= OpenShift.io Environment Managment service
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image:https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-env[Go Report Card, link="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-env"]
Swagger API: http://swagger.goa.design/?url=github.com%2Ffabric8-services%2Ffabric8-env%2Fdesign[link]
== Developer Guide
=== Prerequisites
go (>=1.8), git, mercurial, make, dep
=== Make commands
==== Build project
**Generate Resources:** generate goa, sqlbindata, swagger related resources.
make generate
NOTE: `./app/`, `./swagger/`, `sqlbindata*.go` under `./migration/**` are generated and should not be edited.
**Build Project:** generate resources, build the project, create executable at `./bin/env`.
make build
**Clean Project:** clean generated resources and vender, tmp, bin directories.
make clean
==== Run service
**Run service on localhost:** start service on localhost. Check status at - `http://localhost:8080/api/status`.
make dev
or alternatively:
docker-compose up -d db
NOTE: config.yaml is *not* processed by default. In order to use it, the following environment variable must be set `export F8_CONFIG_FILE_PATH="config.yaml"`
==== Execute tests
**Unit Test:** run tests which does NOT require database.
make test-unit
make test-unit-no-coverage
**Integration Test:** run tests which requires database. Please run `docker-compose` command to start database used by integration tests.
docker-compose up -d db
make test-integration
make test-integration-no-coverage