GCPLog formats logrus output for Google Cloud Platform:
- Errors are sent to Google Error Reporting with a stacktrace
- Code calling location is formatted with file, line and module
- Trace ID provided in the context is logged appropriately
The correct formatting of log entries is specified here: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry.
Basic Usage
See the examples for more.
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
func main() {
log.SetFormatter(&gcplog.Formatter{ProjectID: "myproject"})
"animal": "walrus",
"number": 1,
}).Info("My info message here")
// Output:
// {"message":"Hello","severity":"INFO"}
// {"message":"My info message here","severity":"INFO","additional_info":{"animal":"walrus","number":1}}
Log Level Mapping
The following mapping is used between log levels:
Logrus Level |
Google Cloud Platform Level |
Trace IDs
If an OpenCensus trace is present in the context, use it to add it to the log entry. In order to take advantage of this, you must pass the context to logrus when logging:
logrus.WithContext(ctx).Infof("My info here %d", 100)
// Output:
// {"message":"My info here 100","severity":"INFO","logging.googleapis.com/trace":"projects/myproject/traces/31323334353637383961626364656667"}
Google Cloud Platform requires that the trace ID be logged with the project name, therefore you must initialize GCPFormatter with the project ID.
gRPC Status
When returning an error from a gRPC API handler, the recommended error type to return is a Status from the gRPC Status package (https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/status). The Status type encapsulates the error code, a message additional details. See https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors for more information on the fields.
Google Cloud Logging does not define gRPC status fields, but we can log it as a custom JSON object so that the individual fields are preserved (rather than logging it as a single string).
You could do this "manually" with logrus's WithFields, but GCPLog gives you convenience functions for Info, Warn and Error.
// in my gRPC API handler
if err != nil {
err = status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "blah with key '%s' not found: %v",
"myid", err)
gcplog.GrpcInfo(ctx, err)
return nil, err
// Output
"message":"blah with key 'myid' not found",
"message":"blah with key 'myid' not found"
Custom Metadata in the Context
Sometimes it is useful to include standard fields in every log message. Logrus provides the ability to do that like so:
logger := log.WithContext(ctx).WithFields(
"sessionID": sessionID, // pulled out of the context
However, the new logger
must be passed around to other functions.
The standard way to carry request-specific information is via the Go context. (Note: we should not pass the logger itself via the context; context is for data only.) Gcplog will take context metadata that you specify and include them as JSON in the additional_info field.
// When initializing your application
// Create a context key. See the godoc for context keys.
type contextKey string
myKey := contextKey("mykeyname")
ProjectID: "myproject",
// Tell Gcplog about your context key and what name you want it to have in the additional_info field
ContextKeys: map[string]interface{}{"session_id": myKey},
// When the request is received
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, myKey, "1239828228")
// When a log entry is made, anywhere in the app, as long as the context
// is passed down.
// Output:
// {"message":"Hello","severity":"INFO","additional_info":{"session_id":"1239828228"}}
Make sure you call logrus with WithContext(ctx) to pass the context to logrus.
For local debugging and testing, a bare-bones formatter is provided. This is indentended to log to the terminal.