
The dcrdata repository is a collection of golang packages and apps for Decred datacollection, storage, and presentation.
Repository overview
../dcrdata The dcrdata daemon.
├── blockdata Package blockdata.
├── cmd
│ ├── rebuilddb rebuilddb utility.
│ └── scanblocks scanblocks utility.
├── dcrdataapi Package dcrdataapi for golang API clients.
├── dcrsqlite Package dcrsqlite providing SQLite backend.
├── public Public resources for web UI (css, js, etc.).
├── mempool Package mempool.
├── rpcutils Package rpcutils.
├── semver Package semver.
├── stakedb Package stakedb, for tracking tickets.
├── txhelpers Package txhelpers.
└── views HTML temlates for web UI.
dcrdata daemon
The root of the repository is the main
package for the dcrdata app, which has
several components including:
- Blockchain monitoring and data collection.
- Mempool monitoring and reporting.
- Data storage in durable database (sqlite presently).
- RESTful JSON API over HTTP(S).
- Basic web interface.
The API serves JSON data over HTTP(S). After dcrdata syncs with the blockchain
server, by default it will begin listening on
. This
means it starts a web server listening on all network interfaces on port 7777.
All API endpoints are currently prefixed with /api
), but this may be configurable in the future.
Endpoint List
Best block |
Summary |
/block/best |
Stake info |
/block/best/pos |
Header |
/block/best/header |
Hash |
/block/best/hash |
Height |
/block/best/height |
Size |
/block/best/size |
Transactions |
/block/best/tx |
Transactions Count |
/block/best/tx/count |
Verbose block result |
/block/best/verbose |
Block X (block index) |
Summary |
/block/X |
Stake info |
/block/X/pos |
Header |
/block/X/header |
Hash |
/block/X/hash |
Size |
/block/X/size |
Transactions |
/block/X/tx |
Transactions Count |
/block/X/tx/count |
Verbose block result |
/block/X/verbose |
Block H (block hash) |
Summary |
/block/hash/H |
Stake info |
/block/hash/H/pos |
Header |
/block/hash/H/header |
Height |
/block/hash/H/height |
Size |
/block/hash/H/size |
Transactions |
/block/hash/H/tx |
Transactions Count |
/block/hash/H/tx/count |
Verbose block result |
/block/hash/H/verbose |
Block range (X < Y) |
Summary array for blocks on [X,Y] |
/block/range/X/Y |
Summary array with block index step S |
/block/range/X/Y/S |
Size (bytes) array |
/block/range/X/Y/size |
Size array with step S |
/block/range/X/Y/S/size |
Transaction T (transaction id) |
Transaction Details |
/tx/T |
Inputs |
/tx/T/in |
Details for input at index X |
/tx/T/in/X |
Outputs |
/tx/T/out |
Details for output at index X |
/tx/T/out/X |
Address A |
Summary of last 10 transactions |
/address/A |
Verbose transaction result for last 10 transactions |
/address/A/raw |
Summary of last N transactions |
/address/A/count/N |
Verbose transaction result for last N transactions |
/address/A/count/N/raw |
Stake Difficulty (Ticket Price) |
Current sdiff and estimates |
/stake/diff |
Sdiff for block X |
/stake/diff/b/X |
Sdiff for block range [X,Y] (X <= Y) |
/stake/diff/r/X/Y |
Current sdiff separately |
/stake/diff/current |
Estimates separately |
/stake/diff/estimates |
Ticket Pool |
Current pool info (size, total value, and average price) |
/stake/pool |
Pool info for block X |
/stake/pool/b/X |
Pool info for block range [X,Y] (X <= Y) |
/stake/pool/r/X/Y?arrays=[true|false] * |
*For the pool info block range endpoint that accepts the arrays
url query,
a value of true
will put all pool values and pool sizes into separate arrays,
rather than having a single array of pool info JSON objects. This may make
parsing more efficient for the client.
Mempool |
Ticket fee rate summary |
/mempool/sstx |
Ticket fee rate list (all) |
/mempool/sstx/fees |
Ticket fee rate list (N highest) |
/mempool/sstx/fees/N |
Detailed ticket list (fee, hash, size, age, etc.) |
/mempool/sstx/details |
Detailed ticket list (N highest fee rates) |
/mempool/sstx/details/N |
Other |
Status |
/status |
Endpoint list (always indented) |
/list |
Directory |
/directory |
All JSON endpoints accept the URL query indent=[true|false]
. For example,
. By default, indentation is off. The characters to use
for indentation may be specified with the indentjson
string configuration
Web Interface
In addition to the API that is accessible via paths beginning with /api
, an
HTML interface is served on the root path (/
Important Note About Mempool
Although there is mempool data collection and serving, it is very important
to keep in mind that the mempool in your node (dcrd) is not likely to be the
same as other nodes' mempool. Also, your mempool is cleared out when you
shutdown dcrd. So, if you have recently (e.g. after the start of the current
ticket price window) started dcrd, your mempool will be missing transactions
that other nodes have.
Command Line Utilities
rebuilddb is a CLI app that performs a full blockchain scan that fills past
block data into a SQLite database. This functionality is included in the startup
of the dcrdata daemon, but may be called alone with rebuilddb.
scanblocks is a CLI app to scan the blockchain and save data into a JSON file.
More details are in its own README. The repository
also includes a shell script, jsonarray2csv.sh, to convert the result into a
comma-separated value (CSV) file.
Helper packages
package dcrdataapi
defines the data types, with json tags, used by the JSON
API. This facilitates authoring of robust golang clients of the API.
package rpcutils
includes helper functions for interacting with a
package stakedb
defines the StakeDatabase
and ChainMonitor
types for
efficiently tracking live tickets, with the primary purpose of computing ticket
pool value quickly. It uses the database.DB
type from
with an ffldb storage backend from
. It also makes use of the stake.Node
type from github.com/decred/dcrd/blockchain/stake
. The ChainMonitor
handles connecting new blocks and chain reorganiation in response to notifications
from dcrd.
package txhelpers
includes helper functions for working with the common types
, dcrutil.Block
, chainhash.Hash
, and others.
Internal-use packages
Packages blockdata
and dcrsqlite
are currenly designed only for internal use
by other dcrdata packages, but they may be of general value in the future.
- The
type and its BlockConnectedHandler()
method that handles
block-connected notifications and triggers data collection and storage.
- The
type and methods for converting to API types.
- The
type and its Collect()
and CollectHash()
that are called by the chain monitor when a new block is detected.
- The
interface required by chainMonitor
for storage of
collected data.
- A
wrapper type (DB
) with the necessary SQLite queries for
storage and retrieval of block and stake data.
- The
type, intended to satisfy the APIDataSource
interface used by
the dcrdata app's API. The block header is not stored in the DB, so a RPC
client is used by wiredDB
to get it on demand. wiredDB
also includes
methods to resync the database file.
package mempool
defines a mempoolMonitor
type that can monitor a node's
mempool using the OnTxAccepted
notification handler to send newly received
transaction hashes via a designated channel. Ticket purchases (SSTx) are
triggers for mempool data collection, which is handled by the
class, and data storage, which is handled by any number
of objects implementing the MempoolDataSaver
See the GitHub issue tracker and the project milestones.
- Go 1.7 or newer.
- Running
(>=0.6.1) synchronized to the current best block on the network.
Build from Source
The following instructions assume a Unix-like shell (e.g. bash).
Install Go
Verify Go installation:
Ensure $GOPATH/bin
is on your $PATH
Install glide
go get -u -v github.com/Masterminds/glide
Clone dcrdata repo
git clone https://github.com/dcrdata/dcrdata $GOPATH/src/github.com/dcrdata/dcrdata
Glide install, and build executable
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/dcrdata/dcrdata
glide install
go build # or go install $(glide nv)
The sqlite driver uses cgo, which requires gcc to compile the C sources. On
Windows this is easily handled with MSYS2 (download and
install MinGW-w64 gcc packages).
If you receive other build errors, it may be due to "vendor" directories left by
glide builds of dependencies such as dcrwallet. You may safely delete vendor
First, update the repository (assuming you have master
checked out):
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/dcrdata/dcrdata
git pull origin master
glide install
go build
Look carefully for errors with git pull
, and reset changed files if necessary.
Getting Started
Create configuration file.
cp ./sample-dcrdata.conf ./dcrdata.conf
Then edit dcrdata.conf with your dcrd RPC settings.
Finally, launch the daemon and allow the databases to sync. This takes about an hour on the first time. On subsequent launches, only new blocks need to be scanned.
Yes, please!
- Fork the repo.
- Create a branch for your work (
git branch -b cool-stuff
- Code something great.
- Commit and push to your repo.
- Create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for details.