This package provides several methods / tools that support numerical methods and statistics in Go.
- Various numeric methods, such as
- Complete, incomplete and regularized incomplete Beta function
- Binomial distribution function
- Sign function
- Lgamma function (without error return for ease of use)
- Numerical root finding methods (sub-package
) via a generic interface, including
- Linear root finding via Bisection
- Non-linear root finding via Newton-Raphson and a cubic method
- Adaptive / heuristic options to circumvent known limitations of root finding methods, i.e. detection of stationary and cyclic situations
go get -u
API summary
The API of the package is fairly straight-forward. The following functions are exposed:
// Sign returns the sign of a float64
func Sign(x float64) int
// Lgamma return the logarithmic Gamma function (ignoring any error)
func Lgamma(x float64) float64
// Beta returns the value of the complete beta function B(a, b).
func Beta(a, b float64) float64
// BetaIncomplete returns the value of the regularized incomplete beta
// function Iₓ(a, b).
// This is not to be confused with the "incomplete beta function",
// which can be computed as BetaIncomplete(x, a, b)*Beta(a, b).
// If x < 0 or x > 1, returns NaN.
func BetaIncompleteRegular(x, a, b float64) float64
// BetaIncomplete returns the value of the (non-regularized) incomplete beta function
func BetaIncomplete(x, a, b float64) float64
// Binomial returns the value of the probability distribution for a Bernoulli experiment.
// Consequentially, this is also the differentiated value of the regularized incomplete
// beta function, representing the cumulative distribution of the binomial PDF
func Binomial(x, k, n float64) float64
The documentation for root finding methods can be found in the sub-package root
For some simple examples, have a look at the numerics_test.go