¶
func (f SpreadToBenchmarkField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SpreadToBenchmark (218).
func (SpreadToBenchmarkField) Value ¶
func (f SpreadToBenchmarkField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StandInstDbIDField ¶
StandInstDbIDField is a STRING field.
func NewStandInstDbID ¶
func NewStandInstDbID(val string) StandInstDbIDField
NewStandInstDbID returns a new StandInstDbIDField initialized with val.
func (StandInstDbIDField) Tag ¶
func (f StandInstDbIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StandInstDbID (171).
func (StandInstDbIDField) Value ¶
func (f StandInstDbIDField) Value() string
type StandInstDbNameField ¶
StandInstDbNameField is a STRING field.
func NewStandInstDbName ¶
func NewStandInstDbName(val string) StandInstDbNameField
NewStandInstDbName returns a new StandInstDbNameField initialized with val.
func (StandInstDbNameField) Tag ¶
func (f StandInstDbNameField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StandInstDbName (170).
func (StandInstDbNameField) Value ¶
func (f StandInstDbNameField) Value() string
type StandInstDbTypeField ¶
StandInstDbTypeField is a enum.StandInstDbType field.
func NewStandInstDbType ¶
func NewStandInstDbType(val enum.StandInstDbType) StandInstDbTypeField
func (StandInstDbTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f StandInstDbTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StandInstDbType (169).
func (StandInstDbTypeField) Value ¶
func (f StandInstDbTypeField) Value() enum.StandInstDbType
type StopPxField ¶
type StopPxField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StopPxField is a PRICE field.
func NewStopPx ¶
func NewStopPx(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StopPxField
NewStopPx returns a new StopPxField initialized with val and scale.
func (StopPxField) Value ¶
func (f StopPxField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrikePriceField ¶
type StrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
StrikePriceField is a PRICE field.
func NewStrikePrice ¶
func NewStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) StrikePriceField
NewStrikePrice returns a new StrikePriceField initialized with val and scale.
func (StrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikePrice (202).
func (StrikePriceField) Value ¶
func (f StrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type StrikeTimeField ¶
type StrikeTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
StrikeTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewStrikeTime ¶
func NewStrikeTime(val time.Time) StrikeTimeField
NewStrikeTime returns a new StrikeTimeField initialized with val.
func NewStrikeTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewStrikeTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) StrikeTimeField
NewStrikeTimeNoMillis returns a new StrikeTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewStrikeTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewStrikeTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) StrikeTimeField
NewStrikeTimeWithPrecision returns a new StrikeTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (StrikeTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f StrikeTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.StrikeTime (443).
func (StrikeTimeField) Value ¶
func (f StrikeTimeField) Value() time.Time
type SubjectField ¶
SubjectField is a STRING field.
func NewSubject ¶
func NewSubject(val string) SubjectField
NewSubject returns a new SubjectField initialized with val.
func (SubjectField) Value ¶
func (f SubjectField) Value() string
type SubscriptionRequestTypeField ¶
SubscriptionRequestTypeField is a enum.SubscriptionRequestType field.
func NewSubscriptionRequestType ¶
func NewSubscriptionRequestType(val enum.SubscriptionRequestType) SubscriptionRequestTypeField
func (SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SubscriptionRequestType (263).
func (SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Value ¶
func (f SubscriptionRequestTypeField) Value() enum.SubscriptionRequestType
type SymbolField ¶
SymbolField is a STRING field.
func NewSymbol ¶
func NewSymbol(val string) SymbolField
NewSymbol returns a new SymbolField initialized with val.
func (SymbolField) Value ¶
func (f SymbolField) Value() string
type SymbolSfxField ¶
SymbolSfxField is a STRING field.
func NewSymbolSfx ¶
func NewSymbolSfx(val string) SymbolSfxField
NewSymbolSfx returns a new SymbolSfxField initialized with val.
func (SymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f SymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.SymbolSfx (65).
func (SymbolSfxField) Value ¶
func (f SymbolSfxField) Value() string
type TargetCompIDField ¶
TargetCompIDField is a STRING field.
func NewTargetCompID ¶
func NewTargetCompID(val string) TargetCompIDField
NewTargetCompID returns a new TargetCompIDField initialized with val.
func (TargetCompIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetCompIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetCompID (56).
func (TargetCompIDField) Value ¶
func (f TargetCompIDField) Value() string
type TargetLocationIDField ¶
TargetLocationIDField is a STRING field.
func NewTargetLocationID ¶
func NewTargetLocationID(val string) TargetLocationIDField
NewTargetLocationID returns a new TargetLocationIDField initialized with val.
func (TargetLocationIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetLocationIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetLocationID (143).
func (TargetLocationIDField) Value ¶
func (f TargetLocationIDField) Value() string
type TargetSubIDField ¶
TargetSubIDField is a STRING field.
func NewTargetSubID ¶
func NewTargetSubID(val string) TargetSubIDField
NewTargetSubID returns a new TargetSubIDField initialized with val.
func (TargetSubIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TargetSubIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TargetSubID (57).
func (TargetSubIDField) Value ¶
func (f TargetSubIDField) Value() string
type TestReqIDField ¶
TestReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewTestReqID ¶
func NewTestReqID(val string) TestReqIDField
NewTestReqID returns a new TestReqIDField initialized with val.
func (TestReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TestReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TestReqID (112).
func (TestReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f TestReqIDField) Value() string
type TextField ¶
TextField is a STRING field.
type TickDirectionField ¶
TickDirectionField is a enum.TickDirection field.
func NewTickDirection ¶
func NewTickDirection(val enum.TickDirection) TickDirectionField
func (TickDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f TickDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TickDirection (274).
func (TickDirectionField) Value ¶
func (f TickDirectionField) Value() enum.TickDirection
type TimeInForceField ¶
TimeInForceField is a enum.TimeInForce field.
func NewTimeInForce ¶
func NewTimeInForce(val enum.TimeInForce) TimeInForceField
func (TimeInForceField) Tag ¶
func (f TimeInForceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TimeInForce (59).
func (TimeInForceField) Value ¶
func (f TimeInForceField) Value() enum.TimeInForce
type TotNoOrdersField ¶
TotNoOrdersField is a INT field.
func NewTotNoOrders ¶
func NewTotNoOrders(val int) TotNoOrdersField
NewTotNoOrders returns a new TotNoOrdersField initialized with val.
func (TotNoOrdersField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoOrdersField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoOrders (68).
func (TotNoOrdersField) Value ¶
func (f TotNoOrdersField) Value() int
type TotNoStrikesField ¶
TotNoStrikesField is a INT field.
func NewTotNoStrikes ¶
func NewTotNoStrikes(val int) TotNoStrikesField
NewTotNoStrikes returns a new TotNoStrikesField initialized with val.
func (TotNoStrikesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotNoStrikesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotNoStrikes (422).
func (TotNoStrikesField) Value ¶
func (f TotNoStrikesField) Value() int
type TotQuoteEntriesField ¶
TotQuoteEntriesField is a INT field.
func NewTotQuoteEntries ¶
func NewTotQuoteEntries(val int) TotQuoteEntriesField
NewTotQuoteEntries returns a new TotQuoteEntriesField initialized with val.
func (TotQuoteEntriesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotQuoteEntriesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotQuoteEntries (304).
func (TotQuoteEntriesField) Value ¶
func (f TotQuoteEntriesField) Value() int
type TotalNumSecuritiesField ¶
TotalNumSecuritiesField is a INT field.
func NewTotalNumSecurities ¶
func NewTotalNumSecurities(val int) TotalNumSecuritiesField
NewTotalNumSecurities returns a new TotalNumSecuritiesField initialized with val.
func (TotalNumSecuritiesField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalNumSecuritiesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalNumSecurities (393).
func (TotalNumSecuritiesField) Value ¶
func (f TotalNumSecuritiesField) Value() int
type TotalVolumeTradedField ¶
type TotalVolumeTradedField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
TotalVolumeTradedField is a QTY field.
func NewTotalVolumeTraded ¶
func NewTotalVolumeTraded(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) TotalVolumeTradedField
NewTotalVolumeTraded returns a new TotalVolumeTradedField initialized with val and scale.
func (TotalVolumeTradedField) Tag ¶
func (f TotalVolumeTradedField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TotalVolumeTraded (387).
func (TotalVolumeTradedField) Value ¶
func (f TotalVolumeTradedField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type TradSesCloseTimeField ¶
type TradSesCloseTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesCloseTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewTradSesCloseTime ¶
func NewTradSesCloseTime(val time.Time) TradSesCloseTimeField
NewTradSesCloseTime returns a new TradSesCloseTimeField initialized with val.
func NewTradSesCloseTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewTradSesCloseTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesCloseTimeField
NewTradSesCloseTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesCloseTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewTradSesCloseTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewTradSesCloseTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesCloseTimeField
NewTradSesCloseTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesCloseTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (TradSesCloseTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesCloseTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesCloseTime (344).
func (TradSesCloseTimeField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesCloseTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesEndTimeField ¶
type TradSesEndTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesEndTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewTradSesEndTime ¶
func NewTradSesEndTime(val time.Time) TradSesEndTimeField
NewTradSesEndTime returns a new TradSesEndTimeField initialized with val.
func NewTradSesEndTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewTradSesEndTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesEndTimeField
NewTradSesEndTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesEndTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewTradSesEndTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewTradSesEndTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesEndTimeField
NewTradSesEndTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesEndTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (TradSesEndTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesEndTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesEndTime (345).
func (TradSesEndTimeField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesEndTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesMethodField ¶
TradSesMethodField is a enum.TradSesMethod field.
func NewTradSesMethod ¶
func NewTradSesMethod(val enum.TradSesMethod) TradSesMethodField
func (TradSesMethodField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesMethodField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesMethod (338).
func (TradSesMethodField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesMethodField) Value() enum.TradSesMethod
type TradSesModeField ¶
TradSesModeField is a enum.TradSesMode field.
func NewTradSesMode ¶
func NewTradSesMode(val enum.TradSesMode) TradSesModeField
func (TradSesModeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesModeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesMode (339).
func (TradSesModeField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesModeField) Value() enum.TradSesMode
type TradSesOpenTimeField ¶
type TradSesOpenTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesOpenTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewTradSesOpenTime ¶
func NewTradSesOpenTime(val time.Time) TradSesOpenTimeField
NewTradSesOpenTime returns a new TradSesOpenTimeField initialized with val.
func NewTradSesOpenTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewTradSesOpenTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesOpenTimeField
NewTradSesOpenTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesOpenTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewTradSesOpenTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewTradSesOpenTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesOpenTimeField
NewTradSesOpenTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesOpenTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (TradSesOpenTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesOpenTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesOpenTime (342).
func (TradSesOpenTimeField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesOpenTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesPreCloseTimeField ¶
type TradSesPreCloseTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesPreCloseTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewTradSesPreCloseTime ¶
func NewTradSesPreCloseTime(val time.Time) TradSesPreCloseTimeField
NewTradSesPreCloseTime returns a new TradSesPreCloseTimeField initialized with val.
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesPreCloseTimeField
NewTradSesPreCloseTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesPreCloseTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewTradSesPreCloseTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesPreCloseTimeField
NewTradSesPreCloseTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesPreCloseTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesPreCloseTime (343).
func (TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesPreCloseTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesReqIDField ¶
TradSesReqIDField is a STRING field.
func NewTradSesReqID ¶
func NewTradSesReqID(val string) TradSesReqIDField
NewTradSesReqID returns a new TradSesReqIDField initialized with val.
func (TradSesReqIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesReqIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesReqID (335).
func (TradSesReqIDField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesReqIDField) Value() string
type TradSesStartTimeField ¶
type TradSesStartTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TradSesStartTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewTradSesStartTime ¶
func NewTradSesStartTime(val time.Time) TradSesStartTimeField
NewTradSesStartTime returns a new TradSesStartTimeField initialized with val.
func NewTradSesStartTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewTradSesStartTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TradSesStartTimeField
NewTradSesStartTimeNoMillis returns a new TradSesStartTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewTradSesStartTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewTradSesStartTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TradSesStartTimeField
NewTradSesStartTimeWithPrecision returns a new TradSesStartTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (TradSesStartTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesStartTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesStartTime (341).
func (TradSesStartTimeField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesStartTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TradSesStatusField ¶
TradSesStatusField is a enum.TradSesStatus field.
func NewTradSesStatus ¶
func NewTradSesStatus(val enum.TradSesStatus) TradSesStatusField
func (TradSesStatusField) Tag ¶
func (f TradSesStatusField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradSesStatus (340).
func (TradSesStatusField) Value ¶
func (f TradSesStatusField) Value() enum.TradSesStatus
type TradeConditionField ¶
TradeConditionField is a enum.TradeCondition field.
func NewTradeCondition ¶
func NewTradeCondition(val enum.TradeCondition) TradeConditionField
func (TradeConditionField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeConditionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeCondition (277).
func (TradeConditionField) Value ¶
func (f TradeConditionField) Value() enum.TradeCondition
type TradeDateField ¶
TradeDateField is a LOCALMKTDATE field.
func NewTradeDate ¶
func NewTradeDate(val string) TradeDateField
NewTradeDate returns a new TradeDateField initialized with val.
func (TradeDateField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeDateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeDate (75).
func (TradeDateField) Value ¶
func (f TradeDateField) Value() string
type TradeTypeField ¶
TradeTypeField is a enum.TradeType field.
func NewTradeType ¶
func NewTradeType(val enum.TradeType) TradeTypeField
func (TradeTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f TradeTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradeType (418).
func (TradeTypeField) Value ¶
func (f TradeTypeField) Value() enum.TradeType
type TradingSessionIDField ¶
TradingSessionIDField is a STRING field.
func NewTradingSessionID ¶
func NewTradingSessionID(val string) TradingSessionIDField
NewTradingSessionID returns a new TradingSessionIDField initialized with val.
func (TradingSessionIDField) Tag ¶
func (f TradingSessionIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TradingSessionID (336).
func (TradingSessionIDField) Value ¶
func (f TradingSessionIDField) Value() string
type TransactTimeField ¶
type TransactTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
TransactTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewTransactTime ¶
func NewTransactTime(val time.Time) TransactTimeField
NewTransactTime returns a new TransactTimeField initialized with val.
func NewTransactTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewTransactTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) TransactTimeField
NewTransactTimeNoMillis returns a new TransactTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewTransactTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewTransactTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) TransactTimeField
NewTransactTimeWithPrecision returns a new TransactTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (TransactTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f TransactTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TransactTime (60).
func (TransactTimeField) Value ¶
func (f TransactTimeField) Value() time.Time
type TriggerPriceDirectionField ¶
TriggerPriceDirectionField is a enum.TriggerPriceDirection field.
func NewTriggerPriceDirection ¶
func NewTriggerPriceDirection(val enum.TriggerPriceDirection) TriggerPriceDirectionField
func (TriggerPriceDirectionField) Tag ¶
func (f TriggerPriceDirectionField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.TriggerPriceDirection (1109).
func (TriggerPriceDirectionField) Value ¶
func (f TriggerPriceDirectionField) Value() enum.TriggerPriceDirection
type URLLinkField ¶
URLLinkField is a STRING field.
func NewURLLink ¶
func NewURLLink(val string) URLLinkField
NewURLLink returns a new URLLinkField initialized with val.
func (URLLinkField) Value ¶
func (f URLLinkField) Value() string
type UnderlyingContractMultiplierField ¶
type UnderlyingContractMultiplierField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingContractMultiplierField is a FLOAT field.
func NewUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func NewUnderlyingContractMultiplier(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingContractMultiplierField
NewUnderlyingContractMultiplier returns a new UnderlyingContractMultiplierField initialized with val and scale.
func (UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingContractMultiplier (436).
func (UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingContractMultiplierField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingCouponRateField ¶
type UnderlyingCouponRateField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingCouponRateField is a FLOAT field.
func NewUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func NewUnderlyingCouponRate(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingCouponRateField
NewUnderlyingCouponRate returns a new UnderlyingCouponRateField initialized with val and scale.
func (UnderlyingCouponRateField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCouponRateField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCouponRate (435).
func (UnderlyingCouponRateField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingCouponRateField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingCurrencyField ¶
UnderlyingCurrencyField is a CURRENCY field.
func NewUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func NewUnderlyingCurrency(val string) UnderlyingCurrencyField
NewUnderlyingCurrency returns a new UnderlyingCurrencyField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingCurrencyField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingCurrencyField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingCurrency (318).
func (UnderlyingCurrencyField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingCurrencyField) Value() string
type UnderlyingIDSourceField ¶
UnderlyingIDSourceField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingIDSource ¶
func NewUnderlyingIDSource(val string) UnderlyingIDSourceField
NewUnderlyingIDSource returns a new UnderlyingIDSourceField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingIDSourceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingIDSourceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingIDSource (305).
func (UnderlyingIDSourceField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingIDSourceField) Value() string
type UnderlyingIssuerField ¶
UnderlyingIssuerField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func NewUnderlyingIssuer(val string) UnderlyingIssuerField
NewUnderlyingIssuer returns a new UnderlyingIssuerField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingIssuerField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingIssuerField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingIssuer (306).
func (UnderlyingIssuerField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingIssuerField) Value() string
type UnderlyingMaturityDayField ¶
UnderlyingMaturityDayField is a DAYOFMONTH field.
func NewUnderlyingMaturityDay ¶
func NewUnderlyingMaturityDay(val int) UnderlyingMaturityDayField
NewUnderlyingMaturityDay returns a new UnderlyingMaturityDayField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingMaturityDay (314).
func (UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityDayField) Value() int
type UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField ¶
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField is a MONTHYEAR field.
func NewUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func NewUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear(val string) UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField
NewUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear returns a new UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear (313).
func (UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingMaturityMonthYearField) Value() string
type UnderlyingOptAttributeField ¶
UnderlyingOptAttributeField is a CHAR field.
func NewUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func NewUnderlyingOptAttribute(val string) UnderlyingOptAttributeField
NewUnderlyingOptAttribute returns a new UnderlyingOptAttributeField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingOptAttribute (317).
func (UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingOptAttributeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingPutOrCallField ¶
UnderlyingPutOrCallField is a INT field.
func NewUnderlyingPutOrCall ¶
func NewUnderlyingPutOrCall(val int) UnderlyingPutOrCallField
NewUnderlyingPutOrCall returns a new UnderlyingPutOrCallField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingPutOrCall (315).
func (UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingPutOrCallField) Value() int
type UnderlyingSecurityDescField ¶
UnderlyingSecurityDescField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityDesc(val string) UnderlyingSecurityDescField
NewUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns a new UnderlyingSecurityDescField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityDesc (307).
func (UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityDescField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField ¶
UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField is a EXCHANGE field.
func NewUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityExchange(val string) UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField
NewUnderlyingSecurityExchange returns a new UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityExchange (308).
func (UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityExchangeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityIDField ¶
UnderlyingSecurityIDField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityID(val string) UnderlyingSecurityIDField
NewUnderlyingSecurityID returns a new UnderlyingSecurityIDField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityID (309).
func (UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityIDField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSecurityTypeField ¶
UnderlyingSecurityTypeField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func NewUnderlyingSecurityType(val string) UnderlyingSecurityTypeField
NewUnderlyingSecurityType returns a new UnderlyingSecurityTypeField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSecurityType (310).
func (UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingSecurityTypeField) Value() string
type UnderlyingStrikePriceField ¶
type UnderlyingStrikePriceField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
UnderlyingStrikePriceField is a PRICE field.
func NewUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func NewUnderlyingStrikePrice(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) UnderlyingStrikePriceField
NewUnderlyingStrikePrice returns a new UnderlyingStrikePriceField initialized with val and scale.
func (UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingStrikePrice (316).
func (UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingStrikePriceField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type UnderlyingSymbolField ¶
UnderlyingSymbolField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func NewUnderlyingSymbol(val string) UnderlyingSymbolField
NewUnderlyingSymbol returns a new UnderlyingSymbolField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingSymbolField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSymbolField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSymbol (311).
func (UnderlyingSymbolField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingSymbolField) Value() string
type UnderlyingSymbolSfxField ¶
UnderlyingSymbolSfxField is a STRING field.
func NewUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func NewUnderlyingSymbolSfx(val string) UnderlyingSymbolSfxField
NewUnderlyingSymbolSfx returns a new UnderlyingSymbolSfxField initialized with val.
func (UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Tag ¶
func (f UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnderlyingSymbolSfx (312).
func (UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Value ¶
func (f UnderlyingSymbolSfxField) Value() string
type UnsolicitedIndicatorField ¶
type UnsolicitedIndicatorField struct{ quickfix.FIXBoolean }
UnsolicitedIndicatorField is a BOOLEAN field.
func NewUnsolicitedIndicator ¶
func NewUnsolicitedIndicator(val bool) UnsolicitedIndicatorField
NewUnsolicitedIndicator returns a new UnsolicitedIndicatorField initialized with val.
func (UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Tag ¶
func (f UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.UnsolicitedIndicator (325).
func (UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Value ¶
func (f UnsolicitedIndicatorField) Value() bool
type UrgencyField ¶
UrgencyField is a enum.Urgency field.
func NewUrgency ¶
func NewUrgency(val enum.Urgency) UrgencyField
func (UrgencyField) Value ¶
func (f UrgencyField) Value() enum.Urgency
type ValidUntilTimeField ¶
type ValidUntilTimeField struct{ quickfix.FIXUTCTimestamp }
ValidUntilTimeField is a UTCTIMESTAMP field.
func NewValidUntilTime ¶
func NewValidUntilTime(val time.Time) ValidUntilTimeField
NewValidUntilTime returns a new ValidUntilTimeField initialized with val.
func NewValidUntilTimeNoMillis ¶
func NewValidUntilTimeNoMillis(val time.Time) ValidUntilTimeField
NewValidUntilTimeNoMillis returns a new ValidUntilTimeField initialized with val without millisecs.
func NewValidUntilTimeWithPrecision ¶
func NewValidUntilTimeWithPrecision(val time.Time, precision quickfix.TimestampPrecision) ValidUntilTimeField
NewValidUntilTimeWithPrecision returns a new ValidUntilTimeField initialized with val of specified precision.
func (ValidUntilTimeField) Tag ¶
func (f ValidUntilTimeField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ValidUntilTime (62).
func (ValidUntilTimeField) Value ¶
func (f ValidUntilTimeField) Value() time.Time
type ValueOfFuturesField ¶
type ValueOfFuturesField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
ValueOfFuturesField is a AMT field.
func NewValueOfFutures ¶
func NewValueOfFutures(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) ValueOfFuturesField
NewValueOfFutures returns a new ValueOfFuturesField initialized with val and scale.
func (ValueOfFuturesField) Tag ¶
func (f ValueOfFuturesField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.ValueOfFutures (408).
func (ValueOfFuturesField) Value ¶
func (f ValueOfFuturesField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type WaveNoField ¶
WaveNoField is a STRING field.
func NewWaveNo ¶
func NewWaveNo(val string) WaveNoField
NewWaveNo returns a new WaveNoField initialized with val.
func (WaveNoField) Value ¶
func (f WaveNoField) Value() string
type WtAverageLiquidityField ¶
type WtAverageLiquidityField struct{ quickfix.FIXDecimal }
WtAverageLiquidityField is a FLOAT field.
func NewWtAverageLiquidity ¶
func NewWtAverageLiquidity(val decimal.Decimal, scale int32) WtAverageLiquidityField
NewWtAverageLiquidity returns a new WtAverageLiquidityField initialized with val and scale.
func (WtAverageLiquidityField) Tag ¶
func (f WtAverageLiquidityField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.WtAverageLiquidity (410).
func (WtAverageLiquidityField) Value ¶
func (f WtAverageLiquidityField) Value() (val decimal.Decimal)
type XmlDataField ¶
XmlDataField is a DATA field.
func NewXmlData ¶
func NewXmlData(val string) XmlDataField
NewXmlData returns a new XmlDataField initialized with val.
func (XmlDataField) Value ¶
func (f XmlDataField) Value() string
type XmlDataLenField ¶
XmlDataLenField is a LENGTH field.
func NewXmlDataLen ¶
func NewXmlDataLen(val int) XmlDataLenField
NewXmlDataLen returns a new XmlDataLenField initialized with val.
func (XmlDataLenField) Tag ¶
func (f XmlDataLenField) Tag() quickfix.Tag
Tag returns tag.XmlDataLen (212).
func (XmlDataLenField) Value ¶
func (f XmlDataLenField) Value() int