This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to InfluxDB.
This is only compatible with InfluxDB 0.9+.
import "github.com/vrischmann/go-metrics-influxdb"
go influxdb.InfluxDB(
metrics.DefaultRegistry, // metrics registry
time.Second * 10, // interval
"http://localhost:8086", // the InfluxDB url
"mydb", // your InfluxDB database
"myuser", // your InfluxDB user
"mypassword", // your InfluxDB password
// recently added - support for tags per metric
type FieldMetadata struct {
Name string `json:"n"`
Tags map[string]string `json:"t"`
fieldMetadata := influxdb.FieldMetadata{Name: "request", Tags: map[string]string{"status-code": strconv.Itoa(rw.StatusCode()), "method": req.Method, "path": uriPath}}
// tag metadata is encoded into the existing 'name' field for posting to influx, as json
meter := metrics.NewMeter()
//registry.GetOrRegister(fieldMetadata.String(), meter)
go-metrics-influxdb is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.