
Micro is a toolkit for cloud-native development.
Use go-micro to write services in Go or ja-micro for Java.
Micro addresses the key requirements for building cloud-native systems. It takes the microservice architecture pattern and transforms it into
a set of tools which act as the building blocks for scalable platforms. Micro hides the complexity of distributed systems and provides
well understood concepts to developers.
Micro builds on go-micro, making it a pluggable toolkit.
The toolkit is composed of the following features:
- API Gateway. A single HTTP entry point. Dynamic routing using service discovery.
- Web Gateway and dashboard. Build web apps as microservices.
- Command line interface. Describe, query and interact directly from the terminal.
- Slack and hipchat bot. The CLI via messaging.
- New template generation for services.
- A proxy for remote environments.
For more detailed information on the architecture, installation and use of the toolkit checkout the docs.
Getting Started
Writing a service
See go-micro to start writing services.
Install Micro
go get -u github.com/micro/micro
Or via Docker
docker pull microhq/micro
Service Discovery
Service discovery is the only dependency of the micro toolkit. Consul is set as the default.
Internally micro uses the go-micro registry for service discovery. This allows the toolkit to leverage
go-micro plugins. Checkout go-plugins to swap out consul.
On Mac OS
brew install consul
consul agent -dev
Multicast DNS is built in for zero dependency service discovery.
Pass --registry=mdns
or set the env var MICRO_REGISTRY=mdns
for any command
## Use flag
micro --registry=mdns list services
## Use env var
MICRO_REGISTRY=mdns micro list services`
Let's test out the CLI
Run a service
This is a greeter service written with go-micro. Make sure you're running service discovery.
go get github.com/micro/examples/greeter/srv && srv
List services
Each service registers with discovery so we should be able to find it.
micro list services
Get Service
Each service has a unique id, address and metadata.
micro get service go.micro.srv.greeter
service go.micro.srv.greeter
version 1.0.0
Id Address Port Metadata
go.micro.srv.greeter-34c55534-368b-11e6-b732-68a86d0d36b6 62525 server=rpc,registry=consul,transport=http,broker=http
Endpoint: Say.Hello
Metadata: stream=false
Request: {
name string
Response: {
msg string
Call service
Make an RPC call via the CLI. The query is sent in json. We support json and protobuf out of the box.
micro call go.micro.srv.greeter Say.Hello '{"name": "John"}'
"msg": "Hello John"
Look at the cli doc for more info.
Now let's test out the micro api
Run the api
Run the greeter API. An API service logically separates frontends from backends.
go get github.com/micro/examples/greeter/api && api
Run the micro api
The micro api is a single HTTP entry point which dynamically routes to rpc services.
micro api
Call via API
Replicating the CLI call as a HTTP call
curl http://localhost:8080/greeter/say/hello?name=John
{"message":"Hello John"}
Look at the api doc for more info.
Integrate go-micro plugins by simply linking them in a separate file
Create a plugins.go file
import (
// etcd v3 registry
_ "github.com/micro/go-plugins/registry/etcdv3"
// nats transport
_ "github.com/micro/go-plugins/transport/nats"
// kafka broker
_ "github.com/micro/go-plugins/broker/kafka"
Build binary
# For local use
go build -i -o micro ./main.go ./plugins.go
# For docker image
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-w' -i -o micro ./main.go ./plugins.go
Enable with flags or env vars
# flags
micro --registry=etcdv3 --transport=nats --broker=kafka [command]
# env vars
MICRO_REGISTRY=etcdv3 MICRO_TRANSPORT=nats MICRO_BROKER=kafka micro [command]
Learn more
To learn more read the following micro content
Project |
Description |
Dashboard |
A react based micro dashboard |
Ja-micro |
A micro compatible java framework |
Explore other projects at micro.mu/explore
Open source development of Micro is sponsored by Sixt