Get a Spotify application key and copy as a byte array to /sconsify/spotify/spotify_key_array.key.
make run
There are 2 modes:
Console user interface mode: it presents a text user interface with playlists and tracks.
No user interface mode: it doesn't present user interface and just random tracks between playlists.
-username="": Spotify username. If not present username will be asked.
Password will be asked. To not be asked you can set an environment variable with your password export SCONSIFY_PASSWORD=password. Be aware your password will be exposed as plain text.
-ui=true/false: Run Sconsify with Console User Interface. If false then no User Interface will be presented and it'll only random between Playlists.
-playlists="": Select just some playlists to play. Comma separated list.
No UI Parameters
-noui-repeat-on=true/false: Play your playlist and repeat it after the last track.
-noui-silent=true/false: Silent mode when no UI is used.
-noui-random=true/false: Random between tracks or follow playlist order.
UI mode keyboard
← ↓ ↑ → for navigation.
space or enter: play selected track.
>: play next track.
p: pause.
r: random tracks in the current playlist. Press again to go back to normal mode.
R: random tracks in all playlists. Press again to go back to normal mode.
u: queue selected track to play next.
d: delete selected track from the queue or delete selected search.
D: delete all tracks from the queue if the focus is on the queue.
Control C or q: exit.
Vi navigation style:
hjkl for navigation.
Nj and Nk where N is a number: repeat the command N times.
gg: go to first element.
G: go to last element.
Ngg and NG where N is a number: go to element at position N.
No UI mode keyboard
>: play next track.
Control C: exit.
Similar to .ackrc you can define default parameters in ~/.sconsify/sconsifyrc: