= Fabric8-auth-cli
`fabric8-auth-cli` provides a tool to retrieve an access token and optionally a refresh token from the CLI, by performing authentication on the preview or production platform and using the user's credentials which can be provided either from the terminal prompt, or using a keyring interface (using the https://github.com/zalando/go-keyring[go-keyring] library).
== How to install
git clone https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth-cli.git
make install
== How to use it
osio login --help
=== Keyring support
On Linux and macOS, you can register a password for a service/account pair which can be used with the `osio` command so you don't need to input your OpenShift.io account's password each time.
On Linux, you can follow the instructions on https://github.com/zalando/go-keyring#linux[the go-keyring docs].
On macOS, you can use the `security` command as follows:
security add-generic-password -a <username> -s <service_name> -w <password>
TIP:: if the `security add-generic-password` command is prefixed with a space, it won't be recorded in the terminal session history.
Once done, you can use the account and service as arguments in the `osio login` command:
osio login -t preview --keyring-user <username> --keyring-service <service_name>
You can even directly export the access token to an environment variable for later re-use with a `curl` command, for example:
export PREVIEW_TOKEN=`osio login -t preview --keyring-user <username> --keyring-service <service_name>`
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $PREVIEW_TOKEN" https://auth.prod-preview.openshift.io/api/user -s | jq
== License
This library is available under the link:LICENSE[Apache License Version 2.0].