Field-Level Cache Middleware
This project provides a field-level cache middleware for a GraphQL server using Go. The middleware caches the results of GraphQL field resolvers to improve performance by avoiding redundant computations.
- Field-Level Caching: Cache results of individual GraphQL field resolvers.
- Configurable Cache Capacity: Set the maximum number of cache entries.
- Expirable Entries: Cache entries can have a time-to-live (TTL) to automatically expire old entries.
To use this middleware, you need to have Go installed. You can install the required dependencies using go mod
go get
Define the Cache Structure
The cache is implemented using a thread-safe map with a mutex for synchronization.
Implement the Cache Middleware
The middleware intercepts field resolver calls, checks the cache, and either returns the cached result or calls the resolver and stores the result in the cache.
Integrate the Cache into Your GraphQL Server
You need to integrate the cache middleware into your GraphQL server configuration.
Here is an example of how to set up and use the field-level cache middleware:
package main
import (
const defaultPort = "8080"
func main() {
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
if port == "" {
port = defaultPort
cache := gqlgen_cache.NewFieldCache(100, 10*time.Minute)
c := gqlgen_cache.Config{Resolvers: &gqlgen_cache.Resolver{}}
c.Directives.Cache = cache.Handle
http.Handle("/query", handler.NewDefaultServer(gqlgen_cache.NewExecutableSchema(c)))
log.Printf("connect to http://localhost:%s/ for GraphQL playground", port)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil))
NewFieldCache(cap int, ttl time.Duration) FieldCache
Creates a new field cache with the specified capacity and TTL.
Handle(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}, next graphql.Resolver, maxAge *int) (res interface{}, err error)
Middleware function to handle caching logic.
GenerateKey(obj interface{}) uint64
Generates a unique key for the given object.
Get(k uint64) (interface{}, bool)
Retrieves a cached value by key.
Set(k uint64, maxAge int, v interface{})
Stores a value in the cache with the specified key and max age.
Release(k uint64)
Removes a value from the cache by key.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.