This API is experimental and has no stability guarantees.
package metrics_test
import (
func Example() {
var m metrics.Metrics
// easy to use:
m = prometheus.Default()
someFunction(1, m)
// implementation agnostic:
m = tsmetrics.New()
someFunction(2, m)
// one may still reuse all the features of the backend Metrics:
// use go-belt to manage the Metrics
obs := belt.New()
obs = metrics.BeltWithMetrics(obs, m)
someBeltyFunction(3, obs)
// use context to manage the Metrics
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = metrics.CtxWithMetrics(ctx, m)
someContextyFunction(ctx, 4)
// use a singletony Metrics:
metrics.Default = func() metrics.Metrics {
return m
func someFunction(arg int, m metrics.Metrics) {
// experience close to logrus/zap:
m = metrics.WithField(m, "arg", arg)
func anotherFunction(m metrics.Metrics) {
func someBeltyFunction(arg int, obs *belt.Belt) {
obs = obs.WithField("arg", arg)
func anotherBeltyFunction(obs *belt.Belt) {
func someContextyFunction(ctx context.Context, arg int) {
ctx = beltctx.WithField(ctx, "arg", arg)
func anotherContextyFunction(ctx context.Context) {
func yetOneMoreFunction(arg int) {
m := metrics.Default()
m = metrics.WithField(m, "arg", arg)
// Metrics is a generic interface of a metrics handler.
// It implements belt.Tools, but it ignores TraceIDs reported by the Belt.
type Metrics interface {
// Gauge returns the float64 gauge metric with key "key".
// An use case example: temperature.
Gauge(key string) Gauge
// GaugeFields is the same as Gauge but allows also to add
// fields.
// In terms of Prometheus the "fields" are called "labels".
GaugeFields(key string, additionalFields field.AbstractFields) Gauge
// IntGauge returns the int64 gauge metric with key "key".
// An use case example: amount of concurrent requests at this moment.
IntGauge(key string) IntGauge
// IntGaugeFields is the same as IntGauge but allows also to add
// fields.
// In terms of Prometheus the "fields" are called "labels".
IntGaugeFields(key string, additionalFields field.AbstractFields) IntGauge
// Count returns the counter metric with key "key". Count may never
// go down. It is an monotonically increasing integer, and should
// be interpreted that way on the emitter services. For example
// a restart of an application (which resets the metric to zero) should
// not decrease the value on the emitter.
// An use case example: total amount of requests ever received.
Count(key string) Count
// CountFields is the same as Count but allows also to add
// fields.
// In terms of Prometheus the "fields" are called "labels".
CountFields(key string, additionalFields field.AbstractFields) Count
// TBD: extend it with percentile-oriented metrics
// TBD: extend it with timing-oriented metrics
// TBD: ForEach functions
// Metric is an abstract metric.
type Metric interface {
// Value returns the current value of the metric
// Is not supposed to be used for anything else but metrics exporting or/and debugging/testing.
Value() any
// Gauge is a float64 gauge metric.
// See also https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/
type Gauge interface {
// Add adds value "v" to the metric and returns the result.
Add(v float64) Gauge
// WithResetFields returns Gauge with fields replaces to the given ones.
// In terms of Prometheus the "fields" are called "labels".
WithResetFields(field.AbstractFields) Gauge
// IntGauge is a int64 gauge metric.
// See also https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/
type IntGauge interface {
// Add adds value "v" to the metric and returns the result.
Add(v int64) IntGauge
// WithResetFields returns IntGauge with fields replaces to the given ones.
// In terms of Prometheus the "fields" are called "labels".
WithResetFields(field.AbstractFields) IntGauge
// Count is a counter metric.
// See also https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/
type Count interface {
// Add adds value "v" to the metric and returns the result.
Add(v uint64) Count
// WithResetFields returns Count with fields replaces to the given ones.
// In terms of Prometheus the "fields" are called "labels".
WithResetFields(field.AbstractFields) Count