Goose is Meta's DNS loadtesting utility
Build dependencies
Usage of ./goose:
Running in daemon mode means that metrics will be exported rather than printed to stdout
-domain string
Domain for uncached queries
Whether to enable logging or not (default true)
-exporter-addr string
Exporter bind address (default ":6869")
-host string
IP address of DNS server to test (default "")
-input-file string
The file that contains queries to be made in qname qtype format
-loglevel string
Set a log level. Can be: debug, info, warning, error (default "info")
-max-duration duration
Maximum duration of test (seconds)
-max-qps int
max number of QPS
-monitor-host string
DNS queries not sent if the monitored port on this host is down (default "")
-monitor-port int
DNS queries not sent if this port is down on the monitored host (defaults to unbound remote-control port) (default 8953)
-parallel-connections int
max number of parallel connections (default 1)
-port int
destination port (default 53)
Enable pprof
-query-type string
Query type to be used for the query (default "A")
Whether to randomise dns queries to bypass potential caching
Report run results to stdout in json format
-sample duration
Sampling frequency for reporting (seconds)
-timeout duration
Duration of timeout for queries (default 3s)
-total-queries int
Total queries to send (default 50000)
- 5 parallel connections, 30000 queries to locally running DNSRocks instance with a rate limit of 1000 queries per second with reporting format set to json:
goose -host ::1 -port 8053 -domain -query-type AAAA -report-json -total-queries 30000 -max-qps 1000 -parallel-connections 5 | jq .
INFO[0000] The total number of DNS requests will be: 30000
INFO[0000] Limiting max qps to: 1000
< Honking at ::1:8053 with 1000 QPS.>
.^ ""-.
_.-^( e _ '.
'-===.>_.-^ ' ."
" "
: "
: | __.--._
| '--" ""-._ _.^)
/ ""-^ _>
: -^>
: .__> __)
\ '._ .__.-' .-'
'.___ '-.__.-' /
'-.__ . _.' /
\_____> >'.__/_.""
.'.----' | |
.' / | |
'^-/ ___| :
>-- /
INFO[0000] Starting the test and running 5 connections in parallel
INFO[0030] Finished running all connections
INFO[0030] No more requests will be sent
INFO[0030] The test results are:
"Elapsed": 30000494994,
"Processed": 30000,
"Errors": 0,
"Min": 115856,
"Max": 3188232,
"Mean": 227724.3652,
"Median": 208451,
"Lowerq": 180963,
"Upperq": 249110,
"Average": 227724.3652
- 2 parallel connections, 10000 queries to locally running DNSRocks instance without ratelimiting:
goose -host ::1 -port 8053 -domain -query-type AAAA -total-queries 10000 -parallel-connections 2
INFO[0000] The total number of DNS requests will be: 10000
< Honking at ::1:8053 with Unlimited QPS.>
.^ ""-.
_.-^( e _ '.
'-===.>_.-^ ' ."
" "
: "
: | __.--._
| '--" ""-._ _.^)
/ ""-^ _>
: -^>
: .__> __)
\ '._ .__.-' .-'
'.___ '-.__.-' /
'-.__ . _.' /
\_____> >'.__/_.""
.'.----' | |
.' / | |
'^-/ ___| :
>-- /
INFO[0000] Starting the test and running 2 connections in parallel
INFO[0030] Finished running all connections
INFO[0030] No more requests will be sent
INFO[0030] The test results are:
INFO[0000] Response Latency Data:(S/F: 10000/0) Max: 1.490671ms Min: 74.532µs Mean: 191.295µs Median: 179.678µs Upper Quartile: 235.698µs Lower Quartile: 100.126µs
INFO[0000] Requests: Successful: 10000 Failed: 0
INFO[0000] Elapsed: 972.07186ms