This is a simple cli client for testing Agones allocator endpoints.
The following required flags can be passed, or set as environment variables.
--ca-cert string The path the CA cert file in PEM format [AGONES_CA_CERT]
--cert string The path the client cert file in PEM format [AGONES_CLIENT_CERT]
--host string The hostname or IP address of the allocator server [AGONES_HOST]
--key string The path to the client key file in PEM format [AGONES_CLIENT_KEY]
This command can be used to run a bunch of simultaneousallocations and connections. See the help for configuration.
NOTE: This currently only supports the Agones simple-udp server. It makes a connect, says hello, waits, and then says goodbye and EXIT.
Original inspiration for this comes from the Agones gRPC client example