Scalable PTPv2.1 two-step unicast server implementation
Normally default arguments are good for most of the cases.
However, there is a lot of room for cusomisation:
/usr/local/bin/ptp4u -iface eth1 -workers 100 -minsubinterval 1us -monitoringport 1234
This will run ptp4u on eth1 with 100 workers and allowing 1us subscriptions. Instance can be monitored on port 1234
By default ptp4u runs http server serving json monitoring data. Ex:
$ curl localhost:8888 | jq
"rx.delay_req": 0,
"rx.signaling.announce": 0,
"rx.signaling.delay_resp": 0,
"rx.signaling.sync": 0,
"subscriptions.announce": 1,
"subscriptions.sync": 1,
"tx.announce": 1,
"tx.delay_resp": 0,
"tx.follow_up": 1,
"tx.signaling.announce": 0,
"tx.signaling.delay_resp": 0,
"tx.signaling.sync": 0,
"tx.sync": 1,
"utcoffset": 37,
"worker.0.load": 15,
"worker.0.queue": 0,
"worker.0.txtsattempts": 1